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JY6 Foundation’s Nurse of the Year: Molly Johnson

By Jill Funke | Photo by Margaret Pennock

Recently, Molly Johnson was named the JY6 Foundation’s Nurse of the Year. The JY6 Foundation recognizes nurses whose extraordinary care impacts the patients and families they serve.

Johnson was surprised by the nomination and moved to receive the award, as she says, “I am very honored to have received this award and grateful for having a part in all of this.” Nursing is her passion, and she was drawn to oncology as she explains, “Ever since nursing school, I had a desire to learn more about the field. I found oncology interesting and felt like that was where I needed to be. Once I was in the field, I realized that the patients are like family. Oncology is such an eyeopening experience, and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.”

The relationships built with her patients and their families bring Johnson the most significant rewards for her efforts. These bonds become so strong that they often last beyond treatment, as she comments, “I love when patients drop by the clinic after they have finished their treatments, sometimes it is years after, it really makes my day.” Young Jorgen Yde, a pediatric cancer patient whose life was cut short by his disease, also felt that bond with the nurses who joined him and his family in Jorden’s fight against cancer. Realizing the difference that the love and kindness he received from his nurses made on his journey, he wanted to establish a way to recognize those who devote themselves to this calling.

Johnson was caught off guard by Jorgen’s spirit, saying, “When I read Jorgen’s story, I was shocked that this kid had such a big heart. I really wish I could have met him; it sounds like we shared some of the same passions, like baseball.” She continues, “I am impressed that a 16-year-old would want to repay nurses for his care. By doing this, it is a way to carry on his legacy. That had to be some substantial care, which I hope all patients receive. I am privileged to be such a little part of a patient’s cancer treatments.”

Jorgen wanted to be remembered for creating a legacy that cured childhood cancers and all cancers, a dream he prayed about before he passed away. Carrying out Jorgen’s wishes, the Yde family established the JY6 Foundation. In addition to the JY6 Foundation’s Nurse of the Year award, this non-profit public charity raises awareness and funding for pediatric cancer and leukemia research. Supporting research endeavors helps provide better treatments and will hopefully lead to cures for leukemia and all pediatric cancers.

As she learned more about the foundation, Johnson became a strong supporter as she said, “I am thankful for the JY6 Foundation recognizing nurses in the community.” She wants the community to know more about the foundation; as she explains, “JY6 supports the nursing dinner and other events. There is the JY6 Run, Craft for a Cause, and JY6 Golf Open. They have done the Nurse Dinner for ten years, and I find it amazing that the family has kept up with his wishes, which honor both him and the nurses receiving the awards. If you were like me and not aware of the foundation and work, I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with the amazing work they are doing.” n


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