1 minute read
Celebrating! Celebrating!
By Chellee Unruh
More than any other holiday Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that people either really like or really hate. Despite popular opinion, a person’s sentiment about Valentine’s Day rarely has anything to do with their relationship status. There is no denying that with the commercialization of the holiday with all of the overly romantic movies, overcrowded restaurants, and the inflated cost of stereotypical Valentine’s Day gifts like flowers, chocolate, and cards, reasons to celebrate Valentines’ Day might be diminished. If you happen to be with someone that doesn’t believe in celebrating Valentine’s day you are probably going to feel disappointed that day. For those that find themselves single on Valentine’s Day, the materialistic nature of the holiday can evoke feelings of self-doubt.
While all of this can be true, there are many positive reasons to celebrate Valentine’s Day starting with the story of the holiday’s origin. Roman Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those that had wives and families, so he outlawed marriage for young men. St. Valentine, a Catholic Priest, recognizing the injustice of this law, performed marriages for young couples in secret. When Claudius discovered this, he ordered the execution of St. Valentine. He died in the name of love. St. Valentine’s sacrifice for love is one endearing reason to celebrate this holiday.
Celebrating Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean that you must be in a relationship. It can be the celebration of the friendships that enrich your life. It can be the one holiday that you spend quality time with your best friends. Turn it into an event by getting dressed up, eating and drinking your favorite foods and cocktails, and reminiscing about memories and stories you have collected through the years.
It can also be a holiday dedicated just to you. Think of it as another day besides your birthday when you choose to love yourself by doing all the things that make you feel good. Self-care and selflove are extremely important for your mental health, so embrace Valentine’s day as a day devoted exclusively to you.
If you are in a relationship then it goes without saying that you should be showing your love and appreciation for that person every day, not just on Valentine’s Day. Life can get complicated and busy making it easy to take your partner for granted. Despite the challenges life throws in your way, if you are in a loving relationship with someone that makes you happy, you have the perfect reason to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Don’t let the commercialization of Valentine’s Day overshadow the love you have to celebrate. Whether it is the love of friends, the love of your partner, or the love you have for yourself, love is always worth celebrating. n