7 minute read
In Our Community
Simon Says Give
An organization where kids celebrate kids
By Jill Funke | Photos courtesy of Simon Says Give
Children who are empowered at an early age to make a difference in others’ lives often grow up to become adults whose impact on the world is significant. Simon Says Give (SSG) is a child-inspired non-profit organization that began about ten years ago in Eagan, MN. Seven-year-old Mandi Simon fulfilled her birthday wish to start a company that would ensure every child is celebrated on their birthday. The concept of kids like Mandi celebrating other kids was an eye-opener for Nolan Fleming. At the age of 9, he attended an SSG business dinner with his mother and then SSG Public Relations consultant Jennifer Fleming. Organization founder Mandi, along with her mother Dina were also present at that fateful event. As they were leaving the dinner, Nolan asked Jennifer if he could do what Mandi was doing, and she whole-heartedly exclaimed, “Of course!”
The Flemings’ first SSG fundraising experience paved the way for the family to immerse themselves in the worthwhile cause. Jennifer reflects on that first fundraising event by saying, “Little did I know that the first lemonade stand we held in our driveway would yield $750 and years later, the amazing chapter of Simon Says Give SD that provides hundreds of children with the celebration they deserve.” The Fleming family launched a South Dakota Chapter that is directed by an adult board of directors and a kid’s board of directors, of which Nolan, now 15, leads as President. His siblings Jonah (16) and Ethan (12) are chapter board members. Jennifer serves as the Director of the Board of Simon Says Give in both MN and SD, and she is also the proud mom of Nolan, Jonah, and Ethan. The kid’s board also includes Vice President Cassidy Jennings (15) and Ben Maxwell (10), who lives in Fort Pierre and helps spread the word across the state of South Dakota. According to Jennifer, the Kid Board runs the meetings with an agenda. Through their planning, budgeting, fundraising, and marketing activities, the kids learn critical skills that will serve them well when they reach adulthood. Jennifer is always impressed with the kids and their dedication to the mission of SSG; as she explains, “All some kids want is to be able to have that party and a present or two. Nolan and the kids of Simon Says Give are committed to making it happen.”
For kids ages 5-12, SSG provides what they call “organic” birthday parties. They’ve also installed “Birthday Closets” through partnerships with Boys & Girls Club of the Sioux Empire, Volunteers of America Dakotas, and Jane Addams and Terry Redlin schools. Everything needed for a birthday celebration is provided; as Jennifer

explains, “Kids can visit the closet and pick out their plates, napkins, cake, and frosting as well as a Gift of Need and a Gift of Fun.” Embracing the organization became a tradition in the Fleming household, as Jennifer says, “

Simon Says Give is our family’s “extracurricular” activity. It’s also something that binds us together.” By stepping outside their comfort zones to speak to audiences at events or presenting ideas to rooms full of adults, Jennifer feels that each of her children has matured and grown from this experience. She continues, “The level of empathy, kindness, and concern they have demonstrated makes me so proud of them. And I have loved mentoring the Kid Board and all the amazing kids that are and have been part of our organization.” n
Anyone wanting to donate, volunteer, or sponsor Simon Says Give should visit: simonsaysgive.org
Parents or guardians who need help celebrating a child should also reach out via the website.
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Meet Mary Jane, The Heart of a Locally Owned Dealership
Ask Mary Jane what makes her proud and she’ll quickly say “Having a job at Subaru” and she’ll follow that declaration with a big grin. Mary Jane’s feeling of accomplishment is well deserved for she has been serving as an office assistant at Schulte Subaru for the past 3 years.
She began her role as office assistant when Mike Schulte offered Mary Jane an opportunity to come work at his dealership. Previously Mary Jane had worked at SD Achieve, McDonalds and the Good Samaritan Society. Mike coordinated with Lifescape to customize a position and create a schedule that would work best for Mary Jane. Working as the official customer greeter, she diligently makes homemade Subaru key chains for new customers purchasing a vehicle. She also pulls staples from paper projects and creates new folders for the finance department. Subaru staff members McKenzie and Skyler work together to give Mary Jane rides to and from work and provide her with lunch. When they ask Mary Jane what she wants for lunch her usual response is, “I’m not fussy.” That is just Mary Jane’s personality, very easy going.
Mary Jane’s positive attitude and winning smile are real assets to Schulte Subaru. The customers and her coworkers alike appreciate her hard work, dedication, and willingness to help out with special projects. Mary Jane, in return, gets great satisfaction from making customers feel valued and working hard every day to do her very best and make her teammates proud.
Recently, Vicki Stewart from Business Resource Network contacted Sarah and Mike Schulte about their work with Lifescape and employing individuals with disabilities. “We met with Sarah

Jo Jorgensen with Disability Awareness Accessibility Review Board and they presented us with stickers we can place in our windows to let the community know we employ individuals with disabilities,” shares Sarah. “We plan to work together more in the future, because it aligns perfectly with our new company mission statement, which is here at Schulte Subaru we are devoted to the idea that every interaction is a chance to make the world a little better. That is why we partner with our local community to make real impacts in the lives around us through kindness and respect. We believe in things not only because they are good for business but it’s the right thing to do. Our partnership with Lifescape is one great example of how we carry out our mission of our dealership. Mike and I focus very much on others and our community and being the best people we can be. We love to put people in safe reliable vehicles we believe in. Subaru is quality!” Along with the quality vehicle, you will receive your customized key chain from Mary Jane and undoubtably a smile that will warm your heart for the rest of the day.

7601 S. Minnesota Avenue 605.275.4040 SchulteSubaru.com
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