6 minute read
1 Cup of Matcha Spoon .. 17,18,20 1 Cup of Steeped Tea Spoon.... 50 1 Pot of Steeped Tea Spoon.. 29,51 Apple Crumble..................... 56 Apple Crumble Sweet Dip Mix 48 All Dressed Up Shaker ....... 32,44 Amaretto ........................ 32,59 Berry Bliss Sweet Dip Mix ....... 48 Berry Mania ........................ 59 Berry Mojito .................... 32,55 Better Be Butterscotch .......... 58
Black Tea ....................55-56
Blood Orange Sunrise............ 55 Bluest Blueberry................... 56 Breazy Tea Infuser.................. 28 Brew N’ Serve Bottles............. 22 Bubbly Blueberry.................. 38 Bubbly Mango ..................... 38 Bubbly Mood Cup............ 34,39 Bubbly Pineapple Colada ....... 38 Bubbly Pineapple Punch ........ 38 Bubbly Pink Lemonade .......... 38 Bubbly Raspberry.................. 38 Bubbly Strawberry................ 38
Bubbly Tea.................. 38,39
Bubbly Tea Collection............. 39 Butterscotch Chai .............. 40,56 Canadian Maple Latte............ 42 Caramel Apple Crisp .............. 54 Chai Latte....................... 40,42
Chai Tea .....................40-41
Charity ........................... 36,37 Cherry Pom Pom ................... 54 Cherry Sangria ................. 31,59 Cinnamon Bun...................... 60 Cinnamon Chai ................ 40,56 Cinnamon Hearts ................. 58 Citrus Mint Sangria ........... 31,59 Classic Sencha ..................... 54
Cocktail Teas....................32
Coconut Calypso .................. 54 Cocoa Mint ......................... 55 Cola Tea .............................. 56 Collection Index ................... 62 Companion Cup................... 50 Cookie Dough...................... 58
Cosmic Fusions.............34-39
Cosmic Glitter Cup........ 28,35,43 Cosmic Perfect Cup Spoon ..... 35 Cosmic Pyramid Infuser ..... 35,37 Cotton Candy....................... 36 Creamy Root Beer ................ 54 Cu-Tea Pot ........................... 51 Dark Chocolate Chai.......... 40,61 Don't Worry Be Happy ........... 60 Double Bubble Cup ..... 17,40,42 Double Bubble Cup & Infuser....50
Dressings.................... 44-45
Earl Grey de la Crème ............. 55 Eco-Straw ....................... 35,39 Egyptian Chamomile............. 60 English Breakfast .................. 55 Essential Oils.................... 08, 09 French Chocolate.................. 58 Fresh & Simple Salad Coll........ 45
Fruit Tea ....................58-59
Fundraising ......................... 67 Garlic Chili Seasoning............ 46 Georgia Peach ..................... 59 Ginger Lemon Sunshine ........ 54 Ginger Sesame Dressing ........ 44 Golden Vanilla Latte .............. 43 Grapefruit Mimosa............ 32,56
Green Tea ...................54-55
Gummy Bear Brew................ 36 Hawaiian Pinea. Sangria..... 31,59
Heal-Thy Self ...............06-15
Booster Collection............. 14 Cardiovascular Health........ 10 Cough Rescue .................. 08 Detox.............................. 10 Feminini-Tea..................... 10 HTS Booster Spoon............ 14 Iron Boost........................ 15 Inflammation Fighter......... 08 Keep Dreaming ................ 08 Keep It Moving ................. 10 Mystical Humidifier ........... 12 Oil Collection.................... 09 Pure Vitali-Tea .................. 10 Premium Carrier Oil .......... 08 Quest To Digest ................ 10 Respiratory Relief .............. 10 Stay Calm ........................ 08 Tea Collection................... 12 Vitamin C Boost ................ 15 Vitamin D Boost................ 15
Herbal Tea ................... 60,61
Honey Cream Puff................. 54
Host an Event ..............04-05 Host Exclusives ................05
Sleek Copper Glitter Cup .... 05 Sl. Copper Barista Spoons ... 05 Sl. Copper Matcha Spoon ... 05 Sl. Copper Pearl Big Sip ...... 05 Sl. Copper Tea Chest .......... 05 Hot Yoga ............................. 61 Iced Tea Infusion Jug.............. 29 Immunity Booster................. 60 Irish Breakfast ...................... 56 Italian Orange Soda .............. 58 Jazzy Jasmine ...................... 54
Join our Team ..............66-67
Key Lime ............................. 60
Kombucha ..................22-25
Brew n' Serve Bottles ......... 22 Funnel & Strainer .............. 22 How to ........................... 24 Kombucha Flavor. Coll. ...... 25 Kombucha Starter Coll............24 Kombucha Party Entertainer 22,24 Organic SCOBY ................ 24 Universal Cover................. 23 Kombucha, Black Base....... 23,56 Kombucha, Green Base ..... 23,54 La La Lavender .................... 54 Latte Lovers Collection .......... 42
Lattes ............................ 43
Lemon Dill Seasoning ........... 46 Lemon Ginger Ale............. 32,59 Lemon Ginger Tea-Tox ........... 60 Limoncello ...................... 32,54 London Fog Latte ................. 43 London Mist Latte................. 42
Loose Leaf Tea..............50-61
Lush Lemon......................... 60 Magical Earl Grey.................. 36 Magical Mango .................... 58
Magical Fruit Tea ........... 36,37
Magical Tea Collection........... 37 Make Your Own Tea Coll. ....... 57 Mango Slushie ...................... 58 Mango Zinger ..................... 56 Maple Mustard Dressing ........ 44 Maraschino Cherry................ 56
Matcha ......................16-21
Banana Matcha................. 19 Cherry Matcha.................. 19 Clementine Matcha........... 19 Coconut Matcha ............... 19 Lemonatcha..................... 19 Make Y.O. Matcha Stick Col....21 Matcha ........................... 19 Matcha Latte ................... 42 Meet Your Matcha Coll. ...... 18 Meet Your Sw. Mat. Coll. .... 20 Mocha Matcha.................. 19 Pineapple Punch Matcha.... 19 Premium Matcha .............. 19 Strawberry Matcha............ 19 Sweet Blueberry Matcha .... 20 Sweet Chocolate Matcha.... 20 Sweet Choc. Matcha Sticks.. 21 Sweet Cinnamon Matcha ... 20 Sweet Earl Grey Matcha...... 20 Sweet Haw. Punch Mat....... 20 Sweet Lemon. Mat. Sticks ... 21 Sweet Mango Mat. Sticks.... 21 Sweet Matcha .................. 20 Sweet Matcha Sticks ......... 21 Sweet Mojito Matcha......... 20 Sweet Peach Matcha.......... 20 Sweet Raspberry Matcha.... 20 Sweet Salted Caramel Matc. 20 Sweet Vanilla Mat. Sticks..... 21 Sweet Wat. Sugar Mat......... 20 Tropical Passionf. Mat......... 19 Vanilla Matcha.................. 19 Mint Chocolate Chip ............. 60
Mixers .......................30-33
Sangria Teas .................... 31 Cocktail Teas ................ 32,33 Mmm... Mojito.................. 32,55
Naturally Sweet Tea .......26-29
Naturally Sweet Cherry...... 27 Naturally Sweet Peach....... 26 Nat. Sw. Pinea. Gin. Ale....... 26 Naturally Sweet Lemon...... 27 Naturally Sweet Mango ..... 27 Naturally Sw. Tea Coll......... 29 Nat. Sw. Waterm. Slushie. ... 26 Nettle Greek Mountain .......... 61
Oolong Tea .....................56
Orange Dreamsicle ............... 60 Party Milk Frother ........ 17,41,43 Peaches and Cream............... 54 Peach Lemonade Sw. Dip Mix...48 Peach Schnapps ............... 33,58 Peachy Keen ........................ 36 Pearl Big Sip ................ 16,18,20 Peppercorn Ranch Dressing.... 44 Peppy Peppermint................ 60 Perfect Tea Pitcher ................ 33 Perfect Tea Timer .................. 61 Personalizing ....................... 16 Personal Press ...................... 52 Piña Colada Sweet Dip Mix ..... 48 Piña Colada .....................32, 59 Pineapple Earl Grey. .............. 56 Pineapple Potion .................. 36 Pineapple Rum Cocktail ..... 33,55 Pink Dragon......................... 58 Pink Grapefruit..................... 54 Prism Teapot........................ 51
Pu'erh Tea.......................58
Raspberry............................ 56 Raspberry Cosmo ............. 32,58 Raspberry Cream Earl Grey ..... 55 Raspberry Macaron............... 55 Raspberry Parfait .................. 60
Rooibos Tea.................59-60
Sangria Collection................. 31
Sangria Teas....................31
Savory Scone Collection..............47
Seasonings .....................46
SCOBY (organic) ................... 24
Scones & Dips .............. 48,49
Sleek Copper ....................... 05 Smoky Barbecue Seasoning ... 46 Softea Traveler ..................... 53 Spicy Chai ....................... 40,58 Spinach Dip Seasoning.......... 46 Stacking Tin Collection ...... 34,51 Stainless Steel Whisk ............. 17 Steeping Sacks..................... 41 Strawberry Champagne.... 32,55 Strawberry Cream Float ......... 54 Strawberry Fields.................. 54 Strawberry Jammin............... 58 Strawberry Lime Daiquiri ... 33,59 Strawberry Pink Latte ............ 43 Stress Reliever...................... 60 Summer Berry Sangria....... 31,59 Superberry Dressing ............. 44
Sweet Lattes............... 42,43
Sweet Scone Collection ......... 49 Sweet Summer Cider......... 32,56 Tea Beginner's Collection ....... 61 Teacanter ............................ 31 Teapots............................... 51 Teaware Index.................. 63,64 Tipsy Tea Collection .............. 33 Toasted S'mores ................... 58 Toffee Caramel ..................... 58 Tonia's Perfect Scone Mix ........ 48 Tonia's Perfect Scone Mix (3-pk) 48 Totally Taco Seasoning .......... 46 Traditional Chai Base ......... 40,43 Trendy Tea Press .............. 41,43 Turmeric 'n Spice .................. 55 Unicorn Kisses ..................... 36 Universal Tea Infuser ......... 41,50 Vanilla Cupcake.................... 60 Very Blueberry ...................... 56 White Chocolate Macaroon .... 58
White Tea .......................54
Zingy Ginger........................ 60
Join us and do something you really love!
Natalie, Senior Group Leader I was looking to have more of a flexible schedule after maternity leave of our fifth child. I have found that and more. I've surpassed my goals and have met some amazing people as well!
Shannon, Senior Group Leader When everything else in the world of business came to a screeching halt and I had to close the doors to my brick and mortar business, Sipology was exactly what I needed. I have a consistent income again, new friends and something to look forward to every day.
Melanie, Senior Group Leader I never thought about leadership until it was so close I could touch it. I set goals I never thought I could aim for and earned an incentive trip! Now my customers and team are my friends and I just love being social with everyone. The late night chats and everything.