Kombucha Guide

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Your guide for Kombucha success. KOMBUCHA & PARTY ENTERTAINER (9262) 4 litre/1 gallon

BREW N’ SERVE BOTTLES (9263) 500 ml/16.9 fl oz each Set of 4 bottles


WHAT’S INSIDE Kombucha made easy

What is Kombucha?........................ 5 Health and Benefits......................... 7

LET’S GET BREWING! ..............9 Expert Tips & FAQs........................17


you’ll feel good about • What’s NOT in our products, is just as important as what is. • You won’t find fillers or artificial ingredients you can’t pronounce.

The Ethical Tea Partnership (ETP) works to improve the sustainability of tea production, the lives of tea workers, and the environment in which tea is produced.

No artificial colors.

We only use real whole ingredients.


No artificial flavors. No preservatives or fillers. No MSG. No irradiated ingredients.




KOMBUCHA What is it?

Kombucha is fermented tea that comes in many flavors with or without effervescence. It consists of two parts: the fermented “base” which tastes similar to tart sparkling apple cider that can be flavored, and the floating “tea fungus,” otherwise known as the SCOBY, Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast.

Kombucha is fermented tea. 6

Some claim that it was enjoyed in China as early as 220 BC, in Manchuria. The Japanese word kombucha means kelp tea. But linguists believe the word must have other origins outside of Japan.

Ready to do something good for yourself, your family and your wallet?

HEALTH & BENEFITS More than just a cup of tea Kombucha contains a large amount

maintaining a flourishing colony of the

of probiotics, yeast and bacteria.

right bacteria can help prevent weight

They are the same little critters that

gain. A human study demonstrates

live in yogurt, kefir and kimchi. These

that kombucha has antimicrobial

microorganisms help your body

properties and inhibits the growth

function as it should. Our body is a

and spread of malignant cells. This is

thriving community of microorganisms.

probably due to the high acidity of the

We are composed of 10 times the

drink or the phytochemicals present

number of microbial cells as human

in green and black tea, which act as

cells – and we need them to execute

antioxidants fighting the presence of

processes like digesting foods,

free radicals in the body. Free radicals

extracting nutrients, protecting the

and bacteria in your body, you are

are both carcinogenic and contribute

digestive tract and help detoxify the

more likely to fight off infection early

to the unraveling of DNA.

body. Kombucha also helps fight

and quickly, and less likely to get sick

invading bacteria to keep us well.

as often or stay sick as long.

By having a healthy colony of yeast

Moreover, research shows that 7



KOMBUCHA & PARTY ENTERTAINER (9262) 4 litre/1 gallon

BREW N’ SERVE BOTTLES (9263) 500 ml/16.9 fl oz each Set of 4 bottles






What you need for a 4 litre (1 gallon) batch SCOBY, Organic (80729) 8.5 fl oz/250 g Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast


• Critical for brewing your kombucha. • Comprised of a gelatinous colony of yeast and bacteria that join together out of the starter liquid itself.

Starter Liquid 250 ml/8.5 fl oz • Use the liquid from your SCOBY hotel (the liquid from where your SCOBY was born).

Kombucha Green Base 15 g/0.53 oz or 6 tsp. Organic Green Tea • Produces slightly sweet but subtle taste. KOMBUCHA GREEN BASE Organic Green Tea

• Enhances most flavors in the second brew.

Kombucha Black Base 15 g/0.53 oz or 6 tsp. Organic Black Tea • Creates rich yet smooth flavor. KOMBUCHA BLACK BASE Organic Black Tea


• Allows to skip the 2nd fermentation stage without adding flavor. • A strong base that does go well with rich flavors like ginger or spices.

Organic Sugar 225 g/1 cup • We recommend organic cane sugar to keep your SCOBY healthy. • Kombucha yeast consumes lots of sugar and any sugar may be used.

Fruit Tea Flavoring • After the base kombucha (1st fermentation) is complete, the 2nd fermentation process adds flavor and makes effervescent bubbles. • Simply add a teaspoon (for every cup of kombucha) of our organic fruit teas directly into the base kombucha and allow it to sit for another 48 hours or more. • These fruit teas are made with juicy dried fruit pieces that contain fructose, a type of fruit sugar that kombucha yeast loves. • For extra fizziness, add a teaspoon of sugar for every cup of kombucha in the 2nd fermentation.

Fresh Cold Water 3.5 L/0.92 gallon • Try one of Sipology’s tasty fruit teas in your 2nd fermentation for a fun, fruity flavor!



Teaware for your 4 litre (1 gallon) batch KOMBUCHA & PARTY ENTERTAINER

(9262) 4 litre/1 gallon

BREW N’ SERVE BOTTLES (9263) 500 ml/16.9 fl oz each Set of 4 bottles




4 litre (1 gallon) Kombucha & Party Entertainer (9262) This product makes an amazing continuous brew system. Every time a batch is complete, simply open the tap and pour out with no mess! Make sure you leave at least 1 cup of kombucha along with the SCOBY for the next batch. Now you simply add your next batch and brew all over again! The jar has no exposed metal parts in the tap and makes it safe to use.

Funnel and Strainer (9266) This kombucha-safe “all-in-one” funnel and strainer is perfect when you are moving kombucha from one container to the next. It stops any small SCOBYs from getting through. It also stops fruit pieces from falling inside the second bottle if you choose to move your flavored kombucha.

Universal Kombucha Cover (9278) Use this tight knit weave cover to protect your brew and let it breathe. It’s an easy seal with its built in rubber band. 100% cotton. Fits most glass jars.

Brew n’ Serve Bottles (9263) These 500 ml (16.9 oz) wide-mouth bottles are perfect for adding and removing your fruit pieces in your brew. Place your fruit tea directly in the bottle and remove the pieces easily for cleaning. The air-tight lid keeps your kombucha fresh and lets you build up the effervesce for extra fizz.

Use the Party Entertainer for iced tea!


1st fermentation made easy!

Making your kombucha is an art form. Start with the following process, then tweak and make it your own.

1. Boil 4 cups of water.


2. Add 1 cup organic cane sugar and stir until it dissolves. 3. Steep 6 tsp of Kombucha Green Base, Organic Green Tea (4617) or Kombucha Black Base, Organic Black Tea (1937) using a Steeping Sack (9142) for 10 minutes in the above mixture.

4. Add 10 cups of cold fresh drinking water to your Kombucha & Party Entertainer (9262). Pour the hot tea from your teapot into your Kombucha & Party Entertainer (9262) on top of the cold water. Make sure all particles are filtered and there are no floating leaves. The water and tea mixture should be room temperature once mixed.

5. Add your SCOBY (80729) and at least 1 cup of starter liquid. Cover the kombucha jar with a Universal Kombucha Cover (9278) and place your jar in a dark, undisturbed location at room temperature between 20°C and 30°C (68°F and 86°F).

6. Start tasting on day four to find your best brew. You can keep tasting for up to ten days, after which it starts to taste more like vinegar. (If it gets just a little too bitter, add sugar.)

7. O nce the taste is to your liking, pour your kombucha into the Brew n’ Serve Bottles (9263) and refrigerate it to slow the fermentation.

8. You can now enjoy it for weeks or go on to second fermentation to add flavor. See page 16 for details. 14

Perfect Kombucha in 8 easy steps.



Boil water

Add your SCOBY & starter liquid


Add sugar


Wait and taste


Steep tea


Bottle and refrigerate



Filter and cool your brew

Flavor with fruit tea

Turn the page for flavor and fizziness. 15


2nd fermentation for flavor and fizziness Take your kombucha to the next level

1. Add 2 tsp of your favorite fruit tea into your clean Brew n’ Serve Bottles (9263). For extra fizziness, add 2 tsp of organic cane sugar.

2. Pour kombucha from your Kombucha & Party Entertainer (9262) into the Brew n’ Serve Bottles (9263), gently stirring; cap tightly and place in a dark, room temperature location.

3. Taste and burp the bottle (open briefly to release the air) every 2 days so it doesn’t overpressurize. Refrigerate when fizziness and taste is just right and enjoy!

BREW N’ SERVE BOTTLES (9263) 500 ml/16.9 fl oz each Set of 4 bottles

For more fizziness Add 1 tsp of organic cane sugar for every cup of kombucha.






Learn more from experienced brewers Cleaning is Key

cup of starter liquid. If

bacteria cultures. Introducing anything

Cleanliness is very important when

you want to brew your

other than the tea leaf at this stage

you’re making kombucha, especially

kombucha at a later

may cause harmful bacteria or mold

the first few rounds. New SCOBYs

date, keep the SCOBY

to grow on your SCOBY. To avoid

are vulnerable to infection to a far

refrigerated. To wake it up for use,

free-floating tea leaves in the brew,

greater extent than mature SCOBYs

leave your SCOBY out for one week at

always use our Steeping Sacks

in mature starter liquid. By that time,

room temperature before brewing. If

(9142) when steeping the tea. Any

your bacteria and yeast colony will

the starter liquid with your SCOBY

floating tea particles get stuck on the

be robust enough to fight off most

drops below ½ cup, rehydrate it by

SCOBY and become a vulnerable

adding one cup of brewed Kombucha

surface on which mold can grow. The

Black Base (1937) or Kombucha

pH level for the starter liquid is the key

Green Base (4617) with at least

to a healthy colony. pH is a short form

2 teaspoons of sugar. Make sure

of “potential of hydrogen,” which is a

the tea and sugar mixture is at room

way of denoting the amount of acidity

temperature before adding it to your

and basicity in a liquid. For a success-

SCOBY. This will keep your SCOBY

ful kombucha fermentation, you want

alive and well until you want to use it.

a pH between 2.5 and 3.5 to guaran-

invaders. But in the early stages, cleanliness is key. Ensure by washing

tee a great brew. If you aren’t sure if

jars, pots and other equipment in hot

No Floaties

water with soap. A dishwasher is

Only use Camellia Sinensis (real tea)

with pH strips. If the pH is too high,

even better.

Kombucha Green Base, Organic Green

you may want to expose the SCOBY

Tea (4617) or Kombucha Black Base,

and starter liquid to the air for a day

Organic Black Tea (1937) in the first

before you make your brew. Also,

Remove your SCOBY (80729) from its

stage and not any herbal or fruit teas.

never skimp on the amount of starter

packaging and transfer it to a glass jar.

The tannins from the tea help the

liquid called for or the pH will likely be

Make sure you include at least a ½

SCOBY grow with the right yeast and

higher than you want.

Storing a SCOBY


you have a healthy environment, test

not getting the level of fizziness you want. The worst thing that will happen is the sugar will not be consumed completely, and your kombucha will be sweeter than you like. Keep experimenting with the amount of sugar you add at the beginning of the 2nd fermentation and the type of fruit teas you add, and you’ll hit on a recipe that works for you.

Metal It’s important to never expose any

Fizziness is an Art!

peer inside. Don’t use cheesecloth; it

metal to your kombucha other than

The release of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in

doesn’t have a thick enough weave to

stainless steel. The acidity in the brew

your brew is fueled with sugar only

prevent fruit flies from getting in. Even

is high enough to dissolve impurities

when the right balance of yeast and

several layers may not be enough to

from other metals such as lead.

bacteria are present. If you find that you

keep out creepy-crawlies, as well as

This could lead to serious health

waited too long during your second

dust and debris that might affect your

issues if consumed.

brew to get fizziness and it now tastes

SCOBYs proper development. If you

too tart or like vinegar, then add a little

prefer not to use a cotton cloth, you


more sugar to balance it out.

can also use coffee filters. Also, don’t

Using a thermometer helps speed

use a terrycloth towel, as it too may trap

up your prep time. You want your

debris and transfer it to your SCOBY.

final mixture of water in the 4 litre

Be Covered Use our Universal

Kombucha & Party Entertainer

Kombucha Cover

Trial & Error

(9278). It keeps bugs

It’s perfectly okay if it takes several

(68°F and 86°F). The best idea is to

and dirt out. It also

rounds to get your flavors, fizziness

add cold water until you achieve that

covers it from sunlight so you can

and sweetness right! Keep experi-

temperature, then add room tempera-

keep it on your counter. This cover

menting during your fermentations,

ture water to make up the difference.

also has a convenient slit so you can

adding sugar along the way if you’re

(9262) to be between 20°C and 30°C


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Great tips from experienced brewers Can I get sick from kombucha? It is highly unlikely that you can get sick from drinking properly made kombucha. Cleanliness is extremely important to keep harmful yeast and bacteria out of your brew. Once your brew gets started, the high acidity of kombucha automatically kills off any other organisms.

What if I don’t feel well after drinking kombucha?

kombucha. It’s just a normal reaction

If you are pregnant or nursing, talk to

to changing the microbial activity in

your health professional before

your gut – for the better. If you do

consuming it.

experience some mild side effects, drink lots of water. Always consult with your physician or pharmacist if you are on medication or have any medical conditions before you consume kombucha or if you notice symptoms that persist more than a few days. Also, be aware that kombucha contains sugar. It isn’t much, but if you are

Kombucha is an acidic drink with lots

diabetic, you will need to account

of probiotics. Integrate it slowly into

for it in your insulin administrations.

your day starting with a quarter cup.

Ask your physician.

It’s important to realize that it may in ways that seem negative at first.

Does kombucha contain alcohol?

Some people get dehydrated, while

The “brew” does contain small

others may experience bowel prob-

amounts of alcohol (less than 0.5%).

lems. Typically, these resolve within

If left to ferment too long in an air-tight

the first few days of slowly drinking

bottle, the percentage may increase.

affect your metabolism and digestion


What if my SCOBY gets moldy? Mold on a SCOBY isn’t any discoloration, which is common due to yeast activity. Mold is usually a fuzzy growth on the SCOBY itself. Your SCOBY may mold for a number of reasons, such as foreign bacteria or yeast from unclean hands, equipment, fruit, or floating leaves.

What can kill my SCOBY? You can kill your SCOBY in extreme heat or if you leave it in the fridge for too long. Failing to rehydrate a SCOBY Hotel after a few months can also kill the yeast. For the most part though, SCOBYs are very robust.


Field Notes & Kombucha Diary Kombucha batch # Named my SCOBY: Date: Base Tea: Taste tested on: Bottled on: Flavors added & amount: Burped & tested on: Refrigerated on: Notes:


Field Notes & Kombucha Diary Kombucha batch # Named my SCOBY: Date: Base Tea: Taste tested on: Bottled on: Flavors added & amount: Burped & tested on: Refrigerated on: Notes:


DISCOVER THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF TEA Your Sipologist is ready to help you gather your friends to share a Kombucha Brewing Workshop or Tea Bar.







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100% unconditional satisfaction guarantee on all products within 30 days from date of purchase. 90 day replacement/exchange guarantee on manufacturing defects from date of purchase. Proof of purchase required. Contact your Consultant for service. Steeped Tea is NOT a nut-free or gluten-free facility. All prices in Canadian funds. Prices do not include tax. Visa and Mastercard accepted. Proud member of the DSA and Ethical Tea Partnership. All rights reserved.



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