យុទ���រេនះគឺ�ែផ�កមួយៃនគេ��ងរបស់អង��រែឃរកម��� «កែន�ងេធ�ើ�រ�នសុវត�ិ�ព សហគមន៍�នសុវត�ិ�ព»
�ំ�ទថវ��េ�យមូលនិធិអង��រសហ�ប��តិេដើម��ីប��ប់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី (UN Trust Fund) និង រ��ភិ�លអូ���លី។
�ក��ី ចូ�ន ���រលី �យិ�អង��រ��រកម��� សូម��គមន៍ និងសូមែថ�ងអំណរគុណចំេ�ះ�រចូលរួមក��ងកម�វ�ធី�បគល់រ��ន់
#េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់។ កម�វ�ធីេនះ�ែផ�កមួយៃនគេ��ងរបស់អង��រែឃរ កែន�ងេធ�ើ�រ �នសុវត�ិ�ពសហគមន៍�នសុវត�ិ�ព េហើយ�ពយន�ខ�ី�ំងអស់េនះ�នឆ��ះប��ំង នឹង េឆ�ើយតបេលើ�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទក��ងសង�មកម��� េហើយ�នេហតុផល�េ�ចើន �ត�វប��ក់ពីមូលេហតុែដល�ត�វប���ប់។
មូល��ន �ពិេសស�ប�ជនវ័យេក�ង ប៉ុែន�ពួកេយើងទទួល�ន�រេឆ�ើយតប��ង វ�ជ��ន េហើយក៏ទទួល�ន�រចូលរួម��ងកក់េ��ពីពួក�ត់ក�ង�ពឹត��រណ៍
#េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់េនះ។ យុវជនែដល�នចូលរួម និងផលិត�ពយន�ខ�ីេហើយប���ន មកពួកេយើងេហើយេនះ គឺ�សំេឡងៃន�រ��ស់ប�រ។ �ងខ��ំេជឿ�ក់� ឯកឧត�ម
េ�កជំ�វ េ�ក េ�ក�សី អ�ក�ងក�� នឹង�ន�រម�ណ៍រ�េភើបដូច��ងខ��ំែដរ ចំេ�ះ�រដ៏�នអត�ន័យ និង�រៃឆ��បឌិតរបស់ផលិតករវ័យេក�ងែដល�នចូលរួម �បកួតេនះ។ �ងខ��ំសូមេ�រពអេ��ើញ ឯកឧត�ម េ�កជំ�វ េ�ក េ�ក�សី
អ�ក�ង ក�� ស�ម�ល ឥរ��បទ និងេ�តៀមខ��នទទួល�ពអ��រ�� និងេ�ទន�ព
ចំេ�ះ��ៃដផលិតែខ���ពយន�ខ�ី របស់ពួក�ត់ែដល�ផលិតករវ័យេក�ងែដលពួក�ត់ នឹងបក��យពន��ល់� េហតុអ�ី��ន�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទេ�ទីេនះ។
�កជំ�វ��ជ�បណ�ិត អុឹង ក����វ� រដ�ម���ី ��សួងកិច��រ�រ� សូម��គមន៍��ងកក់េ��ចំេ�ះេភ��វកិត�ិយសែដល�នចូលរួមក��ង�រ�បគល់រ��ន់ �ពយន�ខ�ី #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ ែដល�ៃថ�ដំបូងៃនយុទ���រ១៦ៃថ�ប���ប់អំេពើ ហិង��េលើ�ស�ី។
�ប�នបទស��ប់��ំ២០១៦េនះ គឺ ប���ប់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ីនិងកុ�រ #�ប់េផ�ើមពីេយើង
ខ��ំសង��ឹម�យុទ���រ #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ េនះគឺ�ចំនុចេផ�ើមៃន�រទទួលយក�រ េនះក��ងជីវ�តរបស់េយើង។ �រេប���ចិត�មួយរបស់ែផន�រ��ក់�តិេដើម��ីប���ប់
អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី និងេក�ង�សី �នេ��តយកយុទ���ស�មិត�អប់រ�មិត� េដើម��ីជំរុញឱ�� យុវជននិងយុវតីចូលរួមក�ងសម�ពេយនឌ័រ និង ទំ�ក់ទំនងែដល��នអំេពើ
ហិង��។ �ពយន�ខ�ីែដលអ�កនឹងទស���ក��ងេពល��ចេនះ នឹង�ត�វ�នេ�បើ��ស់ ស��ប់�រអប់រ�បន� េហើយខ��ំេជឿ�ក់��មរយៈ�របេង�ើត និងចូលរួមសកម��ព
ែបបេនះេយើង�ច��ស់ប�រឥរ��បថសង�ម េដើម��ី��� �ស�ីនិងកុ�រ�ទទួល�នសិទ�ិ និង�រេ�រព។ ខ��ំសូមចូលរួមអបអរ និងេ�តសរេសើរដល់ផលិតករវ័យេក�ង�ំងអស់ ចំេ�ះគុណ�ពៃន�ពយន�ខ�ី េហើយខ��ំេជឿ�ក់� អ�កចូលរួម�ំងអស់ទទួល�ន
�រយល់ដឹងបែន�មេ�េលើប��េនះ និងរួមចំែណក��ងសកម�េដើម��ីទប់��ត់អំេពើ
ហិង��េលើ�ស�ី និងេក�ង�សី មុននឹងប��ប់ ខ��ំសូមជូនពរឱ��អ�កចូលរួម�ំងអស់ទទួល �ននូវ�ពរ�ក�យស��ប់��ចេនះ។
ឯកឧត�ម ហ៊ុន ���នី ស�ជិករដ�ស� សូម��គមន៍េភ��វកិត�ិយស�ំងអស់ ែដល�នមកចូលរួមេ�ក��ងកម�វ�ធីេនះ និងសូម
ែថ�ងអំណរគុណអង��រែឃរកម���ែដល�ន ផ��ចេផ�ើម និងេរៀបចំកម�វ�ធីែដលគួរឱ��រ�េភើប និងអ��រ��េនះេឡើង េ��មកិច�សហ�រ�ំ�ទពីសំ�ក់�ជរ��ភិ�លកម���។
ខ��ំសូមចូលរួមសែម�ង�រអបអរ�ទរដល់ផលិតករវ័យេក�ង�ំងអស់ ែដល�នចូលរួម �បកួត�ពយន�ខ�ី #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់េនះ ែដល�គំរូមួយស��ប់យុវជនជំ�ន់េនះ។
“�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ និងអំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ីគឺ�ទេង�ើែដលមិន�ចទទួលយក�ន”។ ក��ង�ម�ស�ជិករដ�ស�ៃន�ពះ���ច�កកម��� ខ��ំេជឿ�ក់�យុវជន�បុរស
េដើរតួ�ទីសំ�ន់ក�ង�រចូលរួមប���ប់អំេពើហិង�� េលើ�ស�ីេ�ក��ងសង�មែខ�រ�ំងមូល។ ចូលរួម�ំងអស់��េដើម��ីប���ប់�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ និងប��ប់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ីនិង កុ�រ។
ខ��ំសូមអបអរ�ទរ�ថ�ីម�ងេទៀតចំេ�ះ�រ��រព�យុទ���រ ១៦ៃថ� េដើម��ី ប���ប់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី និងកុ�រ ក��ង��ំ២០១៦េនះ។
�ក��ី JANET WONG តំ�ង���ំ����ស��អង��រ សហ����តិ�ើកកម�ស់សម�ព��នឌ័រ និងផ�ល់�ពអង់�ចដល់��ី ជំនួសមុខឱ��អង��រយូអិន��ស់��ន់េដើម��ីប��ប់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី និងអង��រ សហ�ប��តិ េលើកកម�ស់សម�ពេយនឌ័រ និងផ�ល់�ពអង់�ចដល់�ស�ី
សូមអបអរ�ទរ ដល់ផលិតករ�ំងអស់ស��ប់�រចូលរួមក��ងកម�វ�ធី�បកួតែខ���ពយន�ខ�ី #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់។ �រៃឆ��បឌិត និង�រខិតខំ�បឹងែ�បងែដល�នផលិតេឡើង
េ�យរ�េលចក��ងែខ���ពយន�នីមួយៗគឺ�េ�ទន�ពមួយ។ អង��រសហ�ប��តិេលើក កម�ស់សម�ពេយនឌ័រ និងផ�ល់�ពអង់�ចដល់�ស�ី គឺ�នេប���េដើម��ីប��ប់
�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ�ពម�ំងអំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី និងកុ�រ�។ េយើងសង��ឹម�ែខ���ពយន� �ំងេនះនឹងជួយដល់�ប�ជនកម������រណៈឱ��យល់ដឹង� �រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ គឺ�ទ�មង់មួយៃន�ររ�េ�ភបំ�នែដលមិន�ត�វ�នអត់ឱន។ េយើង�នេសចក�ីរ�ក�យ
�ស់ក�ង�រេឃើញយុវជនវ័យេក�ង�នចូលរួមក��ងកម�វ�ធី #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ ែដល��រ ផ��ចេផ�ើមេដើម��ីបេ��ញនូវសំេឡងរបស់ ពួកេគក��ង�រ�ប�ំងេ�នឹង�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ
និងេលើកទឹកចិត�ដល់ពួកេគឱ��បន�នូវ�រនិ�យេឡើងអំពី អំេពើហិង���ក់ទងនឹងេយនឌ័រ។
�ក��ី RUTH STEWART CHARGÉ D’AFFAIRES ���នទូតអូ��ាលី រ��ភិ�លអូ���លី �នេ��តេ�លជំហរ��ង��ំង ក��ង�រែស�ងរក�រ�ំ�ទមតិេលើ
សម�ពេយនឌ័ររួមប���ល�រប��ប់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី។ ពួកេយើងពិត�សប��យរ�ក�យ ��ំង�ស់ែដល�នចូលរួម�ំ�ទ ក��ង�រ�ប់េផ�ើមនូវ�រៃឆ��បឌិតដូច�
#េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ មួយេនះ�មរយៈកម�វ�ធីជំនួយរបស់ពួកេយើង េហើយក៏�នចូលរួម
ចំែណក��ង�នអត�ន័យក��ង�របេង�ើតនូវទិ�អន�រ�តិ ក��ង�រលុបបំ�ត់�ល់អំេពើហិង�� េលើ�ស�ី។ �មួយ��េនះផងែដរខ��ំសូមសែម�ង�រអបអរ និងសរេសើរដល់គេ��ង កែន�ង
េធ�ើ�រ�នសុវត�ិ�ព សហគមន៏�នសុវត�ិ�ពរបស់អង��រែឃរ។ រ��ភិ�លអូ���លី
សូមអរគុណចំេ�ះ�រចូលរួមរបស់ ផលិតករវ័យេក�ងក��ង�ពឹត�ិ�រណ៍ដ៏អ��រ��មួយេនះ។ ពួកេយើងពិត�េ�ទន�ពែដល�ន�រចួលរួម និង�រផ�ល់�សំេឡងពីបុរសវ័យេក�ង
�េ�ចើនក��ង�រប���ប់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី។ ពួកេយើងសូមជូនពរស��ប់�ំងអស់��ែដល �នេ�ជើសេរ�សក��ង វគ�ចុងេ��យជួបែត សំ�ងល�។
កម�វ�ធីក�ង��ឹត�ិ�រណ៍ េ�រ��ភ�ង�តិ ���ណ�ំ: សរ៉ ចិ្រត MC មតិ��គមន៍: េលក្រសី ចូអន ែហ�រលី នាយក ិ អង�ករែឃរកម�ុជា
ពស ិ ជា ិ ល អ៊ត ្របធានកម�វធ ី ន់ខ�ស់ អង�ករែឃរកម�ុជា
�����ពយន�ខ�ី ��ល�ប់ចំនួន១៦ចុង���យ ១. អ�ក�ចងអ�កេ�ះ��យ
៩. សូរសំេឡង
៣. �រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទេ�កែន�ងដងទឹក
១១. �មិនែមន�េរឿងេលងេសើចេ�ះេទ
២. ៃថ�ែដល��នេកើតេឡើង ៤. ឧត�ម�
៥. ឈឺ�ប់
៦. េហតុផល�ំង៧ ៧. លីអូ៧ពណ៌
៨. បទស��សមតិម�ជនរបស់�យេកស
១០. �បសិន�ប��ន�សីអ�ក ១២. �រ�
១៣. េយើងប���ប់
១៤. េទសចរណ៍ និង��ន�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ ១៥. អត��ត
១៦. រូបមន�ប���ប់�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ
�រ��ើបទប���ញអំពី�រឈ�ះរ���ន់ ផលិតករេឆ�ើម ក��ងយុទ���រ #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ ែដល�ន�យុេ��ម២០��ំ េ�ក�សី Ruth Stewart, Chargé d’Affaires ��នទូតអូ���លី តំ�ងឱ����ស់ជំនួយ រ��ភិ�លអូ���លី
ផលិតករេឆ�ើម ក��ងយុទ���រ #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ ែដល�ន�យុេលើសពី២០��ំ េ�ក�សី Janet Wong �តំ�ង�ប�ំ�បេទស ៃនអង��រសហ�ប��តិេលើកកម�ស់សម�ពេយនឌ័រ និងផ�ល់�ពអង់�ច ដល់�ស�ីតំ�ងឱ��អង��រយូអិន��ស់��ន់េដើម��ីប��ប់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី
ែខ���ពយន�ល�បំផុតក��ងយុទ���រ #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ បទប��ញេ�យ េ� សី� �ប�នែផ�កទីផ��រ �កុមហ៊ុនអន�រ�តិសូនី��េ��បេទសកម��� តំ�ងឱ�� អ�ក�ំ�ទរ��ន់របស់េយើង គឺ �កុមហ៊ុនសូនី
��តុអ�ី #��តុអ�ី��វប���ប់ េ��ះ�បុរសមិនទទួលរងេ��ះេ�យ�រ�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទមិន ដូច��ស�ីេ�ះេទ ដូេច�ះ��ច��រលំ�កមួយស��ប់បុរសក��ង �រយល់ពីផលប៉ះ�ល់របស់�េលើ�ស�ី។ េតើពូកេយើង�ចជួយឱ��
យុវជនែដល�បុរសយល់ដឹងពីប��ៃន�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទេនះ ��ងដូចេម�ច េហើយេហតុអ�ីេយើង�ត�វប���ប់�? េតើពួកេយើង�ច េកៀងគរពួក�ត់ឱ���ន�រចូលរួមសន����ងដូចេម�ច េហើយេធ�ើ ឱ��ពួក�ត់ចូលរួម�សំេឡងស��ប់�រ��ស់ប�រេនះ?
�រ�បកួត #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ �នអេ��ើញយុវជន�បុរសចូលរួម េដើម��ីែស�ងយល់�េតើ�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទេនះ�ចេធ�ើឱ���ស�ី�ន
�រម�ណ៍��ងដូចេម�ចប��ប់មកបេង�ើត��ពយន�ខ�ី េ�យពន��ល់ �េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់។ ពួកេគ�ច��យ�អ�កែស�ងរកមតិ�ំ�ទ េហើយពួកេយើង�ចែចករ�ែលក�រ របស់ពួក�ត់េ��ម
��េរៀន េលើេគហទំព័រ Facebook និងេ�េលើ ពិភពេ�ក។ ពួកេយើង�នេធ�ើ�រផ��ព�ផ��យ�រ�បកួត #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ េ��ម���ង ៥០��េរៀន សកលវ�ទ��ល័យ និង
�កុមយុវជនទូ�ំង�បេទសកម��� េហើយពួកេយើង�ននិ�យ�មួយ សិស��និស��ិត មិនតិច�ង២�ន់�ក់េ�ះេទ។ �រពិ�ក��េនះ
េ�រេពញេ�េ�យ�រចូលរួម េហើយេពលខ�ះ�យឡំ�មួយនឹង
�ពក��កក��ល េហើយ �រសន��េនះេ�ែតបន�េ��យ�រផ��ព�ផ��យ របស់ពួកេយើងប��ប់។ ��តីេនះអ�កនឹង�នទស���នូវសមិទ�ផល របស់ផលិករៃន�ពយន��ំង១៦ចុងេ��យ ែដលផលិតេ�យ
យុវជនកម���។ សូម��ប់សំេឡងរបស់ពួក�ត់ែស�ងយល់ដូចអ�ី
ែដលពួក�ត់�នេធ�ើឥឡ�វេនះ�េហតុអ�ី��ន�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ េ�ទីេនះ។
សូមអគុណដល់៖ �ប�នកម�វ�ធីខ�ស់
��ត ពិ�ល អង��រែឃរ
ចូស�ីន ភីឌឺរ�ក និង លឹម សុភ័ណ� �កុមហ៊ុនGMBFilms
�ប�ន�បឹក��ផ��ពផ��យ និង�គប់�គង អ�កឌីហ��ញ��ហ�ិក បកែ�ប
�ប�ន�កុមៃន��តីកម�វ�ធី�បគល់រ��ន់ េម�បេ�គ
��� េដនប៊� អង��រែឃរ
Siqnature Design េ�ភ�ំេពញ
ដួង លក�ិ�, �ន់ សុ��ជី អង��រែឃរ និង លឹម សុភ័ណ� �កុមហ៊ុនGMBFilms
��� េដនប៊� និង �ន់ សុ��ជី អង��រែឃរ រត�័ កល��ណ អង��រែឃរ
េ�កជំ�វ ប៊ុន ពុទ�ី អនុរដ�េល�ធិ�រៃន�កសួងកិច��រ�រ� េ�កជំ�វ េសឿ សុ�� អនុរដ�េល�ធិ�ៃន�កសួង អប់រ� យុវជន និង កី�
េ�ក សុខ សុផល �យក��ន�ពយន� និងផ��ព�ផ��យវប��ធម៏ �កសួងវប��ធម៏ និង វ�ចិ�តសិល��:
េ�ក អ៊ូ រតន: �យក�បត�ិបត�ិៃនស�គមអភិវឌ��ន៏សុខ�ព និងអ�កតំ�ងអគ�េល�ធិ�អង��រសហ�ប��តិ UNiTE
េ�ក ផុន វុ�� ម�ន�ីកម�វ�ធីទប់��ត់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី ៃន អង��រ UN WOMEN
េ�ក គីម សុពណ៌ គេ��ងប��ប់អំេពើហិង��េលើ�ស�ី (EVAW) �ំ�ទេ�យរ��ភិ�លអូ���លី
អ�ក�សី ហ៊ុន បូរមី �យិ�អង��រ Actionaid �ប�ំេ�កម��� អ�ក�សី រ័ត� កល��ណ �ប�នគេ��ងអង��រែឃរ
ក�� សុ� អីុែណស អ�កដឹក�ំេរឿង និងអ�កឈ�ះរ��ន់េលខមួយ មេ��សព�ពយន�ខ�ី�សីុ �េគ�យ៏ Tropfest ��ំ២០១៤
សូមអគុណដល់យុទ���រផ��ព�ផ��យ ក�ិបសិក����បរេទស
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យ�គប់�គងនិងេសដ�កិច� េខត�កំពត
ស�គមអ�កដឹក�ំយុវជន���ន អង��រពន�ឺ��រសិល��ះ
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យេបៀល��យ ���ត់ដំបង វ�ទ��ល័យេណតយ៉ង វ�ទ��ល័យសេម�ចឪ
វ�ទ��ល័យ�ពះមុនីវង�� វ�ទ����នសុីតិក
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យេបៀល��យ ��េសៀម�ប �កលវ�ទ��ល័យអង�រ អង��រកល��ណមិត�
អង��រ Green Gecko អង��រផ�ះអ��លី
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យេមគង�កម��� ��េសៀម�ប អង��រ Sunrise
��េរៀនេវ�ស��ញន៍��អូ�ំពិក ��េរៀនេវ�ស��ញន៍��ផ��រតូច
��េរៀនេវ�ស��ញន៍��ទួលទំពួង �កុមយុវជនវត�សំបូរ េខត��កេចះ
�កុមយុវជនវត�វឌ��នះ េខត��កេចះ
អង��រសំេឡងជន�តិេដើម�គតិច អង��រែឃរ េខត�រតនៈគីរ�
អនុវ�ទ��ល័យអូរ���វ េខត�រតរៈគីរ�
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យេបៀល��យ េខត�រតនៈគីរ� �កលវ�ទ��ល័យេវេស�ើន េខត�កំពង់�ម វ�ទ��ល័យអម�វ័ន ជំនីក �សុក�ក�ច��រ អង��រ Epic Art
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យអន�រ�តិ េខត�កំពត
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យឯកេទសៃនជំ�ញ េខត�កំពត
អង��រ Advanced Centre for Empowerment �កលវ�ទ��ល័យ��យេរៀង
អង��រ Empowering Youth in Cambodia �កុមយុវជន Zway
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យ Limkokwing �កលវ�ទ��ល័យហ����ន់ �កលវ�ទ��ល័យេវេស�ើន
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យឯកេទសៃនជំ�ញ �កលវ�ទ��ល័យកម���
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យភ�ំេពញអន�រ�តិ �កលវ�ទ��ល័យប����ស�
�កលវ�ទ��ល័យភូមិន�នីតិ��ស� និងវ�ទ����ស�េសដ�កិច�
សូមអគុណដល់អ�កស�័��ចិត�ចូលរួម ផ��ព�ផ��យ #��តុអី���វប���ប់ វ� មក� �ត់ដំបង
ែកវ សុ��
េ� វរលក� �ត់ដំបង
ែឆម ៃឆយុទ�
�ន់ �វ �ត់ដំបង
��ង េហង េសៀម�ប �ន ច័ន� េសៀម�ប �យ សុខេហៀង ៃហ ��ងមុី ឈឺន សុ�
សូវ �សីេ�
លឹម �យអុីង េវ�ង ប៊ុនេហង �ន ជីវ័ន
េវៀងច័ន� បណ��រ
េ���ះ៖ សួង រ��� ���យ ចន�� ប៊ូ �េរឿន �យុ៖ ២០���ំ
ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ
េរឿង៖ អ�ក�ចងអ�កេ�ះ��យ “ខ��ំសេ�មចចិត�ចូលរួម�រ�បកួត�ពយន�ខ�ី
#េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ េ�យ�រ�គឺ�ឪ�ស ដ៏ល�មួយក��ង�រេផ�ើ�រេ�ដល់មនុស��ឪ��យ ល់ អំពី�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ
េហើយកុំឪ��ពួក�ត់ យល់�ចលំេទៀត។
�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទគឺ�ជំងឺ ដ៏��ំៃរ�មួយ។ �បសិនេបើ��ន�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ
េ�ះេយើងនឹងទទួល�នសង�ម�នសុវត�ិ�ព េហើយ�ស�ីក៏�ចចូលរួមេធ�ើ�រ�មួយបុរសេដើ ម��ី អភិវឌ��សង�មផងែដរ។”
Name: Suong Rotha, Vy Chatou and Bou Savoeun Age: 20 City: Phnom Penh Film: Who ties and who unties “I wanted to be part of the #WhyStop film competition because it is a good opportunity to help people understand about what sexual harassment is so we never get confused about it. Sexual harassment is a chronic sickness. Only when we have no sexual harassment we will have a safe community, where women can join with men to work together to develop our society.”
េ���ះ៖ ឡ�ង សុវ�ទូ �យុ៖ ១៦���ំ
ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ
េរឿង៖ ៃថ�ែដល��នេកើតេឡើង “មិត�និងខ��ំសេ�មចចិត�ចូលរួម�បកួត �ពយន�ខ�ី #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ េ�យ�រ �ប�ជនេយើងមិននិ�យអំពី�រេបៀតេបៀន ផ��វេភទ។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម�ពួកេគនឹងគិតអំពី� និង�ប់េផ�ើមនិ�យអំពី�។ េ�េពលែដល ពួកេគដឹង និងយល់អំពី�ពួកេគនឹង�ច ចូលរួមប���ប់�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ�មួយ ពួកេយើងែដរ។”
Name: Long Sovitou Age: 16 City: Phnom Penh Film: The day it happened “My friends decided to make this film for #WhyStop because people don't talk about sexual harassment. I hope people will think about it and start to talk about it. When they know and understand it, they can join us to stop sexual harassment together.”
េ���ះ៖ ខិត វ�ចិ�ត �យុ៖ ២៥���ំ េខត�៖ រតនគីរ�
េរឿង៖ �រេបៀតេបៀន�ស�ីេ�កែន�ងងូតទឹក “ខ��ំសេ�មចចិត�ចូលរួម�បកួតេ� #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ េ��ះប���រេបៀតេបៀន ផ��វេភទេនះ�នកំពុងែតេកើតេឡើងេ�ក��ង សហគមន៍ជន�តិេដើម�គតិចរបស់ខ�ំ។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម� �ពយន�ខ�ីរបស់ខ�ំនឹង��រមួយ េ�ដល់បុរសជន�តិេដើម�គតិច� �ស�ីស�ប់ ទេង�ើេនះ និងមិន�ត�វ�រ�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ េ�ក��ងសហគមន៍របស់េយើងេទ។”
Name: Khit Vichet Age: 25 Province: Ratanakiri Film: Sexual harassment at the community baths “I decided to make a short film for #WhyStop because I see the issue of sexual harassment happening in my indigenous community. I hope my film can be a message to indigenous men, that women don't want to be harassed and we don't want sexual harassment in our community.”
េ���ះ៖ េថង ប��� េឈឿន សូ��រ� េថង ���រ��� េសឿន ប៊ុនសូ ឯក ឧត�ម�
�យុ៖ ២២���ំ ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ េរឿង៖ ឧត�ម�
“េ�េពលែដលខ��ំសរេសរ�ច់េរឿងខ��ំ�នសួរេ� ខ��នឯង�េតើបុរស��ប់អ�ក��ងេគ? ក��ង �ពយន�របស់ខ�ំឪពុក��ក់ទុកលិខិតេ�បៀន�បេ� ដល់កូន�បុសរបស់�ត់។ ខ��ំគិត�បុរស�គប់រូបមិន ចង់េបៀតេបៀនេ�េលើ�ស�ីេ�ះេទ ែតេ�យ�រ អ�កជំ�ន់មុន�នប��ញពួកេគ��រេបៀតេបៀន ផ��វេភទ �គឺ�េរឿងធម��។ �បសិនេបើអ�កជំ�ន់ េនះ�ំ��ប���ប់ �រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ េ�ះអ�កជំ�ន់េ��យនឹងប���ប់ �រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទដូច��។“
Name: Theng Panha, Somary Chhoeun, Maria Tith Theng, Souen Bunsu, Oudom Ek Age: 22 City: Phnom Penh Film: Oudom “When I wrote the script, I asked myself who will men listen to? In my film, a father leaves a good message to his son. I don't think all the men want to be harassers, but the older generation has shown them that it's ok to sexually harass women. If our generation stops sexual harassment, the new generation will stop it too.”
េ���ះ៖ � សុីេដត �យុ៖ ២៨���ំ
ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ េរឿង៖ ឈឺ�ប់
“សង��ឹម��ពយន�របស់ខ�ំនឹងចូលរួម �ត់បន�យ�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទេ�េលើ�ស�ី។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម� �នឹងេធ�ើឪ��សហគមន៍របស់ខ�ំ នឹងល��បេសើរ ���រមួយេ�ដល់បុរស ឪ��ពួកេគ��ស់ប�រឥរ��បថ និង ឈប់េបៀតេបៀនេលើ�ស�ីេទៀត។”
Name: Chea Sideith Age: 28 City: Phnom Penh Film: Pain “I hope my short film will help reduce the sexual harassment women face in their lives. I hope it can help improve my community by sending a message to all men to change their behaviour and stop harassing women.”
េ���ះ៖ ថុង ភីណ�ច �យុ៖ ២២���ំ
ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ
េរឿង៖ េហតុផល�ំង៧ “�រប���ប់�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ មិនែមន� �តព�កិច�អង��រ ឬរបស់អ�ក ឬរបស់ខ�ំេ�ះេទ គឺ���តព�កិច�របស់អ�ក�ំងអស់��។ ��ន �រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ�នន័យ� េយើងកំពុង ក�ងនូវសង�មមួយែដលសុវត�ិ�ពេ�ដល់ �ស�ី េហើយ�ស�ី�ចេ�ទី�េ�យ��ន �រភ័យ��ច។ េ�េពលែដលបុរសចូលរួម ប���ប់�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ ��នន័យ� េគឪ��តៃម�សិទ�ិ�ស�ី។”
Name: Thong Phynuch Age: 22 City: Phnom Penh Film: Your 7 reasons “Stopping sexual harassment isn't just the NGOs duty, or your duty or my duty. It is everyone's duty. No sexual harassment means we are building a safe place for women, where she can go anywhere without fear. When men are involved in stopping sexual harassment it means he values a woman’s human rights.”
េ���ះ៖ �ន់ �វ �យុ៖ ១៨���ំ
េខត�៖ �ត់ដំបង
េរឿង៖ លីអូ៧ពណ៌ “សង�មេយើងមិនទទួលយក�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វភ េទេនះ�នេទ។ �េធ�ើឪ���ស�ី�ន�រម�ណ៍
េអៀន��ស់ និងភ័យ��ច។ �ស�ី�ន�រម�ណ៍ ��នសុវត�ិ�ព េពលេ�កែន�ង��ត់ែត��ក់
ឯង។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម�េ�េពលែដលេគទស��� �ពយន�របស់ខ�ំ ពួកេគនឹងគិត�ទេង�ើេនះ
មិន�តឹម�ត�វេទ។ ខ��ំចង់ែកែ�បទ��ប់ដល់អ�ក ែដល�ន�ប�ពឹត��រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ �ំងអ�កមិន�ន់�ន�ប�ពឹត�ផងែដរ។”
Name: Khan Khav Age: 18 Province: Battambang Film: 7 colours underwear “Our society must not accept sexual harassment. It makes women feel humiliated and offended; it can make women feel unsafe when they are on their own in a quiet place. I believe when the audience watches my film, they will know this is not right. I want to change the behaviour of men who do harass women and those who don't do it yet.”
េ���ះ៖ េ�ម សុ���� �យុ៖ ២៩���ំ
េខត�៖ �ត់ដំបង
េរឿង៖ បទស���សមតិម�ជនរបស់�យេកស “�ពយន�របស់ខ�ំចង់ឪ��បុរសប���ប់�រេបៀត េបៀនផ��វេភទ និងេធ�ើឪ��សង�ម�ន់ែតល� �បេសើរ។ េយើងែត��ក់ឯងមិន�ចប���ប់ �រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទេនះ�នេទ លុះ��ែត �ន�រចូលរួមពីអ�ក�ំងអស់��។ បុរសពិត មិនេបៀតេបៀនេលើ�ស�ីេភទេ�ះេទ។”
Name: Som Sotheara Age: 29 Province: Battambang Film: Interviews by Mr. Case “My film calls on all men to make a better society and stop sexual harassment. We can't stop sexual harassment alone. We can’t stop it unless everyone is involved. Real men don't sexually harass women.”
េ���ះ៖ លី ទុង�ន �យុ៖ ២២���ំ
ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ
េរឿង៖ សូរសំេឡង “ខ��ំផលិត�ពយន�េនះេឡើង េ�យ�រែត មិត�ភក�ិ�រ�េ�ក��ង��ក់េរៀនរបស់ខ�ំ�ង�ន ជួបនូវប��េនះ។ �រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ�ច បំ��ញកិត�ិយសរបស់�ស�ី។ ែខ�រេយើង�ន ឪ��តៃម��ស�ី�ធំ ដូចេនះ�រេបៀតេបៀន ផ��វេភទ�ត�វែតប���ប់�ប��ន់។”
Name: Ly Tong Yean Age: 22 City: Phnom Penh Film: The sound “I was inspired to make my film because of what happened to a female friend and classmate. Sexual harassment can hurt the dignity of women. In Khmer culture we value and respect women, so sexual harassment should be stopped immediately.”
េ���ះ៖ រុន សុខេហង �យុ៖ ២៥���ំ
ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ
េរឿង៖ �បសិន�ប��ន�សីអ�ក “ខ��ំេឃើញេក�ង�បុស�េ�ចើន ពួកេគមិន ��យខ�ល់ពីេក�ង�សីេ�ះេទ ពួកេគគិតែតពី �រេបៀតេបៀនេលើពួក�ង។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម� �ពយន�របស់ខ�ំ នឹង�នឥទ�ិពលដល់ អ�កេមើលឪ����ស់ប�រឥរ��បថ និងយល់� េនះ�េរឿងមិន�តឹម�ត�វេ�ះេទ។ �រប៉ះ�ល់ ខ��ន��ណេ�យ��ន�រអនុ��ត �រ�ត់ជួបក��ងេ�លបំណងផ��វេភទ �មិនែមន�េរឿង�តឹម�ត�វេ�ះេទ។”
Name: Run Sokheng Age: 25 City: Phnom Penh Film: If she's your sister “I see a lot of boys, they don't care if they are sexually harassing women. I hope my film will impact the audience to change their behaviour and understand that this is not right. Touching girls without permission, and requesting sexual favours, it's not right.”
េ���ះ៖ ជុំ េច��� �យុ៖ ២៥���ំ
ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ
េរឿង៖ �មិនែមន�េរឿងេលងេសើចេ�ះេទ “ដូចខ��ំ�នប��ញេ�ក��ងេរឿងរបស់ខ�ំចឹង េយើង�ត�វែតប���ប់�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ េ��ះ�មិនែមន�េរឿងេលងេសើចេ�ះេទ។ ��ចបំ��ញអ�គតរបស់េក�ង�សី។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម�េរឿងរបស់ខ�ំនឹងេធ�ើឪ��អ�កទស��� គិតេឡើងវ�ញអំពី�រេលងេសើច និង �រប៉ះ�ល់េ�ដល់�រម�ណ៍របស់េក�ង�សី។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម�ពួកេគនឹង��ស់ប�រផ�ត់គំនិតេនះ និងែកែ�បទ��ប់របស់ពួកេគ។”
Name: Chum Chesda Age: 25 City: Phnom Penh Film: It's no joke “As I described in my film, we must stop sexual harassment because it's not a joke. It can ruin a girl’s future. I hope my film will make the audience think about their jokes and how they could impact a girl's feelings. I hope it will change their perspective and behaviour.”
េ���ះ៖ ���ង េហង �យុ៖ ២៣���ំ
េខត�៖ េសៀម�ប េរឿង៖ �រ�
“�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទេធ�ើឪ���ស�ី�ន�ព េអៀន��ស់ ឯេ� និងមិនចង់េចញេ�េ��។ ខ��ំគិត�េបើសិន�េយើង�ំ��និ�យអំពី �រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ និងផលិត�ពយន� អំពី�បន�េទៀត េ�ះអ�កទស���នឹង�ំ�� គិតអំពីប��េនះ និង��ស់ប�រ��ងេ�ចើន េហើយបុរសនឹង�ំ��ប���ប់�រេបៀតេបៀន ផ��វេភទ និងជួយេ�ដល់�ស�ីផងែដរ។”
Name: Heang Heng Age: 23 Province: Siem Reap Film: Girl “Sexual harassment can make a girl feel humiliated, lonely and not want to go out anymore. I think if we keep talking and making more films about sexual harassment, it will force the audience to think about it and hopefully change them a lot. Then men will stop harassing and they can start helping.”
េ���ះ៖ ជឺន ជឺេហង �យុ៖ ២៥���ំ
ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ
េរឿង៖ េយើងប���ប់ “ខ��ំសេ�មចចិត�ផលិត�ពយន�ខ�ីមក�ក់�បកួត េ� #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ េ�យ�រេរៀង�ល់ ៃថ�េ�េពលែដលខ��ំេបើកេហ�សបុក ខ��ំែតងែត េឃើញព័ត៌�ន �ក់ទងនឹង�រេបៀតេបៀន ផ��វេភទ។ ខ��ំខ�ល់អំពីប��េនះ និងចង់ប���ប់ �ែតខ��ំមិនែមន�មនុស���នអំ�ច ដូចេនះ �នែត�រផលិត�ពយន� េនះេទេទើប� មេធ���យល�េដើម��ីអប់រ�អំពីប��េនះ និង ប��ញេ�ដល់េក�ង�បុសឪ��ដឹងអំពីផលវ��ក ៃន�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទផងែដរ។”
Name: Cheun Cheu Heng Age: 25 City: Phnom Penh Film: We do stop “I decided to make a film for #WhyStop, for 1 main reason. Every day when I open facebook, I always see news about sexual harassment. I care and I want to stop it but I am not a powerful person in government. But I think making a film is a good way to inform people about the issue and show boys how bad sexual harassment is.“
េ���ះ៖ ឯក �មុីឌី �យុ៖ ២៨���ំ
េខត�៖ េសៀម�ប
េរឿង៖ េទសចរណ៍ និង���ន�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ “ខ��ំសេ�មចចិត�ចូលរួម�បកួតេ�
Name: Ek Samedy Age: 28 Province: Siem Reap Film: Tourists against sexual harassment
“I decided to make a short film for #WhyStop because I wanted to be #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ េ��ះខ��ំចង់ចូលរួម a part of resolving this problem. េ�ះ��យនូវប��េនះ។ មុននឹងខ��ំថតខ��ំ�ន Before I shot my film, I asked សួរេ��ន់តួរបស់ខ្�ំ� េតើអ�ីេ���រេបៀតេបៀន my actors “What is sexual ផ��វេភទ? ពួកេគេឆ�ើយ����ររួមេភទ។ harassment?” They answered me, “Sexual harassment is having sex”. ពួកេគមិន�នយល់េ�ះេទដូចេនះ េរឿងរបស់ខ�ំ Oh no! I thought, then at least my �នពន��ល់ដល់តួសែម�ងឪ���ន��ល់អំពីនិយម film can show my actors what ន័យៃន�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម�អ�ក sexual harassment is. And I hope ទស���នឹងយល់ដូច��េ�េពលែដលពួកេគ the audience will know too when ទស���េរឿងរបស់ខ�ំ។” they watch my film.“
េ���ះ៖ វណ� សុី�រ�ូ �យុ៖ ២៦���ំ
ទី�កុង៖ ភ�ំេពញ េរឿង៖ អត��ត
អត��តស��ប់ខ�ន។ ប៉ុែន��រពិតេ��មិនែមន
�អត��តេទ �គឺ��តកម�។ អ�កែដលេ�ជុំវ�ញ
�ងគឺ� �តករ�នដូច�៖ �គ�បេ�ងៀន�នប៉ះ�ល់ �ង�យ�ងេ�យ��ន�រអនុ��ត េភ��វែតងែត
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�ប�ពឹត��រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទែដរ? #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ មិនែមន��ន់ែត�កម�វ�ធី�បកួត�ពយន�ខ�ីប៉ុេ��ោះេទ ប៉ុែន���នជួយេ�ដល់សង�មរបស់ខ�ំឪ��ប���ប់ �រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ។”
Name: Stephen Row Age: 26 City: Phnom Penh Film: One touch “In my film, I tell the story of a young woman who commits suicide. But it is not suicide in fact it is murder. The people around her, they are her killer; the teacher who touches her body without permission, the clients who make bad jokes, the boss who stares and even friends too. I hope the audience will see it and think are they like them? Are they are part of sexual harassment? It's not just a film competition but #WhyStop can help my community to stop sexual harassment.”
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េរឿង៖ រូបមន�ប���ប់�រេបៀតេបៀនផ��វេភទ “ខ��ំសេ�មចចិត�ចូលរួម�បកួតេ� #េហតុអ�ី�ត�វប���ប់ េ��ះខ��ំចង់ចូលរួម ជួយសង�មេដើម��ីប���ប់�រេបៀតេបៀន ផ��វេភទ។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម�េរឿងេនះនឹង��រមួយ េ�ដល់បុរសែដលចង់េបៀតេបៀនេ�េលើ�ស�ី � ��េរឿងមិន�តឹម�ត�វេ�ះេទពួកេគ�ត�វ ឈប់េធ�ើទេង�ើេនះ។”
Name: Vy Makara Age: 19 Province: Battambang Film: The formula to stop sexual harassment “I decided to make a short film to join #WhyStop because I want to help stop sexual harassment. I hope my film will send a message to men who want to harass women that it's not right, and they must stop it.”
The #WhyStop Roadshow would like to thank:
Lay Sokheang, Phnom Penh
Amporvorn Chum Nith High School
Ban Chan, Siem Reap
Western University Kampong Cham Campus
Heang Heng, Siem Reap
Build Bright University Ratanakiri Campus
Kao Voleakh, Battambang
Youth Group at Ou Yadav
Khan Khav, Battambang
CARE Cambodia in Ratanakiri
Vy Makara, Battambang
Indigenous People’s Voices (IPV)
And thanks to our #WhyStop Roadshow volunteers:
Youth Group at Watanak Pagoda
Beltie University
Westline Phsa Touch
The Royal University of Law and Economics
Westline Olympic
Pannasastra University
Westline Daun Penh
Phnom Penh International University
Sunrise Cambodia
University of Cambodia
Cambodia Mekong University Siem Reap Campus
Cambodian University for Specialties
Anjali House
Western University
Green Gecko
Zaman University
Kaliyan Mith
Limkokwing University
Angkor University
Royal University of Phnom Penh
Build Bright University Siem Reap Campus
Institute of Foreign Languages
Setec Institute
Samdech Ov High School
Empowering Youth in Cambodia
Preah Monivong High School
Build Bright University Phnom Penh campus
Net Yang High School
Svay Rieng University
International University Battambang Campus
Advanced Centre for Empowerment
Build Bright University Battambang Campus
Pour un Sourire d'Enfant (PSE)
Phare Ponleu Selpak
Angkor Khemara University
University of Battambang
University of Management & Economics Kampot
ASEAN Youth Leaders’ Association (AYLA)
Cambodia University of Specialities Kampot
Club d'études des langues étrangères
Westline Toul Tumpoung Youth Group at Sambo Pagoda
Epic Art Don Bosco at Kep
Hay Seangmey, Phnom Penh
Keo Socheata, Phnom Penh Sov Sreypov, Phnom Penh Chhem Chhaiyuth, Phnom Penh Lim Lay Ing, Phnom Penh Veng Bunheng, Phnom Penh Than Chivorn, Phnom Penh Vieng Chan Bondol, Phnom Penh
Chheun Sophea, Phnom Penh
International University Kampot Campus
Credits and Thanks
Leakena Duong & Somachy Chan @ CARE,
Siqnature Design @ Phnom Penh
Graphic Design
Jocelyn Pederick & Lim Sophorn @ GMBFilms
Campaign & Roadshow Production
Sara Denby @ CARE
Campaign Strategy & Management
Pysal Eart @ CARE
Senior Project Manager
with Lim Sophorn @ GMBFilms
H.E Bun Puthy, Under-Secretary of State,
Judging panel
Kalyan Rath @ CARE
#WhyStop Awards Night Team Lead
Sara Denby & Somachy Chan @ CARE
Media relations
Ministry of Women’s Affairs H.E Soeur Socheata, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sport Sok Sophal, Department of Cinema and Cultural Diffusion, Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Ou Ratanak, UNiTE Ambassador and Executive Director People’s Health Development (PHD) Thon Vutha, National Programme Officer, Ending Violence against Women (EVAW), UN Women Kim Sopor, End Violence Against Women (EVAW) Project, Australian Aid Hun Boramey, Country Director, ActionAid Kalyan Rath, Project Manager, CARE Cambodia Sothea Innes, Filmmaker, Winner of Tropfest Southeast Asia 2014.
��តុអ�ី Short Film Awards
Sexual harassment stops here!
WHY #WHYSTOP Because men don’t experience sexual harassment the way that women do, it can be hard for them to understand the impact that it has. How could we help young men to understand the problem with sexual harassment, and why it must stop? How would we engage them in the conversation, and have them join the voices for change? The #WhyStop competition invited young men to find out how sexual harassment makes women feel, then create a short film to explain why it must stop. They would become the advocates, and we would share their messages in schools, on facebook, and around the world. We promoted the competition with the #WhyStop Roadshow at 50 high schools, universities and youth groups across Cambodia, talking with over 2,000 students. The discussions were powerful – some were emotional – and the conversations continued long after our visit. Tonight, you will see the outcome in the final 16 short films made by young Cambodians. Hear their voices, and understand – as they now do – why sexual harassment must stop here.
PROGRAMME OF EVENTS The National Anthem Sara Chentra, MC Introduction: Welcome Address: Joanne Fairley, Country Director, CARE Cambodia Pysal Eart, Senior Program Manager, CARE Cambodia
Screening of 16 Finalist Short Films 1. Who ties and who unties 2. The day it happened
9. The sound 10. If she's your sister
3. Sexual harassment at the community baths 4. Oudom
11. It’s no joke 12. Girl 13. We do stop
5. Pain
14. Tourists against sexual harassment
6. Your 7 reasons
15. One touch
7. 7 colours underwear 8. Interviews by Mr Case
16. The formula to stop sexual harassment
Presentation of Awards • #WhyStop Best Filmmaker under the age of 20 Presented by Ruth Stewart, Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy of Australia On behalf of Australian Aid
• #WhyStop Best Filmmaker over the age of 20 Presented by Janet Wong, Country Representative, UN Women On behalf of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women
• #WhyStop Best Film Presented by Sao Siha, Senior Marketing Executive, Sony International Cambodia Branch On behalf of our prize sponsors, Sony
A MESSAGE FROM OUR DONORS JANET WONG COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE UN WOMEN On behalf of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women, UN Women congratulates all filmmakers for their contributions to the #WhyStop Short Film Competition. The creativity and effort that has gone into the production of each film is impressive. UN Women is committed to ending sexual harassment and violence against women and girls. We hope these films will help the Cambodian public understand that sexual harassment is a form of abuse that must not be tolerated. We are delighted to see young men involved in the #WhyStop initiative raising their voices against harassment and encourage them to continue speaking out against gender-based violence.
RUTH STEWART, CHARGÉ D’ÁFFAIRES AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY Australia is a strong advocate of gender equality, including ending violence against women. We are pleased we can support creative and engaging initiatives like #WhyStop through our aid program - and make a meaningful contribution to marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. For this we commend CARE’s Safe Workplaces, Safe Communities project. Australia would like to thank all the filmmakers for their participation in this event. We are particularly impressed by how many young Cambodian men are standing up and making their voices heard. We wish all the finalists the very best of luck.
HIS EXCELLENCY HUN MANY MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA Welcome to all attending guests and allow me to thank CARE for organising this exciting event with the support of the Royal Government of Cambodia. I would also like to congratulate all the young filmmakers that have participated in #WhyStop and who are leading their generation by example. Sexual harassment and violence against women are unacceptable behaviours. As a member of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia, I believe that our young men play a crucial role in stopping violence against women in the society they live in. Let’s join hands together to stop sexual harassment and end violence against women and children. Let me congratulate all involved on this wonderful start to the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence 2016.
HER EXCELLENCY ING KANTHA PHAVI MINISTER OF MINISTRY OF WOMEN’S AFFAIRS A very warm welcome to all guests attending the #WhyStop Short Film Awards, which marks the beginning of this year’s 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women and girls. Our theme for 2016 is ‘It starts with us’, and I believe that the ‘#WhyStop' initiative brings this message to life. A commitment of our National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women is to use peer education to help our young people build gender-equitable non-violent relationships. The films that you will see this evening will be used for ongoing education, and I believe that through concerted action like this, we can change social behaviours to ensure that women and girls have their rights upheld and respected. I commend our young filmmakers for their work and believe that all participants will understand the issue and will act against violence on women and girls. Finally, I wish you a most enjoyable evening.
JOANNE FAIRLEY COUNTRY DIRECTOR, CARE CAMBODIA It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the #WhyStop Short Film Awards. As part of CARE Cambodia’s ‘Safe Workplaces, Safe Communities’ project, these films address the subject of sexual harassment in our society, and the many reasons why it must stop. It can be difficult to create a dialogue with local communities – particularly with young people – but we have been humbled and overwhelmed by the response we’ve received to #WhyStop. The young men who have submitted these short films are the voices for change. I am sure you will be as impressed as I am by both their messages and their creativity. I invite you to sit back, and prepare to be inspired by the work of these talented young filmmakers, as they explain why sexual harassment stops here.
Sexual harassment stops here!
This campaign is part of CARE Cambodia's ‘Safe Workplaces, Safe Communities’ project, funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women, with support from the Australian Government.
Short Film Awards
Sexual harassment stops here!