Cambodia’s First and Official Short Film Festival
ូមជូន 802AD ស Present ផលិតកម� CTIONS �រកូន��រ + D PRODU 2A ��ុមកុន� 80 + MER KH N U KO N KHMER
Short Films matter.
កម�វ�ធី ម���ព
FOR MORE INFORMATION: 098 56 23 23 / /
of e l b a T ts n e t n Co Letter supported by the Ministry of Culture...............................................4 Letter supported by the Ministry of Information......................................5 Message from 802AD Director.......................................................................6 Message from Kon Khmer Koun Khmer President...................................8 About Kon Khmer Koun Khmer.....................................................................10 Jury........................................................................................................................12 Opening & Closing............................................................................................16 Cambodian Competition.................................................................................18 Nominated Films..............................................................................................20 Cambodian Showcases...................................................................................28 International Showcases................................................................................38 Program Screening...........................................................................................54
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ំ���យ ��ៈ លិខិត� ម៏ និងវ�ចិ��សិល ធ � � y ��សួងវប rted b
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ំ���យ លិខិត� ័ត៍�ន ��សួងព
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�កសុខ វ��ល �យក��ប់��ងម���ព
SOK Visal | Festival Director
I’ve heard that CSFF wasn’t happening this year because no one from the founding committee wanted to take care of it. So a few friends and I decided to take on the job and do it. I thought it would have been sad not to have Chaktomuk Short Film Festival this year, mostly at a time where we need to boost the young Cambodian Film Industry.
ខ��ំ�នលឺ� ម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ីចតុមុខនឹងមិន���រព���ើ�ើង����ំ��ះ ���ះពុំ�នគណៈកម��រ���ក់� ចង់��ើ�ះ�� អ��ឹង�ើយខ��ំនិងមិត�ភក�ិខ�ំមួយចំនួនក៏ស���ចចិត��ៀបចំ��ើង។ ខ��ំគិត�ខ��ំនឹង�ក���យ �ើ ���ំ��ះ ���នម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ី �ពិ��សក��ង��ល��ល�ើង���វព��ឹងវ�ស័យ�ពយន���ផលិតករវ័យ���ងរបស់�ើង។
I think we need young people to be interested in Film-making, and short film is the first step before taking on films of bigger scales. I also believe that there are a raw talents among the young generation nowadays. They are exposed to new things, to Internet, to new technologies, music, art forms, International films, etc… so they can bring a lot to the new Cambodian Film Industry. We need fresh blood in this industry, and there are a lot of creative people out there, and this festival will attract them and hopefully showcase their works.
ខ��ំគិត��ើង���វ��ើ��ង�ឲ��យុវវ័យ�នចំ�ប់�រម�ណ៍ក�ង�រប��ើត�����ពយន� �ើយ�ពយន�ខ�ីគឺ� ជំ�នចម��ងមុន��ល�នដល់�រផលិត�����ពយន���តធំ។ ខ��ំក៏�នជំ�ឿ���លបច��ប��ន���ះ �ើងពិត� �ននូវយុវវ័យ��ល�ន��ព�សល��ដ៏ល�ក�ង���ក��ះ។ ពួក����ល់នូវ�ឿង���វ របស់របរថ�ីៗរួម�ំងអ៊��ើ��ត ប���កវ�ទ��ថ�ីៗ ត���ី សិល��ៈក��ងទ��ង់សម���រ��ប �ពយន�អន�រ�តិ -ល- អ��ឹង�ើយពួក���ចយក�រយល់ ដឹង និងបទពិ�ធន៍���ើនមកជួយក��ងវ�ស័យ�ពយន�របស់�ើង។ �ើង���វ�រអ�ក��ល�ន��ព�សល�� ក��ងវ�ស័យ��ះ និងអ�ក��ល�នគំនិត�����ឌិត ��លម���ពរបស់�ើង��ះនឹង�ក់�ញពួក�� �ើយសង��ឹម �ពួក��នឹង�ចប���ញ�����របស់ពួក���ន។
Chaktomuk should become an International Short Film Festival recognized by the other international film festivals. It’s actually starting now. We’ve received more than 100 International short films this year! So it’s a positive sign. What this festival should do now is to have more serious and committed people to manage it, with strong foundations, and structure to take it forward, alleging it to other festivals around the regions and maybe around the rest of the world.
ម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ីចតុមុខគួរ����យ�ម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ី�លក�ណៈអន�រ�តិ��ម�ង��ល���វ�នទទួល ���ល់�យម���ព�ពយន�អន�រ�តិ����ងៗ�ៀត។ �មពិត� ម���ព�ើងកំពុង��ស�ិត��ើវ�ថី ��ះ�ើយ។ �ើងទទួល�ន�ពយន�ខ�ីរហូត�ដល់��ើន�ង ១០០ �ឿងឯ�ះ! អ��ឹង�ើយ�គឺ�សញ�ា ដ៏ល�មួយ។ អ�ី��លម���ព�ើងគួរ����ើ���ល��ះគឺ��មូលផ��ំអ�ក��លយកចិត�ទុក�ក់ និងអ�ក ��ល�ន ទឹកចិត��ះមុត និង�����ក�ង�រ��ប់��ង��មួយនឹង��ឹះល����ើរ�ង��ះ �ើយ�ំយក���ន់ម���ព �ពយន�����ងៗ�ៀតក��ងតំបន់ និងជុំវ�ញពិភព�កក៏�ច��ន។
Chaktomuk will help put Cambodia on the map in new light. Young Film makers around the World will start knowing Cambodia as a new Film scene and destination, giving it a new image and changing past perceptions of the country. I Hope that the “Chaktomuk Short Film Festival - OFFICIAL SELECTION” label will have value in the future, and that Film makers around the world would wish to have that label on their film posters. Cambodia has lived through a few dark ages, but also a few Golden Ages, so this festival can also pave the way to the 3rd Golden Age of Cambodia and help turn Cambodia and the capital of Phnom Penh into a Creative Hub in South East Asia in the future. Make short films before taking on a feature film. When you’re able to make good short films, it will be easier for you to make long feature films. Short Films Matter. - Page 6 -
ម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ីចតុមុខនឹង��ើ�យកម����ន់��រ�កមុខ�ត់ និង���វ�នអន�រ�តិ��ល់�ន់����ើន ��ម�ៀត។ ផលិតករ�ពយន�វ័យ���ងជុំវ�ញពិភព�កនឹង�ប់��ើម���ល់កម�����ល�ស���ប់�រ���ង រក�ពយន�ថ�ីៗ ��លនឹង���ស់ប�រមុខ�ត់ថ�ី ក៏ដូច����ស់ប�ររបត់គំនិត�ស់ៗរបស់����ស�ើងផង��រ។ ខ��ំសង��ឹម� “�ពយន���ល��ើស��ស�ផ��វ�រ�យម���ព” ��ះនឹង�នត���ក�ង��លអ�គត ។ ផលិត�ពយន�ខ�ីមុន��លប��ើត�ពយន���តធំ។ ���លអ�ក�នសមត��ព�ចប��ើត�ពយន�ខ�ីល�ៗ�ន �ើយ អ�កនឹង�ន�ព�យ��ួលក��ង�រផលិត�ពយន���តធំ និង�នរយៈ��ល��ង។ �ពយន�ខ�ី�ន�រៈ សំ�ន់�ស់។
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��ន �រពី� �រកូន��រ � ន ុ ក ម ុ � � �ក��ំ សិ� ���ន��ុមកុន���រកូន���រ
PRUM Seila / President of Kon Khmer Koun Khmer
As one of the CSFF co-founders, I am very pleased to be part of the organizing committee of this year’s festival after being absent twice. I want to see the Cambodian film industry start getting attention from the general public and the international scene again. The festival has become a platform that enables Cambodia’s young filmmakers to present their short films to the public as well as step up to international festivals.
����កមួយក��ងចំ�មអ�កប��ើតម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ីចតុមុខ ខ��ំ�ន��ចក�ី�មនស��រ�ក�យ���ង���ំង ��លខ��ំ�នឱ�សក��ង�រចូលរួម�ៀបចំនូវម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ីក�ង���ំ��ះ ���យ��ល�ត់មុខអស់រយៈ��ល ២���ំ។ ខ��ំចង់�ើញវ�ស័យ�ពយន�កម����នមុខ�ត់ និងទទួល�ន�រ�ប់�រម�ណ៍ពី��រណៈជន និង អន�រ�តិម�ង�ៀត។ ម���ព��ះ�ន���យមក�ក���ង��លផលិតករវ័យ���ង���រ�ចប���ញ�����របស់ ខ��ន�មរយៈ�រ�ក់ប���ំង��ន់��រណៈជន ក៏ដូច��ន�ដល់ម���ព�ពយន�អន�រ�តិផង��រ។
Cambodia’s talent filmmakers have become noticed nationally and internationally following the festival for the last three years.
ផលិតករ���រ��ល�ន��ព�សល���នទទួល�រ�ប់�រម�ណ៍ពីជនរួម�តិ និងអន�រ�តិ��យ��ល��ល ម���ព��ះ�ន����ឹត��រយៈ��ល៣���ំចុង���យ��ះ។
I hope the model of the Chaktomuk Short Film Festival will inspire other local organizers. The festival provides spaces for indie filmmakers to show new creative achievements through films.
ខ��ំសង��ឹម� នឹង�នម���ព�ពយន���ប��ះ���វ�នប��ើតនឹង�ៀបចំ�ើង�យអ�ក�ៀបចំក�ង��ុក� ��ើន�ៀត។ ម���ព��ះ�នផ�ល់ទីក���ងដល់ផលិតករ�ពយន���តតូចឲ��ពួក���ចប���ញនូវ����� �មរយៈ�ពយន�របស់ពួក��។
I hope the festival will grow increasingly bigger and attract more regional filmmakers participants. I believe this festival will become the platform for local filmmakers to exchange and connect globally.
ខ��ំសង��ឹម�ម���ព��ះនឹង�ន់��រ�កលូត�ស់ធំ�ងមុន �ើយ�ក់�ញផលិតករ�ពយន�ក�ងតំបន់� ��ើន�ៀតឲ��ចូលរួម។ ម���ព��ះនឹង���យ�ទីក���ង��លផលិតករក��ង��ុក��ើ�រ���ស់ប�របទពិ�ធន៍ និងផ��រ���ប់���សកល��ម�ង។
This festival is especially important for the new generation of Cambodian filmmakers, as it is a stepping-stone to be recognized at the international level. Finally, art is the key to unify the national spirit. Film is the seventh art form in the national category. It achieved all forms of art and aims to the public to fall in love with it again.
ផលិតករ���រ�ពិ��សអ�កជំ�ន់��យនឹង���វ�រម���ព��ះ�ើម��ី����ន់ស���ប់�រ�ប់��ើម�ជីព� ពយន�របស់ពួក�� និង�ជំ�នថ�ីមួយ�ៀត��ន់�កអន�រ�តិ។
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សិល��ៈប���បប���ម��លឹង�តិ។ �ពយន�ក៏�ទ��ង់សិល��ៈទី៧ក��ងចំ�មសិល��ៈរបស់�តិ។ ទ��ង់ សិល��ៈមួយ��ះ�នផ�ិតយកនូវ�ល់ទ��ង់�ំង�យ �ើយ��ើ�រប���ញដល់��រណៈជន�ើម��ី���ម ដួងចិត��យពួក�����ញ់�ម�ង�ៀត។
t Abou
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អំពី ូន��រ ក រ � � ន ុ ក
We are a team of young students and artists with a main focus on film production and arts management. The team formation resulted from the film-related projects, run in 2009 in Cambodia, by the French-Cambodian filmmaker, Davy CHOU. This self-sustained program based on volunteerism is run by a young Cambodian Managerial Board and supervised by a multinational Advisory Board.
ពួក�ើងគឺ���ុមយុវនិស��ិតមួយ��ុម��លរួម�ន�ំងសិល��ករ ��ល���ត�ើ�រផលិត�����ពយន� និង�រ ��ប់��ង���កសិល��ៈផង��រ។ ��ុមរបស់�ើង���វ�នប��ើត�ើង�មរយៈគ���ង��ល�ប់�ក់ព័ន�នឹង�រ ផលិត�ពយន�ក�ង���ំ២០០៩ ក��ង����សកម����យផលិតករ���រកូន�ត់��ំង���ះ ជូ �វ�។ �រស�័�� ចិត���ះ កំពុងដំ�ើរ�រ���ម�រ��ប់��ង����ុមយុវជនវ័យ���ង និង���តពិនិត��ពីសំ�ក់��ុម��ឹក��ច��ុះ �តិ�សន៍។
Our Vision
– Produce creative and quality films; – Organize professional exhibitions related to films and arts; – Run special events of high impact.
– ផលិត�ពយន���ល�នគុណ�ព និង�ន�ព�����ឌិត – �ៀបចំ�រ�ំងពិព័រណ៍៌��កប�យ�ពច��ស់�ស់ និងវ���ជីវៈ��ល�ក់ទង�នឹង�ពយន� និងសិល��ៈ – �ៀបចំ��ឹត��រណ៍ពិ��សៗ��ល��ើ�យ�ន�ប់�រម�ណ៍ខ�ស់
Our Mission 4K exists to encourage young Cambodian leaders by honoring their creativity as filmmakers, serving them in order to support them achieving their personal projects, yet sharing their pieces of work with the world so that this positive legacy can be passed on to next generations. For more about our collective, contact 077 777 104 or 015 226 602 / Email: /
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��សកកម�របស់�ើង ��ុមកុន���រកូន���រ ���វ�នប��ើត�ើងក��ង�លបំណង�ើកទឹកចិត�អ�កដឹក�ំ��រវ័យ���ង �យ�ើកត��ើង គំនិត�����ឌិតរបស់ពួក��ក�ងលក�ណៈ�ផលិតករ�ពយន� ��លជួយឲ��ពួក���ចស���ច�ននូវគ���ង ���ល់ខ�នរបស់ពួក�� ����ើ�រ��ករ���ក�����របស់ពួក����ន់ពិភព�ក��ល�����ដ៏ល�ៗ�ំង�ះនឹង ���វ�នបន��ល់ទុក�យ���ងជំ�ន់��យ។ ស���ប់ព័ត៌�នប���ម សូម�ក់ទង 077 777 104 or 015 226 602 / អ៊��៉�ល៖ /
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�រ គ ពយន�� � ����� ក � � ត ួ រ��ក ស��ប់� តំ�ង�����គ
�ក ភិជិត ឬ��� �ប់��ើម�ជីព�ផលិតករ�����ពយន�ក�ង���ំ ២០១០ �យផលិត�����ពយន���តធំ និងវ���អូឯក�រផង��រ។ �ពយន�របស់�កក៏��វ�ន�ក់ប���ំង��មប���ម���ព �ពយន�មួយចំនួនផង��រ។ ���លបច��ប��ន� �ក��យក � ផលិតករ �DOP �ើយក៏� អ�កនិពន��ផលិកកម��ពយន����។ �ត់�អ�កសហ���បនិក និង �អ�កផ�ល់��ឹក���បល់ឲ��ម���ព �ពយន�ខ�ីចតុមុខផង��រ។
Rithea Phichith began his filmmaking career in 2010 working in feature films and documentaries. He has also made short films and documentaries, which have been presented at several film festivals. He’s currently a director, producer, DOP and writer at Pakka Films. He is a co-founder and adviser to Chaktomuk Short Film Festival. THE JURY MEMBERS
Deependra Gauchan has been making films since 1986 over 50 films based in Cambodia and led many productions including Loy9, Love9 and Klahan9. He enjoys mentoring young people, developing the creative spirit and talent of the next generation of filmmakers and communicators.
Lyda Leak, is owner of LD Picture Production and has directed Ap Wear Helmet part1 and part 2, Jar 1 and 2, Silly Son in Law. He has directed the Phnom Penh Tower TVC and Yamaha Motor Cambodia TVC and few Khmer music videos.
Bunseng Chuor, is founder of, film producer, director, creative and visual effects artist. He has produced and directed numerous commencials, including Cellcard, Smart Mobile, AXE, Yamaha, LEO Beer and Tiger Beer. His passion for creativity led him to co-found Osja Studio a mobile game studio “Asva The Monkey and YakAww Candy” - Page 12 -
�ក Deependra Gauchan �ផលិតករ�����ពយន��ំងពី��ំ ១៩៨៦ ��ល�នផលិត�ពយន���ើន�ង ៥០�ឿង �ើយ�ន ដឹក�ំផលិតកម����ើនបូករួម�ំងកម�វ�ធី ឡ�យ៩ ���ហ៍៩ និង ����ន៩ផង��រ។ �ត់រ�ក�យក��ង�រជួយដល់ផលិតករវ័យ���ង �យបប��ើតនូវគំនិត�����ឌិត និង��ព�សល��របស់ផលិតករ និងអ�កទំ�ក់ទំនងជំ�ន់��យផង��រ។
�ក �ៀក លី�គឺ��ង���ងផលិតកម� LD Picture �ើយ�ន ដឹក�ំ�����ពយន��ប�ក់មួកសុវត�ិ�ពវគ�១ និងវគ�២ ��ឡអីហ�ឹង វគ�១ និងវគ�២ និងកូន���រ�ើកឺផង��រ។ �កក៏�នដឹក�ំថត ស��៉ត�ណិជ�កម�ភ�ំ��ញ Tower ស��៉តម៉ូតូ����� និងវ���អូបទ ច��ៀង���រមួយចំនួនផង��រ។
�ក ជួ ប៊ុន��ង គឺ��ង���ងផលិតកម�ស�ឹករ�ត �ផលិតករ �����ពយន� �អ�កដឹក��ឿងំ និង��ពណ៌ និងរូប�ពវ���អូផង��រ។ �កក៏�នផលិត និងដឹក�ំស��៉ត�ណិជ�កម�ទូរទស��ន៍មួយចំនួន ដូច� Cellcard, Smart Mobile, AXE, ម៉ូតូ�����, ����ៀរ លីអូ និង����ៀ��ហ�័រផង��រ។ ទឹកចិត����ញ់�ព�����ឌិត របស់�ត់�នជ��ុញឲ���ត់��យ�សហ���បនិកអ���រ��ស��ឌីយ៉ូ��ល �ស��ឌីយ៉ូប��ើត���មទូរស័ព�����ល�នដូច� ���ម���� និង ស�រ���ប់យក�អរផង��រ។ - Page 13 -
odian b m a C ition t e p Com
�រ គ ពយន�� � ����� ក � � រ��កួត ស��ប់�
Bou Panha started his experience includes sound editing, design and engineering for Angkor Wat Production, the Phnom Penh Post and SSB Production. As the Managing Director of Legend Tiger he has produced about 15 medium and large TVCs and 50 music melodies per year.
Sreylin Meas is an independent freelance assistance filmmaker who has over six years of experience in the Cambodian film industry with local and international crew. Meas worked on her first feature film, « Comfortably Lost », then on the popular comedy « Gems on the Run ». She has also assisted on high profile projects, including the Louis Vuitton campaign in Cambodia with Angelina Jolie, and « Kong: Skull Island ».
Inn Tito is director at Hang Meas Film Production.
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�ក ប៊ូ ប��� �ប់��ើមបទពិ�ធន៍របស់�ក�អ�ក����ង អ�ក រច� និងអ�កប���ក��សផលិតកម�អង�រវត� ���តភ�ំ��ញប៉ុស� និង ផលិតកម���ស��សប៊�ផង��រ។ បច��ប��ន��ក��យក��ប់��ង �យផលិតកម� Legend Tiger �ក�នថតស��៉ត �ណិជ�កម�តូច និងធំ����ល ១៥ និងបទ���ង����ល ៥០បទក��ង១���ំ។
អ�ក��ី �ស ��ីលីន គឺ�ជំនួយ�រផលិតករឯក�ជ����ល�នបទ ពិ�ធន៍�ង៦���ំក�ងវ�ស័យ�ពយន��តិ និងអន�រ�តិ។ ��ីលីន �នចូលរួម��ើ�រ�ើ�ឿង���តធំ��ល�នចំណង�ើង� “Comfortable Lost” ប���ប់មក�ឿង “���ប់����”។ អ�ក�ងក៏�នជួយដល់ គ���ងធំៗ របស់��ុមហ៊ុន និងបុគ�លល��ីៗដូច� Louis Vuitton ក��ង����ស កម����មួយ��ហូលីវូដ ��នជឺលី�ជូលី និង�ឿង « Kong: Skull Island »។
�ក អ៊�ន ទីតូ គឺ�អ�កដឹក�ំ�រ�ឿង�ផលិតកម�ហង���ស។
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& cl ening
nd e g a ay
Opening Session
បិទ ង ិ ន ក ើ ី � កម�វ�ធ �ព ម�� កម�វ�ធី�ើក
The opening session of the Film Festival will hold on 6 Novermber from 5:30 PM at Major Cineplex by Cellcard, 2nd floor Aeon Mall. The festival will screen the Tropest award winning short film, Colorful Knots by young Cambodia filmmaker, Ly Polen and other successful short films which later on produced into feature film. Moreover, short films produced by the Filmcamp Marathon and Filmcamp Trip and trailers of the film workshops and festival will be screened to the public. Lastly, the announcement of the winners of Filmcamp Marathon and Filmcamp Trip will also be held.
កម�វ�ធី�ើកម���ពនឹង����ឹត������ទី៦ ��វ�ច�ិ� ������ង៥និង៣០�ទី��ច ��ង �ពយន� ទំ�ើប�៉��ើ សុី��ផ�ិច �យ��ល�ត ផ��រទំ�ើបអ៊�អន �ន់ទី២ �យ�ន�រ�ក់ ប���ំង�ពយន�ខ�ីរបស់អ�កដឹក�ំវ័យ���ង លី ប៉ូ��ន �ឿង Colorful Knots ��លឈ�ះរ���ន់��ខ មួយ�ម���ព Tropfest �����ស�����សុី និង �ពយន�ខ�ី����ង�ៀត��ល���វ�នផលិត ��ពយន���តធំ ។ ���ពី��ះ ក៏�ន�រប���ំង និង���សអ�កឈ�ះ��កម�វ�ធីជំរ��ពយន� �����តុន
(Filmcamp Marathon) និងដំ�ើរកំ�ន�ថត�ពយន� (Filmcamp Trip) ��ល����កមួយ
Closing Session
របស់ម���ពផង��រ ។
The closing session of the Film Festival will hold on 8 November from 5:30 PM at Major Cineplex by Cellcard, 2nd floor Aeon Mall. The Festival will screen the seven nominated films of festival this year. The festival award and audience award for the best film and popular films of the 2015 Chaktomuk Short Film Festival will also announce. Finally, the festival will throw big concert of the famous DJs and R&B stars in Phnom Penh till late mid-night. This festival open freely for the public.
កម�វ�ធីបិទ កម�វ�ធីបិទនឹង����ឹត������ទី៨ ��វ�ច�ិ� ������ង៥និង៣០�ទី��ច ��ង�ពយន� ទំ�ើប �៉��ើ សុី��ផ�ិច �យ��ល�ត ផ��រទំ�ើបអ៊�អន �ន់ទី២ �យ�ន�រប���ំង�ពយន�ខ�ី��រ�ំង ៧�ឿង��ល�ន�ប់�វគ���ច់��័�� និង���សអ�កឈ�ះ�នរ���ន់ម���ព និង�នរ���ន់ ទស��និកជន ។ �ទីប��ប់ ម���ពនឹង�ន�រ��គំត���ីឌី��ពិ��សរហូតដល់�ក់ក���លអ����� �ើម��ី ជប់�ៀង និងអបអរ�ទរដល់អ�កឈ�ះ ។ កម�វ�ធី��ះចូលរួម�យ��រ� ។ ទី�ំងនឹងផ�ល់ដំណឹង ���ល�ប់ៗ��ះ ។
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od Camb
itio t e p om
The awards in the Cambodian Competition Category are The Festival Award and The Audience Award. The jury for the Festival Award comprises jury representative, Rithea Phichith and jury members Deependra Gauchan, Lyda Leak, Bunseng Chuor, Bou Panha, Sreylin Meas, and Inn Tito. And The Audience Award will be voted by audience attended the screening. This year, the 4th edition of Chaktomuk Short Film Festival received 37 Cambodian short films submissions and 22 films were selected for the official selection. In mid October, Chaktomuk Short Film Festival committee nominated 7 films from these 22 films. Only these 7 films will be voted by the jury to win the Festival Award and Audience Award. And 15 films will become the Cambodian Showcase.
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��ក ត ួ ក � � រ � ���រ ន យ ព � រ���ន់ក�ង�រ��កួត���ក�ពយន���រ�ន�នរ���ន់ម���ព និង�នរ���នទស��និក។ �����គ���នរ���ន់ ម���ព�នដូច� អ�កតំ�ង�����គគឺ�ក ភិជិត ឬ��� និង�����គដូច� �ក Deependra Gauchan, �ក�ៀក លី� �កជួ ប៊ុន��ង �កប៊ូ ប��� អ�ក��ី�ស ��ីលីន និង�ក អ៊�ន ទីតូ �ើយ�នរ���ន់ទស��និកជននឹង���វ�ះ���ត�យទស��និក��ល�ន�ចូលរួម�រទស���ក��ង�ង�ពយន�។ ���ំ��ះ ម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ីចតុមុខ ជំ�ន់ទី៤ ទទួល�ន�ពយន�ខ�ី��ររហូតដល់ ៣៧ �ឿង �ើយ�ពយន� ខ�ីចំនួន២២�ឿង ���វ�ន��ើស��ស�ើម��ីយក���កួតក��ងម���ព ។ ក��ង�ក់ក���ល��តុ� គណៈកម��រម���ព�នស���ំងយក�ពយន�ខ�ីចំនួន ៧ ក��ងចំ��ម ២២�ឿង។ �ន���ពយន�ខ�ី�ំង៧ ��ះ��ប៉ុ��ះ��ល���វ�ន�ះ���ត�យ�����គ�ើម��ីឈ�ះ�នរ���ន់ ម���ព និង �នរ���ន់អ�កទស��និកជន។ �ើយ�ពយន�ខ�ីចំនួន១៨���វ�នជ��ុះ ���យ������ពយន� ស���ប់�ក់ប���ំងវ�ញ។
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ted mina
់វគ���ច យន��ប
ះ ន េ ំ � � ក�ង
CHHUNLY POY, 3’, No dialogue
ប៉ូយ ឈុនលី, 3’, ���ន���សន��
There was an old city base in the mountain range, abandoned for many years. Drought plagues the nearby village. Since there is no water left in the river and no more food, eventually the people abandoned the village. A young boy called Vichey is talented, brave, and in tune with nature. He has a big black duck and they travel together...
ទី��ុង�ស់មួយស�ិត�ក��ងជួរភ�ំ��វ�ន�ះបង់�ល���ើន���ំមក�ើយ។ ���ះ�ំងស��ត�ន�ល�លមក ដល់ភូមិ����រ�ះ។ ទឹកទ���រ�ងស��ត �ើយ���ន��រ�ះ��។ ទីបំផុត ���ជនក៏�ន�ក��ញពីភូមិ�ះ �។ ���ង��ុស���ះវ�ជ័យ�ន��ព�សល�����ន និងរស់����ងជិតស�ិទ�មួយធម��តិ។ ���ង��ុស ��ះ�ន����ដ៏មួយ��លពួក����មក��មួយ���...
A beggar asks for money in the big city to help his grandmother. Unfortunately, a thief stole his money.
អ�កសុំ�ន���ក់សុំលុយក��ងទី��ុង�ើម��ីជួយដល់�យរបស់�ត់។ �អកុសល លុយ�ត់��វ�ន�រលួច។
SOPHY PICH, 8’, Khmer version with English subtitles
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���� សុភី, 8’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
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YI YUVEAKNEATH, 9’, Khmer version with English subtitles
យី យុវ�ថ, 9’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
A poor family earns income by selling the coals. One day the forest is completely destroyed. No more income, they borrow the money from others to support the family. One of the daughters needs to have a surgery but the family does not have the money to pay the doctor and no more food to eat. The eldest son decides to find a job in Thailand. He then becomes a fisherman in the sea, and never comes back. They sell their house, land and have nothing left…
����រ��ី��មួយរក���ក់មកពី�រលក់ធ���ង។ ���មួយ ����ើ�នអស់ ����រមិន�ចរក���ក់�ន ក៏ខ�ី��ក់ ពី���ើម��ីចិ��ឹម����រ។ កូន��ី��ក់��វវះ�ត់ ��ពួក����ន���ក់ស���ប់បង់�ះ��។ ចុង ប��ប់កូន��ុស ច��ងក៏ស���ចចិត���ើចំ�ក��ុក��ន់����ស��។ កូន��ុស�ះ���ើ�អ�ក���ទ�ឯសមុ�� ��មិន ��ល�ើញ��ឡប់មកវ�ញ�ះ��។ ពួក��លក់ផ�ះ លក់ដី និងអី�ៗ�ំងអស់...
Cambodian is corrupted by a type of virus called AXS‐13. Puthybot has found the cure to it but has to go through an even more complex problem, which is to find the testing subject, with lack of trusts and understandings from his surrounding fellows and loved ones. To reach his purpose, Bot has to sacrifice himself in a deep‐dark situation that can't be undone.
កម������វ�ន�លុក�យជម�ឺម���ង�� AXS-13។ �ក ពុទ�ីបុ���នរក�ើញ���ំព���ល ប៉ុ�� �នឆ�ង �ត់ប����ន់��ស�����ញ��ម�ៀត គឺ�រ���ងរកមនុស��មក��ើ��ស��កល��ង ។ �ើម��ីបន��មុខ�ន បុ��សុខចិត�លះបង់ខ�ន�ត់ ��ល��ើឲ���ត់ស�ិតក��ង���ន�ពដ៏��ងងឹតលំ�កលំបិន��លមិន�ច��ឡប់ ���យ�ន។
RYEMON VENG, 17’, Khmer version with English subtitles
- Page 22 -
��ង �ៀតុង, 17’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
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RIN SOKRETH, 10’, Khmer version with English subtitles A gangster raped a young female garments worker after she left her workplace alone at nighttime. Sakhana, the victim, did not tell anybody even her roommate or her mother about the incident until she got unwanted‐pregnant for two months…
CHAP SOMCHANRITH, 7’, Khmer version with English subtitles A mysterious man finds himself in the muddy monsoon in a village terrorized by a local gangster.
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រ�ន សុខរ�ទ�, 10’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស �ើង�ង���ក់�ន�ប់រ��ភ���ីកម��រ�នី�ត់��រ���ល�ង��ញពី��ើ�រ���លយប់។ សក�� ��ល� ជនរង���ះ�ះ មិន���ប់នរ����ក់អំពី��តុ�រណ៍�ះ�� សូម��ី��មិត�រួមបន�ប់ និង���យ�ង រហូតដល់ �ង�ន����ះ២��។
�ប �មច័ន�រ�ទ�, 7’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស បុរស�ថ៍កំ�ំង���ក់�ន��ើដំ�ើរឆ�ង�ត់ភូមិមួយ���មដំណក់ទឹក���ង ��លភូមិ�ះ���វ�ន�យ���រ �យ�ើង�ងក��ងភូមិមួយ��ុម។
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PHANITH NORM, 6’, Khmer version with English subtitles
Pich is a little earthworm. He is really adorable and cute but unluckily with difficult life. He goes to study at Butterfly School because he wants to fly. Pich is different from other students and he is a stock of classmate's laugh. This is the reason he is always sad when he studies at school…
����គឺ�ជ���នដ៏តូចមួយ។ �ត់��តគួរឲ�����ញ់�ស់ ��អភ័ព��យ�រ��ជីវ�តជួប�រលំ�ក។ �ត់ ��ៀន�����អំ� ���ះ�ត់ចង់��ះ�ះ។ ����ខុសពីសិស��ដ៏�� ��ល��ង����វ�ន���ើច ចំអក ��តុ��ះ�ើយ�ន��ត់��ង��មិនសប��យចិត���ល�ត់��ៀន។
Note: Only the audience in the theater can vote the film.
ប���ក់៖ �រ�ះ���ត�ំ���ពយន���រ��ល���វ��កួត��ះ �ច����ឹត���នស���ប់��អ�ក មកទស������ល់�ក��ង�ង�ពយន�ប៉ុ��ះ ។
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ណម �និត, 6’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
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���រ �ពយន �កួត ��កមិន�
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Chaktomuk Short Film Festival is pleased to present 15 films for the Cambodian showcases.
a Progr
ម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ីចតុមុខ�ន��ចក�ី�មនស��ក��ង�រប���ញ���� �ពយន���រចំនួន ១៥�ឿង ��ើស��ស�ក់ប���ំង�ម���ព។
កម�វ�ធី ៨៦ �ទី
86 mi
���� ��ង ប���, 28’, ��ភូ�និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
PANHA S. THENG, 28’, Burmese version with English subtitles
���យពីរត់��ញពីផ�ះ ����បន�ខិតខំយកក�ីសុបិន���រអប់រ� របស់ខ�ន�យ���យ��រពិត។
Being a run away from home, Mana continues to fight for her educational dreams.
SIN THUOKNA, 11’, Khmer version with English subtitles The mother sells vegetables at the Phnom SOMPOV (Sompov mountain) market, and the son is a student, he does not attend his class, but always join a group of gangsters, use drug and steals. The mother works so hard to support her son to go to school, but her son keeps on lying. One day she finds out the truth ….
CHHEANGMENG THAY, MALA THORN & RAVINICK MAK, 14’, Khmer version with English subtitles This is about a materialistic son who always wants more, and about a mother who always satisfies his demands. At the end he realizes materialism is not everything.
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សុិន ថុក�, 11’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស ���ី����យ�អ�កលក់ប����ផ��រភ�ំសំ� �ើយកូន��ុស�ត់�សិស����ល��ង����ច���ចូល �មួយ��ុម�ើង�ង ��ើ��ំ��ន និង���យ��រលួច។ ���យខិតខំ��ង���ំង�ើម��ីរកលុយឲ��កូន�ន ��ៀន ��កូន��ុសរបស់�ត់កុហក�ត់ រហូតដល់��មួយ���ល��ល�ត់ដឹង� កូន�ត់មិន�នចូល �ៀន �ើយ�ន���យ��រលួច�វ�ញ។
�� �ង�៉�ង, ថន ���� និង ម៉ក់ ���វ�និក, 14’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
កូន��ុស���ក់��ល�មនុស��ស���រៈនិយម��ង��ចង់�ន��ះចង់ �ន�ះ។ ���យមក កូន��ុស�ះ�ន���ក់រលឹក����យរបស់ ខ��ន��ង��ផ�ល់អ�ី��ប់��ងដល់រូប���យរ�ក�យ។ ទីប��ប់ កូន�ះក៏ដឹងខ��ន �ើយ�រ�ព����យរបស់ខ�ន� អ�ីៗ��ល �ត់�ន��ើ��ឿងខុស។ - Page 29 -
VUTHA KOAM, 5’, Khmer version with English subtitles
�ម វុ��, 5’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
Virak and Kimhong, each 20 years old, both live in Phnom Penh. They have been in a relationship for 2 years, constantly living under the pressure of their families and the society. They try to find out the solution to solve their problem.
CHEA VANNAROTH, 5’, Khmer version with English subtitles The man against the Khmer rouge soldiers when they try to kill him in the forest.
វ�រៈ និងគីមហុង �ន�យុ២០���ំដូច��� �ើយរស់�ក��ងទី��ុង ភ�ំ��ញ។ ពួក���សង��រនឹង���រយៈ��ល២���ំមក�ើយ ��ល ចំណង����របស់ពួក��រងស���ធពី���រ និងសង�ម។ ពួក�� ខិតខំ��ងរកដំ�ះ���យ�ើម��ី�ះ���យប�����ះ។
� វ���រ័ត�, 5’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម��� អង់��ស
បុរស���ក់តទល់់នឹង��ន���រ��ហម���ល�ត់��វ�នពួក ��ន�ះព���មស���ប់ក�ង���។
ឈុង អ៊ួង, 11’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
CHUNG UONG, 11’, Khmer version with English subtitles
��ះ��ពយន�ខ�ីមួយ��លនិ�យអំពី��កមួយ��ជីវ�ត ��ល�ៀប �ប់អំពី�រម�ណ៍របស់សិស�����ក់��ល���ើ�រ���ដំបូង ���យ ប��ប់�រសិក�� និងអនុស��វរ�យ៍�ល��ៀនរបស់ខ�ន។
This is a slice‐of‐life short film, describing the feelings of a recent graduate student who goes to work on his very first day, and misses his student life.
CHEV DOEURN, 7’, Khmer version with English subtitles One day, when Sreyroth's father was at a cafe, a man approached him and asked for a rented room. He recommended him to rent a room opposite his. Thouch warns Sreyroth to be careful with and watch for her new neighbor, One day, Sreyroth is raped. The film reveals issues happening in Cambodia's present society: rape and people who cannot be judged by their appearance.
SOPHEAK MOEURN, 5’, Khmer version with English subtitles Tonight is a special night for Malis's family as they discuss and share their love with their mother, although they know their father will complain because the usual rule is that no one can speak or do anything at night time. - Page 30 -
��វ �ឿន, 7’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស ���មួយ ��ល��ល���របស់��ីរ័ត�កំពុងអង��យក��ង�ង���� បុរស���ក់�ន�ើរសំ�មក�ន់�ត់ �ើយសួរ រកបន�ប់ជួល។ �ត់ក៏�ន���ប់អំពីបន�ប់�ទល់មុខ�ត់។ ធុច�ន���ប់ឲ����ីរ័ត���ុង��យ័ត��មួយនឹង បុរសថ�ី��លជួលបន�ប់�ះ។ ទីបំផុត ��ីរ័ត���វ�ន���ប់រ��ភ។ �ពយន��ះ�ន�ត���ងអំពីប��� ��លកំពុង�ើត�ើងក��ងសង�មកម���បច��ប��ន�។ ជន��ល�ច�ប់រ��ភ អ�កដ៏��មិន�ច�ើល��សម��ក��� �ន��។
�ឿន សុភ័��, 5’, �����រ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម��� អង់��ស
យប់��ះ�យប់ដ៏ពិ��សស���ប់���ររបស់ម�ិះ��លពួក��ពិ�ក�� ��� និង��ករ���កក�ី���ញ់��ន់���វ�ញ�មក ក៏ដូច�ក�ី សង��ឹមរបស់��យពួក�� �ើ�ះបី�ពួក��ដឹង�ឪពុករបស់ពួក�� នឹង�ើស�ល់ ។ - Page 31 -
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កម�វ�ធី ី ៧៥ �ទ
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KONG DALIN, 4’, Khmer version with English subtitles
គង់ �លីន, 4’, �����រនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម��� អង់��ស
A young girl finds a mysterious little diary in front of her house as she returns from school. The book is a magic diary, which can turn her wishes into reality. She gives it a try and it actually works. Without thinking carefully, she is wasting pages with luxury wishes.
���ង��ី��ក់�នរក�ើញ�ៀវ�កំណត់��តុដ៏�ថ៍កំ�ំងមួយ �ងមុខផ�ះ�ង��ល�ង��ឡប់មកពី�ៀនវ�ញ។ �ៀវ�កំណត់ ��តុ�ះសរ��រ���ៀវ���ទមន���ល�ច��ើ�យ�របន់ ��ន់��របស់�ង���យ��រពិត។ �ង�ន�កល��ង �ើយ� ពិត��ន��ទមន���ន។ �យមិន�នគិត��ង���យ �ង�ន ចំ�យអស់ទំព័រ���ង��ើន �ើម��ី�នរបស់របរ�ន់សម័យដូច� �បូប ����ក�ើង...
One day, the mother loves one shirt, which is selling in the market. She wants to buy it, but she cannot afford it. Her daughter, a university student and part time worker, knows her mother wants it. So she earns and saves the money to buy that shirt for her mother. Unfortunately, someone else already bought the shirt … What will she do?
���មួយ ���ី����យ�ន�ប់�រម�ណ៍�វមួយ��ល��លក់�ផ��រ ���ង���ំង ។ �ត់ចង់ទិញ ���ត់��នលុយ។ �ះ����ង�ក៏ �យ កូន��ីរបស់�ត់��ល�និស��ិត និងកំពុង��ើ�រ�����ង ដឹង��វមួយ���ល���យ�ងចង់�ន។ �ង�នខិតខំរក និង សន��ំ��ក់�ើម��ីទិញ�វ�ះស���ប់��យ�ង។ �អកុសល�ន អ�ក����ង�នទិញ�វ�ះ�ត់��ើយ ���ល�ង�ទិញ។ �ើ�ង��ើដូច���ច�?
NOUTH ROATHA, 7’, Khmer version with English subtitles
YORM DARA, 7’, Khmer version with English subtitles A young boy falls in love with a young lady who lives next to his village. He wants to buy her a gift but cannot afford it. He then steals a pair of shoes. The seller tries to arrest him, and dies in an accident. The young boy escapes to Thailand. He abandons his family for many years.
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នុត រ���, 7’, �����រនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
���ម ����, 7’, �����រនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម��� អង់��ស
យុវជនវ័យ���ង���ក់ �នលង់���ញ់�រ���ក់��ប់ភូមិ�ត់។ ���មួយ�ង��ត់ �ើយ���ប់�ឿងមួយ។ �ត់អន់ចិត���ង ���ំង�យ�រ�ត់ចង់ទិញរបស់ម���ង�យ�ង ���ត់��ន លុយ។ ���យមក�ត់ក៏�នលួច����ក�ើងមួយគូ។ អ�កលក់ �ម�ន់����ដន���ត់ក៏��ុល��ស���ប់អ�កលក់�ះ។ �ត់�ន �ក��ញ��ន់����ស���ល����រ�ត់អស់���ើន���ំ។ - Page 33 -
A poor family lives in a small house, the father works hard everyday for money to pay for his daily expenses and so that his daughter can go to school. He is a motor taxi driver. The daughter in contrast, feels ashamed to be seen with her father at her school. She doesn't appreciate what her father does…
����រ��ី��មួយរស់ក�ងផ�ះតូចមួយ។ បុរស�ឪពុកខិតខំ��ើ�រ ���ង���ំង��ៀង�ល់�� �ើម��ីរកលុយទប់ទល់នឹង�រចំ�យ និងឲ��កូន��ី�ត់��ៀន។ �ត់�អ�ករត់ម៉ូតូឌុប។ កូន��ីរបស់ �ត់��រ��ន�ព����ស់�យ�រ�នឪពុកដូច��ត់�វ�ញ។ �ងមិនសប��យចិត�នឹងអ�ី��លឪពុក�ង��ើ�ះ��។
VOUN BOREN, 9’, Khmer version with English subtitles
វុន បូរ�ន, 9’, �����រនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
SIN CHANTHA, 12’, Khmer version with English subtitles
សុិន ច���, 12’, �����រនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
A young girl celebrates her birthday with her friends at a karaoke. Her teacher who is an orphan asks her about her mother. Then he explains to her the meaning of a birthday and what are the merits of her mother…
HEAM CHETRA, 11’, Khmer version with English subtitles The university student Vuth has an existential confusion, he either likes a woman or a man. He is unofficially dating with his classmate, Pheary, while having a hard time figuring out who he really is. During the hard time, Vuth shared his concern to his classmate, Dara. Both side relationships develop from days to days. But when expectations fail to meet, the friendship and relationship are broken…
MEAS SOKUNAVORTH, 20’, Khmer version with English subtitles Marnh is an orphan boy, he lives his life in such poor conditions because of poverty however, he is a very smart person. Dy is his best friend that always encourages him to study. He is happy to see Marnh is successful in his life. Marnh has seven days left to study for the exam reserved to outstanding students, The exam day comes, Marnh is still afraid that he is not going to do well but … - Page 34 -
�រ�វ័យ���ង���ក់ ���រព�ពិធីបុណ��ខួបកំ�ើតរបស់ខ�ន�មួយមិត�ភក�ិ ក��ង�ង����អូ��។ ���របស់�ង��ល����ងកំ��ឪពុក���យ�នសួរ �ងអំពី��យរបស់�ង។ �ើយ�ត់ពន��ល់�ងអំពីនិយមន័យ���� ខួបកំ�ើត និងគុណរបស់��យ...
�ៀម ចិ��, 11’, �����រនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម��� អង់��ស
និស��ិត���ក់��ះវុធ �មនុស����ល�ន�ពស��គ���ញក��ងជីវ�ត។ �����ញ់�ំង��ុសនិង��ី។ �ត់កំពុងលួចប��ើតចំណង ���ហ៍�មួយមិត�រួម���ក់��ុសរបស់�ត់��ះ �រ� ��លកំពុង ����ងយល់ពីខ�នឯង��ើ�ត់�អ�ក��យពិត���កដ។ �ក��ង��ល���ដ៏លំ�ក�ះ វុធ�ន���ប់ពីកង�ល់ក�ងចិត�� �ន់មិត�រួម���ក់របស់�ត់��ះ����...
�ស សុគន��វ័ត�, 20’, �����រនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម��� អង់��ស
���ញគឺ����ងកំ����ក់។ �ត់�នជីវ�ព��ី��លំ�ក ���ត់� មនុស����ឹង�ៀន។ ឌីគឺ�មិត�ជិតស�ិទរបស់�ត់��ល��ង��ជួយ�ត់�ើ �រ�ៀនសូ��។ ���ញ�ន��ល�� ១ស���ហ៍ប៉ុ��ះស���ប់�រ��ៀម ��ឡងសិស��ពូ��។ �ត់ខិតខំអស់ពីក���ំង�យចិត�។ ���ល��ល��� ��ឡងមកដល់ ���ញ���ភ័យ���ច��ត់នឹង��ើមិន�នល� ប៉ុ��...
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� �ពយន ិ អន�រ�ត
This year, there is no competition for International category.
���ំេនះ ម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ីចតុមុខពំុ�ន�រ��កួតស���ប់��ក�ពយន�អន�រ�តិ�ះ�� ។
The 4th edition of Chaktomuk Short Film Festival has received 124 International short films submissions from 43 countries, and 25 films were officially selected.
ម���ព�នទទួល�ពយន�ចំនួន១២៤�ឿង មកពី៤៣����ស��ល�នចុះ���ះ �លទ�ផល �ើង��ើស��ស�ពយន�ចំនួន២៥�ឿងស���ប់�ក់ប���ំង�ក��ង���ំ��ះ ។
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� �ពយន ិ អន�រ�ត
Chaktomuk Short Film Festival is pleased to present 25 films for the International Showcases.
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91 m
Auntie maam has never had a passport
ម���ព�ពយន�ខ�ីចតុមុខ�ន��ចក�ី�មនស��ក��ង�រប���ញ���� �ពយនអន�រ�តិចំនួន ២៥�ឿង ��ើស��ស�ក់ប���ំង�ម���ព។
កម�វ�ធី ៩១ �ទី
DAO INDIE មីង���មមិន��ល�នលិខិតឆ�ង��ន��
THAILAND, SORAYOS PRAPAPAN, 14’, Thai version with English subtitles
��, SORAYOS PRAPAPAN, 14’, ����និង�នអក��ររត់ពី ���ម���អង់��ស
Auntie Maam is a foot masseuse. She is also a freelance actress in Thai independent films. One day, one of the films she played in is chosen to be presented at a film festival in Europe. The film director asks her to join the trip to the festival but Auntie Maam never had a passport before. She consults Kaen, her nephew on how to get one.
មីង���ម�អ�ក���ស���ើង���ក់។ �ត់ក៏�តួស���ងឯក�ជ��ក��ង �ពយន���តតូចផង��រ។ ���មួយ �ពយន���ល�ត់�នស���ង �ន�ប់ក�ងម���ព�ពយន�ក�ងទ�ីបអ៊�រ�ុប។ អ�កដឹក�ំ�ឿង�ន អ��ើញ�ត់�ចូលរួម�ទី�ះ ��មីង���ម���នលិខិតឆ�ង��ន ��។ �ត់�ន���ឹក���មួយ��ន ��ល�ក��យ��ុសរបស់�ត់ អំពីរ�ៀប��ើលិខិតឆ�ង��ន។
Being a Mom
VIETNAM, TRAN LAM PHUOC TAI, 5’, Vietnamese version with English subtitles
�ៀត�ម, TRAN LAM PHUOC TAI, 5’, ���ៀត�ម
Mom is the greatest job ever!
��ើ����យ��រ�រដ៏ល�បំផុត ។
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LAOS, XAISONGKHAM INDUANGCHANTHY, 17’, Lao and English version with English subtitles
�វ, XAISONGKHAM INDUANGCHANTHY, 17’, ���វ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
When his estranged father visited Laos and lost contact with the family, Jeff travels to the country to search for him. Upon his arrival, Jeff is followed by a local taxi driver whom he thinks tries to rip him off. However, he later assists looking for his father. In a remote village, Jeff finds his father living with a young girl. Unable to convince his father to leave the village, he must now confront him about his secret life in Laos.
KASAMA Inhabiter PHILIPPINE, DANIEL PALACIO, 23’, Filipino version with English subtitles Angco, a young man from the province is tasked by his Auntie to look after her house when the family goes on a vacation. But on his second night at the house, Angco realizes something is not right. He starts experiencing paranormal activities, As Angco experiences ghastly happenings, it becomes clear to him. His Auntie intentionally left him there, to cast out the spirits…
ឪពុក�ត់�ន���ង����ស�វ �ើយមិន��ល�ក់ទង�មួយ ����រ�ះ ។ Jeff �ន��ើដំ�ើរ��ន់����ស�ះ �ើម��ី��ង រក�ត់។ ��ល�ត់�ដល់ Jeff ���វ�នអ�ក�ើកបរ�ក់សុី��ក់ �ម��ល�ត់គិត��មសុីលុយ�ត់ ���យមក��រ�ជួយ Jeff ��រ។ ក��ងភូមិ�ច់����លមួយ Jeff �ន�ើញឪពុក របស់ខ�ន� �មួយ��ី��ង���ក់។ �យមិន�ចលួង�ម�យឪពុក�ត់ ��ញពីភូមិ�ន�ត់��វរស់���ឈមនឹងជិវ�តដ៏�ថ៍កំ�ំងក��ង ����ស�វ។
ហ�ីលីពីន, DANIEL PALACIO, 23’, ��ហ�ីលីពីននិង�ន
�ំងកូ គឺ�យុវជនវ័យ���ង���ក់មកពី��ត���លទទួលបន��កពីមីង �យ�ើល��ផ�ះ��ល����រ�ត់��ញ�ដំ�ើរកំ�ន�លំ��។ �យប់ទី២ �ំងកូ�ប់�រម�ណ៍��នអ�ីមួយមិន��ួល�ើត�ើង។ �ឿង��លគួរឪ�����ច�ប់��ើម�ើត�ើង �ើយអ�ីៗ�ើល��ក់ដូច �មិនធម���ះ។ ���យមក�ើប�ំងកូយល់ច��ស់� មីងរបស់ ខ��ន�ន��ញ������ុក �ើម��ីឲ��ខ��ន�ចកំ�ត់ដួង��លឹង�ះ �ន...
MALAYSIA, EDEN WAN, 10’, Mandarin version with English subtitles
�����សុី, EDEN WAN, 10’, ��ចិននិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម ���អង់��ស
A librarian struggles between helping or betraying a domestic violent victim.
THAILAND, SOPHON SHIMJINDA, 21, Thai version with English subtitles Cherry is a disabled male to female transgender working to support herself in Pattaya, Thailand. Financially, she can live her life just fine, but she is longing for the love of a man. Yet, she can buy herself physical satisfaction at a bar. In spite of everything, what she longs for the most is the love from her parents. - Page 40 -
អ�ក��ើ�រក��ងប���ល័យ���ក់�ន�រលំ�ក�យមិនដឹង� �ើ ���វជួយស���ះ ឬមិនជួយជនរង���ះ�យអំ�ើហិង��ក��ង����រ ។
��, SOPHON SHIMJINDA, 21, ����និង�នអក��ររត់ពី ���ម���អង់��ស
�ើរ�គឺ�មនុស����ទទីបី និងពិ�រ���ក់��ល��ើ�រក��ងទី��ុង���ត់ ���� ក��ង����ស���ើម��ីចិ��ឹមជីវ�ត។ �ង�នលុយ�ក់�យ ��ប់��ន់ ���ងចង់�ន�រ���ញ់��ក់ថ�មពិត���កដពីបុរស ���ក់ �ើ�ះ ��ង�ចទិញយក�រសប��យពីក�ង�រមក�នក៏ �យ។ ��ើន�ងអ�ីៗ�ំងអស់ �ងចង់�ន�រ���ញ់ពី��យ និងឪពុក�ង�វ�ញ��។ - Page 41 -
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កម�វ�ធី ៩១ �ទី
អ៊�រ�ង់, AMIRMASOUD SOHEILI, 18’, �����ក��និង �ន
Blue Eyed Boy IRAN, AMIRMASOUD SOHEILI, 18’, Persian version with English subtitles
���ង��ុស���ក់ �នជម�ឺ��ក�ើលពណ៌មិន����តី��ើ�យ���យ ឪពុក���នក�ី����ស់��ង���ំង���លពួក����ើ�រក��ងភូមិម�ងៗ ។ ដូច��ះ ឪពុក���យរបស់���ន�ើររក�����ទ�� ������ទ��មិន�ច ជួយ�ន ដូច��ះពួក��ក៏�ំ���ព���ល�មួយ Shaman វ�ញ។
A boy with unusual color blindness causes his parents shame when he accidentally kills some village livestock, His parents seek medical treatment for the boy, and when hospital doctors cannot help, they take him to a local Shaman for a remedy.
SYRIA, WASEEM AL‐SAYED, 14’, Arabic version with English subtitles Inner worlds of a photographer and his personal crises interact with state of a country in exceptional circumstances. A structure that suggests multiple levels of reading and meditation.
ញញឹម អ�កកំពុង����ប់
សុីរ�, WASEEM AL‐SAYED, 14’, �������បន ់ ិង�នអក��ររត់ ពី��ម���អង់��ស
ពិភព���ល់ខ�នរបស់អ�កថតរូប���ក់និងប�����ល់ខ�នរបស់�ត់��ើ�រ ទំ�ក់ទំនង�មួយនឹង���ន�ព����សក��ង�លៈ��សៈពិ��សមួយ ចំនួន។ ��រច�បថមួយ��លប���ញពី�រ�ន និង�រស�ធិ� ��ើនក��ិត ។
Autumn Leaves IRAN, SAMAN HOSSEINPRUO, 4’, No dialogue
អ៊�រ�ង់, SAMAN HOSSEINPRUO, 4’, ���ន���សន��
Autumn Leaves is about little girl who is going to school, one day, an event takes place.
SOUTH KOREA, NASH ANG, 14’, Korean version with English subtitles The film is about a young couple caught in debts, that decides to search for a new and much cheaper home in Seoul, but what they find instead is an imprint of terror concealed within the very city they live in. - Page 42 -
កូ���ងត���ង, NASH ANG, 14’, ���កូ�ន � ិង�នអក��ររត់ពី ���ម���អង់��ស
គូ��ហ៍វ័យ���ងមួយគូ ��លជំ�ក់បំណ�ល�� ស���ចចិត���ងរកទី លំ�ថ�ី ��ល�ក�ងមុនក��ងទី��ុង��អ៊ូល ប៉ុ��អ�ី��លពួក���ន រក�ើញ គឺ�ពភ័យ���ច��ប់ក���ងក��ងទី��ុង��លពួក��រស់�។ - Page 43 -
SOUTH KOREA, FOREST IAN ETSLER, 20’, Korean, French and English version with English subtitles
កូ���ងត���ង, FOREST IAN ETSLER, 20’, ���កូ�� ��ំង និងអង់��សនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
Shenanigans occur in an apartment shared by two Korean women as one of them brings home a man that she picked up in a club and two thieves invade the place. Meanwhile, a fan oscillates and observes.
TAIWAN, LIEN CHIEN HUNG, 25’, Taiwanese version with English subtitles Three teenagers set a beauty trap for a man but failed. They thought they accidentally killed the man! Therefore they decided to abscond to Thailand. Youth is just like a drizzle. When you look back on those days, there was nothing but some ambiguous puzzles...
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USA, CHRISTIAN FILIPPONE, 17’, English version with English subtitles Young and ambivalent about her impending marriage, Lauren finds herself lost in the countryside. She offers a ride for directions to a stranded older farmer, whose perspective on commitment contrasts with her personal aspirations.
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ក��ងផ�ះជួលមួយរស់��យជន�តិកូ��២�ក់ ��ល���ី��ក់�ន�ំ មិត���ុស��ពីក�ឹប���ីមកផ�ះ �ើយខណៈ�ះ�រពីរ�ក់�នចូល មកក��ងផ�ះ�ះ��រ។ ក����នវ�លបក់វ�លចុះ�ើង និង�ើញ�ឿង���វ ��ប់��ប���ង ។
����ន់, LIEN CHIEN HUNG, 25’, ������នន ់ ិង�នអក��ររត់ពី ���ម���អង់��ស
មនុស��វ័យជំទង់បី�ក់�ន�ក់អ���ក់��ហ៍�ើបុរស���ក់��ប�ជ័យ។ ពួក��គិត��នស���ប់បុរស�ះ��ើយ។ ដូ��ះ ពួក��ស���ច ចិត�រត់��ច�����ស��។ �ព�យុវវ័យ��ៀបបីដូច����ងរលឹម ដូ��ះ��រ ���ល��លអ�កសម�ឹង��ឡប់�រកអតីត�ល�ះវ�ញ ���នអ�ី��ងមហិច��ចង់�នមិន��ះចប់�ះ��។
កម�វ�ធី ទី ១០២ �
៣ វ���ង
សហរដ����រ�ច, CHRISTIAN FILIPPONE, 17’, �� អង់��សនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
ក��ង�ពវ័យ���ង និងមិនចង់�ៀប�រ�ះ Lauren �ន��ញ�រស់ ��មទីជនបទ។ �ង�ន�យកសិករ�ស់ៗជួយប���ញផ��វ ��ល�រយល់�ើញ និង�រ�����របស់ពួក�ត់ផ�យ��ឡះពី�រ គិតរបស់�ង។
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SWITERZLAND/SPAIN, ELENA LÓPEZ RIERA, 27’, SPANISH version with English subtitles After some time passed in exile, Rafa returns to his village confronting with everything he left in the past. Immersed on the phantasmagorical atmospheres of the holy thursday, Rafa and his childhood friend, Lucas, will set out an escape through the end of a night marked by the religious ritual of the holy week.
ស�ីស / ��ស��ញ, ELENA LÓPEZ RIERA, 27’, ����ស���ញ និង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
���យពី�រស់���ុក����ង���ងយូរ �������ឡប់��ន់ភូមិ របស់ខ�នវ�ញ �ើយ���វ��ឈមនឹងអតីត�ល��លខ��ន�នបន��ល់។ ក��ងបរ���សដ៏អ���រ��������ហស��ត���ល����សីល៍ �����និង មិត�ភក�ិ�ំងពីវ័យកុ�រ (លូ�ស) នឹង�ៀបចំគ���ង��ច��ញពី យប់��សីល៍�ះ។
ARGENTINA, MARTÍN MORGENFELD, SEBASTIÁN SCHJAER, 16’, Spanish version with English subtitles
�ហ��ង់ទីន, MARTÍN MORGENFELD, SEBASTIÁN SCHJAER, 16’, ����ស���ញនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
After several months of absence and without a clear motivation, an adolescent suddenly reappears in a hospital to meet up again with the mother of his newly born daughter.
ប៉ុ��ន����យពីអវត��ន និង�រ���ន�ល�ច��ស់�ស់ មនុស�� ជំទង់��ក់�ន��ឡប់��ន់មន�ីរ��ទ���ើម��ី�ជួប��ពន� និងកូន �ើបនឹង�ើតរបស់�ត់។
SajakThor is a polarized and often times violent man, he engages in the political scene that has remained challenging in Cambodia ever since the country's nation‐wild elections on July 28, 2013. This video depicts the Apsara dancer as peacemaker, delivering a message to the people of Cambodia, at a time of post-conflict election.
សច�ៈធម៌��ើ�រផ��រ���ប់�មួយនឹងអំ�ើហិង��ន��យ��ល��� �ឧបសគ�ក�ង����សកម����ប់�ំងពី�រ�ះ���តកន�ង�ក��ង���ំ ២០១៣។ �ពយន���ះនិ�យអំពីអ�ករ�ំអប������ក់��ល�ើរតួ� អ�ករក��សន�ិ�ព �ំ�រ��ន់���ជន���រ�អំឡ�ង��លជ���ះ ���យ�រ�ះ���តរួច។
USA, CHRIS ROGY, 7’, No dialogue
សហរដ����រ�ច, CHRIS ROGY, 7’, ���ន���សន��
Cool Off! FRANCE, EMMANUEL LASKAR, 24’, French version with English subtitles
Maxime is a romantic painter. His wife Suzanne has recently left him, and still lives in their house in Provence with her new lover. Maxime can't move on, obsessed with her. His first exhibition is fast approaching... - Page 46 -
��ំង, EMMANUEL LASKAR, 24’, �����ំងនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី ���ក់សុីមឹ�អ�កគំនូរដ៏រ�ូ��ទិក។ ស៊ូហ��ននឹ��ល���ពន�របស់�ត់�ើបនឹង ចុះ�ល�ត់ �ើយ���រស់��មួយសង��រថ�ី�ត់�ឯ��ត�។ ���ក់សុី មឹមិន�ចបំ��ច�ង�ន��។ �រប���ញ��ើកដំបូងរបស់�ត់�ន�ើត �ើង���ងរហ័ស... - Page 47 -
FRANCE, ROMANE CLAUDETTE CATHERINE PETIOT, 8’, Khmer version with English subtitles
8’, �����រនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
A film documentary about what is the Cambodian Shadow Puppet.
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��ំង, ROMANE CLAUDETTE CATHERINE PETIOT, �ពយន�ឯក�រនិ�យអំពីនិយមន័យ�យ៉ង����ល របស់��រ។
កម�វ�ធី ី ១០៨ �ទ
���ល១៣ វគ�២
FRANCE, GODEFROY RYCKEWAERT, 17’, French version with English subtitles
��ំង, GODEFROY RYCKEWAERT, 17’, ����ំងនិង ���ង�សុី��ក់��យ�ជនអ����លមកដល់ arrondissement ទី១៣ក��ងទី��ុង���រ�ស។ �ត់មិនសូវ��ះនិ�យ��ើន ប៉ុ����ង ��ជួយដល់ជន��ី�� និងជួយអ�ក���ល���វ�រ���ត់។ មនុស�����ើន�ត់ទុក�ត់�វ�រៈបុរស ���ត់ខុសចិត���ក់ មុខ��ថ៍កំ�ំងវ�ញ។
SHADOW is a young Asian who becomes homeless shortly after he arrived in France in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. He does not speak French but acts in defending its values and people who are in need. People will consider him a Super Hero, but prefers to remain in the shadows. `
FRANCE, GABRIEL GALAND, 11’, French version with English subtitles
In the end of the 19th Century, an isolated aristocrat becomes convinced that the house and grounds are haunted.
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��ំង, GABRIEL GALAND, 11’, ����ំងនិង�នអក��ររត់ពី �ចុងសតវត��ទី១៩ អភិជនរស់��ច់����ល���ក់�នរក�ើញ� ផ�ះ និងដី��ល�ត់រស់��ន���ច�។
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An Angry Man
DENMARK, JANNIK DAHL PEDERSEN, 20’, Danish version with English subtitles
�����ត់ស���ង�ើកទឹកចិត�ដល់ខ�នឯងមួយ�ន�ំ Lars ��ល �មនុស��មិន�ន�ពឯក�ជ����ើដំ�ើរ�ើរ��ងមួយ�មួយនឹង ឪពុករបស់��។ពួក���ំងពីរមិនជិតស�ិទ�នឹង����� �ំងពីដំបូង មក �ពិ��ស���យ��ល��លពួក���នជួប���ី��ំង២រូប។ �����ត់ស���ង��ះ�ន��ើឲ�� Lars វ���ងផ��វ ប៉ុ���ើ���ច��ប់ ��ងដំ�ើរជីវ�តរបស់���យវ�ធី� ���ល��ល��� មនុស����លអ�កដ����ង��ជិះ�ន់?
A self‐help tape leads the spineless Lars out on a road trip with his father. Their relationship has always been strained, and it does not get better as they are confronted with both strong women, a self‐proclaimed guru and their repressed past along the way. The tape leads Lars astray, but how does one take the wheel on life's inscrutable roads when he’s usually the one being run over?
The Ride
GERMANY, WERNER BOHNEN, 8’, German version with English subtitles A lone hitchhiker gets a ride with a lost driver and as the night runs out it becomes clear that only of them will survive it.
�ល�ឺម៉ង់, WERNER BOHNEN, 8’, ���ល�ឺម៉ង់និង�ន អក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
អ�កសុំរួមដំ�ើរ���ក់�ើងជិះរថយន��មួយអ�ក�ើកបរ��លកំពុង វ���ងផ��វ �ើយ��លយប់មកដល់ �ន��ពួក��២�ក់ប៉ុ��ះ ��លនឹងឆ�ងផុតឧបសគ���ះ។
New Neighbors, Old Fights
�៉�រូ, ALEX FISCHMAN, 15’, ����ស���ញនិង�ន អក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
PERU, ALEX FISCHMAN, 15’, Spanish version with English subtitles
A lonely old man's life is turned upside down when a pain‐in‐the‐ass neighbor moves next door.
Never ITALY, GIULIO POIDOMANI, 20’, Italian version with English subtitles Claudia travels to a small town in Sicily to get back together with her ex‐girlfriend, Anna. She is not interested anymore and abandons Claudia in a town she doesn't know. Wandering around the town, Claudia meets Sandro, who questions all her beliefs. Sandro brings Claudia into a personal journey towards the acceptance and respect of herself. - Page 50 -
ជីវ�តរបស់បុរសចំ�ស់ដ៏ឯ����ក់ ��រ����ប់�ក់ ���យ��ល�នមនុស��ដ៏គួរឲ��រ��ន���ក់ចូលមករស់�ជិត ផ�ះ�ត់។
អ៊��លី, GIULIO POIDOMANI, 20’, ��អ៊��លីនិង�ន អក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
���វ�ៀ��ើដំ�ើរ��ន់ទី��ុងតូចមួយ� Sicily �ើម��ីផ��ះផ��រ នឹង��ន���ល�សង��រ�ស់របស់�ង។ �ងមិន�ប់ �រម�ណ៍នឹង���វ�ៀ�ៀត�� �ើយ�ន�ក�ល�ងក��ងទី��ុង ��ល���វ�ៀមិន���ល់។ �ងវ���ងក��ង��ុង ���មមកក៏ជួប�ន់ �����លសួរ�ងពីជំ�ឿរបស់�ង។ �ន់���ន�យ���វ�ៀរួម ដំ�ើរ �យ�រទទួល���ល់ និង�រ�រពដឹងគុណពី�ង។ - Page 51 -
UNE TASSE DE CAFÉ A coffee cup
FRANCE, ARNAUD CLARY, 15’, French version with English subtitles Romain Bondurant, a junior insurance company worker wakes up late for work and rushes to get ready. In his haste, he fails to notice he is being burgled by a gang of organised thieves. On his way to the office, Romain spills coffee on himself and decides to head home to change. "A coffee cup" is an offbeat gothic thriller which treads a fine line between tension and humor.
��ំង, ARNAUD CLARY, 15’, ����ំងនិង�ន អក��ររត់ពី��ម���អង់��ស
Romain Bondurant �បុគ�លិក��ុមហ៊ុន�����ប់រ�ង��ល �ើបពី��ងយឺត���ើ�រ �ើយ��ញ�ិប����ល់��ើ��ង� �យ�ន់��ង។ �យ����ប់��ក �ត់មិន�នដឹង�ផ�ះ �ត់��វ�ន�រ�ស់ចូល�ះ�ើយ។ ��មផ��វ���ើ�រ Romain ��ើ�យកំពប់�����ើខ�នរបស់�ត់ �ើយ�ន ស���ចចិត�បក�ផ�ះវ�ញ�ើម��ី��ស់ប�រស���កបំ�ក់។ “����មួយ��ង” �ះគឺរបស់ម���ង��ល�ំឲ���ន�ឿងល� រ�ង�ព�នតឹង និង�ពសប��យរ�ក�យ។
��ីរបស់ �ខ�ីចតុមុខ �រ��គំត �ពយន ព � � ilm ម� hort F kS tomu cert Chak n val Co Festi
ប���ប់ពីកម�វ�ធីបិទម���ព នឹង�ន�រ��គំត���ីដ៏ពិ��សមួយ �យសហ�រណ៍�មួយផលិតកម� KlapYahandz �យ�ន�រចូលរួមពី��ុមត���ី និងអ�កច��ៀងពិ��សៗ ។ ទី�ំងនឹងផ�ល់ដំណឹង� ��ល�ប់ៗ��ះ ។ After the closing night, CSFF in partnership with KlapYaHandz, will offer a special concert to the public. The location will be confirmed soon.
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CAM 1: Cambodian Showcase Program 1 INT 1: International Showcase Program 1 * : Guest attendance (Q&A) Major Cineplex by Cellcard: 2nd Floor Aeon Mall Phnom Penh French Institute: 218 rue 184 – BP 827 – Phnom Penh
Major Cineplex by Cellcard
CAM 1 (86min)
INT 4 (108min)
INT 4 (108min)
Nominated (60min)
Nominated (60min)
INT 2 (96min)
CAM 2 (75min)
INT 1 (110min)*
CAM 1 (86min)
CONCERT (The location will be confirmed later) - Page 54 -
SajakThor Stray PUEBLO The Broken Past Calme Ta Joie Shadow Puppet
Blue Eyed Boy Smile, You're Dying Autumn Leaves Poor House One-Minded It's Drizzling
France France France Denmark Germany Peru Italy
Shadow of 13 part 2 Horla Une tasse de café An Angry Man The Ride New Neighbors, Old Fights Never
108 minutes
USA USA SWITERZLAND Argentina France France
102 minutes
INT 3 (102min)
Nominated (60min)
Iran Syria Iran South Korea South Korea Taiwan
November 8 9:30am
Auntie Maam Has Never Had a Passport Being a Mom * Those Below Inhabiter A Day in The Library Inside of Me *
Magic Diary Shirt Shoes Switch Birthday Stranger Again Marnh
96 minutes
Thailand Vietnam Laos Philippines Malaysia Thailand
91 minutes
CAM 2 (75min)
�ពយន���រ ��ើស��សផ��វ�រ
75 minutes
November 7
Mana Whose Fault Maemory the SIX Colors New Day Classmates Room Sharing Dream Tonight
86 minutes
�ពយន���រ ��ើស��សផ��វ�រ
Revive Butterfly School Distance Last Choice AXS 13 Spool A Fistful of Pebbles
French Institute
November 6 5:30pm
in n e e r Sc
60 minutes
�ំង កម�វ�ធីប� am Progr
- Page 57 -
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Translated by DiYa Translation
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