3 minute read
from Paglayag Volume 2 Issue 1


St li s
By: Federick P. Abad
Complete self-con�idence, absolute teamwork and awareness, the power boosted Mariano Marcos State
University (MMSU) Stallions mercilessly bombarded a tough customer, the
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State
University (DMMSU) Stingers, clipping its wings and sending them straight to the cloud nine, displaying spectacular offense and defense mechanism during the breathtaking State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA) Region 1 Beach Volleyball Women’s Championship Game at the jam packed Lingayen Pangasinan Beach, November 24. The twice to beat advantage of the Stallions was the ace behind the sleeve after losing the 1st round of the Championship game. The trump card was then used as a golden opportunity to snatch the victory out of fangs. Packed with astonishing dexterity, the Stingers bravado Maria Angela Mirador tucks her feet to the ground showing superiority inside the beach court making the Stallions duo alarmed at the start of the opening
vo. Under the scorching heat of the sun, Stinger's sister duo Mirador and Ma Angela Cariaso started pummeling the Stallions during the course of the �irst set. Zharamine Espiritu was able to bring some of the tricky placings of the opposing team. Also with the help of her partner Jamaica Quiaoit, they were able to keep up with the Stingers tempo. Eventually, the fast and furious Stingers nailed the Stallions to 14. With the swarming defense and powerful serve and attacks, the Stinger grabbed the remaining points to their favor, ending the �irst set with a score of 21-14. Stallions was able to keep up the momentum of the gritty Stingers during the second set. After receiving blow by blow attacks, the Stallions succumbed in the long run. The perseverance of the Stingers to win made them capture the �irst round leaving the Stallions in a �ight or �light response, 21-11. Despite dropping their twice to beat advantage in the �irst match, the Stallions regained their responsiveness making them stand up to their feet and give one more �ight for the last chance. Players from both teams shifted their playing style as the sun started to set in making the beach court cold and windy. Averting their gaze to the main target, the tides started to shift to the side of the vicious Stallions. Resolute �loor defense was seen in Stallions gameplay during the midst of the second match �irst set. The Stallions pinned Cariaso of the Stingers down by making her receive most of the service and attacks, making them tilt their gameplay. As a counter blow, they used this weakness to their advantage. The Stallions started to wreak havoc unleashing anchoring packages of bomb like spikes fueled with their determination. The Stingers tried to catch up by returning some favors but the gap was too big and they were already worn out. In the end, Stingers had a rocky road coping up with the Stallions strategy. The continuous shift of the wind also came in as a part of their defeat as they had a hard time adapting the environment. On the other hand, the Stallions emerged victorious making a 21-14 on the �irst set and a 21-11 on the second set during the second match. The superb skills of the Stallions chained the wings and clipped the tail of their enemy. The Stallion supporters yelled in excitement as the Beach Volleyball Women’s Championship Game ended with their team taking the gold title.