Arroyo Key Club April 2021 Newsletter

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Key Club International | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Region 13 | Division 35 West


Hey Everyone! My name is Kayla Liu and I will be happily serving as your president for the 2021-2022 term! While future plans are still unclear due to our murky situation and us wanting to put everyone's health and safety first, there are still many things in store for the future to make your key experience a great one! My number one goal is to create a space where you want to be and are happy spending your valuable time with us! I hope to create long-lasting friendships and create opportunities, opening doors for everyone! The month of April has come to a close and May is beginning, signaling that our school year is coming to a close. While our time is coming to an end momentarily, I

want to thank and appreciate everyone who has put in tireless hours still making an effort to participate in events and volunteering during these times! I hope to see you someday in person! Stay safe, crawl your way to survive through exam season, and meet us on the other side! :)

Hey Seals! My name is Catherine Nguyen and I will be serving as your 2021-2022 tech editor for Arroyo Key Club. My name might look familiar because I have served as your tech editor a year ago and most recently as your lieutenant governor last term. Although you will no longer will see me hosting DCMs and events on division level, look forward to my newsletter issues :) I am excited to see what is in store for this upcoming term. After unexpectedly adapting to serving our community in quarantine, things are finally starting to look up for a possible year in real life. Although I don’t know what the future holds and the road looks bumpy, I am confident that Kayla Liu (our president) will do an amazing job in leading this club.

The month of April is pretty exciting. We were able to host District Convention, online. In addition, we finally said our goodbyes to the 2020-2021 board as the 2021-2022 board was finally installed. Lastly, it’s important to remember that we are still in a pandemic. Yes, vaccines are coming out, but that does not mean to stop habits such as wearing a mask or washing your hands regularly. The more that we practice these habits as more of the population is getting vaccinated, the faster we get out of this pandemic meaning back to real life volunteer events. So let’s start the off the term strong shall we?

hi everyone! my name is kayla liu and I will be proudly serving as your president for Arroyo key club for the 2021-2022 term! this past year and the next will be very unpredictable as we continue on in the year and transition and adjust, but I can promise you that I will do my very best in order to make everyone’s key club experience a good one!! As we navigate our way through the new year, I hope to cultivate and create an environment where people feel comfortable and have a safe space! Please always feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or to become friends!! :)) I love binging old disney shows, going out to try new things and just talking to people, so i’m always up for a conversation! I can’t wait for the new year to start and for all of us to be a part of your key journey and hopefully make it one to count! :)

Hey Seals!!! My name is Miaoyu Cai and I will be serving as your next VP of records for the 2021-2022 term. First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who voted for me even though I’m the only person who ran for that position xD! My job as the VP of records is to input all of your volunteer hours into the mass spreadsheet that Key Club has. In addition to recording all of your hours, I also have to fill out the service record on the MRF (Monthly Report Form), where I fill out all of the events that happen in that month and everyone’s hour for that specific event. I’m super grateful to be a part of this amazing club, and I’m looking forward to working with other officers on the board and with all of my fellow seals. Please don’t feel afraid to reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns! :))

hello everyone! my name is jacqueline vo, and i’ll be serving as your VP at large for the 2021-2022 term! Although this term was a little different than usual, we hope to make the next a successful and more memorable one. Moreover, if there are any suggestions Moreover, if there are any suggestions or concerns that should be brought up at any time, let us know! Don’t feel hesitant to reach out- we want to ensure your experience in key club is a superb one ;) let’s look forward to the new term!

Hi everyone! My name is Jenibelle and I am one of your Vice President of Communications! I am SO excited to bond with all of you and I’m looking forward to making your experience in Key Club memorable! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you just wanna talk hehe I’m always down for new friends!

HIII EVERYONE my name is Lynna! I will be serving as your Vice President of Communications for the 2021-2022 term which basically means that I’ll be the one creating forms for upcoming events, helping to find events , etc. I love spending time with my loved ones and going grocery shopping! Can’t wait to have a great year and become besties with everyone!!

Hi my name is Alyssa Chen and I will be serving as your treasurer for the 2021-2022 term. I’m excited to see what this term has in store for us.

hi sealies! i’m catherine soukaphay and i am serving as your key club secretary for your 2021-2022 term! i’m so happy that i am able to serve everyone and I hope to get to know y’all better! p.s. if y’all lookin for a new friend hmu :D

hi there! my name is jacqueline, and i will be one of your historians for the ‘21-22 school year. As a historian, i hope to capture great memories for the upcoming year. Excited to be part of the key club cabinet! :D

Hiii seals!!!! My name is Jenny Chen and I am so honored to be serving as your historian for the next term. During that time, I hope to really make these moments ones you’ll never forget! I will try to put forth my best so that you experience the best. I definitely want you to really want you to really have the time of your life and get to see what Key Club is all about, whether it be in person or virtual. Just don’t mind me snapping some pics of you at your wildest as you’re experiencing that hehe. I look forward to all of us making a difference in serving the community while also having fun doing so! Of course, if you ever have anything you want to talk about please don’t hesitate in letting me know, whether that be an event that you really want or just to rant you know?? With that, let’s splash into the new term and make it another memorable year ❤

Hey Seals! My name is Catherine Nguyen and I will be serving as your tech editor for the 2021-2022 term. My goals as tech editor is to be able to bring out more graphics about Key Club as well to keep you updated through the newsletter each month. I hope to educate each and every one of you about all the different aspects of Key Club. A fun fact about me is I enjoy playing Genshin Impact on my free time, so much that I currently carry two accounts. Aside from that, I look forward serving you guys for this upcoming term :)

Hey everyone! My name is Jenna Tran and I am your member recognition chair for the 2021-2022 term! I am super excited to serve you and hope to do a good job!

To Arroyo’s 2021-2022 Key Club Cabinet I can’t believe my term is already over. It’s been such an honor to serve with some of you and although this year was very different from what we’re use to, I hope it was still worth while. It’s sad to see my Key Club journey end but I’m so excited to see what’s in store for you guys. Although I only got to know some of your more recently, thank you all for being a part of my journey. It wouldn’t be the same without each and every one of you. It’s been an amazing experience and one I would not trade for the world. Time really does fly so make the most of your time left in this club. There’ll be so many struggles and hardships throughout your journey but you should always remember that you can rely on each other. This term won’t be an easy one with the transition back to in person events, but I wholeheartedly believe in each and every one of you to

make the best of the situation at hand for your members, other officers, and of course yourself. You guys are going to do so great and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish this year. Let me know about your meetings and socials and I’ll come back to visit!! I hope to see you all soon! Proudly served 2020-2021, Haley Tran

District Convention, also known as DCON, is an annual event that is held to celebrate the achievements of the term, to elect the new District Executive Board, attend workshops, meet new people, and welcome the new term. Key Clubbers from all around California, Nevada, and Hawaii gather to create STELLAR memories with each other. Due to the pandemic this year we had to adapt to being online, however that did not stop us from having an amazing District Convention.

Learn more about Key Club by attending workshops (ex: leadership development, life skills, college, etc).

As a delegate, vote for the 2021-2022 District Executive Board.

Recognize and celebrate the hard work of members, clubs, officers, and advisors!

Watch all the talent CNH has to offer and our very special keynote speaker.

Spend time with all the new friends that you make

Experience the bittersweet moments during the last event of the term, say goodbye to the 2020-2021 District Board, and welcome the 2021-2022 District Board.

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Executive Assistant: Ryana Aboul Hosn Executive Assistant: Henrina Zhang Secretary: Phuong Ho Event Task Coordinator: Catherine Soukaphay Media Editor: Matt Hui Media Editor: Yanna Flaven Newsletter Editor: Angela Tampubolon Member Recognition Coordinator: Yash Chaudhary Applications for Fundraising Task Coordinator, New Editor, Spirit Task Coordinator will be available soon to the division. Fundraising Task Coordinator: • Coordinate fundraisers to raise money for preferred charities. • Handle all division funds and calculate expenses/ profits. • Help clubs coordinate fundraisers and assist them when needed. • TAKE CARE OF THEIR PRECIOUS CASH BOX LIKE IT IS THEIR CHILD • Assist treasurers to pay annual dues. Spirit Task Coordinator: • Write cheers for the annual Fall Rally in hopes of winning the spirit stick. • Plans spirit sessions to lead and teach cheers to the rest of the division prior to Fall Rally. • Appoints spirit leaders who will be responsible for teaching their respective schools the cheers. • After Fall rally, STCs will continue their good moral spirit to continue high spirits and encourage members to actively serving the division. Division News Editor: • Create a monthly division newsletter and submit it to the district. • Submits articles and visuals. • Design graphics when required. • Handle other tasks that are relatively related to tech (ex. video editing) • Assisting and mentoring club news editors/ historians/ tech editors.

INFOGRAPHIC MAKING EVENT 5/10 WHEN: Monday, May 10 @ 2:30-3:30 **WHAT: **Making infographics for different causes!! **WHERE: **Zoom Materials Needed: Laptop/ Computer/ Phone and access to Canva SIGN UP LINK:

The division will be helping Arroyo promote our old apparel. In exchange for a donation, you can receive apparel at a DISCOUNTED price!! This is open to EVERYBODY and some of the items are limited in quantity and size so get yours while you can!! WHAT: Receive apparel in exchange for a donation WHEN: 5/3 - 5/16 ORDER HERE: If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out to Kayla Liu, Kiet Tran, or Haley Tran

MOTHER'S DAY EVENT 5/7 - WHAT: Come and make cute and easy origami gifts and letters to give to your mom for Mother's Day! SIGN UP LINK:

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading the newsletter for the month of April :) I haven’t made a newsletter in a year so I apologize if my graphics are a bit rusty. AP exams are coming up in a few weeks. For those of you who are just burnt out and don’t want to study just remember that you went through an entire year filled with determination. Hang in there for a few weeks and it’ll finally be over. If you don’t believe in yourself, then well I believe in you. Pass or fail, as long as you tried your best, that’s all it matters. Anyways I wish the best of luck for everyone and I’ll see you next month!


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