Arroyo High School | April Newsletter 2022

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Key Club International | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Region 13 | Division 35 West


Table of Contents President + Tech Editors’ Message Self-Care Division Updates Park Cleanup Senior Card Making


Derby Day Atheists United Emerald Necklace Nature Park Volunteer Day Walk MS: Greater LA 2022 Pasadena Symphony


Hey there sealies! As always, thank you so much for all the hard work and dedication you have put in this past month! Obviously, our work has paid off because Arroyo received club of the month at our division's April DCM! We hope that everyone continues to keep up the hard work throughout the summer months and into the upcoming school year! Participation has been on the lower end so that is something I do hope we can change! Volunteering is truly something rewarding at the end of the day and you should be glad knowing that you are a contribution to your community :)) Good luck to all of you on upcoming AP exams and finals! You're all very capable and I believe in each and every one of you <33 ! Lastly, remember to join us at our end of the year Rewrite the Stars banquet as we reflect back on this past term and make way for new beautiful memories! Arroyo Key Club President 22’-23’


What’s poppin seals? This is our second newsletter, I can’t believe it :o Mindy and I started this during spring break and hopefully it looks better than the last one hehe, but yeah like the last newsletter we made this while mad stressing, only this time we were stressing about AP exams :((. That’s why we wanted to make a self-care page so all of y’all can stay motivated and healthy while you stress too! Here’s to all of us passing <3 Arroyo Key Club Tech Editor 22’-23’ Hey hey seals! How have y’all been? I’ve been stressing out over AP exams! Anyways…me and Jessica have been experimenting with new stuff so everything might be all over the place. I hope y’all enjoy our second ever newsletter :] AP season is upon us, and I’m manifesting 5s for everyone taking exams soon :D Study for your exams, but don’t stress out because that would not be fun! -


Arroyo Key Club Tech Editor 22’-23’

Hey seals! AP exams are coming up, so it’s definitely important to study! You can’t forget about your physical + mental health though >:| It’s okay to be stressed, but it’s important to keep that stress in check and deal with it in healthy ways :)

1. HYDRATE You have to drink water to keep your body running smoothly PLUS you don’t want to faint from dehydration :))

2. SLEEP It’s always good to get between 7-10 hours of sleep every night, and it’s especially important if you don’t want to pass out during your AP exams. I know y’all stay up until 3:00 AM.. stop that habit.

3. TAKE BREAKS Ok I know this one sounds really easy because a lot of y’all lose motivation fAsT but for those of you that cram all day everyday it’s really important to learn how to take breaks and just relax so you don’t overwork yourself

4. EAT Guys food literally saves your life like I’m not even joking y’all should NOT be skipping meals (or snacks hehe) during your cram sessions because, let’s be honest, your brain can’t run without food so… here’s your excuse to eat~

5. DON’T WORRY Obviously - easier said than done. But truth be told, a bad AP score is not going to ruin your entire life. Of course, getting a 3-5 is great! You passed! It’s a nice little thing to tell people, and it’s a nice little addition to your college apps, but you don’t need it. You aren’t any less smart for getting a 1 or 2 on an exam that’s meant to be difficult. You should be proud of yourself regardless :)



Banquet N O I “Shining A Light” S I V WHEN: May 14th; 5:00-8:30 pm

WHERE: Del Haven Community Center RSVP by May 10th - $10; $13 at the door! MORE INFO:

LTG: Henrina Zhang your new DLT! EAs: Phuong Ho + Bianca Rodriguez Secretary: Samantha Fu FTCs: Catherine Soukaphay + Brian Tran ETC: Vicky Huang MRC: Sean Teodoro Media Editor: Ari Kim STCs: Erin Tran + Lucas Khun

April DCM

KIWIN’S x D35E x D35W WHEN: April 30th; 12:00-2:00 pm S WHAT: new LTG intros + new E T A DLT reveal + egg hunt D P and trivia social! U -7-

Picking up trash, cleaning, walking around the park

Peck Road Water Conservation Park

We strive to make the community beautiful and enjoyable to be in!!

During the clean up on April 2 at Peck Park, a total of 6 participants (including me) showed up to assist in making the park environment a cleaner place. The six of us took a walk around the park in the beautiful sunny weather and talked about school life as we cheerfully searched and picked up all traces of debris we saw. Items that we picked up included empty plastic bottles, cigarette butts, and other unwanted litter. In the end, we managed to pick up an impressive 2 full bags of trash! The event overall was a great experience and I hope to coordinate another in the future.


Making goodbye cards for seniors that are graduating to show our support and love for them!!


EXPERIENCE Derby Day was nice because it was fairly close and was located at a familiar location. For the first hour of the event, we weren't given any roles and when we were given roles, the event was practically over. We just cleaned and packed everything up, which was kind of boring. On the bright side, the Derby was fairly late, relative to other runs, thus my sleep schedule wasn't under stress.

APRIL 9th :D -10-

APRIL 15th!


This event was super chill! It was a chill day, so the weather wasn’t too bad. It was fun to plant shrubs and plants with my friends, and I even got to take a plant home :) Honestly, I really recommend volunteering for Emerald Necklace events because they’re super chill to do with your friends and it’s honestly easy hours + light work! - Mindy Dinh






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