1 minute read

Right of residence and residence per

Studying module Training materials

Welcoming Programme


Contracting company: Expat Relocation Estonia OÜ Author: Bossa LLC, Ministry of the Interior

Design: Factory Advertising OÜ Layout : Flip OÜ, www.flip.ee Printing: Librixprint OÜ, www.omaraamat.ee Responsible publisher: Siseministeerium, Pikk 61, 15065 Tallinn

Cover photo: “Viru bog”, photographer Külli Rummel

Welcoming programme website: www.settleinestonia.ee

Euroopa Liit Euroopa Sotsiaalfond Eesti tuleviku heaks

The project is co-funded by the European Union via the European Social Fund and by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Estonia

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