10 life changing ways to use coconut oil

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10 Life-Changing Ways to Use Coconut Oil https://www.sishair.com/ Have you ever used coconut oil?

1. Skin Will Be Baby Soft Coconut oil not only can absorb fast into the skin but also can soothe any dryness, flakiness, or redness. After a hot shower, we can apply the oil to lock in that moisture.

2. Hair Frizz Be Gone You can use coconut oil to tame those hairs. Take a tiny bit of oil on your and finally apply coconut oil to mane prevent frizz and lock in that shine. and not apply too much. Otherwise, it

annoying flyaway or frizzy hands, then smooth down hair, after styling, which can Make sure avoid your scalp area will make your hair feel oily.

3. Make Hair Shine Note: Do this once a week.  

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Melt 1/4 cup of coconut oil in a microwave. Massage coconut oil in its liquid form all over your hair, starting from the bottom up until your tips to roots are evenly coated. Since water tends to act as a barrier to oil preventing the oil from really soaking in to work its magic, you have to apply the oil to dry hair. Use a towel of shower cap to wrap hair, and let it stay in for 15-25 minutes. Use a gentle shampoo to wash hair out normally in the shower to thoroughly rinse out the mask.

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids that nourish and moisturize your hair, thus it is as a hair mask or deep conditioner is super effective. For twice the smoothness, you can mix coconut oil with other natural ingredients like honey or yogurt.

4. Super-Boosts Your Health Coconut oil when consumed reduces inflammation, aids digestion, and prevents diseases like cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and high blood pressure.

5. Prevents and Repairs Pesky Split Ends Coconut oil can repair tissue because it has a ton of protein inside its molecular structure. To keep your hair healthy all the time, you can use a little coconut oil daily on your tips.

6. Energy Levels Will Be Sky High Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides which can produce longer sustained energy. Mix 1 tablespoon each of coconut oil, raw honey, and chia seeds. Then, you can eat that raw or feel free to dip some whole grain crackers or apple slices in the mix.

7. Natural Detangler If you have long or curly hair, you will love coconut oil. Gently massage melted coconut oil into your hair while brushing, saving the pain and preventing breakage. Don’t use too much. You can easily work out the tangles with a comb or soft bristle brush once your strands are lightly coated.

8. Make Teeth Whiter Bacteria and plaque are one of the biggest culprits to yellowing teeth and coconut oil fights just that by removing the bacteria.

9. Makeup Remover Coconut oil is already super moisturizing and can be a great gentle makeup remover. It can easily loosen makeup without harshly rubbing your makeup.

10. Lengthens Lashes You can use coconut oil as a conditioner for your eyelashes overnight to stimulate growth. Besides, the coconut oil also strengthens the hair follicles preventing lash fall out and breakage.

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