CrĂŠole Step by step 1. the beads : - Choose thick paper - Cut two shapes "1" and one shape "2" - roll the paper and stick it with glue. 2.the earing : - assemble the bead on the earing hoop. (alternate one paper bead one bead, the bigger in the middle). - close the earing with a pliers. What you need : 8 beads 2 earing hoops 2 ear wires 6 paper beads vernish cisors glue paper
Double stick Step by step 1. the beads : - Choose magazine paper - Cut 60 cercles in it 2.the earing : - assemble the beads on the eye head, following the model 1 - close the eye pin on the ear wire vernish
What you need : 4 beads 2 ear wires 60 paper cercles vernish cisors paper cercle shaper
Flowers Step by step 1. the beads : - Choose a thick paper - Cut four shapes "1" - pierce 1 hole in the middle of each flower. - assemble 2 flowers together and add the eyelet. 2.the earing : - add a bead and the flowers on the eye pin - add the pin the the ear wire vernish
What you need : 2 ear wires 4 paper flowers 2 beads 2 eye pins 2 eyelets vernish cisor paper eyelet pliers
Heart Step by step 1. the beads : - Choose magazine paper - Cut 60 hearts in it, with a heart shaper
2.the earing : - assemble the beads on the eye head, following the model 1 - close the eye pin on the ear wire vernish
What you need : 2 beads 2 ear wires 60 hearts vernish cisors paper heart shaper
Paper Stick Step by step 1. the beads : - Choose a thick paper - Cut two shapes "1" - roll the paper and stick it with glue. 2.the earing : - assemble the beads on the eye pin vernish
What you need : 4 beads 2 ear wires 2 paper beads vernish cisors glue paper
Paper ring
Step by step 1. the shape - Choose magazine paper - Cut small strips (20), stick it, - roll it around a bead. 2.the ring : - stick the ring and the paper cercle together, following the model 1 (use strong glue). vernish
What you need : 1 ring 1 magazine cisors paper glue / strong glue vernish