10 minute read

NICOLE ROBERTS JONES, Coaching Strategist

NICOLE ROBERTS JONES had the job in Hollywood many people dream of.

However, what she realized is that, living “the dream” was becoming a nightmare. Working in Hollywood was GREAT but what she really wanted was to somehow make a difference in the world. In the midst of feeling torn between the what the world said and what she should be or do, and what her soul wanted, one of her friends asked her to volunteer at an event at church. That night SHE CAME ALIVE and realized she was born to help women transform their lives. She knew in that moment she was where she was meant to be and she began to listen to her soul.

Nicole had the following to share with SISTAH Talk:

SISTAH Talk: Please tell SISTAH Talk about yourself.

Nicole: I am uniquely gifted at one thing –drawing out what’s best in YOU and helping you take your Brilliance to The Bank. From my experience working in Talent Management and Casting in the Entertainment industry and then moving into being an Adjunct Professor. teaching program development at USC and Boston University, I merged all of my brilliance into helping others Bankroll Their Brilliance.

However, who I am at my core is a woman who LOVES God, who wants to live my life in alignment with who He has called me which I know is to be the catalyst that others live in alignment with their God given assignment.

SISTAH Talk: How do you help people Bankroll their Brilliance?

Nicole: First you have to understand that, that gift in you is the answer to someone problem and one you know that and begin to say yes to Be The Answer to the people that need you, our next step is to grow a business using your brilliance or what some would call your intellectual property.

Your Intellectual property is the unique factor that God invested in you that sets you apart. It is your expertise, your brilliance where your talents, passions, personality, and experiences collide. It’s that genius that flows from you effortlessly and the thing that everyone seeks you out for. Not only that, sharing this knowledge you’ve acquired is like second nature to you. So, when people ask you if they can pick your brain or tease something out with you, they are tapping into your intellectual property.

So instead of giving it away for free, the key is to set up your business around it. This is the way God wired you to be the answer you were born to be in this world and is the avenue He has set to bring abundance back to you!

SISTAH Talk: How did you come into your Purpose?

Nicole: I remember having the job I always wanted since I was 7 years old. This was back in 1993. At the time I worked for Viacom’s largest cable network, and we had an outreach to over 89 million homes on a weekly basis. From there I was elevated into a casting position for the #1 TV show on Fox, and then from there I worked with a production group, and together what we produced generated over 12.6 billion dollars a year. I was doing all of that plus I was going to all the hot Hollywood parties. I was bumping elbows with all the stars;


people that you’ve watched on TV and have seen in films.

I was doing it ALL and I loved every minute of it, but in the dark of the night when I was by myself, I began to feel like something was missing. I felt puzzled by this feeling because how could something be missing when I was in the exact career I dreamed of ever since I was a little girl? In the midst of me being confused by what I was feeling, one of my girlfriends asked me to volunteer at a program at our church. That night as I worked with young women, I could see their eyes light up and as their eyes lit up, my heart lit up. I knew in that moment that THIS is EXACTLY what I was meant to do and yet I felt conflicted. I felt conflicted because this did not come with a big paycheck and I did not even know what to call this thing I was doing that night. Today we call it coaching, but back then I did not know what a coach was so I could not define it.

In that moment, with knees knocking and teeth chattering I decided to go after becoming the highest and best version of who God created me to be. I realized that while I was successful God had more work for me to do, and that work was not about who I already was, it was about who I had not yet become.

That night in 1993, I began to do the work that I now do with women as I was getting in alignment with my God given assignment and now give women the tools, insight and strategy to not just in alignment with theirs but to do what I call Bankrolling Their Brilliance.

SISTAH Talk: What obstacles do you believe people encounter in defining their Purpose?BERTS JONES NICOLE RO

The biggest obstacle is often YOU! As John 10:10 says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

The enemy is always going to fight you from living as the highest and best version of who God has created you to be. He does this usually in things that have happened to you or people have said to you that make you play small, settle for good enough or live in mediocre.

I know in my own journey, had to realize that in order to move forward I had to release my limiting belief of not feeling good enough. I had to let go of being so focused on what other people thought about me and what other people said about me. What they thought I should do and be and instead, really begin to define me for myself.

For years I was so focused on being liked and fitting in that I was playing small. This was first brought to my awareness back in 1993 when I started IN this work and it was in that moment that I began to do the work to stand in the full power of me unapologetically that I realized what was happening. Just as it says in Genesis 3:15 The enemy was trying to bruise my head via the power of my thoughts, however as I started to do the work to grow me, I began to bruise His heel! So know that they enemy will try and do all that he can to keep you from your purpose but God has given us the power to tread on every lie the enemy will ever try to place on us that can keep us from living into our abundantly above all

SISTAH Talk: What advice do you give people about Profit?

Nicole: The one thing you must know is your dream, your gift, your calling is what you were born to do. It is how God wired you to serve the world and as you make the difference you were born to make, money comes back to you! Here are a few steps that can help your bankroll your brilliance:

1. Be Confident – Know that you already have everything you need. You were birthed with the purpose, the gift to do or to be something special. All you have to do is…

2. Get Clear & Stay Focused – What is your purpose. In what way can you fully exercise your gift? What do you want? You have got to be clear on how you will work to make your dream real in your life. This is why people make vision boards, so that they can get clear & stay focused on what they want and what they are working toward. You can’t hit the target if you can’t see where you are pointing the arrow so you must be clear, and stay focused on your goal.

3. Make a Plan – From your clarity, the true key to focus is knowing what action you need to take NOW. Look at where you are today and figure out how you get to where you want to go. What do you need to do to get there, how long will it take, how much money will you need, etc.... plan it ALL out.

4. Be Unapologetic About it – Stop looking for everyone to accept your purpose. To validate it and confirm you are on the right path. No one is pregnant with your purpose but YOU, so you MUST know it is up to you birth it, to make it real in your life. So move forward without regret, knowing that when your purpose is fully birthed for the world to see, everyone will see exactly what has been string up inside of you.

5. Grow it – Find ways to grow your gift. You cannot truly grow to what’s possible for you without continually educating yourself. Whatever your dreams or goals are I have to tell you as your sister in the journey, you don’t know everything it’s going to take to actually get there. So, you must invest in someone that can hold the space for your grow with you as your coach and/or teacher so that you move your purpose into ACTIVATION.

SISTAH Talk: Tell us about your Brilliance Roadmap.

Nicole: I created the Brilliance Roadmap Quiz because as I meet women through the country, it became clear to me that aligning their purpose with their paycheck had nothing to do with desire. The desire was there, but what they needed was to understand where they are in the journey and the next steps to take from there. So that is exactly what the brilliance roadmap quiz is, it allows you to assess where you are and it gives you your next 5 steps of activation all for FREE. You can take it at www.BrillianceRoadmapQuiz.com

SISTAH Talk: What services do you offer?

Nicole: There are 2 main areas I work in; Purpose Clarity and Bankrolling your Brilliance

Purpose clarity allows you to be clear on the positioning of your gifts and talents, be that at work or in your business so that in all you do, you

are living as the highest and best version of who God created you to be. This can be found in our Power of One program

Bankrolling Your Brilliance allows you to start or grow a business that not only creates multiple streams of income but it allows you to serve more and do more without more of you. This can be found in our signature program = Brilliance Mastery Academy and our Elevation Coaching programs.

You can learn more about my group and one on one coaching programs at www.WorkWithNRJ.com

SISTAH Talk: How can we engage with you and your services?

Nicole: Learn more on my website www.NicoleRobertsJones.com and follow me on Instagram @NRobertsJones SISTAH Talk: What encouragement do you give persons who look to discover their Power, Purpose and Profit?

Nicole: There are a group of people waiting for you. Matter of fact, God put the exact gifts and talents that they need in you so every day you settle for good enough or choose not to move your purpose forward you are being stingy with your gift. You are holding up someone’s answered prayer and ultimately you are not giving God a great return on His investment in you!



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