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Our programs




SISTAZSHARE GROUP Safe haven for women to speak, interact, engage and get talking

SISTAZSHARE PAGE Open acess page for everyone interested in women affairs

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES We are on instagram, twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Medium, YouTube, Issuu

Sistazshare is a registered Non-Governmental Organisation with a mission to get women talking and engaging each other, to unfetter women where need be psychologically, physically & socially; to break barriers and limitations that keep women silent when they have a voice.

MONDAYS Motivational Mondays Quotes, inspiration, motivational stories

TUESDAYS MARKET TUESDAYS & HOTSEAT Free Marketing, Sizzling hot questions

WEDNESDAYS POLLS DAY & WISDOM WEDNESDAYS Polls $ surveys, case studies & discussions

THURSDAYS HEALTHY THURSDAYS & LIVE VIDEOS Healthy living and interactive discussions

FRIDAYS FASHION FRIDAYS & SISTASTAR Fashion, fun and inspiration

SATURDAYS MONEY SATURDAYS & SISTACULTURE Financial literacy, culture & tradition

SUNDAYS FOODIE SUNDAYS & SISTAZSHARE NEWS Food spots, recipes and weekly news

#ANYDAYLEGAL Legal discussions with Lawyer Adele by Samantha Adams

#ANYDAYHEALTH Health discussions with Dr Adams


Join us on all out social media platforms as we partake in exciting programs all week!

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