4 minute read
Can Anyone Do That?
Why Singing Could Become Your Favorite Occupation
Singers who impress us appeal to us emotionally. We feel their will to express themselves, their message comes from the heart, and we are overwhelmed with feelings of happiness when we hear them. Apart from that, there naturally are musical factors that distinguish good singing.
First of all, the melody should be recognizable.
The tones must be right. Even more important is the rhythm of the melody. Try singing »Happy Birthday« so that every syllable falls on a tick of the second hand:
1 HA 2 PI 3 BIRTH 4 DAY 5 TO 6 YOU.
Do you notice how monotonous that sounds? Would you recognize the song if you were congratulated like that? I don't think so. Rhythm makes us recognize the melody. If it’s right, a croaking voice or off tone can be forgiven.
The lyrics should be understandable
Music school concerts are so badly attended because we are discouraged by the stagnating performance of the young musicians. Or we wonder if Beethoven invented hip-hop because the »Moonlight Sonata« was clearly not that. Uniform rhythm and clean timing hold songs together.
Singing is communication. Only we singers have this extra layer in our music and thus the duty of making the message of the song comprehensible as well. You don't have to sing in formal language, but mumbling is not recommended.
Singing is a craft
If you compare your own singing skills to the points just mentioned, you may notice one or two deficits. However, this does not mean that everything is lost. You can learn to sing.Two conditions are needed for this: Your larynx must be healthy and you must practice, practice, practice. Self-confidence and personal responsibility help you sticking with it.
Vocal training is not only for people who already can sing, but for everyone who wants to improve. You know that you still haven't reached your full potential – and you want to work on it. At the beginning, it doesn't matter if you attend singing lessons, take an online course, or train on your own.
Where you start only determines how far your path is, not whether it is worthwhile. As long as you get a positive benefit from practicing to sing, it's all that matters. Singing is like running a marathon or illustrating: You can train to get better. My list of singers who blow my socks off has 17 entries. Everyone sings fantastically, masters their voice, and expresses themselves in many ways.
I can't help wishing I were in their shoes for a day. And sometimes it seems that they have been singing brilliantly from an early age.As a singer and vocal coach, however, I know that the topic of talent is murky. Do our genes determine if we are able to dance well, solve problems quick as lightning, or run fast? Or is it our environment? In singing, singers with more robust vocal cords, tighter rhythms, or finer hearing than normal mortals seem to possess are exceptions. There are a lot less of them than we think.
We're all gifted
Most singers benefit from a positive environment. Imagine a child learning to speak. The environment empowers it. Syllables are patiently recited over and over again. When the first »ma« comes out, you cheer like it's the World Cup final. Later, the pronunciation is gently corrected and lovingly tutored in syntax. Would anyone ever think of saying to a two-year-old child, »You can't even get the simplest syllables out. Just shut up. Learning to speak is a waste of time for you«? Of course not!
However, this happens far too often when you learn to sing. A child starts singing in kindergarten, beaming with joy, and hears from their mother: »Why are you yelling like that? Keep your voice down. I'm tired.« Instead of encouragement, the child's expression is forbidden.
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard
No matter how good our genes are, if people react with rejection, we avoid these negative situations. However, thrive in an encouraging environment. Singing makes us happy, our self-confidence is strengthened, and we sing more often.So why do some people seem to be able to sing from birth and others are not? Because it gives them pleasure and they train . Their flames are being fanned.
Music that moves
The quality of singing is a matter of taste. However, there are a few common denominators that most singers and vocal coaches adhere to.
Text: Jessica Lawlitzki
Illustrations: Beth Walrond