Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir
Vol. XXXIV No. 1 Spring 2020
Congratulations, SSC Auxiliary The Auxiliary of the Sisters of St. Casimir was founded by Venerable Maria Kaupas in 1919, and it has continued to provide invaluable assistance to the congregation for over 100 years. The intention of its founding members was to assist in providing for the material needs of the community and to support young women entering religious life. They also sought to fund scholarships for daughters of members who wished to attend St. Casimir Academy, Maria High School, or Villa Joseph Marie High School in Holland, Pennsylvania. For decades, there were
chapters of the Auxiliary in Chicago and the East Coast. Each chapter would work diligently to raise funds and would gather annually to present the fruits of their labors to the Sisters at the Motherhouse in Chicago and at Villa Joseph Marie in Holland, Pennsylvania. Today, the chapters function as one body, but the work goes on. The Auxiliary has always benefitted from a wealth of talent in its leadership. Its founding President, Antanina Nausediene, was instrumental in making the Auxiliary an influential organization, vital to the work of the SSC community.
Mrs. Nausediene, whose photo is on display in the timeline of the SSC Legacy Space, was renowned as a teacher and writer. Her tenure as president was followed, in 1965, by the election of St. Casimir Academy Alumna Mary Rudis ‘32. Antanina and Mary were strong leaders who believed in the value of Catholic education. They also shared a zeal and love for Lithuanian culture and for the charism of the Sisters of St. Casimir. Both women received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal from the Pope for their fidelity to continued on page 3
Auxiliary Leadership team gathered in the Sisters of St. Casimir Legacy Room near a photograph of Antanina Nausediene, founding President of the Auxiliary, on the timeline. From left: Susan Binkis, Paul Binkis, Eleanor Ebert, Ginger Madden and Loretta Ezerski.
A Message from Sister Regina In this issue of Journeys, we highlight and express gratitude to our benefactors. Your donations help us to continue to support the ministries that are an expression of our mission and to provide for the health care needs of our senior Sisters who have given their lives in service to God’s people. We are deeply grateful for your donations, but we know that no list can capture the breadth and depth of the love and the stories behind these donations: the request for prayers for special intentions, the gift given in memory of a particular person, thanksgiving for an answer to a prayer. We want you to know that you are an important part of our life, the circle of friends who surround our community. We pray for you, our benefactors, every day and at our monthly Mass for the Beatification of our Foundress, Venerable Maria Kaupas, as we bring these intentions to the altar and share your intentions in our weekly prayer list that is distributed to all our Sisters and Associates. The featured story in this issue of Journeys is one that spotlights our Sisters of St. Casimir Auxiliary celebrating 100 years of dedicated service to our community. Numerous fundraising events over the years have helped us to respond to the various needs of our community—from scholarships to young women attending St. Casimir Academy as it began its edu-
cational mission, to supporting the religious formation program of the postulants and novices, to contributing to the retirement needs of our senior Sisters, and in many other ways. The love and dedication of the members of the Auxiliary is outstanding. We congratulate them on this anniversary and are very grateful to them. The Mother Maria Kaupas Center in Mount Carmel PA is celebrating its fifth anniversary in April. The Center has been instrumental in mobilizing the young people of the town to work together in service projects to restore places that had been neglected, to bring food and companionship to those who live alone, and to form wonderful, life-giving relationships with the students of Bucknell University who use the Center for their field studies and research projects. Not only are these young people bringing hope to others, but also, they themselves are discovering their gifts and talents. Throughout the past months we have experienced the fragility of life through the threat of the coronavirus. As we live through this difficult time, may it bring us to a deeper sense of the meaning of our lives and our need to care for one another. By the time you receive this issue of Journeys, we will be celebrating Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus that brings us the promise of new life and transformation. May God bless you with joy and peace, courage and hope, and may these be the gifts that you share with those whom God places in your life. Sister Regina Dubickas, SSC General Superior Sisters of St. Casimir
Legacy Room Recent Visitors
Scholars from Catalyst-Maria Charter School - known as the Lady Lasallians and Jr. Lasallians-came to discover and explore the Legacy Room and learn about the Sisters of St. Casimir. 2
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Southwest Organizing Project parent mentors visited the Legacy Room and gathered for a photo near the SWOP panel.
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More about the Sisters of St Casimir Auxiliary continued from cover page
the work of the Church. Following in their footsteps, current President Eleanor Ebert has dedicated herself to the well-being of the Sisters and the furtherance of their mission for well over a decade. Assisting and guiding the officers and members of the Auxiliary have been a succession of Moderators. These have included Sisters M. Anastasia Gudas, M. Perpetua Gudas, M. Angela Balchunas, Genevieve Kripas, and currently, Mrs. Susan Binkis. Without their dedicated efforts, the Auxiliary’s many accomplishments would not have been possible.
Sisters in retirement. Sister Grace Ann Kalafut succeeded Sister Marlene Petruska in organizing Summerfest. Auxiliary members, Associates, friends, and Sisters spent many long hours preparing for and working on the exciting day. The Auxiliary’s leadership and activities have changed over the years, but their devotion to the well-being of the Sisters remains. President Eleanor Ebert was recruited by Sr. Genevieve Kripas and elected by the membership over a decade ago. She inspires everyone with her dedication and untiring efforts.
Eleanor Ebert (right) with Sister Regina
The current leadership team strives to carry on the work of the Auxiliary. Being a member of the Auxiliary makes one a partner in the spiritual Journey of the Sisters of St. Casimir. No matter how much the organization has changed over the years, that remains constant. Susan Binkis kindly shared some insights into the Auxiliary experience with Journeys readers: Who qualifies to join the SSC Auxiliary? Membership in the Auxiliary is open to all who have an interest in supporting the livelihood and mission of the Sisters of St. Casimir. How many members does the Auxiliary have? Currently, approximately 250 women and men are enrolled members. Who are some of the people who help the Auxiliary succeed? Eleanor Ebert’s entire family have joined in the work. continued on page 6
Susan and Paul Binkis
The Auxiliary was a principal supporter of the SSC Summerfest, an annual event that lasted 25 years.This much-loved and elaborate festival grew from an idea of Auxiliary member Sophie Stevens for an Ice Cream Social to be held on the Motherhouse grounds. From that small scale social, the event grew to a huge mid-summer festival that drew large crowds from far and near. Visitors feasted on Lithuanian meals prepared in the dining room, home-made kugelis, and breads prepared by Sister Janine Mejeris. Summerfest was instrumental in providing for the needs of the At Summerfest 1980, Sister Regina Dubickas, Elizabeth Matuszak, Sister Theresa Papsis
and Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius (right to left) are ready to award handmade prizes to winners at their booth.
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WITH GRATITUDE TO OUR BENEFACTORS We acknowledge with deep gratitude the loving generosity of our many supporters. Albrecht, Sharon Allegretti, Paul & Denise Ambrose, Mary Joan Anderson, Anella Andrijiwskyj, Andy & Zenovia Anella, Mildred Aros, Elizabeth & James Atkenson, David Atkenson, Paul & Janice Atkenson, Robert Balciunas, Rima Bandyk, Joseph Bandyk, SSC, Lucille Ann Baran, Leo Bardauskis, Daniel Bartuska, Michael & Rosemary Baumhart, Barbara Bax, Mary Bednarcik, Elaine & Richard Bendoraitis, Ronald Bertrand, Richard Biell, Mary Ellen Billus, Jule Binkis, Paul & Susan Blusnavage, Victor & Janice Bogish, Michael & Elaine Boguski, Thomas Boldyreff, Roman & Linda Bonenberger, Tom & Janet Borowski, Stephen & Marita Brady, Mary Brazen, Josephine Bredemann, Kathleen Brightmore, Daniel Brizgys, Aldona Bruner, Daniel & Ruth Brzegowy, Lillian Brzegowy, Rita Bucko, Christine Bukis, Joseph & Irma Bukowski, Frank Bullett, Walter & Karen Bulwith, Richard Burger, Katherine Burmeister, Monica Burnett, Milton & Paula Burns, Mary Bush, Marie Anne 4
Butler, James Bynoe, Carol Callahan, Timothy Campbell, Anne-Marie Campbell, Dolores Canos, Juan & Evelyn Casperson, Anne Chesla, Michele & Tom Chetelat, Frank & Mary Chialastri, Dorothy Chmiel, Donna Chrabot, Cyril and Joan Christel, Mary Christensen, Jean Christensen, Sandy Christophersen, Andrew Ciabattari, Gina Ciaccia, Jeanie Ciesielski, John & Maureen Cieskus, Dorothy Cipolla, Mary Ann Clow, Barbara & Raymond Collier, Clara Comes, Virginia & Urban Conforti, Fred & Leona Conforti, Gloria Conville, Mary Crowley, Patricia Cyvas, Daina & Saulius Dabulis, SSC, Theresa Dahlke, Robert Damasauskas, Robert Dambrauskas, Roma Dancy, Agatha Dauparas, Joseph & Sonja Davis, Blanche Davis, Richard & Julia Dechtiaruk, Walter & Catherine Del Real, Cecilia Deloirier, JoJo Delorier, Joseph & Rene Deman, Francine Demos, Vali Demske, Edward & Patricia Demske, Janice Depue, Roger & Joanne DePutron, David & Christine S ist er s
Devereux, George Di Filippo, Nicholas & Margaret Diamond, Gene & Mary Dinan, Patricia Disis, Leonard & Dolores Dopkin, Doris Dopkin, Raymond & Florence Dorado, Al & Vivian Dozier, Eleanor Duarte, Silvia Dubickas, SSC, Regina Marie Dusza, Mary Ann Dzielak, Diana Encina, Othon & Christine Ernst, Anne Etsch, Suzanne Ezerski, Loretta Fabianovich, Eduardo & Violeta Feliss, Bernice Fernandez, Jorge & Kathleen Figel, Genevieve Filip, William & Joyce Finnegan, Mary Ann Fischi, Dorothy Flynn, James & Patricia Foreacre, Barbara Forseth, Margaret Foster, Mark & Teresa Galenas, Paul & Patricia Galitski, Joseph & Elizabeth Galvin, Barbara Gapsis, SSC, Virginia Gasunas, Mary Gates, Gary & Pamela Gavenda, Robert & Anne-Marie Gaytan, Andrea Gercius, Mary Anna Gerdes, Gretchen Gestautas, Loretta Gianpetro, Susan Glock, Barbara Goldstein, Ann Golub, Arnold & Mari Golubickis, SSC, Janine
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Gomez, Imelda Gonzales, Joseph Gordish, Lorettta Grabowski, Nancy & Theodore Green, JoAnn Grigas, SSC, Delphine Grigonis, June & Joan Guertin, Carolyn Guertin, Julia Hackett, Andrea Brien Haizlip, Thomas & Dolores Hattemer, Bruce Haug, Karen & Warren Hawbaker, Arlene Headley, Kathy Heintz, James & Celia Hennig, Kenneth & Christine Herman, Eugene & Esther Herrboldt, Joleen & Keith Hetzel, Nancy Hinder, John & Donna Hope, Patricia Horton, Patricia Hoteko, Donna Hurley, Vera & Michael Hutton, Matt & Dolores Janczyszyn, Regina Janszyn, Regina Janus, Bernadette Jarackas, Joseph & Katherine Jennings, Dana Jeronowitz, Robert Jesukaitis, Connie Jodwalis, Thomas Johnson, Dorothy Johnson, Jerry & Sherry Johnson, Mary Ellen Johnson, Stella Jucius, Genovaite Jumonville, Preston Juncer, Florence Jung, Lillian Juozapavicius, Anthony Jurcenko, John & Dorothy Juskaitis, Regina Jusko, Olga Kalafut, SSC, Grace Ann Kandel, Lillian w w w. sist er sofstc a si mir . org
JANUARY 1, 2019– DECEMBER 31, 2019 Your donations help us to continue our ministries and to care for the health care needs of our Sisters. Kapischke, Marian Karpovich, Daniel Karpovich, SSC, Marilyn Karpovich, Regina Kasarskis, Ed & Mary Kay, Mary Ann Kazlauskas, William Keane, Mary Jo Kelly, Bernard & Rose Marie Kennedy, Brian Kerdock, SSC, Rita Marie Kicherer, Florence King, Art & Marianne Klapinski, Bridget Kopecky, Joyce Kosmerl, Richard & Maureen Kowalczyk, Albina Kripas, SSC, Genevieve Kroeck, Mary Kruse, Paul & Karen Kruszynski, Michaeline Krut, Genevieve Kubilius, Ramune Kubulanza, Roseanne Kuch, Ellen Kuhl, Martha Kukula, Mary Kurek, Crystal Kwiatkowski, Charles & Margaret Labencki, Bernie & Tossie Lake, Ruth Lane, Margaret Lapenas, Elena Laukaityte, Ada Leonaitis, Rita Lerner, Wayne & Sandye Levonaitis, Raymond Liotine, Joseph Lipperini, Rich & Irene Lipsett, Rose Lipskis, Aldona Logue, Katherine & Neal Losch, James & Mary Lukosiunas, Nijole Lynn, Art & Wendy MacDonald, Christine Macias, Patrick & Carolyn Maciora, Joseph Madden, John & Ginger w w w. sist er sofstc a si mir . org
Maggio, Annette Magurany, Roberta Maher, Margaret Marcinkevicius, Dana Markus, Thomas & Ann Marra, Rosemarie Martinez, Donald & Julie Matul, Cecilia Mazgelis,SSC, Margaret Mary McAdams, Jr., Charles McCarthy, Mary Beth McCarthy, Tom & Mary McDonald, Thomas & Anna McGonigle, Margaret McGovern, Aileen McGowan, Michael & Kim McLeod, Diane McTaggart, Janelle McTaggart, Michael & Virginia McTaggart, Patrick Merica, Dolores Meyer, James Miara, James Mickus, Sheila Miernicki, Todd Miller, Alyce Miller, Barbara Jo Miller, Marianne Mindermann, Henrietta Minieka, Michael Miravich, John Moceyunas, Vito Moskal, Christine Mugnaini, Mary Mullen, Joan Murphy, Kathy Myers, William & Charlene Nachtman, Kathleen Nakibuuka, Sister Rose Narutis, Elvyra Naujokas, Joseph & Joan Nauseda, Mary Jane Norusis, Linas & Audrone Novak, Frank Novak, Robert Novick, Marion O'Connell, Tom S ist er s
O'Shea, Anna Belle O'Toole, Michael Obidowicz, Lucille Olson, Mary & Frank Opanasets, Alice Opanasets, Walter Ortiz, John & Rosamond Ostapina, Doris Ouellette, James & Christine Ozys, Virginia Pachankis, Lorraine Padalino, Ausra Palunas, Jadvyga Paprzyca, Sandra & Bruce Papsis, SSC, Theresa Paskauskas, Cynthia Pater, Gary & Mary Ann Pavone, Anthony Pawsat, Joanne Peetz, Dwaine & Carmen Pelletier, Phyllis Penkas, Linda Perona, Lena Pervenecki, Stanley Petcavage, Thomas & Sheila Peterson, Cecilia Petkus, Frances Petrauskas, SSC, M. Concetta Pienta, Bette Pinning, Patricia Poslosky, Alicia Potts, Robert Powell, William & Paulette Prackaila, Ann Puisis, Edward & Kelly Purtill, Robert & Donna Pusatera, Eileen Puzek, Margaret Quintela, Linda Ramas, Angela Ramoska, SSC, Lourdine Ramoska, SSC, Philip Rapacz, Silvia Rassas, Bishop George Reagan, Sharon Reese, Eleanor Revas, SSC, Juline Revinski, Chester & Agnes
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Roberts, Barbara Rojenches, Helen Rokaitis, Donald Romanuski,SSC, Deborah Rosean, Mary Rowan, Thomas Rumishek, Thomas & Marilyn Rumsa, James Sabaliauskas, Joe & Eileen Salazar, Imelda Saldivar, Martha Salgado, Irene & Isidoro Samaska, Albert & Mary Sans, Nancy Sarbarneck, Michelle Saulys, Dalia Sauter, Margaret Schiappa, James Schultz, Paula Schultz, Richard & Alice Schumal, Michael Schwarz, Vicki Seliga, Edward Serva, Angelo Setcavage, Jim & Dorothy Setinc, Sandra Sharko, Donald Sharow, Petronella Sharp, Joanne Shinners, Agnes Shirt, Eileen Shotas, Nancy Siminas, SSC, Lorraine Therese Sirka, Zita Six, Ellen Skusevich, Doris & Daniel Skwarek, Teresa Sliwa, Christopher Smilga, Maria Smithson, Mary & John Sokas, Rosemary Sokas, Timothy & Regina Sokol, John & Mary Solsaa, Sandra Sopron, Stephen & Di Ann Sowell, Patricia Spaargaren, Adrian Stachnik, Virginia Stancius, Veronika 5
WE PRAY DAILY FOR OUR BENEFACTORS Stankus, Albert Strabel, Karen Straiges, Ronald Strolia, Theresa Strom, Thomas Sturlis, Grace Sudeikis, Thomas & Christine Szalay, Barbara Tackdjian, Ishkhan & Mary Tarullo, Rosalie Taylor, Nancy Taylor, Terre Tenbroeck, Frances Tetelbaum, Roberta & Harvey Thomas, Marlene Thomas, Michael & Margarita Thomas, Paul Tillman, Joan Toczylowski, Casimir Tomczuk, Sigita & Zygmunt Tong, George & Dorothy Tovar, Madeline Trusiak, Peter & Virginia Udovic, Edward Underwood, Mary Ann Unterbrink, Larry & Mary Uzupis, Regina Vaicekauskas, Lorraine Van Lent, Eileen Vanaria, Vivian Vanek, Barbara Vara, Ed & Corinne Vatch, Steven Vilutis, James & Rose Vitcavage, Joseph Vodicka, Alicia Vosahlik, Otto Vycius, Loretta Wachsman, Renee Wagnon, Gerry Walsh, Corinne
Walton, Grinny Walton, Wesley & Jurdis Warren, Mary Wasik, Geraldine Waskow, Sharon Wauhob, Christy Wedel, Daniel Wehling, Carla Wellstein, John & Kerry Wendt, Harry Joe & Hattie Wendt, Michael White, Carol Wideikis, Eleanora Wilimon, Leonard Wilk, Marie Winslow, Leonard & Vicki Winter, Thomas Wisneski, Emily Wisniewski, Denise Witkus, Frank Wohler, Debbie Wohlman, Alan & Pamela Yanez-Mavrakis, Maria Yenushosky, Daniel Yerkes, Anthony & Margaret Yerkes, David Yerkes, SSC, Leandra Yerkes, Michael & Mary Zailskas, Aldona Zakarka, Julie Zalot, SSC, Margaret Zander, Nannette Zaruba, Karen Zaura, Dan & Irene Zavaski, William Zbilut, Cindy Zebrauskas, Dolores Zebrauskas, Katherine Zuzevich, Joseph Zvonek, Loretta Zinker, Edward Zurlis-Lally, Mary Sisters thank all of their The
benefactors and apologize for any names that may have been inadvertently omitted.
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Her daughters Rebecca Bakken, Lenore Bocinsky, Gay Flibort, and Toni Krygowski, as well as her grand-daughter Rebecca Flibort, are at every event, preparing the many beautiful prize baskets, managing the balloon raffles, and selling kugelis. Eleanor is ably assisted by three vice presidents. First Vice President Virginia (Ginger) Madden ‘64, has spent a lifetime in connection with and service to the Sisters of St. Casimir.
Second Vice President Loretta Ezerski ‘52 and Third Vice President Nancy Shotas ‘74 are always on hand to work events, sell raffle tickets, and take up whatever task is needed.
Loretta Ezerski (right) with her niece, Margaret Ann
Ginger and John Madden
Few people know how much time, effort, and energy Ginger devotes to the Auxiliary. Whether chairing our annual banquet, working admissions at all our events, or delighting everyone with her 50/50 raffles, Ginger exemplifies the generations of women who worked innumerable hours without recognition, simply to “help the Sisters.”
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What Auxiliary membership benefits do you most value? The benefits of joining the Auxiliary are simple. It is knowing that you are working for a community of Catholic women who have spent their lives educating and healing, and who are praying for you. Source: Sisters of St. Casimir, A Journey in Faith, 100 years, 1907-2007
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Villa Joseph Marie Service Days in Chicago
I hope all is well! This is Gianna Fiduccia, a junior from Villa Joseph Marie High School in Holland, PA, who attended the Chicago Service Trip last Fall.
by Gianna Fiduccia, Class of 2021 On an early Wednesday morning, Mr. Tom Kardish, Mrs. Stephanie McCarthy, Ms. Brooks, 16 classmates, and I embarked on a service-learning trip to Chicago. Honestly, none of us knew what we were getting ourselves into that would imminently become the experience of a lifetime. From touring the “Parallel Universe Villa” of Catalyst-Maria Charter School, to participating in a Harmony, Hope, and Healing music therapy session, to eating dinner and celebrating Mass with the Sisters, we all had such a heart-filled and wholesome three days. During our time in Chicago, the group and I got to connect with many Sisters of St. Casimir, some of
whom are Villa alumnae. Not only did they share with us their unique paths to religious life, but the Sisters also mentioned a few interesting stories of their time at “The Villa.” Whether their stories were about the mysterious swimming pool or the origin of the Thanksgiving Feast, we learned what it is like to be part of Villa’s living legacy, while simultaneously creating lasting relationships with the Sisters and each other. A highlight of the trip was reflecting with Mrs. McCarthy over Villa’s renowned motto, “Always more, always better, always with love.” This saying is holistically part of Villa and, therefore, had been lingering with us as we engaged in the living history of our school. continued on page 10
VJM group of students and chaperones in the Legacy Room.
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Along the Way
Maria Kaupas Center (Chicago):
by Mindy Rueden
Spring 2020 After-School Programing
Executive Director, Maria Kaupas Center Spring programing at the
Maria Kaupas Center is currently offering a safe space for students to spend time with each other and engage in activities that promote interpersonal growth, while also providing opportunities for students to learn real-world skills. The MKC is open from after school until 6 p.m. every day to middle school through high-school-age students. Current programs include “Cooking with Ms. Esme” (grades 6-8) every Monday, “DigiTech Kids:
Film Making” (grades 3-5), and “Beat Shoppers” (grades 6-8) every Tuesday. On Wednesday, 6th through 8th graders get their chance at Film Making, and on Thursdays, “Beat Shoppers” is available for 6th through 8th graders. There is also daily high school drop in: a time for reflection, homework, and general hang out. Healthy after-school snacks are provided every day. The results of a recent study found that after-school programs statistically have a positive impact on the youth who participate; partic-
ipating youth have significantly improved attitudes, positive behavioral adjustments and school performance. Specifically, programs that involve skill training have the most positive impacts. This is what the Maria Kaupas Center provides. The study, conducted by Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), states, “more than 7 million children in the U.S. are without adult supervision for some period of time after school.” Without supervision or positive supplemental activities, there is a greater risk for said students to fall into negative habits. What CASEL did was look at the impact of after-school programs on personal and social skills of students. And what they concluded isn’t surprising. Please enjoy a few photos from a recent cooking class where students made mozzarella sticks and marinara sauce—although 7th grader Taniya says her favorite meal so far was taco night! Check out our website:
for more information on our center and the services we provide. Study referenced
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Along the Way
Mother Maria Kaupas Center (Mount Carmel, PA) Celebrating Fifth Anniversary
The Mother Maria Kaupas Center in Mount Carmel, PA, which strives to faithfully follow Mother Maria’s message of “Always more, always better, always with love,” will celebrate its fifth anniversary on April 24. Following a special liturgy in Divine Redeemer Church, a dinner and program in the parish hall will celebrate the center’s successes and Mother Maria’s legacy in the community where she lived and worked at the start of her lifelong ministry of holy service to the Church and its people. The Mother Maria Kaupas Center was dedicated April 12, 2015, with members of the Sisters of St. Casimir playing a prominent role in the opening ceremonies. Representatives of other congregations of women religious who once served in Mount Carmel also attended. The Center was established as, and remains, a ministry of Divine Redeemer parish. It is led by Rev. Ryan M. Fischer, Pastor of Divine Redeemer Church, and Jake Betz, center director. Suzanne Domzalski is the center project manager, and Herman Weimer is chairman of the center’s advisory board. The center was envisioned by Divine Redeemer’s then pastor, Rev. Martin O. Moran III, as a center for volunteerism. Holy Cross Church, where Maria Kaupas came in 1907 to minister to the children of Lithuanian immigrants, was one of five parishes in Mount Carmel that merged in 1995 to form Divine Redeemer. In addition to serving as a focal point for community service, especially by college students, the Mother w w w. sist er sofstc a si mir . org
Maria Kaupas Center enjoys a robust and evolving partnership with Bucknell University along with the university’s Coal Region Field Station. Through this partnership, students in Bucknell classes work in community-engaged service-learning projects. More than 40 impactful class projects happened in the
Mount Carmel community over the past five years, with organizations such as the food pantry, public library, recreation committee, and school district benefiting from Bucknell’s expertise. The successful Bucknell collaboration was an essential part of the center’s overall plan, continued on page 10
The official ribbon cutting on April 12, 2015, from left: Herman Weimer, MMKC Advisory Board Chair; Sisters Theresa Dabulis, Margaret Zalot, Immacula Wendt, Regina Dubickas; Bishop Ronald Gainer, and Very Rev. Martin Moran.
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Along the Way
Mother Maria Kaupas Center (Mount Carmel, PA) Celebrating Fifth Anniversary
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formulated by Father Moran, who formerly had served as a Catholic chaplain at Bucknell. Apart from the Field Station partnership, the Mother Maria Kaupas Center sponsors a diaper bank in partnership with a local Orthodox Church, helps the school dis-
trict in sponsoring a 12-day summer camp for middle school students, hosts service visits by Catholic Campus Ministry groups, and conducts a winter service program for local college students. The center director works with others in the community in the operation of the food pantry,
planning a community day in August and working to create a community center in Mount Carmel. The Coal Region Field Station will also be observing its fifth anniversary, and some joint community events are planned in Mount Carmel around the time of the Kaupas Center’s celebration in April.
Several Sisters of St. Casimir visited the Mother Maria Kaupas Center in 2016. From left: front row, Sister Theresa Dabulis,Sister Immacula Wendt, Sister Margaret Zalot, Sister Bernadette Marie Janus, Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius, Sister Janine Golubickis, and Sister Fran Fasolka, IHM. Second row from left: Sister Virginia Gapsis, Herman Weimer, Very Rev. Martin Moran, Sister Deborah Romanuski, Sister Rita Marie Kerdock, and Jake Betz. continued from page 7
We witnessed “Always More” in how Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius graciously toured us around Catalyst-Maria School and the St. Casimir Center. We saw “Always Better” in Sister Immacula Wendt’s advice to go out into the world without fear of failure. And lastly, “Always with Love” was found in the way Sister Margaret Zalot took the time to know all 16 of my classmates and me individually.
The Sisters showed us how to not only profess our motto, but to live it; how to not only learn about Mother Maria’s legacy, but to continue it. This immersion trip brought to light that the “Villa Sisterhood” is all about being part of a community of women willing to live lives always more, always better, and, of course, always with love.
Gianna Fiduccia, far right, and a classmate visit with Sister Immacula Wendt.
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Gianna Fiduccia, far right, with classmates visit Sister Lourdine Ramoska at Franciscan Village in Lemont.
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Along the Way
Sisters Share Mission, Heritage, Legacy, and Friendship National Catholic Sisters Week 2020 March 8-14
Celebrating National Catholic Sisters Week 2020 at St. Casimir Center in March are Sisters, SSC employees and volunteers, and Catholic Charities employees. Front row, from left: Sister Margaret McTaggart, sitting: Sister Rose Nakibuuka, Sister Dolorine Lopez, Sister Regina Dubickas, Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius, Sister Rita Marie Kerdock, Sister Immacula Wendt. Second row, from left: Lucy Ramos, Fran Tenbroeck, Christine Bucko, Daina Cyvas, Donna Brooks, Luke Darragh, Karen Strabel, Don Skarr, John Delaney, Patrick Milhouse. Back row, from left: Tony Ferro, Mary Beth McCarthy, Ed Hoak.
Sisters of St Casimir Commissioning of Our Partners in Mission 2020
On Febraury 14, 2020, in the St Casimir Center chapel, Partners in Mission were asked to renew their commitment of time, talents, and energies to the mission and life of the Sisters of St. Casimir as it continues to unfold in its new reality. From left: Paul Binkis , Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius, Susan Binkis, Sister Margaret McTaggart, Sister Dolorine Lopez, Sister Immacula Wendt, Sister Regina Dubickas, Fran Tenbroeck, and Sister Margaret Zalot share thoughts about enhancing work and supporting community life and mission. w w w. sist er sofstc a si mir . org
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Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 42 So. Suburban, IL
Sisters of St. Casimir 2601 W. Marquette Road Chicago, IL 60629
JOURNEYS is published by The Sisters of St. Casimir This publication is sent free of charge to relatives, friends and benefactors of the Sisters of St. Casimir. We thank you for the voluntary donations that you send to help us defray the cost of printing, postage and handling. Editor: Daina Cyvas, Communications and Project Coordinator Editor: Fran Tenbroeck Adviser: Sister Margaret Zalot, SSC Contact us: 773-349-8064
The following is the welcome that greets you when you enter the Legacy Room of the Sisters of St. Casimir. We invite you to visit the St. Casimir Center at 2601 West Marquette Road. The Legacy Room is open daily, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For larger groups, please call 773.349.8064 to schedule a tour.
You are standing on holy ground. The story you are about to experience is that of the Sisters of St. Casimir: their founding, the ways they have embraced their mission to foster the life of faith, and how they responded with generosity and compassion to the needs of their time. It is our hope that, as you journey through this exhibit, you will be inspired by the spirit of love and dedication of the Sisters and their foundress, Mother Maria Kaupas, and will express this inspiration in the unique living of your own life. May the dream and the journey of faith and service continue through you. Our story begins in the heart of a courageous young woman from Lithuania, who came to the United States and discovered her life’ s purpose.
The Sisters of St. Casimir
Dates to Remember Because of current circumstances, the Mother Maria Masses previously scheduled for April 18 and May 2 have been cancelled. The SCA-MHS Reunion on April 25 has also been cancelled. The next Mother Maria Mass is scheduled to take place on June 6, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. Please see our SSC website: our facebook page: SistersofStCasimir/ or call: 773-776-1324 for any updates.