Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir
Vol. XXX No. 1 Winter/Spring 2016
When did YOU first meet a Sister? Do you remember when you first met the Sisters of St. Casimir? Have they always, somehow, been a part of your life? Perhaps one of your parents, or someone else in your family, attended a school staffed by the Sisters of St. Casimir. Perhaps you, yourself, were taught by the Sisters in grammar school or high school. Maybe you met them as an adult as they ministered in a hospital, tutored your child, or stood by you for fair housing and immigration initiatives. However you met the Sisters of St. Casimir, you have been impacted by their humility, hospitality, and their faithful dedication to living the gospel message. The theme of National Catholic Sisters Week, celebrated each year in March, is, "Meet a Sister, Be Inspired." What a blessing it is to journey together.
30 Years of Journeys The first issue of Journeys debuted in the Winter 1987 edition, taking the place of the Sisters of St. Casimir Newsletter. Articles that are now familar to our current readers found a home in the new Journeys pages: Along the Way, Jubilee Celebrations, At Journey's End – Eternal Days Beginning, and a Calendar of Events that included monthly Masses for the beatification of Mother Maria.
Were YOU taught by the Sisters?
Sister M. Florence with 7th grade students
With the Journeys debut came an invitation for the laity to ol o prayerfully share more deeply in h Sc the spirit, ministry, and life of the Hosp ita l Sisters of St. Casimir. In that first issue of Journeys, Sister Regina Neighborhood Dubickas, a member of the editorial board at the time, reflected on i ly Fam the connection between the newly instituted SSC Associate Program and the new name chosen for the SSC newsletter in these words: "We know people – men and women, young and old, married and single – who are drawn to us and to our spirituality and want to pray and work with us and for us, or whose contact with us helps them to live their own vocation more faithfully. We began to ask ourselves a question – is there something more that we can offer to these people? ... Is the Lord calling us to open our doors and our hearts a little wider and share the most precious treasure that we have – our spiritual heritage, our charism – while recognizing the real differences that characterize our individual vocations? "... I am reminded of one of Mother Maria's beautiful themes that she often used as she spoke of community, that of the journey. We are all companions on a journey, meant to help and support one another on the way. In her early years, Mother Maria was impressed by mutual love and sacrifice that existed among the members of the early Christian community, and she longed for that same spirit to exist among her own Sisters. What a joy it must be for her and for us to see this vision of companions on a journey extended beyond our convent walls in an invitation to others to journey with us. How appropriate that the new name chosen for our newsletter, which will reach our lay associates as well, is called Journeys." This issue highlights how many "companions on the journey" remembered and celebrated the Sisters of St. Casimir in special ways during National Catholic Sisters Week, thanking the Sisters for saying "yes" to sharing "their most precious treasure" — a valiant concern for God's people. The Sisters are ever grateful.
A Message from Sister Regina Dear Friends of the Sisters of St. Casimir, In this issue of Journeys, as we celebrate the 30–year anniversary of our Journeys publication, I want to thank all of you for the many ways you have gifted us by your prayers, your friendship, and your support throughout the years. Through your monetary contributions to our community, you enable us to continue the charism and mission of our congregation, to care for our senior Sisters who have given their lives in service to others, to serve those in need through support of the ministries that reflect the mission of our congregation, and to continue the cause for the beatification of our Foundress, Mother Maria Kaupas. We are grateful for your generosity and know that it is often a sacrifice of love to make this contribution. Every day we remember you, our benefactors, in our prayers. “This is the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it.” These are the words that resound throughout the world as we celebrate Easter, the heart of our faith, the Paschal Mystery. For the fifty days of the Easter season, we are invited to rejoice in the promise of Easter and to enter more deeply into this mystery and all that it means in our lives. Our Risen Lord greets each of us, as He greeted his followers, with messages of peace: “Peace be with you…Do not be afraid…I am with you always.” The apostles and the followers of Jesus were devastated as they witnessed the suffering and death of Jesus. They felt so abandoned and afraid that they hid. It was the women who went to the tomb and brought back the message that Jesus had risen as He had said. This Easter message, the Paschal Mystery, must find a place in our hearts as we all experience times in our lives that challenge our faith and hope to the core. It is then that we are called to remember: “Peace… Do not be afraid… Rejoice, I am with you always.” This is the gift we have received from our Risen Lord, and it is the gift we are called to give one another.
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We experienced this challenge of the Easter Mystery when we made the decision to transfer our Motherhouse to Catholic Charities and to move to Franciscan Village. It will be two years this July that our first Sisters began the move that continued throughout an entire year. Needless to say, the lives of many of our Sisters were turned upside down as they were separated not only from the familiarity and comfort of the Motherhouse, but more importantly, the sacred place in which Mother Maria had lived most of her life. Little by little, the Sisters not only settled into their new surroundings but found new ways to minister. And something else happened — those we had left behind and those connected with our ministries found their way to Franciscan Village, bringing joy and a powerful reminder that God is with us always through the people whose lives we have touched and through the people who continue the mission of our community: our associates, our present and former employees, colleagues from ministry, alumnae from St. Casimir Academy/Maria High School, family and friends. The various events and activities that took place this March during National Catholic Sisters Week gives testimony to that deep connection. Letters streamed in from former students; alumnae planned visits; the children from the Maria Kaupas Center came to entertain and “make friends” with the Sisters at Franciscan Village; and six young women from Villa Joseph Marie High School in Holland, PA, considered their day spent with the Sisters at Franciscan Village a highlight of their service trip to Chicago. We are so blessed, that even as our numbers grow smaller, the circle of all those in relationship with us grows ever wider. And for this, we are deeply grateful because God continues to do great things, things beyond our imagining. “This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” In the name of all the Sisters of St. Casimir, I extend to you and your loved ones a very Blessed Easter Season.
Sister Regina Dubickas, SSC General Superior Sisters of St. Casimir
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SSCs in Argentina
isters Regina Dubickas and Margaret Zalot enjoyed warm weather and gracious hospitality January 6–22, 2016, as they visited with the six SSC sisters currently missioned in Argentina.
Avellaneda On January 6th Sisters Regina and Margaret were warmly welcomed to Avellaneda, which is just outside of Buenos Aires. Sister Asuncion Costantini prepared a wonderful “first meal.” They were joined by Sisters Joyce Ann Dopkin and Nilda Varanauskas for dinner, which included a delicious birthday cake in honor of Mother Maria’s birthday. During their stay in Avellaneda, Sisters Regina and Margaret were able to visit the SSC ministry sites, share Eucharist at Madre de Misericordia Parish, join with the Associates for a special Mass praying for the beatification of Mother Maria, and make a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lujan.
Cordoba Sisters Regina and Margaret then traveled north to Cordoba to visit with Sisters Jeanne Moceyunas, Elenisa Buzas, and Estela Risso. In Cordoba, they had the opportunity to visit three ministry sites as well as participate in liturgies at Our Lady of the Valley Parish and Hogar San Camilo (a senior nursing facility staffed by the Daughters of St. Camillus). They were also able to celebrate an outdoor Mass with the Associates from Cordoba in the backyard of the Sisters’ home there.
Sister Jeanne Moceyunas stands in front of a banner of Mother Maria as she welcomes associates to the outdoor Mass in Cordoba. Also shown are two former students of the Sisters: Father Francisco San Martin, CMF, celebrant, and Cristina Oliva, the guitar accompanist who is an SSC associate in Cordoba.
Assembly Days
Sister Asuncion Costantini poses with women in her ministry.
The Sisters from Avellaneda came to Cordoba for a community assembly which began on January 16th. Sisters Regina and Margaret led the group, using the image of Our Lady Untier of Knots as the focus for their faithsharing, prayers, and discussions, which included a ritual of gratitude for Sister Jeanne, who has been Regional Superior for the past 18 years. These were truly blessed moments for all as together they shared life, ministry, prayer, and community.
Sisters Elenisa Buzas, Joyce Ann Dopkin, Margaret Zalot, Asuncion Costantini, Regina Dubickas, Estela Risso, Jeanne Moceyunas, and Nilda Varanauskas gather outside the Sisters' convent in Cordoba.
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Celebrating National Catholic Sisters Week National Catholic Sisters Week (NCSW) is celebrated each year from March 8 – 14 in conjunction with National Women's History Month. "National Catholic Sisters Week celebrates the commitment, compassion and influential work of women religious from pressing the frontlines
of social change or praying in cloistered chapels," said Sr. Mary Soher, OP, co-executive director of the Hilton Sisters Project National Catholic Sisters Week. Friends of the Sisters of St. Casimir warmly celebrated the Sisters and their ministries in a variety of ways throughout the week. What a delight it was for all!
Holy Cross Hospital On March 4th, the Feast of St. Casimir, Holy Cross Hospital celebrated both the Feast of St. Casimir and National Catholic Sisters Week by inviting the Sisters to a special luncheon with HCH leaders. Afterwards, the Sisters had the opportunity to distribute cookies to the staff in each of the hospital departments. The celebration ended with a prayer service in the chapel during which Sister Regina Dubickas gave a reflection, expressing how honored the Sisters are to continue to be part of the ministry of Sinai Holy Cross, especially through the establishment of the Catholic Monitoring Committee on which they serve. Sister Regina quoted Mother Maria as she talked about "the sacred responsibility of caring for the sick ..." and that the Sisters continue to value this mission.
The Sisters joined Sinai Holy Cross Hospital leadership and staff after the prayer service held in the chapel.
SSC-CC Staff Luncheon
Sister Margaret McTaggart meets staff in various departments as she distributes her cookies.
Sister Dolorine Lopez enjoys a visit with Holy Cross Hospital staff at the special luncheon. 4
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On March 10th, SSC and Catholic Charities employees provided an appreciation luncheon for the Sisters at the Motherhouse. Sister Margaret Zalot enjoys the company of Each Sister of John Delaney, Mary Beth McCarthy, and Bob Kristy at the staff sponsored luncheon. St. Casimir had been given a name badge for the week were distributed to the varithat read, "Proud to be an ous SSC mission houses, SSC." Staff and friends ministries, and sponsored inboasted ones that read, "I stitutions. Though they may reside in different locations, Love Catholic Sisters." The SSC staff also pro- the Sisters were connected by vided every Sister with a the door hangers reminding door hanger which cel- them of the love and good ebrated National Catho- wishes that each door hanger lic Sisters Week. These represented.
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MHS Alumnae and MKC On March 12th, all the Sisters were invited to share in a special Maria Kaupas Center concert at Franciscan Village and a lunch provided by the SCA-MHS Alumnae Association. Anna Belle O'Shea, SCAMHS Alumnae Association President, who also is a volunteer music teacher at the MKC, coordinated the concert. A fun pizza lunch followed the concert. Each Sister was also gifted with a personalized card and a flower from the Alumnae. Students from the MKC distributed cards they had made for the Sisters.
Sisters Margaret Zalot, Michaelyn Pakrosnis, Dolorine Lopez, and Maureen Juozapavicius accept a huge "Thank You" from the Maria Kaupas Center students.
Anna Belle O'Shea, MHS alumna and MKC volunteer, joins the drumming concert. Sisters Lawrence Puishys and Agnese Chapkauskas enjoy the lively day.
Sister Andreata Naudziunas interacts with a student during one of the many planned activities.
Sister Regina Dubickas, Clement Mazgelis, Deborah Romanuski, Lourdine Ramoska, and Margaret Petcavage engage with the student performance.
Sister Rosalinda Grigonis switches roles from teacher to student as she follows instructions from the MKC students.
Sister Theresa Dabulis is encouraged by the crowd as she demonstrates her ball handling skills.
MHS alumnae Nannette Zander (above) and Mary Ann Pater (right) help serve pizza and salad. Sister Lourdine Ramoska places her order and MHS alumna Sister Elizabeth Ann Yocius helps with the pizza. w w w. ssc 2601. com
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Meet a Sister Be Inspired
Franciscan Communities The Life Enrichment Staff of Franciscan Village arranged for a different surprise for the Sisters on each day of the week. The Sisters enjoyed homemade cookies, fruit cups, and roses during the week-long activities.
Sisters Lucille Zelvys, Concetta Petrauskas, and Lucille Ann Bandyk appreciate the special events coordinated by the Franciscan Village staff.
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With Gratitude to Our Benefactors
We acknowledge with deep gratitude the loving generosity of our many supporters. Adams, Richard Adamski, Michael & Linda Allegretti, Paul & Denise American Insurance Trust Anderson, Ruth Anderson, Tom & Sue Anonymous Atkenson, MD, SC, Robert Atkenson, MD, Paul Atkenson, Walter & Genevieve Babcock, Charlotte Bacik, Bernice Balesh, Stella Balkus, SSC, Mary Bandyk, Joe & Lynne Bandyk, SSC, Lucille Ann Baran, Leo Bardauskas, Dan & Bonita Baumhart, Barbara Bednarcik, Elaine Belitz, George Belsky, Catherine Bendoraitis, Ronald Berger, Therese Bertrand, Richard Betz, Bernard & Alice Bibat, Mary Ann Binkis, Paul & Susan Bluff, Mary Ann Blusnavage, Victor & Janice Bodnar, Susan Bogish, Michael & Elaine Boldyreff, Roman & Linda Borowski, Joe & Fran
Sisters Janine, Michaelyn, and Marilyn Kuzmickus
Borowski, Stephen & Marita Brady, Thomas Brice, Rita Brooks, Donna Bryant, Harry Brzegowy, Rita Bucko, Christine Bukis, Joseph & Irma Bullett, Walter & Karen
Burnett, Milton Burns, Mary Burns, Nancy Bush, Stanley & Marie Butler, James Camp, Robert & Patricia Cartwright, Valerie Casey, Jeanne M. Castle-Genn, Mary Jane Cepulionis, Janice Charles, Donna Chialastri, Dorothy Chicago Equity Partners Christel, Clementine Cieplak, Mary Ciuckyte, SSC, Salvatore Cizauskas, SSC, Georgine Cizikas, SSC, Ann Mary
Sister Delphine
Cizikas, Sylvester, Charitable Gift Annuity Clark, Lori Clemens, Robert & Carol Clements, Ida Clifford, Mary Clow, Barbara & Raymond Comes, Urban & Virginia Conforti, Fred & Leona Conville, Mary Costa, Marie Cox, Carol Coyne John & Sylvia, and family Cruz, Josie Dabulis, SSC, Theresa Damasaukas, Robert Dancy, John & Agatha Danyla, Catherine Daraska, Paul & Mary Daukus, Ruth Dauparas, Joseph Davis-Leal, Eva Debulski, SSC, Frances Deckys, Algis Deckys, Elena S ist er s
Deeney, Marian Depue, Roger & Joanne DePutron, David & Christine DePutron, Ronald & Claudia Diamond, Gene Disis, Leonard & Dolores Donahue-Coia, Kathy Donovan, Agnes Donovan, Donna Dopkin, Raymond & Florence Dozier, Eleanor Drap, Joseph Draugelis, Arunas & Irena Dubickas, SSC, Regina Durbin, Ronald & Mary Ellen Dusza, Mary Ann Dutcavich, Gloria Dzielak, Diana Ebert, Eleanor Ellis, Janet Ernst, Anne Feliss, William & Bernice Ferro, Tony Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Filip, William, Family Charitable Fund Finestone, Ruta Fischer, Edward Fitzgerald, IHM, Alexius Flanagan, William & Ann Flynn, Bob & Agnes FMA Chapter 375 Foley, Mark and Family Foreacre, Barbara Foreman, John & Vivian Cunnea Fossler, Francine Galenas, Paul & Patricia Galitski, Joseph & Elizabeth Gasunas, Mary Gavenda, Robert & Anne-Marie Gaytan, Sergio & Andrea Gercius, Mary Anna Geremias, Diana Gergo, Joe Gianni, Renee Glock, Barbara Glock, Tom Goldstein, Ann & John Golubickis, SSC, M. Janine Gomez, Imelda Gonzales, Joseph
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Sister Philip
Granito, Alice Granito, Stephen & Laura Green, Jo Ann Greene, Ronald Grigonis, SSC, Rosalinda Gumienny, Richard & Jane Guttenplan, Barbara Hackett, Andrea Brien Hallman, Jack C. Hanlon, Estelle Hanson, Fran Harden, Jon & Mary Hartnett, Gregory & Barbara Harwood, Monica Heaney, Judith Heidkamp, Robert & Monica Heintz, James & Celia Heintz, Rosada Hennig, Kenneth & Christine Herrmann, Jim & Joan Hinder, John & Donna Hinojosa, Jorge & Donna Hletko, Geraldine Hoey, John & Linda Hoffman, Judy Hofmeister, Matt Holloway, Raymond & Terry Hope, Patricia Horan, Carol Horton, Patricia Hoteko, Donna Howatt, Carolyn Jacob, Mercedita Jandolo, A. Janus, SSC, Bernadette Marie Jarackas, Katherine Jautokas, Regina Jennings, Dana Jeronowitz, Robert & Bernice
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January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 Your donations help us to continue our ministries and to care for the health care needs of our Sisters. Jesukaitis, Connie Johnson, Edward Johnson, Nijole Johnson, Stella Jones, Terese Jones, Thomas Juarez, Constance Jucas, K.A. Juskaitis, Regina Juskus, Angela Kalafut, SSC, Grace Ann Kalupa, Laverne Kalwasinski, Stan & Karen Kamza, SSC, Wanda Kapischke, Marian Karpiel, Renee Karpovich, SSC, Marilyn Kasarskis, Ed & Mary Kaupas, Laura Kay, Mary Ann Kelley, Stewart (S.I.) Kelly, Dorothy Kerr, Ken & Elaine Kessler, William & Marilyn King, Arthur & Marianne Kitterman, Coral Kizelevicus, Raymond & Barbara Klein, Dr. James
Sister Leandra
Knights of Lithuania Supreme Council Knights of Lithuania, C-96 Konwerska, Helen Kopecky, Joyce Kretzer, Maureen Kripas, Anthony, Charitable Trust Kripas, SSC, Genevieve Kroeck, George & Kathy Kruszynski, Michaeline Kubalanza, Joan Kuch, Frederick Kuperavage, Eileen Kurek, Crystal
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Kuzmickas, Virginia Kuzminski, Frank Kwasniewski, Helen Lake, Eugene & Ruth Lally, John & Mary Lane, Margaret Lane, TJ Lapenas, Elena Lawler, Angela Leazer, John & Ann Lebrun, Denise Levonaitis, Raymond Liotine, Joseph Lipperini, Rich & Irene Lipsett, Rose Logue, Neal & Katherine Lopez, SSC, Dolorine Losch, James & Mary Lucas, Walter & Judith Luksta, Robert Lupescu, Carolyn Lynch, Michael & Janet Lynn, Art & Wendy Maciora, Joseph Markus, Thomas & Ann Maroney, IHM, Ellen Marquette Funeral Homes Marshak, Bonnie Martish, Jim & Jean Masiliunas, Scott Matulioniene, Vida Mayer, Susan Mazeika, Jeanette Mazgelis, SSC, Clement Mazgelis, SSC, Margaret Mary McAuliffe, Daniel & Kathleen McCarthy, Mary McCarthy, Mary Beth McCloskey, Michael McGovern, Aileen McIntyre, Debra McKee, Karen McManus, Kenneth McNichols, Florence McTaggart, Michael & Virginia Medinger, CND, Marilyn Meenan, Kevin & Anna Meltzer, Sharon Menard-Foster, Donna Mendez, Anita Mendez, Guadalupe Mentzer, John Meyer, James MHS Class of 1965 S ist er s
Michalski, Lynda Mickus, Sheila McDonnell Mikatavage, Mark Miksas, SSC, Teresita Mikuzis, Juozas & Lora Miller, Alyce Miller, Philip & Dorothy
Sister Salvatore
Minieka, Dr. Michael Misek, Ronald & Gloria Misiulis, Vytas & Stella Mitchell, Anne Mitiu, Victoria Momkus, Vaclovas & Marguerite Moran, Eileen Morgan Stanley Moroz, Stan & Paula Morris, James & Dorothy Morrissey, Vivian Moskal, Christine Mueller, Donald & Barbara Mullen , Joan Mullin, Ray & Helen Murphy, Jim & Bernice Murray, Dale Napravnik, Susan Narusis, Bernard & Regina Naujokas, Paul & Chengchi Naujokas, Ray & Therese Naujokas, Richard & Judy Nauseda, Mary Jane Neumann, Susan Norkaitis, Anthony & Dalia Norris, Walter North, Nancy Norusis, Linas & Audrone O’Malley, Mary O’Shea, Anna Belle Okolowitcz, Paul & Maureen Olevich, Alice Olsen, Douglas & Laura Olsen, Edith Olsen, Gary & Diane Olsen, Sue
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Opanasets, Alice Orlik, SSCM, Michael Ann Ormand, Mary Ortiz, John & Rosamond Ozelis, Evelyn Palokas, Gerre Palunas, Mecys Panchari, Anthony & Anna Pantos, Barbara Papsis, SSC, Theresa Pauksta, Leon & Anne Paurazas, Rev. Peter Pavone, Anthony Pawelak, Leonora Peetz, Dwaine & Carmen Pempek, Jeanmarie Pervenecki, Stanley Petcavage, Thomas & Sheila Peterson, Cecilia Petkevicius, SSC, Zita Petkus, Donald Petrick, Mary Petronis, Charles & Margaret Piaskowy, Margarita Piegari, Rochelle Piersall, Cathy Politza, Joseph Pollock, Robert & Nancy Poslusny, Linda Potts, Robert Powers, Joan Primozic, Carol Puisis, Ed & Kelly Puisis, Francis & Virginia Puisis, Joan Puisis, John & Jennifer Puris, Genevieve Purtill, Donna Pusatera, Eileen Puzek, Margaret Rackauskas, Ramune Raczkowski, Bernice Ramoska, SSC, Lourdine Ramoska, SSC, Philip Ray Buick
Sister Lorraine Therese 7
We pray daily for our benefactors
Sister Therese Bernadette
Reed, Thomas & Nancy Reef, Marion Revas, SSC, Juline Rivera, Michelle Roberts, Barbara Robles, Edith Rodewald, Clarence & Loretta Rokaitis, Donald Romanelli, Michael & Antoinette Romanuski, SSC, Deborah Romberg, Kathleen Rowan, Thomas & Ann Marie Rumishek, Tom & Marilyn Rumsa, James Ryscavage, Eugene & Rose Marie Salgado, Irene Sangpeal, Gail Sarno, Nicholas & Mary Rose, and family Sarokas, Gertrude Sauleiko, Rosita Saulys, Dalia Saulys, Vacys & Viktorija Savickas, David SCA-MHS Alumnae Association Schenk, Margaret Schlussel, Charles Schrier, Sue Schultz, Paula Staisiunas Schuylkill Area Community Foundation Scrima, Milda SEI Seritella, Jim Setcavage, Jim Shainauskas, SSC, Johanna Marie Sharko, Donald Sharko, Gerald Sharow, Pat Sherwin Williams Co Shinners, Agnes Shirt, Eileen Shirt, Theresa 8
Shotas, Lucille Shotas, Nancy Signature Advisors Group, LTD Sinai Health System Sisters of St. Casimir Auxiliary Sitkus, SSC, Regina Six, Ellen Skusevich, Doris & Daniel Skwarek, Teresa Slakoper, Mat & Carol Slaustas, Charles Slavik, David & Cookie Slovacek, Leo & Geri Smalley, Maryann Smith, SSC, Kathleen
Sister Grace Ann
Smithson, Mary Sobczak, Nancy Sokas, Timothy & Regina Sopron, Stephen G. & Diann K. Spear, Lawrence & Mary St. Joseph Elementary School Class of 1965 St. Norbert School Staisiunas, Laura Stamper, Jeff & Patricia Stancikas, Helena Stancius, Veronika Steffen, Denise Steikunas, Bronislava Stern, Laura Strabel, Karen Straiges, Ronald Strolia, Theresa Strom, Thomas Stulas, Patricia Sturlis, Paul & Grace Styler, Rosemary Sublousky, John Sudeikis, Christine Sudeikis, Linda Suire, Helen Sullivan, Esther Sundin, Edward & Mary S ist er s
Svelnis, Lorraine Swagzdis, James Sweeney, Edward & Vivian Swietanowski, Pauline Swietanowski, Tony Swoish, Gerald & Grayce Szumelda, Clarice Tarvid, Russell Tenbroeck, Frances Thiel, Alice Thomas Dower Foundation Thomas, Paul Tolish, Ted & Cheryl Tong, George & Dorothy Tovar, Madeline Trusiak, Virginia Sarro Tummala, Drs. Sivaramaprasad & Kamala Tuzik, Rev. Robert Udovic, CM, Rev. Edward Uknalis, Irena Underwood, Mary Ann Unterbrink, Larry & Mary Uzdanovich, Kenneth & Susan Vaicekauskas, Povilas & Lorraine Valaitis, Carol Valentino, Marie Van Lent, Eileen Vanaria, Vivian Vatch, Steven Veatch, Barbara Velasquez, Art & Joanne Vemich, Duke Viall, Nancy
Sister Mary Balkas
Viatorian Community Vichuras,SSC, Evelyn Villa, Jose & Clare Vilutis, James & Rose Vodicka, Alicia Vosahlik, Otto Vycius, Loretta Wachsman, Renee Wade, Norene
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Walker, Ronald & Aldona Walsh, John & Corinne Walter, Anna Walton, Grinny Walton, Wes & Jurdis Wastak,SSC, Grace Carol Waskow, Sharon (Cher) Waszgis, Jim & Rose Wauhob, Christy Webb, Robert & Mary Weed, Marianne Weirman, Robert Wenclawiak, Patricia Wendt, Michael & Jude White, Carol White, Joseph & Irene Wild, Paul & Mary Williams, Danny & Caroline Winslow, Leonard & Vicki Wisneski, Emily Yasak, Wendy Yenushosky, Msgr. Daniel Yerkes, John & Eloise Yerkes, Leonard & Jo Ann Yerkes, Sr., David Yocius, Dominick & Mary Zalot,SSC, Margaret Zigmantiene, Lidija Zimont, Sophia Zinker, Ed Zukas, Paul Zurlo, Anna Bequests Estate of Adeline Butkus Estate of Charles Martinaitis Estate of Msgr. Damasus Mozeris Estate of Bernadette C. Schultz Estate of Lillian Walsh Estate of Adelaide S. Whitney MacDonald Family Trust Mildred MacDonald RevocableTrust The Sisters thank all of their benefactors and apologize for any names that may have been inadvertently omitted. Photos on these donor pages show Maria Kaupas Center and Villa Joseph Marie students visiting with the SSCs during National Catholic Sisters Week. w w w. ssc 2601. com
National Catholic Sisters Week Notes Through the SSC Communications Office and the SCAMHS Alumnae Association, many people were able to share in the Thank-a-Sister Campaign during National Catholic Sisters Week. Beautiful thank you cards, letters, and emails were received by both individual Sisters and the Congregation itself, remarking on the impact that the
Sisters of St. Casimir had on their lives. The Sisters were deeply touched to be remembered by so many people in such a loving way and wish to thank all who took the time to write. We've included a representive sample of the notes here.
Dear Sisters of St. Casimir, I am so glad to have this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful education you provided for me during my years at Maria High School. My parents were the ones who chose my high school for me, based on the reputation that Maria had for discipline, quality academics and fine arts, as well as its Catholic spirituality. I have never regretted my parents’ choice. My Maria education has been with me through every step of my adult life. As an educator myself, I have always appreciated the care that each of the Sisters showed for me in every class I took. I have especially fond memories of the time I spent in the Music Department with Sister Bernarda. She inspired me, encouraged me, and instilled in me a love for music that has remained with me until this day. May God bless each of you for the example that you were for each and every SCA and MHS student, and for the example that you continue to be for each of us today. With gratitude, A graduate of MHS 1965 Dear Sisters of Saint Casimir, As you celebrate this week I would like to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for all that you have done for so many of us throughout the years and all that you continue to do. I have to say that I was one of the fortunate many who can say I knew what a Sister was and how they touched my life in so many ways ... God Bless you. – an SSC Associate
I am grateful to the Sisters for instilling in me the challenge to push myself and do better, to develop critical problem solving skills, and to always treat others fairly and with respect. In my 43 years of nursing practice, I was privileged to instill some of those qualities in my students and employees that I mentored and managed. May God bless and reward the Sisters for the marvelous work that they have done and continue to do. I thank God that they played a big role in my life. I have been blessed by their work and dedication. With gratitude, – A graduate of MHS 1966 w w w. ssc 2601. com
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Dear Sisters: Thank you all for what you have given me through the years from the time I first met you as a student in the 1950s at Villa Joseph Marie through today when you all are praying for my son. I love you all so much. Thank you Villa Joseph Marie for giving us a superior education and setting goals for us to achieve. – A graduate of VJM 1959
Grateful thanks to the Sisters of St. Casimir for the lasting religious and secular education! – A graduate of Nativity BVM 1949
Dear Sisters of Casimir, Thank you for all you are doing for our girls at Villa Joseph Marie High School. – VJM Board Member
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Villa Joseph Marie Celebrates NCSW and Service Opportunities de Porres House of Hope at 64th and Woodlawn in Chicago. The group participated in a morning muisters Immacula Wendt and Margaret Zalot vissic class with women from the shelter, some discussion ited Villa Joseph Marie High School (Holland, afterwards with Marge Nykaza, Executive Director of PA) March 6–9. On March 6th, they joined a Harmony, Hope and Healing, and Tina Villapando, group of students and their families participating in Programming Director, and a lively music class with a service experience, which ended with a Mass in the pre-schoolers who live at the shelter. chapel followed by a luncheon. The next day, there On the way to Holy Name Cathedral for noon Mass, was an all school liturgy celebrating St. Casimir and the group “toured the city” checking out the lake, the the Sisters of St. Casimir. Signs and posters celebratskyline, “the bean,” the Chicago river, and life in the ing the Sisters during National Catholic Sisters Week city at noon. After Mass they stopped at a Mexican decorated the halls. The days were filled with meetings restaurant for lunch before returning to the MKC for a and classroom visits. quick tour of Catalyst Maria, to view the Maria legacy wall, and to see the Maria Kaupas Center in action. Service Days in Chicago The group stayed in rooms on the third floor of the While the Sisters were still in Pennsylvania, six Villa MKC. While there, the Villa girls met with Amy Eckgirls and two chaperones (President Tom Kardish and house, Program Director, and Mindy Rueden, ExecuCampus Minister Stephanie McCarthy) were prepartive Director, observed an art class, participated in a ing for VJM’s first service trip to Chicago. The group circle of prayer, prepared food with students in a cookarrived very early on March 13th – in time for breaking class, and two of the Villa girls, each with black fast at Nativity convent with the Sisters from Nativbelts in Taekwondo, demonstrated their skills to the ity and the St. Casimir Motherhouse before attending Taekwondo class. After the MKC students left the cenMass at St. Agatha Church. Father Larry Dowling, ter, the Villa girls were eager for the sewing lesson Sister pastor, introduced the visitors to the parish at the beElizabeth Ann Yocius had promised them. After several ginning of Mass and also called them to the altar behours extending into the night, they all had a finished fore Mass ended for a special blessing by Father Larry product – a small cloth purse – to take back with them. and the entire Congregation. Although the group needed to leave the MKC before By noon they were off to Franciscan Village in Lemnoon for their flight home, they managed to pack more ont to visit with each of the Sisters. Conversation was in before they left on March 15th. They began with filled with stories, laughs, and selfies. Lessons were Morning Prayer and Mass at the Motherhouse followed learned along the way. by breakfast with the Sisters from the Motherhouse, The next day began with a morning at St. Martin and the SSC staff. Afterwards, they met with immigrant women from the Southwest Organizing Project as well as with SWOP's Executive Director, Jeff Bartow, and came to know first hand some of the issues faced by people in the community. The packed itinerary, coordinated by Sister Margaret Zalot, provided the Villa students with a fun experience while encountering the joys and challenges of different cultures. The girls appreciated this opportunity and are looking forward to a May "reunion" when the SSC Council and Sister Elizabeth Ann will be at Villa. From beginning to end it was a wonderful way to celebrate National Catholic Sisters Margaret Zalot and Elizabeth Ann Yocius enjoy a laugh with the Villa Joseph Marie Sisters Week with Villa friends. students and chaperones before the group's return to Pennsylvania.
Villa Joseph Marie
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Mother Maria Kaupas Center Mount Carmel, PA
t has been one year since the Mother Maria Kaupas include volunteering at the local food pantry and at Center in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, was dedia senior citizen apartment building, making soup and cated, and its presence has already positively imcookies to deliver to shut-ins, cleanup of local Catholic pacted the lives of many people in an amazing variety cemeteries, and helping to organize the Center facility of ways. to better accommodate future service groups. Fr. Martin Moran reports that it has been particularly exciting to partner with Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA) in the establishment of a Bucknell Field Station at the Center. The field station has opened the door for many opportunities for community engagement in the Mount Carmel area by university professors and their students. Besides Bucknell, several other colleges and universties have sent students to the Center for service opportunies. Catholic Campus Ministry students from Elizabethtown College and Franklin and Marshall College performed service at the Mother Maria Kaupas Center in January. Students from Lee Amarose-Lebanon Valley College, Amarose-Wilkes University, Lock Haven University, Penn State UniverBucknell University interns Erin Frey and Adam Bishop, Bucknell Professor Carl Milofsky, intern Jessi Scheimreif, Professor Jen Silva and the Rev. Martin Moran stand outside the sity, West Virginia University, BloomsMother Maria Kaupas Center in Mount Carmel, PA. burg University, Mansfield University, Pennsylvania College of Technology, Holleran-Wilkes University, and Winhofer-Millersville This Catholic college student volunteer program is University were among those participating in the seran initiative committed to engaging Catholic college vice program over the holidays. Service opportunities students in more meaningful and potentially transformative ways by addressing the preparation and development of effective leaders among young men and women, and by encouraging the discernment of a call to priesthood and consecrated life. The Center has hosted a meeting of Catholic campus ministers from the colleges and universities within the Diocese of Harrisburg, PA, which provided an opportunity for the schools to tour the Mother Maria Kaupas Center, learn about its mission, and visit potential service sites in the community. Interest was peaked, resulting in a very busy year at the Center. Plans are currently underway to expand to a different age group. Working with Bucknell and partners in the Sister Mindy Welding, IHM, explains Catholic Social Thought while local school district, the Center is preparing to host a providing a thelogical reflection component for college students participating in the holiday service program at the Mother Maria Kaupas Center in “Kaupas Camp� this summer for middle school stuMount Carmel, PA. Sister Mindy commented, "It is a privilege to be a part dents in the Mount Carmel area. The camp will have of this great endeavor! " The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of athletic, educational, and community service compoMary, in Scranton, PA, are happy to share in the Center's mission. nents. w w w. ssc 2601. com
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Along the Way SSC Employee Missioning
Sister Regina Dubickas, General Superior, (center) joined the employees for a photo after the Mass and missioning ceremony. Employees pictured, from left, are: Rita Brzegowy, Insurance Clerk; Cheryl Tolish, Administrative Assistant; Robert Kristy, Senior Accountant; Fran Tenbroeck, Volunteer; Mary Beth McCarthy, Associate Treasurer; Paula Staisiunas Schultz, Communications Project Manager; and Toni Courson, Driver.
On February 4, 2016, the SSC employees gathered in the chapel for Mass and the annual missioning service. After a reflection on mission by Sister Regina Dubickas, each employee was called to accept her/his mission. Special recognition for years of service was given to Rita Brzegowy, Insurance, 25 years; Robert Kristy, Accounting, 20
years; and Paula Staisiunas Schultz, Communications, 10 years. After all were missioned, the employees made their commitment together to the mission and values of the Sisters of St. Casimir, and in turn were blessed by the Sisters and all present. An informal luncheon and social followed the Mass.
Maria Kaupas Center Welcomes New Director The Maria Kaupas Center (MKC) welcomed its new Executive Director, Mindy Rueden, in January. A Wisconsin native and graduate of Lakeland College (MA in Counseling) and Lawrence University (BA in Religious Studies), Mindy comes to the MKC after leading the Br. David Darst Center for Justice and Peace, SpirMindy Rueden ituality and Education for the past ten years. Before that, she worked in faith formation and youth ministry. Mindy is excited for the opportunity to blend her passions of youth, spirituality, 12
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and social justice as she helps the MKC realize its mission. She notes that she has already learned much about the Maria Kaupas Center, which is housed in the former Maria High School convent. "It is clear that the Sisters of St. Casimir have been and continue to be a vital presence in this community. It is quite humbling to join a mission and charism that has built such a tremendous legacy in a community. It is my hope that, together with all the staff who serve the mission of the MKC, I live the mission and charism of the Sisters with integrity." The MKC's calendar is filled with fun activities, which focus on spirituality, education, leadership, and community building. These include a community garden; a week for MKC 5th graders at Norman B Barr Camp in Lake Geneva, WI; a teen service week; and sewing, cooking, art, dance, and drum camps. For more information about the MKC, call (773) 925-8686. Or send an email to Mindy:
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Along the Way SSC Auxiliary Host Annual Games Party The Sisters of St. Casimir Auxiliary hosted its GamesBingo Party on April 3rd in the St. Casimir Center auditorium. Along with bingo, guests enjoyed refreshments, raffles, and baked goods at this annual event which benefits the SSC retirement fund. For information about the SSC Auxiliary, contact Susan Binkis, Moderator, at (773) 349-8060.
Sister Johanne Marie Shainauskas (left) waits for the next game to begin. Sister Bernadette Marie Janus (above) intently searches for her lucky numbers.
Sister Juline Revas enjoys the games and the opportunity to reconnect with friends.
SSC Associates Enjoy Valentine’s Day Visit The Sisters of St. Casimir Associates celebrated St. Valentine’s Day with a visit with each of the Sisters living in the Franciscan Communities of Our Lady of Victory Convent, Franciscan Village, and Mother Theresa Home. Each Associate enjoyed one-on-one time with his/her "adoped Sister." A spirit of kindness, love, and laughter filled the air.
Sister Zita Petkevicius (left) and Sister Lourdine Ramoska enjoy a light moment with SSC associate Mary Anna Gercius and a Franciscan Village staff member.
For information about the SSC Associate program, contact Sister Marilyn Karpovich: mkarpovich@ssc2601. com. SSC associate Joanie Mullen visits with Sister Georgine Cizauskas. w w w. ssc 2601. com
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Along the Way Catholic Charities' 1st Anniversary On December 15, 2015, Catholic Charities and the Sisters of Saint Casimir marked the one-year anniversary of the Motherhouse transfer by inviting all Catholic Charities and SSC employees to a joyful gathering at the Motherhouse. The celebration began with an interfaith prayer service in the chapel that included a special ritual, where the Sisters presented Catholic Charities with an evergreen tree representing the “sapling of their mission” planted by Mother Maria and nurtured by the Sisters throughout the years. Sister Regina Dubickas, in the name of the Sisters of St. Casimir, entrusted the tree and what it represents to Catholic Charities. Msgr. Boland then watered the tree which is now planted by the back door of the Motherhouse.
Waiting for the prayer service to begin in the chapel, from left: Sisters Margaret McTaggart, Bernadette Marie Janus, Rita Marie Kerdock, Dolorine Lopez, Elizabeth Ann Yocius, Margaret Mary Mazgelis, Maureen Juozapavicius; Back row: Sisters Deborah Romanuski and Margaret Petcavage.
Rev. Msgr. Michael Boland, Administrator, President and CEO of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago, and Sister Regina Dubickas, General Superior of the Sisters of St. Casimir, begin the prayer service commemorating the one year anniversary since the transfer of the SSC Motherhouse to Catholic Charities.
Several Sisters of St. Casimir were in attendance, with Sisters Theresa Papsis, Grace Ann Kalafut, and Lourdine Ramoska, joining the "Voices of Charity," a choir composed of Catholic Charities employees. All in attendance then moved to a packed auditorium where the Sisters explained the custom of sharing Christmas wafers with those at table. Everyone shared a wafer and a greeting with those around them before enjoying the delicious celebratory meal.
Sharing Mother Maria's Story with the IHMs In January, Sisters Regina Dubickas and Margaret Petcavage were invited to make a presentation about Mother Maria to the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) living at Our Lady of Peace (OLP) Residence and the IHM Center in Scranton, PA. On January 28th, while the IHM Sisters were gathering in the dining room at the OLP Residence, Sisters Regina and Margaret were in the SSC administrative offices at the St. Casimir Center in front of a laptop computer equipped with camera and microphone. Prior to connecting, Sister Margaret sent a Powerpoint presentation on Mother Maria to Sister Pat Walsh at the IHM Center. This was used as a great visual as Sisters Regina and Margaret shared some of their reflections on Mother Maria. The IHM Sisters were eager to hear more about Mother Maria and how she was intimately connected with the IHM Sisters from the very beginning of her religious life. Mother Cyril, IHM, 14
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Sisters Regina Dubickas (left) and Margaret Petcavage virtually connect with the Sisters, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Scranton, PA, to share Mother Maria's story and her strong connection with the IHMs of Scranton.
was a life–long mentor and friend of Mother Maria until Mother Maria's death.
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At Journey’s End
— Eternal Days Beginning
Sister Teresita Miksas, SSC August 6, 1920 – March 24, 2016 Sister Teresita was born in Chicago, Illinois, on August 6, 1920, to Apolinaras and Marcella Miksas, the third of four children. She felt blessed to have a good brother, Victor, and two wonderful sisters: Euphrasia and Genevieve, who later became Sister Margaret when she entered the Sisters of St. Casimir. Sister Teresita was taught by the Sisters of St. Casimir at Immaculate Conception School and St. Casimir Academy, and it was especially through the encouragement of Sister Alphonsine, her seventh grade teacher, that she felt called to religious life. Sister Teresita professed her first vows in 1939. She celebrated her Silver Jubilee in 1964, her Golden Jubilee in 1989, and had the joy of celebrating her Diamond (75 years) Jubilee in 2014. As Sister Teresita looked back at all those years of her life, she was grateful to God for calling her to live her life as a Sister. After earning a B.S. in Biology from Rosary College, she went on to attain an M.A. in Education from Loyola University. Throughout her teaching career of almost 50 years, Sister Teresita taught in both elementary and high schools. Her first assignment was St. Anthony School in Cicero, Illinois, followed by St. Casimir School in Chicago Heights, Illinois; St. Anthony School in Omaha, Nebraska; Sacred Heart School in Emerson, Nebraska; Villa Joseph Marie High School in Holland, Pennsylvania; and Maria High School in Chicago. She was proficient in teaching many subjects, but Sr. Teresita’s greatest love was science. She received many grants from the National Science Foundation to attend summer programs that expanded her knowledge of new content. She participated in programs held in many different parts of the country: Loyola University in New Orleans, Creighton University in Nebraska, Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and the College of St. Teresa in Minnesota, to name a few. Sister Teresita enjoyed exploring new places. She chaperoned a number of trips with high school students and was able to handle well all that was part of traveling with teenage girls, sometimes in a foreign country. She later put her travelling skills to work in organizing trips for and with groups of Sisters. w w w. ssc 2601. com
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In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Sister Teresita was placed in positions of leadership. She was often asked to be the superior in a local community. From 1971-1978, Sister Teresita was elected to serve on the SSC General Council. While on the Council, she was also supervisor for the many schools staffed by the SSCs. In 1978 she returned to teaching. She continued teaching until 1988 when she was again elected to serve on the General Council, which she did until 1993. She very much valued her time in leadership when, as she said, she was able to come to know the Sisters more personally, to support and show her concern for them, and appreciate their love and dedication to their ministry and to one another. In 2001, she was asked to serve as coordinator for the Sisters in the infirmary. Throughout her years of ministry, Sister Teresita served on various committees, including the community’s main fundraiser, the Summerfest, that over the years evolved into being a huge production and great fun for everyone. People still talk about it and miss coming to the Motherhouse garden for a delightful afternoon. As her health care needs increased, Sister Teresita moved into the infirmary. When the community made historic decisions to sell the Motherhouse and move to Franciscan Village, Sister Teresita was the first to move to Mother Theresa Home in Lemont, Illinois. It was 2014, her Diamond Jubilee year, and she returned to the Motherhouse to celebrate her Jubilee. She said that she felt blessed in that she had time to pray and reflect on the meaning of her long life and all that had been part of it. As Sister Teresita expressed gratitude for the past when she could be near her sister, Sister Margaret, and help provide loving care for her mother during her last years, she was also blessed to have, in the evening of her life, the loving friendship and care of Sister Grace Carol Wastak. May God now welcome Sister Teresita to her heavenly home after a long and fulfilling life journey of 95 years.
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Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir 2601 W. Marquette Road Chicago, IL 60629
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JOURNEYS is published by The Sisters of St. Casimir This publication is sent free of charge to relatives, friends and benefactors of the Sisters of St. Casimir. We thank you for the voluntary donations that you send to help us defray the cost of printing, postage and handling. Editor: Paula Staisiunas Schultz, Communications Project Manager Adviser: Sister Margaret Zalot, SSC Contact us: 773-776-1324 This paper contains 10% post consumer recovered fiber.
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Upcoming Events April 23
SCA-MHS Reunion 12:00 PM Luncheon (Palos Country Club)
M ay 7 • 9:30 am Mother Maria Mass
August 6 • 9:30 am Mother Maria Mass
August 27 • 9:30 am Founders' Day Mass and Celebration
June 4 • 9:30 am Mother Maria Mass
Congratulations 2016 Jubilarians 75 Years
50 Years
Sister Delphine Grigas Sister Rosalinda Grigonis
Sister Virginia Gapsis Hermana Estela Marina Risso
60 Years Sister M. Immacula Wendt