Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir
Vol. XXIX No. 1 Winter 2015
Sisters Earn Honors Sister Nancy Streitmatter, SSC, MD National Medical Honoree Sister Nancy Streitmatter, SSC, MD, FACC, FASE, has received recognition for her work in cardiology from the American Board of Cardiology and the National Institute of Medicine. The American Board of Cardiology designated Sister Nancy as a Distinguished Master Laureate, its highest recognition, in 2014. She was also appointed as a Senior Consultant in Cardiology to the American Board of Cardiology in recognition of high excellence. The mission of the American Board of Cardiology is to emphasize and promote excellence and ethics in cardiology and humanitarianism in all aspects of medicine. It is located in Boston. Also in 2014, Sr. Nancy was appointed a Distinguished Senior Consultant in Cardiology to the National Institute of Medicine, which is located in Washington, DC. The institute is organized for research, education, and
medical oversight in all aspects of medicine and surgery. The mission of its members is to emphasize and promote ethics, excellence, humanitarianism, morality, religious values, family values, and overall professional excellence. After earning her medical degree in Sister Nancy Streitmatter, SSC, MD 1973, Sister Nancy completed her residency in internal medicine in 1976 and completed a fellowship in cardiovascular disease in 1978, at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, "Sister Nancy" continued on page 14
Sister Dolorine Lopez — HCH Employee of the Month
Sister Dolorine Lopez greets and registers Holy Cross Hospital patients with a smile.
Sister Dolorine Lopez, SSC, recently went above and beyond the call of her duties at the registration desk in the Holy Cross Hospital Emergency Room. For her dedica-
tion, she was honored with the “Above and Beyond Employee of the Month Award” for the month of February. The award states: “Sr. Dolorine had gone home after working her shift in the ER. Later that evening a family was in crisis in the ER and someone from the Pastoral Care Department was not available. Sister Dolorine was called and without hesitation she came back to the ER to be with the family and pray with them. The family later told caregivers how very grateful they were for Sr. Dolorine’s compassion. Great work, Sr. Dolorine!” An educator and principal for almost 50 years, Sr. Dolorine found a new career when she moved to the Motherhouse in 2004. Upon hearing that she could be of service to Spanish-speaking patients at Holy Cross Hospital, Sr. Dolorine did not hesitate to embark on this new ministry.
More "Sister Honorees" on page 5
A Message from Sister Regina Marie Dear friends of the Sisters of St. Casimir, “Wake up the World” is the challenge our Pope Francis gives to consecrated persons within the Church during this Year of Consecrated Life. But the Pope’s message is for all of us: “Wake up the world!” Then we ask — To what? And how? The first question may be easy to answer as we look at some of the things happening in our world today. Our hearts go out in compassion to all who are suffering; our hearts ache at the sight of young people involved in violence and making choices that deny the goodness within them; our minds are baffled by people using the abundance of talents God has given them in ways that are destructive. There is no end to this litany and to our deep longing to “wake up the world” to spiritual and moral values, respect for the dignity of human life and of each person, the joy of living the Gospel way of life, the fact that there is a sacred dimension of life and that there is a God who loved us into being and who journeys with us in faith, hope, and love. But the question remains — how to “wake up the world?” Pope Francis encourages us, “Don’t be closed in on yourselves … You will find life by giving life, hope by giving hope, love by giving love.” We are all able to make a difference in our world, both in the immediate world around us locally and in the global world, by building relationships that are good
and respectful, reaching out to young people, bringing to prayer all the intentions that fill our hearts, and becoming involved in and supporting the efforts of those who are on the frontlines working for peace, for dialogue as an alternative to war, for respect for human rights, for comprehensive immigration reform, and and for so many other causes of disharmony and injustice in the human community. Pope Francis says, “The Church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of acting/or being. It is possible to live differently in this world … It is this witness I expect from you.” Let us join together in prayer and in living our respective vocations in this spirit. Let us thank God for the gift of consecrated life in the Church, express our gratitude to those who have been an inspiration to us in living the gospel, and encourage young people to consider a vocation to religious life. And I ask you, dear friends, to pray that we, the Sisters of St. Casimir, continue to remain faithful to our call as women religious wherever we are. Know that we keep all of you in our daily prayer. With gratitude, love, and prayers,
Sister Regina Dubickas, SSC General Superior Sisters of St. Casimir
Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. 2
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Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (From USCCB)
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SSC Transitions Continue
n December 15, 2014, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago became the official owners of the SSC Motherhouse. On that day the last documents were signed and notorized. It was truly an historic moment. The Sisters gathered for a special prayer that evening, where Sr. Regina Dubickas, General Superior announced, "This afternoon we received word that the transaction with Catholic Charities Sister Regina Dubickas, General Superior, signs the final documents for the official has been success- transfer of the SSC Motherhouse to Catholic fully completed. Charities. Standing from left are SSC Members Sisters Theresa Dabulis, The Motherhouse Council Immacula Wendt and Margaret Zalot. will now be "The Sisters of St. Casimir Center and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago." Sister Regina commented on how appropriate it was that the transaction occurred on the anniversary of the death in 1918 of Rev. Anthony Staniukynas, who helped establish the Sisters of St. Casimir and also the Lithuanian Catholic Charities. She went on to say, "Over 100 years ago, Fr. Staniukynas came to Chicago to search for an appropriate place to build our Motherhouse. He found it here ... There was nothing else around. What faith and courage that took.And look what happened! Today we draw on that same faith and courage of those on whose shoulders we stand to create something new. The transition will not all be smooth and easy or clearly marked, but that is what faith is about. There will be times of doubt and not knowing how to live our religious life in a totally new environment, but that is what courage is about." A transfer ritual, with prayers for this new partnership between the Sisters of St. Casimir and Catholic Charities, From left: Rev. Francis Serafinas, Rev. is being planned Alexander Skripka, and Rev. Anthony Staniukynas at the site upon which the for later in the year. SSC Motherhouse would be built. www. ssc 2601. com
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Catholic Charities Employees Are Welcomed to the Motherhouse
Catholic Charities employees have begun to move into their new offices in the SSC Motherhouse. On January 28, Tony Ferro, Campus Administrator, gave the first group of Catholic Charities staff a tour of their new environment. The tour ended in the chapel where Sr. Margaret Zalot gave a brief history of the SSC community, the life of Mother Maria, and the chapel. Each employee received a copy of SSC Journey in Faith – 100 Years, which includes a history of the Sisters and their ministries, and "Loving You," a booklet which tells the story of Venerable Mother Maria. The Catholic Cha rit ie s p er s on ne l were most appreciative to learn more about the Moth- Sister Margaret Zalot and Tony Ferro, Campus e r h o u s e Administrator, welcome Catholic Charities and the Sis- employees in the Motherhouse chapel. ters of St. Casimir as they continue the legacy of service.
Sisters Continue to Move
Throughout the cold winter months, SSCs have been packing their belongings for the move into their new apartments at Franciscan Village in Lemont, IL, and Marian Village in Homer Glen, IL. As each small group leaves, the remaining Sisters provide a warm sendoff with a community Sister Theresa Papsis (seated) meal shared with employreceives a blessing from Sister ees and friends who assist Marilyn Karpovich and the SSC Sisters and staff before her move in the move. Afterward to Franciscan Village. there is always a special blessing and prayer to accompany them on their way. Some Sisters move into assisted living, some into independent living, and some into a more skilled care environment. The administrative offices of the Sisters of St. Casimir will remain on the second floor of 2601 W. Marquette Rd., Chicago, IL. Please continue to pray for the Sisters in this time of major transition, that they make this journey with peace of mind and heart, trusting in the love that God and others have for them.
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Remembering Mother Maria Throughout her religious life, Mother Maria Kaupas was blessed to have a mentor in Mother Cyril Conway, IHM, a noble and holy woman, who was then the General Superior of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Scranton, PA. This saintly Sister wisely guided Mother Maria from her begin- Mother Cyril Conway, IHM and Ven. Mother ning days as a nov- (seated), Maria Kaupas, SSC, on the ice in 1905 until her occasion of Mother Maria's Silver Jubilee. death. Mother Cyril attended the funeral of her friend in 1940. A deep spiritual and loving friendship existed between these wise women, who were called to guide and lead two notable religious congregations, which have accomplished so much for the Church and touched the lives of so many. Mother Cyril wrote to Mother Maria upon her re-election as General Superior, in 1916, saying, “Your infant Congregation needs you. You have accomplished much for it, but this is not the end. … you know now, better than ever how to teach others to manage their own souls, to make them stand on their own feet, make them adaptable to circumstances. … I do not hesitate to say, to advise, dear Mother Maria, that you do the one thing worth doing – abandon yourself to God’s will and His care. Let Him love you in His own way and try to agree with all He does that is best.” Venerable Mother Maria treasured this advice and, in turn, lived a life faithful to God’s will and Mother Cyril’s counsels, thus making her beloved not only to God, but to all who knew her. 4
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Mother Maria Kaupas Center to open in Mount Carmel, PA
ev. Martin Moran, Pastor of Divine Redeemer Parish in Mt. Carmel, PA, is busy at work helping a new Mother Maria Kaupas Center become a reality. Plans are in place for the dedication of this center, the former St. Peter’s Convent, on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12, 2015, by Most Reverend Ronald W. Gainer, Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg. The SSC Leadership Team plans to participate in this event which will take place just days before the 75th anniversary of Mother Maria's death. Sister Margaret Petcavage, liaison for this project, Sr. Rita Marie Kerdock, originally from Mt. Carmel, and Sr. Deborah Romanuski, a former teacher at Holy Cross School in Mount Carmel, will also attend. The parishioners, especially those who know the Sisters of St. Casimir, are looking forward to the presence of the Sisters at this event. On October 7, 1907, Mother Maria, accompanied by Mother Cyril Conway, IHM, and Sr. M. Boniface McGivern, IHM, went to Mt. Carmel, PA, to establish a school. Holy Cross School opened on January 6, 1908, the first school opened by the Sisters of St. Casimir, and according to the Holy Cross anniversary books, the first Lithuanian school to open in the United States. It is fitting that this new Mother Maria Kaupas Center be in Mt. Carmel. Holy Cross parish was merged with four other parishes to become Divine Redeemer Parish. Father Moran and his parishioners see Venerable Mother Maria's example of service to others as an inspiration for others to work toward revitalizing the Mt. Carmel area and surrounding communities. In addition to spiritual and charitable initiatives, future plans include opportunities for college students to participate in community service projects and education- Holy Cross School, Mt. Carmel, PA, in 1908, was the first school opened by the al opportunities. Sisters of St. Casimir
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Sister Honorees Sister Genevieve Kripas — Star of the Month
Sister Genevieve moved into the Our Lady of Victory Convent at Franciscan Village in Lemont, IL, in July 2014. The residents there enjoy many planned activities and even have their own newsletter. In January 2015, Sr. Genevieve was featured as "Star of the Month." Here is an excerpt from that newsletter article. Congratula- Sister Genevieve Kripas tions, Sr. Genevieve! Sister Genevieve was born in Bridgeport, Chicago, IL, and is one of five girls. Growing up, she and her family enjoyed being a part of their parish and spending time together.
Sisters of Saint Casimir Receive Holy Family Villa Award
The Sisters of St. Casimir will receive the 2015 Holy Family Villa Caritas Sanctae Familiae (Love of Holy Family) Award at the 6th Annual Holy Family Villa Dinner to be held on March 8, 2015. The award is presented “to a special individual or group who has shown continuous dedication and service to Holy Family Villa and has touched the lives of those around them.” The award honors the deep roots the Sisters hold in the history of Holy Family Villa, Palos Park, IL, serving as the first administrators when the home opened in 1947. From that time through 2013, over 50 Sisters of St. Casimir served at HFV in
Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center Presents Certificate of Appreciation Sister Teresita Miksas holds her 20th anniversary blanket, and Sister Regina Dubickas displays the plaque given to the SSC community from Dr. David Bennett and the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, thanking them for continued dedication to the Religious Orders Study. Sister Teresita organized the yearly testing done at the Motherhouse.
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On Sundays after Church, they would visit the cemetery, and then they would spend time in nature. One of her favorite activities was collecting fresh spring water in the woods. At the age of 16, Sr. Genevieve entered the Sisters of St. Casimir as a Postulant. Her parents were very supportive of her decision. She states, “It was God’s calling. I felt a greater pull towards God and wanted to be of service.” Sister Genevieve ministered as a teacher for many years, and then attended nursing school. One of her greatest accomplishments took place in a small town in Nebraska where she helped facilitate the expansion of the local hospital. Later, she became a Nursing Home Administrator and worked at Holy Family Villa for seven years while taking care of her father. After this, Sister was the Auxiliary Moderator for the Sisters of St. Casimir for 12 years. Now, Sister finds living at Franciscan Village to be a new and exciting experience. She enjoys being there with her community and appreciates the beautiful chapel in the Our Lady of Victory Convent. various capacities. Sister Genevieve Kripas and Sr. Grace Carol Wastak served as the last two administrators of Holy Family Villa. Sister Janine Golubickis was the last Sister of St. Casimir to serve on Holy Family Villa's staff, doing so as a pastoral minister. Sister Janine continues to connect with both residents and staff.
Sister Grace Carol Wastak (right), Holy Family Villa Administrator, presents Sister Celestine Strongis a HFV Award for 34 years of service in May 1982.
A number of Sisters of St. Casimir have been part of the Rush Religious Orders Study since its beginnings twenty years ago. In their efforts to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease, the researchers at Rush asked religious to be the control group. In honor of the 20th anniversary of the study, they sent a certificate to every participant, thanking them for their continued support. Sisters Teresita Miksas (19 years), Georgine Cizauskas (19 years), Maureen Juozapavicius (19 years), Paulissa Puisis (19 years), and Agnese Chapkauskas (3 years) each received a certificate and a fleece blanket. A plaque was also given to the SSC community, thanking all for "invaluable contribution to the Religious Orders Study." We are grateful to our Sisters, those who have died and those who are still with us, for taking part in this study that contributes to prevention or cure of Alzheimer’s.
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Along the Way Welcome, Most Reverend Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago On November 18, 2014, Archbishop Blase Cupich was installed as the 9th Archbishop of Chicago. The next day several Sisters of St. Casimir participated in Morning Prayer at Holy Name Cathedral. In attendance were men and women religious and members of lay ecclesial movements in the archdiocese. Archbishop Cupich presided. After the Morning Prayer all were invited to meet the new archbishop in the school hall. The Sisters of St. Casimir present greeted him as a group, and Sister Margaret Petcavage presented him with a leaflet about Mother Maria, “the next Chicago saint.” Archbishop Cupich knew of St. Anthony’s parish in Omaha, a parish in which the Sisters of St. Casimir served for many years. Archbishop Cupich was warm and welcoming and wants to get to know the people of the Archdiocese. On January 8, Vicariate V of the Archdiocese of Chicago welcomed Archbishop Cupich at a special Mass held at St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel. Representatives from parishes and institutions throughout the vicariate were present for this Mass. Sisters Regina Marie Dubickas, Immacula Wendt, Margaret Zalot, Theresa Dabulis, and Bernadette Janus repre-
sented the Sisters of St. Casimir. Archbishop Cupich challenged all those present to continue spreading the word of God in word and action as the Spirit prompts them and asked them to pray that the Spirit would be with him in his new ministry as Archbishop of Chicago.
Anti-Trafficking Testimony and Prayer at SSC Motherhouse
Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Prevost, OSA
On Saturday, January 10, Illinois Women Religious against Human Trafficking hosted an afternoon of testimony and prayer in the SSC Motherhouse auditorium. Sister Barbara Sheehan, SP, facilitated this event. Sisters Theresa Dabulis (member of the anti-trafficking committee), Regina Dubickas, Sister Barbara Sheehan, Bernadette Marie Janus, Marilyn SP, facilitated the event. Karpovich, Nancy Streitmatter, Immacula Wendt, Margaret Zalot, and associates Susan and Paul Binkis were in attendance. All were challenged as they heard the first–hand story of a survivor of human trafficking, who now works to help others through the Dreamcatcher Foundation, an organization which fights to end human trafficking in Chicago. The first International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking took place on February 8, 2015. This was instituted by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General.
On January 18, there was a special Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Robert Prevost, OSA, at St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel, celebrating his appointment as Bishop of the Diocese of Chiclayo, Peru. Sisters Regina Marie Dubickas, Immacula Wendt, Margaret Petcavage, (pictured below) and Theresa Dabulis, Margaret Zalot, Bernadette Janus, Deborah Romanuski, and Mary Louise Andrulonis were present for this Mass. Bishop Prevost spent over a dozen years as an Augustinian missionary in Northern Peru, served as the Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians in Chicago before being elected the Prior General for the worldwide Augustinian Order for two consecutive 6-year terms. While Prior Provincial he was invited to celebrate the SSC Founders’ Day Mass and blessed the mosaic above Mother Maria’s sarcophagus.
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SSCs enjoy a light moment with Archbishop Blase Cupich. From left: Sisters Mary Louise Andrulonis, Margaret Zalot, Regina Dubickas, and Immacula Wendt. Not pictured are: Sisters Deborah Romanuski, Theresa Papsis, Margaret Petcavage and Bernadette Marie Janus, who also had the opportunity to meet the Archbishop.
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Along the Way Maria Kaupas Center (MKC) Remembers Mother Maria During the daily reflection on January 6, Mother Maria’s 135th birthday, Sr. Elizabeth Ann Yocius shared Mother Maria’s story with the young people at the Maria Kaupas Center. The students were amazed to learn that when Mother Maria was about their age, she left her home in Lithuania and traveled alone across the ocean to serve Elizabeth Ann as housekeeper to her brother, a Sister Yocius speaking to young priest in Pennsylvania. Sr. students at the MKC Elizabeth Ann also explained to the teens that one of Mother Maria’s most urgent messages a hundred years ago is still relevant today and a lesson taught at the MKC: Don’t let the temptations of a materialistic world make you lose sight of God. Afterwards, Catalyst-Maria math teacher Kaaren Hatlen offered a prayer in which she urged the teens to embrace the message of Mother Maria in their own lives.
Nativity Early Childhood Center Visits During Catholic Schools Week Sisters Theresa Papsis, Bernadette Marie Janus, Juline Revas, Marilyn Karpovich and Grace Ann Kalafut (pictured at left) were in the audience when students from Nativity Early Childhood Center came to the Motherhouse in celebration of Catholic Schools Week (January 25–30) to share some of the songs they had learned to sing. They had even learned to play the handbells! The Sisters, especially former teachers, were delighted with the performance. Everyone enjoyed hot chocolate with marshmallows before the children left to go back to school. Mary Egan is director of the Nativity Early Childhood Center, which is located at 2740 W. 68th St., Chicago, IL, in the former Maria High School convent. The mission continues! www. ssc 2601. com
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SSC Associates Stay Connected
The SSC Associates continue to remain close to the Sisters. They hosted their annual Christmas gathering for the Sisters living at Franciscan Village, Mother Theresa Home, and Our Lady of Victory Convent in Lemont, Regina Sitkus (left) enjoys a visit IL. The Sisters were Sister with SSC Associate Eileen Shirt. treated to a “Cocoa House” setting with the Associates serving them homemade and bakery cookies, a variety of finger foods, and, of course, cocoa with whipped cream. Each Sister was gifted with a can of cookies. In February a Valentine visit filled with good cheer and sweet surprises took place at Franciscan Village. In between group activities, many Associates spend time with individual Sisters, especially those they have "adopted" as part of the "Adopt a Sister or Two" initiative. To learn more about the SSC Associates, check the SSC website:
SSC Auxiliary Prepares for Annual Games Party The Sisters of St. Casimir Auxiliary will hold its annual "Games Party" on March 22, 2015, in the Motherhouse Auditorium. This enjoyable afternoon begins at noon when many guests arrive to sample deSister Philip Ramoska and Luke Darragh licious kugelis, hot wait to hear the 2014 raffle prize winners dogs, bacon buns, announced. and to peruse the array of raffle prizes and bake sale items. The anticipated bingo games begin at 2:00 PM. Admission is a $3.00 donation. All are invited. For more information, call 773-776-1324.
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With Gratitude to Our Benefactors We acknowledge with deep gratitude the loving generosity of our many supporters. Adamo, Martha Adams, Michael & Ann Adint, Ronald & Cynthia Albright, Cynthia Allegretti, Dr. Paul & Denise Amrich, Michael Anderson, John & Frances Angle, Casey Anonymous Apanavicius, Nijole Arnauskas, Regina Atkenson, Dr. Robert Atkenson, Paul and Janice Atkenson, Walter & Genevieve Augustinians of St. Rita of Cascia H.S., Very Rev. Bernie Scianna, OSA, Prior Prov. Ausra, Judine Avila, Jose & Maria Azara, Mary Bader, Edward Bailis, Joseph & Raffaella Baizer, Charlene Balciauskas, Arunas & Ramute Balt, Casimir Baltramonas, Zita Banach, Richard Banach, Susan Bandyk, Joseph & Lynne Bandyk, SSC, Sister Lucille Ann Baran, Leo Bardauskis, Alan Bardauskis, Daniel Barden, Larry & Sarah Bartuska, Rosemary Bartz, DDS, Dennis Bartz, DDS, Raymond Baumhart, Barbara Belitz, George & Bernice Bendoraitis, Ronald
Sister Clement Mazgelis anticipates her move. 8
Bergen, Eileen Berger, Richard & Therese Berry, Edward & Leanne Bertrand, Richard Betz, Bernard & Alice Beuhring, Fred & Mary Biell, Mary Bigelis, Agnes Binkis, Paul & Susan Birnbaum, Beth Cooper and Gary Ira Bishop, John & Sally Blahusch, James Bodnar, Susan Boggy, Nick & Judi Bogish, Michael & Elaine Bona, Dianne Bonacquisti, Susan Bonenberger, Tom & Janet Borowski, Stephen & Marita Bosowski, Joseph & Fran Bourdeau, Raymond & Carole Brady, Tom & Dorothy Brankse, Donald & Arlene Breagel, Linda, Michael, Raymond Brenny, E. M. Brewer, Rodney Brogan, John Brooks, Donna Brosnan, Joseph & Colleen Brummel, Patricia Brummel, Robert F. and Family Brzegowy, Rita Bubel, Peter Bukis, Joseph & Irma Bukowski, Carolyn Bullett, Walter & Karen Bunevicius, Andrea Buracas, John Burnett, Milton & Paula Burns, Alice Burns, Mary Bush, Marie Butler, James Carlson, Joanne Carr, Daniel & Mary Carroll, Lucy Carroll, Rita Carroll, William Casey, Jeanne Castilio, Hank & Lori Castro, Adrienne Cekus, Glenn S ist er s
Channing, Alan Chavez, Mary Cherif, Isabella Cherif, Jeff Chesla, Tom & Michele and Family Chiavacci, Eleanor & Family Chmiel, Donna Christel, Clementine Cieplak, Mary Cihlar, Bob Cipolla, Mary Ann Ciuckyte, SSC, Sister Salvatore Cizauskas, SSC, Sister Georgine Cizikas, SSC, Sister Ann Clark, Lori Clow, Raymond & Barbara Cogan, Jules & Leslie Cohen, Cheryl & Russell Cole, Mary Ann Collins, Dee Comes, Virginia Conville, Mary Corn, Neil & Frances Costa, Marie Cox, Carolyn Creghin, Mike Dabulis, SSC, Sister Theresa Dachota, Paul & Maureen Daciolas, John Dainauskas, Dr. John Damasauskas, Robert Damisch, Barbara Dancy, John & Agatha Daniels, Susan Danyla, Catherine Daresh, Christianne Daulys, Salome Dauparas, Joseph Dauss, George Davis, Julia Davis-Leal, Eva Debulski, SSC, Sister Frances Deckys, Algis Deckys, Elena Dedek, Catharine Deeney, Marian DeFauw, Tom & Sue Del Real, Cecilia Delaney, John & Kathy Dempsey, Fred & Mary Deputron, David & Christine
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Sister Rosalinda Grigonis and Nijole Stakauskas "ham it up" at the Associate Christmas Social.
Di Rugeris, Mary Diamond, Gene Disis, Leonard & Dolores Domanski, Donna Don Varnas American Legion Post 986 c/o John Brogan Donovan, Agnes Donovan, Donna Donovan Families Dopkin, Raymond & Florence Dozier, Eleanor Drobile, Amy Dubickas, SSC, Sister Regina Dunk, John & Judy Durling, Loretta Durson, John Dusza, Mary Ann Dutcavich, Gloria Dymond, George Eaton, James & Gabriele Ebert, Eleanor Ellis, Janet Encina, Othon & Christine Ernst, Anne Etsch, Suzanne Expiritu, Angel Falese, Joseph & Kristen Faley, Kevin & Stephanie Feliss, William Ferro, Pat & Jennifer Ferro, Tony Fettig, Jeanette Fiala Group Advertising Filip, Joyce Finestone, Ruta Fischer, Edward Fonseca, Lauren Foreacre, Barbara Foreman, John & Vivian Cunnea www. ssc 2601. com
January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014 Your donations help us to continue our ministries and to care for the health care needs of our Sisters. Foster, Mark & Teresa Franciscan Sisters of Chicago Franciscan Village Residents and Associates Fronheiser, Jim & Rosemarie Galenas, Paul & Patricia Galitski, Joseph & Elizabeth Gallagher, Rita Gallisath, Glenda Gates, Pamela Gaughan, Bernice Gaytan, Andrea Gerber, Larry & Laura Gercius, Mary Anna Gilbert, Albert & Maryanne Ginalick, John & Elaine Girzadas, Victoria Glas, John & Mary Glock, Barbara
Sister Evelyn Vichuras is ready! for moving day!
Goedert, Most Rev. Raymond E. Goldstine, Skrodzki, Russian, Nemec & Hoff, LTD Golub, Arnold & Mari Golubickis, SSC, Sister Janine Gonzales, Joseph Gorski, Genevieve & Stan and Family Grand Knight Robert Zabka and Knights of Columbus Great, Beverley Green, JoAnn Green, Mary Green, Richard & Willie Greenwood, John & Susan Gricius, John Griganavicius, Danguole Grigonis, June and Joan Grigonis, SSC, Sister www. ssc 2601. com
Rosalinda Grisko, Susan Gronskis, Elaine Guttenplan, Marc & Barbara Hackett, Andrea Brien Hagan, Irene Hamer, Bob & Lisa Hanlon, Estelle Harden, Jon & Mary Harris, Tom & Barbara Hartnett, Gregory & Barbara Harwood, Monica Hauwiller, Mary Heaney, Judith Heath, Dorothy Heenan, Teresita Heintz, James & Celia Helton, Wendy Hennig, Kenneth & Christine Herman, Eugene & Esther Hetzel, Nancy Higham, John & Janet Hinder, John & Donna Hines, Rebecca Hinojosa, Jorge & Donna Hirtzel, Harland Hoey, John & Linda Hoffenberg, Steve & Joyce Hoffman, Judy Hoffman, Marjene Holloway, Raymond & Terry Holy Cross Hospital Medical Staff Honyara, Patricia Hope, Patricia Horton, Patricia Hoteko, Donna Hougton, Rosemary Hruby, Kathryn Hussman, Abby Illingworth, Patricia Imler, Jo Ann Irabagon, Nenita Israel, David Jacob, Dr. Mercedita Jagiella, Mildred Janus, SSC, Sister Bernadette Marie Jautokas, Regina Javra, Loretta Jennings, Dana Latvys Jeronowitz, Robert & S ist er s
Bernice Jesukaitis, Connie Johnson, Ed & Virginia Johnson, Stella Johnson, William & Barbara Jones, Terry Jones, Thomas & Cheryl Juciene, Genovaite Juozapavicius, SSC, Sister Maureen Juraitis, Ann Marie & Leonas Juskaitis, Regina Kalafut, SSC, Sister Grace Ann Kalupa, La Verne Kalvaitis, Dale Ann Kalvaitis, Joseph Kalwasinski, Stan & Karen Kamensky-Zide, Debbie Kantutis, George J. Kapischke, Marian Kapurch, Linda Kapurch, Rita Karpovich Family Karpovich, Anna Mae Karpovich, SSC, Sister Marilyn Kasarskis, Ed & Mary Kaupas, John Kaupas, Laura Kay, Mary Ann Kelley, Stella Kelly, Bernard & Rose Marie Kelly, Dorothy Kelly, Michael Kelly, Robert Kelly, Rose Marie A. Kenney, Patrick Kern, Donald & Shirley Kerr, Ken & Elaine Kerr, Stan Kersis, Olga Keul, Tom & Pam Kiefer, John & Carol Kilkus, Lucille King, Arthur & Maureen Kitterman, Coral Kizelevicus, Raymond & Barbara Klein, Dr. James & Joanne Klevence, Joyce Knights of Lithuania Koclanis, Gerri Kolinsky, Andrew & Nancy Konwerska, Helen
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Kopecky, Joyce Kosmerl, Richard & Maureen Kotula, Catherine Kowalczyk, Albina Krause, Ramona Kress, Richard, St. Linus Parish Kripas, SSC, Sister Genevieve Kroeck, Kathy Kruszynski, Michaeline Krut, Genevieve Ktsanes, James & Rachel Kubilius, Ramune Kuch, Frederick Kulikauskas, James Kurek, Crystal Kurowski, Matthew Kuzmickas, Virginia L.A.R.C., Donna Zilis, Pres. Lally, Mary Lane, Sally Lane, T.J. Lapenas, Elena Laukaityte, Ada LeBrun, Denise Leibow, Lisa Lenger, Judy Leonaitis, Rita M Leonard, Christopher & Karen Leonard, Kay Leong, David Lerner, Wayne & Sandye Levaniene, Gitana and Rasa Jovasiene Levenson, Nijole Maria
Sister Elaine Kuizinas enjoys the warm Motherhouse community send-off before leaving for Franciscan Village. 9
We pray daily for the specia
Sister Angeline Juronis waits to follow the moving truck on her way to Franciscan Village.
Levonaitis, Raymond Lewis University Link, Peter and Deb Liotine, Joseph Lipperini, Rich & Irene Lipsett, Rose Loeffler, Carl & Margaret Logue, Neal & Katherine London, Rick & Andy and Family Lopez, SSC, Sister Dolorine Losch, James & Mary Lozniak, Joan Lynch, Mike & Janet Lynn, Art & Wendy MacDonald Family Machay, Mariann Macias, Patrick & Carolyn Maciora, Joseph Mack, Carole Mackey, Theresa Macys, SNDdeN, Sister Mary Maezes Maclean, Bruce & Diane Maina, Grace Maletz, Rev. Leo Markus, Rev. Anthony Markus, Thomas & Ann Martin, Joe & Cheryl Martinez, Donald & Julie Maruyama, Renee & Dennis Marvel, Mary Masnjak, Donald Mass-DOT Traffic Data Collection Staff Matulenas, Tim Matulioniene, Vida May, Mark & Elizabeth Mazgelis, SSC, Sister Clement McAdams, Charles & Judith McAuliffe, Daniel & 10
Kathleen McAuliffe, Mary McCarthy, Tom & Mary McCloskey, Michael McCraith, Jr., Joseph McGovern, Aileen McGready, Peggy McLaughlin, Mary McNeil, Simone McNichols, Florence McTaggart, Michael & Virginia Mellas, Magdalene Menalis, William Menard, Donna Mentzer, John & Jane Meola, Gert Metz, Margaret Meyer, James Mical, Lawrence & Katherine Micek, Dorothea Michael , Virginia Michalik, Thomas & Andrea Michalski, Harry & Patricia Mickus, Sheila McDonnell Mika, Walter & Carol Mikatavage, Mark Mikutis, Marianna Mildice, Frances Miller, Barbara Miller, Dolores Miller, Philip & Dorothy Miller, William Minieka, Dr. Michael Mitchell, Anne Mitiu, Victoria Morox, Stan & Paula Morrical, Stanley & Rita Morris, James & Dorothy Mosser, Mary Mt. Vernon K of C Club, Inc. Mueller, Don Mugnaine, Bob & Mary Ann and family Mullen, Joanie Murphy, Bernice & Jim Murray, Dale Naprovnik, Merritt & Susan Naudziunas, SSC, Sister Andreata Naujokas, Joseph & Joan Naujokas, Raymond & Therese Nauseda, Mary Jane Nauyokas, Don & Theresa Neighbors of Mike & S ist er s
Donna Donovan, c/o David & Janet Wynne Nied, Phillip & Carol Nolan, Bill & Cecelia North, Nancy Novak, Marie Novak, Robert O’Reilly, Gertrude O’Toole, Regina Okolowitz, Paul & Maureen Okonski, Mary Olsen, Madeline Ontiveros, Carmen O'Reilly, Gertrude Ormond, Mary O'Shea, Anna Belle Ouellette, James & Christine Ozelis, Evelyn Oziem, Patricia Pachankis, Lorraine Padilla, Linda Panchari, Anna Pantelyuk, Iryna Paprzyca, Sandra Papsys-Vycius, Ray & Loretta Pardo, IHM, Sister Elizabeth Parker, SP, Sister Laura Parkinson, Robert & Elizabeth Parzygnat, Glen & Colette Paskauskas, Vitas & Cynthia Pasko, Clara Pater, Gary & Mary Ann Pauksta, Leon & Anne Paurazas, Rev. Peter Pavone, Anthony Pedone, Rita – Estate of Margaret Yerkes Peetz, Dwaine & Carmen Penkas, Linda Pervenecki, Stanley Petcavage, Henry Peterson, Phil and Sheila Petkevicius, SSC, Sister Zita Petkus, Donald Petkus, Frances Petrauskas, SSC, Sister M. Concetta Petronis, Charles Piacenza, Julie Piegari, Rochelle Pizzo,OSA, Rev. Tony & Augustinians Politowski, Jim & Marie Politza, Joseph & Irene Pollock, Robert & Nancy Porter, Brad & Mary
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Potts, Daniel & Anne Potts, Rev. Robert Powell, William & Paulette Price, Gregory Primozic, Carol Puisis, Joan Puisis, John & Jennifer Puisis, Rev. Leonard Puris, Genevieve Purtill, Donna Pusatera, Eileen Quintela, Linda Raisys, Vidmantas & Nijole Ramoska, SSC, Sister Lourdine Ramoska, SSC, Sister Philip Ridick, George Riley, Bruce & Mary Beth Roberts, Barbara Robles, Edith Rodewald, Clarence & Loretta Rodgers, Vivian Rogers, Estella Rokaitis, Donald Roll, Robert & Marilyn Romanelli, Michael & Antoinette Romanuski, SSC, Sister M. Deborah Romero, Victoria Rotkis, Charles Rumishek, Thomas & Marilyn Ruske, Roger Ryan, Dennis Ryscavage, Eugene & Rose Marie Sabataitis, Gintautas and Camille Salela, Pamela Salgado, Irene Sandoval, Fred & Laureen Santarsiero, Mary Patricia
Sister Margaret Mary Mazgelis relaxes before last minute packing. www. ssc 2601. com
al needs of our benefactors. Santoski, Grazina Sarno, Nicholas & Mary Rose Sarokas, Gertrude Saulys, Dalia Savickas, David SCA/MHS Alumnae Assoc. Schenk, Sean & Katherine Schipplick, Zarina & Todd Schmeichel, Leonard & Marian Schram, Richard Schultz, Paula Schuylkill Area Community Foundation Schwartz, Illeane Scoggins, Roseanne Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care Sedik, Gerald & Carol Seeby, CSA, Sister Susan Segert, Joseph & Diane Segert, Ronald Sellman, Kathy Sellman, Wally Sellmyer, Catherine Sequeira, Jose Seremet, Kathy Serritella, Jim, and Anthony Setcavage, James & Dorothy Setinc, Sandra Sharko, Donald Sharko, Gerald Sharow, Petronella Sheldon, Paul & Kathy Shimezis, Adam & Jeanette Shinners, Agnes Shirt, Eileen Shotas, Lucille Siemann, William & Constance Sifner, Kimberly & Thomas Sifner, Mary Silvinskas, Peter & Molly Singer, Larry Sinnick, Peter & Janice Sister Mary Colette Sisters of St. Casimir, Nativity Convent Sitkus, SSC, Sister Regina Six, Ellen Skarnulis, Bill and Family Skarnulis, Patrick & Mary Skinners, Gerri (Agnes) Skusevich, Doris Slepetis, George Slovacek, Leo & Geri Slovak Catholic www. ssc 2601. com
Federation Slykas, James & Mary Jo Smithson, Mary Sobey, Jacqueline Sokas, Rosemary Sokas, Timothy & Regina Sokol, John & Mary Soucek, SNDdeN, Sister Linda Spear, Lawrence & Mary Spinozzi SSC Auxiliary SSC Maintenance Dept. St. Casimir Cemetery Office Staff St. Linus Parish Men's Club St. Matthew the Evangelist Parish, Minersville, PA St. Vincent de Paul, Ed Werner Pres. Stancikas, Helena Stancius, Veronika Stanton, Marilyn Staskiewicz, Karen Stefani, Pamela Stern, Scott & Laura Stieren, Randy & Jan Stoffel, Bruce Stoncius, Frank & Marilyn Strabel, Karen Straiges, Ronald Strauss, Angela Streitmatter, SSC, Sister Nancy Strolia, Faustas & Theresa Strom, Thomas Sublousky, John Sudeikis, Thomas & Christine Svelnis, Lorraine Swagzdis, James E. Swarek, Teresa Swentkofske, Marv & Eleanor Swientowski, Tony, Pauline, Therese, Eileen, Richard, Jane Swoish, Gerald & Grayce Szabelski, Roman Szalay, Frank Szcinski, Janet Taft, William & Eugenia Tallat-Kelpsa Di Raimondo, Ausra Tamul, Jack & Sandy TanCreti, Michael & Jane Taran, Stephen & Claudia Tarullo, Rosalie S ist er s
Tarvid Family Teitelbaum, Karen, Pres/ CEO Sinai Health System Tenbroeck, Frances Thater, Elizabeth Thomas Dower Foundation Thomas, Michael & Margarita Thomas, Rev. Paul Tong, George & Dorothy Tovar, Madeline Trinco Dziubla, Bernice Trubow, Gail Trusiak, Peter & Virginia Tummala, Drs. Sivaramaprasad & Kamala Tuzik, Rev. Robert L. Twardowski, Phylis Tymkow, Tony Udovic, CM, Rev. Edward Underwood, Mary Ann Uraski, Sheila Uzdanovich, Susan Vaicekauskas, Povilas & Lorraine Valaitis, Carol Valentino, Marie Van Wahlde, Urban & Carol Van Wert, Irene Vanaria, Vivian Vanlent, Eileen Vara, Ed Vatch, Steven Velasquez, Art & Joanne Vemich, Duke Villa Joseph Marie H.S., Terri Michel, Pres. Villa, Jose & Clare Vilutis, James & Rose Vodicka , Alicia Vosahlik, Otto & Eileen Wachsman, Renee Wade, Scott & Karen Wahl, Mark & Rosemary Waikas, Stanley & Elizabeth Walsh, Corinne Walsh, Kathleen Walsh, William & Barbara Walter, Anna & George Walton, Grinny Walton, Wes & Jurdis Wasik, Geraldine Waskow, Sharon Wastak, SSC, Sister Grace Carol Wassberg, Kenneth & Carol Waszgis , James & Rose
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Sisters Lawrence Puishys (left) and Lorraine Therese Siminas visit Sister Agnese Chapkauskas (seated) and enjoyed time with each other during the SSC Associates' Christmas gathering.
Wauhob, Christine Webb, Robert & Mary Wehling, Carla Weirman, Eleanor White, Joseph & Irene White, P. Wilczynski, Veronica Wild, Paul & Mary Winslow, Leonard & Vicki Winters, Tom & Dorothy Winters, Violet Wisneski, Emily Witkus, Timothy Wojenik Family Wynne, David & Janet Yaklich, Robert & Roberta Yasak, Wendy Yenushosky, Rev. Msgr Daniel J. Yerkes, David Yerkes, John & Eloise Zakarka, Julie Zalan, Stephen and Beverly Zalot, SSC, Sister Margaret Zander, Jim & Nannette Zbilut, Cindy Zdanys, Romas & Nijole Zelvys, SSC, Sister Lucille Zielbauer, Joseph & Agnes Zima, Robert & Amy Zimont, Sophia Zivalich, Susan Zukas, Paul Zurlo, Anna The Sisters thank all of their benefactors and apologize for any names that may have been inadvertently omitted. 11
At Journey’s End
— Eternal Days Beginning
Sister Reginald Tamulevich, SSC October 14, 1919 – November 30, 2014 Sister Reginald was born in Haverhill, MA, to Adolph and Mary Tamulevich and had one older and one younger brother. She grew up in Brockton, MA, graduated from Howard Junior High, and went on to study for two years at Villa Joseph Marie High School in Holland, PA, a relatively new boarding school founded by the Sisters of St. Casimir that was recruiting students from Massachusetts. Though she wanted to be a Sister from a very early age, it was not until she was 15 that she wrote a letter to Mother Maria asking to enter the community. Her request was granted. When she filled out the papers that asked for her “Name in full,” she filled almost the entire line as she wrote, Bertha Anna Rita Tamulevich. Sister Reginald entered the Sisters of St. Casimir on August 5, 1935, completed her high school studies at St. Casimir Academy, and made her first vows on August 15, 1938. She celebrated her Silver Jubilee in 1963, her Golden Jubilee in 1988, and had the joy of celebrating her 75th Diamond Jubilee in 2013. Attaining both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Music enhanced Sr. Reginald's natural ability in music. She taught at Holy Cross, Immaculate Conception, and Nativity BVM Schools in Chicago; St. Anthony School in Cicero, IL; Guadalupe School in NM; and Villa Joseph Marie High School in Holland, PA; 46 years were spent at St. Casimir Academy/Maria High School teaching music appreciation, orchestra, and giving private lessons. She knew how to play the violin, piano, and other instruments. In addition to music, at different times, Sr. Reginald taught Russian, German, and Latin. She was also talented in photography, developing her own photos and those of others, and providing great shots for both the school newspaper and yearbook, which she moderated for a number of years. During her years at Maria, Sr. Reginald was asked to serve as Superior of the local community and did this for nine years. It was not an easy task as Sisters were living there who needed assistance with their health 12
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care. She did whatever was needed with a generous heart. In her spare time, Sr. Reginald gave of her time and talent in teaching English as a second language to those who asked for her help. Among her students were Lithuanian children and adults, including a number of priests. Sister Reginald not only taught music and orchestra, but she also played in several orchestras—the orchestras of Bucks County Community College, Moraine Valley Community College, and St. Xavier University, the Southwest Symphony Orchestra and the Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra. She was featured in a violin recital that included works of Bach, Vitali, and Mendelssohn. An article about Sr. Reginald appeared in the Catholic New World in 2001 titled, “Not Just Fiddling Around.” Music was Sr. Reginald’s love and her world, and she transmitted her enthusiasm for music to her students at Maria High School. She told them, “Just enjoy making your own music. Love it.” In her later years, although she could no longer do the things that had been a part of her life, Sr. Reginald maintained her sense of humor and was a delightful person with whom to visit. In July 2014 Sr. Reginald moved to Franciscan Village along with a number of other Sisters of St. Casimir. When she needed more care, she was transferred to Mother Theresa Home where she was lovingly cared for. Visits from Karen Strabel, a Maria alum, and her Sisters in community, her niece Elaine, and her cousin Jack brought her much joy. Sister Reginald accepted her weakening condition with a peaceful heart and spirit. Just last year she noted in her jubilee reflection that “practice makes perfect and I still have practicing to do.”
"Beautiful music makes the soul more beautiful."
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– Sister Reginald
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At Journey’s End Sister Therese Banach, SSC August 20, 1933 – November 16, 2014 Sister Therese (formerly Sister Rosalima) was born in Chicago, IL, on August 20, 1933, to Louis and Mary Banach. She was the fifth of seven children, all of whom have preceded her in death except her sister Corinne Walsh. Sister Therese described her parents as loving and caring people who considered religion and the Church as central in their lives. Sister Therese attended St. Nicholas of Tolentine School and St. Casimir Academy, where she met the Sisters of St. Casimir. She felt the call to religious life and was encouraged in this vocation by her parents and by the Sisters. Just 16 years old when she entered the community of the Sisters of St. Casimir, she professed her first vows on August 15, 1952, and final vows on August 15, 1957. Sister Therese celebrated her Silver Jubilee in 1977, Golden in 2002, and had the joy of celebrating a Diamond (60 years) Jubilee in 2012. Sister Therese’s education included a BA in Education from Marywood in Scranton, PA, in 1960 and an MA in Library Science from Rosary College in Chicago, IL, in 1966. She received seven government grants at colleges all over the country, all expenses paid. In addition, she regularly attended conventions and workshops. All of these experiences were put to use in Sr. Therese’s over 50 years in education. Throughout those years, she taught children in every grade from kindergarten to 12th grade. Whatever grade she taught and whatever subject, she tried to instill in those entrusted to her care the love for God that she was brought up with and that had given her life such deep meaning. Sister Therese taught in elementary schools at St. Anthony, Providence of God, St. Norbert, and Immaculate Conception (where she was also assistant principal for two years) schools in Chicago, IL; at St. Peter, St. John, and Sacred Heart schools in Roswell and Clovis, NM; and at St. John Vianney School in St. Paul, MN. Most of her ministry, a total of 33 years, was www. ssc 2601. com
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— Eternal Days Beginning spent at Villa Joseph Marie High School in Holland, PA, where she taught in the social studies and theology departments, served as assistant principal for a twoyear period, and as a librarian. During her time as librarian, Sr. Therese helped in converting the library to computer use. In addition, she served on the boards of Villa Joseph Marie and St. Joseph Home. For three years, Sr. Therese served as superior at Villa Joseph Marie convent. In 2009, the Sisters were called home to the Motherhouse in Chicago. At the Motherhouse, Sr. Therese’s dedication to the community continued as she accepted the responsibility of being the community archivist. Sister Therese often invited Sisters to join her and her family in Coal City, IL, where there was a lovely park and swimming area, or to attend a birthday “banquet” hosted by her aunts. She was an avid reader. As soon as she finished a book, it quickly found a home with someone else. Sister Therese deeply enjoyed cultural events and attended whenever she could. She loved nature, taking walks in every season. That is probably why Sr. Therese loved being at Villa Joseph Marie where she was enveloped in beautiful nature on the spacious grounds. From her earliest days, Sr. Therese's parents taught her the value of travel as a way of learning about life and history and coming to know how people of various cultures live. She was given a tremendous opportunity for this when her Aunt Helen offered her “a trip around the world” for her Silver Jubilee. Together they visited the Holy Land, Rome, Japan, India, Turkey, China, Thailand, Greece, and Spain. Sister Therese's most treasured spot was the Holy Land where Jesus walked, taught, and lived. Sister Therese remarked that she found support for her spiritual journey in the example of prayerfulness, faith, and trust in God that she saw in her Sisters in community. Seeing them deal with pain and suffering helped her to deal with her own disappointments and fears. No doubt that this impression helped Sr. Therese in the final days of her own life journey. Realizing that God was calling her, Sr. Therese had the grace of knowing that her death was imminent and that she had time to prepare. She died peacefully, the reflective music she loved playing softly by her bedside.
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National Catholic Sisters Week March 8–14, 2015 National Catholic Sisters Week (NCSW) will be celebrated from March 8 – 14, 2015, in conjunction with National Women's History Month. "National Catholic Sisters Week celebrates the commitment, compassion and influential work of women religious from pressing the frontlines of social change or praying in cloistered chapels," said Sr. Mary Soher, OP, co-executive director of the Hilton Sisters Project National Catholic Sisters Week. The SCA-MHS Alumnae Association has initiated a "Thank-a-Sister" campaign as a way of honoring the Sisters of St. Casimir. Alumnae and all friends of the Sisters are encouraged to write a thank-you note to a favorite Sister, or a general "thank you" to all the Sisters. Cards and letters can be sent to Sisters of St. Casimir, c/o Paula Schultz, 2601 W. Marquette Rd, Chicago, IL, 60629. Emails can be sent to All correspondence will be delivered to the Sisters during National Catholic Sisters Week. Rita Reid (left) expresses her appreciation to Sister Margaret McTaggart at the Motherhouse.
A Note to the Sisters from the Alumnae "Thank-a-Sister" Campaign Dear Sisters of St. Casimir, I am so glad to have this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful education you provided for me during my years at Maria High School. My parents were the ones who chose my high school for me, based on the reputation that Maria had for discipline, quality academics and fine arts, as well as its Catholic spirituality. I have never regretted my parents’ choice. My Maria education has been with me through every step of my adult life. As an educator myself, I have always appreciated the care that each of the Sisters showed for me in every class I took. I have especially fond memories of the time I spent in the Music Department with Sister Bernarda. She inspired me, encouraged me, and instilled in me a love for music that has remained with me till this day. May God bless each of you for the example that you were for each and every SCA and MHS student, and for the example that you continue to be for each of us today. With gratitude, A graduate of the Class of 1965 Learn more about National Catholic Sisters Week at and follow the campaign on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Consider visiting the Sisters and taking your own "selfie-with-a-sister." Forward your photos and stories to Paula Schultz, pschultz@
"Sister Nancy" continued from page 1 and has been in practice for over 40 years. She has been on the staff of Holy Cross Hospital since 1979. Sister Nancy developed echocardiography labs at Loyola University Medical Center, Illinois Masonic Medical Center, and Holy Cross Hospital. She passed the echocardiography competency exam when it was first offered in 1996. The echo lab at Holy Cross Hospital was the first lab credentialed in Chicago and the third in Illinois, and it has remained credentialed since then. She also initiated the cardiac catheterization lab at Holy Cross Hospital. Sister Nancy served on the Holy Cross Hospital Board of Trustees from 2000 until the hospital was transferred to Sinai Health System in 2013. She received the Holy 14
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Cross Hospital “Spirit of Mother Maria Kaupas Award” in 2002. Alongside these prestigious accomplishments, Sr. Nancy has used her skills and compassion to minister in other ways to those in need of medical treatment. She worked for 20 years in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood at the St. Basil Free Clinic, treating uninsured patients. Sister Nancy has travelled 20 times to Bolivia to do mission work there. She is most grateful to the SSC community for supporting her in this service opportunity. When asked what area of her work she enjoys the most, Sr. Nancy does not hestiate in replying, "Taking care of patients and teaching are definitely my passion."
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Journeys Sisters of St. Casimir 2601 W. Marquette Road Chicago, IL 60629
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Journeys is published by The Sisters of St. Casimir This publication is sent free of charge to relatives, friends and benefactors of the Sisters of St. Casimir. We thank you for the voluntary donations that you send to help us defray the cost of printing, postage and handling. Editor: Paula Staisiunas Schultz, Communications Project Manager Adviser: Sister Margaret Zalot, SSC Contact us: 773-776-1324 This paper contains 10% post consumer recovered fiber.
2015 Calendar Events Please Join Us for These Special Events M arch 4
Feast of St. Casimir
M arch 7 • 9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass
M arch 8 – 14 National Catholic Sisters Week
M arch 22 • Noon
Auxiliary Games Party Motherhouse Auditorium Games begin at 2:00 PM. "Which of us during these days of nature's boundless beauty, does not experience a new surge and renewal of the energies of one's life?" – Venerable Mother Maria Kaupas
A pril 5 Easter
Honoring Mother Maria
April 12
Dedication of Mother Maria Kaupas Center in Mt. Carmel, PA Immediately following 10:30 AM Mass Divine Redeemer Parish 438 West Ave. Mt. Carmel, PA. The Sisters invite all to attend the Mass and the dedication. For more information contact Rev. Martin Moran: (570) 339-3450.
April 18 • 9:30 AM Mother Maria Mass Commemorating the 75th anniversary of Mother Maria’s death in conjunction with the SCA/MHS Reunion
April 18
SCA-MHS Reunion 9:30 AM Mass (Motherhouse) 12:00 PM Luncheon (Palos Country Club)
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