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The Bowsprit: Editorial
The bowspr it
From the editor
The things that matter...
Little did I know when I penned the editorial for the September/October issue of SisterShip how close to the mark I was regarding the fragility of the printed word in these times of online resources and pandemics.
Australian readers of SisterShip will be familiar with Cruising Helmsman magazine. Editor Phil Ross has been a long time supporter of women on the water, and has written for SisterShip in the past. It was with great sadness that I learned Cruising Helmsman is the latest casualty of 2020, and as of January will no longer be published.
The loss of any quality sailing magazine is a shame, but in the case of Cruising Helmsman it is particularly hard to come to terms with. Cruising Helmsman has been accumulating on my bookshelf since the 1980s. It was the first sailing magazine we bought before taking up sailing, and the first magazine I wrote for.
Over the years, Phil has been a passionate advocate for sailing. The SisterShip team wish him all the best for the future, I’m sure the water will continue to feature largely in whatever comes next! The loss of Cruising Helmsman highlights the things in life that matter.
When living on the water there are a variety of practical and emotional ‘things that matter’. These range from emergency tools, essential for safety at sea, to the importance of creating a ‘me space’ aboard, and taking care of our mental and physical health. This month’s contributors have all these covered, and more.
Stay safe and, as always, look for the dolphin! Shelley Wright
Cruising Helmsman editor Phil Ross with author Linda Frylink Anderson (left) and Shelley Wright (right) at the inaugural Women Who Sail Australia Gathering on the Bay conference at Port Stephens, 2016.