6 minute read

Juneteenth A Tradition Born Out of a Tragic Past


„Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day , Jubilee Day, Cel-Liberation Day or the Black Fourth of July, is an American holiday that commemorates June 19, 1865. ...



Texas was the most remote of the slave states, and the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, was not enforced there until after the Civil War had ended.

Article by Diamond Meness Illustrations by Fayah Rey, Rebellah A. D‘arcy


upkeep of the male slaves In this picture you will see & children) as well as taking some noted things that speak care of the Masters wife, and to this celebration. In this children. The female slave was picture you will see the chains a total life !! and the breaking of the chains Last, the color black is worn which symbolizes freedom. to mourn the freedom and the uncertainties of future for the The first subliminal captured slaves, the tone is set where in this picture is freedom. you see the sun rays and them Second, is in slavery the looking up to the heavens, if African Americans were kept nothing more than one thing on the farm to tend to the land. that still stands True to this day America was built on the backs is that the African Americans of slavery and enslavement. In /slaves believed in God! this picture you see us in the Religion was very important fields on a country road. to us because it was the only Next, a symbolic thing that hope that we had for the future you will see is that there are 3 God‘s grace and mercy… different forms of hairstyle as consistently praying for the well as different shades of skin. master for they know not what they are doing nor the harm Then, you see the they were inflicted that would symbolization of the tree on continue for over 400 years.“ the back of the middle female which symbolizes the beatings that were given to the backs of slaves, also represented here xxQueenPinkJuiceeyyxx Resident aka Queen Pink is the tree of life and which Life starts with the woman and these women as slaves were life to the masters, the female slave had several duties to do including the upkeep of the house (cooking cleaning and

As we enter the month of June we are excited about many things. It‘s starting to get warm as we step outside and the bitter cold is replaced by a nice warm breeze as the sun heats our face. We can leave our coats in the closet and grab our sweaters and jackets again! Yes!! The year is half way over and many important events are happening. Father‘s Day is upon us. Secondary school is over for many kids and most are about to embark on a greater educational journey like college while some are finished with the education system and beginning their journey into their chosen lifelong careers.

For others, it‘s also the wedding season! The words ‚I do“ have been said more times this month than any other months in the entire year. But while we reflect on all of these important life changing events, lets not forget about the past of one very important event that changed the very foundation of the United States of America - Slavery. June also represents a very important day for African Americans. For on June 19, 1865, just two months after Robert E Lee surrendered in Virginia at Appomattox Court House, Union General Gordon Granger along with an army of federal troops gathered together in Galveston Texas to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation and took control of the state.

During the 17th and 18th century in the continent of Africa, people were kidnapped and forced into slavery in the American colonies. They were forced to work for free. Most were taken to live on large plantations or farms. Through a system of restrictive codes, slaves were forced to become dependent on their „masters‘. They were prohibited from learning to read and write. Their very behavior and movement were restricted such as where they could go and how they could speak and act. Fact: Marriage between slaves was not legally recognized in the United States. Obedient slaves were rewarded while rebellious slaves were punished severely. Hierarchy among the slaves created a division among each other. This led to many slave rebellions and the deaths of many slaves. Over time, Civil War broke out and anti slavery views were becoming established, but not as a way to abolish slavery but to “preserve the United States as a nation“. It was then on September 22, 1862 that Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

Not that this small article could begin to explain slavery in America, I will try my best to outline the importance of it that brought around Juneteenth and how it came about. 20 Sisters in SL Magazine

So, what are some of the more traditional things that are observed at a Juneteenth celebration? Because it is celebrated all over the world, there are many different ways in which it is celebrated.

The main staple of Juneteenth would have to be the barbecues.

One of the main colors that stand out at a Juneteenth barbecue event is the color red. Why red? Red drinks and red foods symbolize resilience. One of these red drinks include red soda pop! They are a MUST have at many of the barbecues that are held during these celebrations.

Meats include pork and beef. Sports, such as baseball are played, and at larger events you will see many guest speakers that will give a speech that will mainly focus 22 Sisters in SL Magazine

on educating and self improvement. You will see fishing and even rodeos at some Juneteenth events.

The elders will do story telling of their past experiences and another major component of this celebration is prayer. Rarely will you see a Juneteenth event without prayer.

What do people wear during Juneteenth? As stated earlier. The first Juneteenth celebration, new clothing was worn as a symbol of recognizing their newfound freedom.

Therefore, dress was an important element as part of the early custom and in some places is still taken very seriously. With participants in the parade, you will see many traditional African wear and clothing with bright colors of red, green, and black and yellow with beautiful jewelry.

One of the wisest women I‘ve had the pleasure of knowing in this crazy world we call Second Life and have the pleasure of calling my Second Life mother is xxQueenPinkJuiceeyyxx Resident aka Queen Pink. I go to her with everything that any daughter would go to their mother about. I was telling her how important this article was to me not only about Juneteenth celebration but how important it was to get a visual across to have everyone see what I see as one of visual for this article, not just a picture, but as a powerful visual of my people when it comes to slavery.

This Breaking the Chains Picture was special to me because my aunts got together, a collection of beautiful dark skinned women of different shades in game who reflected perfectly what Juneteenth represents when it comes to

It is indeed a day of national and international pride that is growing when it comes to Juneteenth and it is taking on a more global recognition of what people of color have endured for many years. I can‘t say we are where we should be but I can definitely say we have come a bit of a ways from the days of slavery. The opportunities for African Americans are plentiful. We can get a quality education, a good paying job or be business owners and homeowners. We can choose who we want to love and where we want to live and eat. And yes, we can vote. Something our ancestors couldn‘t even dare to dream of doing, let alone freedom. So, Here‘s to Juneteenth! How will you celebrate?

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