2 minute read

Building Sisterhood in SL

Ayla Zhoy | Writer

An idea that formed in real life has become a reality in Second Life.


"I came up with the idea of creating Sisters in SL based on a Facebook status from a female friend who said they found it hard making friends with other females." Aurora Night, founder of Sister's in Second Life (SISL) reveals.

She explained that a lot of people commented on that status and they all seemed to agree how difficult it is to connect with other women. After considering reasons why people felt this way, Aurora decided to create a "status" on Facebook asking if women would be interested in forming a group everyone could join and meet up with other women this way.

"The response was instant and amazing, and I felt that a page needed to be created."

In RL, she has a girls group on an app called "whatsapp" and they throw in ideas and once a month get together with whomever is available. She felt the same thing could apply to Second Life through a Facebook group page.

Aurora went on to say that within days the group increased dramatically and it drew attention to actually having meetups in-world.

"I decided this was going to be something bigger than I had imagined, and in April 2019 I created the in-world group, Sister's in Second Life, to help women socialize, form friendships and have fun around the SL grid."

Going into its fifth month, SISL is over 700 members strong and is one of the fastest growing groups within the Second Life community.

"It is important as women to learn from each other. SISL gives us a place to share our experiences and knowledge, which helps us grow," said Aurora.

She feels that in the company of other women we quickly realize how similar we are and it proves we are not alone in this challenging journey called life.

"I admire women who share stories of their trials and tribulations as I feel it is an inspiration to me and other members as well. One of the most fulfilling events that I enjoy is "Girls Talk," where we sit around a campfire sharing a bit of our lives with each other and offering advice when needed."

Enter SISL Magazine. A couple of the group members approached the management team and suggested that a magazine would be another great platform for SISL, Aurora said she couldn't have agreed more.

"After brainstorming ideas of our vision for the magazine and deciding on team members we would need in order to begin, we went through an intense interview process and we now have a group of writers and photographers, and a marketing manager."

She said there is now a great team of talented women working on the magazine who are all keen to provide this outlet to members who can benefit from the content and it is, of course, exciting to see how the magazine will do over time.

"My main goal,” Aurora mentions, “is to continue to have a platform that encourages positivity and helps to uplift women." She continued, "I don't want the group to be a sorority, and I don't want to encourage religion or politics because I feel this can, at times, create a divide."

Aurora Night wants women from all races, abilities, shapes and sizes to feel that they belong within the SISL group.

"There is so much negativity in the world and I feel that SL should be a place where we can escape that."

When asked what she saw for the future of SISL and the magazine, Aurora said, "I have various other ideas I would like us to achieve, but I will have to let you all wait and see what more is to come!"

Join Sisters in SL

Looking for a group of sisters to have fun with? We're on the web, in-world, and on Discord!

Facebook: http://bit.ly/SisInSLFacebook

Discord: http://bit.ly/SISLDiscord

Magazine: http://bit.ly/SISLMagazine

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