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sistories staff

sistories staff

Divine intervention is happening right now, looking quite different than most have imagined.

Creation is far too intelligent for meaningless chaos. Far too intelligent for a meaningless anything. Creation is just that-creating and expanding.


I praise as the off springs of capitalism crumble into a mere nothingness. I watch in the light as the purification of the fire burns and clears with its smoke,

The greed and competition.

I hear everywhere loud bangs and clanks of an old terrible system rotting at its roots.

The shake felt around the world comes from the body of the earth. It is uprooting rotten seeds that have been planted for generations. These seeds

Which have produced poisoned fruit in nearly every garden. These seeds of the old system shall be swallowed at the core of earth and should they produce fruit they will burn under the light of our sun. You may think that you hold only the traumas of the pillaging, the genocides

And the enslavement of your ancestors

But you hold their power too.

You are the fruit and the seeds of your honorable ancestors. You are the purifying fire of change. You are the intelligent plan.

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