How do you Convert a Fraction to a Decimal

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How do you Convert a Fraction to a Decimal How do you Convert a Fraction to a Decimal In mathematics we will study different types of number. Here we will discuss about the fraction number. As we know that the number can be written in the form of ‘s / j’ is known as fraction. In other word we can say a fraction number is divided into two parts i,e. numerator and denominator. The upper part present in the fraction is known as the numerator and the lower part of the fraction is known as denominator. Suppose we have given a fraction value, if in any fraction the numerator value is larger than the denominator value then these types of fractions is said to be a improper fraction and the fraction that has numerator value smaller than the denominator value then this type of fraction is said to be proper fraction. For example:15 / 20 and 8 / 14. Now we will discuss that converting fractions to decimals. Some steps are given to convert the fraction number to the decimal number. The steps are shown below: Know More About :- Lateral Area of a Cylinder

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Step 1: - To convert the fraction value to the decimal value first of all we have any fraction number. Step 2: - There are different types of fractions. Suppose we have improper fraction, then we know that in case of improper fraction the numerator value is larger than denominator value. Step3: In fraction number if we divide the numerator value by the denominator value then we obtained the decimal number. If we use these steps carefully then we can easily convert the fraction number to the decimal number. Let we have given any fraction number 85 / 20, then we have to convert the given fraction number to the decimal number. To convert the fraction numbers to decimal number we will use all the above mention steps: Step1: First of all we need to take the fraction number: 85 / 20, Now we see that the given number written in the the improper fraction from: = 85 / 20 , Now we will divide the denominator value by the numerator value. On dividing 85 by 20 we get ? 85 / 20 = 4.25. After solving the fraction value we found a decimal value i.e. 4.25; For example: - Let we have given any fraction number 185 / 25, then we have to convert the given fraction number to the decimal number. To convert the fraction numbers to decimal number we will use all the above mention steps: Step1: First of all we need to take the fraction number: 185 / 25, Now we see that the given number written in the the improper fraction from: Learn More :- Lateral Area of a Cone

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= 185 / 25 , Now we will divide the denominator value by the numerator value. On dividing 185 by 25 we get ? 185 / 25 = 7.4. After solving the fraction value we found a decimal value i,e. 7.4. For example: - Let we have given any fraction number 50 / 125, then we have to convert the given fraction number to the decimal number. To convert the fraction numbers to decimal number we will use all the above mention steps: Step1: First of all we need to take the fraction number: 50 / 125, Now we see that the given number written in the the proper fraction from: = 50 / 125 , Now we will divide the denominator value by the numerator value. On dividing 50 by 125 we get ? 50 / 125 = 0.4. After solving the fraction value we found a decimal value i.e. 0.4.

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