Empowering childrens to learn and interested learning english also create international experience and multicultural education both EP and childrens.
Children improvement on learning English
Provide an international environment for children
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1st Event ( Opening ) by 2018-07-08 2nd Event ( Visit Rural Area ) by 2018-07-15 3rd Event ( Hospital Visit ) by 2018-07-22 4th Event ( Global Village ) by 2018-07-29 5th Event ( Volunesia Camp ) by 2018-08-12 6th Event ( Closing Ceremony ) by 2018-08-18
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1. Encourage children ( 5-15 years old ) to speak English in rural areas. 2. Empowering children whom sicked at Hospital Visit 3. Providing fun basic English speaking and pronunciation practice in classes 4. Classes could be Elementary/Kindergarten/Orphanage 5. Sharing EP’s own culture with the children 6. EP need to documenting their journey during the project in form of article and video. 7. Introduce EP’s culture on Global Village Event 8. Get involved in any AIESEC UNAND’s events
EP fee - travel and food AIESEC ( project ) – program, promotion, accomodation and logistic Hostfamily - meals and hospitality
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1. 2. 3. 4.
Global Volunteer in all background School timeline English Club as the participant EnglishTeacher as Person in Charge
Why are these issues happening ?
There are a lot of nature and beautiful tourism spot in this province that catching people from difference countries come to this province, but people here still afraid to communicate with foreigner, especially young people.
WIFU ( We are here for you ) is a project to achieve United Nation SDGs no.4 Quality Education. There are lots of nature and beautiful tourism spot in West Sumatera that catching people from difference countries to come here, but people still afraid to communicate with foreigner. We want to encourage and motivate children as our young generation to be more able speak in English with foreigner through cross cultural understanding in international environment.
Impact the project is aligned with = By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development Performance indicators with Data and reporting method Result Chain goal and baseline (surveys,other methods of reporting) Outcome: Indicator : 1. Children Data collected by : 15 EP Realized improvement on Governent related organization 8 OP Taker raised learning English UNDP indonesia 8 Project partners 90 % NPS reached 2. Provide an 500 participants international data gathering will be happen: engaged in the project environment for after conducted 6 week in a %children educated children schools through SDG awareness surveys, reach counted per project Output: weekly Empowering childrens to learn and interested learning english also create international experience and multicultural education both EP and childrens.
input : Organising committees, Partners, Global Volunteers and Local Volunteers
Asumption for financing : EP Fee