SitRep Magazine Issue 1

Page 1

irish airsoft magazine

ta events interview a bit about mosfets

airsoft sniper role

Gunny’s m4 assault course

irish airsoft news

A Beginners’ guide to sennybridge


Welcome to SitRep Magazine Hi, and welcome to issue one of SitRep Magazine. We’re hoping to make this name synonymous with the very best coverage of the Irish Airsoft community. Within these pages we will endeavour to bring you the type of reviews that you can trust on all types of Airsoft equipment from AEGs to combat gear. We will also be bringing you expert technical advice in Gunny’s AEG Assault Course, which we hope will help us all to better understand the equipment we are using if not make Airsoft technicians out of all of us! The main mission for this magazine – which as you have probably noticed is free of charge to all readers – is to promote the sport of Airsoft in Ireland for the benefit of the entire community. For that reason we will be featuring articles to appeal both to Airsoft veterans and those who have just had their first skirmish. It will also mean a place for news from all of the sites and retailers around the country to keep you up to date on what is happening and keep you informed about the best places to pick up your kit.We will be looking at the development of Airsoft both here and abroad as well as bringing you advice on how to improve your game and we’ll try to introduce you to areas of the game which you may not have been aware of before and so hopefully keep you playing Airsoft for years to come. We will look at all areas of the sport from weekend skirmishing to full-on MilSim gaming and we’ll examine the gear needed to suit every type of game. In short, we hope to become the ultimate resource for Irish Airsoft knowledge. As well as an in-browsed edition of the magazine, we will also be developing a version for your mobile devices including the iPhone and iPad and the Blackberry. In this first issue we have brought together some great articles from some very well respected Airsoft players and we’ll be hoping to get more great articles from these guys as the months go on. However, there is no point in producing a magazine like this without listening to what the Irish Airsoft community has to say about it. So please let us know what you want from an Irish Airsoft magazine. What do you want to read about? What subjects have you not been able to learn about anywhere else? And if you are interested in writing for us be sure to let us know that too. We also want to see your Airsoft photos for our Dog Tagged page so be sure to send us your best photos along with your name and a bit of info about what is happening in the picture. And if you have a bit of news which you think the community needs to know about please be sure to send it in to us and we’ll find a place for it in our next issue.All correspondence should be sent to . We hope you enjoy the first issue and we look forward to keeping you entertained and informed in the future. Fabio Venturini, Keith Richardson & Damian Dobbyn The SitRep Team

s Letter


Issue 1

Fabio Venturini DESIGNER:

All the latest news from the Irish Airsofting world

Keith Richardson

Do You Remember Your First Time – By Alan Elmes


A Bit About MOSFETs – By Sean Cahill Dog Tagged TA Events – By Keith Richardson SennyBridge Beginners’ Guide – By Damian Dobbyn Airsoft Sniper – By Keith Richardson Gunny’s AEG Assault Course – By Sean Cahill Green Zone Combat – By Damian Dobbyn

Damian Dobbyn

Copyright here and abroad of all material (except where otherwise stated) is held by the publishers and the original copyright holders. No reproduction is permitted without prior consent. IMPORTANT: Airsoft is a combat simulation sport and as such involves risk of injury to oneself and others. Great care must be taken carrying out any such activities. Airsoft activities should only ever be carried out under proper supervision on a properly sanctioned Airsoft site with medically trained marshals on hand. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for any injury, death, loss or damage which may result from undertaking Airsoft activities described in this publication. DISCLAIMER: The publishers make no representations, endorsements, guarantees or warranties concerning the products and/or services featured within this magazine. We expressly disclaim any and all liability relating to or arising from the sale, manufacture, distribution, use or misuse of such. To Download this month’s cover as a desktop wallpaper just visit

For advertising enquiries or to submit photographs or articles for publication please email us at

AIRSOFT NEWS layers P e r u t a their or M f g erious about s n i re a k o o h w o 8 r1 ASAP L ers aged ove king for play o

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Event Se t for June

Following a d iscussion on ab national Airs out oft event to ri val those bein the need for a a brave grou g carried out p of organise in the UK on rs have band together to b a regular bas ed ring about th is, e first real na community w ti o nal Airsoft ev ill have seen . ent that the Ir ish Airsofting Set to be held on the weeke nd of the 18th looks like it w and 19th of J ill turn out to une The Rion be a ‘MilSim core elemen Lite’ type eve egro Mandate ts of your typ n t, with some of ical MilSim g audience, alt a th m e more harde hough it loo removed in o ks like there rder to appea Playing for th will be oppo l to a larger ose intereste rtunities for d. Live Action Role The event w ill be held in Bellurgan Pa €50. This wil rk in Dundalk l be a story d and will cost ri ven 27 hour and featuring in the region event set in th a number of of e fictional na different facti ti on of Rioneg ons which w ro ill give playe the game. Fu rs plenty of c ll camping fa hoices in how c ilities are bein arranged and they want to g it looks like th play is may very w all been wait ell be the nati ing for. onal irish eve nt that we ha ve To keep up w ith the latest details of the the events th event we rec read in the A ommend you irsoft section keep an eye of on SitRep wishe s the organis ers the very the game ou best of luck rselves. and we plan on being the re for

Red Barn Hosts Charity Airsoft Event On April 2nd, red Barn played host to a charity event in aid of Daniel Maher. A one-time Airsoft player, Daniel has been battling cancer for some time now and recently is family has located a source of treatment in Germany. The day-long event was held at Red Barn and supported by MIA, Hobby Airsoft and the Camo Shop among others. There were also plenty of volunteers there to help the day go along smoothly. A whopping €3,450 was raised on the day, which will no doubt be of great help to Daniel and his family. Big congratulations go out to all those involved, this is what the Irish Airsoft community is all about.

t at t turn ou a e r g a to as There w efit day. Thanks n g e Maher b hy for the photo ap Photogr

W hiskey Delta Radio is on the Air do yourself in yet, you really should ing ten lis en be n’t ve ha s u If yo Radio (WDR) from 20:00hr lta De ey isk Wh to in e a favour and tun is being ht. The online radio show nig y da es dn We a on s hr to 22:30 ft team, m Waterford-based Airso fro s lad the by t as dc oa br Whiskey Delta. e, Brian th help from Aaron Malon has a Hosted by John Power wi s Green, the weekly show me Ja d an e lon Ma e mi Ja Whelan, s on the me really great discussion so d an sic mu of x mi t ea gr . latest in Irish Airsoft news to Whiskey Delta lads aim the e, zin ga ma p Re Sit at Like us here thinking players and those who are m or inf d an t or sp the promote is going on in need to know about what about playing of all they ity. the Irish Airsoft commun ws to send them all their ne es sit d an s op sh for g WDR is lookin etitions t involved in running comp ge e, ur fut the in ly, ful pe and ho Wednesday n listen to the show every them for the listeners. You ca .fm/ and you can also find ter as a.c elt yd ke his /w p:/ night at htt on Facebook.

l he Danie t r o f n r t Red Ba oter sho o Sharp volved. in ll a f o graph

A Social Networ k for Airsof t Founded

by two airso ft enthusiast, French base Thomas and d social netw Rudy, Airsoft ork designed nities. Squared is a to connect A irsoft players The idea cam and commue into existe nce in 2009: airsofters fro “If we could m all around gather an am the world in many interes azing pool o a unique webs ting challeng f ite, we could es” explain th Starting with imagine so e guys behin the success d Airsoft Squ of the Airsoft the idea in d ared. Hub on Face epth. book, they be Their aim wa gan to explore s to build a resource tha sport more a t could reall nd they finall y help playe y settled on but an Airsoft rs to enjoy th creating not dedicated Ne e only an airso twork. Understandin ft community g the difficult y of organisin the scenario g successfu writing to the l large scale e vent manage where players events, from ment, they se could share t out to provid knowledge a sation and pla e a network n d help each o nning. Now th ther to with e e lessons lea country can vent organirned on the p be shared w lanning of an ith players in rule ideas ca e vent in one another coun n be given a try, and grea chance to sp Airsoft Squa t s re cenario or a d red will crea and develop te a world wh a c ro enthusiasts s s th e network. ere imaginati organise the ve people cre events, and p Check out Air a te la scenarios, yers join the soft Squared game. at: http://www.a irsoft-square http://www.fa /airsoftsquare http://twitter. d com/airsofth ub

Red Barn are proud to announce

Black Ace Chronicles episode 2

“The Golden Buddha”

This is an interactive Airsoft Event which will take place in Red Barn in conjunction with Tigerland Sligo on the 28 May 2011. Set during the Vietnam War this fictional scenario will see selected airsoft players act out key characters in the graphic novel and said characters will also play these roles on the 28th. The game day will be an objective based, restricted ammo game and will cost €25 for the full day Numbers will be restricted to 50 players to maximise the gaming experience.

Arriving on a site for the first time

Airsofter is a very daunting event. You’re nervous and dubious about the people around you, it’s a new experience, a new enviroment. All around you are people with weapons that look far more superior than your brand new straight out of the box gun. All you can think to yourself is that “these guys must be good”. You stand in the corner of what is known as ‘the safe zone’, keeping to yourself, admiring the variety of weapons on show. Then the Marshal gives a quick brief of the rules and regulations of the site and how your first game of Airsoft will play. Then it’s time. You load your magazine with BBs and head out to the gaming zone. You’re nervous but excited, your heart racing. Then the adrenaline kicks in, you feel a rush that you have never felt before, all the time thinking to yourself that the guy against you, with all his tactical gear on, looks like the best Airsofter in the world. Then you fire your first few shots and you hit him, he calls out “hit”, it’s your first kill, he heads off to respawn and a smile comes across your face and you think to yourself, I can do this. The nerves disappear and you relax and start enjoying Airsoft. That’s it you’re hooked! You continue firing at the opposition and then from behind a tree a BB flies through the air and hits you, you shout “hit” and walk away to respawn.

Do you remember your first time?

By Alan Elmes

You return to the game and continue playing until the Marshal blows the whistle to signal that the game is over. This battle might be lost but the games still go on... A quick reload of BB’s and the next game begins, your objective is to detonate a bomb placed inside the opposition’s base, which they are defending heavily.

Your team breaks into smaller squads and you all agree on a plan to attack the base. Squad 1 attacks from the front while your squad attacks the rear, as you approach the base a silence falls all around you, nobody makes a sound then all hell breaks loose. Attackers attacking and defenders defending, BB’s flying through the air, every airsoft player must be on full auto. You pop your head up from the bush you were using for cover and right there in front of you is the enemy lying and waiting. You raise your weapon to fire when hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit - countless BB’s hit you from head to toe, you feel pain but not enough for you to stop so you shout “hit” and run back to a respawn as fast as you can to get back into the fire fight. Your team has closed up on the defenders base as you rejoin you team mates a voice says “knife kill” as one of the defenders arises from the bush covered in branches, twigs, leafs whatever he could find in the surrounding area to camouflage himself, he’s been waiting all game for a player to walk past and it happened to be you. As you look around in amazement that you didn’t see him in your rush to rejoin the fire fight he is hit by a member of your team and both of you head back to respawn.

On the way to the respawn point both of you discuss the “knife kill” joking and laughing at how in that brief moment you were terrified while the other player was trying his best not to burst out laughing. He comments “the look on your face was priceless”.

“You’ve earned hi because you gave h

“Airsoft is a game of excitment and a game of fun. It’s about meeting people who will become your friends” Come lunch time all players are back in the safe zone, some are having lunch, your heart is pumping, then you hear a voice “well done, you got me good at the start of that game, but I got ya back haha”, it’s the guy you hit in your first game as an Airsoft player congratulating you. You’ve earned his respect because you gave him respect, he introduces you to the rest of his team and frienships are made. Every airsoft site you go to players talk about their loadouts and recommend different shops and sites. Airsoft is a game of excitment and a game of fun. It’s about meeting people who will become your friends, people who you know very little about.

is respect him respect”

But for that day they become your best friend, someone who will watch your back while you watch theirs. It’s about communicating with other like minded people who have the same goal every outing - to have a good time. The more you play the more you want to play. Every site has its regular players. The ones who look after the new players giving them information on weapons, tactics and how the game will play out. There are numerous sites scattered across the country, each with their own unique layouts and style. Every game is different, every player different, yet they all have one thing in common: their love and respect for this sport and those who play it.

Airsoft is a family not just a sport.

about Mosfets

A little bit

What’s All This MOSFET Business Then? By Sean Cahill

I first came across this word two years ago when my beloved M15 SPR stopped working all of a sudden. I opened up the mechbox and to my relief, but also my surprise, could find nothing broken. The piston was fine, the gears were fine... so I reassembled, only for her to work two to three shots and then fail again. I decided that the problem might be the trigger. I opened up the mechbox once more and removed all parts to gain access to the trigger. On inspection the trigger contact was all blackened with carbon. This is caused by arching. As the contact breaker is pushed between its two contacts, arching occurs. This is more likely to happen with the use of powerful batteries - anything above 8.4v really.

So, I removed the contact to give it a good clean. For the uninitiated, there are three parts to the trigger: two copper contacts built into the switch and the third part which is the contact breaker which the trigger pushes into the contacts to make a connection. Once they had all been cleaned I was just about to refit everything when I realised the two contacts were also blackened with carbon. But there was more, they also had a track worn in them from the contact breaker moving in and out each time the trigger was pulled. A new switch would be required. I must say, I was quite surprised that just six months of gaming could do so much damage and I definitely didn’t fancy having to replace the trigger switch every six to eight months.

While complaining to anyone who would listen about my predicament, and about AEGs in general, and wishing there was some way to bypass the trigger switch and all the hassle it was bringing with it, someone mentioned MOSFET... Moswho? I wondered. So, straight home I went and jumped online so I could ask Google all about it. I was soon becoming enlightened, and the more I read, the more I wanted one!

MOSFETS What do they do? Simply put, they bypass your AEGs cover switch. The trigger switch in your AEG is not very effective at handling the power from your batteries and this means a loss of power to your motor. With a MOSFET fitted the power goes through the MOSFET and straight to the motor with zero loss of power.There are many different types of MOSFETs available now, such as the SMU or Simple MOSFET Unit which just protects the trigger. The next type is the ABM or Active Breaking MOSFET. This type also bypasses your trigger but this cleverly stops the motor in your AEG from over-spinning and so reduces wear and tear on your motor and gears. On single shot an ABM ensures you get a full cycle and your piston will always finish in the most forward position. This ensures that your spring is uncompressed, thereby prolonging the life of your spring. In auto-fire no over-spin is a lot better for your gears, trigger response is much faster and your rate of fire will also improve but it will not affect your FPS. Last but not least we have computerised MOSFETS. These have all the benefits of the ABMs but are programmable, so you can chose from three to ten round bursts on automatic, you can slow down your motor and you can even programme

single shot with a two second delay, for the dedicated snipers among you. Genius! So in summary this gamer believes that MOSFETs are a must have. If you want to look after your AEG and if it’s the only upgrade you ever do I can’t recommend them enough. There is no downside; installation of a MOSFET will only improve your AEG’s performance.

Fitting MOSFETs Installation can differ from mechbox to mechbox. Version two mechboxes require opening and stripping the mechbox to gain access to the wiring and the trigger contacts. Version three mechboxes have the trigger wires located on the outside of the box so are slightly easier to fit. A bit of knowledge of soldering is required and a little effort and care in retracing the new wires needs to be taken, but it’s not rocket science and if you are unable to accomplish this yourself just make some enquires. I guarantee someone at your local site or retailer will be able to recommend someone who can do the job for you

even if you look rough

Dog Tagged a place where you can share your best airsoft Photographs with the rest of the Irish Airsoft Community. If it’s you or your team in action, posing, funny or even chillin in the safezone send them in to us with your name and get yourself tagged.

INTRODUCTION Some of the biggest dates on the calendar each year for many Irish Airsoft players are the regular BattleSim events organised by TA Events in the UK. Each year more and more Irish players are attracted to these 24 hour long games. Taking place in the FIBUA villages used by the British army to prepare for deployment overseas, these games offer an Airsoft experience which it is currently impossible to find in Ireland. They are also a great opportunity for regular Irish players from all over the country to meet up as a community and show everyone just how serious about our sport we really are. Reports are that well over half of those attending the next TA Event in April will be heading over from Ireland! SitRep magazine was lucky enough to grab some time with the founder and organiser of TA Events, Ian Wermerling, just before he got too deep in to the last minute planning for the latest BattleSim game being held at Sennybridge FIBUA village, part three of the Chernarus Conflict.

SitRep) How did you first get introduced to Airsoft, and how long was it before you then established TA Events? Ian) I first heard about Airsoft through a work colleague back

in the spring of 2004. I had tried Paintball a couple of times but it did not float my boat. So when I discovered Airsoft I realised that this was the type of activity that I was hoping to find in Paintball. Even more so after seeing pictures of an advertised event at Longmoor, a training village I had been to on an exercise in the Army back in the 80s. My first game was at Free Fire Zone’s Nassington site during the summer of 2004 and after only a few skirmish days I realised that I wanted to organise my own games and do things the way I wanted. It was just over a year later when I organised my first event called Town Assault in the September of 2005 at the Urban Assault site.

SitRep) Can you give us a brief history of the company and the people involved? Ian) TA Events the company was formed during late 2007 in preparation for my second series of events called

Phoenix Rising. I had already run five events under the Town Assault, series of games. Since the formation of the company we have now run six Battlesim style games and one TacOps game. Alongside myself, there are a number of key individuals that represent the backbone of the organisation. They are:Brett Evans – my right-hand man during the event planning and on the event weekends. Julie Thomsit – my partner, website tester and admin assistant at the events, a face that many regulars will know from checking in at the events on the Friday nights.Mike Harrison – a sounding board and advisor during the event planning and quite often a main commander during the event weekend. Mark Cherry – the one guy I consult with about all things military, often jokingly referred to as my ‘military advisor’.Steve Hiskett – has been one of my key marshals over the last couple of events and will be my head marshal at the forth coming game in April.There are many other people I would like to thank from the players teams and supporters that help me bring our events together, with specific mention to teams such as Delta Alpha and Gray Fox.

SitRep) There are regularly large groups of Irish Airsoft players who travel to England to take part in TA Events. Why do you think your events have become so popular with the Irish players? Ian) It’s thanks to the Irish Airsofters

willingness to go that extra mile, literally, and travel over to my events and try them out. From my first large scale event at Copehill Down Village, initially they came over to experience the largest FIBUA village in the UK but have kept coming back to become some of my most loyal players.I have also built a strong relationship with some of the Irish players by leading them in a command position during Berget 2008/2009 in Sweden. We hit it off big time and bonded like a true band of brothers. I like to think that my leadership approach commanded great respect from the players. The following year a full platoon of Irish players returned to Berget whereI had the pleasure of commanding them again but now as a company commander.That to me set the foundation forthe Irish response to my events and the Irish.

SitRep) Now that TA Events has successfully run some of these large scale BattleSims have you recognised any subtle differences in the style of play between Irish and UK players? Ian) One of the many things I love about the Irish players is their enthusiasm and aggression in the heat of a contact as well as their sportsmanship and fair play. They keep on the move and give the enemy a bloody hard time. Many a team have this right type of attitude about them but for me it stands out when I watch the Irish play. This has been reinforced to me time and time again at my various events through positive comments from marshals and other staff.

SitRep) TA Events have a new event planned for April 2011, part 3 of the Chernarus Conflict, what can you tell us about this upcoming event and what can the Irish players travelling over expect in terms of rule development and the development of the Chernarus Conflict story line? Ian) The third part of this series will continue on from the events of the previous game. After the partially successful

offensive by the Chernarussian Defence Force (CDF), pockets of Chedaki resistance have been left behind in the wake of the offensive. One such pocket of Chedaki remnants will try to retake the small town of Petrovka, currently under the control of CDF reserves. But to mix things up a little, we are introducing a third faction in the form of NAPA, which is an underground movement. They are spread amongst the population of the town and consequently bring a guerrilla type warfare to the game as well as a civilian population when they are not engaged in fighting. NAPA has been present in the first two games but this is the first event where they play a significant part in the storyline.

BattleSim – just like a MilSim (or military simulation) event but with some very important rule tweaks to keep everything moving at a good pace and ensure that all objectives can be achieved within the 24 hour time limit.

Chernarussian Movement of the Red

SitRep) Looking to the future, can you give us some hints as to what TA Events has planned to keep your games fresh, dynamic and continuously evolving in order to remain on top as Ireland’s favourite BattleSim destination? Ian) We are always re-evaluating our games, looking at

refinements to rules to get the right balance between reality and fun as well as searching out new venues to use alongside the popular favourites like Copehill and Sennybridge. After each game we seek feedback via online surveys and this helps us tweak the games for next time around. We are always striving to stop our games becoming the typical back and forth you can get at a skirmish by adding new missions and game dynamics. A big change we made at the last game was to have a single respawn that was shared by both teams. This changed the dynamics of the game dramatically as it prevented the standard static frontline that was seen at many previous games, and allowed the players to really open up the playing area and to use the whole village to its maximum. This wouldn’t work for all sites so for each game we try to tailor an approach that will create an exciting and bespoke event so even when re-visiting sites we don’t use them in the same way. In the future we hope to provide additional services to our customers such as pre-game training packages provided by ex-service personnel. Additional services stretch both in and outside the actual game so we can develop a sense of community with our players and as such we are developing our website to allow players to develop a profile and share experiences with each other. All future TA Events games are presently on hold (with the exception of the current event), so that I can take a step back and take a long break. The purpose of the break is to have a long earned rest, take a step back and re-evaluate where I want to take TA Events, review and make easier the booking and player booking self management aspect of the site, as well as to get back to playing the game for a while instead of running games. TA Events will be back however, but it is unlikely it will happen before 2012.

Chernarussian Defence Forces


SitRep) Have you ever considered holding an event in Ireland considering the popularity of TA Events in the Irish Airsoft Community? Ian) I most certainly have and I am in discussions about a possible event in

2012. There are no details about a venue yet but I do have several contacts in Ireland that are currently investigating possible avenues. I also have to keep in mind the various additional regulations that are present in Ireland, and keep these in mind when trying to create a event that will stand out from those that are already locally available.

SitRep) What is your opinion regarding the restrictions on the use of pyrotechnics in Ireland and is this one of the major reasons you have not launched a game here yet? Ian) It must be very frustrating for the Irish Airsoft community, but pyrotechnics

is not needed for a great game. I have attended two Berget games and they have no pyrotechnics, but I still really enjoyed the events. It is a case of tailoring the event to provide something new and exciting and this isn’t just about whizz bang effects. Not having pyrotechnics allows us to explore other avenues such as new technologies with the freed up budgets that have now become expected to be spent on pyrotechnics in the UK.

SitRep) Have you any final comment or messages for the Irish Airsoft community regarding the newest instalment of the Chernarus Conflict? Ian) Embrace the final details of the game,

immerse yourself in the story and you will enjoy it so much more. This is simulation of a military action which requires you to immerse yourself in a military role for this game to thrive. Do this and you will discover another level to Airsoft and I promise you will never look back. But above all, enjoy yourself.

The SitRep team will all be in attendance at Sennybridge for part three of the Chernarus Conflict and we will bring you a full battle report in the following issue of SitRep Magazine.

Pyrotechnics – basically beefed up fireworks which can come in the form of grenades, flash-bangs or smoke grenades to simulate the real thing. These are not allowed in Ireland so Irish players tend to go a little overboard when buying up their supply for TA Events.

FIBUA – Fighting In Built Up Areas – these villages have been specially built for the British Army to allow their soldiers to hone their urban combat skills before being deployed to areas such as Afghanistan.

photograph by Jason toher

the sitrep

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Plenty Plenty of of Irish Irish players players will will be be heading heading to to the the next next big big UK UK airsoft airsoft event, event, what what can can the the first first time time Irish Irish airsofter airsofter expect expect from from attending attending and and what what preparation preparation do do they they need need to to do do to to maximise maximise their their enjoyment? enjoyment? Well Well first first off, off, the the Sennybridge Sennybridge FIBUA FIBUA (fighting (fighting in in built built up up areas) areas) village village is is like like nothing nothing you you will will have have played played on on before before in in Ireland. Ireland. As As you you make make your your way way up up through through the the hilly hilly roads roads that that lead lead you you in in to to the the military military base, base, you you will will start start to to see see the the church church tower tower and and the the tall tall two two and and three three storey storey buildings buildings of of where where you you will will spend spend the the next next two two nights. nights. ItIt looks looks very very picturesque picturesque from from aa distance, distance, but but up up close close you you start start to to get get the the feel feel of of the the gritty gritty cold cold place place that that itit is. is. The The realisation realisation starts starts to to set set in in after after you’ve you’ve unpacked unpacked your your gear gear and and put put up up your your tent, tent, that that you you are are set set for for an an unbelievable unbelievable 24 24 hours hours of of gaming. gaming. After After the the obligatory obligatory walk walk around, around, pick pick your your jaw jaw up up off off the the ground, ground, then then soak soak in in the the your your surroundings. surroundings. Take Take the the time time to to orientate orientate yourself yourself as as to to where where each each building building is is located located and and have have aa look look inside inside as as many many of of the the buildings buildings as as pospossible. sible. Each Each has has aa unique unique placement placement of of windows, windows, doors, doors, trap trap doors doors and and stairwells stairwells so so take take note note as as best best you you can. can. There There are are over over 20 20 buildings buildings on on site site as as well well as as old old tank tank hulls, hulls, walls walls and and fences fences and and even even headstones headstones in in the the mock mock graveyard graveyard behind behind the the church. church. There There is is usually usually aa burger burger van van on on site site from from the the Friday, Friday, when when you you arrive, arrive, so so you you can can have have some some fast fast food food and and teas teas and and coffee. coffee. Alternatively Alternatively you you

can can cook cook your your own own food food or or heat heat up up any any ration ration packs packs that that you you may may have have brought. brought. You You can can also also sign sign in in and and pick pick up up any any pyro pyro that that you you have have ordered. ordered. This This is is done done in in the the church church as as it’s it’s the the admin admin building building for for Ian Ian and and the the TA TA crew crew for for the the weekend. weekend. On On the the Friday Friday night night you’ll you’ll find find yourself yourself possibly possibly having having aa beer beer or or two two and and chatting chatting with with your your fellow fellow gamers. gamers. IfIf you you do do decide decide to to have have aa drink, drink, don’t don’t have have too too much. much. No No point point in in travelling travelling over over for for aa great great weekend weekend and and spoiling spoiling itit with with aa hangover hangover and and being being dehydrated dehydrated at at the the start start of of the the game. game. Try Try and and get get as as much much sleep sleep as as you you can can because because you you may may wish wish to to stay stay up up for for most most of of the the 24 24 hour hour game. game. Gaming Gaming starts starts about about midday midday on on the the Saturday Saturday after after the the safety safety and and game game brief. brief. Tension Tension and and adrenaline adrenaline will will be be high high as as itit kicks kicks off. off. Make Make sure sure you you stick stick to to your your orders orders from from command command and and follow follow proper proper radio radio procedure procedure with with your your section, section, itit will will make make for for aa much much better better gaming gaming experience experience in in my my opinion. opinion. What What should should you you be be doing doing in in preppreparation aration of of your your trip? trip? Well Well we we have have decided decided to to put put down down aa few few important important dos dos and and don’ts. don’ts.

Make Make sure sure your your gun/s gun/s is/ is/ are are working working well well before before your your departure departure date. date. Limit Limit yourself yourself to to two two guns guns and and maybe maybe aa sidearm. sidearm. You You may may well well be be lucky lucky enough enough to to own own an an armoury armoury but but remember remember travel travel light light with with only only what what you you actually actually need. need. Batteries... Batteries... make make sure sure to to bring bring at at least least two, two, more more ifif you you can, can, and and have have them them fully fully charged. charged. Make Make sure sure to to pack pack all all your your essentials, essentials, mask, mask, goggles, goggles,Comms, Comms,gloves, gloves,tac tacvest vestand andyour yourcamo camo and and boots boots into into whatever whatever bag bag you you are are using using well well in in advance. advance. Remember Remember your your space space is is limited limited for for travelling travelling and and you you don’t don’t want want to to be be bringing bringing excess excess weight weight when when you you probably probably won’t won’t need need it. it. So So do do aa trial trial run run on on fitting fitting your your gear gear into into your your bag. bag. You You must must travel travel with with your your guns guns in in either either aa bag bag or or case, case, so so make make sure sure ifif you you don’t don’t have have one one to to organise organise itit well well in in advance. advance. Next Next up up is is your your sleeping sleeping arrangements. arrangements. You You opoptions tions are are your your tent, tent, in in one one of of the the buildings buildings (11A (11A possibly) possibly) or or ifif you you have have your your car car then then that that may may also also do. do. IfIf you you are are planning planning on on camping camping rememremember ber that that itit will will be be extra extra baggage baggage for for you you to to look look after. after. No No matter matter which which option option you you choose choose you you will will need need aa sleeping sleeping bag, bag, get get aa good good one one as as the the weather weather in in Sennybridge Sennybridge is is very very unpredictable unpredictable and and can can sometimes sometimes get get quite quite cold cold at at night. night. Spare Spare clothing clothing and and footwear footwear for for the the trip trip home home can can be be kept kept dry dry in in sealed sealed plastic plastic bags bags in in case case of of inclement inclement weather. weather. Some Some mini mini snack snack bars bars and and glucose glucose sweets sweets can can be be handy handy during during gaming, gaming, to to abate abate the the hunger hunger until until your your section section stands stands down down for for aa bit bit of of food/rest. food/rest. A A water water bladder bladder in in your your tac tac vest vest can can keep keep you you hydrated hydrated during during gaming. gaming. There There are are some some great great tips tips and and advice advice on on the the TA TA events events website website under under their their “Guides” “Guides” sub sub menu. menu. Found Found here here at at Most Most of of all all enjoy enjoy your your trip trip and and do do your your planning planning and and research research before before you you leave leave so so that that you you are are familiar familiar with with all all the the background background story story and and rules rules of of the the event. event.

photograph by Jason toher

Airsoft Sniper The Airsoft Sniper

role probably the most popular road that many newscomers to the sport choose to travel down, but it is a style of play which is often misinterpreted. This misconception leads newcomers to visualises themselves as a lone hunter, the guy who finds the perfect concealed vantage point and proceeds to engage and eliminate great swathes of opposition players from his hidden position. It’s not long before they find out that it rarely ever works out that way. Here we will attempt to examine the many facets of one of Airsoft’s most complex and demanding roles.

We will take a look at what is required of the Airsoft sniper form his team and look at the benefits of having an effective Airsoft sniper established within a team dynamic. If we take a quick glance at our real steel counterparts, their effectiveness in the field is devastating and the demoralising effect on the opposition can cause a huge psychological impact, so it is no wonder that the role holds such appeal to Airsoft players. While similarities remain mostly cosmetic, adapting some of their real life tactics and techniques can vastly improve the role of the Airsoft sniper.

The skilled Airsoft sniper will not necessarily engage every enemy he sees; he will often stalk and take specific targets for an overall tactical or strategic goal, for example he will hold until he identifies the team leader or the medic of the squad. His mission is to deny the enemy freedom of movement by immobilising the chain of command and communications, therefore he actively seeks out people playing the roles of radiomen, observers, messengers, and other key personnel with well-aimed fire. On other occasions he may only relay this information to his advancing squad, rather than expose his presence by taking the shot. By using this tactic he can adapt to a cleanup role, after an assault by his squad the remaining enemy players may consider the path they took safe for retreat only to find the sniper lying in wait.

In Airsoft, you typically see a sniper trying to work alone, but this is viewed by some as a fundamental error. A sniper is always guaranteed to be twice as effective in Irish Airsoft when paired with another marksman from his team, this setup consists of a sniper and a designated spotter. Since a sniper’s rifle will rarely outrange the AEGs of most other players having someone with a fully automatic rifle

watching your back will come as a real comfort. The addition of a second marksman who usually carries a fully automatic assault rifle, allows the sniper to concentrate on his chosen field of vision leaving the spotter with the security of their immediate location. He guards the sniper from approaching enemy with a much faster rate of fire. The spotter may also guard entry and exit points, His task is to observe areas not visible to the sniper and assist with the sniper team’s rear security. He may also take point when relocating, relay information to the team, help with surveillance and target acquisition, engagement distances and coordinated attacks. Coomunications are also vital to the sniper role. The best snipers, in my opinion, regard their radios as being as important as their rifles. The radio believe it or not can be a far more effective tool when eliminating the enemy as a sniper. Therefore good radio communications skills are also a key element in becoming a skilled Airsoft sniper.

The Airsoft sniper’s gear or equipment can be broken into four branches weapons, optics, communications and camouflage. Weapons can be broken into primary/secondary weapons. The primary would be your chosen sniper rifle usually this would be a bolt action rifle but more and more in Irish Airsoft we see players moving towards a semi automatic rifle such as the M14 EBR, this is an issue commonly debated as some would argue this dilutes the snipers role to more of a DM role or (Designated marksman). Secondary weapons would commonly include a pistol and possibly grenades, landmines and dummy knife. Optics would include the snipers scope usually this is 3-9x40. This means the scope has variable zoom capability. In this case it ranges between 3 and 9x magnification though a 40mm wide view objective lens. A top tip would be to always check that your scope is zeroed in prior to game commencement, other optics would include a small set of mini binoculars. Communications would consist of a good two way radio and headset, this in my opinion is a must. Snipers use the ghillie suit and drag bag due to covert requirements for infiltration and camouflage. The ghillie suit was, believe it or not first developed by Scottish game wardens to better count game and catch poachers. Ghillie suits can be hand made in many different ways. Some make them from rough hessian type burlap attached to netting. Other ghillie suits are often built using a camouflaged pilot’s flight suit, or some other kind of one-piece coverall as the base. A full cover of rough webbing or fish netting in a durable fabric is attached in irregular patterns designed to hide lines and blend in to surrounding cover. This can then be weathered using mud and other organic materials or another method is to spray paint it. I’ve even heard of lads dragging it behind their

car! The final choice will depend on location. Try and use as much of the local foliage as possible without restricting your movement. It is customary for the ghillie suit to be made by the sniper and tailor it to his favorite site. You can buy them premade but in my opinion, doing some research then making your own ghillie suit is half the fun and it also personalises your sniper loadout. One problem with ghillie suits is internal temperatures though. Even in relatively moderate climates, the temperature inside the ghillie suit can soar this is why we see more and more frequent use of the hood and shoulder cover which is the bare minimum to break up the body lines.

My other top tips concerning equipment concern ammunition and the little black book. how many times have we all seen the poor sniper retreat prematurely to the safe zone due to the fact he had under estimated the length of the game and run out of ammunition? So, like any good scout, always be prepared. This brings us to the little black book. This should contain a wealth of information on the site where you are playing, and is especially useful in a semi urban environment. I suppose the best way I can elaborate is by example, the last time I visited Sennybridge, I met up with an English Sniper team. They where

doing a walkthrough of the site, with their little black book in hand. The book contained a small map with a basic layout and numbering system of the buildings. It also had the best vantage points for firing positions, escape and relocation routes and yardage indicators. The yardage indicators impressed me most because like pro-golf caddy’s they were walking out the yardage of each firing position and placing a subtle marker which only they would notice. This meant that each time the enemy ventured inside a marked area, the snipers knew that they were

inside the capabilities of their rifles range and ultimately inside their kill zone. This technique is something a sniper could easily adapt to his or her own local site.

the one you’ll find the most difficult to follow, and that is to have patience. Lots of it. When the adrenaline in flowing and you can hear your team-mates racking up the kills and having a great game, it can be easy to get disillusioned. Running about and getting multiple kills is not the type of game that the Airsoft sniper has chosen to play. You’re in this for the long haul, and the satisfaction of a perfect stealth kill will come in time and be all the sweeter for the wait and effort that you have put in. Hold your ground and bide your time.

Your shot will come....

Written by Keith Richardson Other equipment that may be useful depending on your environment would be insect repellent, some snacks, a camel back, spare pistol mags, a penlight and camouflage cream. But to everyone who likes the idea of the Airsoft sniper role the best bit of advice you’ll get from the more experienced snipers is possibly



Please be aware no liability will be accepted for any damage done to AEG’s or injury caused to life or limb. The information that follows is offered as a guide to maintain your AEG. Remember, if in doubt always seek out some help! Don’t be afraid to ask, if there’s one thing about the airsoft community (family), airsofters will always recommend someone they trust to help with your beloved AEG. Now, that said,


G E A s ’ y n n u G o t e m o c l e W e s r u o c t l u a s as Where we will teach you skills and knowledge to help you overcome the assault course that is AEG repairs.

Power Batteries: Whether you own a top of the line Systema or a Classic Army Sportline, an AEG is only as good as the power pack that runs it. Remember to discharge before recharging your battery. NI-MH/ NI-CD require six or seven charges before they run at peak efficiency but remember for an effective charge, discharge them first. Lipo, on the other hand does not need to be discharged, they require a balanced charge, the charging units on these batteries must not be mixed up as they are not compatible.

Silicon oil Do not spray silicon oil into your barrel or into your hop as it distorts the hop up rubber and hop up pip. Read the instructions with your AEG with regards to cleaning your barrel. Cut a piece of soft cotton cloth 10mm x 25mm and fix to the end of your cleaning rod - this gets sprayed in silicon oil. Insert it into the barrel, twist it in all the way to the hop up but BEWARE - DO NOT go into the hop unit as any silcon oil in the unit stops the hop up from working. If you measure from the nearest edge of dustcover door to the end of your barrel and mark this on your cleaning rod, this should help make sure you don’t go in too far. Likewise, do not spray silicon oil in through the dustcover door as silicon oil leaves a resi-

due behind that attracts dust and will do more damage then good. Also, be aware that not all silicon oils are the same; some are made with petroleum distillents, which are not good for plastic and rubbers. I play it safe and stick with dedicated airsoft silicon.

Assault course Thanks for your patience. First up on our assault course is everyone’s favourite an M4. This particular one is a G&G M4 CQB nonblow back.

G&G Raider NonBlow Back Safety comes first before any work or maintenance. In a safe place with the magazine removed, blank fire the AEG two or three times on semi-auto. This does two things: firstly it removes any BBs from the barrel, and secondly it puts the piston in its most forward position, which helps with the strip down of the mech box.

Now, remove the stock as shown in picture.

Roughly in the centre of these wires you will find a black heat shrink. There may be a break in this to enable these to be stripped. If there’s no break carefully cut the heat shrink and separate.

Locate and remove the alan key from end of stock then remove end cap. Located inside the stock tube you will find a Philips head screw, remove this and slide off the stock tube. Locate and remove two alan nuts from the motor plate. Remove the motor plate.

Open the front hand guard and remove batteries. Find the red and black wires.

Disconnect the red and black wires from the motor. The motor should now slip out.

Inside the pistol grip, you will find two Philips head screws. Remove these and slide off the pistol grip.

Locate the front body pin and push through. Slide off the upper receiver. Remember to feed the battery wires through carefully as you go.

Holding the lower receiver, push the bolt release up in the direction of the top of the mech box.

Push the mag release button into the receiver as far as possible. On the other side of the mech box the mag catch will stand proud. Rotate anti clockwise and remove. Make sure you don’t lose the spring.

Locate the two remaining body pins: large at the rear and small above the trigger. Push through and remove.

Carefully remove the mech box.

Locate and remove the six torx screws holding the mech box together. Arrange the screws in same positions as they were in the mech box.

Turn the mech box over, insert screwdriver into the rear of the mech box. Apply pressure down to hold the spring and piston in place. Then lift off the top half of mech box.

With the box now open, you can check piston for wear and tear. Check gears and trigger switch.

Pay attention to any shims, these are very small washers, you will find them either side of the gears. They come in different sizes so if you lift out the gears, watch how many shims and where they are in relation to each gear. BEWARE sometimes they stick in the grease on the bearing.

Although this AEG was running fine, the black wire running under the motor had worn through exposing the copper wire so some heat shrink was required to reinsulate.

Once the mech box has been checked, replace the top half of the box. When in position press the air nozzle gently. It should move smoothly in and out as it is sprung. Once sorted, replace screws.

Return the mech box to the lower receiver. Fit rear body pin and trigger pin. They may need to be gently tapped home. Now fit the pistol grip replacing the two Philips screws. Do not tighten until both are in position.

Both wires go to the back of the pistol grip the black is already in at the rear but the red must be re-rooted to run back beside the black.

Now fit the motor. Fit the black connection first as the red connection crosses over the black connection to be connected with the red connector on the motor. On some motors red is signified as a plus sign (+). Note: the red connection on the motor goes to the right hand side of the pistol grip.

Fit the motor plate and two alan nuts. Replace the mag release spring and mag release button. Again, in reverse push the mag catch all the way in to the mag-well and fit the button, turning clockwise. Now fit the bolt assist. You are now ready to fit the upper receiver. Pay attention to the threading of wires. Reconnect your wires to the battery plug and now my friend you are ready for a test fire!

Remember, this information is meant as a guide only, so if in doubt seek out some professional help. No responsibility will be taken to life, limb or AEG .

site review written by Damian Dobbyn

Located deep in the Armagh countryside

and staged over seven acres of mixed terrain, Green Zone Combat Green is a medium sized site which still has a lot of variety to offer to its visitors. The site is essentially a mix of open and built up areas - some with an almost urban feel and makes for a varied and intense gaming experience. Approximately an hour and 15 minutes on the M1 from Dublin airport, Green Zone is very easy to get to by car with most of the journey being by motorway. As sites go this one has a wonderful organically developed feel to it. It is mainly comprised of open undulating terrain with plenty of structures, bases and barricades to enrich your game play. The site is owned and run by Bobby, who is a long time airsofter himself. His passion for the sport is evident in both the way he runs his site and the way he regularly plays. He and his regulars are a really friendly bunch of people who will greet you with a smile and a hello. As you drive up the road to the site and turn in to the car park you will see the safe zone and the shop. The safe zone is well kitted out with essentials; benches and tables for all your gear and a roof over your head. Next door is the small shop and signin area, which also doubles as the tea and coffee watering hole. On sale in the shop you will find guns, consumables, soft drinks and snacks and of course pyro. As the site is in Northern Ireland they are allowed to use smoke grenades and thermobarics during play. There is also a toilet on site and charging facilities. It will cost you £15 for a day’s gaming with your own gear (approximately €15.60). If you need to rent guns and overalls (which requires pre-booking) it will cost you £30 (around €35).

So how does the site play out? Well, the action is fast and furious, with games that require good teamwork and co-ordination to manoeuvre from one base to another and to outwit and out-flank your opposition. Games vary in length from quick attack and defend to longer wars of attrition. The marshalling is top notch and game turnaround is good. The standard of the local players is very good and their honesty is fantastic. Bobby regularly runs one day team competitions and I have to say these are something to be experienced. They are quick fire last man standing style games where each team goes head to head to wipe out the other team before they’re wiped out themselves. The site and its games are run with military precision but the emphasis is most definitely on having fun and a laugh. There is definitely a competitive spirit but not at the expense of the enjoyment of the day. Green Zone Combat is a well laid out close quarter and medium range playing site where you will certainly have plenty of action and be in the thick of things. It is without a doubt well worth a visit next time you are looking to try out somewhere different. Top marks. Website details:

Live life on the trigger.

Play Airsoft

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