Welcome to ! 800 More than international students from 60+ nations Located in Edwardsville, Illinois, the SIUE campus is situated on 2,660 acres (over 10 square kilometers) of rolling hills, woodlands and lakes. Safest College Towns in#18America in the nation Safewise Report, 2021 DOCTORAL/PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITIES NEWLY RECLASSIFIED BY THE CARNEGIE COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION INTO THIS PRESTIGIOUS CATEGORY HIGHER EDUCATION EXCELLENCE IN DIVERSITY ONE OF ONLY 11 SCHOOLS IN THE NATION TO BE AWARDED EIGHT OR MORE CONSECUTIVE YEARS INSIGHT Into Diversity TOP BUSINESS SCHOOLS IN THE U.S. The Princeton Review RESEARCH EXPENDITURES National Science Foundation #1 AMONG FORNATIONALLYPROFESSIONALDOCTORAL/UNIVERSITIESRECOGNIZEDEXCELLENCE30% DOCTORAL INSTITUTIONS NATIONAL UNIVERSITY RANKINGS Washington MonthlyTOP Attending SIUE Tuition and fees are based on 2022-2023 rates and an estimated enrollment of 12 credits per semester for undergraduate international students and 9 credits per semester for graduate international students. Tuition $18,612 $15,750 General Student Fees $2,602 $1,951 Mandatory Health Insurance $2,334 $2,334 Estimated Living Expenses $13,168 $13,168 (books, housing, transportation, etc.) Total Cost of Attendance $36,716 $33,203 GEO Award (Available

● Graduate Assistantships: Tuition waiver and monthly stipend. Student works up to 20 hours per week in an academic, service or research unit. Separate application required. to
SIUE to study for beginning their degree coursework. pathway is an affordable way to improve English skills, meet new friends and learn about American culture. completion fulfills the English requirement without additional standardized

offers an Intensive English Pathway (IEP) program that allows students
tests. Learn more about SIUE’s English Pathway program online: English Proficiency Requirements for Admission IEP Undergraduate Graduate TOEFL 45 72 79 IELTS 5.0 (no component below 4.5) 6.0 (no component below 5.5) 6.5 Duolingo 80 115 125
● Graduate Scholar Award: Tuition waiver. Apply by March 1.
● Meridian Undergraduate Scholarship: Highly competitive; full tuition, fees, room and board. Apply by November 15. Additional application required.
academically qualified students) International Student Cost of Attendance Per Year Undergraduate Graduate FallApplicationDeadlinesSemester June 1 GraduateProgramsSTEM April 1 SemesterSpring November 1 Some graduate programs have early deadlines or may only admit once per year. Total Cost of Attendance Total Cost of Attendance with a GEO Award with a GEO Award $27,037 $25,013 Estimated Savings: Estimated Savings: $9,679 $8,190 Scholarships and Funding Opportunities
● Geographic Enhancement Opportunity (GEO) Award: All academically eligible new students will receive a special GEO tuition rate. GEO awardees save more than $47,000 over the course of a four-year bachelor’s degree and over $13,000 for a master’s degree.
one or two semesters while
● Competitive Graduate Award: Tuition waiver and monthly stipend. Apply by January 15.
● On-campus Employment: Students can apply for on-campus jobs and work up to 20 hours per week.
School of Nursing
Marketing Research
Undergraduate Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Exercise Science ◊
Undergraduate Civil Engineering ◊ ^^ Computer Engineering^^ Computer Science ◊^^ Construction Management Electrical Engineering^^ Industrial Engineering ◊ ^^ Mechanical Engineering ◊ ^^ Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering ◊ ^^
Dual Programs PharmD/Healthcare Informatics PharmD/MBA PharmD/Pharmaceutical Sciences PharmD/Public Health Public Health/MBA
● Economics ●
● Finance ●
BusinessAccountancyAdministration Business Analytics Healthcare Administration Management Management Information Systems Project Management Management Information Systems Business Analytics Project Management
College of Arts and Sciences
Art - Studio**
Graduate Applied Communication Studies
^^ ●
Political Science Social SociologyWork
School of Education, Health and Human Behavior
Civil Engineering^^ Environmental Engineering/Water Resources Geotechnical Engineering Structural Engineering Transportation Engineering Computer Science^^ Electrical and Computer Engineering^^ Industrial Engineering^^ Mechanical Engineering ◊^^
Doctoral Doctor of Pharmacy** Pharmacology and Neuroscience*
School of Engineering
◊ ^^
^^ PhysicsPhilosophyMusic ^^
Art Therapy Counseling** Biological Sciences^^ Chemistry ^^ English ● Teaching English as a Second Language ◊ Environmental Science Management ^^ Environmental Sciences ◊
Undergraduate Nursing (traditional) Graduate Nursing**
Doctoral Nursing Practice School of Dental Medicine
Areas of Study Cooperative program with Southern Illinois University Carbondale has an early application deadline
Higher Education and Student Affairs NutritionKinesiologyand Dietetics** Psychology** Clinical Child and School Psychology Clinical Psychology Industrial-Organizational Psychology School Psychology
Doctoral Environmental Resources and Policy* History*
SIUE offers additional degrees and programs online, but an I-20 cannot be issued for these programs.
MassLiberalInternationalStudiesStudiesStudiesCommunications ◊
ArtArt and BiologicalDesignSciences Chemistry Criminal Justice Studies EnglishEconomics Environmental Sciences Foreign Languages and Literature IntegrativeHistoryGeography
Doctoral Computer Science* Engineering Science*
Accelerated combined degree option available STEM designated
Doctor of Dental Medicine** International Advanced Placement Program School of Pharmacy Graduate Pharmaceutical Sciences**
Mathematics^^ Media Studies ◊
BusinessAccountancyAdministration Computer Information Systems Cybersecurity Entrepreneurship General Business Administration Human Resource Management International Business Supply Chain Management
Graduate Curriculum and Instruction Diversity and Equity in Education Educational Administration**
Doctoral Educational Leadership
Graduate School Graduate Integrative Studies Create your own focus area using approved curricula or choose: Engineering Management Marketing Communications Other options also available
HistoryGeography **
and Audiology
Mathematical Studies
● Management ● Marketing ●
School of Business
SocialMusic Work** Sociology ◊
Undergraduate AppliedAnthropologyCommunication Studies
Speech-Language Pathology** Teaching**
Public Health**
Theater and Dance Advisement
Pre-OccupationalPre-MedicinePre-LawPre-DentalPre-Chiropractic Therapy Pre-VeterinaryPre-PodiatryPre-PhysicianPre-PhysicalPre-PharmacyPre-OptometryTherapyAssistant
For a full list of programs and specializations, including detailed information about the curriculum and admission requirements,
secure employmenttemporaryinthe U.S.

Apply to SIUE Learn more about the international admission process and start your application today!

Career Preparation and Success
Optical Practical Training (OPT) SIUE international student graduates

from SIUE to St. Louis Dallas St. Louis Seattle Miami Los Angeles New York Chicago

SIUE offers numerous resources to help students start their career, including assistance with internship placement and career fairs. Our international students have gone on to job with IBM, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Emerson, Dell, Nestlé Purina, Bayer, Intel and Microsoft.
Nearly 90% of
I was a little scared, but SIUE is so welcoming. I had one week full of orientation, and everybody here was so warm and friendly. I felt at home and was all ready to go.
Hear what others have to say at

I credit the SIUE experience for helping me become a business leader.
Nishi Gandhi, India Kinesiology - Exercise Physiology
I recommend SIUE because of the open-minded atmosphere. Every professor has confidence in your ability to succeed, and they give you the tools to do that.
Chau Minh Nguyen, Vietnam Marketing Research
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I always go to the Student Success Center for the Career Development Center, Health Service and Counseling Services. I always feel at home whenever I go to any of the resources at SIUE.
Faizan Mustafa, MBA/MIS ’01 Chief Information Officer Toyota Indus Motor Company Ltd Karachi, Pakistan
Ilayda Sayin, Turkey Industrial Engineering