It is with great pleasure that the team at Online Services and Educational Outreach presents the Spring 2023 catalog along with our best wishes for the New Year. We are pleased to offer new and returning courses in a variety of formats to accommodate more and diverse groups of participants.
If it’s a New Year’s resolution to be more organized and plan ahead, we are excited to announce two spotlight sections on courses and camps for summer 2023.
• As requested by parents, SIUE is announcing our academic summer camp dates on page 5, and more will be announced as they become available.
• We are offering a selection of classes and programs for teachers this summer to accommodate teachers’ schedules. Whether you work in K-12, home school or help with homework, there are a variety of offerings to help teachers achieve dual credit certification or help classroom teachers and others advance their skills in multiple ways. See page 7 for details. What’s new for spring? Besides Beginning Figure Drawing, Watercolor Painting and Advanced Bread Methods, we have new trips, including a St. Louis Architecture tour with a lens on the buildings and the World’s Fair. In conjunction with the Missouri History Museum, we are also pleased to offer several private curator talks (see page 4).
For those who would like to advance their professional skills, we will again offer grant writing courses, as well as courses such as Introduction to Python, MS Office Basics, Power BI Certificate and Excel. Don’t forget to take a look at our expanding online credit programs, lab science credentials series, and numerous conferences and CEU opportunities.

The Lifelong Learning calendar provides an exciting series of presentations this spring, and a Library Speaker’s Series offers additional presentations during the evening hours. We are excited to announce several new corporate partners, timely test preparation courses and, our best kept secret, the Educard program (see page 54).
Whatever 2023 brings us, I extend warm wishes for opportunities to learn, grow and thrive in the New Year.
Wishing you a wonderful fall season, Mary Ettling

Director, Online Services and Educational Outreach

All offerings are free for participants
Join us as we take a walk through St. Louis history with the Missouri History Museum. We will hear from three of their curators and experts as they take us on a journey through different lives and historical perspectives of those who lived, worked and called St. Louis their home. Whether you would like to attend one or all three, we invite you to join us on this historical exhibition both in Edwardsville and across the river!
Walking Where They Walked: Searching for Native Americans in the St. Louis Landscape
Take a deeper look at places in the St. Louis area that have known connections to Native Americans—from the mound builders to the fur trade and beyond—through maps and images found within the Missouri Historical Society Collections.
Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m., Feb. 23 Missouri History Museum, St. Louis
Turning Points in St. Louis’ LGBTQIA+ History

St. Louis Women’s Literary History
This presentation explores St. Louis’s incredibly rich history of women writers, playwrights, poets, and even a muse or two. Discover the historical context of their lives and work while gaining a historical context for the lives they led, and learn about several women whose work has been lost to popular history but whose genius and unbelievable life stories will astound you.
Wednesday, 1:15-2:30 p.m., March 15 Morris University Center, Missouri Room SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Queer history hasn’t just taken place in New York and California. The Gateway City has a fascinating, complex and inspirational LGBTQIA+ past of its own. Ranging across centuries, this presentation highlights some of the pivotal moments that shaped the diverse LGBTQIA+ communities of today’s St. Louis.
Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m., May 4 Edwardsville Public Library
SIUE East St. Louis Center
The SIUE East St. Louis Learning Resource Center (LRC) is a full-service library available to the East St. Louis and surrounding communities, as well as the SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School and all Wyvetter H. Younge Higher Education Campus staff and programs. The LRC offers internet access with 10 public computers and a computer lab with 20 computers and a SMART Board available to on-campus classes and community groups. The career services, free library cards, free printing, copying, scanning, faxing and notary public services are designed to provide inclusive access and assistance in one convenient location. The LRC aims to foster community connections and lifelong learning by providing a variety of free programming such as financial literacy classes, a monthly book club, cooking demonstrations, guest speakers and much more. As a member of the Illinois Heartland Library System, patrons can check-out items not only from the collection of fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, DVDs, CDs and audiobooks, but also the collections in all Illinois public libraries within the I-Share System.
SIUE East St. Louis Learning Resource Center

THEATER (Grades K-12)
• Cougar Theater Camp June 5-18
• Musical Theater Camp July 24-28
• Ar t Camp 1 June 5-9
• Ar t Camp 2 June 12-16
• Ar t Camp 3 June 26-30
• Writing Camp June 5-16 July 10-21
MUSIC (Grades 6-12)
• Percussion Institute June 5-8
• SIUE Flute Camp June 12-15
• Summer Jazz Camp June 20-23
• SIUE Summer Band Camp June 27-30
• Music Technology and Composition Camp July 17-20
601 James R. Thompson Blvd., Bldg B Wyvetter H. Younge Higher Education Campus East St. Louis, IL 62201 618-874-8719 | siue.edu/learning-resource-center
STEM (Grades 9-12)
• SIUE Engineer ing Camp June 5-9 June 12-16
STEM (Grades 2-7)
• Odyssey July 17-28
DANCE (Grades 6-12)
• SIUE Dance Camp June 26-30
• Junior and Senior Dance Intensive July 31-August 4
SIUE offers flexible, accelerated, fully online degree completion programs to fit the needs of adult learners like you. Our degree completion programs were developed to help you pursue educational success while you juggle life’s responsibilities. You’ll learn in a supportive, online environment that is focused on preparing you to accomplish your career goals without sacrificing personal, family and professional commitments. Whether you have 18 credit hours or an associate degree, a bachelor’s is within your reach.
Online Bachelor’s Degree Completion Programs
• Applied Communication Studies, Public Relations
• Business Administration
• Criminal Justice Studies
• Integrative Studies, Leadership in Organizations
• Psychology
Advance your career and improve your quality of life with a bachelor’s degree.
• Increased Salary
Bachelor’s degree holders earn an average of $10,000 more each year than those with an associate degree. Bureau of Labor Statistics
• Career Success
Nearly 90% of bachelor’s degree holders view their job as a career and/or a stepping stone to a career. Pew Research Center
Job Security
On average, unemployment rates are higher for individuals with some college and no degree when compared to a bachelor’s or advanced degrees. Bureau of Labor Statistics
• Enhanced Skills
College graduates possess valuable critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which more than 80% of employers agree are important for success. National Center for Higher Education Management Systems and the Association of American Colleges and Universities

SIUE Adds 100% Online General Education Coursework

We also offer a series of fully online courses that lead to the completion of the general education requirement which can prepare you for an online degree completion program or other on-ground program at SIUE.

Gain knowledge that will enhance your teaching and make a difference for every student! Teachers who are not currently SIUE students may apply as visiting or unclassified graduate students. Enjoy reasonable tuition and fees, and classes that suit your schedule.

Issues and Trends in Assessment:
Examination of the multi-faceted role of assessment and issues surrounding assessment practices, including the complexity of evaluating student learning in diverse

Issues in Learning Theory: The Exceptional Child SPE 400-601/602 Psychology, identification and methods of teaching individuals with exceptionalities, including individuals with learning disabilities (Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education program or instructor approval)
Analysis of Educational Issues: Emerging Technologies in Education IT 550-801
Disciplinary Literacy: Advanced application of theory and practice for teaching disciplinary literacy, including assessments, methods, strategies, literature and materials for diverse learners including English language learners.

Dual Credit Teacher Preparation!
These convenient options may help prepare you to lead dual-credit courses at your high school.
Special Topics in Communication: Dark Side of Communication: ACS 509-500
Online: May 30-July 1
Media Ethics: MC 455-500 Online: July 3- August 5
Young Adult Literature ENG 455-501 Online May 30-July 1
Politics of Composition Pedagogy: ENG 587-001
Online: May 30-July 1
Community Engaged Digital History: HIST 471-500
Online: July 3-August 5
Natural History of Illinois: BIOL 540-500 Online: July 3-August 5
For more information, please contact the Service Center at 618-650-2080.

Beginning Italian
Explore the fun and enjoyment of the language and culture. This class provides a basic understanding of the Italian language through grammar, pronunciation, recognition of Italian words, formulation of questions for basic conversation, and building simple vocabulary. A textbook is required for the course and a link to purchase will be sent to you prior to the course beginning.

Course Fee: $89
Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m., Feb. 1-April 5
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Fairview Heights, Ill.
Intermediate Italian
If you already have knowledge of this beautiful language, this course is designed just for you. Join us as we continue our journey through learning the Italian language and delve deeper in grammar and syntax.
Course Fee: $89
Wednesdays, 4:30-6 p.m., Feb. 1-April 5

Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Fairview Heights, Ill.
This course helped me prepare for a trip to Italy by greatly increasing my reading skills. I was a bit nervous about taking the course, as I did not consider myself ‘advanced,’ but it was a great experience.
Everyday Japanese: Let’s Speak in Japanese
Let’s get started with Japanese daily conversations! This course is designed for beginners who wish to develop basic conversational skills in a short period of time. No need to know the Japanese characters.
Course Fee: $99*
Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m., Jan. 11-Feb. 15 (No class Feb. 8)
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Tomoko-sensei makes learning Japanese fun, engaging and memorable! Her teaching method is the perfect blend of visual aids and practicing speaking so that it sticks with you after the lesson is over.

hold a beginning-level conversation in ASL with deaf or hearing -impaired users of the language. Introductory information about deaf culture and deaf humor will also be presented to provide you with a broad picture of the language and culture.
Course Fee: $109* Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Feb. 16-April 13
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Spanish for Healthcare Professionals I
Health professionals work with many different people, and communication is key. This course will introduce you to the basic vocabulary, grammar and idiomatic expressions needed to communicate in Spanish in a health professional context. Focus on the conversational skills needed to successfully communicate basic information with Spanish-speaking patients with limited English proficiency. Materials are included in the cost of the course. Textbook will be provided.

Course Fee: $139* Mondays, 6-7:30 p.m., Feb. 20-March 27
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Spanish for Healthcare Professionals II
This will be a continuation of our Spanish for Healthcare Professionals I course. In order to be successful in this course, it is highly recommended you take part 1 and/or have a basic understanding of Spanish. This is a continuation of the proper and best use of basic Spanish under the most common situations in the health field. Textbook will be provided.
Course Fee: $139* Mondays, 6-7:30 p.m., April 10-May 15
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
This course has helped me understand the deaf community and my 3-year-old grandson who is deaf. I am able to better understand and communicate with him. The instructor was awesome and the material was presented in a fun way to learn.
– KARLA C.Introduction to American Sign Language and Deaf Culture II

Continue your learning of American Sign Language in a continuation of our introduction course. In this course, you will develop basic receptive and expressive skills including fingerspelling, vocabulary, grammar, syntax and classifiers. In addition, you will continue to be introduced to aspects of American Deaf Culture. Some contents will be pulled from the Supplemental Material.
Course Fee: $109* Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., April 5-May 31 (No class on May 3)
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
Spanish is the perfect place to start, as you will be introduced to the language even if you have little to no knowledge of it!
Course Fee: $89*
Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m., March 2-April 20
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Conversational Spanish for Beginners
Join us as we learn how to navigate conversations in Spanish, order food and drink while traveling, and learn the basics of the language. This course is perfect for those with no Spanish knowledge and will allow you to learn those key terms necessary for traveling abroad. No textbook is required.
Course Fee: $89*
Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Jan. 18-Feb. 22
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
level courses or who have previous knowledge of the language and wish to develop better conversational skills. The course focuses on live conversations in class and includes written exercises and audios for homework.
Course Fee: $109 Thursdays, 6-8 p.m., Feb. 2-March 23 Online via Zoom
Conversational Spanish –Beginners 3
This course allows students to complete the beginner’s level and is also an introduction to advanced-level concepts. As with the previous course, this focuses on live in-class conversations, while students continue to build vocabulary and grammar skills by working on written exercises and audios for homework.

Course Fee: $109 Thursdays, 6-8 p.m., March 30-May 18 Online via Zoom
Intensive English Pathway: Strengthen Your English Skills
SIUE’s Intensive English Pathway (IEP) is a great resource for those who would like to strengthen their English skills and improve reading, writing, listening and/or speaking through interactive classes. This program offers affordable classes to English language learners in multiple skillsets. Each semester, the IEP offers a variety of English language classes to suit learners’ needs. Visit siue.edu/iep for up-to-date information on course names and schedules, or contact Asha Mattan at englishpathway@siue.edu for more information. Courses run in eight-week blocks throughout the year and average one hour per week. Registration deadlines are one week prior to each session start date.
Course Fee: $99 for first course/$49 for any additional courses* Various dates
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
Yoga and Breath Work

Breathing, like movement, is so fundamental to the human experience that we rarely even think about our breath. However, mindful movements and breath work, or intentional practices of breathing and moving, can deeply increase our quality of life. This class unites the art of mindful movement and breath work with practices in diverse breath work techniques and movements inspired by gentle yoga, Tai Chi, qi qong and more. Instructor: Louise M. Hamlin-Laird, E-RYT 200, E-RYT 500, YACEP
Course Fee: $99 for 10-week session; $49 for 5-week session; Drop-ins welcome at $10 per session
• 10-week session: Thursdays, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Feb. 2-April 6 5-week session: Thursdays, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., April 20-May 18 (dependent on ending of 10-week session on April 6)
Yoga for Beginners/Intermediate
This class is for the experienced beginner who is ready for a gentle challenge. Class will begin with a gentle warm-up, transitioning into a flow that syncs our movement with our breath, and ending with a restorative pose to relax and stretch. Instructor: Louise M. Hamlin-Laird, E-RYT 200, E-RYT 500, YACEP
Course Fee: $99* for 10-week session; $49* for 5-week session; Drop-ins welcome at $10 per session
Three sessions available: • 10-week session: Thursdays, 6-7 p.m., Feb. 2-April 6 5-week session: Thursdays, 6-7 p.m., April 20-May 18 (dependent on ending of 10-week session on April 6) Offered both in-person on SIUE Edwardsville Campus
10-week session: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 9-10 a.m., Main Street Community Center, Edwardsville, Ill.
Art of Calm
People are generally stressed in daily life. Conscious and unconscious anxiety is pervasive. The goal of this class is to make you feel empowered, rejuvenated and recentered with therapeutic tools to maintain wellness. You will learn relaxation techniques for stress reduction and anxiety management. Creative activities and psychoeducation that help calm the mind will be introduced in each class.
Course Fee: $59* Tuesdays, 9-10:30 a.m., Jan. 24-Feb. 28 SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Louise Hamlin-Laird is a wonderful instructor who is very knowledgeable about her subject. She is always conscious of the level of skill the students had and was willing to slow the pace if needed to ensure that a novice like me was learning the yoga moves properly. I gained a level of confidence by the end of the 10-week session that encouraged me to continue with the next session with her.
– LORI H.Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga is a powerfully gentle practice with exceptional benefits, such as the reduction of blood pressure and reduced risk of stroke or heart attack. Additionally, restorative yoga can help reset the body and relax the mind. The skills learned in this class have many other potential mental and physical benefits. A regular restorative yoga practice should be considered critical self-care for those employed in high-stress industries. You will learn the art of deep relaxation through breath work, restorative yoga poses and the use of props to ensure optimal comfort. With simple instruction and guided breath work, this class is accessible to all levels of experience.
Instructor: Louise M. Hamlin-Laird, E-RYT 200, E-RYT 500, YACEP
Course Fee: $99 for 10-week session; $49 for 5-week session; Drop-ins welcome at $10 per session
Two sessions available:
• 10-week session: Fridays, 6-7 p.m., Feb. 3-April 7
• 5-week session: Fridays, 6-7 p.m., April 21-May 19 (dependent on ending of 10-week session on April 7) Offered both in-person at Immanuel Methodist Church in Edwardsville and online via Zoom

Sit to Stand – Chair Yoga
Rise and Shine Yoga
Experience the benefits of early morning yoga as you stretch and strengthen your body, awaken and refresh your mind, and nourish your spirit. Our practice will focus on the synchronization of movement and breath. You will build endurance, strength, flexibility and mental focus, and leave feeling energized, refreshed and ready for anything the day has in store. Options to make this class more accessible while keeping it challenging will be given. This class may use optional weights. Instructor: Louise M. Hamlin-Laird, E-RYT 200, E-RYT 500, YACEP
Course Fee: $99 for 10-week session; $49 for 5-week session; Drop-ins welcome at $10 per session Two sessions available:
• 10-week session: Saturdays, 8-9 a.m., Feb. 4-April 8
• 5-week session: Saturdays, 8-9 a.m., April 22-May 20 (dependent on ending of 10-week session on April 8)
Offered both in-person at Immanuel Methodist Church in Edwardsville and online via Zoom
Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga in which poses are performed while seated and with the aid of a chair. This yoga is suitable for all levels of abilities; standing is optional. It is an excellent class for beginners; seniors; individuals with recent injuries, balance or coordination issues, limited mobility, and disabilities; and those who have difficulty or do not want to get up and down on the floor. Chair yoga helps reduce stress while increasing flexibility, range of motion, circulation and strength, balance and coordination, and lung capacity. This class incorporates breathing exercises, simple visual meditation techniques, gentle stretching, easy yoga postures and a final relaxation.
Course Fee: $99* for all 10 sessions; Drop-ins welcome at $10 per session
Two sessions avaliable:
•Mondays, 9:15-10:15 a.m., Feb. 6-April 10
Offered both in-person at Edwardsville Public Library, Edwardsville, Ill and online via Zoom
• Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m., Feb. 8-April 12, East Alton Library, East Alton, Ill.
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
Miss Ruthie will teach you what you need to know to create these fun projects. You are encouraged to bring snacks and drinks to the class and relax while making art.
Moon Fores
Create a watercolor of a forest on the moon painting in this intermediate class (but still great for beginners). You will learn simple watercolor techniques and gain an understanding of watercolor and its properties. You will leave class with a lovely forest on the moon.
Course Fee: $30 Friday, 6-8 p.m., Jan. 13 Macoupin Art Collective, Staunton, Ill.
Couples Watercolor Night
For any couple! Friends, neighbors, significant others, sisters, brothers, mother-daughter pairs...anyone you love! Each couple will create one half of the watercolor that could stand alone, or combine the two side-by-side to create a larger scene. You will learn simple watercolor techniques and gain an understanding of watercolor and its properties. You will leave class with your finished watercolor on paper.
Course Fee: $30 Friday, 6-8 p.m., Feb. 10 Macoupin Art Collective, Staunton, Ill.
Paint with Bob Ross
Come and join Ms. Ruthie and paint-along with Mr. Bob! This is a fun class for all skill levels. You will be working with oil paints, brushes and turpenoid to clean your brushes. We will cue up an episode of The Joy of Painting and start and stop the episode while we paint along with Bob. All materials and instruction are included for this two-hour session.
Course Fee: $30 Two sessions available:
• Friday, 6-8 p.m., Feb. 17
• Friday, 6-8 p.m., May 12 Macoupin Art Collective, Staunton, Ill.
Ceramic Footed Pots
You will learn simple hand-building, paddling and underglaze techniques and how to use a variety of clay tools while gaining an understanding of clay and its properties. You will make one planter/pot in class and will decorate and glaze that night to be ready for a once-fire.

Course Fee: $40 Friday, 5:30-8:30 p.m., May 5 Macoupin Art Collective, Staunton, Ill.
My daughter and I took this class as my daughter’s birthday activity. I am a huge Bob Ross fan. We had both previously used his painting as inspiration with acrylic paint. We hadn’t worked with oil paints before, so this was a great introduction. The instructor was very helpful. The class was very engaging.
NEW! Beginning Figure Drawing
Drawing the human form is one the most difficult subjects for an artist. In this course, you will be introduced to the study of the human figure from a model in a studio environment. You will study gesture, anatomy, line, shape, form, value, foreshortening and composition. You will work with graphite, charcoal, pastel and a variety of drawing tools. You must be 18 years or older to attend.
Cost: $89* Wednesdays, 5-7 p.m., Feb. 1-March 8 SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Stained Glass Basics
Join us to learn how to make a stained glass sun catcher. You will learn how to cut glass, how to use the stained glass grinder, how to use copper foil tape to wrap each piece. Then you will learn how to use the soldering iron to combine all of the pieces together. At the end of the class you will leave with one sun catcher.
Course Fee: $55
Five sessions available:
• Saturday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., March 18
• Saturday, 2-5 p.m., Jan. 21
• Saturday, 2-5 p.m., April 15
• Friday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Feb. 10
• Friday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Feb. 17
Macoupin Art Collective, Staunton, Ill
Beginning Drawing
Think drawing is a gift that must come naturally? Drawing is a skill that can be developed with practice. You will learn how to draw with proper techniques and discover how to represent what you see through studies in contour drawing, perspective, positive/negative space and value.
Cost: $79 Thursdays, 5-6:30 p.m., April 13-May 18 Online via Zoom
Great course, regardless of your skill level. I took it just after the beginning class, and learned so much. Those who were more experienced improved as well because of the personalized instruction.
– LINDA R.Intermediate Drawing
For those with some drawing experience, you will refine and expand your drawing and observation skills.
Cost: $79 Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m., April 13-May 18 Online via Zoom
The Art of Grief
In the wake of a pandemic, we have all changed. We have experienced collective grief resulting from the change in our schedules, spikes in anxiety and even the passing of loved ones. Learn how to use different outlets to express these feelings, including photography, creative writing, spoken word poetry, drawing, painting and collage. We will dive in and try a few, and discuss other avenues that can be practiced afterwards on your own time. Come away from this course feeling invigorated with new ways to express your grief, as well as feeling held up by a community of other people.
Cost: $99*
Mondays, 6-7:30 p.m., Jan. 30-March 13

Hybrid Course
• First 6 weeks will be hosted on Zoom
• March 13 course will be hosted on SIUE Edwardsville Campus
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
Botanical Watercolor Painting
A visual arts course which will focus on using the loose and exciting medium of watercolor to paint different types of trees, plants, leaves and flowers. Beginners or intermediate students are welcome and will be encouraged to investigate imagery which most interests them. A list of supplies to purchase will be provided prior to the course beginning.

Cost: $99*
Tuesdays, 5-6:30 p.m., Jan.10-Feb. 28 (No class on Jan. 17 and Feb. 14)
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Intermediate Acrylic Painting
For those who already have some experience using acrylic paints, we will focus on learning new techniques, observational skills and painting styles. As you move through this course, we will also facilitate projects of your interest and give you helpful feedback to improve your painting skills. By the completion of this class, you will have gained more experience in acrylic painting and confidence as a developing artist.
Cost: $99*
Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m., Jan. 10-Feb. 28 (No class on Jan. 17 and Feb. 14).
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Beginning Watercolor
You will learn how to utilize color theory, composition and painting techniques to create works in watercolor. We will facilitate quick, lecture-style explanations of these fundamental painting elements as you work. This will help you improve your knowledge in art and technical skills. As you move through this course, we will also facilitate projects of your interest and give you helpful feedback to improve your painting skills. By the completion of this class, you will have gained experience in the fluid medium of watercolor painting and developed confidence as a beginning artist.
Cost: $99*
Tuesdays, 5-6:30 p.m., March 7-April 11
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Landscape Painting
A visual arts course, which will focus on bringing landscapes to life through paint. You will be encouraged to use both acrylics and watercolors to create a variety of landscapes. We will facilitate explanations of fundamental painting elements as you work, as well as give some examples of different styles used in history to paint the great outdoors. As you move through this course, we will also facilitate projects of your interest and give you helpful feedback to improve your painting skills.
Cost: $99*
Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m., March 7-April 11
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
Crash Course in Photography

Do you ever wish you could take beautiful photographs like your friends or like those you see on social media? This course will help you learn the basic functions of your camera to create high-quality images. No matter what you have — smartphone, DSLR, compact or mirrorless camera —you will learn the basic concepts and practices of digital photography to gain control of exposure and understand the fundamentals of composition. You will improve your photography skills and develop a deeper understanding of any subject you try to capture as a photographer.
Course Fee: $99* Fridays, 5-7 p.m., Feb. 10-March 24 (No class on March 10)
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Ceramic Wheelthrowing
In this ceramic art studio course, you will be introduced to essential ceramic wheelthrowing techniques: centering, throwing, altering, trimming, and functional attachments. Designed for all skill levels, you can pursue various functional pottery forms such as cups, bowls, plates, jars, teapots, and pitchers. You will engage in additional aspects of the ceramic process such as: glazing, kiln-loading/unloading, firing, and cold finishes. Visual presentations of historical and contemporary ceramic artwork will add context and inspiration toward ongoing projects and techniques demonstrated in class. At the end of the course, you will take home a variety of glazed, completed ceramic artworks.
Course Fee: $199 Saturdays, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Jan. 14-March 4
Ceramics Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Ceramic Handbuilding
In this ceramic art studio course, you will be introduced to essential clay handbuilding techniques: pinch, coil, slab and one-piece molds/stamps. Designed for all skill levels, you can pursue various representational, abstract, large-scale and/or functional objects. You will engage in additional aspects of the ceramic process such as glazing, kiln-loading/unloading and mixed-media/cold finishes. Visual presentations of historical and contemporary ceramic artwork will add context and inspiration toward ongoing projects and techniques demonstrated in class. At the end of the course, you will take home a variety of glazed, completed ceramic artworks.

Course Fee: $219* Thursdays, 6-9 p.m., Jan. 12-March 2
Ceramics Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout. Participants must adhere to SIUE’s COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination/Testing Policy. See page 35.
Foundations in Metalsmithing
This weekend intensive foundational class introduces you to traditional techniques in metalsmithing and jewelry making through the manipulation of copper and brass. Utilizing power tools and hand tools, you will learn sawing, piercing, surface manipulation, basic forming and hot fabrication methods (gas torch soldering). You will sample techniques and develop a small personal project with instructors’ guidance. All supplies included. No experience required. *The class is the prerequisite to advanced fabrication courses and open studios.

Course Fee: $199 (includes all materials)
Two sessions available: Saturdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
• February 11 and 18
• April 22 and 29
Metalsmithing Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Expand your jewelry designs by including stones, enamels or found objects into your work with cold or hot setting techniques. This course will explore methods for utilizing bezels, tabs and rivets for securing cabochons (flat backed stones), enameled work or alternative materials. You should bring a basic tool kit that includes a saw frame, saw blades, needle files and safety glasses. You are welcome to bring your own stones, sterling silver, enamels or alternative materials. Brass sheet/wire and additional materials and tools will be supplied.

Prerequisite: Foundations in Metalsmithing I or instructor approval.
Course Fee: $199 (includes all materials)
Sundays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Feb. 12 and 19
Metalsmithing Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Creating Volume with Hollow Forms
Create volume in your work through three-dimensional fabrication of sheet metal. You will advance your soldering and fabrication skill by creating hollow forms utilizing sheet metal that can transform into rings, pins, pendants, beads or boxes. You should bring a basic tool kit that includes a saw frame, needle files and safety glasses. All other materials provided. No prerequisites required.
Course Fee: $199 (includes all materials)
Two sessions available:
• Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Jan. 14-15
• Saturdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., May 13 and 20
Metalsmithing Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus

course will introduce you to the vast world of enameling. You will learn how to prepare metal surfaces to accept enamel, learn about kiln fire and torch fire techniques, and sample a variety of enamel application methods. You should bring a basic tool kit that includes a saw frame, saw blades, needle files and safety glasses. Copper sheet, enamels, and additional materials and tools will be supplied. Instructor may have extra basic tools to borrow if needed.
Course Fee: $199 (includes all materials) Saturdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., March 11 and 18 Metalsmithing Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Intermediate Enameling

Continue your exploration with glass on metal. Demonstrations will include advanced applications and techniques in enamels. Prerequisite: Introduction to Enameling or instructor approval.
Course Fee: $199 (includes all materials) Sundays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., March 12 and 19 Metalsmithing Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus

Designing with Surface Texture
Explore surface design through texture. This course will specifically focus on the use of texture through etching, roll printing or additive features. You will determine your project goal and utilize demonstrated techniques to bring your vision to a tangible object. You should bring your basic tool kit that includes a saw frame, saw blades, needle files and safety glasses. Sheet metal will be provided. Prerequisite: Foundations in Metalsmithing I or instructor approval.
Course Fee: $199 (includes all materials) Sundays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., April 23 and 30
Metalsmithing Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
rings with stones! You will learn ring forming with heavy stock sterling silver and brass wire, soldering with a gas torch, stone setting in calibrated bezels, and exploring surface finishes to personalize your rings. You should bring a basic tool kit to include a saw frame, needle files, and safety glasses. There is potential to borrow a basic tool kit from the instructor. All other materials provided. No prerequisites required.
Course Fee: $89 (includes all materials)
Four sessions available: Fridays, 5-9 p.m.
• February 10
• March 17
• April 28
• May 19
Metalsmithing Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Friday Open Studios
Open studio hours allow you to work on projects independently. An instructor will be available to answer questions as needed. You may sign up for one or all nights. You will have access to the metalsmithing studio but must provide your own basic kit and metal materials. Prerequisite: Students must be familiar with the processes in which they intend to work (soldering, enameling, etc.).
Course Fee: $39
Five sessions available: Fridays, 5-8 p.m.
• February 17
• March 10
• April 21
• May 12
Metalsmithing Studio, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
These classes are for beginning- and intermediate-level guitar players. Participants need to bring their own guitar to all sessions.
Beginning Guitar
If you’ve never played guitar before but have always wanted to learn, then we have the course for you! This class is designed to help you develop the basic skills and techniques needed to play the guitar. No previous playing experience is needed. A guidebook will be provided.
Course Fee: $159* Mondays, 6-8 p.m., Jan. 23-May 8 SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Intermediate Guitar
Pick up where the beginner’s course left off and expand on your basic techniques and further enrich your guitar playing. Basic guitar playing experience is needed.
Course Fee: $159* Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m., Jan. 25-May 10 SIUE Edwardsville Campus
American Roots Music
You will develop the skills and techniques of playing American roots music (Country, Bluegrass, Blues and Folk) on the guitar for those with previous playing experience. You will need to have a basic understanding of chords on the guitar to participate in this course and will need to have access to an acoustic guitar.

Course Fee: $139* Thursdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Jan. 26-May 11 SIUE Edwardsville Campus
This course is excellent for anyone with a basic knowledge of chords, all the way up to experienced guitarists. (I have been playing since the Sixties). Great class. Garret Rongey is a remarkable guitarist and an excellent instructor. In this class, he takes you through four genres of American Roots Music. A five-star experience – FRANK H.
Piano for Beginners I
Learn the fundamentals of music theory while playing and applying those skills. Notes, rhythms, tempos and more will be taught. This is a great class if you’ve never touched a piano or if you played at one time and want a refresher course! Must have access to a piano or keyboard to practice between class sessions.

Course Fee: $139*
Tuesdays, 6-7 p.m., March 7-May 16 (No class on April 4) Dunham Hall, Room 2142, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Piano for Beginners II
This course is a continuation of Beginner I. You will learn more theory and some music history, play slightly more advanced songs, and build on your techniques. Must have access to a piano or keyboard to practice between class sessions. Prerequisite: Beginner I course.
Course Fee: $139*
Tuesdays, 7:15-8:15 p.m., March 7-May 16, (No class on April 4) Dunham Hall, Room 2142, SIUE Edwardsville Campus
This was a fun class, and at the end I could actually play the piano with both hands. I plan to continue lessons and one day hope to play the piano like our instructor.
– ELIZABETH C.*Parking
Explore China
The entire world is becoming more interconnected as the result of the propagation of media technologies. As Earth has become a global village, it is essential to furnish knowledge of different cultures. Join us as we enhance cultural competence by providing a brief overview of Chinese culture. Language, cuisines, holidays, art, geography, history, philosophies, traditions and religions will all be highlighted. Unspoken social rules and customs will be addressed as needed.
Course Fee: $59*
Tuesdays, 5-6:30 p.m., Jan. 24-Feb. 28
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Get to Know Your Bible Better

The course is designed to help you get to know your copy of the Bible better. Join us as we explore the Bible and learn about religion together with a minister with over 40 years of knowledge and experience. No matter your religion or level of knowledge about the Bible, you are welcome to join us, as there is no obligation to join a religion. The textbook and Bibles will be offered for free if you do not have your own Bible. You are welcome to join us when you are able!
Course Fee: FREE
Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Feb. 9-May 11
Online via Zoom
Want to try a science demonstration with your family? We will feature five different activities that focus on STEAM concepts for you to try with some of the kids in your life. Bring your science enthusiasts to this STEAM day and learn some fun experiments you can replicate at home! This event is intended for adults and kids ages K-4th grade.
Course Fee: $15 per family Saturday, 9 a.m.-noon, March 4
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
James Bond: The Man, the Myth, the Cultural Influence?
Ever wondered why James Bond is the most recognized fictional character in history? This fun, five-week course will attempt to answer that and many other Bond-related questions. Whether Bond ‘shakes’ or ‘stirs’ you, this accessible course will explore the history behind Bond, and the overt and covert messages and meanings found in the movies. This course will provide a deeper sense of Bond’s 60+ year influence on culture. You don’t need to be a fan to enjoy the course.

Course Fee: $59
Two sessions available:
Mondays, 6-8 p.m.
• Feb. 13-March 13
• April 3-May 1
Online via Zoom
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
Introduction to Beekeeping

This course will cover the basics of beekeeping. Topics will include basic honeybee biology, how to start a colony, techniques for inspecting a colony, recognizing colony pests and diseases, and obtaining products from colonies. The course will conclude with student-led inspection of a colony. Please wear shoes with good support, jeans, and a long-sleeved shirt made from denim or other thick material. An Alexander veil and gloves will be provided.
Course Fee: $99* Saturday, noon-5 p.m., May 20 SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Introduction to Golf
Ever wanted to learn to golf? Want to take your love of golf to the next level? This course is a great refresher for the recreational player and a must for new golfers. Join us to learn the game in a mixed group setting. Let our PGA Professionals and TPI Certified Fitness Trainers work with you on being better— physically and mentally—for the course. Training will take place at the practice facility, putting green and on the course. Open to anyone age 12 and up. Please bring your own golf clubs.
Course Fee: $139 Saturdays, noon-2 p.m., March 25-April 22 Sunset Hills Country Club, Edwardsville

I really enjoyed the course. It was very informative; however, it was also like a social event. I would highly recommend the course to anyone wanting to learn golf or is a beginner.
These award-winning classes are held at Artisan 222 Bakery in downtown Edwardsville. Participants take all recipes and finished products (20-30 loaves of bread) home. All ingredients will be provided for the baking process.

Artisan Breads I
Learn the basics of bread-making, including the terminology, ingredient functionality, dough handling, fermentation steps, mixing and dough development, as well as the fermentation in the baking process.
Course Fee: $149
Three sessions available: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 5-8 p.m.
• Feb. 6-8
• Feb. 27-March 1
• March 6-8
Artisan Breads II
This course will build on the knowledge learned in Artisan Breads I. The focus will be on sourdough breads and the functions of bread making.
Course Fee: $149
Two sessions available: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 5-8 p.m.
• March 13-15
• April 10-12
French Macarons
Are you tired of boring weeknight dinners? Take your palate on an international adventure with these flavorful dishes that start with a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken. Prepare Thai chicken noodles in a peanut sauce, chicken tortilla soup, Chinese chicken salad and curry chicken salad. A cooking basics packet of preparation tips and recipes will be sent via email prior to class for you to purchase ingredients and have supplies ready to prepare and cook during class.
Course Fee: $49
Two sessions available: Thursday, 6-8 p.m.
• Feb. 2
• March 30
Online via Zoom
Artisan I or II must be taken before participating in any of the following course:
Italian Breads
A simple look at classic Italian bread recipes. Such as Focaccia, Ciabatta, Fougasse, as well as a couple pizza dough recipes.
Course Fee: $149
Two sessions available: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 5-8 p.m.
• April 17-19
• May 1-3
Breads of the World
We will be building upon our knowledge of different grains by tackling nine breads from seven countries while learning the back story and unique shaping methods of each. Prerequisite: Artisan Breads I and II must be taken before taking this course.
Course Fee: $149 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 5-8 p.m., May 8-10
Advanced Bread Methods
We will push the envelope that Artisan I and II have put in front of us. We’ll explore different pre-fermented doughs and their flavor profiles, as well as examine different grains fermentation in our preferments. Prerequisite: Artisan Breads I and II must be taken before taking this course.
Course Fee: $149 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 5-8 p.m., May 15-17
A home is the largest asset most people ever own. In this series of courses, you can learn how to stage your home to sell, what buyers want, how to master your home sale and buy your own home! A portion of all proceeds from the course sessions will be donated to the Main Street Community Center on behalf of the Jen Teske Homes of Re/Max Alliance and Jean Lewis Homes of Keller Williams Pinnacle. Attend as many sessions as you like or attend them all for a reduced rate of $105.
learn what you can do to showcase your space and ensure top dollar when selling your home.

Course Fee: $25 Wednesday, 6-7:30 p.m., Jan. 25 New American Funding, Glen Carbon, Ill.
Selling Your Home –What Buyers Want
If you want to maximize your sales price, you have to put on your buyer goggles. Smart home sellers know that buyers aren’t looking for fixtures dipped in gold or hand-carved staircases. Successful home sellers consult with real estate agents so they make the improvements that matter. Jen and Jean have helped hundreds of buyers purchase homes, and they will share with you the things you need to focus on to prepare your home to sell for top dollar.
Course Fee: $25 Monday, 6-7:30 p.m., Feb. 6 New American Funding, Glen Carbon, Ill.
How to Buy a House
now! Jen and Jean will teach you everything you need to know to find the right home, save for your purchase, obtain the right financing, and write a winning contract. Jen and Jean have helped hundreds of buyers and they know how to prepare you for your next big purchase!
Course Fee: $25 Wednesday, 6-7:30 p.m., Feb. 15 New American Funding, Glen Carbon, Ill.
Master Your Home Sale
Selling a home is more than just preparing it for showings. In order to make it to the closing table with the maximum profit possible, you need to be prepared for the home-selling process. Jen and Jean will teach you how to prepare your home for market, negotiate the best offer, navigate inspections, and weather bumps in the road that come up during the home-selling process.
Course Fee: $35 Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m., March 7-14 New American Funding, Glen Carbon, Ill.
Whether you are a first-time home-buyer or a multi-time home-buyer, this course is for you! Jen and Jean will coach you from beginning to end. This is a comprehensive course that covers the financing, home search, offers, inspections, issues and closing. Be the best buyer you can be in this competitive home market.
Course Fee: $25 Saturday, 9-11:30 a.m., March 11
New American Funding, Glen Carbon, Ill.
SAT Blitz
Whether you are just starting college or looking to pursue an advanced degree, we have a test preparation course for you. These courses are offered in a variety of formats, from one-day to weekly, and are offered in a fully online format to better fit into your busy life! Choose from one of the sessions below to get started!
ACT/SAT Strategy Workshop
Join us for an informative combined introduction to the ACT and SAT. If you are preparing for college, you probably have some questions about the pre-college admission tests. This session will introduce you to both tests and highlight some of the key similarities and differences between them. Our experienced instructor will guide you through some sample questions and teach a you few strategies. Come learn the basics about the ACT and SAT. We know you’ll get a lot out of this free session.
Course Fee: FREE!
Five sessions available: Thursday, 8-9 p.m.
• Jan. 5 Wednesday, 8-9 p.m.
• Feb. 1
• March 1
• April 19
• May 24
Online via Adobe Connect
ACT Blitz
Let us help you prepare for this important test! ACT Blitz classes, offered during the academic year, include 16 hours of instruction and are strategically scheduled for the weeks leading up to the most popular ACT test dates. Classes are scheduled to allow time to practice new skills between sessions. Our multi-week course format allows abundant opportunities for learning and interacting with our expert instructors. The ACT Blitz classes are offered live-online.
Course Fee: $399
Three sessions available: Tuesday and Thursday
• Jan. 12-Feb. 7
• May 11-June 6
Sunday, 3-5 p.m.
• Feb. 5-April 2 (No class Feb. 19)
Online via Adobe Connect
Let us help you prepare for this important test! SAT Blitz classes, offered during the academic year, include 16 hours of instruction and are strategically scheduled for the weeks leading up to the most popular SAT test dates. Classes are scheduled to allow time to practice new skills between sessions. Our multi-week course format allows abundant opportunities for learning and for interacting with our expert instructors. The SAT Blitz classes are offered live-online.
Course Fee: $399
Four sessions available: Sunday, 12-4 p.m.
• Jan. 29-Feb. 26 (No class Feb. 19) Tuesday and Thursday, 6-8 p.m.
• Feb. 9-March 7
• May 4-30 Sunday, 3-5 p.m.
• March 5-April 30 (No class April 9)
Online via Adobe Connect
GMAT Strategy Workshop
Join us for an informative introduction to the GMAT. If you are considering an MBA or another master’s degree in business administration, economics or accounting, successfully completing the GMAT exam will play a critical role in your acceptance into the program of your choice. Come meet with our experienced instructor to learn about the test and pick up a few strategies!
Course Fee: FREE!
Two sessions available: Wednesday, 8-9 p.m.
• Jan. 18
• May 17
Online via Adobe Connect
GMAT Prep Course

We will help you improve your skills, confidence and score, all of which increase your chance of admission into the MBA or other business program of your choice! Receive 24 hours of expert classroom instruction on the Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing sections of the GMAT. This comprehensive course includes a review of the mathematical and verbal concepts tested on the GMAT and prepares you for the questions typically seen on this test. You will also strengthen the critical thinking skills tested in both the Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing sections.
Course Fee: $899
Two sessions available:
• Tuesday and Thursday, 7-10 p.m., Jan. 26-Feb. 21
• Monday and Wednesday, 6-9 p.m., March 22-April 17
Online via Adobe Connect
GRE Prep Course
You are ready for graduate school. Let us help you take the first step to an advanced degree! The GRE Prep Class will give you the skills and confidence you need to maximize your performance on the GRE. Sharpen your skills on actual GRE test questions and follow our proven study plan to start on your path to success. Our updated, comprehensive program covers each of the three main sections of the GRE General Test—Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasonin, and Quantitative Reasoning. We will walk you through each section and prepare you for the question types you are likely to encounter on test day.
Course Fee: $799
Five sessions available:
Monday and Wednesday, 7-10 p.m.
• Jan. 25-Feb. 22 (No class Feb. 20)
Tuesday and Thursday, 6-9 p.m.
• March 2-28
• April 13-May 9
Monday and Wednesday, 8-11 p.m.
• March 22-April 17
Monday and Wednesday, 6-9 p.m.
• May 10-June 7 (No class May 29)
Online via Adobe Connect
GRE Strategy Workshop
Join us for an informative introduction to the GRE General Test.
If you are preparing for graduate school, you know that success on the GRE will play a critical role in your acceptance into the program of your choice. You want to study with the best. Come meet with our experienced instructor to learn about the test and pick up a few tricks. We know you’ll get a lot out of this free session.
Course Fee: FREE!
Five sessions available: Wednesday, 8-9 p.m.
• Jan. 11
• Feb. 22
• March 29
• April 26
• May 31
Online via Adobe Connect
Praxis Core Math Prep Course
LSAT Strategy Workshop
Join us for an informative introduction to the LSAT. If you are preparing for law school, you know that success on the LSAT exam will play a critical role in your acceptance into the program of your choice. You want to study with the best. Come meet with our experienced instructor to learn about the test and pick up a few tricks. We know you’ll get a lot out of this session.
Course Fee: FREE!
Three sessions available: Wednesday, 8-9 p.m.
• Jan. 11
• Feb. 15
• April 19
Online via Adobe Connect
LSAT Prep Course
Master the skills needed to succeed on the LSAT and take the test with the confidence of knowing that you prepared with LSAT experts. Our intensive LSAT Prep Class includes 30 hours of classroom instruction from experienced test preparation professionals. The easy-to-follow program uses proven techniques to simplify the LSAT. We use questions from actual LSAT exams, so that you know your preparation is as close to the real test as possible. LSAT textbooks, up-to-date workbook, practice tests, online support resources and expert instruction are all included.
Course Fee: $899
Six sessions available:
Tuesday and Thursday, 8-11 p.m.
• Jan. 5-Feb. 7
• March 2-April 4
• May 4-June 6
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 6-9 p.m.
• Jan. 17-Feb. 7
Monday and Wednesday, 6-9 p.m.
• March 1-April 3
Monday and Wednesday, 6-9 p.m.
• April 26-May 31, except May 29
Online via Adobe Connect
We will help you improve your skills, confidence and score, all of which increase your chance of admission into the teacher preparation program of your choice! Receive 15 hours of expert classroom instruction on the Core Math section of the Praxis. This comprehensive course includes a review of the mathematical concepts tested on the Praxis and prepares you for the questions typically seen on this test. The Praxis Core Math Prep Class includes expert instruction, a proven format, all required course materials, and online support resources in one convenient, affordable package.
Course Fee: $199
Tuesday and Thursday, Feb. 9-23, 6-9 p.m.
Online via Adobe Connect


Canva: How to be Creative When You Don’t Feel Creative
Join us as we learn how to set up a Canva account (free or paid, up to you!) and use it to create graphics or presentations using Canva to make your communications look like a million bucks!
Cost: $20
The Four Fits of Dynamic Leadership

Today’s workplace is more nuanced than ever, filled with diverse, dynamic employees. Empowering employees to achieve objectives is the basis of leadership, no matter the personality or strategies of each individual leader. Building a connection between the leader and the team is paramount, and doing so requires understanding each of the four fits or areas: mental, emotional, team and personal power. This comprehensive course explores each in detail and includes worksheets to clarify important lessons.
Course Fee: $49 Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m., April 5-26 Online via Zoom
Microsof t Office Basics

Join us as we explore the Microsoft Office Suite. You will gain an overview of programs from the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Outlook, Publisher, Access, PowerPoint and One Note) as well as the basics of how to use each of them.
Course Fee: $59 Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30 p.m., April 5-May 10 Online via Zoom
Introduction to Quickbooks® Online
Learn basic accounting principles and how they are applied in the online version of QuickBooks. We will introduce the software, set up business accounts, record transactions, produce reports and learn how QuickBooks Online can be customized to fit your business needs.
Course Fee: $79 Digital Badge Fee: $49 (additional to the course fee) Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m., Feb. 28-March 28 Online via Zoom
Introductory Microsoft Excel 2019
Designed for students with limited or no previous experience with Microsoft Excel, this beginner-level course will introduce you to Excel 2019. Included is an overview of basic functionality in Microsoft Excel, which will provide a foundation of the application. Topics covered include creating and managing multiple worksheets, rearranging data, working with basic formulas and formatting, inserting charts and graphics, and organizing large amounts of data. A brief introduction to Windows is included. Basic mouse and keyboarding skills are required. Textbook and online resource materials are provided.
Course Fee: $149* Wednesdays, 6-8:45 p.m., Jan. 11-Feb. 22
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
I enjoyed the course and the instructor was very knowledgeable of the subject matter.
Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2019
Designed for students with previous Microsoft Excel experience, this intermediate-level course will expand your Excel 2019 skill set with projects that demonstrate the application’s higher capabilities. Topics covered include creating formulas that use data in multiple worksheets, working with advanced formulas and formatting, inserting charts and graphics, and writing functions. Introductory Excel 2019 knowledge and skills are required for this course; however, a brief review of basic Excel 2019 formulas will be included. Online resource materials are provided.
Course Fee: $149* Wednesdays, 6-8:45 p.m., March 1-April 26 (No class on March 15 and 29)
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
Grant writing can be a daunting task. Join us as we learn how to navigate through grant writing with our presenters who have spent multiple years in grant administration and successfully obtained a variety of local, state and federal grants. Attend as many sessions as you would like or attend them all for a discounted rate of $149!
Grant Writing for Novices
Obtain an overview of the four types of grants and the common elements found in grant proposals. Funding sources for each type will be reviewed and various elements of proposals will be reviewed in detail.

Course Fee: $49* Wednesday, 6-8 p.m., Jan. 18
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Grant Funding for Novices
Obtain an overview of funding opportunities for the four types of grant opportunities. You will have an opportunity to explore various sites and identify potential funding sources in your area of interest.
Course Fee: $49* Wednesday, 6-8 p.m., Feb. 15
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Grant Funding Opportunity Interpretation for Novices
Join us for the opportunity to explore critical portions in funding opportunity announcements. You are welcome to bring specific questions related to funding opportunities you wish to pursue.
Course Fee: $49* Wednesday, 6-8 p.m., March 15 SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Grant Budget Preparation for Novices
Obtain an overview of the budget development process and have an opportunity to develop a mock budget from a case study that will be provided. You are welcome to bring specific questions related to the budgets of the funding opportunities you wish to pursue.
Course Fee: $49* Wednesday, 6-8 p.m., April 19 SIUE Edwardsville Campus
The instructors were genuine, knowledgeable and extremely helpful. Access for help outside of class was encouraged and available. The tools and templates provided made it easy to move forward on my own afterwards. It was a very worthwhile investment of time!
– CARLOS B.*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
Package pricing available for all four courses or multiple employees. Please email lbrock@siue.edu for information.
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

We will explore the four-branch model of emotional intelligence abilities, with special application and emphasis on its role in the workplace. Prior to the in-person course, you will fill out a self-report measure of your own perceived emotional intelligence as a point for reflection. You will participate in a blend of presentation, discussion and application exercises. Throughout, specific tips for building skills will be offered and attempts made to incorporate examples from your current job.
Course Fee: $29*
Thursday, 6-8 p.m., Jan. 26
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Stress and Coping in the Workplace
We will cover basics of the stress response, including an overview of what happens with our bodies, cognitions, emotions and behaviors, with a particular emphasis on its role in the workplace and workplace stressors. We will briefly cover several healthy coping strategies which can be easily implemented within work life, as well as general life, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, exercise/rest, humor, cognitive reappraisal, utilizing social support, spirituality and more. Prior to the in-person course, you will fill out a few self-report measures regarding personality and workplace stressors which will be used as a point for reflection.
Course Fee: $29*
Thursday, 6-8 p.m., Feb. 23
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Conflict and Conflict Resolution
You will learn basic strategies for conflict resolution, including personality differences and preferences in styles. Prior to the in-person course, you will fill out a few self-report measures regarding personality and conflict resolution style which will be used as a point for reflection. Examples and case studies will be utilized to showcase quality and poor execution of conflict resolution, and developing trust and respect will be integrated as foundations for preventing and addressing conflict.
Course Fee: $29*
Thursday, 6-8 p.m., March 30
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Work Attitudes
We will cover the importance of workplace attitudes, including job satisfaction/morale, organizational commitment and work engagement. Antecedents or predictors of these attitudes, including individual personality traits, as well as organizational culture and contextual factors will be explored. Work stress, job performance and other resulting outcomes will be discussed. An organizational case study will be utilized to examine these issues in more real-world depth. Prior to the in-person course, you will fill out a few self-report measures regarding work attitudes which will be used as a point for reflection.
Course Fee: $29*
Thursday, 6-8 p.m., April 27
SIUE Edwardsville Campus
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.

Heartsaver® CPR/AED Certification

Heartsaver courses are designed for anyone with little or no medical training and cover first-aid basics for the most common first-aid emergencies. Hands-on training also prepares students to perform CPR and use an AED in a safe, timely and effective manner. A two-year certification card is issued upon course completion.
Course Fee: $99*
Choose from two sessions: • Wednesday, March 22

Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS) and Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS) Training Program. CRSS and CPRS professionals provide a range of recovery support services in healthcare and human services for persons recovering from mental health, substance use and co-occurring disorders. The CRSS and CPRS credentials requires mastery of the knowledge and skills identified by the professions. The SIUE CRSS/CPRS Training Program prepares candidates to sit for the Illinois CRSS and CPRS exams. The training program requires 110 hours of didactic education that addresses the core competency areas identified by the Illinois Certification Board (ICB) for both the CRSS and CPRS credentials. Each candidate is required to complete a 300-hour CRSS/CPRS internship under the supervision of a qualified mental health or substance use disorder professional. If funds are provided by the State of Illinois, all costs associated with this non-credit program will be paid including tuition, fees, books, internship stipends, exam fees and additional stipends to reduce barriers to program completion (e.g. transportation). The SIUE CRSS/CPRS Training Program will accept a third cohort to begin in January 2023. Our next cohort will begin in January 2023. Application deadline: 5 p.m., Friday, Dec. 9 For more information on this cohort, please contact Jayme Swanke at jswanke@siue.edu. Only completed applications will be considered. To apply for the January 2023 cohort, please complete the application available at: siue.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0BQEgOWViOR2194 or scan QR code to the right.
*Parking is included. Participants who will not utilize SIUE parking will pay a reduced rate at checkout.
Introduction to R
The ability to code in the statistical programming language R is one of the most highly sought skills in data analysts and statisticians. This course is designed to provide students with a foundation in R programming. Students will learn the fundamentals of R syntax; how to identify, manipulate and work with different types of variables and arrays; how to build their own functions; how to perform basic data analyses; and how to create and modify graphics. No prior knowledge of R or other programming languages is required, although a familiarity with Excel is helpful. This course will be hosted in an asynchronous format, which means the instructor will provide recorded lectures that can be watched at any time and will be available for further instruction and assistance throughout the course open times.

Course Fee: $99 Course will be available beginning on Wednesday, Jan. 11 and must be completed by March 1 Online via Zoom
Introduction to Python
The ability to code in Python is one of the most highly sought skills in data scientists. This course is designed to provide students with a foundation in Python programming. Students will learn the fundamentals of Python syntax; how to identify, manipulate and work with different types of variables and arrays; how to build their own functions; how to perform basic data analyses; and how to create and modify graphics. No prior knowledge of Python or other programming languages is required, although basic knowledge of coding in any programming language would be helpful. This course will be hosted in an asynchronous format, which means the instructor will provide recorded lectures that can be watched at any time and will be available for further instruction and assistance throughout the course open times.

Digital badges leading to industry-aligned credentials are earned through a combination of online, self-paced modules, complimented by in-person and augmented reality hands-on learning to train and assess key employment competencies. Financial support for course tuition and fees may be available for eligible participants under the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act. This series of badges is offered by SIUE, Madison County Employment and Training Department, and St. Clair County Intergovernmental Grants. Contact mawalke@siue.edu for more information.
Laboratory Technician

Laboratory technicians, also known as biological technicians, set up, operate and maintain laboratory instruments and equipment; monitor experiments; collect data and samples; make observations; and calculate and record results. Rated as a Bright Outlook Occupation by the U.S. Department of Labor, laboratory technicians are frequently employed in chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental, waste management and material manufacturing industries. Delivered in a hybrid format with online courses and in-person laboratory sessions, the curriculum covers key employment skills, including science fundamentals, laboratory safety, general laboratory techniques and good manufacturing practices.
Course Fee: $4,000 Digital Badge Fee: Included Rolling enrollment Hybrid (Online and SIUE Edwardsville Campus)

Food Science Technician

The food science technician digital badge series prepares learners for an entry- to mid-level career in food science industries such as food and beverage manufacturing, and related laboratory and quality assurance occupations. Food science technicians employ quantitative and qualitative techniques to determine physical and chemical properties and ensure food safety. Delivered in a hybrid format with online courses and in-person laboratory sessions, the curriculum covers key employment skills, including chemistry fundamentals, laboratory safety, general laboratory techniques, analytical chemistry techniques, chemistry lab manual, inventory/waste management, quality assurance/control and quality management, good manufacturing practices, and fundamentals of food science.
Course Fee: $1,000
Prerequisite: Laboratory Technician
Digital Badge Fee: Included
Rolling enrollment
Hybrid (Online and SIUE Edwardsville Campus)
Alternative Digital Credential at SIUE
Chemical Technician
Chemical technicians support the research and development of new products and processes and work in a wide variety of industries, including food and beverage, biofuels, chemical, pharmaceutical, environmental, waste management, and material manufacturing. Delivered in a hybrid format with online courses and in-person laboratory sessions, the chemical technician curriculum covers key employment skills, including chemistry fundamentals, laboratory safety, general laboratory techniques, analytical chemistry techniques, chemistry lab manual, inventory/waste management, biochemistry/biotechnology, microbiology, and intermediate analytical techniques.
Course Fee: $1,000
Prerequisite: Laboratory Technician

Digital Badge Fee: Included Rolling enrollment
Hybrid (Online and SIUE Edwardsville Campus)
Certain professional development and educational offerings at SIUE may offer learners the opportunity to earn a corresponding alternative digital credential to demonstrate their competency in or mastery of a given topic. SIUE’s alternative digital credentials can be shared via social media, LinkedIn, personal websites and other electronic formats. Alternative digital credentials enhance individual’s employment competitiveness by highlighting and defining their abilities relative to in-demand skills in their field or related skills that contribute to an employee’s overall ability to thrive and adapt in a changing workplace. Only learners who successfully demonstrate the required competencies as defined in the course rubric will earn the alternative digital credential.

Boost your productivity and skill set with these convenient and engaging online non-credit courses from Learning Resources Network’s UGotClass® program. Participate any time on any computer to learn from expert instructors. Register for the certificate option of any course grouping and attend all courses in the group for a discounted rate. Certificate administered by UGotClass®. Registration and course deadlines same as individual courses.

Businesses are turning to podcasting to grow their brand and connect with customers. People with a niche hobby are turning podcasts into a business. Learn how to take your business or hobby and turn it into a podcast. This step-by-step class will take you from start to finish and cover the required elements needed to get your show online. Come to class with your idea and end with your show online for all to hear.
Course/Certificate Fee: $245
Available Online Only: Feb. 6-March 3
Certificate administered by UGotClass® upon completion of Podcasting course.
Beginning Conversational Spanish
Designed for beginners, this course will have you speaking and reading Spanish in no time. You will practice the basic building blocks of the language and common idiomatic expressions. You will know enough vocabulary and grammar for simple conversations, and you will learn how to ask and answer questions. Whether you speak some Spanish and need a refresher, or no Spanish, you will complete the course with the skills to communicate in Spanish.
Course/Certificate Fee: $290 Available Online Only: Feb. 6-March 31
Certificate administered by UGotClass® upon completion of Beginning Conversational Spanish course.
Keys to Customer Service
Learning to build your customer service skills will have a powerful impact on your career success, as well as success in other areas of life. Through this course, you will discover the direct relationship between service skills and career achievement.
Course Fee: $145 Available Online Only: Feb. 6-March 3
Extraordinary Customer Service
Transform your customer service into something extraordinary. As a result, more repeat business will improve your bottom line. Extraordinary customer service comes from focusing on the essential elements that yield big results.

Course Fee: $145 Available Online Only: March 6-31
Register for the certificate option and receive a discounted rate for both Customer Service courses. Certificate administered by UGotClass®.
Certificate Fee: $245
Remote Working and Communicating
Working remotely does not make you an expert on remote work. Gain new insights, experiences and advanced tips for working from home. Find out the five bad habits too many remote workers and their managers acquire from lack of experience, tools and expertise. Then acquire the latest strategies for communicating with remote workers. Come away with a deeper understanding of this enormous cultural and work shift going on in the workplace and in society.
Course Fee: $245
Available Online Only: Feb. 6-March 3
Managing Remote Workers
You cannot manage remote workers like you manage office workers. But you can manage remote workers better, with greater productivity and efficiency. Discover the keys to successful managing in the new workplace of the 21st century. Get a step-by-step practical guide you won’t get anywhere else. Employees and employers both like the new system. You’ll want to apply these practices to your office workers as well.
Course Fee: $245 Available Online Only: March 6-31
Register for the certificate option and receive both managing remote workers courses for a discounted rate. Certificate administered by UGotClass®.
Certificate Fee: $395
Understanding Debits and Credits
In this course, you will learn about the accounting equation and the five categories involved in every business: assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenue and expenses. Every financial transaction falls into one or more of these categories. Learn how to create a chart of accounts that meet the needs of your business. You will learn how double entry bookkeeping works and the process of recording debits and credits. This course will show you how to identify, analyze and record transactions using journal entries under the cash basis accounting method.
Course Fee: $195
Available Online Only: Feb.6-March 3
Closing Procedures and Financial Statements
This course shows you how to create a worksheet used to adjust account balances and prepare financial statements. Use your financial statements to measure performance, make improvements and set goals. The final step covered in this course is closing your books and preparing them for the next accounting period; this is done by journalizing and posting closing entries.
Course Fee: $195
Available Online Only: April 3-28
General Ledger and Month End Procedures
In this course, you will learn how to post journal entries to the correct general ledger accounts impacted by each transaction. This course will show you how to make sure your general ledger balances at the end of each month by preparing an unadjusted trial balance. You will learn how to look for errors when you don’t balance and how to determine to correct entries. After posting correcting entries and/or adjusting entries, you will verify debits and credits equal with an adjusted trial balance. This course also goes through the steps of performing monthly bank reconciliations.
Course Fee: $195
Available Online Only: March 6-31
Register for the certificate option and receive a discounted rate for all three Bookkeeping courses. Certificate administered by UGotClass®.
Course Fee: $495

Video Marketing
Find out how to shoot simple, effective videos without costly fancy equipment or savvy technical skills. Discover the secrets to creating content that commands attention. Learn how to dominate Google and YouTube with your video and to strategically use YouTube to market your business 24/7 — even while you sleep.
Course Fee: $245
Available Online Only: Feb. 6-March 3
Introduction to Six Sigma Green Belt
This challenging introduction to Six Sigma Green Belt course teaches critical skills required for Six Sigma practitioners. This first course in the certificate program explains the basic terms and proven Six Sigma problem-solving methods, team building tools, and descriptive statistics that are the basis for the statistical tools contributing to improvement of projects and the overall success of your organization.
Course Fee: $195
Available Online Only: Feb. 6-March 3
Intermediate Six Sigma Green Belt
Organizations depend on the measurement and analysis of performance to make key decisions that affect the organization. This course builds on the ideas and skills learned in the introduction to Six Sigma Green Belt course that organizations, specifically their Six Sigma teams, use to improve. You will learn process analysis, data collection and analysis, probability and valid statistical conclusions, and hypothesis testing.
Course Fee: $195
Available Online Only: March 6-31
YouTube for Business
Learn how to get your YouTube video on the first page of Google Search. Just like Facebook, YouTube is a social network that needs to be set up, optimized and used regularly to be effective. Your patterns of behavior on YouTube may be working against you. Learn how YouTube can complement your current marketing and social media strategy and how to maximize your YouTube Channel to get the greatest return.
Course Fee: $245
Available Online Only: March 6-31
Register for the certificate option and receive a discounted rate for both Video Marketing courses. Certificate administered by UGotClass®.
Certificate Fee: $395
Advanced Six Sigma Green Belt
This final course teaches participants to improve and control processes. Topics included in this course include hypothesis-testing, design of experiments and statistical process control. The instructor will share many handouts, spreadsheets and web links that have tools participants will use while completing Six Sigma projects.

Course Fee: $195
Available Online Only: April 3-28
Register for the certificate option and receive all three of the Six Sigma courses for a discounted rate. Certificate administered by UGotClass®.
Certificate Fee: $495

Introduction to Power BI
Gain insights into your data! Power BI (business intelligence) is a widely-used business analytics service offered by Microsoft. Power BI Desktop is a complete data analysis and report creation tool that you install for free. In this course, you will discover how to quickly extract, transform and load data with just a few clicks. You will create interactive visualizations (charts, maps, KPIs) to provide you with insights into your company’s data to make informed decisions.
Course Fee: $195 Available Online Only: Feb.6-March 3
Intermediate Power BI
Delve further into Power Query to ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) your data. Build the Data Model using modeling features and relationships. Perform calculations using Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) functions. Utilize Time Intelligence functions to view YoY or YTD reports. Add user-friendly features to enhance your reports.

Course Fee: $195 Available Online Only: March 6-31
Advanced Power BI
Expand your knowledge of Power BI Desktop to the highest level. This course focuses on the advanced capabilities of Power Query, Data Modeling and Reports. Check for data inconsistencies, design efficient queries, create proper relationships, and write DAX code to ensure reports update quickly and accurately. Add navigation and analytical features to your reports to enable consumers to analyze the results.
Course Fee: $195
Available Online Only: April 3-28
Register for the certificate option and receive a discounted rate for all three Power BI courses. Certificate administered by UGotClass®.
Course Fee: $495
Adobe Illustrator Essentials
Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard computer illustration software. Use Illustrator to draw shapes and design logos, flyers, posters, banners, business cards, or any other vector graphics for print or web. In this course, you will learn Adobe Illustrator fundamentals to set up a print document and use various tools to draw, type and color all kinds of shapes and illustrations. Learn how to efficiently manage layers and artboards, and create print-ready PDF documents. Access to Adobe Illustrator software required.
Course Fee: $225
Available Online Only: Feb. 6-March 3
Adobe Photoshop Essentials
This fundamental course covers Adobe Photoshop CC most commonly used tools, menus and panels. You’ll learn all the basics of Photoshop to effectively work with selection and editing tools, layers and masks to edit, retouch and enhance existing images or create your own composite digital art work. Impress your business organization, friends and family by enhancing their photos and create magazine cover quality enhanced images. Access to Adobe Photoshop software required.
Course Fee: $225
Available Online Only: March 6-31
Adobe InDesign Essentials
Adobe InDesign is the industry standard page-layout program that works with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop seamlessly. InDesign allows you to create simple to complex multi-page documents such as brochures, flyers, books and magazines. This course is a comprehensive exploration of InDesign tools and capabilities to create professional documents. You will learn how to manage the InDesign environment and create, setup, design, enhance and finalize multi-page documents. Access to Adobe InDesign software required.
Course Fee: $225
Available Online Only: April 3-28
Register for the certificate option and receive all of the graphic design essentials courses for a discounted rate. Certificate administered by UGotClass®.
Certificate Fee: $545

Discover how to write powerful SQL queries that enable you to retrieve data from one table or from multiple tables stored in the database simultaneously. You will learn how to merge data from multiple columns, create calculated fields, and order and group the results from a query. You will also learn how to create a single join query or subquery to obtain data from multiple tables simultaneously.
Course Fee: $595

Available Online Only: March 6-31
Introduction to Game Design
Games are increasingly recognized as a tool that can serve many business purposes beyond entertainment. This course provides a general introduction to what goes into the design and development of both video and analog games, with a particular focus on the use of games outside of consumer entertainment.

Course Fee: $245
Available Online Only: Feb. 6-March 3
Register for the certificate option and receive all three of the SQL courses for a discounted rate. Certificate administered by UGotClass®.
Certificate Fee: $595
Intermediate Video Game Design
Mobile games are the fastest-growing segment of the market as more and more people play casual games. In this intermediate course, you will learn the basics of video game design process, learn about the main video game genres, and use a game development application to begin your journey of making games.
Course Fee: $245
Available Online Only: March 6-31
Register for the certificate option and receive both of the Game Design courses for a discounted rate. Certificate administered by UGotClass®.
Certificate Fee: $395

By holding events in facilities on the SIUE campus, you gain the support and resources of the campus and our people. With a variety of space options, you can host professional seminars, workshops, team-building exercises, walks and events with confidence, knowing that SIUE will exceed your expectations.
SIUE’s state-of-the-art facilities are attractive and available for rent. Both individuals and companies can take advantage of the great spaces and equipment we have to offer: classrooms, special event spaces, conference rooms, The Gardens at SIUE, Madison County trails, the NCERC at SIUE and the East St. Louis Center. Contact us today! 618-650-3210! siue.edu/business-partners/recruit-talent-utilize-resources/facilities.shtml


SIUE is an approved CEU provider by the State of Illinois for Social Work continuing education. If you are licensed/certified in any other state or province, please refer to the regulations in that state/province or the national board requirements to determine whether this will qualify for CEU credits.
Please check the website for date, time, location and conference fee details.
assessment of art therapy participants, as well as in setting up and monitoring treatment goals. Our keynote speaker will be Lisa Hinz, PhD, ATR-BC. CEUs available.
Cost: $80 SIUE faculty: $45 SIUE Friends of Art: $65 SIUE students: $15 Other students: $25 Saturday, April 8, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration check in begins at 9 a.m. Morris University Center, SIUE Edwardsville Campus Please check website for more details.
SIUE Summer Orff Institute: AOSA Teacher Education Course, Level 1
Join the AOSA-approved Level 1 Teacher Training Course hosted by the SIUE Department of Music. Our approved program is a comprehensive curriculum taught by experienced, enthusiastic and rigorous Orff specialists. Orff Level 1 is largely experiential — a time in which the class as an ensemble comes together to develop skills while exploring, creating and analyzing music and movement activities. This course is primarily for K-8 music teachers, although objectives, scaffolding and work are appropriate for secondary classrooms.
Institute Fee: $720
Tuesday-Saturday, June 20-24 and Monday-Friday, June 26-30, 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m. SIUE Edwardsville Campus
Assembly Modeling
This course emphasizes design and model interrogation of products based on 3D solid feature-based modeling using Catia V5. It covers sketching (using 2D curves to create 3D models), various modeling and interrogation and analysis methods, and introductory assembly modeling and drafting with 3D models. Different geometric modeling methods and the impact of 3D solid models on manufacturing will be briefly discussed. Software Catia V5 is used in order to practice lecture materials with various hands-on modeling and assembly projects, including ones for automobile and aircraft industries. This course is application oriented.
3 credits
Course Fee: $3,311
Courses are offered on a continuous basis in 10-week cycles. Please check the website for the most up-to-date information. Courses are offered online via Zoom.
CATIA V5 Intermediate: Advanced Design and Assembly Management
This course emphasizes effective visualization/interrogation/ modeling practices, performance enhancement tools, advanced sketcher techniques, advanced multi-section solid and rib/slot operations. Further time will be spent covering advanced duplication tools (patterns, powercopies), 3D part model transformation operations, multi-model links, managing external links, part design tables and catalogs, Catia Boolean operations, and wireframe and curve operation. Techniques to improve assembly design and optimize the assembly process, assembly operations (redefine, restructure), assembly duplication (multi-instantiation, component symmetry), assembly management (managing components, managing scenes), skeletons, assembly design tables, component degrees of freedom, designing parts in context, assembly features, managing external references, best practices for Top-Down Design, and Part and Assembly Analyses will also be covered.
Prerequisite: CATIA V5 Intro or equivalent Course Fee: $4,425
Courses are offered on a continuous basis in 10-week cycles. Please check the website for the most up-to-date information. Courses are offered online via Zoom.
NX11 Intro: Introduction to Solid and Assembly Modeling
This course emphasizes geometric modeling techniques, solid modeling, parametric and associative modeling, various visualization and model interrogation methods, measurements, UG user interface management, and Boolean operations of solid models. Further time will be spent on primitives and form features, edge and face operations, swept features and other features, Datum reference features, sketching, intro assembly modeling and mating constraints, draft intro, and industry applications.

Prerequisite: none Course Fee: $3,311 Courses are offered on a continuous basis in 10-week cycles. Please check the website for the most up-to-date information. Courses are offered Online via Zoom.

NX11 Intermediate: Advanced Design and Assembly Management
This course emphasizes assembly/disassembly sequencing and animation, part and assembly visualization and interrogation methods, swept features, review sketches, constraining sketching, positioning sketches, and additional sketching modeling techniques. Further time will be spent on reverse engineered 3D modeling, review of assembly modeling, assembly navigation tool, bottom-up, top-down, and design-in-context assembly modeling. Subassemblies and reference sets, interpart modeling and WAVE, interpart expression, feature-based component arrays, part families, revisions and substitutions in assembly models, assembly constraints/motion and arrangement, measurements/ clearance analyses, and combined usage of UG and Excel, and industry applications will also be covered.
Prerequisite: NX11 Intro or equivalent Course Fee: $3,311 Courses are offered on a continuous basis in 10-week cycles. Please check the website for the most up-to-date information. Courses are offered Online via Zoom.
LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE siue.edu/lifelong-learning
Speaker Series talks are included in Lifelong Learning Institute memberships. Non-members are welcome to attend individual sessions for $5 each and are encouraged to register ahead online to receive updates related to the talk. The Spring Speaker Series is planned for an in-person format with a virtual attendance option. The in-person talks will be held at the Morris University Center (MUC) on the SIUE Edwardsville campus unless otherwise noted. Parking for the semester is available for Lifelong Learning Institute members for an additional $20 per household. Non-members and members who do not wish to pay for a parking code may pay the meters at the noted rate.
The Forced Removal of the Cherokees: Illinois’ Trail of Tears Along IL 146, Winter 1838-39 Rowena McClinton, PhD, SIUE Professor Emerita Morris University Center, Fixin’s Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1:15-2:30 p.m.

Great Decisions: U.S. Relations with Russia in the Current International Context Sorin Nastasia, PhD, SIUE Department of Applied Communication Studies Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor
Helping Our Neighbors Weather the Storm: The Role of the
Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, Jan. 25, 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Catching Up with the Lifelong Learners SIUE Office of Online Services and Educational Outreach Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1:15-2:30 p.m

Great Decisions: Drug Violence in Mexico Suranjan Weeraratne, PhD, SIUE Department of Political Science Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, Feb. 1, 10:30-11:45 a.m
Honey I Shrunk the Frogs: Uncontrolled Landing Behavior in Miniaturized Pumpkin Toadlets Richard Essner, PhD, SIUE Department of Biological Sciences Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1:15-2:30 p.m.
Samurai: Fact of Phantasm?
Christienne Hinz, PhD, SIUE Department of History Morris University Center, Fixin’s Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, Feb. 8, 10:30-11:45 a.m.
The Evolution of Farming and Agriculture Over the Past 50 Years
Richard Guebert, Jr., Farmer and President, Illinois Farm Bureau Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1:15-2:30 p.m.
Establishing a Telehealth Clinic in Guatemala to Treat Children with Malnutrition
Frank Lyerla, PhD, SIUE Healthcare Informatics Program Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, March 1, 10:30-11:45 a.m.
The SIUE Lifelong Learning Institute provides programs designed for a lifetime of learning and personal growth. Community members may join for a fee of $40 for the semester. Benefits include admission to the spring speaker series and free (or reduced-price) trips and experiences. Members also enjoy courtesy borrowing privileges at Lovejoy Library, 50% off tickets to Arts & Issues series events, and discounts on non-credit courses. Members may also purchase a parking code for the discounted rate of $20 per household for use on Wednesdays throughout the spring semester.
Candi Johnson, SIUE STEM Center Location TBD Wednesday, March 29, 10:30-11:45 a.m.
History of the 126th Air Refueling Wing MSgt Richard Olsen, 126 ARW Recruiting Flight Chief Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, March 29, 1:15-2:30 p.m.
60 Years of Traveling John Reed, Traveler Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, April 5, 10:30-11:45 a.m.

A Bioarchaelogical Study of Migration in Early-High Middle Age Central Europe Corey Ragsdale, PhD, SIUE Department of Anthropology Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, April 5, 1:15-2:30 p.m.
Shadow Play: The Dance of the Earth, Moon and Sun Jeff Menz, River Bend Astronomy Club Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, April 19, 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Preserving Your Heritage: Lessons from the Hill in St. Louis Joe DeGregorio, Author and Historian Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, March 8, 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Illinois in the Civil War Tom Emery, Freelance Writer and Historical Researcher Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, March 8, 1:15-2:30 p.m.
Astrophotography: What Can I See with a Telescope’s Diameter and Power?
Jesus Ponce de Leon, PhD, SIUC Professor Emeritus Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, March 15, 10:30-11:45 a.m.
St. Louis Women’s Literary History
Amanda Clark, Missouri History Museum Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, March 15, 1:15-2:30 p.m.
Once a Year, Visit a New Place You’ve Never Been! Uliana Buxton, AAA Travel Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, April 19, 1:15-2:30 p.m.
SIUE International Student Panel: Life at Home vs. Life Abroad John Ampomah, SIUE International Student Advisor, and SIUE Students Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, April 26, 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Gyo Obata, Architect of the SIUE Campus Stephen Kerber, PhD, University Archivist and Unique Collections Librarian Morris University Center, Missouri Room, 2nd Floor Wednesday, April 26, 1:15-2:30 p.m.
Lewis and Clark State Historic Site
Join us at the Lewis & Clark State Historic Site where we will tour the interpretive center, listen in on a special talk by Site Interpretive Coordinator Ben Pollard, attend a musket firing demonstration, and tour the settler’s cabin.
Wednesday, March 22, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 1 Lewis and Clark Trail, Hartford, Ill. COST: $15 for non-members; $10 for Lifelong Learning members
Join us for a tour of the Treehouse Wildlife Center where you will get up close to the animals in their care. Following the tour, we will have lunch at Bluff City Grill in Alton before ending our day with a walking tour of the Watershed Nature Center in Edwardsville. Please note that the tour includes a leisurely, one-mile walk around the center with a discussion of certain areas and interesting facts.
Wednesday, May 3, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 23956 Green Acres Rd, Dow, IL COST: $22 for non-members; $12 for Lifelong Learning members Lunch is not included in cost and is separate.

Campus and Community Partners
The Lifelong Learning Institute would like to thank our campus and community partners, including:
The mission of Arts & Issues is to present an exceptional cultural and educational series directed at a wide cross-section of the SIUE campus and community. For 37 years, SIUE’s Arts & Issues series has showcased some of the world’s finest artists. Each season, thought-provoking speakers inspire people of all ages and backgrounds. Visit artsandissues.com for more information and tickets.

Library Speaker Series

Library Speaker Series talks are held at public libraries in Metro East communities and are free to community members, including Lifelong Learning Institute members. Registration is encouraged so as not to exceed capacity limits at the libraries. These speaker talks will be in-person and subject to any COVID-related guidelines at the respective libraries.
Holistic Healthcare
The World Health Organization constitution states: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” We all have learned and practiced daily hygiene routines to take care of our physical health, but little has been addressed for caring for our everyday mental well-being. It is time to catch up and learn how to nurture mental health, spirit and social relationships. The concepts of mindfulness, body-mind connection and self compassion will be introduced and followed by creative handson activities. No mindfulness experience is required. Participants are recommended to dress comfortably for mindful body movements.
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 6-7:30 p.m. Hayner Public Library, Alton Square Mall, 132 Alton Square, Alton, Ill.
Ukraine: A Look Through History
Join us as we take a journey through Ukraine’s history and learn about a beautiful region with a varied history. Olga Bezhanova, PhD, SIUE Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, takes us through a sweeping oral history of a country who has fought for their freedom and peace. We will hear about the historical perspectives of life in the country as well as the major historical markers in the past.
Wednesday, Feb. 15, 6:30-8 p.m. O’Fallon Public Library 120 Civic Plaza Drive, O’Fallon, Ill.
Observational Astronomy
Join us as we explore the world of astronomy through the eyes of Tom Foster, PhD, professor of physics at SIUE. You will learn about the various aspects of astronomy, including how to look at a night sky and know what you see. Dr. Foster will walk us through the world of astronomy and point out how to observe the sky around us.
Thursday, March 9, 6-7:30 p.m.
East Alton Public Library 250 Washington Ave, East Alton, Ill.
Radiation Warfare: Secret Cold War Military Experiments on Civilian Populations in North America
The U.S. Radiological Weapons program was a top-priority research and development program by the United States military during the Cold War, however little was known about this program until a few years ago. To test the viability of radiological weapons, the U.S. Army planned large-scale human subject experiments, including open-air tests of radioactive materials in urban, suburban and rural areas in North America. St. Louis was the Army’s top choice for secret open-air experiments, and low-income areas within the city were purposely selected by the Army for open-air experiments. What do we know about this program and where did we see pockets of resistance to secret open-air Cold War experiments?
Wednesday, March 15, 6:30-8 p.m. O’Fallon Public Library 120 Civic Plaza Drive, O’Fallon, Ill.
Protecting the Home Computer
Technology has changed so much. Join Joey Harris, senior sales engineer at Ace Tech Computer Services to learn what you need to do to protect yourself and your computer from outside attack. As a bonus, we will talk about upcoming technology.
Thursday, March 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Glen Carbon Centennial Public Library 198 S Main St, Glen Carbon, Ill.

History of Wood River Refinery
Wood River Refinery began operation in 1918 and has grown into one of the largest refineries in the U.S., continuously supplying the metro St. Louis area and beyond with petroleum products. Along the way the refinery has been the site of many industry innovations. Join us on a journey through history and the contributions Wood River Refinery has made to society.
Tuesday, April 11, 6-7:30 p.m.
East Alton Public Library 250 Washington Ave, East Alton, Ill.

SIUE partners with organizations to offer educational and training opportunities for their employees. Through a unique contractual agreement, credit and non-credit opportunities are available to your staff so they can earn advanced credentials without ever receiving a bill from SIUE. Partnership students benefit from curriculum specifically designed for the working professional. If you do ployer on this list, we will be pleased to work with your human resources department to add your organization to our growing list of organizations who recognize the value of investing in their employees’ professional development.
Madison CUSD 12 Home of the Trojans
For more information, please contact:

Tracy Gerber Program Student Advisor, Online Services and Educational Outreach trgerbe@siue.edu | 618-650-2661

Cancellation/Refund Policy
All cancellation/refund requests must be made in writing and emailed to outreach@siue.edu. Cancellation/refund requests must be received at least five business days prior to the first day of any conference, course or event, unless otherwise specified. A refund, minus a $15 administrative fee, will be processed as long as the above terms are met. If you have questions regarding this policy, please contact us at 618-650-3210 or outreach@siue.edu.
Parking on Campus
For courses on on weekdays on the SIUE main campus, parking is included in the cost of the course. A reduced price is available at checkout for participants who do not need parking or prefer to pay for parking on their own. Parking passes will be emailed to paid registered participants; please provide a valid license plate number to avoid paying additional parking fines. The printed pass must be displayed on the dashboard of the registered vehicle and is valid only during the times of the course (30-minute grace period is extended for travel to and from the meeting location).
The Office of Online Services and Educational Outreach is committed to providing universally accessible services and opportunities throughout our programming. If you need assistance or an accommodation, please contact our office: 618-650-3210, outreach@siue.edu or by mail (Online Services and Educational Outreach, Box 1084, Edwardsville, IL 62026) upon registration and/or at least three days prior to the offering to allow us time to accommodate your needs.


Since its start in 2017, the SIUE Successful Communities Collaborative (SSCC) has partnered with nine different cities and villages in Madison and St. Clair counties. More than 700 SIUE students from approximately 25 disciplines have been engaged thus far with partners through community-identified projects that are embedded in their courses. Additionally, SSCC is coordinating two special projects –Community-Oriented Digital Engagement Scholars (CODES) initiative and SIUE’s Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center.

CODES, which introduces first-generation, Black, Latinx and/or Pell-eligible students to digital community engagement, received $100,000 in funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The first cohort of CODES scholars began in fall 2022. CODES scholars work in small research teams that focus on seemingly unsolvable problems, such as climate change or poverty’s manifestations across rural and urban environments. The project is led by principal investigator (PI) Jessica DeSpain, PhD, professor in the Department of English Language and Literature and co-director of the SIUE Interdisciplinary Research and Informatics (IRIS) Center, and co-PI Connie Frey Spurlock, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Sociology and director of the SIUE Successful Communities Collaborative (SSCC). CODES is currently recruiting for fall 2023. Interested applicants can learn more at siue.edu/vcedi/codes.
In January 2020, the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) named SIUE a host location for a TRHT Campus Center. Organized around the five pillars of the TRHT framework—narrative change, racial healing and relationship building, separation, law, and the economy—TRHT Campus Centers seek to prepare the next generation of leaders to confront racism and dismantle the belief in a hierarchy of human value. In support of this mission, the SIUE TRHT Campus Center endeavors to fundamentally alter the ways that institutions, practices, policies and people have served to reinforce systemic racial oppression in the Metro East. The integration of TRHT and SSCC results in more equitable access to high-impact practices (HIPs) for SIUE students, because community-identified needs are embedded into courses in which students are enrolled. This is important, because HIPs are recognized for their positive impact on retention and learning outcomes for students across many backgrounds. As community and campus stakeholders collaborate and achieve goals together, truths can be revealed, authentic relationships can be formed and racial equity can be advanced. Learn more at siue.edu/vcedi/trht.
If you answered “Yes,” we invite you to sit in on regular classes at SIUE through our Educard Program.
What is Educard?
Educard is a special community program that allows you to attend selected credit classes offered by SIUE. It provides an opportunity for you to sample the subjects that interest you most, from accounting to zoology.
How do I register?
Visit siue.edu/continuing-education/educard.

You may also register in person Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Please do not send payment with your registration.
What is the cost?
The cost is $60 per class.
Who is eligible for Educard?
Anyone who is not currently enrolled for credit in the University is eligible. High school students are eligible and may take up to three classes.

Which classes are approved for Educard participation?
A wide variety of courses are already approved; others require department or instructor approval. Classes that have met maximum enrollment, travel study and courses where materials costs exist are examples of classes that may not be approved.
*Please note, due to COVID-19 protocols, some courses may not be available and limited capacity may be observed.
What is not included?
• You will not receive a grade as an Educard participant.
• No official transcript of your classwork or attendance will be kept.
Do you want the opportunity to explore possibilities of professional growth or personal enrichment in an economical and flexible way?

Rendleman Hall
P.O. Box 1084 Edwardsville, IL
Payments are accepted in the following ways: Online: siue.edu/educational-outreach Mail: Send this completed registration form and payment to:
SIUE Office of Online Ser vices and Educational Outreach Box 1084| Edwardsville, IL 62026
In Person: Visit us weekdays 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in Rendleman Hall, Room 1330
Phone: Call 618-650-3210 and pay using a credit card
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