Introducing Your Advisor Alechia Abioye, MEd Education: University of MissouriColumbia • Bachelor of Science, Journalism Magazine Journalism • Master of Education, Student Affairs Leadership
Introducing Your Advisors Dr. Kalisha Turner • BS, African and African American Studies, Indiana State University • MA, Higher Education, College Student Personnel, Saint Louis University • EdD, Higher Education Leadership, Maryville University
Dr. LaVeasey Carter • BS, Marketing, University of West Georgia • MA, Higher Ed Administration, Southeast Missouri State University • EdD, Educational Leadership, Maryville University • Twitter: @laveaseyadvises
Introducing Your Advisor Ashleigh Goedereis BS, Community Health Education, SIUE MS, Business Leadership, Lindenwood University I love all things Disney and the St. Louis Blues. I have a goldendoodle named Walter (named after Walt Disney)!
Introducing Your Advisor Ryann Heap Bachelor of Social Work, SIUE Master of Science in Education, SIUE I’m a huge Chicago Cubs and Chicago Blackhawks fan! I enjoy working on my yard at home, as well.
Introducing Your Advisor MaKesha Harris • AA, Kaskaskia College • BS, Education, Eastern Illinois University • MS, Eastern Illinois University
Introducing Your Advisor Efrosini Hortis BA, English Literature and ESL Teaching, University of Massachusetts, Boston MEd in Higher Education, Suffolk University, Boston “Education is the best provision in life’s journey.” -Aristotle
Introducing Your Advisor Brenda Klostermann • BA, Psychology (Minor, Computer Science), Quincy University • Master of Arts and PhD, Applied Experimental Psychology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale • Master of Science in Education, College Student Personnel Administration, SIUE
Introducing Your Advisor Melissa McKenna Education: • BFA, Studio Art (Minor, Psychology), Culver-Stockton College • MA, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Bradley University Quick Facts: • I love the Dallas Cowboys. • However, thanks to Super Bowl 51, I have a dog named Brady.
Introducing Your Advisor Danita Mumphard SIUE Advisor 1995-Present SIUE Alumnus: Cum laude • BS, Education • MS, Education
Introducing Your Advisor Justine Patterson • BA, Psychology, University of Tennessee, 2011 • MEd, Higher Education and Adult Learning, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2015 • From Nashville … moved to St. Louis in 2013.
• I’ve worked at SIUE since February 2016.
Introducing Your Advisor Elizabeth Sanders • BA, History
• MS, Counseling • I have eight years’ experience working in advising at SIUE. I enjoy working with freshmen, pre-major students and international students. • I appreciate learning more about other cultures via travel, as well as immersing myself in local cultural opportunities. I love running, yoga and baking. I live in an historic neighborhood, and my boyfriend and I are rehabbing a house built in the 1860s!
Introducing Your Advisor Buck Wood • BS, Parks and Recreation, Southern Illinois University Carbondale • MS, Professional Counseling, McKendree University
What we will cover today • Explanation of the advising role • General education • First semester recommendations • Question and answer time
Advising is a Collaborative Relationship As a student at SIUE, you can expect your advisor to: • Discuss your life and career goals, and help you identify major options • Help you plan your coursework to make the most of your time • Provide resources and campus referrals that will maximize your success • Help with your adjustment to university life
Why am I undeclared? • The majority of students start as undeclared and are advised in the Office of Academic Advising • Upon meeting the declaration requirements for their majors, students move on to an advisor in their major department
When do I see my advisor? • At least once a semester, prior to course registration • Spring semester advising: SeptemberOctober • Fall semester advising: February-March • If you are considering a change in major/minor or want to add/drop a class
• If you’re not sure, just ask!
Where can I find my advisor? • Student Success Center, Suite 1220 (next to Kaldi’s Coffee) • In your residence hall! • Appointments available on Starfish, via Blackboard •
Degree at a glance SIUE Degree Electives
General Education
General Education: • Encourages students to develop written and oral communication skills, as well as critical thinking and reasoning skills • Provides a broad knowledge base • Exposes students to diverse subjects and populations Foundations, Breadth, Experiences and Interdisciplinary Studies
Advisors did their homework to prepare for your advising session • We looked at any AP/dual credit and how it will apply to your degree • We reviewed your test scores
• We looked at your indicated major and the information submitted on your Springboard registration
Students have been pre-registered for 9 - 11 credit hours, based on the information available • Pre-registration allowed advisors to prioritize the important classes for your major and/or general education requirements
• Pre-registered classes can be changed after meeting with your advisor, if needed
Students must attend the registration session this afternoon to complete their fall ’17 schedules
Recommendations and Questions