4 minute read
Importance of the Arts
from Back To School 2020
by Siuslaw News
Cyber safety is important for every grade
an average of nine number and other personal Administrators may have hours a day online, data online. Check with a the right to monitor student compared to roughtrusted parent or teacher beactivity without students’ ly six hours for fore sharing private data. knowledge and you can easthose between the • Report any online activily get yourself in trouble. ages eight and 12 ity that makes you feel un• It is easy to hide or fake and 50 minutes for comfortable, scared or conone’s identity on the interkids younger than fused, whether it is directed net, so never take someone eight. at you or a classmate. you meet or speak with on
Students must ex• Th ink carefully before line at face value. Never meet
People rely on the interercise caution when spendyou post comments online. up with someone you do not net every day. In recent ing time online. ConnectivData remains online indefi - know or only met online. months, reliance on digital ity can be empowering, but nitely, and your words and • Talk to your parents or technology was pushed even it also puts students at risk actions today can greatly afeducators about extortion further as social distancing from others and even their fect your future. and ransomware that tries to measures had the world goown, sometimes irrespon• Respect others online by trick you into providing paying online for school and sible behaviors. Staying safe refraining from demeaning ment in some shape or form work and to maintain relaonline should remain a prior bullying comments. to prevent a perpetrator tionships with friends and ority for students who must • Do not try to get around from releasing private inforfamily. spend more time on the infi rewalls and blocked webmation about you, advises
A 2018 report from Pew ternet and using digital edusites set up by school adminthe Readiness and EmergenResearch Center indicated cation tools. Th ese are some istrators. Th ese limitations cy for Schools Technical Asthat nearly 25 percent of tips for maintaining cyber are there for your protection. sistance Center. young adults in America resafety. • Stick to school-sancVarious steps can be takported being online almost • Exercise caution when tioned assignments and en to promote cyber safety constantly. Common Sense sharing information like internet browsing when usamong students, parents and Media says teens spend your name, address, phone ing school-issued devices. administrators.
BACK TO SCHOOL | SEPTEMBER 2020 | 11 Hunt Family Dentistry
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Our number one primeet you. ority is always you, the For more information, patient. We understand call 541- 997-7181.

We would like to update you on what is going on at Shoreline Christian School!
While there is much uncertainty in the world today, we want you to know that we are committed to providing the most normal, in-person educational experience possible for our students this fall and the coming 2021 school year. While there are guidelines from the Oregon Department of Education that we must follow regarding COVID-19 safety protocols, because we are a small school we are much more fl exible and able to adapt than the public system.
Our current plan (which is subject to change) is to have students for grades 1 through 3 in the classroom, while grades 4 through 8 will be distance learning, until the metrics improve. We have developed our “Operational Blueprint,” which is required by the Oregon Department of Education, to ensure that we have thorough plans to comply with the new guidelines to protect our students and their families from COVID-19. You may view this document on our website at www.shorelinefl orence. org.
In other exciting news, we have a new teacher! Mrs. Sara Lasu recently arrived to start getting ready for the fast approaching start of school. We are very excited for her to be here, and we are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for Shoreline Christian School this upcoming year!
School starts September 14. If you would like an enrollment packet, Sara Lasu or just more information, please contact us using the information below. Please note that space is limited!
We hope that you are having a wonderful, safe summer and look forward to seeing and meeting you all this fall!