12 minute read
Oregon Coast Itinerary
from Midcoast Wave
by Siuslaw News
Wish you were here ! 124°15'0"W44°22'30"N
IN OREGON’S COASTAL PLAYGROUND IN OREGON’S COASTAL D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D DD D D D D D D D D D D ! _ p ± ± COUNTY BENTON LANE COUNTY BENTON COUNTY COUNTY LANE SIUSLAW NATIONAL FOREST LINCOLN Searose Beach Roosevelt Beach NATIONAL San Marine Denzer RECREATION RECREATION SMELT SANDS STATE SITE STATE AREA YACHATS YACHATS OCEAN STATE ROAD NATURAL SITE YACHATS Fisher CARL WILDERNESS G. WASHBURNE MEMORIAL STATE PARK CUMMINS CREEK WILDERNESS ROCK CREEK VIEWPOINT MURIEL O. PONSLER NEPTUNE STATE SCENIC HACETA HEAD STATE SCENIC KLOOTCHMAN STATE NATURAL STONEFIELD BEACH STATE RECREATION SITE STATE SCENIC MEMORIAL VIEWPOINT VIEWPOINT SITE TOKATEE LIGHTHOUSE LINCOLN Wakonda Beach State Airport O C E A N Ä Æ 501 Ä Æ 34 £ ¤ 101 S S NHS 31 36 36 31 36 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 31 36 31 36 31 36 31 36 31 36 6 1 6 1 1 6 6 1 6 1 31 36 31 36 31 36 36 31 6 1 6 1 6 1 1 WINNEY RD. GUNSIGHT PASS RD. WRECKED GRADER RD . H U L TRD. USF S P RA I R I E MOUNTAIN RD LOBSTER CREEK RD . USFS 035 RD. USFS 3700-000 R D. USFS 5590-000 RD. USFS 3706 000 RD. BUMME R R I DGE SALEM DISTRICT RD. FOLLETT RD. BRIAR C R E E K RD. BENNER RIDGE J-LINE RD. B O TOM RD . S T E E P R O W RD . CHENEY TIE RD . SALMONBERRY RD . MEADOW CREEK RD . RED EYE RD. FUDGE RD BUM R I DG E CEFIR CAMP RD . SULMAN CREEK R D . THISSELLRD. HAYDEN RD. LITTLE LOBSTER RD. TEKO RD. SALMON BERRY RD . P O L T E R G E I S T RD. USFS 3315-000RD. BRIAR RD. USFS5821-000RD. BLODGETT RD . Y ATE S RD. U S F S 3 30 5 00 0 RD . EAST FORK LOBSTER RD. USFS 5800 000 RD. USFS 6300 -112 RD . A-LINE RD. USFS 3710-000 RD. FIVE RIVERS RD. HAI NES RD. USFS 5500-000 RD . BOURNE RD. HAZ EL G LE N RD. USFS 53 059. 1 RD. VAN HORN RD. CECIL LN. USFS 3506000 RD. USFS 1051-000 RD. LOGGING RD. L O G G I N GRD. USFSRD. 3415 R D . TENMILE CREEK RD. FIVE RIVE R S RD. FA LL CRE E K RD. YACHATS RIVER RD. BIG CREEK RD. USFS 540 0 000 RD. YACHATS RIVER R D . LOBSTER VALLEY RD. N ORT H PANTHER RD. USFS 56 BUCK CREEK R D. INDIAN CREEK RD . FIVE RIV ERS RD. OREGON COAST HWY. 009 ALSEA HWY. 027MILE 0 MILE 2MILE 1 MILE 3 MILE 4 MILE 5 MILE 6 MILE 7 MILE 8 MILE 9 MILE 10 MILE 11 MILE 12 MILE 13 MILE 21 MILE 22 MILE 23 MILE 24 MILE 25 MILE 26 MILE 27 MILE 28 MILE 29 MILE 30 MILE 31 MILE 32 MILE 33 MILE 34 MILE 35 MILE 36 MILE 37 MILE 38 MILE 39 MILE 40 MILE 41 MILE 42 MILE 43 MILE 44 MILE 45 MILE 46 MILE 48 MILE 49 MILE 0 MILE 1 MILE 2 MILE 3 MILE 4 MILE 5 MILE 6 MILE 7 MILE 8 MILE 9 MILE 10 MILE 11 MILE 12 MILE 13 MILE 14 MILE 15 MILE 16 MILE 17 MILE 1 123°37'30"W 123°45'0"W 123°52'30"W 124°0'0"W 124°7'30"W 1. Drive to Florence for a day of adventure on the central Oregon Coast. 2. Take a walk through Historic Old Town, shopping, eating and enjoying the sights. 3. Get our toes in the sand at endless miles of driftwood-dotted shores. 4. Make a reservation or just drop in at a favorite restaurant for an award-winning meal. 5. Stay the night at a top-rated hotel or inn before the next day of adventure. To do Best. Stay. Ever enjoying the sights. 3. Get our toes in the sand at endless miles of driftwood-dotted shores. 4. Make a reservation or just drop 30 1. Driving In Whether you’re coming from the Willamette Valley from the east via Highway Ready for an Adventure? Florence is at the entryway to the Oregon Dunes Recreational Area and the Siuslaw National Forest, which inspire the brave to take a leap into the world of sandboarding, riding ATVs and exploring nature at its fi nest. Rent recreational vehicles through Torex ATV Rentals, Sand Dunes Frontier or Sandland Adventures, which also off er group dune buggy tours through the scenic dunes. Visit Sand Master Park, the world’s fi rst sandboard park, for lessons on sandboarding and to rent boards. A hike in the dunes can provide glimpses into protected wildlife areas and the fragile ecosystem of the dunes. Groups are working to preserve the dunes by removing invasive species and beach grass to keep the dunes fl owing free. Several trail heads and day use areas provide access to the dunes, including ADA-accessible locations. From gentle walks on the beach to moderate hikes to the 370-mile Oregon Coast Bike Route, Florence is a launching point to your explorations on the Oregon coast. Where will your next adventure take you?
3136 126 or driving to the central Oregon coast 6 1 on Highway 101, Florence is the gateway to the Oregon Dunes and your chance to
31 6
INDIA N 2. Historic Old Town Florence D D FORESTINDIAN CREEK DEADWO O D CREE K R D . MILE 25 MILE 25.8 049
RD . 36
Midcoast Wave 2020–2021 A Siuslaw News Publication When people fi rst get to Florence, the fi rst stop tends to be Historic Old Town, the area’s downtown cultural center. Bay Street and the surrounding streets are lined with award-winning restaurants, shops and galleries in a setting that dates back to the town’s founding more than 125 years ago. A casual stroll in Old Town can take several hours as people shop for fi ne art, gourmet foods, fun fashions, vintage décor and the best in books. Pull up a chair for fi ne outdoor dining at 1285 Restobar, featuring Italian entrees and appetizers, or Bridgewater Fish House, off ering eclectic seafood and American favorites. Local pubs provide regional fl avors in beer, wine and cider. Plus, there are two coff ee shops, River Roasters by the Siuslaw River Bridge and Old Town Coff ee and Gallery by the Port of Siuslaw Boardwalk. Can’t decide where to stay? There are several hotels in and near Old Town, and camping is as close as the Port of Siuslaw. Make your pick and stay awhile. In the morning, several cafes around town off er breakfast, including the Little Brown Hen and Fresh Harvest Café. D D D D D D DD D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D DD D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ÷ ø ùp NATURAL SITE STATE DARLINGTONIA SIUSLAW NORTH JETTY JOAQUIN MILLER FOREST WAYSIDE SIUSLAW NATIONAL MEMORIAL JESSIE M. HONEYMAN STATE PARKOREGON DUNES FLORENCE Greenleaf Siuslaw Rainrock MapletonBeck Sta.Wendson Alpha Deadwood Swisshome Tide Brickerville Minerva Point Terrace Tiernan Richardson Cushman Heceta Beach Heceta Jct. Glenada SIUSLAW NATIONAL Blachly Walton Triangle Lake Florence Municipal Airport RIVER SIUSLAW Lake SIUSLAW RIVER Sutton Mercer Lake Clear Lake Lake Munsel TRIANGLE LAKE P A C I F I C Ä Æ 36 Ä Æ 126 Ä Æ 126 Ä Æ 36 £ ¤ 101 S S NHS S S NHS S S NHS COOS BAY RAIL LINE COOS BAY RAIL LINE 36 31 36 31 36 31 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 36 31 36 31 36 31 36 31 36 1 31 6 36 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 36 31 31 36 36 31 31 1 6 1 BEN BUNCH RD. R I VE R VIEW A V E . WALKER CREEK R D. ROCK CREEK RD. CHERRY CREEK RD . I P DEEDED RD. JAY RD . BADGER MOUNTAIN RD MOK RD. RUST I C LN. WINDY PEAK RD . GREEN LEAF CREEK RD . IRON MOUNTAIN RD . HARDSON UPRIVER R NELSON RIDGE RD. CHAPPELL CREEK RD. SHADY MILLWALKRD . ALMASIRD. JETTY RD . E 3 1 0 RD . FISH CREEK RD. NELSON CREEK RD. E-310 RD. HULA RIDGE BEAR RIDGE ELK MOUNTAINRD . POST RD . GREEN LEAF CREEK RD . ROCK P IT R D. WALKER RIDGE RD. BLM 19 11 7 RD . R D . DUNCAN ISLAND RD. SHADY CREEK RD . DAHLIN RD. MARTIN RD. W EST FORK RD. PORTAGE WY. CONDON CR E E K RD. RUST RD. PRIVATERD. PRIVATERD. CANARY RD. MERCER LAKE R D . DEADWOOD CREEK R D. NINTHST. 35THST. RHODO DE NDRO N D R . CEDAR CREEK R D. SPRUCE ST.OAK ST. INDIAN CRE E K RD. HECETA BEA C H RD. JETTY RD. NORTH FORK SIUSLAW RD. FOURTHAVE. N E LS ON MOUNTAIN RD. MAP L E TON RD . MUNSEL LA K E R D . STAGECOACH RD. STAGE C OACH RD. SWEET CRE E K R D . NELSON MOUNTAIN RD. OL D STAGECOACH RD. R T E R CREEK RD. UPPER NORTH FORK R D . S W E E T CREEK RD . SUTTON L A KERD . USFS 2553 CREEK R D . THOMPSON CREEK RD. FLORENCE-EUGENE HWY. 062 MAPLETON JUN C T ION CITY HWY. 229 MILE 22MILE 21 MILE 20 MILE 19 MILE 17 MILE 16 MILE 15 MILE 0 MILE 1 MILE 2 MILE 3 MILE 4 MILE 5 MILE 6 MILE 7 MILE 8 MILE 9 MILE 10 MILE 11 MILE 12 MILE 13 MILE 14 MILE 15 MILE 16 MILE 17 MILE 19 MILE 20 MILE 21 MILE 22 MILE 23 MILE 24 MILE 25 MILE 26 MILE 27 MILE 28 MILE 29 MILE 30 MILE 31 MILE 32 MILE 33 MILE 34 MILE 35 MILE 36 MILE 37 MILE 38MILE 39MILE 40 MILE 41 MILE 42 MILE 44 MILE 0 MILE 1 MILE 2 MILE 3 MILE 4 MILE 5 MILE 6 MILE 7 MILE 8 MILE 9 MILE 10 MILE 11 MILE 12 MILE 13 MILE 14 MILE 15 MILE 16 MILE 17 MILE 18MILE 19 MILE 20 MILE 21 MILE 22 MILE 23 MILE 24 MILE 0 MILE 1 MILE 2 MILE 3 MILE 4 MILE 5 MILE 6 MILE 7 MILE 8 MILE 9 MILE 10 MILE 11 MILE 12 MILE 13 MILE 14 MILE 23 MILE 24 MILE MILE 7 MILE 8 MILE 9 MILE 10 follow the Siuslaw River to the Pacifi c Oregon.
3. Coastal adventures
A favorite destination just north of town on Highway 101 is Heceta Head Lighthouse State Scenic Viewpoint. Featuring the most-photographed lighthouse in Oregon and a sandy cove perfect for splashing around, Heceta Head is a great place to play catch, relax on the sand, eat a picnic lunch and take a moderate, halfmile hike up to the lighthouse. A day-use parking permit is required.
Heading south from the lighthouse is Sea Lion Caves, a large sea grotto that is home to a year-round colony of Stellar sea lions. An average herd of 200 sea lions occupy the region and can be seen sunning on the rocks. With the cost of admission, people can take an elevator down to a view area inside the cave system. It is a sight, sound and smell not to be missed.
Just outside of Florence is C&M Stables, the local beach and trail horseriding business. The stables off er several options to saddle up and explore local trails or ride along the sand. Riders must be 5 years old or older. For more info, visit www.oregonhorsebackriding.com.
4-5. Dine Out & Stay In
Florence prides itself on dozens of delicious restaurants, both in and out of Historic Old Town. Newer favorites include food trucks, Nosh Eatery, Off Bay Street Bistro and The Pono Hukilau, as well as familiar favorites Waterfront Depot, 1285 Restobar, Bridgewater Fish House, Little Brown Hen and many more.
Ready to rest your head? The area is home to award-winning hotels, including Old Town Inn and the Riverhouse Inn, as well as many more. No matter where you stay, be prepared to wake up for more of Oregon’s Coastal Playground! 31
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