Recycle Guide April 2019

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You Can Make a Difference!

Where to Recycle in Florence, Oregon April - 2019

Information provided by the Florence Master Recyclers Brought to you by Lane County Waste Management Division, County Transfer & Recycling the City of Florence Environmental Management Advisory Committee, Central Coast Disposal & Published by the Siuslaw News

Environmental Management Advisory Committee (EMAC)

Sustaining and improving the City’s livability and quality of life is Goal 2 of the City of Florence work plan. The Environmental Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) realizes Goal 2 by developing local strategies and advising the City Council on protecting Florence’s health and environment and conserving energy and natural resources. They are responsible for insuring compliance with the City’s solid waste code (FCC 9-4), and DEQ’s recycling education rules (OAR 340-090-0030 & 0040) and they serve as the City’s Tree Board. EMAC consists of 5 to 11 members, of which the majority must be residents of the City and includes additional ex-officio non-voting members. Members serve for a term of four years with a term expiration on January 31st. Questions about the committee, waste reduction or recycling in Florence? Contact Wendy FarleyCampbell or Vevie McPherren at 541-997-8237. Page 2




All household items

Thrift Stores: • St. Vincent de Paul • Goodwill Industries • Oregon Coast Humane Society Thrift Store • Florence Elks Lodge #1858 • Siuslaw Outreach • Better Living Center

Remember to ask for receipts for your taxes Better Living Center & Siuslaw Outreach (SOS) takes small furniture at business. SOS will take a phone number for large furniture and call back when item is needed.

Mattress/Box Springs

St. Vincent de Paul Goodwill Industries Siuslaw Outreach

Charges apply at some locations

Pills, medicine

Florence Justice Center 900 Greenwood St., 541-997-3515

Drop Box in Lobby M-F, 8-5; No liquids, No sharps

Eyeglasses & Hearing Aids

Safeway Pharmacy Department St. Vincent de Paul

They collect for people in need at Florence Lions Club

Batteries (no alkaline)

Florence City Hall Lane County Transfer Station Central Coast Disposal County Transfer & Recycling

The collection bin is in the lobby. Alkaline batteries go in garbage. Thrift Stores take usable batteries only

Light bulbs

Goodwill Industries (usable only)

Reusable construction materials

Habitat For Humanity Restore Lane County Transfer Station


Examples: lumber, hardware, fixtures, lighting, plumbing, windows, landscape materials, cupboards, flooring, screws, nails,paint, bolts, etc.



Hazardous Waste (poison, pesticides, herbicides, paints, solvents, lithiumpolymer batteries, household cleaners, polishes/waxes, automotive fluids, fire extinguishers, etc.

Lane County Hazardous Waste Department Shervin's Tire & Automotive (motor oil only) Habitat For Humanity Restore (paint, varnishes & stains only)

Lane County drop off is located in Eugene. They come to Florence at least once per year for hazardous pick-up. Potter’s only takes motor oil Habitat Restore only takes varnish & stain pertaining to construction

Sharps – needles, scalpels & other sharp instruments

Lane County Transfer Station

Pack in rigid red sealed contaner. Red or orange laundry detergent bottles are OK!



Foam Peanuts (clean)

Shippin Shack Florence Shipping Solutions Goodwill Industries

Block Styrofoam

St. Vincent de Paul

WHAT Clothes, shoes, blankets, sheets, towels, etc.

Fabric, leftovers & scraps



Goodwill Industries St. Vincent de Paul Siuslaw Outreach Services (SOS) Oregon Coast Humane Society Thrift Store Florence Elks Lodge #1858 Better Living Center St. Vincent de Paul Goodwill Industries Florence Elks Lodge #1858


COMMENTS Clothes in good condition only except the following businesses: Goodwill & St. Vincent de Paul – unusable clothing is recycled

e h t g n i v r Se ty i n u commover • GARBAGE RECYCLING for AND . s r a AND COMMERCIAL e y • RESIDENTIAL 5 3 • DROP BOXES AND DUMPSTERS • LOCKABLE STORAGE BOXES We proudly provide families in our local area with family-wage jobs and benefits. We are community neighbors that proudly work to provide superior customer service and remain environmentally responsible. Garbage pickup and recycling services available in Florence, Mapleton, Dunes City, Westlake and Ten Mile areas. Remember… there is nothing like the right container for the job! Big or small, we can help. We service Residential and Commercial. Give us a call.


Serving Florence and Lane County for over 35 years

5078 Coastwood Ln, Florence, OR 97439

Page 3

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RecycleRural instructions for LaneInstructions County Transfer Station Recycling Jgi`e^ )'(/ For questions about recycling call: 541-682-4339 or 541-682-4120

COMMINGLED RECYCLING Images pictured below are not all-inclusive. All commingled materials must be clean. DEPOSIT MATERIALS LOOSE.



YES Milk Jugs


Misc. paper Junk mail Magazines & catalogs Phone books Newspaper Paper egg cartons Paper bags

Cups s Food to go boxes Napkins els Paper towels Tissues rs Diapers xed Waxed cardboard

Aluminum foil & cans Tin cans

Shiny flexible plastic pouches Loose lids

Aseptic containers Milk cartons

F Frozen food & ce cream containers ice


Temporary Closed

am llike material Styrofoam she Clear clamshell Plastic bags of a any kind Plastic wrap Lids s Other shaped plastics

Plastic bottles, tubs & jars

Most sites have a separate bin for cardboard. Materials Below Continue To Be Collected In Separate Bins At Designated Sites. >cXjj AXij 9fkkc\j 8CC J@K<J


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Page 5

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Want to learn why some things are recyclable and some things are not? T Are YOU Waste Wise? Take the quiz & you could All an IP— sw Want to help your community reduce waste? quest ers to quiz WIN $12 off your next disposal load. ONE WINNER AT EACH SITE! th ions are in is new slette r!

Attend the next Florence Master Recycler class True Tuesdays False January 8-March 5, 2019 from 5:30-8:30pm at LCC in Florence, 3149 Oak St.

1) Paper coffee cups are not recyclable.

Name Tuition is FREE in exchange for volunteering. Applications the transfer station in Florence and Swisshome b) 10,338 c) 1 million are available atPhone

2) How many tons were recycled at transfer stations in 2017? a) 250


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Fee item, see your fee collector

Dfkfi F`c− Pour in collection container F`c =`ck\ij− Place in drum


KiXj_ YX^j# YcXZb YX^j 9lYYc\ niXg# X`i YlYYc\ gXZbj lec\jj 8CC X`i `j i\dfm\[

Fee item, see your fee collector


KMj# Zfdglk\i :GLj dfe`kfij B\pYfXi[j# gi`ek\ij# d`Z\ G_fe\j# jk\i\fj# M:Ij# ;M;j



PHONE (541) 682-2059 Transfer Site EMAIL b) The Lane County court house WEBPAGE After reading this newsletter, take the quiz & turn it in to

3) Where can you find a listing of local repair services? a) The library

c) The website:

your fee collector by July 1, 2018. All correctly answered quizzes will be entered to win a $12 disposal credit!

NOTE: Classes are held once every 2 or 3 years. Don’t miss this chance!

Central Coast Disposal

The only locally owned & operated garbage company in Florence. We provide full service trash & recycling removal for commercial & residential accounts.

Call us today for prices, 541-902-7554. PO Box 1629, Florence OR 97439.


Paperback books - pages only Cereal & dry food boxes (remove liner) Magazines, catalogs & phone books Non-foil wrapping paper Clean Glass jars & bottles Empty and rinse out food residue Labels OK Milk Jugs Transparent Plastic Drink Bottles


These kinds of things do NOT go in the recycling cart. Metal: NO PLASTICS NO Caps, rings or lids Paper: NO Food-soiled food boxes NO Disposable diapers NO Ribbons or foil wrapping paper NO Wax or plastic-coated cardboard NO Paper towels, plates or napkins NO Dirty or soiled paper or facial tissue NO Hardback books* *Tip: remove covers & binding for garbage (pages are recyclable) NO Frozen Food boxes No Juice Boxes No Juice & Broth Cartons No Pizza Boxes No cups including coffee cups Glass: NO Mirrors or window glass NO Ceramics or dishes NO Broken glass NO Light bulbs

Page 6




Aluminum & tin cansEmpty and rinse out food residue. Labels OK Beverage cans Food cans Clean aluminum foil or foil trays Cardboard: Flatten Mixed paper & newspaper: Keep it loose - don’t bundle, bag or tie Newspaper & advertising inserts Advertising mail & envelopes Shredded paper (bagged in paper bags)



CEN T (5 R



These kinds of things go in the recycling cart.





) 9 2 - 75


Empty aerosol spray cans Paint cans Sharp or greasy metal Metal clothes hangers Metal Caps

Miscellaneous: NO CDs or CD cases NO Household batteries NO Clothing, textiles or shoes NO Medical needles, syringes "sharps" NO Tires NO Electronics NO Furniture NO Food scraps

WHAT Glass – bottles, jugs, jars


Curbside Recycling Lane County Transfer Station Central Coast Disposal Goodwill Industries

County Transfer & Recycling


COMMENTS Do NOT put in commingle. Put glass in a separate container from other recyclables. Labels are okay. Do not break glass. Please rinse all containers to remove all food contamination. Lids are garbage. No drinking/glasses, Pyrex, or windows.

Plastic - Milk Jugs, transparent Plastic Drink Bottles

Curbside Recycling Lane County Transfer Station Central Coast Disposal

Glass – broken


Beverage containers with a 10¢ deposit return

Fred Meyer – (north end of building) Safeway – (south end of building) Oregon Coast Humane Society

Plastic grocery bags, film packaging

Fred Meyer has recycle bin by fronts door for their grocery bags only. Safeway has recycle bin by front door for bags and films Lane County Transfer Station has film plastics recycle bin

Please only clean & dry empty bags.

Corrugated cardboard (wavy middle layer)

Curbside Recycling commingle bin Lane County Transfer Station Central Coast Disposal Florence Shipping Solutions

NO Waxed cardboard, & NO food contamination. PLEASE collapse the box before recycling it.

County Transfer & Recycling Put in a sealed box, label as broken glass, then dispose as trash. This is to protect garbage handlers.



Air Conditioners

pick-up Some have fees – refer to

Appliances – Large (Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Freezer, Stove, Microwave)

St. Vincent de Paul – (working only) Goodwill Industries - no fee Lane County Transfer Station – subject to fee London Recycle Habitat for Humanity Restore – no fee Florence Elks Lodge #1858 – no fee

Other Thrift stores accept working only Lane County Transfer, Central Coast Disposal, London Recycle accept broken

Appliances – Small (Toasters, irons, blenders, microwave)

St. Vincent de Paul (working only) Goodwill Industries Lane County Transfer Station London Recycle Siuslaw Outreach Services (SOS) Florence Elks Lodge #1858 Better Living Center

Thrift stores - working appliances only Lane County Transfer, Central Coast Disposal, London Recycle accept broken

Hot Water Tank

Goodwill Industries Lane County Transfer Station London Recycle Habitat for Humanity Restore (usable)

Thrift stores - working hot water tanks only Lane County Transfer, Central Coast Disposal, London Recycle as scrap metal

Phones & Phone Equipment

St. Vincent de Paul Goodwill Industries Lane County Transfer Station Florence Elks Lodge #1858 Florence City Hall London Lumber (cell phones) Genealogy Society – (boxes placed around town in businesses)

Cell Phones & PDA London Recycle – cell phones only

Electronics – TV, computers, monitors, laptops, printers

Lane County Transfer Station (broken or working) Goodwill Industries (broken or working) London Recycling (broken or working) St. Vincent de Paul Florence Elks Lodge #1858 (working only)

London Recycle, Goodwill Industries, Lane County Transfer Station accept broken computers and TV’s It is illegal to dispose of computers, monitors, TVs, laptops as trash.

Electronics – VCR, DVD Players, Stereo, Radio

St. Vincent de Paul (working only) London Recycling Florence Elks Lodge #1858 (working only) Goodwill Industries (working only) Lane County Transfer Station (broken or working)

Ink cartridges

St. Vincent de Paul (new only) Florence Shipping Solutions Goodwill Industries (usable only) Genealogy Society – (boxes placed around town in businesses)

County Transfer & Recycling

WHAT Paper – High Grade, Low-Grad Mixed, Shredded, (Not Confetti cut)


Central Coast Disposal Lane County Transfer Station

County Transfer & Recycling


Central Coast Disposal Lane County Transfer Station St. Vincent de Paul (also takes books)

COMMENTS Computer/copy paper, envelopes, school paper, etc. (staples & windows OK) Newspaper, magazines, mail, catalogs, paper egg cartons, gift-wrap, cereal, food/cereal boxes Shredded - Place in paper bag, staple once & label Remove plastic wrap to recycle

County Transfer & Recycling Goodwill Industries Donate to social service agencies for waiting rooms

WHAT Aluminum (cans, foil, trays)


Central Coast Disposal Lane County Transfer Station

County Transfer & Recycling

COMMENTS NO food contamination Crumple foil/trays in ball larger than fist


Central Coast Disposal Lane County Transfer Station

NO food contamination



Florence Elks Lodge #1858 – (cars & boats) London Recycling St. Vincent de Paul

Florence Elks Lodge want running vehicles only

Antifreeze, Oil

Lane County Transfer Station Central Coast Disposal County Transfer & Recycling

store in plastic bottle with screw lid.


County Transfer & Recycling

individual businesses


London Recycling Tin & Steel Cans


Some are free drop off/

St. Vincent de Paul – no fee Goodwill Industries – no fee Habitat for Humanity ReStore Lane County Transfer Station – subject to fee London Recycle – metal not plastic – no fee

London Recycling Small misc. metal

London Recycling

Metal bottle caps, nuts & screws, etc (Do not put in large metal bin; the small pieces fall out.

Batteries (auto)

It is illegal to dispose of auto batteries as trash.

Aerosol Spray Cans

If EMPTY, recycle in curbside recycle bin or at Lane County Transfer Station in the tin can bin If NOT empty; take to Lane County Hazardous Waste in Eugene

Remove caps, do not flatten or puncture. By appointment 541-682-4120

Lane County Transfer Station Central Coast Disposal Curbside Recycling – set it next to recycle bin London Recycling

Motor Oil

Lane County Transfer Station Central Coast Disposal Shervin's Tire & Automotive – with a charge County Transfer & Recycling – set it next to recycle bin

It is illegal to dispose of motor oil as trash. Oil must be recycled in a leak-proof container no larger than 2 gallons with a screw top lid and placed next to recycle container for curbside pick up.


Lane County Transfer Station Les Schwab - with a charge Shervin's Tire & Automotive – with a charge

It is illegal to dispose of tires as trash.


St. Vincent de Paul Florence Elks Lodge #1858 Oregon Coast Humane Society Thrift Store Goodwill Industries

St. Vincent de Paul can repair them for resale All other thrift stores accept working bikes only.

Scrap Metal

Propane Tanks

London Recycling Lane County Transfer Station (75% or more metal) London Recycling Lane County Transfer Station

At Lane County Transfer Station there is a charge for 5-gallon tanks At Lane County Transfer Station there is no charge for little camping propane tanks

Page 7

Recycle Directory

• BETTER LIVING CENTER 85134 Highway 101, Florence (541) 997-2137 Open Wednesday only • CENTRAL COAST DISPOSAL (541) 902-7554 • FLORENCE CITY HALL 250 Highway 101, Florence (541) 997-8237 • FLORENCE ELKS LODGE #1858 1686 12th St, Florence (541) 997-2610 • OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY THRIFT STORE 1193 Bay St, Florence (541) 997-5705 • FLORENCE JUSTICE CENTER 900 Greenwood St., Florence (541) 997-3515 • FLORENCE SHIPPING SOLUTIONS 2006 Highway 101, Florence (541) 997-1118 • FRED MEYER 4701 Highway 101, Florence (541) 902-7300 • GOODWILL INDUSTRIES 1310 Hwy. 101, Florence (541) 997-2911 • HABITAT FOR HUMANITY RESTORE 2016 Hwy. 101, Florence (541) 997-5834

• LANE COUNTY HAZARDOUS WASTE 3100 E 17th Ave, Eugene (541) 682-4120 • LANE COUNTY TRANSFER STATION 2820 N Rhododendron Dr, Florence (541) 997-6243 • LIONS CLUB PO Box 1234, Florence, OR 97439 (541) 997-2687 • LONDON AUTO RECYCLING 5055 Munsel Lake Rd. 541-968-8425 Thurs-Fri 8:30-4:30 • OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY 2840 N Rhododendron Dr, Florence (541) 997-4277 • POTTER’S AUTOMOTIVE 4515 Highway 101, Florence (541) 997-8052 • SAFEWAY 700 Highway 101, Florence (541) 902-1900 • SIUSLAW OUTREACH SERVICES 1576 12th St, Florence (541) 997-2816 • SIUSLAW PUBLIC LIBRARY 1460 9th St, Florence (541) 997-3132 • ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 2315 Highway 101, Florence (541) 997-8460

• THE SHIPPIN’ SHACK 625 Hwy. 101, Florence (541) 997-5888 • TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 1750 Highway 126, Florence (541) 997-8024

Garbage Collection & Recycling Central Coast Disposal 5405 Hwy. 101 (541) 902-7554 County Transfer & Recycling 5078 Coastwood Lane (541) 997-8233 Lane County Florence Transfer and Recycling Station 2820 Rhododendron Drive (541) 997-6243 Hours - Monday thru Saturday 8-6


Save Money & Help The Planet With Durable Dishware Program

Reusable dishware will use far less energy and resources over its lifetime than its Disposable counterparts. Even with the energy and water needed to wash items, the overall environmental impact is substantially less than single-use, throw-away items.

How can you help? Ditch the Disposables!

Save money and the environment by using reusable dishware, from Florence Master Recycler’s Durable Dishware Rental Program. Florence Master Recyclers have put together 150 place settings that include: plates, bowls, glasses, cutlery and even cloth napkins. Platters and serving spoons are also available, and rental is free! We can accommodate groups as small as a dozen or as large as150 To learn more about the Durable Dishware Program and to reserve dishes for your event call (541) 590-0506 or email Florence Master Recyclers are a volunteer organization supported by the Lane County Waste Management Division. Follow Florence Master Recyclers on Facebook: Page 8

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