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Our People: Jörgen Sjunnesson
Jörgen Sjunnesson
Bruks Siwertell’s field personnel are a key interface between the company and customers; Jörgen Sjunnesson is one, and as a surveyor engineer, he dedicates his working life to helping worldwide customers make service decisions about their bulk handling equipment.
I HAVE WORKED FOR THE COMPANY FOR OVER FOUR YEARS starting as a site supervisor in 2017. From my base in Bjuv, Sweden, my job has taken me all over the world, but predominantly to South America and the Middle East.
A key part of my role is helping customers identify the best time to replace wear parts, for example, for the screw conveyor. This is one of the most critical aspects of our machines, and is fundamental in our Siwertell screw-type ship unloaders. Genuine Siwertell screws are extremely hard wearing and off er very long service lives, but they do eventually need replacing.
Maintaining performance
Customers oft en require help to identify the optimum time to replace this part and it does need careful consideration. We would not recommend any unnecessary work, but you need not to leave it too long so that it may have a negative impact on operations, or incur any unforeseen downtime. Luckily, we understand the balance and can help. I also support customers to maintain their equipment in the right way. This has a huge impact on the profitability of any operation. Not only does it keep equipment available for use, it keeps it running at its peak.
A further responsibility is making any final adjustments to the machine once it has entered service and training personnel to operate our products.
Importance of a visit
Every visit to our customers around the world is an adventure. It is not always possible to have a clear picture of specific issues before arriving on site, which is why each visit is so important.
The variety of my work means that I need to know a lot; I work with many diff erent customers and their personnel and with many diff erent machines. So that I can be well-informed about any machine in particular, and how best to help a customer make the most eff ective service choice, I also need to know about all our equipment and spare parts, and the history of specific installations.
Bruks Siwertell is a company where everyone works towards the same goal; to solve challenges together for the benefit of the customer. This is a good working environment and I am happy.
Bruks Siwertell is a market-leading supplier of dry bulk handling and wood processing systems. With thousands of installations worldwide, our machines handle your raw materials from forests, fields, quarries and mines, maintaining critical supply lines for manufacturers, mills, power plants and ports.
We design, produce and deliver systems for loading, unWe design, produce and deliver systems for loading, unloading, conveying, storing, and stacking and reclaiming loading, conveying, storing, and stacking and reclaiming dry bulk materials, alongside equipment for chipping, dry bulk materials, alongside equipment for chipping, screening, milling and processing wood for the bioenergy, screening, milling and processing wood for the bioenergy, biofuel, board, sawmill, pulp and paper industries. biofuel, board, sawmill, pulp and paper industries.
We are global and local. You will find our main offi ces in We are global and local. You will find our main offi ces in the US, Sweden, Germany, China, the Philippines, Russia the US, Sweden, Germany, China, the Philippines, Russia and Taiwan, supported by a dedicated network of hundreds and Taiwan, supported by a dedicated network of hundreds of representatives and dealers worldwide.
An extensive global service team off ers support to all Bruks Siwertell customers whenever and wherever it is needed.