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Grandpa Kitchen Golden Milk Cupcakes
zAn egg wash is brushed over dough before baking to give it a nice golden color and shine when baked. In this recipe, the egg wash is simply a beaten egg, but sometimes the egg is mixed with water or milk.
LEVELING YOUR CAKE LAYERS z First, cool the cake completely, which makes it less likely to crack or tear. With a long serrated knife, position the blade horizontally on the side right where the cake’s dome begins to rise up. With a careful sawing motion, cut about 1" into it. Rotate about 45° and repeat, working around the edge until there’s a loose flap around the entire cake. Then simply saw through the middle and remove the dome. To get 4 layers out of 2 cakes, repeat this process evenly through the middle of each cake. (I often bake 2 cakes that I cut into 4 layers, but I only use 3 for the cake, so there is a leftover layer of cake that I use to crumble on top for garnish, or simply eat it!).