Portfolio for UCL MLA Landscape Architecture - Siyuan Chen

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Selected Works From 2022-2023

Apply for Landscape Architecture MLA


University of Shanghai Science and Technology

China 2019 Sep -


Chinese Dancers Association Social Art Level Examination (Chinese Dance) Level 6

National Social Art Level Examination (Sketch) Grade 10

Academic Merit Scholarship in University of SHnaghai Science and Technology

Social Work Award in University of SHnaghai Science and Technology


Excellence Award of Pudong New Area in theThird "Beautiful Countryside"

CET 6 2020

Youth Creative Design Competition Outstanding Student in University of SHnaghai Science and Technology

Book Fair and "Book China"



Shanghai Week
The Third Prize of National College Digital Art Design Competition Museum French / Pottery
Shanghai Science and Technology
2023 Jun 2020 Jan 2017 Aug 2021 Jan 2019 Jul Participant 2020 Aug - 2020 Nov 2022 Nov 2022 Sep 2022 Jun Volunteer Volunteer 2020 Aug 2021 Nov 2022 Jan - 2022 May Individual Project 01 Recall Film Culture Renovation of the public space attached to the museum 2022 Jun - 2022 Oct Individual Project 03 Child-Friendly Rural Landscape Escort to The Future 2022 Nov - 2023 Jan Individual Project 04 Rebuild Indigenous Fishery System in Taytay Live with Coral Reefs 2023 Jan - 2023 Mar Individual Project 02 Participatory Planting Square Step Into Wildness
Major: Environmental Design GPA: 3.5/4.5
Outstanding Graduate in University of Shanghai Science and
2023 Mar 2022 Aug 05 Other Works
The Bronze Award of GoldenDesign China garden and landscape design award



Individual Work

Duration: 2022.1-2022.5

The Shanghai Film Museum is a landmark place for the city's culture, showing visitors the charm of movies. In order to enhance the spirit of the film venue, I extracted some elements of the traditional film projection mode and combined these elements with the landscape design, allowing people to experience different outdoor Spaces related to the film projection. At the same time, as a community green space, there will be regular and planned activities, and encourage spontaneous and informal gatherings of the surrounding people.


It could be a great place for family outing.

We need a open place to relax after work.

Shanghai Film Studio

It's probably a good place for visiting.

There is no parking lot, it's hard for me to drive here.

Flow Main Road Side Road
Shanghai Xuhui District Visitors
MAPPING OF SHANGHAI FILM STUDIO SITE SPIRIT OF SHANGHAI MOVIE STUDIO Puppet Film Personal Story Drive-in Cinema Movie Theater Movie posters from the Republic of China. Peep Show
Merry-Go-Round Theater under the Tree Ancient Time Republic of China Modern Time The Contemporary Age
Movie Projector Shadow Puppet The establishment of Shanghai Film Studio. Watch movies in the assembly hall. Site:Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
Merchandise Streets Office Building Subway Station Residential Area
Composite Patterns
Viewing mode
Indoor Cinema Square Cinema Interactive Place Step Seat Main Entrance Main Road Informal Meeting Spaces Leisure Square/ Square CInema Secondary Entrance Path Interactive Place One-Tree Plaza Museum Buildings Decomposition Restructure Main Axis Viewing Routs Stopping Points Function Zones Deputy Stopping Points Viewing Experience Interactive Experience Secondary Axis Main Stopping Points Informal Recreational Activities Wai Degree Confined Spaces Open Spaces Degree of Participation 1 Person 5-10 Person Over 20 Person
Maze The Hedge Tree Row Solitary Planting Tree Interactive Corridor One-Tree Plaza One-Tree Plaza Leisure Square Movie Projection Main Entrance Interactive Corridor Interactive Corridor One-Tree Plaza Leisure Square Path Path Path Maze Path Movie Projection Bush 8 1 2 3 3 5 1 4 2 10 6 7 2 9 N 0m 5m 15m 30m 1 Main Entrance 2 Community Informal Meeting Garden 3 Outdoor Cafe 4 Leisure Square 5 Movie Projection 6 One-Tree Plaza 7 Interactive Corridor 8 Maze 9 Leisure Trail 10 Shanghai Film Museum A A' North Caoxi Road Ciyun Street Yingye Street Puhuitang Road MASTER PLAN RENDERINGS SECTION A-A'




Site:Yangpu District, Shanghai, China

Individual Work

Duration: 2023.1-2023.3

Wildness and urban environments can coexist in a variety of ways, through landscape space, planting area, and other types of natural areas that provide urban residents with access to nature. The underpass of Wujiaochang carries a large number of people every day. There are few people willing to stay in the crowd coming and going, so I hope that through the intervention of natural elements, people can get involved in daily commuting, feel the wild nature in the city, and increase the sense of community identity through planting, learning and daily maintenance.


sidewalk 25 m commercial building 65 m roadway 14 m roadway 14 m underground square 80 m sidewalk 16 m commercial building 60 m 5 minutes' walk (from A' to C') 3 minutes' walk (from A' to B') A' B' C' 6a.m.-11a.m. Resident Office Worker Students 12a.m.-5p.m. 6p.m.-11p.m. EXPLOSIVE VIEW crowded bleak HEAT MAP OF HUMAN FLOW Profile Map Plan Lack of guidance Entrances and exits are not convenient Low interactivity Heavy traffic flow
ANALYSIS Underpass Escalator + 0.000 - 3.500 10.000 Which way to get upstairs? Where is the subway? I need a seat. So troublesome! I got lost! SITE Upper Layer Elevated road Ground Floor Wujiaochang Plaza Ground Floor Major traffic flow lines Underground Layer Underground square Wanda Plaza BaiLian Shopping Mall HOPSON ONE Orient Shopping Center Suning Mall Population Type 36.09% 29.17% 34.74% Population Type 26.7% 33.46% 39.84% Population Type 44.04% 26.27% 26.69% Population Type 31.51% 42.63% 25.86% Population Type 23.28% 40.79% 35.93% SITE ANALYSIS N Legend elevated road main road secondary road university office building 0m 100 200 underpass resident office worker students Guohe Road Community Siping Road Community Guoding Road Community entrance entrance entrance entrance entrance Target Site site area: 6280 m2
DEDUCTION PLANE GENERATED 2.main entrance 1.site of the overpass 4.stopping points & axis 3.flow direction 45% 27% 22% 15% 12% 5.underground route 6.elevated path leisure area popular science area planting area path planting pond greenhouse market information session parterre guildance path planting wall informal meeting aggregation degree high participation low participation BaiLian Shopping Mall HOPSON ONE Suning Mall Orient Shopping Center Wanda Plaza Daily Management residential area officebuilding schoolcollege Shanghai University of Finance and Economics GuodingCommunityRoad Guohe Road Community Siping Road Community Entrepreneurial Base Creative Industry Center Fudan University CONTAIN CONTAIN GROUP URBANWILDNESS commuting museumoutdoor planting area URBAN WILDNESS Cultivation Ma inte nance Sel ling ycitbliPu ntiotapornsTra Economic benefit INDIVIDUAL INDIVIDUAL Senseof Participation Extracurricular Practice Participatory interaction Daily commute Leisure area Wild Element Degree of influence PERMEATE extracurricular practice daily management sence of participation Mental Influence
- 3.500 +0.000 Section D-D' corridor parterre parterre parterre elevated path path - 3.500 +0.000 Section C-C' corridor planting box path flower shelf flower shelf parterre parterre path planting field AERIAL VIEW PROFILE MAP informal meeting path walk-in landscape elevated path corridor information session path main road planting field flower shelf planting box parterre Section A-A' - 3.500 0.000 + -1.850 Section B-B' - 3.500 XiangyinRoad RoadHuangxing Green coverage rate: 86.4% SipingRoad Songhu Road HandanRoad A A' C C' D D' B B' BaiLian Shopping Mall HOPSON ONE Suning Mall Orient Shopping Center Wanda Plaza 3 5 1 2 2 2 6 4 4 6 7 8 4 1 1 1 1 personal planting pond 5 stepped podium 2 flower shelf 6 plant introduction 3 plant fair 7 rattan gallery bridge 4 community field 8 walk-in planting ramp HUMAN ACTIVITY ANALYSIS contract contain support develop identify teach teach teach Office Worker Natural Participation Students Residents

Ornamental Planting

Ramp Planting

Participatory Planting

Vertical Planting

Seasonal Planting plant layer drainagegeotextile layer


personal planting pond stepped podium community field Guohe Community Belongs Belongs to Begonia grandis Dryand Hypericum monogynum Parthenocissus tricuspidata Wisteria sinensis Lonicera japonica Thunb Glandularia tenera Berberis thunbergii Berberis thunbergii (florescence) Buxus sinica Rosa multiflora Ophiopogon japonicus Ophiopogon japonicus
Jan May Sep Feb Jun Oct Mar Jul Nov Apr Aug Dec
Rosa multiflora Nandina domestica Thunb Clematis florida Thunb Begonia grandis Dryand Serissa japonica filter fabric reservoir layer gravel rigid board insulation drainage layer metal tube scaffolding fixer rigid PVC sheet climbing frame reservoir pump exterior wall Berberis thunbergii Hypericum monogynum Boxwood macrophylla Ophiopogon japonicus Rosa chinensis



Site:Shaqiao town, Nanhua County, Yunnan Province,China

Duration: 2022.6-2022.10

The physical and mental development of left-behind children has always been an urgent problem to be solved. In order to help some left-behind children without their parents to accompany, through self-study or communication with peers, play to alleviate psychological problems. In order to let the children get more company, I investigated the local cultural characteristics and characteristic industries, and integrated them into the design of the site. By increasing employment opportunities, I would attract at least one parent who is away from home to return to the family and accompany the children's physical and mental development.


Jan Feb Mar May Jun Aug Sep Apr Jul Oct Nov Dec
Problem Interest in learning + + Study result + · · · · · Lonliness + · · · · + Learning efficiency + · · · · · Self-abasement + · · + + + Anxiouty + · + + + + Body cleansing Body burden Physical development + · · · + · Malnutrition + + + + + · + · · · + · Sickness + + + + Wrong exercise + · + + + + Local middle-aged and elderly women earn money by making traditional handicrafts. Corn and wheat are the main cash crops. Pickles made from mountain herbs are also a source of income.
who go out to work would back home. More than 60% of festival attendees are women Sericulture and Hand Embroidery Agriculture and sideline products
activities and ceremonies Mental Issues + · · · · + Violence + + + + Depression + + · · · + Lonliness + · · · + + Born + · + · · · Anxiouty + + · + + + Hatred Chinese New Year Garments festival Torch festival Ku Si (Yi's New Year)
Town Shizichong Village Wangjiachong Village Xiguadi Village Scope of Research Legend terrace field wheatland corn field pisiculture forestry lawn damm land 0m 200 400 N City where Parents Work 72% ChenDu 12% ChongQing 15% GuiYang 4% NanNing GuangZhou 3% ShenZhen 36% 30% ChuXiong,Yun Nan Family Structure 83% Left-behind Families ? ? 42% Grow up alone Unchaperoned only child 44% multiple child 56% only child 63% No Father 46% No Mother 8% 68% 20% Alternategeneration Single parent families Chaperoned Multiple Child Family 37% No Father 59% No Mother 11% 43% 12% Alternategeneration Single parent families 0-6 years old 6-14 years old 14-18 years old
Dilapidated Hope School Poor family conditions Few forms of entertainment 3 Take care of the younger generation 1 Seldom communicate with parents 1 Painting and reading 1 Low learning autonomy 3 Poor learning environment 2 Heavy farm work 3 Drab entertainment facilities 2 Lack of teachers 2 Hiking

In the rotation period, stakes and sticks are children's toys.

The interlocking roofs allow free passage.

The space in front of the store is often visited by old people and children.

There are only mounds of earth and sand pits for fun.

The large open space under the viaduct allows children to get close to nature

Children play in alleys and paint on walls.

Where children and adults work and live together.

Children often swim and frolic in the river

Help elders work or have a rest and play with friends.

Legend Space for activity Agricultural land Commercial Residential Public buildings Factory
Forestry Natural field Environment Residential Area Labour Field Playground
The grocery
Under the viaduct The yard The alley The riverway Building classification Land usage Farmland Provincial highway High clustering Low clustering Aggregation N 0m 200 400 100 Village road lawn sand pisiculture forestry land field
middle school
central hospital Agritainment
produce fair Qiaoyuan
The vacant lot on the corner
Shaqiao farm


Theoratical Support

The Importance of Outdoor Learning

Dr Kumaree Padaychie obtained her PhD from the University of South Africa, and then devoted herself to the higher education of African children . She has a profound research on early childhood education and entertaining


The guiding role of outdoor activities in adolescent growth.


Educational Aims

The growth of young people cannot be without proper physical health training , which contributes to the improvement of perceptual competence and comprehensive development

Mental Health Guidance

Correct and appropriate mental health guidance can help left-behind children form good character behavior and self-management ability

Cultural Inheritance Guidance

As a traditional ethnic group, handicrafts with ethnic characteristics are not only the main source of local income , but also a way for children to inherit and carry forward their traditional culture



Unwritten &
Indoor Lessons Outdoor Lessons +
Informal Curriculum
Co-Curricular Activities friends Hidden Curriculum in
Unofficial Lessons certian situation Formal Curriculum with teachers
Increase Employment Opportunities
" " Bodily-kinesthetic Intrapersonal Linguistic Logical-mathematical Spatial Interpersonal Naturalist Musical Shaqiao central hospital Shaqiao middle school Agritainment Shaqiao farm produce fair Qiaoyuan housing estate 0m 200 400 100 N Legend Routes of Relax Routes to School Traffic Guidance Allay Plank Residential Area Pubilc Area Cultivation Area Stadium under the Bridge Tree House Natural Field Environment Hide and Seek Area Recreation Square Roof Stage Residential Area Plank Road Hand Made Workshop Labour Field Waterfront Playground Playground
children will learn
drive school engagement.
Natural Field Environment Natural Creature Residential Area Neighbor Labour Field Family Members Playground Friends/Peers
STRATEGY PLAN Participator
Intervention Cognitive Type Comprehensive Intervention hand made workshop tree house plank road in field waterfront playground hide and seek stadium under the bridge recreation square GroceryStore Talk and Advice Excercise Amusement Nature Awareness Cultural Cognition Manual Sculpture Sound Perception Self-expression Behavior Adjustment
Health Guidance
Physical Strength Tactile Perception Visual Perception Improve Brain Function Auditory Perception Manual Training Self Identity Cooperation Training Communication Endorphin Regulation Taste Perception roof stage
Natural Field Environment Residential Area Labour Field Playground Swimming Wild Exploration Hide and Seek Playing Games Making Friends Plant Cognitive Animal Cognitive Material Collection (Silkworm) Chasing Each Other Practice Communication Skills Rest on Plank Harvesting Crops Sewing Ethnic Clothing Sowing and Fertilizing Manual Course Purchasing Goods Selling the Products Festival Celebration Sun Dried Crop Textile Set Up a Stall by the Roadside Physical Health Mental Health Cultural Inheritance Hand Made Workshop Tree House Roof Stage Recreation Square Shaqiao central hospital Qiaoyuan housing estate Shaqiao middle school Plank Road Plank Road Plank Road Recreation Square Recreation Square Recreation Square Recreation Square Recreation Square Agritainment Shaqiao farm produce fair Legend Farmland Virescence DAILY ACTIVITIES MASTER PLAN RENDERING Waterfront Playground Plank Road

Live With Coral Reefs


Site:Taytay, Palawan Island, Philippine

Individual Work

Duration: 2022.10-2023.01

Given the increasing environmental problems, the living conditions of coral reefs are becoming precarious. In April 2022, the UNESCO warned of a coral crisis, calling for prompt action to protect coral reefs in all countries and regions.

Located in a tropical region, the Philippines used to have beautiful coral along its coastline, but due to global warming, the average sea temperature has also risen, leading to bleaching and even gradual death of most of the coral. In order to protect coral and its ecosystem, taking Taytay Area of Philippines as an example, this project analyzes the three living states of coral reefs, and intervenes in the way of ecological design to protect coral health at different stages. Coral restoration is a long-term and huge project, which requires the assistance of local industries, scientific protection, restoration and cultivation, as well as the strengthening of relevant knowledge education and publicity, so as to gradually alleviate the severe ecological problems.

Coral reefs’ very survival is at stake, warns UNESCO in bid to boost resilience On April 14, 2022 !! !!

Coral Reef Crisis

In Taytay,Palawan Island,Philippine

3/4 of the world's coral reefs are located in Coral reef Delta Region

81.3% of the coral reefs are in Phililpine water

50% of the coral reefs in Phililpine water had bleached 60% of the world's coral reefs are threatened by human activity

Within 50 years, 70% of the world's coral reefs could be gone


Data from: Philippine Coral Bleaching Watch(PCBW),2020

Area of Coral Reef 14,000 Km2 Highway 434 Km Main Attractions Attracts more than 100,000 Visitors Population 311,548 people Legend Erosion of Coastline Taytay own Tropical Rain Forest N 0m 150m 300m Distribution Taytay,Palawan Philippine Docking Point Binsilaw Beach Purongyawan Beach Taytay Fish Market Landmark Floating House Taytay Port Man-made burning of forests Eutrophic Substance CO2 CO2 Cut down trees Trawling for fish Coastal erosion High tide flooded houses Loss of habitat The Cause of Coral Reef Death The Impact of Coral Reef Death
Fragile Coral Reefs Area 74% Bleached Coral Reefs Area 50% Dead Coral Reefs Area 5% Coral Reefs on a Global Scale Information of Palawan Island
Shipping Lane Elementary School Elementary School University


IMPACTS OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES ON CORAL REEFS °C °C °C °C °C CO2 SO2 HO2 Inland The Coast Offshore Ocean 0m 25m 50m The Relationship Between Human Economic Activities and Coral Reefs Co-existence and Supply Polluting Suppress Human Activies Coral Reefs Fall Apart Split into the same individual Cilia used for swimming Fertility Rate & Probability of splitting LOW rise will cause the coral to expel zooxanthellae ONLY 1°C-2°C The planula that can't find a suitable landing spot DIES Inhibits Bone Growth Acidification They starve to death because they lose zooxanthellae attachment Grows into planula Make osteoblasts Connect each other Growth speed 0.5-2.8cm per year Natural fertilization rate of coral in the wild The symbiont zooxanthellae provide a source of food 80% Bone density decreased by Bone density Mortality Rate 90%-95% Acid inhibits calcium synthesis High bone mineral density Low bone mineral density
Natural Breakwater Preserving Biodiversity Promoting Cultural and Educational Ecotourism Provide Biological Resource Materials Ca Se Ca Zn Mn K K Causes of Coral Death Ocean Warm Up Ocean Acidification Seawater Eutrophication N HNO HNO P P3The Outbreak of Red Tides plankton Acanthaster Planci Proliferate Decreased Photosynthesis Lack of Oxygen O2 Bleached to Death Causal Loop The Composition of Acid Rain H2SO4 60%-65% Fertilizer Nitrides Sulfide H 2 S NH 3 Eutrophic Substance Trawl Fisheries Acid Rain Fishing with Dynamite Fish Processing Plant Burning Forests to Create Fields Offshore Fish Farming SO2+H2O=H2SO3 2H2SO3+O2=2H2SO4 = = = = H2SO4 HNO3 = = = H2SO4 HNO3 pH<7 Heat Heat HNO3 HCN Fishing with Cyanide Compound Offshore Fish Farming Eutrophic Substance Deposition of Garbage HgS HgS HgS HgS As2S3 HgS HgCl2 HgCl2 HgS HgS
The Role of Corals
Economical Fish Plant Processing Area Breeding Selling Provide Source of Food Manual Processing Sardines Tuna fish Bamboo Mackerel Functional Herbivorous Fish Parrotfish Surgeonfish Clean Up Seaweed Produce Fine Sand Fish Aquaculture Processing Ornamental Value Edibleness Be Processed Cage Culture Enclosure Aquaculture feed on coral the excrement forms white sand excrement sand Fishing Wooden Spear Fishing Line Fishing Fishery 67% 33% Seaweed and Shellfish Shipping Industry Fresh Fish for Sale Processed Fish Products Sales by Shipping Shipping Tourism Industry Town Market Wharf Fish Market Coral Reef Sightseeing Coral Reef Conservation Education Other Products Shoal Infrastructure Restoration Cleanup and Collection of Dead Coral Limestone Cement Shore Up the Coast Building Houses Sea Rice Culture Purification of Sea Water Protection of Tidal Flats Sea Rice The Use of Coastal Beach Salinized Land Inland Rainwater Harvesting Provide Food storm water pipe filtration system disinfection sewage intercepting pipe reservoir of water water use site Offshore Human Intervention Industry Support Collect Coral Fertilized Cells Coral Transportation Locality RepairCoral Limb Live Coral Nursery Cultivation Launching Coral Base 61.3% Success Rate of Repair Inland Coral Reef Conservation Education Government Propaganda School Education Reduce the Sale of Coral Products Local Sale 35% 41% Export Sale Other 23% Algae that Depend on Coral Reefs 75.11% 4.78% 5.11% 75.11% 11.22% Laver Sea Grape Asparagus Scagassum Agar-Agar 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2018 2017 2016 Sales by Shipping (thousand tones) Shipping Tourism Industry (thousand times) Philippine Shipping Industry Parrotfish Populations Have Changed 2020 0% 10% 20% 5% 15% 25% 30% 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Production of Economic Fish in 2020 Tuna Fish Sardines Bamboo Mackerel 500 000 Annual Output(t) 250 000 0 750 000 Reduce Errant Catches by Errant Catches 90% Fishing Period Recuperation Period Coral Restoration Measures Productive Process
4 4 5 7 3 1 2 6 Palawan State University Taytay Landmark Taytay Fish Market Taytay Port Binsilaw Beach 0m 250m 500m N 1 Ecological Floating Island 2 Floating Aquatic Plant 3 Mangrove Forest 4 Fish Culture 5 Seawater Treatment System 6 Sea Rice Culture 7 Coral Growth Observation Area PLANNING PROPOSAL Inland Fragile Ocean Area Bleached Offshore Dead Currents Introduce Cold Current Diversion of Surface Water Slow Down the Flow of Water situation1 situation2 The droppedtemperature to 25°c Mangroves Consolidate Shorelines Collect Dead Coral Withstand the Wind and Waves Casting DissipatingWave Blocks Limestone Burn Cultivation of Coral Sea Rice Cultivation Purifying Sea CollectionWater CaCO CaCO H CO Seawater Collection Tank Sand Reduce Growth Time By 30%-50% Mix Stormwater Treatment Plant Reuse of Dead Coral Direction of Water Flow Corresponding Region INTERGRATION


Bleached Coral mangrove forest

slow down the flow

ecological floating island

aquatic plant

diversion of surface water irrigate

fish culture tank
dead coral collection pond water treatment system
rainwater harvesting purify water quality feeding fish clearing seaweed
sea rice culture
Dead Coral Fragile Coral Ocean Area Offshore
Functional Area Species Purpose breed aquatics coral clearing fish algae shell coral sell eat sightseeing education processing Functional Area Species Purpose agriculture floating island fish algae shell coral wood sea rice sell eat sightseeing education processing
Coral Restoration Dead Coral Restoration temperature( °c ) 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 26.2°c yield(t) 200 150 100 50 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 average monthly sea water temperature average annual sea water temperature fishing yield(fish, shrimp, shellfish, etc) breeding yield(fish, shrimp, shellfish, etc) breeding yield(seaweed and other plants) temperature( °c ) 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 24°c yield(t) 200 250 150 100 50 0 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028


Tourist Perspective | Popular Science

As a tourist destination, the ecological floating islands off the coast are not only great for viewing, but also help alleviate local ecological problems, such as coastal erosion and soil erosion, which have a great impact on the growth and restoration of coral. Visitors come here not only to see the beauty, but also to learn about the cycle of the ecosystem, which helpspromote coral conservation.

Local Perspective | Clutivation & Conservation

Locals recycle the remains of dead coral, after processing them and release them into breeding ponds, where the parrotfish's digestive systems expel clean, fine sand.

The clean sand also provides a good environment for coral cultivation and promotes local coral restoration.

During the summer vacation, I traveled to Anhui Province and was attracted by the local folk houses and archway buildings, so I recorded the beautiful scenery through gouache painting and scene sketches.

It was summer, the lotus leaves in the pond were especially beautiful green, just like jade, so I also painted it with gouache.

Chinese traditional gardens are always full of poetry. Through copying forms, I can have a deeper understanding of Chinese traditional culture and learn relevant knowledge.

2018-2019 2017-2019
1 2 3
Painting Pen Sketches Classic Chinese Garden
Technical Drawing 2021

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