PO# 9020710
Printing Error Report
2. 3. 6. 7.
1. The spectrometer graphic in the upper left is missing the interior of the design. It should have a squiggly line running through it and a grid. (If the stroke on this was too small it could’ve been modified, not left out completely) 2. The ruler DOES NOT HAVE AN OUTLINE and it’s missing half the numbers. This is the biggest problem I have. 3. The hammer should be just a white outline not a solid white shape. The same with the polka dots in the circle. See the design for the correct format. 4. The saw shown here should also be reversed with only a white outline. It looks like a big blob of white here. 5. The scissors also should be reversed. 6. On this shirt the Tech Times logo was skewed like the shirt had been pulled while the screen was printed. This may be a singular printing anomaly, but not one I want to see duplicated. 7. There were also several smudges of paint on this example. Once again this could be an anomaly, but is not acceptable. 1
PO# 9020710
Printing Error Report
On the back, the logo was much larger than I had expected, which is not a big problem (since we didn’t give you an exact measurement for the design.) However, the logo clearly off center by more than an inch. I examined a sample of the other shirts in different size and found the logo was consistently off center making this a major printing error.
PO# 90 9020710 020 2071 710 10
P Pr Printing inting Error Report
Seen here is the original design at a larger size so you can see the detail more clearly. I would be fine with changes to the design if they were needed for better T-shirt printing, for example if the stroke was too small on the reversed images the vendor chose to change I would have preferred to have been contacted regarding the design and given the option to make changes myself. We had reasons for making the items reversed to create a more varied and harmonious design and avoid the white blobby mess we got in the case of the saw image being changed to white by the vendor. Overall, this printed sample was wholly unacceptable and poor example of this vendor’s work. I would ask the vendor to reprint the shirts with corrections at no extra charge with a discount for the time delay, or rebidding the PO. Sarah-Jane Sanders Coordinator for Publications s.j.sanders@tstc.edu • 254.867.3035 3