AES Elects Adamson Fall Semester Prexy
PBL Program Commences ~ctivities Under Guidance o'f Dallas, Radding Under the guidance of Richard Dallas and Thelma Radding, the San Jose City College business fraternity, Phi Beta LaD;lbda has selected officers and planned various acti vities for the fa]] semester.
Foreign Students To Show Talent on International Day
ternatio nal Club's ann ual In ternational Day will be presented in the quad next Thursday, October 21. Fo r e jg n students, wearing the eos tumes or t11 eir \la rious count ries, w ill dem ons trate thr oug h skits fi nd decorfLted boot h s th e culture antl wa.y of li fe o f other lands . Chairman in charge of t he even t is Bill H oeffer, Commissioner of Foreig n Students. Mary Lemas is An Anthropology Club is now being formed on campus, according Curt Hodgkins, the man behind the organization. C ur t
t old
th e
Tliv.I ES
"Since a nt hropology is th e stud y of ma n in all its a spec ts, w e wi11 ll a.\'e a. wi<le choice of ucti\•ities. \ Ve phu1 to h ave (l1 f~ nty of fi eld trips as well a s g uest sp ea ke rs." In the near futu re the club plans to visit the lndian burial grounds in southern Alameda County, and the Robert H . L owie Museum of Anthropology at Berkeley.
Associated Engineers and Scientists elected Jon Adamson preengineering major, as president for 65-66 college year at its second weekly meeting last Thursday, The vice-president -historlan post was filled by Richard Sandkuhle, whose job is ma.i ntai ning a scrap.. book of the club's record s and ac ti vities. T h e secretaria l chores will b e ha,ndle d by Anthony l\fa.ther whi.l e J ohn Da.vis will serve as public ity c ha irma n. Ma th er will ulso assume t hf?' position of t reasurer. The editorship of AES J ournal was given to Jerry Wiley who will be responsible for the ha ndling of various club ne\VS.
Head ing PBL this semester will "Currently, the bus iness gro ups be Sandra Scepura, president. Slle of the JC's are ft bra nch of the S avio will handle the secretarial Future Bmo~i n ess Leaders o f A m erduties while Judith Koncer will i<'a. ·w hi<'h is a. hig h SC'hool or ganihandle the financial aspect of the zu.tion. O ur plnn is to sepa rate t.h e club. Delphine Garcia is the his- two so t he junior coll ege students This year D nJins, who is in his toria n and John Ba kmus will rep- ma y converse wit h peo ple t heir fir~t year at C i ty, will r elieve resent the club at ICC. No vice- own age antl at t he s ame le\•el," some of t he J> r e~s ure s that h as president was selected. e."plai ned DnJias. falle n o n .Miss Radding in pust November 6, club members and Also in November, PBL will hold semester s. "Although we plan to advisers will travel to Fresno City a meeting wit h Foothill and West rev!l mp t he Juogram 1\Iiss R a ddln g College where a convention is be- Valley col1eges in ordet· to discuss h as don e an exce ptiona lly well ht ing he ld to organize a junior colvarious systems and technjques. t h e past,'' pointed out th e new leg~ Phi Beta Lambda state organization. In order to gain money for the business instructor . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ; : - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - !Fresno excursion, U1e group has considered the possibility of holding car washes during the future weekends. They will also hold a r um mage sale in the near future which raise funds to send cJub officers to the state convention in With a theme of "Friendship supervising the entertainment part Los Angeles which is early next through Unde1·standing," the In- of the program for the second year. year.
The entertainment will begin with thl·ee si~te rs, Ca-rol, Eleanor and Joan Ranoa, and Joany A s lania.n, who w ill (10 a PhiUppino fo lk «la nce--Tinlkling.. The Ronoa sis~ ters will also da nce a. H a waiia n hulu.
Bill Hoeffer and Jose Mauricio Alves will do a skit parodying Pancho Vitia, complete with sombreros a nd mustaches. Jose Mauricio will also take part in a r hyth mic number with Matias Bautista and Pedro Hiort-Lorenzen, a portuguese song called TicoTico. J eanette J ansen will perform an asimetric Indonesian dance in t he style of the temple, J ose Delgado, International Club president, explaining the purpose of International Day, said, "There are many foreign students on campus who need to have closer relationships with Americans. A project like I nternat ional Day gives Americans a n insig ht into our different cultures."
ETA BETA. cosmetology club r ecently e lected dub officers f or ttJ!s se m este r. (Bot tom Row ) F ay Lundy, trCilSure r ; Ann J ezi orski, 1JI'CSidcn.L : Ba rba ra HuJ sey, his torian. (TO() Ro w ) Yoho Haya mi, v eep; Vickl D a vidson, pub. r ei. ; 1\Iarlea. Dodson, hospita l cha irm a n ; June Yonekura, secre tary; and Betsy Connor, I CC rep.
Contra Costa College Site Women'sP.E.Begins 0/-Cosmetology Gathering • Extramural TenniS
Extramural tennis will be of· fered for a ll interested women students during the fall sel)1ester and early spring. Courts restrilaced h. . t JS summer makes playmg' tennis ' even more enjoy~ble, accordi ng to the physical educational department. There will be opporlunitiJs to travel also in these games.
1\'fary Dejani, C.T.S.S. President and Lois Lee: Treasurer, attended a meetm;; this \reek of Cahforn1a T~achers of Secondary Schools a t Contra Costa College in Richmond, ' ~ re~r{ on the .st~te sponsored osmt e o okgyh curhrlcldu ul m develofimen wor s op e ast summer t Lak A h d ' a · e rrow j ea · Lee B odkin, s upervisol" oi Tra de a n<l T ec hnical T eac he r E duca tiori, U niversity ot CaUforni n, WltS the guest Sl'e a.k e r f yr the m eetin g
Th e ga m es schedul ed as of to! . . . .· d ate are wi t h t he fo ll owing: 1\'lol\1rs. Dejam was a partJCIP8t'\t desto JC, Oct. 22, ( h er e), Oct. in the Works hop and also served 28, (there) ; Coll e~e of Sa n 1\Ia.teo, a~ a member of t he pan~l discuSlater , in :N·ov.; \'Vest Valley, Oct. s1on for the program . Th1s course 2G, (h e r e); San J ose Stnte, l a te r 11 in th e SJlrin g; ~to n for d , Npv. 2 Des i~u fo r Disaste r," u. color (there); Cu i-Be rkeley, Oa,l<ln nil - film on the Bel-Air fire o f sevMcrr itt, CCSF, Cabrillo an d Hart- e ral year s ago, will be presen ted n e11. t pd a..y at ll a .m. by S igma S igThe girls are practicing on Tues ~ 1 ma in room S-7. T he movie is days and Thursdays at 11 a.m., reC"ommen<l ed ))y t h e Sc'1ience d eMonday and Wednesdays at 3 p.m. ))a rtmen t as a n educational and interesting ex pe rience. 1.'he film fen.tu res pi cture s or t h e fi re in
Now! New Chevelle
a long wit h cartoon cha •·rr cters' ex pl a n ation s of how a nd \Vhy t he fire progressed .
was offered under the auspices of the Burea u of I ndustrial Educat10n, . state deJ?artment of educa tion, at the University of Cali· ' fornia Conference Center. Purpose o_f the progr a m w as t o pla n futur e improvements in Cosmetol ogy instrr.ctiop, in. the public sc hool system of Cali.fornia . Te~L chcrs from t hr ot~gh o u t the s t ate attend ed_ 1 Other activi ties of cosmetology include the C!f>mpeti t ion be tween area schools in a salesman$hip contest. Octobfr 24 is the date of t he a ffair where City College students wiH vie for trophies in senior a nd junior; divisions. T he competition wtll take place at Em R ae's and is sponsored by Affili ate 22 of San Jo~e Cosmetology. " ! hope and have good faith t hat our membe1·s will win a couple of t rophies," explained Vickie Davison, publicity a gent for the club. I Winners will be announced la te in t he afternoon at the Hawaiian Gardens in San Jose. "Our 'Big ~ame Week ' queen candidate will be Gay Grossheider," concluded Vicki.
Earlier· this semester Vern Sch. Iemmer, was e lected ICC senta tiv e. repre. At the last meeting, plans discussed to continue the annua} Awards Banquet · The ban que~ . whlch has bee n sponsored by thr A ES for the last two years, hol'lOI'! t~e top st~dents in each of fOUI ftelds- engtneeri ng, math, physics ? "d chemistry. Also, a movie on mfra-red spectroscopy was shown.
MEN look Greot This Fall
of Weight
Gain: l" o n Chest l" off Waist I" on Arms
2" on Thighs
Personal Attention and RESULTS IN 60 DAYS Lose : 3" off W aist
I" off Thigh
'First and Foreino,st,' Koto of Japan at City
Homeowners Favor Evergreen College
Says Leave. U.N. Fine Claims Traitors In State Department
The Greater East San Jose Homeowners· Council h as gone on t•ecord fa voring Evergreen as the location for the next campus of Kimio Eto, J apan's "first and an's mos t famed koto masters, the the San Jose J unior College Disforemos t master of t he Koto," the late Michio Miyagi. At the age of trict. In a letter directed to the colancient 13-string instrument of his 16. he won his nation's highest B y RON GREEN The book maintained that Alger Ilati\'e land, will a ppear in concert awards for koto com!X)sition and lege dis tric t trustees, the council Claiming that the Unite d States Hiss , Ha..-dy Dexter White, Virurged t hat "top consider::ation" be sunday in the San Jose City Col- artistry. should not remain in the United ginius Fl'ank Coe, Dean Acheson, )ege Evening Cultural Series. · Eto's performance will be open given to Evergreen as a campus Nations as it is presently set up, Noel Field, Laurence Dugga n, . .. The concert will begin at 8:30 to the general public. Admission site because of its ''favorable poand t hat there were trai tors in Irving Kaplan, William L . ULlman, p.m. in the Men's Gymnasium. is free for those who s how City sition within the district, t he p roxt he state departmen t, H ug h Fine. and William H . Taylor, were al l E.to, who was honored earlier College student body cards, while imity to the Bayshorc freeway ·a nd area coordinator for t he J ohn active Hgures in the US State this year by the city of Los An- card holders from other schools the Capitol-H illsda le expressway, B irch Society, spoke to City Col- Department in lhe planning of the geles for his contribution to inter- must pay $1.50. Other adul ts must and its high aesthet ic qualificalege studl>nts in t he College T he- UN_ The paperback then says, national music, h as played at maj- pay $2.00. For more information tions." atre Tuesday. "with the single exceplion of AcheRobert DeMarco, of 2728 Camino or concerts in cities throughout call the City CoHcge student fiinThose s tud ents seeking a loud, son, all of these men have since Ecco, a nd Lourin Surguinc, of 1277 America, including a solo perform- ancc office, 298-2181. violent speech were disappointed. been identified in sworn testimony ance with Leopold Stokowski at T he progmm will feature, among Monteagle Drive, appeared before T he spokesman for bite f.ar r ight as secret Communist agents." Jh.iiadelphia's Carnegie Hall. other numbers, t h ree compositions the t rus tees at the August 17 sPOke in a firm but calm manner. \Vhen questlonetl later on the Despite the fact he has been by Eto: Echigo-jishi, Yuridago-no- meeting as representatives of the Most of the excitemen t came f.rom creden tials of t he author, G. Edblind since the age ·o f f ive, Eto is 'Shira be, and Choryu, Also featur- council. Surguine noted t h e counthe ·s tudents who e it her la ughed at ward Griffin, Fine- replied that he tOOay considered one of J a:panr's ed, is Kazoe- U ta by Eta's o ld 'in- cil urged that f uture junior color applauded certain questions and didn't know the author well lege sites withjn the district be most renowned musical artists. structor, 1\fichio Miyagi, and Swast:atements in t he cou1-se of the enOugh to know bjs educa tional His instrument, the koto, is to nee River by the Ame-rica n com- large e nough to avoid expansion question and answer session. background. When the question difficulties. which are now being Japan what piano is t o the West- poser, Stephen Foster. In his introductory re Dl.fU:ks, be- was raised a second time he said experienced at San Jose State Colern home. For 400 years since its M fore a question and answer period, he had knovm the au thor personlege and the college district's importation from China ·in t he F ine maintained that spiritual ally for two and a ha lf years. Moorpark campus. eighth century, its music remained values wev~ a must if the w~~ld. T he John Birch.. representative, Surgulnc sa id that the council in the courts until a blindo musician was to surv1ve. If me" do not, do offers full support of the district's brought it into popular favor in the , to th . way 0 f l'1fe he a R oman Ca tho I'IC, a dm 1'tted th a t pe:~ance r , eJr . .. '. his thoughts on the UN were conobjec tives, including financing, and seventeenth "century. clatmed, Russia a nd Commumsm fused since the Pope- had visited welcomed the opportunity to help Eto's musical career actually bewould come to ru l:e the· world. that body's General Assembly Big Game W eek formerly called publicize and inform citizens of gan. at the age of 11 with publicaA:fter tl)c question a nd answer Mohday. He pointed to t he last tion of his fi rst noteworthy com- Homecoming Week, will be coming the di stric t's goals. penod ended t he speaker told· th e . . _, · · h -'ful f • d • th t pa r agr aph of the SPH'I tua l leader s position and his subsequent m usi ~ up soon. It's scheduled for October H UGH F I N E. AREA coordinator 'for the Jo1m Birch Society, r e:lehes remam mg · a n u o s ~:u . e n..:s a h h' h lied ' . ~ speec w 1c ca 1·o r a wor ld for a book as h e answers a City College student's question. Fine cal instruction under one of Jap- 25-29 this year and, hopefully, differen t activities will be planned maintained tha t the U nited Stt1tes s hould withdra-w f rom the U nited there were t r aitors m t he- state body b'ased on spiritual and moral N atio ns as t he latter wns n ot set UJ) under m orn.l and spirltm•l for every day, according to student Fol"bidden Games, a motiou pl~ principles. Fine a lso cal led Co mumn i!'<m a c rimina l conspiracy, and ~~~a~:~~~~s n~S:v:h::~ ~~:; p~nciples. Fine s~id ~the didn't council member, George Watts. . _ R bli d t h t !lhmk the orgaruza!IOI> was pret ure about c hildren caught up in clu.imed ther e were traitors in the state departmen t. th e Do mtmcan cpu c an . . T he first big event will be the ''M \" h- 1 c as t' ro ana d ~en tly established m that manner. war , w m be t he firs t film of t hls oscow, •v as mg on, . h Queen Nomination Rally October R B tt t 'd d . t h Thus, he was still opposed to t e sem est.er's Friday Evening Fibn omu1o e ancour a1 e Jn e worJd body. 14. The week preceding this will Series. It w ill be shown a t 8 p.m. takeover." T he speaker added, however, he S. T. A. Y., a program to help involve group and individ ual photo- in the City College The a,tre Ea•lier, in h.is introductor·y regraphs of the Queen candidates. would wait for ·'wiser heads" lo students wit h study problems, will marks, the Joh n Birch speak er 'l.h e movie, m ade jn 1952, is a General elections will be on the analyze the situa tion before he begi n its second year at City Colpoin ted to a 'book, "The Fearful forerunn er of L ord of the Files. 21st of October with the polls m ade a final decision. lege this semester. Master, " as a basis for his anti I t cen ters around t wo F r ench I n a sometimes rowdy question The program, fully titled Stu- opening at 11 :00 a.m. The next ch ildren who innocen t ly maJ(e the UJN positions. T he book he cla imed, and answer period Fine maintained dents to Assist You, is primarily night at the Coronation Ball, the furnished documen ted proof !!hat h or rors of wo.r into the games or America should not only leave the concerned with keeping students Big Ga me Queen will be crowned. mon t h: Cabrillo, San Francisco, the world organization "was conado lescence. In additi on to ha.vJng October 16 marks the day for in school, expla ins William Blum, T he d a nce will be held in the won an Ameri can Acad emy Aw ard, the Area Six Conference, in which San Mateo, F oothill, Hartnell, ce.i ved', crea tc~ and is now con- UN but des troy it. This could be Women's Gym from 10:00 p.m. to done, he clalmed, by ending a:ll advjsor to the group. t he motion picture also w as award- S an Jose City College will pla y a Menloi Monterey Peninsula 1 Gavi- trolled by and he lping to spread -Assistance is given to students 1 :00 a.m. la n, San Jose City, and West Valthe Communist tyranny through- payments to the world assembly, During the week leading up to ed the GTand Prize at t h e Ve nice part. to be held at Menlo College ley College. SJCC was given t he and by ending aU foreign ald. by a group of volunteers, who seek out the world." Film Festival a nd t he New York in Menfo Park. role of Cllltural a nd Social Organito help students with specified the Big Game Charlot Races a nd a Film Critics award . Area Six, so named because of scholastic difficulties, in are a. s possible Tug of War will be held its six di visions in the state of zatiom; for the conference. Other movies on coming Fri· on the lawn near the quad. The they exceU in. There are no SJ?OCAny resolutions a college wants California, is a sub-division of the t'l t\Y even ings a re T r imnph of Will, ial qualifications for these help- week winds u p October 29 with to make first go to the Ju nior California Junior College Student 1\:Uddle of t.he N igh t , Hiroshima ers. Any student may volun teer the Big Game which will be played M on A m o ur, T he Secret Life o f Government Association, acc01'ding Co 11 e g e Associa tion. which 1 if by filling out a form at the St u- in Oakland MeiTitt this year_ \\'a lter 1\Utty, The \ \life in t h e to student council member, George they're a pproved, go to t he lobbydent Government offices. ist in Sacramento, a nd finally, \ Vhi te Suit, Eget su, and Pathc r Watts. ,. On the whole, those students The purpose of this conference, with a second a pproval, to the P l•n cha lc. ' who volunteer to help are most Watts said, was for tbe coll eges Area Six Conference. often social science or education An example of how these conStudents n.re invited, 'by Larry to meet and djscuss their mutua l majors. According to Blum, .. volproblems and ideas. Then, any rec· feren ces work, contin ued Watts, \"V atts, S upe r visor of Conm1unity was demonstrated by lhc resoluunteering for the S.T.A.Y. program The German Club, at its Oct Services, to s u bmi t suggestl.ons for ommcndalions or resolutions made is good learning experience in both . .· tion suggested by SJCC las t year. go to the State Conference to be . ld " 1st meeting, elected th is semesters pe rformers in next years C ultu_ra l f f th At that time, a state law made it h oese1es. passed or defeated. · . h BdHak An student wishin g this type officers, w o are ern an , Series. Ten junior colleges are partici- mandatory for school busses a nd T he coupon below s hould be fillf Y · t c m a y a pply a t the president, Shirley Larser,_, treasur0 ass1s an e R becca Hardesty secretary «<. out and returned to t he -Finance pating in the conference this staticn wagons to be painted yelstudent government offices w here er, e low, marked, and driven by a pro. • . · · f "II be t d' d to 1 ct T he I CC representatiVe 1s Danny Office by T uesdtty, O ct obcl', 12. fessional driver. SJCC felt it their orm WJ s u 1e se e should be exempt from this law a suitab le volun teer. Out of . state Durhham.l " h as on 1-t s d raWl·ng Pe'rformer (s) Na.me(s) _... ........... . T e c U•.r and moved that the junior color foreign students may desire to bo rd a plan orientated toward -···············-··················-····················-······ leges be deleted from this section · this help more than regular a • bt o am a Ger manic cultural program, ac- •·······-··········-····--··············-·······-············· .. of the California, Educational Code students. cording to Hanak. regarding buses and station wag;···················-·················--······················· He contihues, "This club repStudents transferring from City L ootu~cr(s) Name(s) ---·---··-·····"ons. resents a slight change o[ policy College to San Jose State next The resolution went to lhe State from ·that of current service clubs, .. : ...............................................--···-········ semester must have their applica~ Conference and in the spring of in thal it is pdmariiy focused on ···········-····-·····- ··••t•···r-·•··J········ -···-······· !ions in the Student Services of1965 Governor Brown. Passed a law the individual students, who are ·····-············· ·-······-·· ···· ·· · ··· ·~······ · ······· fice before December 1, 1965. Anydeleting junior colleges from this interested in the German language Si.cal<er(s) Name(s) .....-.. ·-·-······-· one wbo has taken the A.C.T . test section of the Code. and Germanic cultures. ma,y apply. However, SJS will not Watts claimed the coming conThe City College marketing deThe tentaUvc progra m includes ·······-···········.···-··········-,········· ··············· accept the scores if they have been ference will try for a resolution partment seems to have found the an aclive singing group, which ······························································-· taken more than five years beAided by R obe rt N e ls on, a udio-vi.s ua l coord i.n utor, Sa n J oee City (o make student body cards mankey to success, accordi ng to a surCollege has gaJned a n A V department \~hich is no longer a. bra n;::-~ will perfonn on campus la,tcr in ·················· ·····-··········-····· , .................... . fore applying. vey of aJwnni made by Ross W. datory. of th e library. \Vith t he office looated m the rl'aL of Ubr.t~y, 1\-LU;s T h o s e students who h a ven' t Atkinson chairman of the City t he year. B oward, secr etar y, and Ne lson handl e t he neces'illrY busmess. taken the test may do so on SatCollege ~arketing department. The urday, November 13 in the City survey covers the years 1955 College Theatre. Doors will be through 1965. locked at 8:00 a.m. FOI' this group, The results of the s urvey demapplication and test fees have a onstrated that three of the presideadline of October 16. dents of the National Merchan~is There are two types of A.C.T . ing Association and nine presiThe beginning of this Fall sem· Tom Beatty, student body presi- Transportation to a nd from Indi- tests. The national date requires dents of the state organization ana will be paid by Beatty him ester has brought many new dea fee of $4.00 and the results are have been from SJCC. Thirty-one dent, is making plans for his self. City College partments has to the SJCC campus. offered to T he faculty senate recent I y lege, in the Los Ange les Junior October 14 sent thru to 16 three excursion differen t to institutions, per cent of th e Associated Student department is The Audio-Visual elected Andrew McFarlin, engi- College District. to the student, oc to his high Body presidents have been .in ~er· Purdue University' in Lafayette, A mechanical and systems engione of them. neering department instructor, to Indiana, where he will attend the school if he is in high schooL Anchandisin g. Thjs seems to mdicate neer, McFarlin has worked in priMr. Robert Nelson is the co- fill the vice-president's chair. other the residual date, costs noththat the program helps promote Second National Conference of Asordinator ot the ne w expanded deMcFa rlin, one of the original vat€! industry since 1943, and has sociated Student Governments. The ing bJ.lt lbe scores are sent only QUalities of leadership said A !kinpart~e n t: His «;:lerk, a nd secretary representatives of the senate, was also done consultants work. He conference is for ali college govto SJCC. son. is miss Howard. Last semester's chosen to fill the position left has worked for Lockheed and The survey also showed that 45 ernments in the United States. Audiq-Visual depa,rtment was an vacant by Edward Mogler, who Douglas, among others. "Tbjs is a national conference per cent of the studen ts enrolled Plans for a. :future tra.dit~ona.1 extension of the library services·. was elected last year. When MogMcFarlin a native Californian in the program graduated from in which all two and four year F oot hill-San ' J ose City Blg Game Tbe new Audio-Visual departmen t ler gave up his faculty job for that received hi~ BA from the Univer~ colleges get together to discuss City College and th at of those, Rlva1ry are now in the JDOklng, is located ir.. a separate office be- of the Associate Dean of Student sity of Cali!ornla a.t Santa Bar14 per cent entered and .g raduated and resolve t heir individual proba nn oun ced Geo rg e Wa tts, the hind. tbe library_ Services, he aJso had to give up bara, and his MA from Los Anlems," stated Beatty_ from four year institutions. Less stud ent in charge of ·Big Ga1ue The equipment now in use in the the vice-presidency. geles State College. "My purpose at this conference than one per cent of those . s:uHe is presently in\'olved in many Week t his faildepartment consists of; 16 mm dents have left the merchandismg will be to find out if four year One of seventeen faculty repT he idea, stated \ Vatts, is to sound projectors~ film strips, opque activitiesIn t he educational f ield colleges and some of t he Eastern resentatives, Mc Farlin has taught are the Relations with Industry field. make a. reciprocal a greem en t with two year col1eges would projectors, have slide any projectors, and Atkinson also claimed that the at city college since 1959. He was Committee , which works with lhc F oot hill College f or this imt)()rttape recorders. resul ts of other questions, ~uch as solutions to some of our campus an instructor, also at Va lley Col- American: Society for engineering ttn ~ a nn ual e vent. The gmn e and Mr. Nelson has hopes for addadequacy of outside \VOrk t.Jm~, problems ," he continued. dance afterwards w education, and the engineering ua .. ould a lte rnat oT OM BEA'l'TY Beatty will be the only delegate ing a .graphic arts area, which will and effectiveness of courses tndJly be held at F oothlll ""d 88CC. be set up 1n the library. This will 'this sem est-ers H a waila n C lub son com.nUttee, T ransfer of Jun ior from the Golden Ga te Presidents' cated a general enthusiasm by the give him funds for conference fees, 'l!he idea is ne w and neeq.,. the will hold tts m.eetln.&'s in room 8 _10 College Engineering Technicians to Council to a t tend the conference. enable him to transpose slides. alumni interviewed. uoom and board, and fOl' the loan- F oothill a dmin.i.stration's OK beOther futw-e plans of t he depart- <tt 11:00 a.m. every Thursda.y. Thi~ the State Colleges. 'McFarlin is The results of this survey were The council consists of Diablo Valfore d egn.ite plans ca n be ma 4.le, ment include new listening areas is a c ha nge f r om the l_isting in the also acti\·e in a strictly industrial que!. ley, Oakland Merritt, Oakland USed as the basis for an a rticle on "I sincerely feel that we will said \Va.tts. But if it's ::t pl'roved. the SJCC marketing studen ts, pub- Laney, San Francisco City Col- hcnefil in solving some of our whic.h is . ver y likely, the g"d tne next in the library which will g ive the College Oalen.d :u . AU st.re.ts in- engineering society. The Santa lege, Co llege of S a n Ma teo, Footstudel!ts an opportunity to dial ~ terested in l:l awa1i :ue u rged t o , Clat;a Valley Chapter of ~erica~ lish d . the mal'kcting magazme problems and remain the student year w ·o u ld be scheduled at Foote 1n . .. Th hill City College, Contra Costa code, which in turn, wilt pia~ a ny nt te ml. or j<>in tk&- lhWftilftn C lub.! Soclety Tool Manufacturmg Engt"Salesmen Oppol·tuni!les. e arleaders for which we are noted.'' hill. 1neers. ~eeol'<ls <lesired, ' ticle was entitled, "How to be a College, Chabot College, and San concludt!!i BeattY. -· Jose CitY College_ Professional sates man. • -
Watts Announces Big Game Schedule
3" off Hip 12-1 5 lbs.
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(See Page 4)
(See Page 2)
Job Opportunities For Graduates
African letter From Shaw
2" on Thig h J" on Ca lf 2" on Bust
Friday Flicks Start
STAY Program
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413 E. Santa Clara St. Call 295-9910
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Capable of speeds better than 2,000 mph, the YF-12A is the hottest aircrafi'iirouitd. Now Maj. Walter F. Daniel, test pilot for the YF-12A, answers your questions about the world's fastest manned airplane and America's Aerospace Team.
Student Council Lays Plans.ToAttend Area Six
German Group Elects Officers
Testing Deadlines Near for ACT Test
Marketing finds Key to Success
(Ma j. Danitl, a mt pilot sinct 1954. is a member of th ~ Society of Exptrimtntal TeJt Pilots. He rtceivtd a B.S. d~g ru in Aeronautkal Eng;n~ering from the University of Oklahoma. l n February 1962 , he stt world class time-to-climb records in a T-38 jtt trainu.)
Nt'll Che~elle SS ~9 6 Sport Coupe11/ilh clean-sculpted all-new Body by Fisher.
by Chevrolet Two new Super Sport beauties for ' 66-a hardtop and convertible -propelled by nothing less than the new Turbo-Jet 396 VB. This remarkably e fficient power plant, wi t h aircraft-type v alves, d eep-breath· ing ports and o t h er d esign advances, develops 325 hp in t he standard v ersion. And you're welcome to ordet' more;-in a 360-hp version-if you' r e ~o inclined.
Both Chevelle SS 396 models rlde on a special flat-cornering chassis. A fully s ynchronized 3 -speed transmission with floor-mounted stick shift is standard. Or y ou can order a 4 -speed or Powerglide - also S trato-bucket front seats, center console and full SS instrumentation. Y our Chevrolet dealer's is the place t o see h ow all this feels from behind the wheel. He's a great believer i n letting the customers h andle the merchandi,se;
See the new '66 Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy n, Corvair and Corvette at your dealer's
Is 1M YF·l2A lbe world's fastest manned air<raft? It certainly is. On May I <>f this year the YF-i2A (formerly known as 1he A-ll) reclaimed the wo rld a bsolule speed record from the USSR. It was ~locked al 2,062 mph over Edwards Air Force Base_ How bJc Is tbe YF·IlA? The exact dimensions of the YF-12A have not been re.leased yet- But il's approximately 100 feet lo ng, wuh about a SO-foot wingspan. That's half again as b1g as our present interceptors! Is the Air Forte !raiDing many men as pilots lbese days? Yes, ver y definitely. In spile of all you hear about unman_ned veh.icles, the human pilol is still very m uch 1n the p1c1ure. As a maHer of fact the Air Force pilot quota is on the increase: ' What other kinds of jobs does the Air Force offer? Since .it's _o ne of the world's foremost technological organ1zat10ns, the Air Force has plent y of openings for SCJ_e ~ llsts and engineers. There a re al so many ch~ l~ ngmg and varied administrative·managerial pos111ons. What do I have to do to become aa Air Forte officer? 1\i.r Force ROTC islhe be$t way 10 get started as an
Air Force officer. The new two-year Air Force ROTC program makes th is method available to me n who have already completed a year or two ot thei t college educatio n. For college graduates, if you did no l take advantage of ROTC, you can still get started through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS ), a three-month course open to both. me n and women. Can I keep up my studies wbUe I'm in tbe Air Force? The Air Force tncourageJ its men and women to continue their educations. Fo r jnsta nce, you may qualify to stud y for a graduale degree during o ffduty ho urs, with the Air Force paying a substantial part of the luition. Wbal kind of future do I have In the Air Force? A bright one. As we move further into lhe Aerospace Age, the Air Force is going to grow even more importa nt. And you can grow wjtb iH
United States Air Force. j-Hq~~;,------------1
I Depl. SCP-59 I Box A, Randolph AFB, Texas 78148 I Please send me more information on I 0 Air Force ROTC 0 Air Force OTS. I Name I I A~~ I a~
1· State
ip Code
L·--- --------------1
ASB President Plans Trip to Student Meeting
Audio-Visual Starts Extended Program Under Bob Nelson
Senate Position Gained By Engineering Instructor
Tli'ursi!ay, Octoller '7, 1965
Shaw Sends African Letter
C!fit~ C!Io.llt!Jt <lrimtli r ubUshed oech Thu.:Sdoy 0f lh b c~ ~lleqe, Supported, in ;,~.ho:y1 ~5~Ci:t!~· J~:~:~lism
Hanjs Shaw, ex-Business instructm· at City College, was granted a two year sabbatieal last year Lo leach at Ugand<t College of Commerce in Central Africa. Editor ----···-·- RON GREEN Adv. Mgr. JOHN MIGUELGORRY In a letter to Dr. Percival Bliss, Asst. Ed it. -·---······- LEE NORMAN Busi ness Mgr. ·--·-··· BRUCE RIGGS CC vice-presiden t, Shaw descrlbes News Ed il. --··--·- SUSIE JONES the College of Commerce, and Nigh! Editor .... DON KAWASHIMA gtves his impressions of Africa. F.. ture Desl --··· JIM SCHROEDER Steff Artist -·················· BILL LANCE Some excerpts from his letter Sports Edil. -·-·-······ BOB BORZONE Adviler - -·· ·-- --·· -·- C. W. PALMER are· ""The School has 180 boarding l t students jn the d:Jy classes and 180 town studems in the e~ening ~ 1 ' classes from 5 to 7, four nights a THREE ffiANIANS and a tow tnlck r 0 covering four subjects. setting. The truck opei'ntor tried t 0 pe ntor s1:.ent 18 hours 1n th ey refused t.o let him. do it. tow away th e stu tlents car, 14 students are motivated ) I am teachmg Accounting lOA to the Advanced Level students and I will cover lOA and lOB in' four • Somewhe~e b angs a plaqlle with the names of lhe ou ls tand 12-week quarters, with the same m g clubs on 11. The sa me names will a lways b e o . I N I . • an yone cares. n 1 • ot t 1at students. "Kampala is located on seven 1 hills, close to Lake Victoria a t an kno:'s or unprovenlen t on th e ca mpus" 0 H elevation of 3700'. We have 'a view d eXISt Last week things really began to began t t the benefit of the stud ent body." ' . r · · · to ren e r serVIce for over the lake from our house, mushroom for CC studerrts Mo.d V o ow therr car away. hammund Competition for the oulslandin Farrokh and Iraj Vas ~at asstgh went to buy t he 1 b very s ligh t. Onl a few ( how g _c u on campus award i s tt's out there,ssuch and you can't it. sigh, and the-ir fri~nd Massoud b ur~ers, Farrokh walked to a butthehazei that you see know used?) clubs rf. ll y participat::'~ny _tomes h':: that phra se been It is roughly 200 mHes square, Shadzad, a student from Cabrillo s{ay.::. a~h c~mpany and 111 only ones who care? ' campus ana1rs. Are they the L"k 40.000 square miles. making it the College in Aptos. All the students m m the car. 1 Wouldn't it be great if • • • What about the res t of th e cl ubs? S second largest fresh-water Jake m are from Iran. e most tow truck 1. number, quality counts more Tl . h ome c a•m th ey l ack The boys srud they parked th"" un!Sanchez would not lower their You could have back all the Lhe world, affecting the total climto raise their soft voices wh~ ley a re L e sa me ones w h o begi n ~·r ess they paid h' tlme you spent studying. ate of the area. We hope car to m a lot reserved for patrons of and t h· take Jm a fee of club is trying to take over. Take ro:~~s r;~art thaltdn"!erchao~ising Cl a four day boat trip around1 the Willie's Charcoal Pit 2920 Steve IS started the sit-in. door wasn't open. ' · ey cou n t come Jf the ns could not . . . asses started after 12:00 a.m. lake before we leave. tow the ca C reek Blvd. a nd the n Frank San th . . r , away Thmking about violating a traf- ···Yo~ didn't need a college edu. The. words fall on d eaf ears. H eads nod . " cation chez, operator of Ace Auto Repai~ re=~ic~7o~! because of to get the job you want. ''The arch ttecture of Kampa! is action will re main stagnant c· 1 C . Jn ac reeme nt, but fic regulation in order to make .. . There were more school 11 hoJi- Mies van de Rohe mOOern coupled Co.•. 757 W. San Carlos, attached after the chili presidents ha~e·~:a Durin the . . ege Will !on& h~ h ere even that 9.00 class days. with pre-Livingsto ne mud and chams to their car and started to tried g on tim~? Slt-m. the quie tin g only a f e w voices. se to pound theJr tHed gavels, .. • The Un,·on snrved bee b to ftl e the c~am off of wattle. The chu, rches a nd mosques tow it away. That's when the sit-in Forget it. The minutes one "'" r and o f all faiths are magnificient. Most began. car ut to no avatl. Sanchez Big Game wee k will soon pizza. h Tl , at l east 32 qu een candidates b e tld . . ereb. oeres a possibility Ulal spends ad hermg to the traffic. rules to stop them it wa will be. .. . Nobody cared what order your of the schools in Uganda are built cot e <Lommated. Perh aps 20 The St·t·m ended when the stu - next da ' s 2 3 5 8 ards on hills at least 200-300 feet hi"gher dehnts got out J .S. on campus are few compared ,t o to stop four youths ans for • • , c were in. the hoW'S s Pen t following the . .. Teachers thought g rades were than t~le surround1ngs . We are w o were rockmg t he car whtle it He I . • . auns that they ridiculous and stopped giving 2T'h miles firom the equator, but was up m th e aJr behind Sanchez's kicked cand standard Citation procedure. tr k h. . exams. w~ sleep with a blanket over us . truck. Sanchez took t he opportunduring th s uc 1m Wltlh the _ Having received a citation, the ... You could just stop smoking. Much b as been said about those h e struggle. "The staff he re at the school ity to drive their car away. 11 f~rst step is to report to the college What about those who t r y to get w ~-ye dand do nothing. ... Room 28 and D-101 were closer consists of one American four The four youths, one of them where? Th ey may be . . so met Ing one a nd get no- fma nce office within ten calendar together For the second year Canadians, one Goan two' Irish the son of Los A-ltos . · a m1noruy but the · S P ohce Oh•ef . days to be scheduled for a court res1stance they meet take~ Lh f oi-ientated KREP r:adio ' f ... There was some art put up in two English, and· two 'u gandans Y eXIs t. omehm cs tl1e Roland Renshaw, allegedly jumped to chan ge o r people too :et ~ orm. 0 persons who a r e unwilJjn g appoi ntment.· the faculty loung". delightful blend. As a matter 'of ?n the car and Farrokh made a cit- honoring San Jose City suggestio ns. Th ree c h 01ces await the student JU l l eir ways to lis ten to fresh , n e w students along with larger "'" open when f traffic violator when this sched- · · · All the classes were act, you've Mver lived until you •zens arrest of all of them. Nearby and universities , t you wanted them. in the San have heard a n Irish Lassie, blueSometimes rules or ]aws have to h policemen took custody of the ] order that their task mi ght b region. ment date arnves. He ~ 1anged or a m e nde d in· Uled appom youths and brought them to Juve· · Th ey are persistent, diligent :o:~omp~~ ted. Yet, they mana ge. his may,offense giVtng great KREP's "Campus Car a v to · hbo rmll' · plead:constderal!on guilty, guilty nelg class in Accounting. nile Hall. Renshaw was released show, broadcast do a great deal, even wh th . ers. ese are th e people who at 105.7 on bail. • changes or don't seem to et eu ~~for t s make no noticeable wtth extenuatmg circumstance s or FM band, from 10·30 to m~<Im~l l If ~Ill Radunich, restaurant owner, . 1a ve posJt.Jve r esults. is dedicated to organizations a gr oup uses ItS power for SBld t hey dtd not come in to get d th . chooses to ..be h ave still succeeded. Maybe th the college campuses. Folk·rn!ISit h a gol cause at fa,]s, they hamburgers a nd therefore they about existin!J' policies or ~y ave on y raised a few questions considered not guilty, after a reaslightful ins~mental groups, vocal1sts, a:J features of fashion; pop shouldn' t have been By LYN CZUJ parked in his issue sh ould take n Ma pertiaps they h ave taken issu e where onable occas1onal comedians are reatum With the advent of northerly art, won<J.erful colors, and abstract lot. Period of discussion in not r ealized until th : nby mes th e e ffects of t h e ir labor are which the defendant on the show, toge ther with designs included. wmds and low pleads lying 'his fog, and sandT The students claim they drove in f I e Issue ecomes m ore paramount of campus activities. Surfer clothes will belong to the case, a verdict lS rendered by the als and summer dresses on campus o ten t ICY a ce for~rotten d to get hamburgers and Sanchez of anyoosocie ty. e ' an yet t h ey ar e . a vital p a rt student body justices. They decide Will change rapidly to long days of yore, and the sport's folstockJ .S. lowe~ will have to pack up their the verdict by a majority vote. togs and overcoats. baggies al)d bikinis until surfing If t~e defendant Is Judged gmlty, Madras should stil1 rank number he IS Informed of the possible pen- one, revealing its ·popularity; m a weather comes again. . Biklni scarfs, though, th~ alty or penalties for his offense and conglomerati on of wmdbreakers btggest boomers on this campus sentenced or (if he's lucky ) dis- shirts, dresses, belts, headbands: The brigbter the better. · rrussed. blouses, and scarfs. Coordmation is the key word in So, remember, before parking in Shells will be "in" this season style, rejectmg the old impasse that space marked reserved, don't. a 1 on g with shou lder bags and matched wardrobes. The idea is to But if you do, don't gripe about stacked heels. If at least one of coordinate the same color, punctuthese items doesn't grace You r ati ng it with bright accessories. getting a citation. closet, you might as well pack up And keep in mind the old adage . As Curt Hodgkins, associate jus- and head for the hills. "Clothes don't make t he man"~ ttce,. says, "Be glad that there is Coo1e-r weather will short circuit b~t they help. no fme -as there mlght be if the the lengthy spell ellJOYed by the city police or the highway patrol shtft craze. This development rules tssued the tickets." out the majority of the most declasses at San
Jagged Jottings
C.shformo Newspaper Publish~rs Association S d Cl t Body funds. Member Jose, Calit, Sl.lbscription rates: Sl.OO per ye~r eco~O ass postaq& paid at San ext. 230, or ¢ per copy. Phone 298·21 81 ,
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Through C•ltat"lons .,.
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Unsun g Heroe s
It's a little late to cry over spilt milk, so the best thing to do is toward next season. If the Giants are to be a contender they must acquire a strong left-handed starting pttcher Gaylord Perry ought to be shot, Mansonan Murakami should be sent home, Dick Schofield <I Warren Spahn should retire, and Orlando Cepeda, Cap Peterson, Matty AJou, Ron Herbel and Dick Bertell should be traded. Cepeda is just about a cinch to go, and SJCC coach H arley Dow believes Orlando will be sent to the Mets a long ·w tth Peterson a nd Bertell for pitcher Alvin Jackson, inf1elder Roy McMillan, and anothel couple of players. . It looks like 1966 is the year- for the Giants to finish in the second divis10n.
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St:uting I .. in e-ups Cor tomorrow nl gll t contest~
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B . Ra nsonett M . Boeger P..,. S mH·h
R. 1\fllan T.G J . Shelley B. Kulhmnnn LT · r~ L. Williams U nd ert e rmined QB C ra ig S httl'te Fl TB M. Goodman FB I. Rosenburg
M. Wharton J . Joseph T . Doritt R. Otvos
R. E nos D . Lurschied .!\. Taylor R . R e m1 ngf:on
George Allis·on Replaces Padgett as Hoop Mentor "I think this is a very nice place to live, its much better than being in aH that smog in Los Angeles... And so far as my new position, well a ll I can say is that I am very enthused, and ·r hope. to keep the tradition up around here in so far as winning in basketball San Jose has had some very fine teams in the past and I wiU do my very best to keep up the good. work." Coach AlLison showed quite a b1t of optinusm when. asked to comment on this years cage crop. He only stated that the guard candidates were strong and the front line has good size. B asketball practice startell on Sevt. 21st :uul is held on vari ous du.ys twic-e} a week. Any prospects where he had a very successfuJ wan ting to try out tOll' the temu career as a coach in basketba ll and tennis. Alliso n's past reco rd s houh.l eontact Co:tch Allison in sho·w s t ha.t he has :tll t h e poten- the men's gym. tials of being a. real g re at coach.
B y RAY HARRISON George Allison will start his first season as pilot of the 1965-66 Jaguar cagers . George is a 1952 graduate of Oregon State University, where he was a "hotshot" eager for three years. Being a versatile athlete, AJiison was a "crack-shot" guard on the basketball team, also captain of the Oregon State netterS. After graduating Iron1 Oregon he we nt on to graduate school a.t U.C.L.A. Allison stt1rted his work a.t Nomtabe lo High School in Eaj:lt Los Angeles whe re he taught for three yea.rs. H e spent his last 9 years coa<: hing at Arroyo High SchooL (also in Los Angeles)
Times Pig ski n Picks I I
Stanford vs.
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Green Bay
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Ra iders
AddreSS-- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --
I1 CHy
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Air Fore• Slippe•y Rock '
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A all ·out on the senses. It swells wrth joy. zest, dehght io the tJWOrld, the awful ecstasies of the young A splend id blaze of nonsense as the camera careens all over london, catchmg the s pirit of a genetation in full flight. A areat film!
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Swin gline
looked the man who led the DodBy PAT. CAVATAIO gers in home runs, b1g Lou John"It's a shame!" This was the son with 12, and a smashing .261 cry throughout every baseball city, ballmg average. ThiS 1s truly sad except in Los Angeles where the in an era when home runs are Dodgers had just beaten the Mil- being hit more than any other waukee Braves, 3-1 to clmch the time in baseball history. National League Pennant. The fact In order of finish for the batting that the score was 3-1 didn't rna t - t!tle W1lls was 19th, Gilliam was ter; what did matter is that the 25th (he failed to qualify due to "Hitless Wonders" pounded out a tack m number of at bats), Frurly grand total of 2 HITS. and both of was 31st, and Johnson was 44th. these were singles. The pattern To me watching the Dodgers play of the DodgerS have followed is like sitting through a Sonny and throughout the year has been, a Cher concert, 1t wtll bore you to walk, a stolen base, followed by a tears, · espeCially if Wtlls is having a bad day. single and they \Yln 1-0. • The Dodgers were 7th in team It's sad when a pitcher leads batting in the National League and your team in batting and finishes II dead last in HOME RUNS with 78; tied for 5th in home-runs with 2 this IS sad when you notice Hous- other regulars. This is what Don ton hit 20 more home runs and Drysdale has done, he led the finished in 9th place. The highest Dodgers with a .302 aver~e. and hitting- regular was Maury Wills had 8 home-run·s. It wasn't sad with a lusty 288 batting average enough that pitching was 98% wti1ch included NO home-runs and of thetr ball clui}, but to really 33 RBI's. I'm not taking anything put the 1cing on the cake a pitcher away from Wills beCause everyone stole all the hilling honors too. If knows he steals bases whenever fUlYOne has tickets to a Sonny and he, likes, plus the fact that short- Cher concert and would like to stops generally are not big average make a trade, I have some 1965 or home-run hltters ; but what World Series tickets. does this say about the rest of the Dodger team? FOOTBA LL FoUowmg W1lls we have ancient OCTOBER 8 Fri.-Diablo Valley ........ H 8:00 p.m. Jun G1lliam who as part time I b Sat.-Foothill ·~ ...... ··--· T 8:00p.m. Player hit .283, then comes the 23 Sat.--Chabot ·-· ......... T s,oo p.m. Dodgers BIG GUN, "Ron Fairly 29 Fri.-Me rritt ··-·-:. ........ H 8:00p.m. Who was rapping that ball al a lusty .274 pace w1th "9" home- NOVEMBER b Sat.-Contra Costa .~ ...... H 2:00p.m. runs and 69 RBI's. What sheer 12 Fri.-San Francilco ... T 2:00 p.m. 20 Sat.-San Mateo PGwer th1s Dodger lineup has, but T I :30 p.m. Wait one mrnute, I almost over·
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Big Variety of /ntramurals Highlight Upcoming Week
* * *
Swin gline [1]
La~l Friday afternoon, Coach Charlte Baker sent his youthful team up against some very strong oppo~nts in a dual practice meet hosted by San Jose Slate. There was nQ official score kept, but naturaVy each coach kept his own C l'fY COT"LEGE TIMES-3 team's order of finish. Although the order of finish ranged from t hird to 37th, Baker was very pleased with the showing of the team. The only thing that caused coach Baker to worry was the leg injury to Humberto Hernande-L:. Het:nandez, w ho injured his leg in practice duri ng the week, OOke place. Students can select a trted sportingly to fmish the race pardner and ente1· into the com- Froday, but the coach thought it petition Trophies will be gtven to best that he pull out. the winners and mterested doubles Bob Sa ndoval le d th e t r osh-t aden teams can sign up and get further rn.mblers with a. t hird place, over· infonnat1on from Coach Si S1moni. t\ 11 finis h. B ob would have been a. This tournament wtll be played w1th handtca.ps so everyone will ci nch second in the race, but t he re have an equal chance of winning was a. mLx-up on one of the t urns aml by t he ti.Jne he had cor:rected the top spot.
On the ground the locals are led on the ground by number two Fullback Rich Ruiz, on the str~ngth of his opening game performance agamst Fresno amassing 42 yards.
The free learn to bowl class is still continuing at F oest<t Lanes bowling alley for both men and women students of San Jose Ci'ty College. The only requh·ement to be eligible (or the class is t hat the student must hftve a student body card. Interested people who During a four year period at Arwould· like to learn how to bowl tt he was far beltind. H e made up royo h e compiled a 38 win 2 Joss can sWl sign up in the men's or BASCOM most of t he ill stan<:e, but not m San Jose C1ty College's annual ark in bask etball. In 1962 he had The Jaguar footballers open their GGC s la te tomorrow night hy women's gym. This is a big chance AUTO ELECTRIC enouglt, as he cam e in abo ut seven a 2S won 2 lost reco rd in tennjs. hosting usually w eak Diablo Valley at 8:00 p.m. on t he Jaguar F ield . for those people who would like Turkey Trot will take place Monyard s behind the sooond 1)laee day, October 23rd at l1 o'clock No Over~tlt he built 5 league c hamThe ·VIkings are expected to fi e ld theLr best-ever team, and Jag coach to be taught the correct way to Tune-Ups trackmen who have competed in finisher. pionships in busketba.ll aml 8 learoll a bowhng ball. Jim Wheeleban. c.x:peets a. tough battle . Jim Rocca and Don Hand had gue • , • By Carl college track will be allowed 1\) ch a.mpionShfps in tennis. The local eleven is just roundmg into top form after completing very good times al'though their compete in this When m1le to asked a mile how and he felt about • Brake Service their exhibition eampaigTh. Coacb-Wheel ehan may present a . {ew new The regular men a nd women 12th a nd 13th place finishes might here in San Jose, and his faces in the starting line-up m an effort to get the team jelling. The bowhng handicap league is still a quarter race. • Inboard-Outb oard not show it. Both runners were new pos1tion he replied· Clubs are asked to select repreRepair squad is a crowd pleasing one as they rely heavily on a passmg attack, open to interested students. The less than two minutes behind third sentatives to run in this race. Any • General Repalrs day that the league play takes and often go for the long bomb. place Sandoval. Gd out to the stadium Fr1day night and give your team the sup- place is every Wednesday at 3:10 amount of men can race- and the • Boat and Trailer This Saturday the cross coun try BATTEN'S ART port w htch it both needs and deserves. Even the peanuts, which were at Fiesta Lanes. Special low rat-es 2nd thru 7th wmners will get Wirin9 boys are entering in the ~acra FLORIST nauseatingly lousy last year, are promised to be a btt fresher. are gtven to bowlers in t his league. turkeys for their effort and the mento Invitational at <:oer..o montnl quickest man w1U get a mce troI 0"/. Di•count In the near future, the men's to Student. State College. handicap doubles tournament will phy. 532 S. Bascom Ave. CY 3-0655 ASSORTED B.A.LONEY: Bud l{oper of the W arriorS is noted as a San Jo5e longshot artist. This ts absolutely true, because when Kbper enters the game the Warriors automatically wear the 'longshot' role . . .• If Wayne Swin1ord doesn't buy some glue pretty soou , the SJ)Orts sht.ff is going to buy hjm a bottle a nd sblp it to him s pecial de lh·ery •..• Jag quarterback Bob Toledo is leading the nation in one statistical departPAZ ment. He paces the country by throwing nine interceptions .••• Fred 808 FRED RAY PAT ROCHA BORZONE JONES HARRISON Jones' weekly Beaver Scouting report doesn' t a ppear this week. It CAVATAIO Material s, Inc. TEAM {I 0-8) \ will return when the hunting Improves . ... Any rebroadc:.nst, reJ)TO· (13-5) (13-5) 1 (12-6J 1 (12-6} 262 So. 1st St., San Jo•e duction, or other use of tills colum n without the co nsent or t he writer Diablo Valley SJCC 298-1557 Oieblo \ l!l absolutely e n couraged . SJCC SJCC \ SJCC vs. SJCC SJS 1 BYU 1 BYU 1 svu 1 ONE WEEK ONLY! BYU 1 Santa Clara 2-ARM LUFO TYPE TABLE lAMP Santa Clara _ \ San+• Claro \ santa clar• Santa c1...
run to c ross the plate.
* *
Harrier s Strong In Practic e Meet
Why did the Giants lose the pennan t? The major reason seems to he ..vith the way Herman Franks juggled his plilyers during tbe final two weeks. During the 14·game win skein , Franks stayed With the same line· UP no matter H the Giants were facing •a r ight-hander or a leftbander. In the stretch, however, the rookie manager inserted s uch untried ind~Vlduals as Ken H enderson and Ollie Brown mto t he starting nine. Neither of these boys were able to come through, and the Giant s lost games wh1ch they should have won Franks 1>0orest m anagerial strategy w as hls a lmost incessant use Thursday, October 7, 1965 of reliever Gaylord Perry. Perr y, the gophe r ball k ing, is by far the worst c lutch perform er on the club. For som e reason Franks would always call on Perry to get the locnls out of a jam with runn ers on base. Nine times out of 10 Perry .responded by aJlowing t h e winning
San Jose City College's JaguarS pounce back into act ton tomorrow night against the undefeated and highly touted Diablo Valley V1k· mgs, in the Jaguar Jungle at 8 p.m. Coming jnto t he ti1t, S a n Jose boasts the fact that they have never been beaten by the Vikings. duting back lo lhe series conceptiqn during the old Coas t Conference's compc:tit ton in the '50's.
The Los Angeles Dodgers have proved that pitching is 75% of baSeball . They combined fabulous pitch ing wHh banjo hitttng, and ~ound up w1th the Nationa l League pennant flag. The late season hurling of Sandy Koufax, Don Drysdale,- Claude Osteen, and Ron Perranos ki was slightly mote than sensational Any pitclung staff that fires eight shutouts out of th-etr final 14 tilts has to be domg it w1th f.ldar rn t he fmal two week~ Dodger batsmen were only gar nermg three and rour hits a game, but meanwh ile the pitchers were only giving the opponents two or thr~e hits per outing. Drysdale won h is final Lhree srorts by shutouts, whJ1e Koufax d id the same. Re1Jever Pen·ano~ki shut the door on any uprising that the enemy would try to tgmte. It's ha:rd to tmtlPrstnnd hO\l' the Dodgers won tile p enun.nt if you only look :1t the batting st a ti stics. 'l'he lending hitter W 3s l>itl' he•· Drysdale \Vith a. .302 m:uk, while his 1tine hom e r~ were t hi rd be~t ou tbe club. t\(anry \Vilis, t he over-rated silorllstop, stole 92 basPs, hut set !l league rf.cord by getting thrown OU1 34 occasion.<;;. Th e ('O mluned avera.ge of th e sta,rtlng outfie lde rs was an :u1emic .255. The Dodgers should take the World Series solely because of their pitchmg. Mmnesota h asn't faced anyone all year who c'an compare with e1ther of the golddust twins. The American League IS far mferior to their counterpart in the pitching department, as there are at least etght senior loop hurlers who are better than the bes t the Americans can offer. I pe rson a lly hope t he Dodgers get hombe tl , hu t it loo l<s ti S though Los Angeles wi11 n a b the title in five ga.mes.
Parked Car Creates Problems for Iranians
~nyl_~~ ~j,~~~~~],:n';~ ~~:r;o;!:g: ~!~~· c~~~~h:~~ ~~YL ';':~o
mentor Jim Wheelehan feels that his underdog charges can leap into the win column for the first time, if his undermanned crew can cure up the m1stakes wh1ch have hurt them thus far. The optimistic coach expounded that the young de[nestve backfield which pleast'd the locals with !heir lus t tilt. is beginning to jell with hnrd wol'k and detenninatio n . T h e vlsiton boom bn.t'k A I tie Taylor ns tlwlr ace mo.iJ p:1.ckc·r, Diablo VaH ey~ which hna been ~· perf·nrtlal cellar dweller in the wi th rangy receiver Brad H ilmGo ld en On.te Conference, looks to sonett lhe top Vlke pass receiver. Jmve its best aggregate since 196L. Thus far Diablo Valley has wh en t hey wer e rated ninth in t he polished Modesto 7-0, and Santa nation among junlor coll ege g rid Rosa 18-13. elevens, :uad were co.-ehamJ)ions of San Jose will be led into action the Coast Conference with San by receivers Craig Shupe and Jim Jose; even though t h e Jags bounc- Heckendorn, who have caught 18 ed t he Vikings in t he '6J outlng. passes bet ween them for 259 yards. After a good showing in this weeks intrasquad scrurn, head
Help or /-Iinder
Gri dde rs Ho st Dia blo As Title Race Op ens
-Hews-" &Uaaz-
Tli'ursi!ay, Octoller '7, 1965
Shaw Sends African Letter
C!fit~ C!Io.llt!Jt <lrimtli r ubUshed oech Thu.:Sdoy 0f lh b c~ ~lleqe, Supported, in ;,~.ho:y1 ~5~Ci:t!~· J~:~:~lism
Hanjs Shaw, ex-Business instructm· at City College, was granted a two year sabbatieal last year Lo leach at Ugand<t College of Commerce in Central Africa. Editor ----···-·- RON GREEN Adv. Mgr. JOHN MIGUELGORRY In a letter to Dr. Percival Bliss, Asst. Ed it. -·---······- LEE NORMAN Busi ness Mgr. ·--·-··· BRUCE RIGGS CC vice-presiden t, Shaw descrlbes News Ed il. --··--·- SUSIE JONES the College of Commerce, and Nigh! Editor .... DON KAWASHIMA gtves his impressions of Africa. F.. ture Desl --··· JIM SCHROEDER Steff Artist -·················· BILL LANCE Some excerpts from his letter Sports Edil. -·-·-······ BOB BORZONE Adviler - -·· ·-- --·· -·- C. W. PALMER are· ""The School has 180 boarding l t students jn the d:Jy classes and 180 town studems in the e~ening ~ 1 ' classes from 5 to 7, four nights a THREE ffiANIANS and a tow tnlck r 0 covering four subjects. setting. The truck opei'ntor tried t 0 pe ntor s1:.ent 18 hours 1n th ey refused t.o let him. do it. tow away th e stu tlents car, 14 students are motivated ) I am teachmg Accounting lOA to the Advanced Level students and I will cover lOA and lOB in' four • Somewhe~e b angs a plaqlle with the names of lhe ou ls tand 12-week quarters, with the same m g clubs on 11. The sa me names will a lways b e o . I N I . • an yone cares. n 1 • ot t 1at students. "Kampala is located on seven 1 hills, close to Lake Victoria a t an kno:'s or unprovenlen t on th e ca mpus" 0 H elevation of 3700'. We have 'a view d eXISt Last week things really began to began t t the benefit of the stud ent body." ' . r · · · to ren e r serVIce for over the lake from our house, mushroom for CC studerrts Mo.d V o ow therr car away. hammund Competition for the oulslandin Farrokh and Iraj Vas ~at asstgh went to buy t he 1 b very s ligh t. Onl a few ( how g _c u on campus award i s tt's out there,ssuch and you can't it. sigh, and the-ir fri~nd Massoud b ur~ers, Farrokh walked to a butthehazei that you see know used?) clubs rf. ll y participat::'~ny _tomes h':: that phra se been It is roughly 200 mHes square, Shadzad, a student from Cabrillo s{ay.::. a~h c~mpany and 111 only ones who care? ' campus ana1rs. Are they the L"k 40.000 square miles. making it the College in Aptos. All the students m m the car. 1 Wouldn't it be great if • • • What about the res t of th e cl ubs? S second largest fresh-water Jake m are from Iran. e most tow truck 1. number, quality counts more Tl . h ome c a•m th ey l ack The boys srud they parked th"" un!Sanchez would not lower their You could have back all the Lhe world, affecting the total climto raise their soft voices wh~ ley a re L e sa me ones w h o begi n ~·r ess they paid h' tlme you spent studying. ate of the area. We hope car to m a lot reserved for patrons of and t h· take Jm a fee of club is trying to take over. Take ro:~~s r;~art thaltdn"!erchao~ising Cl a four day boat trip around1 the Willie's Charcoal Pit 2920 Steve IS started the sit-in. door wasn't open. ' · ey cou n t come Jf the ns could not . . . asses started after 12:00 a.m. lake before we leave. tow the ca C reek Blvd. a nd the n Frank San th . . r , away Thmking about violating a traf- ···Yo~ didn't need a college edu. The. words fall on d eaf ears. H eads nod . " cation chez, operator of Ace Auto Repai~ re=~ic~7o~! because of to get the job you want. ''The arch ttecture of Kampa! is action will re main stagnant c· 1 C . Jn ac reeme nt, but fic regulation in order to make .. . There were more school 11 hoJi- Mies van de Rohe mOOern coupled Co.•. 757 W. San Carlos, attached after the chili presidents ha~e·~:a Durin the . . ege Will !on& h~ h ere even that 9.00 class days. with pre-Livingsto ne mud and chams to their car and started to tried g on tim~? Slt-m. the quie tin g only a f e w voices. se to pound theJr tHed gavels, .. • The Un,·on snrved bee b to ftl e the c~am off of wattle. The chu, rches a nd mosques tow it away. That's when the sit-in Forget it. The minutes one "'" r and o f all faiths are magnificient. Most began. car ut to no avatl. Sanchez Big Game wee k will soon pizza. h Tl , at l east 32 qu een candidates b e tld . . ereb. oeres a possibility Ulal spends ad hermg to the traffic. rules to stop them it wa will be. .. . Nobody cared what order your of the schools in Uganda are built cot e <Lommated. Perh aps 20 The St·t·m ended when the stu - next da ' s 2 3 5 8 ards on hills at least 200-300 feet hi"gher dehnts got out J .S. on campus are few compared ,t o to stop four youths ans for • • , c were in. the hoW'S s Pen t following the . .. Teachers thought g rades were than t~le surround1ngs . We are w o were rockmg t he car whtle it He I . • . auns that they ridiculous and stopped giving 2T'h miles firom the equator, but was up m th e aJr behind Sanchez's kicked cand standard Citation procedure. tr k h. . exams. w~ sleep with a blanket over us . truck. Sanchez took t he opportunduring th s uc 1m Wltlh the _ Having received a citation, the ... You could just stop smoking. Much b as been said about those h e struggle. "The staff he re at the school ity to drive their car away. 11 f~rst step is to report to the college What about those who t r y to get w ~-ye dand do nothing. ... Room 28 and D-101 were closer consists of one American four The four youths, one of them where? Th ey may be . . so met Ing one a nd get no- fma nce office within ten calendar together For the second year Canadians, one Goan two' Irish the son of Los A-ltos . · a m1noruy but the · S P ohce Oh•ef . days to be scheduled for a court res1stance they meet take~ Lh f oi-ientated KREP r:adio ' f ... There was some art put up in two English, and· two 'u gandans Y eXIs t. omehm cs tl1e Roland Renshaw, allegedly jumped to chan ge o r people too :et ~ orm. 0 persons who a r e unwilJjn g appoi ntment.· the faculty loung". delightful blend. As a matter 'of ?n the car and Farrokh made a cit- honoring San Jose City suggestio ns. Th ree c h 01ces await the student JU l l eir ways to lis ten to fresh , n e w students along with larger "'" open when f traffic violator when this sched- · · · All the classes were act, you've Mver lived until you •zens arrest of all of them. Nearby and universities , t you wanted them. in the San have heard a n Irish Lassie, blueSometimes rules or ]aws have to h policemen took custody of the ] order that their task mi ght b region. ment date arnves. He ~ 1anged or a m e nde d in· Uled appom youths and brought them to Juve· · Th ey are persistent, diligent :o:~omp~~ ted. Yet, they mana ge. his may,offense giVtng great KREP's "Campus Car a v to · hbo rmll' · plead:constderal!on guilty, guilty nelg class in Accounting. nile Hall. Renshaw was released show, broadcast do a great deal, even wh th . ers. ese are th e people who at 105.7 on bail. • changes or don't seem to et eu ~~for t s make no noticeable wtth extenuatmg circumstance s or FM band, from 10·30 to m~<Im~l l If ~Ill Radunich, restaurant owner, . 1a ve posJt.Jve r esults. is dedicated to organizations a gr oup uses ItS power for SBld t hey dtd not come in to get d th . chooses to ..be h ave still succeeded. Maybe th the college campuses. Folk·rn!ISit h a gol cause at fa,]s, they hamburgers a nd therefore they about existin!J' policies or ~y ave on y raised a few questions considered not guilty, after a reaslightful ins~mental groups, vocal1sts, a:J features of fashion; pop shouldn' t have been By LYN CZUJ parked in his issue sh ould take n Ma pertiaps they h ave taken issu e where onable occas1onal comedians are reatum With the advent of northerly art, won<J.erful colors, and abstract lot. Period of discussion in not r ealized until th : nby mes th e e ffects of t h e ir labor are which the defendant on the show, toge ther with designs included. wmds and low pleads lying 'his fog, and sandT The students claim they drove in f I e Issue ecomes m ore paramount of campus activities. Surfer clothes will belong to the case, a verdict lS rendered by the als and summer dresses on campus o ten t ICY a ce for~rotten d to get hamburgers and Sanchez of anyoosocie ty. e ' an yet t h ey ar e . a vital p a rt student body justices. They decide Will change rapidly to long days of yore, and the sport's folstockJ .S. lowe~ will have to pack up their the verdict by a majority vote. togs and overcoats. baggies al)d bikinis until surfing If t~e defendant Is Judged gmlty, Madras should stil1 rank number he IS Informed of the possible pen- one, revealing its ·popularity; m a weather comes again. . Biklni scarfs, though, th~ alty or penalties for his offense and conglomerati on of wmdbreakers btggest boomers on this campus sentenced or (if he's lucky ) dis- shirts, dresses, belts, headbands: The brigbter the better. · rrussed. blouses, and scarfs. Coordmation is the key word in So, remember, before parking in Shells will be "in" this season style, rejectmg the old impasse that space marked reserved, don't. a 1 on g with shou lder bags and matched wardrobes. The idea is to But if you do, don't gripe about stacked heels. If at least one of coordinate the same color, punctuthese items doesn't grace You r ati ng it with bright accessories. getting a citation. closet, you might as well pack up And keep in mind the old adage . As Curt Hodgkins, associate jus- and head for the hills. "Clothes don't make t he man"~ ttce,. says, "Be glad that there is Coo1e-r weather will short circuit b~t they help. no fme -as there mlght be if the the lengthy spell ellJOYed by the city police or the highway patrol shtft craze. This development rules tssued the tickets." out the majority of the most declasses at San
Jagged Jottings
C.shformo Newspaper Publish~rs Association S d Cl t Body funds. Member Jose, Calit, Sl.lbscription rates: Sl.OO per ye~r eco~O ass postaq& paid at San ext. 230, or ¢ per copy. Phone 298·21 81 ,
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Through C•ltat"lons .,.
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Unsun g Heroe s
It's a little late to cry over spilt milk, so the best thing to do is toward next season. If the Giants are to be a contender they must acquire a strong left-handed starting pttcher Gaylord Perry ought to be shot, Mansonan Murakami should be sent home, Dick Schofield <I Warren Spahn should retire, and Orlando Cepeda, Cap Peterson, Matty AJou, Ron Herbel and Dick Bertell should be traded. Cepeda is just about a cinch to go, and SJCC coach H arley Dow believes Orlando will be sent to the Mets a long ·w tth Peterson a nd Bertell for pitcher Alvin Jackson, inf1elder Roy McMillan, and anothel couple of players. . It looks like 1966 is the year- for the Giants to finish in the second divis10n.
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George Allis·on Replaces Padgett as Hoop Mentor "I think this is a very nice place to live, its much better than being in aH that smog in Los Angeles... And so far as my new position, well a ll I can say is that I am very enthused, and ·r hope. to keep the tradition up around here in so far as winning in basketball San Jose has had some very fine teams in the past and I wiU do my very best to keep up the good. work." Coach AlLison showed quite a b1t of optinusm when. asked to comment on this years cage crop. He only stated that the guard candidates were strong and the front line has good size. B asketball practice startell on Sevt. 21st :uul is held on vari ous du.ys twic-e} a week. Any prospects where he had a very successfuJ wan ting to try out tOll' the temu career as a coach in basketba ll and tennis. Alliso n's past reco rd s houh.l eontact Co:tch Allison in sho·w s t ha.t he has :tll t h e poten- the men's gym. tials of being a. real g re at coach.
B y RAY HARRISON George Allison will start his first season as pilot of the 1965-66 Jaguar cagers . George is a 1952 graduate of Oregon State University, where he was a "hotshot" eager for three years. Being a versatile athlete, AJiison was a "crack-shot" guard on the basketball team, also captain of the Oregon State netterS. After graduating Iron1 Oregon he we nt on to graduate school a.t U.C.L.A. Allison stt1rted his work a.t Nomtabe lo High School in Eaj:lt Los Angeles whe re he taught for three yea.rs. H e spent his last 9 years coa<: hing at Arroyo High SchooL (also in Los Angeles)
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ljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil \
Swin gline
looked the man who led the DodBy PAT. CAVATAIO gers in home runs, b1g Lou John"It's a shame!" This was the son with 12, and a smashing .261 cry throughout every baseball city, ballmg average. ThiS 1s truly sad except in Los Angeles where the in an era when home runs are Dodgers had just beaten the Mil- being hit more than any other waukee Braves, 3-1 to clmch the time in baseball history. National League Pennant. The fact In order of finish for the batting that the score was 3-1 didn't rna t - t!tle W1lls was 19th, Gilliam was ter; what did matter is that the 25th (he failed to qualify due to "Hitless Wonders" pounded out a tack m number of at bats), Frurly grand total of 2 HITS. and both of was 31st, and Johnson was 44th. these were singles. The pattern To me watching the Dodgers play of the DodgerS have followed is like sitting through a Sonny and throughout the year has been, a Cher concert, 1t wtll bore you to walk, a stolen base, followed by a tears, · espeCially if Wtlls is having a bad day. single and they \Yln 1-0. • The Dodgers were 7th in team It's sad when a pitcher leads batting in the National League and your team in batting and finishes II dead last in HOME RUNS with 78; tied for 5th in home-runs with 2 this IS sad when you notice Hous- other regulars. This is what Don ton hit 20 more home runs and Drysdale has done, he led the finished in 9th place. The highest Dodgers with a .302 aver~e. and hitting- regular was Maury Wills had 8 home-run·s. It wasn't sad with a lusty 288 batting average enough that pitching was 98% wti1ch included NO home-runs and of thetr ball clui}, but to really 33 RBI's. I'm not taking anything put the 1cing on the cake a pitcher away from Wills beCause everyone stole all the hilling honors too. If knows he steals bases whenever fUlYOne has tickets to a Sonny and he, likes, plus the fact that short- Cher concert and would like to stops generally are not big average make a trade, I have some 1965 or home-run hltters ; but what World Series tickets. does this say about the rest of the Dodger team? FOOTBA LL FoUowmg W1lls we have ancient OCTOBER 8 Fri.-Diablo Valley ........ H 8:00 p.m. Jun G1lliam who as part time I b Sat.-Foothill ·~ ...... ··--· T 8:00p.m. Player hit .283, then comes the 23 Sat.--Chabot ·-· ......... T s,oo p.m. Dodgers BIG GUN, "Ron Fairly 29 Fri.-Me rritt ··-·-:. ........ H 8:00p.m. Who was rapping that ball al a lusty .274 pace w1th "9" home- NOVEMBER b Sat.-Contra Costa .~ ...... H 2:00p.m. runs and 69 RBI's. What sheer 12 Fri.-San Francilco ... T 2:00 p.m. 20 Sat.-San Mateo PGwer th1s Dodger lineup has, but T I :30 p.m. Wait one mrnute, I almost over·
owner of
Ctut not too snm>
'Power-Packed"Dodgers ::i:h~~~~y:::: Steal Flag FrOID GiantS s~:~~J~~:::
Each Keepsake setting is a ma~terpiece of design, reflecting the full brilliance and beauty of the center diamond ••. a perfect gem of flawless clarity, fine color and meticulous modern cut. The name, Keepsake, in the ring and on the tag is your assurance of fine quality. 'four very personal Keepsake Js now at your Keep sake Jeweler's store. Find him in the yellow pages under ",Jewelers."
Big Variety of /ntramurals Highlight Upcoming Week
* * *
Swin gline [1]
La~l Friday afternoon, Coach Charlte Baker sent his youthful team up against some very strong oppo~nts in a dual practice meet hosted by San Jose Slate. There was nQ official score kept, but naturaVy each coach kept his own C l'fY COT"LEGE TIMES-3 team's order of finish. Although the order of finish ranged from t hird to 37th, Baker was very pleased with the showing of the team. The only thing that caused coach Baker to worry was the leg injury to Humberto Hernande-L:. Het:nandez, w ho injured his leg in practice duri ng the week, OOke place. Students can select a trted sportingly to fmish the race pardner and ente1· into the com- Froday, but the coach thought it petition Trophies will be gtven to best that he pull out. the winners and mterested doubles Bob Sa ndoval le d th e t r osh-t aden teams can sign up and get further rn.mblers with a. t hird place, over· infonnat1on from Coach Si S1moni. t\ 11 finis h. B ob would have been a. This tournament wtll be played w1th handtca.ps so everyone will ci nch second in the race, but t he re have an equal chance of winning was a. mLx-up on one of the t urns aml by t he ti.Jne he had cor:rected the top spot.
On the ground the locals are led on the ground by number two Fullback Rich Ruiz, on the str~ngth of his opening game performance agamst Fresno amassing 42 yards.
The free learn to bowl class is still continuing at F oest<t Lanes bowling alley for both men and women students of San Jose Ci'ty College. The only requh·ement to be eligible (or the class is t hat the student must hftve a student body card. Interested people who During a four year period at Arwould· like to learn how to bowl tt he was far beltind. H e made up royo h e compiled a 38 win 2 Joss can sWl sign up in the men's or BASCOM most of t he ill stan<:e, but not m San Jose C1ty College's annual ark in bask etball. In 1962 he had The Jaguar footballers open their GGC s la te tomorrow night hy women's gym. This is a big chance AUTO ELECTRIC enouglt, as he cam e in abo ut seven a 2S won 2 lost reco rd in tennjs. hosting usually w eak Diablo Valley at 8:00 p.m. on t he Jaguar F ield . for those people who would like Turkey Trot will take place Monyard s behind the sooond 1)laee day, October 23rd at l1 o'clock No Over~tlt he built 5 league c hamThe ·VIkings are expected to fi e ld theLr best-ever team, and Jag coach to be taught the correct way to Tune-Ups trackmen who have competed in finisher. pionships in busketba.ll aml 8 learoll a bowhng ball. Jim Wheeleban. c.x:peets a. tough battle . Jim Rocca and Don Hand had gue • , • By Carl college track will be allowed 1\) ch a.mpionShfps in tennis. The local eleven is just roundmg into top form after completing very good times al'though their compete in this When m1le to asked a mile how and he felt about • Brake Service their exhibition eampaigTh. Coacb-Wheel ehan may present a . {ew new The regular men a nd women 12th a nd 13th place finishes might here in San Jose, and his faces in the starting line-up m an effort to get the team jelling. The bowhng handicap league is still a quarter race. • Inboard-Outb oard not show it. Both runners were new pos1tion he replied· Clubs are asked to select repreRepair squad is a crowd pleasing one as they rely heavily on a passmg attack, open to interested students. The less than two minutes behind third sentatives to run in this race. Any • General Repalrs day that the league play takes and often go for the long bomb. place Sandoval. Gd out to the stadium Fr1day night and give your team the sup- place is every Wednesday at 3:10 amount of men can race- and the • Boat and Trailer This Saturday the cross coun try BATTEN'S ART port w htch it both needs and deserves. Even the peanuts, which were at Fiesta Lanes. Special low rat-es 2nd thru 7th wmners will get Wirin9 boys are entering in the ~acra FLORIST nauseatingly lousy last year, are promised to be a btt fresher. are gtven to bowlers in t his league. turkeys for their effort and the mento Invitational at <:oer..o montnl quickest man w1U get a mce troI 0"/. Di•count In the near future, the men's to Student. State College. handicap doubles tournament will phy. 532 S. Bascom Ave. CY 3-0655 ASSORTED B.A.LONEY: Bud l{oper of the W arriorS is noted as a San Jo5e longshot artist. This ts absolutely true, because when Kbper enters the game the Warriors automatically wear the 'longshot' role . . .• If Wayne Swin1ord doesn't buy some glue pretty soou , the SJ)Orts sht.ff is going to buy hjm a bottle a nd sblp it to him s pecial de lh·ery •..• Jag quarterback Bob Toledo is leading the nation in one statistical departPAZ ment. He paces the country by throwing nine interceptions .••• Fred 808 FRED RAY PAT ROCHA BORZONE JONES HARRISON Jones' weekly Beaver Scouting report doesn' t a ppear this week. It CAVATAIO Material s, Inc. TEAM {I 0-8) \ will return when the hunting Improves . ... Any rebroadc:.nst, reJ)TO· (13-5) (13-5) 1 (12-6J 1 (12-6} 262 So. 1st St., San Jo•e duction, or other use of tills colum n without the co nsent or t he writer Diablo Valley SJCC 298-1557 Oieblo \ l!l absolutely e n couraged . SJCC SJCC \ SJCC vs. SJCC SJS 1 BYU 1 BYU 1 svu 1 ONE WEEK ONLY! BYU 1 Santa Clara 2-ARM LUFO TYPE TABLE lAMP Santa Clara _ \ San+• Claro \ santa clar• Santa c1...
run to c ross the plate.
* *
Harrier s Strong In Practic e Meet
Why did the Giants lose the pennan t? The major reason seems to he ..vith the way Herman Franks juggled his plilyers during tbe final two weeks. During the 14·game win skein , Franks stayed With the same line· UP no matter H the Giants were facing •a r ight-hander or a leftbander. In the stretch, however, the rookie manager inserted s uch untried ind~Vlduals as Ken H enderson and Ollie Brown mto t he starting nine. Neither of these boys were able to come through, and the Giant s lost games wh1ch they should have won Franks 1>0orest m anagerial strategy w as hls a lmost incessant use Thursday, October 7, 1965 of reliever Gaylord Perry. Perr y, the gophe r ball k ing, is by far the worst c lutch perform er on the club. For som e reason Franks would always call on Perry to get the locnls out of a jam with runn ers on base. Nine times out of 10 Perry .responded by aJlowing t h e winning
San Jose City College's JaguarS pounce back into act ton tomorrow night against the undefeated and highly touted Diablo Valley V1k· mgs, in the Jaguar Jungle at 8 p.m. Coming jnto t he ti1t, S a n Jose boasts the fact that they have never been beaten by the Vikings. duting back lo lhe series conceptiqn during the old Coas t Conference's compc:tit ton in the '50's.
The Los Angeles Dodgers have proved that pitching is 75% of baSeball . They combined fabulous pitch ing wHh banjo hitttng, and ~ound up w1th the Nationa l League pennant flag. The late season hurling of Sandy Koufax, Don Drysdale,- Claude Osteen, and Ron Perranos ki was slightly mote than sensational Any pitclung staff that fires eight shutouts out of th-etr final 14 tilts has to be domg it w1th f.ldar rn t he fmal two week~ Dodger batsmen were only gar nermg three and rour hits a game, but meanwh ile the pitchers were only giving the opponents two or thr~e hits per outing. Drysdale won h is final Lhree srorts by shutouts, whJ1e Koufax d id the same. Re1Jever Pen·ano~ki shut the door on any uprising that the enemy would try to tgmte. It's ha:rd to tmtlPrstnnd hO\l' the Dodgers won tile p enun.nt if you only look :1t the batting st a ti stics. 'l'he lending hitter W 3s l>itl' he•· Drysdale \Vith a. .302 m:uk, while his 1tine hom e r~ were t hi rd be~t ou tbe club. t\(anry \Vilis, t he over-rated silorllstop, stole 92 basPs, hut set !l league rf.cord by getting thrown OU1 34 occasion.<;;. Th e ('O mluned avera.ge of th e sta,rtlng outfie lde rs was an :u1emic .255. The Dodgers should take the World Series solely because of their pitchmg. Mmnesota h asn't faced anyone all year who c'an compare with e1ther of the golddust twins. The American League IS far mferior to their counterpart in the pitching department, as there are at least etght senior loop hurlers who are better than the bes t the Americans can offer. I pe rson a lly hope t he Dodgers get hombe tl , hu t it loo l<s ti S though Los Angeles wi11 n a b the title in five ga.mes.
Parked Car Creates Problems for Iranians
~nyl_~~ ~j,~~~~~],:n';~ ~~:r;o;!:g: ~!~~· c~~~~h:~~ ~~YL ';':~o
mentor Jim Wheelehan feels that his underdog charges can leap into the win column for the first time, if his undermanned crew can cure up the m1stakes wh1ch have hurt them thus far. The optimistic coach expounded that the young de[nestve backfield which pleast'd the locals with !heir lus t tilt. is beginning to jell with hnrd wol'k and detenninatio n . T h e vlsiton boom bn.t'k A I tie Taylor ns tlwlr ace mo.iJ p:1.ckc·r, Diablo VaH ey~ which hna been ~· perf·nrtlal cellar dweller in the wi th rangy receiver Brad H ilmGo ld en On.te Conference, looks to sonett lhe top Vlke pass receiver. Jmve its best aggregate since 196L. Thus far Diablo Valley has wh en t hey wer e rated ninth in t he polished Modesto 7-0, and Santa nation among junlor coll ege g rid Rosa 18-13. elevens, :uad were co.-ehamJ)ions of San Jose will be led into action the Coast Conference with San by receivers Craig Shupe and Jim Jose; even though t h e Jags bounc- Heckendorn, who have caught 18 ed t he Vikings in t he '6J outlng. passes bet ween them for 259 yards. After a good showing in this weeks intrasquad scrurn, head
Help or /-Iinder
Gri dde rs Ho st Dia blo As Title Race Op ens
-Hews-" &Uaaz-
Thul'sday, Octobe>' 7, Jq65
'Betterment of Journalism' Confere Holds Organizational Gathering at c·
College Groups Elect Fall Semester Heads Club elections continued throughou t San Jose City College as the Ski and Cosmetology groups each selected officers. Heading the Ski Club-this term are Henri Block, ptesident, Vir-
Record Crowd Greets Rally Club
Under the guidance of Carl Palmer, SJCC J ournalism instructor, J im Noah of San Jose State and Dan Stern of_ th: San Jose Mercury an orgamzatwn may be fostered whic h will add to t he betterment of journalism in this
ginia Bolton, vice. president; Jackie Sporn, secretary; and Dave Anderson, treasurer. Inactivity of the club la.st term because of failure to send in a~ Inter Club Conn ell r e presen:t'l.tive resulted in losing the c lu b cha.rter: In order to reclaim their c harter a nd start official activities, H enri sa id, a r e presentative must be a 1>pointed to attend the I CC .l\leet.
zation of this .type. Palmer pointed out
th at the Journalism Society, Beta Phi GamOn October 13 th e Sa n t a Clara rna, a t Cit y, wou 1d serve as a Cowtty High School Journalism ''big brother" for the association Associ a tlon will hold its organiza.tional mt>eti ng on th e City CoiJege campus. 'l'hc meeting will feature discussions, workshops, writing <·om1:.etltions ::t nd wi ll invite pro~ icssional journalists to speak,
According to John Migue!g01-ry, Sigma Eta Beta, the cosmetology vice·president of this year's RalJy club, has also appointed club of· Club, "we're playing a very im· ficials. Ann J ezior\ski will serve as portant part on campus t hi s se· President while Yoho Hayami is mester. Wilhout the Rally Club the vice -president. Yoho Hayam.i, we could not establish spirit ot any secretary; June Yonekura, treas.. wome n•-s 11011or - socte · ty on campus · h ld" kind. This year the club has set urer ; Fay Lundy, I CC; Betsy Con. LES BLUETTES, .... a Hget acquainted'~ n..fftt.lr at the Seventeen "Vest restau'r~~t i~ ~~~ an all time high in the member- nor, Hospitality; and H istorian Loretta Reyes, chair man of the club (left) and Anne Ale. d ship department with 113 mem- Barbara Hulsey, will also serve ~ Jos~. cha~rman of t he function gaze a.t the invitn.tion wllic h. in~~:: '::U bers." club officers_ \VOJntcn silltudbents 1"-?d faculty me mbers. E ntertainment and refreshe provtded. The RaUy Club llel<l its first The group plans to have- a sales- m e n s w m eeting last Tuesda.y and elected ma nshil> contest a-nd buy trophi es officers for the coming year. Those Cor the junior and senio r Wvisions. c hosen to fulfill these positions The stude nts with the most self:t..re: Bing Manning, ]>resident; 1\11- services will receive the trop hy. An annual rummage sale, spon- studen ts will exchange the duties gu elgorry, vice-president; Du.ve Self services pretaJn to h ow many ~ored by: the' Jlv'!erehandising Club, of watchlng and selling the goods. Wood, treasurer; Nancy Ga m ez, cuts, tints, sets, a.nd comb-ou ts lS scheduled for the weekend of during each of the days_ secr etary; Leroy Miller, sgt.. at- the pe rson has dono. October 9• a nd 10 ·a.t the San Jose Donations are to be made by the a.rms; l'-'lil<e Burrows, membcrshit> Cosmetology will also sponsor a Flea :M arket. The time is from merchants themselves, but if any· chairman ; Djane Hart, I CC repre- homecoming queen. 6: 00 a .m . to 7 :00 p.m. a nd the one ·has something to contribute sen.ta.tive. The a dviser for the club they can take it to room B-1. is Doug \Vejss. "We want an new members to The members meet every Tuesparticipate- bec&use is is an ex· day in Room 33 and the Executive perience and an education in itRally Committee meets one eveself," urged Jen·y North the club's ning every week at a local reshost chairman. ' tauran t. Various posters were revealed Social events are being planned for the year such as a barn dance A one year study on Santa with 160 occupations, s howing sur- showing some of the activities the and hayride combined. These Clara County job opportunities has pluses, needs nnd imbalances. Best club has participated in a nd what scholars hips and tr.a ince programs events <;~.re tentative as of today. disclosed that City Coll ege grad- plu.ceme nt for the 18 to 24 ilge are offered. The Rall y Club is still open for uates are seriously needed in servgrourJ s howed up to he irt profcsEach sem~ster $50.,00 is given, membership to all interested and ice occupation's. The study also si onnl, services ::wd technical trade by lhe Cu tco Company to a merenergetic st udents. revealed that the need for skilled areas. chandisi ng student with the highworkers is higher locally than on The study. provides are a est grade point average. In the the natJonal level. schools with mformat10n for long trainee program a student is capThe study, titl ed "OcupationftJ range plannmg by a nalyzing pres- able of going to school a nd trainNe~s and tJwir Educational ImpLook Great This Foil lications (or Schools a nd Colleges ent a nd future occupational needs / ing in a company at the same to Santu. Clara Cou nty," was di- in the county. It ide nti fies grade time. All interes ted students may SAN JOSE rected by voca.tional-tec hniea.I edu- levels best for teaching needed see RaJph Wildcrm~nn, Richard Casey, or Ross Atlunson ,·n the cato r Albert J. Ri.e ndeau. It dealt skills. HEALTH CLUB business building .
Merchandisers Sponsor Rummage Sale
(See page 4J
The Coeducatlonai-Recrenu 011 })~Ogram for next \ Vcd.n.esdar ~Aght~ ~v.m rollow the theme or: c lVIti e s N in-ht." The 11 ~ ~ ._ -~e · -... will last from 7:30 until 9:30.
iF:"~~:~:~:~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiii;;;iiii;;;;;;~~: l N EUROPE FOR PERFECTIC)N IN SAN JOSE
Repa ir of Volkswagen -
~ · ~. • ____
ing the one in Northel'n Illinois" surmiscd Sal Orlando, journa1is~ adviser at Mt. Pleasant High School. Orlando stated , howeve r, that the replies have boon below exl>ect.'ltiOns and unless n. large.r reS_l)onse is not received the conference DL'l.Y be canceled. " \Ve cnnnot force the .area ins tructors to attend," commented Orlando, 'lbut if they faiJ to meet, joumaltsm wiU be fhe on ly loser.'' Through Mr. Palmer's efforts,
Trained W er ner
Mercedes -
{A.-r~ - ~ 850 l incoln
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Study Reveals Opportunities Available for CC Graduates
• Tapes $2.98 and up • Complete Line of
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Custom Made Tapes
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dull driving habit. Step out in a lively Dodge Coronet.
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Son Jose Health Club 413 E. Santa Clara St. Call 295-9910
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RESULTS IN 60 DAYS lose: I" off Th igh 3" off H ip
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Forget all you've seen and heard about ' 66 cars. Because Coronet is here , .. sharp, sma rt and sassy, the greatest thing from Dodge since Year One. Loaded with luxury the higher-priced cars haven't caught onto yet. With a choice of five engines, each one designed to make the walls of Dullsville come tumbling down. And with a whole slew of •tandard equipment that used to cost extra. l ike an outside rear view mirror. A padded '"'. . 'DIVISION
dash for extra safety. Variable·speed electric windshield wipers and washers. ~ackup lights. Turn srgnals: Seat ~efts, two front and two rear. And, as some extra 'frosting on the Coronet cake a 5- year or 50,000-mlfe warranty.• ' ~nough said to get you really tempted? Now lets get away from the look-alike, drive·alikc, frrst·cousm cars with Coronel, a car wilh a li vely personality all its own.
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a slim 24' at the widest point. This narrows down the hunt for a park ing space conside rabl y. You ean ~!ide into almost any shady spot. Like just ou~side of English Lit, Hondas fit into s lim budgets too. Pnces start about $215*. Gas goes farther, up to 200 m1>4 on some models.'?nd cutting your wheels in half doesjust about the same thmg for insurance costs. Or more. This isthe sporty Super 90with its disti nguished T-hone frame. Tops 60 mph. Ju st one of the 15 Honda models that make other campus transportation strictly for the birds, See the Honda representative on your campus or write• American Honda Motor Co., Inc., Department Cl,
*HERE'S HOW DODGE'S S·VEAR SO OOO· MilE ENGINE A ~D DR I\! conftden tly wur~ nts ~II of the lolkl:,.tni villi puts of tis 1966 Clrs for 5E !:A IN WARRANTY PROTECTS YOU : Chrfs/er Corpor;tlion [,~~~~: ~~~ ~~a.!fovedefecth ive m maleri•l•nd workmAnship w1U be 1~pt!~ 0~;~,.,':':~" • 1•c'"•'"r'' comes first. dunn~~: wh tth lime Slness wtl out thar1e for such parts or l abor· tnline blodl h a rys tr Motors Corporal/on Aulhorrzr:d ~':d~~:~h".,.'i::,~: •ntvllll p.trts (uctpt•nl manu:~ I clukh). &Oroue convertir d:!:~~ 111~ternal par1ts, _tnlake mnifold. w-a ter IMl'"P· s. • . untvern 101nts. re;u u:le and thfteftnl~l.
A E~UI R£0 MAI~TENANCE : Th e lollowmg matn!ellance servtcts are r uutd u Of .000 m•lu. whiChever C()met Pirst ; tt:Ofacr 01 1 filter every second (Ill c~r> f!- r..;!" lha WMflnfy-cholnJ!I enamc cui nvrry J monfh:t b{~'T02 /e~i:{y :;c~~t~J! "'h"'h~urnis.h avrdentto! ttus rtt~u~red servrce to.lthr.ysi;C,:~~:::r;:;:, "111er ""'Y 6 ~YW~Ih:s 1nd rcpl.:tr.t' n UG ~~ nee dnd )'our car$ mtltaRt. Simple enouah for &ut:h lmporl '1 'r""t Autltou~ Ouler dnd r8QIIe$t • •n pro ec 10n.
Son Jose Health Club 413 E. Santa Clara St. Call 295-9910
The department of nursing edu· cation at San Jose City College received word this week it had won ''Reasonable Assurance of Accredi· tation" by the National League for Nursing. Such action qualifies the college for funds available-thi"''Ugh the Federal Nui'Sing Tvalning Act o[ 1964. J essie Watson, head of the City College nursing p1·ogram, said a p· plication for accreclita tion by the NLN was made following adoption · of the nlll·sing traimng act. League accreditation was rna d e a prereq· uisite in a pplying for federal funds under the new 1aw. J essie sald the law' was enac ted on the recommendation of t h e • c ltan I G Surgeon en era s . onsu h ht Group on N ursing wh IC soug t federal funds for advancing nursing education throughout the country. More than $283 million has been au thorized for the progra m to be u sed for student loans, teacher research, construction and scho1· arships. Under the student nurse loan · h progr-~m. w hich J cssJe says as first appeal to the City College department, the nursing school is required to match by one tenth the total sum a llocated by t he federal
Intramural Bowling, w11ie h WI.11 be he ld at Fiesta La nes on 1\lond;Ly a nd \ Vednetsdays at 2:10 and 3:10 p.rn., is stUI OJle.n to inter·
ested students of San Jose City CoJiege. The pin shooting w ill be held on the handicap basts. This means that the better pln.y ers will give up pins to the ave rage playe rs. In te r es ted bowle rs should see Couch Si Simoni. Inte rest ed I .C.C. c h n. i r me n should see Coach Si Simoni about organization of in tram ural foot. ball tenms to be sta rted in t he near future. The Campus Brass. with co-cat>tains Tom Beatty an d Jim Gama.. will aga.in this yea.r
Join the Dodge Rebellion at your Dodge Dealer's. WATCH iHf BOB HOPE CHRYSLER THEATRe··
West Alondra Boulevard, Gardena, California 90247.
HQN[)• A
world's biggest
Brown at CC To Ey·e Vocational Program
Fall Semester Officers c 1· t y College's Merchandising
Club has recentl y elected new offi· cers for the F all semester. Bill Papones w ill act as president whiJe Herb~· Fong prest'des as vice ~ ..... presJ'dent. The treasurer is to be E ugene Della Ma.gmore,· the secree· tary, Lynda p 1·cketing·, and the I .C.C. representative will be P ete F arrell. Dur 1· ng th e month of October, Mr. Ralph W 1'J.d ermann, business 1·nstructor, wt-11 host a reception in hJ's home for members of the Mer· chandt's> '.ng Club, business maJ·ors, ancl anyone else who would like to part 1·CJ·pate. Refreshments will be served while students and faculty discuss wha t the Merchand~ing
Governor Edm und Brown visited I ment and training than would be City College last Thursday to re- possible if all th e schools foo ted view the hig h school vocational their own bills. program. While here he promised The director pointed out tha t to use his influence to win federal the program here could serve as funds for the program, a nd talked a prototype for similar vocational to several of the studen ts involved centers throughout California. The in it. students do not spend all day on Jack A,nderson, Director of the the CC Campus. Rather, they Vocational Center for the San J0se spend half a day in shop classes Unified Sch\)01 District. said that and the other ha lf at their h omo Brown seemed very jmpressed with school taking their academic tbe program. He also reported that courses. the governor agreed to use his Anderson dropped a reminder office to further the development that tbe high school pl'ogram wiU of the joint vocational h igh school be moved to a separate campus planned by four high school dis- on Hillsdale Avenue within two or tricts_ three years. Rather than being In addition, Brown took time out limited to the high schools of the to questio n J ohn Guerra about a San J o"se Un ified School District, cathode follower he was building, however, it will be operated jointly and also inquired about wages with other districts. The other earned by graduates of the ap- participants will be the Santa prentice plan. Clara, Campbell , and Eastside disAnderson pointed out that the tricts. At the outset there will be about GOVJ:!:RNOR JlR..O\ VN vlslted stude.llt!'j l.n the bi~h S<'hool Vocationul tra ining program offered here is Cente r wltil t) on campus Ju-Ht Thurs()a.y. Ja.ck Anderson, director of unique in Californi a in that several 19 schools participating. The vothe eente r, re ported he .. set~ m ed n •ry impressed-" schools share the cost of equip- cational center director expects ment a nd facilities. This system, t hat nwnbcr to increase lo 27 he asserted, makes it possible for eventually_ the s tudents to get better equip---------
Council Sends Students To Sacramento Conference A Governor's Youth Conference is scheduled to take place on November 11, 12, and 13 in Sacra· mcnto with four participan ts from the San Jose City Coll ege Student Council a nd two advisors attend· Jng, The purpose of the mid-decade confere nce for youth and adults is to examine with in sigh t a nd integrity our grow in g society through inventory, invention a nd involve{)lent. Inventory is ex· plaincd as a review of issues and answers, invention js the creation of new solutions to meet new situa tion s, and involvement as our comm itment to practical action. CotumunJ ca.tions with
yo uth -
an experience in understam.ling will be the thc ruf'". During the convention, each forum will divide into several workshops for discussion purpos2s. Education , personal values, human relations, participation in comm unity service, the fam ily, jobs, and you and the Jaw are among the catcgodes. T he Student Council is a lso seeking permission to br ing the Righteous Brothers to City College. Plans for the date a nd price arc still bein g worked out. Other future e-ntertainers . the Student Council hopes to prese nt are The New Chris ty J.ljnstrcls. and the Kingston Tl"io.
(( Student Council Picks Commissioners The slate of · appointed officers for City College's student govenl.ment has been completed with the selection of Commissioner of Elections Randy Mulrimer, Commis· sio ner of Public Rela tions Currine McGull veri and Commissioner of Acaoemic Affairs Mirlam Duval.
Commiss ionet· of Academjc Affairs Miriam Duval's duties include: distributing scholarsh ip funds to de· serving applicants, publicizing aU scholarship offers and informing the Student Councll of all grants.
Plans for future programs and goals for the yea r were recently discuSsed by the Baptist Student U n 1 on. Programs considered were, a. get-acquainted purty to be helcl in Octo ber, ~md ::..ttenda.uce a.t tiLe Buptist Student Union Co nference ln Los Angeles to be held October 23. In th e past, the club has had s uch J)rojects ns help ing in the blood drives, and raising funds b.Y m e mlS of car washes. They ha.ve als o participated in various paper drives and sales.
Night Enrollment Increases- at City More than 5300 stude nts aJ.."C en~ l'olled ln 275 eveni ng class offerings this fall at San Jose City College, with day students to tailng 4200. T he total enrollment of 9,500 is a n ~ n crease over Jast years' e nrollment of 8,300. The rapidly increas ing enrollment in night classes is in part. due to its' design for meeting a variety of educational needs for students who must work during the day. These include college ttans[er courses for students seeking to complete the first two years of a four-year college program, a nd courses Jeading to the two-year AA degree. Also on the program are pre· employment training in various OC· cupational areas and trade cxten· s ion or upgrading courses f9r jou rneyma n workers seeking to keep abreast of new developments in their occupations. There is rela ted jnstrvction for a pprentices. According to Ben Sweeney, two of the most popular areas for the night class students a re mathem atics and business, with each of. ferlng 28 classes f6r some 1700 total students.
SC County Viewed For State College
A new state college for Santa Clara County appears to be inches away from the drawing board, thanks to Senator Rlchard Dolwir;. As the result o[ a recent state coJiege boa1·d trustees meeting in Los Angeles, w h en~ selections were discussed, a nalys ts favored a northern-county campus due lo a heavy population influx around San Jose. Santa Clara County's popu]ation will exceed the combined counties of San Francisco and San Mateo by 1975, according to anaiysts. Statistics show by 1967 Santa Clara County's number of high school graduates will be greater than any two northern counties. Senator Richard DoJWig, Republican representative of San ~ateo, advocated the construction of a state college based on future populations a nd related statistics in the County of Santa Clara.
Board of Trustees Offers Scholarships To CC Students
Two scholarships have been offered by the San J ose City College Board of Trustees, to be presented Other appointed officers serving by Miss May Duignan, Dean of for the 1965-66 fall semester arc: Student Services, a t the end of the Re~ordi n g Secretary Monica Edg1965-1966 coUege term. Each scholmon, Commissioner of Finance be taking on all con1ers. arship is worth S125. George Walts, Com.mistiioncr of So===~~=========-~<:;~l~u~b~i~s~a~n~d~w~h~a~t~p~c~og~ram~~i~t~b~o~lds~. Interested students will be chos: cial Affairs AJ Tetz, Commi ssioner en by thejr needs and how much of the College Union Dave Di Benprogress they have applied toward edetto, a nd Commissioner of Stu· their respective goals. Whether dent Activities Ernie LaScola. the students are to be graduates or Engineel's who start their higher slight edge, .wilh 60 per cent ,.,._ 0 her officers include Commis· continuin g vvill be decided upon by education in a junior college are porting 1961 incomes of $10,000 or sioner of Special Activities Sherry the committee. as successful in their professional more, compared to 54 per cent for T ocashiga, Commissioner of AthApplications for this particular careers as their colleagues who JC transfers, and ).5 pe..r cent of letics Jim Gamma, Commissioner scholarship will be available a fter take all their undergraduate s tud· the nat,ives placed in tbe over S15,- of Foreign Students Bill Hoefer, the first of the year and will have "The semester is off to a good ies at the University of California. 000 bracket, to 11 per cent of tb.e and CommissiQner of Fine Arts a deadline of April L "Vt/e feel that our students from tra.nsfer6. Howe¥er, notes Dr. Donna Leonti. start, '' rema rked Dean of Men There ar~ other City College Larry Anerich, Tuesday. "So fa r the school of engineering do as Case, the transfers tend to be These officers were chosen by scho(arships and awards offered by not a single campus theft has been well as any others, and that our among the more recent graduates~ council members. industry, community groups, and courses are fully acceptable," with less time to accumulate on· reported." other colleges. Outsta nding s tuTo be considered for a n appointHis statement s upports the gen- states H. B. F ord, department of the-job seniority and raises. dents who a re interested are en•ve office to student council, a can· eral consensus of many instructors, engineering chairman. ·~s~~C ofSupervisory Responsibili ty : 'More didate must have Melchoir Estrada. electronics in- l\1r. Estrada took' administrative couraged to apply for thls program. a 2.0 grade-point department heads, and student fers a complete lower diVISion en- JC transfers (51 per cen t) super· The Califomia Sta te Scholaraverage and have filled out an eli· structor, will be under the guid- courses at San Jose State and at government officials, that there is gineering program, so the students vise at Jeast one tcchnlcal person ~ibility report which includes his anc~ of the Trade and Technical the University of California to pre- ships are granted on the basis o( an improvement, though slight, in who continue their education are than do the natives {43 per centl. pare for this adntinistrative posi- ratings made on the Scholastic " But slighUy more natives !19 per Program, his teachers' signatures. Supen;sion Internship program student behavior this semester. tion. He has a Masters from San Aptitude Test of the College Ena nd grades to date. The office of during this sc}lool year. fully prepar ed . . h r Th nclusion is based on a de- cent) supervise more t an 1ve per· The Jaw enforceme nt (lepartment Jose State and a Supervision Cre- trance Examination Board. F or the Dean of Student Services ex· Part of his duties as a n intern . e co f UniversitY sons than do the JC transfers (17 head, Bill Nyhan, reJlOrts that at an1ines eacb chgibility report and lncJude vis iting other ju nior col· dential in Trade, Technicai and In- this the student must pay a testtailed surveY o 1050 • Utis time last year there were alumni who graduated from the per cent). . .. ing fcc o( $6.00 and be Wlder the leg~ to better acquain.t himself dustrial education. . · departments at Berke-Professional AcliVIlles: Af ter validates those which meet all reruany complaints of Uteft. In fact, Although the internship is to be age of 24 years at the time of with their vocationa l education of· quirements. there were so m:tny instances of ~ngm";;nr'! Angeles between 1947 they earn their degrees and start All elected officers and appoint- ferings and vocatio nal administra· under the direct supervision of Mr. application . Of this number, 47 per on the job, JC transfers take a 1ars being broken into that the ,::;d ~ Sidney McGaw, re;ional supervis · There are several requirements ed commissioners of student gov- tive organi:lations. · complete University somewhat greater part m all 'departtuent posted lookouts on top or, assisted by Lee D . Bodkin, su · to be considered for the applying Fifty percent of his time will ernment, with the exception of the cent werfe th freshman year phases of proCess ional life. They or the drama. building, out(ltted chairman and the recording secre- lean toward actual experience in pervisor of teacher education, with scholarship student: a minimum of products ' rom e · ·m b uymg · en · With binoculars. h roug h gra duation·• 40 per cent surpass· the nauves tary, are eligible to vote in the occupational surveys, industry the cooperation and ass istance of 2.7 grade point average, financial t ·ocr cal d book at At the bookstore there have had transferred to the UniversitY gin~rmg pen. al.l san. t sk,. - coundl meetings. The term of of· and 'or advisory committee con~ the directol:" of vocational educa- need, and the student must be a · th ir first two tendmg techruc meetings, a mg been no reported thefts. Robert after comp Ieung e · 0 fice for both elected a nd appointed tacts, curriculum construction and tion for the college, he will con- m~ber of the Associated Students - · college · and 13 gradua te work and spect·a~ tze Ryman, bookstore manager, states, years at a Jumor • · . h · 1 officers is · one semester with the revision, sutx:n·i.sion of inst1·uction, tinue to be an employee of the of San Jose City College, The stu rolled at t he Uni- courses, a nd wnling tee ruca uwhen students' books are stolen, dent must participate in somr per cent I1ad en exception o£ the Commissioner of accounting and procurement pro- college. they usuaily are without identify't a fter starting at another papers. When the electronics teacher phase ()f the activity program of the CoUege Union who serves for cedures, and public relations. All vers1 Y _ _ t' Patents : JC tra nsfers a pplied for ing m arks excluding the names of the .above mentioned arc under was questioned as ~Q' . what ~c the college in gqvernmen l, honor Which are easy to e1·ase. Probably four.yeal" msllthu wdn.d by Los An· more patents than natives (1 per one year. plans to do after his mtcrnshlp · societies chlbs athletics music or The survey, ea r~ e W Case as cent vs. 14 per cent, but a n al The Commissioner of Public Rc- the local district. equ there have been books .stolen , but fessor H a '" lations Quties involve on campus The State Divi sion of Vocational he answered, "A(ter the district drama ~nd al,l applications ~usl geles pro · ' 6 t) · both the student, knowing it's useless art of t he enginc.ering depart· proportion ( per ccn m publicity, all off campus publicity Education ActiYily will occupy 30 enlarges, a po~tion may be --open be co~pleted and accompanied by Without proof, doesn't report the P , Edu tiona! Development gl'oups have ~ctually been granted and the chairmansl\ip and selection to 50 percent .o f his tjme, incl ud- ?r I may remaJn as an electronics two lelters of personal r ecommentheft ment s drew· some specific com·· one or more patent$. dation. of a publicity committee. ing credential procedure, teac her mstructoL·." n the complete ca1eer Satisfaction : 90 per cent "If a stude nt is ~augh t trying Pro.g ra m, bet RandY Mulrimer, Commissioner I workshops, te a cher education, E strada has been at City ColOther ques tions about scholarts dubbed " na· in both groups said that they were to resell a stolen book, Ryman pai~Istm~ lege as a part time electronics ships and awards may be answered of ElecliOns, is charge? with the \ course a~pro\·a ~s, a nd o:ccupati~nal Umvel'SJlY pr .uc. • (JCl •ther "ve..ry satisfied" or "sa tis· continued, "he will be reported to . . .•• and the Jun.~_or college efied" J . supervision of all pnmary and contacts mcludmg pubhc relations. teacher since 1953 and as a full in the Student Services Office, with t heir choice of a n engi· the Dean's Office and disciplin ary uve:. general campus elections, while During the previous summer, tune electrql)j<;s j,e.,AA\) r 11!59. .B\lWfuli: A. a neeting education. actions, probably expuision, will tra nsfers: Income: The natives have
Engineers find JC's No Hindrance
Theft Rate Down According to Dean
3'' off Wa ist
vidual study chairs of s tyles, designs and colors. Having survived one year of reconstruction on the library building, the library staff and SJCC students can still look forw'ard to at least one more semester of occasional disruption of service$. The opening day of school saw carpet men laying carpets in all of the reading room areas. The carpets have greatly improved the appearance of the main readin._g room, and have already produced a marked quie ting effect on pa· trons, according to Robert E . Brundin, Director of Library Services. Students t.his year will have library facilities more favo rable and helpful to t heir s tudying than was the case in the past, he added. New library shelving is expected in the middle of October. Install ation of this shelving wiH complete the bookstack area except for the additions of study carrells along the walls, and will ena·ble th e staff to move the reserve books from their present location iQ room L ·5 to a new location behind the inain charging desk. R oom L-5 will t hen be con· verted into a listening room. Once new shelving has been instal led, the entire book collection of some 35,()(X) volumes will again have to be moved, in order to spread the books in Dewey Decimal order over t.he entire stack area. This might involve some interruption of circulation privileges, as happened las t year, but, according to Mr. Brundin, if this interruption proves necessary it will be kept to a minimum period of time. Come spring, the library staff governmen t for student nursing hopes a completed library will loans. greet second semester students. It Mrs. Watson not e d t hat the has been a long time coming, but Santa Clara Valley is "feeling the they hope it will have been worth shortage" of t rained nurses t his waiting for , year as a result of the new hosi~affl--openin ~and the increased pt;Ograms at tbe established hos- Merchandising Elects pitais.
Nursing Education Receives ]Assurance of Accreditation'
RESULTS IN 60 DAYS Ga in: 3'' on Chest 3" off Wo!Jist
Money Problems Slow L• , P'~.n~o-:~;e fu::~~ ~,.;snc;;":~: 1brary S Completion
Area Growth Foreseen
San Jose Junior College District Due to problems relating to has been turned over to District ,money allotments and bid specifi. cations, the new library fur niture Trustees. promised City College for this fall Headed by Rev. Phil \V. Barrett, semester will be late. a 4-8 member Citizens' Advisory SJCC has put up three dollars Committee completed a.nd pre- for every one dollar gran ted by the sented the re1>ort to Trusees dur· state. This was a major problem J.ng the summer. the college had to face for the Topics of primary concern were reconstruction oi the library build· school population, a distric t master ing. plan, and additional coUege sites. A legislative bill, that was introThe committee estimated en· duced to Congress by Al Alquist, assemblyman in San Jose's 26th rollment will reach 7,600 st udents district, greatly helped pay for the by Octobet· 1969 and 13,000 by library reconstruction costs. The October 1974. Current enrollment state funds have so .far con tributed is around 4,000. $118,000, which means SJCC had Committee m e m b e r s urged to raise at least $350,000 to reTn•stees to Hmove with out dela.y " ceive the government gra nt, which to em1>loy edueation31 consulta-nts was completed a couple of months and architects to start a master ago. plan. Trustees are now in the When CC fWld s were at a bidprocess of finding a suitable ar- ding point, Richard W. Goff, Direcchi tectural firm. tor of Bus iness Services, went out Additional college sites a re also with his associates to bid on liurged by t he committee so t he brary furniture but found nothing District will have a sufficient which met the quali fications set number to meet the demand when The furniture finally purchased it arises. As of now two s ites are cost $9,000 less than all the furniture previously looked at and was being considered. It was r ecommended t hat the of higher quality. The college was then told by the Trustees f i n an c e these p lans lhrough bonding and t ha t a bond furniture manufacturer t hat t he election be held as soon as a library order might be ready by professionaltly drawn master plan Christmas. The new furniture consists of and education needs determine t he financial s ituation of the district. chairs, tables, couches and indi-
fSee page 21
"This has been done very suecessfully in other parts of the country, the most nota ble job be·
Flag Girls Wantefl
Phone 298-2181 / Ext ~ 230
Vol. II>
City ·college 'Titnes
New Parking Rules
City College facilities will be avai lif _necessary, and would do abJe and dinner will be served at t hrng possible to help t he grou
the cost of $2.00 a person. Follow- successful. ing· will be discussions concerning the problems of starting an organi-
To act as representative of the athletic department and rally committee ls the job of the Commissioner of Athletics, while AI Tetz, Commissioner of Social Affairs, or· ganizcs a ll social func-tions, and hearls lnter-C'Iub Council. Commissioner of Student Activities pla ns all Associated Student assemblies and appoint..-,., with the approval of the president. Pla n ning "Big Game Week" events and a.cts is ting the Commissioner of Foreign Students are the duties of the Special Activities Commissioner.
Elec;:tronics Instructor Begins TTS Internship