San Jose City College Times, Vol. 16, Issue 8, Nov 10, 1965

Page 1

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1--ClTl' COLLEGE TlllfES - - ''l'Rursaay, 'Novemller ' 18, 1965

Women's PE Creates Basketball Squad

'Awareness to Community Problems' Purpose of Student Initiative Club

Student Ini t iative, the newes t dent aware ness t o commu nity club to be formed on cam pus, has problems . It is a new kind of c lub. Victor as its purpose, the arousal of stuTalvera, club president sn.ys

,~, ~$-f-1-



'1/C E~'\~



For the fnture , the club is t hinkin g in terms of a tutor·ia I program a.t nn east side junJor hig-h school, adult literacy classes, tmd a work st11dy program.

Free! Pre-Cond ition ing classes Wed. nites- Hartel Melle r San Jose State Colle ge S~i Coach Register How!! o440 SO. WINCHESTER OPPOSITE MYSTERY HOUSE

244-0UO 5AN JOSE

Nothing holds an important moment closer

Typewriters as little as

A treasured secret snan.a .•• pledge vowed .. . a ~~~~~,,~~.~ anniversary ... nothing the e ssence of a moment so quickly or so vibrantly as a gift of beautiful gems. We are proud to be a member of the American Gem Society ••• and we've a wide selection of precious jewelry. Come see us, par• ticularly. when: the ~ momentJSprec•ous. ~





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GUARANTEED BRUSSELS: The I ntern ational Student lnformation Service an nounced that 800 students \\ill be accepted in 1966 from an an ticipa ted 4,000 applicants, Jn the past [our years I SIS has placed more than 1.500 studenLs in jobs abroad

Y~"' ar·round and summer.

" \VhiJe we plan to enjoy oursel ves, our m a in purpose is not solely to fw:t. but to "eduC'ate•' t he college student to tl1e fa ct that t her e defin.ite problems in onr community/' Along with t hjs, m embers hope to show w ha t can be done to alleviate these obstacles to communi ty developmen t. ' Vic tor commen ted t hat the club is now going through o rganizationa l s teps. At t he present time, they a re concent r a ting on formi ng a strong nucleu s of people interested in working .




-r:he fi rst f'dition of their 32-page mnga· zme JOBS AD ROAD is packed with on·the-spot photos. sto ries aot.l infonna· tion nbout your job ab road.

l earn how ISIS guarantees you a job abroad anyti me of the yenr.

Read how to cover your expenses of a thrilling trip abroad for: FUN· CUL-



SI Sil\lONI HAl'PJLY DISPT... AYS the telegram he r ecei\'ed rece ntl y f1·?n~ F . L. Greiner, City Clerk, appoi11ting him to the Spor ts Coni~msswn or San Jo!»e. Simoni. veteran City Co llege physica l ed uca.tion m structor, was also the h ead of last yea r 's Society for CriJ)pled Children itnd Adhlts of San ta Clara. County.

Anthropology Group Hears San Jose State Instructor

The .flrRt such field tri1, is sch ecluled for Saturday, Nov. 20, from 12:80 to 4 at t.he Irulian burial grounds in Alame<la Cowt ty. Tltis 11 Nancy is a very good student," particular excursion has 1noduced beamed M ary Dejani, depa rtment Indian arrow heads, skeletons and head, "and she has won m any tro· other items from early Califor nia phies in the past." Imlian cultures. Through competition cosmetology S a turday evening, folJ owing the stmlents are able to progress furfield trip, there wilJ be an in fo rmal ther in their tmi1dng. One of t he gathering at one of th e homes of area's larger beauty shops has re- a membe r wi th further details cently request ed an interv iew wit11 being g iven on the trip. two of l\'liss Dejani's top stud ents. Anyone wishing to join "In the past CC students have need only possess the interest a nd had somewhat more polish jn customer relation as well as in their cur iosity of a n inquisit ive student. scholastic trainln g," commented A. J . Thompson, Beauty Bank Salon JERRY AULDRlDGE Stale Farm Insurance represen tative. IN~u•".,.'"·

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point o! view, and showed slides f rom an Tmli:m burial gr ound i~1 Alameda. Cotm ty. The hopes and aims of t his newly for rrled organiza tion are to meet the needs of students with simila1· inte rests in m an's beh avior through s timula tin g informal discussions and informat ive fie ld tri ps.

Nancy Souza Garners Trophy - San Jose City College and its Cosmetology department continued to impress in competition a s third semes ter s tudent Nancy Souza copped a first pl ace a wa rd in hair styling a t Ha rvey's CJub in Nevada. Out of 24 entrie s from the United• Sta tes Miss Souza's "current trend" ha ir-do completely impressed the Nevada judges. The City College student was with he1· parents in their Lake Tahoe home w hic.h enabled her to enter the contest. She was the onl y participant from the I.ocal school .

Basketba ll S trategy & 'D h · Sociological Aspect 5 0 f ~ mqu~ Dance. The confe port & renee- was con eluded with a Conf erence Banqu •· wi th Dt·. Smith USC h e.., speaker. ' t e guest


Price for a w ee k to anyone brinCJinCJ in two . new people.


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defense, and react very well to the baH. They also have shown some evident wealmesses which we hope to exploit." Jaguar signal caller Bob Toledo could be the key to the local' s chances of a n upset win. Toledo has complet ed 70 of 123 passes for 934 yards and a conference shattering 14 touchdown aeriaJ s. S a n Jose's air la ne director is also nearing the GGC record for most completions (72 , Chuck Hunt, CSM 1964) a nd total yards passing (1020, also Hunt, 1964) . San J ose will also get an added boo8t with the returning to the lineup of aJI-len.gue cen.te r Rich l\UIInn. Millan has been sidelined with a bndly s1nalned anl<le. Also coming orr the injury shelf w ill he taekles Bob 1\olartinez and Bu tch \Vinn. The J a guars have run .into problems with fullba ck-defens ive back Rich Ruiz, ge tting trea tmen t for a pulled te ndon, and defens ive safety Bill Ballard being declared through for the year with a split sca lp. The claw twins , flanker C raig Shupe and split end Jim Heckendorn, are also etching their way into the confe1·ence r ecord books. The ru/ty Shupe entered ihe mark


Prints 112


Theodore Bikel, whose remark able talents have won him inter · national fame as an ac tor, fo lksinger, author and lecturer will be the next featured performer on the Evening Cultu raJ Series at San Jose City College November 14. B i,kel's progra m will begin at lead ing man in the Rodgers a nd 8 :30p.m. in the Men's Gymnasi um. Hammerstein Broadway m us ical, General admission is $2 for adu lts •·The Sound of Music," a role he and 50 cents for children under 12. played for two years. I n add ition to his reputation as Stude nt body Card holderS from area schools may purchase tickets an actor, Bikcl has gained worldat $1.50. Cit y Coliege card holders wide reknown as a folksi nger . H e si ngs songs from twenty lands in are admitted free. Born in Vienna in 1924 and edu- their native tongue. He appears freque ntl y in o necated in Israel, Bikel has won prominence in t he motion pictui'e man concerts at New York 's Carfield, a ppear ing in many fi1ms negie Ha ll and ot her major concer t including "Moulin Rouge," "The halls throughollt the country and Pride and the Passion," "My F ai r overseas, and his sixteen rf.cord Lady," and "The Defiant Ones," al bums fo r Elektra Records have in which he was nominated for an been co n s i s tent best sellers Acad emy Awa rd in 1959. th roughout the years. His book, "Folksingers a nd Footnotes," pubLEADING MAN H e was cast as Mary Martin's ' !ished in 1960, went into scvcntl printings within months of its a ppearancE'.

setting circus last week against Contra Costa, r eeling in three TD passes for scores in the tilt. Old mark, held by three others, including SJCC' s Mike Goodman, at two in one game. Shupe also caught his sixth touchdown toss of the year (p revious record, five, Eural Smothers, 1964) . Heckendorn, on t he other hand, i s rapidly gaining on the league's reception r ecord . San J ose has fa ced CCSF th ree t imes, all in Golden Gate Conference competition and holds a 2-1 lead over the Rams. The loca l grld<lers won in 1962, 12-7 ; 1963, 8- 6 ; and lost last year 26-22.

Theater Buffs May Be Missing Chance For Writing Prize

But Beneficial

Stock Frames to


Phone 298-21 8 I /Ext. 230


City College theater buffs who focus all of their attention on the p roduction of "Mother Cour age" m ay be overlooking a chance to collect $100. A playwrit ing contest being sponsored by the drama department a t Sa n Joaquin Delta College is offering a $100 first prize fo1· the bes t complete, original, unpublished , unproduced, full-le ngth, one-author, English play to be subm jtted by a st udent enro11ed in Anyway any accred ited California univers ity, college, or junior college. The p urpose of t he contes t according to a n a nnouncement received a t SJCC is ''to s timulate orig inaJ thinking and experimenta tion for the open stage, and the betterment of the American Two members of t he student council have r e turned from an Asso- theater." ciatio n of College Unions Conference held a t Re no, and have r eported Entries must be legibly typethe trip was W.\)rth the money involved. written on one s ide of white paper, In his report to the ,.student council Dave DiBenedetto, commis - a nd a ll pages must be bound . To sioner of the student un.iOllt stated be considered, an entry will have that information gathered on the f.A:·esented . This can be a t tribufed to be postmarked before midnight, tt·ip, while benef icia l, did not jus- to the efficiency and . ha rd work February 1, 1966, a nd must not of th e s tudent government at C ity bear the author's name. tify the financial ou tlay. All ent ries must be accompanied The ACU is an organization to College, " he said. In his report, Di Benede tto said by a completed entry blank. Entry promo te. the jmpr oved use of student facilities. At the r ecent con- tha t of the s ix works hops a ttended blanks and further infmmation are ter e nce, the C ity Co11ege represen- by the City College delegation, a vailable from Bernard S. Rosentatives attended a seri es of discus- only two were of real bene fit. blatt. Director of Dramatics. His sions designed to pinpoint and These were on publicity and e valu· address is San Joaquin Delta College, 3301 Densington Way, Stocksolve problems arising from stu- a tion of stude nt act ivities. ton, California, 95204. den t operations. Also on the trip was Steve Holeman, advisor to t he student counSpen<..oer WUUam s is the Santa cil, and Ed Mogler , assistant dean Clara. Count-y Counsel and has been of student ser vices. According to Mogler, the main In that l)()St ·f o r t he last 15 years. problem was that most of the He Is not a. Santa Clara County schools were four-year colleges CoWlcll membe r as was rei.Hlrted The San Jose Junior College Diswhose problems were not compat- on page four of last week's Times. The Tlmes wis hes to apologize ible with our own . "We have altrict announced this week j t would ready put into operation or reject- Jor :u1y emba.rrassme nt His mJ st::tlce enter into negotiations with the ed as unusable many of t he ideas may have caused Willi...'Ulls.

Jose Paint


(See Page 4)

B y Fred J ones This Friday a fter noon m arks the day of reckoning for t he San Jose City College J aguars , as they venture north to face the City College of San Francisco R ams, a t 2 p.m. on the Bay City's gridiron. Powerhouse S a n Fra ncisco, 5-0 in Golde n G a t e Conference action, has mesmerized its r ival opponents. The Rams ha ve cha lked up victories over Foot hil l 32-20 , Olabot, 42-6, Oakland 34-7 Contra Costa ~4-8, and San Mat~o 47-6. San Jose , cinderel1a team of the conference, has notched a surprising 4-1 slate thus fa r , to place second in the GGC behind the mighty Rams. A pair o.r fine running backs in t he pe rson of 0. J . Simpson, the confe rence's leading sco rer, and versa.tlle R on Fassler, lead the "Fogtown's" explosive offensive. Tile R a ms also boast definite size in top no"U'h linem en Mike '.rn.ylor, 6'5 258, Joe Ross, 6'0 260, and Su:tesoe 1\'Iu ln.e, 6'2 215, ns wen as carrying a bevy of receivers. Assistant m en t or H a rl ey Dow, mentioned a fter scout ing the conference ju g g er n auts, "They (CCSFJ will be one or the better clubs we'll face a ll yea r. They hit • ·ell , pl a y extre mely hard-nosed

WARREN MILLER SKI MOVIES Free Showing 8 p.m. Freeman's Sport C enter ,

(See Page 3)

Eve. Concert Features Theodore Bikel Gridders Face CCSF Famed Author, Folksinger For Loop Championship Displays Ta Ients Sunday



Victor feels that emphasis in these efforts should be on more personal co ntac t wi t h the people to be helped. "People who don' t continue the ir educa tion m ay feel a lack of pe rsonal identifi cation 'Wit h the comm o n I y a ccepted goals." He we nt o n to say that in O.A.F., Outstanding_An thr opolomany of the poorer homes t her e is an atmosphere complete,Iy for- ,gist of the Future Club, counseled by Karen Ray, a n th ropology and eign to that necessar y for/Study. sociology instructor, me t for the "These people need soh,eJne to first time Monday in room D101 cultivate a fee ling of per~onal listen to San Jose State instructor Dr. Geor ge H ester. worth." SI a1so pl ans to hold a workThe Doctor spo1ce on the history shop about t he fi rs t of December. 1 of California from the Indians'


SJCC has formed its own girls' basketball te am this semester, wh ich consists of t welve co -eds . . l d lh . Th e gtr s, un et• e ms truction of Evonne Davenport WPE are the followjng : Toni Kaska, Mary Guerr a, Marty S a ntos, J oyce B laser, Kathy Ryan, Diana Hart, Linda Kinnard, Betty Menacho, Linda Ca rrerow, Claire Carmichae1, P eg Southcott. Suriya Sompunth. The r·e is still room for those interested girls wishing to participate. This past weekend the W omen's Physical E ducation Dept. i.nstru~­ toxs n.ttende<l t h e Western Society fox :Physical FAuca tion of College Women . he ld a.t Asilomar. The conference consisted of various discussions such as : Adva nced

City Wins Bi g Game

Clubs Lose Charters

Councilmen Find Trip Not Worth Financial Expense

~ -~




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Now! New Chevelle SS 396 by Chevrolet·


DEl\JONSTRATING HIS FORTE is Theotlore Bikel, one of the highlights or the Clty College Evening Cultural Series. '.fh e Vienna born actor, autltOI', lecturer and .folksinger will presen t a. concert Sunday, Nov. 14, in the men's gymnasium. Bikel will perform some of the so ngs from his mnny top selling ~Libums as well as a. nmnber yet wtrecorded. Tlckeb m ay be purchaSt.'tl at thl?' student fi.nance offlc:e or Rot t he box offJce. City College student body Ml.rd hold erhl wlll be admitted without charge.

Delinquent Traffic Offenders Disturb Members of Court


Television hus a1so brought the t'a len ls of T heodore B ikcl be fore the Amer ican public, including aP" pearances on Kra[t Theater , Studio One, Alco-d P resents, H a llm ark Hall of Fame, The DuPon t Show of th e Month, GE Theater a nd m any others . Tickets may be purchased for the Bikel concert stal' ting November 8 at t he student fi nance office, San J ose City College, or a t the box office the night of t he performance. For informa tion call

The City College Student Court is dis turbed by the number of delinquent tra ffi c offenders, a nnou nced Curt H odgkins, s upreme justice of the Student Court. "P eople fail to realize tha t getting a ticket on campus is a fa ir ly se1--ious matter," he st a ted. At the present t ime. Hodgkins said, the Court has a list of delin- 298-'2181. This semester's Blood Drive d ay Ieete<! 158 pints of blood, for a quent offenders numberin g about 50. A list of about the same leng th will be Tuesday, Nov. 16, from trophy. Ra11y cha ir man, Diana Hart su- has been sent to Dean of Men 9:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m. for day stu- pervised t he en ter tainment , which La rry Arnerich for disciplinary dents and from 6:30 p.m. to 9 :00 was furnished by B illy King a nd action. "Any student who has rece ived p.m. for extended day s tudents, ac- t he K ing's Men and b y six clubs a t icket on campus and has not Ten clubs h ave had the ir charcording to Blood Drive Chainnan which presented skits. These clubs , contacted lhe fi nance office," he which are t he tm·s revoked by the s tudent coun· most ac tive com petiRuss Sommers. He s tated, "This tor s for th e t rophy, are the Inter- said, "should do so as soon as ci l. AI T etz, commissioner of st udrive will be tl'ui~ most competitive national, H awaiian , Mercha nd ising, poss ible. He will choose a court den t a ffairs, told the council tha t ever held ." A successful r ally held Newma n, a nd Rally Clubs and Phi da t e at tha t time and if this t he clubs had fa iled to a ttend appointment with the- Cour t is not Inter-Clu b Council mee tings either yesterday in the Quad ki cked off Beta Lambda. kept , the s tudent will then be subthis semes ter's d1ive. las t semester or this one. Ever yone fr om 21 to 60 years of T he c lubs are: A ss o c i a t e d 'l:he rally was the beginning of age, in good general heal th and poe na ed to the Court. P enalties range from a warning Women S tuden ts, Circle K , F olk a massive competition among cam- weighing a minim um of 110 pounds, to suspension from school, he said, Music Club, Gamma Alpba De lta, pus clubs to obtain a collective is eligibl e as a blood donor . Those and any nerson who receives three Honor Service, Business Invest· goal of 175 pint s of blood. City Col- 18 to 21 years, unless married, violations may have his parking lege as a unit will also compete must have their pa ren ts' consent. privileges revoked. ,;If a s tudent ment Club, Recreation Association, Sport s Car Club, Wesley F ounda· with West Vall ey, which has colAfter donating a pint of blood, comple tely jgnores th e ticke t, his t he donor automa ticall y becomes a na me will be placed on the d elin- t ion, a nd the Young Democrats. T he clubs arc not officially repmember of the Blood Credit Club quen t lis t, and his gr ad es m ay be and r eceives a club card. Since wit hhe ld at the end of the se- resen ted in the ICC , and legally do not exist o n campus . All m oney blood is very expens ive and is often mes ter. credited to them is froz en until needed fo r an accident or s urgery, "This is an example of students this can be ver y beneficial. The ha ndling st udent problems ," Hodg- they arc- reinstated. Good stand ing c lubs in th e I CC bearer of this credit card, and his kin s concl uded. rema in so if they can ma in tain an nationally known Sa n Francisco immediate fam ily, are e li gible to A new record will be set at SJCC attenda nce record of onl y one archi.tectui'al firm of Skidmore, draw blood agai nst the cred it of Owings and Menill for develop- San J ose City College. when 720 City College students sit missed weekly m ee ti ng per semester. U r epresentatives of any club ment of a comprehensive district T wo days have been set aside down to take the ACT test. The miss more than five sessions the test wUI be given on Saturday, master plan. for pledging-Nov. 10 and Nov. 15. club's charte r is re\'oked. To be District Superint endent H . R. There wi ll be secretaries in the Nov. 13, at 8 a.m. rei nstated the club must follow Buchser sa id the Skidmore, Owi ngs Quad and in the L ibrary accepting The record at tlte prese.n t time and Merrill finn has gained a n in- pledge cards a ll d ay a nd during ex- for !itudents taking t he test ts 869. the same procedure as t hat o f a new club. ternational r eputation from its tended day classes. projects, which locally have inHiram Okuma, Barb a ra cluded the C row n Ze ller bach Olivas, Blythe Olson, Richard Building, the John Hancock B uild Oyama, Irving Ozawa, Gary ing, the Hartford Insurance Com~ Parks, Lawrence P avlak, Robert ~ pan y Building, and th e Alcoa Penny, Willia m P eponis, Leon- ~-· Build ing, all in S a n F rancisco. ard Peterson, Me lvin P e terson, ~ Buchser comme nted that the Earlene Phillips, Da n Pickerel, trustees wer e par licularly imThomas Pierce, Joel Porter, '~ pressed with the firm's e>..'p e r ience Bert Provost, Judith Purdy, in the educa tional fi eld, hav ing developed master p lans for the Marvin Quirt. J oseph R a n d a z z o, Robert U niv~rs ity of Buffalo, Sout hwestReader, Betty Reilly, Juanita ~~ er n Oregon College, Uni vers ity of Renshaw, James D. Resell, N evada, State Uni versity College Steven A. Resz, Crai&: E. Riley, at Oswego, New York , the U. S. Ai r Force Academy, University of Steven Robinson, Rita RodriI llinois, U ni vet--sity of Cali fornia, gu~. Patrici a Rosa , Maryann Ot·egon State University, t he CaliRose, Richa rd Rose, Arthur fornia State College a t H ayward, R osigana , J erry L . R oszman. and presen tly for the Civic Center Shir ley Saye rs, J a ne t Schoen-~ brun, Darrell Sedgnick, Gordon \~ campus of the P eralta Junior College D istrict. Shadwick, Sally Sharpe, Hisayo In o ther fi elds, Buchser said th e S h iba t Hiromi Shigemoto, Sa rah Shirhall, Curtis Short, ~ firm has been involved in de velopWalter Simmons, Jeffrey Smith, ~ ment of Rockefeller's Ma una Kea Beach H otel in Hawaii. Judith Smith, Leland Smith, Buchser said Dr. Paul Elsner. Maria Sousa, Gayle Spencer, district director of insti t utional Bill Stephenson, Gerald Stewplanning, will work closely with art, Eric Stoddard, Marilyn the architect in developing the Stout, Michael Sunseri. master plan to cover district needs Donald Tallerico, Allan Tafor at least the next ten years. naka. Robert Tarlen, Patri,cia

Blood Drive Tuesday 'Most Competitive Ever'

Ten Campus Clubs Lose Legal Status

JC District Announces ~Start Of Architectural Negotiations

""~~- ~=='#,;~~~£~~~~-;,

Equipped with a Turbo-Jet 396 VS, special suspension and red stripe tires. These cars weren't meant for the driver who is willing to settle for frills. They're engineered from the chassis on up as no-compromise road machines. Standard output of the new Turbo·Jet 396 VS-which powers both models-is 325 hp. This remarkably efficient power plant is also available ma 360-hp version. So much for what happens on straightaways. How about curves? You ride on a special SS 396 chassis-with fiatcornering suspension and wide-base wheels. A fully synchronized 3I!Peed transmission is standard- Or you can order a 4speed or Powerglide-also Strato-bucket front seats, center console and full instrumentation. Sound like a car yon could get serious over? That, as you'll see at your dealer's, is precisely how Chevrolet engineers planned it. Seriously.

,:Ntlli '66 Chwelle SS 396 Con~ertible and Sport Coupe.

_See the new '66 Chevrolet, £hevelle, Che~ ~. Corvair and Corv~e at YC!Uf l!hevrolet dealer's

Dean's List Honors Spring Students ~

Honored for their scholas tic standin g dur ing the spring semester of 1965 are 199 City College studen ts, a n incr ease of 17 over last semester' s total . To a ppear on the Dean's List a studen t must have a 3.0 GPA for the semester. The Dean's Lis t is as follows: Reza Ab rishami, Stanley Agol, Annem ar ie Alexander, Lawrence L. Anderson, Josephine F. Antolin. Geo rge D. Barry, Alyce Bell, Dawn Beck, Ba rbara Benedict , • Asa J . Berger, Dave Berrios Jr., Fra nk S . Berry, Yvonne Berry. ~ Ken Be rtaccini, Dorris Bevis, ~ Audrey Black, Lenora Blouin, ~ Roger Boates, He inrich Bodeker, Gary Bodman, William Boie, Randolph Borene, Francine ~ Bowman , Charles Breitweiser, Russell Britschgi, Bruce P . , Browne, Ma rilyn BrowneU , Joanna Browning, Jennie Bujuklian, George W. Burns. Donna Cayori, Philip Kun Chi, Royal Chamberlain, Michael W ai Chan, Henri Ann Chel nella, Mary Clymer, Jackie F. ~ Cole, Judie K. Cole, Allie Coleman, Stephen Connolly, John F. Connors, Gordon Cook, Pamela -~ Cope, Ronald Covell, Daniel Crowl. Cletus Daniel, Michael Daugherty, Scott Davi, Erich David, Richard C. Da vis. Michael Destro, Willard Dixon, Gary E. Donkin, Diane Dorrien, Jake

: 1



Drion, John Dubuque, Jean Dunnigan, Robert K. Duvall, Gerald Engel, Richard Erickson, Edward J. Erler, Bill Evert, Elroy Fellman, Barbara Fields, Henry Finla y, Madeline Fjelst ad, Nicloeos Fkiar as, Noreen Futter. Michael Gallagh er , Vernon GaHiart, Alfred Gann , Lydia Garcia, Ruben Garcia, Thelma Gairett, P a tricia Gerow, George Gilfeather, Zoe Rena Gomez, Art Gould, Donna R . Grace. Richard W. Hale, Tom Hamilton, Cleveland Harden , Roberta Hare, Eugene H arris, Roger Havens, Sandra Hively, Daphne Hogan, Daniel Hollinger, Tim Hollingsworth, Cynthia Hughes, Socrates Ioannides, Kenne th Jenks, Thomas Jennings, Linda M. Johnson, Frederick Johnston , Thomas Joiner, Ma rgie Jones. Janet Keeley, Daniel Kelley, Joseph Ketchum, Mohsen Khoshnevisan, DonaJd King, Robert Kliss, Richard L. Knowdell, Richard Knuth, Maureen Krueg· er, Bonnie Lacourt, Salli J. Large, Harlyn Lanner, Lisa Lawrence, John D. Lawson Jr., Mary Ann Lucido, Haren Ludviksen, R ichard McDonald, John S. McGurie, Cannella Maria, Carol M. Markwalder, Bernard Mirkin, Pat Montagna, Roland Morin, Peter Muhleman, Penelope Neal, N ayaireh Nikkhah, Alan N or th am, PhHip N orton, Pa tricia N uovo.


I ~








Thiel, Donald Tietgens, Kenneth Tottori, June Turturici, Margaret Upson , Mark E. Wa rnock, ~ Tom R. Watkins, Raymond Weaver, P earl Weiner, Theodore V. Wes t, Han na Wiesel, Franklin Williams, Leotta Winslow, -~ Ron aId Wohnoutka, Martha .~ Wolfinger, Wai Ling Wong, ~ Shirley Wright, E arl T. Wylie.

The Civil Rights Forum has changed its meeting date to Tuesday at ll a.m. lnstead of Tltur~ da.y, in order that individuals pa.l'ticipa.tlng in other a. cad em i c activities on Thursdays wm have the opportunity to attend, accor<ling to 1\ Jolmston, chaJrman. Th.e meetings are held in D105, in t he Speech-Arts Department .

DIS1'JNGCJSHED ·viSITORS from the Hawa.iJan hl~ds and the educ!ttionaJ field to San Jose recen tly to visit San Jose City CoUege a nd leam the ms an.d outs or J~lor college develop~uent. Dr. P. ~~- Bliss, left, vice president of the college, escorted th~ n slto_rs who Rny ~Von. dJJ"cctor of f<apiohwi P olyteclwie School; Lucian Paulus, adlmnlstrahv~ ofl1cer, Ha" ru' Comn~uruty College System; George San.o, Maul Technical School; John Nothom, d1rector, H01~olulu Tecl.m•cal cho?l; i{l)•oshi Kubota, director, Kaual Technical School; and Emest H. Regents, curr1cuJum ass•!-Jt.a nt, )law Technica l School, The I slands will soon start their own two-year community college progratu.

Jags Rip -Comets, 36-12; Crucial wit6 CCSF Friday

Letter to t~e Students 'Mistreat' V~n.ding <Hit!! <lfo.Ilt!Jt <!inttli Machine on City Campus Editor


Wednesday, November 10, 1965

Published each Thursday of the school year by the journalism classes at San Jose By JI~I SCHROEDER Citf C~llege. Supported, in part, by Associated Student Body fund s. Member Dear Edito1·: r am a vending machine. Every C.l1forn1a Newspaper Publishers Association. Second Clan postage paid at San As Chai1·man of the "Big Game day hundreds of people use me to Jose, Calif. Subsc:ription rates: $3.00 per year or IOf: per copy. Phone 298-2181, orl. 230. W eek," I wish to extend a Iettet· quench t hei r hunger pain s, mru1y,

Editor - - - - - - RON GREEN Ant. Edit. - - - · - LEE NORMAN News Eda. - ---... SUSIE JONES Fo~turo Desk - - JIM SCHROEDER Sports Edit. .............. BOB BORZONE

JOHN MI6'UELGORRY Businen Mgr. ···-··-- BRUCE RIGGS Night Editor .... DON KAWASHIMA Staff Artist .................... BILL LANCE Adv. Mgr.

Adviser ··--·-·········· C. W. PALMER

Editorial The Professional Spldier Tomorrow is Vete ran's Da y, tlut d ay we set aside to honor those who have served Lllls n a tion in war and guurded it in p eace. There are llo words lo describe the de bt owed to them by Lbe ir fellow c itizens. T he suffering and the pass-ion of conflict are beyond the range of all but tbe b est writers. F ew p eople who have not e xp e ri e n ced war first hand can do a comp e te nt job of writin g about it. Su ch attempts usua ll y r esult in dis astrous collections of clicltes that make a mockery of the human valor they pretend to h o n or. Rat11er th a n 'losin g itself in a welle r of m eaningl ess word s, the Times prefers to r e flec t upon the status of the profc8s ional military man. Wh y is the caree r so ldie r conside red a freak b y th e civilian ? In ti m e of p eace the ci vili an ba.!l nothing but co ntempt for th e milita ry. H e convinces h im self th at the career m an is o n e who couldn' t ma"ke it on the " outside." Military life, be think s, is for the one who can ' t think for himself, the one who wotdd h e los t without someon e to guide his e ve r y action.

The soft, comfo rt a ble c ivilian knows IU s ster eotypes. Ser· geant.s and pe tly officers are a ll big _h ulkin g brutes. They sit around all clay wi~th nothing b e u e r to do than p e r se cllte those of lowe r rank. Of unrloubl ed ly low IQ they arc all vicious sadi sts who like no thing b e tte r tha n w11r as it gives th em a c hance to work off their tensions b y ki lling peop le. And lh e offi ce r s a re n' t mu ch b e tter. Unreasonabl e, untJlink· jng sp ecim ens o f hum a nit y who know nothin g: of po liti cs, and are alwa ys Lry-ing t o ~c l th e country into war. A bunc h of g lory see kers who s pe nd m os t of th e ir time be hind cl osed d oor s plotting the ove rthrow of co nstitutio nal governme nt in the U nite d S tates.

A mao who c~m sit in a jun(!le fo x. hole full of rain wate r, with K r a tion s fo r m e al s, fo r as lo n g as r e quire d , d oes not strike the Tim es as be ing s ubs t a ndard . Those who le ave the ir fa rnil y Cor month s a t a tim e f o .- 1h e lonel y job of patrollin g the ocean or g uardin g an air b ase d o not s trike the Times as b eing substandard. This pape r hopes, tha t o n this particular Veter a n's Day stu· <lents of <;:ity Co llf'ge will t ak e tim e out to th-ink a bout the enor· rnous a nd co mpli cated j o b the milita ry h as. P e rh n ps they will come up with a d eeper respect and a little m o r e a pp.-eci a ti o n for an unapprecia te d buncl t.

do without is t he· MUSCLE MAN. dizzy as I rock back a nd foo·th try-

so, mistreat ing to recover from his jerk. of t ha nks to the many people who however , whjle doi ng One person I dread is the COIN me. I would like to leU you about devoted time and effort making a few of th ese persons . RETURN OPERATOR. This nut the dance a success. First is the TIMlD LITTLE can't mal<e up his mind , so he puts J oh n Hacker, Freshmen Class GIRL who comes up to me, inse1·ts in his worn coin, then pulls the I CC representative, prod uced some her· dime, t hen musters up all the co in 1-eturn. H is performance cone..xccll ent resu lts as t he fres hmen str ength she possesses to pull out ti nues for two or three minutes class and equally s hared the re· my lever . S he never quite pulls it un til a decision is reached. By then sponsibility of the dance. R on al l the way out, so I can't give her my coiq return spring is aching. He's not nearly as bad, however, Berki had charge of t he refresh· w hat she w ants. She stands back m ent s and J im Howard the pub- and sudden ly transforms into a as tho SIDE BANG ER. This unlicity. roaring fem ale lion a nd curses me. usua l character has been around some of my older friend s whose thin k it were my fault. You'd International Club took t he re· Next on my list of people I could par ts are a littl e wom and don't BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT boasts a n ew spiderdoe lo sponsibi lity of the band (The service as th e~ s hould. Immedi- the elforts of. th~ boys from A lle n Elem entary Schoo l. The bon Coachmen) and th e d ecora[ions. caught the sp1d e r m the S anta Teresa Hills a nd 1n·escnted It Judi McCrar y, in charge of decora · \Vhen a.. doctor m a.h:es :L mist ake, ately arter he has inser ted his gift to City College. as ' dime, he raps my .side to make tions, created a th ing of beauty he buries it. w ith t h theme ''Fal le n Leaves." When a garage m a_n ma ke."i a. m is- su re his coin dropped. He tugs on the lever, t hen bangs ,again. My inCou ntless other people helped in take, he adds it to your btU. making everything turn out right. \Vhen a. c ~trl>f'"ntRr ma.kes a. nl.i.s-- sides are so j arred w hen he leaves,, it's just wha t h e expected. I'm a nervous wreck. In f act, accordi ng to a one-man T hen of course, t here are his survey, ninety-eight per cent of \ Vhen a judge m a k es a ntistake, it cousins, the TOP BANGERS. They la..nd. tJtc of law the becomes t he people spoken t o, voiced apfollow t he same pattern, but pound proval of the dance in every as- \Vh en a. preacher makes a mi st a ke, on m y lid instead of my side. They Comet the tarantula is t he new- sons. Explained one of the ~ it. knows .nobody pect. The rem a ini ng two per cent both wonder why we m achines est tenant of the biolog ical scie nce "Comet m eans "hairy one' 11: were li a rs, and t herefore ca n be But when nn editor m a.kes a misbreak down so rapidl y. department, thanks to the e fforts Gree k ," and " we caught it the da) ta k e, tJmt's whe n the trouble discounted. One of the mor e a nnoying people of Chris Allen, David B o lster, we saw that comet." starts. Again Thanks to a ll , who use me is the VAIN HAIR- Richard Gazov.tSky and B ill T heall, Findi ng the spider, t he s tude~:~:, He's never bought a students from Alle n Elem e n tary COl\iBER. ______ _________R_u_s_s__ trap ped it in a box an d later tram. thing, but makes a d aily ritual of school. it to a jar. fcred combing his h air fmm the reflecThe boys captured the g iant spition on my shiny surface. T wo of the youths, Allen anrl Ga. der in the Santa T eresa HiUs an d T he life of a vending m achine sought permission from t heir S u n. zowsky, have a brother and sister, has its good momen ts too. Like rise Valley School to presen t h im respectively, a ttending City Col wheh the campus is deserted. as a gift to City College. lege t his semester so this seeme The name, Comet, was chosen by the logical place to bring the ta. the four contributors for two rea· r a n U nJHLppiness is ••• . .. having to study during your lunch break. . . . ru n ning ou t of gas on the Bayshore. . . . losing your last dime in an out..~of-ordcr Coke machine. . . . having a date t he night be· fore a big test. ... getting your telephone disconnected. . . awa kening out of a sound sleep to go to an 8 a .m . class. YOU, TOO, CAN BE INFERIOR goi ng in to a wrong ba th· room. The seeo!'d g;avest problem confronting college students three lecture classes 1n a today JS mfenonty feelings. (The first gravest problem is, row. of course, tfle recent ou t break of moult among sorority house cananes.) L€t us t oday look in to the causes of infe· . . . s itlti ng on t be lawn, only to riorit y feelings and t heir possible cures. dis~over the grass is wet. Psychologists divide inferiority feelings into three princi. . . parkin~ in a reserved zon e. • pal cat egories : . . . pop qu1zzes.

Tarantula Finds Home In Biolog ica I Sci. Dept.


N S ~::::::::::::T:I:D:B:I:T::':L:O::N:D:O:::

Jnlionor those. veterans wfio


servecf witfi tfic Unite{

States arm.ecf services avring tlie time_;! wa~~-

Jagged Jottings

He thrusts in h is d ime and pulls the le\re1· t o its limi t. I get a little

. . . bw·ning you r d1·art card while the FBI watches.

... being ineligible for SJSoy .01 G.P.A.

. One las t word. All o ve r th e nation colleges Hre sproutin g with stude nts SUPIJO.r tin g U.S. p o licy in Viet N am. Wh y not C ity Col lege ? Are lh e st ud (" nLs b r re a b ove th e eCfort i t ta kes to draft and sign a petition ? Do Lbey con sid er ~hcmse lves so sophi slicate d they cann o t a ll ow lh c m scl ve" a bu rs t of patrioti~n . Jt seem s th a t ]ove of c~ untry h a~ b eco m e "co rn y-." Som ethin g thai. is b e tte r l eft to the nHddlc a ged a nd ve te r a ns tlwn to swing in g, hi p, coll ege students. Th i!! p a p e r will c on ~i d e r it a cause fo r r e joi cing when these ty pes l ose t h e ultra coo ) a ttitud e tha t see ms to sprin g up - R.G. whenever th e wo nl p a tri otism is m e nti o ne d .

1. Physical inferiority. 2. Men tal inferiority. .o;. 3. Flnancia l in £eriority. . (A. fe~ say t here is a lso a fourth category: ichthyol ogical mfenor1t:y- a f<>7h~g that other people have prettier fishbut I beheve this IS common only a long the coasts a nd in the Great Lakes area.) L€t us sta~ t wit h the feeling of physical inferiority, perhaps t~e e::s1est to understand. Naturally we are inclined to feel mfen or to the brawny football captain or the beautiful homecoming qu een. But we should not. Look at a ll the people,_ n either b rawny n or beautiful, w ho have made t heir

marks m the world. Look at Napoleon. Look at Socrates. Look at Caesar. Look at Lassie. What I mean is you can't always tell what's inside a package by looki ng at the outside. (Sometimes, of course, you can. Take Personna Stainless Steel Blades, for example. Just one glance at tbat jolly blue and white packageso bnght a nd pert , so neat but n ot gaudy-and you k>ww it has to contam blades of absolute perfection. And you are


The day of des tiny is a t hand for the J agua rs . Friday's tussle at San Fraricisco will de termine if the locals have successfully c~mpleted their rags to riches dri ve. The Rams specialize in a crunching ground attac.k which has bli stered foes r epea tedly. In h a lfback 0 . J. Simpson lhe 'Frisco eleven has probably the best running back in the GGC. The tHt slmpes up as a torrid ba ttle between Si u' J'son's sensational, and the pinpoint passing of the Jags' record-s~ttiJ~g (J uarterback, Bob Toled o. Toledo has bt..-e.,n unbelievuble in r ecen t outlngs, hu rlIng eigh t TD bombs in the last two ga mes. His completion a verage is

a thing ot henuty, hove rinA" around 60% all year long. The s trong~ armed signal-caller has the best ends ~1 t he league r eceiving his tosses in Craig Shupe, Jim llecl;:endor~ and Larry \Villinms.

By FRED JONES ting st a r ted in t he fi rst quarter or Behind it s greatest off ensive action, driving deep into enemy ou tput of the season, San Jose territo1·y on the initial se1·ies of City ~Col leg e ripped its way past dQwns, on ly being held t o an ary Contra Costa to the tune of 32·12. neld goal attempt. The Jaguars rea ll y got the ball T h e fray provided a wa r m -up for thi s week's t ita nic t itle tilt with ro.lllng in the sef'ond canto. Arter ten ya rd com1)1etio1' to H eckenCity CoiJege of Sa n Fra ncisco. The J ags bombarded th e h apless dorn, Toledo muscled u. 53 yard Richmondi tes with 433 yards tot al Loss to Shupe fo r the opening off~ n sc, two yards mor e t ha n t h ey score. amassed against Dia blo Va lley ear· Contra Costa shot back on four consecut ive line charges by full liCJ· in the ca mpaign. t Gnlde n-:u·m ed Bob Toledo u.gain back Jack Lay la nd to biing t he ~~d the atta c l< for the surging Ja.g- Lally to 7·6 wi t h t he Jags on tpp. San Jose, paying no att-ention to u ars, cornpletlng rour touchdown rockets for ' the second consecutive the Come t comeback, blasted their wee l,, The nifty si gna.! caller foun d way back to another score. 1\like flanl<er Craig Shupe on a confer- Goodman prol-id ed t he fireworks e nce tu;uh: setting t hree TD r(,"- on t he Jagu<trs' second touc hdown drive. Tho diminutive h alfl>ac lt ce))tions. brought the local grldders deep o ·aJs· F leet-fbo ted Mike Good man chipped in t he J aguar cause, wi th into the visitors' territory with successive carries of 16 and 19 112 yards in 11 carr ies. Sa n Jose had a rough time gel- yards. Goodma.n then took a. To-

Although San F rancisco has a higher scoring aver age per game, san Jose possesses a more constant scoring th rea t because of the pos~sibility of the "long bomb. " Still, tho Rams must be rated a slight favorite due to t heir overwhelming victorieS against GGC opponents, and the fact th at the fray will be pl ayed on their home field. ' .

In a crucial contest such a s this, the chee ri ng and over all ·support from the stude nts in a ttenda nce goes a long way in helping to decide the fin al outcome. The r a lly club is or ga nizing buses to t ak e rooters to the gam e Friday afternQOn. The game st ar ts at 2 p.m., so specia l privileges will be gran ted those students who have afternoon classes Wednesday, Novembe1· 10, 1965 but want to attend the tilt. Those of you who don' t wan t to go on the bus have no other alter native but to cut your cl asses. After all, it's rumored that a violent flu outbreak is going to eng ulf the campus on

The winner of th is game will definitely draw a berth in the pos t· season Prune Bowl game. If West Valley upsets Monterey t his week to claim the Coast Conf erence top spot, a possible Prun e Bowl bat tle between th e Jaguars and the Viki ngs would resul t . Of course every~ thing depends on a SJCC victory on Friday. So cut your classes 1if The SJCC aq uamen ended their you h ave to, but be sure to get there somehow. league with a 3-2 won-lost r ecord, If you are going by car, t he easiest access to CCSF is 11s foUows : placing th ird in t11e conference. The tan kers ripped apart MonJake the Baysh ore until you reach the Alemany turnorr, whlch is u 26-2, at the Lobo terey'Peninsula you until ~my em Al follow Park; estick Candl beyond tUstance tihort reach Ocean Avenue, a distance of almost fou r miles; go right on nest. T he offense roll ed over the Ocean until you reach Phelan, only a. block or so away. CCSF is lo- Monterey defe nse to score at wil l. cated on th e conte r of Ocean and Phelan. \\'hil e on Alemany you The defense a lso held lhe oppon· should be able to see the school located on a slight hill to the right of ents as t heir press r epeatedl y si.ole the boulevard. Now t ake a. few tranquilizers and rela.x, beca use you've past for the offense to score. The finally made it. City College of San Francisco L~ located on the corner Lobos finally got on the scoreboard of Oce:m and P helan. Yo u'll have to find the ~tadium by yourself, and in the l ast period agajnst the re· knowing the in telligence capacity of ma ny individuals on CAil1J) US, this serves. Lo n g ta.ll Jim Ogden str uck for could be a problem . However, al~ you ,have to do Is hunt ~rolUld the goals .in e ight atte mpts. The six ' somewhere. campus, because it's there Frosh he lped in the victory a s Jim The J aguars have all the momentum and enough talented personBest a nd \Vayn e Reck cipped the nel to eke out a victory over the high fly ing Rams, bu t the home field nets for four goa 1$ ea.c.h. Lanny win to Jags the pick I If advan tage is going to be tough to overcome. Landwehr and Plill Brown hit for the tilt they would s u rc,ly meet de,fe-:1. 4 so I'ro going.. to forecas t a t l;ree an<l tlvo points, respectively. close victory for the San Franciscans. Paul Alliqule, AI Brown, Blll Jung,


Harr.lers Take Th'lrd

Shupe, Kuhlman Garner Honors




Li ck for two years,

.::C · J,Jo 1f

and was also nominated t o the -411~ Central Coast team in hi s senior



yca.r. In th e Contra Costa game

Bob, a second year ma n, comes and Lann y Landwehr rounded out from Hawaii and stands 6'2" a nd the scor ing wit h on e each. tips the scales at 210 pounds. Bob plays tackle and goes both ways for the Jags. He has been doing a fantastic job and has been ou t~ weighed in every game (sometimes as much as 60 pounds), but still I n t r amu r al grid action spots the opens holes for the backs to gal· Campus Brass on top of t he club lop through. On defense Bob has league with a 3-0 record. The been a real sparkplug in leading a Elem ents are on top of the open J ag li n e iliat is always outweighed; league after three tilts with a 3·0 h is spirit has been instrumental record also . th is year and t he Contra Costa L ast weelt Ron n ·r ool;:s led t he tackles found out what this game E.lcm cnt.s to a 42-0 win over t he was all abou t when playing across Jtmki es in which Dick E rick spn Bob. packed th e plgsldn ove r the line twice. Los t Won Ro n 1\la.cLenna.n, Jaclt Spottswood, • • The Campus Brass co ntinued 0 ...... 3 each \Vatts Paul and Triplett Jim their winning ways last week when LIONS ........................... 2 ASSORTED BALONEY: Everyone who a rr ives at the game in San 1 they squeaked out a wi n over the Fl'ancisco before 1 p.m. on Friday is going to be given a free ref resher . contributed one goal. 2 Friday night in the Santa Clara Hawaiian Club. Slippery Jim Garna WHIZ KIDS .................... 1 · '" · Fred J ones' weekly Beaver Scouting r eport: Contr a Costa-very 2 1 ........................ JUNKIES sparse. ... (Everyone a Frida.y's 1,'1l,m e is cuu tioued to wear a U niversity pool th e J aguars sunk t hrew two touchdown passes for BEAVERS .................... 0 3 bring to 22·7, h ros F his team and rambled around end parka with u hood, as it hu-S been forecast that the seagulls wlli be out t he Bronco in run force.) . .. Guess wh a t! Contra Costa showed up for last week 's their season record io 14-7. In th e for seven more. The L ions, who are in second game dressed in baseball uniforms as was eai-lier rumored. . . . Poor fi rst quarter the Aquajags' offe~e Wayne Swinford. He got his first taste of game competition last Sun~ was a little ragged, leading onl~ place in the club league, wa1ked day, and a lready has applied for his pension., . . . Former 49er quarter- 2-1. But the Tankers put their of- over the Beavers in a 16·8 tilt last back Y. A. Tittle was seen at Fiesta Lanes last week polish ing h is head fense into full swing as they week. Tognetti and·Salvato shined in the au tomatic bowlin g 'ball pOlisher. • ; . Fred J ones repor ts that swi shed the' nets for eight goals to in t he game and led their team Pete Salva to is consideri ng runn ing for homecoming queen next year. tthe Broncos' one. They left at in· to victor-y. · · · Fatty Al'b uclde of t h e l\1erchan.dislng Club ought to join the army. termission leading 10-3. 1 Bal lhawk Ron MacLenn an Arter all_. they're 1oolting for ·She rman ta.nks.... Any r ebroadcast. re~ BATTEN'S ART as he potted Production, or other use of t h is column without the expressed written the poloists to victory Special Student Rates FLORIST th ree goals. Righ t on his heels consent of the author is strictly encouraged. Discount to Students I

1--\u J



Elements Lead Football Action


Support The Jags



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next play, but on Contra Costa's first try rapidly improving linebacker Jesse Buchannan canned the Comet back for a safety.

Craig caught six )lasses for 127 ,ya,rds and t hree touchdowns (53, we r~e Jim Best, Wa_xne Reek and 35, and 11 y ards ). Jle a lso is th e Tom Woodward with t wo goals t eam's lending scor er with 36 apiece. J im T riplett, J im Ogden poin ts.


when it came to tying granny knots." 41 ...

ets back for last season's trounc· ing, 1·eservc quarterback P a t Cava taio swept aro und left end for City College's final scor e. Contra Costa pushed in t heir Again behind tltc pirl()olnt passthe J ags had to settle for the bali ing ot Toledo, s~m J ose moved r e- final rally on the previous series. tallying on a two yard plu nge a fte r on their own 40 yard line. Tol edo c o n n e c ted on three a 90 yard drive in 12 plays. CC SJ G1un e Slfttlstlcs stralght passes, I)Uttlng the locals 14 19 First Downs .. ............ on th e CCC 32 yard line. The high San Jose's cross·country squad TotaJ Offensive ........ 265 433 flying fi eld general then combined wound up league competition by 265 Jtuslllng Yarduge ...... 151 Si..'{ 1Jlays later with a. 24 ya.rd spli tti ng a t hree-way meet last Pas sl ng Ya_rdage lJS 282 aerial to Jim H eckendont with 1:29 Friday afternoon. The cindermen P asses ....................... ... 18-33 11-28 · rem:•ining in t he hRlf. to Diablo Val ley 23-34 but Hud lntcrce1)ted ·······1 1 :_:_::==.::.::_::_:...:.:.::_::=::.:.._____ lost bounced back to beat Oakland 1 1 Fumbles Lost ·······-···· Merritt 25-32. by gaining this split 40 so Ya.rds P enalized ....... . . the locals garnered sole possesston of third place in dual meet compe· On Thursday Novembe r 18, at This week we honor as t he Back titian, they still have the league 11 a.m. in th e 1\len's Gym tltere and week next meet p a nd L ineman- of-the-Week two of championshi t he most consisten t performers on the Nor Cal competition t he fol- wlJl be a. very imt)Ortant meeting. BnsebaJ le rs do not miss this 1mthe t ea m. For their fine efforts in lowin g week. The top five Jag finishers in th e ~rttng m eeting whlch concerns t he w in over Contra Cos t a the coaches have honored as the B ack- trl-meet werC Bob Sandoval, who registration and pl'" for the spring semest e r. If you eunnot of·the -\Veek , Craig Shupe, and as bettered the course reeor<l ; Don a tte nd please see coach Weiss per... t he Lineman-of~ the-Week, big Bob Hand, sLxth ; Humberto Hernandez, sona lly before 1\tonda.y November ninth; Ra.lph ({earn s, thirteenth ; 22 . K uhl man. t hreats seriously. ~oodman took a Comet punt a fter t he very next se t of downs and ret urned 83 yards for the score, bu t a clippi ng in fraction nu llified t he burst a nd

~·:•'~'th~·---~::!:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:= ~oc~·c:•:·~I~our~te Cr ilig, a. recen t ~raduate of aan~d~J~il:u~R James Lick, is a freshman flanker- bacJ;: wh o stands 5'11" and weighs Cl'l'Y COLLEGE TIJ\fE8-8 in at 65 I)Otmds. H e has ceitJIY come into Jtis own th e pa-st three gJ mes. Craig wns an All-League

Poloists Cop Two Tilts;


Dennis Hagins broke t he Com- · lentl essly to p:1y dirt. Shupe reeled le,1o toss for ten more stripes and rushed for tulothe r Jour to th e ets' back early in the second half, in a 35 ytnd reception to bring the Comet ll, to se t the stage for the intercepting a str·ay enemy chuck SJCC lead to 29-6 . T he . tally cuion the CCC 34 yard line and rep mlna ted a 75 yard driYe in eigh.t final Toledo to S hup e fling. plays. T he questing locals still weren't turned it to the two yard line. Sti11 determi ned to p ay the Com~ San Jose fumbled on the very abou t to take any Contra Costa

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P erson na comes both in Double Edge and Injector style. And as if this weren't enough, Personna is now offering y ou a chance to grab a fistful of $100 bills from a $100,000 bowl ! The Personna Stainless Steel Sweepstakes is ofT and running, a nd you're all eligible to enter. Visit your frien dly Personna dealer today to get details and an entry blank.) B ut I d igress. L€t us turn now to the second category mental inferiority . A lot of people think they are dum ber than other people. This is not so. It must be remembered that there are different kinda ol intelligence. Take, for insta nce, the classic case of the Sigafoos brothers, Claude and Stur bridge, students at a prominent \Vestern university (Da rtmou th). It was always assumed that Claude was t he more in telligent just because be knew more than Sturbridge a bou t t he arts. the sciences, t he social sciences, the humani· t ies, and like that. Sturbridge, on the other hand was ten times smarter than Claude when it came to tying granny kno ts. But no matter; everybody looked down on "Stupid St urbridge," as they called him, and looked up to "Clever Claude," as they called him . Bu t who do you think t urned ou t to be the smart one when their granny almost got loose and ran away? You guessed it- good old Stupid Sturbridge. We am ve now at the final category, financial inferiority. One way to deal with ~his condition is to increase your income. Y o u ca n, for examp le, become a fence . Or y ou can pose for a life class, if your college is well heated. But a better way to handle financial inferiority is to accept it philosophically. Look on the bright side of poverty. True, others may have more money than you have but look at all the things you have that they don't-deb~ for

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shaviflg comfo rt , B urma Shat·e ! It soaks rings ar o und

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Jags Rip -Comets, 36-12; Crucial wit6 CCSF Friday

Letter to t~e Students 'Mistreat' V~n.ding <Hit!! <lfo.Ilt!Jt <!inttli Machine on City Campus Editor


Wednesday, November 10, 1965

Published each Thursday of the school year by the journalism classes at San Jose By JI~I SCHROEDER Citf C~llege. Supported, in part, by Associated Student Body fund s. Member Dear Edito1·: r am a vending machine. Every C.l1forn1a Newspaper Publishers Association. Second Clan postage paid at San As Chai1·man of the "Big Game day hundreds of people use me to Jose, Calif. Subsc:ription rates: $3.00 per year or IOf: per copy. Phone 298-2181, orl. 230. W eek," I wish to extend a Iettet· quench t hei r hunger pain s, mru1y,

Editor - - - - - - RON GREEN Ant. Edit. - - - · - LEE NORMAN News Eda. - ---... SUSIE JONES Fo~turo Desk - - JIM SCHROEDER Sports Edit. .............. BOB BORZONE

JOHN MI6'UELGORRY Businen Mgr. ···-··-- BRUCE RIGGS Night Editor .... DON KAWASHIMA Staff Artist .................... BILL LANCE Adv. Mgr.

Adviser ··--·-·········· C. W. PALMER

Editorial The Professional Spldier Tomorrow is Vete ran's Da y, tlut d ay we set aside to honor those who have served Lllls n a tion in war and guurded it in p eace. There are llo words lo describe the de bt owed to them by Lbe ir fellow c itizens. T he suffering and the pass-ion of conflict are beyond the range of all but tbe b est writers. F ew p eople who have not e xp e ri e n ced war first hand can do a comp e te nt job of writin g about it. Su ch attempts usua ll y r esult in dis astrous collections of clicltes that make a mockery of the human valor they pretend to h o n or. Rat11er th a n 'losin g itself in a welle r of m eaningl ess word s, the Times prefers to r e flec t upon the status of the profc8s ional military man. Wh y is the caree r so ldie r conside red a freak b y th e civilian ? In ti m e of p eace the ci vili an ba.!l nothing but co ntempt for th e milita ry. H e convinces h im self th at the career m an is o n e who couldn' t ma"ke it on the " outside." Military life, be think s, is for the one who can ' t think for himself, the one who wotdd h e los t without someon e to guide his e ve r y action.

The soft, comfo rt a ble c ivilian knows IU s ster eotypes. Ser· geant.s and pe tly officers are a ll big _h ulkin g brutes. They sit around all clay wi~th nothing b e u e r to do than p e r se cllte those of lowe r rank. Of unrloubl ed ly low IQ they arc all vicious sadi sts who like no thing b e tte r tha n w11r as it gives th em a c hance to work off their tensions b y ki lling peop le. And lh e offi ce r s a re n' t mu ch b e tter. Unreasonabl e, untJlink· jng sp ecim ens o f hum a nit y who know nothin g: of po liti cs, and are alwa ys Lry-ing t o ~c l th e country into war. A bunc h of g lory see kers who s pe nd m os t of th e ir time be hind cl osed d oor s plotting the ove rthrow of co nstitutio nal governme nt in the U nite d S tates.

A mao who c~m sit in a jun(!le fo x. hole full of rain wate r, with K r a tion s fo r m e al s, fo r as lo n g as r e quire d , d oes not strike the Tim es as be ing s ubs t a ndard . Those who le ave the ir fa rnil y Cor month s a t a tim e f o .- 1h e lonel y job of patrollin g the ocean or g uardin g an air b ase d o not s trike the Times as b eing substandard. This pape r hopes, tha t o n this particular Veter a n's Day stu· <lents of <;:ity Co llf'ge will t ak e tim e out to th-ink a bout the enor· rnous a nd co mpli cated j o b the milita ry h as. P e rh n ps they will come up with a d eeper respect and a little m o r e a pp.-eci a ti o n for an unapprecia te d buncl t.

do without is t he· MUSCLE MAN. dizzy as I rock back a nd foo·th try-

so, mistreat ing to recover from his jerk. of t ha nks to the many people who however , whjle doi ng One person I dread is the COIN me. I would like to leU you about devoted time and effort making a few of th ese persons . RETURN OPERATOR. This nut the dance a success. First is the TIMlD LITTLE can't mal<e up his mind , so he puts J oh n Hacker, Freshmen Class GIRL who comes up to me, inse1·ts in his worn coin, then pulls the I CC representative, prod uced some her· dime, t hen musters up all the co in 1-eturn. H is performance cone..xccll ent resu lts as t he fres hmen str ength she possesses to pull out ti nues for two or three minutes class and equally s hared the re· my lever . S he never quite pulls it un til a decision is reached. By then sponsibility of the dance. R on al l the way out, so I can't give her my coiq return spring is aching. He's not nearly as bad, however, Berki had charge of t he refresh· w hat she w ants. She stands back m ent s and J im Howard the pub- and sudden ly transforms into a as tho SIDE BANG ER. This unlicity. roaring fem ale lion a nd curses me. usua l character has been around some of my older friend s whose thin k it were my fault. You'd International Club took t he re· Next on my list of people I could par ts are a littl e wom and don't BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT boasts a n ew spiderdoe lo sponsibi lity of the band (The service as th e~ s hould. Immedi- the elforts of. th~ boys from A lle n Elem entary Schoo l. The bon Coachmen) and th e d ecora[ions. caught the sp1d e r m the S anta Teresa Hills a nd 1n·escnted It Judi McCrar y, in charge of decora · \Vhen a.. doctor m a.h:es :L mist ake, ately arter he has inser ted his gift to City College. as ' dime, he raps my .side to make tions, created a th ing of beauty he buries it. w ith t h theme ''Fal le n Leaves." When a garage m a_n ma ke."i a. m is- su re his coin dropped. He tugs on the lever, t hen bangs ,again. My inCou ntless other people helped in take, he adds it to your btU. making everything turn out right. \Vhen a. c ~trl>f'"ntRr ma.kes a. nl.i.s-- sides are so j arred w hen he leaves,, it's just wha t h e expected. I'm a nervous wreck. In f act, accordi ng to a one-man T hen of course, t here are his survey, ninety-eight per cent of \ Vhen a judge m a k es a ntistake, it cousins, the TOP BANGERS. They la..nd. tJtc of law the becomes t he people spoken t o, voiced apfollow t he same pattern, but pound proval of the dance in every as- \Vh en a. preacher makes a mi st a ke, on m y lid instead of my side. They Comet the tarantula is t he new- sons. Explained one of the ~ it. knows .nobody pect. The rem a ini ng two per cent both wonder why we m achines est tenant of the biolog ical scie nce "Comet m eans "hairy one' 11: were li a rs, and t herefore ca n be But when nn editor m a.kes a misbreak down so rapidl y. department, thanks to the e fforts Gree k ," and " we caught it the da) ta k e, tJmt's whe n the trouble discounted. One of the mor e a nnoying people of Chris Allen, David B o lster, we saw that comet." starts. Again Thanks to a ll , who use me is the VAIN HAIR- Richard Gazov.tSky and B ill T heall, Findi ng the spider, t he s tude~:~:, He's never bought a students from Alle n Elem e n tary COl\iBER. ______ _________R_u_s_s__ trap ped it in a box an d later tram. thing, but makes a d aily ritual of school. it to a jar. fcred combing his h air fmm the reflecThe boys captured the g iant spition on my shiny surface. T wo of the youths, Allen anrl Ga. der in the Santa T eresa HiUs an d T he life of a vending m achine sought permission from t heir S u n. zowsky, have a brother and sister, has its good momen ts too. Like rise Valley School to presen t h im respectively, a ttending City Col wheh the campus is deserted. as a gift to City College. lege t his semester so this seeme The name, Comet, was chosen by the logical place to bring the ta. the four contributors for two rea· r a n U nJHLppiness is ••• . .. having to study during your lunch break. . . . ru n ning ou t of gas on the Bayshore. . . . losing your last dime in an out..~of-ordcr Coke machine. . . . having a date t he night be· fore a big test. ... getting your telephone disconnected. . . awa kening out of a sound sleep to go to an 8 a .m . class. YOU, TOO, CAN BE INFERIOR goi ng in to a wrong ba th· room. The seeo!'d g;avest problem confronting college students three lecture classes 1n a today JS mfenonty feelings. (The first gravest problem is, row. of course, tfle recent ou t break of moult among sorority house cananes.) L€t us t oday look in to the causes of infe· . . . s itlti ng on t be lawn, only to riorit y feelings and t heir possible cures. dis~over the grass is wet. Psychologists divide inferiority feelings into three princi. . . parkin~ in a reserved zon e. • pal cat egories : . . . pop qu1zzes.

Tarantula Finds Home In Biolog ica I Sci. Dept.


N S ~::::::::::::T:I:D:B:I:T::':L:O::N:D:O:::

Jnlionor those. veterans wfio


servecf witfi tfic Unite{

States arm.ecf services avring tlie time_;! wa~~-

Jagged Jottings

He thrusts in h is d ime and pulls the le\re1· t o its limi t. I get a little

. . . bw·ning you r d1·art card while the FBI watches.

... being ineligible for SJSoy .01 G.P.A.

. One las t word. All o ve r th e nation colleges Hre sproutin g with stude nts SUPIJO.r tin g U.S. p o licy in Viet N am. Wh y not C ity Col lege ? Are lh e st ud (" nLs b r re a b ove th e eCfort i t ta kes to draft and sign a petition ? Do Lbey con sid er ~hcmse lves so sophi slicate d they cann o t a ll ow lh c m scl ve" a bu rs t of patrioti~n . Jt seem s th a t ]ove of c~ untry h a~ b eco m e "co rn y-." Som ethin g thai. is b e tte r l eft to the nHddlc a ged a nd ve te r a ns tlwn to swing in g, hi p, coll ege students. Th i!! p a p e r will c on ~i d e r it a cause fo r r e joi cing when these ty pes l ose t h e ultra coo ) a ttitud e tha t see ms to sprin g up - R.G. whenever th e wo nl p a tri otism is m e nti o ne d .

1. Physical inferiority. 2. Men tal inferiority. .o;. 3. Flnancia l in £eriority. . (A. fe~ say t here is a lso a fourth category: ichthyol ogical mfenor1t:y- a f<>7h~g that other people have prettier fishbut I beheve this IS common only a long the coasts a nd in the Great Lakes area.) L€t us sta~ t wit h the feeling of physical inferiority, perhaps t~e e::s1est to understand. Naturally we are inclined to feel mfen or to the brawny football captain or the beautiful homecoming qu een. But we should not. Look at a ll the people,_ n either b rawny n or beautiful, w ho have made t heir

marks m the world. Look at Napoleon. Look at Socrates. Look at Caesar. Look at Lassie. What I mean is you can't always tell what's inside a package by looki ng at the outside. (Sometimes, of course, you can. Take Personna Stainless Steel Blades, for example. Just one glance at tbat jolly blue and white packageso bnght a nd pert , so neat but n ot gaudy-and you k>ww it has to contam blades of absolute perfection. And you are


The day of des tiny is a t hand for the J agua rs . Friday's tussle at San Fraricisco will de termine if the locals have successfully c~mpleted their rags to riches dri ve. The Rams specialize in a crunching ground attac.k which has bli stered foes r epea tedly. In h a lfback 0 . J. Simpson lhe 'Frisco eleven has probably the best running back in the GGC. The tHt slmpes up as a torrid ba ttle between Si u' J'son's sensational, and the pinpoint passing of the Jags' record-s~ttiJ~g (J uarterback, Bob Toled o. Toledo has bt..-e.,n unbelievuble in r ecen t outlngs, hu rlIng eigh t TD bombs in the last two ga mes. His completion a verage is

a thing ot henuty, hove rinA" around 60% all year long. The s trong~ armed signal-caller has the best ends ~1 t he league r eceiving his tosses in Craig Shupe, Jim llecl;:endor~ and Larry \Villinms.

By FRED JONES ting st a r ted in t he fi rst quarter or Behind it s greatest off ensive action, driving deep into enemy ou tput of the season, San Jose territo1·y on the initial se1·ies of City ~Col leg e ripped its way past dQwns, on ly being held t o an ary Contra Costa to the tune of 32·12. neld goal attempt. The Jaguars rea ll y got the ball T h e fray provided a wa r m -up for thi s week's t ita nic t itle tilt with ro.lllng in the sef'ond canto. Arter ten ya rd com1)1etio1' to H eckenCity CoiJege of Sa n Fra ncisco. The J ags bombarded th e h apless dorn, Toledo muscled u. 53 yard Richmondi tes with 433 yards tot al Loss to Shupe fo r the opening off~ n sc, two yards mor e t ha n t h ey score. amassed against Dia blo Va lley ear· Contra Costa shot back on four consecut ive line charges by full liCJ· in the ca mpaign. t Gnlde n-:u·m ed Bob Toledo u.gain back Jack Lay la nd to biing t he ~~d the atta c l< for the surging Ja.g- Lally to 7·6 wi t h t he Jags on tpp. San Jose, paying no att-ention to u ars, cornpletlng rour touchdown rockets for ' the second consecutive the Come t comeback, blasted their wee l,, The nifty si gna.! caller foun d way back to another score. 1\like flanl<er Craig Shupe on a confer- Goodman prol-id ed t he fireworks e nce tu;uh: setting t hree TD r(,"- on t he Jagu<trs' second touc hdown drive. Tho diminutive h alfl>ac lt ce))tions. brought the local grldders deep o ·aJs· F leet-fbo ted Mike Good man chipped in t he J aguar cause, wi th into the visitors' territory with successive carries of 16 and 19 112 yards in 11 carr ies. Sa n Jose had a rough time gel- yards. Goodma.n then took a. To-

Although San F rancisco has a higher scoring aver age per game, san Jose possesses a more constant scoring th rea t because of the pos~sibility of the "long bomb. " Still, tho Rams must be rated a slight favorite due to t heir overwhelming victorieS against GGC opponents, and the fact th at the fray will be pl ayed on their home field. ' .

In a crucial contest such a s this, the chee ri ng and over all ·support from the stude nts in a ttenda nce goes a long way in helping to decide the fin al outcome. The r a lly club is or ga nizing buses to t ak e rooters to the gam e Friday afternQOn. The game st ar ts at 2 p.m., so specia l privileges will be gran ted those students who have afternoon classes Wednesday, Novembe1· 10, 1965 but want to attend the tilt. Those of you who don' t wan t to go on the bus have no other alter native but to cut your cl asses. After all, it's rumored that a violent flu outbreak is going to eng ulf the campus on

The winner of th is game will definitely draw a berth in the pos t· season Prune Bowl game. If West Valley upsets Monterey t his week to claim the Coast Conf erence top spot, a possible Prun e Bowl bat tle between th e Jaguars and the Viki ngs would resul t . Of course every~ thing depends on a SJCC victory on Friday. So cut your classes 1if The SJCC aq uamen ended their you h ave to, but be sure to get there somehow. league with a 3-2 won-lost r ecord, If you are going by car, t he easiest access to CCSF is 11s foUows : placing th ird in t11e conference. The tan kers ripped apart MonJake the Baysh ore until you reach the Alemany turnorr, whlch is u 26-2, at the Lobo terey'Peninsula you until ~my em Al follow Park; estick Candl beyond tUstance tihort reach Ocean Avenue, a distance of almost fou r miles; go right on nest. T he offense roll ed over the Ocean until you reach Phelan, only a. block or so away. CCSF is lo- Monterey defe nse to score at wil l. cated on th e conte r of Ocean and Phelan. \\'hil e on Alemany you The defense a lso held lhe oppon· should be able to see the school located on a slight hill to the right of ents as t heir press r epeatedl y si.ole the boulevard. Now t ake a. few tranquilizers and rela.x, beca use you've past for the offense to score. The finally made it. City College of San Francisco L~ located on the corner Lobos finally got on the scoreboard of Oce:m and P helan. Yo u'll have to find the ~tadium by yourself, and in the l ast period agajnst the re· knowing the in telligence capacity of ma ny individuals on CAil1J) US, this serves. Lo n g ta.ll Jim Ogden str uck for could be a problem . However, al~ you ,have to do Is hunt ~rolUld the goals .in e ight atte mpts. The six ' somewhere. campus, because it's there Frosh he lped in the victory a s Jim The J aguars have all the momentum and enough talented personBest a nd \Vayn e Reck cipped the nel to eke out a victory over the high fly ing Rams, bu t the home field nets for four goa 1$ ea.c.h. Lanny win to Jags the pick I If advan tage is going to be tough to overcome. Landwehr and Plill Brown hit for the tilt they would s u rc,ly meet de,fe-:1. 4 so I'ro going.. to forecas t a t l;ree an<l tlvo points, respectively. close victory for the San Franciscans. Paul Alliqule, AI Brown, Blll Jung,


Harr.lers Take Th'lrd

Shupe, Kuhlman Garner Honors




Li ck for two years,

.::C · J,Jo 1f

and was also nominated t o the -411~ Central Coast team in hi s senior



yca.r. In th e Contra Costa game

Bob, a second year ma n, comes and Lann y Landwehr rounded out from Hawaii and stands 6'2" a nd the scor ing wit h on e each. tips the scales at 210 pounds. Bob plays tackle and goes both ways for the Jags. He has been doing a fantastic job and has been ou t~ weighed in every game (sometimes as much as 60 pounds), but still I n t r amu r al grid action spots the opens holes for the backs to gal· Campus Brass on top of t he club lop through. On defense Bob has league with a 3-0 record. The been a real sparkplug in leading a Elem ents are on top of the open J ag li n e iliat is always outweighed; league after three tilts with a 3·0 h is spirit has been instrumental record also . th is year and t he Contra Costa L ast weelt Ron n ·r ool;:s led t he tackles found out what this game E.lcm cnt.s to a 42-0 win over t he was all abou t when playing across Jtmki es in which Dick E rick spn Bob. packed th e plgsldn ove r the line twice. Los t Won Ro n 1\la.cLenna.n, Jaclt Spottswood, • • The Campus Brass co ntinued 0 ...... 3 each \Vatts Paul and Triplett Jim their winning ways last week when LIONS ........................... 2 ASSORTED BALONEY: Everyone who a rr ives at the game in San 1 they squeaked out a wi n over the Fl'ancisco before 1 p.m. on Friday is going to be given a free ref resher . contributed one goal. 2 Friday night in the Santa Clara Hawaiian Club. Slippery Jim Garna WHIZ KIDS .................... 1 · '" · Fred J ones' weekly Beaver Scouting r eport: Contr a Costa-very 2 1 ........................ JUNKIES sparse. ... (Everyone a Frida.y's 1,'1l,m e is cuu tioued to wear a U niversity pool th e J aguars sunk t hrew two touchdown passes for BEAVERS .................... 0 3 bring to 22·7, h ros F his team and rambled around end parka with u hood, as it hu-S been forecast that the seagulls wlli be out t he Bronco in run force.) . .. Guess wh a t! Contra Costa showed up for last week 's their season record io 14-7. In th e for seven more. The L ions, who are in second game dressed in baseball uniforms as was eai-lier rumored. . . . Poor fi rst quarter the Aquajags' offe~e Wayne Swinford. He got his first taste of game competition last Sun~ was a little ragged, leading onl~ place in the club league, wa1ked day, and a lready has applied for his pension., . . . Former 49er quarter- 2-1. But the Tankers put their of- over the Beavers in a 16·8 tilt last back Y. A. Tittle was seen at Fiesta Lanes last week polish ing h is head fense into full swing as they week. Tognetti and·Salvato shined in the au tomatic bowlin g 'ball pOlisher. • ; . Fred J ones repor ts that swi shed the' nets for eight goals to in t he game and led their team Pete Salva to is consideri ng runn ing for homecoming queen next year. tthe Broncos' one. They left at in· to victor-y. · · · Fatty Al'b uclde of t h e l\1erchan.dislng Club ought to join the army. termission leading 10-3. 1 Bal lhawk Ron MacLenn an Arter all_. they're 1oolting for ·She rman ta.nks.... Any r ebroadcast. re~ BATTEN'S ART as he potted Production, or other use of t h is column without the expressed written the poloists to victory Special Student Rates FLORIST th ree goals. Righ t on his heels consent of the author is strictly encouraged. Discount to Students I

1--\u J



Elements Lead Football Action


Support The Jags



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next play, but on Contra Costa's first try rapidly improving linebacker Jesse Buchannan canned the Comet back for a safety.

Craig caught six )lasses for 127 ,ya,rds and t hree touchdowns (53, we r~e Jim Best, Wa_xne Reek and 35, and 11 y ards ). Jle a lso is th e Tom Woodward with t wo goals t eam's lending scor er with 36 apiece. J im T riplett, J im Ogden poin ts.


when it came to tying granny knots." 41 ...

ets back for last season's trounc· ing, 1·eservc quarterback P a t Cava taio swept aro und left end for City College's final scor e. Contra Costa pushed in t heir Again behind tltc pirl()olnt passthe J ags had to settle for the bali ing ot Toledo, s~m J ose moved r e- final rally on the previous series. tallying on a two yard plu nge a fte r on their own 40 yard line. Tol edo c o n n e c ted on three a 90 yard drive in 12 plays. CC SJ G1un e Slfttlstlcs stralght passes, I)Uttlng the locals 14 19 First Downs .. ............ on th e CCC 32 yard line. The high San Jose's cross·country squad TotaJ Offensive ........ 265 433 flying fi eld general then combined wound up league competition by 265 Jtuslllng Yarduge ...... 151 Si..'{ 1Jlays later with a. 24 ya.rd spli tti ng a t hree-way meet last Pas sl ng Ya_rdage lJS 282 aerial to Jim H eckendont with 1:29 Friday afternoon. The cindermen P asses ....................... ... 18-33 11-28 · rem:•ining in t he hRlf. to Diablo Val ley 23-34 but Hud lntcrce1)ted ·······1 1 :_:_::==.::.::_::_:...:.:.::_::=::.:.._____ lost bounced back to beat Oakland 1 1 Fumbles Lost ·······-···· Merritt 25-32. by gaining this split 40 so Ya.rds P enalized ....... . . the locals garnered sole possesston of third place in dual meet compe· On Thursday Novembe r 18, at This week we honor as t he Back titian, they still have the league 11 a.m. in th e 1\len's Gym tltere and week next meet p a nd L ineman- of-the-Week two of championshi t he most consisten t performers on the Nor Cal competition t he fol- wlJl be a. very imt)Ortant meeting. BnsebaJ le rs do not miss this 1mthe t ea m. For their fine efforts in lowin g week. The top five Jag finishers in th e ~rttng m eeting whlch concerns t he w in over Contra Cos t a the coaches have honored as the B ack- trl-meet werC Bob Sandoval, who registration and pl'" for the spring semest e r. If you eunnot of·the -\Veek , Craig Shupe, and as bettered the course reeor<l ; Don a tte nd please see coach Weiss per... t he Lineman-of~ the-Week, big Bob Hand, sLxth ; Humberto Hernandez, sona lly before 1\tonda.y November ninth; Ra.lph ({earn s, thirteenth ; 22 . K uhl man. t hreats seriously. ~oodman took a Comet punt a fter t he very next se t of downs and ret urned 83 yards for the score, bu t a clippi ng in fraction nu llified t he burst a nd

~·:•'~'th~·---~::!:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:= ~oc~·c:•:·~I~our~te Cr ilig, a. recen t ~raduate of aan~d~J~il:u~R James Lick, is a freshman flanker- bacJ;: wh o stands 5'11" and weighs Cl'l'Y COLLEGE TIJ\fE8-8 in at 65 I)Otmds. H e has ceitJIY come into Jtis own th e pa-st three gJ mes. Craig wns an All-League

Poloists Cop Two Tilts;


Dennis Hagins broke t he Com- · lentl essly to p:1y dirt. Shupe reeled le,1o toss for ten more stripes and rushed for tulothe r Jour to th e ets' back early in the second half, in a 35 ytnd reception to bring the Comet ll, to se t the stage for the intercepting a str·ay enemy chuck SJCC lead to 29-6 . T he . tally cuion the CCC 34 yard line and rep mlna ted a 75 yard driYe in eigh.t final Toledo to S hup e fling. plays. T he questing locals still weren't turned it to the two yard line. Sti11 determi ned to p ay the Com~ San Jose fumbled on the very abou t to take any Contra Costa

Phone 294· 1933

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* Action Is * Join FRED and the TOMBSTONES and Our Six Beautiful (yes 6) Go-Go Girls Nightly TOP RECORDING ARTISTS EVERY SUN, NITE Showtime 9:30 p.m.

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P erson na comes both in Double Edge and Injector style. And as if this weren't enough, Personna is now offering y ou a chance to grab a fistful of $100 bills from a $100,000 bowl ! The Personna Stainless Steel Sweepstakes is ofT and running, a nd you're all eligible to enter. Visit your frien dly Personna dealer today to get details and an entry blank.) B ut I d igress. L€t us turn now to the second category mental inferiority . A lot of people think they are dum ber than other people. This is not so. It must be remembered that there are different kinda ol intelligence. Take, for insta nce, the classic case of the Sigafoos brothers, Claude and Stur bridge, students at a prominent \Vestern university (Da rtmou th). It was always assumed that Claude was t he more in telligent just because be knew more than Sturbridge a bou t t he arts. the sciences, t he social sciences, the humani· t ies, and like that. Sturbridge, on the other hand was ten times smarter than Claude when it came to tying granny kno ts. But no matter; everybody looked down on "Stupid St urbridge," as they called him, and looked up to "Clever Claude," as they called him . Bu t who do you think t urned ou t to be the smart one when their granny almost got loose and ran away? You guessed it- good old Stupid Sturbridge. We am ve now at the final category, financial inferiority. One way to deal with ~his condition is to increase your income. Y o u ca n, for examp le, become a fence . Or y ou can pose for a life class, if your college is well heated. But a better way to handle financial inferiority is to accept it philosophically. Look on the bright side of poverty. True, others may have more money than you have but look at all the things you have that they don't-deb~ for

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Poindexter Next Speaker For ~ity Psychology Club

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Typewriters as little as



MODERN OFFICE MACHINES CO. 124 E. San Fernando Next to Ca Iif. Book Store

Edward P oindexter, director of the psychology department at Rancho Linda School, a residential treatment center for emotionaUy disturbed children, will be a speaker in the ne ar future for the psychology club. Although no de flnite d::tte has been· set, the speak e r wLU be sch eduled sometime within the next two weeks, a c co r d i n g to 1\fic.h::tel 0'1\fn.Uey, club ndvlsor, An extremely interesting experiment in hypnosis was performed at the last meeting, accordi ng to O'Malley. A subject was hypnotized by Guy Brown, then presented with th ree blan k papers, with n umbers on the back, not visible to the subject. It was then suggested to him that nwnber one paper was a picture of Brown and the second was one of himself. He was then awakened and asked to identify the three blank papers. He readily pointed out t he picture of Brow n and himself w hich were distinguished by th~ number only for the e.x-perimen ter.

Society Realiies Need for Institution To Cope with Overflow of Students With nearly five million students enrol1ed in fOur-year colleges and ~niversities this year. a need for mslitutions to open Mth the oVer~ now of youths seeking to enter college is g1·adual1y bei ng realized. This fact was emphasized recently in an article in U.S. News and World Report. Of the 719 junior colleges in the United States, and the 20 to 30 opening each year, all are swamped with applications for admission. Underlying the great number of students and student admissions is t he basic fact: a hi gh school education is no longer adequate preparation for t oday's jobs requiring technological ski11s. It ha·s been estimated that within five years nearly 70 per ce nt of the jobs in t he United States will require educa tion or training beyond tbe secondary l evel. This figure represents a decrease of 60 per cent of the availability of jobs in 1930 requirjng higher ed ucation. Junior colleges are holding t he middle ground for education in the semi-professional , technical, sales and other work wh ere only two years of cqllege is not onJy ade~ qua te, b u t considered des irable. The junior college, .t: course. plays several other xojes ln the fie ld of education. Many students wh,o are unable to get int~ fouryear colleges do wen in transfering after one or two years jn a junior college. Many community coUeges-some open 15 hours a day, six days a week, a ll year round-offer adult education in nigh t schools . The cost of attending a junior coHege usua lly is only a fraction of the tuition of a four~year institution, and th e studen t also saves money by living at home.

Students graduating from j unior colleges usually don't have a rough time finding a job. OccastonaUy t hey are in such demand that they, the students 1 a 1·e hired before t hey graduate. By completing one or more of the more important courses in the fieJd of data processing students ca n be hired. Thus even with their

Th e Le T reteau de Paris is bringing their production of "L' Annonce Faite a Marie" (The T id ings Broug ht To Mary), by Paul Claudel, to the Montgomery Theatre for two performances only on SunBay, Dec. 5, at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. The play w ill be in F rench, and will be attended by the French Cl ub. P aul Cla ud el Is considered to be the g-reatest French pla:)·wright of the twentieth century, ranking as high as Racine, Moliere, a-nd Cornielle. l-Ie is often compared to Aeschyle :md Shakespeare because or t he extraordinary freed om of his theatric::tl works, the ri chness or his 1:mgunge, ana .t he tragic g rande ur o( his subjects. "L' Anno nee Faite a Marie" is the most popular of Ciaudel's works, and has been translated into many languages. It resembles a folk or vilJage story, wit h t he plot cen tering around two sisters, one good and one bad. It has been said that this play is "one of the loftiest examples of poetic drama

The Rally Clu b prepares for the The f aculty members will be asked most important game of the season to allow the students who have with S a n Francisco City College purchased the tickets for t he bus trip to be excused from th eir on their field. ThiS game will tell aftemoon classe s to attend. J\lake the story, being that CCSF is the plans now to attend. Tickets ca n league leader. The club is working be purchased from all clteerlead ers up spirit to s u pport the J ags onto a nd song girls. Accordi ng to Bing Manning, this, thei r 5th win, and piece of Rally Club presiden t, "the spiri t t he Golden Gate t itle. '.rhe game will be played at has been great this year, football 2 p.m. Rooters buses will be a.vail- team tremendous, plus the outa ble to c.arry the many rooters e.x- standing work of the cheerleaders, song girls and band is making this one of the most memorable football seasons in recen t years." The Rally Club is going ahead a nd malting arrangements to star t basketba ll season Dec. 3, with a boards only. Ba nners may be placed possible "A Go-Go" dance, featuring Terry ·& t he Pirates and two on the lawns on campus. Organizations printing posters live A go-go girls. Cross-country and water polo in room 30 must notify personnel squads have been having a great of room 30 at least a week in adseason and want everyone's attenvance. The orders for posters print- tion and support who can makl it ed in this fashion is not to exceed to t heir games. T 30 with not less than 15 total. T lte Ra lly C lub has been Any group leaving its bulletins things going at a. rast pace upcoming pic nics, parties, and posters, or banners posted over hours after the an nou nced activity now m a. king a rrangements has taken place, is subject to hav- chartering a IJlane lo r a night ing t heir poster duplicat ing privi- curSion of ,t he San F rancisco area. Those students still leges revoked for the semester.






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Starts Run (See Page 2)


(See Page 3)

Price for a week to an yone bringing in two new people.

Phone 298-2181 /Ext. 230 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY , NOVEMB ER 4, 1965

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Jags Cio After Fourth CiGC Win Saturday

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Can't stand piano and banjo night. 50c off large or giant pizza with student body card· H onky Tonk, piano and banjo nights· 8:30 till1:30



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1 · Seen recently g aps n 1 nare n eld r u fi the around the football women P.E. majors under the supervision of instructor Evonne Davenport, WPE. l\1iss Davenport a ttended the. CAPHER conference last week and heard Dr. Edw. Williams, M.D. , speak on the impor~ ta nce of running for physical exercise.

The International Club Council'

DIAllJWII!WiMM AWll!1!1fmlJ.!!I

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nThe man for whom the piano was invented"-Newsweek at 8 :30 at San Jose C ivic Auditori um

Tickets: $4.50, $4.00, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 On Sale at WENDELL WATKINS BOX O fFIC E 293.6252 in Sherman Cl~y (Downtown} 89 So. Fird St. . W1th Mail Orders Send St~mped, addressed envelope for ticket return.


Thurs. Nite

Fri. Nile

244 So. 2nd 840 Town & Country Village 11·12·65 11-11-65


The San J ose City College li-

Skits will be presented. by each

Blood club at the Blood Drive Ral ly to

Drive to contribute to the Four- be held on November 9 at 11 Hart is County Re!¢onal Blood Center lo- a.m. in t he quad. chairman for the rally. Th ere WI.11 be l wo days to sign cated in San Jose. City College will l<'i to top West Valley's donation of 158 pints by setting a goal of up as a do·no r for the drive: 175 pints lor its donation, said Wednesday, November 10 from Ed Moglcr, the ICC advisor and 8:00 am . to 3:00p.m. and Monday, associate dean of student services November 15 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in t he quad and library here. Russ Summers, a member of the International Club and Co-Chair- areas. The actual blood drive day . is Tuesday, November 16 from . the General Cha1rman o f Icc 1s man for the blood drive. The Pub- 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and from licity Chairman is George Wat ts. 6 :30p.m. to 9:00p.m. in the Wo_____ There are five clubs participating in the drive. The club wht> has the - highest




Free Showing 8 p.m. Free~:r>an's Sport Center

New Othmar Schneider Ski Tech

Applications for the Academic Retreat, for the first time in its the local's attack. T oledo has al- his tory, have more than filled By FRED JONES ready set a Golden Gate Confer- available vacancies according to San J ose City College will be ence record with 10 touchdown Curt Hodgkins, chairman of the going after its fourth Golden Gate passes this year, breaking the oJd retreat. Those chosen will be noticonference win agai nst o ne loss seasonal !Jlark of nine, set by fied by mail. t} Saturday afternoon, hosting Chuck Hunt of San Mateo last He states, "It's unfortunate that tough luck Contra Costa on the campalgn. The Jag signal ca11er we have to rejec t people." Jaguar gridiron at 2 p.m. Applicants are chosen by a poin t also lied Hunt's conference standThree time conference champion, ard of four TD passes in one out- system. Applicants must have a the Comets from Richmond have ing. two point grade average, an in· bad their first trouble with GGC stt·uctor's recommendation, and an Halfback M i k e Goodman also apponents, losing all four of th is application with favorable reasons a conference record last F1i· tied season's conference tilts. Contra day night by reeling in a pa ir of for desiring to attend. Costa in previous years has finBasically, people a t t e n d i n g scoring tosses . The mark is also ished with 7-0, 6-0-1, and 5-2 recheld by Eural Smothers of CCSF, should enjoy discussing and exords, but has been dumped thus and Dean Wedlok of San Mateo. changing ideas. The theme of th is far this year by vengeful foes year's retreat will be Man Vs . SoRay Harrison, SJCC's all-con- ciety. Those attending should read Chabot (7-0), Oakland (13-7) , San 'ifa teo (13-7) and San F r ancisco ferenc e defenseman from last cam- "Growing-up A bsurd," as t hese paign, made hjs first appearance \viii be discussed at the YMCA (34-6) . San J ose lost to the Comets, of the season, last weekend against conference grounds near Redwood 18-0, in 1962; 14-13, in 1963 ; and Merritt College. Harrison, out thus City. far t'his year, h~ been reactivated 34 -7, last year. The J apanese film ~'lki Ru,. and Jaguar field general Bob Toledo to bolster the s lim defensive tackle t he English movies "Angry Silooks again to be the top gufl' in lines. lence," a nd "Man in Conflict With His Society" will be shown at the retreat. Fifteen to twenty faculty members will accompany Lhe students.

will sponsor this semester's


·Academic Retreat Applications Exceed Available Vacancies

ICC Prepares for Fall Semester's Blood Drive

Room 33 Tuesdays a.t ll. P HYSI CAL FITNESS SEEN IN \VOl\lEN P .E. MAJORS


'{ol. 16


======= I

in French literature." The product ion boa.'\ts such disting uished actors as Jean Davy, France Descau t, ' l\ladelein Vimes, Alice R eichen, Paul Dcscombes, Daniel GaJI, and Jean Pommier. It is being presented in cooperation with the Then,tre L'Oeuvre w•der the sponsorship of the Gove rnmen t of the French Republic. The religious play was written by P aul Claudels a nd is one of the first activities planned by the 20member club. A Christmas party with n. French theme at the home of a club mem~ ber is part of a dual event which a lso may in clude Fre nch caro ling by La Cercle 1 according to N icole Jordan, French Club advisor. President - Tony Rogonesi heads t he slate of club officers aided by vice president, Olivia Sahagun; secretary-t r e as u r e r , Margaret Needles; Inter-Club council representative, Mel Silva and publicity manager, Carol Lorine. About Le Cercle Francais, Jordan comments "C'est Magnifique."

Jags Beat Oakland


. ·Ra ~·!.. ~!.ub ~~~~~:~~~o~. ~~ .~~~~ ;=~~. =RF·o~o~=M=A=T=T=H=E=TO=P'='~=B=et=·~'M~T:~:,.~g~e~lt~e[;~.n~S~ty~le=~ ERROLL GARNER


The image of a junior college as an advanced high school is disappearing. Many competent people enroll in junior colleges and prove themselves very successful in the business world . Junior colleges are now being recognized as a proven training cen ter.

French Club To View Theater Company Play

Watts Says Poster Regulations Enforced Regulations for posti ng bulletins and posters are now being enforced. George Watts, commissione-r of finance, stated that unless regulations are adhered to, penalties will be invoked. Before a ny posters or banners are posted on campus, they must be approved by the following people: Connie McGillvary or Dave Di Benedetto, both located in the student union, or in case of extreme urgency, Edward Mogler. Bulletins may be posted in t he College Union and on the bul leti n

limited college training a student can find work.

Bettie Cla.rl.:e, bettd of the d ental aSsisting progrnm, leaves for Las Vegns ou November 4. to attentl tht' week·long national conference of the Am erican Dental Assisting Association. Clarke, a n elected director of the certifying board of the Amerimm Dental Association, said the group is meeting to J)repnre the written c:'i:aminations fo~ the 1966 denta.l assistaJ1t.s qualifybtg tests.

f I • Ca I .

brary staff is making plans for a two year course for library technicians, states Robert Brundin di~ "The lirector of library brary staff is studying the feasibility and the need for a program for training library technicians," he said. "The staff stll! needs to submit the plans to t he Director of Vocational Education, Dr. Sidney McGaw," he added. San Francisco City Col1ege is the only junior college in northern California that offers such a course at the presen t time, the director concluded.


Student Raps Miss. Justice _,

from a "whi tc" fountain. One By SUSIE JON ES week, the park vvas closed and the the is The Negro in Mississippi swimming pool of the park was victi m of ha rsh poJice treatment sold to a private party. a nd economic exploitation, clai med HOSTILITY WID ESPitEAD Cal Atwood, in a speech sponsored, Atwood also said hostility was by the Civil Rights Forum. Atnot limited to just Negroes. Many wood, a former City College stuwhites in the South, he maintained, dent, spent nine weeks in Missisare equally violent toward Northsippi last swn mer as a civil rights ern whites. worker for the Democratic FreeThe former CC student explained dom Party: tha t the first two weeks of the The rights worker claimed that nine week period in the South was the local police in Mississippi were dedjcated to orientation In the rigged to harass Negroes, and form of discussion groups. "This whites attempting to help them. is due," he sa id, "to the rather He mai_ntained . that minor violatraumatic e.x perience of adjusting tions, ignored in the Caucasian to ,the poo1· conditions of t he areas population, were dealt vv:ith harshly we were to work in." where Negroes were concerned. EASTLAND ESTATE ECONO~UC EXPLOITATION He went on, "You hear about Charging economic exploitation, the terrible things in the South, Atwood said that in one county but it is even worse in reality." w here he worked, the 67 per cent Atwood said he attempted to Negro popuJation owned only 2 penetrate Mississippi se-nator James per cent of the land. He said that Eastland's 45 acre plantation, to CHARGING ECONOl\fiC EXPLOITATION and police favoritism, the black man in iliis area makes spread ideas among t he laborers, Cal Atwood shtuply rebu.kB(l the state of 1\Iissl'iSippi last Thnnsdu.y. about $1,100 annually, and has but was shot at. He described t he A former Oity College student now attending Sa.n Jose Sta.te, h.e from five to ten children. estate as a small police state, presented his thoughts on last summer which he had spent as a. ci vil These people, he claimed, are Photo by J ohn Kouns where the senator gels labor for rights worl{ er in MJssisslppi. g iven just enough to keep them nothing from penal institutions . aJive for the next day's work. WORK WITH UNIONS TENSION I N P ARK The bearded rights worker also Canton, with a 65 per cent worked with local unions as an orNegro population and located 25 ganizer. His purpose was to make miles from Jackson, was one of the the people realize they themselves places the rights worker stayed. can do nothing. "By working with "Identifying The Negroes there were forced to semester include: the citizens, the results are more Next Tuesday's Philosophy fa- the Autonomous Ind ividual ;" " As- use a small, dirt covered piece of long lasting," he said. rum Topic is "Brecht and the sessing His Social Worth with ground for a park. Atwood also charged that the Atwood waS impressed by the Alie nated Audience," scheduled to George Green, City College Engwealthy black population doesn't coincide wibh the opening of the lish instructor on Thursday, De- tension involved when the Negroes like the civiJ righ ts movement production "Mother Courage," a n cember 9th and ''Beware of Def- peacefully entered the park to either. "These few elite don't want initions" with Dr. Ruth Cavare, watch a baseball game. lt was unanti-war play by Brecht. to rock the boat." John Owen, director of the play San J ose State Associate Profe s- usual to see a Negro drink f•reely Jan· Thursday, on English, of sor speak will Drama in and instructor · room uary 13. · at 11 ·a .m. m on t he topic F~7, drawing from his broad background of studies and a summer

Forum Discusses Brecht As 'Mother Courage' Runs

at l:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \spent Brecht.

St uden t5

Rights Worker Maintain s Negro Victim of Exploitation



Judges Select Candidates Colloquies Follow For Prune Bowl Queen Drama Production

is Bertold Ten Prune Bowl Queen candidates were chosen at the prel.imimu")' ''Thr'ce Penny fur his U89B-1956) knownBrecht best judging held last Thursdq.y. These were: Cinthia Hansen, Gay GrossOpera" but most critics applaud number ol members donating heider, Kathleen Pingree, Harriet Hamilton, Judy MitcheJI, Carol "Mother Courage" as his greatest blood will receive a prize. The Julien, Mary Turley, Bartiara Cadman, Karen Garten, and Georgianna to scheduled are colloquies Two work. The German playwright, a competition will be between the Dudukovich. The final judging wiU take place on Novembe r 9 at a Marxist and Communist, h as been follow the drama, by; B e r to 1'd Rally Club, International Club, dinner held at the Golden Doors in Los Gatos. Courage." "Mother Brecht, The Queen and two Princesses _:__:__ _:__:__ __ _ __ _ __ _ accepted in America despite his N c w man Club, Merchandising The fir.;t. colloquy will be No· C IVITAN FIRST SPONSOit be chosen on the basis of will views. political Club and the Hawaiian Club. Each Epic theater and alienation are vembcr the 6th, in Room D-101 The Pt·unc Bowl game was first As many as 128,000 of 158,000 head of the state Selective Servcarand voice personality, clu is contributing their time and students now receiving defennents ice system stated, "The major a nd Brecht's own concepts o[ theatrical after the play. The gathering will poise, riage, and will reign over the played in 1961, when it \VBS sponsored by the San Jose Civilan any physical labor they can to the ma.y be reclassified 1-A by next only pool of single men remaining production. Alienation is best de- be informal. The fi rS t discussion will be "Epic ac ti vities to be held in conjunction J une. Col. 1 Kenneth H . Leitch, is the group holding student de- scribed as an "anti-subjective drive. theater" where the audience de- and the Absurd," a nd will be at- with the Prune Bowl football game service club. The game was also ferments." 1962, but was deopped The Santa Clara County Selec- void of their own emotion view the tended by many notable people to be played here December 4 . played in and has not been played Civitan by be will duties Queen's the Among t ive Service Board says that they play as a rationa l experience who will be a part of the panel. [or t "e laot t\VO years. " are now granting deferments to whose functi on is to make people The aud ience will be able to par- a n appeara n ce in San J06e's The game will feature the cham~ Thanksgiving balloon parade. pion of the Golden Gate Conferthose who have completed one t hink. ticipate in the colloques. conBrecht refugee, Hitler A fourth of their requirements for Among t hose attending the first encc and a nother prominent area MONEY DONATE.D graduation each year without a siders it most important in pro- colloquy will be Leon Catz, firSherman Fine, coordinator of ·team, as yet unchoscn. duction that the audience feel the merly taught at Vassar, Stanford, the game for the Cambrian Junior break in their schooling_ TlCKETS ON SALE need to investigate. Brecht is, ac- University of Rochester and is curare now on sale by a ll Ticket announced Commerce, of Chamber majors changed have who Those Phi Beta by The San Jose City College P laygoers, sponsored cording to Owen, "more moralist rently teaching at San Jose State. the money from the game will be Cambrian Jaycees. The cost is Journalism Fraternity, will mark the end of its most suc- and those who have attended than Marxist, more humanist than Mordecai Gore lie, a designer and donated to families of children $2.50 for reserved seats, SL50 for cessful season November 10, at the showing of "Hello DoUy," starring school intermittently are unlikely theorist" and " has thrilled audiprofessor at University of with blood disorders in coiUleclion general admission and $1.00 for research to get a student deferment, 2-S Carol Channing. Illinois, will also be on the panel with Stanford H ospital. over." world the enccs said. Board the classification, students. In light o( this year's success and growing interest, C. W. PaJmer, Toe play iLself will offer much Additional programs for the Fall Males attending school for more With the possibility looming that Fine, whose daughter died of tour director, expects all those interested in next year's season to in the way of discussion for these leukemia after s1x montl)s o[ care San Jose City College will comcontact him in person in Room 42, or phoning 298-2181, Extension 230. than [our years will receive a 1-A people and the audience. at lhe Stanford Hospital stated, pete in the game, campus interest classification. The Playgoers have been a t- On November the lllh, t.'he sec- "The cost to families for this kind is reported as high , and tickets By nCcember childless married tending the San Francisco Light way star. This is due to Ca rol ond colloquy will be held in Room of care for their children is pro- will be on sale early. The Cam ~ . tfi.era Series for the past 15 years. Channing's heritage in the city. men may be reclassified to fill t he -101. D hi bitive." He said hospitalization bria n Jaycees hope to collect 1"!,e 1966 season will be set some~ She attended Lowell High School 4,727-man induction q uota. Tile title of this discussion is and care for six months costs ap- $8,000 from the game for the time in March or April, according when she lived there, and vowed Col Leitch added it is possble "Brecht and Viet Nam." Such perbenefit fund. proximately $3,000. to Palmer. The cost of show per that if she made it big as an ac· that deferments will be given only season is S3.50, including trans- tress she would return to San for academic excellence. He said ' Errol! Garner, who has been sons as Robert Sheer, Far East portalion. Palmer stated that the Francisco to bring the show home. in that case he doubted whether playing piano since the age of correspondent. for Ramparts, and Other plays presented this sea- more t han 30,000 to 40,000 stu- three, and is hailed throughout author of a boOk on CUba, and R tickets are available for City Colthe world as the outstanding con- G. Davis, director of the Mime Co. lege students, faculty and friends. son were "Pickwick," "The King dents would qualify. will Waltz." Great "The and I," and "Hello Dolly" is the only play The lightening of student de- temporary pianist to emerge from which played here recently to come directly to San Francisco They were staged at the Curran ferments is especially applied to the jazz genre, will appear in con~ apply Brecht's works to the war in ;,;a;;m;;·====,====~ cert for one performance only, ,v;,i;;;o;;;t,;N on tour with the original Broad~ Theater. graduate students . The official San Francisco 4_9ers According to an official in the Friday evening, November 19, at office of special services at UCLA, 8 :30 in the San J ose Civic Audi - .M ajorette Corps, (•omposed of baton leaders from 17 junior and several Los Angeles County boards torium. His prolific career has spanned sen.ior high s c h o o 1 s throughout have reclassified all graduate stuthe riverboats of the Allegheny nort he rn Cali.fornia, will perform denls 1-A. A man has ten days following River tD the top concert halls of ~"t hall-time Saturday (Nov. 6) llt th e' San J ose City Coll ege-Contra his notice of classification to sub~ America and Europe. Among Garner's best selling rec- Costa game at City College stamit an appeal. Once students h a v c received ords are his famous "Concert by dium. Tbc troupe, Wld e r the direction their i~duction pa~I_'S, .they can The Sea," "Other ·Voices," "caraa pply lor a FS deferment, which van," and "Paris ImpresSions," all o( Robert Olmstead, performs at permits students satisfactorily pur- albums. Recent recorded works in- a ll home games or t he San Fransuing a full-time eourse of instruc- elude "Dreamslreet," "Closeup In cisco 4.9ers, and features some of · m ost outstan<llng gil'J tion to obtain a deferment until Swing)' "One World Concert," and the state's twirlers. ,;A New Kind of Love." the end of the academic' year. L eadlng t h e g r o u 1) will be EIToll Garner and his accomIn ordev to apply for a.-l..S· lie-ferment, a student must be- ordered panists are being presented in San Dianne Nakamitsu, 1965 C1l.lilornia for induction, the s c h o o 1 must Jose by the San Jose Music and State Baton Twirler; Ttte group verify that he is a full-time stu- Arts Foundation. Wendell Watki ns has apt>ear ed fou r times on na.dent, and he must submit form is managing director of the non- tiona l telc\'lsion shows. AlsO pe rforming wm oo the JagSSS 109 to his local draft board. profit organization. T ickets are now available ai uar Band, which has accepted the At the expiration of the 1-S deWendell Watkins Box Office lo- Invitation this year to perfo rm at LOOKL"lG THEIR BEST a re ten ('amlida tes for: Prune B owl Queen. ferment at the close of the acacated in Shel'man Clay (Down- th e Jmti or Rose Bowl game in Pas- They were chosen from a possible J 7 at the JlreHminury judging demic year, a student who is retown), 89 Soutl> First Street, San d ena,, duri,,g l)e<:ernber. l~as t :)'00-r held last Th urstta y. ln the back, r ow left to right: Kathleen Pingroo, classified 1-A may re-appe~l the Jose. Mail orders are accepted the- City Co llege hand was chosen Gay Grossheider, Judy ·" itche ll , a nd Cynthiu. H a nson . .Cente r row: 1-A classification. Students are alwhen accompanied by a stamped, as t he top N or thenl Ca lifornla C!ir ol Julien, Harriet HrunUton, .and ~la ry Turley. Front row ; Barlowed only one 1-S deferment. bart\ Cndma.n, J(aren Garten, 11nd 6eorgi:uuta. DudukO\ ic h. One queen envelope. T elephone in~ jmtior collt! ge band t>erformlng at rutd two princesses \\;U be chosen to reign O\'er the Prune Bowl addressed PresenUy, returning students formation is available by calling the Jwtior Rose B ow.l Game. Game activities. PO JNT.u;tO OUT the big d::tte is Cindy H an8on. while Georg ianna. must make up co u r s e work D11dukonch holds the J)()Ster. The date marks the e 111J ot thls sea- changes ,before bein~ graduated- 293-6252C""'" l'iaygoer ..,..._

M0 5t

By Bertold Brecht

T0 L05e Deferment

'Hello Dolly' Ends Playgoers' Annual Theatrical Season

Contemporary Jazz Pianist To Appear • At c·IVIC. AUd•tI OrtUm


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