San Jose City College Times, Vol. 17, Issue 2, Feb 23, 1966

Page 1

--~finiiiiiiiiiiijjjiifiiiii~~~~~;iii~ 1 T'lew 'Democratic 'Clull -

Offers Political Activity New Democrat ic Club is being formed at SJCC for students w bo wish to take a more active part in th e activities of tlwir political party, according t o Robin Ross,

P resident of t he San J ose Democratic Club. "It is t he respo nsibilit y of each individual to take part in }X)litics," urged Garth Norton, Chairman of SociaJ Sciences. Ross explained that members can take part in discussions and debat es of many local, state, and natjonal policies of government . Committees will be formed to study world events. Speakers such as William Stant on and other incumbents will 'be included in the activities of the club, he affirmed. Also, he continued, there will be many social even ts to raise money to rent halls and for other club activities. He reminded that this is election

~~~~~;ta?~~~tinJ? ~pceremonies held on C:IDDPUS February 18, • e. rograrn student."i po ~ for a. g d ti ~o~t. SUC•mding from left to right, in the first RO\\o; 'lr;~ ~Jj:: er an, arol Cutler, Jen1. 1\fontgomerv M · Ab" • : · ~ second row· Gail Hall K L ~.,]' arCJa manti, 1n the Kathy P~on, in the' th~~e~O\J~~~ian: Borell~ ~ancy Lloyd, S!tirlcy Micheton, Linda Oalzoni, in. the1'o:rth ~~~; rX.~'* Astev;rson, Lmda. Farmer, Neale, Diane F illman, and Umla~o~::

year and that members could take an active part in the political is~ sues and campaigns. Ross hopes to get the club chartercd with the Inter-Club Council. a nd achieve a substantial amoWlt of .meJllbership.


Ross was delegate to the CDC Convention in Bakersfield from February 18-20. -

Led by a n energetic new slate' of officers, the Ski Club is plan· niJJg spring semester a:ctivities that range from surfing 'to snow sk iing: New president Ken Waage is supported by vice-president Bruce Andrade, secretary J acque Sporan , treasurer Bill Norma ndine a nd ICC representative Diana Hart. Marian Doak will be resPonsible for club pu blicity. Dues of only $1.50 will make any student elibigle to go on a 5-day ski trip to Shasta during E aster

Viacation, and a weekend trip t o Heavenly Valley this month. Water s k.Hng will aJso be f eatured when th e water has thawed. Surfing is another pla nned ac· tivity waiting for warme r weather. Beach parties will be more or less common Club as members soak u p sunshine, sand and salt water. -

Buy AS B Ca rdi -

With a swingin' theme of "Carnival a Go-Go," Co-Ree will sponsor an evening of fun a nd prizes for ASB card holders toni ght The carnival, which will s tart at 7: 30 p.m., will be iJi the W omen's Gym. Decorated booths for darts, bean bags, te nnis and basketball throw· ing, foot ball passing and ring· toss· ing will be set up. As a specia l event, three brave

teams will dip their feet · · m P<Jster pamt and stomp and sk'1p over · p1eces of butcher paper { "painting" per team). Prizes~~ the "best" w ill be awarded. or A drawing for a record albun, w~l also ~ held, and refreshments Will be served. After the Ca.rnivaJ, games wi II be played in the men· gym. s -

'New Society'· Swings Friday, 8:30 p.m., Men's · Gym

Buy AS B Card$ _

Have astronauts made pilots old hat?

Mothers: l oving day care for your' baby ,in my home near Valley Fair. CALL MRS. SANDERS


~ ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I CAN YOU SELL? If you want to be p.ut Of Sa n Jose 's most dynamic new sales program, receive sales and professional training, and have furnished as m.any leads u you can serve, c::all 258-8548 Ext. 16 after 4:30. Hours flexible. Men or




8uy ASB C!! rds -

Look Great This Spring


The Cosmetology Alumni Assodation o( San Jose City College will hold their first annua l meeting this evening, M arch 2 , at 7 :00 p.m. in the Cosmetology Depart· ment. Events for the coming year will be discussed by the fifty-eight graduates, including the election of offic ers, a program for the graduation dinner , arid special hopes for sponsoring a scholarship for one or t he graduates . Also featured will be Shirley Silveria, now a teache r trainee, w ho will present a trend hair style for the entire audieftce. Refreshmen ts will be served. Offi cers are: Nancy Martin, president; Kathy Wood, secretary, and Roxa nne Ca nnon, t reas urer.

RESULTS IH 60 DAYS Gain or Lose

12·15 tbs, of Weight

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Sure, the boys who go off the "pads" get the big, bold headlines . But if you wont to fly, the big opportunities are still with the aircraft that take off and ldnd on several thousand feet of runway. Who needs pilots? TAC does. And MAC. And SAC. AndADC. There's a real future in Air Force flying. In years to come aircraft may fly higher, faster, and fu rther than we dare dream of. But they'll be flying, with men who've had Air Force flight training ot the rcontrols. Of course the Air Force also has plenty of jobs .for those who won't be fly ing. As one of the world's largest and most advanced research and development organizations, we hove a continuing need fo r scientists ond engineers. Young college graduates in these fields will find that they'll have the opportunity to do work that is both interesting and important. The fact is, nowhere will yov hove greater latitude or responsibility right

from the start than on the Aerospace Te am -tho U.S. Air Force! You may be particularly interested in the new 2-year Air Force ROTC prog rom, available to · dents of many 4-y•ar colleges. For details on this and other ways to an Air Force commission, mail the coupon

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Add re ss


Pleole Prinl

Col le'ge

Closs of 19__



L------- - --

ASB Card Holders Free

1 1


THE NEW SOCIETY led by dynamic Randy Sparks will p erform Friday, February 25, 8:30p.m. in the City Vol. 17

No. 2 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1966 0" Phooe 298-2181 / Ext. 230 -----------------------~~--~--~~~~~~--~~----~~~~~

College Men's Gymnasium. Sparks originated the famous


Christy Minstrels and his latest group, the New Society,


which features a five male, two femal e vocali st-instrument

Zip_ _



playin g group th at has attain ed regal h eights in the folkpop-rock field. This Cultural Series event is op en to the

CITY COLLEGE FROSH Sheri Cirincione a nd Bill R~~~)~h a · , ~he w o.rJ? of beginnin g photogr !'tJ)hy students. T he photos can ~rruse m_ the C1t.y C~Jicge library; they represent thinP"s the student pl•osetoe n "likeu and ndlSiike ." "' gs

A 'T ras~y'

Subje~t on which some trash was later piled. The box was then discarded with the rest of the t rash. After recovering from the shock of his discovery, Morris decided it was, " . . . p robably the best thing that ha.s happened to any

indiVidu al my instructor. me to update ma teriaIt l." forces The only objectjon voiced by Morris was tha t it, " .. - leaves li ttle time for gardening, landscaping, and furnisbing the home."


1 to D iscount

to Students

to Februilry 24--'Will ~~:~==w~~:~::£;~~ Allo·w 1·1me To ·lnvest·lgate'

Witlh the campus police force bill ties concerning citations.

issuing tickets, instead of warn· ings since last MondaY, the Justices of the student court are makiilg rights of students and insuring an effort ' to make each student FREE, and their dates only 1.00. that studen t citations are handled aware of his rights and re~IX>nSi· by student officers r a ther than Associated Student Body Presi· to a "eritical" notch' of $9,000· defi- studeD ~effort, " continued Knapton admiJli~t!-aiors~ - · "' -. ... dent Jim Steele moved the budget cit due to lack of Activity Card in Steele's behalf. Steele has said, "If the-re is no Burch vvent on to enume rate the cutting deadline up a week, from sales during spring registration. student effort or action or desire, steps that must be taken after a Feb. 18, to Thursday, F eb. 24, sayAccording to Richard Knapton, student's car 'is cited. ' 1The s tudent ing, "This will allow time to · in~ P u b 1 i c Relations Commissioner, this is a sign to the student counmust make an appoi.ntrrnent to ap- vestigate all aspects of the problem "Steele has expressed t he desire cil t hat there is no s tudent interest pear before t he court a t_least ten related to the recent student body to have as many students aS pos- in th'e programs, and the progra ms will then be acted upon a ccording· calendar da ys "a fte r cited," Burch fund deficit." sible contribute ideas o~ solutions ly when budget alterations are said. "The a ppointment is to be Two weeks ago Steele placed a to t his problem." made a t the finance office. "This is a school crisis and it ordered." "freeze" on ASB mon ey bags as Coui-t is held o n Monday at 12 In allowing ''time'· tor investiga.. should be solved through united t he tl'e asury's currency belt shrunk •I Kathy P arsOn, Vicki Stevf!nson a nd locked caTs ·wJthOut having to call p.m ., W ednesday at 10 a.m., tional purposes, the student coun~ ..tean S. Tillotson Speaks Linda Ca lzoni, winner of t he Santa a locksmith." • Thursday at 11 a.m ., a nd F riday cit appointed a three-man commitIn Men's Gym Thursda y Clara County Dental Assistants Stud ents needing this service at 1 p.m. If for some r~son a tee to research, discuss an d recomshould go to t he Law Enforceme nt student is not able to make any mend actions for budget s lices. Jean S. Tillotson, Universit y of Society $100 Scholarship. of these t!imes, a special court City College Times will run a office in 'room 101. Massachusetts specialist in moveT he committee members-George date will be arranged. "There 1s ment exploration, will guest speak picture of the "capped" students Watts, Commissioner of Finance ; never any reason why a student at Ci ty Colle ge's Women's Phys ical ln the March 2 issue. Ed. note . Edward Mogler, ' Director of S t u· Russian Films Roll cannot appear before one of the Before the budget fo'r Che follow- the Supervisor of Student Opera· de nt ActivitYi and Robert R. RyEduca t ion and Recreation Depl judges," commerlted Burch. ing fiscal year, 1966-67, can be set tions estimate the income. "Movemen t Ed ucation" program Philosophy Fo rum Hosts Friday, in CC Theatre man, Director of Studen t Oper Penalties for those Joun<l guilty up, the estimated! 'income and de~ An appointed committee is then ations-met Friday, F eb. 18, Thursday, F eb. 24, 7 o'clock in the Physicist Louis Fein at 10 Two Russian films will be shown vary with the severitY of the of- partmental budget request must formed at the Conunissioner of Men's Gym , Philosophy FoTUm will present on Friday only, Feb_ 25, in the City fense and the number of violations be compared. Three people, the Finance's discretion. It will con- a.m. to confer the ma tt-er. They A demonstration wit h third and n o t e d physicist- Luathe ma.tieian College thea ter at 8 p.m. They will were obligated not to d isclose the ir the student has committed, but as Conmtissioner of Finance, the Di- s ist of approJcimately eight people fourth grade boys and g ir ls will be Louis Fein, found e r of the sfn- be ''The Duel" a nd "Earth." recommendations until the student a usual course they follow this reetor .of Student Activities, and - four student government offipresented, and the aims, objectives noetic Systems Co., Los Altos, who council session (open to veryone) "The Duel" was made in 1962 pattern: cia ls and Iour qualiiied student and future irnpli actions of move- will discuss "Social Implications or from a short novel by Anton ChekThursday, Feb. 24, 10 a.m ., room First offense, a warning. For the body card holders who are men t educa tion in physical edu ca- Com puters," Thursday, Feb. :U, hov. The actors and dialogue are second ofrense a suspension or recommended by the Commissioner U-200. According to Knapton, ustuden ts tion wilJ be discussed. room F·7_, 11 o'clock Cit·y Co llege Russian, with . Englisl\ subtitles. parking privileges for a time to be and approved by the Council ' wishing to speak during this m eet · This movie is a sensitive concep- determined by the judge according time. Student body members who ing may do so by contacting any Dental Assisting Students Fein is a graduat-e of Brown tion of the time in w hich the story to l!he seVerity of the offense. If would like to apply ifor a position studen t council member t o recog.. U nl\'ersity and authored numy took place and of Chekhov's ar- a student is found guilty of a third on the committee for the '6&-67 nize you during the meeting!' , Are Officialiy 'Capped ' noted a rticles inhasnational publica- tistry. The photography in the offense he is sent to the Dean of budget, should write a short essaY Eighteen City College Den tal tions d«?lling with computeTs, data movie is very good, according to Men for further disciplinary acOnce the alterations have been After twelve years of service at on why they feel qualified to se.rve, decided upon, the approved budget Assisting Program students were processlng, and related flelds. Charles J. Slleldon, faculty repre- t ion. of!icially "capped" Friday, Feb. 18, The Justices stressed the fact the helm, H. R. Buchser, superin- and tum it in to Sharon Herndon, will be sent to H. R. Buchser, se ntative of the English Depart· in ceremonies held on campus. that once a student 'is cited his tendent and president of San Jose in the Student Finance Office be- Superintendent-President of City Campus Police Aid me·n t. The studen ts, who will complete College, for his final approval. citation is placed on file in three City College will retire in June fore March 15. '"Earth " is a silent movie made 'Locked Out' Drivers of 1967. He has been superintendtraining by working in dental ofin 1930 by Alexander Dov>h.e nko. diffeT'Cnt places; the campus police ent since May, 1964, a nd City ColJames Page, head of City Col· fices this spring, include : It is a classic showing t he peas- department, 1:he finance· oHice, 'a nd Marsha Abinanti, Mary Ann lege police, reported th.!lt t he cam· ant's relationship to the Russian the court itself. Once the citation lege president since 1955. Airose, Kathy Bake r, Lillian Berk- pus patrol is equipped with special soil. Now, the San J ose Junior Col· · is received in the court office a man, Diane Berella , Carol Cutler, tooJs to op~n looked car doors in Admission is free to students card IS. m ade up and kept on -... ....... lege District is faced with a moCIEIT, Men's Gym, 8 :30 p.m. Linda Farmer, Diane Fillmen, Gail the e\•ent that a studen t locks bim· _w_i_th_ A_S_B:_ca:_rd.:.s_:_._ _ _ _ _ _ _.J.:o:.:.rd.:...f:.:o:.:.r_:th:.:e:....::•:.:.n::tire:.::._:se::::m:.:es ::: te:.:r:.:..- - - I mentous task-that of filling the WEDNESDAY: FebruJl.rY 2S 4. Tennis Tourney, Berkeley Hall, Linda Johnson, Nancy Lloyd, self out. position vacated by Buchser. A 1. Supreme Court, 10:00 a .m., Rm. Page said, "This was inaugurated U-205 Karen Lyons, Sherley Michelon, three man committee has been SATURDAY: F ebruary 26 Jerri Montgomery, Dianna Neale, to enable students to ente·r their formed to screen 13pplicants for 2. Co-Ree Night, 7:30p.m., Wom- 1. Swinpning - Northern Califorthe job of district superintendent enls Gym nia Relays, College of M arin, and Cit y College president. 3, Santa. Olara. County Honor High All Day. School Band, Theatre, 8:00 p.m. 2. Wrestling, Golden Ga te Confer· Members of 1:he screening com· It is a new semester and once news leads to give to the report· mittee are Dr, Leland Medsker, 4. College Times Published again the leadership of the City ers. ence Tourney, Here, 9:00am. The feature desk will be headed professor in education and vice . College Times h as changed hands. TUESDAY : 1\t:arch 1 The new editor is J eff Mullins, by Bill H uston and his -assistant president of t he Center for the THURSDAY: F ebruary 24 a 22-year-old education major. He Chris Vaughn. They are charged Study of Higher Education at 1:he 1. Student Council, 10:00 a.m., Rm. 1. Student Council, 10:00 a .m., is planning to gradUate this term with keeping track of both the fine University of California; Dr. John U -200 R m. U-200 ~d lively arts. Mike O'Connor Lombardi, presiden t o f Los Angeand transfer to San Jose State. 2. Student Court, 11:00 a.m., Rm . 2. Student Court, 11 :00 a.m., Rm, Second man on the Times staff will take over the job of Staff les City College, and Dr. Thomas U-205. U-205 is a girl, Judi McCNlry. She is a Coordinator and "number one" re- Jam'€'5. professor 'in education at 3. First I.C.C. Meeting, 11:00 a.m., 3. Philosophy Forum, 11:00 a.m., 17-year-old journalism major and porter. Stanford University. Rm. U-200 F·7 was a reporter for the Times last The often forgotten but essential Henry Gunderson, president of 4. Civil Rlgbts Forum, l l :00 a.m., semester. Her past experience business side of the paper is han- the boarcl of ~uperviwrs, said the 4. Baseball, San Jose City College Theate r vs. Stanford Braves, There, should come in handy fo r this se- dled by John Miguelgorry and his district will attempt to attract ap5. Golf, San J ose City College, vs. 3 :00 p.m. mester's paper. fast-moving advertising staff. Tht.s plications from throUghout the San Mateo, There, 1 :00 p.m. 5. Tennis T ourney, Berkeley Bob Borzone, fall sports editor_. is Miguelgorry's second stint as nation. 6. Basebal~ San Jose City College has been put to pasture, _with. his Advertising Manager. He said the committee will select FRIDAY: February 25 vs. U.C.J.V., There, 3:15p.m. chief aide, Fred Jones; taWing over Charles Ste~ns is the Times' eight of 10 leading candidates. 1. Golf, San Jose City College vs. the sports editorship. Fred is a Final selection is expected to be WEDNESDAY: 1\la.rch 2 San Mateo, Here, 1:00 p.m. real "great effort" m a n, and his "mortician," who along with Leann Sarmento, takes care of the li- m ade in January, 1967. 2. Basketball, San Jose City Col- 1. Supreme Court, 10:00 p.m., Rm. MURDERER'S ROW? ALMOST but not quite. This collection o! page will be hi ghligh,ted by Bor- brary. President - superintendent BuchU-205 lege vs. San Mateo, There, hartl bitten desperadoes ma.kes the back bone of tlte City · zone 's sharp-tongued, . J 'agged Jot· 2. Co-Ree Night, 7:30 p.m., Worn· The Times photogra pher is ser, who will be 65 next year, re8 :00p.m. Times newspaper staU. From left t.o right, Bill Huston , Feature Ed.; tings. sharp - lensed Royal Chamberlain. ceived a new one year contract at ~like O'Connor, Sta.U Coordinator; C hris Vaughn, F eature Staff; Also assi tin th CU 1 tu ral Series, RANDY taff 1· R en's Gym J eff ~(uiUns, Times Editor; Charlie Ste,·ens (standing) '')lortici.a n" ; . . . s g e s . s on· The night-staff editor is Don Ka- an annual salary of $22,000, last 3. SPARKS & THE NEW SO· 3. College Times Published Judi 1\teCra.y, Ass't. Ed.; Ron l\la.cLen.nan, Ad. StaU; nnd Ronnie me Cinelh \vho, as news editbr, has month. washima. Cinelli, News Ed. Not pictured, Ad l\I anager, John :\tiguelgorry. the volwninous job of compiling

Composite of Related Events

College News


Action, Student Rights Date

school students with cards $1.00, ASB CARD HOLDERS



~·:,;;h·"E~plains Court Steele Moves Budget Cut

public. General admi ssion $2.09, children 50 cents, high

The Selective Service Depart.. ment :recently announ.ceil th a. U1ey wfU c lose a contract with a testing .finn for a Selective Serv· - T est with1n the n e.x t l ew days. JCe The Selective ServiCe T est Is a draft qualifying test which will be made ava ilable to two million college stude nts and high s e b 0 0 1 seniors.

532 S. B1 scom Ave. CY 3-0655 San Jose



Club·· Officers. Plan 'Co-Ree Sponsors Carnival Surfing, Skiing for Spring Tonight In Women's Gym

Robert Doerr, History instructor will probably be the club advisor:

- Cosmetics Alumni Hold Meet Tonight

F rom t ime to ti me every course mu st be revised in ord er to keep up with the latest infonnation on the s u bject. T he Botany a nd Nature Study courses taugh t by Eug ene Morris , however, received u nexpectedly abrup t revis ion recently as he was moving from a n a pa rt· ment into a new home. As far as can be determined by MotTis, his notes for Botany, Nature Study, E n tomology, and some photogr aphs were placed in a box



San Jose Health Club 4 13 E. Santa Clara St. Call 295-9910



Card Holders Assist Councii

Buchser Will Retire in 1967




FIV.E, FOL'R, THREE, two one • • . Blast-o:f1? This scene may ":~d you ,of a <?ape Kennedy coun t down, but in a.c tuality it is C•,t;,o Co ll e~e s RadJo \yor~hop~ team J)reparing for another Sunday e"e . bro~d~t on Ra~10 RXRX. From left to right are: John l\lai Ste ve Dmt, \ Valt IWbinSon and AJan Tan (seated). '

City College Weekly ~ulletin

Radio Workshop Starts Spring.Semester Radio W or kshop, a two unit-six h our -c;ty College Drama and Speech Dep t . course, has started its programming for the spring semester, according t o Walt Robinson , instru ctor. The workshop, which is par t of the Broadcast Curriculum at City College, offers studen ts t rai ning in the production of a weekly r ad io program. L ast year t he works hop procluced 17 progra ms featuring discussion and interview on aspects of campus life.


$69.95 - $1095' 345 E. J ulian St.


This year the fonna t will be built around music, interview and news . The opening show featured t he mus ie of F errante and Teicher and an inter viev.r with the pi ano terun. • " CITY COLLEGE SPOTLIGHT the name of the program, can ~ heard over KXRX on Sundays at 7:30 p.m.

BASCOM AUTO ELECTRIC Tune-Ups ••• By Carl • Brake Service • Inboard-Outboard Re poir • Generol Re pairt • Boat ancl Trailer Wiring


Phone 292-6442

Mullins Heads Times

Brand New





Wednesday, F ebruary 23, 1966

Stuuents As Edilor .of the West Valley College Norseman, i n Com gbell, I h ave h eard many comments about the· "apa th_y" of West .Val ley Hold Salesmanship sti ll I students. I t's of Lr ad t"• ' on su ch as yo. u Contest This Spring fllsed i tu a ''on h ere, and no

Guest Editorial understandable,

Publishe d nc h We dnes day of the school year by the journalism classes at San Jose City College. Supporte d, in part, by Auociated Student Body funds Member Colifornit~ Newspt~ por P~o~blisher' Auoc:it~tion, Second Clt~u postt~ge pt~id at San Jose, Calif. Subscription rates: $3.00 per year or 10¢ per eopy. Phone 298-2181, t 230






have at City College. We have on ly been i n o p e r a ti o n since the FalJ semester of 1964. better off than yours, at l east as d college is infinitely f Butf our ar as un s are concerne d. We have as mu ch m o ney in our treasury as we will n eed, with probably som e to spare. So we can afford to sit back and ]a ugh a t you. F o r a co1lege with h'l'o-thirds the enroll m ent to h ave a be tte r turno ut than a l arger college is, yo u m ust adJnit, funny. But i t sh o uldn' t be funn y from your point of view. Our ASB cards, by the way, cost $7.50, as com pared to your 56.00 charge. I don't imagine we h ave any be tte r activi ties. But for some reason, we have more sp i rit, in thi.s r espect a t least, than you do.

Do you want to see students

w ho ar e really busy? Then drop by

---- 1 . :•:.:•:. ·.:. :. :·--------------------Ed;tor ........................ JEFF MULLINS

N;ght Ed;tor .... DON KAWASHIMA

Asst. Editor ········-·· JUDI McCRARY Feature Editor .......... BILL HUSTON News Editor ·-······- RONNIE CINELLI

Sports Ed itor .... -.:... _. FRED J ON ES

Adv. Mgr. .... JOHN MIGUELGOR RY Advisor -·- ···········-··· C. W. PALM ER

Staff: Ad ve rtising, J im Tabor, Bill Rumph, Sheri Cirincione, Ron Moc l ennan: Sports; Karl Laucher, Curtis Hyde , Pat C avataio, Bob Bo rtone, Frank Wright, Chester Wood, Pax Rocha : News: Chris V~ ugh a n , Bettie Barker, LeeAnn Sarmento, Ch,ules Stevens, Francis Smallwood , Joyce Reed. Photog rapher: Royal Ch amberlain. Staff Coordinator: Mike O ' Conner_

Disc ' n ' That

have a con ·

imagine, since we

back~rot1 nd

t he Cosmetology Departm e nt. "More services are being performed at t his ·t ihle than ever before," states Mrs. Dejan,i, head of

the Cosmetology Deparbnent. T he reason behind all the activity is a salesmanship contest. Th is contest is open to all t he



l(lonk 'n' Klang As you walk into the office of tlte City College Times- we

· - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - liope you visit us often and, bring \\S many scoops, leads and stories - do nol expect to hear the klonk 'u klan~ of a Heidel0

berg press. , Do not gear your no_stri]s for the smell of printer's ink, and

don t key your Eustachian tubes for the Perry White of the Daily P lane t. No, Sir. The Times. has no p.rhlling press since all the printing is d~ne at the ."Globe" across town. ~he only smell yonr keen senses w1ll detect IS fr01n a half eaten cheese and sal an1i sandwich l eft on th e sports desk by Bob Borzone, and lhe only authoritarian

Student Speaks Out • . -;-


The value of this activity to the

are divided into two groups. T he JWliors compete against other Jul}.iors and Seniors compete aga4flst other Seniors. T his -annual contest started on the first day Qf this semester and will continue for eight (8) consecu tive weeks. The awards that

are •to be given will be presented the Cosmetology Club. The awards include three (3) trophies and pl¥Iues in each group. The winner will be detennined

by the number of points each girl h~ ac~umulat:M. Points are given tor set:rtces perfOtmed. such serv-

U n fo rtunately, t his activity is in

ices include eJectrical facials, per-

Lately, have you been suffering from a pounding se r . nsabl•.on • your head? You probably don't need on e of those much -pu ICII~ h • he~ dac he re me d1es as muc as you need to become a radio dial, tw1ster-and clear you r own personal airwaves of the "Batman Th eme, by th e Marketles. Wh at a "caper." · · Word wizard Roger "King of the Road" Miller present a t wo-sided smash recordi·ng: "Husbands and Wives11 and "l\ us a Long Time Leavin' ." You can't buck Roger trom the charmed• · " co,. . . sIars. He ' s becoming an institution of "Iop t en " smgmg There's a bug going around. The love bug. Already it has hl ba nged Beatie G eorge HarriSon, the third to go, and onl lea'• Paul McCartney unencumbered, still resistant to the nupliar d Ironically, t he newest single by the British boys is labeled " N;~ 9'

possible cancellation because of the

student is obvious. It is an oppor- opportunity to participate in tflJS tunity to come in contact with activity, you must a'c t nO\V to inother in terested students and to sure its pl·eserva.tion. You can help

Letter to Ed.

40-50% O FF Selected

Fine Fra mos

12·15 lbs. Weight




Sa n Jose


$69.95 .-




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OFFIC E MACHJNES..CO. 124 E. San Fernando

The Moon Is Blue

Niven en an iam ~o~C~a~l~if~.~B~o~o~k~S~t~o~re~~W~I; ~~;~;;l~;;d~;;~~~~ ! .~ ;;;;;:~~ ~~~!!!E!!!.! !J! !u! !li! !a! !n! !S! !t!·~~~~~~~~~N!I!!!ex~t~t


DOWNTOWN 112 S. 2"d St.

Open 5 Nights Lot :'C"

Free Parking Next to Store


HAS IT! ... in

Pt~r king

D~wntown Son Jose

nANCE! PlAY! ·EXERCISE! In perfect fitfing,




Harold, proba!bly should be an George ought to Every Joseph and

knit of fi nest q ua lity stretch nylon

College Students




Mem bers










this o.dvj!rfisernent and return it your ~heck or money order to : 'TM Cllri:ttlu Sch:"c• MM+t.r o,.. Honr11y St., Boston, M.... 0111J


65 W. Santa Clara St. (BETWEEN FIRST & MARKET I




Make yout appearahce in

AND l£T TI-l£ Cl-liCKS


God." Some names ·indicate that the bearers missed •their niche in life.

f o r big girls and liHie girls,

• e • •


When Is a Name ANanie, a Name?

PHONE 293·2815

0 I YEAR $12 0 6 mos. $6 0 COLLEGE STUOtNT 0 _FACUl-TY MEMBElt'

to his surprise, ''army leader''; be a "fanner." Josephine should

be "prosperous," ev""ery David ("beloved") luck in love. Whatever your gli.ven name, chances -are you've -acquired a nickname by now. Psychologists have interesting- and opposite-

theories t.o explain just why people p,in tags on each otheT. One school

of thought says that all ruck· names. even effcctionatc ones, are basically bclitlling-'the shortened name refilects an unconscious de-sire to "cut the other person down • t.o size"! 0 the r psychologis~ maintain that we express a friend--

ly desire to identify wlth other people when we use a nickname instead of the more forma l moniker.

The sharp styling of Farah slacks puts the frosting on anything yE>u might cook up!

CAN YOU SELL? If you want to be part of San Jose 's most dynamic new seles program, receiv6 sales and prafeuional +Taining, and have fur nished as m;~ny leads as you can serve, call 258·8~8 Erl. 16 after 4:30. Hou"' fl•llible .. -Men or



Mercedes -


A Real Rauco us Romp!

Type w riters as littl e as.

Peoples Wins $100 AWS Scholarship


Fara P r ess ® •

mes ter pres ident, Ma tias I. Bau· tista. One of the club's most aclive members for over three semes te rs, Bautista has a lways looked forward to becom ing its ''head m an ." On many occa sions in the past he has been nominated for the post but due to academic over load he had to decline the nominations . "Go where the action is,'' in vi tes Baut ista, "and the club can be a

850 Lincoln Ave. San Jose 25, Calif.


SCENE : THE QUAD. Date : Fcbruor;\· l5, 1966. Tim e: 11 O'clocl<. Action: Zero. Big Club Rally: 'J 'wo r~eopl c si~n up.




Special Discount

Drivers lice nse needed 5 days a week I :00 P.M. to 5:00 great success." P.M. Filling and delivering At this time the entire club fe els Santa Clara VaUey Chapter of Phon e 293·9033 orders. the need in promoting friendsh ip the America n Welcling Society has and unders ta nding between its L----,,--...,---::::------==---'

a'"(larded its annual $100 scholar- mcmbcl"S, especially foreign and ship and membership to Lewis American students. Many social Peoples after completion of a activities a rc planned, beginning interested Welding MetaJlurgy class last se- with a snow trip which mester, accordi ng to Kenneth students may sign up for in room 201 at the next meeting. Neely, SJCC weldiJlg instructor. Also on the International Glub's He explained that the award is activi t y Ji st is the "Interna tional gh'cn to the mos t qualified student BaJJ" which earned over $1,000 in the advanced section of \Veldfor chadty last yea r. ing, "who gets in a nd learns." ''The club is ope n to everyone," Welding stude nts are no t trainencour ages Ba uti sta, "not only to a on burners "rod ing to become production )ine, but suitable tech- foreign anyone s tudents, tis ta, join."toBau IH::c to but who would nicians and leaders," he insisted. from " fa bu lous" Madr id, feels th a l, Citing examples , he said that afonncr students of SJCC fo und "We can lca rri your cus toms, and you can learn ours."

Neely mcs ter's Process L e s Feu.'X Follets, the Cnnadi:m trips to N:Ltio nal D:mre r s, will be seen in Typin g Service Available the Un ited Stutes for the first time observe on· the. job application of in their twe lve-ye ar his tory. Dur- practices studied in the classroom • At Low Cast • With Fast Service ln g the 1965-66 sea son they will a·nd laborato ry. "The stud ent tra ined in Welding tour major cities In t h e United Ca ll after 6 weekdays 286-4839 Sat., Sun. Anytime will never be out of work," he S tates. Unde r the collective title, "The reasoned. "Nuclear energy opera Canadi an Mosa ic," th e c?mpan! J tions, missiles, and jet a ircraft are wlll appea r a t s ~ut Jose Cine Aud1- only a few of rthe many a reas t orium for one per fonnunce Sa.tnr- where Welding Technology will play a part.'' day, 1\l arch 5 , a t S:SO p.m. A wooden shoe dan<'c of the 16th "Study and perseverance may (lentury wiU be among the dances lead the welding technicia n to enllerform cd . Special rates nre availltble f or fJ a nce gr oup~, l l'renc h gineering s la tus," he added, menot her interested tioning several high 1·anking colclasses, and leges offering this type of progroups UI)OII r e quest.



It's Murderou sly Funny!

CY 3-0655

·with the aim of making the Internationa l Club the leading g roup on campus, City College's Social Organization for Foreign and America n Students launched out on a new and dynamic begi nning with the lcction of its sp1;ng se-

The Inte rn ational Club's next continued th a t this se- 1 meeting will be h e ld Thursday, Application of \Velding February 24. during the 11 o'clock clas s will be tak·ing field collQge hour in room 201. local industria l plants to 1

San J ose Health C lub 41 3 E. Santa Clara St_ C all 295-9910

The· 10th Victim

IOcyo Discount io Students



Italy's Agent 38-24-36


Students in the pa int shops are getting val uable training and are saving SJCC "dollars a nd cents," working on the h llrd les for the t rack team. asked !or by Char les Baker . The bleache rs ncar t he I pools and a project for the Dental ! Assis ting Departm ent were also on his age nda . AU TO ELECTRIC "I am 1 i k c a n under t aker." Tune-Ups chuck iC'ct . o:·ona. ··sooner or lat e r ••• By Carl they all co~1c t o me." · H e v.·:-.s n--f~:1.·: •1g to the many Servite • Brake l'Cque::. ts r"l't:" ;n il~g to paint jobs • lnboard·Outbaard the f:-tcl!'t. m ~·1~rs bring to t he Repair ;ho:J t'~ h~ (lone arl):m d t he school. • General Repairs HC' rc:lSC'J~ ... rl t1· 'I it wculd cost the • Boat and Tf'oiler school a Cout fi ve Cl' six dollars per Wirin9 hour to pay a p.·ofC'Ssional pa inler DISCOUNTS TO S.J.C.C. to ha ndle jobs. STUDENTS AND FACULTY "St ud P!lts r.ot on ly do jobs for Phone 292-6442 the school. bul al ::-o ffJ t" o the1· or438 S. Bascom ganizations," he continued. ''The students arc presently working at the Blind Cen ter." "T r ai nin g: wise , ynu ea rn beat this type of work ," be obscn,cd. '' It includes a ll phases o f the track a nd all of the too!s in\'olved . Al l of the shops arc invo~\'ed in t his pro ject, but painting is t he bige;es t job, since t:hey w ill be d :->ing the ins ide a nd o uts ide of the entire

j obs as shop foremeJll."


FLORIST 532 S. lascam Ave.

Gain: 3" on Chest 3" off Waist I " on Arms 2" on Thighs

With sorrow etched into every mournful word delivers his fifth hit-in-a-row, "When liking Turns t~ Lov'"'" .. Bo ots and booty can go hand in foot, as shown Sinatra' s skyrocketing musical message, "Th ese Boots Are Walki ng." After countless flops, Frank's offspring has finally ac11iO>J!dl an im pressive chart stance. W ith a_ll due respect _to any sensitive French artist, the U.S. labeled thetr secret Spec•a l Forces in Viet ~'lam the Green S/ Sgt. Barry Sadler seems. to have .• special affinity for the gree n, and as a result of h1s chart-lopping, martial-beat rend ition "Green Berets" he is lining his pockets with same. Blind Negro R&B styl ist Ray " Born to Lose" Charles wails a~ wallows in Pit E, a near-bottomless abyss of moroseness on 11 Cryin 9 ' Time." A W aterworks Unlimited Product ion. A p a~adox?_ Perhaps. May~e only English funnym an Peter Sell., could do 1l: dehver a tongue-In-cheek recitation of "A Hard Day's Night " while retaining pe rfect diction. In other words, Pet e.r Sellers waxes eloquently. _ .

i~iiiiii:;;:;~;;~~~~ ~ ~ in four ways: First and fo rem ost, purchase a.:n A. S. B. card. , Second, sign the petition being cl:rcnla ted. Third, FREEMAN'S write a letter to the S tudent ConnUSED CARS cil telllng t he m you support the _c t _ · - - - - - - - - - - - - l Retrea,t. (Th ese letters should be -pe Best Clean Used teft 1n Mr. Marcus' or 1\Ir. ,., ,_, .

Guir~'s office.) Fourth, SHOW AT THE STUDENT MEETING FEB. 24 UPSTAIRS By Jll\1 TABOR, TUE STUDENT UNI ON. Art lovers and people of gocxl when the votes \viii be cast on taste everywhere. Arise! It is time budget card. P lease be there, for the general apathy of the stu- l w . and 1 • student activity ' dents here •a t San Jose City College ·s by student Is determined to cease! Respectfully, I will not single out for direct Dennis Percy, chairman of criticism, any particular work of the Academic Retreat ''art" that once hung in the StuCommittee. dent Union. But, I do feel some general criticism is in order. As I understand it, art is supposed to have an emotional or aesthetic effect on its o;uookeT. If this is true I cannot see how one can get an emotional "charge" out of a Are you a spear-wielder? Or al disorganized attempt at art. True, there were some works which were forest-dweller? Or a protector o~ good. They showed thought, sin- property? lf your name is Gerald . . . or cerity and a falr amount of ar-tistic . . . or Edward-the an• Sylvia talent. However, most left me wondering about the possible relation swer is yes! Names -first names and surbetween the objects in the construction of art, and about the names, nicknames and trade names - have more meaning than most o£ purpose of the work itself. While I don't believe in adminis· us realize. Eacb Donald, for ex-ample, is' trative control, I do feel that some me~ber of the faculty or some' "world ruler''; Roy is a "king," other individual in the administr'a- and Stephen or S tep:hanie a tion s houJd t a k e it upon himself to "crown." Eugene ~s "well-born," use discretion in the issuance of Ethel, "noble," Patrick and Fapermission to hang these mon- tiricia are "p atrician." Alice is strosi.ties for public display. They "truth'' and Eva is "life." , might as well frame the fire alaim . ~Y ~o~n names have rebox and title it "Construction in ligtous stgnilicance. Mary$ Red and Silver" at least it would "blessed," while John, Jean and Joah say "God is Gracious.'t have utilitaria~ beauty. Chris'tx>pher means "Cihrist· bear, er"; Elizabeth is "consecrated tto

Gain o r Lose


Supporters of the Retreat are a.sklng t hat th,e full budget aJlotment be made despite the deficit, and are d oing so for (ooct reason. The Retreat as aUowed $900 a_ semester. Last Fall, $640.95 went towards food's and IOOging, $70.51 was spent for t>WO topic1'Y re-lated mo"v~es and $200 was spent foit ransportation. This totals $911.46 -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; and all these expenditures are vital 1 to the success or the function

If you, as a student, wish an


waves, manlcures, and 1;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;-j--_:__:_:.:_.: _:_.:.:.__:_:...:____ _ tints. Each day the students turn A real country-style "Barnyard in their service sales slips andt the Stomp" will be SI>Onsored by Copoints a<re tallied by Miss Wolff, Ree tonight in t he \Vomen's Gym. secretary of the department. Students, dressed in "grubby" The awards ·w ill be given out at clothes, can participate in an atlple t he annual gradua:Jtion dinner on bobbing contest, go on }t hayride, or dance to the beat of the usoul Apru l 2. Seek c r s." ASB ea.rds will be Pa<tron services are from 12 to 4 297·3060 1433 Th e Alame da will last fron1 on W-ednesday and Friday and checlted. Recreation . m p. :80 9 ti) nn 7:30 from 9:30 to 3 on Thursdays.

da nger of a serious cut back and m-anent defi cit.



discuss important questions in an atmosphere of warmth, frankn~s and courte$y. It is not an activitj.. held for a select " iU:' crowd. Th~ complete absence of cliques is another surprising yet pleasing as-



;-Dale Archi b ald .,

Academic Retreat Offers Unique Experience for Students, Faculty

About five semeSters ago a group commentary yo u wiU hear is an occasional murmur from a soft of s tudents and fa culty concerned spoken editor (who will probably have a case of laryn~itis). by the lack of student-faculty inYes, the Times off ice is a friendly place and we o~ge you teraction instituted the Academic to bring your news stories and l eads to room 42 (tl1at's where Retreat. The Retreat iS a unique we hold forth). If you ever feel th ~ impulse to bring somethin g opportunbty for both groups to be it nice or naSty, friendly or foely, for know and understand each otHer. ~o our attention bitter or wurst (see our sports departJnent) - please drop in It is a giant step in combating the - JDM aXtd do so. depersonalization of education. Each semester a g_roup of 60 students and faculty spend a weekSan Jose Paint end in the redwoods of La H onda. There, they discuss a topic and . related books which are read prior to the weekend.




Look Gre at This Spring

If you want to get the full advantages of college, it includes Cosmetology students. The stu- Man." more than just going to school and going h om e . I t includes the lectures, recitals, concerts, dances, ~s, and othe r cultural events such as football, hasketba1l, t rack, etc. So, t o en d up paying m o re becau se you don't want to buy an ASB card n ow, seem s to show _ th at college isn't teachjng you much. It's your college he r e. I'm s trictly an ou tsider , who doesn ' t hasical1y care what yon do, because I'm no t invo~\'-ed . ~ u l you ARE involved. Anll you can't afford to si,l b ack and lau gh.

Paint Shop Saves SJCC

• FAC ULTY • STUDENTS • ALUMNI ju !!.t prese nt you r st~ff o r AS B cord

Movie & Still * Supplies





Came ra!. • Projectors



developing - printing rentals - repairs

A.M. -I A.M.

Ladies plll)' free on Sundays Lmi.ics and Gentlemen u.:elcomc at ull limes. 1719 S. B t~scom Phone : 377-9971 (Ac.rou from Bonanza)

,::::~~:~~=~~~~=::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WELCOME TO TOP'S BEEF BURGERS Top's offers a wide selection of the best sandwiches and burgers, served in a modern, indoor patio. Some of Top's Specialties ore: BEEFBURGER ..... _.............. ..................................... ......... . 35 STEAK SANDWICH ··········· ·······-······ ······························· _65 · HOAGY SANDWICH ......... ............... ......... ,.. ·-···············- .45 Ham, sil l11mi a nd che ese on fren ch roll





Wednesday, F ebruary 23, 1966

Stuuents As Edilor .of the West Valley College Norseman, i n Com gbell, I h ave h eard many comments about the· "apa th_y" of West .Val ley Hold Salesmanship sti ll I students. I t's of Lr ad t"• ' on su ch as yo. u Contest This Spring fllsed i tu a ''on h ere, and no

Guest Editorial understandable,

Publishe d nc h We dnes day of the school year by the journalism classes at San Jose City College. Supporte d, in part, by Auociated Student Body funds Member Colifornit~ Newspt~ por P~o~blisher' Auoc:it~tion, Second Clt~u postt~ge pt~id at San Jose, Calif. Subscription rates: $3.00 per year or 10¢ per eopy. Phone 298-2181, t 230






have at City College. We have on ly been i n o p e r a ti o n since the FalJ semester of 1964. better off than yours, at l east as d college is infinitely f Butf our ar as un s are concerne d. We have as mu ch m o ney in our treasury as we will n eed, with probably som e to spare. So we can afford to sit back and ]a ugh a t you. F o r a co1lege with h'l'o-thirds the enroll m ent to h ave a be tte r turno ut than a l arger college is, yo u m ust adJnit, funny. But i t sh o uldn' t be funn y from your point of view. Our ASB cards, by the way, cost $7.50, as com pared to your 56.00 charge. I don't imagine we h ave any be tte r activi ties. But for some reason, we have more sp i rit, in thi.s r espect a t least, than you do.

Do you want to see students

w ho ar e really busy? Then drop by

---- 1 . :•:.:•:. ·.:. :. :·--------------------Ed;tor ........................ JEFF MULLINS

N;ght Ed;tor .... DON KAWASHIMA

Asst. Editor ········-·· JUDI McCRARY Feature Editor .......... BILL HUSTON News Editor ·-······- RONNIE CINELLI

Sports Ed itor .... -.:... _. FRED J ON ES

Adv. Mgr. .... JOHN MIGUELGOR RY Advisor -·- ···········-··· C. W. PALM ER

Staff: Ad ve rtising, J im Tabor, Bill Rumph, Sheri Cirincione, Ron Moc l ennan: Sports; Karl Laucher, Curtis Hyde , Pat C avataio, Bob Bo rtone, Frank Wright, Chester Wood, Pax Rocha : News: Chris V~ ugh a n , Bettie Barker, LeeAnn Sarmento, Ch,ules Stevens, Francis Smallwood , Joyce Reed. Photog rapher: Royal Ch amberlain. Staff Coordinator: Mike O ' Conner_

Disc ' n ' That

have a con ·

imagine, since we

back~rot1 nd

t he Cosmetology Departm e nt. "More services are being performed at t his ·t ihle than ever before," states Mrs. Dejan,i, head of

the Cosmetology Deparbnent. T he reason behind all the activity is a salesmanship contest. Th is contest is open to all t he



l(lonk 'n' Klang As you walk into the office of tlte City College Times- we

· - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - liope you visit us often and, bring \\S many scoops, leads and stories - do nol expect to hear the klonk 'u klan~ of a Heidel0

berg press. , Do not gear your no_stri]s for the smell of printer's ink, and

don t key your Eustachian tubes for the Perry White of the Daily P lane t. No, Sir. The Times. has no p.rhlling press since all the printing is d~ne at the ."Globe" across town. ~he only smell yonr keen senses w1ll detect IS fr01n a half eaten cheese and sal an1i sandwich l eft on th e sports desk by Bob Borzone, and lhe only authoritarian

Student Speaks Out • . -;-


The value of this activity to the

are divided into two groups. T he JWliors compete against other Jul}.iors and Seniors compete aga4flst other Seniors. T his -annual contest started on the first day Qf this semester and will continue for eight (8) consecu tive weeks. The awards that

are •to be given will be presented the Cosmetology Club. The awards include three (3) trophies and pl¥Iues in each group. The winner will be detennined

by the number of points each girl h~ ac~umulat:M. Points are given tor set:rtces perfOtmed. such serv-

U n fo rtunately, t his activity is in

ices include eJectrical facials, per-

Lately, have you been suffering from a pounding se r . nsabl•.on • your head? You probably don't need on e of those much -pu ICII~ h • he~ dac he re me d1es as muc as you need to become a radio dial, tw1ster-and clear you r own personal airwaves of the "Batman Th eme, by th e Marketles. Wh at a "caper." · · Word wizard Roger "King of the Road" Miller present a t wo-sided smash recordi·ng: "Husbands and Wives11 and "l\ us a Long Time Leavin' ." You can't buck Roger trom the charmed• · " co,. . . sIars. He ' s becoming an institution of "Iop t en " smgmg There's a bug going around. The love bug. Already it has hl ba nged Beatie G eorge HarriSon, the third to go, and onl lea'• Paul McCartney unencumbered, still resistant to the nupliar d Ironically, t he newest single by the British boys is labeled " N;~ 9'

possible cancellation because of the

student is obvious. It is an oppor- opportunity to participate in tflJS tunity to come in contact with activity, you must a'c t nO\V to inother in terested students and to sure its pl·eserva.tion. You can help

Letter to Ed.

40-50% O FF Selected

Fine Fra mos

12·15 lbs. Weight




Sa n Jose


$69.95 .-




Repai r of Volkswage ns -

The Conjugal Bed



552 So. Bascom

Tra ined in Germany Werner Zollenkopf

"A Film every America n should see! " - C. B.S. T.V.




In Color

- AND -


A Comedy Riot!

OFFIC E MACHJNES..CO. 124 E. San Fernando

The Moon Is Blue

Niven en an iam ~o~C~a~l~if~.~B~o~o~k~S~t~o~re~~W~I; ~~;~;;l~;;d~;;~~~~ ! .~ ;;;;;:~~ ~~~!!!E!!!.! !J! !u! !li! !a! !n! !S! !t!·~~~~~~~~~N!I!!!ex~t~t


DOWNTOWN 112 S. 2"d St.

Open 5 Nights Lot :'C"

Free Parking Next to Store


HAS IT! ... in

Pt~r king

D~wntown Son Jose

nANCE! PlAY! ·EXERCISE! In perfect fitfing,




Harold, proba!bly should be an George ought to Every Joseph and

knit of fi nest q ua lity stretch nylon

College Students




Mem bers










this o.dvj!rfisernent and return it your ~heck or money order to : 'TM Cllri:ttlu Sch:"c• MM+t.r o,.. Honr11y St., Boston, M.... 0111J


65 W. Santa Clara St. (BETWEEN FIRST & MARKET I




Make yout appearahce in

AND l£T TI-l£ Cl-liCKS


God." Some names ·indicate that the bearers missed •their niche in life.

f o r big girls and liHie girls,

• e • •


When Is a Name ANanie, a Name?

PHONE 293·2815

0 I YEAR $12 0 6 mos. $6 0 COLLEGE STUOtNT 0 _FACUl-TY MEMBElt'

to his surprise, ''army leader''; be a "fanner." Josephine should

be "prosperous," ev""ery David ("beloved") luck in love. Whatever your gli.ven name, chances -are you've -acquired a nickname by now. Psychologists have interesting- and opposite-

theories t.o explain just why people p,in tags on each otheT. One school

of thought says that all ruck· names. even effcctionatc ones, are basically bclitlling-'the shortened name refilects an unconscious de-sire to "cut the other person down • t.o size"! 0 the r psychologis~ maintain that we express a friend--

ly desire to identify wlth other people when we use a nickname instead of the more forma l moniker.

The sharp styling of Farah slacks puts the frosting on anything yE>u might cook up!

CAN YOU SELL? If you want to be part of San Jose 's most dynamic new seles program, receiv6 sales and prafeuional +Taining, and have fur nished as m;~ny leads as you can serve, call 258·8~8 Erl. 16 after 4:30. Hou"' fl•llible .. -Men or



Mercedes -


A Real Rauco us Romp!

Type w riters as littl e as.

Peoples Wins $100 AWS Scholarship


Fara P r ess ® •

mes ter pres ident, Ma tias I. Bau· tista. One of the club's most aclive members for over three semes te rs, Bautista has a lways looked forward to becom ing its ''head m an ." On many occa sions in the past he has been nominated for the post but due to academic over load he had to decline the nominations . "Go where the action is,'' in vi tes Baut ista, "and the club can be a

850 Lincoln Ave. San Jose 25, Calif.


SCENE : THE QUAD. Date : Fcbruor;\· l5, 1966. Tim e: 11 O'clocl<. Action: Zero. Big Club Rally: 'J 'wo r~eopl c si~n up.




Special Discount

Drivers lice nse needed 5 days a week I :00 P.M. to 5:00 great success." P.M. Filling and delivering At this time the entire club fe els Santa Clara VaUey Chapter of Phon e 293·9033 orders. the need in promoting friendsh ip the America n Welcling Society has and unders ta nding between its L----,,--...,---::::------==---'

a'"(larded its annual $100 scholar- mcmbcl"S, especially foreign and ship and membership to Lewis American students. Many social Peoples after completion of a activities a rc planned, beginning interested Welding MetaJlurgy class last se- with a snow trip which mester, accordi ng to Kenneth students may sign up for in room 201 at the next meeting. Neely, SJCC weldiJlg instructor. Also on the International Glub's He explained that the award is activi t y Ji st is the "Interna tional gh'cn to the mos t qualified student BaJJ" which earned over $1,000 in the advanced section of \Veldfor chadty last yea r. ing, "who gets in a nd learns." ''The club is ope n to everyone," Welding stude nts are no t trainencour ages Ba uti sta, "not only to a on burners "rod ing to become production )ine, but suitable tech- foreign anyone s tudents, tis ta, join."toBau IH::c to but who would nicians and leaders," he insisted. from " fa bu lous" Madr id, feels th a l, Citing examples , he said that afonncr students of SJCC fo und "We can lca rri your cus toms, and you can learn ours."

Neely mcs ter's Process L e s Feu.'X Follets, the Cnnadi:m trips to N:Ltio nal D:mre r s, will be seen in Typin g Service Available the Un ited Stutes for the first time observe on· the. job application of in their twe lve-ye ar his tory. Dur- practices studied in the classroom • At Low Cast • With Fast Service ln g the 1965-66 sea son they will a·nd laborato ry. "The stud ent tra ined in Welding tour major cities In t h e United Ca ll after 6 weekdays 286-4839 Sat., Sun. Anytime will never be out of work," he S tates. Unde r the collective title, "The reasoned. "Nuclear energy opera Canadi an Mosa ic," th e c?mpan! J tions, missiles, and jet a ircraft are wlll appea r a t s ~ut Jose Cine Aud1- only a few of rthe many a reas t orium for one per fonnunce Sa.tnr- where Welding Technology will play a part.'' day, 1\l arch 5 , a t S:SO p.m. A wooden shoe dan<'c of the 16th "Study and perseverance may (lentury wiU be among the dances lead the welding technicia n to enllerform cd . Special rates nre availltble f or fJ a nce gr oup~, l l'renc h gineering s la tus," he added, menot her interested tioning several high 1·anking colclasses, and leges offering this type of progroups UI)OII r e quest.



It's Murderou sly Funny!

CY 3-0655

·with the aim of making the Internationa l Club the leading g roup on campus, City College's Social Organization for Foreign and America n Students launched out on a new and dynamic begi nning with the lcction of its sp1;ng se-

The Inte rn ational Club's next continued th a t this se- 1 meeting will be h e ld Thursday, Application of \Velding February 24. during the 11 o'clock clas s will be tak·ing field collQge hour in room 201. local industria l plants to 1

San J ose Health C lub 41 3 E. Santa Clara St_ C all 295-9910

The· 10th Victim

IOcyo Discount io Students



Italy's Agent 38-24-36


Students in the pa int shops are getting val uable training and are saving SJCC "dollars a nd cents," working on the h llrd les for the t rack team. asked !or by Char les Baker . The bleache rs ncar t he I pools and a project for the Dental ! Assis ting Departm ent were also on his age nda . AU TO ELECTRIC "I am 1 i k c a n under t aker." Tune-Ups chuck iC'ct . o:·ona. ··sooner or lat e r ••• By Carl they all co~1c t o me." · H e v.·:-.s n--f~:1.·: •1g to the many Servite • Brake l'Cque::. ts r"l't:" ;n il~g to paint jobs • lnboard·Outbaard the f:-tcl!'t. m ~·1~rs bring to t he Repair ;ho:J t'~ h~ (lone arl):m d t he school. • General Repairs HC' rc:lSC'J~ ... rl t1· 'I it wculd cost the • Boat and Tf'oiler school a Cout fi ve Cl' six dollars per Wirin9 hour to pay a p.·ofC'Ssional pa inler DISCOUNTS TO S.J.C.C. to ha ndle jobs. STUDENTS AND FACULTY "St ud P!lts r.ot on ly do jobs for Phone 292-6442 the school. bul al ::-o ffJ t" o the1· or438 S. Bascom ganizations," he continued. ''The students arc presently working at the Blind Cen ter." "T r ai nin g: wise , ynu ea rn beat this type of work ," be obscn,cd. '' It includes a ll phases o f the track a nd all of the too!s in\'olved . Al l of the shops arc invo~\'ed in t his pro ject, but painting is t he bige;es t job, since t:hey w ill be d :->ing the ins ide a nd o uts ide of the entire

j obs as shop foremeJll."


FLORIST 532 S. lascam Ave.

Gain: 3" on Chest 3" off Waist I " on Arms 2" on Thighs

With sorrow etched into every mournful word delivers his fifth hit-in-a-row, "When liking Turns t~ Lov'"'" .. Bo ots and booty can go hand in foot, as shown Sinatra' s skyrocketing musical message, "Th ese Boots Are Walki ng." After countless flops, Frank's offspring has finally ac11iO>J!dl an im pressive chart stance. W ith a_ll due respect _to any sensitive French artist, the U.S. labeled thetr secret Spec•a l Forces in Viet ~'lam the Green S/ Sgt. Barry Sadler seems. to have .• special affinity for the gree n, and as a result of h1s chart-lopping, martial-beat rend ition "Green Berets" he is lining his pockets with same. Blind Negro R&B styl ist Ray " Born to Lose" Charles wails a~ wallows in Pit E, a near-bottomless abyss of moroseness on 11 Cryin 9 ' Time." A W aterworks Unlimited Product ion. A p a~adox?_ Perhaps. May~e only English funnym an Peter Sell., could do 1l: dehver a tongue-In-cheek recitation of "A Hard Day's Night " while retaining pe rfect diction. In other words, Pet e.r Sellers waxes eloquently. _ .

i~iiiiii:;;:;~;;~~~~ ~ ~ in four ways: First and fo rem ost, purchase a.:n A. S. B. card. , Second, sign the petition being cl:rcnla ted. Third, FREEMAN'S write a letter to the S tudent ConnUSED CARS cil telllng t he m you support the _c t _ · - - - - - - - - - - - - l Retrea,t. (Th ese letters should be -pe Best Clean Used teft 1n Mr. Marcus' or 1\Ir. ,., ,_, .

Guir~'s office.) Fourth, SHOW AT THE STUDENT MEETING FEB. 24 UPSTAIRS By Jll\1 TABOR, TUE STUDENT UNI ON. Art lovers and people of gocxl when the votes \viii be cast on taste everywhere. Arise! It is time budget card. P lease be there, for the general apathy of the stu- l w . and 1 • student activity ' dents here •a t San Jose City College ·s by student Is determined to cease! Respectfully, I will not single out for direct Dennis Percy, chairman of criticism, any particular work of the Academic Retreat ''art" that once hung in the StuCommittee. dent Union. But, I do feel some general criticism is in order. As I understand it, art is supposed to have an emotional or aesthetic effect on its o;uookeT. If this is true I cannot see how one can get an emotional "charge" out of a Are you a spear-wielder? Or al disorganized attempt at art. True, there were some works which were forest-dweller? Or a protector o~ good. They showed thought, sin- property? lf your name is Gerald . . . or cerity and a falr amount of ar-tistic . . . or Edward-the an• Sylvia talent. However, most left me wondering about the possible relation swer is yes! Names -first names and surbetween the objects in the construction of art, and about the names, nicknames and trade names - have more meaning than most o£ purpose of the work itself. While I don't believe in adminis· us realize. Eacb Donald, for ex-ample, is' trative control, I do feel that some me~ber of the faculty or some' "world ruler''; Roy is a "king," other individual in the administr'a- and Stephen or S tep:hanie a tion s houJd t a k e it upon himself to "crown." Eugene ~s "well-born," use discretion in the issuance of Ethel, "noble," Patrick and Fapermission to hang these mon- tiricia are "p atrician." Alice is strosi.ties for public display. They "truth'' and Eva is "life." , might as well frame the fire alaim . ~Y ~o~n names have rebox and title it "Construction in ligtous stgnilicance. Mary$ Red and Silver" at least it would "blessed," while John, Jean and Joah say "God is Gracious.'t have utilitaria~ beauty. Chris'tx>pher means "Cihrist· bear, er"; Elizabeth is "consecrated tto

Gain o r Lose


Supporters of the Retreat are a.sklng t hat th,e full budget aJlotment be made despite the deficit, and are d oing so for (ooct reason. The Retreat as aUowed $900 a_ semester. Last Fall, $640.95 went towards food's and IOOging, $70.51 was spent for t>WO topic1'Y re-lated mo"v~es and $200 was spent foit ransportation. This totals $911.46 -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; and all these expenditures are vital 1 to the success or the function

If you, as a student, wish an


waves, manlcures, and 1;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;-j--_:__:_:.:_.: _:_.:.:.__:_:...:____ _ tints. Each day the students turn A real country-style "Barnyard in their service sales slips andt the Stomp" will be SI>Onsored by Copoints a<re tallied by Miss Wolff, Ree tonight in t he \Vomen's Gym. secretary of the department. Students, dressed in "grubby" The awards ·w ill be given out at clothes, can participate in an atlple t he annual gradua:Jtion dinner on bobbing contest, go on }t hayride, or dance to the beat of the usoul Apru l 2. Seek c r s." ASB ea.rds will be Pa<tron services are from 12 to 4 297·3060 1433 Th e Alame da will last fron1 on W-ednesday and Friday and checlted. Recreation . m p. :80 9 ti) nn 7:30 from 9:30 to 3 on Thursdays.

da nger of a serious cut back and m-anent defi cit.



discuss important questions in an atmosphere of warmth, frankn~s and courte$y. It is not an activitj.. held for a select " iU:' crowd. Th~ complete absence of cliques is another surprising yet pleasing as-



;-Dale Archi b ald .,

Academic Retreat Offers Unique Experience for Students, Faculty

About five semeSters ago a group commentary yo u wiU hear is an occasional murmur from a soft of s tudents and fa culty concerned spoken editor (who will probably have a case of laryn~itis). by the lack of student-faculty inYes, the Times off ice is a friendly place and we o~ge you teraction instituted the Academic to bring your news stories and l eads to room 42 (tl1at's where Retreat. The Retreat iS a unique we hold forth). If you ever feel th ~ impulse to bring somethin g opportunbty for both groups to be it nice or naSty, friendly or foely, for know and understand each otHer. ~o our attention bitter or wurst (see our sports departJnent) - please drop in It is a giant step in combating the - JDM aXtd do so. depersonalization of education. Each semester a g_roup of 60 students and faculty spend a weekSan Jose Paint end in the redwoods of La H onda. There, they discuss a topic and . related books which are read prior to the weekend.




Look Gre at This Spring

If you want to get the full advantages of college, it includes Cosmetology students. The stu- Man." more than just going to school and going h om e . I t includes the lectures, recitals, concerts, dances, ~s, and othe r cultural events such as football, hasketba1l, t rack, etc. So, t o en d up paying m o re becau se you don't want to buy an ASB card n ow, seem s to show _ th at college isn't teachjng you much. It's your college he r e. I'm s trictly an ou tsider , who doesn ' t hasical1y care what yon do, because I'm no t invo~\'-ed . ~ u l you ARE involved. Anll you can't afford to si,l b ack and lau gh.

Paint Shop Saves SJCC

• FAC ULTY • STUDENTS • ALUMNI ju !!.t prese nt you r st~ff o r AS B cord

Movie & Still * Supplies





Came ra!. • Projectors



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~ 23_. 1966 ol'lla_ Y. Fe_ es<ia_ wedn_ _IES~_ GE TIII OLLE~ TY c_ ------=-I_


Stu·dent·(ouncil-(a·ns Baker W-elcomes 3 2-Mafl Barrag

~k:s~~~ T:~~ ~~~s Faculty Heroes29-25 ~f.:Ir.;.;~~~~:·I~:~.~;.~~~~ ~~.~~~~~.!.;.~,~.

T oday the Jag wrestling s quad will journey to Diablo Valley for t he firra l Golden Gate Conference dual " meet. The match will be a ttLne-up for the GGC tournament which' wiU be held Saturday, February 26 in the J agua r gym. SJCC matmen wilb ente1· the f1·acas with a 3·6 loop marl<.

Last F riday th~ J a·g matmen fell to College of San Mateo 32·18 in a match which was tele,ised locally on KCSM-TV, c h an n e~ 14. The local wrestlers were hampered _ by three forfeits and one default. Gow gave the Jags t heir fi1·st points as he scored a pin in the 123·pound class, and Art Silva, 145-pounder, a lso won by a pin_

Marv Parsons posts the best recnn impressive 30-20 victory ord on the squad as he shows an over~ O::akland -J)Ierritt last \Vednes- 12-4 season mark. P arsons has won drty. Th e J a gs used tJte I>in to a. four out of his last five matches. grf'at ext ent, as fi ve locn.l ma.tmen Late starter Art Silva posts two threw. thei r opponents. n: ny Cha.- consecutive pins to his c 1'Cdit. Ray vez _~c;tartcd the J~1 gs out w ith n. Chavez, Bob Gow and Manuel Au..:;. pin Ln th e U 5-ponnd class. '.re rry S tu""e.r. pinned ltis 13j~po un<l foe tin have all showed progress and a." dfct.f4 5-pound er Art S Uv a.. :\'Jan- should be ready for today's fina l uPI AtL"tin sco red a. pin in t he 152- a nd Saturday's tournamen t. The pound division as did his teammate Jag squad will be in full strength l\Jajhl H a.j :ui itt the 190-pound fo r the meet except for heavybrn.e ket. B ob Gow ( 123) a nd Ma r\' Mike Mathies who was lost weight Parsons (177 ) contributed to the team effort with victories via the for the season d ue to an inj u·ry sust•a il} ed in the Chabot ma tc h·. det>is.i a n rou te. San" J ose C ity Collf'ge grllppJcrs



By PAZ RO CHA Student Council ran rough-shod over the F aculty 29-25, in the college's annu al ~harity basketball game last Friday night in t he men's gym. This was a game of fun and laughs as the faculty put up . a good fight against the younger generation. Bob, the .B ullet, T oledo was the big ;<gunne r" for th e counci l as he cont'luunUy hit 0 11 dri ving lay~ ins . Jim Steele and Pe te Sulvato were t he defen se wond e r s of t he t·ontest . S tt>ele was the dem on 1on the boards ttnd Sn lvuto t h e phtym nker, lt S he had some fancy ussis ts to Toledo. 'l'he start or t he game wits rast :Hfd furi ous as both te ams showed physiC':! I stren gth. H arley, B1-uiser, Dow controlled both back board; but had trouble when the council ran their f-ast break, he could not keep up the pace so he waited a:t one end of the court or would grab the op}X>Sing player as he ran by. Play making guard Ralph, Cousy, \Vildermann k • d .1 · was the s tar of the faculty, as he made some au..~mg assists to eep them in the game. Also playing a big part in the game were Merritt Elmore, who helped on the boards, and James Nielson who rtired •in t he early going. Toledo led aU scorers with sixteen markers, but als.o had the · eli •t very ba d f1oor percentage. Jim Steele helped the cause wi th SlX gt s, · Pete Salvato ch ipped in four. Referee AI· Seeger was also given- not1ce for blowing a nice game. · crowd o f t h.U't Y·m· ne, as T he con test was p Iaycd b e [ore a capacity b 1 d fl h . they were treated to a d azz l mg oor Pay Y display of s ooting an see t 't 't t · both t earns. Tl1e f acult Y PIaye cl m spur s ·a s 1 wasn common o th eo lder men h ave a sea t a ft er two ·c1mes down th e co ur l . The total donations for the contest was twenty·five dollars which was given to the crippled children's home. 'fhis \vas a game enjoyed by the Students and Faculty.

College trac k history, Coach Charles Ba ker expects his charges to be in "fairly Strong" shape for t he 1966 campa ign_ Baker, who is in his fi rst year at t he he lm, states, " We have a lot of you ng k ids and we don' t know how m uch improve· men t the rest of t he Golden Gate Confe rence has made." A total of 82 freshmen wm don t he Jagunr togs, along with four returning lettermen, ::and th.ree first · year sophomores, tot ry t o unprovtt on last yea-r's 2.4 recortl. City College finished fifth in the GGC st-anding-s lust campalgn.

Letter men Don H and, Charles Gary, Del Rogers, a nd Larry Walk ~ er all posted impressive records as freshmen. H and has a 9:50 two· rrti le. a 1:58 ha lf ·mile and a 4:32 mile to his credit and was named to t he a ll Northe rn California cross·c o u n tr Y team. Gary has leaped 23 feet in the long jump, and wen t 44~ 7 in t he t riple jump, besides being clocked 9.9 in the 100. Rogers i$ t he school record

'" g proving and should better his 22.6 Daniels , (Sa n J ose) sprints ; VernJ · on E rickson, (H ill ) pole vault ; Paul for the 220. Leading the pack of first ye3r Garcia, (\ViHow Glen ) t l'iple jmnJ); men is former Ovcr1c lt standou t rr~n tiss Gary, (Aye 1·) ~ripl e jump, Lee E\'nns, who roa red to the sec~ Sl>rm ts ; Ted Gi lch ri st, (Linco ln ) ond fa stes t 4<l0 cloclrin g fo r )>reps high j ump, hurd les; 1\'lilce Goodman, in t h e nation last yea r, hi s ou t · (Linco ln ) t r ip le jump, sprints ; sta nding 4;G.9 clocking il1 th e q_u ar ~ E!l rJ Gross, (Lincoln) dis t-~tn ces; t ermile was complemented by a Michey Hill, {Pio neeJ·) weights; 20. 9~220, and h lL't al ready r aced t he Lon Jen!'i,en, _ (San Jose) 1nhldle tlista nces; Lnrry Johnson, (Lin. half-mile in 1:53.5 t his yen•·. Backing up Evans in hi s high coin ) discus; R:1Lph Kea rns, (Overschool teammate Dan Sterling who fe lt) t wo ~ m ile,· \Vayne 1\Ic;'llaster, ... won the Northern California low- (WiUow -Glen ) middle distances ; I' t. ·th h' · h dl a 1mc .L OWa rd 1\tcCalebb, (Snn J ose) 440; hur es c amp1ons 1p WI of 19.7, and has also flas hed .a 10 Glenn l\fcl{ewen. (Granada Hi Us) middle di stnnces; George Puentes, flat 100. On Feb. 25 a t thco Cow Palace, {Hill) m iddle dista nces; Jim Roea Golden Gate I nvitational Meet en. , ( Overfe lt) 44.0-sprints ; J erry will be in order for our Sprint Rom el'o, (Overfelt) spri nt s,· David Medley Relay team of which E vans R ojas, (San J ost•) mile; A I St"eger, will lead the way, the other lhrce ( Lincoln ) 440, 220, lo ng J·ump, spots on the tea m are up for grabs tr ipl e jump : '.fom Shella ba.r<, and there will be a runoff to deter· (A yer ) weig hts; Per ry Slocum, m ine who will compete in this ('WiUow Glen ) sprints; E d Rosette, (San Jose); R on Henso n, (Aycr) meet. Roundin g out t he fr es hme n ar e: weig hts. Manuel Aiello, ( Lic h:) pol e va.ul t ; Coach Baker is expecting to land Bill Ball a rd, (San J ose) !\'Iiddi e high jumper Steve Blaser (Overdistances; Mi l{e Booth, (Aye a· ) felt), quarter-miler Ron Carling hurdl es, triple jump; Gra nt Bou,r- (Pioneer, weight-ma n Jim Kuhl deaux, (Hill ) intermediate hurdles, man (H a waii), and high jumper trip le jurnp; Lance C a.llow ~ty, (lUll ) Oscar Reyes (San J ose) off of the sprin ts; ltay Cht.ytu n, (Li ck) po h~ J ags basketba ll team. ''We're going to be parti<;ularly s ttoog in the sprints with Evans leading the pack," said Baker, a nd "we'lb also be pretty strong in t he hurdJe events." 4




To any kid who'd like to go somewhere: We'll pay half your fare. Tl1e idea's not as, crazy as it may seem. Anytime we take a jet up, there are almos t always leftover seats. So it occurred to us that we mi ght be ahle to f ill a few of th em, ii we gave th e young people a b~eak on the fare, and a chance to see tl1 e country.

The American Youth Plan* We call the idea the American Youth Plan, and what it means is thjs: American will pay half the jet coach fare for a nybody 12 ,through 21. It's that simple. All you.have to do is prove your age (a bir th certifica te or any other legal doc ument will do) and bu y a $3 iden tification card. We date and stamp the card, and thjs entitl es you to a half. fare ticket at any American Airlin es counter. The only catch is that you might have to wait befo re you get aboard; the {are is on a standby basis. " S tandby" simply means th at th e pas· sengers with ~eserva tions and the serviceme11 get on before you do. Then the pla ne's yours. .The American Youth Plan 1s good year

round except for a few days before and after t he Easter, T hanksgivi ng and Christmas ru shes. Jf yo~1 can't think of any places you'd like to go offi1and·, you might see a travel agent for a few suggestions. We can't add anything else. Other than it's a marvelous opportunity to just take off.

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Duffers Face 1 CSM Friday J

Dan Ste rling a.n<l Lee E vans



""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"' T he int ra mura l basketbtlll csu n ~ paig n w ill be getting unde rway i.n t-wo weeks, acco rdin g to lea g u e di rect or S i Simoni. All rosters must be in at the end of n ext week, and pra.ctice til t s will be he hl wh e n tlt e r e gular varsity bnRketba.ll sea.son e nd s week after ,next. .Roster Co m1s can be picked UJ> in t he men's P E offi ce from eith er coach SimOili or coach Be.rry. 'JJ'orm a , team now unit get in on the action.

Watts Breaks Record Again Freshman Paul \Vatts broke the school recora in the 200-yard breas t stroke for the third consecutive week, as he helped pu ll the J aguar tankmen to a 51 ~ 3 5 victory over the San Jose Sta te F rosh. Watts st arted his record b reak ing s urge in the J ag's ope ning mee t w itlt Cabrillo-l\lodest o. Th e \VUi ow G le n fres hrn:.m

T omorrow the San J ose Jinkmen will open their Golden Gate Con~ fcrence title chase with ·a match

o r igin a ll y

set t he ma rk a.t 2:27.4. a nd has now cu t it to a. d:.nzling 2:24.3, t hree seconds better tha n hi s ini· tia l mar k. The SJCC spJashers will enter the pool again Saturday as they will take part in the N01·thern California Relays a t the College of Marin in Kentfield. Another Willow Glen freshman, T om Akrop was the Jaguars ' big leader in the meet, copping three individual firsts. Ak rop won t he 200-yurd f1-eestyle, 200-ya1·d butter~ ny and 50Q. yard freestyle events. Sa n. J ose boasted other tine winning l'erformances, Mike B ro wn b agged t he 200 individua l-m ed ley in 2 :27.7 a m.l J S1)() ttswood the 200· backst roke in 2 :23.5. The J ags• 440-yard medley relay also posted a win, to round out the San Joseans• fourth consecu· tive dual meet win. San J ose will be pointing to their tilt with San Joaquin Delta and College of the Sequoias, in Stockton March 4.

against the Bulldogs of San Mateo at Alma den Country C lub. Coach Harley Dow, in his new job of golf team head, mentioned that t his match will be one of the toughest of the conference, but with the help of the only returning letterman Larry Lupo the team should come ou t on top. The strokers after missi ng the GGC title last season wiOl a fabu lous 17~1 ~ 1 mark continued their \'v:inning ways thiS> year with two big wins in non-conference action thus far. Martin Kenny, J ames Lick grad, was a big standout in the West V·alley mat~ h, w hen he cinched the duffer's first win with a 30 foot putt off the edge of the 18th !l"Wn. a.t Santa Teresa. Kenny's win a dded three match points to give the J ags a 19 \!, to 16'h tap spot over the Vikings . Chris Ford, top medalist, turned in a fin e 77 to beat his opponent Carl Cowan who had an 85. Ford, a freshman this yem·. gradUated from Pioneer where he 1-ecorded a 14~1 record, should turn out to be a big asset to the team. Kerry Spence, transfer from San Jose State, and Gary Kunsman, who prepped aL Ayer, also registered wins in the SJCC triumph. Freshman D a v e Parry and Marty Palacios played we II but couldn't come out on top on. the Santa T eresa course. Kerry Spence, highlighted the Monterey match at DelMonte Country Club, when he turned in two of the best sho ts of the link action. The fit'St shot occurred on the second hole, as Spence stroked a fine eight iron shot that went straight in the cup to give him a classy eagle. The second shot was unbe)jevable but happened on the 18th. S pence sunk a long 50· foot putt to give him the w inning combination. Chris Ford, again the low man of the match turned in a 77 to win the decision over his opponent from Monterey. Dave Parry and Frank Devito also came up with two points to boost the Jag winning total to 24¥.: to lllh over :Monterey.


American Airlines

Jagged Jottings


While preparations being m a de by this auth or to bl'a st GGC corrunissione r s for allowing an ineligible basketballer t o participate iJl league contests, the confe rence hierarchy engaged in their greatest lflOment of valor of t he year. Fred Davis, the Oakland-1\lerritt phcnom who burned up the courts after the semester break, wns • ectared lile iJg!ble by the ]OOI)'s r e\'iewlng comm.l ttee. It seems that Davis had s-tarred for N ew Mex· JCO State's frosh cage squad last IMmSOrt, but h ad to drop out of school s,.fter the Spring semester. Just a& SJCC's Cllff Walker was m et by tbe inellglble axe, It appeared that D avis should fall under the ~e blade. Howeve r, as tbne marched on the league office n ·as . overcome ,'V:lth silence r e garding the matter. Finally, after t hree GGC tilts had gone by t he ways ide, t he confere nce executives ac ted. Resu.lotantly, Oakland-Merritt was forced to forfeit the t hree victories it had accumulated w ith Davis running wild. Among the brigh t notes to come out of the o rde al was an additional win in 'the league race for t he J aguars. H owever, probably the most spectacular ·anecdote of t he affa ir. was that ·the league office [inally acted w it h •a sense of know; ng what they were d ajng. Although they were s low in getting t he situation cleared, at least they got it mopped up . Quite a triumph!



It' s obvious t hat even if you don't care nbout City CoUcge acl:lvities, the purchase of a n ASB canl is wo rthwhlle. So if -you're not interested In seeing Mort S ahl for troo, or attending a. J tlg ba sketba ll game, or watching a. school pla.y , or voting at.t election time, o r even taking part in intramurals. at leJUJt you wUI be .a.ble to pa r t in out of school n.ctivities for a. very low cost. Use you r heads for once. Open up those wa-llets a-nd buy yourself an ASB card.



The San Francisco Warriors have t he m ost exciting team in professional basket ball today. Yo u may t hink "that o ne has to be (;Ut ~rhis-..-mind -to~akestichastaicmc-n abOut a bauC~bthat may not even make t he playoffs, bu t a truer statemen t was never mad e. The Bay Area quirlt:et possessses t he finest fast break i n t he NBA. With such m·a gicians as Guy Rodgers, Paul Newman, and Al Attics handling the ball, and ·a ' great scorer such as Rick Barry o n the scorin'g e nd, t he Warrior fast break is unstoppable. It's beyond d oubt tha t the loca l5 have dropped mo r ~ close d e,. dslons than an y other team in t he division. Lust w eek the \Va.rriors met the N e w Yo r k Kniek s a.t San Jose Clvle Audjtoriurn. \Vith Nate ThUTmond out of the Uneup with an aching back the Warriors sltould have been no match for the vastly improved Knicks. However, t he game San Fr11nclsca-ns stayed ciO!f(f t.o-m e N e w Yorke rs ln the- jnlt h\1 hall, ooJy to fall 15 poin ts behJ.nd in t he third s tanza.

The Warriors regrouped behind the fl ashy p lay of veteran Attles, and rookies Barry and Fred Hetze~ to close t he gap to two points with •a minu te left in the game. Then a sha k y call by the referee and a bad bounce of the baH saw the Knicks eke out a fow- point triumph. This game was the perfect exampJe: of the 1965-66 Warrior cam~ paign. T he locals continually give their fans more than their share of excitement·, but just can't seem to post t he victories which they 'li.o richly deserve. I n rookie cornennan Rick Ba iTY, ot.he A lex Hannum coached boopsters boast the fine•t p rospect to come into t he NBA in the past few seasons. Fred Hetzel, ,Barry's All~American cohort on last year's AP and UPI teams, was bot hered by injuries early this campa ign, but has shown signs of living up to his ad vance billing in recent out~ ings. W ith star center Nate Thu rmond ou t with his back troubles, Hetzel was forced to step in and fill t he big vaca ncy. T he results were surprising to just about everyo ne excep t his fellow teammates.





Tim Harper ripped a basesloaded triple later in the inning a triple and scored himself by Henson, his sec on d of the inni ng-;. Jim PhiJlips pitched outstanding ball for live innJngs, striking out ten and a llowing two walks. Phillips ran into trouble in the· 6th frame. hon;e ve r , and ga..\'e up two runs. Flrebnlllng reliever J oe Lynn on strong in the bottom of t he 7th ituting to quel1 the Sa.cra.-mento uprising and send t he Jags home free. The SJCC horsehidei'S ran into some re-al trouble- in t'he second game agai nst American River, as Beavers j umped off to a four ~ rWl lead, on two infield errors and fo ur singles off star ter Gabe De La Torre, in t he 'init ial rinrcing:. San J ose St>rang bac k as Frank \Vright Jed off the top of the second fram e with a base on balls. Third sa.c.k e r J olm Bodine followed with. a. line s ingle to right field n.nd a U hands wer e sal e on nn e rror by tl1e B r second baseman. E llswell Hoapili was then beaned by the opposing hurler and the Jags had their !f·i rst run. Rich Garcia. the man of the day, then stepped to t he plate and ripped his secOnd two ru n double of the day ts! put the locals right back In the ball game. The temn picked up t lte ty!Jtg run in the f ourth lrnme on an error b y the- Beave r shortstop. The game was caJied: after the fifth frame because of darkness and the J ags had to settle for a tie. The remaining two games of the tournament were rained out.





booming start last week, as they exploded for eight runs in the bottom of the fourth frame, to coP t heir opening win over Modesto i2-2. Firs t sackez- Frank Wright· led the attack at t he plate with three hi ts in four tripS to the plate and three RBI's. Also garnening three hits were leftfiielder Tim Harper and r igh t fielder Tom Henson. W<igh t also parked the first Jaguar home run of t he campaign, a n eight h inning blast which carried to t he cen terfield fence.'· H arper led fue big fourth frame splurge with an inning opening single , 'and: a three base smash which drove home t h ree of the Jaguars' eight runs in t he inning. Harpet:: nearly had a grand-slam but fell short as 'he stumbled round ing the hot corner.

Conference Tourney To Be Held SJCC




FRANK WRIGHT , . , Prodigi omo S hot

Hor n~w weaoon ro,. fhe la\\\t. o\ \\\t '"""'\.

Jag Netmen San Jose City College's Jaguar netmen, bouncing back from last year's poor campaign, look good with two returning lettermen and Coach George Allison a t the helm. J ack Nash, who played second man last season, will be returning this year to again add his help to the netters. Fred Appleby, aJso returning, has improved ms game and will he fighting for one · of the higher positions on the team. Marv Parsons, who is presently wrestling for the Jags, took the Mt. H arrtilton Championshlp last year when he p1ayed for Pioneer. Bob Rantirez, former SJCC s tu· dent, Angle Altamarion, Tonny Nastor and Bob Duvall complete the fold that should he hlgh in league contention.


AS SORTE D BAWNEY : We understand tbe star Jaguar athletes Pat Cavataio and Bob Toledo are starting a new sport which has caught the old twinkle in Si Simon'i's eyes . The boys have been seen on campus getting set for the upcoming season. W hat is this exciting sport ? Why, tag of course, and Simoni has expressed a keen desire to make it an intramuraL activity wxler t he leadership of Cavataio and Toledo. The only thing holding back the green light on the sport is that both men have incurred inj uries during practice. We hope the fellows can iron out the difficulties . . It's rumored t ha.t ex-Giant Ma.sona rl l\lur akHmi sent t he e.'\:eeuth·-es of the Gian t c hain a Va lentin e gr eetin g. Jt was a heart shaped box filled with strawberries. . .. Willis Reed, the soph star of the New York Knicks, ls given the Official GSC Scorin q FG FT TP honor as being the biggest cry-baby in the NBA. After watching him Bill Robinson, Merritt - -- - --' 1£ 28 260 play, it's a safe bet that he'll hold his distinction for quite a w hile PAZ ROCHA, SJCC _ - - - · - - 84 S4 222 to come . .. P az Rocha says he has changed bJs ltrst name to P azzie, H•l Oohlinq , Chabot -·--··-~- ..-~-· 17 32 IIU Don lyons , CCC -----·------- '7 .U. 170 because it rhymes with as in Cazzie Russell - . - We under- Sam Martir(elli, OVC ·----- .. - - '' •s 167 stand that golf coach Harley DoW has_ ·h ired fe.llow coach Jim Wh eele· Willi• W in, CC"S ~ ..... _ ---·- 63 38 16( han to caddy for members of the golf t eam. Not a bad deal for 25 Bob Johnson, DVC -·-- - ..... - U 2<4 154 ;n 151 62 cents a meet .. - An anonymous SJCC instf!uctor was seen at a local Gary lloyd, CCC 1<47 Charl ie Parks, CCSF -·------ 51 ll polisher. ball the in head s hi ng Alowling alley last weekend polishi 26 144 Jo• Thompson, Merritt __ ..... _ . 5' When he finished, his dome glistened brighter than a new chrome Boris Pew , C ha bot - -- -·- 52 2' 130 WheeL Here's a fellow w ho has really got some shining ideas . . . Pete Neu, Ch<1 bot - --·-·-·-· - ~'1 2' 124 Any rebroadcast, reproduc tion, or otber Wi6 of this column \\ithout Ric h Sims, DVC ·-~-----..... ·-·· ... 44 36 12i 123 Bred Maclaren, C SM -· _ ·-· _ <CS 31 the expl'C8sod written oonseat of the author is strictly enc ouraged. Owney W illia ms, CSM ------~-- 44 34 122


..12 San F rancisco San Mateo .................. 9 San J ose .................... 7 Contra Costa ...... ........ 7 - - -Oakland Merritt •...... 11 Cha,b ot .......................... 4 Foothill ........................ .3 Diablo Valley ..........•. 2

PF 887 812





9&3 963 923 757



909 904 1010 &37 1020


0 .3 5 5 8 8

Year 26-2 19·5 16-10 20.7 17-9 15-11 12-14 8·15

728 767

4-Yr. GGC 46·9 32-22 35·19 30-21 26-29 14·40 17-37 17·37

Ed '#ihon, CCSF ·- - - - - - - 4' JIM KUHlMAN N, "Sic;_c - - ~··-·- 54 Joe Dil:on, CCC -··- --··-· - - 52 Chuck Oeeg •n, Foothill ·- - - - <45 Terry O ' Brien, CSM - - -- -- 3f BRUCE RABI OOU, SJCC - - 37 Eugene Williams, CCSF __ - - . <C2 Bill A~o~st in, -Footnitt • - ·~ ·-- - ~ Tom Gibbs, Foothill -··~-·-·-·- .. ··- l'l Sib Litte ll, foothi ll .......... ........ ..2 41 W e~ Rum: lt, CCC . l!i -\ Rocky Ford , Chabot . David Farr, CCC ·-··- - - - l'J Vinca Clemons, CCC ... ~~-- -··· 37 29 D•rryl Ranano, 0 '1':": , ....-- Tommy Hiln~n , Chabot _ _ _ :U 37 ROt( CARLING , SJCC _ _ ·-----· . '34 Jim Mayer, CSM • No longer eli9ibl•.

I • ----------------------------------- ----


Jose Oity College's 1966

Jags fo·om San Jose . won their team. The Jags kept a six to eight · man backed him up with twentylast two outings, but in re!llltY point lead throughout the contest. one and B laser contributed his The Vikings twice fough t back to thirteen polnts. lost one. If it sou nds confusing, it is. Oakland-Merritlt played las t fow· point deficits but to no avaiL O akland ran away ·f rom the San Tuesday's game with an ineligible Rocha and Kuhlman hi t twenty- Jose quintet ~ter tralling six to player and had to forfeit their five foot jumpers back 'to back to four in the fi·rs t tWo minutes. game with the J aguars which they build the Jaguar lead back to eigh t Henry Johnson pu t the Jags in a won 92· 74_ The Diablo game was points. Then with.. time running hole wit h foW' arching jwnpe-rs in not decided until late in the fourth out t he visitors tried to start a the next two minutes. Then J oe quarter with the final outcome in rally and crashed all five players Davis a transfer from N ew Mexto the boards. T hls openecl the ico, hlt on some .m uscle sho ts and fiavor of the home town 90· 76. gates for the local hoopsters to tip ins t o give the Th underbirds a T he Diablo encounter was evenly take advantage of thei r fiast break. commanding foumeen point lead . played until the J aguars put on a With Dennis Reynolds and Ron At in termission the visitors rested romp to surge late fourth quarter Carling con!trolling the bac k boards with a 52-34 margit>. Ohunky Rabiover the visitors~ Led by Paz t he guards received spme long dou tried in va'in· to pu t 1!he home Rocha, Jim Kuhlmann and Steve passes to have some easy lay ins. caiers in t he game but did not Blaser the locals recorded their Then the Vikings had to foul lobe receive m uch support f!I'Om the. . seventh win of the fast closing Jags in order to get the ball and line except from wiry Steve Blase~ · season. The purple rutd white con ~ the locals conver t ed the free who potted t hi rteen points . trolled lobe boards in the first throws. stanza but committed numerous Rocha led t he scoring brigade fouls w hich the Vildngs converted ,, with twenty-nine markers. Kuhlon. The J aguar fas t break after a long lay-Off finally came to life. R ocha, Br uce Rabidou and Dave Local g rappling fans are in for a Bruni had n wnerous assists in the treat on Sa turday when the Gold· first half. en Gate Confer ence wrestling tourDiablo Valley was saved from namen t w ill be h eld a t City Coltotal disaster in the Nrst half by lege. The tourney wm begin at 8 the fouls of the locals. Connecting a.m. and run through most of the on twenty-two of twenty-four free a fternoon, wi th the fina ls s ched· throws the visiting cagers manuled to begin a t 7 :30 p.m . aged to trai l by only seven points Jag wrestlerS are giVen an outat intcz-mission time. R a bid o u side chan ce for t he t eam crown, helped lhe Diablo caus e as he com~ with at least two SJCC matmen rnitted four fouls. should capt ure individ ual titles. Rocha and Kuhlman kept the Accordin g to Coach Jim Whee l e ~ Jaguars a head with some classy han, Art S ilva s hould capture the outside shooting. Sam Martinelli 137-poun d class.. Silva placed secwas t he Vikings ma!in scorer as he ond in the league l ast yea r and hit for Welve dig its ha lf from t he t hen proceeded to cap t u r e the free throw line . Rocha led the local cagemen wilob fourteen, right beNorthern California championship, hind him witlh ten each were Kuhl ~ From the Northern-Cal meet Sil¥a man and Rabidou. wen t on to a t·h j rd plaCe finish in t he state tournament. The second half sta rted the same Wheclehan also looks to Irv way. San J ose could not sustain Rosenberg to garner a fi rst . R osenough of a rally to pull away enber g lost only one dua l meet from the visitors. While the visit~ m'a tch arid .that was in t he 177ing team also could not sustain pound class. In the finaJs Rosenenough of a surge to get close •to I berg will seck the 160-p!)und chamPAZ RO CHA the Jaguars. The D i a b 1 o f ,j ve , .. Go Go lUa n pionship. wou1d not yield to the home town

Nash Head5

T he Wanriors are a you ng baiJclub on t he move. With the desire, determinat ion, and laJent t hat this aggregation possesses, it will only be a matter of time before the WarriorS a re the p ride oi professional basketball.


JAG .RECORD HOLDER.S: Tom Akrop, Paw Watts ami John JWlSOII

to give the San J ose City College J aguars t!he go ahead runs in their 9 ~2 win over Sacramento S tate JV's i n the opening round of the American River Tournamen t in Sacramento last weekend. T he J ags found t hemselves in a bigh t spot in the top af the nin th inning trailing by two runs. Tom Henson led off the fram e wit.h a. single to Frank \ Vright t hen follon,.ed with a triple, s c o r i n g H enson. Wright t.lLen proceed ed to w a lk the bases full a nd set the sb_lge for the (louble

Tom 1\lesch e r y, the five year veteran from St. ~lary's, dra ws far Jess praise tha n he deserves. Meschary is the muscle m an of the team. Besides being t.tte second leading r e bounae r on the quintet, he is also an est a blished score r who chips ln with a. steady 12 to 15 points ()er outing. His presence on t he hardwoods k eeps the oppositi on honest, as it's very seldom that you'll find 1\-leschery t aking a back seat to anyone in the muscle department.

Golden Gate Conference Basketball Standings


Diminutive shortstop R ich Gaz--

San cia blasted a clutch two run dou· ble in t he top of the- ninth inning, baseball aggregation got off to a


Studen t a pathy. a topic · which goes hand in hand with S J CC, is once agai n working its way into th e lime lig h t. The low sale of student body cards is hard t o understand. Although. many of you couldn't care Jess •a bout s tuden t activities and the p rivileges the ASB card entitles you to, you may be missing the boat. D uring the sumrher you may have an inkling to attend a San Jose Bee game, or the hardtop races, OI'I play a round of golf, or even catch a rigged Roller Derby fray. Without a student body card you get soaked an extra doUar or two, so it's only a short ma t ter of time before you' re maldng money on the deal.


i ....

-~ J:w---.·~w: t k 8 ags · 1n wo, . r· \Ar Jags vvdn 0 ne, 1e 0 neT ask eO kl •t rf F B d y o e1 a e · a an . . Garcia Tops wrIght Leads Jag uar Bats SJCC to w1·n Rain Cancels To.urney,


-·" - -



- ---


19 II 1<4 21 34 37 24 21 24 I&




Ill Ill 112 111 108 107 104 100 98

21 19 IS 2t

91 91 '2 87

ll t I

85 13 ?6

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~ 23_. 1966 ol'lla_ Y. Fe_ es<ia_ wedn_ _IES~_ GE TIII OLLE~ TY c_ ------=-I_


Stu·dent·(ouncil-(a·ns Baker W-elcomes 3 2-Mafl Barrag

~k:s~~~ T:~~ ~~~s Faculty Heroes29-25 ~f.:Ir.;.;~~~~:·I~:~.~;.~~~~ ~~.~~~~~.!.;.~,~.

T oday the Jag wrestling s quad will journey to Diablo Valley for t he firra l Golden Gate Conference dual " meet. The match will be a ttLne-up for the GGC tournament which' wiU be held Saturday, February 26 in the J agua r gym. SJCC matmen wilb ente1· the f1·acas with a 3·6 loop marl<.

Last F riday th~ J a·g matmen fell to College of San Mateo 32·18 in a match which was tele,ised locally on KCSM-TV, c h an n e~ 14. The local wrestlers were hampered _ by three forfeits and one default. Gow gave the Jags t heir fi1·st points as he scored a pin in the 123·pound class, and Art Silva, 145-pounder, a lso won by a pin_

Marv Parsons posts the best recnn impressive 30-20 victory ord on the squad as he shows an over~ O::akland -J)Ierritt last \Vednes- 12-4 season mark. P arsons has won drty. Th e J a gs used tJte I>in to a. four out of his last five matches. grf'at ext ent, as fi ve locn.l ma.tmen Late starter Art Silva posts two threw. thei r opponents. n: ny Cha.- consecutive pins to his c 1'Cdit. Ray vez _~c;tartcd the J~1 gs out w ith n. Chavez, Bob Gow and Manuel Au..:;. pin Ln th e U 5-ponnd class. '.re rry S tu""e.r. pinned ltis 13j~po un<l foe tin have all showed progress and a." dfct.f4 5-pound er Art S Uv a.. :\'Jan- should be ready for today's fina l uPI AtL"tin sco red a. pin in t he 152- a nd Saturday's tournamen t. The pound division as did his teammate Jag squad will be in full strength l\Jajhl H a.j :ui itt the 190-pound fo r the meet except for heavybrn.e ket. B ob Gow ( 123) a nd Ma r\' Mike Mathies who was lost weight Parsons (177 ) contributed to the team effort with victories via the for the season d ue to an inj u·ry sust•a il} ed in the Chabot ma tc h·. det>is.i a n rou te. San" J ose C ity Collf'ge grllppJcrs



By PAZ RO CHA Student Council ran rough-shod over the F aculty 29-25, in the college's annu al ~harity basketball game last Friday night in t he men's gym. This was a game of fun and laughs as the faculty put up . a good fight against the younger generation. Bob, the .B ullet, T oledo was the big ;<gunne r" for th e counci l as he cont'luunUy hit 0 11 dri ving lay~ ins . Jim Steele and Pe te Sulvato were t he defen se wond e r s of t he t·ontest . S tt>ele was the dem on 1on the boards ttnd Sn lvuto t h e phtym nker, lt S he had some fancy ussis ts to Toledo. 'l'he start or t he game wits rast :Hfd furi ous as both te ams showed physiC':! I stren gth. H arley, B1-uiser, Dow controlled both back board; but had trouble when the council ran their f-ast break, he could not keep up the pace so he waited a:t one end of the court or would grab the op}X>Sing player as he ran by. Play making guard Ralph, Cousy, \Vildermann k • d .1 · was the s tar of the faculty, as he made some au..~mg assists to eep them in the game. Also playing a big part in the game were Merritt Elmore, who helped on the boards, and James Nielson who rtired •in t he early going. Toledo led aU scorers with sixteen markers, but als.o had the · eli •t very ba d f1oor percentage. Jim Steele helped the cause wi th SlX gt s, · Pete Salvato ch ipped in four. Referee AI· Seeger was also given- not1ce for blowing a nice game. · crowd o f t h.U't Y·m· ne, as T he con test was p Iaycd b e [ore a capacity b 1 d fl h . they were treated to a d azz l mg oor Pay Y display of s ooting an see t 't 't t · both t earns. Tl1e f acult Y PIaye cl m spur s ·a s 1 wasn common o th eo lder men h ave a sea t a ft er two ·c1mes down th e co ur l . The total donations for the contest was twenty·five dollars which was given to the crippled children's home. 'fhis \vas a game enjoyed by the Students and Faculty.

College trac k history, Coach Charles Ba ker expects his charges to be in "fairly Strong" shape for t he 1966 campa ign_ Baker, who is in his fi rst year at t he he lm, states, " We have a lot of you ng k ids and we don' t know how m uch improve· men t the rest of t he Golden Gate Confe rence has made." A total of 82 freshmen wm don t he Jagunr togs, along with four returning lettermen, ::and th.ree first · year sophomores, tot ry t o unprovtt on last yea-r's 2.4 recortl. City College finished fifth in the GGC st-anding-s lust campalgn.

Letter men Don H and, Charles Gary, Del Rogers, a nd Larry Walk ~ er all posted impressive records as freshmen. H and has a 9:50 two· rrti le. a 1:58 ha lf ·mile and a 4:32 mile to his credit and was named to t he a ll Northe rn California cross·c o u n tr Y team. Gary has leaped 23 feet in the long jump, and wen t 44~ 7 in t he t riple jump, besides being clocked 9.9 in the 100. Rogers i$ t he school record

'" g proving and should better his 22.6 Daniels , (Sa n J ose) sprints ; VernJ · on E rickson, (H ill ) pole vault ; Paul for the 220. Leading the pack of first ye3r Garcia, (\ViHow Glen ) t l'iple jmnJ); men is former Ovcr1c lt standou t rr~n tiss Gary, (Aye 1·) ~ripl e jump, Lee E\'nns, who roa red to the sec~ Sl>rm ts ; Ted Gi lch ri st, (Linco ln ) ond fa stes t 4<l0 cloclrin g fo r )>reps high j ump, hurd les; 1\'lilce Goodman, in t h e nation last yea r, hi s ou t · (Linco ln ) t r ip le jump, sprints ; sta nding 4;G.9 clocking il1 th e q_u ar ~ E!l rJ Gross, (Lincoln) dis t-~tn ces; t ermile was complemented by a Michey Hill, {Pio neeJ·) weights; 20. 9~220, and h lL't al ready r aced t he Lon Jen!'i,en, _ (San Jose) 1nhldle tlista nces; Lnrry Johnson, (Lin. half-mile in 1:53.5 t his yen•·. Backing up Evans in hi s high coin ) discus; R:1Lph Kea rns, (Overschool teammate Dan Sterling who fe lt) t wo ~ m ile,· \Vayne 1\Ic;'llaster, ... won the Northern California low- (WiUow -Glen ) middle distances ; I' t. ·th h' · h dl a 1mc .L OWa rd 1\tcCalebb, (Snn J ose) 440; hur es c amp1ons 1p WI of 19.7, and has also flas hed .a 10 Glenn l\fcl{ewen. (Granada Hi Us) middle di stnnces; George Puentes, flat 100. On Feb. 25 a t thco Cow Palace, {Hill) m iddle dista nces; Jim Roea Golden Gate I nvitational Meet en. , ( Overfe lt) 44.0-sprints ; J erry will be in order for our Sprint Rom el'o, (Overfelt) spri nt s,· David Medley Relay team of which E vans R ojas, (San J ost•) mile; A I St"eger, will lead the way, the other lhrce ( Lincoln ) 440, 220, lo ng J·ump, spots on the tea m are up for grabs tr ipl e jump : '.fom Shella ba.r<, and there will be a runoff to deter· (A yer ) weig hts; Per ry Slocum, m ine who will compete in this ('WiUow Glen ) sprints; E d Rosette, (San Jose); R on Henso n, (Aycr) meet. Roundin g out t he fr es hme n ar e: weig hts. Manuel Aiello, ( Lic h:) pol e va.ul t ; Coach Baker is expecting to land Bill Ball a rd, (San J ose) !\'Iiddi e high jumper Steve Blaser (Overdistances; Mi l{e Booth, (Aye a· ) felt), quarter-miler Ron Carling hurdl es, triple jump; Gra nt Bou,r- (Pioneer, weight-ma n Jim Kuhl deaux, (Hill ) intermediate hurdles, man (H a waii), and high jumper trip le jurnp; Lance C a.llow ~ty, (lUll ) Oscar Reyes (San J ose) off of the sprin ts; ltay Cht.ytu n, (Li ck) po h~ J ags basketba ll team. ''We're going to be parti<;ularly s ttoog in the sprints with Evans leading the pack," said Baker, a nd "we'lb also be pretty strong in t he hurdJe events." 4




To any kid who'd like to go somewhere: We'll pay half your fare. Tl1e idea's not as, crazy as it may seem. Anytime we take a jet up, there are almos t always leftover seats. So it occurred to us that we mi ght be ahle to f ill a few of th em, ii we gave th e young people a b~eak on the fare, and a chance to see tl1 e country.

The American Youth Plan* We call the idea the American Youth Plan, and what it means is thjs: American will pay half the jet coach fare for a nybody 12 ,through 21. It's that simple. All you.have to do is prove your age (a bir th certifica te or any other legal doc ument will do) and bu y a $3 iden tification card. We date and stamp the card, and thjs entitl es you to a half. fare ticket at any American Airlin es counter. The only catch is that you might have to wait befo re you get aboard; the {are is on a standby basis. " S tandby" simply means th at th e pas· sengers with ~eserva tions and the serviceme11 get on before you do. Then the pla ne's yours. .The American Youth Plan 1s good year

round except for a few days before and after t he Easter, T hanksgivi ng and Christmas ru shes. Jf yo~1 can't think of any places you'd like to go offi1and·, you might see a travel agent for a few suggestions. We can't add anything else. Other than it's a marvelous opportunity to just take off.

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Duffers Face 1 CSM Friday J

Dan Ste rling a.n<l Lee E vans



""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"' T he int ra mura l basketbtlll csu n ~ paig n w ill be getting unde rway i.n t-wo weeks, acco rdin g to lea g u e di rect or S i Simoni. All rosters must be in at the end of n ext week, and pra.ctice til t s will be he hl wh e n tlt e r e gular varsity bnRketba.ll sea.son e nd s week after ,next. .Roster Co m1s can be picked UJ> in t he men's P E offi ce from eith er coach SimOili or coach Be.rry. 'JJ'orm a , team now unit get in on the action.

Watts Breaks Record Again Freshman Paul \Vatts broke the school recora in the 200-yard breas t stroke for the third consecutive week, as he helped pu ll the J aguar tankmen to a 51 ~ 3 5 victory over the San Jose Sta te F rosh. Watts st arted his record b reak ing s urge in the J ag's ope ning mee t w itlt Cabrillo-l\lodest o. Th e \VUi ow G le n fres hrn:.m

T omorrow the San J ose Jinkmen will open their Golden Gate Con~ fcrence title chase with ·a match

o r igin a ll y

set t he ma rk a.t 2:27.4. a nd has now cu t it to a. d:.nzling 2:24.3, t hree seconds better tha n hi s ini· tia l mar k. The SJCC spJashers will enter the pool again Saturday as they will take part in the N01·thern California Relays a t the College of Marin in Kentfield. Another Willow Glen freshman, T om Akrop was the Jaguars ' big leader in the meet, copping three individual firsts. Ak rop won t he 200-yurd f1-eestyle, 200-ya1·d butter~ ny and 50Q. yard freestyle events. Sa n. J ose boasted other tine winning l'erformances, Mike B ro wn b agged t he 200 individua l-m ed ley in 2 :27.7 a m.l J S1)() ttswood the 200· backst roke in 2 :23.5. The J ags• 440-yard medley relay also posted a win, to round out the San Joseans• fourth consecu· tive dual meet win. San J ose will be pointing to their tilt with San Joaquin Delta and College of the Sequoias, in Stockton March 4.

against the Bulldogs of San Mateo at Alma den Country C lub. Coach Harley Dow, in his new job of golf team head, mentioned that t his match will be one of the toughest of the conference, but with the help of the only returning letterman Larry Lupo the team should come ou t on top. The strokers after missi ng the GGC title last season wiOl a fabu lous 17~1 ~ 1 mark continued their \'v:inning ways thiS> year with two big wins in non-conference action thus far. Martin Kenny, J ames Lick grad, was a big standout in the West V·alley mat~ h, w hen he cinched the duffer's first win with a 30 foot putt off the edge of the 18th !l"Wn. a.t Santa Teresa. Kenny's win a dded three match points to give the J ags a 19 \!, to 16'h tap spot over the Vikings . Chris Ford, top medalist, turned in a fin e 77 to beat his opponent Carl Cowan who had an 85. Ford, a freshman this yem·. gradUated from Pioneer where he 1-ecorded a 14~1 record, should turn out to be a big asset to the team. Kerry Spence, transfer from San Jose State, and Gary Kunsman, who prepped aL Ayer, also registered wins in the SJCC triumph. Freshman D a v e Parry and Marty Palacios played we II but couldn't come out on top on. the Santa T eresa course. Kerry Spence, highlighted the Monterey match at DelMonte Country Club, when he turned in two of the best sho ts of the link action. The fit'St shot occurred on the second hole, as Spence stroked a fine eight iron shot that went straight in the cup to give him a classy eagle. The second shot was unbe)jevable but happened on the 18th. S pence sunk a long 50· foot putt to give him the w inning combination. Chris Ford, again the low man of the match turned in a 77 to win the decision over his opponent from Monterey. Dave Parry and Frank Devito also came up with two points to boost the Jag winning total to 24¥.: to lllh over :Monterey.


American Airlines

Jagged Jottings


While preparations being m a de by this auth or to bl'a st GGC corrunissione r s for allowing an ineligible basketballer t o participate iJl league contests, the confe rence hierarchy engaged in their greatest lflOment of valor of t he year. Fred Davis, the Oakland-1\lerritt phcnom who burned up the courts after the semester break, wns • ectared lile iJg!ble by the ]OOI)'s r e\'iewlng comm.l ttee. It seems that Davis had s-tarred for N ew Mex· JCO State's frosh cage squad last IMmSOrt, but h ad to drop out of school s,.fter the Spring semester. Just a& SJCC's Cllff Walker was m et by tbe inellglble axe, It appeared that D avis should fall under the ~e blade. Howeve r, as tbne marched on the league office n ·as . overcome ,'V:lth silence r e garding the matter. Finally, after t hree GGC tilts had gone by t he ways ide, t he confere nce executives ac ted. Resu.lotantly, Oakland-Merritt was forced to forfeit the t hree victories it had accumulated w ith Davis running wild. Among the brigh t notes to come out of the o rde al was an additional win in 'the league race for t he J aguars. H owever, probably the most spectacular ·anecdote of t he affa ir. was that ·the league office [inally acted w it h •a sense of know; ng what they were d ajng. Although they were s low in getting t he situation cleared, at least they got it mopped up . Quite a triumph!



It' s obvious t hat even if you don't care nbout City CoUcge acl:lvities, the purchase of a n ASB canl is wo rthwhlle. So if -you're not interested In seeing Mort S ahl for troo, or attending a. J tlg ba sketba ll game, or watching a. school pla.y , or voting at.t election time, o r even taking part in intramurals. at leJUJt you wUI be .a.ble to pa r t in out of school n.ctivities for a. very low cost. Use you r heads for once. Open up those wa-llets a-nd buy yourself an ASB card.



The San Francisco Warriors have t he m ost exciting team in professional basket ball today. Yo u may t hink "that o ne has to be (;Ut ~rhis-..-mind -to~akestichastaicmc-n abOut a bauC~bthat may not even make t he playoffs, bu t a truer statemen t was never mad e. The Bay Area quirlt:et possessses t he finest fast break i n t he NBA. With such m·a gicians as Guy Rodgers, Paul Newman, and Al Attics handling the ball, and ·a ' great scorer such as Rick Barry o n the scorin'g e nd, t he Warrior fast break is unstoppable. It's beyond d oubt tha t the loca l5 have dropped mo r ~ close d e,. dslons than an y other team in t he division. Lust w eek the \Va.rriors met the N e w Yo r k Kniek s a.t San Jose Clvle Audjtoriurn. \Vith Nate ThUTmond out of the Uneup with an aching back the Warriors sltould have been no match for the vastly improved Knicks. However, t he game San Fr11nclsca-ns stayed ciO!f(f t.o-m e N e w Yorke rs ln the- jnlt h\1 hall, ooJy to fall 15 poin ts behJ.nd in t he third s tanza.

The Warriors regrouped behind the fl ashy p lay of veteran Attles, and rookies Barry and Fred Hetze~ to close t he gap to two points with •a minu te left in the game. Then a sha k y call by the referee and a bad bounce of the baH saw the Knicks eke out a fow- point triumph. This game was the perfect exampJe: of the 1965-66 Warrior cam~ paign. T he locals continually give their fans more than their share of excitement·, but just can't seem to post t he victories which they 'li.o richly deserve. I n rookie cornennan Rick Ba iTY, ot.he A lex Hannum coached boopsters boast the fine•t p rospect to come into t he NBA in the past few seasons. Fred Hetzel, ,Barry's All~American cohort on last year's AP and UPI teams, was bot hered by injuries early this campa ign, but has shown signs of living up to his ad vance billing in recent out~ ings. W ith star center Nate Thu rmond ou t with his back troubles, Hetzel was forced to step in and fill t he big vaca ncy. T he results were surprising to just about everyo ne excep t his fellow teammates.





Tim Harper ripped a basesloaded triple later in the inning a triple and scored himself by Henson, his sec on d of the inni ng-;. Jim PhiJlips pitched outstanding ball for live innJngs, striking out ten and a llowing two walks. Phillips ran into trouble in the· 6th frame. hon;e ve r , and ga..\'e up two runs. Flrebnlllng reliever J oe Lynn on strong in the bottom of t he 7th ituting to quel1 the Sa.cra.-mento uprising and send t he Jags home free. The SJCC horsehidei'S ran into some re-al trouble- in t'he second game agai nst American River, as Beavers j umped off to a four ~ rWl lead, on two infield errors and fo ur singles off star ter Gabe De La Torre, in t he 'init ial rinrcing:. San J ose St>rang bac k as Frank \Vright Jed off the top of the second fram e with a base on balls. Third sa.c.k e r J olm Bodine followed with. a. line s ingle to right field n.nd a U hands wer e sal e on nn e rror by tl1e B r second baseman. E llswell Hoapili was then beaned by the opposing hurler and the Jags had their !f·i rst run. Rich Garcia. the man of the day, then stepped to t he plate and ripped his secOnd two ru n double of the day ts! put the locals right back In the ball game. The temn picked up t lte ty!Jtg run in the f ourth lrnme on an error b y the- Beave r shortstop. The game was caJied: after the fifth frame because of darkness and the J ags had to settle for a tie. The remaining two games of the tournament were rained out.





booming start last week, as they exploded for eight runs in the bottom of the fourth frame, to coP t heir opening win over Modesto i2-2. Firs t sackez- Frank Wright· led the attack at t he plate with three hi ts in four tripS to the plate and three RBI's. Also garnening three hits were leftfiielder Tim Harper and r igh t fielder Tom Henson. W<igh t also parked the first Jaguar home run of t he campaign, a n eight h inning blast which carried to t he cen terfield fence.'· H arper led fue big fourth frame splurge with an inning opening single , 'and: a three base smash which drove home t h ree of the Jaguars' eight runs in t he inning. Harpet:: nearly had a grand-slam but fell short as 'he stumbled round ing the hot corner.

Conference Tourney To Be Held SJCC




FRANK WRIGHT , . , Prodigi omo S hot

Hor n~w weaoon ro,. fhe la\\\t. o\ \\\t '"""'\.

Jag Netmen San Jose City College's Jaguar netmen, bouncing back from last year's poor campaign, look good with two returning lettermen and Coach George Allison a t the helm. J ack Nash, who played second man last season, will be returning this year to again add his help to the netters. Fred Appleby, aJso returning, has improved ms game and will he fighting for one · of the higher positions on the team. Marv Parsons, who is presently wrestling for the Jags, took the Mt. H arrtilton Championshlp last year when he p1ayed for Pioneer. Bob Rantirez, former SJCC s tu· dent, Angle Altamarion, Tonny Nastor and Bob Duvall complete the fold that should he hlgh in league contention.


AS SORTE D BAWNEY : We understand tbe star Jaguar athletes Pat Cavataio and Bob Toledo are starting a new sport which has caught the old twinkle in Si Simon'i's eyes . The boys have been seen on campus getting set for the upcoming season. W hat is this exciting sport ? Why, tag of course, and Simoni has expressed a keen desire to make it an intramuraL activity wxler t he leadership of Cavataio and Toledo. The only thing holding back the green light on the sport is that both men have incurred inj uries during practice. We hope the fellows can iron out the difficulties . . It's rumored t ha.t ex-Giant Ma.sona rl l\lur akHmi sent t he e.'\:eeuth·-es of the Gian t c hain a Va lentin e gr eetin g. Jt was a heart shaped box filled with strawberries. . .. Willis Reed, the soph star of the New York Knicks, ls given the Official GSC Scorin q FG FT TP honor as being the biggest cry-baby in the NBA. After watching him Bill Robinson, Merritt - -- - --' 1£ 28 260 play, it's a safe bet that he'll hold his distinction for quite a w hile PAZ ROCHA, SJCC _ - - - · - - 84 S4 222 to come . .. P az Rocha says he has changed bJs ltrst name to P azzie, H•l Oohlinq , Chabot -·--··-~- ..-~-· 17 32 IIU Don lyons , CCC -----·------- '7 .U. 170 because it rhymes with as in Cazzie Russell - . - We under- Sam Martir(elli, OVC ·----- .. - - '' •s 167 stand that golf coach Harley DoW has_ ·h ired fe.llow coach Jim Wh eele· Willi• W in, CC"S ~ ..... _ ---·- 63 38 16( han to caddy for members of the golf t eam. Not a bad deal for 25 Bob Johnson, DVC -·-- - ..... - U 2<4 154 ;n 151 62 cents a meet .. - An anonymous SJCC instf!uctor was seen at a local Gary lloyd, CCC 1<47 Charl ie Parks, CCSF -·------ 51 ll polisher. ball the in head s hi ng Alowling alley last weekend polishi 26 144 Jo• Thompson, Merritt __ ..... _ . 5' When he finished, his dome glistened brighter than a new chrome Boris Pew , C ha bot - -- -·- 52 2' 130 WheeL Here's a fellow w ho has really got some shining ideas . . . Pete Neu, Ch<1 bot - --·-·-·-· - ~'1 2' 124 Any rebroadcast, reproduc tion, or otber Wi6 of this column \\ithout Ric h Sims, DVC ·-~-----..... ·-·· ... 44 36 12i 123 Bred Maclaren, C SM -· _ ·-· _ <CS 31 the expl'C8sod written oonseat of the author is strictly enc ouraged. Owney W illia ms, CSM ------~-- 44 34 122


..12 San F rancisco San Mateo .................. 9 San J ose .................... 7 Contra Costa ...... ........ 7 - - -Oakland Merritt •...... 11 Cha,b ot .......................... 4 Foothill ........................ .3 Diablo Valley ..........•. 2

PF 887 812





9&3 963 923 757



909 904 1010 &37 1020


0 .3 5 5 8 8

Year 26-2 19·5 16-10 20.7 17-9 15-11 12-14 8·15

728 767

4-Yr. GGC 46·9 32-22 35·19 30-21 26-29 14·40 17-37 17·37

Ed '#ihon, CCSF ·- - - - - - - 4' JIM KUHlMAN N, "Sic;_c - - ~··-·- 54 Joe Dil:on, CCC -··- --··-· - - 52 Chuck Oeeg •n, Foothill ·- - - - <45 Terry O ' Brien, CSM - - -- -- 3f BRUCE RABI OOU, SJCC - - 37 Eugene Williams, CCSF __ - - . <C2 Bill A~o~st in, -Footnitt • - ·~ ·-- - ~ Tom Gibbs, Foothill -··~-·-·-·- .. ··- l'l Sib Litte ll, foothi ll .......... ........ ..2 41 W e~ Rum: lt, CCC . l!i -\ Rocky Ford , Chabot . David Farr, CCC ·-··- - - - l'J Vinca Clemons, CCC ... ~~-- -··· 37 29 D•rryl Ranano, 0 '1':": , ....-- Tommy Hiln~n , Chabot _ _ _ :U 37 ROt( CARLING , SJCC _ _ ·-----· . '34 Jim Mayer, CSM • No longer eli9ibl•.

I • ----------------------------------- ----


Jose Oity College's 1966

Jags fo·om San Jose . won their team. The Jags kept a six to eight · man backed him up with twentylast two outings, but in re!llltY point lead throughout the contest. one and B laser contributed his The Vikings twice fough t back to thirteen polnts. lost one. If it sou nds confusing, it is. Oakland-Merritlt played las t fow· point deficits but to no avaiL O akland ran away ·f rom the San Tuesday's game with an ineligible Rocha and Kuhlman hi t twenty- Jose quintet ~ter tralling six to player and had to forfeit their five foot jumpers back 'to back to four in the fi·rs t tWo minutes. game with the J aguars which they build the Jaguar lead back to eigh t Henry Johnson pu t the Jags in a won 92· 74_ The Diablo game was points. Then with.. time running hole wit h foW' arching jwnpe-rs in not decided until late in the fourth out t he visitors tried to start a the next two minutes. Then J oe quarter with the final outcome in rally and crashed all five players Davis a transfer from N ew Mexto the boards. T hls openecl the ico, hlt on some .m uscle sho ts and fiavor of the home town 90· 76. gates for the local hoopsters to tip ins t o give the Th underbirds a T he Diablo encounter was evenly take advantage of thei r fiast break. commanding foumeen point lead . played until the J aguars put on a With Dennis Reynolds and Ron At in termission the visitors rested romp to surge late fourth quarter Carling con!trolling the bac k boards with a 52-34 margit>. Ohunky Rabiover the visitors~ Led by Paz t he guards received spme long dou tried in va'in· to pu t 1!he home Rocha, Jim Kuhlmann and Steve passes to have some easy lay ins. caiers in t he game but did not Blaser the locals recorded their Then the Vikings had to foul lobe receive m uch support f!I'Om the. . seventh win of the fast closing Jags in order to get the ball and line except from wiry Steve Blase~ · season. The purple rutd white con ~ the locals conver t ed the free who potted t hi rteen points . trolled lobe boards in the first throws. stanza but committed numerous Rocha led t he scoring brigade fouls w hich the Vildngs converted ,, with twenty-nine markers. Kuhlon. The J aguar fas t break after a long lay-Off finally came to life. R ocha, Br uce Rabidou and Dave Local g rappling fans are in for a Bruni had n wnerous assists in the treat on Sa turday when the Gold· first half. en Gate Confer ence wrestling tourDiablo Valley was saved from namen t w ill be h eld a t City Coltotal disaster in the Nrst half by lege. The tourney wm begin at 8 the fouls of the locals. Connecting a.m. and run through most of the on twenty-two of twenty-four free a fternoon, wi th the fina ls s ched· throws the visiting cagers manuled to begin a t 7 :30 p.m . aged to trai l by only seven points Jag wrestlerS are giVen an outat intcz-mission time. R a bid o u side chan ce for t he t eam crown, helped lhe Diablo caus e as he com~ with at least two SJCC matmen rnitted four fouls. should capt ure individ ual titles. Rocha and Kuhlman kept the Accordin g to Coach Jim Whee l e ~ Jaguars a head with some classy han, Art S ilva s hould capture the outside shooting. Sam Martinelli 137-poun d class.. Silva placed secwas t he Vikings ma!in scorer as he ond in the league l ast yea r and hit for Welve dig its ha lf from t he t hen proceeded to cap t u r e the free throw line . Rocha led the local cagemen wilob fourteen, right beNorthern California championship, hind him witlh ten each were Kuhl ~ From the Northern-Cal meet Sil¥a man and Rabidou. wen t on to a t·h j rd plaCe finish in t he state tournament. The second half sta rted the same Wheclehan also looks to Irv way. San J ose could not sustain Rosenberg to garner a fi rst . R osenough of a rally to pull away enber g lost only one dua l meet from the visitors. While the visit~ m'a tch arid .that was in t he 177ing team also could not sustain pound class. In the finaJs Rosenenough of a surge to get close •to I berg will seck the 160-p!)und chamPAZ RO CHA the Jaguars. The D i a b 1 o f ,j ve , .. Go Go lUa n pionship. wou1d not yield to the home town

Nash Head5

T he Wanriors are a you ng baiJclub on t he move. With the desire, determinat ion, and laJent t hat this aggregation possesses, it will only be a matter of time before the WarriorS a re the p ride oi professional basketball.


JAG .RECORD HOLDER.S: Tom Akrop, Paw Watts ami John JWlSOII

to give the San J ose City College J aguars t!he go ahead runs in their 9 ~2 win over Sacramento S tate JV's i n the opening round of the American River Tournamen t in Sacramento last weekend. T he J ags found t hemselves in a bigh t spot in the top af the nin th inning trailing by two runs. Tom Henson led off the fram e wit.h a. single to Frank \ Vright t hen follon,.ed with a triple, s c o r i n g H enson. Wright t.lLen proceed ed to w a lk the bases full a nd set the sb_lge for the (louble

Tom 1\lesch e r y, the five year veteran from St. ~lary's, dra ws far Jess praise tha n he deserves. Meschary is the muscle m an of the team. Besides being t.tte second leading r e bounae r on the quintet, he is also an est a blished score r who chips ln with a. steady 12 to 15 points ()er outing. His presence on t he hardwoods k eeps the oppositi on honest, as it's very seldom that you'll find 1\-leschery t aking a back seat to anyone in the muscle department.

Golden Gate Conference Basketball Standings


Diminutive shortstop R ich Gaz--

San cia blasted a clutch two run dou· ble in t he top of the- ninth inning, baseball aggregation got off to a


Studen t a pathy. a topic · which goes hand in hand with S J CC, is once agai n working its way into th e lime lig h t. The low sale of student body cards is hard t o understand. Although. many of you couldn't care Jess •a bout s tuden t activities and the p rivileges the ASB card entitles you to, you may be missing the boat. D uring the sumrher you may have an inkling to attend a San Jose Bee game, or the hardtop races, OI'I play a round of golf, or even catch a rigged Roller Derby fray. Without a student body card you get soaked an extra doUar or two, so it's only a short ma t ter of time before you' re maldng money on the deal.


i ....

-~ J:w---.·~w: t k 8 ags · 1n wo, . r· \Ar Jags vvdn 0 ne, 1e 0 neT ask eO kl •t rf F B d y o e1 a e · a an . . Garcia Tops wrIght Leads Jag uar Bats SJCC to w1·n Rain Cancels To.urney,


-·" - -



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We<incsday, l"ebruacy 23, l!l6G


Merchandising Club Elects Officers, Attends Long Beach Convention M er ch an r.:lising Club has c lretcd fi ve members w ill journey to the its officers for the spri ng semester clu b's con ventiori in Long Beach, February 26-27. and, acc ordi ng to A I Pcponjs, camNewl y eleeted officers are, Pres pus publicity cha...i r man, Lwe-nty~ ident, Pe te Farrell; Vice President, Rene Manzini; Seeretary, Pat Valenti ; Treasurer, Larry Souza; ICC Rep, Louis Carlson. Th.e Distributive Educatio n Clubs of America (DECA) State Convention at Long Beach, wiU be held over t he weekend of February 26-27 to e lect new state officers. It is noted that the current preside nt of DECA is City Col Has Walter Hm·nung, instru c tor lege's own BiU Peponis. · of the Radio Shop a t City College's "A car car.avan will leave San Vocation Center, found a way to Jose ror Long Beach, Friday, convert empty ba by food jars inLO stated Al Peponis. "Some members will fly to the convention:.." expens ive radio and TV tubes? During the semester break. F ebNot quite, but Hornung and his r uary 2, an Em ployer. Employee student crew of radio shop wor k- Banquet was held at "17 West," men could use a couple thousand San J ose, a nd Bill Peponis was empty baby food jars with their awa1·ded the Most Outsta nding caps intact to store hundreds of

Has Hornung Found Way to Co.nvert Jars into TV Tubes?

Pres ident Ron Berki, and the rest of the officers of the freshman Male Student in the Merchandis- class are very dis appointed over t he ind ifference demonstrated by ing Club. c lass members , acco rd i n g to According to the club's publicity chairman, a rece ption for s tudents interested in the Marketing Pr'()o. \Vhtle the ma.jority of U.S. oolgram will , be he-ld March 6. lege student-s ami their racuJty Another program on the club's agree that President Lyndon B. for Johnson will be re-elected to a. agenda is a Marketing R~-"'l c-1,..1-.;:u. March 13 to be h eld at Uvas Mea- second term, the students fa vor a dows, west of Morgan HilL Republica n c andidate. The retreat will be he ld to exThis is the flo ding of the PLAY. pla in club activities - loca J. . regional and na tional-and the or- BOl' COLLEGE OPINION SURVEY - covering 200 ca m1mses ga.rrization's parli amen tary p roceconducted one w eeh: n.fter th e e lecdures. Those in terested s houJ d con- ~lion of John V. Lind'la.y ns 1\fn,y or bact Marketing Department or of New York City. Merchandising Clu b. The Sun'ey s hows that as of to" 1 would also like to mention d a.y a slim majority of t-h e students t:hat the prizes donated for the -55 peJ-ccu t - would vote for n. Student Body Card number drawRepublicnn cn ndldate in 1968. On ings came about through the efthe othe1· hand, 66 pe re.ent of the forts of the Merchandi.$ing Club," faculty wou ld prefer n. Dem ocratic said Peportis, "and free pizzas candidate. frOm "Shakey's" have just been added to the pri2e list."


Anthony Joseph, public relations chainnan. "In 1·egard (o the publicized class meeting," Joseph sl:atcd, •·no one be s1·de s th e 1·res hman c 1ass o ff.Icel'S attended." In a message to the freshma n class, Presidenl Berki s·a id, "All b mem ers of the class are expected to assist a nd work _with the class officers. The officer s do not con-stftute the en·tire freshman dass. They can only do their part and no more. They represent the student. "Activities can be planned, but success. depends e ntir·ely UfX>O the will and participation of the s tudents themselves. ''The class is organized for the benefit of is members a nd it is in their interest that this apathy is being so widely publicized. ulf an active and memorable freshman class is to be achieved," Berki concl uded, "the students must do thell- part to help."

As nn a id fm· club membership drives, the Times would lll;;e publish as much club news as pos. sible. News wi11 be p1'inted on a first-come, first-served bas is, which will necessit ate good contacts in aq the clubs in orde1· to IJe im~ partial. The Times is therefore offering an club members an opportunity to aid their clubs tlll'Ough schoolw ide publicity. Member-s. can become Times correspondents by notifying the newspaper office and leaving their . names and club affiliations.


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a round

Ferrante &. Teicher Play Here Tonight

1 § 1

§ §

§ 8 §

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Campus Police Will 'Impact of Draft, .More Issue Warning Tickets Units, Less Money' May AHect ASB Card Sales




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Money Order (not refundable.

9. COLOR OF E)'ESi---;:--- Da

• 10


All College Chorus Meet M-W-F 1

Ryman Commends Student Action

Better Bustness Bureau Strives To Educate Citizens

Officers' Wives Presents

st:O:r::.::::::::::::::::========"""' -: :e=e m

Address to which card is to be sent: O Home 0 School or Business



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San Jose City College's Asso-- their budgets and submit cuts in woblem that has a very s imple cia ted Sb,J.dent Body 'I"'reasw'Y expenditures to the Finance Of- solution in t hat the student has suffered a critical setback ficer 6n or before F ebruary 18, bodY, needs only t o purchase Student Activity Cards. of 9,000 due to an ex- 1966, and "Then, the budgets would not 3. Adv isors have been as ked treme drop in the sqle of Studenrt Activity cards this Spring to encour-age all people in their necessitate cutting, and the stu activities to purchase Activity dent body ~s a whole would not Semester. ~gf~~~eqw~~hr:~~ overshadow8~ As a result of this gen·e ral C{t.rds. Ryman stated that, "After deficit of $9,000, as reported by Robert A. Ryman1 Director of the Submission of voluntary 1 Commissioner WatJ\S, expresFinance, a s ummit meeting be- budget cuts, all accounts will be· sing concern over .the problem, The finaJlCia.] situation of the tions, by purchasing au Associtween studen t cOuncil leaders reviewed and further necessary said t ·hat • "People are too used ated S tudent Body card. The hB d - 5 d as o y tu e nt Associate d ' a nd City College Pi-esident, H . alterations will be m ade in or- to having everything hand~ to any b e n efi ts of this Activity: m platter and reache d a cri tical po.i nt of b alR . Buchser, will be called Fri- der to balance in-c ome and ex- t hem (m ~·&j.lver .1 platter has l>een now rth a t Jl~he February 18, during which pendi\.urcs." ance. Either w e recoup the Ca rd far outwe igh the $<\-00 . o0 day, left to t~nish, •bene~i·ts o nce organizational budgets will be losses incnrred from un .i cost. bY ·all may s ho rt1 Y be · "After the cuts have been de- enJOyed altered to balance ASB funds. l re lni.nd yo u-tl\i~ Clql cient sa le of ASB cards during· · t enl" R~r;r"'t'\an, continued termined," non-ex1s· come J••· To combat •thiS deflicit, Ry· be th e lurning p,oint i~, our A~· t "As th ted fl 1 w the of notified be ll wi "advisors a , r egistration and continue our atts a so re ec man and George W atts, ComFe-rrante a nd, whose hit extensively for Columbia, Westt.ivity Program- ! urg~ you to that they may of t h·IS d a t:e th ere are no f u ture missioner of Finance, have in· modification s so fin ~ activity prognpl) , or we §ink recordings including "Theme from mins ter and United Artists recordpurchase your ASB card and amned pl stituted the f ollowing pro- make a ny necessary adjust- activities or functions ~· The Apartment" and "Exodus" ing companies. Among their many to the poin~ w he re all stude nt snppo·rt th e man y fi no programs for except emester s this for " ments. g:rams: have won them recognition as the hosts on TV have been Danny to cut be lo have will ties activi ASB President Jim Steele, those contl,'acted before Febru1. There will be a restriction Kaye, Perry Como, Steve AUen availa ble to you at San J osc City the bone, som o eliminated. · nation's No. 1 piano theme team, on all ASB funds. The only req- expressed grave concern over ary 7, 1966." and Ed Sullivan. College. wilJ appear at San Jose City By most recent, uno~ficial ui silions to be honored -are the bnancial shortage resulting Within the movie industry they The stude nt cotmcil h as asked those involving wages and those from below par Activity Card tabulation of purchased AclivCollege on F eb. 16. have arranged and recorded the advisors of the vario us activiti es ity Cards there were only 2,900 that have been contracted as of sales. TfQ program, a fe atUJ'I! of the themes from more Hollywood picto vohmtari ly reduce tl1eir ex"The campus is now faced cards sold to a stude nt body February 7, 1966. college's Evening Cultural Se,ries, tures than any other group of peucliturCs, culLing co.sts whe re10,000 n tha more of consisting probser10us extremely an h t wi advisors Organizational 2. will be held in the Men's Gym- instrumentalists. Three of their students. night and day a is it "but Steele, said Iem," review to r.onuested been have ll this r possJ'bl e. in eve ~ Admission recordings p.m. 8:30 popular more nasiwn at .. """~ 0 is $2 for adults and 50 cents for area a re: "The · seven th Dawn," b-~..crJAC!'C:CCCCCC::CCCCiCCCCCCCCCC=::o:c:~..CCi~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - childre~. ASB car d holders will "My Fair Lady" and "A Rage to be admitted free. Live. 1' Arnerich Views Problem Since their firs t performance F errante and Teicher have been with the Toledo Symphony in 1947, playing pianos togeth er s ince they Arthur Ferrante and Louis Teicher were six-year-olds when they first have played in 48 st ates and met as students in New York's Juliiai'd School of Music. During CanadaAccompanied by the t heir spe- their school days they studied with JIM STEELE cially designed truck which t rans- the same teachers and later were poHc; ~ instru~tor, L~ Jfnforcement Decampus College City ports their two concert .grands, graduated trom"" J"Wllard · as pia.ifo going to start issuing warning partment. tb.ey have barnstormed back and majors under Carl Friedberg. City College traffic regulations of cards purcttased,'' continued Arpopularity In addition to their forth across the co-untry appearing traffic tickets today through Fri- will remain the same this semester "Wil:h t he impact of the military before college and civic audiences. in America, Ferrante &nd Teicher day, February 18. "Regular cita- as they were last semester. draft causing students to take more nerich. "For one, spring's car-d ~a]e is p.m~ semester credit hours, students They h ave appea red on many have made personal appearances tions wil~ be issued Monday, Feb· much lower than fall's, due usual1y London, in nd, a crowds before sell-out than before money less have ineducate to "We would like major radio and t elevision netruaTY 21/ ' s aid James B. P age, coming studen ts on our traffic as a resu1t, this may have affected to the fact students have more City College's ",All College Chowork shows and have recorded Paris and Rome. money at summer's end than at rus" will meet Monday-Wednes· regulations," continued P age. "We the sale of Associated Student t he beginning of a new ye~. day-Friday, at 1 was learned ask their full cooper.a t1on in the Body cards," stated Larry Arne"Then too, City College studen ts rich, Dea n of Men at City College. 'There are other f actors w hich may not care for the program and instead of the hours misprinted, sem ester transition. We would also the spring sem~;tS ter schedule. like to warn students tha: repeated may h ave contributed to the lack activities sponsored by t he Asso- in Arnerich Body," Student ciated 1'Because of the error we will violations could result in the sus· said. "I happen to think the ASB take late registrants," said Vincent pension of t heir campus parking program is a very good one, but if Cartor, Head of the "All Colleg privileges; and th at chronic viola· the students don' t think so," they Chorus." "Rehearsals will be con· contact student council ducted as usual at one o'cloc~ should susto lead ultimately could s n tio. its facilities. ';I'he group will also · h as been said . . . "can wail the members and tell them what t hey Monday , Wednesday a nd Friday, Sophs Schedule Meet Superintendent Ryman, boondockA. your of Robert out right · nai1s talk college." to from pens"ion be given the opportunity do want." in room F·7 a nd one unit of credit "shop" with one of the Hospital's ers." Most olten vi~lated is the failure of Student Operations , prrused the Thurs. February 24 According to Arnerich, this sitor irl g a bring boy, a bring So, will be offered'' psychiatrists. eir th for College City of students parking College City a obtrun to City College's Sophomore Class uation is not unique to ·san Jose and don't forget friend; a bring attending in interested Anyone e th with dealing in cooperation The Chorus, which gave a Christhas scheduled its first meeting of and fruiW'6 to heed reserved bookstore. Ryman reported, "We City College only, Sch ools everyn otify Mrs. Jacklin your boondockers. General Admis- (Jj!rmit 1 mas program last sem ester, wil~ the spring semester ThUIS<Iay, 11 the tour may problem. same the have where inStructor sion is $1.50. Associated Student parking zones. "Parking permits have had no troubles and few am. February 24, in the men's or any othe1· psychology Arnerich also mentioned th~ fact perform one concert this spring. Body card holders are admitted are to be affixed to the lower ~ ripes ." for more infonnati.on. gym, that increased student loans and "Students may come to see me free. Students attending City College a h igh rate of books sold back to right comer of the windshield," The meeting wlll be- called to during rehearsals," said Carter, used more found semester this Page. to according order fur the purpose of electing Audio-Visual Now Has the book store are signs that stu- "or they may check with me in books t~ select from due to an Senate Bills 778 , Sophomore Class officers and PI'Q>o are short of cash dents my of(ice in the music wing, room Chr0~·i c haffic violators niay pe increasing 'number of f all semester ''If students Seal Mount Dry Press 1062 Meet Death have enough money n ting activities. back" F-K." "buy he t utilizing st\ldents the from cit3..tion& traffic issued According to Sophomore Class· City College's Audi<>-Visual Cenusually keep •a g.o od portion Dead are two Senate Bills, San Jose P olice Department. policy at 'the bookstore duri ng they Carter emphasized the fact that representatives, " is the time ter, located at the south-west wing books," concluded Arnetheir of SB778, w hich would have allowed "What 'we a re \-rying to do is fina15. Commenting on th~ increase "All College Chorus" needs the for action! All those who h ave of the Library Building, "now has i· f for pressed are fees on educate the stU<.\ents to obey the in sell backs, Ryman stated, "We rich. "If t hey $10 levy to Colleges Jtu1ior 60 to 100 s ingers. No "great from ~mplaincd -about a lack of activi- a Seal Dry Mount P ress." accordwhen loans are students and SB1062, which would College haffic regulations - not h~ve on hand more used books nances this is are needed," only individuvoices ties in the past now have their ing to Robert Nelson, Audio- Visual in re-sold taken out and books are have permitted ea'Ch state J unior to see how many citations '\'e can than V{e have ever had." chance to really get things going." Coordinator, "that will enable proIt seems tbis is the als with the ability to carry a quantity. great College District rto establish one write," concluded P age. February 18th u1Ll be the last tune. vision of the following services: situation this semester.' college. community four-year for fuU refunds and exchanges. day 1. Plastic coating on ei lher or San Jose Wants Road both sides of pictures, charts or Senate Bill 778, called for a Students dropping or changlng a self imposed fee of $10 to be levied course may obtaln refunds. The Through CC Campus Club maps. on Junior College students if twostude nt must present an IBM reinforce to backing Cloth 2, San Jose's planning commission Scholarship "drop" card and a CHshier's re. thirds or the student body voted and charts, and pictures maps, through would li ke to put a road 1 eeipt before rooei\' a refund. 3. Temporary or permanent approval. part of the City Coliege campus The California Teachers AssociStudents will be charged for any The Moffett Field Chief Petty and charts pictures, of mounting the charge to and would also like ation supported the proposal, but Officers \Vives Club is offering a merchandise which they bring The Better Business Bureau of vertising or the hard sell method. San Jose Junior College District maps on various types of sur- t he State Department of EducaHow to get an honest value for a scholarship of $100 to dependents into the self service area of the Santa Clara County is constantly faces." for the road's construction . tion and the Junior College Facdollar will be part of t his educaout rovided p are Racks bookstore. in citizens its educale to striving I t will be necessary to allow According to school trustees, uJly AssociaLk>n opposed. of (E-7. E -8, E- 9 ) personnel, side the store to place personal modern business ethics, and t he tional program," explai ned Howto have the \vork who want to discuss the matter three schooJ days Senator Stiern, who introduced a ctive, retired or deceased . belongings. Bureau feels the way to reach the ard Emerson, general manager of -the city fathers, the road completed. Instructors are also re- the Bill, said this would giYe Jun- . The bookstore is running three pubJic is through the youth of the BBB. "This will be two-fold: The scholarship will be put in a requests for Au,j"ould put two acres of the college minded to submit ior College fr'OSh and sophomores Youth [nvolvement and Consumer • trust at the dean's office of San chcc:k-out registers and will be the community. dio- Visual equipment as early as 1t1 a kind of limbo. the same opportunities enjoyed by Education." opn a is involvement during th .m. p •·You 10 to . a.m 8 from open money his T College. City Jose Trustees have learned th at City possible. counterparts in State Colleges and · Blcha:rd Casey, Ralph Wild er first learn \\-'ill purchase supp~ies. bool<:s and the first two weeks of the se- portunity to have youth "Recently, last minute requests Planning Di Pector Stanford Getreu University. hand what U1c Better Bu, m an. and Ross Atkinson of the meet," to impossible been have favors tt'Je extension of Porter AveSenate Bill 1062, proposed one student body cards for the scholar~ Bureau is all about. Self-regula- merchandisi ng, retalllJig, and ad· = nue no r t h through the college concluded Nelson four-year college for each Junior ship winner. Friday, Febroary 18, ts a. busy tion in honesty, ln selling, and in \'crtising departme nts take.n Applications are being accepted night on S.J CC campus. A regis· campus to Moorpark avenue. College District to help solve the advertising is the key to the whole an a vid lnte rest in the BBB pro· The I aod, east of the Jaguar New Society Performs problem of growing college enroll- and should be sent to: CPO \Vives tratt{m D ance will be held follow- program," explruned Frank S. g ram outlined by Frank Shank baseball field, is now used chiefly Club c/ o Mrs. Robert C. Cuttler, ing the Faculty Council BeneUt ment. Shank, past president of the Bet· in hjs present -capacity as ehalr~ by the athletic department for Fri. February 734 L akewood Drive, Sunnyvale, Gam e and the Jaguars vs. Diabl o man of t he execnth'e c ornmlttee. tcr Business Bureau. Randy Sparks and the New Sothrowing the discus. Vall ey game.. The Faculty Council SJCC will be the focal polnt and Carl Palmer, Director of En.rollmeut in ISJCC's east sido. California. ciety will perform in the City Col in played be wW gamo Benefit r lette in be should Applications llool Sc High Lick!ii the 8urca u 1s attempts to ex- Journalism at SJCC and member at for ctunpn.s lege Men's Gymnasium, Friday, Gyn' bcgtnning at 7 JJJ <:!.in to Lhe youth of the county of BBB board of d.Lrecto.l'8o l\Jen•s the as: information such with form tourth, .. th this for 300 to up is Psych Club Plans February 25, 8:30 pm. As a par t of this unique projecl. cagers will the various sen ·ices offered to the The New Society, who has re- s{lmester's offering uf night cl1l{)~S name, father's r a nk, high school p.m. a nd the varsity Agnew Hospital Trip the BBB envisions the student p.m. 8 at tollow statement a and [rom, graduated Psyc.holQ!."Y A, jour12 and Spcecb businns The there. consumers. The P sychology Club ts tenta- placed t he Goodtime Singers orig- 10, History 17 A, Sociology 10 A, of ~t:sonal nCf(l. Immediately afte.r th.e basket- na.Usm dep~Lrtm ents n11l enter with taking part in runni ng surveys, the tively planning a trip to Agnews inally lined-up for a stint on action, the Registration Dance the Bureau in ~L pllot prog ram to participating in meeti ngs, and tak~ the by signed be should Letters English A. 1 English is under the d.i rec- Real Estate, ing part in pl anning t he selling State H ospital on W ashi ngton's Cui tural Seri2s, 92, Child De,·elo1nnent, P eace Of- father (or guardian) and of course, wiU begin in the \Vomen's Gym- educat-e these young men and campaigns for good advertising, birthday, February 22, according tion of • Rartdy Sparks, originator entertainment triple ';I' na.siJun. student.. the women. fi ce.c Reserve Training, a11d Into Mrs. Carol Jacklin, psychology of the famed <;hristy Minstrels. bill is fre e to all students with "OccasionaLly this segment of a nd other conswner educ~tion ac· The cw Society features a fi ve- du.strla.l Security are being offered instructor. card. ASB an applications for date cut-off The Semester. the for our society is taken in by bait ad- tivitics. The group will go by bus and male, two female vocalist· instru= ~~~~~------~= 1.. will tour the hospital and obsru:ve <QC!It playing group about whom it ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=is March


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About $~17,978 in s tate ma tc hing funds for cons tr uction purposes wm be recei vecl by San Jose Junior College District, the board o~ trustees has learned. The money w ill assist th e district in some of the plannjng costs in connection with t he recently purchased Ta;y Van property adjacent to the Oity Coll ege campus on Moorpark Ave. It hasn' t been decide d what will be bu:il t on the 4.7 acre property . Such a decis ion is involved in a master plan being developed by . district architects. Dr. Paul Elsner, director of pl a nning a nd resources, a nnounced that the application for ma tching funds unde r Senate Bill 318 has been approved. Under the bilL dis~ tricts are entitled to such funds in proportion to their asessed valuation.




SJJC District Acqu ires State Match ing Funds

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move into the new voca tiona! center on Hillsdale Avenue and the handy jars are needed to he lp transport and con tain the thou sands of various paTts the Radio Shop cla sses wor k wit h. "Students can bring the empty baby food jars into room 307," said Hornung. ''We will appreciate as many as w2 ca ~ ge l. "

~dmbda- Alpha Epsilon

Wilt Print Club Publicity on First Come, First Serve Basis

Frosh Class Indifference Disappoints Ron Berki

Libral'y l11stalls New Furniture

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