San Jose City College Times, Vol. 17, Issue 3, Mar 2, 1966

Page 1


- --..

W"!JJ!~dal(.. Marcli



Mite rarter Heads





cunversu tiona1 1 A ne w group is belng offered this se m es~ t cr instead of the former Uerman Cl ub. Sponsored by Dr. Montan-

French Club Leaders Folk Music Group. Ne_w_ Spol'ts Car Club Plan Active Semester Initiated on Campus Ong 1nates on Campus ~~::;~::·,117;·;:;,;~·~~· ~~:::.:~·.~ee;;.

Rallies, beach pa rties, dances The Folk Music Club, a new 1 French Club will be very active club on campus, will meet Tuesday an~ ~~to s hows will highlight the lly RON~,.IE CINELLI Pa rlcz vous Fra nca is ? Whether this, their second semester. Mrs. at 11 a.m., jn R oom B·207. At the act tvllles of a ne\v campus group, the ans we1· is yes or no, y(>u will Nicole Jordan is Lhe advisor of this present Ume, Mike Carter j 5 the The Sports Car Club. The objectives of the club Will p1·estding officer. be interested to know that the lively club. New officers were elected ThursAmong the acti vities illl t he plan- be to heJp s tudents obtain better day, March 3 . The president is, ning are a guitar WOI'kshop tci working knowledge o f cars and get this now- Giuseppe Baglione. which all s tudents who want to to socialize while learning, anAny French Club with an Italian learn are invi ted; they are plan- nounced Eustaquio Cat-.:ez auto AUTO ELECTRIC president just has got to be fun . "ing to sponsor a group to the mechanics instructo"" ' The vice president is Susan H aSs; Berkeley F olk Festival during the Students do not need a sports Tune-Ups treasurer, Dennis Defpier (at lAst last fuJl weekend in June, and they car to join, howe ver. they will ••• By C a rl a Frenchman); secretary, Karen also plan to send groups around need a n Associa ted Student Body Salomon; and the ICC representa- to high school classes in Englis h, card and should have accessible a • Broke Service tive is Kirby Knoy. ' history, and social science. High conventional automobile. • Jnboal"d- Owtboard The French Club has the lan- schools involved to date are An~ Trips to Laguna S eca and variRepair guage tables in the student union drew Hill, Mt. Pleasant, ·and Wit- ous other auto events will be on ;. G e neral Repa irs twice a ,Veek where .on)y French liam Overfelt. the agenda. These trips will be • Boat and Trailer is spoken. Signs are up denoting , For further information please taken by means of car caravans. Wirin9 such tables. They operate Mondays DISCOUNTS TO S.J.C.C. The club is seeking a sponsor, Rosemary Halsinger, adrat 10 a.m. and Tuesdays at noon. C?llltact v1ser, who is connected with the who will provide members with STUDENTS AND FACULTY The meeting Crorn now on \vill be ___e_n_t.__________~~th~e~o:p:po=r~t:u:n':·t~y~o=f~p:wx~:h:as:i~n~g~a:u~t~o -=n~~-is_J_,_D_e_p_a_rnn Phone 292-6442 438 S. Basc:om on Fridays at. noon in room 24. The E


club has now approximately 25 members and would be happy with many more. The club is thinking of sponsoring a dance toward the end of the semester, but will have several activities before then put on a For i~tance, the~ short skit, will Spo'nsor a collection of books to send to the Peace Corps in Africa, and will participate in International Day with a French Booth.

parts at reduc~ prices . Stu~ents who are interested in becommg members should contact Eystaquio Cortez in room 209. Poster·s on campus will announce


Co-Ree Sp onsors

Tuesday a.t n in Room 28. Anyone interested in either the country or language or Germany join.


invited to


J\cfivity Cards

Will Undergo


Po rsc: he

All Sports S hi ~ts 850 Unc:oln Ave. Son Jo5e 25, Calif.

MASTER MECHANI CS Trained in "'"·maoy





Sigma Sigma Meets Fri. Rm. S-7 .9nveJttneht ih t~e ?utu/*e In keeping with its purpose of furthering the student's interest in the sciences, Sigma Sigma maintains weather instruments in t he east display case of t he Physical Science wing. Ar!yone interested in joining is welcome to come to our meetings at 11:00 A.M. in room S-7 every Friday. Some of the field trips planned for this semester are: tidepool study at Moss Beach, bacteriology at a local hospita l, and astronomy at Lick Observatory.


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St. Pa.trick's Da.y will theme the Co-Ree progra.m for tonjght. 'l 'here will be n. 4.-sq ua re tournament, badminton, and basketball. '. fhe special event will be a judo ex11i bition. It will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 in b ()th gyms. Irish refreshments will he served.

Special Discount

while you are young and rates are



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By LEEAN S AR~lENTO 1433 The Alameda 297-3060 Are you adventurous, intrimred FELLINI'S MASTERPIECE! by new and excitingly diffe1ent events, or are you simply just a 'J uliet of The Spirits' fun~loving person? Then read on ' this little story is for you! Technicolor For centuries our nation 'has AWARD WINNER thrown gigantic bridges over many: ' Best Foreign Film of the Year" rivers, yet it does not yet know -Hollywood Foreign Press Assoc: , how to build bridges from people to people. Here is an opportunity for you , a s SJCC students, to take a small part in this undertaking. 552 So. Bascom 295-7238 The International Club of SJCC which meets every Thursday a~ RITA TUSHINGHAM 11:00 in Room 201, awaits your in the membersh ip! Leather Boys Our whole worl<i today is filled with a spectacular performance ot -ANDdistinctively unique and colorfU l A Comedy Riof! customs and cuJtura l values from The Moon Is Blue across the seven seas, including WILLIAM HOLDEN and our own America n traditions. DAVID NIVEN The International Club can offer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ your of you this , at only the price friendship and ent husiasm. Can you think of a better reason to join us? The Monterey Institute Karen Ray, SJCC instructor, has of Foreign Studies volunteered her guidance and interest as Club Advisor merely because of " its most impressive his 10 Wee._ Summer Session ~une 20 to August 27 tory." Its acti vities range from variety shows to gala International 7 Week Sessio n Balls, climaxing in a one-time secFor Graduates . O nly July I I to August 27 ond place in Club Awards. So don' t ha ve a "smalltown" LANGUAGES AND CIVILIZATIONS outlook. Enlarge your heart until of C hin o, F r ~ nce, G e rmony, lt&ly, it becomes universal - " interna - Japan, Russia on d Spain (notive intional" - and follow Ma tias Bau- structo rs ) . tista, newly elected International Elemento.ry ond Interme d iate co Urses, 16 units. lntermediote and advanced Club president. VAN 'S Barber Sho p FLA T TOP SPEC IALIST

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. Join in the most adventurous experiment of our time. Operab on Match. Let the IBM 7090 Computer (the world's most perfect matchmaker) stamp out blind dates for you. I Two Harvard juniors started it. 100,000 students have done it. ~o.w you ~nd 3,400.00,0, college students in 1500 colleges in 50 CJ hes can s1gn up and JOin in! Ju~t s~nd us the coupdn. We'll send you the Operation Match Quan t1tat1ve Personality Projection Test pronto! Then return the questionnaire with $3.00, What you're like and .what you like ":'ill be translated into our 7090's memory file. It will s~an the qual_ifications of every member of the opposite sex from th1s geographic area. Then it will select the five or more · matches best for you. . ~ou'll receive your names, addresses and telephone numbers Wtthm three weeks. You'll be w\lat your date is looking for. Your d~te will be what you are looking for. In other words: the matches 1 will be mutuaL

POLITICAL ARTS . Comprehen ~i ve c ombining fu ndamentol prog ra ms coUrses with a rea studies o n W este m Euri!pB, Russio ond Eadern Europe, Far East, Near East, .ond LMin Amer~ ict!l . s , chelor of A rts and Master of Arts in lan g uages Md c ivil izations ond in political o rts .

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political scientist from the Univerannounced. V a r i o us luncheons, sity of Chicago, will be guest 1eccampaign parties, business meet- turer at San Jose City College ings will alsp be include~ in the :March 6. The free lecture will be agenda. TW'o of the topics to be discussed are "The Effects of Death on Children," "Meclicare."

Medical Students Get Clinical Job Experience

MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA, 93942 Telephone 1408) 373-4779

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Students who wish to havJ posters made u p in the Oi ty College printing room should have their copy in at least a week before the poster is needed. Requests for jobs needed in less than a week will be accepted only at the discretion of the printers. -

Buy ASB Carch -

are granted on the basis of ratings made on the Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Ex-

amination Board. Freshmen sophomores are eligible for these scholarships. At the time of application the student must by under 25 years. Applications are due March 1. Other scholarships are given by local groups. Contact Mrs. Peterson in room U-207 if you are interested. -

Buy ASB Cards -

hibit because of its significance to fhe field of sculptural art. uln creating 'Fly By,' Robert Hudson broke down traditional concepts of form, which is a wtique movement prevailing in the San Francisco Bay Area, " Assen explained. "When City College's Associated Student Body purchased 'Fly By' in 1963 its price was $900. Today, the sculpture is worth triple its

original value. I would say that City College made a smart purchase," concluded Assen. About "Fly By's" creator, the San Francisco Chronicle has said, "Hudson's works in painted steel are fantastic, death-defying on the high wire; they are full of prodigies of balance and breath· taking s urprises of rela tionship. Their brilliant, carnivalesque color adds enormously to . their effect."

0 wen Drama 'De p t. I

w·lll present .' 'Th ree' San Jose City College Drama, Department, under the directlon of John Owen, will be presenting "Three" on March 17, 18; and 19 ln the college theatre. "Three" will be made up of three modes of the theatre. First, will one act play entitled "No be Why" by John Whiting. This play deals with a ten-year-old boy who is concerned with t he distinction of the moral standards we claim and the morjtls we possess. The second part is a movie starring Linda Segura. This is being produced in cooperation with Edward Shuster, heaa of the Photography Department. The thh"d Part will be a set of acting and ~me irrjprovisations. The ic\eas fa\ the creation ~f eyents will be created by the audtence.


PRETTY DONNA LEONT[, Com1~issioller of Fine Arts, is sitting ne.\':t to By," <tit As~oeiate<_J- Stud ent Body owned steel sculpture cre-.atcd by Rober t ' 1 Fly l:lwt.oon. 1n the ouddle pacture aad ia tile t.laird-U&III6 1'om-l.J"u, J. d-.AMeD. .Joe;eph

, The cast for ''No .~y'' includes Tim Wood as Henry, Ri ta H ackett as Eleanor, Ciu-lton P err'y' a s Max, and Julie Rogers as Sar ah. Also participating are Linda Segura as Amy, Jpe Bnx!a as Gregory, and Dennis Traenkle as the servant. T.he irnprovisors are All Shahyalani, Joe Broad, Carlton P erry, Dennis Traenkle, Rita H a ckett, Julie Rogers, Linda Segura and Joella Collier. The technical staff are : Stage Manager, Sian Wolfe ; Assistant Manager, Dennis Traenkle ;· Lights, Prosper Buller, Jim :Bu.r ke, Da n Roberts, T eiTY Hartstein ; P rops, Joella Collier', Judy Ann Fla k'¥", and the rest of the improvisors; Sound, A)an Tan; Costumes, the improvisors; Publicity. Tim Wood, Ali Shahyalani, and Curtis H yde.

City College Weekly Bulletin THURS.DAl': March 3 1. Student Council, 10 a .m., Rm. U-200 . 2. Supreme Court, 11 a.m ., Rm. U-205. 3. Chaminade College of Honolulu representative, 11 a.m., Rm. B-201.


Pod' Office Box 710


w·In a sc h0 Iarsh"•P

Fly By Goes Bye-Bye


Compatability Research, Inc. 559 Pacific Avenue, Suite 37, San Francisco, California 94133


Hans Morgenthau Speaks



lcit reported earlier in the semes· ter wu.s only a.n estimated figure made utter a.cocWiting for tbe drop in Activity Card sales. Because of increased sales of ASB cards during the past three weeks and due to ant~~ipatln g the income for the remainder of the fiscal year, the deficit was set at $5,736.27." " From this sum," continued Watts, "the committee discussed appropriate activity budgetal adjustments."

S.teete Extends Appreciation


For Information "trite io:

to "accept the Committee's plan in its entirety." In the words of ASB President Jim Steele, "The student council voted unanimous approval of the committee's recommendations and, as at 11:30 a.m. Thursday 24, the adoption was signed and became official." Steele also expressed thanks to the members of the recommending committee: Steve Holeman, Student Government Advisor; Edward After Watts completed the pres- Mogler, Director of Student Acentation of the committee's rec- tivity; Robert Jtr Ryman, Director ommendations, a motion was made of Student Oper&.tions, and G(!Orge Watts, Commissioner of Finance." Dennis Percy, Academic Re-treat chairman, thanked the council on behaif of the Retreat for not alJDI'f tering their program's budg~t. In a 1·eccnt TIMES "Student Speaks Editor's Note: President Steele of student activities. Oui" col,umn, Percy defended the notUied the City College Times I wo uld also like to com- Retreat's. budget, saying any cut tha.t he will hold press the stud ents · who in monies - would aU but render confel'ence..'i" ·in Room U-200 ev- mend the Retreat ineffective. ery Thursday at 11 o'clock. All sh owed c oncern through letThe activities receiving budget students are Invited to attend. ters, conta ct with council alterations were: Assemblies, $2,000; Associate'l Women Students, I wo uld like t o extend my members and for attending $175; Competitio n and Achieve-a ppreciation to the student the student council session to ment Awards, $25; Scholarship discuss the subject, "The Dilemma activit y adviso rs fo r the vol- voice their o pinions Th ursda y, Awards. $700; Dance, $710; Stuof American Foreign Policy." dent Union, $1,000; Graduation, Ap10ng his works have been untary budget adjustments February 24$25; Homecoming, $150; Inter"Scientific Man vs. Power PoliClub Council, $60 ; Rally, $75; Sothey sub;,itted to the ASB tics," "Politics Among Nations," cial Affalrs1 $50; Women's Intra"In Defense of the National In- Stud ent Body government murals, $35; Phil ()Sophy Sympo~­ terest," Dilemmas o'f Politics," last week. lum, $75; Student \Velfare, $200; "The PUrpose of Ameri can PoliSynch.ronlzed Swim Show, $40; These self-imposed adjusttics," and "Politics in t he Twen.Study Magazine, $20; and 1\lisceltieth Century." He is co~authot men t s made it possible t o la neous Athletic Expense, $225. and editor of. the recent work, continue our program withCommissioner W atts stated th a t, ' "Crossroad P apers," published last funds are received they will "As out any serious curtailment year. be replaced into operational activiA native of Coburg, Gennany, ty accounts on a percentage basis. Morgentha u came to the United• per cents are to be deter· The States in 1937 from Getmany and mfned as fwld.s become availAble. interare who students Those became a citizen in 1943. He stud" If anticipated ini:ome falls off," ied at the University of Berlin, ested in scholarships should check continued, "additional adWatts the on posted are that notices the University of Frankfurt and Uni· justments might need to be made. versity of Munich while in Ger- Bulletin Board by the Student With this in mind , as Commissionmany, and later was a student at Services Office. Students arc urged er of Finance, I hope that activiClark University, Ripon College to apply widely for the many 1 ties use 'prudence' in spending and Western ReServe University scholarships offered by industry, ASB funds." colleges. and groups community in the United States. Students are recommended to - Buy ASB Cards - _:·_ __ - Buy ASB Cards Jll\1 STEELE apply for the Cahfornia State SCholarships. These scholarships ---------------------------------------------- ------



: I am 1_7 or over (and 27 or under)- and I want to help stamp : out blind dates. So mail me my questionnaire. Quick! I

Budget ending. s • ASB 'Back 10 Black'

Budgetary adjustmen ts, as announced and approved by the student council last Thursday, have placed the Associated Student Body treasury "back in the black, to a tWle of $5.00 sw·plus," according to George. yvatts, Commissioner of Finance. Fifty spectators, a large percentage representing Academic Ret reat, heard Watts present a 15minute report o n budget alteration. recorrunendations compile'd by a four-man corrunittee Friday, ' F ebruary 18. \Vatts sta.ted, "The S9,000 def-

... -.... .....

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courses, 12 units. Upper division courses, 12 u nits. G roduota course s, 8 units.

Office o~ Admissions


five Dollar Surplus

Knapton Issues Okay On Poster Hanging

Ice-cold Coca-Cola makes any campus "get-together" a parfy. Coca-Cola has the la ~te yo u never gel tired of ••• always refreshing. Thai'$ why things go better Wolh Coke- - • after Coke ••.._after Coke.

May 27. 1967.


or Macaroni, Bread and Butter

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On Jan. 17, 19, and Feb. 8, ~edical A~!§..~~ng ~V~el~ J!':!.b; lie health doctors· give- t'he required physicals t o men fol,' their P .E. classes at City College. Only second -year girls were giv· ing the physicals 3$ first year girls .JiANS l\lORGENTHAU are still completing t heir 30 units speed_ held at 8:30 p.m. in the College I£ you are interested please con- of prerequisite courses. Second year girls begin thei~ Theater. tact Lynda Davis in ' tbe Women 1S Author a nd CO·author of n umer. Gym. clinical experience, and must spend 12 hours a week in the office of a ous books on n a tional and inter· doctor in private practice. Girls Raising Money Elizabeth Mercereau, head of the Medical Assisting Departmen j For Crip pled Children said t his program is us ually comi SJCC cheerleaders and s on g pleted in two y~, making the girls are presently engaged in col· gi rls competent Medical Assistlecting $125 which will be used to All posters on City College bulsend two local crippled children to ants. letin boards which don' t bear the the Easter Seal Ca mp above StevPublic Relations Corrunissioner's George Watts Heads ens Creek D am. stamp of approval will be taken The two children, who are to be down, according to Rich Knapton. selected on March 15th, will spend Workshop at M.P.G. Students Ca.TJ get the PR stamp a full w~k at the camp this sumGeorge Watts, commissioner of affixed to posters in room U-203 mer courtesy of those City College finance, has been selected to chair at;ter 11:00 a.m. on MWF and after stuilents who respond to the col- the finance workshop held during 12 noon, ~n TUesdays and Thursthe California Junjor College Stu- days. leCtion. dent Government Organiza tioll 6) Conference at Monter ey , Student Nurses Awaiting P( Area e n i n s u I a College, Saturday, 1966 Ca lifornia C onfab March 5. FLY BY IS GONE. Eighteen representatives from The 1966 Student Nurse's AsThe $2700 City College Student City College student council will SOCiation of California convention attend the conference. Topics ol Union art object. a steel sculpture Will be held March 4-6 in Los AndisCussion will be the problems by Robert Hudson, was borrowed geles. The motto for the gathering common to all the member col- by Richmond Art Ceg.ter ThursWill be "Reaching For Rewarding day, February 24, for a one month leges. 1\e!;ponsibilitY." 1 art exhibition. <SKrerecording Anderson. Sue · New SNAC officers will be J. J. Assen, Richmond Art Cenas atts W accompany will tary, elected and special interest sester curator, who dismantled and sions will be held. In addition, th ~ secreta ry for the finance work· transported the sculptu re, said, Student Nurse of the Year will be s hop. "'Fly By' will be lbe main attrac- Buy ASI Ca rds - Buy ASS Cards tion at the March 10-AprH 18 ex-


Walk in now for Hofbrau Style Food- Moderate P rices




Roast Eastern Beef - .....- ........ --··--·..··-····-···--··--·Virginia Baked Ham ··---····-..--..........--····-·· ......... Kosher Style Corned Beef ·····-·····-··-···--·-·--·-··--····--Roast Tpm Turkey .......- .. ·--··-·· ..-·...-·-..···-...... _._,_, Chi cago Style Pastrami ...................- ... ····-··-.. --....... Roas.t Tu.rkey Leg ....................·-·········-···.. ·--··---·........

The P .E. Department is looking for women who would like to study gymnastics, according to Lynda Davis, instructor in the department. Practice will be held after school for abou t one and a half to two hours d aily or on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the Women's Gym. After school hoW'S will be set ·up to comply with studies. Practice wm begin with an introctuc t~on to Hie balance beamf trampoline, .and free "e oc e r c is vaulting, after which students will be allowed to proce<!d at their own

Oh-oh, better check the punch bowl.

. FLORIST 10"/. Discount to Students


International Club Seeks Adventurers




(See page '2)

College News Briefs~~-~~~..!!'~~~!!!,,~~~~! Wome n Get Chance To Practice Gymnastics

Movie & St ill



SPRrNr. -·

.AS a ~st f or t •he "buy student t)OdY card movement, a new systern of spol-checking ASB cards and J.D. at student activities has been put into effect. .According to Ed Mogler, Asso ciate Dean of Stude nt Services, t5. cards· have been confiscated bcca\lse they we re being used ille· gailY by non-purchasing students. ".C~rds' have clearly stated on t.)1e front that they are non-transferable," ·states Mogler. "Studen ts should contribute to financial suppar! of a~t.ivity programs by buying cards rather than them and allowing one portion of t he students to carry the financial burden." students who have had their cards confiscated can pick them i"P in his office, U-206. There will be no punishment for the first offens~. but the second violatio n will result in a judgment by the student council. In condusion, Mogler emphasjzed, ·· "Students should support their activity programs rather than obtain a free ride on the efforts oJ others."

Composite of Rel ated Events

Across from SJS Li.brary Thur~ays open until

No Half-Mast This Flag



GA.RAGE EUROPA Merc:edes -

.(See p age 4 )


-----------------------~--~==~----------------------------~--~~~~~~~~~~Phone 298-2181 /Ext. 230 --~-------------------------SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1966 No. 3 yol. 17

1~u~pc~o~m~;n~g~e~v~ein~ts~-~ijiiiiiii~~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~i I

Rep4ir of Vol~swagens -

Qftitl] QTolitgt ([imtD


Call after b weekday' 2 86 _~ 839 Sat., Sun. Anyti me- 100 1 N. 6th St.

Faculty Shows

2. Wres tli ng, Northern Sect ion Tournament a t Cha bot, 9 a.m. 3. Track, G.G. Conference Relays at San .M ateo, 10 a.m. 4. Baseball, City Tournam{·nt, here, 10 a.m.

5. Swimming, S a n J ose City Col· lege vs. Fresno, CC, t here, 10 a.m . 6~ Tennis , Sa n J ose City College 4. STAY, All Day, Quad. 5. Golf, .San Jose Cit.y College "·s. Cabrillo, here, 11 a.m. ,.s. West Valley, therq 1 p.m. SUN.DAY: 'March 6 6. Les Blc~ettes, l, p.m., Rm. B-1. 1. Cultural Series, HANS MORGE!'frHAU, Theater, 8 :3P p.m. FRIDAY : March 4 1. Student Court, 1 p.m., Rm. MONDAY: March 7 U-205. 1. Student Court , Noon, Rm. 2. Tennis, San J ose Cit.y College U-205. vs. Hartnell, here, 2 p.m .. 3. Basebal1 , C ..i t Y. Touruam.,n t, T ESDAY: MaJ"Ch 8' 1. Slttdent CoWlCil, 10 a .m., Rm. he re, 3 J>.m. 4. Swimming, San Jose City Col- U-200. '2. I.C.C., 11 a.m., Rm . U-200. lege vs. C.O.S. & San Joaquin 3. Tenms, San J ose Ci ty College Delta at C.O.S., 4 p.m. SJS Frosh, h ere, 2 :30 p.m. ·vs. SATUR.DAY: March 5 Baseball, Sftn Jose CitY Col4. GoVernment Student VI Mea 1. R awley, B e.n ca, Donna. Leonti :m~\ Louis Espositn carry l>ft.rts of umy 1Jy" to \ 'S. i\le rritt, here, S p.m. lege a wa.lting truck that will haul the sculpture to the Ricluuond Art Center for a Conference, Monterey, ll1&1"ch .l0...Aprill8 showing.



2, 19G6

, ,

Tax T!me Is He~e~-- Talent Laden· Faculty . Deadlme Is Aprtl 15 st~en~!~t~~seis~~~e~ Shows Art rn Lounge

JEFF M ULLINS EdHor A ..t. Editor --··-· JUDI McCRARY

Feature Editor _ CHRIS VAUG HAN

- News Editor - - RONNIE CINELLI

Staff: Advertising , Tony Joseph, Lennan; Sports: Karl lauc:her, Frank Wright, Cheste r Wood, Paz Rocha: News: J im Tabor, Bet+re Barker, LeeAnn Sarmento, Charles Stevens, Francis Smallwood, Joyee Reed. , Photographer: Royal Chamberlain, Staff Coordinator: Mike O 'Conner, _;.;;....; _


..Editorial 'Schawback, Schlang' When I recei ved word Lhat Fly By was feeling rather sad because sh e was about to h e dismantled and taken to Richmond , ,_ California, for an art exhlbit, I dropped everything at the Times office and sprin ted down to the Student Union. I wanted to be i--· with Fly By during her last few m omen ts on City College so il.

'l'A.."XES ••• '"Ahrrgg"

Like old friends tha t we were, we said our solemn goodbyes. ....,.~. '.'SCHA WBACK, SCHLANG," sh e said tearfully. A m sted oil "'" tlroplet trickled down h er golden zatzunum and , thou gh sh e ~ bravel y tried La hold hack her sorrow, I could tell by the expres~ ion on h er tinn y gizzin atnoid that sh e dreafl ed the thou ght of leaving San Jose Ci ty Coll ege and all h e r friend s. "Goodbye, F l y ... ,By," I said; I too choked back a tear. " We're going to miss you . ;!:".around h ere, you old molten, m etal monst er you.'"' 77


because there is a variety of art glass case. T his isn't the strange work ranging from photography, part of the structure; it's t he nert: watercolors, lblockprint textiles, surrounding the metalpiece and collages, sculptures to acrylic the g lass tip at the end which paintings. All of these are done by catches your eye ! One questions our talented me m be r s of our t he scientific gravity of it alL You school, of which we can be proud. mus t see it to be-lieve it! The fourth thin g one must see To cite a few examples, there is: A sculpture by Ramon Oeschger is "Come Let Us Reason To. entitled ''Bumt>Crs" is; featured." A visual commentacy on With t he use of car bumpers, ar- Viet Nam. This is an aU ac1-ylic ranged somewhat symmetrically, collage with words imprinted on Oeschgcr has created a three·di- ift. · Words such as "ranch chips mensional free-standing art piece . . . mac the knife • . .Vietniks which offers the mind a 1ot to .. Bobby Baker .. ·." Are you imag ine. to tell us something, Mr. trying glass a There is also "No Title/' construction by JOe Hawley. Th is Goudy?

S.T.A.Y. Opens Office From. 11~2 pm, U-203 You. S.T.A.Y. will have a student receptionist ' in their office, U-203,

plan especially helpful.

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In the Feb. 16, 1966, issue of the Times, columnist Bob Borzone raised indignation at the possibility of Tom B eatty, A.S.B. President dent Co u n el l lYdsketball team against the Faculty. As this game is played for fun,


and to benefit the Crippled Child·

{William Holden and o,vid Niven)

what It's hard to see Beatty's consequences v l I Society, ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ I eren's playing on the Council's team Mr.



would bring about. As lt turned out, 1\otr. B eatty agrood to play on the Faculty

........ ·

team, (another violation?) and every one bad a. good IT'S

., .. -




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Clay Courtmen Lose in Tourn ey


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* * *

by local church groups or youth The building including the furnish- organizations.

ings and painting belong to you The names vary from remote therefore they are your res"[X>nsi- references in the Bible as "The bility and deserve your respect. If Phoenix," and " the Fish" to such you have any suggestions of the ·amusing plays-on -words as ''The Union, they will be we l co m e. Postcrypt," and "The Way Out" Please contac t me in room U-208 . . . which is " in." (upstairs in the studen t Union) Menus vary from full dinners so that I may represent you and of gourmet dishes to simple sandyour ideas in the Student govern· which and snack offerings. In all, ment. is Served, lx>th American coffee Respectfully, and espresso versions. (Mar) Maries Atalmo They all Have one thing in comCommissioner of S tude11t Union mon: soft lights and informality. Everyone is welcome, the programs are varied, and an inexpensive evening can be easily arranged in a coffee house.

Hoop Action :i·n New Term's lntramurals

Oetting into the flnals were Bob 69 points. a t 123 pounds and 1\la..rv l'arGow A r t Silva and Roger Drew r eceived tile champions' laurels with SOIIS at 167 l)Otmds. Gow and Parsome hard fought matches on th ei.r sons showed fin e wrestling ability schedule. Si.lvn. got a bye in the and streng-th to overcome some nrst round and then rolled to two outs ta ndin g wrestlers in the m eet. victo ries to wrap up tlle 130 pomut Gow lost to Joh n Rizzo o( Chabot bracket. SUva ditl not ha ve mu ch in '" dose m a.tch 5-3 ln t he fill!lL'i.. trouble wlth any of hiq oppone nts, P :usoM s howed more than ns he outc:lassed his weight divi- finesse n.s he pulled his opponent sion. S ilva. phlced third last year, from one end of the mat to the and was looking for n. firSt place other. Placing third and giving great t hl.s year. suva. defeated Chabot's 1\like McMa h on for t he cJUlmpion- assist.:'1nce to the San Jose point production were Roger Lindquist ship. D rew overcame a seven point 160, Majid Hagazi 177 and Dave lead to win an overtime match By~rs 191 pounds, as they plcked with Foothill 's Steve McKeown up key third place finishes. Also 13-12. McKeown tried to stall with giving the Jags some vital JX>ints a seven point margin and Drew in the final standings were Ray was rewarded with four points, to Chavez and Manuel Austin. even up lhe match at 8-8 at the end of regu lation time. Drew then escaped once and got two take downs to come out on top. Drew wrestled three matches and showed some outstanding moves in getting DRE\V, controls op)lonents in into the finals, he won all his

Diamondmen Dump Rookies; City Tourney This Weekend

Letters to the Editor Fall semester, p1a.ying on the Stu·

Most Baffling Whodunit Ever Filmed

Swinging Fashions

Campus Coffee Houses Open In U.S.A:·,-ean·a da

e AT LOW COST • WITH FAST SERVICE Call after 6 weekdays 286-4839 Sat., Sun. Anytime- 1001 N. bth St.



FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: STAY advisor, William Blum; Commissioner of Foreign Studen ts1 B etty Reilly; Chairman, Anne Alex· ander ; Richard Thompson, Kitti Prince nnd Tony Fitch. S TAY will be open to stude nt-s from 11 o'clock to 2 o'clock 1\londay through T hurs(la-y in o.Uice, U-203.



156 LBS. CHAM PION cha.:m t)ionshiJJ match.

\ The Jaguars placed second with matches by declsions.

Las t Friday th e 1956 J agua t' Th e h eroes of the midway, the fa ntastic NC\v Yot:k Mets, opcne:d their trairring season Maday. It appears no coincid~nce that their Florida t1·aining camp is located onJy a short distance from -a major Dennis Reynolds and Steve BlaSa n Jose City College basketball Mateo by the scor e of 291,.'2 ·5 %. hospital, as with t he conglomeration of s"tone-Ongered fielders that got tough on the boards in the ser The match· was played on the Al- ended on a rathei drab note last grace {maybe disgrace ?) their infie ld, the emergency ward can half, to bring the J ags up second rival to fell rs cage The eek. w constant a in Course Go1f maden exPeCt to stay on 24 hour duty for t he next two m onths. downpour of ra in which ha mpered Foothi ll 90-76, and then lost a last- Lo a Lhree·)X)int deficit, but Owl Not si nce the day s of Marvelous Marv Thor nberry h ave Met ART S I LV!\ scores on both teams. The scor es second decision to Co llege of San ChUck Deegan hit on two jumpern fans had a chance t o cheer a fii'St sacker for r epe'a.ted bun~ les of . . , Re<>..elves Gold lfb<l..<\1 as foll ows: J oe W aid (SM) Ma teo 67-65. Both games were to 'assure the Hootmen of the ground balJs. Appa rently Met f ans can take heart ag-ain however,. as def. Kerry S pence {SJ ) 4-2, T om played on the winners' courts. victory. Rocha led t he San J ose dynam ic Dick Stuart h as come to the rescue. Sttup·t , who was rejeCjted . J ensen ( SM ) de f. L arry Lupo (SJ ) These two losses gave the Jagua1'S scoring wjth 19 digits, while Ro n by Blue Cross as a result of his fielding prOwess,' was&recently tract~· 5·1,' P e t e Nadell (S M) de f. Chris an eycn league record at 7·7, and Carlin g had his best scoring night By C'URTI S J. lfYDE ' to 'the Mets by the Phil lies. He h as e nough bungleitas in him tb of the year with 17. Rabidou and . Intramu.caJ .Baske~ball court ac~ Ford (SJ ) 5 1h -LI..!, H ank Poll ex theil' overa ll ma1·k 16·12. remai n the New York firs t baseman for years to com.e. Kuhl man hit for 14 and 12 reminrive about t'or led Jose StLn 6·0, ) (SJ rry a P ve Da def. (SM) Second ha.'te isn't much or a. problem e ithe r with ex-Giant Ch uc.k hlon starts Monday with 'some fine spectively, the then test, UHle r 1Lt t h e h e..lm. Hiller has shown s igns of hJttlng like Ted \VU~ teams that will be playing for a nd rounding out t he ma tch was utcs in tho Foothlll The S:tn 1\lateo game was lost straight en t ·for' erUJ)ted Owls feat· de who ) (SM Browning John Iiams, but h is fie lding res.embles t h a.t or WUiiams. H l!ler was tme top spot in the league on a. desperation shot with two on only a part time pe rformer 1nst yea.r, yet he placed nmmrprlsb1gly Monday a nd Tuesday o r Monday ed Ma rty Palacios (SJ ) by the points to put the in a hole. seconds r emaining on t he clock. offense ew n a tried Jags he T 4-2. of score low on the lbt of fie lding percentages for second baseman.. \ Vlth the a nd Thursday, depending on how Kerry S pen ce a nd Larry Lupo against the OwJs and i t fnlled. The Bulldog 1\lllh:y Jolmson hit an inprobability a that h.e may play an -entire sea.~ n a.t second, many teams sign up "f'Or the league City College's aquamen tOC?k top hon ors for San Jose locals rau a fast break eve ry t ime crcdJble shot th at ga.v e tlle Bull shared competition. look for new lows in fi elding, illld n ew hlghs .bt l\olet a.ttendance. fL secoml place finish. Rocha, fifth place among 17 teams in the dogs All r oster sheets of the teams with fine scores of 77. The J ags they got the ball a nd a11 UJJ.s did J esse Gonder, t he worst catcher in pt'O ball, is n o longer a Met. Blaser a nd Carling starred in the Northern California Junior College However, Chris Canizzaro should prove to be more than a capable desiring to pl ay arc due tomorrow evened their overaJl r ecord at 2-2. was give the melon to t h e Birds. scoring column, while Kuhlman in swimming relays at the College of successOr' to Gonder. In right field strong-hitting Ron Swobodda according to head intramural man and s tand 0-1 in league play. Yes~ Pazzle ltocha. and l)ruce Rabidou -M-arin last Saturday. · terday t he J ags jow.·neyed to San.. Jul.d n pretty decent night, .but the t he ca.use. delights the fans. H is s tron g-smelling fie lding prompts bleacherites Si Simoni. Dominated by Foothill, who won The Jaguars led throughout the to toss him hot pennies during -hil poore ~_:: - · -=-..:::_ . _ ~- 3:1\e .Ualrl•ats ..are led~ bY the fin~ Mateo to try and even their record Owl backcourt men had their best places in all eight regulation first team home the see to only game It's rumored t hat Met managemen t i s closing off a section of shooting arms of Golden Gate Con- out. Fina l results ar en' t in yet, but game of the season a nd led t heir come out on top. The first half events, the meet saw th e multiplo the grandst a nd a long the first base line as a n added safety feature t erence quarterback Bob Toledo will be out in n ext week's paper. club to victory. scot•e saw the San J ose quint lead breaking of three records. for the fan s . This will eliminate the probability of a fan being injured and Pat Ca Ca.vntn,io looks Tai-ting a. fourth , two fifths, ancl 36-30. After in terrrrission the dogs as loop, he t in sta.r big tlte be to can we thing One. shortstop. Yor~ New the from toss by an errant sixths, the Jags grubbed a two deficit two-point a . to back fought say for the Mc ts is that they throw pretty hard, too bad they can't 1mrtlcip.a.ted on the Jagua r varsity it stood go- total of 18 poin ts. T he ldgh polnt way he t was his t and Defending en.mpaignthe in ly ear straight. t hrow of th e meet for th em was th.!' 200· ing into the last minute. T l1e only holdout on the team is pitcher Jack ·Fishe r. Fisher be- c hampion Brand-X wut also field medley relay, in wh.ich they ynrd dou· in hit cagemen local Four be to loolis lso a which club a startling a had e h all a.fter money, more Ueves th.a.t he deserves ble figures, led by leading !scorer tool.: rourtll place. Jack S potts2~24. m ark last campaig n. I think he should be given the e.x tra. dollars tough in league play. Rocha from the basketball wars. Pazzie Roch a with 16, Blaser .11 wood swa m bacl.:stroke, Paul Footba.lle r Rich 1\iillan, ca.11taln h e seek s, a s a nybody that could show hJs face in public after losing By FRANK WRIGHT R ocha picked up ri ght where he a nd Carling and Kuhlman with 10 \Vatts, breast, Joclt Methot, but· 24: games d eserves all the money be" ea.n. g et. H he doesn't get h1s of the Soul Seeke rs, also hopes The Jaguar baseba llers r an their terfly, and Tom Akrop freesty le with aggregation strong a field to to r e ord. in lef t off last year, collecting a run- each. collections special up money, look for 1\Iet fan.s to take season r ecord to three . wins a nd no for six points. :rrn.ance his turns on the mound. I t all adds up to a. spectacular grid ~mates Bill BaUard and losses with a 3·1 triumph over the scoring double a nd pulling off sevIn the 440-yard backstroke reeral fine plays in the field . season in New York with the amazing 1\-(ets and their amazing fans. Ed R-osette leadin g the cast along with EmU Wikke, a m ember of Pirate rookies last Sunday on the lay, Mike Brown, Phil Brown, R on The J ags were again styrrried by MacLenna n and anchorman Jack Bran<l·X last season. Also looking San J ose diamond. Defense and the r a in Thursday when they were pitching were the main fact ors in Spottswood shaved four seconds ASSORTED BAWNEY: As if Masonari Murakami wasn't bad tough. will be the Jets, led by forto face Sta nford J:V. the win. enough, now the Giants h ave bargained f or double-trouble. Remember mer- Bellarmi ne ace Bill ImwaUe; J aguar netmen Jack Nash and from last year's record, claiming It the weather holds, t h e Jag Veteran Gabe De La T or r e was fifth place. how poorly Murakami did hurling leftha.nded, w ell the Giants h ave th e Batmen, led by Bruce 1\t.cCall, outstanding in the firs t fi ve in· nine w ill open t he city tournam e nt Angel Altennerino ran into a bit The 400·yard medley r elay saw signed one of his cohorts who throws righthanded a s well as left- K en H e redia, and Gary ' Bailey, all the nst agai p.m. 3 at ay rid they F as his t w~kend, last trouble of nings, striking out n ine, while alreceive ltis third medpottswood S handed. Hope this doesn' t mean t h at he'll! be twice as bad as Mura- fo r mer James Lick performers; \Vest Valley Vlldn gs on the Jag- were dumped in t hei r doubles comone h it. al, more than any other Jag, when. kami . . . While Cassius Clay was looking to Muhanunad Ali for and the 1\o:Iothers, led by J erry lowing o nly California Northern he t in petition Steve \Vrtght came on in the uar diamond. he swam for a fil th with Paul guidance, the Illinois Boxin g Commission may h ave picked his J>(X!ket Langridge and Ed 1\lorrison. Participating in the tourney will T e nnis Championship held at Uniseventh inning an<l had some trouget also \Vill Bowling al Intramur Jim Triplett and Tom Watts, of t he title fight with Ernie Terrell that was scheduled for March. and Friday California of versity the Valley, ble. Joe, the mons~er, Lynn came be the Jaguars, West Akrop. It's a fine thing that Clay is such a stringent beli ever in religion, but underway this week. Competition and team -pro semi Owl Jose San Saturday. in with the bases loaded and one The team missed a medal by there are limits to everything . . . Bueba.lle r Tim Harper is going wiU be held at Fiesta Lanes and Alte·rmerino were out, to strike out the side. Lynn the Pittsburgh Pirate rookie team , on and p.m. 3:10 at Wednesday only 3/ 10th of a second in t he 400 recently He .on. now from base& the on to wear sn ow shoes while eompeti:tors staunch by dumped Sunday. last dumped Jags the who then held t he Pirates in check fo r freestyle relay, with a tfrne of made a s u.r p rise subm arine slide midway between t hird base and Tuesdays at 2:10 p.m. Keg play The tournament will be a round Wa.ts \Vong and Hn.rold Aloo, 6-1 3:38.2 for sixth place, right ~ the next two inning!'i and the Jugs and men bol.h for held be Will just had he last b he t over home plate, because he was so excited affair with the J ags' second' and 6-0. srna..shed between outrtelders. \ Vith snow shoes h.e ndgt1t have made It women, student rates will be in wer e in with t h ei.r tltird win of robin The Uni\'ersity of California. hind Diablo Valley with 3:37.9. agains t the Owls Saturtest con card body student for t effec season. the Jags journey to C.O.S. Friday, to colwnn , • . Any rebroastcast, reprOO. uct.ion. or other use of this sh a..nd Stanlord frosh we·re toJl fro The baseballers welcomed the day afternoon at 2:30. SWlday the Saturday. Fresno without the expressed written consent of this writer is slrictly en· holders. return of al H eaguc shortstop Pa z locals face the Pirates at 11 a .m. schools in the competition. C!ouraged.

For Your Campus Agent Call 294-1>21>9

This semester, S.T.A.Y. is seek· ing people to work in this organization. The only qualification, according to Mr. William Blum, S.T.A.Y. advisor, is that you be willing to help, It is not necessary to know all subjects, as studen ts are m~tched accordipg to subject "One of the best ways to learn is to help someone else in it, particu· lar1y in your major field," states By CHRIS VAUGHAN Blum. Inte rested persons may at· I don't know if San Jose City tend the S.T.A.Y. meetings at 11:00 College students would exactly call o'clock in U-203 on Thursdays or our lounge a coffee house, but I'm contact someone in t he S.T.A. Y. s ure t hey will be happy to know office. that hundreds of coffee houses Editor's note: S.T.A.Y. Is a stu- h ave been opened to college student r un organization ~d is not a dents on campuses in the Unl ted part of Dr. E llis Benson's r esearch States and Canada in the p ast two program as was mistakenly printed years. Some of the coffee houses in the Feb. 16 Issue of the Times. are s t u dent council-supported, some are independently owned, but most are supported and directed


The Conjugal Bed



20 East San Antonio

problem. S.T.A.Y. also helps students get into the swing of college life. Out of state a nd foreign stu· dents may find this aspect of the


T he grapplers from San Jose City College gave good account of themselves las t Saturday, as they pl aced second in the Golden Gate tournament. Foothill won with an a ccumulation of 82 pOints.


Key Insurance Exchange

student, by t he student. Their ob-

-· matte.r of seconds (faster than a Midnight Auto Supply dealer), J. J . h ad stripped her of all limbs and lockers and was h auling ~ _ _:Fly By away to th e Ri chmond Art Center.

GGC oes with lnd· Spot Finish



jective is to match the student wishing help with a competent per· son in the field in w hich the person needs assistance. This program is not exclusively "for the classr oom

I stroke d h e r topper-popper and gave h e r a rinal tweak on """'.,...." t11e coils. Then J. J. Assen ask ed m e to s le p as ide. I did, and in a



in office U~207, will accept applica tions for assistance if the S.T.A.Y. office should be closed. S.T.A.Y. is a program for th e


1433 The Alameda

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from 11:00 until 2:00 Monday ttlrough Thursday. M~. Peterson,

"I know how yo u feel old girl." ('~Par tin g is such sw ee t sor;. low," s~e said.) "Bt~t look at it ,t!"tis way," I continued, "yo u' ll r e turn 1n a couple ol wee k s. You ll come ba ck. You' re 11 0t going away for ever." She nuzzled l1 er b~om-bomber in~o my nook a.nd cranny and ;:= ~I h eard h er give a dull, low metalli c sob. "SCHLORTZH," sh e

If the GoldC'n Ga1e Invitational


ceive some ::tble 'lllpport in other departments. Coach Baker w as very elated with his players ' effo1·ts in the Golden Gate Invita tional a nd is looking forward to thi s Sa turday's Golden Gate Con[erence R elays in San ]..lfateo. Any r epetition of last week's meet I'm sure would be a welcorric addition to the team's season.


in S.T.A.Y., Students To Assist



track meet is any in dication of the type of team the Jaguars will Well balanced, but not qui te as overly strong as l ast campaign, th is year, then the Golden field GGC 1966 he t of start the approaching fast are horsehiders the J ag Gate Con rerence is in for some season. Coach Doug Weiss has a nucleus composed of many of last year's big su rprises. seasoned veterans. Among them are Tim H arper, the migh ty·m itc The J:1g nli1 ~ medl~y ~ehly team )1omerun threat; Jim Phillips, an AIJ-GGC hurler in 1965; Paz Rocha, the spunky shortstop; Frank \Vrigh t, last seac;on 's outstanding utility sot :l new n:\t.otutl. JtUuor co U e~e J)lan; and Gabc DeLaTorre, the righth ander who is a near nntional J r ecord with a cloC' k.tng of 3:38.4 111 t h{' Cow P:U:LPe indoor trac k meet hero in Mexico. Last ye..'l.r's J s won t he GOC title nnd udvuneetl to t he 11nst s~_ t urday night. 'f he old ree9fmi-lln:'l ls or the St~'l.te Tourney before getting knocked orr by orc.l of 3:.Jl.4 W:l s set b)' Coll ege or · :Fresno. They stuffed extra. rca.t hers in their by nabbln g the S an .:\hateo. Running for San Jose w er e Jim .American Rive r Tourney, and then were ci-owned champions of tbelr . \ Rocca ( 480 ya rds) 61.4, fo llo\:etl own Easter Tournament. Missing from the scene are such standouts as Jim Gama, P a t by Ch arles Gary (320 yards) 25.9, Garvey, Larry P eters, Pat Cavataio, and Scott Davi. Gama has moved fo ll owed by Larry \ Valker (160 his career to Long Beach State, while P eter s a nd Garvey are helping yards 17.4), and r m ming ·a nchor to improve t he diamond fortunes of S an J ose State. Da vi is attempt· and comir•g- up f1•om t hi rd place to ing to land a berth on t he potent Sa nta Clara Univers ity pitching capture the race for t he Jags wa.s of wax for posterity to wonder about: " O ne More Hea rtach ~~~ corps. What about Cavataio? Well, he's j ust hanging around, hoping Lee Ev:'l n s (800 yards) with a fin e Marvin G aye. "One ,More Earache" might be a more ap:• to become the MVP in the upcomi ng In tramural Bask etball program. clockin g of 1 :43.4. Earlier Evans C otton, anyo ne? He re s one way to g et your ears pierced •.• The baseballers have breezed through their exhibition slate with h ad r un the 880~yard run ancl fin. A ~ort of g ~isha girl love theme is " Baby, Scratch an impressive 5-1 mark as of this writing; a record indicative of the ished n very rt.'"SJ>ecta.ble sixth ln W1th t hiS funky song, Slim Harpo marks his umpteenth year troddino l talent they possess. The locals have to be r ated as one. of the top some sti.f f comtletition. Evans, a. title t h reats off their early season showing , how·e ver, stiff challenges down that lonesome blues road. This record should be scratched. h igh school p henomenon at Overexpected to be furnished by Foot.hi11 , San Francisco, a nd Oakland. are ' Q uestion of the Week: Will the e xpletives SNAP T he horsehid e rs have thf'lr good~luck charm baek this senson. Celt, is coWited on hea.vlly if the a nd POP creep into Batman's voca b ula rY, ? H o ly horror! ' Clumky Riclt Boston, t11e walking e ncyclopedia, or stale St)OrlS news, Jagua rs rare to be ~L eonte(ld er for • is once a.gaitl he.lping mentor \Veiss nrlth m!uly of t h e necessities of t he league , title. .~s of now the • the game. Boston, former coach of Boston' s '<Jetties, the cellarshort races ru1<l ~he rel ~ys seem to LOW MONTHLY dwellers of th e Lntram LtraJ ba..r;;ketball loop, been wtth Wcllis for the strop~ points of the ~:un , AUTO INSURANCE ~ the pa..~t three se-.a.sons. Boston has proved to be u. .c rowd PH~n~lng be Coach Baker is ~•o 1.efnl to r e· but additlon to t he team, and with Welss' tpe bu ll club, :md Boston 1 Pay As You Drive rnn.nlng the scoreboard, the Jags may be a shoo·ln.. ,

help with his classes, or the student who would like to get to know the social aspect of college life, can find someone to help him

Sh e shmgged her nicker-nack and flapped her wan ger.


Destined t o become househo ld initials right along with MJB TJB , thos e alphabits standing for He rbie AI rt' are LBJ pe. shas 1ca ~~. unqu e blend of d ixieland and ma riach·I mus1c Their Br<lss. • • t1vated aud1ences all over the U.S. ' .,d even though th ey now mu~' th tum down ha If of t he concert pffers that come t heir way, ey " ' fl . I p annmg to y to Europe soon t o further th eir careers on th tho 0 e side of the foam . Current release: "Zorba the Gree k." Watch the Elgins! No secondhand sound here "t' -•sa df 'I b . spn ~ g, tnp et- acke , alsetto-s:yled number t hat should soon t he number one slot on the muSic charts: " Put Yourself in My .Newcomer Deon J ackson makes t he bold stateme nt "L t he World Go Round," which may not have astronome.:'v.eoro.;- 1 with him, but social scientists will pro bably agree that it d heads spin. A bright, bubbly ditty that's revolving on man~·~ ta ble these days, _By no means Greenwic h Village idiots, folk artists the and t he Pa pp as d eliver t heir big d e but disc " C alifomia D ""''".'m,'",' ' t he gold recoream~n, · ht say the y have df WI't h a go ld en ga1•t . 0 r you m1g Is he _g argling? _Is he choking on a 'chicken bone? Is he 'sing~:~~ These are Imponderables, but the results are p ressed into t he ere ·

The col~ege studen t who iieeds

r- "SCHUZILOCK," sh e muttered.

Evans Sparks Relay Drew, Silva GoldMedalist To Cow Palace Win Grapplers Surprise

Jagged Jottings

Disc n That

object 1s of no practical purpose By MARGARET CHU Publi,l!ed each W ednesday of the school year by the journalism elasus af San Jose year when that lit tle word "tax'' · City College. Supported, in part, by Associated Student Body funds . Member makes a big impression. Not that The Faculty Art Show taking other than aesthetic. An e longated California Newsp<!!per Publishers Associetion. Second Class postage paid at So1n you 're ever entirely free of its place in the faculty loWlge is a piece of meta l (?) hangs mid·ail· Jose, Calif. Subscription r•tes: $3.00 per year or IOjl; per copy. Phone 298-2181, impact, but between now and April must for everyone to see! Mainly (almost) in a rectangular-sh aped - ed, 230. 15 you're probably more conscious Night EdHor _D ON KAWASHIMA of it than at other periods of the Sports Editor -········-· FRED JONES calendar. Adv. Mgr•.... JOHN MIGUELGORRY As you ponder withholding pay· Advisor - - - - - - - C. W, PALMER m ents, itemized deductions and adBill Rumph, Sheri C irincione, Ron Macjusted gross incomes you become Curtis Hyde, Pat Cavataio, Bob Bon:one, thoroughly familiar with many


8uildinq 6



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Tax T!me Is He~e~-- Talent Laden· Faculty . Deadlme Is Aprtl 15 st~en~!~t~~seis~~~e~ Shows Art rn Lounge

JEFF M ULLINS EdHor A ..t. Editor --··-· JUDI McCRARY

Feature Editor _ CHRIS VAUG HAN

- News Editor - - RONNIE CINELLI

Staff: Advertising , Tony Joseph, Lennan; Sports: Karl lauc:her, Frank Wright, Cheste r Wood, Paz Rocha: News: J im Tabor, Bet+re Barker, LeeAnn Sarmento, Charles Stevens, Francis Smallwood, Joyee Reed. , Photographer: Royal Chamberlain, Staff Coordinator: Mike O 'Conner, _;.;;....; _


..Editorial 'Schawback, Schlang' When I recei ved word Lhat Fly By was feeling rather sad because sh e was about to h e dismantled and taken to Richmond , ,_ California, for an art exhlbit, I dropped everything at the Times office and sprin ted down to the Student Union. I wanted to be i--· with Fly By during her last few m omen ts on City College so il.

'l'A.."XES ••• '"Ahrrgg"

Like old friends tha t we were, we said our solemn goodbyes. ....,.~. '.'SCHA WBACK, SCHLANG," sh e said tearfully. A m sted oil "'" tlroplet trickled down h er golden zatzunum and , thou gh sh e ~ bravel y tried La hold hack her sorrow, I could tell by the expres~ ion on h er tinn y gizzin atnoid that sh e dreafl ed the thou ght of leaving San Jose Ci ty Coll ege and all h e r friend s. "Goodbye, F l y ... ,By," I said; I too choked back a tear. " We're going to miss you . ;!:".around h ere, you old molten, m etal monst er you.'"' 77


because there is a variety of art glass case. T his isn't the strange work ranging from photography, part of the structure; it's t he nert: watercolors, lblockprint textiles, surrounding the metalpiece and collages, sculptures to acrylic the g lass tip at the end which paintings. All of these are done by catches your eye ! One questions our talented me m be r s of our t he scientific gravity of it alL You school, of which we can be proud. mus t see it to be-lieve it! The fourth thin g one must see To cite a few examples, there is: A sculpture by Ramon Oeschger is "Come Let Us Reason To. entitled ''Bumt>Crs" is; featured." A visual commentacy on With t he use of car bumpers, ar- Viet Nam. This is an aU ac1-ylic ranged somewhat symmetrically, collage with words imprinted on Oeschgcr has created a three·di- ift. · Words such as "ranch chips mensional free-standing art piece . . . mac the knife • . .Vietniks which offers the mind a 1ot to .. Bobby Baker .. ·." Are you imag ine. to tell us something, Mr. trying glass a There is also "No Title/' construction by JOe Hawley. Th is Goudy?

S.T.A.Y. Opens Office From. 11~2 pm, U-203 You. S.T.A.Y. will have a student receptionist ' in their office, U-203,

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In the Feb. 16, 1966, issue of the Times, columnist Bob Borzone raised indignation at the possibility of Tom B eatty, A.S.B. President dent Co u n el l lYdsketball team against the Faculty. As this game is played for fun,


and to benefit the Crippled Child·

{William Holden and o,vid Niven)

what It's hard to see Beatty's consequences v l I Society, ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ I eren's playing on the Council's team Mr.



would bring about. As lt turned out, 1\otr. B eatty agrood to play on the Faculty

........ ·

team, (another violation?) and every one bad a. good IT'S

., .. -




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by local church groups or youth The building including the furnish- organizations.

ings and painting belong to you The names vary from remote therefore they are your res"[X>nsi- references in the Bible as "The bility and deserve your respect. If Phoenix," and " the Fish" to such you have any suggestions of the ·amusing plays-on -words as ''The Union, they will be we l co m e. Postcrypt," and "The Way Out" Please contac t me in room U-208 . . . which is " in." (upstairs in the studen t Union) Menus vary from full dinners so that I may represent you and of gourmet dishes to simple sandyour ideas in the Student govern· which and snack offerings. In all, ment. is Served, lx>th American coffee Respectfully, and espresso versions. (Mar) Maries Atalmo They all Have one thing in comCommissioner of S tude11t Union mon: soft lights and informality. Everyone is welcome, the programs are varied, and an inexpensive evening can be easily arranged in a coffee house.

Hoop Action :i·n New Term's lntramurals

Oetting into the flnals were Bob 69 points. a t 123 pounds and 1\la..rv l'arGow A r t Silva and Roger Drew r eceived tile champions' laurels with SOIIS at 167 l)Otmds. Gow and Parsome hard fought matches on th ei.r sons showed fin e wrestling ability schedule. Si.lvn. got a bye in the and streng-th to overcome some nrst round and then rolled to two outs ta ndin g wrestlers in the m eet. victo ries to wrap up tlle 130 pomut Gow lost to Joh n Rizzo o( Chabot bracket. SUva ditl not ha ve mu ch in '" dose m a.tch 5-3 ln t he fill!lL'i.. trouble wlth any of hiq oppone nts, P :usoM s howed more than ns he outc:lassed his weight divi- finesse n.s he pulled his opponent sion. S ilva. phlced third last year, from one end of the mat to the and was looking for n. firSt place other. Placing third and giving great t hl.s year. suva. defeated Chabot's 1\like McMa h on for t he cJUlmpion- assist.:'1nce to the San Jose point production were Roger Lindquist ship. D rew overcame a seven point 160, Majid Hagazi 177 and Dave lead to win an overtime match By~rs 191 pounds, as they plcked with Foothill 's Steve McKeown up key third place finishes. Also 13-12. McKeown tried to stall with giving the Jags some vital JX>ints a seven point margin and Drew in the final standings were Ray was rewarded with four points, to Chavez and Manuel Austin. even up lhe match at 8-8 at the end of regu lation time. Drew then escaped once and got two take downs to come out on top. Drew wrestled three matches and showed some outstanding moves in getting DRE\V, controls op)lonents in into the finals, he won all his

Diamondmen Dump Rookies; City Tourney This Weekend

Letters to the Editor Fall semester, p1a.ying on the Stu·

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FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: STAY advisor, William Blum; Commissioner of Foreign Studen ts1 B etty Reilly; Chairman, Anne Alex· ander ; Richard Thompson, Kitti Prince nnd Tony Fitch. S TAY will be open to stude nt-s from 11 o'clock to 2 o'clock 1\londay through T hurs(la-y in o.Uice, U-203.



156 LBS. CHAM PION cha.:m t)ionshiJJ match.

\ The Jaguars placed second with matches by declsions.

Las t Friday th e 1956 J agua t' Th e h eroes of the midway, the fa ntastic NC\v Yot:k Mets, opcne:d their trairring season Maday. It appears no coincid~nce that their Florida t1·aining camp is located onJy a short distance from -a major Dennis Reynolds and Steve BlaSa n Jose City College basketball Mateo by the scor e of 291,.'2 ·5 %. hospital, as with t he conglomeration of s"tone-Ongered fielders that got tough on the boards in the ser The match· was played on the Al- ended on a rathei drab note last grace {maybe disgrace ?) their infie ld, the emergency ward can half, to bring the J ags up second rival to fell rs cage The eek. w constant a in Course Go1f maden exPeCt to stay on 24 hour duty for t he next two m onths. downpour of ra in which ha mpered Foothi ll 90-76, and then lost a last- Lo a Lhree·)X)int deficit, but Owl Not si nce the day s of Marvelous Marv Thor nberry h ave Met ART S I LV!\ scores on both teams. The scor es second decision to Co llege of San ChUck Deegan hit on two jumpern fans had a chance t o cheer a fii'St sacker for r epe'a.ted bun~ les of . . , Re<>..elves Gold lfb<l..<\1 as foll ows: J oe W aid (SM) Ma teo 67-65. Both games were to 'assure the Hootmen of the ground balJs. Appa rently Met f ans can take heart ag-ain however,. as def. Kerry S pence {SJ ) 4-2, T om played on the winners' courts. victory. Rocha led t he San J ose dynam ic Dick Stuart h as come to the rescue. Sttup·t , who was rejeCjted . J ensen ( SM ) de f. L arry Lupo (SJ ) These two losses gave the Jagua1'S scoring wjth 19 digits, while Ro n by Blue Cross as a result of his fielding prOwess,' was&recently tract~· 5·1,' P e t e Nadell (S M) de f. Chris an eycn league record at 7·7, and Carlin g had his best scoring night By C'URTI S J. lfYDE ' to 'the Mets by the Phil lies. He h as e nough bungleitas in him tb of the year with 17. Rabidou and . Intramu.caJ .Baske~ball court ac~ Ford (SJ ) 5 1h -LI..!, H ank Poll ex theil' overa ll ma1·k 16·12. remai n the New York firs t baseman for years to com.e. Kuhl man hit for 14 and 12 reminrive about t'or led Jose StLn 6·0, ) (SJ rry a P ve Da def. (SM) Second ha.'te isn't much or a. problem e ithe r with ex-Giant Ch uc.k hlon starts Monday with 'some fine spectively, the then test, UHle r 1Lt t h e h e..lm. Hiller has shown s igns of hJttlng like Ted \VU~ teams that will be playing for a nd rounding out t he ma tch was utcs in tho Foothlll The S:tn 1\lateo game was lost straight en t ·for' erUJ)ted Owls feat· de who ) (SM Browning John Iiams, but h is fie lding res.embles t h a.t or WUiiams. H l!ler was tme top spot in the league on a. desperation shot with two on only a part time pe rformer 1nst yea.r, yet he placed nmmrprlsb1gly Monday a nd Tuesday o r Monday ed Ma rty Palacios (SJ ) by the points to put the in a hole. seconds r emaining on t he clock. offense ew n a tried Jags he T 4-2. of score low on the lbt of fie lding percentages for second baseman.. \ Vlth the a nd Thursday, depending on how Kerry S pen ce a nd Larry Lupo against the OwJs and i t fnlled. The Bulldog 1\lllh:y Jolmson hit an inprobability a that h.e may play an -entire sea.~ n a.t second, many teams sign up "f'Or the league City College's aquamen tOC?k top hon ors for San Jose locals rau a fast break eve ry t ime crcdJble shot th at ga.v e tlle Bull shared competition. look for new lows in fi elding, illld n ew hlghs .bt l\olet a.ttendance. fL secoml place finish. Rocha, fifth place among 17 teams in the dogs All r oster sheets of the teams with fine scores of 77. The J ags they got the ball a nd a11 UJJ.s did J esse Gonder, t he worst catcher in pt'O ball, is n o longer a Met. Blaser a nd Carling starred in the Northern California Junior College However, Chris Canizzaro should prove to be more than a capable desiring to pl ay arc due tomorrow evened their overaJl r ecord at 2-2. was give the melon to t h e Birds. scoring column, while Kuhlman in swimming relays at the College of successOr' to Gonder. In right field strong-hitting Ron Swobodda according to head intramural man and s tand 0-1 in league play. Yes~ Pazzle ltocha. and l)ruce Rabidou -M-arin last Saturday. · terday t he J ags jow.·neyed to San.. Jul.d n pretty decent night, .but the t he ca.use. delights the fans. H is s tron g-smelling fie lding prompts bleacherites Si Simoni. Dominated by Foothill, who won The Jaguars led throughout the to toss him hot pennies during -hil poore ~_:: - · -=-..:::_ . _ ~- 3:1\e .Ualrl•ats ..are led~ bY the fin~ Mateo to try and even their record Owl backcourt men had their best places in all eight regulation first team home the see to only game It's rumored t hat Met managemen t i s closing off a section of shooting arms of Golden Gate Con- out. Fina l results ar en' t in yet, but game of the season a nd led t heir come out on top. The first half events, the meet saw th e multiplo the grandst a nd a long the first base line as a n added safety feature t erence quarterback Bob Toledo will be out in n ext week's paper. club to victory. scot•e saw the San J ose quint lead breaking of three records. for the fan s . This will eliminate the probability of a fan being injured and Pat Ca Ca.vntn,io looks Tai-ting a. fourth , two fifths, ancl 36-30. After in terrrrission the dogs as loop, he t in sta.r big tlte be to can we thing One. shortstop. Yor~ New the from toss by an errant sixths, the Jags grubbed a two deficit two-point a . to back fought say for the Mc ts is that they throw pretty hard, too bad they can't 1mrtlcip.a.ted on the Jagua r varsity it stood go- total of 18 poin ts. T he ldgh polnt way he t was his t and Defending en.mpaignthe in ly ear straight. t hrow of th e meet for th em was th.!' 200· ing into the last minute. T l1e only holdout on the team is pitcher Jack ·Fishe r. Fisher be- c hampion Brand-X wut also field medley relay, in wh.ich they ynrd dou· in hit cagemen local Four be to loolis lso a which club a startling a had e h all a.fter money, more Ueves th.a.t he deserves ble figures, led by leading !scorer tool.: rourtll place. Jack S potts2~24. m ark last campaig n. I think he should be given the e.x tra. dollars tough in league play. Rocha from the basketball wars. Pazzie Roch a with 16, Blaser .11 wood swa m bacl.:stroke, Paul Footba.lle r Rich 1\iillan, ca.11taln h e seek s, a s a nybody that could show hJs face in public after losing By FRANK WRIGHT R ocha picked up ri ght where he a nd Carling and Kuhlman with 10 \Vatts, breast, Joclt Methot, but· 24: games d eserves all the money be" ea.n. g et. H he doesn't get h1s of the Soul Seeke rs, also hopes The Jaguar baseba llers r an their terfly, and Tom Akrop freesty le with aggregation strong a field to to r e ord. in lef t off last year, collecting a run- each. collections special up money, look for 1\Iet fan.s to take season r ecord to three . wins a nd no for six points. :rrn.ance his turns on the mound. I t all adds up to a. spectacular grid ~mates Bill BaUard and losses with a 3·1 triumph over the scoring double a nd pulling off sevIn the 440-yard backstroke reeral fine plays in the field . season in New York with the amazing 1\-(ets and their amazing fans. Ed R-osette leadin g the cast along with EmU Wikke, a m ember of Pirate rookies last Sunday on the lay, Mike Brown, Phil Brown, R on The J ags were again styrrried by MacLenna n and anchorman Jack Bran<l·X last season. Also looking San J ose diamond. Defense and the r a in Thursday when they were pitching were the main fact ors in Spottswood shaved four seconds ASSORTED BAWNEY: As if Masonari Murakami wasn't bad tough. will be the Jets, led by forto face Sta nford J:V. the win. enough, now the Giants h ave bargained f or double-trouble. Remember mer- Bellarmi ne ace Bill ImwaUe; J aguar netmen Jack Nash and from last year's record, claiming It the weather holds, t h e Jag Veteran Gabe De La T or r e was fifth place. how poorly Murakami did hurling leftha.nded, w ell the Giants h ave th e Batmen, led by Bruce 1\t.cCall, outstanding in the firs t fi ve in· nine w ill open t he city tournam e nt Angel Altennerino ran into a bit The 400·yard medley r elay saw signed one of his cohorts who throws righthanded a s well as left- K en H e redia, and Gary ' Bailey, all the nst agai p.m. 3 at ay rid they F as his t w~kend, last trouble of nings, striking out n ine, while alreceive ltis third medpottswood S handed. Hope this doesn' t mean t h at he'll! be twice as bad as Mura- fo r mer James Lick performers; \Vest Valley Vlldn gs on the Jag- were dumped in t hei r doubles comone h it. al, more than any other Jag, when. kami . . . While Cassius Clay was looking to Muhanunad Ali for and the 1\o:Iothers, led by J erry lowing o nly California Northern he t in petition Steve \Vrtght came on in the uar diamond. he swam for a fil th with Paul guidance, the Illinois Boxin g Commission may h ave picked his J>(X!ket Langridge and Ed 1\lorrison. Participating in the tourney will T e nnis Championship held at Uniseventh inning an<l had some trouget also \Vill Bowling al Intramur Jim Triplett and Tom Watts, of t he title fight with Ernie Terrell that was scheduled for March. and Friday California of versity the Valley, ble. Joe, the mons~er, Lynn came be the Jaguars, West Akrop. It's a fine thing that Clay is such a stringent beli ever in religion, but underway this week. Competition and team -pro semi Owl Jose San Saturday. in with the bases loaded and one The team missed a medal by there are limits to everything . . . Bueba.lle r Tim Harper is going wiU be held at Fiesta Lanes and Alte·rmerino were out, to strike out the side. Lynn the Pittsburgh Pirate rookie team , on and p.m. 3:10 at Wednesday only 3/ 10th of a second in t he 400 recently He .on. now from base& the on to wear sn ow shoes while eompeti:tors staunch by dumped Sunday. last dumped Jags the who then held t he Pirates in check fo r freestyle relay, with a tfrne of made a s u.r p rise subm arine slide midway between t hird base and Tuesdays at 2:10 p.m. Keg play The tournament will be a round Wa.ts \Vong and Hn.rold Aloo, 6-1 3:38.2 for sixth place, right ~ the next two inning!'i and the Jugs and men bol.h for held be Will just had he last b he t over home plate, because he was so excited affair with the J ags' second' and 6-0. srna..shed between outrtelders. \ Vith snow shoes h.e ndgt1t have made It women, student rates will be in wer e in with t h ei.r tltird win of robin The Uni\'ersity of California. hind Diablo Valley with 3:37.9. agains t the Owls Saturtest con card body student for t effec season. the Jags journey to C.O.S. Friday, to colwnn , • . Any rebroastcast, reprOO. uct.ion. or other use of this sh a..nd Stanlord frosh we·re toJl fro The baseballers welcomed the day afternoon at 2:30. SWlday the Saturday. Fresno without the expressed written consent of this writer is slrictly en· holders. return of al H eaguc shortstop Pa z locals face the Pirates at 11 a .m. schools in the competition. C!ouraged.

For Your Campus Agent Call 294-1>21>9

This semester, S.T.A.Y. is seek· ing people to work in this organization. The only qualification, according to Mr. William Blum, S.T.A.Y. advisor, is that you be willing to help, It is not necessary to know all subjects, as studen ts are m~tched accordipg to subject "One of the best ways to learn is to help someone else in it, particu· lar1y in your major field," states By CHRIS VAUGHAN Blum. Inte rested persons may at· I don't know if San Jose City tend the S.T.A.Y. meetings at 11:00 College students would exactly call o'clock in U-203 on Thursdays or our lounge a coffee house, but I'm contact someone in t he S.T.A. Y. s ure t hey will be happy to know office. that hundreds of coffee houses Editor's note: S.T.A.Y. Is a stu- h ave been opened to college student r un organization ~d is not a dents on campuses in the Unl ted part of Dr. E llis Benson's r esearch States and Canada in the p ast two program as was mistakenly printed years. Some of the coffee houses in the Feb. 16 Issue of the Times. are s t u dent council-supported, some are independently owned, but most are supported and directed


The Conjugal Bed



20 East San Antonio

problem. S.T.A.Y. also helps students get into the swing of college life. Out of state a nd foreign stu· dents may find this aspect of the


T he grapplers from San Jose City College gave good account of themselves las t Saturday, as they pl aced second in the Golden Gate tournament. Foothill won with an a ccumulation of 82 pOints.


Key Insurance Exchange

student, by t he student. Their ob-

-· matte.r of seconds (faster than a Midnight Auto Supply dealer), J. J . h ad stripped her of all limbs and lockers and was h auling ~ _ _:Fly By away to th e Ri chmond Art Center.

GGC oes with lnd· Spot Finish



jective is to match the student wishing help with a competent per· son in the field in w hich the person needs assistance. This program is not exclusively "for the classr oom

I stroke d h e r topper-popper and gave h e r a rinal tweak on """'.,...." t11e coils. Then J. J. Assen ask ed m e to s le p as ide. I did, and in a



in office U~207, will accept applica tions for assistance if the S.T.A.Y. office should be closed. S.T.A.Y. is a program for th e


1433 The Alameda

Pennies a Day

from 11:00 until 2:00 Monday ttlrough Thursday. M~. Peterson,

"I know how yo u feel old girl." ('~Par tin g is such sw ee t sor;. low," s~e said.) "Bt~t look at it ,t!"tis way," I continued, "yo u' ll r e turn 1n a couple ol wee k s. You ll come ba ck. You' re 11 0t going away for ever." She nuzzled l1 er b~om-bomber in~o my nook a.nd cranny and ;:= ~I h eard h er give a dull, low metalli c sob. "SCHLORTZH," sh e

If the GoldC'n Ga1e Invitational


ceive some ::tble 'lllpport in other departments. Coach Baker w as very elated with his players ' effo1·ts in the Golden Gate Invita tional a nd is looking forward to thi s Sa turday's Golden Gate Con[erence R elays in San ]..lfateo. Any r epetition of last week's meet I'm sure would be a welcorric addition to the team's season.


in S.T.A.Y., Students To Assist



track meet is any in dication of the type of team the Jaguars will Well balanced, but not qui te as overly strong as l ast campaign, th is year, then the Golden field GGC 1966 he t of start the approaching fast are horsehiders the J ag Gate Con rerence is in for some season. Coach Doug Weiss has a nucleus composed of many of last year's big su rprises. seasoned veterans. Among them are Tim H arper, the migh ty·m itc The J:1g nli1 ~ medl~y ~ehly team )1omerun threat; Jim Phillips, an AIJ-GGC hurler in 1965; Paz Rocha, the spunky shortstop; Frank \Vrigh t, last seac;on 's outstanding utility sot :l new n:\t.otutl. JtUuor co U e~e J)lan; and Gabc DeLaTorre, the righth ander who is a near nntional J r ecord with a cloC' k.tng of 3:38.4 111 t h{' Cow P:U:LPe indoor trac k meet hero in Mexico. Last ye..'l.r's J s won t he GOC title nnd udvuneetl to t he 11nst s~_ t urday night. 'f he old ree9fmi-lln:'l ls or the St~'l.te Tourney before getting knocked orr by orc.l of 3:.Jl.4 W:l s set b)' Coll ege or · :Fresno. They stuffed extra. rca.t hers in their by nabbln g the S an .:\hateo. Running for San Jose w er e Jim .American Rive r Tourney, and then were ci-owned champions of tbelr . \ Rocca ( 480 ya rds) 61.4, fo llo\:etl own Easter Tournament. Missing from the scene are such standouts as Jim Gama, P a t by Ch arles Gary (320 yards) 25.9, Garvey, Larry P eters, Pat Cavataio, and Scott Davi. Gama has moved fo ll owed by Larry \ Valker (160 his career to Long Beach State, while P eter s a nd Garvey are helping yards 17.4), and r m ming ·a nchor to improve t he diamond fortunes of S an J ose State. Da vi is attempt· and comir•g- up f1•om t hi rd place to ing to land a berth on t he potent Sa nta Clara Univers ity pitching capture the race for t he Jags wa.s of wax for posterity to wonder about: " O ne More Hea rtach ~~~ corps. What about Cavataio? Well, he's j ust hanging around, hoping Lee Ev:'l n s (800 yards) with a fin e Marvin G aye. "One ,More Earache" might be a more ap:• to become the MVP in the upcomi ng In tramural Bask etball program. clockin g of 1 :43.4. Earlier Evans C otton, anyo ne? He re s one way to g et your ears pierced •.• The baseballers have breezed through their exhibition slate with h ad r un the 880~yard run ancl fin. A ~ort of g ~isha girl love theme is " Baby, Scratch an impressive 5-1 mark as of this writing; a record indicative of the ished n very rt.'"SJ>ecta.ble sixth ln W1th t hiS funky song, Slim Harpo marks his umpteenth year troddino l talent they possess. The locals have to be r ated as one. of the top some sti.f f comtletition. Evans, a. title t h reats off their early season showing , how·e ver, stiff challenges down that lonesome blues road. This record should be scratched. h igh school p henomenon at Overexpected to be furnished by Foot.hi11 , San Francisco, a nd Oakland. are ' Q uestion of the Week: Will the e xpletives SNAP T he horsehid e rs have thf'lr good~luck charm baek this senson. Celt, is coWited on hea.vlly if the a nd POP creep into Batman's voca b ula rY, ? H o ly horror! ' Clumky Riclt Boston, t11e walking e ncyclopedia, or stale St)OrlS news, Jagua rs rare to be ~L eonte(ld er for • is once a.gaitl he.lping mentor \Veiss nrlth m!uly of t h e necessities of t he league , title. .~s of now the • the game. Boston, former coach of Boston' s '<Jetties, the cellarshort races ru1<l ~he rel ~ys seem to LOW MONTHLY dwellers of th e Lntram LtraJ ba..r;;ketball loop, been wtth Wcllis for the strop~ points of the ~:un , AUTO INSURANCE ~ the pa..~t three se-.a.sons. Boston has proved to be u. .c rowd PH~n~lng be Coach Baker is ~•o 1.efnl to r e· but additlon to t he team, and with Welss' tpe bu ll club, :md Boston 1 Pay As You Drive rnn.nlng the scoreboard, the Jags may be a shoo·ln.. ,

help with his classes, or the student who would like to get to know the social aspect of college life, can find someone to help him

Sh e shmgged her nicker-nack and flapped her wan ger.


Destined t o become househo ld initials right along with MJB TJB , thos e alphabits standing for He rbie AI rt' are LBJ pe. shas 1ca ~~. unqu e blend of d ixieland and ma riach·I mus1c Their Br<lss. • • t1vated aud1ences all over the U.S. ' .,d even though th ey now mu~' th tum down ha If of t he concert pffers that come t heir way, ey " ' fl . I p annmg to y to Europe soon t o further th eir careers on th tho 0 e side of the foam . Current release: "Zorba the Gree k." Watch the Elgins! No secondhand sound here "t' -•sa df 'I b . spn ~ g, tnp et- acke , alsetto-s:yled number t hat should soon t he number one slot on the muSic charts: " Put Yourself in My .Newcomer Deon J ackson makes t he bold stateme nt "L t he World Go Round," which may not have astronome.:'v.eoro.;- 1 with him, but social scientists will pro bably agree that it d heads spin. A bright, bubbly ditty that's revolving on man~·~ ta ble these days, _By no means Greenwic h Village idiots, folk artists the and t he Pa pp as d eliver t heir big d e but disc " C alifomia D ""''".'m,'",' ' t he gold recoream~n, · ht say the y have df WI't h a go ld en ga1•t . 0 r you m1g Is he _g argling? _Is he choking on a 'chicken bone? Is he 'sing~:~~ These are Imponderables, but the results are p ressed into t he ere ·

The col~ege studen t who iieeds

r- "SCHUZILOCK," sh e muttered.

Evans Sparks Relay Drew, Silva GoldMedalist To Cow Palace Win Grapplers Surprise

Jagged Jottings

Disc n That

object 1s of no practical purpose By MARGARET CHU Publi,l!ed each W ednesday of the school year by the journalism elasus af San Jose year when that lit tle word "tax'' · City College. Supported, in part, by Associated Student Body funds . Member makes a big impression. Not that The Faculty Art Show taking other than aesthetic. An e longated California Newsp<!!per Publishers Associetion. Second Class postage paid at So1n you 're ever entirely free of its place in the faculty loWlge is a piece of meta l (?) hangs mid·ail· Jose, Calif. Subscription r•tes: $3.00 per year or IOjl; per copy. Phone 298-2181, impact, but between now and April must for everyone to see! Mainly (almost) in a rectangular-sh aped - ed, 230. 15 you're probably more conscious Night EdHor _D ON KAWASHIMA of it than at other periods of the Sports Editor -········-· FRED JONES calendar. Adv. Mgr•.... JOHN MIGUELGORRY As you ponder withholding pay· Advisor - - - - - - - C. W, PALMER m ents, itemized deductions and adBill Rumph, Sheri C irincione, Ron Macjusted gross incomes you become Curtis Hyde, Pat Cavataio, Bob Bon:one, thoroughly familiar with many


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--~finiiiiiiiiiiijjjiifiiiii~~~~~;iii~ 1 T'lew 'Democratic 'Clull -

Offers Political Activity New Democrat ic Club is being formed at SJCC for students w bo wish to take a more active part in th e activities of tlwir political party, according t o Robin Ross,

P resident of t he San J ose Democratic Club. "It is t he respo nsibilit y of each individual to take part in }X)litics," urged Garth Norton, Chairman of SociaJ Sciences. Ross explained that members can take part in discussions and debat es of many local, state, and natjonal policies of government . Committees will be formed to study world events. Speakers such as William Stant on and other incumbents will 'be included in the activities of the club, he affirmed. Also, he continued, there will be many social even ts to raise money to rent halls and for other club activities. He reminded that this is election

~~~~~;ta?~~~tinJ? ~pceremonies held on C:IDDPUS February 18, • e. rograrn student."i po ~ for a. g d ti ~o~t. SUC•mding from left to right, in the first RO\\o; 'lr;~ ~Jj:: er an, arol Cutler, Jen1. 1\fontgomerv M · Ab" • : · ~ second row· Gail Hall K L ~.,]' arCJa manti, 1n the Kathy P~on, in the' th~~e~O\J~~~ian: Borell~ ~ancy Lloyd, S!tirlcy Micheton, Linda Oalzoni, in. the1'o:rth ~~~; rX.~'* Astev;rson, Lmda. Farmer, Neale, Diane F illman, and Umla~o~::

year and that members could take an active part in the political is~ sues and campaigns. Ross hopes to get the club chartercd with the Inter-Club Council. a nd achieve a substantial amoWlt of .meJllbership.


Ross was delegate to the CDC Convention in Bakersfield from February 18-20. -

Led by a n energetic new slate' of officers, the Ski Club is plan· niJJg spring semester a:ctivities that range from surfing 'to snow sk iing: New president Ken Waage is supported by vice-president Bruce Andrade, secretary J acque Sporan , treasurer Bill Norma ndine a nd ICC representative Diana Hart. Marian Doak will be resPonsible for club pu blicity. Dues of only $1.50 will make any student elibigle to go on a 5-day ski trip to Shasta during E aster

Viacation, and a weekend trip t o Heavenly Valley this month. Water s k.Hng will aJso be f eatured when th e water has thawed. Surfing is another pla nned ac· tivity waiting for warme r weather. Beach parties will be more or less common Club as members soak u p sunshine, sand and salt water. -

Buy AS B Ca rdi -

With a swingin' theme of "Carnival a Go-Go," Co-Ree will sponsor an evening of fun a nd prizes for ASB card holders toni ght The carnival, which will s tart at 7: 30 p.m., will be iJi the W omen's Gym. Decorated booths for darts, bean bags, te nnis and basketball throw· ing, foot ball passing and ring· toss· ing will be set up. As a specia l event, three brave

teams will dip their feet · · m P<Jster pamt and stomp and sk'1p over · p1eces of butcher paper { "painting" per team). Prizes~~ the "best" w ill be awarded. or A drawing for a record albun, w~l also ~ held, and refreshments Will be served. After the Ca.rnivaJ, games wi II be played in the men· gym. s -

'New Society'· Swings Friday, 8:30 p.m., Men's · Gym

Buy AS B Card$ _

Have astronauts made pilots old hat?

Mothers: l oving day care for your' baby ,in my home near Valley Fair. CALL MRS. SANDERS


~ ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I CAN YOU SELL? If you want to be p.ut Of Sa n Jose 's most dynamic new sales program, receive sales and professional training, and have furnished as m.any leads u you can serve, c::all 258-8548 Ext. 16 after 4:30. Hours flexible. Men or




8uy ASB C!! rds -

Look Great This Spring


The Cosmetology Alumni Assodation o( San Jose City College will hold their first annua l meeting this evening, M arch 2 , at 7 :00 p.m. in the Cosmetology Depart· ment. Events for the coming year will be discussed by the fifty-eight graduates, including the election of offic ers, a program for the graduation dinner , arid special hopes for sponsoring a scholarship for one or t he graduates . Also featured will be Shirley Silveria, now a teache r trainee, w ho will present a trend hair style for the entire audieftce. Refreshmen ts will be served. Offi cers are: Nancy Martin, president; Kathy Wood, secretary, and Roxa nne Ca nnon, t reas urer.

RESULTS IH 60 DAYS Gain or Lose

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Sure, the boys who go off the "pads" get the big, bold headlines . But if you wont to fly, the big opportunities are still with the aircraft that take off and ldnd on several thousand feet of runway. Who needs pilots? TAC does. And MAC. And SAC. AndADC. There's a real future in Air Force flying. In years to come aircraft may fly higher, faster, and fu rther than we dare dream of. But they'll be flying, with men who've had Air Force flight training ot the rcontrols. Of course the Air Force also has plenty of jobs .for those who won't be fly ing. As one of the world's largest and most advanced research and development organizations, we hove a continuing need fo r scientists ond engineers. Young college graduates in these fields will find that they'll have the opportunity to do work that is both interesting and important. The fact is, nowhere will yov hove greater latitude or responsibility right

from the start than on the Aerospace Te am -tho U.S. Air Force! You may be particularly interested in the new 2-year Air Force ROTC prog rom, available to · dents of many 4-y•ar colleges. For details on this and other ways to an Air Force commission, mail the coupon

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Add re ss


Pleole Prinl

Col le'ge

Closs of 19__



L------- - --

ASB Card Holders Free

1 1


THE NEW SOCIETY led by dynamic Randy Sparks will p erform Friday, February 25, 8:30p.m. in the City Vol. 17

No. 2 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1966 0" Phooe 298-2181 / Ext. 230 -----------------------~~--~--~~~~~~--~~----~~~~~

College Men's Gymnasium. Sparks originated the famous


Christy Minstrels and his latest group, the New Society,


which features a five male, two femal e vocali st-instrument

Zip_ _



playin g group th at has attain ed regal h eights in the folkpop-rock field. This Cultural Series event is op en to the

CITY COLLEGE FROSH Sheri Cirincione a nd Bill R~~~)~h a · , ~he w o.rJ? of beginnin g photogr !'tJ)hy students. T he photos can ~rruse m_ the C1t.y C~Jicge library; they represent thinP"s the student pl•osetoe n "likeu and ndlSiike ." "' gs

A 'T ras~y'

Subje~t on which some trash was later piled. The box was then discarded with the rest of the t rash. After recovering from the shock of his discovery, Morris decided it was, " . . . p robably the best thing that ha.s happened to any

indiVidu al my instructor. me to update ma teriaIt l." forces The only objectjon voiced by Morris was tha t it, " .. - leaves li ttle time for gardening, landscaping, and furnisbing the home."


1 to D iscount

to Students

to Februilry 24--'Will ~~:~==w~~:~::£;~~ Allo·w 1·1me To ·lnvest·lgate'

Witlh the campus police force bill ties concerning citations.

issuing tickets, instead of warn· ings since last MondaY, the Justices of the student court are makiilg rights of students and insuring an effort ' to make each student FREE, and their dates only 1.00. that studen t citations are handled aware of his rights and re~IX>nSi· by student officers r a ther than Associated Student Body Presi· to a "eritical" notch' of $9,000· defi- studeD ~effort, " continued Knapton admiJli~t!-aiors~ - · "' -. ... dent Jim Steele moved the budget cit due to lack of Activity Card in Steele's behalf. Steele has said, "If the-re is no Burch vvent on to enume rate the cutting deadline up a week, from sales during spring registration. student effort or action or desire, steps that must be taken after a Feb. 18, to Thursday, F eb. 24, sayAccording to Richard Knapton, student's car 'is cited. ' 1The s tudent ing, "This will allow time to · in~ P u b 1 i c Relations Commissioner, this is a sign to the student counmust make an appoi.ntrrnent to ap- vestigate all aspects of the problem "Steele has expressed t he desire cil t hat there is no s tudent interest pear before t he court a t_least ten related to the recent student body to have as many students aS pos- in th'e programs, and the progra ms will then be acted upon a ccording· calendar da ys "a fte r cited," Burch fund deficit." sible contribute ideas o~ solutions ly when budget alterations are said. "The a ppointment is to be Two weeks ago Steele placed a to t his problem." made a t the finance office. "This is a school crisis and it ordered." "freeze" on ASB mon ey bags as Coui-t is held o n Monday at 12 In allowing ''time'· tor investiga.. should be solved through united t he tl'e asury's currency belt shrunk •I Kathy P arsOn, Vicki Stevf!nson a nd locked caTs ·wJthOut having to call p.m ., W ednesday at 10 a.m., tional purposes, the student coun~ ..tean S. Tillotson Speaks Linda Ca lzoni, winner of t he Santa a locksmith." • Thursday at 11 a.m ., a nd F riday cit appointed a three-man commitIn Men's Gym Thursda y Clara County Dental Assistants Stud ents needing this service at 1 p.m. If for some r~son a tee to research, discuss an d recomshould go to t he Law Enforceme nt student is not able to make any mend actions for budget s lices. Jean S. Tillotson, Universit y of Society $100 Scholarship. of these t!imes, a special court City College Times will run a office in 'room 101. Massachusetts specialist in moveT he committee members-George date will be arranged. "There 1s ment exploration, will guest speak picture of the "capped" students Watts, Commissioner of Finance ; never any reason why a student at Ci ty Colle ge's Women's Phys ical ln the March 2 issue. Ed. note . Edward Mogler, ' Director of S t u· Russian Films Roll cannot appear before one of the Before the budget fo'r Che follow- the Supervisor of Student Opera· de nt ActivitYi and Robert R. RyEduca t ion and Recreation Depl judges," commerlted Burch. ing fiscal year, 1966-67, can be set tions estimate the income. "Movemen t Ed ucation" program Philosophy Fo rum Hosts Friday, in CC Theatre man, Director of Studen t Oper Penalties for those Joun<l guilty up, the estimated! 'income and de~ An appointed committee is then ations-met Friday, F eb. 18, Thursday, F eb. 24, 7 o'clock in the Physicist Louis Fein at 10 Two Russian films will be shown vary with the severitY of the of- partmental budget request must formed at the Conunissioner of Men's Gym , Philosophy FoTUm will present on Friday only, Feb_ 25, in the City fense and the number of violations be compared. Three people, the Finance's discretion. It will con- a.m. to confer the ma tt-er. They A demonstration wit h third and n o t e d physicist- Luathe ma.tieian College thea ter at 8 p.m. They will were obligated not to d isclose the ir the student has committed, but as Conmtissioner of Finance, the Di- s ist of approJcimately eight people fourth grade boys and g ir ls will be Louis Fein, found e r of the sfn- be ''The Duel" a nd "Earth." recommendations until the student a usual course they follow this reetor .of Student Activities, and - four student government offipresented, and the aims, objectives noetic Systems Co., Los Altos, who council session (open to veryone) "The Duel" was made in 1962 pattern: cia ls and Iour qualiiied student and future irnpli actions of move- will discuss "Social Implications or from a short novel by Anton ChekThursday, Feb. 24, 10 a.m ., room First offense, a warning. For the body card holders who are men t educa tion in physical edu ca- Com puters," Thursday, Feb. :U, hov. The actors and dialogue are second ofrense a suspension or recommended by the Commissioner U-200. According to Knapton, ustuden ts tion wilJ be discussed. room F·7_, 11 o'clock Cit·y Co llege Russian, with . Englisl\ subtitles. parking privileges for a time to be and approved by the Council ' wishing to speak during this m eet · This movie is a sensitive concep- determined by the judge according time. Student body members who ing may do so by contacting any Dental Assisting Students Fein is a graduat-e of Brown tion of the time in w hich the story to l!he seVerity of the offense. If would like to apply ifor a position studen t council member t o recog.. U nl\'ersity and authored numy took place and of Chekhov's ar- a student is found guilty of a third on the committee for the '6&-67 nize you during the meeting!' , Are Officialiy 'Capped ' noted a rticles inhasnational publica- tistry. The photography in the offense he is sent to the Dean of budget, should write a short essaY Eighteen City College Den tal tions d«?lling with computeTs, data movie is very good, according to Men for further disciplinary acOnce the alterations have been After twelve years of service at on why they feel qualified to se.rve, decided upon, the approved budget Assisting Program students were processlng, and related flelds. Charles J. Slleldon, faculty repre- t ion. of!icially "capped" Friday, Feb. 18, The Justices stressed the fact the helm, H. R. Buchser, superin- and tum it in to Sharon Herndon, will be sent to H. R. Buchser, se ntative of the English Depart· in ceremonies held on campus. that once a student 'is cited his tendent and president of San Jose in the Student Finance Office be- Superintendent-President of City Campus Police Aid me·n t. The studen ts, who will complete College, for his final approval. citation is placed on file in three City College will retire in June fore March 15. '"Earth " is a silent movie made 'Locked Out' Drivers of 1967. He has been superintendtraining by working in dental ofin 1930 by Alexander Dov>h.e nko. diffeT'Cnt places; the campus police ent since May, 1964, a nd City ColJames Page, head of City Col· fices this spring, include : It is a classic showing t he peas- department, 1:he finance· oHice, 'a nd Marsha Abinanti, Mary Ann lege police, reported th.!lt t he cam· ant's relationship to the Russian the court itself. Once the citation lege president since 1955. Airose, Kathy Bake r, Lillian Berk- pus patrol is equipped with special soil. Now, the San J ose Junior Col· · is received in the court office a man, Diane Berella , Carol Cutler, tooJs to op~n looked car doors in Admission is free to students card IS. m ade up and kept on -... ....... lege District is faced with a moCIEIT, Men's Gym, 8 :30 p.m. Linda Farmer, Diane Fillmen, Gail the e\•ent that a studen t locks bim· _w_i_th_ A_S_B:_ca:_rd.:.s_:_._ _ _ _ _ _ _.J.:o:.:.rd.:...f:.:o:.:.r_:th:.:e:....::•:.:.n::tire:.::._:se::::m:.:es ::: te:.:r:.:..- - - I mentous task-that of filling the WEDNESDAY: FebruJl.rY 2S 4. Tennis Tourney, Berkeley Hall, Linda Johnson, Nancy Lloyd, self out. position vacated by Buchser. A 1. Supreme Court, 10:00 a .m., Rm. Page said, "This was inaugurated U-205 Karen Lyons, Sherley Michelon, three man committee has been SATURDAY: F ebruary 26 Jerri Montgomery, Dianna Neale, to enable students to ente·r their formed to screen 13pplicants for 2. Co-Ree Night, 7:30p.m., Wom- 1. Swinpning - Northern Califorthe job of district superintendent enls Gym nia Relays, College of M arin, and Cit y College president. 3, Santa. Olara. County Honor High All Day. School Band, Theatre, 8:00 p.m. 2. Wrestling, Golden Ga te Confer· Members of 1:he screening com· It is a new semester and once news leads to give to the report· mittee are Dr, Leland Medsker, 4. College Times Published again the leadership of the City ers. ence Tourney, Here, 9:00am. The feature desk will be headed professor in education and vice . College Times h as changed hands. TUESDAY : 1\t:arch 1 The new editor is J eff Mullins, by Bill H uston and his -assistant president of t he Center for the THURSDAY: F ebruary 24 a 22-year-old education major. He Chris Vaughn. They are charged Study of Higher Education at 1:he 1. Student Council, 10:00 a.m., Rm. 1. Student Council, 10:00 a .m., is planning to gradUate this term with keeping track of both the fine University of California; Dr. John U -200 R m. U-200 ~d lively arts. Mike O'Connor Lombardi, presiden t o f Los Angeand transfer to San Jose State. 2. Student Court, 11:00 a.m., Rm . 2. Student Court, 11 :00 a.m., Rm, Second man on the Times staff will take over the job of Staff les City College, and Dr. Thomas U-205. U-205 is a girl, Judi McCNlry. She is a Coordinator and "number one" re- Jam'€'5. professor 'in education at 3. First I.C.C. Meeting, 11:00 a.m., 3. Philosophy Forum, 11:00 a.m., 17-year-old journalism major and porter. Stanford University. Rm. U-200 F·7 was a reporter for the Times last The often forgotten but essential Henry Gunderson, president of 4. Civil Rlgbts Forum, l l :00 a.m., semester. Her past experience business side of the paper is han- the boarcl of ~uperviwrs, said the 4. Baseball, San Jose City College Theate r vs. Stanford Braves, There, should come in handy fo r this se- dled by John Miguelgorry and his district will attempt to attract ap5. Golf, San J ose City College, vs. 3 :00 p.m. mester's paper. fast-moving advertising staff. Tht.s plications from throUghout the San Mateo, There, 1 :00 p.m. 5. Tennis T ourney, Berkeley Bob Borzone, fall sports editor_. is Miguelgorry's second stint as nation. 6. Basebal~ San Jose City College has been put to pasture, _with. his Advertising Manager. He said the committee will select FRIDAY: February 25 vs. U.C.J.V., There, 3:15p.m. chief aide, Fred Jones; taWing over Charles Ste~ns is the Times' eight of 10 leading candidates. 1. Golf, San Jose City College vs. the sports editorship. Fred is a Final selection is expected to be WEDNESDAY: 1\la.rch 2 San Mateo, Here, 1:00 p.m. real "great effort" m a n, and his "mortician," who along with Leann Sarmento, takes care of the li- m ade in January, 1967. 2. Basketball, San Jose City Col- 1. Supreme Court, 10:00 p.m., Rm. MURDERER'S ROW? ALMOST but not quite. This collection o! page will be hi ghligh,ted by Bor- brary. President - superintendent BuchU-205 lege vs. San Mateo, There, hartl bitten desperadoes ma.kes the back bone of tlte City · zone 's sharp-tongued, . J 'agged Jot· 2. Co-Ree Night, 7:30 p.m., Worn· The Times photogra pher is ser, who will be 65 next year, re8 :00p.m. Times newspaper staU. From left t.o right, Bill Huston , Feature Ed.; tings. sharp - lensed Royal Chamberlain. ceived a new one year contract at ~like O'Connor, Sta.U Coordinator; C hris Vaughn, F eature Staff; Also assi tin th CU 1 tu ral Series, RANDY taff 1· R en's Gym J eff ~(uiUns, Times Editor; Charlie Ste,·ens (standing) '')lortici.a n" ; . . . s g e s . s on· The night-staff editor is Don Ka- an annual salary of $22,000, last 3. SPARKS & THE NEW SO· 3. College Times Published Judi 1\teCra.y, Ass't. Ed.; Ron l\la.cLen.nan, Ad. StaU; nnd Ronnie me Cinelh \vho, as news editbr, has month. washima. Cinelli, News Ed. Not pictured, Ad l\I anager, John :\tiguelgorry. the volwninous job of compiling

Composite of Related Events

College News


Action, Student Rights Date

school students with cards $1.00, ASB CARD HOLDERS



~·:,;;h·"E~plains Court Steele Moves Budget Cut

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The Selective Service Depart.. ment :recently announ.ceil th a. U1ey wfU c lose a contract with a testing .finn for a Selective Serv· - T est with1n the n e.x t l ew days. JCe The Selective ServiCe T est Is a draft qualifying test which will be made ava ilable to two million college stude nts and high s e b 0 0 1 seniors.

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Club·· Officers. Plan 'Co-Ree Sponsors Carnival Surfing, Skiing for Spring Tonight In Women's Gym

Robert Doerr, History instructor will probably be the club advisor:

- Cosmetics Alumni Hold Meet Tonight

F rom t ime to ti me every course mu st be revised in ord er to keep up with the latest infonnation on the s u bject. T he Botany a nd Nature Study courses taugh t by Eug ene Morris , however, received u nexpectedly abrup t revis ion recently as he was moving from a n a pa rt· ment into a new home. As far as can be determined by MotTis, his notes for Botany, Nature Study, E n tomology, and some photogr aphs were placed in a box



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Card Holders Assist Councii

Buchser Will Retire in 1967




FIV.E, FOL'R, THREE, two one • • . Blast-o:f1? This scene may ":~d you ,of a <?ape Kennedy coun t down, but in a.c tuality it is C•,t;,o Co ll e~e s RadJo \yor~hop~ team J)reparing for another Sunday e"e . bro~d~t on Ra~10 RXRX. From left to right are: John l\lai Ste ve Dmt, \ Valt IWbinSon and AJan Tan (seated). '

City College Weekly ~ulletin

Radio Workshop Starts Spring.Semester Radio W or kshop, a two unit-six h our -c;ty College Drama and Speech Dep t . course, has started its programming for the spring semester, according t o Walt Robinson , instru ctor. The workshop, which is par t of the Broadcast Curriculum at City College, offers studen ts t rai ning in the production of a weekly r ad io program. L ast year t he works hop procluced 17 progra ms featuring discussion and interview on aspects of campus life.


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This year the fonna t will be built around music, interview and news . The opening show featured t he mus ie of F errante and Teicher and an inter viev.r with the pi ano terun. • " CITY COLLEGE SPOTLIGHT the name of the program, can ~ heard over KXRX on Sundays at 7:30 p.m.

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