New Politica l Union Forming on Campus
Lucas n a v j n g, a. JtrOftl8Sional dancer on tour oJ' the \Ves t Const, wiJ I 1,resent a. nmste1· df\1100 chtss in the College !\len's Gy m from 4 l\fany students and facuJty mem- to ~ p.IH. on AJ>ril 25. bers do not know who George , This cJas" is 01,en without ree to Leppertt is, reports Robin ROss, ~tny men or women int.ct'estt..>tl. T his president of the San Jose Demo- Ls n. J)JLr Uc ipation class and t hose cratic Club, who is trying to form interested in attending contact a new political union on campus. Lynda Da.vis in the WOJnen's Gym.
C am pus Int erview
In My Opinion ••• .
w. ~
The Associated Students Spend $4,500 a Year on the Times. Do You
George Lepertt (D-Palo Alto) is Having's t.'Ompany will n.coom pany running for the Tenth Congres- him on tour. Having is an instruce sional Distlict against the encumtor u.t the Conn. Sch ool of Drmce. bent Charles Gubser.
Think It's \Vorth It?
Richard G:wlt, Art Teac hing Yes, I do. I don't think that people really
Terry Hackel, T ea.chi.J1g
Sure! We can find out what's going on. It's a good way to publicize th e clubs .... No I don't have any complaints agains t it. I think it•s very good; maybe you could tell about some good
movies in town, like "Sound of Music" and "Greatest Story Ever Told."
iH ike Killen, 1.\tarketlng
Very much so. I think the Times is a good media for communicatio n. Every school needs a paper, that's how t,he facuJty and the board gets its ideas across to t he students. I think it needs more pictures, and more about everyday s tudents. . .. Let people sec t hei r names . .. more stress on the individual students.
"llAPPY TO BE A cV ~TOD ~N in A merica, rather than beJ nl' a docto r in Russia.." is s n1ili.ng CI~ College c ust<Klian, Ben Lacl<. Ben served in the P o Hsh Army durm g the- Hitler 0CCUJ)atio n in \Vorltl \ Va.r n before comin g to the Unite<] States IUt d San Jose.
be no obligations in
With Eoster in the a ir, Co·Rcc sponsoring a dance themed "Bunny Hop'' tonight in the Worn~ en's Gym. The "Five pence" will provide the music for t h e evening. There will be a freeze contest with trophies for the contes t win~ Rich nrd Hn.ley, P .E. net'S. Yeah. B1·ings the campus up-to-date on curAll those who attend must have rent events and sporting activities. It tells student body cards. A d oor prize what's going on around campus . I like the re- will be offe1"ed. porting on sports ac tivities ... no real change.
Barbara 1\lurray, Bush1es:-o Not rcaUy. Well, if it wasn't so rhuch money. .. The kids aren't interested enough in the school to put that much in the paper. I think the paper should be smaUer ... cut down all around so cost won't be that high. It' s reaJiy not that appreciated.
'Marxist . 'G roup Expanding In U.S.
G.L Benefi ts to Veterans
~ "I think people have the inler· est to join but are a fraid that they may have to commit t hemselves," he added, \vith a reminder that
* *
An Inte1·n ulional Retreat will be he ld during the month of April at Camp Raga. This event will be sponsored by the Baptist S tudent Union. The rc t.-ea t, open to a nY st udent, will start on Thw-sday, April 7, with a banquet. Informal discus~ sion, in addition to tours and hikes, are scheduled. The weekend will end at 12 noon on SaturdaY, April 9. Eva Kannard, who \o,.r0rks with Lhe international students at the Univ('r~ity of California. will hold some of the discussions. The cost is $5. Thi s price in~ eludes insura nce, from the time of departure through the weekend . It wiU be necessary for persons to bring the i r own beddi n g and towels. Interested persons shOUld con. tact the Bay Area Baptist Student
Union office at 2217 Tiara Drive, or call 258-5388. Deadline for reservations is April 4th.
The Eco n-o- M.uter is protectin9 thousand' of young men just li~e yourself. Your Junior C ol le ge s.tll fus shou ld qua lify you for these exclusive ben~fits.
Best Cle an Used Cars in Town
* * *
The Merchandis ing Club is hav· ing their a nnual F ashion Show on April 13 in the Church of Valley Hall, 400 N. Winchester Blvd. in Santa Clara. The time will be 7:30 p.m. More than 200 people arc expected to attend this student coordinated affair. Fas hion Show director Char!anne Weaton has predicted an outstanding show. The theme is "Fashi on TricJ<s of '66." Tickets cor the s how, priced at only $1.50, are now on sal e by members of the Me1-chandisin g Club.
$69.95 - $1095 345 E. Julian St.
AUTO ELECTRI~ Tune-Ups ••• By C a r l
No War Exc lusion Clau1c
"' Establis hed an d immediate esfafe
Rents Any of
• General Repairs • Boat and Trailer Wiring
(Conti nu ed rrom Page J) a mount will be de tennined by how long the veteran was in the service, whether he is futl time or (Continued from P :1ge 1 ) part lime student, and the num ber of dependen ts. Single veterans goCommlllli_~t Party. The Commw1tst Party hus no sa y over what we do ing to school full time will receive and does not ask favorS of our nu- 100 dollars. Those with one detiorull and loca l executi\•e boards." pendent get 125 dollars; those with two or more dependents, 150 dol- ! 1 Assista nt FBI Director William tars. SHOE SHINE • MAf'I ICURE C. Sulliva n feels differently. In o Part lime students wi1l receive 1965 speech he warned that the an amount of money which is of Communist. Party guided the for- based upon semester hour-s. A vet· & mation of the club in San Francis- eran must carry 14 semes ter hours co last June to promote the Com- to get the full monthly benefit. If 4 BARBER HAIR sTYLISTS munist "l.lnc" and development of he takes from 7 to 9 semester potential party members. hours, he receives half the full ben· SAL CARBONE \Vhi(P. o1)enly admitting it is a efit. That would be 50 dollars for 636 Town & Country VIllage the single veteran. If he takes San Jose, sodalh1: ~:.rroup embracing many from 10 to 13 semester hours, he Calif. faction s of the IJOllticaJ l e"ft, Du· receives lhree fourths of t.he full Building 6 Bois Cluf> leaders " bniW the Jus- benefit. 296·8458 Uce De pt. to judge llli. by what Wf" Any course that meets the vet- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ha \re done, not by what J. Edgar eraru; goal for a general education or for a career will be counted as Hoove r or anybody els e says we credit; t his includes approved busi· an>." ness and corresponden ce schools. Terrence Hallinan, national or· On-job training is excluded. If ganization executive secretary for thore are questions on the type of. as nttle as the DuBois Club says that its courses which are counted toward members arc "The finest kind of these benefits, a veteran should Americans." Yet goverrunent lead- contact the nearest V.A. Office so ers see the clubs in a slightly dif- that he knows which courses will Per Day ferent light. be acceptable. on Moot-• Roootall DuBois Club leaders treat HoovTwo restriction.s are laid down. er's statement with a mixture of Courses cannot duplicate those al• "Choose from hundreds" scorn a nd amusement and they ready taken, and a veteran taking • Try our Rent-to-Own Plan deny any direction from or tie with just a smattering of courses will the Communist Party. have to stick to one field of study. The school attended must be Th ey do not hesitate to brand state approvro or if the veteran American society today as 11Sick," plans to study abroad, that school .,_.,,.,,~ """ MACHINES nor do they try to hide their goal must be approved by the U.S. 12~ E. San Fernand o -the "Jowulat.ion of a SociaUst Government. No specific grades Ned to Cal B oo~ Store - - - - order.u are required. but h.is work has to sati..fy his school. -:::--::;;::::::=.,.-~:=:::.::'-2 / Becker }X>inted out that the • SJCC Admissions Office will an10% Discount wilh A.S.B. Card nounce when the forms will be available on campus. "I hope that veterans who are a ttending school LATE Nl...WS or plan lo attend take the time lo W•e re Yo ur YOLKSWA(;EN ;, in rJame"i \Vhccle han, head footbal l look into this opportunity for financial assistance," said Becker. G~od Hands coach on campu..", sur£ercd a. head for All Her NEEDS. iuj1try Monday a.ftern oon Utat sent C"ll anytime ltirn to San Jose HOSJlital yester- Beta Phi Gamma
Guaranteed Refurns by a fo p rated co mpany
These Portables ($ 18 for 3 Months)
Phone 292-0442
\\LI VE" margins over work •••
WHERE YOU SEE THEM! It's the new Hermes 3000 Port· able with: • Visible margins over work· • New foster easier action with new key linkage • Touc h control lob set, individua l tab clea r, and all-tab dear • Margin release Transpare nt cord holders • Visible end-of-page ind icator Carriage locking button '~ew hushed ope ration • : .. sy oction set~rne nt shift
* *
Pollu tiora Wip es Out 'Beach' Field Trip's
Trustee Vote Leans Toward Second Campus
Compo site of Related Eve nts
CLASS IC 12 by SMITH CORON A Smith Corona's most distin· guishe d non-electric portable · woth de luxe office machine fe atures. The versatile Classic 12 has a carriage two inches longer than ordinary portab les. Half-space key permits q uick, easy corrections.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
$121.50 .·
This new
FaraPr ess ®
LOOK FO R TH E CA.R IN TH E SKY Open 8 to 5, Monday thru Saturday
By KEN ROE D compared to City College's '"plus" By JEFF MULLINS Mort SaW, whose off-beat humor 30 per cent ranking. Times Edl.tor has won popularity throughout the FoothJll College, a. member nf world, Y.rill be the next featured Manda tory "red t ape" student sport's Golden Gate Conlerence performer on the San Jose City body cards. price tags on things resting confldently In the Los AlCollege Evening Cultural Series now free and a $15,000 drop in As- tos hllls n. mere sub hour drive March 26 in the Men's Gym at sociated Studen t Body funds could f.rom City CoUege, boasts a. grand 8:30p.m. be among the pile of ''bruised ba· total of 95 "plus" per cent ASB • No nation has been submitted nanas" (adjusted budgets) that ca.rd sales. more willingly to having iis mores, may be found lying in the wake of Like City College, like the rest leaders, foibles and folkvrays rid· the 1966-67 fiscal year budget com · of Califolnia's junior colleges, died 'vi th barbed humor than the mittee meetings that begin in Foothill cannot ""legally require" United States, and, according to April Associated Student Body Budgstudents to buy cards. Why then some critics, no one has m astered Flna.nce Conunlsslone r George is their total card sale higher than et Committee members for the the art of humorous social and po. \Vatts feels that due to lack of CitY'S? I s i t school spirit? Could it 1966-67 fiscal year h,ave been selitical commentary better than participation ln the sale of Activity be a superior ASB program? lected with George Watts, ComMort Sahl. Cards the budget committees will The answer (though no one from Asked to define hl8 bumor , Snhl missioner of Finance , acting as lind themselves trying to put to- Foothill will officially admit it) Is answers: "I just tell t he truth, ge th er a jigsaw punle minus a. tha t the non-card purchasing Foot- chairman. and people laugh." Typical Qf his piece worth $15,000. Committee members are Vice hill student suddenly flnds himself humor, Sahl observes.: 'Teople To account for this empty space snagged within a swirling whirl· President Dave Wood, Academic keep accusing me ot being an lna rebuilt, reshuffled, brand new pool of Hrcd tape" and is almost Commissione r M ariam DuVall, tellootual. It Is Interesting th at In budget will appear. But the gap beating a path to the tables to Student Activity Commissione r the seven years I was at the u rn. I will still be there, and no matter trade cash Randy Mulrine, Frosh President for cards. versity of California, no one called what the new budget looks like ... In t he case of City College w here Ron Burki, and students Dana the students will feel the cold, self does the answer n et B uild a. men- Johnson, Pete Draxler, Dennis me that." Sahl·the-eom edian evolved out of wrought draft brought on by turn- aclng wall or 41 red. tape" tha.t the Percy and Ellen F oster. Advisors Sahl-the·writ er. While he was on ing their heads when walking past rion-card purchaser must c limb will be Robert R. Ryman and Edthe University of California camthe Activity Card sales tables. and slg~ with hopes that he will wat;"d Mogler. pus he worked with college drama According to Warts, price tags eventually yield nnd buyT The committee meets March 31, groups writing five one-a ct plays. will start to appear on items once Some say, "There's more th an and according to George Watts, Then, he decided the best way to free. Dances, assemblies, aca.d~mic one way to get from New York to '"plans to put the recommende d "get the message across" was to go retreats and Film Series are only San Francisco .. . ," m eaning there budget before council for adjustout and deliver it in p erson, as a a few of the present admissionless may be other ways to bring In cash ment and approval no l ater than events that will be in danger of instead of relying on card sales. performer. April 21." His N!al sh oW business debut was having participant fe es attached to "Once we know the income," Bob Borzone, Times Sports Colon Christmas Day, 1953 at the now them. umnist, suggests in a recent "Jag- continued Watts, ""we will be able famous 11 hungry 1" in S a.n Frane Then there l8 thought of the ged Jotting'' that ASB cards may to adjust expenditures to balance BETTINA APTHEKER ma.ntla.tory Student Body Ca.rd. be worth more outside cisco, then a new, off·beat pla.ee tha n inside with the income. Aicy budget reBettina. Apthck er, 21-year-old The re Is, and always has been, City College ... that many events quests that were not turned in by looking for new, oH-beat taJent. Sinee these early days, Sahl has Communist Party sp okesman, sen- much polltlcldng on thl8 matter (movies, golf, ballgames, etc.) March 21 will not be considered appeared before audiences at most lor history student at University and up untU now movemen ts to grant price reductions to ASB card by the Budget Committee. AdlllORT SAHL . of t he nation's top night clubs1 on ot Onlifornla. at Berkeley who has "require" Junior College students holders and that in the long run visors will have to meet with the Broadway, on national te_levi~ion been In the national spotlight this to purchase student bod cards students will '1nake money on the counciL" and in motion pictures. _His .fresh year 88 a reStilt"""of ller a.dlvlties have falled In the tonn of Bills deal" when they purchase an Ac"As it looks now," concluded impact on the world of en~rtain· with the F!-ee Speech Movement. gunned down by Senate sham- tivi ty Card. W atts 14 I feel there will be a de· ment so impressed the editors of s poke Tuesday, Ma.reh 15, at Snn s hooters (re BUI 778 The tact 1.8 the fiery sports crease' of $15,000 income. Things l\Ieets Death," City College Times, writer may be right. It money once free will feel the weight of Time Magazine that they accorded Jnse City College. · Under the allSpices of the Civil Feb. 16, '66) . him a cover story. conscious, open-minded studen ts a price tag. The solution I see is However, there exist today Jun· would take tlme out to weigh the a mandatory ASB card for every F ollowing th e Sahl appearance, Rights Forum, l\1188 Aptl1eker tho City College Cultural Series spoke on the subjoot, "Choil Llb- ior Colleges whose ASB card sale uyes" iUld "no," the "pro'' and City College student." will feature the Gregg Smith Sing- e rtles ol the Communists/ ' before ratings are 90 to 95 per cent of "con" It 1nlght be seen that the Unofficial statements by a few ers on April 14, Sop rano EUeen a nea.r·cni)a.city assemblage of stu- total student body membership ASB ca.rd is worth the money. af the aspiring upcoming ASB Pollution has wiped out one o( last week . _T he trip took about Farrell on April 29, TV's David dents Ln the CoUege Little Thea.-- - - - - -- - - - - - - ''Use your heads for once/' Bor- election candidates are that there •the richest areas of sea life on the four ~ hours and produced fe we.r SU88kind on 1\f.a.y 7 a n d Actor flans ter. No tlcm.onstra.Uons or "cat zone concludes his article. "Open should be some methods to "coerce" calling'' took pla.cc. Conded on :May 22. Northern Coast, exclaimed Law- st,ec.ies t h an e\'er before. up those wallets and buy yourself students into buying Activity She is sched uled to lea.d a. march When asked for evidence of what an ASB card." Time is running out. Cards. rence E. Morris, B iological Science with others ln Oakland on the inm ay have caused pollution he anInstructor. Schedules for 1966's Summer duct1on center witWn the next few swered that oil and tar was found Session are now available In the He explained that Biological Sciweeks. The City College Times in some of the small tidepools. Adm inistration Orilce, a.ooordlng questioned students ence classes have been taking field viewing the trips to Moss lOcated about ·He also affirmed t hat a foamy to Ben Sweeney, Dean of Extend- speech and their answers can be two miles above Half Moon Bay, brO\Vn mass was floating on the e<l Da.y. Over :filty c lasses are be-- read 1n the "In 1\ty 0}Jlnlon" colLog oUered between t he hou.rs of for many y~ars. surface of the large ones. umn on Page 2. "There we.re more species foun d He reasoned that a p a..sslng ship 4 p.m. and 10 p .m . On the theory that two campuses in .this small n.rea t han in most will ultimateJy be cheaper than ve dumPed w aste or an inha small n.reas in t lte Coast ," he a!- m ay one, San Jose City College trustees dustria.l firm farther north may llnnod. · took action last Wednesday, leanUsing species of abalone to cite have flushed its wast-e products ou t Ing to the development of a second an example, he said that ther e tosea. Junior College campus. , , were three species found in this "Congressmen should pass _stnc!; Trustees voted to Umlt enroll· one place, a Fare encounter. er Jaws r ega.rding the taking . me nt at the 1\loorpark campus to He continued that many species . . ......, ;.,...,..;: from areas of this 5,500 da.y students and gave Archinvmg "~ ""· 1a uon on were totally missing. d alSo stern legis tects Skidmore, Ou."'in.gs &t ~Ierrlll "! talked . to some abaknie flsh- ~d:P.i.ng of waste products," he of San Frnnclsco t he green light 'Batman' Busts Election Pet i tions ""ennen who had fi~hed there for on further studies of sites tor the a dded. th . to tnany years," he mentioned, "and Available A pril 1 second campus. "Unt il we get some tee m Up ASB -Bash this lime t hey found only s hells3' Petitions for student body office The architects estimated that enour pollution laws, there w~n't be With a cloud of dust and a will be a.ya.Uable a.t the Student rollment in the distrtct will bit He was l"efe rrin.g to the fie ld trip 1 " declared Morns. mighty 'W-Ho Batmo~ile," Steve Services Desk in the Admlnlstra.- 12,000 by 1984, and that develophis Nature Study lOB class took any cont ro. "Batman" Burch flew mto the re.: tion bullding beginn.ing April 1, ment of a second campus at $36.2 ATTENDING A RECENT college atudent union board tea are from cent ASB ""Battle of the Bands according to Ron Hacker, oommis- million would be cheaper by $11.6 left to right: Stuart Bennett, George Green, l\lay Duignan, Percy Bliss, Larry .f\..rnertch, Rlch Knapton, Robert Ryman, Geo rge "\Vatts, dance autographed empty paper stoner o f elections. million than expanding the present and (seated) l\l arleo Alaimo. ~t the refreshment stand and •·we know there are many eli- campus. cups 'G th City" -·" then returned to • o am ' glble people who would , _ e g ood The architects sai d th e presen t sunnyvale. student council memberS, but who campus is too far from the center Meanwhile, 600 ()lty Collegians don't have the knowledge of the of the district. which they placed SATURDAY, March 26 -• dod •zoo to the student body till red tape involved," said Hacker. at Bayshore and Story road. WEDNESDAY, l\Iarch 2S ~ • "We want them to run. Anyone San Jose Unified So I o and Meanwhile the Alpha Land Co. 111 Student Court. 10 a.m., rm. U-205 ..:~ - -ced to the musle ot u_ e as they · UDoU with information or questions of Santa Clara offered a prospec.Ensemble F estival, Music Building, T ennis, San Jose City College vs and the Others" and tbe 'Vp-set- abou-t offices should contact me in tlve slte for the new cam·pus at Oregon D-101, and Theater State U ., H ere, 2 :30 p.m. ters." . U208." Tennant avenue and l\l eWill roa<l Track, San Jose City College vs Co-Ree Night, 7:30 p.m., WoAccording to Marles Alaimo, stusouth of the JB)f pla.nt. Foothill, here, 10:30 a.m. men's Gym dent council member, ""Special Cheerlea ders Hold The offering price was $S,500 an College Times published Cultural Series, MORT SAHL, thanks go to Robert RM . RByman, Worksho p March 29 acre for 100 to 150 acres, with an THURSDAY , ~larch 24 8:30 p.m., Men's Gym e ~tney, ksh M h a<Idltlonal 50 acres thrown In free. Edward Mogler' Grace Student Council, 10 a.m. rm. E Stock Cortez There will be a wor op arc MONDAY, 1\larcll 28 Mr. and Mrs. Don · . at a m. in the Men's Gym for Fall semester is expected to see U-200 11 29 and the students and commlttees Student Court, Noon, nn. U-205 · b 'tted their completion of Moorpark campus Supreme Court, 11 a.m., rm. ake the dance a sue· those students who su rru master lped plan and site selection U-205 who he m (Continued on Page 6) TUESDAY, March 29 ce~s~s-~"----------:--_:__ _ studies by architects for the new Philosophy Forum, 11 a.m. rm. S tudent Council, 10 a.m.., nn. U-200 campus. LC.C.Meetin g, lla.m.,nn.U -200 ChMles l\lyers, a recent atuden t B aseball, San Jose City College Tennis, San Jose City College vs I at San Jose Olty College, cUed M tere there 3 p m. 1 Tuesday, 15, 1966, at t he p.m. 1 san' City College age of 25. The cause of death " ""' Student Court, 1 p.m., rm. U-205 vs Merritt, there, 3 p.m. Golf, San Jose City College vs The Philosophy Forum will pre- well as those involved with the hu- an overdose of sleeping pUis. Sports Award Banquet, Faculty manities," stated J oh~ Pupillo, l\lyers, a p re-med major, was Contra Costa, there, 2:30p.m. Lounge sent Dr. Kenneth May, visiting .. •nnan. .. ctt,·e In student go,·ernment while Ch Tennis, San Jose City C oIIege vs scholar at the University of C&li- Philosop hy F orum "An investigation of an inter- here on campus. He a.J.so ran an Contra Costa, there, 3:30 p.m. WEDNESDA Y, lllarch SO fornia at Berkeley, this Thursday, esting view of aesthetics will be English tutoring progBM for one S\'rlrnm.ing, San Jose City College Student Court, 10 a.m., nn. U-205 March 24 at 11 a-m. in F-7. discussed," added Pupillo. semester. This p rogram wao later vs Merritt, here, 3:30 p.m. Co-Ree Night, 7:30 p.m., W oMay wUI speak on the topic "Art Martin Dreyfuss, ch<rinnan of absorbed lni:Al the p.--nt S.T.A.Y. Film Series, Hemingway, Camus men's Gym and Mathematics ." . tty Gall RobCrll!. Gall, a College Times published and Proust, 8 p.m. Theater "'This lecture should be. of great the Ma themalics Department, feels organization. SPRING SURE SEEMS to agroo with p:;:g the fln;t hlQS60IDS of concern to all mathematicla ns as tha t it should be a ""great speech." - - - - - - - - - - - - • freslunan pr&-t.eaclling ntajor, iB 1JlSPe0
Swedish steel Rohot.testcd for 18 years of :service Viking gre}• colour
Beta Phi Gamma, the campus Journalism Society, is sponsoring bus trips lo the Circle Star Theater for all interested college perwnnel. Tickets arc now available for S an Jo,o;.e Ho.,pital ~ald Whe('"lclhe coming attraction--R oger Wilhan's con ditio n 1& satisfacto ry. liams, on Tuesday. April 12Ujl. Ticket and bus fare are $4.15.
City College May See Sale Of Mandatory ASB Cards Watts Heads New Budget Group Meet
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505 So. 1Oth St.
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Deposits Deferred Until you are out of school.
Communist Spokesman
\\'heelehan wa..~ hlt on th~ h(•ad white watcbing a San Jose H igh School batting pnu:-tice. A bat .sUpped out of a. hltter's ha nd and struc1< thf" mentor.
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Hint Of Sprin g
"Students would get to k n o w l - - - - - · - - - ' - - - - - - who their candidates are,'' he lr - -- - - -::----- --1 staled, in reference to inviting Speakers to address the union. 1
Dance, Retreat, Fashion Show ·:~:r~n::~uld Signs of Activity on C~mpus FREEMAN'S is
Then .. . Should you decide to buy, we apply up to 3 months rent toward the purchase price.
This is one of the primary rea· sons why Ross is trying to get the union formed. HI? previously tried Support our advertise rs to get a Democratic club formed, but attained li ttle support from ·studeJ;lts. He reasoned that it was becaUse the club would only in'BATTEN'S ART clude Democrats. FLO RI ST Ross explained that a politicaJ IO% Discount to St ude nts union would allow everyone to take 532 S. Bascom Ave, CY 3-0055 an active part in their own politi- ~ San Jo~e cal parties and beliefs. fe!lllllllllll'll_.,_._.........,...ljllljll~
realize its importance. When you t hink of all the times it comes out, and all the information. The posters are so blah. 1 don't think it gives e nough information about campus events, like club ac·
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City Colleg e W ee kl y BuIIe t•In
Dr. Ke nneth May Speaks •cs A rf h an Mat d em at I 0n Q.fo
B\J SIN E.SS MACtlf'NEs 170 South S eco n d St. 28'3-2610
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HStill sweet with blossoms is
the year's fresh prime; Her harvests still the ripening i wumer yields.'' -Bryant
ext. 230.
N;ght Edao, .... DON KAWA~HIMA Sporls EdHo, .............. FRED JONES Adv. Mg'· ···· JOHN MIG U ELGORR~ Ad vi~or ···-······-··---· C. W. PALMER
appear, the almonds. Small wonder then, that the Spanish adventurers of 1776 who discovered Santa Clara Valley called it the "Garden Spot of the
West." Situated near the center of this In most countries the ytiar is di· valley, where the elements are gen· vided into four seasons, the lines tie and the climate is mild, is the between sharply defined-no so in growing campus of San Jose City Santa Clara Valley. For it is in While only a memory are the February and March th;~t spring
hides its face behind a cloud and famous blossom tours of yester· years, n estled among the hills can st~l be .foun~ orchards fragrant With sprmg time blossoms - the prune, apricot, apple, orange, and willows don their Soft gray bonnets lemon - all to the delight of the of San J ose City College. ' Monday af1emoon, March 21, 1966, a member of society and the first blossoms of spring
approaches so quietly that one scarcely knows when it came. Wild flowers tint the hillside, birds fill the air with melody, pussy-
'Laws of Life'
who is also a member of San Jose 'city College and is th~ a mem· her of an instructional class on campus took it upon himself to "ch eat" during a mid-term exam.
Did you lose somethmg? Can't seem to find. it? Why not try the
iunity to gain both acaderruc and practical experience in the menta_]
eac:h Wednesday of the school year by the journalism dasses at San Jose part, by Associated Student Body funds. Member C•tr C~llege. Supported,
Ed;to' ····--··--····- JEFF MULLINS Asst. Ed;to, ···-······· JUDI MeCRARY Feature Editor .. CHRI S VAUGHAN Nows EdHo' ...... MIKE O'CONNOR
To Ethiopia Campus Patrol Uses New For Lost Articles .. Books Check Room A-30 AGreat Success Thanks To Donors Law En f orcement .Ra dar
Id I
Wednesday, March 23, 1966
A mixture of English and American sounds is scoring b" I . or .t''" Outsiders, a new "I n " group wt"th t o d ay •s record buyers. Th tg health fjeld durlng the 1966 Sum"" wh' message ·1s "T"m~e W on 't Le t M e. " an organ- bac ked number mer Work-Study Program. tch features a squealtng saxophone. Th e .deadline for receipt of comThe Animals seem to be staging a cage-in, as they snarl pleted applications is !\larch SO. roar on "Inside Looking Out," their sequel to "It's My Life ',g1rowl and · · throw him i· t hwonder · d 1 Any studen t of ,a California col· if a tiger gets " gasse d up, " wou ld th e au th ortttes ~nl ege or university ts eligible who tank? And, if an animal makes a funny is he called an a~· 1 m\ w~se has good scholastic standing and cracker? And does a female kangaroo need a purse-or Who will have completed his soph- use her "litter bag?" Meanwhile, back to the :lephant jok~:~ ~."lUI! omor~ year by the ' end of the curh A guy who really gets a boot out of ltaltan is Gene P"t 1 hands us his first American-released, foreign-language r e c 0 nedy,_ w 0 rent semester. r tn g "dcare, " a pot en t up bea t ballad . Students will spend the first and "Nessuno M.1 Puo ' G u1 'l ast weeks of the 1Q.week course at A dry spell so long that one would begin to wonder if th !either San Diego S tate College or stranded on the Saha ra-that was the predicament of the T key Wete 0 ens untij University of the Pacific, Stockton. th 1's past wee k• wen t "I H ear Trumpet s Bl ow " was released Th' 1As student professional assistants heralded happening promises to riva l their million-selling s~c " '" ' ch 1 !wit h t he dei)Mtrrfent, they will of "Th ,. L"ton Sl eeps Tontg o~ cess slad, · ht" severa 1 years ago. The talented Jspend the intervening eight weeks bong-bong, da-da , da-da and oo-oo, oo-oo, oo-oo their way th ~ in supervised work and stuay activi- what looks like a number one hit. roug ties at state hospitals. Diminutive, shapely Connie ~rancis has engaged the services ~ The program's special value is tn T~ny,~atch (who,boost~,d Englan~.s P~tula Clark twice to the chart-to~ enabling students to galn insight· woth Downtown and My Love ) to bolster her sagging caree d lb.to problefus 'of the mentally lll the results might very understandedly make the buttons fly from and retarded. The stuilents wlll r e- shirt. "Love Is Me, Love I~ You" is a lready turning the chart trickob! ' ceive academiC credit Bnd a. salary Even though they know their musical ropes well they still s '9d of $625 for the eight weeks. Costs like they're fit to be tied; England's ever-popular shag~y-haired R:l~;;g to the studeitts include summer tul· Stones rely on the shock treatment to get the musical message acr . tlon, 'transporlation, Sod room and ''19th Nervous Breakdown.'' oss on board. Some schola.rshlps ana loans Gravel-voiced rock 'n roller Otis Redding shouts till he's bl · are 9:va.tJable. ""' . Stones' rollicker "Sati. t e recent Rollong the face on a rewo rk•tng ofh 1 Interested students should re- faction." It's having another go-around on the turntables. ' quest application forms -from the Do you be long to that exclusive society, the Pet Set? Norma college of their choice: Dr. William Tenega does, but seems to be involved in a canine-feline mix-u p 'f Lee, San Diego State College, or "Walkin' My Cat Named Dog" is any indication. This liltin' lassi,:, Mrs. Fay Goleman, University of recipe for success includes a dash of hound. When D Js air this reco'd the Pacific, Stockton. ' they're putting on the dog.
'""""I j
r' '",
· In "doing si> b e not only cheated himself of an honest evalua· _tion of ills capabilities (if 11e studied ); he cheated the other . two dozen classmates taking the test and he cheated tbe college ·and socie ty itself. direc tly to this indivi"dual let me say ... Friend, . Inwerespeaking dead wrong in doing what yau did ·. I don't care what
you your motives were . . . ~ be it tllat you are worried by the draft or ~e co urse ~s t?o tough or -yohr parents haVe got the pressure on . . . you didn t play the old game of Life by the rules . . . ),;. and friend ..• tl1e "Laws of Life" are going to be your judie and l et me tell you, you better reflect" a bit and shap e up quick • r : or you'll wind up a condemned man. And when you st~rt takmg the plunge no one is going to b!' around to give you a hand . Do you need h elp wlth the course? Your classmates will help you. H a lf a dozen of us got to$ether over the w e e k e n d and -~tudied it out. You're invi ted for our next st udy session and the n ext one and the next one. JEWELRY SYMBOLIC OF NATU~E and our environs is shown by Dr. What you did was "Chicken and Scummy." Some will say Robert Coleman, SJS art educator, now through March 31 in the I am wrong for not turning your na1ne in to the instructor and Faculty Lounge. Dr. Coleman has been a strong advocate of Art perhaps, some will feel you may learn a lesson from this as Expression in the design and fabrication of craft items. His stress on hope you do. In this game of Life, fell a, if we humans can't"stick originality, functionalism, and good craftsmanship are consistent with ~~gether and fi ght together for the thin gs we think fair ... then the high standards he strives to maintain in his teaching and in his own J.D.M. cr~ative work. 1t s a h ell of a race -we're in.
Prlncess Cathcrin~ Caradja. of the House of Canta.cuzene will
speak tomorrow at 9 a ..m. in the colleg-e theater. The topic of her speech will be -,'Worths 'or F.reee dorn." She iS being spollBOred by Don Nesbit, instructor in the Business DepartmCnt.
Campus Interview
In My Opinion •• • By 1\DKE O'CONNOR
Letter to Edit0r
\Vhat was yonr opinion of Bettina Aptheker's speech?
Dear Editor:
EditOr's Note :
The latest venture of the City College Times into the slough of low journalism was demonstrated by its front page editorial in the guise of a news story recounting J. Edgar Hoover's nonsensical views of th~ Communist Conspiracy on Campus.
This letter Is so tmfounded ID fact and logic as to be rldicnlo,us n.nd an insult to the intelligence.
few knowledgeable persons pay any attention to Hoover's crude outbursts, they are both hysterical in tone and simplistic in 'SubStance, but the reason for this letter is to point out the abuses to which a free press may be put; to wit, insertion of an editorial on page one that is unsigned and in no Of co·urse,
1\Ierle Christensen -Business
I thought it was real informative. I enjoyed it. I thought it was worth my time. I thoughl that it was good for the campus. It was educa· tional. I didn't agree with her. I don't think that she talked about the issues.
The letter was :filled with halltruths, innuendoes, misstatements and false accusations. As a student edltor, I don't ha.vet to defend the action of having used
an pbjectlvo interview-type s~y on the front page of a s tuden newspaper quoting a. fellow AmerGrace Becker -General ican. J. Edgar Hoove r needs no1 Pretty good. She had good things to say. I defense for saying what h e believes to be true.· If I were somehO\l' don't agree with everything sbe said. I think forced to reJect Hoover's quota,.. that taking away the Communists' rig hts takes t1ons, what would compel me to away our rights too. I can't be sure of her facts. way designated as editorial comrun this Letter to the EdltorT ment, adjoining a news story an· It seems that n ewspapers all nouncing Bettina Aptheker's ap· pearance as a guest speaker on over the nation are being atta.<Jked in this manne r by a few extremcampus. Ann Jl.lagnie - Sociology The headlines, for those who Ists wh.o fo-r their own self1sh mounsothe ln.fluence to hope tives She knew the material •. . s he was poised. may have missed the message, were COMMUNIST PARTY MEM- phisticated. By a.ppea.ring to be I enjoyed. the responses to the questions. I BER SPEAKS IN COLLEGE lmowledgeable, c hampions of the didn't agree with everything. I agree with the THEATER and FBI'S J. EDGAR wtderdog, et aL, they usurp the very stand about labeling. I think the fear is un· H 0 0 V E R : "COLLEGES ARE freedoms that make the n ewspape r founded. When I told a ~riend that I was coming PRIME COMMUNIST TAR• a great institution a nd u se them here, she sald, "Are you going to hear her?"as a club to flay t.helr personneL GETS." like she was a three-headed dragon. The crude manner in which this -.T.D.l\1. bit of sophomoric brainwashing was accomplished is made evident D ental services for s tudent-s are by the omission of Miss Aptheker's Robin Ross- Pre-Law name from the headline. The read- offered at a ulinimal charge by I thought it was very good. I think this is a er was apparently considered to be Foothill College Dental Hygiene person who is brave. She is taking a position too poorly informed to know that Clinic. where people will call her an oddball. . . . I Services being offered are the thought that the speech was very informative. Bettina is a Communist. It had to cleaning of teeth and flourid J I think she was right in t erms of the fanati· be spelled out for him. I There are always openings on treatments. cism of the United. States. Before> there was Pravda's staff for young journalFor more information, call Foot.. Conununism there w~ something else. ists with these special talents. College Dental Hygiene De. Sincerely, Mike McGuire pa.rtment, 9i8·8500, extension 385.
,, i
Instructor, Social Science Dept.
Laurie llepler- Dental Assisting
She was interesting, and well informed. I don't agree with what s he says. I like whatitshe
·He just
""' .
,'S!¥rted wearing tee Leen pants /
1 Lee L_eens really co171'e on strong. Tapered to the bqne,, . low-ndlngat the'waist. •. and with a no-iron, permanent press. That's why guys who are "in" are in- Lee Leens. Shown, Lee-Prest J.eens in Bob Cat Twill, a blend of 50% Fortrele polyester150% cotton. In p.,,Nt•·r Sand, Black. $6.00. Leens: $5.00 to-$7.00.
Lee-mesr· ~.eens·
Jo11r Jdnd or panta •.. ror yout ldnd ol aeUon
H. E).lu C~•• l11e,. t<.tl.su Citt, Mo.,. 64141 J.
- ~ ···
J: '••••
• -u .<•.,,
said about labeling of Communists. I think thai labeling standardizes all Communists. TheY
HUB UVE MUSIC & DANCING THURSDAY Thru SuNDAY. Beer 10c:'a· glass for ladies $1 a pitcher u~tfl 9 every ~ight
417 South Ist Street San Jose
aren't a ll the same.
Alan Snow- English As an American, I am happy to see her here. · · · It displays rights of evet'Y American. We've had Nazis and Birchers. I thought she had some very good ideas . • . some were hax:d for me to understand because of my upbringing. I'd like to see Lincoln Rockwe]l again. I'd· like to see a Ku Klux Klan representative. High school teachers don't have a chance to express their ideas on PDliticai matters.
* * *
J\IJ" Editor's Note: Ba rely a week passed after the initial appearance of " • · · In of Opinion" lvhen faint rumblings were Iteard t&,-uing from tlte throats rd ~ _ _ many around campus. It was said th.at the question - . . "Did you buy an ASB C."- • Tlta.t th e pro .and, <.:on · Why ti· - or why not'!" was not answered faJ.rly. were .not reJuese utcd equally •yes' and 'no,' that the TIMES lS A1l r' ASB Card' and that the colunm s hould devote 50 llercent of space lf'o , and 50 percent 'Ag-.du.st' in order to receive an aoout·a.te picture of anJ issue."
I SO percent of ' T ers to t.he hq fact Is, the "proof is in the pudding." Bare Y · -~~dent body of near 10,000 purcluLsed ASB c.nrds. The an.sw I rati._ • •7ln11ry Opiilloil•r q.i..Stron· qtlite' nat\rrnll)"l0lmed toward• tIll!
St dents who like to use Laswell soned Perinoni, in reference to the uu fol· a dragstrip had better tm·nover of personnel in Law En, Aven e look into the campus Patrols ne:-' forcement. He warned that the penalty for dar equipm ent, says Captalll
Richard Perinom. "The radnr r egisters speed at 25 yards," he explained. The device sits on a marked pocable is l.IC e car' he described. One • h ked to a speed met er w h"Jc h IS in~talled inside the car, while an-
The ofJicer did sa.y t ha.t parklng ba.s illlpro,·ed this year, since th ey ' ba,·e issued less than half the etta~ tlons th eY ilid hlst year. However, h e warned that speed viohttors a.re on the Increase. "We aren't interested in how manY people we can write up, only the safety of campus personnel, he
sssured. Perinoni was afraid that someone may be injured by a careless dliver while walking or riding a bike to schooL He expects a lot of this when the weather brightens.
College Is Vital
By ClffilS VAUGHAN Depencting on your curre-nt aca· demic s tanding, you'll either be heahened or sobered by a discovery revealed in Reader's Digest. It is that in a study of 17,000 men working for a leading indu.s-trial company, success in college was the most reliable indicator of success in a caree1·. The: company tha t made the study is one of the nation's largest, American Telephone and Telegraph Co. In the Digest article A.T.&T Board Chairman Frederick R. Kappel says that of the men in the
is only real campus achievement that seems to have signifiCance.'" says Kappel. "Mere participation in e"'~a-curlicular goings-on docs not." Anybody have some studying
Joseph Szurcsik, a g1-aduatc of Sa n Jose City College, along ·with Charlotte Montandon of t he F m·· to do???? eign Language Department, wishes to thank all persons who contributed to the textbook collection. The For the followmg items, check books were collected by Montandon with Mrs. Harris: 1 earring, 1 at the 1·equest of Szurcsik because bracelet, 1 locket necklace, 4 slide of the shortage of textbooks of the rules, 1 tobacco pouch, 2 girVs wal· type that he needed in his P eace lets, 1 cigarette case, 1 Wells Fargo Corps assignment. They especially check book, and 2 men's wallets. wi sh to thank the members of the There is an earring and several Mathematics Department who conBy .JOYCE REED sets of keys on the buJlelin board tribu'ted so gene-rously. The books top thjrd of their classes at colstating. "Freshmen-Be· Signs have not arrived as of yet due to the lege, 45 per cent were also in the just behind the door. acth·e members of your top~salaried lhirrl of the company. come hips for takes it time of amount The following items are in a large for At lhe other end of the scale, 40 class," have been posted around closet to the left of the door: 3 ping. He is, however, anxious per cent of those in the lowest the campus. As a student strides scarves, about 2 shelves of books, them to arrive. Now tnwelin g through Ethiopia. third of thcit schools wer·e also down the halls, he cannot help but 1 small address-si7..ed notebook, scvnotice them. 1t is ·~the response to Szurcslk is he lping to de,•e lop man- in t.he lowest tllird in salar}~. eJ•al other notebooks. 3 single Another discovery made in the this and other pleas that are of vower to buHct highways in Umt gloves, 3 pairs of gloves. 1 makeup cou ntry. A member of the lJungar- survey was that extra·curricular concern to Hon Burki, F1·eshman kit, 1 woman's cloth-l:ovCl'Cd belt, Class President, and his officers. in-n OlymlJi e track team, SzurC"il>: activities in col.legc bore HttJc re1 plastic pencil bag, 6 glass cases, Burlti, bes ides posting these no-"It success. careet· to l.atjonship mu ue to t he Gnited States shortly tices, has made many pleas to the 1 pair of heavy-framed sun glasses, aft.er the l-ltmga.riun r evolution in class. He has personally talked to fountain pen, 1 coll apsible um- 1956. After a. short time in New IBM Computer S.cores the Merchandising Club, urging brel-la, 1 plaid overcoat wi th s mall Yorl<, he ciune to CuJiforni a. with hL-. their freshman members t o beMinutes Four in Tests checks. 1 beige gi l'l 's coal, 1 red, track coach to go to school he re. come active toward making their As a gener al education major, A world record was set at San jacket with a gray emblem on the class an "organized group, an or· S:m Jose City College police holds left pocket, 1 gi r l' s gray swea ter, Czurcsik obtained an Associate in Fernando Valley State College. ganized cJass." Thus far these Arts degree frqm San J ose City Col~ \Vithin four minutes after 31 stu1 girt's brown co1·cturoy coat, and 2 lege. He also has a certificate as dents in a Computer class had pleas have had no response. Bw·ki stresses the fact that the Machine Technician from the four~ completed taking a test, the exam· photo a lbums. of a class do not rna kc Officers When you find a lost nrticle, turn year Technical High School in Hun· ination w as completely graded and the class. It is the class members classroom! the in iscussed d being graduation upon Immediately gary. il in right ~way, Someone is looking themselves. At this time, there Di:;trict and the San J ose Fire De- for i l! If you lose something, check from C.C. he traveled to Unive1·sity The grading even took into ac· are only five members of the class, against assessed penalty a count g. trainin Corps eace P for of Utah partment are issuing their annual more than once or twice for it. other than officers, who are acone s tuden t for not signing his call for contestants for the Queen tively helping plan the many va:rexam per the instructions. i.ed ventures of thls scnlcstC'r's Contest for their 12Lh annual San Thanks to t he computer, s tu· JoS\! Firemen's Rodeo. The rodeo dents were given their official let· class. Thus far this semester t here ter gr ade;; rangin g from A plus to will be held this year on May 20, have been four c\clSs meetings. At· D minus a lmost before they could 21 ;tnd 22. tendance hns been r ea1ly poor. lhe catch t heir breath aftel' completi.ng last meeting 'having only twelve The deadlines for en Ldes is April the exam. Additionally each stu· in a t tendance oul of a class people 4th. Contestants must be between dent knew his raw score, his perthe ages of seventeen and t.wen t.y. centage score, his percentile stand- that numbers 2,000. Then is a great deal that the four, unman·ied, have at least two ing in the class ranging from· 0 for In terested class member can do years' riding experience and be a t he lowest student, to 100 for the t.hts semester·. A sampling oi resident of Santa Clara County. highest student. planned activities include the each examjnation, the take To 1 The girls will be judged on the Spring Formal and a forthcoming s tudent simply punched his repolitical debate between two prombasis of appearance, personality sponses wilh an Ordinary toothpick inent person ali ties. and horsemanship . on to a11 IBM Pottapuncll card. A Queen and Pl"incess will be picked by the judges, a long with a SPRING CLEANING TIME! DOES YOUR CAR NEED A TUNE UP OR MINOR REPAIRS? BRIN G IT IN TO OUR EUROPEAN Miss Horsemanship, to reign over TRAINED MECHANICS. the th ree-day event.. Miss Persona]· ity wi_ll be chosen by the girls them-
speeding is automatic expu1sion from school and therefo1·c students Lost and Found in R oom A-30. Ac· usually receive only an ora L repri· cor-ding to Velma H an-is, the notary in the office, all Items listed below mand the first time. have been turned in this semester.
other is attached to the battery, he contmued.
Wednesday, March 23, 196G
Frosh Class Needs Active Participants
SGT. BARRY D e .l "ORREST of the The Patrol has no authority tor t heir new radar equi~ment.. use of ·the device as of yet, he commented. H owever, weekly trai11Lng with the equipment will be briven to policemen when it does. With spring weather hopefully 'We do not want to place a man with the new equipment who does just around the corner, the_Firenot know wha t he is doing," rea- men of the County Centra l Fire
Firemen's Rodeo Needs Queen
Pacific Neighbors Plan Exchange for Summer
Pacific Neig hbors, the semi-offi- provid e additional funds tor his own cial corporation organized by the personal use und .for gifts and Incidentals. city of San J ose to promote a sister San Jose and Okayama were officity relationship with Okayama, J a ~ ciaJiy joined together as sister cities pan, is accepting applications for in a civic ceremony on May 24, 1957, participation in the pmposed ex- officiaJ\ y establishing the maniage the two cities. "What we have change for the summer period of o'f working on mostly is the exbeen June 1 throug h th e middle of September. P acific N eighbors, along change of s tudents and. teachers," stated Mr. Clifford Transeth, presi· with the city of Okayama, has en· dent of Pacific NeighbQrs, who is gaged in th is exchange program also Associate Dean of Extended whereby two s tudents from San Day at San Jose City College. "We Jose and two s tudents from Okafound when these people return to se-lves. yama live in the hos l city on an e.x· t heir home countries and cities they Applications may be obtained by change basis. Students interested in speak with authority aboul:. their con tacting . Mr. Joe De:lise, · contest this program ma y ob tain .applica· sister city. Tl1-ey interpret what tions from Bet t y Reilly, Commisch~il'll)an , at 292-0540 ur 258-8€!16:they have seen and_cxperienc~:· Her Students. n sioner of Foreig office, U-203 , is open from 12 noon to 1 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. April 1st is t he dead· line for applications. Applicmtts, ma le or female, must
Repair of Volbwagens -
Around the World, Red Cross Serves
On the Ame11ican side it is a story of such immense success in difficult fields of labor that no financial report has ever been made because the story would be aJu;g~t.her incredible. The Red: Cross, in lime of peace a."i well as times of war, has done its work unobtrusively, faithfully and successfuUy that it has come to be loved and trusted, its insignia and principles deeply_ set into the substance of international Jaw and the Jives of people in many great nations. "The Sea tsta:n.ds Hurricane. The Texas Famine 1889, The Johns·
Keyed-up students: unwind at Sheraton during spring A..._ . and s11mmer ~l"i!Jf.:,., '"''!if l .vacatwn and save money .. .
This Week Is Goodwill Week By JO YANTZ This week, March 19-26, is Good· will Week, and on Saturday colleC-
tions for Goodwill Industdcs will
850 Lineoln Ava. San Jo$e 25, Calif. 292-5675
MASTER MECHANICS Tr!!i ine d in Germany Werner Zollenkopf
HIGH FASHION TROPHIES are displayed by Shirley Siveria (le~t), cosmetology teacher trainee. Shirley has added sever_al new trophtes to her growing collect ion of hairstyling fetes. Holdmg one o_f her coveted awards is Shirley's model, Nancy McCown, whose ha1r she styled during recent t,rophy winning competitions in Sacramento and
be 17 yenrs or older and a San Jose city area res ident. There is no Junguage quulifit!ation. In the past, stuBy 1\IARGARET ROTH . dents h al'e been q uartered at the is designated as Red March priv2\te homes of leading citi1'..ens. To tell the whole In Japan, tra.vel arrangements are Cross M\)n t:h. origin is to tell, its f.rdm story handled by the mayor. Prcwio us exside, of the first European the on at met been change students have timid and cautious putting forth the Po.rt of Yokohama. and provided 6f the sentimen t of humanity in train t ranSJw rtation at the expense war. In 1857 amid t he rat t1i ng of the city of Oka.yama. Tours of the_ swords and guns of Solferino, and area have been provided in the past later the blood-red fields of Gravtor visiting students. Students are from such Sedan expected to provide funds t·ot t h e elette and round trip tran sportation by A m eri~ beginnings, the Red Cross has become 'the means by which phil· can President Stea.us ltip Lines rrmu anUn-opy has been grafted onto Sa.n Franclsco to Yolwhama. T he the wild and savage stem of war. be prep~red to person should
I \.
Moreedes- Porsehe
'l'he Unh·ersit.y o£ CaliJorn.in.'" R.ehoo l of OlltometQ' at .&·rkele)· il'l 8ef"kin~ more students !'or Its ·)>rofessional progrum to hell> meet CldiJorn.ia's rt~ing n e ed for optom· ctrists. Sehol arshiJ>S ra.nging from $400 to $500 are availablo to st'Udents pliumin~C to i.::l.ke the two--year 11re·· oJ•tome t ry J>rogr;.nn and (o ur years 0 ( professionu.l stud y, e ulmina.ling in a Doctor of Optomel~ degree. Because the demand for senioo
take place. Students from S.J .C.C. are needed to help t."OUecL articles exceedtt the supply of optometrists. for Goodwill. T hey will bclp lhe the associ~tio n u.rges st'lldents to lo"·n Flood 1889, Atmenia 1895" handicapped workers in t.beLr proj- consider a career in optometry. are ai l names and dates in history Free Lunches will be provided. For furthe r infornuttion. stud ents ect. - but not just names or dates - is people helping people. s hould write Student R-e.la.lions Goodwill they arc real and deplorable situPanel, School of Optometry, Un.i~ ations about people who were It Is international in scope, hunmni- ve r~ilty o( Ca tiforn.ia. Berkeley homeless and helpless. ta.ria.n in concel>t. It is .not c harity, 94.720. Then as now, with few words to explain the needs, generous bul a ctuillce--a. chnnce for you to people through the efforts of the help people help themselves. Red Ct'oss, res(X>nd promptly ami GoodwiJJ does not receive tax aid or United Fund support. Much of liberally. The insignia of the Red Cross, its income comes from repairable a red cross on a field of white, is wearable <.~rticles you contribute. brought to our attention this Each filled Goodwill bag represents month with its invitalion to carry 2 hours of work for the handi· • on the noble wo rk - even as capped. Clara Barton - v..; lh the hope Last year, with yow· help, more "tne very torrent, tempest and tha n BOO persons became seU·SUp· whirlwind" of \'-'·ar itself may some porting taxpayers- not tax users. day at last, far off perhaps, give So help Goodwill. Your coopera· way to the s unny and pleasant tion will make March 26, GoodwiU JU DY ROSE (right) home economic; major at SJCC and 4-H hcoht est days of PC:J'petual and universal DaY. the most successful ever. winner gets, help af the sewing machine from Evely n Transet , orne peace. economics instructor.
! c~~~~~n~~~£cro; --I I
c/o Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington , D.C. 20008 Please rush me a free Sheraton Student 10 Card (or a free Fa culty Guest Card) . I understand ;t entitles me to generous discounts all year long I at most Sheraton Hotel s and Motor Inns.
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Rose Wins 4-H County Award Judy, as well, has appUcd for lhe Judi th Rose, 19, frco;hman, ha s Internation al Foreign Youth E~ won through the 4-H Clubs of chang:e, whjch could win he~· a ~np America, lhe County All-Sl!tr con· this su mmer to the ScanclinaVIan test. countries. Th e competition, based on proj· In addition, she has applied for ects including her sewing pi'Owess Awards in Rabbits for National and the raising of rabbits, won her w hich she could be th.c recipient a trip to the University of CalifOl·· of a tour to Washington, D.C. t'or nia~ Davis. A major in home economics at this con test, Judy is making a fw· City College, Judy has also won coat from t he skins of rabbits she th rough the 4~H an interstate ex· ~he~. change with Wisconsin's 4·H group.
there's a double-date.
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C.,l!forn,•a'; Newspa~er .Publishers Association. Second Class postage paid at San Jose, C al•f. Subscription rates: $3.00 per year or 10¢ per copy. Phone 298-218 1,
HStill sweet with blossoms is
the year's fresh prime; Her harvests still the ripening i wumer yields.'' -Bryant
ext. 230.
N;ght Edao, .... DON KAWA~HIMA Sporls EdHo, .............. FRED JONES Adv. Mg'· ···· JOHN MIG U ELGORR~ Ad vi~or ···-······-··---· C. W. PALMER
appear, the almonds. Small wonder then, that the Spanish adventurers of 1776 who discovered Santa Clara Valley called it the "Garden Spot of the
West." Situated near the center of this In most countries the ytiar is di· valley, where the elements are gen· vided into four seasons, the lines tie and the climate is mild, is the between sharply defined-no so in growing campus of San Jose City Santa Clara Valley. For it is in While only a memory are the February and March th;~t spring
hides its face behind a cloud and famous blossom tours of yester· years, n estled among the hills can st~l be .foun~ orchards fragrant With sprmg time blossoms - the prune, apricot, apple, orange, and willows don their Soft gray bonnets lemon - all to the delight of the of San J ose City College. ' Monday af1emoon, March 21, 1966, a member of society and the first blossoms of spring
approaches so quietly that one scarcely knows when it came. Wild flowers tint the hillside, birds fill the air with melody, pussy-
'Laws of Life'
who is also a member of San Jose 'city College and is th~ a mem· her of an instructional class on campus took it upon himself to "ch eat" during a mid-term exam.
Did you lose somethmg? Can't seem to find. it? Why not try the
iunity to gain both acaderruc and practical experience in the menta_]
eac:h Wednesday of the school year by the journalism dasses at San Jose part, by Associated Student Body funds. Member C•tr C~llege. Supported,
Ed;to' ····--··--····- JEFF MULLINS Asst. Ed;to, ···-······· JUDI MeCRARY Feature Editor .. CHRI S VAUGHAN Nows EdHo' ...... MIKE O'CONNOR
To Ethiopia Campus Patrol Uses New For Lost Articles .. Books Check Room A-30 AGreat Success Thanks To Donors Law En f orcement .Ra dar
Id I
Wednesday, March 23, 1966
A mixture of English and American sounds is scoring b" I . or .t''" Outsiders, a new "I n " group wt"th t o d ay •s record buyers. Th tg health fjeld durlng the 1966 Sum"" wh' message ·1s "T"m~e W on 't Le t M e. " an organ- bac ked number mer Work-Study Program. tch features a squealtng saxophone. Th e .deadline for receipt of comThe Animals seem to be staging a cage-in, as they snarl pleted applications is !\larch SO. roar on "Inside Looking Out," their sequel to "It's My Life ',g1rowl and · · throw him i· t hwonder · d 1 Any studen t of ,a California col· if a tiger gets " gasse d up, " wou ld th e au th ortttes ~nl ege or university ts eligible who tank? And, if an animal makes a funny is he called an a~· 1 m\ w~se has good scholastic standing and cracker? And does a female kangaroo need a purse-or Who will have completed his soph- use her "litter bag?" Meanwhile, back to the :lephant jok~:~ ~."lUI! omor~ year by the ' end of the curh A guy who really gets a boot out of ltaltan is Gene P"t 1 hands us his first American-released, foreign-language r e c 0 nedy,_ w 0 rent semester. r tn g "dcare, " a pot en t up bea t ballad . Students will spend the first and "Nessuno M.1 Puo ' G u1 'l ast weeks of the 1Q.week course at A dry spell so long that one would begin to wonder if th !either San Diego S tate College or stranded on the Saha ra-that was the predicament of the T key Wete 0 ens untij University of the Pacific, Stockton. th 1's past wee k• wen t "I H ear Trumpet s Bl ow " was released Th' 1As student professional assistants heralded happening promises to riva l their million-selling s~c " '" ' ch 1 !wit h t he dei)Mtrrfent, they will of "Th ,. L"ton Sl eeps Tontg o~ cess slad, · ht" severa 1 years ago. The talented Jspend the intervening eight weeks bong-bong, da-da , da-da and oo-oo, oo-oo, oo-oo their way th ~ in supervised work and stuay activi- what looks like a number one hit. roug ties at state hospitals. Diminutive, shapely Connie ~rancis has engaged the services ~ The program's special value is tn T~ny,~atch (who,boost~,d Englan~.s P~tula Clark twice to the chart-to~ enabling students to galn insight· woth Downtown and My Love ) to bolster her sagging caree d lb.to problefus 'of the mentally lll the results might very understandedly make the buttons fly from and retarded. The stuilents wlll r e- shirt. "Love Is Me, Love I~ You" is a lready turning the chart trickob! ' ceive academiC credit Bnd a. salary Even though they know their musical ropes well they still s '9d of $625 for the eight weeks. Costs like they're fit to be tied; England's ever-popular shag~y-haired R:l~;;g to the studeitts include summer tul· Stones rely on the shock treatment to get the musical message acr . tlon, 'transporlation, Sod room and ''19th Nervous Breakdown.'' oss on board. Some schola.rshlps ana loans Gravel-voiced rock 'n roller Otis Redding shouts till he's bl · are 9:va.tJable. ""' . Stones' rollicker "Sati. t e recent Rollong the face on a rewo rk•tng ofh 1 Interested students should re- faction." It's having another go-around on the turntables. ' quest application forms -from the Do you be long to that exclusive society, the Pet Set? Norma college of their choice: Dr. William Tenega does, but seems to be involved in a canine-feline mix-u p 'f Lee, San Diego State College, or "Walkin' My Cat Named Dog" is any indication. This liltin' lassi,:, Mrs. Fay Goleman, University of recipe for success includes a dash of hound. When D Js air this reco'd the Pacific, Stockton. ' they're putting on the dog.
'""""I j
r' '",
· In "doing si> b e not only cheated himself of an honest evalua· _tion of ills capabilities (if 11e studied ); he cheated the other . two dozen classmates taking the test and he cheated tbe college ·and socie ty itself. direc tly to this indivi"dual let me say ... Friend, . Inwerespeaking dead wrong in doing what yau did ·. I don't care what
you your motives were . . . ~ be it tllat you are worried by the draft or ~e co urse ~s t?o tough or -yohr parents haVe got the pressure on . . . you didn t play the old game of Life by the rules . . . ),;. and friend ..• tl1e "Laws of Life" are going to be your judie and l et me tell you, you better reflect" a bit and shap e up quick • r : or you'll wind up a condemned man. And when you st~rt takmg the plunge no one is going to b!' around to give you a hand . Do you need h elp wlth the course? Your classmates will help you. H a lf a dozen of us got to$ether over the w e e k e n d and -~tudied it out. You're invi ted for our next st udy session and the n ext one and the next one. JEWELRY SYMBOLIC OF NATU~E and our environs is shown by Dr. What you did was "Chicken and Scummy." Some will say Robert Coleman, SJS art educator, now through March 31 in the I am wrong for not turning your na1ne in to the instructor and Faculty Lounge. Dr. Coleman has been a strong advocate of Art perhaps, some will feel you may learn a lesson from this as Expression in the design and fabrication of craft items. His stress on hope you do. In this game of Life, fell a, if we humans can't"stick originality, functionalism, and good craftsmanship are consistent with ~~gether and fi ght together for the thin gs we think fair ... then the high standards he strives to maintain in his teaching and in his own J.D.M. cr~ative work. 1t s a h ell of a race -we're in.
Prlncess Cathcrin~ Caradja. of the House of Canta.cuzene will
speak tomorrow at 9 a ..m. in the colleg-e theater. The topic of her speech will be -,'Worths 'or F.reee dorn." She iS being spollBOred by Don Nesbit, instructor in the Business DepartmCnt.
Campus Interview
In My Opinion •• • By 1\DKE O'CONNOR
Letter to Edit0r
\Vhat was yonr opinion of Bettina Aptheker's speech?
Dear Editor:
EditOr's Note :
The latest venture of the City College Times into the slough of low journalism was demonstrated by its front page editorial in the guise of a news story recounting J. Edgar Hoover's nonsensical views of th~ Communist Conspiracy on Campus.
This letter Is so tmfounded ID fact and logic as to be rldicnlo,us n.nd an insult to the intelligence.
few knowledgeable persons pay any attention to Hoover's crude outbursts, they are both hysterical in tone and simplistic in 'SubStance, but the reason for this letter is to point out the abuses to which a free press may be put; to wit, insertion of an editorial on page one that is unsigned and in no Of co·urse,
1\Ierle Christensen -Business
I thought it was real informative. I enjoyed it. I thought it was worth my time. I thoughl that it was good for the campus. It was educa· tional. I didn't agree with her. I don't think that she talked about the issues.
The letter was :filled with halltruths, innuendoes, misstatements and false accusations. As a student edltor, I don't ha.vet to defend the action of having used
an pbjectlvo interview-type s~y on the front page of a s tuden newspaper quoting a. fellow AmerGrace Becker -General ican. J. Edgar Hoove r needs no1 Pretty good. She had good things to say. I defense for saying what h e believes to be true.· If I were somehO\l' don't agree with everything sbe said. I think forced to reJect Hoover's quota,.. that taking away the Communists' rig hts takes t1ons, what would compel me to away our rights too. I can't be sure of her facts. way designated as editorial comrun this Letter to the EdltorT ment, adjoining a news story an· It seems that n ewspapers all nouncing Bettina Aptheker's ap· pearance as a guest speaker on over the nation are being atta.<Jked in this manne r by a few extremcampus. Ann Jl.lagnie - Sociology The headlines, for those who Ists wh.o fo-r their own self1sh mounsothe ln.fluence to hope tives She knew the material •. . s he was poised. may have missed the message, were COMMUNIST PARTY MEM- phisticated. By a.ppea.ring to be I enjoyed. the responses to the questions. I BER SPEAKS IN COLLEGE lmowledgeable, c hampions of the didn't agree with everything. I agree with the THEATER and FBI'S J. EDGAR wtderdog, et aL, they usurp the very stand about labeling. I think the fear is un· H 0 0 V E R : "COLLEGES ARE freedoms that make the n ewspape r founded. When I told a ~riend that I was coming PRIME COMMUNIST TAR• a great institution a nd u se them here, she sald, "Are you going to hear her?"as a club to flay t.helr personneL GETS." like she was a three-headed dragon. The crude manner in which this -.T.D.l\1. bit of sophomoric brainwashing was accomplished is made evident D ental services for s tudent-s are by the omission of Miss Aptheker's Robin Ross- Pre-Law name from the headline. The read- offered at a ulinimal charge by I thought it was very good. I think this is a er was apparently considered to be Foothill College Dental Hygiene person who is brave. She is taking a position too poorly informed to know that Clinic. where people will call her an oddball. . . . I Services being offered are the thought that the speech was very informative. Bettina is a Communist. It had to cleaning of teeth and flourid J I think she was right in t erms of the fanati· be spelled out for him. I There are always openings on treatments. cism of the United. States. Before> there was Pravda's staff for young journalFor more information, call Foot.. Conununism there w~ something else. ists with these special talents. College Dental Hygiene De. Sincerely, Mike McGuire pa.rtment, 9i8·8500, extension 385.
,, i
Instructor, Social Science Dept.
Laurie llepler- Dental Assisting
She was interesting, and well informed. I don't agree with what s he says. I like whatitshe
·He just
""' .
,'S!¥rted wearing tee Leen pants /
1 Lee L_eens really co171'e on strong. Tapered to the bqne,, . low-ndlngat the'waist. •. and with a no-iron, permanent press. That's why guys who are "in" are in- Lee Leens. Shown, Lee-Prest J.eens in Bob Cat Twill, a blend of 50% Fortrele polyester150% cotton. In p.,,Nt•·r Sand, Black. $6.00. Leens: $5.00 to-$7.00.
Lee-mesr· ~.eens·
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H. E).lu C~•• l11e,. t<.tl.su Citt, Mo.,. 64141 J.
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said about labeling of Communists. I think thai labeling standardizes all Communists. TheY
HUB UVE MUSIC & DANCING THURSDAY Thru SuNDAY. Beer 10c:'a· glass for ladies $1 a pitcher u~tfl 9 every ~ight
417 South Ist Street San Jose
aren't a ll the same.
Alan Snow- English As an American, I am happy to see her here. · · · It displays rights of evet'Y American. We've had Nazis and Birchers. I thought she had some very good ideas . • . some were hax:d for me to understand because of my upbringing. I'd like to see Lincoln Rockwe]l again. I'd· like to see a Ku Klux Klan representative. High school teachers don't have a chance to express their ideas on PDliticai matters.
* * *
J\IJ" Editor's Note: Ba rely a week passed after the initial appearance of " • · · In of Opinion" lvhen faint rumblings were Iteard t&,-uing from tlte throats rd ~ _ _ many around campus. It was said th.at the question - . . "Did you buy an ASB C."- • Tlta.t th e pro .and, <.:on · Why ti· - or why not'!" was not answered faJ.rly. were .not reJuese utcd equally •yes' and 'no,' that the TIMES lS A1l r' ASB Card' and that the colunm s hould devote 50 llercent of space lf'o , and 50 percent 'Ag-.du.st' in order to receive an aoout·a.te picture of anJ issue."
I SO percent of ' T ers to t.he hq fact Is, the "proof is in the pudding." Bare Y · -~~dent body of near 10,000 purcluLsed ASB c.nrds. The an.sw I rati._ • •7ln11ry Opiilloil•r q.i..Stron· qtlite' nat\rrnll)"l0lmed toward• tIll!
St dents who like to use Laswell soned Perinoni, in reference to the uu fol· a dragstrip had better tm·nover of personnel in Law En, Aven e look into the campus Patrols ne:-' forcement. He warned that the penalty for dar equipm ent, says Captalll
Richard Perinom. "The radnr r egisters speed at 25 yards," he explained. The device sits on a marked pocable is l.IC e car' he described. One • h ked to a speed met er w h"Jc h IS in~talled inside the car, while an-
The ofJicer did sa.y t ha.t parklng ba.s illlpro,·ed this year, since th ey ' ba,·e issued less than half the etta~ tlons th eY ilid hlst year. However, h e warned that speed viohttors a.re on the Increase. "We aren't interested in how manY people we can write up, only the safety of campus personnel, he
sssured. Perinoni was afraid that someone may be injured by a careless dliver while walking or riding a bike to schooL He expects a lot of this when the weather brightens.
College Is Vital
By ClffilS VAUGHAN Depencting on your curre-nt aca· demic s tanding, you'll either be heahened or sobered by a discovery revealed in Reader's Digest. It is that in a study of 17,000 men working for a leading indu.s-trial company, success in college was the most reliable indicator of success in a caree1·. The: company tha t made the study is one of the nation's largest, American Telephone and Telegraph Co. In the Digest article A.T.&T Board Chairman Frederick R. Kappel says that of the men in the
is only real campus achievement that seems to have signifiCance.'" says Kappel. "Mere participation in e"'~a-curlicular goings-on docs not." Anybody have some studying
Joseph Szurcsik, a g1-aduatc of Sa n Jose City College, along ·with Charlotte Montandon of t he F m·· to do???? eign Language Department, wishes to thank all persons who contributed to the textbook collection. The For the followmg items, check books were collected by Montandon with Mrs. Harris: 1 earring, 1 at the 1·equest of Szurcsik because bracelet, 1 locket necklace, 4 slide of the shortage of textbooks of the rules, 1 tobacco pouch, 2 girVs wal· type that he needed in his P eace lets, 1 cigarette case, 1 Wells Fargo Corps assignment. They especially check book, and 2 men's wallets. wi sh to thank the members of the There is an earring and several Mathematics Department who conBy .JOYCE REED sets of keys on the buJlelin board tribu'ted so gene-rously. The books top thjrd of their classes at colstating. "Freshmen-Be· Signs have not arrived as of yet due to the lege, 45 per cent were also in the just behind the door. acth·e members of your top~salaried lhirrl of the company. come hips for takes it time of amount The following items are in a large for At lhe other end of the scale, 40 class," have been posted around closet to the left of the door: 3 ping. He is, however, anxious per cent of those in the lowest the campus. As a student strides scarves, about 2 shelves of books, them to arrive. Now tnwelin g through Ethiopia. third of thcit schools wer·e also down the halls, he cannot help but 1 small address-si7..ed notebook, scvnotice them. 1t is ·~the response to Szurcslk is he lping to de,•e lop man- in t.he lowest tllird in salar}~. eJ•al other notebooks. 3 single Another discovery made in the this and other pleas that are of vower to buHct highways in Umt gloves, 3 pairs of gloves. 1 makeup cou ntry. A member of the lJungar- survey was that extra·curricular concern to Hon Burki, F1·eshman kit, 1 woman's cloth-l:ovCl'Cd belt, Class President, and his officers. in-n OlymlJi e track team, SzurC"il>: activities in col.legc bore HttJc re1 plastic pencil bag, 6 glass cases, Burlti, bes ides posting these no-"It success. careet· to l.atjonship mu ue to t he Gnited States shortly tices, has made many pleas to the 1 pair of heavy-framed sun glasses, aft.er the l-ltmga.riun r evolution in class. He has personally talked to fountain pen, 1 coll apsible um- 1956. After a. short time in New IBM Computer S.cores the Merchandising Club, urging brel-la, 1 plaid overcoat wi th s mall Yorl<, he ciune to CuJiforni a. with hL-. their freshman members t o beMinutes Four in Tests checks. 1 beige gi l'l 's coal, 1 red, track coach to go to school he re. come active toward making their As a gener al education major, A world record was set at San jacket with a gray emblem on the class an "organized group, an or· S:m Jose City College police holds left pocket, 1 gi r l' s gray swea ter, Czurcsik obtained an Associate in Fernando Valley State College. ganized cJass." Thus far these Arts degree frqm San J ose City Col~ \Vithin four minutes after 31 stu1 girt's brown co1·cturoy coat, and 2 lege. He also has a certificate as dents in a Computer class had pleas have had no response. Bw·ki stresses the fact that the Machine Technician from the four~ completed taking a test, the exam· photo a lbums. of a class do not rna kc Officers When you find a lost nrticle, turn year Technical High School in Hun· ination w as completely graded and the class. It is the class members classroom! the in iscussed d being graduation upon Immediately gary. il in right ~way, Someone is looking themselves. At this time, there Di:;trict and the San J ose Fire De- for i l! If you lose something, check from C.C. he traveled to Unive1·sity The grading even took into ac· are only five members of the class, against assessed penalty a count g. trainin Corps eace P for of Utah partment are issuing their annual more than once or twice for it. other than officers, who are acone s tuden t for not signing his call for contestants for the Queen tively helping plan the many va:rexam per the instructions. i.ed ventures of thls scnlcstC'r's Contest for their 12Lh annual San Thanks to t he computer, s tu· JoS\! Firemen's Rodeo. The rodeo dents were given their official let· class. Thus far this semester t here ter gr ade;; rangin g from A plus to will be held this year on May 20, have been four c\clSs meetings. At· D minus a lmost before they could 21 ;tnd 22. tendance hns been r ea1ly poor. lhe catch t heir breath aftel' completi.ng last meeting 'having only twelve The deadlines for en Ldes is April the exam. Additionally each stu· in a t tendance oul of a class people 4th. Contestants must be between dent knew his raw score, his perthe ages of seventeen and t.wen t.y. centage score, his percentile stand- that numbers 2,000. Then is a great deal that the four, unman·ied, have at least two ing in the class ranging from· 0 for In terested class member can do years' riding experience and be a t he lowest student, to 100 for the t.hts semester·. A sampling oi resident of Santa Clara County. highest student. planned activities include the each examjnation, the take To 1 The girls will be judged on the Spring Formal and a forthcoming s tudent simply punched his repolitical debate between two prombasis of appearance, personality sponses wilh an Ordinary toothpick inent person ali ties. and horsemanship . on to a11 IBM Pottapuncll card. A Queen and Pl"incess will be picked by the judges, a long with a SPRING CLEANING TIME! DOES YOUR CAR NEED A TUNE UP OR MINOR REPAIRS? BRIN G IT IN TO OUR EUROPEAN Miss Horsemanship, to reign over TRAINED MECHANICS. the th ree-day event.. Miss Persona]· ity wi_ll be chosen by the girls them-
speeding is automatic expu1sion from school and therefo1·c students Lost and Found in R oom A-30. Ac· usually receive only an ora L repri· cor-ding to Velma H an-is, the notary in the office, all Items listed below mand the first time. have been turned in this semester.
other is attached to the battery, he contmued.
Wednesday, March 23, 196G
Frosh Class Needs Active Participants
SGT. BARRY D e .l "ORREST of the The Patrol has no authority tor t heir new radar equi~ment.. use of ·the device as of yet, he commented. H owever, weekly trai11Lng with the equipment will be briven to policemen when it does. With spring weather hopefully 'We do not want to place a man with the new equipment who does just around the corner, the_Firenot know wha t he is doing," rea- men of the County Centra l Fire
Firemen's Rodeo Needs Queen
Pacific Neighbors Plan Exchange for Summer
Pacific Neig hbors, the semi-offi- provid e additional funds tor his own cial corporation organized by the personal use und .for gifts and Incidentals. city of San J ose to promote a sister San Jose and Okayama were officity relationship with Okayama, J a ~ ciaJiy joined together as sister cities pan, is accepting applications for in a civic ceremony on May 24, 1957, participation in the pmposed ex- officiaJ\ y establishing the maniage the two cities. "What we have change for the summer period of o'f working on mostly is the exbeen June 1 throug h th e middle of September. P acific N eighbors, along change of s tudents and. teachers," stated Mr. Clifford Transeth, presi· with the city of Okayama, has en· dent of Pacific NeighbQrs, who is gaged in th is exchange program also Associate Dean of Extended whereby two s tudents from San Day at San Jose City College. "We Jose and two s tudents from Okafound when these people return to se-lves. yama live in the hos l city on an e.x· t heir home countries and cities they Applications may be obtained by change basis. Students interested in speak with authority aboul:. their con tacting . Mr. Joe De:lise, · contest this program ma y ob tain .applica· sister city. Tl1-ey interpret what tions from Bet t y Reilly, Commisch~il'll)an , at 292-0540 ur 258-8€!16:they have seen and_cxperienc~:· Her Students. n sioner of Foreig office, U-203 , is open from 12 noon to 1 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. April 1st is t he dead· line for applications. Applicmtts, ma le or female, must
Repair of Volbwagens -
Around the World, Red Cross Serves
On the Ame11ican side it is a story of such immense success in difficult fields of labor that no financial report has ever been made because the story would be aJu;g~t.her incredible. The Red: Cross, in lime of peace a."i well as times of war, has done its work unobtrusively, faithfully and successfuUy that it has come to be loved and trusted, its insignia and principles deeply_ set into the substance of international Jaw and the Jives of people in many great nations. "The Sea tsta:n.ds Hurricane. The Texas Famine 1889, The Johns·
Keyed-up students: unwind at Sheraton during spring A..._ . and s11mmer ~l"i!Jf.:,., '"''!if l .vacatwn and save money .. .
This Week Is Goodwill Week By JO YANTZ This week, March 19-26, is Good· will Week, and on Saturday colleC-
tions for Goodwill Industdcs will
850 Lineoln Ava. San Jo$e 25, Calif. 292-5675
MASTER MECHANICS Tr!!i ine d in Germany Werner Zollenkopf
HIGH FASHION TROPHIES are displayed by Shirley Siveria (le~t), cosmetology teacher trainee. Shirley has added sever_al new trophtes to her growing collect ion of hairstyling fetes. Holdmg one o_f her coveted awards is Shirley's model, Nancy McCown, whose ha1r she styled during recent t,rophy winning competitions in Sacramento and
be 17 yenrs or older and a San Jose city area res ident. There is no Junguage quulifit!ation. In the past, stuBy 1\IARGARET ROTH . dents h al'e been q uartered at the is designated as Red March priv2\te homes of leading citi1'..ens. To tell the whole In Japan, tra.vel arrangements are Cross M\)n t:h. origin is to tell, its f.rdm story handled by the mayor. Prcwio us exside, of the first European the on at met been change students have timid and cautious putting forth the Po.rt of Yokohama. and provided 6f the sentimen t of humanity in train t ranSJw rtation at the expense war. In 1857 amid t he rat t1i ng of the city of Oka.yama. Tours of the_ swords and guns of Solferino, and area have been provided in the past later the blood-red fields of Gravtor visiting students. Students are from such Sedan expected to provide funds t·ot t h e elette and round trip tran sportation by A m eri~ beginnings, the Red Cross has become 'the means by which phil· can President Stea.us ltip Lines rrmu anUn-opy has been grafted onto Sa.n Franclsco to Yolwhama. T he the wild and savage stem of war. be prep~red to person should
I \.
Moreedes- Porsehe
'l'he Unh·ersit.y o£ CaliJorn.in.'" R.ehoo l of OlltometQ' at .&·rkele)· il'l 8ef"kin~ more students !'or Its ·)>rofessional progrum to hell> meet CldiJorn.ia's rt~ing n e ed for optom· ctrists. Sehol arshiJ>S ra.nging from $400 to $500 are availablo to st'Udents pliumin~C to i.::l.ke the two--year 11re·· oJ•tome t ry J>rogr;.nn and (o ur years 0 ( professionu.l stud y, e ulmina.ling in a Doctor of Optomel~ degree. Because the demand for senioo
take place. Students from S.J .C.C. are needed to help t."OUecL articles exceedtt the supply of optometrists. for Goodwill. T hey will bclp lhe the associ~tio n u.rges st'lldents to lo"·n Flood 1889, Atmenia 1895" handicapped workers in t.beLr proj- consider a career in optometry. are ai l names and dates in history Free Lunches will be provided. For furthe r infornuttion. stud ents ect. - but not just names or dates - is people helping people. s hould write Student R-e.la.lions Goodwill they arc real and deplorable situPanel, School of Optometry, Un.i~ ations about people who were It Is international in scope, hunmni- ve r~ilty o( Ca tiforn.ia. Berkeley homeless and helpless. ta.ria.n in concel>t. It is .not c harity, 94.720. Then as now, with few words to explain the needs, generous bul a ctuillce--a. chnnce for you to people through the efforts of the help people help themselves. Red Ct'oss, res(X>nd promptly ami GoodwiJJ does not receive tax aid or United Fund support. Much of liberally. The insignia of the Red Cross, its income comes from repairable a red cross on a field of white, is wearable <.~rticles you contribute. brought to our attention this Each filled Goodwill bag represents month with its invitalion to carry 2 hours of work for the handi· • on the noble wo rk - even as capped. Clara Barton - v..; lh the hope Last year, with yow· help, more "tne very torrent, tempest and tha n BOO persons became seU·SUp· whirlwind" of \'-'·ar itself may some porting taxpayers- not tax users. day at last, far off perhaps, give So help Goodwill. Your coopera· way to the s unny and pleasant tion will make March 26, GoodwiU JU DY ROSE (right) home economic; major at SJCC and 4-H hcoht est days of PC:J'petual and universal DaY. the most successful ever. winner gets, help af the sewing machine from Evely n Transet , orne peace. economics instructor.
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c/o Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington , D.C. 20008 Please rush me a free Sheraton Student 10 Card (or a free Fa culty Guest Card) . I understand ;t entitles me to generous discounts all year long I at most Sheraton Hotel s and Motor Inns.
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Rose Wins 4-H County Award Judy, as well, has appUcd for lhe Judi th Rose, 19, frco;hman, ha s Internation al Foreign Youth E~ won through the 4-H Clubs of chang:e, whjch could win he~· a ~np America, lhe County All-Sl!tr con· this su mmer to the ScanclinaVIan test. countries. Th e competition, based on proj· In addition, she has applied for ects including her sewing pi'Owess Awards in Rabbits for National and the raising of rabbits, won her w hich she could be th.c recipient a trip to the University of CalifOl·· of a tour to Washington, D.C. t'or nia~ Davis. A major in home economics at this con test, Judy is making a fw· City College, Judy has also won coat from t he skins of rabbits she th rough the 4~H an interstate ex· ~he~. change with Wisconsin's 4·H group.
there's a double-date.
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'coca-Cola adds exira fun Jo dating-single or double. That's bec.,~ se Coke h<1s the ta•te you never get tired of., . alway• relre ohing. Thafs why !hongs go beHer with Coke • •• alter Coke ••• after Coke. lof!W 1 1 .ttt t~~allthcwit)'tt,_c-.'*c.• 87 t~~,. Coci·Coll BottJin& Comp1n1 of San Jose. San Jose, California
* -ccrmerat * Proiec:tors
we9nesa~Y._ Ma: cn_ 23~
Junior Colleg~
1966 1
Grui11r, Ba,tmen Handle·
Re~r.UJts Respective Loop .Leads
Boost for Untvers1t1es By K~HL LAI: CIIER \Vith the Juni or co llege picture
growmg !ar·gct each year, football conches m the fow·-ycar mstitu-
tJons look to J C. cn"Cies to rccrut t a b1g sha re of theu· talent. The caliber of the fres hmn n t('nms IS no longer an mdica tJon of how the varsity wil l far e
th e
future nor 1s thm·c so much pi·cssUJ e on l anding the cl)oice h igh
school a thle tes. \ Vith junior college tmports, a
coach can compl etely replace a whole 1meup of gr:lduatin g seniors
Thlls , the theory of rccrmtin g has chnnged and Wit h 1t comes a
new cha llenge' to the colleg-e a nd un iversity. Despite the added chore of scou t -
ing the JUmor college gr 1dtrons, coaches !;lave no compl amt s smce ther·e arc man y pl uses t o U1e junior co11cge system
The jumor coll ege footbal1 player is a proven competitor h aving e me1·gcd as the cl·ea m of t he crop in a g1ven d t s tr~ ct of at hletes who could not or cho!=ie not to enter a fou1'-yea1· college after gr ad ua u on from h igh school J C. foot ballet'S include man y of the "second chance" men as termed by University of Santa Clara coach Pat Md ll ey M.rn y of th e player s w ho pl ay JUmor college. ba ll wer e p assed over in hig h school as su pporting role playe rs Al so, the
JO's Variety Shop GIFTS GALORE
STUDENT PRICES 26 I WI LLIAMS bet we en 6th & 7th
Behind the- combin ed 60 point h e ltl n. slim 24-23 h.tlf t ime mnTj;.!'in !=:Co r·m g output of Bruce McCa ll O\'"f' r t h e o'iOth S tates, but Willi J .C.'s give a competitor a chan ce and Ga r y Bailey, the Ba tm en be- Bnllard 1s 18 llOints !ln<l Guzm:m's to patch up his g r a des and ge t a can lc i he pace team in the Int r a- 16' digits the winners gr;1bbed :Ill be t ter bearing on his goaJs in life. mu ral A-league, as they blas ted (":t.sy win. John BPg'oni :t led :1ll T he- JUmor college coa ch has the pre\Oously undefea ted J e ts ~::co 1 e rs in the tilt with 20 points. I n othe1· action, th e J ets r1 ppcd ma ny a rgllmen ts to sway prosp ec- 8"-54 Wi t h McCall a nd: Bailey ti ve out stand m g a thle tes to t hen· each ch1ppmg 111 w 1 th 30 m arkers the Mus ta ngs 66-28, l\f;:u~k Naa !-= cam pus ; t hus, m a km g the four- an d Fra nc is T anner con tnbuling dumped m 20 hoop.s to lead the year school ~ wa i t to pick up th e 13 more, Lhc wiru)c rs con.sted t o Plnnt's, while Lar ry J o h n so n pl ayers as jw1iors .lunJOJ' colleges their second st.r::u ght wm of the marked un 16 m a stlppot•tmg: role F ooth:t liN Uob '. toled o r omhin Pd a ll h a ve m nc- or ten-ga me sche<l- yo ung campa ign. 'rh e Grunks a. t s o estnbli:c.he d with S t t:v(' ~ N·or , with 22 f) O iut~ ulcs, a ~ compared w ith four or f1ve game$> for a fres hman um vers ity ot• fh em.;;.e i\' Ps il.S t he temn to bt~ 3 t, a l)i t"l't" to lead the H a irlr.1t:.. O \' e~ ~lS tlu~'y nipped the hi ghly touted l n~t yen r's (• h amps Brand-X 74-41. college eleven . S ou l Sons in tl. 7_1·70 thriller. in Br arul-X is without a ny or Lust The two-year schools ca n al so B-I Pa gu e a ction . T he win gave the year's pPrsonne l to d efend its title, pr omise a fi r s t s t t'ing job for a boy Gruuks their tJLlr'd ('onse<:utive win aml so relt e.a~y game to the muf'h in hi s sopl'l.omorc ycru· in ~ te~1Cl of of t he seaso n. J e rry Stewa r t more Powetrul '1-Ia.ts. Danny Robeing releg ated to a bench-wnnnjatnm('d th e n ets Cor 2S d ig 1ts :md m ero and Mario ~Jo.!' :t n also helped ing r ole m the f our-y ear ms tttu- Da\'e Nicke l contributed 20 t:IIUf's i ll thC. 'fl:l_t scoring wi.th 14 a piece. tw n~ And. t he jun iot• colleges are for the winners in t he rrnl'as Bill The I ntramura l confe rences \vill usu ally in volved in a conrc r cnce B :J. ll :lrd topped the Soul So n's ottt- comple te thetr second wee k of ac~ w1t h a cham pions hi p and bowl put wi t h 19 poiltts. tlon tomonow m t he 1\le n's Gym . game berths to shoot for. T'he Grunks had a\eraged 82 na..; IUm Ga mes on ta p are 2 10, At San Jose State, coach H a rry pom ts a ti l t before Monday' s Flashy La kers vs Ba tmen a nd F. leA ndersOn r eports tha t out of the g'ames, rompi ng the Hairh a ts 81-62 ments vs . Jets and at 3. 10, O ld16 m en he has gradu at ing off his a nd t he H a wa ila ns 83-21. Stewa rt timers vs. Mus t a ngs a nd Hmrhat ~ 1965 squ ad, 10 w ere. JLm10r college led t he c lub' s ba la nced scoring at- vs. Soul Sons. trans fer s. An d ou t of the 36 pla y - tack Wi th 20 markers. agains t the T he public IS cordialJy invited to ers expected to be out for sprm g h a pless }{awana.ns , an d 14 aga ms.t atten d a ll t il ts a nd the admi~ s.ion tra inin g, 20 w ill be former J .C. the 'H a ts. Jac k Cook an d M1ke IS free. p layers . Morach marked 20 a nd 19 pomts - - -- - -- - Malley says tha t in t he last versus the Hc.u1·ha ts, w h1Je Cook 1965-66 Basketball Statistics seven years o f football at Snnta picked up 19 in the Ha wauan mi~ Pts. A v9 . Rbd,. Avg. match. Clara, t here have been only six 5<2 19.3 129 45 Ma n o Mm·an a.nd Steve Secor Rocha JUn io r college playe-r s, but he is Rabidou 365 I3 I 112 4 0 qu1c k to add t hat more empha si s l;tllted 21 and 19 d i!<ltS m the 'H al KuhlmM . 12,7 236 B B 3+5 will be g tven to t he J .C. program loss to t he Grunl<s . Blase r 21 3 7.7 79 2 9 A-le agu e leadt>rs, the B.ttmen, Carl rng 192 7 I 13< m t h e fu t ure. 95 52 gRrn ere(l their Initial win in a uip- Reynold s 76 4 2 99 3.6 48 2 7 aml-tnek b a t tIe with the Old- Srock Olson . 84 lb 101 43 timers. l\ItCull and Bailf>y again Brunr 83 33 18 I I sparked th e Batm e n's attac k with Kendt!l ll 78 3.7 43 2.0 8 40 19 mark ers apioce, as th e winners Covoho 2 10 USED 71 5 0 00 puliP.d a.wa.y to 61-54 win, in the And e rso n McCoy . . 4() 4 80 2 fiu a J monwuts of play. 'rhe Bat- Penny 3 50 4 .80 men s' he igh t a d vanta g'e worked to Mc Brrd e . 2 ,40 + 80 th P lf'll.::!"lle l€'11tlPrs a d vanta ge , :1s UAM TOTALS and up )1 <'0ull Hnd 'l'nunf"r C'On trolllng the S e~n Jose Opponents hoards. l<... rf>d Jon e s a nd Jerry Scoring .. . 2253 2027 La n gridge tor•ped tht• Losers J)Oint Avero qe .. so 4 714 CROWN 'JTV procludion with 14 a nd 13 tullles. FG's Alle mpted . IBB9 1859 The Oldtim ers' lea ding scorer s, FG's Mo d e 830 783 1225 W. San Ca rl os H 42 though ])lay ing onl y half the tilt, FG Percentoge FT' s Aj-tempted 665 668 with L.lllgrJd gc. havi ng :~lr d f'fi- FT' s Mode 46S 450 <'ienc i('S a nd Jonf;'S ~om ing up with FT Pe rcent t!l ge 69 9 67 3 foul p1 oh1ems, Off Re boun d s 351 366 587 621 The Old tJmers opened t.h e sea- Def Re bou nds AM E FI ICA'S f 1 K N IT SHI RT ' 938 987 fotol Re bo unds son m fme st y le, dum pi ng t he FULL-FASHIONED s hort hand ed F la sh y L a kers 64- 56 BAN-LON " J 1mmy Cd.lhoun topped a ll scorers ALL GG C TF: A~IS: w1 th 19 pomt ~ for the La ker !'! , BROOKVIEW BY First Team Ht. Class while the Oldt imers boas ted five ' Brll y I=ILJRIT.A.N• Ro b rn son , Mernft b- b soph men in double figures. Jones and Gene Wi lli., ms. CCSF b- 5 frosh Men want Brookview beAI P ezino top th e scorer·s w1th 16 P, t Roeho, SJCC 5- 11 soph cause 1t's handsome , com6 4- frosh a n d l J ap1ecc, a n d Ed Motr1S0 n W Wie W rse , CCSF 6- 4 soph fortable. Kn1t to f1t, with no was credJted WJt.h a fmc floor Charl ie Po rks, CCS F 1 Second Tearn underarm bind. Women love g ame Mt ke Gooclmon followed up 6- I fresh Br ookview because it Calhoun 's oulp u t wnh 15 m a1'kers Ownoy W ilf rom s, CSM . Do n l yon s, C o)1fra Coste 6- 5 fresh for the losers. washes and drie s automatiH al Do hl rng . C ha b ot . 6· 0 soph Bill Ballard and Uud)' Guzn1an Bred Moc laren CS M cally. No ironmg Class ic . 6- 5 soph i ~1 ited fl, SC('OIHI h:t Jf Nurge, :lOti Vrn ce Sie me ns, Centro Costa 5- 1 I soph col ors. S·M-L-XL. led UIC' Soul Son.~ to nn easy 66-38 *Ro b rnso n rs playe r -of- ~h e- yea r 'Textralized yarn, win O \ P r th e Hu.waihut~. The Sons 100% DuPont nylon 1
MermenBom bC a ot As Akrop Sets Marks I
By P AZ ROCH A ncr along witl1 Akrop in most of rirs t t>I a ee~ in the relays . Sa.n Jose San Jose c 1ty College t anke-rs the meets . J im graduated from \\on th e 400 ya rd rn e(Hcy rei n~· ant) e ve ned their lca~e record to l -1 Lmcoln hi gh school a nd hold s ~ome the 400 y3 rll rrcPstylc wit1 1 tilue;.; las t F t'Jday, V.J th a r esound mg school records ther~. J 1m sco red of 4 :10 6 and 3:37.6 re!!ip edhelv. 68-26 triumph over th e Gladia tors some pom ts_ ror the Jags In the H ostmg College of Marin the lofrom ChaboL T he VIsi tors s tm·ted 200 ya rd tndJVtd ua l medley n nd the cal aq uamcn showed a tea m effort from t he opem ng re lav to comyard bteas t sttol<c The md.J- m squelchmg t he F a lcons Sopho.. ple tely smother the hos ts. l m- vidua l medley he was c l~cked m more Ph il B'"own set a school provcmcn t of the JL1g fl c~stylcrs 2.17 .5 aJld the n garnered fll'~ t spo t mat'k ll\ the 100 yard freestyle has g tvcn the loca ls two victor ie!-i m the b1 cast strok e WJth a t1n1c o f Wlth a 52 9 u mc t o b1 ca k Tom m a r ow Las t Monday the aqu a- 2 30 6. Akrop 's t 1mc of 53 4 w h1 ch was set j:1.gs disposed of Coll ege of M a t~m Other winne rs we1"e Uob C olyfi r , ear lier 111 t he yea r T om b1uke thts 54-40 mark 1n the Chabot clash 1 200 .va rll free~ty l e with .l tlme or 1,om Akrop, n. fres hman f'r orn 2:02A to give \'a lu nble t•oin b for A lso Jll a cin ~ fir~t we re Ron \ bcWmow G len, b.!'OkP two school t h e J:t.g tot::tl. Paul \Vntts ~!lt>tu:red L enrt n n m t he 200 b::t ck s troke, records in the Ch abot elnsh. H e is th e 200 bntteTfly with !l. (' Jot•king Jo hn J !lnsen .50 yn.rd free, Akrop lf>a tling the Jag trOOI)~ 10 vietory o r 2:!W.~, Ron MacLennan won the 200 b atte1·tly, Pnu l \ V!l tts in the ns he l~ continu ally bre ald ng- N'<'· 200 .vn rd b af•k strol<e with a, time 200 h t <':lst ~h·oke ords in eve ry m cP t he swims in. of 2 :20.8. Ron and Paul weJ·e ::llso The J aguars host Oakland-MerTom swam to n. 29.4 clo cking in in.~trurne nirtl in the ga.r nf'ung of lilt thJs Frtday at 3.30. the 50 yard ft·ccsty le to brc:1h: one --------------~~------~--------schoo l mark. The other m a rk he l'te t wns 111 th e 100 y:1 rd f t·N·style :l !i> he rock eted to ·" 51.6 d ockrn g t o be tte r h1s O\\ n tll!trk. Tom stil l ha s plenty of time to s et more records as he L't continually improvjng in the fr eestyle . J 1m T ri plett was the other contribu tor to t he tanker wm, as he By FI!ANK WRIGHT ·end \¥rig ht, although on ly a freshalso scored a double wi n J 1m also Hopes for a thu'd consecu tive ma n has the ab1l1ty to be as good a. freshman ha s been the bi g winbasebaJI champwnsh1p rest on t he as anyon e around and JS a r ea l arms of fJVc men. These mak e u p prespect for profess ion a l b.a,seball. P at Ara ta, an all m·ound pert he p1tching s ta ff of the 1966 J agfm m e r fr om Overfelt, and Tom uar bascbaJl team Thts :yea.r's nmf· bo nst.;;. some of Henson, a n ot h er versa ti le ball th e fm est pi t~ hi n g in C ity CoJJ e ~::;e player a re expected to be called histol'y, The staff is h eaded by two on as reli ef pitchers durmg the of t he to t> pitch er s a r owul, Gabe year Arata 1s also a ft rs t baseman and Henson 1s now t he f1rs t team D e La Torre and Jim Phill1ps. r igh t f telde r for the Jag s De La T orre posted a tremendous s1x win and no loss record last yea r that mclude a n l mpresj s1ve wm over FreSno C11ty CoUege trad1tiona1Jy a Northe rn Ca lifornia power hou:•>e. PhiiiiJlS wa s ~ e 1 e c t e d to the j Golden G.tte Confe rem·e all league team last yenr w hile J>Osting * four w ln one loss r e('ord to go a long with a. phenomenal 0.48 earned run a~erage. Also returmng from last year's tea m are Joe Lynn and Ed Escobar Escobar, most valua ble pl ayer m the MHAL m 1964 has been im pressive so far this year postm g a fme win m the ftrst game of t he season a gams t Modesto. Ed ha s .JI~ I TRJPLE Tr a lso t urned m several fine relief • .. d o uble winn e r performances .Jpe J,.ynn, hailing from Blackford Hig-h, i.s th e Staff's r e lie r pitche r a nd a r e:.ll un sung he ro. Lynn 's f'h Jtc h pc.-fo:rma nces we re as in$trum ental in hu.;t year's clutml>ions hip as a ny one (acto r I ntramural competitiOn us ing t'an he a nd J oe wiU be JoOkNl t o golf ba lls, vo lleyba lls, soft balls, fo r m ore of t he s1une . bowlmg balls, goof balls a re on t he S teve W ng ht, all-leaguer from ag enda f m · sportsm indcd AS B . JIM P HJ LLIPS ca rd holdmg ~t u de n ls a l Sa n J ose Andrew HiJJ is looked to be one of the team;s best by th e year 's .. . '65 aii -GGC C1ly College.
Hurlers Major Cog In Horsehiders Hopes
Intramural Play Swings
Golf st a rts tom or r ow a t Hillview Golf Course m which t hree openmg rounds Will be p layed to de termin e h an dicaps a nd p lacmg for the pa rtici pants. The1c a r e studen t r a t es for card holder s whic h are on ly The "Swim to H a wa ii" con tes t one dollar. s ponso1·ed by the Women 's P .E . Th e day fo r J>lay on thE" voll eyDepartment now has seven contestan ts Layne H ackett hopes to ball cou m has lwf'n set fo r Thurssee more people come out as soon day ojternoon s a t 2 p.m. for interest ed c lubs, organJza ti ons \J. Ild ina<:; the w~ath er gets better Lh~ I>C nd en t t eams. Terun r oster s can • " 'omen 's P .E. Club is planning be h1rnet1 in a ny time for the me nits annua1 retrPnt for A11ri1 23 and women a nd men league , ·olleyhall24.. The ide as to b e presented will e rs to Coach S i S imo ni. Thts year I S t he t hu·d seuson t hat r>eda.iu to the te achin g proresslon. men's doubles will be he ld for two \\latch for furth er information. man teams. L ast year the compe• • • Women's P E . Departmen t offers htion w as won by a now San J ose a Sports Officiatmg class each fall. Sta te student, B ill P ollock, an d Membe r'S of th is class. are g iven a H a nk Ne1h in, SJCC s tudent. nation al exam and are given rating Intramural so rt ba ll w tth limit,;; accord mg to t heir ability. Later these " lady Jags" offic1ate a t H1gh or 12 men on a t enm h a..IJ b een set School a nd J unior Hig h play days. for Tuesday m o rnings at J L a.m . O ur " lad 1es" ea rn from 53-$6 for Sturting dat.f" wiU be unn OlUI<>ed each game they referee. For those in th e futurf" aJtd enh·y fo rms can In teres ted m the class . it w 1H be be round in th e M f"n's Gym from offered next fal l - t hree d ays a S l S im oni.
Women's P.E. Dept. Features Action By C HRIS VA U GHAN Note._ot ::trHl Xews from t he \Vomr n's P .E . Depnrtme n t. Girls' softbal l team needs six more members before they can pa rticipa te m. competition with o ther JU nior colleges. T he nex t meet mg Will be tomorrow at 3 :40 m the W omen 's Gym, Every girl is ehgJble to come out for practice regardless of experien ce. Those mteres ted con tact Evonne Daven port, women 's P .E ms truclor.
• •
Ext ra-m u r a 1 competition
be -
twee n junior coli Pges in t enni S, softba ll, fencing, a.nd gymnastics a re now being p1nnn ed for anyone who would Uke to f'ontpe te. For sortba ll , see E\·otm e Davenport; tennis, Gtmh ild Swanson; fenf' ing. La:rne H a c kett; and for gymnastics, Linda Da.vis.
• •
week for Gne uni t .
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above average ) we have an exce11e nt job for you. See yo ur Placem e nt Office for d e t a ils o r che ck with your counse lor.
Leather Boys
in +he
A Comedy Riot!
' Bellarmine College Preparat ory of San J ose was r a ted as havmg th e na tiOn's number one defensi ve foo tba ll squad fo r the 1965 prep gr1d ca mpaign, 1t was learned last week . T he Be lls derens lve e le\ e n was unsco r e d upon a ll · season, as t h e loca l prepst er s com piled a rt unh le mish ed 9-0 rf"c ord. St. Ma1·y's of Oa k land scm-ed the only pom ls a llowed by the Bells al l campa ign, a nd it was tallied against t he offense The B ell d eten se also y leJde(l le-ss y:1 rd.age th.an any other high S<'h ool aggTegation in t he country, wit h :l groM t otal or -99.8 yards, af'c•ording to Scholas tic Coach l.\l agazlne.
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AUTO ELECTRIC Tune-Ups ••• By Carl
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Local Prepsters Cop Top Honors
Wednesd ay bowlt.ng is rolling m • • • Twenty-two ath le tic-minded J ags fme s tyle wt th league play for bo th are s lated to compete a t th e Ca - men and women m t he afternoon. bl'lllo Sports Day, Saturday, March Commg up on T uesday, Ma rch 29, will be the openmg day for t he 26. second league to star t . Anyone can lntra JHUTfll orncials B ob P enny still JOin the fun a t F1esta Lanes a nd Ron Ca rling ha' e been awardBowling Alley a nd enter the ha ndit'd the annual Jack ~ fadd e n-R {..-d cap competition. Oat s memorial award for ltcltl eveTypewriters m cn t in their young o ffi ciatin g caas nttte as r ee rs. P e nny and Carling h ave sue-
C IN E M ·A 552 So Bascom
TED's of
Town & Country Village
Abraham Lmcoln H 1gh School of San J ose was named by the Imperia l Sports ra ttng serv1ce o f Los Angeles last week as lhe number o ne hig h. school bask etball quinte t 111 t he sta te. T lte 'un J oseans fini she<l the cam paig n wt t h a. 29-0 record , a nd wa s r a t ed numbe r one wit h J ordan High S{'hOol of l..os An.grles, \\hO eompiled un 18· 0 slate. The L wns cla 1med t h ree tournament cha mp1onsh1ps d u r 1 n g the course of the year t he James Lick Invi tational, the Camellia (Sacra· mento ) a nd the P eninsula Baskethall ,Tournament. F INAL R AT INGS Team/ Record !- Lin coln (So n Jose ) ( 29·0) . . J ord a n (Los Ang eles) ( 18-0) 3-S•erro (W hittier) (28- J J.
Pts. 120 120
4-Poly {long Beach} 130-2} 5--Arrbyo (S~n Lore nzo) (24-2) ..
lOB 99
b-L•nc.oln {San Fron crsco} (26-3}
7-To"ance 130- 2) So• Caclos {24-l }
. . .. . . 82 82
Jefferson (Lcs An qeles } { 15-3 82 t O-C•esc.eota Va lle y {26·4) . 66 S1 M•'Y s {8 e. ~ el e y) {25-7 } bl> Other area leoms. t3 Blackford
{26-4) 17-B sho p 0 Dowd {24-6}, <3Bell arm ine Los Altos
(20. 7), H-Lrve Oak, 49-
636 Town & Cou"try ViiiG9e
San Jose, Calif. BuitdintJ 6 296-8458
VAN'S BarJ>er
FLAT TOP SPEC IALIST O pen Mon .-Sot., 9-6 377-9865 Viciofia Plua, C a mpbell
2889 So. Bascom Ave.
1 would like to clitrlfy an article which appeared in this column last week concerning the ellgibUity of Pat Cavataio to p articipate in intramural SJH}rts. The story was solely Intended to pTove the point of. who is .,actually eligible" for intramural competition. The artic le was m no wny a. slap at th e integrity of coaches Si Simonl and Bob Berry, and should not have been taken as such.
October 21-l\la.ury \Vllls is going to prove to a ll his fans that h e's things were going bad for the SJ'CC grldders, it was n1mored that the VIe t Nam P eace D ay Committee was going to make an a.ppea.rance on cm~pus. However, on this trip they were going to burn footballs, not draft c ards . .. Fred Jones Weekly Beaver Scouting report: Foothillnot too bnd at all. Oc tober 28--0 n Friday night, the evel'l'ing before Halloween, when you see t he queen a nd her court parade around the fteld you can judge fo r yourself whether it's a trick or treat. As a little helpful hint, come prepared for a t rick .. . Fred Jones •w eekly Beave r Scouting report: Chabot- pretty peachy .. , We've had our f1rst tragic repor t ,of t he year . Versatile Curt H yde was seEm staggenng aroWld th iS week , the direct resul t of being s hot by a nears1ghted bea ver htm ter. A speedy r ecover y is an tic1pated . .. The concessiona.tres a t the game t omorrow mght are expected t o be right in t he Halloween spirit. They're gomg to 'trick everyone by selling fresh peanuts . N ovember 4-W e undet"Stand that it wasn't jus t a coinciden ce w hen the ligh ts were t m·ned off d uring the queen's appearance a t half-time las t week .. . F red Jones weekly Beaver Scouting repor t. Oaklandhurtin g . . . The concessiOnaires at the game las t week came t h rough with fl ying colors. The peanuts were so stale that the copyrigh t on ane bag read 1936. November 10-Fred Jones weekly Beaver Scouting r eport: Contra Costa-very s p a rse •.. Everyone attending Frldu.y's garne is cautioned to wea r a parka with a hood, as It has been forecast tltat the seagulls wilJ be out in full foTce ... Fonner 49'er quarterback Y. A. Tittle was seen a.t Flestu. Ln n es last week polishing his head Jn t he automatic bowling bull poUsh er . . . It's been reported that Pete Salvato is considering running for homecoming queen n ext year .•. Fatty Arbuckle of the 1\lerclumdising Club ought to join the army. After all, they're looking for S he rma n tanks. November 18-Fred Jones weekly Beaver Scoutmg re!X)r t: Sa n Pra nc1sco-pr e tty ducky .. . Does anyone know why P az R ocha h as been grm mng like a fox thas pas t week? . . . The seagull s ou tnumbered the fans a t las t week's SJCC-CCSF tilt .. . The Cassms Clay-Sonny Liston title bout was such a farce that Playtex 'h as n amed I t as t he winner of Its 1965 "Falsie of the Year" award. Decembe.r 9- W e unden;tand an a wa rd is . going to bc , pr,~seJ;ltO\l to the in tramural referee who lasts the longest wtder the com fortmg guida nce of fabled in t ra m ural director Dario "Si" Simoni .. . Thank s are in store to t he a nonymous young lad y who r eturned F r ed J ones' pr1ze b moculars . , , If the 49'ers played every g anie like they did last Sunday's, they wo uld become t he first team in h1story to allow 1,000 points m ·a sm g le sea son. Cheers are in s tore for the defense .. . The best news to come out of Giant headquarters dunng t h e off season is that M ansona r i Murakami won't retu,r n to the United States next year . That oug h t to be gcxxl enough for a half dozen San Francisco victories. J anuary 12-Awa rds presented at the annual Beaver Sbooters banquet were as follows: "Most Valuable Sbooter"-F red J ones; "Most Improved S h ooter"-Ron Brooks; "Most Insp1rational"- Amos Alonzo S tagg ; "Most Shot-After Beaver"- Curt Hyde ; and "Sem or Citizens Award"--St Simon i. For a quick look at the paSt, let's nash back to thls time last yea r and see what w as highlighting the sports scene: February 11- Bob Cousy says of Boston Celtic f01ward T om H einson: "T om has becom e known as a gunner, but really h e doesn't shoot much when he doesn ' t h ave the ball" ... Jose Pagan recen tly signed his 1965 contract for about $15,000 and approxima tely 65 errors.
F ebruary 18-N o wonder It's said that a fter a figh t with Cassius Clay your head hurts for a week: I got a headache JUSt li.stening _to him on televisiOn 1as t Sunday .. . Giovanni's Delicat cssan rupped Gmseppt's Cheese House 29-13 in la:st week's Bocci Ball game-of-the~w~ek which was h eld at B akes to P ark .. The- San J ose R escue Mission has cancelled its annual chess tournament due to a la ck of able-bodied participants. F ebnl3.ry 25--Jim Ga.ma, SJCC basebal star, was ustood up" last Thursday. Tha.t Is, h e was left standing outside the team bus wh en the horseh1d ers to ok ofr for Modetito ..• The Jags played before another fine crowd Jast \\eek, a-S the official pald attendance was 86 . .. H appy to bear that swimming m entoT Bob Jones is doubling a& a square dance instruct or ... The New York Mets stW don't know what they're doing. Now they've hired JeMe Owens u track coach, Ma rch 4-Wlllie Mays was extremely jovial over his S100,000 salary, un W he found out that he was getting paid 1!1 funn y money - · · Foothill College almoot put on a fireworks display for t he fi nal basket-ball game of the season, but luckily no on e could find t hem ... Barry Kramer has fm ally found a home--back wtth his m o the r in New York. March 11- I l's rumored that San Francisco Giant Ho ldout Bob Shaw told Ch ub F een ey to raise his salary or count him out. F eeney's reply to this was, "1, "2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10" . .. J ag ~utfie~der Tim Harper, one of t he s hortest players in the GGC, was bem g_ VJewed by an opposing player recently, "If tha t guy walks around .Wlth a c1g":, in h is mouth," tile foe observed, "he'd bWTL everybody m the knee ... Herb Score's a rm had the power te> throw the ball t hrough a wall, but you couldn' t be sure of which building. March 18-0u.r sporbi artist "as recruited from the ''fl ea anarket" to d o the sketches on thls page. He ma~r not dr'dW , .ery good likenesses of our athletes, but he does oome up "1th some good ones of !leas . . One of the big treats connected with Intramural basketba U ls watching Rich Boston do hts waml•UP exerd&es • - • Kear the end of la~t year A..lvin Dark asked Jose Cardenal why he dropped an eas) fly ba ll. ca.rdeoallaughingly replied, "I lost lt in the trade winds." Dark nodded his head in agreement and added, ''That must be true, because you've just been t raded to the Angels." March 25-"McCarver: Lucky Good" was t he headline in Ar th ur • . ht Daly's column whtch a ppeared m Tuesday's Mercury. Just to th e r ig of th e headJi ne was another headline wh1ch inappropriately read. "McCarver Breaks Finger" , .. SJCC s tudents aien'( allowed to park - irl-lhc school lots unless their car bears a parking sticker, yet members of area police depa rtments use these same parking pla~ ev_e ry da y ~d no one says anything to them. The best thmg t o do IS pam t your car like a police car, and park wherever you want t o . - . Any rebroadcast, reproductlon, or other use of this colwrut w ithout the expt't>SSed writ ten consent of th1s writer is strictly encouraged.
March 23, -19tlG
.. -!
a 42.7. (Calloway, Rooca., C. Gary, through with another sp arkli ng Erickson helped th e J ag cause by perfonnance in nabbing t he 880 nabbing third in t he P ole Va u.lt E va.ns) Don H and continues his assault with a ti.riie of 1.55.8. Evans also wlth a 10'6.. effort. T om Sltell non the school r ecord (4 :20 ) ill t he ran a 41.6 to g rab first place in t he barger also chipped in with a secm1le as h e won t he event in a sharp 330 ( Int.) Hurdles, inctdentally ond ln the Sl10t Put \\r:l tlt a henve time of 4.22 6. Howard McCa lebb this was the first time Evans has of 44'6 Y,". Recently acquired basketball · came through rn t he -440, winning rwt this r ace and he picked up a m an, Steve Blaser real ly pulled 1t in 50.5. Pren tiss Gary nabbed much needed first. L ance Calloway also had a fm e t hrough by grabbing a fi rst in the third p lace in 52.2. · In a. close race Lance Cnlloway day as proved by his winning the H 1gh Jump with a 6'1" effort. Bla edged out a victory. oveT his Diablo 220 in 22.5. -Howard McCalebb ser nearly cleared 6'3" in his other opponent by snaring the 100 li1 10 cam e t hrough by taking third' in t r tes . Usually a J aguar spectalt y f lat. Tennunate Clmrles Gary 22.7. Don Hand (9:53.1) was edged Is the Long Jump, but only Larry snared third 1n 10.1. In the 120 out in .the 2 mile by Bob Reeves 11.\l• ll<w (20'1") could ma nage a High Hurdles Del RO<igers took (9 .425) of Dia blo. a nd followed third place D1ablo won t he diSCUS, closely by -Ralph Kearns (9:56.4) , but th1s 1s no indication of t he fi ne third ill 16.5. San Jose grabbed.the 1\llle Relay effo rt Lar ry Johnson ca m e through R ecovermg from l ast w~ek 's muscle cramps, Lee Evans came in a great time of S:Z2.6. Pacing with, as h e threw th e d iscus the Jags were Howard MeCa.lebb 139'6% " for his best ever perform51.5, Jim Rocca 51.6, Charles Gar y ance. J ohnson h as been a consistent 51.0, and Lee Evans 4.8.5. Vern performer for the J ags th us far, and is a very valuable a'ise t for a pennant contender Coa ch Baker singled out Larry for his fin e performance and hopes he can reach down for t hat little extra t hJS Saturday agam s t F ooth1U . Let It be said that the pressur e s urely d1d rest on the G ary brothfalling ln for base hits for the S an well t>1a.yed, 5-2 vi ctory over Va.. ers shoulders in the f maJ event, 1\lateans. llejo, kbibrpln of the Coast Conferand they came thro ugh m typ1cal T he J aguar offense failed to pro- e nce. J ag styJe, a s Charles \\!On w1th a vide a sust ained rally durmg the The team p la yed good bal1 rme leap of 44 fee t, followed cloSely contes t a lthoug h t here were sev- throughout t he game and comrrut· by brother Prenhss \•t ho leaped 43 eral hard hit b alls caught by San ted no errors. feet. " Ma teo outfielders . T he Jags scored in their first T u esday the bnse ballPrs eve ned t ur n a.t the ba.t. Ve rn GJd ley t heir league l'ecord wit h a fine 7-0 walked and a (lva_q,ced to second on BATTEN'S ART • victo ry over the Comets of Contra a b a rd hit s ingle by Rich Gar cia. Costa Junior Co1lege. FLORIST - Tim Ha.rper t11eo r eceived a. base Sophomor e ace Gabe De L a on balls as did Jim H eck e ndorn I O% Discount to Student. 532 S. Bascom Ave. CY 3-0655 T orre turned in the finest p1tchmg forcing ac ross the Ja.gs first rtm. Sa n Jose perfor mance of t h e y ea t• for t he A single by Frank Wright then locals wi th a two h1t, s1x t een pushed ac ross two more markers strikeout, shutout. D e La Torre for the JocaJs. The J ags were unwas red hot m the first three m - able to score a.gn1n until the eighth FREEMAN'S nings and was able to fan the first inning when the y picked up two t en batter s he faced. De L a TaiTe additiona l m:-..rkers. USED CARS CHARLES GARY also smgled in one of the J ag seven Jim Ph1IJips pi tched f me ball fo r . . . wins it for Jags markers in the fourth innin g. the firs t ftve inmn gs and was enBest Clean U•ed Jaguar batsmen s howed signs of route to a no hi tter w hen he ran Cars in Town commg out of the ir four ga me into some trouble. E d Escobar slump by collecting te n hits m the came on In rellef and d td a fine job HARDTOPS - STICKS contest. for the r est of the contest The seven r uns eq ualed t he m ost SAN J OSE {OJ SAN MATEO {l I S an J ose has scor ed thus far in ab r h ab r h Friday th e J ag golfers travel to Gate Confer ence play, a nd Go rcr o, 2b 3 0 I Burn II. cf 4- 0 0 E. J ulian St. G()l·'en '-' Hd ndn , Jb 4 0 0 Mqnsn,lf 3 I I ~ BUclhrrlOntd Co untrY Club to go their ten htts agruns t the Comets He r pe r, d 4 0 I Herro n, ss + 0 I agam st the Contra Costa li nksmen. l !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ were a new league hig h for the Sto kes, If 2 0 0 Cuto. 3 b 4 0 I T he locals wlll be seeking G61den \; 0 0 Jaguars. l ynn, P Chose, rf ~ 3 0 p G at e Conference Win num ber one 10% Discount Leading the way a t the plate for OoLoTre , p 0 0 0 Kunz, 0 0 0 with A.S.B. Curd Aroto , ph 1 0 0 Barocco, 2b 3 0 0 SJCC owns a 4-5 ove r al l r ecord the l ocals we r e Tbn Ha rper, Cliff Bryant. c 3 0 0 Sull ivo n. I b 3 I and a Q-.4 GGC record S tokes, P az Roch a , and Frank Hoo p,ll , ph I 0 0 C osta , c 3 0 Last Fridny the Jaguar dul(ers u..'rifr bt, uU w ith two hits . Roc ho, ss 3 0 I Delbex, p 2 I ~ r 0 Jost t heir fourth league ma t c11 t 0 Where Your VOLKSWAGEN T he J ags pushed their season Henson , r 3 0 F Wrg~. lb 3 0 0 City College of San Francisco by is in m ar k t o 1 0-3-1 S a.turday with a S.W rgt, p 2 0 0 a: 22-IS count . Low i.ndhiduu l w edG ood Hands If ~ ~ __: _ _ _ a.list for the day was the Ranls' for ALL Her NE EQS. TOTALS 30 0 4 TOTALS 29 3 6 Ron O'coner who s hot a fin e 71. C oli onyh me SAN JOSE .. 000 000 000-0 4 0 Tied for low medalist for the Jags SAN MATEO . too 000 I b:-3 6 I were Dave Parry and 1\tarty Pala2 B-H erro n, Sullivon. cios each with impress ive performContra Costa (0} SAN JOSE (7) an ces CHo rding 75 eac h. ; b Q ~~ Garcto , 2 b al b ~ ~ 972 CHESTNUT ST. Lar ry Lupo r egistered a 78 jn Golden Ga t e Confer ence r ep re- Abel, d NEAR HWY. 17 ACROSS _ Copser, cf 1 o o Bodine, 2 b 1 o 0 ga rncnng one point for the team. senta t ive City College of San Fran4 o 1 Hkndm. 3b 4 0 0 Chn s Ford shot an 82 bu t lost to THE FREEWAY FROM FMC Srn g r, 1f Clsco los t m the ftna ls of the State Loveaoy. p 2 0 0 Harper, cf 4 2 2 O'coner . .Parry defeated Garry MiLOOK FOR THE J uruor Col1ege Basketba ll Tourna- Wanlrn, l b l 0 I Slokes, If 3 02 21 alocq 4 ¥.. -1 %. Marty P alaciOs beat CAR IN THE SKY 0 0 Brya nt, c 3 ment. The loss was a 91-61 t1lt to Foste r, rf 21 o o Hoap 11,, c 1 0 0 Mike Butler and brough t 6 points Ope n 8 to 5, 6 Doys o We e ~ R ivers ide C1ty College, which gave Q urrco, rf 3 0 OIRo che. ss 4 2 2 mto the Jag fold Martin Kenney, Dan1e ls, c the T igers the tr third sta te cha m- Ruiz , 3b 3 0 0 Henson, rf 2 0 0 back in action aft er a bout wi th I 0 0 piOnship m a r ow. N I b Bo ll a ~ h. ss 3 0 0 Arota , rf o o Wrigh t, 1b 4 1 2 t he fl u, lost to Doug e son u t CCSF pl a~ed wi t hou t a ll-conler - Flego l, 2b 2 1 0 o DelaTre, p 3 0 I sti ll m anaged to cap t ure 1 ¥2 pom ts en ce center Eugene 'Vllllam s , and H ube r, 2b for the toom. his loss hurt, as th e Tigers 7' een28 o 2 TOTALS 33 7 10 Coach Harley Dow cited P alacios te r L arr y Bun ce t a llied 30 points. I<C•nNITRA COSTA 000 000 000-0 2 4 and P arry for their fine efforts R eturning aU-State guard S t.eve 210 130 OOx-7 10 0 a nd. Da niels ; De La Torre a nd against the Rams. Both P alacios Barber b acked Bunce. w it h a. 23 W-Oe and P arry h ave s hot con.ststent 1 point 1>erform ru1 ce. in all conference matches. The Rams h ad to hur dle two fme op ponen ts to gam the finals. The LOW MONTHLY first was Imperia l V alley College who went into t h e game undef eatAUTO INSURANCE ed in ac tion The second obstacJe was the st ate's number two r anked Pay As You Drive JC team, Long Bea ch C1t y College. Pennies a Day
By P!I.T CA..VATAIO '].'ra iling D1ablo Valley 66-61 g oing m to t he fm al even t of the meet, (Tri ple J ump) the Jaguars grabbed a one, two firush, thank to Charles and Prentiss Gary, to wrap up therr second league w in, 69-67. The J ags migh t have been gwlty of a little over-confidence in this meet as t hey were expected to tnu mph easily, and were heavily push ed and were very pleased t o walk away With thei.J;' victory. In t he opening event .t he - Jags were off in h.igh fashion as t h ey tied the school record in wi nnlng the 440 Relay b y clocking in \\,'ith
Since we are long on space and short on news this week, we felt t hat this would be an appropriate time to review the various quips that have a ppeared in the "assorted baloney" portion of this column s mce the begmmng of the fall semester. o ctober 14 _ Fred J ones weekly Beaver Scouting report : Diablo Valley-very sparse . . . Hal Lamer keeps popping up m M ythology class ... The most humorous aspeet of the World Series is the close-up shot of Jolm Roseboro. He cou'ld pass as the twin brother of Smokeythe-Bear .. . W e ltave a new record for Beaver Shooting. A young lady at th1s school was shot 69 times last week. Th a t's quite a performance, or so says official tabu1ator Paz R ocha. a. banjo player by a ppearing on Hollywood Palace this week •. . When
"''·:'li~ Ovcilmen Squecik by DVC, - ~ Engage Foothill Satu~day
LEE E V.IINS _ .. cinder burner
Runless Jaguars Point. to Red Hot Owls Tomorrow The San J ose C1ty College Baseba ilers lost their th ird league game m f ive outmgs T hursday when they dropped a 3-0 deciSIOn to the Bulldogs of San Mateo on the winners d1amond . The game turned out to be a p1t chmg due1 bet ween T . J. Delbex of San Mateo, an d fres hman ace S teve \ Vngh t. \Vr lght, who h ails from Andrew Hut H igh , pitched outs t a nding bnU tor se\•en full innings nnd allowed only fh'e hits. \ Vrig ht deserl'ed the win but the breaks went tb e wrong wa.y with several p oorly hit balls
.. ,,,,,,,,,,,_.,,. .
J ag G0 Ifers Fa I·1 Ag a 1•n
$69.95 - $1095 -
CCSF Loses Netmen Lose In Cal Finals Three Straight G ABE DE LA TORRE . . . b ig s toppe r
The past w eek 's tennis action proved disastrous for Jag claycourt men. The locals dropped three straigh t matches, two of them to Golden Gate Conference foes. On Wednesday the J ags traveled to Sa n Mateo to make-up a match which had been postponed by rain 1\lan• P arson s ou t for the first time on the season stepped into the nwnber o ne s]>Ot OlJ. the team and drOf)l)e(). two . . stra ig ht to Bob Delontonl 6-~ , 6-2. P a rHons t eammates a ll followed his lead as the Jags wer e shut -out 7-0. Angel Altrunarino Jost to Ed Menges 6 -1, 6-0. J ack N ash drop ped two to Woody Woodruff 6-S, 6-2. B ob Rameriz dropped two 6~1, 6·0 as did Tony N astor 6-S, 6-S. The doubles teams or P arsorur-Altam arlno and Nash-Rarnerlz both d efeat. W hen the J ags hosted C habot on Friday the results wer e d1sast rous Nastor defeated Mike Bornes 7-5, 3-6, 6-0 to prevent an other shut out. The final was 6-1 in Ch abot 's fa vor. On Satwda.y the J ags d ro pped theii' th1rd s traight by a. 4-S count to College o f Seuuo>illil \'li.ns wer e turned in by J ack 6-S, 6-4 tLrte r h e lost the f irst game 6-1 t;o. Dick Os borne. The d ouble te am o( MarV ParsotL" and Nas.J;t dwnped their foes 6-3, 10-8, atteC losing the second game by a m a rgin. The othe r d ou bles team of B ob R am eriz and Tony Na.st oJ we r e a lso winn ers, 6-3, 6-3. I
BILLIARDS HOURS ' 9 AM . - I A.M. Ladies play free on Sundays Ladies and Gentlemen welcome al. all wnes. t 719 S. Bascom Pho ne : 377-997 1 (Across fr cm Bonanza)
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When you can't afford to be dull, sharpen your wits with NoDozTM
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T1fo~hoo• 244 - 0880.
we9nesa~Y._ Ma: cn_ 23~
Junior Colleg~
1966 1
Grui11r, Ba,tmen Handle·
Re~r.UJts Respective Loop .Leads
Boost for Untvers1t1es By K~HL LAI: CIIER \Vith the Juni or co llege picture
growmg !ar·gct each year, football conches m the fow·-ycar mstitu-
tJons look to J C. cn"Cies to rccrut t a b1g sha re of theu· talent. The caliber of the fres hmn n t('nms IS no longer an mdica tJon of how the varsity wil l far e
th e
future nor 1s thm·c so much pi·cssUJ e on l anding the cl)oice h igh
school a thle tes. \ Vith junior college tmports, a
coach can compl etely replace a whole 1meup of gr:lduatin g seniors
Thlls , the theory of rccrmtin g has chnnged and Wit h 1t comes a
new cha llenge' to the colleg-e a nd un iversity. Despite the added chore of scou t -
ing the JUmor college gr 1dtrons, coaches !;lave no compl amt s smce ther·e arc man y pl uses t o U1e junior co11cge system
The jumor coll ege footbal1 player is a proven competitor h aving e me1·gcd as the cl·ea m of t he crop in a g1ven d t s tr~ ct of at hletes who could not or cho!=ie not to enter a fou1'-yea1· college after gr ad ua u on from h igh school J C. foot ballet'S include man y of the "second chance" men as termed by University of Santa Clara coach Pat Md ll ey M.rn y of th e player s w ho pl ay JUmor college. ba ll wer e p assed over in hig h school as su pporting role playe rs Al so, the
JO's Variety Shop GIFTS GALORE
STUDENT PRICES 26 I WI LLIAMS bet we en 6th & 7th
Behind the- combin ed 60 point h e ltl n. slim 24-23 h.tlf t ime mnTj;.!'in !=:Co r·m g output of Bruce McCa ll O\'"f' r t h e o'iOth S tates, but Willi J .C.'s give a competitor a chan ce and Ga r y Bailey, the Ba tm en be- Bnllard 1s 18 llOints !ln<l Guzm:m's to patch up his g r a des and ge t a can lc i he pace team in the Int r a- 16' digits the winners gr;1bbed :Ill be t ter bearing on his goaJs in life. mu ral A-league, as they blas ted (":t.sy win. John BPg'oni :t led :1ll T he- JUmor college coa ch has the pre\Oously undefea ted J e ts ~::co 1 e rs in the tilt with 20 points. I n othe1· action, th e J ets r1 ppcd ma ny a rgllmen ts to sway prosp ec- 8"-54 Wi t h McCall a nd: Bailey ti ve out stand m g a thle tes to t hen· each ch1ppmg 111 w 1 th 30 m arkers the Mus ta ngs 66-28, l\f;:u~k Naa !-= cam pus ; t hus, m a km g the four- an d Fra nc is T anner con tnbuling dumped m 20 hoop.s to lead the year school ~ wa i t to pick up th e 13 more, Lhc wiru)c rs con.sted t o Plnnt's, while Lar ry J o h n so n pl ayers as jw1iors .lunJOJ' colleges their second st.r::u ght wm of the marked un 16 m a stlppot•tmg: role F ooth:t liN Uob '. toled o r omhin Pd a ll h a ve m nc- or ten-ga me sche<l- yo ung campa ign. 'rh e Grunks a. t s o estnbli:c.he d with S t t:v(' ~ N·or , with 22 f) O iut~ ulcs, a ~ compared w ith four or f1ve game$> for a fres hman um vers ity ot• fh em.;;.e i\' Ps il.S t he temn to bt~ 3 t, a l)i t"l't" to lead the H a irlr.1t:.. O \' e~ ~lS tlu~'y nipped the hi ghly touted l n~t yen r's (• h amps Brand-X 74-41. college eleven . S ou l Sons in tl. 7_1·70 thriller. in Br arul-X is without a ny or Lust The two-year schools ca n al so B-I Pa gu e a ction . T he win gave the year's pPrsonne l to d efend its title, pr omise a fi r s t s t t'ing job for a boy Gruuks their tJLlr'd ('onse<:utive win aml so relt e.a~y game to the muf'h in hi s sopl'l.omorc ycru· in ~ te~1Cl of of t he seaso n. J e rry Stewa r t more Powetrul '1-Ia.ts. Danny Robeing releg ated to a bench-wnnnjatnm('d th e n ets Cor 2S d ig 1ts :md m ero and Mario ~Jo.!' :t n also helped ing r ole m the f our-y ear ms tttu- Da\'e Nicke l contributed 20 t:IIUf's i ll thC. 'fl:l_t scoring wi.th 14 a piece. tw n~ And. t he jun iot• colleges are for the winners in t he rrnl'as Bill The I ntramura l confe rences \vill usu ally in volved in a conrc r cnce B :J. ll :lrd topped the Soul So n's ottt- comple te thetr second wee k of ac~ w1t h a cham pions hi p and bowl put wi t h 19 poiltts. tlon tomonow m t he 1\le n's Gym . game berths to shoot for. T'he Grunks had a\eraged 82 na..; IUm Ga mes on ta p are 2 10, At San Jose State, coach H a rry pom ts a ti l t before Monday' s Flashy La kers vs Ba tmen a nd F. leA ndersOn r eports tha t out of the g'ames, rompi ng the Hairh a ts 81-62 ments vs . Jets and at 3. 10, O ld16 m en he has gradu at ing off his a nd t he H a wa ila ns 83-21. Stewa rt timers vs. Mus t a ngs a nd Hmrhat ~ 1965 squ ad, 10 w ere. JLm10r college led t he c lub' s ba la nced scoring at- vs. Soul Sons. trans fer s. An d ou t of the 36 pla y - tack Wi th 20 markers. agains t the T he public IS cordialJy invited to ers expected to be out for sprm g h a pless }{awana.ns , an d 14 aga ms.t atten d a ll t il ts a nd the admi~ s.ion tra inin g, 20 w ill be former J .C. the 'H a ts. Jac k Cook an d M1ke IS free. p layers . Morach marked 20 a nd 19 pomts - - -- - -- - Malley says tha t in t he last versus the Hc.u1·ha ts, w h1Je Cook 1965-66 Basketball Statistics seven years o f football at Snnta picked up 19 in the Ha wauan mi~ Pts. A v9 . Rbd,. Avg. match. Clara, t here have been only six 5<2 19.3 129 45 Ma n o Mm·an a.nd Steve Secor Rocha JUn io r college playe-r s, but he is Rabidou 365 I3 I 112 4 0 qu1c k to add t hat more empha si s l;tllted 21 and 19 d i!<ltS m the 'H al KuhlmM . 12,7 236 B B 3+5 will be g tven to t he J .C. program loss to t he Grunl<s . Blase r 21 3 7.7 79 2 9 A-le agu e leadt>rs, the B.ttmen, Carl rng 192 7 I 13< m t h e fu t ure. 95 52 gRrn ere(l their Initial win in a uip- Reynold s 76 4 2 99 3.6 48 2 7 aml-tnek b a t tIe with the Old- Srock Olson . 84 lb 101 43 timers. l\ItCull and Bailf>y again Brunr 83 33 18 I I sparked th e Batm e n's attac k with Kendt!l ll 78 3.7 43 2.0 8 40 19 mark ers apioce, as th e winners Covoho 2 10 USED 71 5 0 00 puliP.d a.wa.y to 61-54 win, in the And e rso n McCoy . . 4() 4 80 2 fiu a J monwuts of play. 'rhe Bat- Penny 3 50 4 .80 men s' he igh t a d vanta g'e worked to Mc Brrd e . 2 ,40 + 80 th P lf'll.::!"lle l€'11tlPrs a d vanta ge , :1s UAM TOTALS and up )1 <'0ull Hnd 'l'nunf"r C'On trolllng the S e~n Jose Opponents hoards. l<... rf>d Jon e s a nd Jerry Scoring .. . 2253 2027 La n gridge tor•ped tht• Losers J)Oint Avero qe .. so 4 714 CROWN 'JTV procludion with 14 a nd 13 tullles. FG's Alle mpted . IBB9 1859 The Oldtim ers' lea ding scorer s, FG's Mo d e 830 783 1225 W. San Ca rl os H 42 though ])lay ing onl y half the tilt, FG Percentoge FT' s Aj-tempted 665 668 with L.lllgrJd gc. havi ng :~lr d f'fi- FT' s Mode 46S 450 <'ienc i('S a nd Jonf;'S ~om ing up with FT Pe rcent t!l ge 69 9 67 3 foul p1 oh1ems, Off Re boun d s 351 366 587 621 The Old tJmers opened t.h e sea- Def Re bou nds AM E FI ICA'S f 1 K N IT SHI RT ' 938 987 fotol Re bo unds son m fme st y le, dum pi ng t he FULL-FASHIONED s hort hand ed F la sh y L a kers 64- 56 BAN-LON " J 1mmy Cd.lhoun topped a ll scorers ALL GG C TF: A~IS: w1 th 19 pomt ~ for the La ker !'! , BROOKVIEW BY First Team Ht. Class while the Oldt imers boas ted five ' Brll y I=ILJRIT.A.N• Ro b rn son , Mernft b- b soph men in double figures. Jones and Gene Wi lli., ms. CCSF b- 5 frosh Men want Brookview beAI P ezino top th e scorer·s w1th 16 P, t Roeho, SJCC 5- 11 soph cause 1t's handsome , com6 4- frosh a n d l J ap1ecc, a n d Ed Motr1S0 n W Wie W rse , CCSF 6- 4 soph fortable. Kn1t to f1t, with no was credJted WJt.h a fmc floor Charl ie Po rks, CCS F 1 Second Tearn underarm bind. Women love g ame Mt ke Gooclmon followed up 6- I fresh Br ookview because it Calhoun 's oulp u t wnh 15 m a1'kers Ownoy W ilf rom s, CSM . Do n l yon s, C o)1fra Coste 6- 5 fresh for the losers. washes and drie s automatiH al Do hl rng . C ha b ot . 6· 0 soph Bill Ballard and Uud)' Guzn1an Bred Moc laren CS M cally. No ironmg Class ic . 6- 5 soph i ~1 ited fl, SC('OIHI h:t Jf Nurge, :lOti Vrn ce Sie me ns, Centro Costa 5- 1 I soph col ors. S·M-L-XL. led UIC' Soul Son.~ to nn easy 66-38 *Ro b rnso n rs playe r -of- ~h e- yea r 'Textralized yarn, win O \ P r th e Hu.waihut~. The Sons 100% DuPont nylon 1
MermenBom bC a ot As Akrop Sets Marks I
By P AZ ROCH A ncr along witl1 Akrop in most of rirs t t>I a ee~ in the relays . Sa.n Jose San Jose c 1ty College t anke-rs the meets . J im graduated from \\on th e 400 ya rd rn e(Hcy rei n~· ant) e ve ned their lca~e record to l -1 Lmcoln hi gh school a nd hold s ~ome the 400 y3 rll rrcPstylc wit1 1 tilue;.; las t F t'Jday, V.J th a r esound mg school records ther~. J 1m sco red of 4 :10 6 and 3:37.6 re!!ip edhelv. 68-26 triumph over th e Gladia tors some pom ts_ ror the Jags In the H ostmg College of Marin the lofrom ChaboL T he VIsi tors s tm·ted 200 ya rd tndJVtd ua l medley n nd the cal aq uamcn showed a tea m effort from t he opem ng re lav to comyard bteas t sttol<c The md.J- m squelchmg t he F a lcons Sopho.. ple tely smother the hos ts. l m- vidua l medley he was c l~cked m more Ph il B'"own set a school provcmcn t of the JL1g fl c~stylcrs 2.17 .5 aJld the n garnered fll'~ t spo t mat'k ll\ the 100 yard freestyle has g tvcn the loca ls two victor ie!-i m the b1 cast strok e WJth a t1n1c o f Wlth a 52 9 u mc t o b1 ca k Tom m a r ow Las t Monday the aqu a- 2 30 6. Akrop 's t 1mc of 53 4 w h1 ch was set j:1.gs disposed of Coll ege of M a t~m Other winne rs we1"e Uob C olyfi r , ear lier 111 t he yea r T om b1uke thts 54-40 mark 1n the Chabot clash 1 200 .va rll free~ty l e with .l tlme or 1,om Akrop, n. fres hman f'r orn 2:02A to give \'a lu nble t•oin b for A lso Jll a cin ~ fir~t we re Ron \ bcWmow G len, b.!'OkP two school t h e J:t.g tot::tl. Paul \Vntts ~!lt>tu:red L enrt n n m t he 200 b::t ck s troke, records in the Ch abot elnsh. H e is th e 200 bntteTfly with !l. (' Jot•king Jo hn J !lnsen .50 yn.rd free, Akrop lf>a tling the Jag trOOI)~ 10 vietory o r 2:!W.~, Ron MacLennan won the 200 b atte1·tly, Pnu l \ V!l tts in the ns he l~ continu ally bre ald ng- N'<'· 200 .vn rd b af•k strol<e with a, time 200 h t <':lst ~h·oke ords in eve ry m cP t he swims in. of 2 :20.8. Ron and Paul weJ·e ::llso The J aguars host Oakland-MerTom swam to n. 29.4 clo cking in in.~trurne nirtl in the ga.r nf'ung of lilt thJs Frtday at 3.30. the 50 yard ft·ccsty le to brc:1h: one --------------~~------~--------schoo l mark. The other m a rk he l'te t wns 111 th e 100 y:1 rd f t·N·style :l !i> he rock eted to ·" 51.6 d ockrn g t o be tte r h1s O\\ n tll!trk. Tom stil l ha s plenty of time to s et more records as he L't continually improvjng in the fr eestyle . J 1m T ri plett was the other contribu tor to t he tanker wm, as he By FI!ANK WRIGHT ·end \¥rig ht, although on ly a freshalso scored a double wi n J 1m also Hopes for a thu'd consecu tive ma n has the ab1l1ty to be as good a. freshman ha s been the bi g winbasebaJI champwnsh1p rest on t he as anyon e around and JS a r ea l arms of fJVc men. These mak e u p prespect for profess ion a l b.a,seball. P at Ara ta, an all m·ound pert he p1tching s ta ff of the 1966 J agfm m e r fr om Overfelt, and Tom uar bascbaJl team Thts :yea.r's nmf· bo nst.;;. some of Henson, a n ot h er versa ti le ball th e fm est pi t~ hi n g in C ity CoJJ e ~::;e player a re expected to be called histol'y, The staff is h eaded by two on as reli ef pitchers durmg the of t he to t> pitch er s a r owul, Gabe year Arata 1s also a ft rs t baseman and Henson 1s now t he f1rs t team D e La Torre and Jim Phill1ps. r igh t f telde r for the Jag s De La T orre posted a tremendous s1x win and no loss record last yea r that mclude a n l mpresj s1ve wm over FreSno C11ty CoUege trad1tiona1Jy a Northe rn Ca lifornia power hou:•>e. PhiiiiJlS wa s ~ e 1 e c t e d to the j Golden G.tte Confe rem·e all league team last yenr w hile J>Osting * four w ln one loss r e('ord to go a long with a. phenomenal 0.48 earned run a~erage. Also returmng from last year's tea m are Joe Lynn and Ed Escobar Escobar, most valua ble pl ayer m the MHAL m 1964 has been im pressive so far this year postm g a fme win m the ftrst game of t he season a gams t Modesto. Ed ha s .JI~ I TRJPLE Tr a lso t urned m several fine relief • .. d o uble winn e r performances .Jpe J,.ynn, hailing from Blackford Hig-h, i.s th e Staff's r e lie r pitche r a nd a r e:.ll un sung he ro. Lynn 's f'h Jtc h pc.-fo:rma nces we re as in$trum ental in hu.;t year's clutml>ions hip as a ny one (acto r I ntramural competitiOn us ing t'an he a nd J oe wiU be JoOkNl t o golf ba lls, vo lleyba lls, soft balls, fo r m ore of t he s1une . bowlmg balls, goof balls a re on t he S teve W ng ht, all-leaguer from ag enda f m · sportsm indcd AS B . JIM P HJ LLIPS ca rd holdmg ~t u de n ls a l Sa n J ose Andrew HiJJ is looked to be one of the team;s best by th e year 's .. . '65 aii -GGC C1ly College.
Hurlers Major Cog In Horsehiders Hopes
Intramural Play Swings
Golf st a rts tom or r ow a t Hillview Golf Course m which t hree openmg rounds Will be p layed to de termin e h an dicaps a nd p lacmg for the pa rtici pants. The1c a r e studen t r a t es for card holder s whic h are on ly The "Swim to H a wa ii" con tes t one dollar. s ponso1·ed by the Women 's P .E . Th e day fo r J>lay on thE" voll eyDepartment now has seven contestan ts Layne H ackett hopes to ball cou m has lwf'n set fo r Thurssee more people come out as soon day ojternoon s a t 2 p.m. for interest ed c lubs, organJza ti ons \J. Ild ina<:; the w~ath er gets better Lh~ I>C nd en t t eams. Terun r oster s can • " 'omen 's P .E. Club is planning be h1rnet1 in a ny time for the me nits annua1 retrPnt for A11ri1 23 and women a nd men league , ·olleyhall24.. The ide as to b e presented will e rs to Coach S i S imo ni. Thts year I S t he t hu·d seuson t hat r>eda.iu to the te achin g proresslon. men's doubles will be he ld for two \\latch for furth er information. man teams. L ast year the compe• • • Women's P E . Departmen t offers htion w as won by a now San J ose a Sports Officiatmg class each fall. Sta te student, B ill P ollock, an d Membe r'S of th is class. are g iven a H a nk Ne1h in, SJCC s tudent. nation al exam and are given rating Intramural so rt ba ll w tth limit,;; accord mg to t heir ability. Later these " lady Jags" offic1ate a t H1gh or 12 men on a t enm h a..IJ b een set School a nd J unior Hig h play days. for Tuesday m o rnings at J L a.m . O ur " lad 1es" ea rn from 53-$6 for Sturting dat.f" wiU be unn OlUI<>ed each game they referee. For those in th e futurf" aJtd enh·y fo rms can In teres ted m the class . it w 1H be be round in th e M f"n's Gym from offered next fal l - t hree d ays a S l S im oni.
Women's P.E. Dept. Features Action By C HRIS VA U GHAN Note._ot ::trHl Xews from t he \Vomr n's P .E . Depnrtme n t. Girls' softbal l team needs six more members before they can pa rticipa te m. competition with o ther JU nior colleges. T he nex t meet mg Will be tomorrow at 3 :40 m the W omen 's Gym, Every girl is ehgJble to come out for practice regardless of experien ce. Those mteres ted con tact Evonne Daven port, women 's P .E ms truclor.
• •
Ext ra-m u r a 1 competition
be -
twee n junior coli Pges in t enni S, softba ll, fencing, a.nd gymnastics a re now being p1nnn ed for anyone who would Uke to f'ontpe te. For sortba ll , see E\·otm e Davenport; tennis, Gtmh ild Swanson; fenf' ing. La:rne H a c kett; and for gymnastics, Linda Da.vis.
• •
week for Gne uni t .
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Leather Boys
in +he
A Comedy Riot!
' Bellarmine College Preparat ory of San J ose was r a ted as havmg th e na tiOn's number one defensi ve foo tba ll squad fo r the 1965 prep gr1d ca mpaign, 1t was learned last week . T he Be lls derens lve e le\ e n was unsco r e d upon a ll · season, as t h e loca l prepst er s com piled a rt unh le mish ed 9-0 rf"c ord. St. Ma1·y's of Oa k land scm-ed the only pom ls a llowed by the Bells al l campa ign, a nd it was tallied against t he offense The B ell d eten se also y leJde(l le-ss y:1 rd.age th.an any other high S<'h ool aggTegation in t he country, wit h :l groM t otal or -99.8 yards, af'c•ording to Scholas tic Coach l.\l agazlne.
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So if you h ave lots of ambition, au aptitude for techni cal work, and a good academic record ( well
Local Prepsters Cop Top Honors
Wednesd ay bowlt.ng is rolling m • • • Twenty-two ath le tic-minded J ags fme s tyle wt th league play for bo th are s lated to compete a t th e Ca - men and women m t he afternoon. bl'lllo Sports Day, Saturday, March Commg up on T uesday, Ma rch 29, will be the openmg day for t he 26. second league to star t . Anyone can lntra JHUTfll orncials B ob P enny still JOin the fun a t F1esta Lanes a nd Ron Ca rling ha' e been awardBowling Alley a nd enter the ha ndit'd the annual Jack ~ fadd e n-R {..-d cap competition. Oat s memorial award for ltcltl eveTypewriters m cn t in their young o ffi ciatin g caas nttte as r ee rs. P e nny and Carling h ave sue-
C IN E M ·A 552 So Bascom
TED's of
Town & Country Village
Abraham Lmcoln H 1gh School of San J ose was named by the Imperia l Sports ra ttng serv1ce o f Los Angeles last week as lhe number o ne hig h. school bask etball quinte t 111 t he sta te. T lte 'un J oseans fini she<l the cam paig n wt t h a. 29-0 record , a nd wa s r a t ed numbe r one wit h J ordan High S{'hOol of l..os An.grles, \\hO eompiled un 18· 0 slate. The L wns cla 1med t h ree tournament cha mp1onsh1ps d u r 1 n g the course of the year t he James Lick Invi tational, the Camellia (Sacra· mento ) a nd the P eninsula Baskethall ,Tournament. F INAL R AT INGS Team/ Record !- Lin coln (So n Jose ) ( 29·0) . . J ord a n (Los Ang eles) ( 18-0) 3-S•erro (W hittier) (28- J J.
Pts. 120 120
4-Poly {long Beach} 130-2} 5--Arrbyo (S~n Lore nzo) (24-2) ..
lOB 99
b-L•nc.oln {San Fron crsco} (26-3}
7-To"ance 130- 2) So• Caclos {24-l }
. . .. . . 82 82
Jefferson (Lcs An qeles } { 15-3 82 t O-C•esc.eota Va lle y {26·4) . 66 S1 M•'Y s {8 e. ~ el e y) {25-7 } bl> Other area leoms. t3 Blackford
{26-4) 17-B sho p 0 Dowd {24-6}, <3Bell arm ine Los Altos
(20. 7), H-Lrve Oak, 49-
636 Town & Cou"try ViiiG9e
San Jose, Calif. BuitdintJ 6 296-8458
VAN'S BarJ>er
FLAT TOP SPEC IALIST O pen Mon .-Sot., 9-6 377-9865 Viciofia Plua, C a mpbell
2889 So. Bascom Ave.
1 would like to clitrlfy an article which appeared in this column last week concerning the ellgibUity of Pat Cavataio to p articipate in intramural SJH}rts. The story was solely Intended to pTove the point of. who is .,actually eligible" for intramural competition. The artic le was m no wny a. slap at th e integrity of coaches Si Simonl and Bob Berry, and should not have been taken as such.
October 21-l\la.ury \Vllls is going to prove to a ll his fans that h e's things were going bad for the SJ'CC grldders, it was n1mored that the VIe t Nam P eace D ay Committee was going to make an a.ppea.rance on cm~pus. However, on this trip they were going to burn footballs, not draft c ards . .. Fred Jones Weekly Beaver Scouting report: Foothillnot too bnd at all. Oc tober 28--0 n Friday night, the evel'l'ing before Halloween, when you see t he queen a nd her court parade around the fteld you can judge fo r yourself whether it's a trick or treat. As a little helpful hint, come prepared for a t rick .. . Fred Jones •w eekly Beave r Scouting report: Chabot- pretty peachy .. , We've had our f1rst tragic repor t ,of t he year . Versatile Curt H yde was seEm staggenng aroWld th iS week , the direct resul t of being s hot by a nears1ghted bea ver htm ter. A speedy r ecover y is an tic1pated . .. The concessiona.tres a t the game t omorrow mght are expected t o be right in t he Halloween spirit. They're gomg to 'trick everyone by selling fresh peanuts . N ovember 4-W e undet"Stand that it wasn't jus t a coinciden ce w hen the ligh ts were t m·ned off d uring the queen's appearance a t half-time las t week .. . F red Jones weekly Beaver Scouting repor t. Oaklandhurtin g . . . The concessiOnaires at the game las t week came t h rough with fl ying colors. The peanuts were so stale that the copyrigh t on ane bag read 1936. November 10-Fred Jones weekly Beaver Scouting r eport: Contra Costa-very s p a rse •.. Everyone attending Frldu.y's garne is cautioned to wea r a parka with a hood, as It has been forecast tltat the seagulls wilJ be out in full foTce ... Fonner 49'er quarterback Y. A. Tittle was seen a.t Flestu. Ln n es last week polishing his head Jn t he automatic bowling bull poUsh er . . . It's been reported that Pete Salvato is considering running for homecoming queen n ext year .•. Fatty Arbuckle of the 1\lerclumdising Club ought to join the army. After all, they're looking for S he rma n tanks. November 18-Fred Jones weekly Beaver Scoutmg re!X)r t: Sa n Pra nc1sco-pr e tty ducky .. . Does anyone know why P az R ocha h as been grm mng like a fox thas pas t week? . . . The seagull s ou tnumbered the fans a t las t week's SJCC-CCSF tilt .. . The Cassms Clay-Sonny Liston title bout was such a farce that Playtex 'h as n amed I t as t he winner of Its 1965 "Falsie of the Year" award. Decembe.r 9- W e unden;tand an a wa rd is . going to bc , pr,~seJ;ltO\l to the in tramural referee who lasts the longest wtder the com fortmg guida nce of fabled in t ra m ural director Dario "Si" Simoni .. . Thank s are in store to t he a nonymous young lad y who r eturned F r ed J ones' pr1ze b moculars . , , If the 49'ers played every g anie like they did last Sunday's, they wo uld become t he first team in h1story to allow 1,000 points m ·a sm g le sea son. Cheers are in s tore for the defense .. . The best news to come out of Giant headquarters dunng t h e off season is that M ansona r i Murakami won't retu,r n to the United States next year . That oug h t to be gcxxl enough for a half dozen San Francisco victories. J anuary 12-Awa rds presented at the annual Beaver Sbooters banquet were as follows: "Most Valuable Sbooter"-F red J ones; "Most Improved S h ooter"-Ron Brooks; "Most Insp1rational"- Amos Alonzo S tagg ; "Most Shot-After Beaver"- Curt Hyde ; and "Sem or Citizens Award"--St Simon i. For a quick look at the paSt, let's nash back to thls time last yea r and see what w as highlighting the sports scene: February 11- Bob Cousy says of Boston Celtic f01ward T om H einson: "T om has becom e known as a gunner, but really h e doesn't shoot much when he doesn ' t h ave the ball" ... Jose Pagan recen tly signed his 1965 contract for about $15,000 and approxima tely 65 errors.
F ebruary 18-N o wonder It's said that a fter a figh t with Cassius Clay your head hurts for a week: I got a headache JUSt li.stening _to him on televisiOn 1as t Sunday .. . Giovanni's Delicat cssan rupped Gmseppt's Cheese House 29-13 in la:st week's Bocci Ball game-of-the~w~ek which was h eld at B akes to P ark .. The- San J ose R escue Mission has cancelled its annual chess tournament due to a la ck of able-bodied participants. F ebnl3.ry 25--Jim Ga.ma, SJCC basebal star, was ustood up" last Thursday. Tha.t Is, h e was left standing outside the team bus wh en the horseh1d ers to ok ofr for Modetito ..• The Jags played before another fine crowd Jast \\eek, a-S the official pald attendance was 86 . .. H appy to bear that swimming m entoT Bob Jones is doubling a& a square dance instruct or ... The New York Mets stW don't know what they're doing. Now they've hired JeMe Owens u track coach, Ma rch 4-Wlllie Mays was extremely jovial over his S100,000 salary, un W he found out that he was getting paid 1!1 funn y money - · · Foothill College almoot put on a fireworks display for t he fi nal basket-ball game of the season, but luckily no on e could find t hem ... Barry Kramer has fm ally found a home--back wtth his m o the r in New York. March 11- I l's rumored that San Francisco Giant Ho ldout Bob Shaw told Ch ub F een ey to raise his salary or count him out. F eeney's reply to this was, "1, "2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10" . .. J ag ~utfie~der Tim Harper, one of t he s hortest players in the GGC, was bem g_ VJewed by an opposing player recently, "If tha t guy walks around .Wlth a c1g":, in h is mouth," tile foe observed, "he'd bWTL everybody m the knee ... Herb Score's a rm had the power te> throw the ball t hrough a wall, but you couldn' t be sure of which building. March 18-0u.r sporbi artist "as recruited from the ''fl ea anarket" to d o the sketches on thls page. He ma~r not dr'dW , .ery good likenesses of our athletes, but he does oome up "1th some good ones of !leas . . One of the big treats connected with Intramural basketba U ls watching Rich Boston do hts waml•UP exerd&es • - • Kear the end of la~t year A..lvin Dark asked Jose Cardenal why he dropped an eas) fly ba ll. ca.rdeoallaughingly replied, "I lost lt in the trade winds." Dark nodded his head in agreement and added, ''That must be true, because you've just been t raded to the Angels." March 25-"McCarver: Lucky Good" was t he headline in Ar th ur • . ht Daly's column whtch a ppeared m Tuesday's Mercury. Just to th e r ig of th e headJi ne was another headline wh1ch inappropriately read. "McCarver Breaks Finger" , .. SJCC s tudents aien'( allowed to park - irl-lhc school lots unless their car bears a parking sticker, yet members of area police depa rtments use these same parking pla~ ev_e ry da y ~d no one says anything to them. The best thmg t o do IS pam t your car like a police car, and park wherever you want t o . - . Any rebroadcast, reproductlon, or other use of this colwrut w ithout the expt't>SSed writ ten consent of th1s writer is strictly encouraged.
March 23, -19tlG
.. -!
a 42.7. (Calloway, Rooca., C. Gary, through with another sp arkli ng Erickson helped th e J ag cause by perfonnance in nabbing t he 880 nabbing third in t he P ole Va u.lt E va.ns) Don H and continues his assault with a ti.riie of 1.55.8. Evans also wlth a 10'6.. effort. T om Sltell non the school r ecord (4 :20 ) ill t he ran a 41.6 to g rab first place in t he barger also chipped in with a secm1le as h e won t he event in a sharp 330 ( Int.) Hurdles, inctdentally ond ln the Sl10t Put \\r:l tlt a henve time of 4.22 6. Howard McCa lebb this was the first time Evans has of 44'6 Y,". Recently acquired basketball · came through rn t he -440, winning rwt this r ace and he picked up a m an, Steve Blaser real ly pulled 1t in 50.5. Pren tiss Gary nabbed much needed first. L ance Calloway also had a fm e t hrough by grabbing a fi rst in the third p lace in 52.2. · In a. close race Lance Cnlloway day as proved by his winning the H 1gh Jump with a 6'1" effort. Bla edged out a victory. oveT his Diablo 220 in 22.5. -Howard McCalebb ser nearly cleared 6'3" in his other opponent by snaring the 100 li1 10 cam e t hrough by taking third' in t r tes . Usually a J aguar spectalt y f lat. Tennunate Clmrles Gary 22.7. Don Hand (9:53.1) was edged Is the Long Jump, but only Larry snared third 1n 10.1. In the 120 out in .the 2 mile by Bob Reeves 11.\l• ll<w (20'1") could ma nage a High Hurdles Del RO<igers took (9 .425) of Dia blo. a nd followed third place D1ablo won t he diSCUS, closely by -Ralph Kearns (9:56.4) , but th1s 1s no indication of t he fi ne third ill 16.5. San Jose grabbed.the 1\llle Relay effo rt Lar ry Johnson ca m e through R ecovermg from l ast w~ek 's muscle cramps, Lee Evans came in a great time of S:Z2.6. Pacing with, as h e threw th e d iscus the Jags were Howard MeCa.lebb 139'6% " for his best ever perform51.5, Jim Rocca 51.6, Charles Gar y ance. J ohnson h as been a consistent 51.0, and Lee Evans 4.8.5. Vern performer for the J ags th us far, and is a very valuable a'ise t for a pennant contender Coa ch Baker singled out Larry for his fin e performance and hopes he can reach down for t hat little extra t hJS Saturday agam s t F ooth1U . Let It be said that the pressur e s urely d1d rest on the G ary brothfalling ln for base hits for the S an well t>1a.yed, 5-2 vi ctory over Va.. ers shoulders in the f maJ event, 1\lateans. llejo, kbibrpln of the Coast Conferand they came thro ugh m typ1cal T he J aguar offense failed to pro- e nce. J ag styJe, a s Charles \\!On w1th a vide a sust ained rally durmg the The team p la yed good bal1 rme leap of 44 fee t, followed cloSely contes t a lthoug h t here were sev- throughout t he game and comrrut· by brother Prenhss \•t ho leaped 43 eral hard hit b alls caught by San ted no errors. feet. " Ma teo outfielders . T he Jags scored in their first T u esday the bnse ballPrs eve ned t ur n a.t the ba.t. Ve rn GJd ley t heir league l'ecord wit h a fine 7-0 walked and a (lva_q,ced to second on BATTEN'S ART • victo ry over the Comets of Contra a b a rd hit s ingle by Rich Gar cia. Costa Junior Co1lege. FLORIST - Tim Ha.rper t11eo r eceived a. base Sophomor e ace Gabe De L a on balls as did Jim H eck e ndorn I O% Discount to Student. 532 S. Bascom Ave. CY 3-0655 T orre turned in the finest p1tchmg forcing ac ross the Ja.gs first rtm. Sa n Jose perfor mance of t h e y ea t• for t he A single by Frank Wright then locals wi th a two h1t, s1x t een pushed ac ross two more markers strikeout, shutout. D e La Torre for the JocaJs. The J ags were unwas red hot m the first three m - able to score a.gn1n until the eighth FREEMAN'S nings and was able to fan the first inning when the y picked up two t en batter s he faced. De L a TaiTe additiona l m:-..rkers. USED CARS CHARLES GARY also smgled in one of the J ag seven Jim Ph1IJips pi tched f me ball fo r . . . wins it for Jags markers in the fourth innin g. the firs t ftve inmn gs and was enBest Clean U•ed Jaguar batsmen s howed signs of route to a no hi tter w hen he ran Cars in Town commg out of the ir four ga me into some trouble. E d Escobar slump by collecting te n hits m the came on In rellef and d td a fine job HARDTOPS - STICKS contest. for the r est of the contest The seven r uns eq ualed t he m ost SAN J OSE {OJ SAN MATEO {l I S an J ose has scor ed thus far in ab r h ab r h Friday th e J ag golfers travel to Gate Confer ence play, a nd Go rcr o, 2b 3 0 I Burn II. cf 4- 0 0 E. J ulian St. G()l·'en '-' Hd ndn , Jb 4 0 0 Mqnsn,lf 3 I I ~ BUclhrrlOntd Co untrY Club to go their ten htts agruns t the Comets He r pe r, d 4 0 I Herro n, ss + 0 I agam st the Contra Costa li nksmen. l !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ were a new league hig h for the Sto kes, If 2 0 0 Cuto. 3 b 4 0 I T he locals wlll be seeking G61den \; 0 0 Jaguars. l ynn, P Chose, rf ~ 3 0 p G at e Conference Win num ber one 10% Discount Leading the way a t the plate for OoLoTre , p 0 0 0 Kunz, 0 0 0 with A.S.B. Curd Aroto , ph 1 0 0 Barocco, 2b 3 0 0 SJCC owns a 4-5 ove r al l r ecord the l ocals we r e Tbn Ha rper, Cliff Bryant. c 3 0 0 Sull ivo n. I b 3 I and a Q-.4 GGC record S tokes, P az Roch a , and Frank Hoo p,ll , ph I 0 0 C osta , c 3 0 Last Fridny the Jaguar dul(ers u..'rifr bt, uU w ith two hits . Roc ho, ss 3 0 I Delbex, p 2 I ~ r 0 Jost t heir fourth league ma t c11 t 0 Where Your VOLKSWAGEN T he J ags pushed their season Henson , r 3 0 F Wrg~. lb 3 0 0 City College of San Francisco by is in m ar k t o 1 0-3-1 S a.turday with a S.W rgt, p 2 0 0 a: 22-IS count . Low i.ndhiduu l w edG ood Hands If ~ ~ __: _ _ _ a.list for the day was the Ranls' for ALL Her NE EQS. TOTALS 30 0 4 TOTALS 29 3 6 Ron O'coner who s hot a fin e 71. C oli onyh me SAN JOSE .. 000 000 000-0 4 0 Tied for low medalist for the Jags SAN MATEO . too 000 I b:-3 6 I were Dave Parry and 1\tarty Pala2 B-H erro n, Sullivon. cios each with impress ive performContra Costa (0} SAN JOSE (7) an ces CHo rding 75 eac h. ; b Q ~~ Garcto , 2 b al b ~ ~ 972 CHESTNUT ST. Lar ry Lupo r egistered a 78 jn Golden Ga t e Confer ence r ep re- Abel, d NEAR HWY. 17 ACROSS _ Copser, cf 1 o o Bodine, 2 b 1 o 0 ga rncnng one point for the team. senta t ive City College of San Fran4 o 1 Hkndm. 3b 4 0 0 Chn s Ford shot an 82 bu t lost to THE FREEWAY FROM FMC Srn g r, 1f Clsco los t m the ftna ls of the State Loveaoy. p 2 0 0 Harper, cf 4 2 2 O'coner . .Parry defeated Garry MiLOOK FOR THE J uruor Col1ege Basketba ll Tourna- Wanlrn, l b l 0 I Slokes, If 3 02 21 alocq 4 ¥.. -1 %. Marty P alaciOs beat CAR IN THE SKY 0 0 Brya nt, c 3 ment. The loss was a 91-61 t1lt to Foste r, rf 21 o o Hoap 11,, c 1 0 0 Mike Butler and brough t 6 points Ope n 8 to 5, 6 Doys o We e ~ R ivers ide C1ty College, which gave Q urrco, rf 3 0 OIRo che. ss 4 2 2 mto the Jag fold Martin Kenney, Dan1e ls, c the T igers the tr third sta te cha m- Ruiz , 3b 3 0 0 Henson, rf 2 0 0 back in action aft er a bout wi th I 0 0 piOnship m a r ow. N I b Bo ll a ~ h. ss 3 0 0 Arota , rf o o Wrigh t, 1b 4 1 2 t he fl u, lost to Doug e son u t CCSF pl a~ed wi t hou t a ll-conler - Flego l, 2b 2 1 0 o DelaTre, p 3 0 I sti ll m anaged to cap t ure 1 ¥2 pom ts en ce center Eugene 'Vllllam s , and H ube r, 2b for the toom. his loss hurt, as th e Tigers 7' een28 o 2 TOTALS 33 7 10 Coach Harley Dow cited P alacios te r L arr y Bun ce t a llied 30 points. I<C•nNITRA COSTA 000 000 000-0 2 4 and P arry for their fine efforts R eturning aU-State guard S t.eve 210 130 OOx-7 10 0 a nd. Da niels ; De La Torre a nd against the Rams. Both P alacios Barber b acked Bunce. w it h a. 23 W-Oe and P arry h ave s hot con.ststent 1 point 1>erform ru1 ce. in all conference matches. The Rams h ad to hur dle two fme op ponen ts to gam the finals. The LOW MONTHLY first was Imperia l V alley College who went into t h e game undef eatAUTO INSURANCE ed in ac tion The second obstacJe was the st ate's number two r anked Pay As You Drive JC team, Long Bea ch C1t y College. Pennies a Day
By P!I.T CA..VATAIO '].'ra iling D1ablo Valley 66-61 g oing m to t he fm al even t of the meet, (Tri ple J ump) the Jaguars grabbed a one, two firush, thank to Charles and Prentiss Gary, to wrap up therr second league w in, 69-67. The J ags migh t have been gwlty of a little over-confidence in this meet as t hey were expected to tnu mph easily, and were heavily push ed and were very pleased t o walk away With thei.J;' victory. In t he opening event .t he - Jags were off in h.igh fashion as t h ey tied the school record in wi nnlng the 440 Relay b y clocking in \\,'ith
Since we are long on space and short on news this week, we felt t hat this would be an appropriate time to review the various quips that have a ppeared in the "assorted baloney" portion of this column s mce the begmmng of the fall semester. o ctober 14 _ Fred J ones weekly Beaver Scouting report : Diablo Valley-very sparse . . . Hal Lamer keeps popping up m M ythology class ... The most humorous aspeet of the World Series is the close-up shot of Jolm Roseboro. He cou'ld pass as the twin brother of Smokeythe-Bear .. . W e ltave a new record for Beaver Shooting. A young lady at th1s school was shot 69 times last week. Th a t's quite a performance, or so says official tabu1ator Paz R ocha. a. banjo player by a ppearing on Hollywood Palace this week •. . When
"''·:'li~ Ovcilmen Squecik by DVC, - ~ Engage Foothill Satu~day
LEE E V.IINS _ .. cinder burner
Runless Jaguars Point. to Red Hot Owls Tomorrow The San J ose C1ty College Baseba ilers lost their th ird league game m f ive outmgs T hursday when they dropped a 3-0 deciSIOn to the Bulldogs of San Mateo on the winners d1amond . The game turned out to be a p1t chmg due1 bet ween T . J. Delbex of San Mateo, an d fres hman ace S teve \ Vngh t. \Vr lght, who h ails from Andrew Hut H igh , pitched outs t a nding bnU tor se\•en full innings nnd allowed only fh'e hits. \ Vrig ht deserl'ed the win but the breaks went tb e wrong wa.y with several p oorly hit balls
.. ,,,,,,,,,,,_.,,. .
J ag G0 Ifers Fa I·1 Ag a 1•n
$69.95 - $1095 -
CCSF Loses Netmen Lose In Cal Finals Three Straight G ABE DE LA TORRE . . . b ig s toppe r
The past w eek 's tennis action proved disastrous for Jag claycourt men. The locals dropped three straigh t matches, two of them to Golden Gate Conference foes. On Wednesday the J ags traveled to Sa n Mateo to make-up a match which had been postponed by rain 1\lan• P arson s ou t for the first time on the season stepped into the nwnber o ne s]>Ot OlJ. the team and drOf)l)e(). two . . stra ig ht to Bob Delontonl 6-~ , 6-2. P a rHons t eammates a ll followed his lead as the Jags wer e shut -out 7-0. Angel Altrunarino Jost to Ed Menges 6 -1, 6-0. J ack N ash drop ped two to Woody Woodruff 6-S, 6-2. B ob Rameriz dropped two 6~1, 6·0 as did Tony N astor 6-S, 6-S. The doubles teams or P arsorur-Altam arlno and Nash-Rarnerlz both d efeat. W hen the J ags hosted C habot on Friday the results wer e d1sast rous Nastor defeated Mike Bornes 7-5, 3-6, 6-0 to prevent an other shut out. The final was 6-1 in Ch abot 's fa vor. On Satwda.y the J ags d ro pped theii' th1rd s traight by a. 4-S count to College o f Seuuo>illil \'li.ns wer e turned in by J ack 6-S, 6-4 tLrte r h e lost the f irst game 6-1 t;o. Dick Os borne. The d ouble te am o( MarV ParsotL" and Nas.J;t dwnped their foes 6-3, 10-8, atteC losing the second game by a m a rgin. The othe r d ou bles team of B ob R am eriz and Tony Na.st oJ we r e a lso winn ers, 6-3, 6-3. I
BILLIARDS HOURS ' 9 AM . - I A.M. Ladies play free on Sundays Ladies and Gentlemen welcome al. all wnes. t 719 S. Bascom Pho ne : 377-997 1 (Across fr cm Bonanza)
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When you can't afford to be dull, sharpen your wits with NoDozTM
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1:30 p.m. 1'hur., Fri., SaJ.
t--(i~Ty{iOL'UGE' 'rJM.E8
Campus Club Sponsors Trip Tonight to Musical
SJS Cycling. Club Offers C~~~!~.m~~~s Fitness and Fun to Everyone
Wednesday, Mtu·ch 23, 1966 '
CIIU Last week the cycling group biAnyone inte1·ested in becoming cycled to areas such as Alum Rock Beta Phi Gamma. Honorary Toni Kaska or Gay Floren. You physically fit with a minimum of Park and San Felipe. li sm Society, is sponsoring a Journa The faculty advisor of the club must fill out a n application before effort and a bit of fun? W~ll . h ere who tour to t he March 23rd Condon heater t is your chance. A new club was or- is Professor Roger the workshop begfus. ganized at the beginning qf this teaches art at San Jose State Colperformance of "The Roar of t he spring semester for those desirous lege. He is a very capable leader. Greasepaint - The Smell of the of being physically " keen" at San At t he age of 62, Roger Condon is 1 Crowd" at t he Circle Theater. The Jose State College. It is .caUed the a versatile individual. He gmws ." pr·jce of a ticket, which includes 'n1e ereative art of modern dance San Jose State! Cycling Associa- Christmas trees, owns and oper- r rou nd trip bus fare from City ColexIs well exemplified iri. a sl.idc tion. Anyone can participate, but ates h is own boat, and is a n active lege, is only $4.15. Student s inter~ hibit t o be shown at City College voting members must be students artist. ested in joining t he tour are urged dUI'ing the week of Mtu·ch 29. T hi s of San Jose State College. Anyone interested in participatto contact C. W. P a lmer, J ournalheir t at Con· club he the t by with meet prepared can ing slide exhibit, next meeting at Magoo's Hide-Anecticut College School of Dance, L.A. Conventio n Draws Way, 123 South 4 th St., March 'shows all aSpects of the art of In an effort to attract new m emdonee that were taught in class Phi Beta Lambda Actives 19th, Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. bers the Ski Club has announced Phi Beta Lambda, business fra- Those who cannot make this meetsessions last swnmer in New Lonthei.r schedule ror till~ semester's ' 'terOity on' ca1np~s. plans a -/rip to ing but are interested can contact don. .S andwicll tasters from left to on th e quality of various sand- •wents. Club meetings are held The Connecticut College School Los Angeles to 8.ttend its annual Stewart Pray, eveni ngs, at 286rigltt are J eri Saubemn, Diana wiches sold ln each school's s n..w k ThurSdu.ys ut 11:00 in room s-9. of Dance will open its 19th annual State Conven tion this weekend. 8301. R urt, John Hacker, Sharon Young, bar. Aooording to B 1um, "City Col- Dues are set at $1.50. The semesThe weekend activities include session July 10. In addition to Those who are city college stu- Chuc k Guil e, \VUHilm Blum and lege sandwiches placed' ahead of Party courses In technique and composi· contests for Mr. and Miss Future dents now but will graduate a nd Geor ge \ Vatts. The oce..'l.sion is a Foothill's and San Mateo's in th e ter's events are: a. Beach c~u \Vnsh April 30. Pool 17. April tive, Execu and Teacher ness Busi studrelated offers tion, the school transfer to San J ose Sta te College tri-schoo Lco nl Pst to pas..~ judgTnent categories of Price, Taste, a n<l OpPu r ty :\nd Ba-r Be Que :Ma.y 1 5~ ies in dance education , music and Typewriting, Shorthand, Account- can always become v.o ting members tional Condiments." The bren.d used \\'ater skl.!n g Mrty 1 and a. Shastw and Procedure, arliamentary P ing, no., . . . . stagecraft for dance, and dance in the future. by Ctty CoUege, h oweve r, reeivetl Slu trtp durmg Easter Vacation. tation. ~fartha Gra ham an.d J oso Community Ser vice. Other events a low rating." Limon head a facuJ ty list that in- include group discussions and elecReactivate cluQes many of t he best-known fig- tions of State officers. T ours to Campus Y.R.'s L .A. International Airport, Univer- With Atkinson As Advisor ures in modern dance. sal City Studios a nd a n A"\vards In the tradition of the ·c .O.P., Banquet are also planned. Young Republicans are- again the year Club activities so far this have included car washes, rum- in action on campus. Under t he adMaries Alaimo, Commissione r of mage sales and a Valentine dance. visors hip of Mr. Ross Atkinson, the a the SJCC College Union, has ex· In terested students are welcome to Y.R.'s have reorganized with elected The cers. offi of slate fresh tended an invitation for all C. C. s tu- attend meetings on the second and The Ski C lub, in c harge of bids Farrell., pres~ dents to attend College Union Com· fourth Monday:-": at 7:.30 p.m. in offi~r~ include: Pete has ident; John Barker, vice Pl'e.sirlent; for th e Spring F01ma1. which mit'tee meetin g-~ in room U-200 U-205. is 1, April om fr postponed been James Pio, T.reasuter; Shaton. Gievery Friday at 1 p.m. melli, secretary; J ames Lauden,. holding a contest for the selection ~Alaimo stresses tha t t he union ICC representativ e, and Al Pe- of lhe event's t hem e. The prize badly needs ideas and suggestions Rising Army enlistments have pon is, public relations. ~r developing a sound system for will be a free bid for t he winner T he ne w officers and members of the_.College Union. The Committee brought the draft call down again, cordially invite every- and date. All ASB card ho ldel'S are hopes to ins tall a "total" soun d sys - 1as was reported by the San Jose the Y.R.'s body to attend the next meeting welcome to submit as many ideas tern which will be capable-of broad- ::\fercury-1\"ews. Th ursday, March 24th , in room for the theme as desired. on The Defense Department FMday casting tapes, FM, or phonograph at 11 a.m. during the colD-107 21,for Contest dead line is noon F riday, issued an April dt aft call simultaneous ly to differen t areas. 700 men, an eight-monlli low. All lege hoUJ·. The Young Ftepublicans April 1. T he v..rinner will be anwish to have a ll pol.itical views ex\ViiJ ser'Ve in the Army, TueSday, in t he meetings so that San nounced at 11 a.m. pressed high ten-year a hit Enlistments Students! Looking fo1· part-ti me 12. April adequatebe can College City ose J caused This work? 200 jobs in assembly are of 19,000 in January. the Ap•·il call t<> be slightly below ly represented in local. state, and no~ available at IBM- Monterey natio nal conventions. quotit . and Cottle Road s~- [or both mPn ~ 22.400-m.:ln March 'Muse' Solicits Creative BJ¥1 women. F our four-hout· shifts Students' Contributions are open to in terested s tudents : Shifts: Mornings to Noon. 1 pm. t o The CB:ffipus literary magazine, 5 pm., 4:30 pm. to 8 :30 pm., und MUSE, which is devo ted entirely 8 :30 pm. , to 12 :30 ~m. ude to !he literary effor ts of S.J.C.C. ' Minimum requirements incl Second semester freshmen with a students, is going into t he prelimsome flexibili ty in redirecting st.uGPA of 2.0. Tests will be given By BE'i'Tl BAitKJ1~ R to second-choice institutions inary stages of publication, accordFriday, March 25 at 3 pm. {45 minSuggestions have been made by do?.nts redirection becomes neces- ing to James Canterbucy, advisor such if of utes ). T ests for women at·e !.he Caiifornia Coordinating Coul).for the magazine. shorter 'duration and may be held ~ il for HigheT Educ·a tion that Cali- sa1·y. (0) Require the university and at a different address. Women ap - :omia State Colleges and UniversiMUSE, which has been published .plican ts for IBM will be condu cted ties increase their standards of sta te co IIeges to guarantee en- fo r the last four fall semesters, is by H elen Green. entrance requirements for lower trance ·priority to junior college looking for literature written by pplying a in interested 'are If you divjsion studerrts. This is to en· transfers over first-time freshmen students of this campus, be it pofor this work, which will last a t courage prospective entrants to if the transfers had been eligible etry or pr·ose. Any work th'at c-an ]east until June. contact Mrs. Pe- take their lower division work in as first-time freshmen. be judged by its "esthetic literary To provide a gauge of p rogress terson in Room U-207. She is com- junior collleges, according to Di ~ worth," will be considered, stated piling a list for submission to IDM. rector Willard Spalding. toward establish ment of respective Canterbury. Deadli ne for work to Th e new requirements would: lower ve-rsus upper d]vision ratiOs; be considered is April 20th. (A) Require non-residents of the (E) req4ire the university and Students wishing to have . their Robert Buchser, Dr. P ercy Bliss, state to rate in the upper half of state colleges to make annual reconsidered may bring t heir work 1967, , 1 January beginning ports Dr. P aul Elsner. Richard Goff, those who qualify under standards May Duigna n. Ben Sweeney, Edgar for California residents, and would on fiall tenn lower and upper di- contributions to the English office, Heffley, Henry Gunderson, Renee appl-y the same standard \;o non- vision enrollments. (F) Require labeled with name a nd phone num. Ba.um, J ohn Brokensh:ire, Gae l resident applicants for advanced the university to require 60 instead of 56 units for ~advanced standing ber, or they may see someone of Douglass, and Ya ncy Williams plan standing. ihe MUSE staff. Members this se(B} Requi re the state colleges to for junior college transfers. to attend the 1966 Annual SpMng include Noreen Futter and mester colJeges state the (G) Commend Confer~ce of the California J unior include in an allowed 2 per cent co-editors, Bliane Weiner, Pearl toward progress good making for in re4, exception from basic admission College Association April Bakersfi eld. quirements lhe following: first- establishing their 60-40, lower-to- Jensen, Harriette J ensen, Gerald The theme of this year's confer- time freshmen in special programs, upper division, enrollment ratio; Ask the university and 4ke, Betty Reilly a nd Bill Housence is " Unfinished Business-Co n- adult-special students, and foreign and (H) to accept junior ton. campuses colleges basic under tinuing Challenges for the Califor- students not eligible Persons interested in working on Satisfying genas 'Courses college standards. admission " College. Junior nia staff, should see Canterbury at he t rc"breadth" and education era! to college state a (C) Require establish categories of residence quirements if the junior colleges their earliest con venience, or contact a member of the staff. Dr. Amiya Chakavarty, farme r and hardship exemption to pem1it certify that tliey do so. --1 _------....: ---------------to delegation advisor to the Indian the United Nations, will lecture a nd conduct a seminar for college students at the His tory Club, 123 Discussed at the picn.ic were the The Merchandisin g Club's picnic San J ose Avenue, Los Gatos, March for lhe coming Academic Replans Uvas at 13th March held Sunday, The initial meeting of Alpha Z7 at 10:15 a.m. treat also to be held at Uvas Mead· Gamma Sigma scholarshiP organby attended well was Meadows His lect ure on "Poetry and Rethe Mer- ows on Sunday, March Z7th, 10:00 ization took place in room 204 at ligion," open to the p ublic, will members and guests of Curt a.m. including Club, chandising eleven o'clock, March 10. draw upon the wealth of oriental Anyone interested in the MerCourt Student the of Hodgkins One hundred thirty' letters were and western lyricism and mystical playing vol- chandising Club, both pro and con sent out to eligible A.G.S . meminsigh ts. The afternoon seminar, who a fter vigorously and baseball for more than is cordially invited. to attend club bers. Thirty active members atopen only to college students, wiU leyball commented that he had meetings held every Wedn'esday tended the meeting. Membership is hOW'S five deal with oriental religions. evening at 7 :30 p .m. in room B-1. an excellen t time. based on the dean's Ust and re· - ' - - - - - - - - - quirements are a minimum 3.0 1 grade point average. Any person maintains this average and FORMERLY USED FOR Seven delegates wU1 represent carries at least twelve units is RENTALS-ALSO TRADE·INS City College in the 16th annual automaticall y a member of A.G.S. F ar West Model United Nations. Active members were briefed O!l The students, following t he theme availability of scholarsrups, the of disannament , will represent the A.G.S. tutoring program, social accountry of Iraq, stated George tivities, life membership and votComplete Watts, delegation chairman. with 'ing procedures. Members were Sa fety Assuming roles in the m odel asked to sign up for various phases Bindings U.N. wiU be Jim Steele, special pol· of Alpha Gamma Sigma and a Ideal for .itics commi ttee, handling problems tutoring Jist was compiled. Beginners as apartheid in South Africa: Russ Alpha the for made were Plans Sommers , m ember of t he political Gamma Sigma Conven tion in ApriL security committee; Dana Johnson, A .~ . S . wishes to send a few of its to economic and financial committee; members to this event a t the FaircomRandy Mu!Mne, trusteeship mont Hotel in San Francisco. PARKAS mittee; Roy White, legal commit· Also discussed "-"aS the matter tee; Dave Woods. economic and fund raising for the Alpha Gamma social council; and Matisa Bau tista, Sigma Scholarship. delega te at large. Members of the SJCC delegation will simulate t he delgation from the country of Iraq, a ''semi-neu· tral" cou ntry in the Afro-Asian Dlock. Advised by C, T. McGuire, the group will leave for the Model U.N. headquarters in the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco, April '1:7.
names fol' cheerlending-. If a nyone else ic; interested, please contact
Slide Exhibit Depicts Creative Art Form
Skiers Hold 'Name Spring For mal' Contest
Students Invited 1'o Attend Meetinq s
ism Department Room 42, CY g. 2181, Ext. 230. ' -This L eslie Bricusse-Anthony 1'\ewley musical ·boasts an all· Broadway cast featuring Joel ern as "Cocky." Cyril Ri tchard pia~ "Sir." Ritchard played Captain Hook in "Peter Pan," opposite Mary Martin, and has pel-formed on teleVision programs such 33 tb, BelJ T e.lephone H our. . "Greasepain t is a modern mora). •ty play which deals with themes such as hunger, success, work, love, death, and racial prejudice. The muslcal score includes : "Who Can I Turn To?", "WonderfUl Day Like Today," "F eeling Good" "Nothing Can Stop Me Now," ~ ''Wh at a Man." On Friday, April 1st, another theater tour Will leave Ci.ty ColJege to attend t he Circle Theater's Brasa. . next attraction ..llJUana , The"""· . Tickets for thls show are also available through M:r. Palmer.
'Three' Starts Run THE STUDIO THEATER p1·od uction , "Three," open > lomonow, T hursday, Manh 17th , fo•· a three-day run in th e City Coll ege th eater at 8:30 p.m. The prod uc· li on will include th e one-a ct play "No ffi'hy" by John Wh iting and a set of acting and mim e improvisat ion s. A movie once scheduled to be seen will not be shown. I T ickets for " Three" are being sold at the Finanqe offi ce in th e Student Union or th e box office th e nights of th e pe•·fonnan ces. The tickets m·e $.75 with an ASB
card o1· l. 50 without. Th e production is und e •· th e directi on of J ohn Owen. SPANNI NG THE PIC TURE from le-ft to ri gh t: Tim \Vood, Linda Segura, Joe B roda , Rita llucl<ett, l\lic iHtel Ziegle r, JuJie Rogers and
Carlton P erry.
(oordinating Council Urges Higher Entrance Standards
Model United Nations Delegate s Are Chosen
master minds. Uocha. f inished behind the conference's most Vltluab le J)la.ye r , BUJy Robinson of Oakla nd-Merritt, in scoring dm·ing the <'ourse of the campaign with 303 digits in 14 games fo r a. 2·1·7 u.verage. Members of the first unit of the P .<\Z RO CHA all-GGC club, jn order of selection, ·- • A li-G.G.C. were: BiUy Robin son, Oaklandw-11 . , MVP ~ . Me•·r•tt, • •tuns, second team picks · San Jose ' Oak; .c.ugcne San Francisco; Rocha, San Jose; Iand, FoothJ ' Chabot, ancf league d runner up San Mateo each had one F · · . p k s Ch ar I1e ar s, an ra nc1sco; an man on- t he quad · s Willie Wise, San Francisco. RocluL led Su n ,Jose's a.t"tnck rtll The secontl five included: H al season as h e h ad to shoulder a DohJing, Cha bot; Don Lyons, Con- great par t' of tl1e J agua r scor1ng tra. Costa; Chuck Deegen, Foot-- punch . The fl.ne sedo na year perhill ; Breck l\IacLarcn, S~m 1\Iateo; former proved h1s vers.ntmty, as and Bob Clemons. Contra. Costa. last ·season he aet ed in the playSan Francisco led the e lite ten, make r role and this year took wi th t h ree choices, a1J first unit, chu.rge as the squad's c:Lptui.n and followed by Contra Costa with two leading sco rer.
a~o1,..Uing Phone 298-218 1/ Ext: 230 , dent . Goverrirru:!p 't • OrgMizB..tion. 5 ~'wa,s. a great S\lccess,"
(Area , V,l)
Conference held
.April 22-24
at to. Public RelAtions; Commissione r Richar'd Knapton, voi'c.ing opinion 6( the assemblage ,fro;, City Col· lege . .
By DENNIS PERCY U.et •·ea.t Chairman. Applications for the April 22-24, Academic Retreat have bee-n released.• This semes ter- the topic of the Relt·cnt tl~ "Religion: Aid or Anchor ?" As in semesters previous, the topic wilb be supported by selec ted read ings--one required book and a bibliography of several related volumes designed to broaden the discussions. In addition to the books, the Retreat CommHtee has broken precedent and scheduled a panel discussion between. two, a nd perhaps three, representativ es of dlf· fetent denomination s. The clergymen have gene1 ·ously donated lh.eir '"base , an d. \VJ.W.-. ..tim. e t o Lh e R eJ.reat t heir discussion on the volume se1.ect,_ed a~ required readi ng~ Th is is the f:it·st. time a. pr·ogram like this has been attempted at the Retreat -and, since {he participants have agreed to make themselves available for an open discussion perlod after the panel, the re· sult shou ld be a va luable addition to the format. The towering red..woods of the San Francisco YMCA conference
grounds at L a Horida will once again provide t he backdrop for the ac ti vity and are expected to conti nue lo pr·ovide the atmosphere of freedom and relaxation so neee~sary to Lhe Retreat's success. Jtj you are the type of person who enjoys a restful weeken'd jn t he mountains, feels the classroom clutch getting tight and wants a chance to just talk; take the plunge a nd come along. There's a big fireplace, guitars, singing, and most important, an opportunity to rea1Jy get to know some interested and interesting students and facutty. The applica.lions are available in the Student Services Ofifice and .are-4ua- .Ap.r...il l , lt wiH make i-t easier aU around if you get your applications in early as a bigger t han ever response is expected.
represent ativ ~.
Clt;y College s~u~eut )couucil 1 at· tended the conference and dis-
'R,eligion~ Aid or A'nchor?' Is ·Aca~emic ·Retreat Topic
Compo site of Relate d Events
cussed problems common lo -.Ll~ t,he meml>er colleges. Associated Student Body President Jim Steele t hanked the <lelegate...tt for th.ei r utime and effort" during a rece nt council meetl.ng.
"~ach delegate felt that th is Area VI conference was a greater !iUCcess than past area meeti ngs," stated Knapton. "It was an impottant prelude to the State Convention in the fact that it affects lhe schools working together." F ive council membe rs acted as delegation cl1airmen with. George
STUDENT COUNCIL l\I.E~IBERS attentlfng recent Area Jll confab, J\'Jon~erf'y, arJ:.' frorn J~ft) to right: (sentedj ASB Presitl ent Jlm StPele, Vice President 1 ave Wood; (sta.ndi ug) Ron .8erkJ, Steve Burch 1u1d Ric h l<nupton.
Watts, Commissione r or Finance, ta.Jdng .a lead ' r ole as Finance Worksllop Chairman. The workshops and the de.Jegates from City College were: Finance, Dave Wood·. Publicity and Publica tions, ~ich l(napton; School Spirit, Bob ToJedo; I CC and Club Organization'"""' and Funct,·ons of Student Government, Ron ,13erkL
Times' Ques tion:. Is D~op in Activ ity Card Sale Symp tom· of Failin g Stud ent Gove rnme nt ? .
-YESBy KEVAN SMETHURST Study Magazine Editor
I have been asked to address a discussion to the resolution that This semester student council finally got ra Uttlt> of what they ecen!t drop on ASB card sales is merely one symptom of t he gcnr the the amongst deserve. For years there has been g rowing d iscontent of SJCC Student Government. famng eral the and sold was it way the card, ASB the concerning lx>d.y s tudent First, I believe the Spring 1966 Student Council is composed of stud ent government it supported. Now t his year the best thing posof campus interes ts, from fTes hs ible happened; there was a dl'op ~n sales of ASB cards (to the tune stodents covering the full spectrum units completed, ages from 18-?, 60 than more with students of 5,000 dollars) which means that people are catching on and de-- m,en to government at SJCC to mem student in experience no with students ciding to s-pend their $6.00 elsewhere. Smethurst or to George Green in S.T.A.Y. Holds 'Day' 4 semesters under their belt. with bers the of caboodle • and kit whole the brought funds in deficit This Study Magazine Staff Rm. 47 .. George Watts (Comstudent council to a schreechiilg halt whilstMr. In Quad, Tomorrow The recent drop in ASB cards is a sad development and student Ryman (who runs Eyes March Publication missioner of Finance) and our dear beloved Ma.rch held be will Day will have to shoulder a portion of the blame, ALONG S.T.A.Y government cuts. budget few a out the bookstore and caf€'teria, for us?) worked · Study Magazine s t a f f began Last Day To Withdraw WlTH EVERY OTHER FACTION. ORGANIZED OR NOT, ON 17, for the dual purpose of inform work last week t~ publish tneir Saos Penalty, March 18 Anyway, to cut a long story short, everyone came out smelling CAMPUS. ing s tudentS just what S.T.A.Y is · roses and the panic is over without any real consequences . like after FMperi<x:lical's first insta11ment of the members that Students are reminded and for recruiting new As to corrective measures to heJp increase ASB card salescouncil So now you know vaguely what went on rat the beginning of this Jthe drop was realized, special events were organized by the spring semester to appear at the day, March 18 is the last day to to the ot·ganization. Group memnot really. semester. The trouble about it is that nothing happened, theater tickets and pizzas drop a class without pen alty. To bers will be on hand in the Quad The basic t hing that was wrong with t he student government and to give a n incentive to buy the cards. Free end of March. tructor a nd Student Union •a long with its advisors ls still wrong and a nyone refusing to buy an ASB card are being given to cardholders selected at random, special dances 'ins the to go , class· a drop "We already have a great deal are scheduled giving c&'d. holde1-s large reductions in admission, other and pick up your class card and g r'Oup adviser, William Blum. o11 poems and short stories," said justified. fully be can protest organizati-ons on campus were asked by council to help stimulate by way of rn it to tJhe records office. George Green, Study advisor. "But retu wrong with the student governthings nwnei'OUS the Amongst most. help were the Athletic Song Girls Prepare ment and most pertinent l-0 this article is the program it offers . This card sales. Organization s giving the what we really need are opinions, · A last reminder to ·those stuand the Merchandisin g Committee Retreat Academic , Departments progrem resembles_. ,and must by th~ reSponse it gathers, something conflict of opinions, and articles to dents wishing to graduate ihis For April 21 , Tryouts Club. riday, F due are petitions une, J Song g irls will hold a meeting you }l.ad in High. Sc\lool. There are r.eallo'" few worthwhile activities Another means to relum money to the ASB lreasury was thf! outrage the intellect instead of the March 18. Prospective graduates tom?rrow at 11 a.m. in the -Bands Dance hfarch 11. This dance was instituted and morale." Battle-of-the been ha\·e enthusiasm rrwst t.h,e gat\lcr lbat ones the and and ob- W omen ' Gym. This meeting is for on campus ~Taterials pertaining to the school are to see their counselor council. student the than all plans we1·e carried out by the Student Council Ail funds received perpetrated by people other or other subjects should be sub- tain a petition (form R-11 ) for the preparation for April 24 try. The sense of va1ues is completely Q.istorted. '1\vent.y-fiveorthouthe acnon from this danre and future activities will be distributed among outs. For further information, sand dollars arc spent on all sports activities (curricular mitted to Study Editor Kevin approval. counts which were adjusted in the baJancing of the budget February 24. contact Linda Johnson, head song curricular) against the $5,000 spent -On all extracurricu lar activities It seems that there ,fs some doubt in the minds of certain faculty girl, or J an ,Walther. Practice ses- t hat could be classified as academic (Academic Retreat, Philosophy and students as to the value of ASB cards. members spendassociation 31, school 24, a see March can't held be just sions "";u Symposium, Films, etc.). 1 I only want to point out t hat aU activities supported by ASB funds and ApMl 12. All ca ndidates. must ing a noticeable amount more money on sports than on academic are participated in by interested students. Whether this interest is acalege vs Chabot, There, 3 :3{} p.m. • affairs. atten.d. THURSDAY : 1\larch 17 College hese programs were to be de· Oity Jose 7. Track, San 1. Student Council, 10 a.m., Rm. Another highly controversial issue and quite relative is the dernic, social or recreational, if any of t ze, Re-organi YR'S activity program at SJCC. the Berkein at gap Frosh serious Cal. a and be Diablo would vs there Jeted, Somewhere U-200. amount of money that is spent on curricu)ar ac;tivities. Government is failing at SJCC. Student that infers Smethurst Me. re· that classes on spent is Call for Members budget $95,000 yow·2. Supreme Cow'(. n· a.m., Rm. ley, 3:30 p.m. of S42,000 to close 8. Studio Theater Production, The Young Republicans have re- ceive units and shpuJd be ~d for by the school district and not Neither Student Council as a whole or myself have been approached U-205. the organized and those interested in by the Associated ~tudents. Th.i.s situation is ridiculous and one might w.ith this proRQsition. Our meetings are open to all students and 3. S.T.A.Y. Day, All Day, Quad. 8:30 p.m., Theater. bring to wish membert ASB which criticism any ,.,.·elcomes Council joining please contact P ete FarrelJ, reasonably ask why doesn't the ASB pay for all our books too. 4. Musical Recital.. 11 a.m., Rm. SATURDAY : March 19 F -7. 1. Baseball, San Jose City Col · Al Peponis, ar Mr. A tkin.Son in the This newspaper is a CWTiculwn activity, a c)ass receives units for it before them. My weekly press conference is another chance for dissatified stu5. Baseball, San J ose City Col- lege vs Vallejo JC, There, Z pm. Business Department. and yet the associated students pay $10,000 dollars toward jt (4,500 · p.m. 3 to voice.1hei.J: critic1sms. dents There, lege vs Sa n Mateo, 2. Tennis, San.Jose City College of it is returned through ads) . ThiS 1flone.y pays for the production This ~emeste.r Student Council wiJI be working on the ASB budget 6. Bank ot America Awards Din,' vs Sequoia, There.,. 2 p.m. of th~ newspaper. Tlle .only thjng t}Jat is nqt ~overed is Carl Pa1m e.r's for the 1966-67 school year. Anyone with constructive ideas is asked to pay. ner, San Francisco. 3. Studio T heate r Production , listen with open minds. 7. Stutlio The.'lter Production, 8 :30 p.m., Theate r. A third r eason one could use to justify his not buying an ·ASB voice these opinions to Council, which will San J ose City College student to the student body a present to try also wiU goverllJllent Studeqt curriculum $pending tet her than 8:30 p.m., Theater. Noreen \V. Futter has become a card is the amount Qf irresponsibleMOJ\"DAY: l\laroh 21 archaic instrument under which the replace will which constitution new the hat t $1,000 the is this of example An on. goes t ha t activities) P RIDAY: ;\larch 18 1. Student Court, Noon, Rm. state finalist in the Bank of Amerfun'd ( he uses it to enter- we now ppe1.·ate. This new constitution wilt untie hands now l. LAST DAY 1;0 DROP A ica "Man and Women of the Year" ASB gives to President Buchser's private U-205. since when docs any ASS bound by tfe document dr~~ up. i'!- 1955. Wider repr~sentati~n~ JeSs reason,. beyond me tain V.I .P.s). This is to CLASS WITHOUT PENALTY. award. admmlstraof its college $1,000 'to spend on V.I.P.s. If he pressure on Council to deal wJth tnVlal matters, and easier !. APPLICA TIONS FOR 'l'UESDAY: March 22 The award carries with it a give the president constitution. proposed the of aims main the are matters ASJ3 or tiOn Rm. a.m., guests 10 his Council, entertain he Student 1. sllg'gest I theri business GRADUATIO N DUE. $1,000 cash prize which will be uses it while on ASB In conclusion. I emphatically deny that student government at if he does n' t use it on ASB business the 3. Strudent Court, 1 p.m., Rm : U-200. finals in somewhere cheaper, and contest the at presented is failing. Quite the oontrary, the governing body is progressing ~JCC Rm. a.m., 11 irrespon· the of 1feeting, I.C.C. .Xample 2.· U-205. AsB has no right giving it to l1im. 'Another Bakersfield on April 4. inbr'"ed.. at most campuses, use of the ASB funds is the l bla2ers that· &.l''C bought for the finding remedies for t he apathetic attitude 4. Golf, San Jose City College U-200. , Noreen was . chosen from 10 fi- sible and students, cementin~ council between on corru:nuni.cati the broadening than College more City is ose J them San on • 3.' Tennis, t council member-s. The money spent vs CCSF, Here, 2:30 p.m. tmlists to represe nt the Bay Area studen finally giving After all, are they in office to help the ASB or the relations betv.,een Council-facul ty-adm.inistt· ation, and warrants. office the 5. Tennis, San Jose City College vs SJS F rosh, There, 2:30 p.m. finals next he t at colleges junior SJCC. ai students the of n lCo ity rep~enta9o C fair a Jo"" . _ ~. BaselntU, San vs Chabot, Here, 2:30 p.m. to get themse!ve; a blaz~~·. (I suspect the Ja\tel'.) month, · 6. Swimming, San Jose City Col· lege vs Chabot, Here, 3 l>.m.
• s New ··College 1n Brief
No. 5
By FRED JONES Scrambling Jaguar guard P az Rocha became San Jose's lone allGold en Gate Conference pick in Jast week's meeting of the league's
. Se m1nar for Students
Merchandising Club Holds Sunday Picnic
Vol. 17
AII-G.Ci.C. Berth
Educato rs Convene
Honor Society Beqins Semeste r's Activitie s
California, Junior College Stu-, MQDterey reninsu.la ,Coliege March
Paz Roc ha Wins
Draft Ca ll Down'
IBM Has 200 Jobs
Area ·'Six': Confab Is ·Great ·sUcceSs
City Colleg e Weekly Bulletin
Fu+ter Is Finalist In B. of A. Contest