San Jose City College Times, Vol. 17, Issue 7, Mar 30, 1966

Page 1

1-ClTY COUEGE TXl\Ui!i Wednesday, April 20, 191lt;

Tw~c.~~~~~ag~~~n~he~!~P~~!~~MZ C~mpus Hums was a lively per10d dming whtch each speaker questioned the otl~er and each made his resJX)nse. by many interThts . . was followed estmg questions ~ddressed to the ~peakers and conung ftom the aud. wnce.

views of both God and truth



EdnMtJon Club of San J ose City College Is planning their annual retreat for AprU 23 M d 24. Ftve speakers Will speak on f-our different topics t.yhieh of In· terest to the girls. The topiCs t.o be dlocu...d are coaclting, d ance, discipline n.nd evaJua.tlon, and the Exer~ises Fisher Bill. About . 25 · to 80 gir ls Graduation exercises are set for are planning on a.ttendlng the Friday, June 17, at 11 a.m. in the retreat . Men's Gym with no limitation on the number of guests, according to May Duignan, Dean of Student SeiVices. All graduates are expected t o participate in the exercises. P eti· tions to receive a degree in absen- .- - - - - - - - - - - - - , SHOE SHINE : MANICURE tia may be filed with t he Scholar·

tl'.th Activity

the West, Sidney Peterman indlcated that the dualistic ideas asso.1 ciated with each we1•e !-'· ~~Y shaped by the prophets of Israel' 2600 years ago. Essential to this general Theistic view is a lineal Presenting what he considered concept of time and a propheiic The Rallye Rats, SJCC Sportsjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I idea of "improvement," "progrrJSs," car Club, placed second out of six or ''salvation." clubs in a weekend rally last In contrast to thls, he stated, m onth. Is the Eastern cyclical concept of There were 175 ca rs in the time with no central o r fundarally, SJCC entering 11. The club mental emphasis upo n "p<ogress" identified t hemselves at the rally 292.4505 or 296. 2071 view with orange on black. Their dee istic tranThe ofT hGod's or "salvation." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ~ of God iS a view sign was a huge rat pasted on the T his book can help you to scemllng man, whne still enterin~; side of each car, he said. into history and into man' s affairs. The c lub now haS 30 members The language of such a r e ligious ' 1ewpolnt is the prophetic Jan · incl uding five girls and are still looking for new members. gunge of imperatives. Club officers are Charles Va~ Professor McCullough presented the thesis that t he thought of the relle, President; John Griefrneder, East is not of the same order aS Vice President; Phil Barsotti, that of the West. It has no concep t Treasurer; Sheri Sumner, Secreof "God" as the West understands tary; Lauri Martin, Public R elathis term. 14Truth" in Eastern tions, and James Johnson, ICC thought is the immediate revela- Representative. tion of an experience. Grie fmeder said that the San Any linguistic statement abou t Jose Wire & Wheel• Service is such an immediate disclosure is one sponsor for the club, however thought to be metaphorical and they are s till ·l ooking for more. not to be taken literally. The TM , They are now planning a F olk prophetic idea is lacking. Of ut- F estival in the gym, but the date NODOZ Keep Alert Tablets fight off most importance is the idea of is still tentative. the hazy, lazy feelings of mental "flowing with nature," rather tlum Students do not need a student SELECTIVE SERVICE sluggiShness. No Doz helps restore the idea of "controlling nature" body card to join, however they TEST COLLEGE QUALIFICATION your natural mental vitality.. ,he lps or "ente1ing into any warfare with will have to purchase a club card by David R . Tumer quicken physical reactions. You be~ nature." for $2.00. • Scie~llifically planned to help you achieve come more naturally alert to people your h1ghest score Club adviser is Eustaquio Cortez, • . P r o~idcs intensive training, drills and re• and conditions around you. Yet Editor's Note : The Student Com- Auto Mechanics Instructor. v1cws m every phase of Test NoDoz is as safe as coffee. Anytime • Tt'lls you exactly what to study ••• helps mittee t ha.t planned this term 's you find your weaknesses fast -and coCTect •.. when you can't afford to be dull th•m was co-chaired by ElSymposium •. Conta~ns many sample tests. Q.&.A . pracsharpen your wits with NoDoz. ' l!cc to g1ve you the fe d ol the Test • • • inlen Foster a.nd Peter Drac.hsle r. crease your confidence The facu lty advisors were Phllosohi:~us ~pedal Tips & techniques €or 3Coring SAFE AS C O FFEE Two South American Tigerfish phy instructors E leanor ris YOU CAN TAKE THIS TEST ONLY ONCE! and Wll11run \Vest, Chairman of have been contributed to SJCC BE PREPARED! t he P hJlosophy De partment. T he by Brenda Fanolio owner of the ,Available at your college or local bookstore TIMES thanks 1\lr. West for hls Dolphin Aquarium s tore in Campbell, . according to Lawrence E . PUBLICATION report. AN (91 ff(C MOM"lS, B10log1Cal Science instruc••we've helped millions tor. pass all kinds of tests." The piranhas, though only one and one half ·i nches long travel (Continued from Page 2) film on Chlistian faith and rna- in groups and attack large mam. SPRING CLEANING TIME! DOES YOU R CAR NEED A TU N E turity; noted speakers; recrea- mals in the water, including man. UP OR MINOR REPAIRS ? BRING IT IN TO OUR EUROPEA N TRAINED MECHANICS. It i s illegal to possess these fiis h tion; fl banquet; good music ; plus other stimulating features. in California and the Depannent The cost for t he entire weekend of Fish and Game have been is $9.75 plus a share of transpor- cracking down on aquarium stores Repair of Volkswagens - Mercedes- Porscha tation costs. Each attender is who have them. SJCC h insured and will receive five meals, ad to obtain a pennit to lodging, program, a nd recreation. keep the fi s h , con unued Morris Towels and bedding may be se. since educational institutions c~ MASTER MECHANICS 850 Unc:oln Ave. cured for $1 extra, or bring be excluded f rom th.JS 1aw. Trained in Germ any Sen Jose 25, C11lif. Dr your own. Werner Z ollenkopf 292 ·Sb75 Earl Herald. Head of Acad· Reservations may be made un- emy . of Sciences, said that they W April 20, at the San J ose Bap· would not reproduce in Califom.ia tist . S tudent Union office, 2217 since our waters are too cold. T 1ara Drive, San Jose, or call Morriss added that these fish 258·5388. Fees may be paid with reservations, or upon arrival a t are very ferocious and in South America, to cross a herd of cattle the retreat site.

Rallye Rats A Go Go

'63 VESPA $150.00


Draft Defe rmen t

W hen you can' t afford to be dull, sharpen you r wits V\fith NoDoz

Man-Eating Piranhas


'Mission 66'


~ ur~ ~Jl-1-.....V..~W" ..-.~~ ~ ~W"'

San' Jose Laplda ry · llocle.,Y · ho~d their annual sllow Satu ~ April 23 from 10:00 am t 1rday, · · o e:oo p.m., a nd Sunday, April 24 f ' 10:00 a.m. to 6:00p.m., In ulty Lounge. The public is 10,1:

the ;on

Gradua ting students must receive an evaluation by the· Regis~ trar, clearance by the Scholarship Committee of any appeals a nd a 2.0 overall grade point average. Notifica tions to applicants should be obtained by April 30. Measurement for caps and gowns will be held in the Finance is $3.50, Rental 2 p.m. a .m. and 9 paybetween 12fee on April Office able by May 13. An additional charge of 50 cents is required if the student wishes to buy a tassel. Graduation pictures will be taken at rehearsal, Wednesday, June 15, at 3 p.m. in the Women's Gym and may be ordered any time f.rom the Finance Ofice. Announcements and cards mary be ordered at the bookstore. Exercises will take about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Tra nsfers to San Jose State or other colleges are reminded to or~ der final transcripts.


TED's of Town & Country Village 4


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As Ron Berki puts it "the plans for the Spring Formal are com-

a stream, one cow must pleted a nd it is now up to t he be killed and tllrown in to distract students to make t his dance the l ~illiilliiiliiiliiili---------~ Itthrough he fish. The two at JC tried complete success that it ""ill be.





just present your stoff 01

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Merchandising Club

-~~~"-h~ We hope that all the •bfds will be sold and that everyone has a fabulous time." CINDERELLA DIDN 'T GO TO COLLEGE BUT SHE HAD A FAIRY GODMOTHER 10% Discount with A.S.B. Card

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IIEADY TO BOIL five hun<lre<l e1,,;s lor tile Student Union Easter a..m., ca.t'eterla. staffers Jewe l Logan (left) and }lelen Heilig·

Egg B unt Sa.turd.a.y, 10

Student Union Sponsors Easter Egg Hunt Saturday

* * *

'Ma·rxist' Group Growing Rapidly Throughout U.S.

Nowaclayt: havin9 a little ambition ~n make a lo t more wish•s come t rue t ha n just sitting in a corner Waiting for someone to wave a m•gic 'wa n""d. And whe n it comes. t o find ing a good job , it 's usually the ' a mb it io us men a.nd wome n- with-- colleg e backg round t hat g•t the best on es. A college little edu ~ti.on c.ould wor~ • ,ma gic. fo r you. So asl your c:oun· -se lor t o he lp you plen you r future stu dies around a car.. r tha t

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Bois Club to inform the student cmnmunitY. about the .club whlch has not been fairly represented by the press or the Justice Department." "Attbrney General N i c h o 1 as Katzenbach has created a 'super~ charged' atmosPhere in which the club should be provided an oppor· tunity to make clear its position," charged Drachsler, "though it is not' Incumbent upon the DUBois Club to prove or disprove the aile· gations made by the Justice Department and Katzenbach."

"By organizing the W. E. B. DU· Bois Club on Campus we can bring in speakers from the other DuBois Clubs and achieve this end," said Drachsler referring to a "clearing of the air" about the organization's position. According to Drachsler, the City College campus has been growing in a very beneficial way in that the campus community has had controversial speakers such as Micky Lima, GeOrge Lincoln Rock' well, Hugh Fine and recently Bettina Aptheker. "All these speakers ~nerated a tremendous amount of contro/ versy," commented Drachsler, ~'but the students behaved in a very calm, mature, rational way and· were able to evaluate what they heard." Drachsler, a recent Community Ambassador Program representative to Sweden from the San J ose area, said that Ann Heffley, City College English instructor, will as· sist him and other interested students and faculty in organizing the San Jose City College mem· liership of the DuBois Club.

quarters of the DuBois Club in By JEFF ~IULLL"''S San Francisco, scarcely 12 hours • .. Times Editor Spreading rapidly through the after a Brooklyn, N.Y. disorder in Student Union is sponsoring an Union starting at 9:30 a.m. Ac· nation from its California base is which six club members were arCommisUnion Student to cording Easter Egg Hunt for the children a new organization of the political rested. of San Jose City College students, sioner Maries Ma:imo, "There will ''Both incidents occurred on the com· left, admittedly Socialist and will· groups age different four be faculty, classified and administraof the Justice De11a.rtment's heels Communists. accept to ing tive personnel S aturday, April 2, posed of children ranging from "Aimed prlma.rlly at college move to require the DuBoL., Clubs will hw1t The toddller. to 12 ages 9:30 a'.m. on the college campus. youth,'' r eports Gene B lake of the to register as a. Communist-fron~/' Parents may register their chil- get underway at 10 a.m. Los Angeles Times, the \V. E. B . 1\0ted the American Fress a'nd 1 'The entire campus will be used dren in the quad near t he Student United Press International news to hide a!bout 500 eggs," stated DuBois Clubs of America have wire services. J. or Direct FBI by branded been Alaimo. "Eight of these eggs-all Yet, 'vith the power of the FBI of which are to be boiled by the Edga.r Hoover as a Mar-Xist group and. the Justice Dept. traine"d on Party, Communist the by 'spawned' cafeteria staff - will be colored them, and with t he threat of "Mys'golden' and the lucky finders will USA." terious Bombers" lurking in the Katzenbach Nicholas Gen. Atty. win large, stuffed Easter Bunnies." air, the W. E. B. DuBois Clubs Assisting t he Easter Bunny, has said that the DuBois Clu bs membership lias increased by near"who might Jook a little like A1 "were created and controlled by ly 1,000 in the past month. train to P.a.rty Communist the Peponis," Will be refreshment and DuBois Club's national preside nt, hat t membership, party for youth egg· dyeing elves, Alfia Testa, No· By JOYCE REED Phil Davis, 25 year olcl San Fran· consider might who people young Selective Service Qualification reen Futter, and Jim Steele, clscan, bas stated that uKatzenAI Peponis, Ron Berki, Rich joining t his organization should be's charges had sparked the Tests will be administered t hrough· and nature its know to entitled out the United States on May 14, Knapton, Ken Wooge and Henry sponsorship, and that the Justice 1mdden increase in membership." 21, and June 3. Interested San Block will perform egg hiding du~ H ow have the club leaders re~ has moved to compel Jose City College students may ob- ties; Steve Burch heads the candy Department to the sudden rise in pres· acted the UuBois Clubs to register as a tain applications for this test in committee, and George Watts, sure and notoriety? Their reply to organization." Communist-front the registrar's office as of April 1. Randy Mulrine a1ong with the On early Sunday, March 6, 1966 J. Edgar Hoover's charges that TIMES EDITOR Jeff ~lullins (left) ls shown recording lnlonnatlon Information as to where the test colorful talents of Grace McBirney explosion- thought to they were <~sl?awned" by Commu- about W.E.B. DuBois Club fr om City College student Pete Dracbsler mysterious a will be administered will a-l so be m a ke up the publicity unit. niSts was -'ridiculous," "phony red (hands folde<l). Supervising the "Egg Fest" is be a 40 pound dynamite charge- issue," and "Smear." announ•·cd on Apr-il l.. Applications ripped through the national head than la.tcr Robert R. Ryman. then be. m:tiled not Davis scoffed at Ute charge. About the W.B:E. DuBois Club: Al)riJ 23, to Scie-nce Research As~ -'~SUI'e7 J. imsgtne there----are Com·The first club was fonned a few soolatos o1 ChicJ:tgo. munJsts a round the DuBois Clubs, years ago in Berkeley, Calif. , by a organizations Nazi American or By WILLIAM WEST Although this test is no-t rc· but we.. judge a person by what acbeing permitted on any campus. dozen young people committed to Philosophy Instructor quired, the Selective Serv1ce urges tivities he carries on, rather than The "hate" programs they actively ''Marxism, peace, civil rights and students to take it. It. will provide I do not have extensive knowlby a tag.••. Support and, in the case of the civil liberties." "one more bit or criteria the local ' f\Ve were not set up by the edge of the activities of the Du· former, a~ upon, would close my . Soon lt ch8Jlged to an action· board may consider in determining of Bois Clubs. Certain members (Continued on Page 6) mlftd to any consideration. I pres- oriented group with a broader which students are apparently t!he club in San Francisco have ently know of no such "hate'.' PI'O- base, opening membN"ship to non·· Many SJCC s tudents who arc gets how much? How do you apmore promising t han others" s tate been quoted-if I am con-ect-as gram supported by a DuBOIS or- JHarxlsts Interested In studying vetcrans are not aware of t he ed· ply? What courses can you take? Selective Service spokesme~. that the membership of ganization, but 1 would hope that l\13.rxtsrn as a possible alternative saying Following is a summation of ucational benefits provided by the ~ The test ;viii help to dete rmine at least, is composeil of at least the ideas I have .presented to the present economic system. club, their sources; official from answers Bill. new GI which }lersons arf'" promising as stumore than "orth<Xiox Marxists," be discussed if the student body In lat~ 1962 a new chapter was Paul Becker, SJCC Registrar, these are answers to questions • dents, therefore wh.ic:h ones wiU be (whatever these terms mean). considers the question of approval formed in Berkeley as an off.Cam· who is vitally concerned wit.h stu- most frequently asked. I am not always sure of what- of thls organization. . deferred and whi"ch ones will be pus club at the University of Cali· Any veteran of the Anny, Navy, dent enrollment, feels that many aUon:ed to remain iu school. .... ... . J. Edgar Hoover means by ever fornia. Another was set up at San students as well. as prospective Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast The test was designed to cover students do not know of the GI GuaTd who has served since the "Marxist" when he is quoted as Francisco State College and last four areas, reading com prehension, Bill prov.isions. Burlinga~e was the Spring site using that term. By ANTHONY ARMIJO spring, a club appeared at Univer· last GI Bill expired on January 31, I think it important to find out, verbal relations. arithmetic reason· SOcial Sc.ience Instructor sity of California at Los Angeles_. "It is. a shame that someone who 1955 who was on active duty for of the March 18th and 19th Junior if possible, in detail, why these ing, and data interpretation. The A big boost came in June, 1965 I really don't lmow enough about wants to attend college and is a at l~ast 180 days, a nd who has a College Council convention, attend· test, consisting of 150 different veteran cannot because of financial discharge other than dishonorable, ed by representatives of 59 Cali· clubs have been placed on the.Jus· the DuBois Clubs to be able to when nearly 500 delegates con· tice Department's Communist·front make a valid Judgment as to their vened in San Franclsco to fo rm items, lNil! run a maximum of three fomia junior colleges. reasons, especially when funds are can receive benefits. hours. list. Organizations an is Council College Junior The P1!11)(JS6 or worth. From all out. the national orga.nlza.tion. Region· vet· a benefits these To receive available," said Becker. in!onned that there wa..rd appearances one would guess a1 coordinatorS were named for been have I Associates Seience ResPan·h l\l[any questions keep coming up eran must first apply by filling out influential arm of the powerful are DuBois Clubs for students at 1\·ere awarded the <'o ntra<'t as they about educational benefits for vet~ a form furnished by the Veterans 140,000 plus members of the Cali- San Jose State, San Francisco that they. have pro--communist the East, l\Udwest and West. ''"'ere the successful bidder umung About SO clubs have been formed leanings. erans under the new GI Bi1l. Who Administration, These fonns will fornia Teachers Association reprethree. in a dozen or more major U.S. ,:.::::._:::::::::..:;::..~:.:._------1 be available, starting in late April, senting professional educators from St&te, and University of Calif. at has General Attorney U.S. Th.e at regional offices of t'he V.A. and the elementary through college and Berkeley and Los Angeles. Some of placed them on his "Conununist- cl.tle8. Jt.s president is a. 25 year old these are technically "ofif-campus" at most colleges. Benefits will be- university grade levels. front" lists of organizations for college student, Phil Davis of San I know of no such club on clubs. gin June 1 in time for summer Peter Franusich, City College rea.- Fra.n clsoo. any Junior College campus as yet, what I assume to be suflicJent The club takes its name from school. crA president a nd chainnan of or \Vhlle I would not encourage son. whether there might not be "Six month reservists '8J'e spe- the JCC P ersonal Policies and Pro· late American Negro scholar, the organJza.. an such students to join cifically excluded under the GI fessional Standards Committee, re· legal technicalities not permitting tlon neither would. I be In favor of Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, who was one such clubs on JCs which might Bill. ported that two of the most im· suppf'C!I8ing It lest lt lW(Jnire the of the founders in 1909 of the NaMonthly checks will be mailed portant items on the Spring not apply to four-year institutions. tional Assn. for the Advancement I would object to any local KKK cloa!< of marty.~:dom. of Colored People. the and veteran the to directly 2 SATURDAY, April convention agenda were initiated WEDNESDAY, i\larch 30 He later repudla.ted the NAACP 6) Page on (Continued to tn • ·30 by endorsed and committee his by 9 t H un ' • !. Student Court, 10 a.m., - - - - - - - - - - - - - the JCC group. One pertained to ~· · 1. Easter E gg and ln 1961, at the age of 98, he Rm. U·205. noon. joine<l the Oommunlst Party-spol· recommendations for highel" stand2. Co-Ree Night, 7:30p.m., 2 . T rack, san Jose CitY College vs. oglzing for waltl.n.g so long to do t.o. ards in the professional preparaSan Mateo, there, 10:30 a.m. Women's Gym. Dr. DuBoi,s, who had won the educators, college junior of tion 3. Merchandising Club Meeting 3 . Cosmetology Graduates Dinner, Union's Lenin Peace Prize Soviet while the other dealt with the 7:30 p.m., Faculty Lounge. ' 7:30 p.m., Rm. B-1. in 1959, moved to Ghana and beevalu-teacher of subject touchy 4· College Times published 4 . GJCSGA Conference, Grossmont came a citizen of that countrY in ation. College. shortly before his death there 1963, 1:11UHSDAY. 1\farch 31 . Assembly· Assembly Bill 960 by 6 1\lONDAY, April 4 Friday, April 1, is the deadline men Ryan and Garrigus, if passed, at the age of 95. !. Student Council, 10 a.m., 1. SPRING VACATION. for Academic Retreat applications will less effectively do the job that Rm. U·200. Baseball Easter Tournament, and instructor recommendation professional educators should have Social security nwnberS will re2. Suprema Court, 11, here, all day. forms. ago; years done have could and registration numberS for- stq.• place Rm. U-205. 3. F ar Western JC Golf Tourney, Applications may be picked up that is, develop an adequate eva1udents wishing to attend San J006 :· ~lusic Recital, 11 a.m., Rm. F _7. Fresno, all day. and returned to the Student Serv· atory procedure where the out· Cl.ty College in th e fa.ll semester, . asebal!, San Jose City College TUESDAY, Ap ril 5 ice Office in the Administration standing educators are identified to Dean Becker, head of vs. CCSF, there 3 p m 1. SPRING VACATION. .. ' building. The topic for the Retreat and properly rewarded while the 5 CJ Admissions. CSA Conference, Grossmont z. BasebaU Easter -Tourna.111eut., · is "Religion: Aid or Anchor? " Dis- few on the other end of the normal For tho8e students who do n.ot College. here, all day. cussion ~win " be based on Walter curve •a re given special assistance alreadY have a. ooolal security numTourney, Golf JC Western Far 3. ,.-l'RlDAY, April 1 Kaufmann's boOk, · "Faith of a to upgrade professional competenber they may obtain them from the Fresno, all day. l. LOAN & SCHOLARSHIP Heretic." Social Security AcJminlotratlon Of· cy or dismissed for the future WEDNESDAY, A.pril 6 According to Dennis Percy, Ito· henefit of t.hc learners, the profesAPPLlOATIONS DUE. flee at 1010 The Alameda. San 1. SPRING VACATION, treat chahman, "The book is avail~ sion. and the taxpaying public." 2. ASB Office Petitioll5 Out Jose. 2. Baseball Easter Tournament, · . · Ctty 3.Golfs able in the book~tore and it should Foreign students and out;.oCvs. College ' an J ose Franusich concluded by stating here, all day. be pvrchased as soon as, possible that he was both amazed and de· Contra Cos ta, here 1 p m ~tate students may also obtal.n • . Far \ 'Vest.crn J O Golf Tourney. ' . · · 4. Tennis San J because the bookstore will be lighted that the evaluation topic ose C1ty College 3 • social security number· · THURSDAY, April 7 clos~ during Spring. Vacation~' vs. CCSF, here, 2:30 p.m. Studeots must have and bring con· favorable such receiving was 5 Anyone finding conflict between sideration and response by the · ~WJmrrung, San Jose City Col- l. S PitiNG" ACATION. their social secwity number canl the .ACT test and t.he Retreat. Junior College Council, especially ege vs. San Mateo there 3·30 2. Baseball Easter Tournament, to their counoellng appointment for ' . ' p.m ' here all day. scheduled for the weekend of after his not being able to even fall registra tion. Students will not Ap1'il 23, is urged to contact PercY be heard on the subject by the 6. Fil_;, Series, OCCURRENCE AT 3. Far Western J C G?lf Tourney. be able to see ttaelr counselors .at.354·7056, and after 6 p.m. week appropriate committee of the 1964· JOANNE CESTABIC smiles with her Easter Bunny friend who re- without their social security car<b. OWL CREEK BRIDGE NIGHT FRIDA 1:, April 8 · nights, 297·3100. This must be 65 San Jose City College Faculty quti"sts all to attend Co-ReC's "Bunny H op," tonight, ?:80-9:80 p.m., & Foe, INTERREGNUM 8 .00 1. SPRING VACATION. ' · p.m. , Theatre. 2. Baseball 'Easte~ ,Tournanmnt, done immediate1y so arrangements \VoJnen's Gym. Senate. here, au day. . 7. CJCSGA. ConferenC'<", Grossmont nl3Y be made. College, 3. Far Western JC Gol[ Tow·ney,

Qualification Tests Will Be Available In Registrar's Office

Du Bois Club Originates in San Francisco

Instructors View DuBois Clubs

Becker lnform$·Veterans Of New G.l. Bill Benefits

______________ Composite of Rela t ed Events


* * *

A meCting to orgariize a W. E. B. DuBois Culb on campus will be held Thursday, March 31, Room 202 at 11 am., according to Pete Drachsler, San Jose City College sophomore. "The meeting is open to anyone interested, faculty or students," stated Drachsler. "It will be a gathering for general discussion and organization; · "The immediate aim of this club," said Drachsler, "will be to bring in speakers from San Fran· cisco or a presently organized Du·

Teacher Evaluation. Standards Highlight JC Confab Agenda

to pull t he electric wires into the The dance will be a dinner..:&.nce


W.E.B. Du Bois ClUb Spurs Interest on City .College Campus

• Brake Service


attends will have a great time."


Thursday, 11 a.m. Meeting Planned

• •• By C arl


Spring Fonnal, s tated, har" uu to has worked extremely u make "Some Enchanted =-eru·ng" Lv who a success. I'm sure everybody

(See Page b)

(See page 2)



With spring here and with the warining of the weather, it is just right for that "Some Enc~anted Evening" to be held May 30. The affair will be a dinner-dance that is being co-hosted by the Freshman class and Sk·i Club. The formaL will be held at Blum's in the Town and Country Village in San J ose. The Regimentals wilJ provide the music for the evening. Bids for the dance will be nine dollars and fifty cents and ten dollars. Kathy Bruni, chairman of th. e






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ship Committee and are granted

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College NeWs Briefs

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·Green Candle of" ope Qiit~ Qiollt!lt 0-imts l.n and About Our Gam,p us Shines Through 'Curtain'


Wednesazy, Marcil



Motes and News ~

Publ1shed eaeh W ednesday of the school yea r by tho journalism classes at San Jose Cit~ C~llege. Supported, !" part, by Assoeiated Student Body funds. Member Well, the air is fi11ed with sweet Cbltforn1a NeY(spaper Publn:hers Association, Seeond Cless postage peid at San Jose, Calif. Subsc'ription rates: $3.00 per year or 10¢ per eopy. Phone 298-2181, smelling aromas and you can tell ext. 230. it 's spring. San Jose City Colle-ge Rat Lab head has informed the Editor ·-··-·--·--· JEFF MULLINS Sporb Editor -·········-· FRED JONES TIMES that the season of mating Feoturo Ed itor .. CHRIS VAUGHAN Adv. Mgr. ·- JOHN MIGUELGORRY News Editor ...... MIKE O'CONNOR. Photo .......... ROYAL CHAMBERLAIN has started. ·Judith Beck started Night Editor ..• DON KAWASHIMA Advisor ··--·-··-------- C. W. PALMER out last fall with six lovely, handtrained rats; since then, her "famStaff: Advertising: Tony Joseph , ~ill Rumph , Sheri Cirincio ne ; Sport~: IGarl ily" has grow n to 26 of these little La ucher, Curt1s Hyde, Pat C'!v<"~faio, Bob Bonone, Fran~ Wright, Chester creatures. Wood, Pat Rocha; News: Bett ie Barker, leeAnn ~rmenfo, Charles SteJudi has asked us to find intervens , Francis Smallwood, Joyce Reed , Greg Gary, Frank Roth, Margaret ested studen ts who would be interRoth, Verne Albright, Bob Alvarez, Margaret Chu, Dawn Koidinen, Da vid Martinez. ested in taking some of these rats <>ff her ha nds; she has t<>ld us that this is an excellent opportunity for students interestec.l in experimental


Noise about Du Bois

Letter 'A' Symbolizes 10 Comma.ndmenfs

1966 1

American Airlines Youth Fare Plan For Travel By Air

When Pete Drachsler notified the City College Times of the desire to formulate a W . E. B. DuBois Club on campus, two immediate .courses of action were taken by this edit or. First, the story received a " major news value rating" du~ to the What are you doing E aster va· fact that the DuBois Clubs were very much in the news and because .the occasion is rare when a wee~ly college newspaper may involve cation? Why not fly to some city t+self and its readers with a national issue or situation that is both m the u.s. that you've always topical andd related to college lige. wanted to visit, and take advanSecon 1y. information (though quite limited due to shortage of ti~e) was o~tained from various loca l news and informitory sources tage of American Airlines' Youth wsth the destre of fully exploring thE> matter as objectively as is this Pl an. editor's intent. The Youth Fare Plan which reIn search of an 11 all sides 11 truth or base upon which was needed cently went into effect allows any to build an honest evaluation of the DuBais Club> I fumed to the fi les youth between the ages of 12 and of t he San Jose Mercury-News, a political news Writer, the Federal 22 tv fly at half the normal Jet Bureau of Investigation, more than a dozen responsible City College poach fare.. The key, to nationwide academic insttuctors, adr:ninistrators and student council members (only tra:el is the Y~uth Fare Identifi· two of the latter) and fmally a member of the W. E. B. DuBois Club catwn Card avatlable at $3.00 each from off campus San Jose State from American Airlines ticket ofIf anything at all I found it difficult, almost impossible. to discO>'er fices from coast t<> coast, a special truth ... at l~ast +he.. kind of "gold at the end of the rai nbow'" type, mail order center at its headquarGeorge Washmgt<>n I cannot tell a lie" style trulhfulness. Individuals ters (633 Thtrd Avenue, New York chose to either speak in . round-about terms, innuendo or they com- City) and some travel agencies. pl_e+ely ev~d~d th.e q uestions. Th e only individual to speak openly Qualification for the card is Without mmcmg h1s words {telephone conversation) was the member simple. All that's needed is legal of the off-campus San Jose State DuBois Club. But then, unlike the proof of age and $3.00. After rearray of "quotables," he chose to remain anonymous. By a. method derived purely from th e facts and from honest ceiving the card, validation must interpretations and opinions, I arrived at the world shaking conclusion be- made at the American AirUnes (not quite) that the W. E. B. DuBois Club> are one of three or all installation where the cardholder things ... a Communist-front organization .. . a Big Unserious Joke makes his first trip. Validation ... or a Gutsy Group of lndividua·ls who are determined to speak out calls for documentary proof of age. for what they believe right and are willing to weather the wrath wrought of the Hoovers' and the Katzenbachs' · AmMe".:r,·caionn,Sas~!der•• 'p'Trheeslli~evyntrocf u. There is much to cloud the situation though. There are far too many things that don't make good sense. For instance of all the colors sponse by thousands of young peoin the spectrum, the DuBois Club membership card i> 't he color of red. Pie is confirmation of our own beWhy rei:l? Then -one must think of t he club's name sake. Dr. W . E. B. lief th at young Americans are ready to travel by air-, if the price DuBois. Thought by many to be one of the first great !Negro scholars is right for them." and humanitarians, he turned Communistic at the age of 91 , and some say, highly imbittered over the "false face of Capitalism.'" That in itself i> a negative mark against the club if it is meant to be taken tare on a standby basis. He or she seriously. On the other hand Hoover and · Kallenbach, two worthy citizens will be boorded after ~-eguiar reveand knowledgeable leaders, feel that the DuBois Clubs are Communist nue pass titr g e r s and mj}jtary fronts and that they should be registered as such. Perhaps the vicious standbys. "Go Go American," a 64-page circle will go on forever. ' ~ )+ is my suggestion though that students and faculty alike attend booklet detailing action spots for the meeting in Room 202, March 31, Thursday, II a.m., and evaluate young people around' the coWltry is available free at Licket offices. for yourself what i> heard and seen. -JDM Included in thls 'booklet are $200 '\.VOrth of discount coupons for amusement, parks, restaurants, and hotels around the nation. For large groups, youth lounges It is often difficult to obtain both sides of a controversial situation as was demonstrated after a Civil Rights Forum discussion on Vietnam have been opened in the term.inaJ.s Tuesday. March 29 in room F-7. ' at John F. Kennedy Airport in Due to conflict of time. Francis Smallwood, City College Times New York a nd Los Angeles International Airport. reporter, arr~ve~ at. the F~ru m near the conclusion of guest speaker There are cer~tain times of tha M1ke McG01re s diSsertation and completely missed hearing first year when the Youth Fare Plan >peaker Charles Selden's offering. The meeting ended and in an attempt to provide a brief summary will not be in effecL because heavy of the session for readers who were unable to attend the Forum, Small- passenger loads cut availability of wood imr.osed a sh.ort answer question. upon !he two speakers-asking seats. In 1966 thls will include I April 7 (Thursday before Easter them to recap the1r general stand dur~ng the1r discussion." Sunday); N<>vember 23 and 27 Seld en ~eplied, "that the United States shouldn't have gotten in(Wednesday before and Sunday volved, but s1nce we are there, we will have to stick it out." . Smallwoo? ~hen sough+. out McGuire and explained that he had after Thahksgiving); and DecemmiSsed the ma1onty of the dtscussion, could Mc.Guire give him his gen- ber 15 through Z1. era I sta nd on the issue. . M~Guire inquired, "Are you a reporter from the City College SJCC Cosmetology Department Ttmes? Smallwood answered in the affirmative. will sponsor their S-cholarship F'und ...



psychology to pick up some rats at a very inexpensive p,rice FREE! · She would like a few ~f the persons to t1·ain these rats for a J"C'turn m3.tch with American River J unior College in a "Rat Decathlon" early this next coming fa ll. Any interested personS> may sign up in the Administration Building on contact Judith Beck via the Psychology Club, which meets every ·T uesd ay in Room 38 at 11 a.m. Judi has asked us at th is time to thank J ohn Owen and his famil y for keeping a large percentage of this "family" which started with two females and two maJes, at least t hat's what they thought; ,anyway, it tume4 out to be three


By CHR.JS VAUGHAN females a nd one joyou:ly happ~ '!'he people behind the li'On Curmale, an<l as the sa}'lng goes . .tain .know that open resistance dSpring has Sprung!" against orders is futile. Yet, they have acquired skill in outwitting Counselors in th"e Secondary the regime. They now celebrate Schools of Santa Clara County will the '' festival of the tiir tree" by be on camptls today for a program lighting a s·:i'ngle green candle on on career opportunities and the i.heir trees. They chose green be~ SJCC courses in Nursing, Medical cause gr·een is the color of HOPE. Assisting, Dental Assisting, and The custom of lighting a green Cosmetology. candle is no longer confined to Following a tour of the campus, Christmas. The hopefiul now place the counselors will meet in Room 1 a single candle on. their tables at of the ·w omen's Vocations BuiJdjng Easter. They call it the candle <>f for a panel present~tipn directed H 0 P E and RE&URREcriON. by Howard . Biebesheimer, Associ- Iron CUrtain refugees a!l'e spreadate Dean of Vocational Education. ing the idea of the green candle The panel will consist of a physi· cian, dentist, nurse, o'\.VJ'ler of a beauty salon, and chairmen of the respectiv~ departments.




Engagement Ring Sets



The ski -club, jn charge of bids Spring Formal theme.. :I"he prize for the Spr-ing Formal, is holding will be a free 'bid for the winnei' a contest for the selection of the and date. All A.S.B. card h<>lders • are welcome to suQmit as many ideas for the theme as desired. However, there will be only one theme and one winner chosen. · Tho Dear Editor: deadline for the contest is Friday, Please accept t his letter as ·one April 1. The winner will be an· faculty member's apology for the nounceQ on Tuesday, April 11. Beunfair way in which yo u were attacked in last week's "Letter to low is the contest entry blank. Fill Editor" by one of lh~ several self~ it out as directed and deposit it in appointed journalistic, etc., critics the contest box in the student on our 1arge faculty. 1union. I believe that the Spring, 1966 Times is not only doing an excellent job of reporti ng campus news (Please print) ASB Card#........ in a n objective and interesting manner but is also doing an out- Name..................................... standing job of representing this coUege in the community. Keep up the real fine job you've Phone .................................................... been doing all semester.

Letter to Ed.


Theme suggestion:


Budget accounts


Exq uisite hand-made intric.!'lte!y designed an· tique engagement jewelry. A handso me matc hed ring set of all oxidized 14k gold will always be a cherished possession. See our jewelry co llection of lovely matched antiq ue en gagement sets from $195.00

For those of you who are crea tive, Lhi s column is especially for you. And .t hose of you who aren 't creative, this bit of infor·mation may be of in terest. The Easter brunch, a favorite from coast to coast, follows the Easter parade in homes everywhere. It has become increasingly popular because it gives a chance for friends to gather informally after church services on Easter Sunday . Andt wh at could be more natural than a pretty spring table with a centerpiece and favor·s of colorful Easter eggs? These bright and gay ones .





a foreign


ho~:; :,~/!: :~:~.~:. ~".';'!= r-=====~::~::~:::": s; -;~ ;;::r::an=u::si:c:h::,=j~~~:"~ns~e~la;:~-o~n~~sed~--~--~-~~~e~-~~~e~··~-i~~~~1~~~d-~e·~·-'~t;s~~~~2~41~-1~1~~8~~~~~6~1~5~T~OW~H~&~C~O~UN~T~RY~V~Il~l~AG~E~,~SA~H~J~OS~E~~~~~

Hard Times

· c Times to go out of my way.'" Women's Gym !rom 9-12 p.m. ReIt seems t here should be a time when personal feeling should not lreshnsents are beilsg provided enter into a situation. 1 ld h b along with music by the ucount 5." . . t wou ave een perfectly understandable if the speaker felt ASB card holdet8 50 ¢, otlters $1. 1mtated due to the fact that the reporter had missed his assignment Tickets are on sale now in the COil· an_d could not be bothered by >omeone taking up more of his time. But this was not the case. metology Department or may be obtained a.t the door. B f ecause ~ ~ private opinion a newspaper was thwarted in its I;============== dttempt to ob1ecttvely report on both sides of an issue. -JDM I'

of The



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Hope is like a natural spr'ing Tha t flows by nature's choice; Trust is like an answered prayer Which .makes the soul r~joice. Faith is like a flower in bloom ThaL grew flrom hLnnble start, And love is like a song unsung, But felt within the heart. - Anonymous


Sample Villa9e




Thurs., 9 a.m. to 9

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U.S. Students More Honest Than Others

Princess Speaks On 'Worth of Freedom' To 'City' Collegians

More JobsNew Work

'The Father of Motor ars' Receiving Wide Use Today


Dance "Spring Fling" on Saturday, u1re + en said, "I don't think enough of the City College AprU 16. It will be held in the


Campus Poetry

25 • 50°/o


1-433 The

made from ''Blown" or cm plied · the inside of the shell ; blmv egg she ll s . arc easy to do and 'water out. Let the shell clrain until have a proCessional look when completely dry. . they' re finished. Becomi ng a color eggs.pcrt th1s Milny ur·1·angements nnd designs year will be easier than ever hecan be made from hard boiled eg gs. fOr'e because some of the new but blown eggs have these advan- Easter Egg Coloring Kits. have tagcs ; the }igh t, empty she lls allow new "Fizz" tablets that dissolve ()'t•cater variety in decoi·a ti on; in seconds in cold water. 'they can be saved from year to To make the Easter Egg Tree, year, and of course,~ the raw eggs push one pj pe cleaner through provide the makings for omeletes, holes in each o( the eggs; at cakes and custards. pointed end of eggs, bend cl~aners HO~\' do you blow an egg? It's in flat circl e to cover hole 111 egg easy. Pierce both ends of the egg and g.lue cleaner into plac.e. Carewith a sharp-pointed ice pick, full y msert other end of p1pe stem skewe r or manicut·e scissors; the cleaner into styrofoam cone. Startholes sl·wuld be enlat•ged to about ing with sma llest egg on top, ~r­ the size of a small pea. Be su re to range eggs il~ ?iagonal destgn puncture the inner membrane. aro~nd c~ne; f1~l .m b_etween e~ Then hold the egg over a bowl by msertmg mtmatwe pI as: 1 c and blow through one hole until flowers a nd bits of greenery mto the contents of the egg come out styr ofoam. . . the other end. Hold the shell under For fw·ther .infotmatlOn,. wr1te a faucet lettin g t he shell fill with Spec i a 1 Ass1g~TI_l~nts D1rector, cold water. Shake the shell well Pass Compa ~y, Division of Plough, so the water will thoroughly rinse Inc., Memphis, Tennessee.

second have? One. And it's ;\te tested. when it comes to J amtHf ng in Got A Brand New Bag'' · ·~ers, latest. disc, "Ain't That A GIJ? th He screams like a stuck pig.~ doing as much for noise abaten\ent as today's modci·n jetliners. Portland, Oregon, has spawned a popular rock 'n roll aggregation, Paul Revere and the Raiders, who recently shook the rafte rs at San Jose Civic Auditorium . Recently ·'Just Like Me'' zoomed to the chw·t stratopherc, and they't·e back in the hit saddle again, to paraphrase Cowboy. Gene Autry, with "K icks." This is sort of a 1966 version of '')Jlule Train.'' By the way, you've heard about the guy who gets hi Wheaties from the supermarket and his kicks "from you," haven't you? Leslie Gore revives the old TabHunter- Sammy James classic, ··Young Love," in a chorus-backed, string-accented, gu ita r-spotligh ted, easy-going manner. The New J ersey heiress is clicking once again. The NashvillC sound is big. One such sound is "Tippy-Toeing,'' by the Hardin Trio. It's all about a bitty bouncing baby who is a ttended by the milk bott le brigade, mama holding the diapec pail, papa ~·cvea lin g the diaper pale. All the while baby alternates between a toothless gri n and ,obvious chagrin at tbe whole situation.

Europe Tour

I"'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""' I

M G ·

reer penned many smash tunes for one-time teen idol Ricky Nelson, offers us a powerful, in-person rendition of "Secret Agent Man," from the TV show of the same name. Much in the news now, why 5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if doesn't sex . and_ secul"ity scanda l everything you do were a genuine figure Gerda Mu.nsinger record an pleasure. answer tunc, "Secret Agent 6. Be gendinely interested in Woman" or ··sex and the CIA." poople. You can like everyo·ne if Having established a musical you try . beachhead · with the surfer sound, 7. Be generous with praise--cau- southern Californ ia's hit· i.nclined tious with cri tic·ism. Beachboys are now fi.lling the air8. Be considerate with the feel- ways with calypso, Bahama·style, ings of others. It will be appreci- with their newest release. Voted most likely to succeed to the tune ated. of another number one hit, they 9. Be thoughtful of the opinion restyle the all-time ~avorite , "Sloop of others. The~·e are three sides to John B." The boys a rc at the crest a question - yours, the other felof their careers. low's, a nd the truth. Neopolitalt and coun·t ry- and· 10. Be alert to give service. western crooner Al Martino. com· What counts most in Jife is what ing off the charts with a blockwe do for others. bu.fiter, "Spanish Eyes," is bounding back '\.Vith another "good music" item culled from · the evergreen stockpile, "Thlnk I'll Go Some-

Among the items that got into The "Worth of Freedom" was the press fmm the International the tof)ic last Thursday when Prin Congress on Mental Health was cess Catherjne Cat•adja, of the one of signifcance to the free of Cantacuzene, spoke in world. Results of a survey taken lhc college theater. by this group apparently show From Rumania, Princess C.'l.radthat students in the Un ited States ja, now 73 years old , has been arc more honest t.han I hose reared touring this country for 10 years in totalitarian societies. rl'\'~>ili ght' s slow tread, as of Ch1·istmas 1965. H er purpose Less jobs due 10 automation may Then thousand students in ten now, she says, is to tell what it is be more myth than fact, writes ......... nations were examined . One ex- Measur·cd by each a tear, like behind the Iron Cu1·tain, and Lester Velie in a recent article, ample of an ethical problem on Is neve r coming; what she saw and heard. Th rough "How to Choose Your Job-and which they were questioned in- Nor s leep, or peace her speeches, she hopes i.o make Lund It," in Itea.dl:"rs Dlgt-st. volved pluying soccel' a nd acci- Of dreams , or a sound Americans aware of a valuable In 1965 alone, our economy gendently kicking thC' bat! through the To break thls silence; gift, freedom. · We should "weigh crated two million new jobs, even window of a home. In the United the worth of it" and "appreciate after allowing for those eliminated States, 60-70 % of the students re- For the sound that is awaited it,'' she stated. by automation, he explained. Is never comjng, sponding said that the owner of 'The Princess gave an interesting Teenagers were expected to be the window should be told and res- His voice again ... and detailed talk, going through a hit the hardest, he continued, how- Susan Hass titution made . brief history of Rumania and her ever they landed a total of 1,590,In England and Scandinavia, about 10% fewer or just more than Editor's note: Poetry may be sub- neighboring countries, who have 000 more jobs than in 1964. "Some 6,000 new occupa tions half felt this way. But 'behind the mitted to the Fea~ture -Editor in been ta ken over by the Communists. After this take over, she lost have been crested in the last 15 Iron Curtain only 26 % of the stu- room 42 at any time. her ol'phanage due to a Communist years," he stated. dents interviewed favored confesaccusation that she was raising her Occupations pay best when they sion. Tutors are needed Jn two or childl'en incorrectly, It was at this require the m ost education or Conclu sion drawn by the surveythree of t he Junior high gchools. JX>in t having nothing left, that she training, he reported. Managers ors is that students in a totaliSubject.:~o~ to be taught a re En~lish decid~ to seek extra information earn most. Tho n. in order of tarian culture show fewer responses to "spill-out," and then try to es- yearly earnings, come professionto honesty , responsibility, and a nd m:tthe ma.tics. '~Tu tors would wo rk 3 to 5 hours cape. Her chances were not good, als, technical . .vorkers, craftsmen, se nseo of fair play. Psychologis ts who analyzed the survey offered :.L \.veek uud would reeeive $1.30 an but she made it. sates and clerical workers, he said. hou.r onder the "'Eco nomic Opporthis reason: ~uilt is denied in fea1· Of the audience, she as ked one Lowest paid arc farm laborers. tunity Act," sta.ted E d Mogl er , of harsh punishment. thought provoking ques tion : ''What He fllrther reported that 23,000 associate dean ol Student Services. are you going to give the next di fferent kinds of occupations Any student who w ould enj oy generation?" If we lose our free- await the new job seeker, the working please con tact Hel en P et. dom, we can't pass it on, because widest choice in history, and t he erson tn room U·205. "what is lost, we can't give." number is steadily inc:t·easing. Two openings are left in the ~~~~~~~~~ College of San Mateo sponsored tour and study session in Eur'Ope this summer, according to Steve Holeman, advisor to the Student Government, and an escort on the trip. Holeman told the Times that the tour is scheduled tO begin on June sixth, but that students should Savin9s Finding their voluminous skirts WITH PASTEL DYED eggshells _you apply before April 12. The total Today there are some 27 million however. Improvements continued "unhandy" for cycling, women -oneg~g~l.~ree'=.~fo~r~a~l~o~v:"e~l}~'~t~a~bl~e~de':'co~·~r:':a~ti~o~n::·-~----;;:---;:--;----;;R cost, including everythin~, is $790, bikes on lhe road, and an esti- and through these improvements, adopted t.he ~mous "bloomer," and · • "" which after a 5100 depos1t. may be mated 55 million cyclists. The bike other fields were furthered. The disc arded the rigid Salesmen's corsetry pre· paid on time. has become increasingly popular bicycle has been called "the father scribed for the prim and propet·. Samples of the motor car and the grand'The tour will leave from Oak- not only with grammar school stuTRACY"S TRACY"S The bike ha.s received wide supland and anive in Frankfurt, Ger- dents but with collegians hemmed father of the airplane." Practically many. From FTankfurt, students in by campus parking restrictions. every mechanical improvement in port, obtaining the endorSements if you're take two weeks to work their way It may surprise some of America's the automobile of today can be of both President Eisenhower and Sample Size The Ultimate in Self-Defense to Pisa, Italy. 5-12 and Physical Tonin9 many cyclists to know some of the traced to the bicycle. For example, Kennedy. It has even received the At Pisa, they wi11 attend a two twists and turns the relatively bail bearings and axles, the sus- ultimate American accolade, the 298-5594 60TH SEXES week course in European Culture short career of the bike has taken. pension wheel, and brakes, to name American Bike Month. The slogan ALL AGES L COURSES PLANNED FOR CHILDREN and Italian. The course carries of that month, May, is appropriThe granddaddy of the modern just a few. ~~E~~NFIDENCE SUILDING & SELF-DEFENSE credit for two college units. Classes bike, the "HobbY~ Horse" or •·oraiBlack Belt Instruction Under the Direction of. Biking e v e n had an effect ately enough "There's nothing like will be held in the morning only Jim Tr.,cy _AI Trocy _ Tomos Connor, M gr. sine," was invented in 1816. It had upon the women of t his country. a bike." to allow students the afternoons 1409 W . SAN C AR LOS a fixed rear wheel, a pivoting front SAN JOSE and evenings as free time. 2226 So. Baseom From Pisa, the tour will go to wheel and no driving mechanism. Campbell 377-6083 France and eventually leave for The ~ider had to push himself TRACY"S home from Arns terdam, Holland. along with his feet and carry his TRACY"S Holeman stressed the inexpen- bike back up the hill. It was not • siveness of the trip when it is com- until 1840 that foot pedals were pared with the price of commercia l added . The year 1865 saw the Veloci· air fa re alone. pede, the sensati<>n <>f the Paris Exposition that year. Picture two JUNE GRADUATES: wheels with iron tires, the MALES ONLY ~ wooden seat on a steel spring midway besMART sTuDENTs tween the wheels, the whole busi$AVES$$ : ness pr<>pelled by cranks attached to the front wheel axle--and you may understand why the Veloci· pede swiftly became known as t he Boneshaker. Efforts to increase biking speed resulted in a strange looking contraption with a front wheel grO'\¥ing to over fi ve feet in diameter. and a rear wheel shrinking down to 12 inches or less. It had speed, 1l If you reeeived 11 3:0 or b etter « averoge in yo" Spronq Somester ,.. but little stability, a rider \" a~n : ou will qualify for a seholastic :: being thrown 'because of a bump in • y • I • the road. Despite these liabilities, 0 the bicycle gt-ew in popularity and See the Placement ENJOYING AN OLD favorite, t he bi'<Sl'~e, i~ Dave \Vood f SJt ansoon spread to America. ~ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 0 1/ico 378-4123 Res. '.!66-5908 ;t I Office for Details The bike did not stl>p there, tlque bike, ILild Joey )':ura on a regular oae. \

SwinCJinCJ Fashions



3. Call people by name. Any<>ne considers the souncb of his own name music. 4. Be friendly and helpful. If you would have friends, be friendly.

T he let te~· A symbolizes many things to rc::p l e in various fields. Chanc;;,•s a t c you remembC>r from h lg:1 s<.J,o l in ;;~lgebra, a d-ene<cc: t :c: ;:r~t !ctown quantit y, as in (a+!:~) . .'\nU in geomet ry, one si de of a tr:!<ng!e is usually called A or a. ln music, A is the name of the first nctc of the musical alphabet and the 6th degree of the scale of C. tt's the fii·st note in the scale

An For a

, , ·J)efend Disc n \\ y·1tle ~

Hollywood Whiskey A Go Go's where and Cry 2. Smile at people. It takes 72 favotite performer, Johnny Rivers, Nytol · · · 1 muscles to frown, only 14 to smile. How many groov llcir who in the early days of his ca-

Egyptian Pharaohs.

Get your Easter Candle of HOPE today.. Light a gr..,n candl, th1s Easter and offer up a prayer.


of greeting.

Do you know somebody whose

of hope all over the free world, They. say . . . "W e \vho 1I·v . . e~ F ree d om shall re tam our FreedOtn· th<?se who.have lost t heir Free~ shall regam their Freedom." This Easter, place a green candl• on your table . . . the fNckefltll .' . lights of your green candle <along' • • w1th your ne1ghbors , will turn inm powerful fl"'>d lights <>f warmth and sympa~y. ~nd s hine across sealed ~rontlers mto prisons, CQn. centration camps and the dreary h?mes of the oppressed masses behmd the Iron Curtarin.

Antique Gold

Spring Formal Contest Deadline Set·for April 1 -

. I For Friendliness h Many T I ngs to Peep e no~hi~~~ ni~e :o:~~~:~'!m~

Wednelilay, March 30, 19M



You sh<>uld see the selec•'u onl· W e h ave sty1es f or everyone from senous · · swrnuner to the g:l wh~ on] y b a thiug is in the stm . Bare bikini 's, blouso~s, sleek sheaths, " li ttle boy" ~IT":h_· f e have one, twv and three piece des\gns in the n ewes t fabrics and fashivn shades. R e •m<>us names are he re. Rose Marie R eid, Catalina Cole of California, Peter Pan, ti oxanWne, to nam e just a few! Choose ypurs now fmm this big, bright, brand new collec1 on. e stow only 3, come see the rest!

Roxanne's 'Jj ttle boy' snit, '?ade for girl s t (Propor· L10ned bra cup.) F<>rtreJ® cotton.. 8-14.


Elizabeth Stewart's 2-pc. hlousoo suit. Nylon knit trimmed by h<>ws. Scarleti white. 10-16.

$24 Macy's by tlw sea., street floor, Mticy's Valley Fair

Jantzen's official 'Smil e Girr suit in zippy nylon knit s tripes with comb pocket! Shes 8 t <> 14.


. Pacl.f1·c TeIep hone will be on Campus Apn I 12 Interviewing Men and Women for . e Managers Prospec tIV (if;\ Pacific Telephone







.aa !.






t disco~~~~onp~~~ ·:~~~~nee. ~ !


~-----------------------------------------------------;---------~------~-~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~ ·········•·

·Green Candle of" ope Qiit~ Qiollt!lt 0-imts l.n and About Our Gam,p us Shines Through 'Curtain'


Wednesazy, Marcil



Motes and News ~

Publ1shed eaeh W ednesday of the school yea r by tho journalism classes at San Jose Cit~ C~llege. Supported, !" part, by Assoeiated Student Body funds. Member Well, the air is fi11ed with sweet Cbltforn1a NeY(spaper Publn:hers Association, Seeond Cless postage peid at San Jose, Calif. Subsc'ription rates: $3.00 per year or 10¢ per eopy. Phone 298-2181, smelling aromas and you can tell ext. 230. it 's spring. San Jose City Colle-ge Rat Lab head has informed the Editor ·-··-·--·--· JEFF MULLINS Sporb Editor -·········-· FRED JONES TIMES that the season of mating Feoturo Ed itor .. CHRIS VAUGHAN Adv. Mgr. ·- JOHN MIGUELGORRY News Editor ...... MIKE O'CONNOR. Photo .......... ROYAL CHAMBERLAIN has started. ·Judith Beck started Night Editor ..• DON KAWASHIMA Advisor ··--·-··-------- C. W. PALMER out last fall with six lovely, handtrained rats; since then, her "famStaff: Advertising: Tony Joseph , ~ill Rumph , Sheri Cirincio ne ; Sport~: IGarl ily" has grow n to 26 of these little La ucher, Curt1s Hyde, Pat C'!v<"~faio, Bob Bonone, Fran~ Wright, Chester creatures. Wood, Pat Rocha; News: Bett ie Barker, leeAnn ~rmenfo, Charles SteJudi has asked us to find intervens , Francis Smallwood, Joyce Reed , Greg Gary, Frank Roth, Margaret ested studen ts who would be interRoth, Verne Albright, Bob Alvarez, Margaret Chu, Dawn Koidinen, Da vid Martinez. ested in taking some of these rats <>ff her ha nds; she has t<>ld us that this is an excellent opportunity for students interestec.l in experimental


Noise about Du Bois

Letter 'A' Symbolizes 10 Comma.ndmenfs

1966 1

American Airlines Youth Fare Plan For Travel By Air

When Pete Drachsler notified the City College Times of the desire to formulate a W . E. B. DuBois Club on campus, two immediate .courses of action were taken by this edit or. First, the story received a " major news value rating" du~ to the What are you doing E aster va· fact that the DuBois Clubs were very much in the news and because .the occasion is rare when a wee~ly college newspaper may involve cation? Why not fly to some city t+self and its readers with a national issue or situation that is both m the u.s. that you've always topical andd related to college lige. wanted to visit, and take advanSecon 1y. information (though quite limited due to shortage of ti~e) was o~tained from various loca l news and informitory sources tage of American Airlines' Youth wsth the destre of fully exploring thE> matter as objectively as is this Pl an. editor's intent. The Youth Fare Plan which reIn search of an 11 all sides 11 truth or base upon which was needed cently went into effect allows any to build an honest evaluation of the DuBais Club> I fumed to the fi les youth between the ages of 12 and of t he San Jose Mercury-News, a political news Writer, the Federal 22 tv fly at half the normal Jet Bureau of Investigation, more than a dozen responsible City College poach fare.. The key, to nationwide academic insttuctors, adr:ninistrators and student council members (only tra:el is the Y~uth Fare Identifi· two of the latter) and fmally a member of the W. E. B. DuBois Club catwn Card avatlable at $3.00 each from off campus San Jose State from American Airlines ticket ofIf anything at all I found it difficult, almost impossible. to discO>'er fices from coast t<> coast, a special truth ... at l~ast +he.. kind of "gold at the end of the rai nbow'" type, mail order center at its headquarGeorge Washmgt<>n I cannot tell a lie" style trulhfulness. Individuals ters (633 Thtrd Avenue, New York chose to either speak in . round-about terms, innuendo or they com- City) and some travel agencies. pl_e+ely ev~d~d th.e q uestions. Th e only individual to speak openly Qualification for the card is Without mmcmg h1s words {telephone conversation) was the member simple. All that's needed is legal of the off-campus San Jose State DuBois Club. But then, unlike the proof of age and $3.00. After rearray of "quotables," he chose to remain anonymous. By a. method derived purely from th e facts and from honest ceiving the card, validation must interpretations and opinions, I arrived at the world shaking conclusion be- made at the American AirUnes (not quite) that the W. E. B. DuBois Club> are one of three or all installation where the cardholder things ... a Communist-front organization .. . a Big Unserious Joke makes his first trip. Validation ... or a Gutsy Group of lndividua·ls who are determined to speak out calls for documentary proof of age. for what they believe right and are willing to weather the wrath wrought of the Hoovers' and the Katzenbachs' · AmMe".:r,·caionn,Sas~!der•• 'p'Trheeslli~evyntrocf u. There is much to cloud the situation though. There are far too many things that don't make good sense. For instance of all the colors sponse by thousands of young peoin the spectrum, the DuBois Club membership card i> 't he color of red. Pie is confirmation of our own beWhy rei:l? Then -one must think of t he club's name sake. Dr. W . E. B. lief th at young Americans are ready to travel by air-, if the price DuBois. Thought by many to be one of the first great !Negro scholars is right for them." and humanitarians, he turned Communistic at the age of 91 , and some say, highly imbittered over the "false face of Capitalism.'" That in itself i> a negative mark against the club if it is meant to be taken tare on a standby basis. He or she seriously. On the other hand Hoover and · Kallenbach, two worthy citizens will be boorded after ~-eguiar reveand knowledgeable leaders, feel that the DuBois Clubs are Communist nue pass titr g e r s and mj}jtary fronts and that they should be registered as such. Perhaps the vicious standbys. "Go Go American," a 64-page circle will go on forever. ' ~ )+ is my suggestion though that students and faculty alike attend booklet detailing action spots for the meeting in Room 202, March 31, Thursday, II a.m., and evaluate young people around' the coWltry is available free at Licket offices. for yourself what i> heard and seen. -JDM Included in thls 'booklet are $200 '\.VOrth of discount coupons for amusement, parks, restaurants, and hotels around the nation. For large groups, youth lounges It is often difficult to obtain both sides of a controversial situation as was demonstrated after a Civil Rights Forum discussion on Vietnam have been opened in the term.inaJ.s Tuesday. March 29 in room F-7. ' at John F. Kennedy Airport in Due to conflict of time. Francis Smallwood, City College Times New York a nd Los Angeles International Airport. reporter, arr~ve~ at. the F~ru m near the conclusion of guest speaker There are cer~tain times of tha M1ke McG01re s diSsertation and completely missed hearing first year when the Youth Fare Plan >peaker Charles Selden's offering. The meeting ended and in an attempt to provide a brief summary will not be in effecL because heavy of the session for readers who were unable to attend the Forum, Small- passenger loads cut availability of wood imr.osed a sh.ort answer question. upon !he two speakers-asking seats. In 1966 thls will include I April 7 (Thursday before Easter them to recap the1r general stand dur~ng the1r discussion." Sunday); N<>vember 23 and 27 Seld en ~eplied, "that the United States shouldn't have gotten in(Wednesday before and Sunday volved, but s1nce we are there, we will have to stick it out." . Smallwoo? ~hen sough+. out McGuire and explained that he had after Thahksgiving); and DecemmiSsed the ma1onty of the dtscussion, could Mc.Guire give him his gen- ber 15 through Z1. era I sta nd on the issue. . M~Guire inquired, "Are you a reporter from the City College SJCC Cosmetology Department Ttmes? Smallwood answered in the affirmative. will sponsor their S-cholarship F'und ...



psychology to pick up some rats at a very inexpensive p,rice FREE! · She would like a few ~f the persons to t1·ain these rats for a J"C'turn m3.tch with American River J unior College in a "Rat Decathlon" early this next coming fa ll. Any interested personS> may sign up in the Administration Building on contact Judith Beck via the Psychology Club, which meets every ·T uesd ay in Room 38 at 11 a.m. Judi has asked us at th is time to thank J ohn Owen and his famil y for keeping a large percentage of this "family" which started with two females and two maJes, at least t hat's what they thought; ,anyway, it tume4 out to be three


By CHR.JS VAUGHAN females a nd one joyou:ly happ~ '!'he people behind the li'On Curmale, an<l as the sa}'lng goes . .tain .know that open resistance dSpring has Sprung!" against orders is futile. Yet, they have acquired skill in outwitting Counselors in th"e Secondary the regime. They now celebrate Schools of Santa Clara County will the '' festival of the tiir tree" by be on camptls today for a program lighting a s·:i'ngle green candle on on career opportunities and the i.heir trees. They chose green be~ SJCC courses in Nursing, Medical cause gr·een is the color of HOPE. Assisting, Dental Assisting, and The custom of lighting a green Cosmetology. candle is no longer confined to Following a tour of the campus, Christmas. The hopefiul now place the counselors will meet in Room 1 a single candle on. their tables at of the ·w omen's Vocations BuiJdjng Easter. They call it the candle <>f for a panel present~tipn directed H 0 P E and RE&URREcriON. by Howard . Biebesheimer, Associ- Iron CUrtain refugees a!l'e spreadate Dean of Vocational Education. ing the idea of the green candle The panel will consist of a physi· cian, dentist, nurse, o'\.VJ'ler of a beauty salon, and chairmen of the respectiv~ departments.




Engagement Ring Sets



The ski -club, jn charge of bids Spring Formal theme.. :I"he prize for the Spr-ing Formal, is holding will be a free 'bid for the winnei' a contest for the selection of the and date. All A.S.B. card h<>lders • are welcome to suQmit as many ideas for the theme as desired. However, there will be only one theme and one winner chosen. · Tho Dear Editor: deadline for the contest is Friday, Please accept t his letter as ·one April 1. The winner will be an· faculty member's apology for the nounceQ on Tuesday, April 11. Beunfair way in which yo u were attacked in last week's "Letter to low is the contest entry blank. Fill Editor" by one of lh~ several self~ it out as directed and deposit it in appointed journalistic, etc., critics the contest box in the student on our 1arge faculty. 1union. I believe that the Spring, 1966 Times is not only doing an excellent job of reporti ng campus news (Please print) ASB Card#........ in a n objective and interesting manner but is also doing an out- Name..................................... standing job of representing this coUege in the community. Keep up the real fine job you've Phone .................................................... been doing all semester.

Letter to Ed.


Theme suggestion:


Budget accounts


Exq uisite hand-made intric.!'lte!y designed an· tique engagement jewelry. A handso me matc hed ring set of all oxidized 14k gold will always be a cherished possession. See our jewelry co llection of lovely matched antiq ue en gagement sets from $195.00

For those of you who are crea tive, Lhi s column is especially for you. And .t hose of you who aren 't creative, this bit of infor·mation may be of in terest. The Easter brunch, a favorite from coast to coast, follows the Easter parade in homes everywhere. It has become increasingly popular because it gives a chance for friends to gather informally after church services on Easter Sunday . Andt wh at could be more natural than a pretty spring table with a centerpiece and favor·s of colorful Easter eggs? These bright and gay ones .





a foreign


ho~:; :,~/!: :~:~.~:. ~".';'!= r-=====~::~::~:::": s; -;~ ;;::r::an=u::si:c:h::,=j~~~:"~ns~e~la;:~-o~n~~sed~--~--~-~~~e~-~~~e~··~-i~~~~1~~~d-~e·~·-'~t;s~~~~2~41~-1~1~~8~~~~~6~1~5~T~OW~H~&~C~O~UN~T~RY~V~Il~l~AG~E~,~SA~H~J~OS~E~~~~~

Hard Times

· c Times to go out of my way.'" Women's Gym !rom 9-12 p.m. ReIt seems t here should be a time when personal feeling should not lreshnsents are beilsg provided enter into a situation. 1 ld h b along with music by the ucount 5." . . t wou ave een perfectly understandable if the speaker felt ASB card holdet8 50 ¢, otlters $1. 1mtated due to the fact that the reporter had missed his assignment Tickets are on sale now in the COil· an_d could not be bothered by >omeone taking up more of his time. But this was not the case. metology Department or may be obtained a.t the door. B f ecause ~ ~ private opinion a newspaper was thwarted in its I;============== dttempt to ob1ecttvely report on both sides of an issue. -JDM I'

of The



In Color R... $29.95 27.95 2<1.95 22 .95 19.95 16.95

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9:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.




Choose from ~ools, wors.tedr, flannels, shark1kins, gob~rdines, dacron wools, blends, etc:,

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For Free Passes. and Albums visit any of Coast Radio's three locations.

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The Exeitement of the Bull Ring

Moment of Truth In Color -AND-

The "Pawn Broker" ROD




Hope is like a natural spr'ing Tha t flows by nature's choice; Trust is like an answered prayer Which .makes the soul r~joice. Faith is like a flower in bloom ThaL grew flrom hLnnble start, And love is like a song unsung, But felt within the heart. - Anonymous


Sample Villa9e




Thurs., 9 a.m. to 9

'· !



U.S. Students More Honest Than Others

Princess Speaks On 'Worth of Freedom' To 'City' Collegians

More JobsNew Work

'The Father of Motor ars' Receiving Wide Use Today


Dance "Spring Fling" on Saturday, u1re + en said, "I don't think enough of the City College AprU 16. It will be held in the


Campus Poetry

25 • 50°/o


1-433 The

made from ''Blown" or cm plied · the inside of the shell ; blmv egg she ll s . arc easy to do and 'water out. Let the shell clrain until have a proCessional look when completely dry. . they' re finished. Becomi ng a color eggs.pcrt th1s Milny ur·1·angements nnd designs year will be easier than ever hecan be made from hard boiled eg gs. fOr'e because some of the new but blown eggs have these advan- Easter Egg Coloring Kits. have tagcs ; the }igh t, empty she lls allow new "Fizz" tablets that dissolve ()'t•cater variety in decoi·a ti on; in seconds in cold water. 'they can be saved from year to To make the Easter Egg Tree, year, and of course,~ the raw eggs push one pj pe cleaner through provide the makings for omeletes, holes in each o( the eggs; at cakes and custards. pointed end of eggs, bend cl~aners HO~\' do you blow an egg? It's in flat circl e to cover hole 111 egg easy. Pierce both ends of the egg and g.lue cleaner into plac.e. Carewith a sharp-pointed ice pick, full y msert other end of p1pe stem skewe r or manicut·e scissors; the cleaner into styrofoam cone. Startholes sl·wuld be enlat•ged to about ing with sma llest egg on top, ~r­ the size of a small pea. Be su re to range eggs il~ ?iagonal destgn puncture the inner membrane. aro~nd c~ne; f1~l .m b_etween e~ Then hold the egg over a bowl by msertmg mtmatwe pI as: 1 c and blow through one hole until flowers a nd bits of greenery mto the contents of the egg come out styr ofoam. . . the other end. Hold the shell under For fw·ther .infotmatlOn,. wr1te a faucet lettin g t he shell fill with Spec i a 1 Ass1g~TI_l~nts D1rector, cold water. Shake the shell well Pass Compa ~y, Division of Plough, so the water will thoroughly rinse Inc., Memphis, Tennessee.

second have? One. And it's ;\te tested. when it comes to J amtHf ng in Got A Brand New Bag'' · ·~ers, latest. disc, "Ain't That A GIJ? th He screams like a stuck pig.~ doing as much for noise abaten\ent as today's modci·n jetliners. Portland, Oregon, has spawned a popular rock 'n roll aggregation, Paul Revere and the Raiders, who recently shook the rafte rs at San Jose Civic Auditorium . Recently ·'Just Like Me'' zoomed to the chw·t stratopherc, and they't·e back in the hit saddle again, to paraphrase Cowboy. Gene Autry, with "K icks." This is sort of a 1966 version of '')Jlule Train.'' By the way, you've heard about the guy who gets hi Wheaties from the supermarket and his kicks "from you," haven't you? Leslie Gore revives the old TabHunter- Sammy James classic, ··Young Love," in a chorus-backed, string-accented, gu ita r-spotligh ted, easy-going manner. The New J ersey heiress is clicking once again. The NashvillC sound is big. One such sound is "Tippy-Toeing,'' by the Hardin Trio. It's all about a bitty bouncing baby who is a ttended by the milk bott le brigade, mama holding the diapec pail, papa ~·cvea lin g the diaper pale. All the while baby alternates between a toothless gri n and ,obvious chagrin at tbe whole situation.

Europe Tour

I"'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""' I

M G ·

reer penned many smash tunes for one-time teen idol Ricky Nelson, offers us a powerful, in-person rendition of "Secret Agent Man," from the TV show of the same name. Much in the news now, why 5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if doesn't sex . and_ secul"ity scanda l everything you do were a genuine figure Gerda Mu.nsinger record an pleasure. answer tunc, "Secret Agent 6. Be gendinely interested in Woman" or ··sex and the CIA." poople. You can like everyo·ne if Having established a musical you try . beachhead · with the surfer sound, 7. Be generous with praise--cau- southern Californ ia's hit· i.nclined tious with cri tic·ism. Beachboys are now fi.lling the air8. Be considerate with the feel- ways with calypso, Bahama·style, ings of others. It will be appreci- with their newest release. Voted most likely to succeed to the tune ated. of another number one hit, they 9. Be thoughtful of the opinion restyle the all-time ~avorite , "Sloop of others. The~·e are three sides to John B." The boys a rc at the crest a question - yours, the other felof their careers. low's, a nd the truth. Neopolitalt and coun·t ry- and· 10. Be alert to give service. western crooner Al Martino. com· What counts most in Jife is what ing off the charts with a blockwe do for others. bu.fiter, "Spanish Eyes," is bounding back '\.Vith another "good music" item culled from · the evergreen stockpile, "Thlnk I'll Go Some-

Among the items that got into The "Worth of Freedom" was the press fmm the International the tof)ic last Thursday when Prin Congress on Mental Health was cess Catherjne Cat•adja, of the one of signifcance to the free of Cantacuzene, spoke in world. Results of a survey taken lhc college theater. by this group apparently show From Rumania, Princess C.'l.radthat students in the Un ited States ja, now 73 years old , has been arc more honest t.han I hose reared touring this country for 10 years in totalitarian societies. rl'\'~>ili ght' s slow tread, as of Ch1·istmas 1965. H er purpose Less jobs due 10 automation may Then thousand students in ten now, she says, is to tell what it is be more myth than fact, writes ......... nations were examined . One ex- Measur·cd by each a tear, like behind the Iron Cu1·tain, and Lester Velie in a recent article, ample of an ethical problem on Is neve r coming; what she saw and heard. Th rough "How to Choose Your Job-and which they were questioned in- Nor s leep, or peace her speeches, she hopes i.o make Lund It," in Itea.dl:"rs Dlgt-st. volved pluying soccel' a nd acci- Of dreams , or a sound Americans aware of a valuable In 1965 alone, our economy gendently kicking thC' bat! through the To break thls silence; gift, freedom. · We should "weigh crated two million new jobs, even window of a home. In the United the worth of it" and "appreciate after allowing for those eliminated States, 60-70 % of the students re- For the sound that is awaited it,'' she stated. by automation, he explained. Is never comjng, sponding said that the owner of 'The Princess gave an interesting Teenagers were expected to be the window should be told and res- His voice again ... and detailed talk, going through a hit the hardest, he continued, how- Susan Hass titution made . brief history of Rumania and her ever they landed a total of 1,590,In England and Scandinavia, about 10% fewer or just more than Editor's note: Poetry may be sub- neighboring countries, who have 000 more jobs than in 1964. "Some 6,000 new occupa tions half felt this way. But 'behind the mitted to the Fea~ture -Editor in been ta ken over by the Communists. After this take over, she lost have been crested in the last 15 Iron Curtain only 26 % of the stu- room 42 at any time. her ol'phanage due to a Communist years," he stated. dents interviewed favored confesaccusation that she was raising her Occupations pay best when they sion. Tutors are needed Jn two or childl'en incorrectly, It was at this require the m ost education or Conclu sion drawn by the surveythree of t he Junior high gchools. JX>in t having nothing left, that she training, he reported. Managers ors is that students in a totaliSubject.:~o~ to be taught a re En~lish decid~ to seek extra information earn most. Tho n. in order of tarian culture show fewer responses to "spill-out," and then try to es- yearly earnings, come professionto honesty , responsibility, and a nd m:tthe ma.tics. '~Tu tors would wo rk 3 to 5 hours cape. Her chances were not good, als, technical . .vorkers, craftsmen, se nseo of fair play. Psychologis ts who analyzed the survey offered :.L \.veek uud would reeeive $1.30 an but she made it. sates and clerical workers, he said. hou.r onder the "'Eco nomic Opporthis reason: ~uilt is denied in fea1· Of the audience, she as ked one Lowest paid arc farm laborers. tunity Act," sta.ted E d Mogl er , of harsh punishment. thought provoking ques tion : ''What He fllrther reported that 23,000 associate dean ol Student Services. are you going to give the next di fferent kinds of occupations Any student who w ould enj oy generation?" If we lose our free- await the new job seeker, the working please con tact Hel en P et. dom, we can't pass it on, because widest choice in history, and t he erson tn room U·205. "what is lost, we can't give." number is steadily inc:t·easing. Two openings are left in the ~~~~~~~~~ College of San Mateo sponsored tour and study session in Eur'Ope this summer, according to Steve Holeman, advisor to the Student Government, and an escort on the trip. Holeman told the Times that the tour is scheduled tO begin on June sixth, but that students should Savin9s Finding their voluminous skirts WITH PASTEL DYED eggshells _you apply before April 12. The total Today there are some 27 million however. Improvements continued "unhandy" for cycling, women -oneg~g~l.~ree'=.~fo~r~a~l~o~v:"e~l}~'~t~a~bl~e~de':'co~·~r:':a~ti~o~n::·-~----;;:---;:--;----;;R cost, including everythin~, is $790, bikes on lhe road, and an esti- and through these improvements, adopted t.he ~mous "bloomer," and · • "" which after a 5100 depos1t. may be mated 55 million cyclists. The bike other fields were furthered. The disc arded the rigid Salesmen's corsetry pre· paid on time. has become increasingly popular bicycle has been called "the father scribed for the prim and propet·. Samples of the motor car and the grand'The tour will leave from Oak- not only with grammar school stuTRACY"S TRACY"S The bike ha.s received wide supland and anive in Frankfurt, Ger- dents but with collegians hemmed father of the airplane." Practically many. From FTankfurt, students in by campus parking restrictions. every mechanical improvement in port, obtaining the endorSements if you're take two weeks to work their way It may surprise some of America's the automobile of today can be of both President Eisenhower and Sample Size The Ultimate in Self-Defense to Pisa, Italy. 5-12 and Physical Tonin9 many cyclists to know some of the traced to the bicycle. For example, Kennedy. It has even received the At Pisa, they wi11 attend a two twists and turns the relatively bail bearings and axles, the sus- ultimate American accolade, the 298-5594 60TH SEXES week course in European Culture short career of the bike has taken. pension wheel, and brakes, to name American Bike Month. The slogan ALL AGES L COURSES PLANNED FOR CHILDREN and Italian. The course carries of that month, May, is appropriThe granddaddy of the modern just a few. ~~E~~NFIDENCE SUILDING & SELF-DEFENSE credit for two college units. Classes bike, the "HobbY~ Horse" or •·oraiBlack Belt Instruction Under the Direction of. Biking e v e n had an effect ately enough "There's nothing like will be held in the morning only Jim Tr.,cy _AI Trocy _ Tomos Connor, M gr. sine," was invented in 1816. It had upon the women of t his country. a bike." to allow students the afternoons 1409 W . SAN C AR LOS a fixed rear wheel, a pivoting front SAN JOSE and evenings as free time. 2226 So. Baseom From Pisa, the tour will go to wheel and no driving mechanism. Campbell 377-6083 France and eventually leave for The ~ider had to push himself TRACY"S home from Arns terdam, Holland. along with his feet and carry his TRACY"S Holeman stressed the inexpen- bike back up the hill. It was not • siveness of the trip when it is com- until 1840 that foot pedals were pared with the price of commercia l added . The year 1865 saw the Veloci· air fa re alone. pede, the sensati<>n <>f the Paris Exposition that year. Picture two JUNE GRADUATES: wheels with iron tires, the MALES ONLY ~ wooden seat on a steel spring midway besMART sTuDENTs tween the wheels, the whole busi$AVES$$ : ness pr<>pelled by cranks attached to the front wheel axle--and you may understand why the Veloci· pede swiftly became known as t he Boneshaker. Efforts to increase biking speed resulted in a strange looking contraption with a front wheel grO'\¥ing to over fi ve feet in diameter. and a rear wheel shrinking down to 12 inches or less. It had speed, 1l If you reeeived 11 3:0 or b etter « averoge in yo" Spronq Somester ,.. but little stability, a rider \" a~n : ou will qualify for a seholastic :: being thrown 'because of a bump in • y • I • the road. Despite these liabilities, 0 the bicycle gt-ew in popularity and See the Placement ENJOYING AN OLD favorite, t he bi'<Sl'~e, i~ Dave \Vood f SJt ansoon spread to America. ~ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 0 1/ico 378-4123 Res. '.!66-5908 ;t I Office for Details The bike did not stl>p there, tlque bike, ILild Joey )':ura on a regular oae. \

SwinCJinCJ Fashions



3. Call people by name. Any<>ne considers the souncb of his own name music. 4. Be friendly and helpful. If you would have friends, be friendly.

T he let te~· A symbolizes many things to rc::p l e in various fields. Chanc;;,•s a t c you remembC>r from h lg:1 s<.J,o l in ;;~lgebra, a d-ene<cc: t :c: ;:r~t !ctown quantit y, as in (a+!:~) . .'\nU in geomet ry, one si de of a tr:!<ng!e is usually called A or a. ln music, A is the name of the first nctc of the musical alphabet and the 6th degree of the scale of C. tt's the fii·st note in the scale

An For a

, , ·J)efend Disc n \\ y·1tle ~

Hollywood Whiskey A Go Go's where and Cry 2. Smile at people. It takes 72 favotite performer, Johnny Rivers, Nytol · · · 1 muscles to frown, only 14 to smile. How many groov llcir who in the early days of his ca-

Egyptian Pharaohs.

Get your Easter Candle of HOPE today.. Light a gr..,n candl, th1s Easter and offer up a prayer.


of greeting.

Do you know somebody whose

of hope all over the free world, They. say . . . "W e \vho 1I·v . . e~ F ree d om shall re tam our FreedOtn· th<?se who.have lost t heir Free~ shall regam their Freedom." This Easter, place a green candl• on your table . . . the fNckefltll .' . lights of your green candle <along' • • w1th your ne1ghbors , will turn inm powerful fl"'>d lights <>f warmth and sympa~y. ~nd s hine across sealed ~rontlers mto prisons, CQn. centration camps and the dreary h?mes of the oppressed masses behmd the Iron Curtarin.

Antique Gold

Spring Formal Contest Deadline Set·for April 1 -

. I For Friendliness h Many T I ngs to Peep e no~hi~~~ ni~e :o:~~~:~'!m~

Wednelilay, March 30, 19M



You sh<>uld see the selec•'u onl· W e h ave sty1es f or everyone from senous · · swrnuner to the g:l wh~ on] y b a thiug is in the stm . Bare bikini 's, blouso~s, sleek sheaths, " li ttle boy" ~IT":h_· f e have one, twv and three piece des\gns in the n ewes t fabrics and fashivn shades. R e •m<>us names are he re. Rose Marie R eid, Catalina Cole of California, Peter Pan, ti oxanWne, to nam e just a few! Choose ypurs now fmm this big, bright, brand new collec1 on. e stow only 3, come see the rest!

Roxanne's 'Jj ttle boy' snit, '?ade for girl s t (Propor· L10ned bra cup.) F<>rtreJ® cotton.. 8-14.


Elizabeth Stewart's 2-pc. hlousoo suit. Nylon knit trimmed by h<>ws. Scarleti white. 10-16.

$24 Macy's by tlw sea., street floor, Mticy's Valley Fair

Jantzen's official 'Smil e Girr suit in zippy nylon knit s tripes with comb pocket! Shes 8 t <> 14.


. Pacl.f1·c TeIep hone will be on Campus Apn I 12 Interviewing Men and Women for . e Managers Prospec tIV (if;\ Pacific Telephone







.aa !.






t disco~~~~onp~~~ ·:~~~~nee. ~ !


~-----------------------------------------------------;---------~------~-~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~ ·········•·


Tankmen SplasH Past Jagged Jottings Merritt in 62-20 Rout

A-Loop Fixed With Tie· Four Firsts for Evans

l:l~~ Grunks Pace B-Leagu~ Foothill's One -Ma n Gan g g~lrf.~.~~'t";.; T0 p p Ies Ja g u a r Ova Imen •.., .......

The F las hy



~~:t:;,;.n ;..:d~~~~:;e~:~:

as they dumped the previOus weeks

Ne.,.;ta College 28-7 on t he leaders 48- 40 - The hustli ng Lakers f'i.i Go lf and Country slowed the Batmen's hot scoring com bo of Bruce McC-all a nd Gary K ext F1iday the Jags w iU Bai ley to ele ven ta'Jlies apiece, a tt . . . .pt to ma k e it two in a r ow wh ile t he w inners ace Mi ke Good as t hey host Contra Cos ta in a m a n burned t he tw ines for 17 r e turn -ma t ch . The wi n gives t he d igits, local s a 1~ 4 conference record a nd The t ilt kn otted up the A ~ league a 5-5 overa ll slate. with a t hree way tie betwee n t he L a ny Lupo led the t eam with a Ba tmen , Flash y L a k ers and t he 74. Ltti>O defeated Roy Turnip- Old timers. seed 6-0. K erry Spence shot an 80 B ehind Fred JOAes' 18 markers t o defeat 1Uil{e CoUins 5Yz-Yz , the Oldtirners forged bnck in to ~L"\ rtY Palncios carded an 8l to turn back Tom \Va.tkins 5-1. Chris the loop runn.lnf, murdering the Ford htn1ed In an 80 in his 4·2 de- game 1\fustangs 68-37. The 1\lus· tea t of Ray Dull. P a rry shot a 79 , tangs tratled at the intermission by bht was edged by D ennis d'llf'man a 28-26 oount, but •the second hall 3V? -2 Vz. proved disastrous for the losers. The hard workin g golfers w ill Bob Snnflllppo did y~man work not get any rest over the vacp.tion a s t hey will journey to Fresn o for tn the scoring, pouring bt four t he F ourth Annual ·w estern Jun· buckets ln t he beglnnlng or the fourth period and wi.n<Ung up \\ith ior College Cha mpions hip.

Look Great This Spring ·

~~7:h!~saG~i:m~:~:n~~ ~~e;oi~~~

and helped keep the 'S ons in contcntion for the B-leag ue crow n. E mil \Vikke a ided in the scoring wi t h 13. Brand X has s truclt rear Ln to thf' hf'arts of B-Loop Oi>JlOn ents, J>lc klug two wins to rtm a. seeond placr ti e with the So ul Sons in th eir conference. Bob Mathis t allied 21 points in Bra nd X's win o ver Merc handis ing

Our expert pei'!IOnal instruction can guide you in develoJ>ing a well-rounded, handsome physique. Come in and see our modern equipment and complete weight-room facilities.

second, respectively, for F ooth ill. Lee Evans nut his usu:d sell in ea)ltttring t he 440 easily with a. clockin g of 50 fiat. This was an all ,Jag sweep a s tennun:Ltes Howard l\lcCalebb (50.5 ) and Prentiss Gary (51.5) l ollowcd Evans to t he tape. In the 100-yard das h, Lan ce Calloway carne t hrough with a gr eat individual effor t in stoppin g F oot hill's duo J oe Ma r t in and Hodge. Calloway was t imed in 9.9, while he heaved that 161 fee t. S an J ose came up with probably Ma r tin and Hodge tied for second t he best individual efforts of · the in 10 flat. Foothill placed fi rs t and mee t, but couldn't combat Hodge 's second in the pole va ult, while fantasti c f)Crform..w ce, The Jags Ken Erickson (10' ) took t hird. Del sta rtcd ou t In high-flyiJig st.yle by Rodgers took a th ir d place in t he sett ln ~ a. school record in the 44.0- 120-yarrl high hurdles with a clock· yard rela.y with a clocking of 42.6, ing o.f 15.8, t his w as a heartbreaker bettering the old nu1rk of 42.7. for Del in that he was only three Sharing honors in this new r ecord ten ths short of the winner Tim were L a nce Calloway, Charles Held of Foothill. E~ans again sparked the Jags by Gn..ry, Larry Walh:er, and L ee gr abbing first place in the 880 E vans. F oothill swept the shotput w ith with a clocking of 1 :58.7, followed H odge leading t he way, fo llowed by Ron Bruno (Foot) in 1 :59.2, by Vic Marti ndale an d Bog T ara· and J im R occa of t he J ags who bonovic. The mi le fea tured a great took th ird in 2:00.2. In the 220 the Jag machin e was duel as Don Ha nd ran t he best race of his life (4: 20.6), but stil l In full power as it was a Snn Jose had to settle for a third p lace. sweep, led by Lance Calloway Rich Brackett (4 :19.2) and R uss (22.i ) , nnd seeond w as Howard l\!a hon (4:19.8) finished first and l\lcCalebb (22.8 ), and third place

By PAT CAVATAIO Footh ill College led by the aweS'()me perfor mance of Russ Hodge ra n past the Jaguars 82-54 Sa tur day on th ~ J ag field. Hodge ran up a t otal o f 25 points in nabbing four fi rs ts and two second place finish es. Hodge, a member of the 1964 Olympic team s et t wo meet records; in t he shot he tossed it Clu b. The Clubbers he ld a slim 54·9, and also in t he discus where

23-21 lead at the half but last year's ch a mps rode back for t he sli m vic tory. Dave W ood's 13 and Ga ry Downey's 12 topped Merch a ndisin g. Brand X grabbe<l th eir othe r win on a 58-52 <'otm t fr om the H awailans. Jim Lnxi gal:t and Bob 1\fa this t>a ved the way ni th 14 and I S digits r espectively. J oh.n Begonia tot-a led 14 for th e Hawaiians.

T he Fl ashy Lakers bagged the nets fo r 81 points as they romped over ~l e ments 81-50, Mike Goodma n conti nued h is devast a ting scoring with 26 JX)ints. R and y Mor ris on a nd Ga be Antu nes each res pect ively, t he ir best individua l efforts of the ca mpaig n. \Vith t he possible r ej uve natio n of t he scoring ann o f Jim Ca lhoun, the Lak ers have high hopes for t he loop crown.

With Men

Rebounding from their sound tronnclng at t he hands of the La.kers, the E lements r eeled in a 55·40 wln over the J ets. S al DeCarlo with 16 points, Ton y Can~ zano with 15 marker s and Len Gillen with 10 led the E lement assault ove r the smaUer Plnncs. L a rry Johnson ripped the n ets f or 16 t o lend tlte losers. On account of E aster Vacation there will be . no ga mes p la yed Thursda y, a ll action resumes Monday, April 11.

· And Women!

Bailey, Batmen ............................ 62

Naas, J e ts ...... .......... .......... ....... . 48 R. Morrison, F. Lal{e rs - - --'"" Langrid ge, Oidtimers ................ An t unes, F. L akers ----------'"-"" (mwa lle, J e ts ......... ,..... ". ........... Johnson , Jets ... " .. .. ,-.. .. ..

SAN JOSE HEALTH CLUB 9th & Saftta Clara 295-9910

46 35 34 33 32

B L eab"UC

S tewart, Grunks ............ ....... 58 Ba ll ard, So ul Sons ..................... 46 Nick el, Grunks ............... ............ 46

Guun an, Soul Sons



Cook, Gr unks ............................... Wikke, Soul Sons ..... ................... !\loran, Hairhats ..........................

72 DAYS- $1495 with Mrs. Eleanore Fox, San Jose Unified School District

Begon ia, H awa iian s '""""'·- -·-·"' Mathis, Brand-X '"""" "'"'·"-·"·'"·····

Here is a n opportunit y fo r A merican college students to travel th ro ugh Europe in the sum me r of 1966 at very mod erate cos t under the supe rvision of Mrs. Eleonore Fox of the San J ose, Califo cn ia , Unified School Dist rict. Mrs. Fox' s daughters, Jane and Sue, wil l be me mbers of t he tou r along with st udents f rom San Franc isco Boy A reo c ollege s and from colleges and unive rsit ie s throughout t he United State s ond Canada . Mrs. Fox ha s t raveled widely in Europe, the Orient, Mex· icc , Hav-ta ii , and Canada, ond she will se e to it that oil members of this tour are relieved of a ll trou blesome t ra v e I d etails so that they may enjoy their trip to the fulle st. The grou p will sa il from New York Ju ne 24 in the beaut iful new flag ship of Greek line, the T.T.S. QU EEN AN NA MA RIA to debark in Lisbon. Then the itinera ry includes Spain, the Rivie ro. Italy, Switzerla nd. G e-rmany, luxe mbourg, Paris, England, Holland, De omark, Sweden and Norway. The re t urn will be in t he Specia l Du tch St ud e nt Ship, the S.S. G ROOTE BEER , or by a ir fo r those who prefe r to fl y. A uni· ve rs ity-frDined European courier will a cc ompany the tour in Europe and the price includ es Second C loss hote l occommoda · tions. ne a rly all meals, sightseeing, t ra nsfers, t ravel by private motorcoach with some rail, o utdoor opera in Rome , b ullfights in Madrid . Folies Bergere in Pa ris, Shake speare play in Stratford and tips which a re part of hotel and restau rant b ills in Europe. So read the fascinating itinerary a nd joi n t his grou p for a won·


LIVE MUSIC & DANCING THURSDAY Thru SUNDAY Beer 1Oc a CJiass for ladies $1 a pitcher until 9 every niCJht

-- --------------FOR--------------RESERVATIONS ------------Mrs. EIHiore Foa, 1414 M•rur A'H He , Saw JoM, Ca lifor1ia Telep~ .. e: 4-ZU·402l




basis of th o school's four highest flnish ers, in tl1e six man team licld. San Jose entrants Lar ry Lupo, Chr is Ford and Kerry Spence t ee off early on the opening round morning, Lupo at 7 :14 am, F ord

at 8:03 am, and Spence at 8:17 am . Dave Parry will go out later at 10 :37 am and Marty P alacios at

10:44 am. INTR~IURAL


w Ba tmen ... ...."'.'"····"'""' "'""' Ol dtimer s .. ....................... .

F lashy Lakers ........ Must angs , .......... '",....."'" Elemen ts ......... -.. . Jets ---· ---········"'········· .. ····"'-

2 2 2 1 1 1

3 2 2

Ha irhats Me rch. Club """'""" H awa iians


0 0



417 South Ist Street San Jose

B y P AZ ROCHA J ose a qua jags won their second meet in conference play to set t heir record to two wins a nd one loss. They bamboozled t he Oakland-Merr itt congrega tion 66-

20; t his was their firs t 9'ictory over lhe Th underbirds s ince the league started . The Tankers set three ~chool records a nd k ept their s treak of a double wi nners in tac t as Ron MacLennan a nd P aul W atts scored a double triumph in the meet. 'l'he rel.ny team sta.rtetl things orr with a. first pl ace fini slt in t he 4 00 yard medley re la.y with a. time of 4:02.1, J ack Sp·ot swood, Paul \Vatts, T om AkrOJ) a.nd PhiJ Brown leadin g the nttnck for the J 1\lacLennnn k ept thin gs r ollln g wlth .a. win ln t he 200 ya rd rreestyle wit h a. 2:01 c locking. The :>0 yard f reeHtylc WM won by ~m Oakland en tran t. '.fhis was th e only firs t place the visi t ors t ook , but salvaged a. tie l:t t er on in t h e t meet.


Jim Triplett st ar ted \he ball

Tuo day. 'f his set-up seems to indicate that the teams possessing the

the seftiion. Paul Watts , Ji m T r iplett, Tom Ak rop, and R on 1\f acL ennan m ake up the first y ea r quar tet which ha s ~z:tazed a ll_ observers , and h as broken seven of t hirteen school r ecords .m the process. Akrop has toppled marks in t he 50, 100, 200, and 500 yard frees tyle events, bes ides be ing a standout competitor for t h e r ecor d -sm ashmg 400-yar d fr ees tyle relay team, H e has also iinpressed_in t he butt erfl y, an event which h e had never swa m before t his camprug n. Triplett h a.s. set s tandards in the 200~yard breast stcok e, a nd 200yard intennedia te m edley . Wn.tts has a. r ecor<l to his c redit in t h e breast · strol{e, while :MacLennan is a. record~holdc r in th.e~ 200-)·ard backstroke . The 400-yard freesty le relay team paced by sophomores Phil Brown, John J a nsen, a nd Jim Ogden h as establishe d a new m arl< . Ogden h as been a surprise as the ancho1· man of t he t eam . Whereas last year he sw a m as though he was anchor ed to t he bottom of th e pool, he has become a real speed mercha nt this seas on. , The over-all marl{ fo r t he swimmer s s tands a t 9-3, wh1le they are 2-1 in GGC ac t ion. Actua lly their only r eal loss on the year was to Foothill , as the other t wo losses came when the team was disabled by the fl u bug . T h e sm iles fashioned by Coach Bob J ones can be attributed to t he " f rosh foursome,"

* * *

F r ankli n M iceli, owner of the San F rancisco W arriors, h as rob~ San J ose City Coll ege of one of the most li ked m en ever to coac~ m professional baske tball. The \ V:urioTs, w h o train at SJCC in th e pre~season, stunne(l local foll ower s last w eek by fi_ring coach Alex Hannum fo r ra.tller t ri vial reasons. The \Varrior b r ass wants a coac h · who can speml all t welve months of his time tutoilug team m embe rs, rat her t hnn a-mentor w ho pilots tho club f or ap proxi.Jm"Ltely seven months. The \ Va r.ior owner stated that Los Angeles nnd Boston hrLve used thL~ program to th e utmost succes s, ami t h er efore tJt_e Warriors sltould use it. .

athletes are proving indispensable to t he San J ose State spring sports program, T he Spa.rf~ut track and baseball t ea'nlS boast · a tbtal of fil' e ex· Jaguar athletes on their rost-ers. T he San J ose S t ate cindennen , w ho ar e cont enders for t he national NCAA championsh ip, pr ob-

a bly have been helped t he most by the City College grades. Jim Sullivan, a.nd K en Noel, who sparked the Jngua..r ero s!~;~ country t eam to the Northern Cal~ lfornla ch:tmptonsh.ip three ;\'ea.TS a-g o, are the key distance runners for the Spartans. Sulliva n, w ho also was t he n umber one Sp artan runner in the NCAA cross-counhy championsh ips in Kansas last fa ll, is currently the number two t wo-miter on the San J ose State sla t e to d ate, The dirnlnuti\'e red head, who Uke Noel won four letters at t11e l\loorpark campus, has a best time of 9:26.4. in his s pecialty. Ji m s ays he expects his time to

1 improve drastically, w hen the 1 Sparls hit the bigger end of the

1 season meets, and mor e p ressure 2 will be put on by the increased

2 competition. Noel, who wa.s also the Golden 2 Gate Conference 880 yard nm eluunp for th e Jaguars, Is now the L top 880 runn er for Sa.n Jose State. 0 His toy dWLI meet thne Is 1:53.,3 1 but ran a 1:50.8 leg on the two1 mile rela,y team at th e Santa Ba.r2 b:tra R elays last weekend . 1 Noel' s biggest feat th is year 3 was beating California University's

dual meet in Berkeley, Three m en, Dave Gigliotti, Pat Garvey. a nd Larry P et e rs, are a.U lell(llng a hand to the Sparta.n ba seba U for tl:tf\es.

Both Garvey and P eters pl a yed on t he S an Jose College champion-

ship baseball teams, qf 1964 a nd 1965, while Gigliotti played in 1963 and on t he 1964 ti t le-w inning team . P et er s is playing first string th ird base for the S pa r tans , h itting a t a .260 clip a nd is the lea d ing RBI producer on th e dub, Gigliotti alterna te s in t he o utfie ld and Garvey is a reserve secon d sacker beh ind t he sq uad's lead ing hitter last year Tony H ern andez. Garvey though is cons idered a fine f ielde r as he w as the golden g love f or the J ag's ke ystone corner for tw o cam pa igns.


BILLIARDS HOURS : 9 A. M. - I A .M. Ladies play fr ee on Sundays Ladies and Gentlemen welcome at all times. 1719 s. e.ucom Phone : 377-9971

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r PAZ ROCHA ... B at picks up

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The City College diamondmen · In the ninth inning first sack er dropped their fourt h decision in Frank Wright led off with a do~~ seven contests Thursday when ble. Pinch ru nner El swell H oa pil1 they suffered a 7-2 defeat at the advanced to third ?n a One sachands of the Footh ill Owls on lhe I'ifice b un t by pitc~cr Ed Escobar winner 's di am ond. and scored the tymg r un on an ' · Th e J ags drew first blood in the infi eld grounde1· ~y cat chet· Tom contest when Tiln Harper scored Brya nt. on n. ground baH by CUff Stoke.' 'l'wo inningS~ passed before th e in the t.hird iruJing. The Jugs again locals were a ble to score the winscor ed in t he filth fr am e on a n ning run . Jo hn Bodin e led off the errant throw b y th e Owl t hi 1·d bottom of t he e leve nt h wtth a Sacke r bu t we re unable to muster double to right !iel<l and t he n ad an , offense for t he res t o( th e va n ced t o t hir d on B ryan t's sae~ t rifice bunt . Bodine then scor ed on contes · The Ow ls received t heir offen- :L s a"Cr ifice fly b Y third s:tcker · s ive punch from some clu tch base Jin Hecl{cndorn. hi ts including back t o back h omeP owerhouse Tim Harper pror uns in t he bottom of t he eighth vided the explosives in the cont est by bl asting a t wo run homer inning . L ast Tuesd ay t h e J ags evened in the second inning . Jim Phillips, who came on in r e t heir league record with a r ewardlief of E scobar who w as lift ed for ing 4-3 vict ory over Chabot College a runner p icked u p t he win . on the J aguar d iamond. steve Wrigh t. hn.ving some trouble garne ring his first win a s a Jag, l)itcl\ed fiJle bu.Jl for slx innings bu t was lifted for a pinch hitter wi t h t he score tied in the seven t h innlng.

Special Discount just present you r staff or ASB ca rd

Sticks Still Silent, Jags Lose Again

I~i.i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;;i;;i;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;.~-~·~ .o. • ALUMNI


the Jags a head in the point column. The fi rst school mar k was broken in the 100 yar d frees tyle

Netmen Rebound Post Two Wins, CCSF Next Up

* * *

favorite, although their second line pitchers are ye t to be tes ted, Foothm has strong pitching in their first two or thr ee start ers, but whether t hey have th e depth to captu r-e the titl e is yet to be seen. San Jose's h it tin g has picked up as of late with Paz Rocha and Tim H arper leadi ng t he way. Rocha, the cons is te n t clog in the Jag infi eld h as raised h is aver age over the .333 mark as of la te, w hile teammat e Harper h as bee n poking the long circui t clouts in cons istent fash ion . The J ags w ill be coun ting on their over a ll pitch ing d ept h t o conquer opposing batsmen, as veterans Gabe De La Torre•. Jim Phillips, E d Escobru·, and Joe Lynn combine their ta lent£ with upcoming fr eshman Steve WrighL

fly won by San J ose as P au l W atts

Baylor, R udy LaRusso, B ill RusseH, Sam J ones, a nd J ohn H~vlech1k doesn't n eed t o practi ce twelve months a year. If the Warners had tne balance that Boston a nd L.A. possess, t hey'd be de finite t hreats for t he world title. The locals then found them· If N ate T h ur m ond hadn't hurt his back, t he W arriors w ould h ave selves behind t hree to two because By CURTI S J . HYDE made the pl ayoffs; it 's e ven a solid possibility t hat they would ha ve wrapped up second place. H annum can' t be fau lted fo r the w ay he of thr ee errors by Jag in field ers. Intramural volleyball is com ing handled his you n g ball club, and ardent followers o( t he hoopsters know u p on Thursday a fternoons at 2 p,m . wit h t wo teams turned in, this better than a nyone e lse. one the I ranians and one for th e H aw ai ians. Studen ts should remember that in the club league That clamoring y ou m ay h a ve heard up north h asn ' t. t:e~n fron; women a s well as men can pa r sonic booms bu.t ra ther from San Francisco Giant fans reJOicmg ove ticipate; it is in t he open league the possibility that S andy Kou fax and Don Drysd ale might s t ay out of t hat m en only can compete, sa ys action t h is season . 'M II h t 'ght Newspaper reports lndicate th at Dodge-r owner Walte r 0 , a ey R ebounding from t ree s rm Si Si moni. couldn' t ca r e less whe ther his star performers garb themselves m Los defea t s the J ag ne tmen came I n t he last three years the P oAngeles uni forms t his year. H owever, inside sources re~eal th~t t hrough with two wins in the pas t lice Club, Ski Club and Ute Mer· thousands of towe ls h a ve been delivered to the O'Malley res1dence m week. The locals lost one m atch chandising Club h a ve dominated the past few days- u nd oub tedly to be used for crying p w-poses . but that w as a non~conference loss the action. ~ Without K oufax and Drysdale th e BuntS are about as f rightening to a four year school , Oregon J im Ogden h as a t eam this year as Clarence t h e cross-eyed lion. Opposing National Lea!,"'lle teams are Sta te Uni versity. running in the open league indehoping th at the pitching duo s tick to thf!lr guns in tlteir mon ey l ight, On r.rarch 22 the J aguars took pendently. a-s they a ll know t hat O'I\talley is too tight to gtve them w h at they ask. t tie measure or the Sm1 Jose Sta.te The holdout twins can cer tainly make more money out of baseball _F rosh by a. 5-2 coWlt. i\Iarv P a rSoft ba ll st a r ted yesterday with than in the game, o r so t hey think, Act ually wh en the novel~y of t~e sons stn rted the Jags oH with a some good te ams on th e field, in holdout wear s off, the boys w ill begin havin g d reams s howm g t heir pair of wins , 6-0, 6-2. Angel Alta~ cluding Da ve Bruni, b aSii et h alle r Dodger uniforms lined with $1000 bil ls. , ma rino also turned in a. victo ry i n fo r th e Jab'lta rs of S a n J ose. Si.x The c hances are 50-1 that t he holdouts will sig n before t~ long, singles action 6-S, 6~S. Bob4 Ra.- team s a re competing ln the ra.ce but the Dodger hierarc hy is findi ng it hard to s leep. ~r._? Mall~~ mirez in a 6Ml , 610 win in for one toll spot Ln the league. The stopped COWlting !lheep •a t nigh t, as aU t hat popped into hls VIS LOn we t h e singles. In doubles play wins leagu e sh ould pro,•e to be as good two b lack sh eep h eading over t he horizon. . A by P a rsons a.nd J ack Nash !tig h- iJ not bette r t itan last semester, office su m L . ., ligh ted t he action. The St''Or es \Vere T h e Dodge rs have been a tremend ous box snl<l Si Simoni. · ·. , . but they are ~\.c inch to drop in attendance without t he lilres of ~oul.L.'X 6-3, :~-6, 6-3 in a. hard foug ht con and Drysda le. It seems that it would be more than worthwlule fllor t est. 'l'he team of Altnmarino and Intramural golf is happeni ng on bl ..•, sh eep but le•v r ea. Y Ram·,r~z 1,~ ·' It "'- 'tsier as they won Thursdays at 2 O"l p.m. and a ll inter1' alley to cater to the demands of the :to ' '"'' u.u ~ believe tha t t his would be t h e right thing to do. The hoh1out lht'vins 6-.L, 6-S. ested golfers mus t contact Coach a1ni g as a. tandem as s a. In their first clean sweep or the Simoni for furth er infonnation 11 are dead wrong to go about their bar~ ' ' •t ehlld:lsh wa y of s aying that " if you don't buy our }, we won year t he team shut-out con t r a about the Jinks play. ride ht y our wn.gon." Costa 7-0 in Golden Gate ConferF ees for A.S.B. card hold•rs are There's one wagon t hat won't be roll ing if J{oufax and Drysdale ence ac tion. B ob Ramirez led t h e at a special r a te and all money don't play. The Dodger ba ndwagon. action as he won both set s 6-0, must be paid in advance. Merchandi sing Club h as already · 6in fine Ot her perlmmers who Nas turned e fforts w er e Tony tor, entered six men in t he competi6·1, 6·1, and J ack Nash 6-3, 6-0. tion as all clubs and organizations • FACULTY LOW MONTHLY Other winners were Marv P arsons, a re urged t o enter thei r golf~m ind­ • STUDENTS Angel AJtamarino and the dou· ed members into t he handicap AUTO INSURANCE


0 1 YEAR $12

Ac ross from Ute Winch este r M yotery House Open until 9 Mon., Thut. & Fri. Tue~ .• Wed , & Sat. until 6

Any t eam t ha t possesses such ball players as J er ry West, E lgm

H oping to defend t he Easter T ournament Crown t hey won last year, 1.he J ag horsehider s are counting- on t h e ir pitchi ng depth to carry them t o the ti t le. This year's t wo day tournament (Apr il 4th and 5th providing no rain arrives) will host 16 teams from all over N orthern california, L ast year was t.he first t ime the tournament was played due t o vacation -week s torms in the t wo previous years. AJI t he Golden Gate Con ferenc e teams are en tE>red, plus eight at lar ge t eams ; some of th e a t large teams are : San J oaquin Delta , L aney, Monterey, West Valley, Ca brillo, Vallejo, Santa Rosa, and a lways pow erful Fresno. F oothill College who is c urrently leading the GGC is rated a solid

time of 2:14.5. The 200 yard butter·

* * *

The 8 peeta..cular per fo rma nces of the "frosh fmm;om e" h propeUed the Jag tank team to tll.e lr best eve r record n.t t h.L'> st-age of

as T om Akrop added to h is list of r ecords with a time o f :5L5. T om h as broken this m ark many times thi s season a nd look s like he will continue his w ays. Afte r AkrOJJS' triumph Ron MacLe nn a n followed with ~,no th e r r ee.ord brea king t)o.rfor mnn ce in the 200 y ~1rd b3.ekstrok e a s l1e s wnm to a. 2:17.4: clocking. Th.i ~ w as MacLe nn an's second win in tile meet. Bob Co lyar k ept the J!lgn.a r whming way s but lto.d to settle for a. t ie in t he 500 free with n time of 5:53 .9. Watts took the 200 breaststr oke as he was c lockecl in 2:26.8 to add to the J ag win . The reia.y team of P hil Brown, Bob Jant;en, J im Ogd en ana Tom Akrop broke the 400 yanl freestylf> rela.y to iU.hl de feat to the v lsltors. The tankers t rave l to San Mateo Coll ege t his Friday.

roJling again with a triumph in the 200 Individual medley w ith a

estest pit ching dep t h ha 1re to be given a slight edge. All games will ~e~even inn in g s, and t he ch ampionship t ilt will be pl ayed on the Jaguar diamon d at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.

College Libraries



relay and m ile relay. B a l<er also singled ou t Steve Bl a ser fo r his vi ctory in the h igh j u mp a nd his ou tsta nding s urprise t hird place

again was In front of Ute pack in fi nish in the 330 (In t) hurdles. All >11.1, followed by Del Rodgers in a ll Ba ker admitte d , "It was j us t ( 42.2) and a surprise third place too m uch R uss H odge."


: :


The four th a nnual \ Ves t crn Jun41 ior College Ch ampions hip wi ll be 40 held next week in F r esno, ApriJ 39 5, 6, 7, 8. 38 San J osc Ci ty College will be 35 one of 27 junior colleges eompe.t· 34 ing in the to u r day 72 hole m nra34 thon, which will be held on f our F resn o co un t.ry clubs : Belmont Country Club, Fort \Vashington Golf C lub, Sn..n J oaquin Coun.try Club and Unlversity·Sequoia-S tmnyvale Count ry Club. The tournament hos ts a strong fie ld w ith con t estan ts coming from as far aw ay a s Ph oenix Oty Col~ lege, Arizona, to Sa n F rancisco, Califor n ia and America n River College in S acrame nto. E ach pa.rti cl pa.nt wiU play 18 hoh..-s o f g olf o n eacl1 of the l our previous ly d esigna.ted co u r s e s. Temn tota ls \\ill be scored o n the

Brand· X

;-------------------------------------------i : NAM E :


Linkmen Converge on Western JC Tourney




ST E VF. BLASER P JC I\.S UP SJ CC Gold l\ledal in high jwnp with a len.p of 6'2".

Grunks Soul Sons

de rfu l summer expe rie nce.


880, plus his anchoring the 440

Former San J ose City College highl y touted Devon Sm ilh in a

....... 45

S ecor, H a ir hats ........ Gonzales, Soul S ons

as Hodge again took first wi th a 22-foot leap. Foothill also swept the 2-mile with Bob !\! u 1 k eY (9:47.5) leading the way. . 1n the sso (tnt) hurdles, Hodge

City Collegians Boost Spartan Spring Sports

McCa ll, Ba t men . .. .......... "'""""··· 60 Good man. F l. Lakers ..... '"· --·-·- ---- 58 · Jones, Old tirners ----··" ···· .. "'·-·· .. ·· · 48

steam bath.

went to Charles Gary who finished f'inl.she r in St<~\"e Bl ase r (42.7 }, w h o ran this race fo r the fi rs t t ime. ru S teve Blaser has really sta 1·ted the t riple jump, J ay Bat hurst to come around fol' the J ags, and (Foot) won it with a. leal) of 44~ w ith th is came a firs t place in t he 11 !12 , fo llO\ved h y Prentiss Gary high jwnp. Steve won out over (43-7 ) , a lso his best ev er leap. San \¥ayne Coulter, and teammate T ed Jos<"' was uncontes t ed in t h e mtle Gilhil'st in that he had fewer reln.y a.s th ey we re timed in 3 :29 .6 misses at 6'2" . led a (~lcCal ebb , P . Gary, Rocca and l\!l'. Everything, Hodge F oothill sweep in the discus wi t h Evnns) . Coach Bake r sin gled o u t E va ns his 161' effort. Another F oothill sweep took place in the long jump for his triumphs in t h e 440 a nd

In 23 flat.

. .6S LANCE CALLOWAY WINS lOO·YARD D ASH over Foothill's Russ Hodge. Far right and third finisher, Ch arle s Gar y, SJCC.


Trim down the easy and comfortable way )o not only look slim and graceful but feel peppy too. Our fac ilities i n· el ude o sun room, locker' S4il rvioe and

W'th cloudY skies almost certain to be t he order of the d ay, the ~ 1966 E as ter Baseba ll Tourn amen t will keep a w eary eye on enlarg th rman as i t comm ences action next week. the ~~: f:urth an n u al to urney, which is ac~ally being billed as the nuaJ affair, w ill fie ld a complement of t he fin est jllllior college d secon , in t he sta.te or Ca llfor111n. The flrst Easter Tourn sebnnante ams ey was bn U s lated for 1968, but rain fo rced can cell ati on of t he event. :~~- !.other d eluge hit the S n..nta Clar a. Valley, turther 'po~tponlng the on of t he tournam ent. maiden ne li . -- L st year ii looked as though th e Easter Tourney would again be a h \ bot only occasional sprinkles fell from t he h eavily clouded 1'1"' dou·t·'n g th e t hree days of p lay. Resu ltantly t heiirst annu al tou rnaskY Ill . t •as a m a tter of history. men SJCC "' will be tryin g t o d.e fend the title wltldt it c~wtured l3."it yea.r, the J a.g s defeated San ~ta.teo 4-3 in t he ch ampions hi p tilt . T he wheo rs le c ros s-town rival West Vi1lley in the opening r ound in Jagua • . t romises to be :l> low scoring alfutr. wba ioothill, one of t he tournament favorites, tang les wi t h pot en t round clash. Other clubs rated as title L aney of o akland in a first · F resno, and S t nderS include ValleJO, , an F ranc ·1sco. ron ~oug Weiss, director of t he tournamen t, believes th at a ny of t he 16 teams en tered can tak e home all th~ marbles . T he toLU·nament is a tw day affair, with each squad playmg two games on Monday and

Rudy Guzman sparked the Soul

chi pped in with 21 and 20 digits

We're Specialists


a llo3'''et<d·•I,Uv.•lth s. 1J2e. rry Langridge fol·

Jose, Calif. SJiege golf team monkey wrench 1nt o the title aseJtt. 230. ptrations of t he Batmen last week ,

Diamondmen Defend Easter Tourney Title ~


HON DA Closer to class. Closer to the frate rnity house. And a lot closer to the opposite sex. Honda offers you all these advantages plu~ eco_nomy: price, upkeep and insurance are all 1rres1st ably low. Why not join the crowd? Free Brochure: Write American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Department C·4, Box 50, Gardena, Cal1fornia I!> 1966 AHM




Tankmen SplasH Past Jagged Jottings Merritt in 62-20 Rout

A-Loop Fixed With Tie· Four Firsts for Evans

l:l~~ Grunks Pace B-Leagu~ Foothill's One -Ma n Gan g g~lrf.~.~~'t";.; T0 p p Ies Ja g u a r Ova Imen •.., .......

The F las hy



~~:t:;,;.n ;..:d~~~~:;e~:~:

as they dumped the previOus weeks

Ne.,.;ta College 28-7 on t he leaders 48- 40 - The hustli ng Lakers f'i.i Go lf and Country slowed the Batmen's hot scoring com bo of Bruce McC-all a nd Gary K ext F1iday the Jags w iU Bai ley to ele ven ta'Jlies apiece, a tt . . . .pt to ma k e it two in a r ow wh ile t he w inners ace Mi ke Good as t hey host Contra Cos ta in a m a n burned t he tw ines for 17 r e turn -ma t ch . The wi n gives t he d igits, local s a 1~ 4 conference record a nd The t ilt kn otted up the A ~ league a 5-5 overa ll slate. with a t hree way tie betwee n t he L a ny Lupo led the t eam with a Ba tmen , Flash y L a k ers and t he 74. Ltti>O defeated Roy Turnip- Old timers. seed 6-0. K erry Spence shot an 80 B ehind Fred JOAes' 18 markers t o defeat 1Uil{e CoUins 5Yz-Yz , the Oldtirners forged bnck in to ~L"\ rtY Palncios carded an 8l to turn back Tom \Va.tkins 5-1. Chris the loop runn.lnf, murdering the Ford htn1ed In an 80 in his 4·2 de- game 1\fustangs 68-37. The 1\lus· tea t of Ray Dull. P a rry shot a 79 , tangs tratled at the intermission by bht was edged by D ennis d'llf'man a 28-26 oount, but •the second hall 3V? -2 Vz. proved disastrous for the losers. The hard workin g golfers w ill Bob Snnflllppo did y~man work not get any rest over the vacp.tion a s t hey will journey to Fresn o for tn the scoring, pouring bt four t he F ourth Annual ·w estern Jun· buckets ln t he beglnnlng or the fourth period and wi.n<Ung up \\ith ior College Cha mpions hip.

Look Great This Spring ·

~~7:h!~saG~i:m~:~:n~~ ~~e;oi~~~

and helped keep the 'S ons in contcntion for the B-leag ue crow n. E mil \Vikke a ided in the scoring wi t h 13. Brand X has s truclt rear Ln to thf' hf'arts of B-Loop Oi>JlOn ents, J>lc klug two wins to rtm a. seeond placr ti e with the So ul Sons in th eir conference. Bob Mathis t allied 21 points in Bra nd X's win o ver Merc handis ing

Our expert pei'!IOnal instruction can guide you in develoJ>ing a well-rounded, handsome physique. Come in and see our modern equipment and complete weight-room facilities.

second, respectively, for F ooth ill. Lee Evans nut his usu:d sell in ea)ltttring t he 440 easily with a. clockin g of 50 fiat. This was an all ,Jag sweep a s tennun:Ltes Howard l\lcCalebb (50.5 ) and Prentiss Gary (51.5) l ollowcd Evans to t he tape. In the 100-yard das h, Lan ce Calloway carne t hrough with a gr eat individual effor t in stoppin g F oot hill's duo J oe Ma r t in and Hodge. Calloway was t imed in 9.9, while he heaved that 161 fee t. S an J ose came up with probably Ma r tin and Hodge tied for second t he best individual efforts of · the in 10 flat. Foothill placed fi rs t and mee t, but couldn't combat Hodge 's second in the pole va ult, while fantasti c f)Crform..w ce, The Jags Ken Erickson (10' ) took t hird. Del sta rtcd ou t In high-flyiJig st.yle by Rodgers took a th ir d place in t he sett ln ~ a. school record in the 44.0- 120-yarrl high hurdles with a clock· yard rela.y with a clocking of 42.6, ing o.f 15.8, t his w as a heartbreaker bettering the old nu1rk of 42.7. for Del in that he was only three Sharing honors in this new r ecord ten ths short of the winner Tim were L a nce Calloway, Charles Held of Foothill. E~ans again sparked the Jags by Gn..ry, Larry Walh:er, and L ee gr abbing first place in the 880 E vans. F oothill swept the shotput w ith with a clocking of 1 :58.7, followed H odge leading t he way, fo llowed by Ron Bruno (Foot) in 1 :59.2, by Vic Marti ndale an d Bog T ara· and J im R occa of t he J ags who bonovic. The mi le fea tured a great took th ird in 2:00.2. In the 220 the Jag machin e was duel as Don Ha nd ran t he best race of his life (4: 20.6), but stil l In full power as it was a Snn Jose had to settle for a third p lace. sweep, led by Lance Calloway Rich Brackett (4 :19.2) and R uss (22.i ) , nnd seeond w as Howard l\!a hon (4:19.8) finished first and l\lcCalebb (22.8 ), and third place

By PAT CAVATAIO Footh ill College led by the aweS'()me perfor mance of Russ Hodge ra n past the Jaguars 82-54 Sa tur day on th ~ J ag field. Hodge ran up a t otal o f 25 points in nabbing four fi rs ts and two second place finish es. Hodge, a member of the 1964 Olympic team s et t wo meet records; in t he shot he tossed it Clu b. The Clubbers he ld a slim 54·9, and also in t he discus where

23-21 lead at the half but last year's ch a mps rode back for t he sli m vic tory. Dave W ood's 13 and Ga ry Downey's 12 topped Merch a ndisin g. Brand X grabbe<l th eir othe r win on a 58-52 <'otm t fr om the H awailans. Jim Lnxi gal:t and Bob 1\fa this t>a ved the way ni th 14 and I S digits r espectively. J oh.n Begonia tot-a led 14 for th e Hawaiians.

T he Fl ashy Lakers bagged the nets fo r 81 points as they romped over ~l e ments 81-50, Mike Goodma n conti nued h is devast a ting scoring with 26 JX)ints. R and y Mor ris on a nd Ga be Antu nes each res pect ively, t he ir best individua l efforts of the ca mpaig n. \Vith t he possible r ej uve natio n of t he scoring ann o f Jim Ca lhoun, the Lak ers have high hopes for t he loop crown.

With Men

Rebounding from their sound tronnclng at t he hands of the La.kers, the E lements r eeled in a 55·40 wln over the J ets. S al DeCarlo with 16 points, Ton y Can~ zano with 15 marker s and Len Gillen with 10 led the E lement assault ove r the smaUer Plnncs. L a rry Johnson ripped the n ets f or 16 t o lend tlte losers. On account of E aster Vacation there will be . no ga mes p la yed Thursda y, a ll action resumes Monday, April 11.

· And Women!

Bailey, Batmen ............................ 62

Naas, J e ts ...... .......... .......... ....... . 48 R. Morrison, F. Lal{e rs - - --'"" Langrid ge, Oidtimers ................ An t unes, F. L akers ----------'"-"" (mwa lle, J e ts ......... ,..... ". ........... Johnson , Jets ... " .. .. ,-.. .. ..

SAN JOSE HEALTH CLUB 9th & Saftta Clara 295-9910

46 35 34 33 32

B L eab"UC

S tewart, Grunks ............ ....... 58 Ba ll ard, So ul Sons ..................... 46 Nick el, Grunks ............... ............ 46

Guun an, Soul Sons



Cook, Gr unks ............................... Wikke, Soul Sons ..... ................... !\loran, Hairhats ..........................

72 DAYS- $1495 with Mrs. Eleanore Fox, San Jose Unified School District

Begon ia, H awa iian s '""""'·- -·-·"' Mathis, Brand-X '"""" "'"'·"-·"·'"·····

Here is a n opportunit y fo r A merican college students to travel th ro ugh Europe in the sum me r of 1966 at very mod erate cos t under the supe rvision of Mrs. Eleonore Fox of the San J ose, Califo cn ia , Unified School Dist rict. Mrs. Fox' s daughters, Jane and Sue, wil l be me mbers of t he tou r along with st udents f rom San Franc isco Boy A reo c ollege s and from colleges and unive rsit ie s throughout t he United State s ond Canada . Mrs. Fox ha s t raveled widely in Europe, the Orient, Mex· icc , Hav-ta ii , and Canada, ond she will se e to it that oil members of this tour are relieved of a ll trou blesome t ra v e I d etails so that they may enjoy their trip to the fulle st. The grou p will sa il from New York Ju ne 24 in the beaut iful new flag ship of Greek line, the T.T.S. QU EEN AN NA MA RIA to debark in Lisbon. Then the itinera ry includes Spain, the Rivie ro. Italy, Switzerla nd. G e-rmany, luxe mbourg, Paris, England, Holland, De omark, Sweden and Norway. The re t urn will be in t he Specia l Du tch St ud e nt Ship, the S.S. G ROOTE BEER , or by a ir fo r those who prefe r to fl y. A uni· ve rs ity-frDined European courier will a cc ompany the tour in Europe and the price includ es Second C loss hote l occommoda · tions. ne a rly all meals, sightseeing, t ra nsfers, t ravel by private motorcoach with some rail, o utdoor opera in Rome , b ullfights in Madrid . Folies Bergere in Pa ris, Shake speare play in Stratford and tips which a re part of hotel and restau rant b ills in Europe. So read the fascinating itinerary a nd joi n t his grou p for a won·


LIVE MUSIC & DANCING THURSDAY Thru SUNDAY Beer 1Oc a CJiass for ladies $1 a pitcher until 9 every niCJht

-- --------------FOR--------------RESERVATIONS ------------Mrs. EIHiore Foa, 1414 M•rur A'H He , Saw JoM, Ca lifor1ia Telep~ .. e: 4-ZU·402l




basis of th o school's four highest flnish ers, in tl1e six man team licld. San Jose entrants Lar ry Lupo, Chr is Ford and Kerry Spence t ee off early on the opening round morning, Lupo at 7 :14 am, F ord

at 8:03 am, and Spence at 8:17 am . Dave Parry will go out later at 10 :37 am and Marty P alacios at

10:44 am. INTR~IURAL


w Ba tmen ... ...."'.'"····"'""' "'""' Ol dtimer s .. ....................... .

F lashy Lakers ........ Must angs , .......... '",....."'" Elemen ts ......... -.. . Jets ---· ---········"'········· .. ····"'-

2 2 2 1 1 1

3 2 2

Ha irhats Me rch. Club """'""" H awa iians


0 0



417 South Ist Street San Jose

B y P AZ ROCHA J ose a qua jags won their second meet in conference play to set t heir record to two wins a nd one loss. They bamboozled t he Oakland-Merr itt congrega tion 66-

20; t his was their firs t 9'ictory over lhe Th underbirds s ince the league started . The Tankers set three ~chool records a nd k ept their s treak of a double wi nners in tac t as Ron MacLennan a nd P aul W atts scored a double triumph in the meet. 'l'he rel.ny team sta.rtetl things orr with a. first pl ace fini slt in t he 4 00 yard medley re la.y with a. time of 4:02.1, J ack Sp·ot swood, Paul \Vatts, T om AkrOJ) a.nd PhiJ Brown leadin g the nttnck for the J 1\lacLennnn k ept thin gs r ollln g wlth .a. win ln t he 200 ya rd rreestyle wit h a. 2:01 c locking. The :>0 yard f reeHtylc WM won by ~m Oakland en tran t. '.fhis was th e only firs t place the visi t ors t ook , but salvaged a. tie l:t t er on in t h e t meet.


Jim Triplett st ar ted \he ball

Tuo day. 'f his set-up seems to indicate that the teams possessing the

the seftiion. Paul Watts , Ji m T r iplett, Tom Ak rop, and R on 1\f acL ennan m ake up the first y ea r quar tet which ha s ~z:tazed a ll_ observers , and h as broken seven of t hirteen school r ecords .m the process. Akrop has toppled marks in t he 50, 100, 200, and 500 yard frees tyle events, bes ides be ing a standout competitor for t h e r ecor d -sm ashmg 400-yar d fr ees tyle relay team, H e has also iinpressed_in t he butt erfl y, an event which h e had never swa m before t his camprug n. Triplett h a.s. set s tandards in the 200~yard breast stcok e, a nd 200yard intennedia te m edley . Wn.tts has a. r ecor<l to his c redit in t h e breast · strol{e, while :MacLennan is a. record~holdc r in th.e~ 200-)·ard backstroke . The 400-yard freesty le relay team paced by sophomores Phil Brown, John J a nsen, a nd Jim Ogden h as establishe d a new m arl< . Ogden h as been a surprise as the ancho1· man of t he t eam . Whereas last year he sw a m as though he was anchor ed to t he bottom of th e pool, he has become a real speed mercha nt this seas on. , The over-all marl{ fo r t he swimmer s s tands a t 9-3, wh1le they are 2-1 in GGC ac t ion. Actua lly their only r eal loss on the year was to Foothill , as the other t wo losses came when the team was disabled by the fl u bug . T h e sm iles fashioned by Coach Bob J ones can be attributed to t he " f rosh foursome,"

* * *

F r ankli n M iceli, owner of the San F rancisco W arriors, h as rob~ San J ose City Coll ege of one of the most li ked m en ever to coac~ m professional baske tball. The \ V:urioTs, w h o train at SJCC in th e pre~season, stunne(l local foll ower s last w eek by fi_ring coach Alex Hannum fo r ra.tller t ri vial reasons. The \Varrior b r ass wants a coac h · who can speml all t welve months of his time tutoilug team m embe rs, rat her t hnn a-mentor w ho pilots tho club f or ap proxi.Jm"Ltely seven months. The \ Va r.ior owner stated that Los Angeles nnd Boston hrLve used thL~ program to th e utmost succes s, ami t h er efore tJt_e Warriors sltould use it. .

athletes are proving indispensable to t he San J ose State spring sports program, T he Spa.rf~ut track and baseball t ea'nlS boast · a tbtal of fil' e ex· Jaguar athletes on their rost-ers. T he San J ose S t ate cindennen , w ho ar e cont enders for t he national NCAA championsh ip, pr ob-

a bly have been helped t he most by the City College grades. Jim Sullivan, a.nd K en Noel, who sparked the Jngua..r ero s!~;~ country t eam to the Northern Cal~ lfornla ch:tmptonsh.ip three ;\'ea.TS a-g o, are the key distance runners for the Spartans. Sulliva n, w ho also was t he n umber one Sp artan runner in the NCAA cross-counhy championsh ips in Kansas last fa ll, is currently the number two t wo-miter on the San J ose State sla t e to d ate, The dirnlnuti\'e red head, who Uke Noel won four letters at t11e l\loorpark campus, has a best time of 9:26.4. in his s pecialty. Ji m s ays he expects his time to

1 improve drastically, w hen the 1 Sparls hit the bigger end of the

1 season meets, and mor e p ressure 2 will be put on by the increased

2 competition. Noel, who wa.s also the Golden 2 Gate Conference 880 yard nm eluunp for th e Jaguars, Is now the L top 880 runn er for Sa.n Jose State. 0 His toy dWLI meet thne Is 1:53.,3 1 but ran a 1:50.8 leg on the two1 mile rela,y team at th e Santa Ba.r2 b:tra R elays last weekend . 1 Noel' s biggest feat th is year 3 was beating California University's

dual meet in Berkeley, Three m en, Dave Gigliotti, Pat Garvey. a nd Larry P et e rs, are a.U lell(llng a hand to the Sparta.n ba seba U for tl:tf\es.

Both Garvey and P eters pl a yed on t he S an Jose College champion-

ship baseball teams, qf 1964 a nd 1965, while Gigliotti played in 1963 and on t he 1964 ti t le-w inning team . P et er s is playing first string th ird base for the S pa r tans , h itting a t a .260 clip a nd is the lea d ing RBI producer on th e dub, Gigliotti alterna te s in t he o utfie ld and Garvey is a reserve secon d sacker beh ind t he sq uad's lead ing hitter last year Tony H ern andez. Garvey though is cons idered a fine f ielde r as he w as the golden g love f or the J ag's ke ystone corner for tw o cam pa igns.


BILLIARDS HOURS : 9 A. M. - I A .M. Ladies play fr ee on Sundays Ladies and Gentlemen welcome at all times. 1719 s. e.ucom Phone : 377-9971

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The City College diamondmen · In the ninth inning first sack er dropped their fourt h decision in Frank Wright led off with a do~~ seven contests Thursday when ble. Pinch ru nner El swell H oa pil1 they suffered a 7-2 defeat at the advanced to third ?n a One sachands of the Footh ill Owls on lhe I'ifice b un t by pitc~cr Ed Escobar winner 's di am ond. and scored the tymg r un on an ' · Th e J ags drew first blood in the infi eld grounde1· ~y cat chet· Tom contest when Tiln Harper scored Brya nt. on n. ground baH by CUff Stoke.' 'l'wo inningS~ passed before th e in the t.hird iruJing. The Jugs again locals were a ble to score the winscor ed in t he filth fr am e on a n ning run . Jo hn Bodin e led off the errant throw b y th e Owl t hi 1·d bottom of t he e leve nt h wtth a Sacke r bu t we re unable to muster double to right !iel<l and t he n ad an , offense for t he res t o( th e va n ced t o t hir d on B ryan t's sae~ t rifice bunt . Bodine then scor ed on contes · The Ow ls received t heir offen- :L s a"Cr ifice fly b Y third s:tcker · s ive punch from some clu tch base Jin Hecl{cndorn. hi ts including back t o back h omeP owerhouse Tim Harper pror uns in t he bottom of t he eighth vided the explosives in the cont est by bl asting a t wo run homer inning . L ast Tuesd ay t h e J ags evened in the second inning . Jim Phillips, who came on in r e t heir league record with a r ewardlief of E scobar who w as lift ed for ing 4-3 vict ory over Chabot College a runner p icked u p t he win . on the J aguar d iamond. steve Wrigh t. hn.ving some trouble garne ring his first win a s a Jag, l)itcl\ed fiJle bu.Jl for slx innings bu t was lifted for a pinch hitter wi t h t he score tied in the seven t h innlng.

Special Discount just present you r staff or ASB ca rd

Sticks Still Silent, Jags Lose Again

I~i.i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;;i;;i;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;.~-~·~ .o. • ALUMNI


the Jags a head in the point column. The fi rst school mar k was broken in the 100 yar d frees tyle

Netmen Rebound Post Two Wins, CCSF Next Up

* * *

favorite, although their second line pitchers are ye t to be tes ted, Foothm has strong pitching in their first two or thr ee start ers, but whether t hey have th e depth to captu r-e the titl e is yet to be seen. San Jose's h it tin g has picked up as of late with Paz Rocha and Tim H arper leadi ng t he way. Rocha, the cons is te n t clog in the Jag infi eld h as raised h is aver age over the .333 mark as of la te, w hile teammat e Harper h as bee n poking the long circui t clouts in cons istent fash ion . The J ags w ill be coun ting on their over a ll pitch ing d ept h t o conquer opposing batsmen, as veterans Gabe De La Torre•. Jim Phillips, E d Escobru·, and Joe Lynn combine their ta lent£ with upcoming fr eshman Steve WrighL

fly won by San J ose as P au l W atts

Baylor, R udy LaRusso, B ill RusseH, Sam J ones, a nd J ohn H~vlech1k doesn't n eed t o practi ce twelve months a year. If the Warners had tne balance that Boston a nd L.A. possess, t hey'd be de finite t hreats for t he world title. The locals then found them· If N ate T h ur m ond hadn't hurt his back, t he W arriors w ould h ave selves behind t hree to two because By CURTI S J . HYDE made the pl ayoffs; it 's e ven a solid possibility t hat they would ha ve wrapped up second place. H annum can' t be fau lted fo r the w ay he of thr ee errors by Jag in field ers. Intramural volleyball is com ing handled his you n g ball club, and ardent followers o( t he hoopsters know u p on Thursday a fternoons at 2 p,m . wit h t wo teams turned in, this better than a nyone e lse. one the I ranians and one for th e H aw ai ians. Studen ts should remember that in the club league That clamoring y ou m ay h a ve heard up north h asn ' t. t:e~n fron; women a s well as men can pa r sonic booms bu.t ra ther from San Francisco Giant fans reJOicmg ove ticipate; it is in t he open league the possibility that S andy Kou fax and Don Drysd ale might s t ay out of t hat m en only can compete, sa ys action t h is season . 'M II h t 'ght Newspaper reports lndicate th at Dodge-r owner Walte r 0 , a ey R ebounding from t ree s rm Si Si moni. couldn' t ca r e less whe ther his star performers garb themselves m Los defea t s the J ag ne tmen came I n t he last three years the P oAngeles uni forms t his year. H owever, inside sources re~eal th~t t hrough with two wins in the pas t lice Club, Ski Club and Ute Mer· thousands of towe ls h a ve been delivered to the O'Malley res1dence m week. The locals lost one m atch chandising Club h a ve dominated the past few days- u nd oub tedly to be used for crying p w-poses . but that w as a non~conference loss the action. ~ Without K oufax and Drysdale th e BuntS are about as f rightening to a four year school , Oregon J im Ogden h as a t eam this year as Clarence t h e cross-eyed lion. Opposing National Lea!,"'lle teams are Sta te Uni versity. running in the open league indehoping th at the pitching duo s tick to thf!lr guns in tlteir mon ey l ight, On r.rarch 22 the J aguars took pendently. a-s they a ll know t hat O'I\talley is too tight to gtve them w h at they ask. t tie measure or the Sm1 Jose Sta.te The holdout twins can cer tainly make more money out of baseball _F rosh by a. 5-2 coWlt. i\Iarv P a rSoft ba ll st a r ted yesterday with than in the game, o r so t hey think, Act ually wh en the novel~y of t~e sons stn rted the Jags oH with a some good te ams on th e field, in holdout wear s off, the boys w ill begin havin g d reams s howm g t heir pair of wins , 6-0, 6-2. Angel Alta~ cluding Da ve Bruni, b aSii et h alle r Dodger uniforms lined with $1000 bil ls. , ma rino also turned in a. victo ry i n fo r th e Jab'lta rs of S a n J ose. Si.x The c hances are 50-1 that t he holdouts will sig n before t~ long, singles action 6-S, 6~S. Bob4 Ra.- team s a re competing ln the ra.ce but the Dodger hierarc hy is findi ng it hard to s leep. ~r._? Mall~~ mirez in a 6Ml , 610 win in for one toll spot Ln the league. The stopped COWlting !lheep •a t nigh t, as aU t hat popped into hls VIS LOn we t h e singles. In doubles play wins leagu e sh ould pro,•e to be as good two b lack sh eep h eading over t he horizon. . A by P a rsons a.nd J ack Nash !tig h- iJ not bette r t itan last semester, office su m L . ., ligh ted t he action. The St''Or es \Vere T h e Dodge rs have been a tremend ous box snl<l Si Simoni. · ·. , . but they are ~\.c inch to drop in attendance without t he lilres of ~oul.L.'X 6-3, :~-6, 6-3 in a. hard foug ht con and Drysda le. It seems that it would be more than worthwlule fllor t est. 'l'he team of Altnmarino and Intramural golf is happeni ng on bl ..•, sh eep but le•v r ea. Y Ram·,r~z 1,~ ·' It "'- 'tsier as they won Thursdays at 2 O"l p.m. and a ll inter1' alley to cater to the demands of the :to ' '"'' u.u ~ believe tha t t his would be t h e right thing to do. The hoh1out lht'vins 6-.L, 6-S. ested golfers mus t contact Coach a1ni g as a. tandem as s a. In their first clean sweep or the Simoni for furth er infonnation 11 are dead wrong to go about their bar~ ' ' •t ehlld:lsh wa y of s aying that " if you don't buy our }, we won year t he team shut-out con t r a about the Jinks play. ride ht y our wn.gon." Costa 7-0 in Golden Gate ConferF ees for A.S.B. card hold•rs are There's one wagon t hat won't be roll ing if J{oufax and Drysdale ence ac tion. B ob Ramirez led t h e at a special r a te and all money don't play. The Dodger ba ndwagon. action as he won both set s 6-0, must be paid in advance. Merchandi sing Club h as already · 6in fine Ot her perlmmers who Nas turned e fforts w er e Tony tor, entered six men in t he competi6·1, 6·1, and J ack Nash 6-3, 6-0. tion as all clubs and organizations • FACULTY LOW MONTHLY Other winners were Marv P arsons, a re urged t o enter thei r golf~m ind­ • STUDENTS Angel AJtamarino and the dou· ed members into t he handicap AUTO INSURANCE


0 1 YEAR $12

Ac ross from Ute Winch este r M yotery House Open until 9 Mon., Thut. & Fri. Tue~ .• Wed , & Sat. until 6

Any t eam t ha t possesses such ball players as J er ry West, E lgm

H oping to defend t he Easter T ournament Crown t hey won last year, 1.he J ag horsehider s are counting- on t h e ir pitchi ng depth to carry them t o the ti t le. This year's t wo day tournament (Apr il 4th and 5th providing no rain arrives) will host 16 teams from all over N orthern california, L ast year was t.he first t ime the tournament was played due t o vacation -week s torms in the t wo previous years. AJI t he Golden Gate Con ferenc e teams are en tE>red, plus eight at lar ge t eams ; some of th e a t large teams are : San J oaquin Delta , L aney, Monterey, West Valley, Ca brillo, Vallejo, Santa Rosa, and a lways pow erful Fresno. F oothill College who is c urrently leading the GGC is rated a solid

time of 2:14.5. The 200 yard butter·

* * *

The 8 peeta..cular per fo rma nces of the "frosh fmm;om e" h propeUed the Jag tank team to tll.e lr best eve r record n.t t h.L'> st-age of

as T om Akrop added to h is list of r ecords with a time o f :5L5. T om h as broken this m ark many times thi s season a nd look s like he will continue his w ays. Afte r AkrOJJS' triumph Ron MacLe nn a n followed with ~,no th e r r ee.ord brea king t)o.rfor mnn ce in the 200 y ~1rd b3.ekstrok e a s l1e s wnm to a. 2:17.4: clocking. Th.i ~ w as MacLe nn an's second win in tile meet. Bob Co lyar k ept the J!lgn.a r whming way s but lto.d to settle for a. t ie in t he 500 free with n time of 5:53 .9. Watts took the 200 breaststr oke as he was c lockecl in 2:26.8 to add to the J ag win . The reia.y team of P hil Brown, Bob Jant;en, J im Ogd en ana Tom Akrop broke the 400 yanl freestylf> rela.y to iU.hl de feat to the v lsltors. The tankers t rave l to San Mateo Coll ege t his Friday.

roJling again with a triumph in the 200 Individual medley w ith a

estest pit ching dep t h ha 1re to be given a slight edge. All games will ~e~even inn in g s, and t he ch ampionship t ilt will be pl ayed on the Jaguar diamon d at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.

College Libraries



relay and m ile relay. B a l<er also singled ou t Steve Bl a ser fo r his vi ctory in the h igh j u mp a nd his ou tsta nding s urprise t hird place

again was In front of Ute pack in fi nish in the 330 (In t) hurdles. All >11.1, followed by Del Rodgers in a ll Ba ker admitte d , "It was j us t ( 42.2) and a surprise third place too m uch R uss H odge."


: :


The four th a nnual \ Ves t crn Jun41 ior College Ch ampions hip wi ll be 40 held next week in F r esno, ApriJ 39 5, 6, 7, 8. 38 San J osc Ci ty College will be 35 one of 27 junior colleges eompe.t· 34 ing in the to u r day 72 hole m nra34 thon, which will be held on f our F resn o co un t.ry clubs : Belmont Country Club, Fort \Vashington Golf C lub, Sn..n J oaquin Coun.try Club and Unlversity·Sequoia-S tmnyvale Count ry Club. The tournament hos ts a strong fie ld w ith con t estan ts coming from as far aw ay a s Ph oenix Oty Col~ lege, Arizona, to Sa n F rancisco, Califor n ia and America n River College in S acrame nto. E ach pa.rti cl pa.nt wiU play 18 hoh..-s o f g olf o n eacl1 of the l our previous ly d esigna.ted co u r s e s. Temn tota ls \\ill be scored o n the

Brand· X

;-------------------------------------------i : NAM E :


Linkmen Converge on Western JC Tourney




ST E VF. BLASER P JC I\.S UP SJ CC Gold l\ledal in high jwnp with a len.p of 6'2".

Grunks Soul Sons

de rfu l summer expe rie nce.


880, plus his anchoring the 440

Former San J ose City College highl y touted Devon Sm ilh in a

....... 45

S ecor, H a ir hats ........ Gonzales, Soul S ons

as Hodge again took first wi th a 22-foot leap. Foothill also swept the 2-mile with Bob !\! u 1 k eY (9:47.5) leading the way. . 1n the sso (tnt) hurdles, Hodge

City Collegians Boost Spartan Spring Sports

McCa ll, Ba t men . .. .......... "'""""··· 60 Good man. F l. Lakers ..... '"· --·-·- ---- 58 · Jones, Old tirners ----··" ···· .. "'·-·· .. ·· · 48

steam bath.

went to Charles Gary who finished f'inl.she r in St<~\"e Bl ase r (42.7 }, w h o ran this race fo r the fi rs t t ime. ru S teve Blaser has really sta 1·ted the t riple jump, J ay Bat hurst to come around fol' the J ags, and (Foot) won it with a. leal) of 44~ w ith th is came a firs t place in t he 11 !12 , fo llO\ved h y Prentiss Gary high jwnp. Steve won out over (43-7 ) , a lso his best ev er leap. San \¥ayne Coulter, and teammate T ed Jos<"' was uncontes t ed in t h e mtle Gilhil'st in that he had fewer reln.y a.s th ey we re timed in 3 :29 .6 misses at 6'2" . led a (~lcCal ebb , P . Gary, Rocca and l\!l'. Everything, Hodge F oothill sweep in the discus wi t h Evnns) . Coach Bake r sin gled o u t E va ns his 161' effort. Another F oothill sweep took place in the long jump for his triumphs in t h e 440 a nd

In 23 flat.

. .6S LANCE CALLOWAY WINS lOO·YARD D ASH over Foothill's Russ Hodge. Far right and third finisher, Ch arle s Gar y, SJCC.


Trim down the easy and comfortable way )o not only look slim and graceful but feel peppy too. Our fac ilities i n· el ude o sun room, locker' S4il rvioe and

W'th cloudY skies almost certain to be t he order of the d ay, the ~ 1966 E as ter Baseba ll Tourn amen t will keep a w eary eye on enlarg th rman as i t comm ences action next week. the ~~: f:urth an n u al to urney, which is ac~ally being billed as the nuaJ affair, w ill fie ld a complement of t he fin est jllllior college d secon , in t he sta.te or Ca llfor111n. The flrst Easter Tourn sebnnante ams ey was bn U s lated for 1968, but rain fo rced can cell ati on of t he event. :~~- !.other d eluge hit the S n..nta Clar a. Valley, turther 'po~tponlng the on of t he tournam ent. maiden ne li . -- L st year ii looked as though th e Easter Tourney would again be a h \ bot only occasional sprinkles fell from t he h eavily clouded 1'1"' dou·t·'n g th e t hree days of p lay. Resu ltantly t heiirst annu al tou rnaskY Ill . t •as a m a tter of history. men SJCC "' will be tryin g t o d.e fend the title wltldt it c~wtured l3."it yea.r, the J a.g s defeated San ~ta.teo 4-3 in t he ch ampions hi p tilt . T he wheo rs le c ros s-town rival West Vi1lley in the opening r ound in Jagua • . t romises to be :l> low scoring alfutr. wba ioothill, one of t he tournament favorites, tang les wi t h pot en t round clash. Other clubs rated as title L aney of o akland in a first · F resno, and S t nderS include ValleJO, , an F ranc ·1sco. ron ~oug Weiss, director of t he tournamen t, believes th at a ny of t he 16 teams en tered can tak e home all th~ marbles . T he toLU·nament is a tw day affair, with each squad playmg two games on Monday and

Rudy Guzman sparked the Soul

chi pped in with 21 and 20 digits

We're Specialists


a llo3'''et<d·•I,Uv.•lth s. 1J2e. rry Langridge fol·

Jose, Calif. SJiege golf team monkey wrench 1nt o the title aseJtt. 230. ptrations of t he Batmen last week ,

Diamondmen Defend Easter Tourney Title ~


HON DA Closer to class. Closer to the frate rnity house. And a lot closer to the opposite sex. Honda offers you all these advantages plu~ eco_nomy: price, upkeep and insurance are all 1rres1st ably low. Why not join the crowd? Free Brochure: Write American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Department C·4, Box 50, Gardena, Cal1fornia I!> 1966 AHM





New Politica l Union Forming on Campus

Lucas n a v j n g, a. JtrOftl8Sional dancer on tour oJ' the \Ves t Const, wiJ I 1,resent a. nmste1· df\1100 chtss in the College !\len's Gy m from 4 l\fany students and facuJty mem- to ~ p.IH. on AJ>ril 25. bers do not know who George , This cJas" is 01,en without ree to Leppertt is, reports Robin ROss, ~tny men or women int.ct'estt..>tl. T his president of the San Jose Demo- Ls n. J)JLr Uc ipation class and t hose cratic Club, who is trying to form interested in attending contact a new political union on campus. Lynda Da.vis in the WOJnen's Gym.

C am pus Int erview

In My Opinion ••• .


w. ~

The Associated Students Spend $4,500 a Year on the Times. Do You

George Lepertt (D-Palo Alto) is Having's t.'Ompany will n.coom pany running for the Tenth Congres- him on tour. Having is an instruce sional Distlict against the encumtor u.t the Conn. Sch ool of Drmce. bent Charles Gubser.

Think It's \Vorth It?

Richard G:wlt, Art Teac hing Yes, I do. I don't think that people really


Terry Hackel, T ea.chi.J1g

Sure! We can find out what's going on. It's a good way to publicize th e clubs .... No I don't have any complaints agains t it. I think it•s very good; maybe you could tell about some good

movies in town, like "Sound of Music" and "Greatest Story Ever Told."

iH ike Killen, 1.\tarketlng

Very much so. I think the Times is a good media for communicatio n. Every school needs a paper, that's how t,he facuJty and the board gets its ideas across to t he students. I think it needs more pictures, and more about everyday s tudents. . .. Let people sec t hei r names . .. more stress on the individual students.

"llAPPY TO BE A cV ~TOD ~N in A merica, rather than beJ nl' a docto r in Russia.." is s CI~ College c ust<Klian, Ben Lacl<. Ben served in the P o Hsh Army durm g the- Hitler 0CCUJ)atio n in \Vorltl \ Va.r n before comin g to the Unite<] States IUt d San Jose.

be no obligations in

With Eoster in the a ir, Co·Rcc sponsoring a dance themed "Bunny Hop'' tonight in the Worn~ en's Gym. The "Five pence" will provide the music for t h e evening. There will be a freeze contest with trophies for the contes t win~ Rich nrd Hn.ley, P .E. net'S. Yeah. B1·ings the campus up-to-date on curAll those who attend must have rent events and sporting activities. It tells student body cards. A d oor prize what's going on around campus . I like the re- will be offe1"ed. porting on sports ac tivities ... no real change.


Barbara 1\lurray, Bush1es:-o Not rcaUy. Well, if it wasn't so rhuch money. .. The kids aren't interested enough in the school to put that much in the paper. I think the paper should be smaUer ... cut down all around so cost won't be that high. It' s reaJiy not that appreciated.

'Marxist . 'G roup Expanding In U.S.

G.L Benefi ts to Veterans


~ "I think people have the inler· est to join but are a fraid that they may have to commit t hemselves," he added, \vith a reminder that

* *

An Inte1·n ulional Retreat will be he ld during the month of April at Camp Raga. This event will be sponsored by the Baptist S tudent Union. The rc t.-ea t, open to a nY st udent, will start on Thw-sday, April 7, with a banquet. Informal discus~ sion, in addition to tours and hikes, are scheduled. The weekend will end at 12 noon on SaturdaY, April 9. Eva Kannard, who \o,.r0rks with Lhe international students at the Univ('r~ity of California. will hold some of the discussions. The cost is $5. Thi s price in~ eludes insura nce, from the time of departure through the weekend . It wiU be necessary for persons to bring the i r own beddi n g and towels. Interested persons shOUld con. tact the Bay Area Baptist Student



Union office at 2217 Tiara Drive, or call 258-5388. Deadline for reservations is April 4th.

The Eco n-o- M.uter is protectin9 thousand' of young men just li~e yourself. Your Junior C ol le ge s.tll fus shou ld qua lify you for these exclusive ben~fits.

Best Cle an Used Cars in Town

* * *

The Merchandis ing Club is hav· ing their a nnual F ashion Show on April 13 in the Church of Valley Hall, 400 N. Winchester Blvd. in Santa Clara. The time will be 7:30 p.m. More than 200 people arc expected to attend this student coordinated affair. Fas hion Show director Char!anne Weaton has predicted an outstanding show. The theme is "Fashi on TricJ<s of '66." Tickets cor the s how, priced at only $1.50, are now on sal e by members of the Me1-chandisin g Club.




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(Conti nu ed rrom Page J) a mount will be de tennined by how long the veteran was in the service, whether he is futl time or (Continued from P :1ge 1 ) part lime student, and the num ber of dependen ts. Single veterans goCommlllli_~t Party. The Commw1tst Party hus no sa y over what we do ing to school full time will receive and does not ask favorS of our nu- 100 dollars. Those with one detiorull and loca l executi\•e boards." pendent get 125 dollars; those with two or more dependents, 150 dol- ! 1 Assista nt FBI Director William tars. SHOE SHINE • MAf'I ICURE C. Sulliva n feels differently. In o Part lime students wi1l receive 1965 speech he warned that the an amount of money which is of Communist. Party guided the for- based upon semester hour-s. A vet· & mation of the club in San Francis- eran must carry 14 semes ter hours co last June to promote the Com- to get the full monthly benefit. If 4 BARBER HAIR sTYLISTS munist "l.lnc" and development of he takes from 7 to 9 semester potential party members. hours, he receives half the full ben· SAL CARBONE \Vhi(P. o1)enly admitting it is a efit. That would be 50 dollars for 636 Town & Country VIllage the single veteran. If he takes San Jose, sodalh1: ~:.rroup embracing many from 10 to 13 semester hours, he Calif. faction s of the IJOllticaJ l e"ft, Du· receives lhree fourths of t.he full Building 6 Bois Cluf> leaders " bniW the Jus- benefit. 296·8458 Uce De pt. to judge llli. by what Wf" Any course that meets the vet- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ha \re done, not by what J. Edgar eraru; goal for a general education or for a career will be counted as Hoove r or anybody els e says we credit; t his includes approved busi· an>." ness and corresponden ce schools. Terrence Hallinan, national or· On-job training is excluded. If ganization executive secretary for thore are questions on the type of. as nttle as the DuBois Club says that its courses which are counted toward members arc "The finest kind of these benefits, a veteran should Americans." Yet goverrunent lead- contact the nearest V.A. Office so ers see the clubs in a slightly dif- that he knows which courses will Per Day ferent light. be acceptable. on Moot-• Roootall DuBois Club leaders treat HoovTwo restriction.s are laid down. er's statement with a mixture of Courses cannot duplicate those al• "Choose from hundreds" scorn a nd amusement and they ready taken, and a veteran taking • Try our Rent-to-Own Plan deny any direction from or tie with just a smattering of courses will the Communist Party. have to stick to one field of study. The school attended must be Th ey do not hesitate to brand state approvro or if the veteran American society today as 11Sick," plans to study abroad, that school .,_.,,.,,~ """ MACHINES nor do they try to hide their goal must be approved by the U.S. 12~ E. San Fernand o -the "Jowulat.ion of a SociaUst Government. No specific grades Ned to Cal B oo~ Store - - - - order.u are required. but work has to sati..fy his school. -:::--::;;::::::=.,.-~:=:::.::'-2 / Becker }X>inted out that the • SJCC Admissions Office will an10% Discount wilh A.S.B. Card nounce when the forms will be available on campus. "I hope that veterans who are a ttending school LATE Nl...WS or plan lo attend take the time lo W•e re Yo ur YOLKSWA(;EN ;, in rJame"i \Vhccle han, head footbal l look into this opportunity for financial assistance," said Becker. G~od Hands coach on campu..", sur£ercd a. head for All Her NEEDS. iuj1try Monday a.ftern oon Utat sent C"ll anytime ltirn to San Jose HOSJlital yester- Beta Phi Gamma

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By KEN ROE D compared to City College's '"plus" By JEFF MULLINS Mort SaW, whose off-beat humor 30 per cent ranking. Times Edl.tor has won popularity throughout the FoothJll College, a. member nf world, Y.rill be the next featured Manda tory "red t ape" student sport's Golden Gate Conlerence performer on the San Jose City body cards. price tags on things resting confldently In the Los AlCollege Evening Cultural Series now free and a $15,000 drop in As- tos hllls n. mere sub hour drive March 26 in the Men's Gym at sociated Studen t Body funds could f.rom City CoUege, boasts a. grand 8:30p.m. be among the pile of ''bruised ba· total of 95 "plus" per cent ASB • No nation has been submitted nanas" (adjusted budgets) that ca.rd sales. more willingly to having iis mores, may be found lying in the wake of Like City College, like the rest leaders, foibles and folkvrays rid· the 1966-67 fiscal year budget com · of Califolnia's junior colleges, died 'vi th barbed humor than the mittee meetings that begin in Foothill cannot ""legally require" United States, and, according to April Associated Student Body Budgstudents to buy cards. Why then some critics, no one has m astered Flna.nce Conunlsslone r George is their total card sale higher than et Committee members for the the art of humorous social and po. \Vatts feels that due to lack of CitY'S? I s i t school spirit? Could it 1966-67 fiscal year h,ave been selitical commentary better than participation ln the sale of Activity be a superior ASB program? lected with George Watts, ComMort Sahl. Cards the budget committees will The answer (though no one from Asked to define hl8 bumor , Snhl missioner of Finance , acting as lind themselves trying to put to- Foothill will officially admit it) Is answers: "I just tell t he truth, ge th er a jigsaw punle minus a. tha t the non-card purchasing Foot- chairman. and people laugh." Typical Qf his piece worth $15,000. Committee members are Vice hill student suddenly flnds himself humor, Sahl observes.: 'Teople To account for this empty space snagged within a swirling whirl· President Dave Wood, Academic keep accusing me ot being an lna rebuilt, reshuffled, brand new pool of Hrcd tape" and is almost Commissione r M ariam DuVall, tellootual. It Is Interesting th at In budget will appear. But the gap beating a path to the tables to Student Activity Commissione r the seven years I was at the u rn. I will still be there, and no matter trade cash Randy Mulrine, Frosh President for cards. versity of California, no one called what the new budget looks like ... In t he case of City College w here Ron Burki, and students Dana the students will feel the cold, self does the answer n et B uild a. men- Johnson, Pete Draxler, Dennis me that." Sahl·the-eom edian evolved out of wrought draft brought on by turn- aclng wall or 41 red. tape" tha.t the Percy and Ellen F oster. Advisors Sahl-the·writ er. While he was on ing their heads when walking past rion-card purchaser must c limb will be Robert R. Ryman and Edthe University of California camthe Activity Card sales tables. and slg~ with hopes that he will wat;"d Mogler. pus he worked with college drama According to Warts, price tags eventually yield nnd buyT The committee meets March 31, groups writing five one-a ct plays. will start to appear on items once Some say, "There's more th an and according to George Watts, Then, he decided the best way to free. Dances, assemblies, aca.d~mic one way to get from New York to '"plans to put the recommende d "get the message across" was to go retreats and Film Series are only San Francisco .. . ," m eaning there budget before council for adjustout and deliver it in p erson, as a a few of the present admissionless may be other ways to bring In cash ment and approval no l ater than events that will be in danger of instead of relying on card sales. performer. April 21." His N!al sh oW business debut was having participant fe es attached to "Once we know the income," Bob Borzone, Times Sports Colon Christmas Day, 1953 at the now them. umnist, suggests in a recent "Jag- continued Watts, ""we will be able famous 11 hungry 1" in S a.n Frane Then there l8 thought of the ged Jotting'' that ASB cards may to adjust expenditures to balance BETTINA APTHEKER ma.ntla.tory Student Body Ca.rd. be worth more outside cisco, then a new, off·beat tha n inside with the income. Aicy budget reBettina. Apthck er, 21-year-old The re Is, and always has been, City College ... that many events quests that were not turned in by looking for new, oH-beat taJent. Sinee these early days, Sahl has Communist Party sp okesman, sen- much polltlcldng on thl8 matter (movies, golf, ballgames, etc.) March 21 will not be considered appeared before audiences at most lor history student at University and up untU now movemen ts to grant price reductions to ASB card by the Budget Committee. AdlllORT SAHL . of t he nation's top night clubs1 on ot Onlifornla. at Berkeley who has "require" Junior College students holders and that in the long run visors will have to meet with the Broadway, on national te_levi~ion been In the national spotlight this to purchase student bod cards students will '1nake money on the counciL" and in motion pictures. _His .fresh year 88 a reStilt"""of ller a.dlvlties have falled In the tonn of Bills deal" when they purchase an Ac"As it looks now," concluded impact on the world of en~rtain· with the F!-ee Speech Movement. gunned down by Senate sham- tivi ty Card. W atts 14 I feel there will be a de· ment so impressed the editors of s poke Tuesday, Ma.reh 15, at Snn s hooters (re BUI 778 The tact 1.8 the fiery sports crease' of $15,000 income. Things l\Ieets Death," City College Times, writer may be right. It money once free will feel the weight of Time Magazine that they accorded Jnse City College. · Under the allSpices of the Civil Feb. 16, '66) . him a cover story. conscious, open-minded studen ts a price tag. The solution I see is However, there exist today Jun· would take tlme out to weigh the a mandatory ASB card for every F ollowing th e Sahl appearance, Rights Forum, l\1188 Aptl1eker tho City College Cultural Series spoke on the subjoot, "Choil Llb- ior Colleges whose ASB card sale uyes" iUld "no," the "pro'' and City College student." will feature the Gregg Smith Sing- e rtles ol the Communists/ ' before ratings are 90 to 95 per cent of "con" It 1nlght be seen that the Unofficial statements by a few ers on April 14, Sop rano EUeen a nea.r·cni) assemblage of stu- total student body membership ASB ca.rd is worth the money. af the aspiring upcoming ASB Pollution has wiped out one o( last week . _T he trip took about Farrell on April 29, TV's David dents Ln the CoUege Little Thea.-- - - - - -- - - - - - - ''Use your heads for once/' Bor- election candidates are that there •the richest areas of sea life on the four ~ hours and produced fe we.r SU88kind on 1\f.a.y 7 a n d Actor flans ter. No tlcm.onstra.Uons or "cat zone concludes his article. "Open should be some methods to "coerce" calling'' took Conded on :May 22. Northern Coast, exclaimed Law- st,ec.ies t h an e\'er before. up those wallets and buy yourself students into buying Activity She is sched uled to lea.d a. march When asked for evidence of what an ASB card." Time is running out. Cards. rence E. Morris, B iological Science with others ln Oakland on the inm ay have caused pollution he anInstructor. Schedules for 1966's Summer duct1on center witWn the next few swered that oil and tar was found Session are now available In the He explained that Biological Sciweeks. The City College Times in some of the small tidepools. Adm inistration Orilce, a.ooordlng questioned students ence classes have been taking field viewing the trips to Moss lOcated about ·He also affirmed t hat a foamy to Ben Sweeney, Dean of Extend- speech and their answers can be two miles above Half Moon Bay, brO\Vn mass was floating on the e<l Da.y. Over :filty c lasses are be-- read 1n the "In 1\ty 0}Jlnlon" colLog oUered between t he of for many y~ars. surface of the large ones. umn on Page 2. "There more species foun d He reasoned that a p a..sslng ship 4 p.m. and 10 p .m . On the theory that two campuses in .this small n.rea t han in most will ultimateJy be cheaper than ve dumPed w aste or an inha small n.reas in t lte Coast ," he a!- m ay one, San Jose City College trustees dustria.l firm farther north may llnnod. · took action last Wednesday, leanUsing species of abalone to cite have flushed its wast-e products ou t Ing to the development of a second an example, he said that ther e tosea. Junior College campus. , , were three species found in this "Congressmen should pass _stnc!; Trustees voted to Umlt enroll· one place, a Fare encounter. er Jaws r ega.rding the taking . me nt at the 1\loorpark campus to He continued that many species . . ......, ;.,...,..;: from areas of this 5,500 da.y students and gave Archinvmg "~ ""· 1a uon on were totally missing. d alSo stern legis tects Skidmore, Ou."' &t ~Ierrlll "! talked . to some abaknie flsh- of waste products," he of San Frnnclsco t he green light 'Batman' Busts Election Pet i tions ""ennen who had fi~hed there for on further studies of sites tor the a dded. th . to tnany years," he mentioned, "and Available A pril 1 second campus. "Unt il we get some tee m Up ASB -Bash this lime t hey found only s hells3' Petitions for student body office The architects estimated that enour pollution laws, there w~n't be With a cloud of dust and a will be a.ya.Uable a.t the Student rollment in the distrtct will bit He was l"efe rrin.g to the fie ld trip 1 " declared Morns. mighty 'W-Ho Batmo~ile," Steve Services Desk in the Admlnlstra.- 12,000 by 1984, and that develophis Nature Study lOB class took any cont ro. "Batman" Burch flew mto the re.: tion bullding April 1, ment of a second campus at $36.2 ATTENDING A RECENT college atudent union board tea are from cent ASB ""Battle of the Bands according to Ron Hacker, oommis- million would be cheaper by $11.6 left to right: Stuart Bennett, George Green, l\lay Duignan, Percy Bliss, Larry .f\..rnertch, Rlch Knapton, Robert Ryman, Geo rge "\Vatts, dance autographed empty paper stoner o f elections. million than expanding the present and (seated) l\l arleo Alaimo. ~t the refreshment stand and •·we know there are many eli- campus. cups 'G th City" -·" then returned to • o am ' glble people who would , _ e g ood The architects sai d th e presen t sunnyvale. student council memberS, but who campus is too far from the center Meanwhile, 600 ()lty Collegians don't have the knowledge of the of the district. which they placed SATURDAY, March 26 -• dod •zoo to the student body till red tape involved," said Hacker. at Bayshore and Story road. WEDNESDAY, l\Iarch 2S ~ • "We want them to run. Anyone San Jose Unified So I o and Meanwhile the Alpha Land Co. 111 Student Court. 10 a.m., rm. U-205 ..:~ - -ced to the musle ot u_ e as they · UDoU with information or questions of Santa Clara offered a prospec.Ensemble F estival, Music Building, T ennis, San Jose City College vs and the Others" and tbe 'Vp-set- abou-t offices should contact me in tlve slte for the new cam·pus at Oregon D-101, and Theater State U ., H ere, 2 :30 p.m. ters." . U208." Tennant avenue and l\l eWill roa<l Track, San Jose City College vs Co-Ree Night, 7:30 p.m., WoAccording to Marles Alaimo, stusouth of the JB)f pla.nt. Foothill, here, 10:30 a.m. men's Gym dent council member, ""Special Cheerlea ders Hold The offering price was $S,500 an College Times published Cultural Series, MORT SAHL, thanks go to Robert RM . RByman, Worksho p March 29 acre for 100 to 150 acres, with an THURSDAY , ~larch 24 8:30 p.m., Men's Gym e ~tney, ksh M h a<Idltlonal 50 acres thrown In free. Edward Mogler' Grace Student Council, 10 a.m. rm. E Stock Cortez There will be a wor op arc MONDAY, 1\larcll 28 Mr. and Mrs. Don · . at a m. in the Men's Gym for Fall semester is expected to see U-200 11 29 and the students and commlttees Student Court, Noon, nn. U-205 · b 'tted their completion of Moorpark campus Supreme Court, 11 a.m., rm. ake the dance a sue· those students who su rru master lped plan and site selection U-205 who he m (Continued on Page 6) TUESDAY, March 29 ce~s~s-~"----------:--_:__ _ studies by architects for the new Philosophy Forum, 11 a.m. rm. S tudent Council, 10 a.m.., nn. U-200 campus. LC.C.Meetin g, lla.m.,nn.U -200 ChMles l\lyers, a recent atuden t B aseball, San Jose City College Tennis, San Jose City College vs I at San Jose Olty College, cUed M tere there 3 p m. 1 Tuesday, 15, 1966, at t he p.m. 1 san' City College age of 25. The cause of death " ""' Student Court, 1 p.m., rm. U-205 vs Merritt, there, 3 p.m. Golf, San Jose City College vs The Philosophy Forum will pre- well as those involved with the hu- an overdose of sleeping pUis. Sports Award Banquet, Faculty manities," stated J oh~ Pupillo, l\lyers, a p re-med major, was Contra Costa, there, 2:30p.m. Lounge sent Dr. Kenneth May, visiting .. •nnan. .. ctt,·e In student go,·ernment while Ch Tennis, San Jose City C oIIege vs scholar at the University of C&li- Philosop hy F orum "An investigation of an inter- here on campus. He ran an Contra Costa, there, 3:30 p.m. WEDNESDA Y, lllarch SO fornia at Berkeley, this Thursday, esting view of aesthetics will be English tutoring progBM for one S\', San Jose City College Student Court, 10 a.m., nn. U-205 March 24 at 11 a-m. in F-7. discussed," added Pupillo. semester. This p rogram wao later vs Merritt, here, 3:30 p.m. Co-Ree Night, 7:30 p.m., W oMay wUI speak on the topic "Art Martin Dreyfuss, ch<rinnan of absorbed lni:Al the p.--nt S.T.A.Y. Film Series, Hemingway, Camus men's Gym and Mathematics ." . tty Gall RobCrll!. Gall, a College Times published and Proust, 8 p.m. Theater "'This lecture should be. of great the Ma themalics Department, feels organization. SPRING SURE SEEMS to agroo with p:;:g the fln;t hlQS60IDS of concern to all mathematicla ns as tha t it should be a ""great speech." - - - - - - - - - - - - • freslunan pr&-t.eaclling ntajor, iB 1JlSPe0



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City College May See Sale Of Mandatory ASB Cards Watts Heads New Budget Group Meet

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"Students would get to k n o w l - - - - - · - - - ' - - - - - - who their candidates are,'' he lr - -- - - -::----- --1 staled, in reference to inviting Speakers to address the union. 1

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This is one of the primary rea· sons why Ross is trying to get the union formed. HI? previously tried Support our advertise rs to get a Democratic club formed, but attained li ttle support from ·studeJ;lts. He reasoned that it was becaUse the club would only in'BATTEN'S ART clude Democrats. FLO RI ST Ross explained that a politicaJ IO% Discount to St ude nts union would allow everyone to take 532 S. Bascom Ave, CY 3-0055 an active part in their own politi- ~ San Jo~e cal parties and beliefs. fe!lllllllllll'll_.,_._.........,...ljllljll~

realize its importance. When you t hink of all the times it comes out, and all the information. The posters are so blah. 1 don't think it gives e nough information about campus events, like club ac·

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