'l'fiursi'!ay, May 19, 191m
Pacific Neighbors ally Presents 'Yoiimbo'
Candidates Dance~ Signs of Election Comm. By CHRIS VA UGHAK
for a job well done. The task of getting · an election going isn''t an
Assis t ant E d itor
Since election time comes but easy one! Preparation fo r the e lection b e~ once a semester and since there has been an exceptional interest grm i n Febr u a r y . Al>1'il l, petiin the student elections, it is time ti ons fo r t he offi ces we nt ou t a nd to give praise where prais·e is due. from t hen o n i t was on('!. t hing ensil;y !! ! a.fter a n oth er . T h e nominaHon asIt tu l<es tirnc an d e ffo r t put out se m bly a n<l the camlidatf>'S r :1 ll y by severa l de<liC'ated ):teotlle to n1Hl' e w er e set up b y J ohn and hJ s <'Oill --r eac h el ecti on come of f. 'fh e head mittee. Something new t h is yea r Ele~tlo ns
do n't co m e
or this semeste r's d edi cat ed co m- wa s an election commi t tee-spon-
mittee is J olm Hacl{e r , Commis - sored d a nee. Candida te's da nce took ~ionet· of E lections. place in t he \ Vomen 's Gym, l\lay G. It is generally felt t hat John I deserves credit and recognition t hrrs b een suggeste d that t h is be an election r~ffair•. Joh n has set r1 p reced ent .
Special Discount • FACULTY • STUDENTS
• ALUMNI just present your steff or ASB ce rd
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Cameras Pr ojectors
de"velo pi ng
~ pri~ting
rentals - repairs
PUT YOURSELF IN THIS PICTURE You con hove fun •• , earn good poy • • • on d hove o variety of ln· t e re sti ng s ummer job experien ce s os o Western Girl . As one of the wo rld' s leading temporar y he lp services, we h ov e o ff i ce os 5 ign· men ts e- s pec ially suite d to your Befo r• plann ing your inte-r e-s t s . summ~ r. drop in to s ee us ! *
Ca ll afte r b wee kdays 286-<t839 Sat., Sun. Anyt ime- 100 1 N. bth St.
at San Jose City College Sunday, North Fifth Street, San Jose; May 22 at 8 p.m. in the Student 294-5162.
.. ************************ MAL ES O NLY !
R ENT wi111~ J~;;--~~~~~l:lt~~;;--.-
be accompanied by a short fi lm,
"Pam and Nick," a film made last summer in Japan by a professiona l
Mrs. Ke i Pacific Neighbors wiU presen t board membe r or from their anual benefit motion picture I shikawa, tick et chairm~n, at 535
Union. This year's film, ''Yojimbo,"
Type w riters
! ! -tr: !
To L.A.
(See Page 3)
JRS e nte r pris e s Phone 286-5392 evenings
* I:~~~N~e~rl~to~C~a~l~B~oo~k~S~t~o~r·~~~~!~O~ff~ic~e~3~7~8~-4~1~23~~R~·~·~·~2~66~-~S~90~.a~:~!,::~t.f~o~n~d~a~y~t~h~ru~S~a~t~u~r~d~a~y=:,!
"I think
ideal dates, have found computer dating to be exciting and highly acceptable. All five of your ideal dates will be delightful. So _ hurry and send your $3 .00 lor your que stionnaire.
CENTRAL CONTROL, Inc. 22 Park Aven ue • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
"FASHIONS A GO-GO" will be t he theme of the 1966 HomP Economics Departme nt fas h ion show
to be p resente d Friday, 1\Iay 20, at 8 p.m. Mrs. \ VoU of the Betty J ea n -F inishing School will be the m istress of ceremonies. Go--Go
d ances and lin• music will a lso he fentured. F u. s hi o n will be shown In fou r main categories : Cottons m1d easuuJ fashions suits and coats, dressy dresses and evening and tonnal wear. All of t he outfits have been made by the girJs who wiU model them.
If you haven't examined a new Chevrolet since Telstar U, the twist or electric toothbrushes,
City College citizen soldiers who are su pposed to play wa r games on the week ends with their local R eserve or Guard u n its and fail lo sh ow up fo r the militant activities may be in fo r an Uncle Sam aime d jolt. According to Gen. Harold K.
May Art Festival Is Canceled By · Hawley, Oeschger
Joh:nson, A rmy chlef of staff, Reser vists and G uardsmen wh o miss too many d rills will be de m oted for ineff iciency and may h ave to face a two year tour of duty under Selective Se r vice mandate.
A l Pe pon is cam e tQ w ith in 12 vo tes and 2 pe r ce n t of b e ati n g wri te-in ca ndidate D en n is P e r cy,
City college's annual Spting Art The order specified that three Festival held each May has beet:~ unexcused absences in any year canceled by its facul ty directors, "are considered excessive." The new l)Cnnltles are in add!-. Joe Hawley and Ray Oeschger of t ion t o an e xisting r eq uirem e nt the Ar t Department. According to Commissioner ol Fine Arts, Dorwu L eouti, fjThe festival was called off due to conflict between the F estivu.l's directors and the school's chief admhtistra.t pr tor, H. R . Buchsc r, the board of trustees." The boa rd of trustees has · expressed the desire that an incident occun!jng in last year's Fes tivaj does not hap~ n again . T he occurrence bj>ing th at an art object of "pornographic" pature was disp]ay¢ and 'YaS cpnsequently.,removed froffi "the ex,hibit by thf chief adminis tra~or. ~Questioned 'a s to whether or not they could ~u~r:antee that a similar "objectionable" art piece would not be exltibited, t he directors answered 'tha:t it' is not they who decide what will be shown, but that it is the ruling of a professional j uror who selects an en· tl"Y. for lt.s "af;!s\h~tic" value.
255 to 245 , as 32 voles coll ected by surpri se write-in Jeff M ull ins was enough to offset a p rimary
t hat a ny Guardsman or Reservist fa iling a drUling obliga tion ma.y be ca.Ued to active d uty for 45 days of t raiuJng. T here is special em ph as is on National Gua rd and R eserve training currently b~au se of t h e VietNam situation and, particula rl y in the case of high est priorit y units, because of a dr ive to get a l SO,OOO m an "select force~· in top readin e~ s
by Juty 1.
""'==="""== ======""'
PeponisDecision Prompts Student Criticism Wave
over victory.
Ever thought about a Management job with us? We have a lot to offer. If you have a good grade average, a willingness to compete and a desire to get ahead .. . wa probably have just the job lor you.
But you'll never know unless you apply.
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j Co c a~Cola is o n everyon e's team. That'' because Coca-Cola has I he taste you never gel tired of,. . • " olways refreshing. That'• why thing• go buller w ltb Coke • •• after Coke ••• a fter Coke.
You've been missing out on a lot that's new and better since '62' . • A more powerful standard Six and V8 (155 and 195 hp, respectively). • New Turbo-Jet V8s with displacements of 396 a nd 427 cubic inches that you can , order. • A fully synchronized 3-speed transmission as standard, • A Turbo Hydra-Malic transmission available, • Deep-twist carpe ting on every model. • Sox -month or 6,000-miJe lubrication intervals. • Self-adjusting brakes. • A Delcotron generator that extends battery life, • Self-cleaning rocker panels. • Up to 3' tnore shoulder room; increased leg and head room. • A smoother coil-spring suspension. • New sound and vibration dampeners througho ut. • • A longer body, a wider frame and tread. • ltem_s you can add , s uch as AM·FM Multiplex S tereo radio, Comfortron autom~tie heating and air conditioning and a Tilt-telescopic steering wheel (or one that tdts · ' only). • ~ fandard safety items on all models, including front and rear seat belts, back- ~p h~hts, windshield washers, padded instrument pane l, padded visors, 2-sp':ed electn c Wipers, outside mirror, shatter-resistant inside mirror and non -glare wtper arrns. ( Use them to best ad vantage.) • And of cours e the great buys you can get right now rrom your Chevrolet dealer.
Move out in May ~ the Chevrolet Way
Coca-Cola Bottli ne Company of San Jose, San Jose, California
-See your Chevrolet dealer! CHEVROLET • CHEVELtE • CHEVY II • CORVAIR
Cflurtltl Dlflfitl
. '
cre,Pancies between t he I .C.C. char ter and the constitution, he is n ot Co ll ege Union to se rve for a the one to straig hten them out.. yea r's t erm passe d with a 384 H e told t he' TIMES that If t h e "Yes" to a 152 " N o" margin.
bo<ly constitution."
clubs feel t hey have been suspend ( Continued on Page 4)
JOHN iUIGUELGORRY • •• 2 nd Place
RON BERKI . ... 3rd Place
Student Plans 'Tower Lisf' Next fa ll Cit y College stu dents ma y ob~rve • unique ilfld iti o n to th e stack. of pubhcanon s th · racked up in th e college book ~tore.. An u.nhiased 44 T owe r List.' smu!~r to. . e San Jose St a te tea che r eval ua Li ort ed.ll.,lon, IJS 1ll d ·f " all p am · · · . . bl " Its trutia ] ]>l1 ase o f pre p a ra u on an 1 b 5 d1ca· Work out ' " says Ra y Boaz, op ' " th e' pu e nt stu · 6 han wi ll h e available to n ext sem ester
ing of the Student Personcl PoUcy Committee cha ired by Wi lliam Blum. jjAs a. result ot t he mooting," snld Bhun, " a wri t ten policy d e teraction against che.."\.tlng m<l Y be deve loped 1n the near fu~
w o uld
J oh n Miguelgorry 1s the City College Times chief advertisement agen t and Ron Berk1 is the present Freshman class president. Vince Carter is merely one of the greatest profs on campus as well as a music instructor.
problem everywh ere, was the topic of discussion last week at a meet-
ActiviHandsome, debonair, blue-eyed commissjoncr <if Student ties. George Watts, has won the Ladies \Vatts, Comnili!.sloner of F inance, Man On ~ Campus contest again . won t he coveted L .l\f.O .C. A wa.rd ~21,93 worth of cash votes beat for the second time in a. r o\V. He out the econd place \Vinner, J ohn reigned ~ u l te llingly throug hout Miguelgorry who collected an even JUs te nn, •acco rdlng.to his s ubjects, and he intends t o k eel) up hJs good $15 worth of votes. Third place wi nn e r , with $12.69 looks, his ser ~LJl !>e al and h is "ceris Ron Be r ki who nudged :fow-th tain touch'' during the r est o f tllis Place Vincent Carte r with $12.15. The contes t, spon sored by Beta Phi Gamma., ga.r ner ed $100 which Will be u sed for sc.h ola.rshlps. Taking an early lead, according to Chris Vaughn and Dawn Kristinen who womened the polls most of the day, was Randy Mulrine,
eral E lectio n nm-off W ednesday, May 18.
ASB Cha rte r. Aooordlng to R ichard Kirby, P resident of Si gma S igma,. uThe munner in which s uspende d clubs w e r e n otified ls dir ectly in violation or the s tuden t
nta.nage r Dia ne Hal-t smile L.M.O.c . Goo rg e \VattJ a nd caml)aJgn ...
shame on you! AA
De nnis B arone r eceive d 63 per cent an d 62 of 98 vot es cast to win the F r osh Presidenc y. Don· n a Leon tj ' s 244 vo tes an d Anne AL P EPONIS DE NNIS PERCY Magnie's 128 t a bs of 528 ballots ea ~t will put them iJllo a Ge n· - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - -
Candidates .Relate Platforms .in Quad
F elix Pacheco led Jim Pio, 147 to 92, into a Sophomore Preside nt General E lection runoff, and the Am.e ndmeul to the Constitution whi ch would allow all clubs that have reached t he By MIKE O'CONNOR Conunissioners of Finan ce and point of possible suspension. On T he recen t decision by Inter- the other hand, the I.C.C. char t er Rook and Buddy BishQJ> TUESDAY, ~1AY 9 - QUAD. real names h ave been with· Club Council's Bill Peponis to sus ~ makes no- such provision. Accord~ ASB presidential debates were a:re presently le ading tlie pend 12 clubs h as brought a wave ing to Kirby, this conflict in con~ MERCHANDISING ELECTIONS held here today before a crowd of of criticism to both P eponis and stitutional procedure makes t be Rene ~lanzlni was elected Pres- 200 interested students that J>eard the r.C.C. e harter. Peponis made entire issue of the recent suspen- iden t of 1\l e.rchandlsing Chili last Steve Burch, Curt Hodgkins and sions null and void H e feels tha t Jim Steele each stake claim to the the move after th<> clubs had failed if the written warnings had been night after a two hour ''ballot- Chief Executive's position for Fall ba-ttle" tha.t saw him lvtn by one to regularly attend the required issued these clubs affected woul ·..:vote. Dave Reis became V ice-- '66 semester. h'i~· bad• an...... opportunity to r ein- President, Roo. K ing won Treasee'lTngs. BURCH stated that it is his plan without having ure r, Sue PoweU w as e lected if elected to revise the ASB conThe m ain objec.tiQn to the sus- stare themselves to be completely suspended. Secretary and Ka thy Williamsen stitution, expand the Student Unpens ions is tha.t they were hanwas voted I.C.C. representative. ioh Program, represent extended althoul!'h tha.t reported t•epon.ls e h t violated hat t ay w a. n i dled day students, provide top names there m ay in fact be certain dis-
The- all-con,u~rs Chess TOurnamei~t sponsored by Commissioner 1\fa rl e s Alaimo's S tudent U niqn now is in fu ll swing. The chu.ff has been 'weed ed a.od th e champio.ys a.re gea ri ng their Knlght.s and Pawns for the final checkmat!e.
R oger (their held)
19GS Impala Sp<Jrt Sed an-a more powerful, more beautiful car at a most pleasing price,
Phone 298-2 181 / Ext. 230
Blazer burnin g Curt H odgkins capture d 315 vo tes a nd a 55 per cent m a j o ri ty over S te ve B urch and incumbent J im Steele to la ndslide into the offi ce of As· sociated S tudent Bod y P resident.
Policy Committee Takes Look Into Campus Cheating
- •·
(See page 2)
Citizen Soldiers Face • • ·Draft for Bugging Out * * * * *- * * * * * * * * * Of Weekend Drills Barone Wins Frosh - Percy vs. R~ponis in Cieneral
D 0 N 'T •
Your Vo te
Kirby said that t he constitution provides for a written warning to
We ad mire yo ur spirit, b ut you just d on't fl t in to the team.
" h lO·Cola " and " (oh" on r1gill111d lradt·markl whit~ ldnllfy on~ thl ptod •ll ar Th Co1a·Calo Componr
F ~,-
C!i mtli
10% Discount
with A.S.B. Curd
<!.tit~ Qiofltgt No. II
Vol. 17
Evans Off
; a s Uttle CIS motion pictLlre company. The film ~ tells the story of two exchange Where Your YOLKSWAGE" ~ ,: C students from San Jose, Pame la is in ;. +: Bartlein and Nick Pavloff, who Good H11 nds • • Per Day visited Okayama under Pacific , foe ALL !...o n Three Neighbors auspices. Hec NEEDS. : Mont hs Relotal. l ~ Co!!l/ anytime The ruJI length rum presen ted ~ ! " d d h this ~rear is "Yojimbo" (the Body~ ~ e " Cho ose from un re s il~ gu:t.rd), w h ic h was (lirected by ::, : Plan Rent~to-Own our Try e most 's Ali:ira Knrosawa, J a pan 972 CHESTNUT ST. : If you received a J .O or better ~ noted <lirector. An eastern-western, N EAR HWY. 17 AC ROSS -tr: overag e in your Spri ng Seme.ster ~ it has a. t heme miMI.v influencea JOHN HAC KER THE FREEWAY FftOM FMC iC you will qualify fo r a scholastic ;: by s uc h fine ex:unples of the LOOK FO R TH E "Big Sit," as the coverage of the American western as "High Noon" , •,rnm·r rD MACH INES CO : d iscount on . your c::ar insurance! : CAR IN TH E SKY ~ l< and "Sh:tne"-both t•itting a. lonely polls was called. ~ Call PAUL SCOLA i' 12-4 E. Su Fernando Open 8 to 5, -tr: R on Berld, Fresh111::t n Class Pres- man aga inst evU forC'es In a t.own. iden t un d a membet· of th e E lecthe leading ¥-'1'-¥._..¥-¥¥-'1'¥¥¥¥¥-ll'-ll' ............ ~ an Mifune, role Toshiro by year, playedthis is Again tJon Co m m ittee stated, John is one of the gr e1ltest mem~ actor many remember for his ro.le h e rs on the cou ncil this s emester. as the rapist-bandit in "Ras ho ~ He a lways has the student in mon." Mifune won the best actor Who is your ideal date? Thousands use Central Control and its high-speed m ind ." award at the 1961 Venice festiva l Kurosawa. by used often is and Kathi Bruni, Asst. Commissioncomputer for a live, flesh-and-blood answer to this question. P r oceeds will go to tho student er of elections felt that "He's wonexch.'lnge f und of Pacific Neighderful to work for." Your ideal dale - such a person exists, of course. To t he committee and especially bors. W illie students chosen for t he But how to gel acquainted? Our Central Control computer be· program exchange y J ohn, I'd lil<e to suy yo u've done two-wa. processes 10,000 names an hour. How long would it take a. wonderfu l job . . . keep up the tween Oka.yama a.nd San J ose pa.y you to meet and form an opinion of that many people? good work. their own transport-ation, and live You will be match ed with li ve ideally suited persons :lS h o u se guests with a. series of oppos ite sex, right in your own locale (or in any the of Thi rty-five la.w enfor cement of- families in the two cities, P acific U.S. you specify). Simply, send $3.00 to Central the of area ficers representing sh': t>Olice agen- Neighbors he lps with other e.xyour questionnaire. Each ol the live will be · for Control cies throughout Santa. O.lara Coun- penses from the student C.'\:Ch an ge as perfectly matched with yo u in interests, outlook and und. f _ ty we r e ~ra<luated Friday, May background as computer science makes poss ible. . Donations for the motion picture 13, fr om San Jose City College's Central Control is nationwide, but its programs are $2.00 and students for Sl.OO are B asic P eace Officet•s' Training localized. Hundreds ot thousands of vigorous completely for adults. T ickets may be ob Academ y. and alert subscribers, all shating the desire to meet their tained from any Pacific Neighbors
l============::;;=; /
Movie & Still
John and his committee checked an signatures on the petitions, OK'd posters for tlle candidates, made a s heet of the r ules for the can didates, and arranged for the
---- -------- --:I¥
and teach e rs ca tegories . .• a verage,
com pi le d
would fall into three above ave r aJJ'e o r b e low ave ra ge." Another " attraction fe a tured in City Col· l ege's m anual. missin g in Sta te's, \\<i ll h e a r esum e of each of th e classes m a d e hy the teache r himse lf. " Th r ough this publi ca tion," continues Boaz, " the s tude nt will have be tter knowl edge of the instructo r and wha t he wants out of a s tude nt." u ~'bat ca m e as an idea fo r a fin a l speech in Pub li c Sp eaki ng 12A ," con cludes Boaz, " m ay b ecome a r eali ty in the hands of Alpha Ga mma igma, City's H onor oci e ty." 41 B asicall y, a n unbiased " T ower List" woul d p r ovide a stud ent with knowledge of what he is facing wben h e r egiste rs Cor a class," said B oaz.
ture." Up •until now, instroctors used their own judgment in the handling of an errant student. The policy has always been understocxl a nd in most cases the student is given a grade lower at semester's end or is promptly dropped from t h<> class. "An u nd erlying reason for cheating in our socie ty 1s tbe ove r -em· ph asis on m a terlali.-;tlc endS/, stated Blum. 41Th us the college deg ree h as become merely a ticket, o r admission, to the affluent society!' "The means by which one attains
success (wealth) has become less important than the end result ... the material trappings one owns,"
said Blum. "When personal standards fall, an individual becom es
prove and extend Registration. promote facu lty-student interaction, reform Student Court, estab-li&h a stuQent health service, I"evise the constitution in parts, improve and revise t'he student hand-
ter if re-elected include giving in· formation to freshmen teW n g o-t ASB card benefits, revise constitution, estabJish a Commissioner of
for CuJtural Series, improve and Extended Day, set up student · strengthen I.C.C. and compile a faculty advisory conunittee, ar· Tower List.. and a list of downtown range tor a "Student-Speak-Out facilities and stores that will proDay' ' each week, select a represenvide ASB card dis coWl ts. tative student council and complete Hod gkins, who camp ai gned H ODGJUNS expressed the defor Student Union arrangements r elen tlessly a gainst the " tyrann y sire if elected to provide a FridaY and Quad sound sys tern. of B I u e-B iazer Gove rnme nt," Film Series with wider appeal, imessentially won the h eart and vote of the so-called "a path etic union" of City Coll ege studen ts wh o, q uaintl y dubbe d " Hodg· kins' Anny" appe are d en m ass at the polls to vault the ir l e ader into office. Ste ve Burch 's tire ]ess presid e n ti a l campai g n was enou gh to give lllm a fi_ve-vote mora l viclory ovf'r th is year 's AS B Prcsi· de nt Jim Steel e, 130 to 125. The ve r y imp ortant General Elec tio•l8 wi ll be h eld n ext Wednesday, M ay 18, to deci de the offi ces of Vice Preside nt, Secr e tary, and Soph om ore Class CASH IN HAND-Deluge d with hands and che cks is Si Simoni, President. P.E. Department, this yea r's president of the Santa C lara County Cornm.lssioner of Finance Geo rge
Watts announced that the
1966 ~ 7
Societ y for Crippled Chil dren an d Adults. Th e checks , fr om S.J .C .C. stud ents tota ling $12 5, will help finance a summer camper program for the crippled .
Associated Stude nt Body , budget wiU go before t he Student CoWlC!l
City College W eekly Bulletin 3. Track. West Coast Relays at THURSDAY: May 12 Fresno, 1 pm. 1. Student Council, 10 am., Rm.
Colleges ,H.ol~ 'Headhunters Ball' •In Cirove
U-200 Rm. MONDAY: May 16 2. Supreme Court, 11 am., 1. Student Court, 12 Noon, Rm. U -205 U-205 3. Music Recita l, 11 am., R m. F -7 State Tournament at PalGolf, 2. College City J05e San 4. Baseball, oma r, All D ay vs Foothill, There, 3 pm.
FRIDAY : May 13 1. Student Court, U-205
TUESDAY: May 17 Rm. 1. Student Council, 10 U-200
2. Law Enforcement G radua tion, f'The Head-Hun ters Ball," a fou r 3:30 pm. to 5 pm., Thea tre school dance, will be held at t he 3. SCAT/ COOP, 6:30 pm to 10 pJl1., Library and L-5 Coconut Grove 011 the Beach at Santa Cruz. The schools partici- 4. Track, Mt. Hamilton League, . body." . Here, 6 :30 pm. to 10:30 pm. pating will be City College, West Th e spirh be hinil the City Coll ~gc versiOn Valley, Cabrillo, and Gavilan. The 5. ln tercoUege Dance, Coco.'l.nu t or the ~'Tower L is t," a cco r d in g ."0 ~LS cr~f1tob, G rove, San ta. Cruz, 9 pm. to ies.) (2) Tests n eed to be •uper . dance will be held tomorrow, May he Boaz, " is the h op e l11 a l the puhhcat .othn " , am . 1 13. vised in orde r to protect the vast e teac of a r e al service to the 5tudents. and T he m usic wilt be provided by 6. Tennis, N. Calif. at Chabot m:~.jo rity of students wh o neYer reers." sort to ch eating a nd , (3) alter the tbe urn va.ders" and t he dress f or SJ S clition City's booklet h " U l"k. SATURDAY: May 14 ' 0 b'livelyevale Di e t . e test, studen ts should be- assurOO of the eve nl n g will be d ressy-dress. f lee Would be a sincere a ttempt to 4-H Fashion Show, 1\Ien's Gyrn, 1. stag $2.00 for oold be will bids The accurate, consta n t' and fair 800rlng. llate t h e ins truc tor. Tlt ere Wt"II be n o room ·or I llam. to 11 pm. available are Bids drag. $3.00 and from vary should tests l\Iake-up iarcastic wi t. An avera ge of all ~jty Col ege Ln· N. Callf. at Chabot Tennis, 2. i.ll U1e .f~ QWu. ~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~G·~~~~~·~·~·~~~~~~,~~GG~~~§~~~~~~ th~ orlg"iua\5. open to cheating on exams." Blum mentioned th ree a reas to w hic h teache rs are responsible to students fo r a.- test: (1) Test mat& r iaJ sh ould be relevant and c learly s truc tured and secu r f'. (Secu re, !iO t hat stud ents m ay not obt.a.in cop-
book and protect student-faculty academic free'dofu. · STEELE'S plans for next semes·
Meeting, 11 am., Rm. U-200 S. Ci,1l Righto Forum, 11 am., Q uad 4. Tennis, San Jose City College v• Santa Clara, Here, 2:30 pm, 5. Truck, N. Calif. Meet Trial• ot Modesto, 3:30 pm. 2. I.C.C.
WEDNESDAY: May 18 1. GENERAL ELECTION, ASB 2. Student Court, 10 am., Rm. U-205 3. Co-Ree N{ght, 7:30 pm., Wom· en's Gym.
Jagged Jottings
air of sensationa l
trackmen from Sa n J ose btought their
A ti~e colleges into the nal"iona l limeUght during the past weekend
:~record-shatteri~g performances ~n various races.
Lee Evnns, posstbly t he g reatest athlete e ve r to don t he purple hlte of sJCO, has had all heads turning his way. T he brilliant -• n f r om Ove rfelt H lgh fl ashed to a cl ocJdng . o f 46.2 In th e rre ... ,ma . _.._ rnile la st week , gnrlng him tlte second fastest time ln t h ~ Qlll.l<l ~e rI Ids . of 44.9. dolf Pllunme r w the wo rld mn.rk wor ld · A A mere fifteen minutes after his grea t showing in the quarter-mile, nrested Lee Evans took to the cinders again and bu rned. up th e ~;a:k en route to an amazing 21.1 in the 220. _His time was only ~ligh tly ff the· world mark held by well·known Henry Carr , and \VUS good 0 gh for a new nationa l J .C. ma rk . enou , Tomrn.Y Smit h , San Jose States Mr. Eve.ryt.hing, reached the tn.nacle of )l.is c~u·ee r last week , bla zin g to a. reco rd -s ha.ttering 19.5 . . . ~ the 220 y:ud das h . T he diffe re.nce in t he ti m es of S mJtlt and Evans .. is due to th e fa ct that E \ra.n.§' st and ard was set while tra.v eling , around two turns, and S mit h's m a rk was set on a s traighta.wny. • The QJ,yril pic year of 1968 is rapidly approaCh ing, a nd it',s a solid bet that Evans and Smith wi ll be_ notable par ticipa nts. Evans is priming for the AAU meet w hich pit s the top amateur trackme n in ·U~ e • nation against each other. If Evans continues to impress as in recent weeks, the A AU meet could prove to be the g reatest publicity boon in City College history. Lee Eva ns has certainly disting uish ed himself .a:s a fine athlete and sportsman, and is deserv ing , of a specia1 spot ln SJCC annals.
Specia l Discount • FAC ULTY • STUD ENTS • ALUMNI
BASCOM " I wi ll tlo tlte job!'
V©T E ....-· ·•.
* * *
A four-ho ur bollot-countin g session b y tired J oh n Hack e r • ~ iul hjs commhtee of pooped electioneers foll owed the clock pa st m.idniglll in h o t pursuit of an accnrate vote tab ul ation last ni g1llDue to a ''space and tim e squ eeze," all that c an be said or __ snggested is ... vote for Den nis P ercy for Vice President W edues- -aay to ro und out what a ppears to b e th e m akin g of a d yn ami c a nd. ·libe ral Fa ll '66 Associated Student gove rnment. J OM
SECRETARY : Donna Leonti, A n n e Magni e
in t he Jack of enth usiasm shown toward our student body government and student activities. My first semes ter here I felt this
Jim P io, can didate for Sophom ore P res.
Donna Leonti
I can do a fin e job. I lHt.~e taken I was enlightened by the outproblem would remedy itself but minutes for council, w ritten vari~ come of t he primary el ection, ous lette rs to o rganizat ions for stude nt governmen t and have made info rma tive ca Us t o other schools. I feel the job of Corresponding Secret a ry requires eXI>&o r lence. T h ank you aga in for t h e ,~ote or conf idence I::Uld remember to vote on \ Veclnesday.
- - -*· - - -
Dennis Barone
An ne MR!,rnie
now I am ti red of sitting a nd wa i t~ ing for the problem to solve itself. I feel th at in order to have a strong fres hman class we must have a strong President -who is willing to sacrifice his time and e nergy for his class. We must have a person who can organize our a c~ ti.vities and lead his people. to ac,:tion and interest in t heir class and their school. I offer leadership and action, not promises and indeci sions.
F eli x Pacheco, Jim Pio
'Blow- By- Blow' R ecentl y, on a number of occosions, th e TIMES h as been aske d if i t h as been censoring ne ws or k ee p i n g newsworthy inform a ti o n from its readership. Q ued es such as, Hi s Mr. Pa lm e r
(TIMES A d viso r ) tellin g yo u w hat to p r int and w hat not to ?" and "Are you di c tating poli cy b y withh o]clin g n ews?" h ave been directed. toward t he T I MES' st aff ond its e ditor. prin t . . .
T hroughout the campaign much has been said about experience'. AIt hough I recogniZ€' the benefit of this qualification, I would like to ask a question. Where would ma..nkind be if- progress and achieve ~ ment were left to the experienced? My quali fications rest in my desire to serve the student body. I want to be involved, I want .to take an active part in t he decisions which affect our studen l body. My principal objective is to ta ke the position of ASB Secretary out of the realm of pencil pusher and
Jim Pio
which showed me that you ac~ tively ·support the platform which I represent. I feel t hat I can rep. resent your views and your feelings best as your voice on council in t he capacity of Sophom ore Class P resident. I feel that through my
PUT YOURSELF IN THIS PICTURE You can f-lov8 fun ••• earn good p a y ••• and have. a vari e ty of in· te r est i ng
As stated. i n the p ast, Mr. P almer does no t tell an yone what
summer job e x per ien ces
a s a Western Girl. As one of th e world's leading t emporary hel p services, we hove offic e ass ign• ments especia ll y su ited ta your i ntere sts . Before p lann in g your summe r1 drop in to see usl *
or what not to p rint. H e is an ad visor, not a d e m a n de r, and h e i s a suggesto r, r a lh c r Lh an a n enforce r . The onl y tilne h e ma y '~officiaU y" sq uel ch a writte n word is w h en. the word slande rs or
libels. H e h as been at t he news pape r ga me mu ch lon ge r tb.an th e TIMES staff bas been alive a nd , if this is a crime, e are guilty of resp ectin g th e advice and su ggesti o n of a ve r y learned indi· vidu al.
As to the questio n , " Do I (as e dito r ) d icta te poli cy," m y answer i s a mos t e mpha ti c, yes! At a recent Journalism confe r· ence attended by editors of at l east 50 Califorrua juruor college -· -newspapers, I h ea rd a pproximatel y th ree-fourths of these e ilitors admit t o the fact that they were directl y "controlled" an d cen· .... sored by their advisors, their adm inistra tion and a group of Ann e ~lagnie ..; , knowled gables call ed a n "Edi torial Boa rd." Fortu nately, I am not -r .... ''hog-tie d " in this man-n e r by anyone . T h e freedom grante d m e .,.~is ac tuall y a n invesune nt of trus t • . . trus t that I will p e rha p s, establish it in a role af respon~ sible leadership. This is the kind of ::_: .stop , l ook and listen , before poundin g on m y typewriter. secretary I will be. ~IY R ESPONTh e q uesti on most fre quently asked is " Wh y h asn't the S iB ILITY IS TO YOU . TIMES publish e d anythjng rega rding the top ic " acade 1n ic f ree· d o m vs. academ ic license"? It is a subject a risin g f rom th e cancella tio n o f a sprin g a ctivi t y h y i ns tn1 cto r s who state th a t the i r -t.c.c.ta•tw-c...· .,. r.gtmrtl frodt-Mirh lrflk• Wtnllfy u trlh Tb t'oc.C.11 . ">!Y"·"""""~*'''· ···.·-~..·-:~-,..M<:'o!<«~c:·~~~~,:,t'"''"~·:'"·""'"'W"1"""':U". "academic f reed o m " h as been impi n ged upon by a p a rty v.•ho :Y";;ff, ~;-?1 defines " freedom ," in t.his ca se, as desire o f "aca d emic license." A certain fac uJty·S J>on sore d g roup h as take n Lh e issu e in to i ts chambers, has disc ussed i t, a n d h as trumpe te d fo r jus tice.
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I a m in my second semester at
Movie & Still • Came ras * Projed ors
••• By· Car l
SJCC and am qui te .disappointed
Cantlidate fo r Secretary
D enn is Barone President or Frosh Clnss
'General Election'
just present your steff or AS B cord
• Boat ond Trailer
Phone 292 -6442
On earnpug Mat~u!man (By the aull!or of "Rally Round !he Flag, Boys!", "Dobie Gillis," ~!c.)
THE COLLEGE PRESIDENT : HIS CAUSE AND CURE Oh , imre, you' ve been busy, what with going t o classes, doing
h.omework, ca,t ching n ig h t cr a.wlers, getting married,
SSO Unco fn Ave.
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Co<a-Cola add s extra fun to dating-s ingle or double That' b.. ~" .• , _,., ··''·" ="·" . · s e<ouse Coke has t h ~ta ste yo u never gel t~red of • •• always refreshing. Thai'$ wh thin with Coke ••• a fter Coke .. , offer Coke.
Call 294·5678
We're Specialists
l'Algae." )
But I digress. We were speaking of Prexy, a personage at once august and pathetic. Why pa thetic? Well, sir, con· s1der how P rexy s pends his d ays. He is b usy, busy, busy. H e talks to deans, be talks to professors, he talks to trus· tees, he ta lks to alumni. I n fact, he talks to everybody ex· cept t he one group who cou ld lift h is heart a nd rally his s~1nts. I mean, of course, the a ppealingest, en dearingest, wmsomest group in the entire college-delightful you, t he students. It is Prexy's sad fate to be forever a stranger to your laughmg, golden selves. H e can on ly gaze wistfully out the wmdow; of his big white house on the hill and watch you at your games a nd sports and yearn wit h a ll his tormented heart to bask in your warmt h . But how? It would hardly be fitting for Prexy to a ppear one day a t t he Union, clad in a n old rowing blazer, and cr y gaily, "Heigh-ho, chaps! Who's for sculling?" No, friends, P rexy can't get to you. It is u p to you to get to him. Call on hi mat home . Just drop in una nnounced. He will naturally be a li ttle shy at firs t, so you m ust put him at his ease. Shout, " H owdy-dood y, sir! I ha ve come to bring a little sunshine into your drear a nd bligh ted life!" T hen yank his necktie out of bis vest and sca mper goatli ke around him until he is la ughi ng merrily a long with you. . Then hand him a pa ckage and say , " A little gift for you,
With Men Our expert pelional instruction can guide you in developing a well-rounded, handsome physique. Come in a nd see our modem equipment and complete weight-room fa cilities.
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1006. Max Sllulmlln
Prexy and undergrad, late and soon , fa ir weather af!d loulthep erfec t.sha ving companion t o Per sonna® B~adeslS Bu~rw; S have.® I t comes in regular a n d m enthpl; lt soaks rmg
ar ou nd any o ther lather . B e kind to your klsBer; try Personna
and Burma 8_hav.e.
Ry PAT F reshman LeeCAVATi\JO Evans seems to se t -a record every time he sets a foot on a track field, and last Sat-
a second in the 100 (]00) nnd the 220 (22.6). Don Hand took a fout1. h m t he 880 (1 :58 6) Del Rodgers took fow·th in the 120 HH (15 .6),
urd ay in t he Golden Gate Conference Fin a I s was no exception. Evans a lso is the man w ho se t t he record of 46.8 in t he 440 a few weeks a go. a nd last Saturday he set a ne\.v Na tiona l J.C. mark oC 46.2 ; he fin ished 30 yards ahead o f the nen r,.,~t opponent. Ill t he 440 rel:ly. the Jags were guilty of s.o me bad b a.ton-hnnd Hng whl<:h cost t hem nny chanee for a Ci rst pla ce finish . Th e J ags ca me in fl.f t.h lllace with a tim e of 48. 1, w ell orr t.h eir pre,·ious meet standa rds. Evan s closed out hi s day by clocking a ·46.7 on the final leg of
whi le Pr:entiss Gm·y took a second in t he T riple J ump with a~ le'a p of 43-11.
rn preparatio n for t he Nor-Cal T rials t he J n.gs w UI enter a. 440, 880, and i\fil e R ela.y teams in the \Ve.. ,t Coast ltela.ys this Sat u.rda.y in Fresno.
Evans Rece1ves Invitation To Compete ··n L.A. Col·lseum .
By CHET WOOD In t he events Evans will com- second fastest tur ned in t his ye-ar. Friday !'ight San Jose City Col- pete agai nst the top 440 men in San J ose State's Tom Smith has lege's own Lee Evans will participat e in ' the 440-yard dash at th~ Los Angeles Relays held i n the Colise um, which SJ CC me n t o r Char Jie Baker calls "one of t he biggest t rack meets in the world." l
the SJCC Mile Relay Tea m, helping S a n J ose to a 3 :17.7 wi n , a nd good enough for a new meet a nd stadium record. Members of this fine t eam include Howa rd McCal.ebb, Prentiss Gary, Charles Gary, -and Evans. All f inishers w h et were in t he top four , qualified for t he Nor t h ern Cnlifo nti a. trials to b e held n ~x t Tuesday in Modesto, fo llowed b y the Nor-Cal F ina-ls t h e fo llowing Sa.turday at F oothill. L an ce Calloway qu n Hfl t~d for t he t ri als in the 100, as he too k a. fourt h in 9.9, J)robnhly t he to ughest competition ln th e St-ate. Prentiss Gn ry t riplejmnJ:.ed 4. 8 ~11 fo r a fourth place finish and a shot a t the Nor-Cnl meet . I n t he Conference tria ls which took place a few days PJ:,' ior to the
San J ose City College tr ack sensation Lee Evans, ialrertdy one of SJ CC's fin est tr nc.im•en of a ll t imes, will be out to prove Ills cinder mastery aga inst n n.tlon a I competit ion.
finals. the J ags fared pretty well. Evans na bbed t he 220 in 22.4 and the 440 in .50.7. while also anchoring t'he winning 1\or:ile Relay T eam (3 :17.8) , which consisted of MeCalebb, P. Gary, C. Gary. and Evans. E vans a lso anchored t he third · place finis hing 440 Relay Team (42.0) of Call away, P . Gary, and C. G.;.y. Lance Colloway took
flnish t ltird in the
sta ndlngs. T wo Jag golfers, ]{el'ry Spence (78) a nd Dave P e rry (77), earned t rips t o the State moot to be h eld 1\fondn..y a t Sun 1\-(a rcos.
to win by pushi ng across single ma r kers in the "fiftJh and sevent h innings. T uesday Jag ace Ed Escobar hurled t he Jags over hea.vy hitting Dia blo Valley by a. score of 5-l on t he losers diam ond. Escobar stopped the Concord nine on six scattered hits over his seven inning stint. Steve W r ight ea.me on to relieve EScoDar ln the teen innings and kn ock ed in tbe seventh and allowed only one hit w inning n w. with a double off th e while striking out t wo. left field wn.U.
The J ags t hreatened sever a I
To qualify for t he State meet ti mes but were unable to come up wit h t he .key base hit.
Parry and Spence had to finish in t he top s ix out of all conference members-. P arry's card of 77 was good enough for a third place over· all finish and it was good enough to capture t he title in the third flight. Spence w as the number fi ve man in the conference wit h h is 78 on t he par 72 cou rse.
the coun try, wit h Olympic Gold t he fastest clock ing of the year, Medal winner Mike Larrabee head- and a head-t o-head meeting of the ing the fie ld which a lso includes two could m aterialize in Los such names as Ken H ead of New Angeles. Mexico, 46.4, and Ron Fremof1, Evans' rise to track stardom is who last year had t he fas test h igh un usual in that Junior College school 440 in the nation at 46.6. track men do not receive much Evans has also received an invi- publicity. With his showings in re~ tation to the Compton Relays in cent outings it ha.s been imposs1ble to overlook E vans, with t he result the Coliseum June 3. How does Evans, only a Fres h~ that h e has become a national man at a Junior College, rate invi- track rigure . The rise to fame will make Evans a busy competit or, as tations to such large meets? Evans after Friday's a ppear ance at the gained much of his recoJ;.1nition for his shoWing in t he Golden Gate Coliseum, Evans will! jet t o Fresno Conference fin a ls held last Satur~ to join his J ag teammates for the West Coast Relays to be he ld S at day at College of San Mateo. I n t he meet Evans broke two Na- urday. At t he re lays Evans wiU t ional Junior College marks, tipped anchor the m ile team which has the fast est clocking in Northern off the second fastest 440 time Cali forni a this season. turned in in 1966, and anchored the record setting" J aguar relay team to a victory in t he mile relay. ON-CAMPUS and Evans star ted t he day by t urning SUMMER JOBS in a 46 .2 clpck ing in t he 440 which bet tered t he previous r ecord of AVAILABLE 47.1. Evans came back to record a A g r et~l opporturtity fo r "gg ressive 21.1 c locking arou nd a Curve wh ich college students to eorn o hig h in· betters t he o ld J unio1· College co me distributing moterit~l t.o college mark formerly held by Ray compu ses oil over lhe United Stales. Norton. T he J ag flas h t hen came Combine summer travel with l.:trge profi ts. o r work po:~rt-time o n your back to a nchor (46 .7) t he mile own compus. Foil iobs ore else ovaiJ. relay team which set a new GCC oble. Contact: record with a 3:17.7 clocking. Collegiate • Dept. D 27 Eost 22 St .. Big news was Evans' 46.2 clockNew York. N.Y. 100 10 ing in t he 440, as t he ti me is t he ,
C·C Nine Finishes Campaign Today
By FRAN K W RI GH T · The J aguar baseball team extended league lead ing San Mateo for thirteen innings only to drop a heart-breaking 2-1 decisio n to the Bulldogs on the win ner's diamond, Saturday. Ed Escobar a nd Steve \Vright San Jose City College golf.,.. flnJsh ed the season by scoring 409 eombin.ed lo r seven teen strik pou ts .PQln.!J; .ln.. t he conf!l!"!Jn flnals d.u.ring t he tUt whH e Safi I\fateo h ur ler 'Bob- YOun g hurled a lJ t hirg ood e n ough to
Land Berth
Th:a.a_y,_M_•Y_1~_.1_911_6 _ _ __;_ t rrr .::..;__::_ to ..:_t.=t.E=Gi!l::....: " tJMi:s.-il =::.._:: ·.
Parsons In NorCals
T hursd a y F reshman. hurle r PRt Ara.ta, tossed a trcmPnd ous th ree hit shuto ut ove r t he Contra Cost:t. Comets on the home dio mond . Today t he J ag netmen go Arata, showing fine control and against the University of Sa nta good speed, fa nned nine, while al CJara in the final match of the lowing <mly three walks. The Jag season. T he team will enter t he hitters supplied just enough runs contest wit h a 10-7 overal l mark a nd a 10-5 slate agai nst junior co llege competition. T he match wiU serve as a tune~up for Jack Nas h and Marv Parsons, both qualifiers for the Northern California tennjs
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City College sw im:n).ers to a ten th place finish in last week's S tate finals held at F oothill College pool. Tom pa rticipated in foUr races as he garn ered valuable points for t he tankers. Ak rop broke a school record in · every r ace he · en~red as he had an ou tstanding afternoon . T om placed seven th in the
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nan a lso had a hand in the aqua ~ jags finish as t ltey scored Jloin ts in the 100 bre-....st stro l<e and 200 ba.c k stroke respeetfull y. The tent h p lace finish was the highest finish in the history of the schooL T he swimmerS also had a spectacular season as they broke 14 of t he schools 18 school
5:05.3.~ ~m~ajrjjkisithiijisjiyejjajijr . iiiiiiiiiiiiil
t imeerofseventh He cfreestyle ame backv.rith for aanoth in the 200 free with a clocki ng of 1:49.9 a nd then swam to a si.....,;th in t he 1650 free as he was timed in 17:58.7. T om a lso anchored the 800 yard freesty le re lay team that also broke the school record. Tom was assisted · by Bob Colyar, Jim Odgen and Ron MacLennan in this event. Jim T riple t t :llso h ad a. fi.rte afternoon as he pl aced sixth in the 200 bre.'tst stroke ntith a timing
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He can also tell you about t he mony fas cina ting coreers 't hat the Bell System o ffers college people. See him t od o!ly or c all your Pacif ic: Tele phon e School Representative.
Before you set out to qrapple with t he g ionts of the world , arm yourself with a colle g e educal ion. It c an be o v.JJ!ua b le weapon on the way up the old beo nsialk of succe ss. And it can h elp you win t he b est jobs-the o ne s t hat offe r the grutest c:h .slleng e and the be st pa y.
J ean Hartman 817 The Alameda, San Jose 286·8757
If you want to get to t he t o p, yo u' ll find the c:lim bi ng 's easier with college tra ining . Yo ur cou n· sel or c:an help yo u g uid e your stud ies towo rd a career t h"t ma tches yo ur talents a nd intere st..
Jags Finish Tenth I In State Confab ne~~~;~~: :::';~io::;. ~~·th:·~:: e~·'~.e
And Women!
'•Yes , I should, , you will sa y , ubeca use t his is a pack of Personna Super Stainless Steel Bla d es , a nd whenever I think of Personna S uper Stainless Steel Blades, I think of you." " Why, heyJ" he will ask curiously. "Because, s ir," you will say, "tho ug h you are n o longer a youn g blade, still you gleam a nd function. Full though y ou a re of years a nd lum ps, rhe umy t ho u gh your endocrines anq. flaccid your ha mstrings, still you r e m a in sharp, inci.. sive, efficacious. " "Than k you," he will say, sobbing. "So it is with P ersonna," you will con tinue. "Naturally you expect a bra nd-new bla de to give a close, s peedy shave. But how about a blade t hat's ha d hard and frequen t use? Do you still expect a close, s peedy s have? Well, sir, if it's a Personna , tha t's what you 'll get. B eca use, s ir, like you, sir, Personna is no tlash·in· the·pan. Like you, sir, P ersonna abides. " · He will clasp your hand t hen, not trusting himself to speak. "But away wit h gloom!" you will cry jollily. " For I have still more good news to tell you of Personna!" "How is t hat possi ble?" he will say . " Hearken to me," y ou will say. " P~rsonna, in all its enduring s plendor, is a vailable n ot only tn Doub le Edge style but also in Injector style !" He will join yo u t hen in t he Personna rouse r, a nd then he will bring you a steaming cup of cocoa w1t!:t a m.arshmallow on top. Then you will say, " Good -bye, s1r. I, ~tll return soon again to brigh ten your da n k, m1asmtc life. 40 Please do,u he will say. " But next tim~, if you can_ po~; sibly manage i t. try not to come at four m the mornmg.
In Wild League Finals
~Phon~ e 2a~6 -sJ~ne~veni~ ngs ~~~~~· Jag Linkmen
9th & Santa Clara 395-9910
GARAGE EUROPA ;;;t.~v. •.;,•.,;:.._,.,,,,.:•. ,_
e nterprise s
... ~ •....:;..~-·- · · .. -NH.~;...;.;. . • :.>~:,..,..,....
for New Public:ation
censonn g and withh oldi ng news. Thi s gro up ri gh tfully d es ires tha t a report .. . a truthfnl, obj ective r epo rt ... be presented to the college popu.lace. Wh en t he T IMES h as avail able re po rte rs r .and when il h as co mpi led e n o u gh f acts a nd r a tional in form a lion - front both. p arties, the s itua tion will be re p orted in a respo nsible -:a nd un bi ased manne r. The su bject js a n imp ortan t o ne , a nd th e 7 ::.: _TIMES would be gujl ty of gross injus ti ce if it were to call the :- blow-by-h1 ow l i ke a n a nnouncer d escribi n " a boxin u ma tch while 0 >ittiu g in the tenth row behind a fat la dy wiLb a bi'g hat. J DM
$89 ALL COLO R $1 34 A LL C O LOR
Tr1x1e. Assoc1ate professors are always called 11 A.xy·Pixy."
"F or me?" he will sa y, lowering hls lids. " You shouldn 't
has ye t to m e ntio n th e m a tte r, m e mbe rs of this gro up a nd the ir h ave su ggested th a t I , as e dito r, am guilty of dict a ting,
B ursars are called "Foxy-W oxy ." S t udents are called
""""""' ....
Look Great .This Spring
This sa me group , or m e mbe rs the reof, h as been ins iste nt tlt at the Tl MES report on thjs mauer, ond beca use th e TIMES
Merced es -
p1cketmg- bu t can t you pause for JUSt a moment and give thought to t hat dear, dediCated, lonely man in tbe big white house ~n .t he hill? I refer, of course, to Prexy. (It 1S mterestmg to note t hat college presidents are al~aY.S: ~aUed "P~exy." Similarly, trustees a re always called
,,..i'tt •'
Repair of Vollswag ens -
* *
Amid the enchanting voices of sports exper ts w ho are s upposed to know what they are ta lki ng about, comes a no t so timjd clamor from one w ho isn't supposed to be in the know. Tha t voice h appens to be nUnc. The n.ot so ti.rn i<l cla moring happen s to concern t h e recent tra<le of the Ght.n.t s' O rlanda\ Cc.pcda. a.nd Ray Sitd ocki o f the Ca rds. H o race t Stoneham mnst h ave d eci<led oo. tllis t rade a.fter SJleiUling two consecutive weeks t.'lJ)I}in.g barrels in :t wine tasting room. Cepeda had won three games fo r the. Giants with c h1 tch hits, while Sadeeki has ( ma naged a 2-1 m arl.: n.rt-er five sta rting a ssig mne nts. Sndecld Is the ..o Nu:ti.onal League's ver sion oJ' Jimmy Pie rsaJ.I. He's t h e problem type, and is fhtkier t han John .L ennon's hacir without a. s hamt}OO. Various experts claim t he trade \vill win t he pen nant for the Giants, but I'm afraid the experts a re wrong. This trade will cost the Giants the flag without any doubt. Shrewd oJ' Hor ace seems to have lost his shl~ewdness; not ment ioning the pennant.
Nat i0 na I Jc Ma rk Set
ai\ Pacific Telephone 'eJ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPl O'tER Par+ of the
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final to be held F-riday at Chabot.
cent Golden Gate Oo nJere nce finals. Parsons defeated Merri tt's Jim I<idd in first r ound action, then we n t on to d ump Gn.ry Suedema n of Foothill. The n Pa rson s was dUlllJ)ed by L.a rry P ontU.:opf f rom CCSF. Jack Nash lost in the first round of the singles action. but t eamed with Parsons to reach the quarter finals in the doubles bracket.
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of 2 :22.9 ; but blot qua.Ufy ing time was bet ter a nd a.lso a. school roc,. • onl as he was clock ed in 2 :19.1. He 'carrie ·book to 'l in is h sc\·ent h in the 440 y ard individual medley 6\'ent t o finis h wi t h a t ime of 4 :39.8, which is a.Lso a sc hool rec~ ord. Pa nJ \Voi.tt& and Ron l\lacLen·
SUNDAYS s ,J0-7,30
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Jagged Jottings
air of sensationa l
trackmen from Sa n J ose btought their
A ti~e colleges into the nal"iona l limeUght during the past weekend
:~record-shatteri~g performances ~n various races.
Lee Evnns, posstbly t he g reatest athlete e ve r to don t he purple hlte of sJCO, has had all heads turning his way. T he brilliant -• n f r om Ove rfelt H lgh fl ashed to a cl ocJdng . o f 46.2 In th e rre ... ,ma . _.._ rnile la st week , gnrlng him tlte second fastest time ln t h ~ Qlll.l<l ~e rI Ids . of 44.9. dolf Pllunme r w the wo rld mn.rk wor ld · A A mere fifteen minutes after his grea t showing in the quarter-mile, nrested Lee Evans took to the cinders again and bu rned. up th e ~;a:k en route to an amazing 21.1 in the 220. _His time was only ~ligh tly ff the· world mark held by well·known Henry Carr , and \VUS good 0 gh for a new nationa l J .C. ma rk . enou , Tomrn.Y Smit h , San Jose States Mr. Eve.ryt.hing, reached the tn.nacle of )l.is c~u·ee r last week , bla zin g to a. reco rd -s ha.ttering 19.5 . . . ~ the 220 y:ud das h . T he diffe re.nce in t he ti m es of S mJtlt and Evans .. is due to th e fa ct that E \ra.n.§' st and ard was set while tra.v eling , around two turns, and S mit h's m a rk was set on a s traighta.wny. • The QJ,yril pic year of 1968 is rapidly approaCh ing, a nd it',s a solid bet that Evans and Smith wi ll be_ notable par ticipa nts. Evans is priming for the AAU meet w hich pit s the top amateur trackme n in ·U~ e • nation against each other. If Evans continues to impress as in recent weeks, the A AU meet could prove to be the g reatest publicity boon in City College history. Lee Eva ns has certainly disting uish ed himself .a:s a fine athlete and sportsman, and is deserv ing , of a specia1 spot ln SJCC annals.
Specia l Discount • FAC ULTY • STUD ENTS • ALUMNI
BASCOM " I wi ll tlo tlte job!'
V©T E ....-· ·•.
* * *
A four-ho ur bollot-countin g session b y tired J oh n Hack e r • ~ iul hjs commhtee of pooped electioneers foll owed the clock pa st m.idniglll in h o t pursuit of an accnrate vote tab ul ation last ni g1llDue to a ''space and tim e squ eeze," all that c an be said or __ snggested is ... vote for Den nis P ercy for Vice President W edues- -aay to ro und out what a ppears to b e th e m akin g of a d yn ami c a nd. ·libe ral Fa ll '66 Associated Student gove rnment. J OM
SECRETARY : Donna Leonti, A n n e Magni e
in t he Jack of enth usiasm shown toward our student body government and student activities. My first semes ter here I felt this
Jim P io, can didate for Sophom ore P res.
Donna Leonti
I can do a fin e job. I lHt.~e taken I was enlightened by the outproblem would remedy itself but minutes for council, w ritten vari~ come of t he primary el ection, ous lette rs to o rganizat ions for stude nt governmen t and have made info rma tive ca Us t o other schools. I feel the job of Corresponding Secret a ry requires eXI>&o r lence. T h ank you aga in for t h e ,~ote or conf idence I::Uld remember to vote on \ Veclnesday.
- - -*· - - -
Dennis Barone
An ne MR!,rnie
now I am ti red of sitting a nd wa i t~ ing for the problem to solve itself. I feel th at in order to have a strong fres hman class we must have a strong President -who is willing to sacrifice his time and e nergy for his class. We must have a person who can organize our a c~ ti.vities and lead his people. to ac,:tion and interest in t heir class and their school. I offer leadership and action, not promises and indeci sions.
F eli x Pacheco, Jim Pio
'Blow- By- Blow' R ecentl y, on a number of occosions, th e TIMES h as been aske d if i t h as been censoring ne ws or k ee p i n g newsworthy inform a ti o n from its readership. Q ued es such as, Hi s Mr. Pa lm e r
(TIMES A d viso r ) tellin g yo u w hat to p r int and w hat not to ?" and "Are you di c tating poli cy b y withh o]clin g n ews?" h ave been directed. toward t he T I MES' st aff ond its e ditor. prin t . . .
T hroughout the campaign much has been said about experience'. AIt hough I recogniZ€' the benefit of this qualification, I would like to ask a question. Where would ma..nkind be if- progress and achieve ~ ment were left to the experienced? My quali fications rest in my desire to serve the student body. I want to be involved, I want .to take an active part in t he decisions which affect our studen l body. My principal objective is to ta ke the position of ASB Secretary out of the realm of pencil pusher and
Jim Pio
which showed me that you ac~ tively ·support the platform which I represent. I feel t hat I can rep. resent your views and your feelings best as your voice on council in t he capacity of Sophom ore Class P resident. I feel that through my
PUT YOURSELF IN THIS PICTURE You can f-lov8 fun ••• earn good p a y ••• and have. a vari e ty of in· te r est i ng
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a s a Western Girl. As one of th e world's leading t emporary hel p services, we hove offic e ass ign• ments especia ll y su ited ta your i ntere sts . Before p lann in g your summe r1 drop in to see usl *
or what not to p rint. H e is an ad visor, not a d e m a n de r, and h e i s a suggesto r, r a lh c r Lh an a n enforce r . The onl y tilne h e ma y '~officiaU y" sq uel ch a writte n word is w h en. the word slande rs or
libels. H e h as been at t he news pape r ga me mu ch lon ge r tb.an th e TIMES staff bas been alive a nd , if this is a crime, e are guilty of resp ectin g th e advice and su ggesti o n of a ve r y learned indi· vidu al.
As to the questio n , " Do I (as e dito r ) d icta te poli cy," m y answer i s a mos t e mpha ti c, yes! At a recent Journalism confe r· ence attended by editors of at l east 50 Califorrua juruor college -· -newspapers, I h ea rd a pproximatel y th ree-fourths of these e ilitors admit t o the fact that they were directl y "controlled" an d cen· .... sored by their advisors, their adm inistra tion and a group of Ann e ~lagnie ..; , knowled gables call ed a n "Edi torial Boa rd." Fortu nately, I am not -r .... ''hog-tie d " in this man-n e r by anyone . T h e freedom grante d m e .,.~is ac tuall y a n invesune nt of trus t • . . trus t that I will p e rha p s, establish it in a role af respon~ sible leadership. This is the kind of ::_: .stop , l ook and listen , before poundin g on m y typewriter. secretary I will be. ~IY R ESPONTh e q uesti on most fre quently asked is " Wh y h asn't the S iB ILITY IS TO YOU . TIMES publish e d anythjng rega rding the top ic " acade 1n ic f ree· d o m vs. academ ic license"? It is a subject a risin g f rom th e cancella tio n o f a sprin g a ctivi t y h y i ns tn1 cto r s who state th a t the i r -t.c.c.ta•tw-c...· .,. r.gtmrtl frodt-Mirh lrflk• Wtnllfy u trlh Tb t'oc.C.11 . ">!Y"·"""""~*'''· ···.·-~..·-:~-,..M<:'o!<«~c:·~~~~,:,t'"''"~·:'"·""'"'W"1"""':U". "academic f reed o m " h as been impi n ged upon by a p a rty v.•ho :Y";;ff, ~;-?1 defines " freedom ," in t.his ca se, as desire o f "aca d emic license." A certain fac uJty·S J>on sore d g roup h as take n Lh e issu e in to i ts chambers, has disc ussed i t, a n d h as trumpe te d fo r jus tice.
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I a m in my second semester at
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just present your steff or AS B cord
• Boat ond Trailer
Phone 292 -6442
On earnpug Mat~u!man (By the aull!or of "Rally Round !he Flag, Boys!", "Dobie Gillis," ~!c.)
THE COLLEGE PRESIDENT : HIS CAUSE AND CURE Oh , imre, you' ve been busy, what with going t o classes, doing
h.omework, ca,t ching n ig h t cr a.wlers, getting married,
SSO Unco fn Ave.
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But I digress. We were speaking of Prexy, a personage at once august and pathetic. Why pa thetic? Well, sir, con· s1der how P rexy s pends his d ays. He is b usy, busy, busy. H e talks to deans, be talks to professors, he talks to trus· tees, he ta lks to alumni. I n fact, he talks to everybody ex· cept t he one group who cou ld lift h is heart a nd rally his s~1nts. I mean, of course, the a ppealingest, en dearingest, wmsomest group in the entire college-delightful you, t he students. It is Prexy's sad fate to be forever a stranger to your laughmg, golden selves. H e can on ly gaze wistfully out the wmdow; of his big white house on the hill and watch you at your games a nd sports and yearn wit h a ll his tormented heart to bask in your warmt h . But how? It would hardly be fitting for Prexy to a ppear one day a t t he Union, clad in a n old rowing blazer, and cr y gaily, "Heigh-ho, chaps! Who's for sculling?" No, friends, P rexy can't get to you. It is u p to you to get to him. Call on hi mat home . Just drop in una nnounced. He will naturally be a li ttle shy at firs t, so you m ust put him at his ease. Shout, " H owdy-dood y, sir! I ha ve come to bring a little sunshine into your drear a nd bligh ted life!" T hen yank his necktie out of bis vest and sca mper goatli ke around him until he is la ughi ng merrily a long with you. . Then hand him a pa ckage and say , " A little gift for you,
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Prexy and undergrad, late and soon , fa ir weather af!d loulthep erfec t.sha ving companion t o Per sonna® B~adeslS Bu~rw; S have.® I t comes in regular a n d m enthpl; lt soaks rmg
ar ou nd any o ther lather . B e kind to your klsBer; try Personna
and Burma 8_hav.e.
Ry PAT F reshman LeeCAVATi\JO Evans seems to se t -a record every time he sets a foot on a track field, and last Sat-
a second in the 100 (]00) nnd the 220 (22.6). Don Hand took a fout1. h m t he 880 (1 :58 6) Del Rodgers took fow·th in the 120 HH (15 .6),
urd ay in t he Golden Gate Conference Fin a I s was no exception. Evans a lso is the man w ho se t t he record of 46.8 in t he 440 a few weeks a go. a nd last Saturday he set a ne\.v Na tiona l J.C. mark oC 46.2 ; he fin ished 30 yards ahead o f the nen r,.,~t opponent. Ill t he 440 rel:ly. the Jags were guilty of s.o me bad b a.ton-hnnd Hng whl<:h cost t hem nny chanee for a Ci rst pla ce finish . Th e J ags ca me in fl.f t.h lllace with a tim e of 48. 1, w ell orr t.h eir pre,·ious meet standa rds. Evan s closed out hi s day by clocking a ·46.7 on the final leg of
whi le Pr:entiss Gm·y took a second in t he T riple J ump with a~ le'a p of 43-11.
rn preparatio n for t he Nor-Cal T rials t he J n.gs w UI enter a. 440, 880, and i\fil e R ela.y teams in the \Ve.. ,t Coast ltela.ys this Sat u.rda.y in Fresno.
Evans Rece1ves Invitation To Compete ··n L.A. Col·lseum .
By CHET WOOD In t he events Evans will com- second fastest tur ned in t his ye-ar. Friday !'ight San Jose City Col- pete agai nst the top 440 men in San J ose State's Tom Smith has lege's own Lee Evans will participat e in ' the 440-yard dash at th~ Los Angeles Relays held i n the Colise um, which SJ CC me n t o r Char Jie Baker calls "one of t he biggest t rack meets in the world." l
the SJCC Mile Relay Tea m, helping S a n J ose to a 3 :17.7 wi n , a nd good enough for a new meet a nd stadium record. Members of this fine t eam include Howa rd McCal.ebb, Prentiss Gary, Charles Gary, -and Evans. All f inishers w h et were in t he top four , qualified for t he Nor t h ern Cnlifo nti a. trials to b e held n ~x t Tuesday in Modesto, fo llowed b y the Nor-Cal F ina-ls t h e fo llowing Sa.turday at F oothill. L an ce Calloway qu n Hfl t~d for t he t ri als in the 100, as he too k a. fourt h in 9.9, J)robnhly t he to ughest competition ln th e St-ate. Prentiss Gn ry t riplejmnJ:.ed 4. 8 ~11 fo r a fourth place finish and a shot a t the Nor-Cnl meet . I n t he Conference tria ls which took place a few days PJ:,' ior to the
San J ose City College tr ack sensation Lee Evans, ialrertdy one of SJ CC's fin est tr nc.im•en of a ll t imes, will be out to prove Ills cinder mastery aga inst n n.tlon a I competit ion.
finals. the J ags fared pretty well. Evans na bbed t he 220 in 22.4 and the 440 in .50.7. while also anchoring t'he winning 1\or:ile Relay T eam (3 :17.8) , which consisted of MeCalebb, P. Gary, C. Gary. and Evans. E vans a lso anchored t he third · place finis hing 440 Relay Team (42.0) of Call away, P . Gary, and C. G.;.y. Lance Colloway took
flnish t ltird in the
sta ndlngs. T wo Jag golfers, ]{el'ry Spence (78) a nd Dave P e rry (77), earned t rips t o the State moot to be h eld 1\fondn..y a t Sun 1\-(a rcos.
to win by pushi ng across single ma r kers in the "fiftJh and sevent h innings. T uesday Jag ace Ed Escobar hurled t he Jags over hea.vy hitting Dia blo Valley by a. score of 5-l on t he losers diam ond. Escobar stopped the Concord nine on six scattered hits over his seven inning stint. Steve W r ight ea.me on to relieve EScoDar ln the teen innings and kn ock ed in tbe seventh and allowed only one hit w inning n w. with a double off th e while striking out t wo. left field wn.U.
The J ags t hreatened sever a I
To qualify for t he State meet ti mes but were unable to come up wit h t he .key base hit.
Parry and Spence had to finish in t he top s ix out of all conference members-. P arry's card of 77 was good enough for a third place over· all finish and it was good enough to capture t he title in the third flight. Spence w as the number fi ve man in the conference wit h h is 78 on t he par 72 cou rse.
the coun try, wit h Olympic Gold t he fastest clock ing of the year, Medal winner Mike Larrabee head- and a head-t o-head meeting of the ing the fie ld which a lso includes two could m aterialize in Los such names as Ken H ead of New Angeles. Mexico, 46.4, and Ron Fremof1, Evans' rise to track stardom is who last year had t he fas test h igh un usual in that Junior College school 440 in the nation at 46.6. track men do not receive much Evans has also received an invi- publicity. With his showings in re~ tation to the Compton Relays in cent outings it ha.s been imposs1ble to overlook E vans, with t he result the Coliseum June 3. How does Evans, only a Fres h~ that h e has become a national man at a Junior College, rate invi- track rigure . The rise to fame will make Evans a busy competit or, as tations to such large meets? Evans after Friday's a ppear ance at the gained much of his recoJ;.1nition for his shoWing in t he Golden Gate Coliseum, Evans will! jet t o Fresno Conference fin a ls held last Satur~ to join his J ag teammates for the West Coast Relays to be he ld S at day at College of San Mateo. I n t he meet Evans broke two Na- urday. At t he re lays Evans wiU t ional Junior College marks, tipped anchor the m ile team which has the fast est clocking in Northern off the second fastest 440 time Cali forni a this season. turned in in 1966, and anchored the record setting" J aguar relay team to a victory in t he mile relay. ON-CAMPUS and Evans star ted t he day by t urning SUMMER JOBS in a 46 .2 clpck ing in t he 440 which bet tered t he previous r ecord of AVAILABLE 47.1. Evans came back to record a A g r et~l opporturtity fo r "gg ressive 21.1 c locking arou nd a Curve wh ich college students to eorn o hig h in· betters t he o ld J unio1· College co me distributing moterit~l t.o college mark formerly held by Ray compu ses oil over lhe United Stales. Norton. T he J ag flas h t hen came Combine summer travel with l.:trge profi ts. o r work po:~rt-time o n your back to a nchor (46 .7) t he mile own compus. Foil iobs ore else ovaiJ. relay team which set a new GCC oble. Contact: record with a 3:17.7 clocking. Collegiate • Dept. D 27 Eost 22 St .. Big news was Evans' 46.2 clockNew York. N.Y. 100 10 ing in t he 440, as t he ti me is t he ,
C·C Nine Finishes Campaign Today
By FRAN K W RI GH T · The J aguar baseball team extended league lead ing San Mateo for thirteen innings only to drop a heart-breaking 2-1 decisio n to the Bulldogs on the win ner's diamond, Saturday. Ed Escobar a nd Steve \Vright San Jose City College golf.,.. flnJsh ed the season by scoring 409 eombin.ed lo r seven teen strik pou ts .PQln.!J; .ln.. t he conf!l!"!Jn flnals d.u.ring t he tUt whH e Safi I\fateo h ur ler 'Bob- YOun g hurled a lJ t hirg ood e n ough to
Land Berth
Th:a.a_y,_M_•Y_1~_.1_911_6 _ _ __;_ t rrr .::..;__::_ to ..:_t.=t.E=Gi!l::....: " tJMi:s.-il =::.._:: ·.
Parsons In NorCals
T hursd a y F reshman. hurle r PRt Ara.ta, tossed a trcmPnd ous th ree hit shuto ut ove r t he Contra Cost:t. Comets on the home dio mond . Today t he J ag netmen go Arata, showing fine control and against the University of Sa nta good speed, fa nned nine, while al CJara in the final match of the lowing <mly three walks. The Jag season. T he team will enter t he hitters supplied just enough runs contest wit h a 10-7 overal l mark a nd a 10-5 slate agai nst junior co llege competition. T he match wiU serve as a tune~up for Jack Nas h and Marv Parsons, both qualifiers for the Northern California tennjs
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City College sw im:n).ers to a ten th place finish in last week's S tate finals held at F oothill College pool. Tom pa rticipated in foUr races as he garn ered valuable points for t he tankers. Ak rop broke a school record in · every r ace he · en~red as he had an ou tstanding afternoon . T om placed seven th in the
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nan a lso had a hand in the aqua ~ jags finish as t ltey scored Jloin ts in the 100 bre-....st stro l<e and 200 ba.c k stroke respeetfull y. The tent h p lace finish was the highest finish in the history of the schooL T he swimmerS also had a spectacular season as they broke 14 of t he schools 18 school
5:05.3.~ ~m~ajrjjkisithiijisjiyejjajijr . iiiiiiiiiiiiil
t imeerofseventh He cfreestyle ame backv.rith for aanoth in the 200 free with a clocki ng of 1:49.9 a nd then swam to a si.....,;th in t he 1650 free as he was timed in 17:58.7. T om a lso anchored the 800 yard freesty le re lay team that also broke the school record. Tom was assisted · by Bob Colyar, Jim Odgen and Ron MacLennan in this event. Jim T riple t t :llso h ad a. fi.rte afternoon as he pl aced sixth in the 200 bre.'tst stroke ntith a timing
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Before you set out to qrapple with t he g ionts of the world , arm yourself with a colle g e educal ion. It c an be o v.JJ!ua b le weapon on the way up the old beo nsialk of succe ss. And it can h elp you win t he b est jobs-the o ne s t hat offe r the grutest c:h .slleng e and the be st pa y.
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Jags Finish Tenth I In State Confab ne~~~;~~: :::';~io::;. ~~·th:·~:: e~·'~.e
And Women!
'•Yes , I should, , you will sa y , ubeca use t his is a pack of Personna Super Stainless Steel Bla d es , a nd whenever I think of Personna S uper Stainless Steel Blades, I think of you." " Why, heyJ" he will ask curiously. "Because, s ir," you will say, "tho ug h you are n o longer a youn g blade, still you gleam a nd function. Full though y ou a re of years a nd lum ps, rhe umy t ho u gh your endocrines anq. flaccid your ha mstrings, still you r e m a in sharp, inci.. sive, efficacious. " "Than k you," he will say, sobbing. "So it is with P ersonna," you will con tinue. "Naturally you expect a bra nd-new bla de to give a close, s peedy shave. But how about a blade t hat's ha d hard and frequen t use? Do you still expect a close, s peedy s have? Well, sir, if it's a Personna , tha t's what you 'll get. B eca use, s ir, like you, sir, Personna is no tlash·in· the·pan. Like you, sir, P ersonna abides. " · He will clasp your hand t hen, not trusting himself to speak. "But away wit h gloom!" you will cry jollily. " For I have still more good news to tell you of Personna!" "How is t hat possi ble?" he will say . " Hearken to me," y ou will say. " P~rsonna, in all its enduring s plendor, is a vailable n ot only tn Doub le Edge style but also in Injector style !" He will join yo u t hen in t he Personna rouse r, a nd then he will bring you a steaming cup of cocoa w1t!:t a m.arshmallow on top. Then you will say, " Good -bye, s1r. I, ~tll return soon again to brigh ten your da n k, m1asmtc life. 40 Please do,u he will say. " But next tim~, if you can_ po~; sibly manage i t. try not to come at four m the mornmg.
In Wild League Finals
~Phon~ e 2a~6 -sJ~ne~veni~ ngs ~~~~~· Jag Linkmen
9th & Santa Clara 395-9910
GARAGE EUROPA ;;;t.~v. •.;,•.,;:.._,.,,,,.:•. ,_
e nterprise s
... ~ •....:;..~-·- · · .. -NH.~;...;.;. . • :.>~:,..,..,....
for New Public:ation
censonn g and withh oldi ng news. Thi s gro up ri gh tfully d es ires tha t a report .. . a truthfnl, obj ective r epo rt ... be presented to the college popu.lace. Wh en t he T IMES h as avail able re po rte rs r .and when il h as co mpi led e n o u gh f acts a nd r a tional in form a lion - front both. p arties, the s itua tion will be re p orted in a respo nsible -:a nd un bi ased manne r. The su bject js a n imp ortan t o ne , a nd th e 7 ::.: _TIMES would be gujl ty of gross injus ti ce if it were to call the :- blow-by-h1 ow l i ke a n a nnouncer d escribi n " a boxin u ma tch while 0 >ittiu g in the tenth row behind a fat la dy wiLb a bi'g hat. J DM
$89 ALL COLO R $1 34 A LL C O LOR
Tr1x1e. Assoc1ate professors are always called 11 A.xy·Pixy."
"F or me?" he will sa y, lowering hls lids. " You shouldn 't
has ye t to m e ntio n th e m a tte r, m e mbe rs of this gro up a nd the ir h ave su ggested th a t I , as e dito r, am guilty of dict a ting,
B ursars are called "Foxy-W oxy ." S t udents are called
""""""' ....
Look Great .This Spring
This sa me group , or m e mbe rs the reof, h as been ins iste nt tlt at the Tl MES report on thjs mauer, ond beca use th e TIMES
Merced es -
p1cketmg- bu t can t you pause for JUSt a moment and give thought to t hat dear, dediCated, lonely man in tbe big white house ~n .t he hill? I refer, of course, to Prexy. (It 1S mterestmg to note t hat college presidents are al~aY.S: ~aUed "P~exy." Similarly, trustees a re always called
,,..i'tt •'
Repair of Vollswag ens -
* *
Amid the enchanting voices of sports exper ts w ho are s upposed to know what they are ta lki ng about, comes a no t so timjd clamor from one w ho isn't supposed to be in the know. Tha t voice h appens to be nUnc. The n.ot so ti.rn i<l cla moring happen s to concern t h e recent tra<le of the Ght.n.t s' O rlanda\ Cc.pcda. a.nd Ray Sitd ocki o f the Ca rds. H o race t Stoneham mnst h ave d eci<led oo. tllis t rade a.fter SJleiUling two consecutive weeks t.'lJ)I}in.g barrels in :t wine tasting room. Cepeda had won three games fo r the. Giants with c h1 tch hits, while Sadeeki has ( ma naged a 2-1 m arl.: n.rt-er five sta rting a ssig mne nts. Sndecld Is the ..o Nu:ti.onal League's ver sion oJ' Jimmy Pie rsaJ.I. He's t h e problem type, and is fhtkier t han John .L ennon's hacir without a. s hamt}OO. Various experts claim t he trade \vill win t he pen nant for the Giants, but I'm afraid the experts a re wrong. This trade will cost the Giants the flag without any doubt. Shrewd oJ' Hor ace seems to have lost his shl~ewdness; not ment ioning the pennant.
Nat i0 na I Jc Ma rk Set
ai\ Pacific Telephone 'eJ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPl O'tER Par+ of the
Nati~nwid e Bell Sysfem
final to be held F-riday at Chabot.
cent Golden Gate Oo nJere nce finals. Parsons defeated Merri tt's Jim I<idd in first r ound action, then we n t on to d ump Gn.ry Suedema n of Foothill. The n Pa rson s was dUlllJ)ed by L.a rry P ontU.:opf f rom CCSF. Jack Nash lost in the first round of the singles action. but t eamed with Parsons to reach the quarter finals in the doubles bracket.
BILLIARDS HOURS' 9 A.M.- I A.M. Ladi<s play free on Sundays
pt olbe famHp boust
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome at all times.
featuring * * *
1719 S. Bascom Phone: 377-9971 (Across from lona nu)
Live Entertainment
FRI. & SAT•. U0- 1:30 •
of 2 :22.9 ; but blot qua.Ufy ing time was bet ter a nd a.lso a. school roc,. • onl as he was clock ed in 2 :19.1. He 'carrie ·book to 'l in is h sc\·ent h in the 440 y ard individual medley 6\'ent t o finis h wi t h a t ime of 4 :39.8, which is a.Lso a sc hool rec~ ord. Pa nJ \Voi.tt& and Ron l\lacLen·
SUNDAYS s ,J0-7,30
:!II t IIIII tIll t IIlll lll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tllllllllllllllllllllll IIf 11111111~
Thi!t C oup o n Redeemoble ot Strow Hot Piuo •
_ A ddress
_ C ity
1400 Campbell Ave.
$1 OFF -~ ON ANY
~ -
: SJ CC Coupoo e•pires Juoe 20. ;:::111111111 t IItIII t1t1t1t1tIll t t IIIII ttIIIII It IIIII tIIIII tIIIII ttII t llllllllllllllllllll r.:
" Choose from hundreds" • Try our Rent-to-Own Plan
124 E. San Fernando Next to Cal Book Store
WANTED! AMATEUR TALENT ~ ~ *WIN CASH PRIZES ~ * FREE PUBLICITY AUDITIONS: Moo. & Tues. CALL: Word Printer or Mike Saucher 253-0703 Open Sun.-Thurs., II :30 a.m.-Midni9ht, Fri. & Sat., II :30 a .m.-2 • .m.
THE STRAW HAT 1400 W. Campbe ll Ave., Campbell For Pino to qo. Phone 378-1800 o r 253-0703
Sale, Baskets', Car Washes Peponis Decision •:•
High light Campus Activities Les Bluett es Give Baskets
car, and gave t hem better treatment than many of the commercial $1.50 car washes, said Murray. There were no unsatisfied custom-
Les Bluettes ha"e given 1\ln.y Day basl.:ets to the East Field Foster Home in CatUJ)bell, California.. The baskets wUl be filled with fruit, candy, small toys, and flowers . ChnJnmuJ for this project is Lu1)e Vasque-£.
ers. The activity was held at Rodger's Shell Service Station on the East side and on JC campus. Another car wash is planned for next
SJCC At Model U.N.
P eponis. r-esponsibili ty of the chai rman to insure t.he constitutionality of th e increase their current status of 30 I.C.C. clmrter, and tlmt hotd this members. This number includes been done the suspension issue five girls. could ha.ve been avoide<l New members do not need a 'student body card for participatio n ' this semester, Murray added.
Model United Nations was held April 27, 28, 29, and 30 in San F1·ancisco, a nd hosted by Stanford University. San Jose City College represented Iraq. Aeeand ing were George Watts, Chairman; Ellen Foster Dave White Wood, Randy lVIuJrine, Jim Steele, Dona Johnson and Russ Summers.
Activ e Sports C lub Planning Activi ties Raising filllds for a future ral ly, SJCC Sportscar Club netted $33 during their car wash on April 30, according to David Murray, club member. Students charged 75 cents per
IO'}'o Discount to Students CY 3-0655 532 S. Bascom Ave. San J ose
TED's of Town & Country ~OREEN FUTTER collects a Banh: m a. recent Sl)ef:'Ch contest.
of America Awa.rd for het· part
636 Town & Country Yilla ge San Jose, Calif.
summer Earnings Program
(Continued from Page 1) ed unconstitut ion.."l-lly, they co uld { appeal to the student court o.r elt.h er approv:tl or dismissal ol their case, The Co mmissioner we111t on to . posl·t·on is to follow t · a t h IS say th the charter of the Inter-Club Council until ordered to do otherwise. He says that he 'has the complete backing of the Student Council in the whole mat1e1·. Kirbl' ~utd his group feel the suspensions r eveal irrespOnslbiUty
mont h .
Also the club plans to have a Folk Festival, however the date has not yet been picked. They are still looking for new members, to
Sale Set For May: Picnic .O n Agend a The Merchandising ch,.1b is very busy planning their bi-annual rummage sale, set for May 14 and 15, at rthe Flea Market in San Jose. Anyone wishing to contribute their rummage, please contact the business departmen t. This year the annual picnic for the club is being he1d at tJvas Meadows, on Monday, May 30, according to AI P eponis, publicity chairman for the club. Candidates running for office for next semester were: President, Rene Manzini, Gary Downey, and Pat Valenti; Vice P resident, Dave Reis, Dave Wood, John Hacker, and Steve Rubin; Secretary, Bette Arigoni, and Sue Powell; Treasurer, Mike Killen, Dave Reis, Rod King, and John Calame; I. C. C. Rep. Kathy Williamsen and Larry Lupo.
n, rt ot t.h e I.C.C. chairma em the paHe sta.ted that it was the
\Ved nesct~y evening, 1\fn.y 1Gth 1
is Oo·Rec Nlf;ht at Sun Jose City College. All City College st.udentt; are Lnvited to attend wha.t promlses to be an enjoyable and inte r estlng evening, Sports Nigh t begins at 7:80 P.~I. in the Women's Gym where featured activities will be badminton , basket.ball, ping pong, trampoline , four-sq uare, shuffle board, nnd 1 'quiet games." La nny La ndwehr a nd Chuck Armstrong will be fe:~ttu red a.t 9:10 in a. t umbling and tr:t.mllOiine ex· h..ibition..
-==== ===== ====•
Studen ts W anted S
., ervice Statio n p os1h ons
, or 1 nexper•enced p rt T" a - •me or F~o.dl.Time
Experienc ed
SE !: AND NO FEE SECURE E.... PLO Ylill ENT "GENCY 4250 W .dl~1ams Road S Call : 2S)'.. 0 j 51an Jose
Electro nics Dept. Holds Open House
Electronics Departmen t will hold open house on June 10, be· tween 9 a.m. and 10 p.m., accord· ing to Ray Creswell, Coordinato r of Industr,ial Education. 'The activity will be classed as the HistQry of E lectrortics from its beginnings to what it holds lot• the future. Also students projects of the preceding ye.·-.r will be on display. "Tndus-tcy is desperately in need of E lectronics Technician s due to the expansion of space exploration and automation ," he stated. 11\ \7e'r e gruduu ting ten s~udent.s .in Jup ~. however w e could place ten tilnes tha.t many or more," he e.'\':claimed.
outs mean something. " The change, passed over one abstention, provides for a try-out in the faJ l semester besides the one now held in the spring semester. The m ove was made to allow The Student Council has approved a by-law change that, in entering freslunen to participat-e the words of Coach Weiss, ''make 1n the song girl and ch eerleader the song gir l and cheerleader try
Changes in Try-outs
Placemen t Director Summer Earnings Program P. F. Collier, Inc. ' ' 640 Fifth Ave., New York, N. y;I0019
Pay As You Drive Pennies a Day
Please Mention Both Yo ur Summer and School Addiesses ' .
Key-Insurance Exchange For Your C a mpu• Agent
Coli 294-6269
• • • • • • • • • • •
.' '
ADMISSIO N: Students admitted fc'rthe program must meet regular admission qualifications of Chapman College and upon fulfilling its requirement s will receive grades and credfts in accordance with its regularly established standards. For a catalog listing courses for both the Fall and Spring semeste-rs along with rates ., tuition and in·port program costs, till in fue information below and mail it to:
---------------,1 I Chapman College, Orange, California 92666 I Pustnt Sfalml Collc&e/UI Iinaify 1 -~-- Freshman 1 0 ~~--------------~~~(Firs!) Nrune-- (Last)
--~----Director of Admissions 1r--Seven Seas Division I
J I 1 I· 1 1 I
Spring 1967 Semesfer leaves Los Angeles February 7, duration 107 days; to La Gua ira (Caracas), Port of Spain (Trini. dad ), Salvador, Montevide o, Buenos Aires, Rio De J aneiro, Lagos, Dakar Casabl anca , Cadiz, Lisbon, Rotterdan\ (inland to France, Belgium and Ole Netherlands), Copenhagen , London, Dubl in (overland to}, Galway, arriving NewYork . City May 25, 1967.
Address 'p
City ·
Sophomoro h•r Senior
Graduii!O Telephone.
The Rynda.rn is under Netherl!'nds registry.
---- - .....
1 o 1 0 I D J 0
• 10
Ming Quong Invites McFarlin Announces Facu lty Senate Members Students To Show Art
Song Girls Chosen For 1966 - 1967
CHAPM AN COLLEG E, located in Orange, California, one of the oldest colleges in the West, is accepting applications for·admissio~ for two 107-day semesters for the fall of 1966 and the spring of 1967 aboard Holland-America Line's s.s Ryndam . This is the second year of operation of Chapman College's floating campus.
]eaves Nevi York October 20, duration 107 days; to Lisbon. Barcelona, Marseille, Ciyjtavecchia {Rome). Piraeus {Athens), Istanbul, Alexandria {Cairo), Port Said, Suez, Bombay, Colombo, Port Swetten· ham (Kuala Lumpur), .Bangkok:, Hong Kong, Kobe, Yokoh ama (Tokyo), Hawaii, arriving Los Angeles February 4, 1967,
College News
222 8 Soath B ascom Ave. (;A.MP B ELL e 377·808 3 Open Monday & Tl>ursday Eve n ings
ITINERA RIES: Falll966 Semester
Ceremony Dedicates Union to Buchser
Comp osite of Re lated Eve nts
20 East San Antonio
Outstandin g college and university students are invited to spend these semesters at sea, enrolled for 12-15 units of credit, applicable toward the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Music degrees, or 9-12 units toward the Master of Arts degree. Onboard, students will experience a situation of intense academic concentr»lion, ,suppleme nted by personal meetings ashore with men who are the world's leaders, monument s which are the world's heritage, and people whose apparent differences often prove to hide human similarities. College classes will be held during 56 class days at sea in modern, airconditioned classrooms and laboratorie s equipped with all facilities necessary for course work offered.
ICC Suspends Twelve Clu&s, Condemns 'Lack of Interest'
Little Egotism Stamps· LMOC Contest Entries
Internation ally famed soprano return to t he " pop" field, Time :Eileen Farren, who The New York- Magazine wrote With Ladies Man On Campus er Magazine has identified as "the "To the casual record browser on its way, ~ore. contestant s well the most exciting finest dramatic soprano now before it might signify returned their entry blanks. have talent to come the pubUc," will appear in concert new popular singing Knapton, a 22-yew-old Rich is not at San Jose "City College April 29. along in years. But the voice freshman who has such fonner drafinest the to Miss Far rell is appearing on the new. I t belongs honors as the World's Greatest E'·enlng Cultural Series being pre- matic soprano in the United States Lover 1965 and Commissio ner of sented t his year by the co llege. - Eileen Farrell." Public Relations, is a contestant More than one-third of the cam- suspended and put on probation. reinState themselves by the end of The series will conclude this years in the running. With measurepus clubs have been suspended In order to regain their seat on this semester. presentatio ns with Dot\·i d Susskind ments of 38-24-36 (WOW! !t) he : following t!he are or lubs c 12 organize The to able be to and ICC from the lnter·Club Council; the on May 7 and Hans Conried on feelS he· is . qualified because "of and Engineers suspension will mean a loss of ap- participate in on·campus activi- Art Club, Associate extreme good look s, I am hum. my :1\la.y 22 . Miss Farrell"s concert will InternaClub, Chess for petition Scientists, to have \.vill they ties proximatel y $512 from lhe treas3.nd very lovable (try me). begin at 8:30 p.m. in t he ~len's bie Sigma; Sigma uries of the clubs involved. The readmission to ICC and attend tionaJ Club, LDS; ~ are the things which rriak:e These Initla· ·student Club, s (lynma.shun. Lettermen' meetings. consecutive move w8s made by Bill Peponis, four perfect Ladies Man On the me The American public first "beElectronics Club, Their treasuries are, in effect, in tive, Hawaiian Commissio ner of Socia·l Affairs Rich's manager is J oAnn Campus. Newcame acq uainted with Miss Farrell the and Club and Spanish frozen Club, are funds Their and chairman of 1CC, after what limbo. · leiger. Sch during the l940s when she ap~ he called a "lack of concern and available to no one, and accord- man Club. Hodgpeared on her own weekly program Curt is the there to in revert Right will of lack Peponis, to the ing Peponis attributed interest among the clubs." School High n for CBS radio. In 1947 sh e made Washingto of not do kins le clubs the if unbelievab fund "an to general attendance are they now, tand s As the clubs her debut as a 1·ecitalist and ever lack of spirit and cooperation ." He and with measureme nts of 36!36· cross~coun annual since has made stressed the fact that the clubs 36 (rather odd don't you think?) try tours, appearing as recita list have· been repeatedly warned at he is well i n the race. This (N" and soloi st with the foremost symICC meetings and that he had put Fulbright Scholar to Alviso . w~s· phony orchestr as. off placing them on probation until also chosen Telephone Pole of the The Sn.turdu.y Evening Post, in Year in 1957. CUrt thinks he is im he saw no other remedy. a six-puge. profile, called her "the Peponis offered the traditional ideal LMOC because ''l'tn modest. most accomplish ed soprano fnr the drop-off in activities during the I dOn't let my generous God~g1ven world today." She has won naspring semester and internal prob- physical and• in't:ellectua l endoW· prosaid Club, ives \V Faculty wives at San Jose City the Faculty tional prominence among television lems in the clubs themselve~ as t he ments hamper my grea.thess . .I'm College will again sponsor t heir ceeds from the program will pro, .JewerS with avpeu.rance s on the reason for the lack af atten d- sweet but not too sweet, hwnble . only deserving a annua l Spring Scholarshi p Pro- vide a scholarship to D~y K aye sh ow, the Teleph one ance at the inter-club organizatio n. but not too humble." gram April 30, featuring a musical student at City College. George Watts, last year's LMOC, Hour, Gn.rry l\loorc show, a nd Ed commented that he h ad done He presivice 1\lrs. Edward Schuster, program presented by local perout to retain his "crow.n." is club Sullivan show. revjtalize to power his dent and program cha.irmun, said all in former Jane Nickols. feels " I am not a Greek, George h'at The metropolit an Opet'a debu\ t say to on went e H activities. d The program wUI be presented 1\lrs. Nichols will be accompanie Diane Hart, his enough." that's OCCUI't'Cd on December 6, 1960, in of some were a musiQ "unfortun ately. they ih the College Theatre starting at by pianist Kbn Peterson, tall (OK!), "He's says manager, campus on Gluck's "Alcetis" and her ovation clubs active most the teacher in the Los AltoH ScflooJ 2 p.m. Ticket-s are $2.50. ( ?) , rich r debonai handsome, was described by the SatlU'day last semester." Mrs. Leon Papkoff, president of System; that cer· as h nd a nice!) (that's all EILEEN FARRELL Review of Literature as "an earinvited ICC of chainnan The Mrs. Nichols' $-how is a comap(YES???). since touch has tain She din." interested splitting posite of eight excerpts from dif· students who are either T he infamous J ohn Miguelgorr y nt coun cil jeared at the Met singing the leadferent muslcal s hows. They include in the workings of stude he's qua lified because, " Let's Giaconda," feels "La in roles complaints ing soprano delightful dance and singing num- and ICC or who have Students are again r eminded gang, I have been on this it face concerning "'FoiL:a del Destino," "Cavalleria tha.t social securit-y .numbers will make to suggestions or bers and a character dialogue. 23 years now, and I for and route come Chenier," to to feel free Rusticana," "Andrea Mrs. Roy G. Hendrickso n, pub· these bodies r eplace registr ation numbers for across a "muff" I ran never parand meetings the of "'Ariadne Auf Naxos." any to lic'ity chairman for the- Faculty students wishing to attend Snn (Qh? ) . please." with couldn't appeared for as a desire 1\lliis FarteU h Wives, said the public is invited to ticipate. He expressed Jose City College in the tall is Steve Burch, running Also phases aU in on participati outstanding success before audi- semester, a.ocording to D ean student the program. For informatio n call t to remove Ron Berki and Dave Wood. F or ences in London, Berlin, a nd in Rudolph Wilderman n, 298- of student governmen Mrs. with Beeker, h ead of Admissions . concerned was court The from the their qualificatio ns see next w eek's recent meeting of the Stua In campus the of control italy. In 1964-65 she made four Students must have and bring the number of tickets that had 1174, or the college finance office, issue of the TIMES. few." the chose.n of tive "the of •'pop" albwns which have become representa hands a Court dent t helr social security number card been issued by the campus patrol 298-2181, ext. 273. best sellers. Commentin g on her to their cowlSeUng appolntmen t campus patrol attempted to elimiand then had been dismissed by for fall registration . Students nate areas of mutua1 .misunder-:. one -o-r-the Wusttces;-The'"poUoo""Were . ----; . ~- -"~~. will not be able to· 800 their standing in which the students had anxious to get the feeling of the counselors \\1thout thelr t;OO.lal had become sometimes come out on t he bad court on areas that security caroo. them. to problems end. At the conclusion of the meeting these decisions had been made: (1) A parking pel'tTI.it sign required on the dirt road leading to Bascom At the dedication ceremonies , After May third, the now nam~ A venue from the south end of the bronze plaque will be placed on a less student u nion will be known campus. (2) A change of policy Un- the brick walJ adjacent to the en· College Buchser R. H. the as allowing parking permits to be to the ion .~ Formal dedication ceremonies trance to the union near taped on. (3) Students who have next faculty lounge. quad the in place take will failed to appear in court on their Tuesday at 11:30 AM. appointed date will have their The ceremonies will be attended pictures is May 16. There will be parking privileges revoked until City, County, and State offiby each for a popularity vote award that appearance . {4) Reaffirmat ion An invitation has been sent cials. call media. For informatio n please of the fact that all student vehicles to. Governor Brown, but as yet L. Allinger at 867-0115. no confirmatio n has been received. Mrs. William Kierstad, Ming Mrs. R. must h ave permits, including motor Andrew McFar1in, chainnan of The idea for the renaming origprivate scooters B.nd cycles and the the election committee of the Fac- Quong Guild president, announced in a Student Counci1 meetinated cars of police officers taking ulty Senate, has recently an- today that professiona l and amaing last March 17, and was carnounced the members of the 1966· teur artists are invited to donate classes here. ried unanimous ly by the Board 1967 Faculty Senate. a nd exhibit t heir paintings at the that agreed Trustees on April 12. present of those of All Song Girls f or 1966-1967 were Area representat ives are Rich· Ming Quong Strawberry Festival In a letter to the Board, Jim the campus pollee both of goal the chosen last week after a lengthy ard Dallas, area 1; Robert Kress, ALBERT E. DiPIPPO, City Col- Steele, ASB President said in Show and Auction. and the sb..dent court w as a. r educ- lege English ~troctot, has writarea II; Dale Wolfe, area III; John Art audition w,hich required both a part, "By passing this resolution ten "F.rom Sentence to ParaFestival is scheduled for Satur- compulsory and original routine tion' ln the number of eltnttons. Graham, Doug Weiss, area IV; Buchser graph/' an · English book J)Ub- we hope to give President Van Phillips, area V; Garth Nor- day, June 4, in Los Gatos and is a his long and for recognition some "The Hall. Prenttse by Ushed plus an interview. ton, area VI. book came as a resuJt of 12 yea.rs' untiring efforts to make San Jose benefit for the Ming Quong ChilAlong with the five chosen now, teaching," states DiPipJ)O. The City College the outstandin g inThe remaining members are drens' Center. two more girls will be chosen in book is exJlOOted to reach forNeely, en K I; it is today." area Ballard, Joan eign marketi as weU as class- stitution will include an two These falL the three in made be may Donations The entire procedure was kept area II; Eliot Wirt, area III; Marc rooms throughout the U.S.A. alternate. secret until the formal announceMarcus, area IV; Ethel Crockett, media: Oils, watercolor s and mixed The head song girl for the year area V . ment, in fact the Board meeting media. Deadline for contributin g is Linda Johnson. The others inthat passed the resolution was t-large members-a Newly elected clude Bea EmetJI, Carolyn Ranoa, privately so as to exclude called Robert ar-e Evonne Davenport, Jan WaJther, and Alice WonneU. H. R. RUCHSER Mr. Buchs~1 who nonnally sits l>oerr, William Gl'ecn, William ... union wUJ bll.re W. name meeqng~ the on Nash, and Edwin Tyson. Slgn-UJ:tS sta rt i\ln.y 2 for the
Give Blood
Met Soprano Eileen Farrell Allows Readmiss ion Petitions Appears in Concert on 'Friday
Student Court, Campus Patrol Agree on Goals
Vol. 17
Phone 298-2 181/ Ext. 230
No, 9
Faculty Wives Sponsor Spring Scholarship Fete
FOR COLLEGE MEN • Above Average Earnings •15 $1,000 Cash Scholarships • 3 All Expense Paid Trips Abroad
(See page. 2)
(See Page 3}
Builcli•g 6 296-8458
Hawaii Swim Winner
The Jones
AA GRADS : AREYOU BRIGHTENOUGH IN A SAVAGE attack again st dull cam)mses Goorge Green En glish instr uctor, raises h~ rusty hoe to strike a. blow
ASTOR'S ? ? ?
10% Discount with A.S.B. Card
against "temporary " classrooms and overcrowde d teacher's offices. H ere Green is pret,a ring tbe growtd in front of the Socia. I Scien ce, Math, and English Dej)artme.n ts for instaUtt.tion of an 1 'inspiratiou ul" garde n, hereafter to be Jmown as George's Green. The proj ect is financed by eveTy fa cui ty member of t he th.ree departmen t.s, each chipping in $8.50. However as ins tructor Garth Norton noted uwith $700,000 in the District emergency fund, money is of no concern!' Norto)t added that the gard en was the second coup in a ge!terul rebellion, t he first coup be1u g the acquisit ion of a. water bott le for the Social Science Dept. The garden s hould be ?JffiJ)feted in two weeks, and Will mclude a. patio, ga-zebo and M· , sorted tTees. Preside nt Bucl 1s er has given full consent to the project and a-ccor.dlng t~ Norton, has also contributed mvaluable advice 011 compaction and puddling !5tructure problems.
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Circl:e Star Theatre can now be purchased from 1\frs. P eterson in U-20i. This certllicate entitles ~tu dents to attend Friday e venings and Saturday matinees u.t a. re-
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appolnt~ne nts.
poJntments and there(ore registration times are on a first come first served basis. Students are reminded t h at you must have a. social security num ber before you nlllke your cowl.Se.li.ng appointmen t.
duced rute.
Lockheed Missile s & Spac:e Comp anY
s she Fini p (or ma Dra """"'"""""""""""""""""""""""'= 'Kiss Me Kate' Cast
NEW CHEERLE ADERS for l9GG-l967 a.re, from lett to right: Carol Gross~ Ton.t Kaska, h ead, and Kathy &ya.n. Tbe head cheer· leader was c hosen by Da.ve \ Voodf vtCe rr-estdent in tho a bsence o ASB . p,...ldent Jim Steele. Toni then chose carol ru1d Ka th y to assist her.
City C ollege Week ly Bulletin
S. SPRING FORMAL, B l u m o, THURSDA Y, April 28 Town k Country, 8 pm. to am., Rm. 10 Counci~ Student 1. of Bill Calh oun (Lucentio) . Greg nv SAL LI LARGE am. 1 U-200 Castini for the spring musical, plu.y~ in the fi..rst pL""Ly to be pcr- 2. Nomination s Assembly, 11 am., MONDAY, May 2 ''Kiss Me Kate," has been com- form e r in the n ew theatre, "'The 1. S IGN-UP WITH COUNSEL Quad. pleted and the show is well into Crucible." Mnry ShuntJf is another 3. Supreme• Court, 11 •a.m., Rm. ORS FOR PBOGRA~I APnewcomer, and plays the role ot rehearsals. PROVAL U-205 The s how , a. .fine example ot a Lois Lane (Bianca.). Steve Dlnl 4. Music Recital, 11 a.m., Rm. F-7 2. Student Court, 12 Noon, Rm. "play u;.trun a play," or a "play pla.ys GrlUllio. U-205 Baseball, San Jose City College Al Show and Joe Broda play 5. w1thtn a .m usical," lnYolves a. San Jose City College 'VS. Golf, 3. pm. 3 !£ere, CCSF, vs. troupe of actors gh-tng a. perfonn- two gangsters with a flak for the Merritt, There, 1 pm. a ncc of Shakespea re's ''Tami.Ji.g of dramatic. The role is a switch for FRIDAY , April 29 TUESDAY , May 3 the S hrew," and, incidentall y, lh1- Joe, who played a chaplain in 1. Student Court, 1 pm., Rm. U-205 1. Student . Council, 10 am. , . Rm . "Mother Courage." Asa Berger is 2. Go1f, San Jose City College vs. . U-205 ' ing i t out In their own lives. Chabot, There, 1 pm. The leading actors include some appea(l'ing as Gremjo, and Mike 2. I.C.C. Meeting 11 am., Rm. newcomers, as well as some who Wood takes the role of Hortensia. 3. Tennis, San Jose City College U-200 vs. Merritt, Here, 2:30 pm. have performed at San Jose City James Harris, who played in "AnY3. COLLEGE UN ION· DEDICACollege in the past. Richard Hoo~ thing Goes," has the role o[ Harri- 4. Swimming, N. CaJif. JC ChamTION, ll:SO am., QUAD pionships at C.O.S., All Day 4. Peace Corps Representa tive, 9 ver, who plays Fred Graham son Howell, and another player, (Petruccio) . is new here, but his Roger Thompson from "Babes in 5. Film Series, DEAD BIRDS, am., Quad Theatre, 8 pm. leading lady Kris Leith, who plays Arms," is cast as Biondello. 5. HIGH SCHOOL VISITS, 9:30 The musical opens May lO, and 6. Cultural Series, EILEEN F'A.R·Lilli Vanessi) {The Shrew) , is a am. to 11 :30·am. RELL, 8:80 pm., Theatre veteran of sucb plays as ~·Babes will run the 21st, 26th, 27th and 6. Tennis, San Jose City -CoUege in Atms," "Skin of Our Teeth." 28th. It featu res dancers, under vs. Santa Clara, There, 2:30 April 30 the direction of Lynda Davis, and SA T\)RDA Y, and others. pm. 1. Swimming, N. Calif. JC ChamJose City CoUege · Greg Andrade Js both a. new- music, under the direction of Vinpionships at C.O.S., AJI Day 7. Baseball, San is direction There, 3 Valley, comer a.i.d an oudtlmer. Rkently cent Carter. Technical' Diablo vs. 2. JANE NICHOLS, "Musicals in out of the service, h e returns to suPplied by Ben Shelton. Costume pm. Minialul~ ' 2 pm., Theatoo. Sa.lwfo!lll:CI.ty; CoJJ-ill.r... .thQJo.le. design-is -by · Barbara Neililen.