San Jose City College Times, Vol. 17, Issue 12, May 19, 1966

Page 1


,Circle K--DoesWhat .Campus

Wedne>day, September 2l ' 1966 . ~


Circle K, the Kiwanis associated fraterllity on campus, has a startling if not revolutionary idea for a school dance th is fail-a "Playboy Bunnies" dance. Along with its other school service activities, Circle K designed this da nce with By M IKE O'CON N OR the idea in mind ". . to give the students m ore for their student body cards," sta ted F elix Pacheco, \VImt d o you th i,nl< a bout Defe nse S ccretnry 1\l dNama 1·a.•s id sopohomore class presiden t , a mem. -ms t cacI o f ac t·ave serv•ce . for conscie.n tlou . b' ea ot I ber of the club. vo u n t ary se rvtce s o Jeeton! Membership is open to any male studen t with satisfactory scholarBob P enny - Psyc ho l ogy ship and a desire to provide service Tt's a good de-al, not only for the people 1 -nvo1ved to the college a nd the com munity. but for the government. The people involved Students interes ted in the activionly get their military obligation out of th not . e way ties of Circle K a re invited to t hey he lp. then· country in a way that they f ' atte nd meetings and meet the morally r 1g ht. eel ot her members every Thu rsday at 11 a. m. in r oom 205.

Big Plans Made for Merchand ising Club '

New Class in The OHering


Traditionally the largest club on John Tolson, is the only one being taught in the United States in a campus, members hip chairman Jim day program. It will prepare a stu- Pio stated that " •.. we anticipate dent to earn $500 to $575 a month a total membership of over two after only nine months of class- hundred members for the fall semester." This membership goal room training. The class meets five days a would make the club the largest wee-k, four hours a day. Each day in its history. Faculty advisor Ross there are three hours of lab work Atkinson added, "Drive, determiand one hour of lecture. Enroll- nation, enthusiasm and co-ordinament for the class will be held tion will again m ake this club the open until Sept. 23, and it is most active on campus!" tuition free. Students interested in the mer"Students should not be scared chandising Club and its activities by the narne, vacuum technology, are invited to attend the meetings or by a Jack of scientific training," every Wednesday night at 7:30 Tolson said. p.m. in room B-1.

g--.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . ..,. . . ..,. . .,.,.. .,. . ...





Psychology Club Plans _Big Year


If Your H a ir Isn't Be coming _

You Sh oul d Be Com in9 To Us.



Harold Ba uer Speaks To C. C. German Club Germany and the German way of life will be the topic discussed by Harold Bauer tomorrow at 11 in room 26, when the German Conversation Group gets under way with the fall semester's activities. Bauer, the first speaker of the semester, is a German student

.cr..r..r/.r / /.cr J/.r .r..r ....o:IO'".r/..r~


The Psychology Club, commonly

known as S.I .P. (Students in Psy§ chology), has started its spring ~ semester campaign, At their Sept. 20 meeting, the students were § given an orientation to the club's


• •

just beginning hjs studies a t City College. Having com pleted the equivalen t of high school in Germany, Bauer came to the United States about a year ago, After working in New York for a t ime he decided to QlOVe to S an Jose to attend classes here. Wit h plans to become a language ins truct or, Ba uer is spending his first two years at City Col1ege. He will la ter t ransfer to San Jose State College and t hen to a university where he plans to master five languages t o obtain his Ph .D. When asked a bout his impression of the United S tates, he replied, "It's very different from E urope. There are better opportunities here." Whe n asked the same question in regard to San J ose City Col1ege, h e a nswered that he

Chorus Needs Singers

so. """"""""""'""'""'""""'""'""'""'""'""' The women's honorary service group, Les Bluettes, will be active this semester, beginning wit h the F all Social, an evening social for women . The primary interest of this organization is to provide se1vice to the schooL At the first meeting, the officer s will be elected.

H §


Invitation to Attend Un iversity Day

,; Fr ee fxchan9e




Repair of Volhwage ns -

Mercedes -


Office Mac hines Co. 124 E. San Fe r nando St. NeKt to C.!!l Book Store Free Po!!lrking

Fr~ e Delivery

850 lincoln Ave. San Jose 25, Calif. 295 _9082

MASTE R MECHANI CS Trained in Germany

Werner Zollenkopf

T he Santa Barbara campus is located near Goleta off Highway 101, 10 miles up the coast !rom the city of Santa Barbara. Details of the program ar~ in the hands of the senior counselors. All grades are welcome.

• Equ ipment RepCJirs 394 BIRD AVE.

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" Qucrlil~ ond Service Firs t "


Drive-in C le ane rs 60 RACE STREET



Desp ite fiendish torture d y namic BiC Duo writes f irst time, every time!

Physica l Ed uca.tion. No, because I don't think they should make excep tions for some if they don't want to fight, Some people in t he army already will say the same thing. Jot's not fa ir.

• • •





IO Day Mortey Back Guaral'ltee

Call for Appoinfmen~ 292-040? BROOKS - 217 W. Jul io!!!n St

2nd Floor, Son Joso


• • • Taffy - Eleme nt::uy Education I think that th ey can do somC' good if they don't want to fi g ht. At least they can use their knowledge. H t hey have a reason for not joining the army, ~h e n something li ke this is j ust as good, if it's for t he country. I-t's not t he killing, it's the serving that counts.

E velyn Hodges - B usiness I th ink i t's r ather bad tha:t they should •be, dra!ted a"ny\va..y: I think t hatr t here should be no draft in the first place. I t hi nk the whole t hing should be voluntary, If they don't want to fig ht I don't see why they should. I s hould be voluntary. It's supposed to be a free country,

Ch uc l{ Gullo - l\fa rketing I say that if t hey're really to a point where they're against fighting, t hen they shouldn't have to go. I mean, th at's my opinion and I'm in the National Guard . I don't think he would do any good any\Niay if a person is against it.

• • • CHf ford Jardine - Biology If they fee] that it 's really wr ong, I guess they could help other nations, as long as t hey're really against it. and not trying to fool t hemselves ..:.r anyone eise.

At one t ime, the PhilosophY F orwn was lim ited to phiJosophY fo rum lecture1·s only. Now, all types of speakers at·e presented. T his semester's speakers and their fi elds will be: J ames Nielson. Phychology; AJex, Spani9 h ; Mel Ru bin Art· and Chris· ti anc Cook of' San' Jose State, F rench Literature. All meet ings will be in room F-7. The time and dates will be an· nounced soon.

***********************' Literatur e does not. lead mep

astray !

***********************~ Eaf l eef for H e o lflt


Meat Co., Inc. 81C Finl Point

BiC's rugge d pai r of stic k pens wins in unending w ar. agains~

ball-po int skip, clog a nd

sm~a r !.

Despite horrible punl~hmen t by mad research scientists. ate still writes first time, every time. And no w onder. ate's "Dyamite" Ball is the hardest metal made, encased in a solid brass nose cone. Will not skip, clog or smeOJ" 110 matter what devilish abuse is

devised for them by sadistic students. Cet both BICS at your-campus store now. The BIC Medium Point for lecture notes, sneak e)tams and everyday use. The BIC Fine Point for really important doouments ... like writing home for &sh.



1; nil




2~ l


SEPTEMBER 30th - 8:30P.M.

SAN JQSE C IVIC A UDITO RIUM Ticket ,; $4 .50 -

3.75 -

3.25 -


on solo • I SAN JO SE BOX OFFICE 40 W, San C<!!rlos Son Jose, Colif.


Castillo, Beams Are Ace Auto Trouble Shooters

By CHARLES STEVENS H ans Conried, nationally-promi SJ CC is in firs-t place thus far in nent radio and television person the Plymouth Trouble Shooting ality. will present a perContest, sponsored by the Ply- formance May 22 on the San Joso mouth-Chrysler Corporation, held at the Fairgrounds on May 10. Richa rd Castillo anrl Don Beams. Auto 1\Iechanics stuclents t ra ined by E usta quio Cortez, Auto instructor, wo rked against t\\•o--man teams ;from H artnell and i\fotlesto J unior



Got a high paying iob in sal~s, . dis· tribution or market resei!lrch r1 ght on your own campus. B&eome a cllmpus representt~tive for over forty r'f'lll~a· zincs, American Airlines. Oper": 1on M"tch, etc., &nd earn big part-tlje money doing interesting work. A~P Y right away! Collegi.,te Marketl"t Dept. H, 27 E. 22 St., New Yor' N.Y. 10010.

The students are now scheduled for 'a final cont~t and a banquet in Ft·esno on May 27. Winners of the final contest will receive approximat<>ly $15,000 in scholarships and an aJl-expense paid trip to Detroit t~ survey t he au to plants. A total of 35 two-man teams competed in two consecutive contests. Hig h school studen ts competed against each other Lo attend the national contest in Detroit. T hey are competing for abo u t $17,000 in scholarships and $20,000 in tools th ere. Junior colleges were competing in a state contest. Preil etermined bugs were J1l acec1 in th e aml students h ad to find t h•!se problems to get the e:u s ru.nn in g agn.ln, ~u · cord in g to Roy F rflsf'r, or N. \ .V. Ayf'r, Advf'J·tiNirlg AgenC'y fo t· the Cht·y~lcr Coq)oration. Bugs we1~e placed in fuel systerns, electrical systems, battery cables, ca,·buretor a nd in the gen~ el·al engine, he continued. "It takes a real trained eye to tlnd problems like these and correct them," he stated.

HANS CONR IED City Co 11 e g e Evening CuJtUJtal Series. Conried 's program, w hich teatures dramatic readings and interpretations, wiU be held in the Men's Gymnas ium on campus starling at 8:30 p.m. Conried has enjoyed a successful theatrical career which has spanned some three decades. He first gained prominence wit h the national AmC!J.·ican audience whe n he ente1-ed Hollywood r.adio in 1936 when he played second leads in support of tl1e late John Barrymore in a broadcast series, "S treamlined Shakespeare." He appeared regularly on radio duri ng the years t hat followed in programs for I rving Reis, Arch Oboler, Norman Cotwin and Orson

SAN JOSE, Clo.UFO'RNIA , -THURSDA')", MAY 19, 1966



U pset vi cto ries wer e score d yes te rd \ty as De no .i.s P e rcy de· fe are d-AI P eponi s fo r th e job of ASB Vi ce P r~s id en t. and A~ne M agnie ed ged o.ul. donn a Le onti for Secre ta ry. F e lix Pach eco, who carr·i ed n n ear m a jo r it y of vo res i n last


Wells with whom he worked for five consecutive y e a r s. Of his tl;wusa nd of radio roles, he is proba.bly bes t known for his role as Schultz on ;,Life with Luigi .. and as Prof. Kropotkin in ''My Friend I rma'' which he played for seven years. He has also had experience as a radio director. He has pcrfotmed on many out~ standing shows on network television including Playhouse 90, Alcoa Hour, Bob Hope Show, J erry Lewis Show, Georg~ Gobel Show, Hall· mark !'!a ll of Fame, The Danny T homas Show and the Jack Paar S how.

FRIDAY, MAY 13Judicial Council met thi s morning on wh at a few have declared "Black Friday" and by a 2-1 vote recommended that last Wednesdays' primary e lection be declared null and void. CIUe r Ju ~d i c Roy \ Vhit..e and Justi ce Nea l Porte r listed four counts disfavorin g the election's validity, while Justice Russ Sonune-rs defemled E lection Commissioner J olm H acke r's decis ion to accept writein votes where J)eople forgot t o nl:krl< an "X." In official letters to Hacker and ASB President Jim Steele, Summers stated that, "The intention of the voter was entirely clear without the "X" mark, and that H acker's decision (to accept writeins without the "X") wag within his power, therefore the election was valid." White sta:ted that "Al though a voter took time to write i n a candidate's name, t h e, voter still should have read the instruct ions on t he ballot and COI:npliod with them!'

Vet Education Aid Papers Are Available Applicat ions for Veterans educational benefits for students at S an Jose City CoJlege are now availab le at t he Records Office. st~ud e nts s hould give carefu l cons ide ratio n to thelr choice ot an ed ucatloo l'l.l progra m (item 24 ). It would be wise for ' 'ete-rans to lis t t heir rinal objeeth•e as a n AA deg ree and transfe r, due to the t hat the law permit 8 yo u to make only one change ot progr ~tm wlthout loss of benefits. T he length of educational bene ~ fits is calcuJated on the basis of a

th e G ..ass '

tion by the Veterans Adminjstration you will receive a Certificate I of EnrolJmen t. Applications should be mailed to Veterans AdministraA ch a n ce to e n joy the warm s prin g trump e t ; Rich a rd Pristoe a n d W a rren tion., Regiona l Office, 49 Fourth weather, and ·severa l musica l se lec ti o ns wil1 T o wsend, clarin e t : N an cy B oekenoo:ren, ~ Street, San Francisco. Add itional be affo rcled the stud en l body Tu esday, te n or sax ; ] a m es Flores, trombo ne: \Va l L :~ information must be obtained from M ay 24, wh e n the City College J agu ~ r Co nJones, strin g bass; and ~farcello So li,•en , ~ the Veterans Administration office, cer t Band will present a uPo ps Co ncert o n dnnns. San Francisco. !h e Lawn." Directo r of I he program wi ll be Darrell --------Th e progra m wi ll b e presented o n th e J.ohns ton, a nd Stud e nt Directo r , JH c k Eve n· bi g grass lawn between th e L ib rary a nd th e SIZer. e tolort)' Bui ld in cr. A no th e r a dd ition to the (HOgra m w ill be o T h e program w illo featu re th e "C omth e ne w a cous tica l cei llng t hat will cover m a n do .M a r ch ," Barber: '·P jct ures a t a n the b a nd durin g t heir p e r fo rm a n ce. Exhib ition," Moussorg:sky; '~T itus Over" This new ceiling is des ig ned to imp r ove tlll'e," :M oza r t; and '"Di xiel a n d J amb oree/' th e sotmd ," s aid J o hn ston. " \Ve h ope Slll· ~ \\ ' arrington. dt':l..tls wi ll brin g lh eir bo o ks o r l un ch. and ~ Marti.n Dreyfuss, chairman of F eatu red soloists wi ll b e B o h Taormina, r e l a.x whiJe they e njo y t he music.'' ;~ the Mathematics Department at San J ose City College, has been chosen pr esident-elect of the 3,100member California J unior College -~ Faculty Assn. A staff member at City College -~ since 1958, Dreyfuss wi U serve one year as presiden t-elect starting July 1. His presidency will begin July 1, 1967. DreyfUss bega n his teaching career at City College following many years in_ public admi n istra· tion. He has been employed by the state government of New York, as TOOTfNG THEIR H ORNS fo r the Tuesda.y , 1\la y 24 "Pops Con cert on t he Lawn" a re from left, •ol.oists Ro bert Taormina, h;HOll:tet; Ja mes Flo1·es, t roooboJle; J ack Evensizer, S tude nt Direct.or, imd · city manager for the city o! Fair· field, Calif. and as finance director Director Da rrcll J ohnston. . ,!>"~~~~.A,;.O...,~ - ~"""~~~ ~ ""'-~ for th e city of Lodi, Calir.

o~s On



! Martin Dreyfuss Becomes CJ•c•f •A•



§ 8



I Ext. 2-30

\Vcdn esrl ay's Prim nry, wo n castly over J im Pi o fo r So ph o mot·e Cl ass Pres iflent. or 470 votes cast, Percy collected nearly 75 per .cent for a 214 vote, 338 to 124 win over Peponis. The surprise victory was landed by Magnie who nosed out Leonti by nine votes and a 231-to-222 margin. Pacheco took Pio. 177-99. The Gen erftl E leetion a lmost fn ile(l to ge t off Its· Wedn esday


st a rting bloch: as a. F ri dny .13,"J u di da I Cmmcil r f"comme nda.tion to th e Ei cction Board. d ecla •·ed the. l)rlmfu·y "null a nd void." Monday morning, May 16; during a closed session, the Board tossed out Judicial Council's . proposa~


Judicial Council Says Primary Is 'Null~ Void,'

mon th of service on active duty after J an. 31, 1955, not to exceed 36 calendar months of training. Vete t~ans mu.<;t complete their educational objective within eigh't years after their last discharge from active duty. T he different requireme nts for t he va rious types of programs are defined as : a lull-time stude nt as a s tude nt tnking 14 semester hours, a % tJme s t ude nt as a stud ent tak lng between 10 and lS Yz semest er ho urs, and a Yz ttme stude nt as a student taking between 7 and 9Yz ~ ,.._,~~""""""'" sernester hollfS. • ,, ......~';t',;..""~~,t;:~~, ...,~ .,vh_,,"""'~~~..,.,~~.ot#~~~ U[X>n approval of you1· appJica-


Phone 298-2181

·Percy, Magnie, Pac 0 lh Fall Semester ASB·Pos·tions

Ha ns Conried· Speaks Here Sunday, May 22

Co ll ege~.

• • •

81C Medium Point 19t

N o. 12


F elix P .t:t d Leco - Bus iness Education Ideal·i stica lly it's a good jdea. I have my doubts about it realis tically. I don't see how it would work. It wou ld be one side'd . I'd r ather not go into t hat. It's so easy to be a conscientious objector.

Once agai n, t he Philosophy Department will be pr esenting the Philosophy Forum. This forum originated 10 years ago. At first, it was a small p hilosophy seminar conducted by Mrs. E leanor Maderis. It has since grow n into a formal lecture series. Mrs. Maderis is chair m a n of t he faculty committee ; worki ng with her are William B. W est, chairman of t he P hilosophy Depar tment, and John Richard C hristian cha ir man of the E nglish Depa~e nt. Each year a studen t chai rman is chosen. At present, this pos it ion is not filled.

Vol. 17

Pity fe lt for Henry Haven is m er e l y self-pity, and . . . . . . } essw Haven . .. wh a t is h er secret ? \V ha t m ak es h e r more than the woma n sh e is? 1n jt s second lwld-ove r week end r nn " THE HAVEN" ?1a y be seen at 8:30 p .m., F r·jJa y and' Satur(lay nj ghts, m th e San J ose Acto rs Heper to r v T he a tre , a cross the street fro m t h e Studio Thea te r, two dOze n p aces west on 25 W est San Salvador St. San J ose. . Stu cleut ticke ts se ll f or Sl.SO, :ren eral a dm ission is S2. Ph o ne 297-4197 for reser va tio ns. Come hail or h igh waf e r I tucre ever yo ne 10 witn ess "THE HAVEN." lt p1 1ts s ucl1 '~eckend c ompet ition as ''Cat. B a llo u" and ~~ Dar li n g'' in a n e mbar- rassin g secomJ place. J eff Mullin s, Edito r

Sandrtl. Tru·ner -

Philosophy Department Plans, Semesters Forum


Hare i~ rh e occas~on t~ a t wa n ·a nts a fron l. page e ditorial. R,n cr ye t \ S an occas1on (m t hi s decad e. of comme r c ial pu lp and putt er ) when a thea tric al prmluct ion of an o r icr inal phl y war ra nts rmy k ind of a n e di to riaL .But the n i t 0 isn ' t ever y day w h e n so me t hi ng like . . , " TH E H A V EN" em erl!es to rave a bo u t. "THE H AVEN," a n ori gin al two-a c t pl ay writte n and directe d b y J am es J. Clark of San Jose S tate's E n • l ish De0 partm ent _and present ed by th e San j ose A c to rs R e p ertory 1 T h ea te r, JS a tense a nd unbeli evabl y ' belle·vab le" drama that takes pl ace in Eas te rn USA . Bri efl y-, jt is a bout a woman . . . who is a wmn an . .. three m e n and h ow each of them co urt life in a soci c t v th at h as tu r ned them into weaklings, " bums" a nd mi sfit~. I t shps i n th e face th e prudi sh , purita ni ca l symbo l of BoS· to nian moral tunl ethi c, and w h en i t is o ver yon wa n t to c •:;n~ h in,to the (~rt t~e e vi] pa r t o f socie t y th a t h:1s t u rn ed good hum a n hem gs mto th e slaves of a h e rita ge we have outgro wn . W i th th e h ones ty of an origi n al ·~Pe vton ( the novel) P la ce," BTHE HAVEN" ye t hints of Te~nessce \l' il1iams wit h cha r nc ters so rea l yo u can n o t h e lp i t wh e n you associa te with each of them. · LcQ Haven. is a ge n tle m an 's " Bu d" wh o looks like Arnol d P almer. . \Vh en } u linn walks on s tage, r attles n a k es cra ck th e ir

tad s.

* • •

professors and university officials,

~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~have lunch in the University Center and attend a short assembly.

• • •

For this annual uuniversity Day" event, t he campus will be ' open to a ll interested students, their counselors, p a r e n t s and friends from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visitors are in vi ted to see the res idence halls, classroom buildings and other [acilities on the 632 acre seashore site. Participants will have a n opportunity · to talk with


Gaylord Cornia. - Psych ology I think it's a lot better for a lot of people. I heard in the news t hat one g uy got t h ree years in the federal prison because he didn' t want to go to Viet Nam. It's better for the people who are really morally against it because you' ll have to shoot them before they cha nge their minds. They won't do a nyone any good in pr ison, but t hey could help someone.

All students on campus are cordi ally invited to join t he All Col· lege Chorus whi ch meets every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 1 p.m . in room F7, Members ar e entitled to one unit of credit and participation in a concert. "The ability to carry a tune and the desire t o work wi th a group for a finished performance are the only qualificat ion," says Vincent C;llter, chorus instructor. St udents may sign u p by picking up their card in t he Registrar's Off ice as soon as possible. T his is a great class for anyone who loves to sing and does not often , get the op[)Ortunity t o do

thought it a very good organizaactivities for the seme-ster. Activi- tion. "T he people are very friendties to be scheduled this semester ly," he continued. After completing ~ L. LYON S- Res. 259-2713 1912 E. San Antonio St. are films of special inter est to the his education he pla ns to remain L GARDNER - Res. 258-0243 Sa n Jose, C a lif. club's members, demonstrations on in California to start his teaching perception, hypnosis and any other career.,.,.,. .,. J.:l <=<=c===---"'".r..r.rJ..§ interests that the students would Anyone wishi ng to hear Bauer like to pursue. Guest speakers on speak, and who has an interest related fields of Psychology are or even a smaH understandi ng of also being planned by the club's the German language, is invited to president and vice president. attend th is f irst meeting. Jim Mount, president for this semester, said, "Field trips will be LOW STUDENT RA TES scheduled as the interest of the students progress." Some possibilities for field trips are the Santa Clara Mental Health Facilities, Agnews State Hospita1, All Makes - All Models and San Jose State CoHege's Rat Laboratory. ,t Fully Gu a r anteed Anyone interested in JOtrung Psychology Club should come to Hjgh school and junior college campus of the University of CaJi,t Rent to Own room 38 on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. students throughout the state are fornia on Saturday, October 15, during AU College Hour. invited to visit the Santa Barbara 1966. ,1 N o Dep os it



In My Opiniorn • • •

Merchandising Club president, t he faU schedule of events for the Rene Manzini, in the first weekly club. Highlights of the schedule meeting of the semester, presen ted include the following: Sponsoring a queen for the "Big ·Game Week," a skit in the blood drive, the semi-annual rummage s~e at the Flea Market, a reception for new and old members and their g uests, a Christmas decSan Jose City College wiil offer orations sale, a mist1etoe hunt, a a course in ''Vacuum Technology" Ch ristmas banquet and dance, elections of club officers, and emthis year open to all high school ployer-employee banquet, and a graduates who are interested. The ski trip, during semester break. course, according




I ~

" I t can be a_rgued th ut thi s vote is t he will of t he mn. jori ty of t he vot ers," \ Vhite continued, " but i t i s the opinion of t he J udicial OoUJlcll that e \•en th e w ill o f t he maj ority cannot cUsregnrd th e ltl.W.''

Commissioner Hacker's attempt to call an emergency meeUng of the Election Board to decide the fate of the primary was 1Jhwarted when a member of the three-person Board could not be loeated. Board member May Duignan, Dean of Student Services, told Hacker that she would not hold a meetjng without Student Government Advisor Steve Holman, who had left t he campus earlier in the afternoon, and the session was [>Ostponed until Monday, May 16. In wlu[t was ter med a. quick election , lastin g only four hours, tq a very cJose ballotin g, the new offi cec~ of th e Mercha nCIIsing Olub were elected. T he new ofncers as follows : Rene :a-t anzini, president; Dave Reis, vice l)r esident ; Sue P owell, see.retary ; R od King, treasurer ; and Kn.thy \ Villiam Sf'n, ICC re)). U nlike oth er elections, tile losers decided to host the pn rty for t he wbmers. At the party, the UIJComing club picnic to be held l\lay SO a t Uvas Meadows was discussed. Jt· w as decided to invite all students who are in ter ested In the M e rc ha ndising ChiD to the picnic. The nex t forma l fun ction, tl\e lns t a Uation of officers will ~ he ld J une 1 a.t Pa olo's Resta ura nt, The ba nquet is expected t:o draw a la rge e rowd as usua l. Everyone is iJn·l ted to a tte nd t iLe 1\fe rchand.islng Club meetJugs, \Vetlnesd::t.y evenings at 7:30 in .R.oom B-1.

Sassy 'Kate' Opens 27th By SALLI LARGE "Kiss Me Kate" will open May 27 at 8:30 p.m. in the College Theatre and will play Saturday the 28th, June 2, June 4, with a matinee on J une 5 at 2:30. "Kate" first opened on Broadway in the fall of 1948. Typical of the enthusiastic reviews the show received was the following quote from Tim e magazine. ". , 1948's last new show, and by far its best musical .. _ Full-blooded and sassy and enormously gay.'' By January of 1949 the show was sold out through May. Part of the reason for the show's popularity is the musical score by Cole Porter. "Another Qpening, Another Show," "Wunderbar," "So In Love," "Too Darn Hot," a nd "Always True to You In My F ashion," are some of the numbers from the show which are still [>Opular. Anothet• reason fo r the show's popularity is that, li ke many populat• music a 1 s today ("MY Fair Lady," "Sound of Music," etc.), lhe show is taken from a successful story, or book ''Kiss Me Kate" was based on Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew," which has long been [>Opular.

Primary, Curt Hodgki ns was definitely pleased with yesterday's General E I e c t ion outcome. He openly supported Percy and Pacheco and unofficially favored an Anne Magnie win for secretat"Y'. According to TIME:S Asst Editor Chris Vaughan, who wi~esSed last njghfs ballot counting, ''A Noreen Futter-lcQ commHtee has been form e d to investiga Le .the Election Board and also offer proposals to courrcil which ar_e hoped to make the Board more representative ofi the student bodY.'' . Putter, who disfavo1·ed the Board"s deci sion to val1daLc the Primary Election. has staLed that two administrators and one S tu~ dent does not fully rcpresenL a vast student majority, In view of the liberal element

ANNE MAGN IE which would have extended the Associated Student Body election indefinitely. Relaxing from h is recent presidential JandsUde victory in the SJCC's th_ree t op chess playe rs wer e awarded. this morning af ter t he conclusion of t he recent (lhess competition. Copping first place t r ophy w ith a total of 1000 points was Lee N orri s. Coming in a nQt too d istant secon d was George Corey with 800 points. Bagging t he t h ir d place trophy w as sur• prise contender, Bob Gow, with FELI X PACH ECO 600 [)Otnt.. l\'larles Ahtlmo, Commissioner of freshly elected, an anonymous ~Stud ent Un.lon u.ild c h aln n an for member of Election Commissioner th e tourn ament, said t hat this John Hacl<er's baUot counters reyear t her e \Vere 21 participants fleeted, "This looks like the e-nd of Jn t he in t racollege eJu~~;~ tourney. [ Merchandising Club's dynasty in ASB government."


STUDENT UNION Commissioner Maries Alaimo a nd Study Edito r Norma Esling e r a re caug ht in attent ive moods as they listen t o ASB ca nd ida t es in q uad. Pictu re was taken by Royal Chambe rlain du rin g presid e ntia l debates. '

---=-'------- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

City College Weekly Bulletin SUNDAY: May 22 1. Cultural Series. HANS CONRIED, 8'30 p,m., Men's Gym 2. STUDENT HAIRSTYLING CONTEST, Buchser College Union, ). p.rrL to 6 p.m. 3. PACIFIC NEIGH BO RS B£NEFI'1' I:I"ILI\1, 8 p.m., BuC'hSC r Colleg.f' Un io" Rrn . F-7 MO DAY: May 23 6. FRESHli>!AN CLASS MEET· . 1. Student Court, 12 Noon, ING, 11 am., Rm. S-12 Rm. U-205 2. VISTA REPRESENTATlVES, FRIDAY: May 20 ~ 9 a.m. to 4- p.m., Q uad 1. PEACE CORPS REPRESENT1. Stud.ent Concil A TIV-ES, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Quad 2. Student Court, 1 p.m., Rm U-205 TUESDAY: May 24 3. T e nnis, Calif. State at Ameri can 1. Student Couneil, 10 am., Rm. U-200 River 2. I.C.C. ~Ieetlng, 11 a.~lL 4. Fashi on Sh()W, 8 p.m. to .10 p .m., Rm. U-200. F:wulty Lo unge and Buohser 3. Music Recital, 11 a.m. College Union Rrn. F-7

TIIURSDAY: May 19 L Student Council, 10 a.m., Rm. U-200 2. Supt•eme Court, 11 am. Rm. U-205 3. Chess Awards, 11 a.m., Quad ~- PEACt; CO.RPS REI' RESENT· ATI VES, 9 ::..m. to 3 p.m., Quad 5. Philosophy Forum, 11 a.m.,

SATURDAY: May 21 WEDNESDAY: May 25 1. Studetlt Court, 10 am., L Track, N. Calif. Meet at Rm. U-205 Foothill, 1 p.m. 2. Tennis, Cal if. Sta.te :Lt .AmerLca o 2. Co·Ri'<l Night, 7:30 p.m ., Women's G)'ll> River



Thursday, May 19, 1966

~~- .Qfit~ <!folltgt <lti1ntll

Student Speaks Out

letters to tile Editor

Dear Editor, rublished each Wednesday of the school year by the journalism classes at San Jose Since I am not running for an Cif~ C~ l~e ge , Supported, in part, by Associated Student Body funds. Member Cal!forn141 Newspaper Publishers Association. Se~nd Class postage paid et San elected office again tllis sem ester, Jose, Calif. Subscription rates: $3.00 per year or 10¢ per ~opy. Phone 298-2181, wtd s lnce a platfonn on tills camext. 230. pus is tlte destruction of our present administration, I would Uke EDITOR - ..·----- JEFF MULLINS Sports Editor - - - FRED JONES Asst. EdHor - - CHRIS VAUGHN Adv. Mgr. _ JOHN MIGUELGORRY to say a. few words in defense of News Edit>< _ MIKE O'CONNOR Photo .....- .. ROYAL CHAMBERLAIN our present council. Night Ed itor -· DON KAWASHIMA Advisor ····-·· .. C. W. PALMER In years past the blazers were completely given to cou ncil memStaff Advertising:. Tony Joseph, Bill Rumph, S11eri Cirincione ; Sports: Karl bers. Today member'S pay for half lauch er, Curf1s Hyde, Pat Cav~taio, Bob Borzone, Frank Wright, Chester Wood, Paz Rocha : News: Bettie Bar~er, leeAnn Sarmento, Charles Stethe price of the blazers. The ASB vens, Joyce Ru d, Greg Gary, Fran~ Roth, Margaret Roth, Verne Albright, funds pay for the other h a lf which Bob Alvare%, Margaret Chu, Dawn Koistinen, David Martine%, is h ardly the price of six ASB cards as someone campaigning has

charged. We on council do not get blazers as rewards. These


blazers are a symbol of the school we go to. I h appen to be proud of my school and what it stands for. I am also proud and grateful to my feJlow students who elected

'Swim In'

me as Vice President of ouT .stu· T be p a p er won't roll all t11e way around. The p ap er is coar se. dent body; it is with these feelings The floors are dirt y. Water f a11cets shoot all over the place. Th ere that I wear my blazer. I am proud is usuall y no soa p in soap containers. The floors are u suall y we t to wear it. Snn Jose City College be longs • •• "'You have to swi.Jn in sometimes," says one annoyed lass. to the CaJifornJa Jwlior College Locks on doors are u sually broken . . . ~'You have to be an acroStude n t Govenune nt Association ha! at times," says. ~nother irritated lass. " B efore tl1ey wer e

(CJOSJA). E...' sem ester w e h ol<l p ainted over, the wntmg on tl1e walls was abom.inable" concludes a con vention whe re proble ms a third. "Th e situation is hopeless." ' discussed. At the recent conven· As you h ave p robabl y guessed, the subject of this e ditorial tlon he ld in San Diego, myself and i s women's restrooms on the Ci.ty College Campus. As on e of th e t h e other delegates were up till girls has put it • .. '~The ·situ a tion is hopeless." And I guess it is. a ll hours of the morning wording, Funny, but t.h e nten's restroorus are not in half as bad the rewording, discussing, and quess1ta p e as the women's r estroom s so und. Rarely d oes on e h e ar a tionin g r eform s, r riso lutlons, :nul cu st odian 1nutter foul oaths to hinlSelf as h e enter& a m e n 's room recomme nd ation s with delegu.tes t o gi ve it a daily scn1bbing. But just wait around ~nli1 h e l1 eatl s !rom th e other 72 Jwtior Colleges in the direction o f a women's room. The words would make a in attendance to Improve every ditch·digger blush . aspect of ou r campuses. \Ve have As one c us todian put it to m e rather bltfntly .. . "The only Area VI conferences where local way a door or door lock ca n get broke n is by bein g broken b y an proble ms a re discussed as well as occupant. Soap a nd water on the floor can only h e placed ther e monthly GGPC conlerences with b y an occ1~pant. "In o th er words," said this custodian, "t h ere are Junior Colleges from ou r local a reu. sorne peopl e around he r e who still n eed to b e house broken." lNG. I mn proud to be a blazer - J.D.M. thinker. B.lazer thbtking is Onproving this campus a n d blazer t hin king is imprO\'Ing me. I 1un 100 t>er cent in r~tvo r or blazer

A Circus: The Election By TONY R. FITCH, Esq. • ASB No. 52

• •

There is a n abu_qdance. of cha.ff in the air. su r.rou.nd.u ' Jg the campus these days con ce.rmng an Jssue of Academ_ic Freedom. I confess to an unfamiliarity with the intricacies of Lh e i""ue ir• ,·ts ~ present form of art show or no, objectionable or otherwi se. What 1 b all. egrotm d l b e rac ul ly. an d administiatio n bloody thenlSclves on JS unfortunate ly a d•slaut area to 1nyself and. many other students, altho ugh some stude nts h ave been issued press passes. I am convinced that these b a tt'l egro unds wi ll r e main distant t o us until we suppl y ourse lves with Lhe prope r vehicles of transfJOrtation L? arrive _ lhe~. , These veb..ic]es I envision as being synonomous wnh Acadeuuc Freedom. The art show, aS a freedom issue, sceJns nebulous atld safe i u r e lation to: Frce<Lom from the stagna ling m achin.atio ns of t h e present curricu la aoU requ irem en ts; ~""reed on1 from the stultifi cation of j fl-adviscd counse lling; Freedom to dissent ill class W'~le .Lhe i ssue is ~oL, not a t so m e la ter tiJne wben a personally obJecbonable mollon has a lrea dy prevaile d ; and Freedo111 to sa tisfy rou rs~ lf in a subject a r ea ratl1_e r thau p aying homage to the gr a d e p01nL syste m with all its ramificatioos. The r e is cert a inl y 110 inclitlation on th e part of the facuJty as a whole to allow these Academi c F r eedoms. 1 n view of L.hat fact, tJ1 e chaff that is spreading may continue to tickle some noses but n ever r es ult in a single sneeze. .In n1y opinion it is a s tude~tl p_roblem to su pply some pepper, m ~ e form of . a separat·e , acL1ve u1le r es t, to brin g uboul a con·

\Ve crumot our one to problemdevote a lone. all 1\ltw h istime being done rot" alf e.xisting llroblems and ror bl 1· 1 o pro ems w Ju•. tma.y occur. u•· bla.zen; did not cost $9,000.

A Proud ASB





re Wood #as


t tm'

lor came to our aid by donating 20 pizzas for ASB card holders. In order to recognize this do-

· tl

~ J>overty

ON-CAMPU S and SUMM ER JOBS AVAILABLE A g reot o pportunity for oggressive

cot!ego. st~de~ts to eorn o hi<;~h in-

com e di stn but•ng material to colle e

SMILING Harriet Hamilton was the first girl to fin ish in the "Swim to Hawa ii C ontest. 1


* ·* *

compu_se s oil over the United Statjs Co~bl ne su mm e r trovel with lar ~ p rofits, o r wo rk port-time on yo~t 0 b'r" campus. Foil 10bs are also ovail.

• •·

Contact: Collegiate • Dept. D 27 East 22 St

New York, N.Y.

·i001 0



'ZORBA the GREEK' uprot~rio us


l riiii~iiiii.J~lm~~Sitee iiliei'iA~SiBiiPiriesii.• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii I






Werner Zollenkopf


- Ave. San Jose 25, Calif. 295·9082

Netmen Ousted in

Paz Rocha played an outstanding game for the looals and gained the league batting crown by goiog · d di t h f our- for-s1x an en ng e season

Students Wanted Service Station Positions


Jollll F. Co nnelly

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For Pizza to go, Pltono 378-1800 or 253·0703

eome "I' with jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiOjj

tJte key hit that co uld have won it.

with a tremendous .420 batting

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Earn $3.00 per hour commissions c:elling on established customers in Campbell, Cambrian area for FuiiiK' Brush route. Must be able to woti IS hrs. per wk. or more. an instructor HJld as an administrator in I' h y s i c a. I education.

Dougher ty is B lackford's athletic ~ ~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~ directo r and chain11aJ1 of th e physicnl education d e p~u-t 1ne nt. A · graduate of Lodi High School ,






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MacGowan teamed to defeat the

Jags 6·1, 6·4. The team e nded the season with a fine 10-5 Junior CoUcge record

and a. 4-3 Golden G~lte Conference s late. Parsons the J ags nwnber on e man wtu r eturn to the fold



o,p;,., June 20

Part Time Job

ond· round action t h e team came into conflict w it h cross-town rival


Live Entertainment

SJCC Coupon

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linga CoUege 6·1, 6·2. In the sec-

Fea t uring


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Mahus Cop League Title


m atch .

HO URS: 9 A.M. - I A.M.



In the doubles Parsons teamed With Jack Nash to reach the second t'Olind before bowing out of the tourney. In first round action Parsons and Nash beat Don Frank· and ' Frank Thompson of Coa-

Ladies play free on. Sundays Ladies and Gentlemen welcome at aU times. 1719 S. Bascom Phone: 377-~971 (Ac:ross from BoABnz• )

= Address

Cars in Town

moot the pla.yer m.ust win Jils second


$1 OFF

Best Clean Used

Rocha Nabs Loop Bat Title; Jags Finish Fourth

· H D e mus a.g lns also ha d ~L fin e average. da.y in goin g two·fQr-four with his t wo hits being instrument:al in College of Sequoias. Adams d.e · Jag scoring. feated the loca1 . favo rite 6·1, 6·3. Last Tuesday the Jags defeated The loss eliminated Pa.rsons from the Chabot Gladiatoi'S in 15 inthe tournament and d eflated his nings at Jaguar Stadium . Steve hopes of a berth in · t11e State f iWright held off the Gladiators for uals. To .be e ligible ror th e SttLtP


-~ Name


Foothill. Geoff Kirber a nd Dale Experienced or fnex perience d Part-Time or Full-Time

tag1on of sneezmg. A conta gion which is long overd ue Lo r elieve

FRI. & SAT. 8:30·UO

qualified much for duty. In the 880 relay it took a 1:27.4 to qual· ify and the Jags had a 1:28.S-close, but not close enough, In the mile it took 3:17 to qualify and the Jags had a 3:18.8. The Jags had to cancel the 440 relay team due to an injury to Larry Walker. Steve Blaser high jumped 6'2", just barely to miss qualifying. Yesterday the Jags plli-ticipated in the Nor. Cal Trials in Modesto and' t he top eight men qualitiy fo~ the N01·· Cal Finals which take place at Foothill Saturday, May21.


our stuffed·op heads.

* * *

turn in 23.4 and his final leg in 22.9. The h eartbreaking part about th is race is that the disqualifica· tion of Evans did not take place until 10 minutes had elapsed. Evans, visibly shaken, and receiving congratulations, was utterly speechless upon the an nouncement he was disqualified. Lust Saturlla.y afternoon a.t Fresno the annuo.•l \Vest Coast Re· lays were ho ld whe re again Evans c ontinued Ids mastery of the cin· de rtop. Evans lite rally outrun the fi e ld in the 4.4.0 with :~o time of 46.7; later he came back with an anchor 46.4 tn the mile r elay, as the Ja,gwtrs placed fourth in their hea.t in S :18.8. Evans turned on the power in the stretch to Cl~op­ ture the 440 over Ron Freem a n of ArizorUL State, who was timed

His recent track offerings ma ke U.S. track fans stand up and take notice t hat he is here to stay. He ta kes a backseat to no one in the WQrld, except possibly Tommy Smith of San J ose State, as far as the 440-yard dash goes. Northern Califo rni a spo r tswrite~ thought so much of his efforts of the past weekend that they voted him Nortihern California' " Athlete of the Week," the t hi rd time t hey've bestowed this honor upon him this year. , - Loo EV<UlS' n ext blg test w iU IJc in t he Northen1 C:•lifornla. trar.h: ttnuJs whJch will be h eld n.t Foot hill thi~; Sa turda.y ufternoon·. \ VI th adnlission rates ve ry low to ASB card holders, biJr t;urn o ut of SJ CC rooter s s ho uld h e ex p ected. Gh·e Evans the bac king h e deserves-he's a wluncr in t he tru e sense or t he word.

The last two Jaguar tennis aces have bit the dust for the current season. Jack NaSh and Marv Pru·· sohs met defeat in the second round of t he Northern Oal Juni or College tennis tournament held at Chabot Jast week. · I n th.e· sJ.ngles action Parsons advanced to th e second round by defeating Ad olf Gn lvin of Ca.br1Uo 6·4, 7·5. lr1 the second ro1md Pa-r· sons wen t aga inst Joe Adan1s or



MASTER MECHANICS Trained in Germany

of 46.3.

2nd Round of NorCal



Lasl F1·iday night in the Los Angeles Coliseum Lee Evans showed why he is o ne of the fines t J.C. runner-s in the nation. Running in the 440-yard run, Lee top. pled all opposing top collegiate compet ition , on ly to be notified ten minutes la·ter of a foot fault called against him by the tw'll judge, who said that Evans first ran out of his lane and second ly stepped on the 1ane·dividi ng line and this disqualif•i ed him after he had won the race in the fine time

Coach Ba ker a nd Evans a,ppealed to the judges but both api) were turned down. Enms had outd.ista need his nearest oppone nt t o t he tape by t en yn.rds , and It r eally w as a h ea.rtbreaking way to loSe a. race. in 47.2. Dave Brun i and Bruce led the Evans buzzed around the first I n the re lays the J ags never Mahus to their second straight San J ose City College Intramural softball program championship last week. Rabidou the fireballing chucker chalked up a 4-0 record on the mound. The Pussycat \Vrapped up a second p lace tie in the loop with the Clowns and the Aliis. Dave Bruni captained the championship club. from a two-run de ficit. By FUANK WUIGHT • score remained knotted un'fhe, San Jose City College base- til The the fifteenth when first sacker S lgn-Ul>S for the Badminton ball team wound up t heir sea-son Frank Wtight led off with a triple tournament now bei.Jtg h e hL with a disappointing 4-3 twelve. ld 1e f t f Je to . Dea<lline for sign-ups l\Iondu.y, ~lay inning loss to crosstov.'ll rival In a. strategic tlilove the Ch abot 23. ASB c..'Vds are needed fo r par. Foothill on the winners' diamond. Steve \V.rlgh t was the victim as coach order ed the bases to be ticltH"tion. two w ell-pl aced bunts and a. b;,se loaded. The Jlressure was too muc h • • • on b<• ll.s led to t he wirudng nm In for · the ChuOOt hurle r and alter Student and faculty recreationa l the t wcLftJt i}u1in g . ' '' right pitch ed getting two m en out, waU<cd RicJJ swimming is now being opened on outsbt nding ball ff>r six innings G~Lrcla. to provhle the J oc~Lls with Monday from 2 p.m . to 4 p.m. and and ortly .allowed one hit wllile t h e the wbuling nm. Thursday at the same hour. Jag bats could not

yard dash.

Hold ovor .for a seco nd big week

"A gra nd


Lee Evans, SJCC's most prominent claim to fame in recent annals . pu·t on another heart-stopping demonstration last weekend in tw~ separate track and field get-togethers. Evans was r obbed of a first p lace finish in Frlda.y's Coliseum Relays in Los Angeles due to nn extremely questionable ~'dl by ~L turn " judge. E\'HDS, in Inn e nine, was r uled to be out of his Jan e on the final t urn of t he 44.0-ya.rd dash by t h e j ud ge. H e wen t on to a ctu a lly win th e e\'ent Jn 46.3, only to be clboqunllf;ied, thereby tJrc sen tinJ:' t h e Yictory t.t} TUDJlCt ·lll) Jim Ba.nkh cud of Southern Met hodist University. A stunned Evans could hardly believe t he decision. However, Evans was no more stunned t han the thousands of fans in attendance. The judged ruled that he 'felt that Evans had stepped on t he line boW1ding lane nine, resulting in immediate disq ualification. This is hard . to be· lieve since Jim Elli ngton of Rice, who was running in lane eight. wa.o: sid,e by side w ith Lee on the turn, making it impossible for Evans to jump out of his Ja ne. True, ever yone makes mi stakes, but why does it always happen to us? Last year the footbal l team was Victimized by nauseati ng offici· ating which cost 'them a couple of league contests. The basketball and baseball squads have also had more than t heir s hare of tough luck due to s hortcomings by local officials. Th e judge in t his instance wasn't a local blindrnan, but rather a victim of Los Angeles' smoggy atmosphere. Evan s was surely robbed, but it's no use ruining a good crying The following everting in Fresno, Lee Evm1s proved to a ll observers what a tine athlete he is, as he bree-.wd to a \'lctory In the 44.0. They didn't take this victory :twa.y, from hi111, :md his time of 46.7 was w ell in f ront of the second place fin isher. What made hiS' victory at the. .Wes t Cdast Rel ays so impressive was the fact that his showing in the 440 came on the heels of anchorman performan ces in the 440- and 880-yard relays. Although tired from his all·out relay efforts he still had enough left to capture the 440-

!C INEMA B t~s com

Lightn ing ·Lee Garner s ;·t:i"'; M ; · .. ·:; Jagged ac or entor ame First. in Fresno Affair To Take SJCC Cage Post Jottings

towel at late date_

Both in Color-Stereophonic Sound

552 So.


•e major

programs Whlch p vide men a.ud women with an ro. portunity to serve Am . , ope s })Oor. r A publlc~~ tlon of the VISTA \ OICE Will be given With fl1lo weeh:'s issue of th:e Times.



Dear Editor: At the start of the semester stu. dent council tried to stimu late ASB card sales in many ways. Tqm

Beatty, Mgr. Snl(key's ..Pizza par.-

(Volunt1~ers In Se



Academic Freedom


To Amcric1 .. ) is one or tl


nation I approached counciJ memwho agreed that Shakcy's be given a free ad in the TIMES. It seems I was misunderstood and it was thought that this was an official council action, which it should have been. I admit I made a proceduraL ClTOr in not getting official council sanction. On May 17, council approved thinking. transferral! of ad's cost from Stud. Financial proble ms :tre not t h e Govt. account to Times ad income only grey areas on this cam pus. account.

Guest Editorial


oaby elephant who took every pos-

sible chance to smear the ch arac· Circuses have something to offer ter of one candidate. The truly sad everyone; they have excitement for thing is 'thllt they had many fellow those who like to w atch the trap. travelers who condoned and SUP· eze artist, clowns for those who ported their actions. In many in· like a good laugh and danger for stances, however, the election set those who like wild .animal acts. many precedents, v~ter turnout We, the students of San Jose City was almost an aU-time high (602 College, have just witnessed a ch·· valid votes}, and all the presidencus (the recent election) and in tial a~pirants, af.Ter seeing what that! election there was something one individual could do, adopted written platforms of their own for everyone. In its defense, however, it was a (unfortunately ln some instances precedent-breaking election, indi- stealing ideas. from other schools vidual platforms and mud·slinging and other candidates). The really unfortunate thing by assorted Jndividuals and some candidates. The big issue for some about the circus is that it may not seemed to be negative feelings be over; we may to start all against blue blazers. I think it was over again. Cir'cuses are fun, excitthe intent of Mr. Hodgkins, how- ing, dangerqus and they have enever, 'to bring something of more tertainment for all but let's hope importance to mind, and the blaz- that another is not fort hcoming. ers were only a symbol to repre- As for me, I'll just sit back and sent that idea (a fact which many see what's going 'to happen. people seemed to miss). Some people would ask, a symbol of what? A symbol of the breakdown between t he governi ng body and the student body in com297·3060 I433 The Alameda municating to each other the way Rogers and Hammersfcin'~ they feel about anything. I would Two Greatest Hits question whether there has ever YUL BRYNER been any d.irect communication be· DEBORAH KERR tween the two, realistically. AU circuses must h ave arllmaJs "THE KING AND I" and ours was no exception. There ood were two specific species of ani · GORDON MACRAE mals, the willowy ¥iraffe and the


VISTA volunteers wU.l be on 1\-fondu..~., 11l.t,y . 23 Ia the Quud from 9:00 A.M. to t:Ot campu~~o~









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Beer 1Oc a glass for ladies

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ELLSWELL HOAPILI . .. Stid Sparkles six inn1n gs until S ;.u1 Jose scored Ill

the fi rtccnth wiln the help of

four walks. The J aJ:"s rccci\-'ed the key blow from El l ~~on: l l H oapili when he c rac ked a tw o-run double sco ring Frank \Vrig ht and Tim Harper who wer e aboard on succcso.i\·e s ingles. H oapili's hlt tJrovided the runs need ed to bring the locals

'Cats, Aliis Battle for IM · Finals Dick Hull •fired a no-hit ncrrun

game ·to highlight the Pussycat's 13-0 win· over the Merchandising Club in the ;opening round of the

Intramural Sortball Tourney. Hull struck out aU but one batter to face him. Mel Musser, Steve Dini and Rich Millan all contributed in the win a homerun. Behind a fin e d e fense, the Allis ~queekcd ou~ a. 4-3 wi.n over U\6 Clowns. Ed Garcia pk l<.cd up the . wln ror the Alii5. League champion Mahus ran into a little trouble, but pulled out a 7·6 win over the Regents. Man· uel Wilkins got the loss after pit<::hing a fine game; Ed Rossette led the losers at the plae. Bruce Rabidou picked up his fifth win of


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Speech .•. Coronet says a lot about you even When it' s standing still. T hen comes Logic .• • Coronet's low price makes sense to just about any budget. How about you? Like to make the grade? Enroll at your Dodge dealer's now. As Pam points out, the Dodge Rebellion wan ls you,

the year with no defeats. T he Pussycats will face tha Allis in the seco nd roWld of the tourney w ltl.le tile 1\I ahus draw a bye. AU games are played o u Tuesdays tmd the student body is invited.



A w




Thursday, May 19, 1966

~~- .Qfit~ <!folltgt <lti1ntll

Student Speaks Out

letters to tile Editor

Dear Editor, rublished each Wednesday of the school year by the journalism classes at San Jose Since I am not running for an Cif~ C~ l~e ge , Supported, in part, by Associated Student Body funds. Member Cal!forn141 Newspaper Publishers Association. Se~nd Class postage paid et San elected office again tllis sem ester, Jose, Calif. Subscription rates: $3.00 per year or 10¢ per ~opy. Phone 298-2181, wtd s lnce a platfonn on tills camext. 230. pus is tlte destruction of our present administration, I would Uke EDITOR - ..·----- JEFF MULLINS Sports Editor - - - FRED JONES Asst. EdHor - - CHRIS VAUGHN Adv. Mgr. _ JOHN MIGUELGORRY to say a. few words in defense of News Edit>< _ MIKE O'CONNOR Photo .....- .. ROYAL CHAMBERLAIN our present council. Night Ed itor -· DON KAWASHIMA Advisor ····-·· .. C. W. PALMER In years past the blazers were completely given to cou ncil memStaff Advertising:. Tony Joseph, Bill Rumph, S11eri Cirincione ; Sports: Karl bers. Today member'S pay for half lauch er, Curf1s Hyde, Pat Cav~taio, Bob Borzone, Frank Wright, Chester Wood, Paz Rocha : News: Bettie Bar~er, leeAnn Sarmento, Charles Stethe price of the blazers. The ASB vens, Joyce Ru d, Greg Gary, Fran~ Roth, Margaret Roth, Verne Albright, funds pay for the other h a lf which Bob Alvare%, Margaret Chu, Dawn Koistinen, David Martine%, is h ardly the price of six ASB cards as someone campaigning has

charged. We on council do not get blazers as rewards. These


blazers are a symbol of the school we go to. I h appen to be proud of my school and what it stands for. I am also proud and grateful to my feJlow students who elected

'Swim In'

me as Vice President of ouT .stu· T be p a p er won't roll all t11e way around. The p ap er is coar se. dent body; it is with these feelings The floors are dirt y. Water f a11cets shoot all over the place. Th ere that I wear my blazer. I am proud is usuall y no soa p in soap containers. The floors are u suall y we t to wear it. Snn Jose City College be longs • •• "'You have to swi.Jn in sometimes," says one annoyed lass. to the CaJifornJa Jwlior College Locks on doors are u sually broken . . . ~'You have to be an acroStude n t Govenune nt Association ha! at times," says. ~nother irritated lass. " B efore tl1ey wer e

(CJOSJA). E...' sem ester w e h ol<l p ainted over, the wntmg on tl1e walls was abom.inable" concludes a con vention whe re proble ms a third. "Th e situation is hopeless." ' discussed. At the recent conven· As you h ave p robabl y guessed, the subject of this e ditorial tlon he ld in San Diego, myself and i s women's restrooms on the Ci.ty College Campus. As on e of th e t h e other delegates were up till girls has put it • .. '~The ·situ a tion is hopeless." And I guess it is. a ll hours of the morning wording, Funny, but t.h e nten's restroorus are not in half as bad the rewording, discussing, and quess1ta p e as the women's r estroom s so und. Rarely d oes on e h e ar a tionin g r eform s, r riso lutlons, :nul cu st odian 1nutter foul oaths to hinlSelf as h e enter& a m e n 's room recomme nd ation s with delegu.tes t o gi ve it a daily scn1bbing. But just wait around ~nli1 h e l1 eatl s !rom th e other 72 Jwtior Colleges in the direction o f a women's room. The words would make a in attendance to Improve every ditch·digger blush . aspect of ou r campuses. \Ve have As one c us todian put it to m e rather bltfntly .. . "The only Area VI conferences where local way a door or door lock ca n get broke n is by bein g broken b y an proble ms a re discussed as well as occupant. Soap a nd water on the floor can only h e placed ther e monthly GGPC conlerences with b y an occ1~pant. "In o th er words," said this custodian, "t h ere are Junior Colleges from ou r local a reu. sorne peopl e around he r e who still n eed to b e house broken." lNG. I mn proud to be a blazer - J.D.M. thinker. B.lazer thbtking is Onproving this campus a n d blazer t hin king is imprO\'Ing me. I 1un 100 t>er cent in r~tvo r or blazer

A Circus: The Election By TONY R. FITCH, Esq. • ASB No. 52

• •

There is a n abu_qdance. of cha.ff in the air. su r.rou.nd.u ' Jg the campus these days con ce.rmng an Jssue of Academ_ic Freedom. I confess to an unfamiliarity with the intricacies of Lh e i""ue ir• ,·ts ~ present form of art show or no, objectionable or otherwi se. What 1 b all. egrotm d l b e rac ul ly. an d administiatio n bloody thenlSclves on JS unfortunate ly a d•slaut area to 1nyself and. many other students, altho ugh some stude nts h ave been issued press passes. I am convinced that these b a tt'l egro unds wi ll r e main distant t o us until we suppl y ourse lves with Lhe prope r vehicles of transfJOrtation L? arrive _ lhe~. , These veb..ic]es I envision as being synonomous wnh Acadeuuc Freedom. The art show, aS a freedom issue, sceJns nebulous atld safe i u r e lation to: Frce<Lom from the stagna ling m achin.atio ns of t h e present curricu la aoU requ irem en ts; ~""reed on1 from the stultifi cation of j fl-adviscd counse lling; Freedom to dissent ill class W'~le .Lhe i ssue is ~oL, not a t so m e la ter tiJne wben a personally obJecbonable mollon has a lrea dy prevaile d ; and Freedo111 to sa tisfy rou rs~ lf in a subject a r ea ratl1_e r thau p aying homage to the gr a d e p01nL syste m with all its ramificatioos. The r e is cert a inl y 110 inclitlation on th e part of the facuJty as a whole to allow these Academi c F r eedoms. 1 n view of L.hat fact, tJ1 e chaff that is spreading may continue to tickle some noses but n ever r es ult in a single sneeze. .In n1y opinion it is a s tude~tl p_roblem to su pply some pepper, m ~ e form of . a separat·e , acL1ve u1le r es t, to brin g uboul a con·

\Ve crumot our one to problemdevote a lone. all 1\ltw h istime being done rot" alf e.xisting llroblems and ror bl 1· 1 o pro ems w Ju•. tma.y occur. u•· bla.zen; did not cost $9,000.

A Proud ASB





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cot!ego. st~de~ts to eorn o hi<;~h in-

com e di stn but•ng material to colle e

SMILING Harriet Hamilton was the first girl to fin ish in the "Swim to Hawa ii C ontest. 1


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Werner Zollenkopf


- Ave. San Jose 25, Calif. 295·9082

Netmen Ousted in

Paz Rocha played an outstanding game for the looals and gained the league batting crown by goiog · d di t h f our- for-s1x an en ng e season

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For Pizza to go, Pltono 378-1800 or 253·0703

eome "I' with jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiOjj

tJte key hit that co uld have won it.

with a tremendous .420 batting

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Earn $3.00 per hour commissions c:elling on established customers in Campbell, Cambrian area for FuiiiK' Brush route. Must be able to woti IS hrs. per wk. or more. an instructor HJld as an administrator in I' h y s i c a. I education.

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MacGowan teamed to defeat the

Jags 6·1, 6·4. The team e nded the season with a fine 10-5 Junior CoUcge record

and a. 4-3 Golden G~lte Conference s late. Parsons the J ags nwnber on e man wtu r eturn to the fold



o,p;,., June 20

Part Time Job

ond· round action t h e team came into conflict w it h cross-town rival


Live Entertainment

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linga CoUege 6·1, 6·2. In the sec-

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HO URS: 9 A.M. - I A.M.



In the doubles Parsons teamed With Jack Nash to reach the second t'Olind before bowing out of the tourney. In first round action Parsons and Nash beat Don Frank· and ' Frank Thompson of Coa-

Ladies play free on. Sundays Ladies and Gentlemen welcome at aU times. 1719 S. Bascom Phone: 377-~971 (Ac:ross from BoABnz• )

= Address

Cars in Town

moot the pla.yer m.ust win Jils second


$1 OFF

Best Clean Used

Rocha Nabs Loop Bat Title; Jags Finish Fourth

· H D e mus a.g lns also ha d ~L fin e average. da.y in goin g two·fQr-four with his t wo hits being instrument:al in College of Sequoias. Adams d.e · Jag scoring. feated the loca1 . favo rite 6·1, 6·3. Last Tuesday the Jags defeated The loss eliminated Pa.rsons from the Chabot Gladiatoi'S in 15 inthe tournament and d eflated his nings at Jaguar Stadium . Steve hopes of a berth in · t11e State f iWright held off the Gladiators for uals. To .be e ligible ror th e SttLtP


-~ Name


Foothill. Geoff Kirber a nd Dale Experienced or fnex perience d Part-Time or Full-Time

tag1on of sneezmg. A conta gion which is long overd ue Lo r elieve

FRI. & SAT. 8:30·UO

qualified much for duty. In the 880 relay it took a 1:27.4 to qual· ify and the Jags had a 1:28.S-close, but not close enough, In the mile it took 3:17 to qualify and the Jags had a 3:18.8. The Jags had to cancel the 440 relay team due to an injury to Larry Walker. Steve Blaser high jumped 6'2", just barely to miss qualifying. Yesterday the Jags plli-ticipated in the Nor. Cal Trials in Modesto and' t he top eight men qualitiy fo~ the N01·· Cal Finals which take place at Foothill Saturday, May21.


our stuffed·op heads.

* * *

turn in 23.4 and his final leg in 22.9. The h eartbreaking part about th is race is that the disqualifica· tion of Evans did not take place until 10 minutes had elapsed. Evans, visibly shaken, and receiving congratulations, was utterly speechless upon the an nouncement he was disqualified. Lust Saturlla.y afternoon a.t Fresno the annuo.•l \Vest Coast Re· lays were ho ld whe re again Evans c ontinued Ids mastery of the cin· de rtop. Evans lite rally outrun the fi e ld in the 4.4.0 with :~o time of 46.7; later he came back with an anchor 46.4 tn the mile r elay, as the Ja,gwtrs placed fourth in their hea.t in S :18.8. Evans turned on the power in the stretch to Cl~op­ ture the 440 over Ron Freem a n of ArizorUL State, who was timed

His recent track offerings ma ke U.S. track fans stand up and take notice t hat he is here to stay. He ta kes a backseat to no one in the WQrld, except possibly Tommy Smith of San J ose State, as far as the 440-yard dash goes. Northern Califo rni a spo r tswrite~ thought so much of his efforts of the past weekend that they voted him Nortihern California' " Athlete of the Week," the t hi rd time t hey've bestowed this honor upon him this year. , - Loo EV<UlS' n ext blg test w iU IJc in t he Northen1 C:•lifornla. trar.h: ttnuJs whJch will be h eld n.t Foot hill thi~; Sa turda.y ufternoon·. \ VI th adnlission rates ve ry low to ASB card holders, biJr t;urn o ut of SJ CC rooter s s ho uld h e ex p ected. Gh·e Evans the bac king h e deserves-he's a wluncr in t he tru e sense or t he word.

The last two Jaguar tennis aces have bit the dust for the current season. Jack NaSh and Marv Pru·· sohs met defeat in the second round of t he Northern Oal Juni or College tennis tournament held at Chabot Jast week. · I n th.e· sJ.ngles action Parsons advanced to th e second round by defeating Ad olf Gn lvin of Ca.br1Uo 6·4, 7·5. lr1 the second ro1md Pa-r· sons wen t aga inst Joe Adan1s or



MASTER MECHANICS Trained in Germany

of 46.3.

2nd Round of NorCal



Lasl F1·iday night in the Los Angeles Coliseum Lee Evans showed why he is o ne of the fines t J.C. runner-s in the nation. Running in the 440-yard run, Lee top. pled all opposing top collegiate compet ition , on ly to be notified ten minutes la·ter of a foot fault called against him by the tw'll judge, who said that Evans first ran out of his lane and second ly stepped on the 1ane·dividi ng line and this disqualif•i ed him after he had won the race in the fine time

Coach Ba ker a nd Evans a,ppealed to the judges but both api) were turned down. Enms had outd.ista need his nearest oppone nt t o t he tape by t en yn.rds , and It r eally w as a h ea.rtbreaking way to loSe a. race. in 47.2. Dave Brun i and Bruce led the Evans buzzed around the first I n the re lays the J ags never Mahus to their second straight San J ose City College Intramural softball program championship last week. Rabidou the fireballing chucker chalked up a 4-0 record on the mound. The Pussycat \Vrapped up a second p lace tie in the loop with the Clowns and the Aliis. Dave Bruni captained the championship club. from a two-run de ficit. By FUANK WUIGHT • score remained knotted un'fhe, San Jose City College base- til The the fifteenth when first sacker S lgn-Ul>S for the Badminton ball team wound up t heir sea-son Frank Wtight led off with a triple tournament now bei.Jtg h e hL with a disappointing 4-3 twelve. ld 1e f t f Je to . Dea<lline for sign-ups l\Iondu.y, ~lay inning loss to crosstov.'ll rival In a. strategic tlilove the Ch abot 23. ASB c..'Vds are needed fo r par. Foothill on the winners' diamond. Steve \V.rlgh t was the victim as coach order ed the bases to be ticltH"tion. two w ell-pl aced bunts and a. b;,se loaded. The Jlressure was too muc h • • • on b<• ll.s led to t he wirudng nm In for · the ChuOOt hurle r and alter Student and faculty recreationa l the t wcLftJt i}u1in g . ' '' right pitch ed getting two m en out, waU<cd RicJJ swimming is now being opened on outsbt nding ball ff>r six innings G~Lrcla. to provhle the J oc~Lls with Monday from 2 p.m . to 4 p.m. and and ortly .allowed one hit wllile t h e the wbuling nm. Thursday at the same hour. Jag bats could not

yard dash.

Hold ovor .for a seco nd big week

"A gra nd


Lee Evans, SJCC's most prominent claim to fame in recent annals . pu·t on another heart-stopping demonstration last weekend in tw~ separate track and field get-togethers. Evans was r obbed of a first p lace finish in Frlda.y's Coliseum Relays in Los Angeles due to nn extremely questionable ~'dl by ~L turn " judge. E\'HDS, in Inn e nine, was r uled to be out of his Jan e on the final t urn of t he 44.0-ya.rd dash by t h e j ud ge. H e wen t on to a ctu a lly win th e e\'ent Jn 46.3, only to be clboqunllf;ied, thereby tJrc sen tinJ:' t h e Yictory t.t} TUDJlCt ·lll) Jim Ba.nkh cud of Southern Met hodist University. A stunned Evans could hardly believe t he decision. However, Evans was no more stunned t han the thousands of fans in attendance. The judged ruled that he 'felt that Evans had stepped on t he line boW1ding lane nine, resulting in immediate disq ualification. This is hard . to be· lieve since Jim Elli ngton of Rice, who was running in lane eight. wa.o: sid,e by side w ith Lee on the turn, making it impossible for Evans to jump out of his Ja ne. True, ever yone makes mi stakes, but why does it always happen to us? Last year the footbal l team was Victimized by nauseati ng offici· ating which cost 'them a couple of league contests. The basketball and baseball squads have also had more than t heir s hare of tough luck due to s hortcomings by local officials. Th e judge in t his instance wasn't a local blindrnan, but rather a victim of Los Angeles' smoggy atmosphere. Evan s was surely robbed, but it's no use ruining a good crying The following everting in Fresno, Lee Evm1s proved to a ll observers what a tine athlete he is, as he bree-.wd to a \'lctory In the 44.0. They didn't take this victory :twa.y, from hi111, :md his time of 46.7 was w ell in f ront of the second place fin isher. What made hiS' victory at the. .Wes t Cdast Rel ays so impressive was the fact that his showing in the 440 came on the heels of anchorman performan ces in the 440- and 880-yard relays. Although tired from his all·out relay efforts he still had enough left to capture the 440-

!C INEMA B t~s com

Lightn ing ·Lee Garner s ;·t:i"'; M ; · .. ·:; Jagged ac or entor ame First. in Fresno Affair To Take SJCC Cage Post Jottings

towel at late date_

Both in Color-Stereophonic Sound

552 So.


•e major

programs Whlch p vide men a.ud women with an ro. portunity to serve Am . , ope s })Oor. r A publlc~~ tlon of the VISTA \ OICE Will be given With fl1lo weeh:'s issue of th:e Times.



Dear Editor: At the start of the semester stu. dent council tried to stimu late ASB card sales in many ways. Tqm

Beatty, Mgr. Snl(key's ..Pizza par.-

(Volunt1~ers In Se



Academic Freedom


To Amcric1 .. ) is one or tl


nation I approached counciJ memwho agreed that Shakcy's be given a free ad in the TIMES. It seems I was misunderstood and it was thought that this was an official council action, which it should have been. I admit I made a proceduraL ClTOr in not getting official council sanction. On May 17, council approved thinking. transferral! of ad's cost from Stud. Financial proble ms :tre not t h e Govt. account to Times ad income only grey areas on this cam pus. account.

Guest Editorial


oaby elephant who took every pos-

sible chance to smear the ch arac· Circuses have something to offer ter of one candidate. The truly sad everyone; they have excitement for thing is 'thllt they had many fellow those who like to w atch the trap. travelers who condoned and SUP· eze artist, clowns for those who ported their actions. In many in· like a good laugh and danger for stances, however, the election set those who like wild .animal acts. many precedents, v~ter turnout We, the students of San Jose City was almost an aU-time high (602 College, have just witnessed a ch·· valid votes}, and all the presidencus (the recent election) and in tial a~pirants, af.Ter seeing what that! election there was something one individual could do, adopted written platforms of their own for everyone. In its defense, however, it was a (unfortunately ln some instances precedent-breaking election, indi- stealing ideas. from other schools vidual platforms and mud·slinging and other candidates). The really unfortunate thing by assorted Jndividuals and some candidates. The big issue for some about the circus is that it may not seemed to be negative feelings be over; we may to start all against blue blazers. I think it was over again. Cir'cuses are fun, excitthe intent of Mr. Hodgkins, how- ing, dangerqus and they have enever, 'to bring something of more tertainment for all but let's hope importance to mind, and the blaz- that another is not fort hcoming. ers were only a symbol to repre- As for me, I'll just sit back and sent that idea (a fact which many see what's going 'to happen. people seemed to miss). Some people would ask, a symbol of what? A symbol of the breakdown between t he governi ng body and the student body in com297·3060 I433 The Alameda municating to each other the way Rogers and Hammersfcin'~ they feel about anything. I would Two Greatest Hits question whether there has ever YUL BRYNER been any d.irect communication be· DEBORAH KERR tween the two, realistically. AU circuses must h ave arllmaJs "THE KING AND I" and ours was no exception. There ood were two specific species of ani · GORDON MACRAE mals, the willowy ¥iraffe and the


VISTA volunteers wU.l be on 1\-fondu..~., 11l.t,y . 23 Ia the Quud from 9:00 A.M. to t:Ot campu~~o~









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Beer 1Oc a glass for ladies

417 South 1st Street San Jose

ELLSWELL HOAPILI . .. Stid Sparkles six inn1n gs until S ;.u1 Jose scored Ill

the fi rtccnth wiln the help of

four walks. The J aJ:"s rccci\-'ed the key blow from El l ~~on: l l H oapili when he c rac ked a tw o-run double sco ring Frank \Vrig ht and Tim Harper who wer e aboard on succcso.i\·e s ingles. H oapili's hlt tJrovided the runs need ed to bring the locals

'Cats, Aliis Battle for IM · Finals Dick Hull •fired a no-hit ncrrun

game ·to highlight the Pussycat's 13-0 win· over the Merchandising Club in the ;opening round of the

Intramural Sortball Tourney. Hull struck out aU but one batter to face him. Mel Musser, Steve Dini and Rich Millan all contributed in the win a homerun. Behind a fin e d e fense, the Allis ~queekcd ou~ a. 4-3 wi.n over U\6 Clowns. Ed Garcia pk l<.cd up the . wln ror the Alii5. League champion Mahus ran into a little trouble, but pulled out a 7·6 win over the Regents. Man· uel Wilkins got the loss after pit<::hing a fine game; Ed Rossette led the losers at the plae. Bruce Rabidou picked up his fifth win of


JOI THE DODGE REBELLIO Co;onet scores high in any class. Art ••• Coronet's beautiful lines ancl graceful styling draw looks everywhere you drive. Math ••• take the 383 cu. in. VB, add four-on-the-floor, and you've got th e swing in'est car on campus. History •• • Coronet':; a success story of record-breaking sales.

Speech .•. Coronet says a lot about you even When it' s standing still. T hen comes Logic .• • Coronet's low price makes sense to just about any budget. How about you? Like to make the grade? Enroll at your Dodge dealer's now. As Pam points out, the Dodge Rebellion wan ls you,

the year with no defeats. T he Pussycats will face tha Allis in the seco nd roWld of the tourney w ltl.le tile 1\I ahus draw a bye. AU games are played o u Tuesdays tmd the student body is invited.



A w



'l'fiursi'!ay, May 19, 191m

Pacific Neighbors ally Presents 'Yoiimbo'

Candidates Dance~ Signs of Election Comm. By CHRIS VA UGHAK

for a job well done. The task of getting · an election going isn''t an

Assis t ant E d itor

Since election time comes but easy one! Preparation fo r the e lection b e~ once a semester and since there has been an exceptional interest grm i n Febr u a r y . Al>1'il l, petiin the student elections, it is time ti ons fo r t he offi ces we nt ou t a nd to give praise where prais·e is due. from t hen o n i t was on('!. t hing ensil;y !! ! a.fter a n oth er . T h e nominaHon asIt tu l<es tirnc an d e ffo r t put out se m bly a n<l the camlidatf>'S r :1 ll y by severa l de<liC'ated ):teotlle to n1Hl' e w er e set up b y J ohn and hJ s <'Oill --r eac h el ecti on come of f. 'fh e head mittee. Something new t h is yea r Ele~tlo ns

do n't co m e

or this semeste r's d edi cat ed co m- wa s an election commi t tee-spon-

mittee is J olm Hacl{e r , Commis - sored d a nee. Candida te's da nce took ~ionet· of E lections. place in t he \ Vomen 's Gym, l\lay G. It is generally felt t hat John I deserves credit and recognition t hrrs b een suggeste d that t h is be an election r~ffair•. Joh n has set r1 p reced ent .

Special Discount • FACULTY • STUDENTS

• ALUMNI just present your steff or ASB ce rd


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de"velo pi ng



~ pri~ting

rentals - repairs


PUT YOURSELF IN THIS PICTURE You con hove fun •• , earn good poy • • • on d hove o variety of ln· t e re sti ng s ummer job experien ce s os o Western Girl . As one of the wo rld' s leading temporar y he lp services, we h ov e o ff i ce os 5 ign· men ts e- s pec ially suite d to your Befo r• plann ing your inte-r e-s t s . summ~ r. drop in to s ee us ! *


Ca ll afte r b wee kdays 286-<t839 Sat., Sun. Anyt ime- 100 1 N. bth St.

at San Jose City College Sunday, North Fifth Street, San Jose; May 22 at 8 p.m. in the Student 294-5162.

.. ************************ MAL ES O NLY !

R ENT wi111~ J~;;--~~~~~l:lt~~;;--.-

be accompanied by a short fi lm,

"Pam and Nick," a film made last summer in Japan by a professiona l



Mrs. Ke i Pacific Neighbors wiU presen t board membe r or from their anual benefit motion picture I shikawa, tick et chairm~n, at 535

Union. This year's film, ''Yojimbo,"

Type w riters



! ! -tr: !




To L.A.


(See Page 3)

JRS e nte r pris e s Phone 286-5392 evenings





* I:~~~N~e~rl~to~C~a~l~B~oo~k~S~t~o~r·~~~~!~O~ff~ic~e~3~7~8~-4~1~23~~R~·~·~·~2~66~-~S~90~.a~:~!,::~t.f~o~n~d~a~y~t~h~ru~S~a~t~u~r~d~a~y=:,!

"I think

ideal dates, have found computer dating to be exciting and highly acceptable. All five of your ideal dates will be delightful. So _ hurry and send your $3 .00 lor your que stionnaire.

CENTRAL CONTROL, Inc. 22 Park Aven ue • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


"FASHIONS A GO-GO" will be t he theme of the 1966 HomP Economics Departme nt fas h ion show

to be p resente d Friday, 1\Iay 20, at 8 p.m. Mrs. \ VoU of the Betty J ea n -F inishing School will be the m istress of ceremonies. Go--Go

d ances and lin• music will a lso he fentured. F u. s hi o n will be shown In fou r main categories : Cottons m1d easuuJ fashions suits and coats, dressy dresses and evening and tonnal wear. All of t he outfits have been made by the girJs who wiU model them.

If you haven't examined a new Chevrolet since Telstar U, the twist or electric toothbrushes,



City College citizen soldiers who are su pposed to play wa r games on the week ends with their local R eserve or Guard u n its and fail lo sh ow up fo r the militant activities may be in fo r an Uncle Sam aime d jolt. According to Gen. Harold K.

May Art Festival Is Canceled By · Hawley, Oeschger

Joh:nson, A rmy chlef of staff, Reser vists and G uardsmen wh o miss too many d rills will be de m oted for ineff iciency and may h ave to face a two year tour of duty under Selective Se r vice mandate.

A l Pe pon is cam e tQ w ith in 12 vo tes and 2 pe r ce n t of b e ati n g wri te-in ca ndidate D en n is P e r cy,

City college's annual Spting Art The order specified that three Festival held each May has beet:~ unexcused absences in any year canceled by its facul ty directors, "are considered excessive." The new l)Cnnltles are in add!-. Joe Hawley and Ray Oeschger of t ion t o an e xisting r eq uirem e nt the Ar t Department. According to Commissioner ol Fine Arts, Dorwu L eouti, fjThe festival was called off due to conflict between the F estivu.l's directors and the school's chief admhtistra.t pr tor, H. R . Buchsc r, the board of trustees." The boa rd of trustees has · expressed the desire that an incident occun!jng in last year's Fes tivaj does not hap~ n again . T he occurrence bj>ing th at an art object of "pornographic" pature was disp]ay¢ and 'YaS cpnsequently.,removed froffi "the ex,hibit by thf chief adminis tra~or. ~Questioned 'a s to whether or not they could ~u~r:antee that a similar "objectionable" art piece would not be exltibited, t he directors answered 'tha:t it' is not they who decide what will be shown, but that it is the ruling of a professional j uror who selects an en· tl"Y. for lt.s "af;!s\h~tic" value.


255 to 245 , as 32 voles coll ected by surpri se write-in Jeff M ull ins was enough to offset a p rimary

t hat a ny Guardsman or Reservist fa iling a drUling obliga tion ma.y be ca.Ued to active d uty for 45 days of t raiuJng. T here is special em ph as is on National Gua rd and R eserve training currently b~au se of t h e VietNam situation and, particula rl y in the case of high est priorit y units, because of a dr ive to get a l SO,OOO m an "select force~· in top readin e~ s

by Juty 1.

""'==="""== ======""'



PeponisDecision Prompts Student Criticism Wave

over victory.


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Move out in May ~ the Chevrolet Way

Coca-Cola Bottli ne Company of San Jose, San Jose, California


-See your Chevrolet dealer! CHEVROLET • CHEVELtE • CHEVY II • CORVAIR


Cflurtltl Dlflfitl

. '

cre,Pancies between t he I .C.C. char ter and the constitution, he is n ot Co ll ege Union to se rve for a the one to straig hten them out.. yea r's t erm passe d with a 384 H e told t he' TIMES that If t h e "Yes" to a 152 " N o" margin.

bo<ly constitution."

clubs feel t hey have been suspend ( Continued on Page 4)



JOHN iUIGUELGORRY • •• 2 nd Place

RON BERKI . ... 3rd Place

Student Plans 'Tower Lisf' Next fa ll Cit y College stu dents ma y ob~rve • unique ilfld iti o n to th e stack. of pubhcanon s th · racked up in th e college book ~tore.. An u.nhiased 44 T owe r List.' smu!~r to. . e San Jose St a te tea che r eval ua Li ort ed.ll.,lon, IJS 1ll d ·f " all p am · · · . . bl " Its trutia ] ]>l1 ase o f pre p a ra u on an 1 b 5 d1ca· Work out ' " says Ra y Boaz, op ' " th e' pu e nt stu · 6 han wi ll h e available to n ext sem ester


ing of the Student Personcl PoUcy Committee cha ired by Wi lliam Blum. jjAs a. result ot t he mooting," snld Bhun, " a wri t ten policy d e teraction against che.."\.tlng m<l Y be deve loped 1n the near fu~


w o uld



J oh n Miguelgorry 1s the City College Times chief advertisement agen t and Ron Berk1 is the present Freshman class president. Vince Carter is merely one of the greatest profs on campus as well as a music instructor.



problem everywh ere, was the topic of discussion last week at a meet-


ActiviHandsome, debonair, blue-eyed commissjoncr <if Student ties. George Watts, has won the Ladies \Vatts, Comnili!.sloner of F inance, Man On ~ Campus contest again . won t he coveted L .l\f.O .C. A wa.rd ~21,93 worth of cash votes beat for the second time in a. r o\V. He out the econd place \Vinner, J ohn reigned ~ u l te llingly throug hout Miguelgorry who collected an even JUs te nn, •acco his s ubjects, and he intends t o k eel) up hJs good $15 worth of votes. Third place wi nn e r , with $12.69 looks, his ser ~LJl !>e al and h is "ceris Ron Be r ki who nudged :fow-th tain touch'' during the r est o f tllis Place Vincent Carte r with $12.15. The contes t, spon sored by Beta Phi Gamma., ga.r ner ed $100 which Will be u sed for sc.h ola.rshlps. Taking an early lead, according to Chris Vaughn and Dawn Kristinen who womened the polls most of the day, was Randy Mulrine,

eral E lectio n nm-off W ednesday, May 18.

ASB Cha rte r. Aooordlng to R ichard Kirby, P resident of Si gma S igma,. uThe munner in which s uspende d clubs w e r e n otified ls dir ectly in violation or the s tuden t

nta.nage r Dia ne Hal-t smile L.M.O.c . Goo rg e \VattJ a nd caml)aJgn ...

shame on you! AA

De nnis B arone r eceive d 63 per cent an d 62 of 98 vot es cast to win the F r osh Presidenc y. Don· n a Leon tj ' s 244 vo tes an d Anne AL P EPONIS DE NNIS PERCY Magnie's 128 t a bs of 528 ballots ea ~t will put them iJllo a Ge n· - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - -

Candidates .Relate Platforms .in Quad

F elix Pacheco led Jim Pio, 147 to 92, into a Sophomore Preside nt General E lection runoff, and the Am.e ndmeul to the Constitution whi ch would allow all clubs that have reached t he By MIKE O'CONNOR Conunissioners of Finan ce and point of possible suspension. On T he recen t decision by Inter- the other hand, the I.C.C. char t er Rook and Buddy BishQJ> TUESDAY, ~1AY 9 - QUAD. real names h ave been with· Club Council's Bill Peponis to sus ~ makes no- such provision. Accord~ ASB presidential debates were a:re presently le ading tlie pend 12 clubs h as brought a wave ing to Kirby, this conflict in con~ MERCHANDISING ELECTIONS held here today before a crowd of of criticism to both P eponis and stitutional procedure makes t be Rene ~lanzlni was elected Pres- 200 interested students that J>eard the r.C.C. e harter. Peponis made entire issue of the recent suspen- iden t of 1\l e.rchandlsing Chili last Steve Burch, Curt Hodgkins and sions null and void H e feels tha t Jim Steele each stake claim to the the move after th<> clubs had failed if the written warnings had been night after a two hour ''ballot- Chief Executive's position for Fall ba-ttle" tha.t saw him lvtn by one to regularly attend the required issued these clubs affected woul ·..:vote. Dave Reis became V ice-- '66 semester. h'i~· bad• an...... opportunity to r ein- President, Roo. K ing won Treasee'lTngs. BURCH stated that it is his plan without having ure r, Sue PoweU w as e lected if elected to revise the ASB conThe m ain objec.tiQn to the sus- stare themselves to be completely suspended. Secretary and Ka thy Williamsen stitution, expand the Student Unpens ions is tha.t they were hanwas voted I.C.C. representative. ioh Program, represent extended althoul!'h tha.t reported t• e h t violated hat t ay w a. n i dled day students, provide top names there m ay in fact be certain dis-

The- all-con,u~rs Chess TOurnamei~t sponsored by Commissioner 1\fa rl e s Alaimo's S tudent U niqn now is in fu ll swing. The chu.ff has been 'weed ed a.od th e champio.ys gea ri ng their Knlght.s and Pawns for the final checkmat!e.

R oger (their held)



19GS Impala Sp<Jrt Sed an-a more powerful, more beautiful car at a most pleasing price,

Phone 298-2 181 / Ext. 230

Blazer burnin g Curt H odgkins capture d 315 vo tes a nd a 55 per cent m a j o ri ty over S te ve B urch and incumbent J im Steele to la ndslide into the offi ce of As· sociated S tudent Bod y P resident.

Policy Committee Takes Look Into Campus Cheating




- •·


(See page 2)

Citizen Soldiers Face • • ·Draft for Bugging Out * * * * *- * * * * * * * * * Of Weekend Drills Barone Wins Frosh - Percy vs. R~ponis in Cieneral

D 0 N 'T •

Your Vo te


Kirby said that t he constitution provides for a written warning to

We ad mire yo ur spirit, b ut you just d on't fl t in to the team.



" h lO·Cola " and " (oh" on r1gill111d lradt·markl whit~ ldnllfy on~ thl ptod •ll ar Th Co1a·Calo Componr

F ~,-


C!i mtli

10% Discount

with A.S.B. Curd



<!.tit~ Qiofltgt No. II

Vol. 17



Evans Off


; a s Uttle CIS motion pictLlre company. The film ~ tells the story of two exchange Where Your YOLKSWAGE" ~ ,: C students from San Jose, Pame la is in ;. +: Bartlein and Nick Pavloff, who Good H11 nds • • Per Day visited Okayama under Pacific , foe ALL !...o n Three Neighbors auspices. Hec NEEDS. : Mont hs Relotal. l ~ Co!!l/ anytime The ruJI length rum presen ted ~ ! " d d h this ~rear is "Yojimbo" (the Body~ ~ e " Cho ose from un re s il~ gu:t.rd), w h ic h was (lirected by ::, : Plan Rent~to-Own our Try e most 's Ali:ira Knrosawa, J a pan 972 CHESTNUT ST. : If you received a J .O or better ~ noted <lirector. An eastern-western, N EAR HWY. 17 AC ROSS -tr: overag e in your Spri ng Seme.ster ~ it has a. t heme miMI.v influencea JOHN HAC KER THE FREEWAY FftOM FMC iC you will qualify fo r a scholastic ;: by s uc h fine ex:unples of the LOOK FO R TH E "Big Sit," as the coverage of the American western as "High Noon" , •,rnm·r rD MACH INES CO : d iscount on . your c::ar insurance! : CAR IN TH E SKY ~ l< and "Sh:tne"-both t•itting a. lonely polls was called. ~ Call PAUL SCOLA i' 12-4 E. Su Fernando Open 8 to 5, -tr: R on Berld, Fresh111::t n Class Pres- man aga inst evU forC'es In a t.own. iden t un d a membet· of th e E lecthe leading ¥-'1'-¥._..¥-¥¥-'1'¥¥¥¥¥-ll'-ll' ............ ~ an Mifune, role Toshiro by year, playedthis is Again tJon Co m m ittee stated, John is one of the gr e1ltest mem~ actor many remember for his ro.le h e rs on the cou ncil this s emester. as the rapist-bandit in "Ras ho ~ He a lways has the student in mon." Mifune won the best actor Who is your ideal date? Thousands use Central Control and its high-speed m ind ." award at the 1961 Venice festiva l Kurosawa. by used often is and Kathi Bruni, Asst. Commissioncomputer for a live, flesh-and-blood answer to this question. P r oceeds will go to tho student er of elections felt that "He's wonexch.'lnge f und of Pacific Neighderful to work for." Your ideal dale - such a person exists, of course. To t he committee and especially bors. W illie students chosen for t he But how to gel acquainted? Our Central Control computer be· program exchange y J ohn, I'd lil<e to suy yo u've done two-wa. processes 10,000 names an hour. How long would it take a. wonderfu l job . . . keep up the tween Oka.yama a.nd San J ose pa.y you to meet and form an opinion of that many people? good work. their own transport-ation, and live You will be match ed with li ve ideally suited persons :lS h o u se guests with a. series of oppos ite sex, right in your own locale (or in any the of Thi rty-five la.w enfor cement of- families in the two cities, P acific U.S. you specify). Simply, send $3.00 to Central the of area ficers representing sh': t>Olice agen- Neighbors he lps with other e.xyour questionnaire. Each ol the live will be · for Control cies throughout Santa. O.lara Coun- penses from the student C.'\:Ch an ge as perfectly matched with yo u in interests, outlook and und. f _ ty we r e ~ra<luated Friday, May background as computer science makes poss ible. . Donations for the motion picture 13, fr om San Jose City College's Central Control is nationwide, but its programs are $2.00 and students for Sl.OO are B asic P eace Officet•s' Training localized. Hundreds ot thousands of vigorous completely for adults. T ickets may be ob Academ y. and alert subscribers, all shating the desire to meet their tained from any Pacific Neighbors

l============::;;=; /

Movie & Still


John and his committee checked an signatures on the petitions, OK'd posters for tlle candidates, made a s heet of the r ules for the can didates, and arranged for the

---- -------- --:I¥


and teach e rs ca tegories . .• a verage,

com pi le d

would fall into three above ave r aJJ'e o r b e low ave ra ge." Another " attraction fe a tured in City Col· l ege's m anual. missin g in Sta te's, \\<i ll h e a r esum e of each of th e classes m a d e hy the teache r himse lf. " Th r ough this publi ca tion," continues Boaz, " the s tude nt will have be tter knowl edge of the instructo r and wha t he wants out of a s tude nt." u ~'bat ca m e as an idea fo r a fin a l speech in Pub li c Sp eaki ng 12A ," con cludes Boaz, " m ay b ecome a r eali ty in the hands of Alpha Ga mma igma, City's H onor oci e ty." 41 B asicall y, a n unbiased " T ower List" woul d p r ovide a stud ent with knowledge of what he is facing wben h e r egiste rs Cor a class," said B oaz.

ture." Up •until now, instroctors used their own judgment in the handling of an errant student. The policy has always been understocxl a nd in most cases the student is given a grade lower at semester's end or is promptly dropped from t h<> class. "An u nd erlying reason for cheating in our socie ty 1s tbe ove r -em· ph asis on m a terlali.-;tlc endS/, stated Blum. 41Th us the college deg ree h as become merely a ticket, o r admission, to the affluent society!' "The means by which one attains

success (wealth) has become less important than the end result ... the material trappings one owns,"

said Blum. "When personal standards fall, an individual becom es

prove and extend Registration. promote facu lty-student interaction, reform Student Court, estab-li&h a stuQent health service, I"evise the constitution in parts, improve and revise t'he student hand-

ter if re-elected include giving in· formation to freshmen teW n g o-t ASB card benefits, revise constitution, estabJish a Commissioner of

for CuJtural Series, improve and Extended Day, set up student · strengthen I.C.C. and compile a faculty advisory conunittee, ar· Tower List.. and a list of downtown range tor a "Student-Speak-Out facilities and stores that will proDay' ' each week, select a represenvide ASB card dis coWl ts. tative student council and complete Hod gkins, who camp ai gned H ODGJUNS expressed the defor Student Union arrangements r elen tlessly a gainst the " tyrann y sire if elected to provide a FridaY and Quad sound sys tern. of B I u e-B iazer Gove rnme nt," Film Series with wider appeal, imessentially won the h eart and vote of the so-called "a path etic union" of City Coll ege studen ts wh o, q uaintl y dubbe d " Hodg· kins' Anny" appe are d en m ass at the polls to vault the ir l e ader into office. Ste ve Burch 's tire ]ess presid e n ti a l campai g n was enou gh to give lllm a fi_ve-vote mora l viclory ovf'r th is year 's AS B Prcsi· de nt Jim Steel e, 130 to 125. The ve r y imp ortant General Elec tio•l8 wi ll be h eld n ext Wednesday, M ay 18, to deci de the offi ces of Vice Preside nt, Secr e tary, and Soph om ore Class CASH IN HAND-Deluge d with hands and che cks is Si Simoni, President. P.E. Department, this yea r's president of the Santa C lara County Cornm.lssioner of Finance Geo rge

Watts announced that the

1966 ~ 7

Societ y for Crippled Chil dren an d Adults. Th e checks , fr om S.J .C .C. stud ents tota ling $12 5, will help finance a summer camper program for the crippled .

Associated Stude nt Body , budget wiU go before t he Student CoWlC!l


City College W eekly Bulletin 3. Track. West Coast Relays at THURSDAY: May 12 Fresno, 1 pm. 1. Student Council, 10 am., Rm.

Colleges ,H.ol~ 'Headhunters Ball' •In Cirove

U-200 Rm. MONDAY: May 16 2. Supreme Court, 11 am., 1. Student Court, 12 Noon, Rm. U -205 U-205 3. Music Recita l, 11 am., R m. F -7 State Tournament at PalGolf, 2. College City J05e San 4. Baseball, oma r, All D ay vs Foothill, There, 3 pm.

FRIDAY : May 13 1. Student Court, U-205



TUESDAY: May 17 Rm. 1. Student Council, 10 U-200

2. Law Enforcement G radua tion, f'The Head-Hun ters Ball," a fou r 3:30 pm. to 5 pm., Thea tre school dance, will be held at t he 3. SCAT/ COOP, 6:30 pm to 10 pJl1., Library and L-5 Coconut Grove 011 the Beach at Santa Cruz. The schools partici- 4. Track, Mt. Hamilton League, . body." . Here, 6 :30 pm. to 10:30 pm. pating will be City College, West Th e spirh be hinil the City Coll ~gc versiOn Valley, Cabrillo, and Gavilan. The 5. ln tercoUege Dance, Coco.' t or the ~'Tower L is t," a cco r d in g ."0 ~LS cr~f1tob, G rove, San ta. Cruz, 9 pm. to ies.) (2) Tests n eed to be •uper . dance will be held tomorrow, May he Boaz, " is the h op e l11 a l the puhhcat .othn " , am . 1 13. vised in orde r to protect the vast e teac of a r e al service to the 5tudents. and T he m usic wilt be provided by 6. Tennis, N. Calif. at Chabot rity of students wh o neYer reers." sort to ch eating a nd , (3) alter the tbe urn va.ders" and t he dress f or SJ S clition City's booklet h " U l"k. SATURDAY: May 14 ' 0 b'livelyevale Di e t . e test, studen ts should be- assurOO of the eve nl n g will be d ressy-dress. f lee Would be a sincere a ttempt to 4-H Fashion Show, 1\Ien's Gyrn, 1. stag $2.00 for oold be will bids The accurate, consta n t' and fair 800rlng. llate t h e ins truc tor. Tlt ere Wt"II be n o room ·or I llam. to 11 pm. available are Bids drag. $3.00 and from vary should tests l\Iake-up iarcastic wi t. An avera ge of all ~jty Col ege Ln· N. Callf. at Chabot Tennis, 2. i.ll U1e .f~ QWu. ~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~G·~~~~~·~·~·~~~~~~,~~GG~~~§~~~~~~ th~ orlg"iua\5. open to cheating on exams." Blum mentioned th ree a reas to w hic h teache rs are responsible to students fo r a.- test: (1) Test mat& r iaJ sh ould be relevant and c learly s truc tured and secu r f'. (Secu re, !iO t hat stud ents m ay not cop-

book and protect student-faculty academic free'dofu. · STEELE'S plans for next semes·


Meeting, 11 am., Rm. U-200 S. Ci,1l Righto Forum, 11 am., Q uad 4. Tennis, San Jose City College v• Santa Clara, Here, 2:30 pm, 5. Truck, N. Calif. Meet Trial• ot Modesto, 3:30 pm. 2. I.C.C.

WEDNESDAY: May 18 1. GENERAL ELECTION, ASB 2. Student Court, 10 am., Rm. U-205 3. Co-Ree N{ght, 7:30 pm., Wom· en's Gym.

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