In Passing
$;h~i~hi;;' s~;;ested
1 saw hwufl·t>ds, her e a t school,
Walking, looking; Down. around, And I saw one. Svanding, st m·ing up!
In Law Enforcement 1 ~ or'd~r
to promote more applica ttons m the field of Law En~ fo rc~ment, the San J ose Ci ty Comm uruty Relations Unit has proposed scholarshi ps for s tudents who wish t o or are a ttending San J ose City or San Jose State Col lege. San J ose Police Department has 11 two year mini mum fo r college CHR I ST~IAS SHOPPERS WEOFFERAIO% DISCO UNT COMPLETE LINE OF PETS PET FOODS ACCESSORIES MANY UNUSUAL 'l'YPES AVAILABLE
educa.tion for all their employees as an effort to attain professionalism for police officers . It has been discovered, however, that this education standard has been keeping many prospective people interested in Law Enforcemen t from applying for jobs in the City Police Force. In order to promote more recruits for t his much needed field ,
In order to apply for this scholarsh ip the following requirements a re necessary. Applica nts must be male, have an esta bli shed fi nanciaJ need, the ability to meet t he physical req uirements for em ployment as a police officer, having an eVident interest i n the field of Law Enfor cement and he must be a full t ime stude nt. After a ll appHcants 'are screened t he fina l decision will be up to th~ committee for scholarships. San J ose City wi ll then notify the successful candidates and outline the procedUJ'eS for collecting the awa rds.
SJCC Administration and Communi t y Relations Depts. are asking for a s tudent opinion poll, reLost in his dizzy dream-world. gard ing t he selectio n of guests to Knowledge is repugnant ; a passing appear in the campus CultUl'al Sememory ries. is sweet. If I know you , I cannot So that students might have time to seriously consider the matlove yotL ter , the poll will n·o t be tal<en immediately, but on t he second school wcel< following the Holidays. At t hat time, a cut-out ballot will be Our narrow-minded world of sin pr inted in the T IMES, which is to Lacks peace for anot her life to be _filled out by the student, and dropped in a ballot box located begin just inside the mai.n entra nce to When you hold your thoughts the Student Uflion Building, within, It is hoped that s!ud ents will, Where they fight and fi ght to over the Chr istmas vacation, spend win. a little time and some serious conThey fight to win and yet they sideration in th e select ion of rJoslose. sible fu ture guests. Thoughts are not for us to choose, In the past, such celebrities as But t hat alone above us moves th e Rev. Martin Luther King, Mrs. E leanor Roosevelt; and more reTo toss us into human ooze . . . cently, Glenn Yarbrough, Bishop \Vc humans choose our dear fate. w J ames Pike, and Barbara McNair e step ou t the door and through have appeared . the gate According to Dr. Larr y ArneInto o wor ld made solely w it:h rich, Dean of Men and Direc tor 0~ h'ate. Athl etics, no solid effort until now Let's hope and pray it's not too has been put for.th to obtain a late . . . st udent opinion. Rather, guests ha; e. bee~ arr-anged for by schf?Ol
GARAGE EUROPA Rep•ir of Volkswagen• - Mercedes - Porsc he 'Y ~ ,au~ ~wj ~ ~-~
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muc h faster t ha n hand.
THE NEWEST A ND SAFEST R ENTAL GEAR I S NOW A T MACY'S VA LLEY FA IR W h at a boo n f o r the so metime s skier, for snow bunny you ng sters likely to outgr ow b oot s and p a nt s in t he course o f on e sea son! M a c y's S ki Re ntal Shop supplie s e ve ry t hing in every size range a t mo st reasonable weekend a nd week-
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sions an d corrections.
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Special student discounts.
Modern Office Machines _ 124 E. San Fernando 293 -5283 293-4588
San als, J ose mFi.ne Arts Commiss off1C1 coordination with ion the the Chamber of Commel."Ce, and CAPE., the College Association for Public Events and Services . George Holeman, Faculty Advl sor for the Student Council s~ted a lt hough the student Will be allowed to determine who will~ appear on the Series, final selection must still be made by the above wi t h consideration for avaiJability and cos• 'Alex King, newly named Com-
BABY'S DIAPER SERVICE We medicate ~dl baby'• d'• • pen Wlnl • '"
DtAPARENE Ste rilized and s,.,· -Soft F' . h _. No. 4th St. _ Phone _ 294 1933 77 " m•s em
offset st e e l interlocki ng edges. All rent-
ARE YOU YOUNG, energetic and interest d . d . exciting things? If you a re why do 't e m omg new a nd O FFICE (room 42) and size up the sit:at'ton. youDcome bhy the TIM ES .· t er new a nd am b Jftous membe rs a re urgen t! ue dto t e new semes- the girl in th e pictu re above dropped b/ theeSte1f Patty Guedelj fou nd it ve ry inte resting a nd it also gave he r
room and she
e h a
people she probably will never forg et So if a c a-n ~e to meet some extra units and have a fla ir for w~iting you are '"f neehd of thre& STAFF-now! Sign up or t e TIMES
News Briefs
~ ...c....·z'•d..b..K...... V ~~_;.. om.pt e
augh an
WASHINGTON .. . United Sta t es aircraft have been bo
. . ltary targets in Hanoi, America n offi cials ackn owled ed mbmg milthe first time. g yesterday for
WASHING TON .. . Bill D . Moyer, press secre t ary a nd s :>ecial to Presiden t Johns on announ ced yes ter da y he will \ asWh ite _H ouse Feb. 1 to becom e publis he r of N ew s day a
paper m suburban Long Island, New York.
n ws-
1\lADRID . .. Spani ards turned out in large numbers W edn
a~d overwhelm ingly endorsed the modern m o narchic future Gen. ~~~~
~lSCO ~ ranoo
has sk~ t.ch ed out to follow h is gene ration of r ightist rule Spam_. But oppos1t10n cropped up in t be fo rm of heavy abst t" m Madrid and Barcelona. e n tons
·Inter-Club Counci·I Plans Food Drive T he a nnu a l food drive was the , ro
A l1 the clubs a ft e r answering to c , a.nnounc t e pan s t e1r
main topic of the lnter-Club Coun11 all ed h 1 h · club has m ade to h e 1p make t he Dee. 6. drive a s uccess. S ki Club is offeri ng a free lift ticket t o t he person who b••ings in
t he most tooct. Co-Recr eation, has p lannad a nig ht wher e th e adJnission is a can of food w ith a r aifle to be he la\er on in the evening.
24 H r. Service
The Bond elec tion was also one of the m a in topics brought u p becore the council Dennis P ercy, ASB
ur ged
t he
w holeheart edly for the bettenne nt
a l skis hav e no -wax Kofix base t reatment. FULL RELEASE BINDINGS with
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BRITISH WINTER JACKETS double- breasted pea coats, rawhide, suede, wool, $9.95 & up
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Delu xe 8" t ilt a rbo r - $37 .50 A LL NEW TOO LS
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ate your tummy grow•W•W•W•YI
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2nd Floor, San J ose
~S~IIm~l.e.~~~,~ MERID IAN - 286-9666 Sun. thru Wed 11 Thurs th • a.m. to 12 p.m.
42e S. First St.
of SJCC. .A rally was held Tuesday, Dec. 13 in the Men's Gym at 11:00 where the campaign w ill get un· der wa y with ihc prese ntation of the dra wings and pla ns of the enlarged campus to the stude nt bodY-
$15.$37. 00 50
~~ good pizza deserves another,
stove-pipes, bells, hiphu~Jgers , in plaids stripes and cheek;.
San Jose
opon Mon.-Thurs. 12 noon to 12 midnight open fri.·Sat. 12 noon to 2 a.m.
T his se mt?ster's election iJ sp ect for m e mbe r s of tht> stu· old So f iology major. Perry, w ho shaping np 10 be a poliiical den t council, and p re pare a "served as Vife PrPsidcnt for 1.he ba11le between th e fa ction s of b ud get th at will b e fair to all fall temi, feefs •ihat tire mu.in the presen.t council an.d /hose fac ti o ns on on campu s for the thing Jm· student governm ent 10 • 67-68 sch ool ye ar." Aikman do •is to ' 1involve a.Y many st~t. s tated th at the umain reason I I MES, sta te<l th at as ant ru n n ing for stud ent b od y ' presi de nt is b e in g a m e mber of t his stude nt body with all the
Student Body Presi dent are Richard A ikm an of th e Merchandisin g Club and D en nis P ercy of the p resen t council.
Dennis Barone is running u.n·
-----------------~---------· 1 oppose(l ice Presiclent. Anderso nforis V also run nin g Su.e un -
=~=========~;~~~~~~~=====::='==J Isrepresentatives to have t he ir clubs upport this necessary campaign
Ch oose wood , metal o r f ib er glass with
Write.-ln ··· ······-·:··············· ················
Aikman, Percy Vie .for President
Traenlrle. Finishing out th e ballot are Michael Freese and Jack This sem ester's ASB election Licursi running for Freshm an Michael lfreese will be h eld t omorrow with Class P resident. J ack Licursi ei ght studen t.\; runni ng fo r the • R ich ard Aikman , i n talking Write-in ·····················-········-J·········· five offices. Th ose running for t o the T
Sue Anderson
enough mterest is shown in • of the program.
....... ,..................................
Col'!'esponding Seeretary
PHONE- 739-6887 .
an d trim stre t c h pa nt s f o r m en, w o men,
Ski ?hop, (lower level), M~c y's Va lley Foir
Write~in ................. .. .. .................:.....
t o Choo se Fro m .
sively. Water-repellen t quilted parkas
COASTERS A ND CAR RACKS also ava ilable . _
Dennis Barone
All Popular M u sic , " Oldies But Goodie s ," and " Top 30." Over . ISOO
Macy' s Charge A ccoun t '
a nd comfo rt. TOBOGGANS, SNOW
LAS VEG~ · · · I ndians f~om fi ve western states, meeting here for peace t alks wtth the government, adj ourned We dnesday clad · s~~ulde r the bulk of the responsi- bonnets. m war l munity Relations Director , b~hty concerning the Cultural Ser ies. He favors a student opinion SA~RMIENTO . . . Republica n R onald R eagan fell just 7 000 short poll- t hinks it's a "great idea ' ' of ousting .Dem.ocr a tic Gov. Brown by a one~mill ion vote ma~gin, fi nal and will bc in c harge oCmcchani~s s tate election figures s howed W ed nesday. of opinion gatheri ng. According to Mr. King, "T here ls . . ~STANn.UL .. Turkis h wars hips ste:ame:d out t o sea and t wo no reason why the S eries cannot maJor TurklSh n aval bas es wen t on 24- hour alert Wed nesday following rese t reports of new s hipmen ts of Communist-ma de weapons on their "-Y to P n many more guest.;; than are Cyprus. •• ... C:AR:ACAS . . . Army troops W ednesday occu pied Caracas' Comappearing now." Although the cost of s~mc speakers and enter tain- mum_st-Infested Central Universi ty and seized an arsenal of weapons e~ IS high, (Dr. Ma r tin Lut her nmgmg from h.a n d grenades to m achineguns . Ki ng comman~s $3;0Wfor an hdur · _TOK~O ... The conflid f cir sUpreme i_)ower"iin R ed China appeared and a h~lf~ Yarbrough, $2,500)' t? mten~l.fY Wedn~sday. ~or the fi rst time, ·a high party offici a l pu b· m any errunent personalities can be llc ly ass:uled President L m Shao-chi and party secre tary Teng Hs iaohe~ for a minimal cost ; some Pmg. f ol onJy travel e~e n ses. _T he Santa Clara Coun ty School District allots $'20,000 a school year for the Cultural Series and ~he ASB chips in $5-10,000; 'howver, It l~ Kmg's opinion t hat more fu nds m~ght be al locat ed, where ~roadening
W r i t~in
Eight St-rive 'f or ..sa Offices;
F reshman class president
4 Track Stereo Ca rtri d ge Tap. e for Home and Auto Unl' fs
6 p.m. to any tim e M o nday. Use you r
insulated a nd selected fo r e xcellent fit
Wrlte· ln ........................................ ..
renta l weekend runs fr o m T hursday a t
Dennis Traenkle
Dennis Percy
~t~he:l:r=l:a:s:t~m:e:e:t:in:g~T:l:le:s:d:a:y:.l, --~~~!~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c~il~a:t DIS
ly rates. And Macy's c on venient sk i
· J\w P..(o
Jtic:hard AlklUan
Sophomore class president
He's wiser than us alL
expenses .
" T he Pet Man' s Pet Store"
Student Poll To-~ Determine Guests Of Cultural Series
I t hought perhaps,
a proposal from Chief of Police Ray Blackmore, Sgt. Lee Brown, and Officer Daniel Campus of the P olice Community Relations Unit for schola rships to students has been una r:Umous ly endorsed by t he Sa n J os e Police Advisory Board. These sc h olarship s will be granted on a one semeste r basis and may be renewed by the students . The scholarship for San Jose City is $200 per semester to assist in the cost of transportation tuition, books and ot her incid,ental
1191 Lincoln Ave. in Willow Gl en 298-1110
' l
ru Sal U a.m. to 2 a.m.
Important Notice West Coast Promotions is looking for ne w talent
FOR INTERVIEW CALL 269-0305 - 6-9 :30 p.m. 264-1640- 7:30-9 :30 p.m.
Display of 'Master Plan' • Revealed in Student Union In view of t he dissenting opin-
opposed for AS B Secre tary. So phomore Class President can· · d idatcs are ]im Pio and Denn is
One of the strongest characteris~ tics of the tran sformation is t he integt:ation of open sp aCes with s tudent centered functions, such as the providing of spaces for studen t inter action and student circul~tion.
ions concerni ng the F ebrua,r y bond election a nd the "Mas ter P lan," Dr. Paul Elsner, Director of Institutional Planning and Resources, has planned a display of pictures, In addi t ion to this. a ne w womdrawi ngs, relief ma ps, and models, en's gym w i11 be built to include which will be shown in the Student performapce and cultural series Union mezzanine from December capabili t ies. ''The key feature of t he Master fif th t hrough the ninth. The chief purpose of t he display Plan is t hat it has allow€§ us to is to clear any question t hat · the conceptionalize the general config student might ha ve concerning the ura tion of functions. The int erna l "Master P lan." It also serves to relationship of spaces, size or classbring informa tion to the students rooms, etc. is still to be de terabout the architectural plans of mined. In view of the class-size DENNIS PERCY t he colJege, particularly those issue, I would hope that where prelimina ry drawings of the interna 1 which will direct-ly a ffect them. spaces t akes place that faculty. Highlighting the display will Le students, and staff participation an outdoor, ' open ampi -theater, be the keynote in all planning efwhich has been designed for the forts. Furt hermore, 1 would like to explicit purpose of unlfying the see an advisory planning commjtstudent body. The ampl-t heater, tee, consisting of representa tives augment ed by t ree plantings and from the student body, faculty, and terraced slopes, will be congenial administra t ion, be formed so t hat for studen t gatherings, o utdoor we can properly pl'an with basic thea ter, r allies, and relaxing. Loca- philosophical agreement in mind ," tion for the a mpi-thea'ter will be stated Dr. Elsner . No. II Vol. 17 between the present fine arts and Also on display w ill be pictures science buildings. Other fea tures of the disp1ay of t he sig hts of the t wo new junior colleges which will be built in Mi)consist of renderings of t he open· pitas, along Piedmont Rd. a nd court and inter-court concepts that ooarding the Eastside foothills , and r elate t o a large academic center complex. A massive, eight hundred Evergreen. T otal cost fol' the transforma foot long, three story b uilding will tion of t he school will come t o sixbe constructed t o house the ee n million dollars. -.choofs academiC"C'lasieS .~
of lh<> busi.ness- orien fed club. Since there are only two candi ..
dents as possible in. the areas of . datPs n u w ing for o ffi cP 1/ds rell l edt.tcation ." election in lL spnse, will be till~ Per cy al" o felt that th e stu- final t>lecli on if an yon e r an pull de n ts should i nvo l ve the mselves- 50 per cerrl of I he 'l'O/cs plus r e quirf'm e nts fo r th e office il 's with th e bonJ issue and that one. stude nls should be on th e fac ul Po lls w ill b,.. o pen from 9 the least I c an do to h elp the ty senate. " A ctivity program is ·1
s tude nt. b od y p resid e nt. he would } jkc to Hr evise t he constitu ti on and make it l ess bulky and mo re fl e xib]e." He wonl d al so like to " restore relntions \~ith s tude nts ln wha t e ver cap acity o the r jun ior coll eges in Lite I am called to do." Golde n Gate Presid e nt Council, Dennis Pen :y, the other canre duce th e price of student body didate for pre>ident, is a 22-year car ds to $6, r est ore s t udent r e ·
al so a m a jo r p a rt 'of the swdent go vernment as we'll as policy making on campus,'' cornr n e ntcd P er cy.
unti 2 =30 p .m . for the da y stud ents and from 6:30 until 9 :30 p .m. f or the e \ e ni ng st u·
Phone 298-2 181 / Ext. 230
Student Council Promises Records Office Discusses
Kathi Eckert Appointed (hief Justice by Council
To 'Fully ana Actively' ~~~~,~~~~~~,~~~~~ 'he· Bond Issue ~!~d:n:;u:~or~~e:p:~:~~:~ .7t ~~tu~~::e:h~~h$::ryi~!\~~:!~~ SuPport t
each stUdent to have his turn at is manda tory tha t al1 students who t he highest priority. plan to regist er for the spring semest er 1967 m ust h ave a counseling appointment before a permit cou rt to take, Eckert said t hat As a result of administra tive tion's position. As a test case, the Administration "to see if t hey were K athi Eckert, present ly a judge "Students are held accounta ble for for registra tion will be issued," in the Student Court, has been ap- their actions on t he outs-ide, they and Board of Trustees concessions council has asked th~ Dean of Edu- r eally serious or if they were playwarns P aul Becker, Dean of Adcation, Dr. Ellis Benson, to "rec- ing wit h us." pointed to head t hat body Chief should be able to police themselves to their demands, the Student tify the inadequate hours and servIf Administration proves fait hful missions. J ustice. She was given the position on t he college campus." Council of t he Associated Student ices in the library and the Lan- in these ar eas t hen t he CoUncil Sign up for counseling appointby the Executive Council in a speBody has reversed its past position guage laboratory." will pr oceed wit h t he plan to seat ments began November '28. Stuand promises to •fully and activeT he Council has charged tha t a student on every standing ad- dents who have not obtained councially conyened se)lision last Tuesservices in both areas were in- ministrative committee. The pur- selor appoi ntments may still T he big day is drawing nea r! do so day. !y" support the District's bond adequa te t o• hAndle s tuden t n eeds, pose here is to let the students and ar e urged to sign up as quickly The · play th at has everyone talk· Percy reported tha t the recom- have some means of d irect control As Chief J ustice, Eckert. will l;le issue. as possible. ing, The Twin Menaechmi, is to mendations were put before the over t he way the campus is run. responsible for the e fficient runSt udent Council. had previ<msly A new system of prioritieS h as ning of the court and the enaCtpremiere on December 8 at 8 :30 condemned t he bond issue because ·been developed for Spring 1967 ment of its decisions. She will also the. masterplan ihS.t "it would fund registration . In the past registr&~ p.m . in the Coll~ge Theater. preside over sess ions err the Su- "Women photographers" will be allegedly ·"didn't reflect f aculty or After many months of prepara· tion priority was on a "f irst come, preme Com·t. (The Supreme Cour t featured in an exh ibit of photo11 tion, the cas t and crew of t he play s tudent desires or first needs. served" basis. The ne w sysis made u p of all t hree judges, sits graphic reproductions in t he San t£"m of priorities will be based on are ready for anythilig. Their diT.he student government advised ' ' on cases appealed from the lower J ose City College Library, from units completed (which includes rector, George Forrester, has t hem the JlOard of Trustees that it would courts and d~.ides th~ constitu- now until Dec. 18. the student's cun-ent load) as fol- trai ned io' perfection in all phases fight t he bond passag'e unless a tionality of laws brought be· The showing will include some of l aughter, fun a nd lo\'e. Not only lows: "genu ine and sincere attempt t o· fo re it.) 30 reproductions of photos repdoes Ule play prom1se to be enjoy .. Grou p 1, 50 or more uni ts cominvolve students in every area of ,., Accordiilg to th e, new Chie f Jus- resenting t he work& of women able but it's . a guarantee [or any.. campus planning" w~ made, Acyears. The second site would begin pleted, F eb. 1, 8 a.m.-9 a.m.; group t ice, she plans to expand the juris- photographerS from 1935 to the cording to Vice Presiden t Dennis Two land sites ha ve been se- its first phase construction in 3 to 2, 20 to 49 '{, unit.\; completed, Feh. one with a song in his ht'art and a diction o~ the court to incJude present. hop in hi s step. P ercy, these conditions have been lected for development into cduca5 years depending upon the need. 1, 9 :20-11 :10; group 3, 12 to 19% City College Photography In- me Ltiona! fa cilities according to Herunits completed, Feb. 1, 1 p.m.-4 areas t ha t am now handled by the Bl'ing your gi rl Hnd you'll wi t .. Both sites when developed, would structor Edward F . Shuster of 363 Percy said tha t the s tudents.. man R . Buchser, Distlict Superin~ bandle about 12,500 students each . p.m.; group 4, 6 to 11% units com- ness a little fun and a lot of edu .. adminis tration. faculty, or not con- P ennsylvania Ave., Los Ga tos, has will involve t hemselves in two tendent President. He also stated pleted, Feb. 2, 8 a.m.-10 a.m.; cation (the good kind). Remember, trolled a t all select ed the works of eig ht women areas of concern: the masterplan that all conditions of the contracts group 5, none to 5 ¥z units com~ December 8 is the night for fun Eckert plans to "Bring the re- photographers for the showi ng. and current campus policies. F o r have been okayed by ow-selves and pleted, Feb. 2, 10: 10-2 p.m. Shuster developed the showing sponsibility for student actions undel' the stars at the presentation the masterplan, a committee made the la ndowners. This system was developed so of The Twin Menaechmi in the closer to t he s tudents." She asked, to "help inspire t he capa ble qua Ji- up of fa culty, adminis t rators, and One site, owned by Sm ith Comties of women in this area of students will review all phases of that it would n ot put a priori ty on Coilege Theatre. pany, can be purchased fo r ~5,000 ''Wby aren't t he students taking photographic expressio~ which can per acre. It is t he old Co ncor care of their own grievances rather readily utilize women's compassion, the developing plans. Ranch l ocated between the areas Annual draft calls should genthan running to the Admi nistra- insigh t and perception." Shuster Even though the general draw- where San Felipe a nd Silver Creek erally be limited to 18-year-olds, tion or t he faculty? " Adding t hat hopes more women will take in- ings have been made and approved, roads come together, and consists an A nny specialist on Selective she "wants to br ing students w ho terest in photography and has pre- the details of classroom si zes and of 240 acres. Service told a national conference pared this exhibit to exemplify the result ing affects on teacher loads The second site, owned by Sa- on t he draft Monday. are suspended from classes acare still to be worked out. It is outstanding results some women sone and can be purchased for Col. Samuel H Hayes, director cused bf chea ting, or are subject t o ha ve achieved. precisely in this area tha t the $10,850 per acre and is located be· of military psychology at the U.S. Th e reproductions in t,he exhibit Student Council wa nts its voice disciplinary action for other oftween Piedmont Ave. and Cala- Military Academy, suggested that fe\)SeS before the cow-t so th at will include works in color as well heard. veras Road. This site i s 166 acres. 19~ year-old youths a lso sho uld be Percy h as stated that , according their fellow st udents can judge as black and wh ite, and will dea l T he San Jose Junior College D is - retained on the draft lists on a mostly with hwnanity as to present plans, the re would have their offe nses "ind set penalties." st a nd-by basis jn case of eme r~ matter. been a substantial drop in t he- trict has an option on both sites S huster extends an invitation number of teachers while the nwn- until J anuary 1968. Buying the gency. To explain her position on the " If not induc ted after their 19th new -.s~ nce s he would like the to t he public to visit the library ber of student would h ave in- Jand would culmina te negotia tions year or not deferred for cause," for buying two separate sites. """"'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"' lexhibit, which is open without creased. Some classes would have the oUicer said, "they should be charge for admission from 7 :30 bee n scheduled to seat 150 stu Buchser said th ere w as one excused from fur ther liability for a. m. t o 10 p.m. Monday t hrough dents. According to Percy, "We minor hitch. The Dis trict has no The T IM ES staff is now accept ing material for our Chris tmas T hursday. Hours of exhibit on Fri- want to see that the faculty money to buy this Land. Tha t would milit ary service. "This would r educe uncertain ty edition. All material must be in day are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., while doesn't get so overloaded t ha t it be up to the voters February 21 substantiall)'l' si nce t he majority S aturday the exhibit is closed, and the hands of the staff by 5 p.m . isn't a ble to teach us." when the $28 million bond issue js would be selected the first year Sunday1 hours are 1 to 5 in t he Thursday, December 8. The second area of concern is put before them. The bond issue after registration," H ayes said. would have to pass in otder to buy The mater ial m ust be typed and afternoon. H e JlrCSPn ted his \i ews in a S huster is a strong proponent the present policy of t he adminis- or develop the two chosen sites. be double spax:ed. P oetry, s torie<l paper to a. four-d ay confe rence at tration. Even t hough they have of photography as an a rt [onn , and other material will be accepted The Concor R anch s ite is being the U niversity of Chi cago attended MICHAEL WOOD prepares fo r the upcomirg f'l ay, "Twin Men• is a member of t he Societ~l for received assurances of good faith ir they deal w it h a Chr istmas and Photographic Educa tion a nd t he the council is stilJ a bit leary of contemplated as hopefully being by mor e t han 100 scholars, governaechmi.11 th eme. ent officials runl students. American Society of Maga ":ine built on wid developed within two - EDITOR the sincerity t;>f t he administra;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o=o=o=o=;;;;;;;o=o=o=o== Photographers.
Twin Menaechmi Premieres Thurs. In College Theatre
Library Exhibit Offers Prints
Two Sites Selected For ,New Campuses .
New Planlimits Dra_ ft Age to 18
Band Prepar~s for Para4e; Music Dept. Hosts Recital
Tuesday, December 6, 1966
~ ~ rublished each W odo;s d ay 0 1 t he sc hoo I year by the .rou malism classes at San Jo.se C't C II Memb I yc r-7 ·~·- upported, in part, by Associated Student Body funds paid :; Sa~ •J:;•a cNff'spaper _Pu_blishers Auod.etion. Second Class posf.tg~ Subscr•pf•on rates: $3.00 per year or 10¢ per copy. Phone 298.2181,
The SJCC Band is preparing for its big event of the semester -The Junior Rose Bowl Parade!
:·n. ;)0.
Ed itor ···············---···--·Ch ris Va ughan M.an.aging Editor..•.. Russ linderwe ll Future Ed itor ..................Judy Bed Adv isor ·············-·········C. W. P•lmer
Sports Editor..... .. •..........Chet Wood Copy Editor ________ ________ _ Pat Bolcioni
Rumph, Joe Rando n e, Bob Ma ig $, Bob Allen, Te rri Bennett,
Adve rtisin g Manoger.... Ton y Joseph
•nd Mike O 'Connell.
Sfaff: Ju Smith, C.rol Biedsoe l inda Hughes, John Bodine, Paui
Rondone, Ferrara,
Band Director Darrel Johnston reports that final preparations are under way to jet from San Jooe Airport to Pasadena, site of the bowl game. The entire band, con s j s t i n g of approximately sixty-five members, is scheduled to leave Friday, December 9. Lodging for the group has
louie Jensen, John Feist,
Terry Perry
Buchanan ,
Photographer$ ···-···········Bonn ie Cyr, One Berg1,f r•nd
Girls Prepare Basket 'Overgrown High
l(ris' Korner
An Opinion I
. Tomorrow th e student body of San J'o 6 e City College Will go to the polls to elect tl1 eir offi.cers for the com ing semester. This is no light matter. You may not r ealize tl1e p~wer :ou give th e. students who are elected. They hold m the1r power tb e life and death of a budget. They can cut where th ey " feel " it is n ecessa ry.
W~c!l and, if you vote, remember that tbe people you are e Iec Cmg spen d one semester governing th e student body. Deci de who you want and then vote. Whether you are an academic freedom follower, a member of th e Merchandising C.l~h, or an athletic team member, you lJave a res ponsibilHy to yourself and th e other members of tl1e student body to reco•·d y.our opinion. Polls arc open all day tomotTow anil all you need is a student body ca rd and an opinion.
Once again this year, the Cosmetology Department of San Jose City College furnished a needy family a Thanksgiving dinner. Each year the Cosmetology Department plans a complete menu for a holiday meal. The students then donate different items to complete the meal .
The turkey is donated or sup.. plied through Cosmetology Club funds. This year the department received a 25 pound turkey for three newspaper subscriptions. Volunteers of America took t.he responsibility of finding a fami(y to receive the dinner. The students even included candy for the children.
UNICEF Cards Now On Sale
Joseph Hawley · x·Wins Award
Leon Levenson, of the English Department, has announced the sale of UNICEF Christmas card~ in the foyer of the Library. The cards will be on sale until December 16 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily.
Joseph Hawley, SJCC Art Department, received a $150 ·a ward for his stoneware container en .. try in the Biennial Exhibition of the Associ ation of San Francisco Potters. The exhibition is cur~ rently showing in the de Young Museum at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. The art professor described his creation as a large sculptUred container with colors of metallic cop~~~ gold, and silver. He has won several previous awards but is especiaUy proud of this one since he was competing with professional potters.
Proceeds from the Christmas card sale will go to UNICEF and will contribute to medicine, food and education for displaced children overseas. The cards are cop~es of origi~ nal paintings by famous artists from aJJ over the world. They feature beautiful religious and winter scenes with chiJdren the dominant characters.
BABY'S DIAPER SERVICE We medic•te ell h•hy's d iapers with
Play Features Cast&Crew By JAN
Sterilixed end Sani-Soft Finished
77 No. 4th St.
Rep•ir of. Volb!agens -
Yes .•. well now, what is your opinion of the ,:iirector? "Who? Oh, you mean that beady-eyed, bearded guy who takes over on stage when we do the orgy scene? ! ! " Readers, this is your friendly replacement for your on the scene reporter still speaking to the cast of The 'I\\1n Menaechmi. Young lady, could you stop brushing the director's beard long enough to give the press a break? Thank you. Do you find that you have to beg and plead for audienclS? •·No, we have a new and more effective way or drawing crowds. We 5prt?ad thn word that for 75 cents and two bo; tops off Banana \Vackies, the people who come evenings of December 8-10 get to pre-'i-eg;ster for next semester. {tee heel"
Of The
And, for good reasons ... like sm~ rt styling to enhance the center diamond ... gua rante~d perfect (or replacement assured) ... 0 brilliant gem of fine color and precise modern cut. The nome~ Keepsake, in your ring assu res lifetime sat. t 1sfoct1on. Select your very personal Keepsak 9 your Keepsake Jeweler's store. Find him in th: yellow pages under "Jewelers. "
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of beautiful 44-poge Brid~'so~h f?r only
qualifieds started to drive for equalizing score When Bill Leo intercepted a pass o n the 20 and went 80 yards for the score. Leo's TD came with onl y five second to gq and stopped the Unqualiiieds determined bid to tie the score. Captain Dave BrUni t eamed with qu arterb~ck Larry Robinson on ~ 38-yard TD pass play for the Fagg fi rst score. lntra.murul di.re<~tor Si Simoni h as a. single elimina.tiotl footbnll tournament s lated to begin on December l.S. The "tourney is OJ>en to any new 'teams \\"ho- wish to join tho tourney. The Losers a nd the 69'crs continue to pace the bowling action as each team boasts a 16-4 mark. The I ndulgers and the Italianos follow . closely behind the leaders with 13-7 and 11-9 records, respectively.
Save with weekend discounts! Send for your free Sheraton !{) card today! It entitles you to room discounts at nearly all Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns. Good over Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, summer vacation, weekends all year round. SEND FOR YOUR FREE ID CARD!
The athletic sta.ff from San. Jose City College h as . .annowtced the dates for the physieals required for a ll men inte-rested in play lng sport-s Ln t-h e sp ring. All men should r eport to room 306 on Mond'a.y, D ecemb er 12 or \Vcdnesda.y, D ecember 14 between 1 p.m . and 5 p.m.
. c..,.
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Ralph Kearns who paced the Jags in the team's recent meets.
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Swim Meeting
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Swl.mm.iug coach Bob JonC6 has announced thR-t there wUl be a m eeting for any men interested in competing In Varsity Swimming in the Sluing. The 1~1<:-cting will be held tn the m e n 's b'Ym on Thursday, December 8 at 11 a~m. Jont..:.s said tha.t anyot\C una,hl.c to attend the meeting should contact him as soon. us I)OSSibJ e.
floor Samples
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Shop, (rower level). Macy's Va lley Fair
The only runner who will not be back is hard working sophomore
Ron Acosta finished on the heeb of Alvarado and Woodliffe as he finished 65th and seventh for the Jags. Next year the Jags should have a real shot at the State Championship as six of the top seven runners will be returning to lead the Jaguar harriers.
.d -ilPunwtn .•• ·. . a.t and save money
~. iiow· ro. F>'L.AN 'vouii 'E:r.iGA'ciE:'MiNr 'At.io' w'E ·.. ·.. •·:
DOl NG : Pleose seod now 2Q.pogo booklet, "How T0 PI y : and Wedding .. and new 12-poge full color fold~n b our Engagement
an outstanding race coming in 42nd for the State. Louie J ensen another first year harrier did a fine job for the team, endiAg up in the 44th position. Manuel Lopez ran the best race of his life as he became the fourth Jag to cross the 'line. Jim Alvarado was 61st in the race and fifth for the team. Bob Woodliff, another of the team's fine young runners was the sixth Jag to finish and the 62,nd runner in the State meet.
•111tU f-0" JIGII. JO UOOO . ltJIIU ClfP..UIIID JO JMOW IUtlfY ar DUAl L. A II . fCifD CON~.I'IIJ, Ufl:.lfl • HISMlD IUJ.
: t\lso, send special offer
Wrestlers Seek Aid In Upper W·eights
8 IUU - •A ~Jt ~U .
Free Pick-up and Delivery
The San Jose Crty College crossCITY COLLEGE TlME8-S came through with seven rnark- Tuesday, December 6, 1966 team journeyed to Los country ers. Jeff Norris and Bob Penny Angeles for the State finals last rounded ou~ the scOring. with two week. The team· came in tenth in and one point each. the entire state. The place was the On Saturday night tlte Jag• punch, nnd dropped their first, for the J ags as it was last same two encounters. Both losses are hosted \Vest Valley, seeking th~lr they also finished tenth. when year practloo tilts to non-conference first win. The Vikings were able Sophomore Ralph Kearns runto stay out of rea.ch from the toes. ning his final cross-country race In the season's lid-lifter t he opening t1 11-off a nd took home a a Jag paced the team with a as Jags played even with Laney for 61-54 victory. 2-7 th place in the State meet. fine T he Vikings jumped to an early most of the game untJI a late was the fifth runner from Kearns surge by the Eagles pushed them lead a nd held the lead until the CaJ ifornia to cross the Northern Going against major competition well up in the t.oupljlffient. Both half. The J ags came from interpast the Ja gs 73-60. line. Freshman Chris Henry ran finVenegas AI and Raybould Jeff divisions upper-weight any without After one half the game was mission trailing only 26-24, but tied at 37 each . Following the they were not able to na.zTow the the San Jose City College wrestlers ished fourth in the tourney, far 1 are still seeking a win in practice and away the best ,~figwings any intermi ssion, Laney \\las able to gap to less than~ two poin ts. The team has droppe¢ five Jags so far on the year. meets. Jeff Norris paced •t he attack by edge out a short margin. With In the early season dual meets three minutes left in the game, notching 13 JX>ints. Steve Blazer straight meets, all practice tilts. Jag forward S teve Blazer fouled was also in double figures with 12 The team does not have a man Raybould and Venegas have been. out and Laney w as able to pull digits. ·Oscar Reyes had 11 marl<- over 177 a nd the forfeits have the team's only c011si.Stent wiQners. Raybould boasts an unblemcost the team several victorieS. ers for the game. ~ a.way to the 73-60 margin. 6-0 record, while Venegas ished losses recent most team's The West Vafley also had three .1· "Blazer bow~ ut n~ t he gn.me'~ ~sLUng . scorer, tallying l!l digits doUble figures, with Ernie Lewis have come at the hands of West has only one defeat to mar his"5-1 In 3 losing effort. Jag center Ver- leading the scoring parade with 17 Valley and Modesto ,in a grueling mark. Tyrone Mont-e--.l has shown triangular meet. The West Valley patches of greatness, winning more na1 \Vn.tson c.hJpped in 15 JlOlnts points. was 35-15, the Modesto count t han half of his· matches. score Center W atson had s"ix ror the &o help kect> the Jagu~rs iu conToffiorrow the Jags will open Jags while Carling was chipp'ing in was 27-14. tentlon.. Against MQdesto the.Jags jumped the Golden Gate Conference schedMuch of Jast year's offensive five points. Bob Penny had four punc h came from guards Paz w hile Steve Ledesma and Bob Hale out an early 3-0 lead as 115 pound ule when they travel to Chabot Rocha ·and Bruce Rabadou. The rounded out the scoring with two Dave Rojas took a decision. AI to tangle with the Gladiators. Venegas at 137 was also a winner Other important dates on the grapguards were una ble to. supply any and one each. schedule include Dec. 30 the Steve Blazer hnS paced the Jags vl'a a decision. T he team's top , type of offensive punch, combinItt scoring so .tar, hltttng for 31 rhan Jeff Raybould, a 137-pounder, day of the Chabot take-down tourtng Jor only 16 points. · Following Bl azer and Watson points, nn :we ra.ge of 15.5 per scored the Ja&s' only pin. Leonard nament. 'Big days on the •team's slate in the scoring was guard Bob glt.me. \Vatson follows wit h 21 Eade, the team's biggest man at point-s and a. 10.5 average. These 160 aJso came in with a decision will be Jan. 13-14 when the Cal· Poly Junior College Tournament a.re the onJy, Jags boa.stlng a.v er- over his opponent. Against Wes t Valley the Jags will take place. The GGC finals ages In double figures ISO far. Tonight the J ags travel south to could only come up with t hree will be held at Diablo Valley on -play Monterey Peninsula College. winners. AJ Venegas won via a Feb. 25. The qualifiers from the The Jags will be trying to add 8 forfei t. Tyrone Montez, 130-pounds, conference finaJs wiil "have a s hot pinned his opponent and Jeff Ray- at the sectionals. The •North Sec\\fin to their 0-2 record. On day the Jags 'Play the University of bould took a win via a forfeit to tion wrestling tourney ~._will be on Again this week rain siowed the Santa Clara freshmap team a~ the account for the team's 15 points. March 4 at Foothill. intramural ac ti on, but t he athletes Civic Auditodum. The Jags w11l be San Mateo hosted their annual were abl e to get one touch foot- going up a gainst the strc;>ngest San Mateo Invitational tournaball game in , and a complete set freshman team in the school' s his¥ ment with eight teams competin g in the tennis tourname nt. The for the top spot. '!;he Jaguars, 380 W. Santa Clara Street . ht bowlers of course w~re able to tory. For he.'l.d ~oach pa't Dougherty without benefit of any upper we1g San J~se, California have a full slate of action at Fiesta the game with the frosh will be n.n divjsions . were unable to place • 295-9298 297-3377 4nes. attempt to defeat fo ur years of his highly in the team standings. The In the lone intramura-l footbaJJ . d~h~a~v~e~t~w~o~w~r~es~t~le~r~s~fi~n=is~h~~~~~~~~'!!!l!~~~~!' coachin g wit h one yetlr. b1 the con-~J~a~g~s~di~ game the confident Faggs narrowly te~.;.t Dougherty's Jags wiU go bea.t the stubborn U nqualifieds, against D~nnJs Awtrey who Dqughfor their lnitlal win of the 1966J061 season. After severa l hnpre18ive JJrncttce sc.rlmmages the ,Jap hM'e lost the offensive
Ernie's Auto\Sales
* ICitlfCirfO
Tonight the Snn Jose City Col .. I:Iale with eight points. Forward Jere baoketba ll quintet will trav- Ron Carling also netted eight digel to :Monterey :Peninsula looking its. Oscar Reyes, t he other guard,
Same with Model304 Camera 49. 95 Same with Model 404 Camera 62.50
To Laney, West Valley
Poce Footbo/1 Roce
860 lincoln Ave. Sen J~se 25, Calif.
"Love is a purple antelope on
Hmmmmmmmm • • • There
SJCC Hlarriers Tenth In Cal JC State Event
. Choice . ' .
a field of tunafish." .•.
City Drops O pener
Th.o score does not fully teU . roa.J1y 'vas as erty · '1iow (\1 (\W- th e ft• with AwtreY t he tJie Faggs led 8-0 at the half. othel' high school JWith time running out, the UnIn Ra.l11h 9r;den.
Trained in Germar'ly Werner Zollenkopf
Let's move along now end speak to Frank Adams. Frank, what is your opinion? Frank? Oh_. Frank? ! ! Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, Frank seems to be daydreaming. FTank?
few of the crew and cast to compile their answers into one main thought. What is that main thought kids? "Sex." .••
Dear Editor: I hear many SJ CC students state over and over that t hey are tired of being treated like over~ grown high s c h o o I students. TheY' do not like the connotation this' school has, as an extension of high school. These same students participate in, and allow others to carve theiT initials, etc., on the school desks, draw obscene pictures ,on washroom walls, let their yell leader& swear openly in front of them at sport events, (I don't include in this words such as hell and damn, these are tame to use today) let these same yell leaders encourage booing officials at sport events, and the list goes on and on. Don't get me wrong, SJCC students are not aJone in acting immature, This goes on at other Jr. coUcges and at four year colleges, but this doesn't excuse our student's actions. H opefulJy, by bringing this out into the open, they wiJl See t he "Jight" and change their actions to those of matw-e col1ege students. Only by acting more mature can the students overcome the stigma this school has, ·a s an extension of high school. If not today, maybe the students that follow will be able to do this. If we set the examples, the new students will follow. Richard A. Carlson
Merc,des- Porsc.Jte
"You mean people actually 'have other things to do? ! ! "
must be an easier way to make a buck than this . . • . Moving briskly along now, I'm asking a
Phooo 294-1933
This is your on-the-scene reporter talking backstage to the cast and crew of the upcoming December 8 musical The Twin Menaechm~. Well, what do we have here? Ladies and gentlemen, t.he narrator of the production , Asa Berger has consented to give a statement. Sir, do you think being involved In a play demands a great deal of your time?
School Students' Irk Collegian
been arranged with the Knicke r~ t In past years th<> City Coil~, Band has come in as high aa bocker Hotel in Pasadena, for fifth place and never lower than one rught. An added attraction eighth. for th~ members of the band will be a tour of Disneyland immediately after th<> half-time paThe music department Will rade. The group will go by bus host its second student 'recitaJ or to .Disneyland 'a nd after the tour the semester on Thursday, -~ has been completed back to the cember 8, in Room F -7 of the airport for the flight back to Fine Arts Building. Instrurnen. ' Sa n Jose. talists and vocalists will vie tor The main feature of the trip, recognition by the student bod,y of COW'SC, will be the competition as being outstanding in their with ot her bands in the parade. chosen musical endeavor. Twenty-five college bands from Eight students will hij;hlight throughout the State, will comth e recital. They are: Candice pete for the hon or of being Blodgett, a soprano; Dorothy judged the ' best in tile parade. Mestemacher, pianist; Bob Taor. Each band will be judged from mina, trump e t player; ·Doug a reviewing stand as they march Straight, drummer; Linda , Exthrough the streets of Pasadena enrout" to the stadium. At ha lf- . berger, pianist; Mark Butler time, they will march 'in t he trumpet player ; Joyce Banru: pianist; and Jean Thrift, a vo. same 'order 'across the length of t he football field, their rank in calist. All interested students are .in. competition being announced as they 'pass. vited to attend .
Jags Seek First Win Tonigh~. a~ Monterey~
j the taste you never get tired of. , , with Coke ... after Coke ••• after - -.. ~!llloo~<io!-·
Includes SIrons ' 2Woods
2599 limited
• ... 69.50
Band Prepar~s for Para4e; Music Dept. Hosts Recital
Tuesday, December 6, 1966
~ ~ rublished each W odo;s d ay 0 1 t he sc hoo I year by the .rou malism classes at San Jo.se C't C II Memb I yc r-7 ·~·- upported, in part, by Associated Student Body funds paid :; Sa~ •J:;•a cNff'spaper _Pu_blishers Auod.etion. Second Class posf.tg~ Subscr•pf•on rates: $3.00 per year or 10¢ per copy. Phone 298.2181,
The SJCC Band is preparing for its big event of the semester -The Junior Rose Bowl Parade!
:·n. ;)0.
Ed itor ···············---···--·Ch ris Va ughan M.an.aging Editor..•.. Russ linderwe ll Future Ed itor ..................Judy Bed Adv isor ·············-·········C. W. P•lmer
Sports Editor..... .. •..........Chet Wood Copy Editor ________ ________ _ Pat Bolcioni
Rumph, Joe Rando n e, Bob Ma ig $, Bob Allen, Te rri Bennett,
Adve rtisin g Manoger.... Ton y Joseph
•nd Mike O 'Connell.
Sfaff: Ju Smith, C.rol Biedsoe l inda Hughes, John Bodine, Paui
Rondone, Ferrara,
Band Director Darrel Johnston reports that final preparations are under way to jet from San Jooe Airport to Pasadena, site of the bowl game. The entire band, con s j s t i n g of approximately sixty-five members, is scheduled to leave Friday, December 9. Lodging for the group has
louie Jensen, John Feist,
Terry Perry
Buchanan ,
Photographer$ ···-···········Bonn ie Cyr, One Berg1,f r•nd
Girls Prepare Basket 'Overgrown High
l(ris' Korner
An Opinion I
. Tomorrow th e student body of San J'o 6 e City College Will go to the polls to elect tl1 eir offi.cers for the com ing semester. This is no light matter. You may not r ealize tl1e p~wer :ou give th e. students who are elected. They hold m the1r power tb e life and death of a budget. They can cut where th ey " feel " it is n ecessa ry.
W~c!l and, if you vote, remember that tbe people you are e Iec Cmg spen d one semester governing th e student body. Deci de who you want and then vote. Whether you are an academic freedom follower, a member of th e Merchandising C.l~h, or an athletic team member, you lJave a res ponsibilHy to yourself and th e other members of tl1e student body to reco•·d y.our opinion. Polls arc open all day tomotTow anil all you need is a student body ca rd and an opinion.
Once again this year, the Cosmetology Department of San Jose City College furnished a needy family a Thanksgiving dinner. Each year the Cosmetology Department plans a complete menu for a holiday meal. The students then donate different items to complete the meal .
The turkey is donated or sup.. plied through Cosmetology Club funds. This year the department received a 25 pound turkey for three newspaper subscriptions. Volunteers of America took t.he responsibility of finding a fami(y to receive the dinner. The students even included candy for the children.
UNICEF Cards Now On Sale
Joseph Hawley · x·Wins Award
Leon Levenson, of the English Department, has announced the sale of UNICEF Christmas card~ in the foyer of the Library. The cards will be on sale until December 16 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily.
Joseph Hawley, SJCC Art Department, received a $150 ·a ward for his stoneware container en .. try in the Biennial Exhibition of the Associ ation of San Francisco Potters. The exhibition is cur~ rently showing in the de Young Museum at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. The art professor described his creation as a large sculptUred container with colors of metallic cop~~~ gold, and silver. He has won several previous awards but is especiaUy proud of this one since he was competing with professional potters.
Proceeds from the Christmas card sale will go to UNICEF and will contribute to medicine, food and education for displaced children overseas. The cards are cop~es of origi~ nal paintings by famous artists from aJJ over the world. They feature beautiful religious and winter scenes with chiJdren the dominant characters.
BABY'S DIAPER SERVICE We medic•te ell h•hy's d iapers with
Play Features Cast&Crew By JAN
Sterilixed end Sani-Soft Finished
77 No. 4th St.
Rep•ir of. Volb!agens -
Yes .•. well now, what is your opinion of the ,:iirector? "Who? Oh, you mean that beady-eyed, bearded guy who takes over on stage when we do the orgy scene? ! ! " Readers, this is your friendly replacement for your on the scene reporter still speaking to the cast of The 'I\\1n Menaechmi. Young lady, could you stop brushing the director's beard long enough to give the press a break? Thank you. Do you find that you have to beg and plead for audienclS? •·No, we have a new and more effective way or drawing crowds. We 5prt?ad thn word that for 75 cents and two bo; tops off Banana \Vackies, the people who come evenings of December 8-10 get to pre-'i-eg;ster for next semester. {tee heel"
Of The
And, for good reasons ... like sm~ rt styling to enhance the center diamond ... gua rante~d perfect (or replacement assured) ... 0 brilliant gem of fine color and precise modern cut. The nome~ Keepsake, in your ring assu res lifetime sat. t 1sfoct1on. Select your very personal Keepsak 9 your Keepsake Jeweler's store. Find him in th: yellow pages under "Jewelers. "
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qualifieds started to drive for equalizing score When Bill Leo intercepted a pass o n the 20 and went 80 yards for the score. Leo's TD came with onl y five second to gq and stopped the Unqualiiieds determined bid to tie the score. Captain Dave BrUni t eamed with qu arterb~ck Larry Robinson on ~ 38-yard TD pass play for the Fagg fi rst score. lntra.murul di.re<~tor Si Simoni h as a. single elimina.tiotl footbnll tournament s lated to begin on December l.S. The "tourney is OJ>en to any new 'teams \\"ho- wish to join tho tourney. The Losers a nd the 69'crs continue to pace the bowling action as each team boasts a 16-4 mark. The I ndulgers and the Italianos follow . closely behind the leaders with 13-7 and 11-9 records, respectively.
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The athletic sta.ff from San. Jose City College h as . .annowtced the dates for the physieals required for a ll men inte-rested in play lng sport-s Ln t-h e sp ring. All men should r eport to room 306 on Mond'a.y, D ecemb er 12 or \Vcdnesda.y, D ecember 14 between 1 p.m . and 5 p.m.
. c..,.
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Ralph Kearns who paced the Jags in the team's recent meets.
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Swim Meeting
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Swl.mm.iug coach Bob JonC6 has announced thR-t there wUl be a m eeting for any men interested in competing In Varsity Swimming in the Sluing. The 1~1<:-cting will be held tn the m e n 's b'Ym on Thursday, December 8 at 11 a~m. Jont..:.s said tha.t anyot\C una,hl.c to attend the meeting should contact him as soon. us I)OSSibJ e.
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The only runner who will not be back is hard working sophomore
Ron Acosta finished on the heeb of Alvarado and Woodliffe as he finished 65th and seventh for the Jags. Next year the Jags should have a real shot at the State Championship as six of the top seven runners will be returning to lead the Jaguar harriers.
.d -ilPunwtn .•• ·. . a.t and save money
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DOl NG : Pleose seod now 2Q.pogo booklet, "How T0 PI y : and Wedding .. and new 12-poge full color fold~n b our Engagement
an outstanding race coming in 42nd for the State. Louie J ensen another first year harrier did a fine job for the team, endiAg up in the 44th position. Manuel Lopez ran the best race of his life as he became the fourth Jag to cross the 'line. Jim Alvarado was 61st in the race and fifth for the team. Bob Woodliff, another of the team's fine young runners was the sixth Jag to finish and the 62,nd runner in the State meet.
•111tU f-0" JIGII. JO UOOO . ltJIIU ClfP..UIIID JO JMOW IUtlfY ar DUAl L. A II . fCifD CON~.I'IIJ, Ufl:.lfl • HISMlD IUJ.
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Wrestlers Seek Aid In Upper W·eights
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Free Pick-up and Delivery
The San Jose Crty College crossCITY COLLEGE TlME8-S came through with seven rnark- Tuesday, December 6, 1966 team journeyed to Los country ers. Jeff Norris and Bob Penny Angeles for the State finals last rounded ou~ the scOring. with two week. The team· came in tenth in and one point each. the entire state. The place was the On Saturday night tlte Jag• punch, nnd dropped their first, for the J ags as it was last same two encounters. Both losses are hosted \Vest Valley, seeking th~lr they also finished tenth. when year practloo tilts to non-conference first win. The Vikings were able Sophomore Ralph Kearns runto stay out of rea.ch from the toes. ning his final cross-country race In the season's lid-lifter t he opening t1 11-off a nd took home a a Jag paced the team with a as Jags played even with Laney for 61-54 victory. 2-7 th place in the State meet. fine T he Vikings jumped to an early most of the game untJI a late was the fifth runner from Kearns surge by the Eagles pushed them lead a nd held the lead until the CaJ ifornia to cross the Northern Going against major competition well up in the t.oupljlffient. Both half. The J ags came from interpast the Ja gs 73-60. line. Freshman Chris Henry ran finVenegas AI and Raybould Jeff divisions upper-weight any without After one half the game was mission trailing only 26-24, but tied at 37 each . Following the they were not able to na.zTow the the San Jose City College wrestlers ished fourth in the tourney, far 1 are still seeking a win in practice and away the best ,~figwings any intermi ssion, Laney \\las able to gap to less than~ two poin ts. The team has droppe¢ five Jags so far on the year. meets. Jeff Norris paced •t he attack by edge out a short margin. With In the early season dual meets three minutes left in the game, notching 13 JX>ints. Steve Blazer straight meets, all practice tilts. Jag forward S teve Blazer fouled was also in double figures with 12 The team does not have a man Raybould and Venegas have been. out and Laney w as able to pull digits. ·Oscar Reyes had 11 marl<- over 177 a nd the forfeits have the team's only c011si.Stent wiQners. Raybould boasts an unblemcost the team several victorieS. ers for the game. ~ a.way to the 73-60 margin. 6-0 record, while Venegas ished losses recent most team's The West Vafley also had three .1· "Blazer bow~ ut n~ t he gn.me'~ ~sLUng . scorer, tallying l!l digits doUble figures, with Ernie Lewis have come at the hands of West has only one defeat to mar his"5-1 In 3 losing effort. Jag center Ver- leading the scoring parade with 17 Valley and Modesto ,in a grueling mark. Tyrone Mont-e--.l has shown triangular meet. The West Valley patches of greatness, winning more na1 \Vn.tson c.hJpped in 15 JlOlnts points. was 35-15, the Modesto count t han half of his· matches. score Center W atson had s"ix ror the &o help kect> the Jagu~rs iu conToffiorrow the Jags will open Jags while Carling was chipp'ing in was 27-14. tentlon.. Against MQdesto the.Jags jumped the Golden Gate Conference schedMuch of Jast year's offensive five points. Bob Penny had four punc h came from guards Paz w hile Steve Ledesma and Bob Hale out an early 3-0 lead as 115 pound ule when they travel to Chabot Rocha ·and Bruce Rabadou. The rounded out the scoring with two Dave Rojas took a decision. AI to tangle with the Gladiators. Venegas at 137 was also a winner Other important dates on the grapguards were una ble to. supply any and one each. schedule include Dec. 30 the Steve Blazer hnS paced the Jags vl'a a decision. T he team's top , type of offensive punch, combinItt scoring so .tar, hltttng for 31 rhan Jeff Raybould, a 137-pounder, day of the Chabot take-down tourtng Jor only 16 points. · Following Bl azer and Watson points, nn :we ra.ge of 15.5 per scored the Ja&s' only pin. Leonard nament. 'Big days on the •team's slate in the scoring was guard Bob glt.me. \Vatson follows wit h 21 Eade, the team's biggest man at point-s and a. 10.5 average. These 160 aJso came in with a decision will be Jan. 13-14 when the Cal· Poly Junior College Tournament a.re the onJy, Jags boa.stlng a.v er- over his opponent. Against Wes t Valley the Jags will take place. The GGC finals ages In double figures ISO far. Tonight the J ags travel south to could only come up with t hree will be held at Diablo Valley on -play Monterey Peninsula College. winners. AJ Venegas won via a Feb. 25. The qualifiers from the The Jags will be trying to add 8 forfei t. Tyrone Montez, 130-pounds, conference finaJs wiil "have a s hot pinned his opponent and Jeff Ray- at the sectionals. The •North Sec\\fin to their 0-2 record. On day the Jags 'Play the University of bould took a win via a forfeit to tion wrestling tourney ~._will be on Again this week rain siowed the Santa Clara freshmap team a~ the account for the team's 15 points. March 4 at Foothill. intramural ac ti on, but t he athletes Civic Auditodum. The Jags w11l be San Mateo hosted their annual were abl e to get one touch foot- going up a gainst the strc;>ngest San Mateo Invitational tournaball game in , and a complete set freshman team in the school' s his¥ ment with eight teams competin g in the tennis tourname nt. The for the top spot. '!;he Jaguars, 380 W. Santa Clara Street . ht bowlers of course w~re able to tory. For he.'l.d ~oach pa't Dougherty without benefit of any upper we1g San J~se, California have a full slate of action at Fiesta the game with the frosh will be n.n divjsions . were unable to place • 295-9298 297-3377 4nes. attempt to defeat fo ur years of his highly in the team standings. The In the lone intramura-l footbaJJ . d~h~a~v~e~t~w~o~w~r~es~t~le~r~s~fi~n=is~h~~~~~~~~'!!!l!~~~~!' coachin g wit h one yetlr. b1 the con-~J~a~g~s~di~ game the confident Faggs narrowly te~.;.t Dougherty's Jags wiU go bea.t the stubborn U nqualifieds, against D~nnJs Awtrey who Dqughfor their lnitlal win of the 1966J061 season. After severa l hnpre18ive JJrncttce sc.rlmmages the ,Jap hM'e lost the offensive
Ernie's Auto\Sales
* ICitlfCirfO
Tonight the Snn Jose City Col .. I:Iale with eight points. Forward Jere baoketba ll quintet will trav- Ron Carling also netted eight digel to :Monterey :Peninsula looking its. Oscar Reyes, t he other guard,
Same with Model304 Camera 49. 95 Same with Model 404 Camera 62.50
To Laney, West Valley
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"Love is a purple antelope on
Hmmmmmmmm • • • There
SJCC Hlarriers Tenth In Cal JC State Event
. Choice . ' .
a field of tunafish." .•.
City Drops O pener
Th.o score does not fully teU . roa.J1y 'vas as erty · '1iow (\1 (\W- th e ft• with AwtreY t he tJie Faggs led 8-0 at the half. othel' high school JWith time running out, the UnIn Ra.l11h 9r;den.
Trained in Germar'ly Werner Zollenkopf
Let's move along now end speak to Frank Adams. Frank, what is your opinion? Frank? Oh_. Frank? ! ! Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, Frank seems to be daydreaming. FTank?
few of the crew and cast to compile their answers into one main thought. What is that main thought kids? "Sex." .••
Dear Editor: I hear many SJ CC students state over and over that t hey are tired of being treated like over~ grown high s c h o o I students. TheY' do not like the connotation this' school has, as an extension of high school. These same students participate in, and allow others to carve theiT initials, etc., on the school desks, draw obscene pictures ,on washroom walls, let their yell leader& swear openly in front of them at sport events, (I don't include in this words such as hell and damn, these are tame to use today) let these same yell leaders encourage booing officials at sport events, and the list goes on and on. Don't get me wrong, SJCC students are not aJone in acting immature, This goes on at other Jr. coUcges and at four year colleges, but this doesn't excuse our student's actions. H opefulJy, by bringing this out into the open, they wiJl See t he "Jight" and change their actions to those of matw-e col1ege students. Only by acting more mature can the students overcome the stigma this school has, ·a s an extension of high school. If not today, maybe the students that follow will be able to do this. If we set the examples, the new students will follow. Richard A. Carlson
Merc,des- Porsc.Jte
"You mean people actually 'have other things to do? ! ! "
must be an easier way to make a buck than this . . • . Moving briskly along now, I'm asking a
Phooo 294-1933
This is your on-the-scene reporter talking backstage to the cast and crew of the upcoming December 8 musical The Twin Menaechm~. Well, what do we have here? Ladies and gentlemen, t.he narrator of the production , Asa Berger has consented to give a statement. Sir, do you think being involved In a play demands a great deal of your time?
School Students' Irk Collegian
been arranged with the Knicke r~ t In past years th<> City Coil~, Band has come in as high aa bocker Hotel in Pasadena, for fifth place and never lower than one rught. An added attraction eighth. for th~ members of the band will be a tour of Disneyland immediately after th<> half-time paThe music department Will rade. The group will go by bus host its second student 'recitaJ or to .Disneyland 'a nd after the tour the semester on Thursday, -~ has been completed back to the cember 8, in Room F -7 of the airport for the flight back to Fine Arts Building. Instrurnen. ' Sa n Jose. talists and vocalists will vie tor The main feature of the trip, recognition by the student bod,y of COW'SC, will be the competition as being outstanding in their with ot her bands in the parade. chosen musical endeavor. Twenty-five college bands from Eight students will hij;hlight throughout the State, will comth e recital. They are: Candice pete for the hon or of being Blodgett, a soprano; Dorothy judged the ' best in tile parade. Mestemacher, pianist; Bob Taor. Each band will be judged from mina, trump e t player; ·Doug a reviewing stand as they march Straight, drummer; Linda , Exthrough the streets of Pasadena enrout" to the stadium. At ha lf- . berger, pianist; Mark Butler time, they will march 'in t he trumpet player ; Joyce Banru: pianist; and Jean Thrift, a vo. same 'order 'across the length of t he football field, their rank in calist. All interested students are .in. competition being announced as they 'pass. vited to attend .
Jags Seek First Win Tonigh~. a~ Monterey~
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Includes SIrons ' 2Woods
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Tuesday, December G, 1986
· News Briefs~·?. Compiled · by
A, Cappella Choir
Schedules Series The A Cappella Choir, alo ng with t h e Madr igal Singers, hav,e scheduled a series of performa n c~
SAIGON . • . Am erican security guards at Saigon's huge Tan Son Nhut 'airbase fought off Communist at tacker; in a series of furious in t he S an J ose area beginniJW Decembel~ 5 and extending thro~gh engagement Sunday nigh t.
WASHINGTON . . . T he sta te. de(>lll"tment Is considering removal of December 16. Perfonnances of specia l intere~ t aU restrictions on t ravel to Comm unist China arrd tour other Com· to City College students wi\J be munist na,,tions now generaily off limits to American tm.,Jdsts. POR1' CIDCA GO ·.. . About 200 professors demonstra ted quietly in the rain Sunday aften w o n aga in st t he war in Viet Nam outside the Concord Naval WeapOns St'a tion. MACAO . .. Poli<;') and ann y troops fired Sunday on defiant mobs of Red Guard·type Chinese youths rampaging through the streets of this tiny Portug uese encla ve on the China m a inland for t he second consecutive day.
LONDON . . . The white rebel government of'Rhodesia had until be held. Monday to accept a draft settlement t ha t would enc;l its bitter stru~gle , Both t he A Ca!)pclla Choir a nd the Madrigal Singers are directed with Britain. c-hainnan MADRID SPAIN .. . Gen. F r ancisco Franco celebrated his 74th by Dr. Clifford Hansen, ' '' of the City College Music Depa rt· at a part ridge shoot near Ciudad Real. bj rt hday S unday D~. Hansen received his . TEL AVIV, ISRAEL . .. Syrip. a nd Israel e xchanged gunfire for 20 ment. minu tes Sunday morning, official sources in Tel Aviv reported. Doctor of Musical Arts Degree ,Boston University. In add,ifrom BE RKE LE Y . '. The .crisis a t the Uni versity of California cam e to a head yes terday with the first real test of strength be tween the student ti on, he is di rector of mus ic and s trikers and UC Chancellor Roger H eyns. organist for t he Los Ga tos Presbya
HOWARD TRUMBLE, fourth se meste r ele ctron ics stude nt, d iligently appli es hi~self to a design probl em. The proble m goes first on p,o pe r the.n is built to see if, it will function as prescribed by "data on paper;
Electr.lcal Students Prove 'Highly Hireable' 'Cookies from Home' Sent -
- -
held December 14 and 15, in t he Men's Gymnas ium. On t he 14, a Wednesday evening, the two groups will stage a Chris t· mas Concert in the t heate_r a t 8 P.J~ .. a nd - on Thu ~day~-the -15, at 11 a.m., the final perfotmance ~ill
terian Church, a nd organist for
..,,_ 17
··FLAG GIRLS prepare for the Junior Rose Bowl parad e he ld !n Pasadena every year. The Jaguar Band hopes to place well ag a m this year.
Veter~ recetvmg Ed ucatiqn Benefits under PL 358, s hould date their Dece~ber m onthly cerPfica~ tion froiD December 1 to Decemb ~r 31. These students are allowed to receive benefi,ts for t he entire
Prov es H.Irea b·l·t II y
--- - -=-----------------------
Sale of False Eyelashes Topic of Inter-Club Council
Delu xe 8" ti lt a r bor -$37.50 A L L N EW TOOLS
l O· Day Money.Back Guarantee Ca ll 292·04 0 9 or 241-1943
217 W. J ulian St.
2nd Fl oor, Sa n Jose
th~ I ;m~o:n~th:.::::::::::::::::::::::~===----------
I' San J ose Municipa1 Chorus. The A Cappella Choir, a thirty- ·"'"'"---------------------------~ CHRISTlUAS SHOPPERS five voice mixed choral ensem ble, DISCOUNT · WE OFFER A 10"'1• was organized in 1953 w hen City .,;_E LINE OF COMP~• " College was established as a sepPET FOODS PETS ACCESSORIES Avearate college on it's Moorpark 1191 Lincoln Ave. MAN¥ UNUSU AL TYPES nue campus. AVAILABLE A few of the members have had in Will ow Glen SNAKES BIRDS voice training ; most have not. RATS 298-1110 DOGS Most of t he singers have, however , MICE CATS had previous choral experience in SQUIRRELS "The Pet Man's R ABBITS high school, church, or other colCHIPMUNKS MONKEYS leges. For a few, t tris is t he first Pet Store" LIZARDS TROPICAL choir in whk h t hey have sung. FISH '1\vo soprano soloists are being featured with t he choir t his Christmas season. Candice D. Blcxlget!t wHl be heard as soloist in the Wil· liam Dawson number "Mary H ad a Baby/' and t he choir will accompany Diana M. DeCampo in Robert MacGimsey's "Sweet Little J esus Boy." The Madrigal Si ngers a re a group of twelve vocalists interested in t he study a nd pe-rfonnran ce of music for small voca l ensembles. Their numbers are selected from the very earliest to the most r ecent times. At Christmas, the Mad rigal S ingers depart from t heir usual reper toire and present familiar and best-loved songs of t he Christmas season. The group is well-known the San_ Jose a rea, and frequently joins the A Cappella Choir for' pubJic appearances .
year is not a ceiling. The majority B y C AROL BLE DSOE Th rough t he efforts of two in- t hey would like to bake fo r t he Something of interest to every- of t h ird and fourt h semes ter stu- structors and two students of City boys. Cheryl de Bourguignon and on e is the t hought of employment dents are e mpl oyed, either part College, t t;lirty soldiers stationed P at Sano both prepared large in Vietnam enjoyed "cookies from boxes of trea ts. aft er graduation. Students who t ime or full time. ' St udents wishi ng employment home." The soldiers rece ived a Cheryl, a sophomore psychology particip~te in the electronics program are ·"highly em ployable" ac- before grad uation can eas ily obtain large box of cookies sent in t he major, b a k e d decorated sugar cordi ng tO BilJ Nash, elect 1·onic in- pa rt time work. Nas h claims that name of t he student body of SJCC. cookies. Said Cheryl, " . .; I know indus try calls every week in search structor. The idea originated with Si Si- what homesickness is like. I know T he last semester jncludes 13 of employees. He cites part time m oni, Director of Jntramurals and some boys t ha t were in Vietnam design ''pmblems." one each week . employment wages a t about $2.75 instructor in the men's physical ed- tha t I used to wri te and several T he "problem" consists of lear ning to $3.00 a n hour. ucation department. ~ i m on i re· tha t I 'm present ly writing which Opport uni t y is readily vis ible to cei ved a letter from David Stough- gives me a pretty good idea of how how to make typicaJ electTonic circuits perform to desired s pecifica- th.os e who wor k to produce and ton, a former City College st udent they feeL, Th is is especialJy true of tions. Th e two types~ of circuits perform. A grad uate s tudent of t he now sta ti oned in the H ighla nds of the maiL They really a ppreciate dea lt with are switching circui ts electronic program is highly em- Vie tnam, in which David explained any concern given to them." Pat Cas used in computers ) and linear ployable, earns a r easonable good t he boys there get only ' wha t is echoed this viewpoint saying, "Beh as cause of what some· of my f-'ends ' u circuits Cas used in hi-fi, radio, starting salary, and is a llowed t he sent f rom h orne. "Everyth tng have t old me, I kn ow how loneopportunity for growth in industry. to be airlifted in." nnd televlsion ). Mrs. Carole Freitas, H ome Eco- some- the guys over t here can get The schedule of t he semester is nomics D epa rt ment Cha irman, and how much getting a package 12 ho urs a week assigned time, all as ked the girls in her classes if from home can mean. lab combined. Nash s tated, though, that more time is needed. About 20 ho urs a week would be necessary to complete t he work. The variety DonaJd Lezar, electronics stuof courses offer ed within the program are t he model shop, dealing dent, is in his fifth semest er at with fabrication and packaging; City CoUege and h.i.s fourt h semesthe speci alty shop, involving micro- ter in t he electronics prog ram. wave and computers; a nd the gen- The first course in the electronic All food will be temporarily The sale of false eyelashes was eral s hop, which is core work and program th a t he had to complete, routine. These courses he lp tJle 100-A, was general electronics, one of t he m ain t opics discussed a t stored in P or ter Kearton's office, s.t.udent develop the a bility to use which is basics . Second, 100-B, was t he Inter-Club Council at their l ~ t which is up in the Studen t Union. a wide range of electronic instru- a continuation of genera] e lectron- meeti ng which was Tuesday No- All food will be due in his office by m c nts, p lus meas ureme nt perform- ics. Third, 101-A, was an introduc- vember 27. Cosmetology Club pro- December 16, t he last day of the an ce, collection of da t a, and elec· lion to t ransistor theory and t ran- posed t he sale wbich will make drive. Rick also stated that t her e is a tronic research and developme nt. s.is tor circuits. Las tly, 101-B, the their treasury a little fa tter. T he Along with t he la b, a lecture- point Lezar has now reached, is sale will be held on campus fro1p great need for volunteers to pass d iscuSsion class is tiecessary to circuit design a nd is t he last course Decem ber 5 to J anuary 31. T he out the food on Decembe-r 23. Anyone who wis hes to help do thjs is r eyelashes will cost about $1.50. heJp with the theoretical under,.. in t he program. Duri ng the summer, Lczar works tandi ng of data. Data a nd ske tches Rick Scardinia, President of urged to leave t heir name a nd PIANIST WANTED. Male or Female. numbe1· in Porter Kearton's Accom pa nist wonted for shows to asm ust go on paper firs.t, and t hen ed for Raytheon, on micro-circuits. Circle K, s t a ted tha t he thinks th e The clubs are entering into sist singer. Possi bility of overseas t he project is built to see if it He held a technician's job. After F ood Drive will be a great sucworks. A combined report, ,simil ar gradua tion he will hold a perma~ cess. The clubs have arranged for competition for a p laq ue which will tou r. Call Denn is Mignano 258-SlSS to that use-d in indus try is turned nent technician's job. pledge cards to be a vailable for ap be give n to the cl\lb that h as after 5 p.m. Lezar sta tes that he feels com- food tha t is perishable. T hese brought in t he most food. Jn each Monday alo ng w it h t.he completed design pmbJem . The re- petent and safe in his skil1 a nd pledge cards are availa ble a t P orport is a set of t he technicia n's ability. He mentioned "the fact t hat ter Kearton 's office or you cah ~----~ ----~ industry wants and needs techni- obtain t hem through the individual notes a nd a technical re(X)rt. . Nash explained that t his· pro- cians to opera te equi pment. clubs. t hemselves. THE POCKET (Family) BILLIARDS gram emphasis is on the practical 1r,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m Phone 377-9971 1719 S. Bascom JOSE'S O LDEST level. The sk ills a cquired ma ke t he (Across from Bon~~nzol EST" LARG & stude nts immediately em ploya ble. Th e skills re mai n current as t he demands on techni cians arc conti nW eekdays Except Holidays ually changing. Program chaJJges FUllY EQUIPPED PL AY FREE Sundays All Dav Ladies SHOP MACHINE are continuous to meet the de._ c ~ato m Eng ine 12 Brunswick Gold Crown Tables. ma nds of industry. A grad uate stuWor k PLENTY OF PA RKI NG den t, with~ no experience ca n hold • Sun E l ect ror~ ic Tu,e- up a position w hich can advance to a Cu,tom W hu h l '------~--~~ j unior engineer. Nash cited the A c.ceu o ri • ~ starting wages at a bout $600 to OPEN N IGHTS $700 a mont h. The ceiling of a TO 8 P.M . m ore oompetent worker can r each PHONE WHO LESALE PRICES O N $1 2,000 a year. Augmen ted with SPEED & RACING EQUIPMENT 292-9522 addi tional education, Sl2.000 a
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The combined organizations of the San Jose City College Music Department will present 11 An OldF ashioned Christmas," a presen tation of the familiar a nd best-loved music of the season, in two perfonn an ces Dec. 14 and 15. P erformances will be given a t 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 14, and 11 a.m. T hursday, Dec. 15, in the Col · lege Theater. The public in invi ted to attend both concerts which are free of charge. More t han 200 City Coll ege stu· den ts will be featured in Ch ristmas selections by t he College Orchest ra. cond ucted by E ugene Stoia; t he AU-College- Chorus , directed by Vi ncent Carter; t he A Cappella Choir, led by Dr. Clifford E. Ha nsen, and the 60-piece a ll-s tudent Concert Band, conducted by Darrell L. Johnston. A brass cho ir will play a carol prel ude as the audience gathers a nd t he coUege Madrigal Singers wUJ provide carol interludes during the program.
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Postponement Requested By SJCC Faculty, Students 1 has a t times "been sabotaged by By JUDY BE CJ{ Last week t he faculty and stu- his own staff." The AFT, Faculty Se nate ,and dents ot San Jose City College the Student · Council asked . that went to the Board of Trustees to the bond election be put off WltU a request t he postponement of the replacement of Buchser cornes to work next year a-n d untU oonfiJcts UJlC!)ming Bond Election. .f.he American Federation of within the staff are resolved. The board would not accept this Teachers, the Faculty Senate and tile St udent Council, charged tha t and t hey remained adamant on confusion and dissension among all t he proposed date of F ebruary 21. concerned makes it impossible and But t hey did promise to do every. Impractical to put before t he vot- t hing possible to clear up the is· tn a $28 million bond issue on sues of dissension and to try and unify all factions within the February 21, as planned. school. Van Phillips, presid ent of the MEETINGS OPEN DfiWly formed AFT o n ca mJ}US, Buchser said In r eply to a. reaecused the ad min istration of " lack mark about n.dmlnistra.tlons closed of coorcllnatlon an d l ead e r ship," staff meetings tlmt_all future staff and said the board often lends meetlng8 will be open to faculty only ear S<>rvice to the Faculty and 8tudents to t ry and clear up Senate's s uggestions. some or the dissension. T he board said it would be 'LOST CONFIDF..NCE' good idea if there wer e a stu· a Robert Doc1T, president of the Faculty Senate, said the board and dent- faculty - administration comthe administration has "lost the mittee esta blished to look at t he master plans philosophy and t he confidence of the faculty. " },.., cy Williams. boa rd mcmbet bond issue that is going to pay turned Doerr's statement around for it. The master plan is a big reaand said t hat the "board has los t 1 why the three groups have son confidence in the facuJty. ' Doerr also ch arged that S JCC asked for a postponement of the Supt ./P res. Herm an R. Buchser bond election. There seems to be
Phone 298-2181 /
Ext. 230
Philosophy Symposium
big disagreements concerning cer-
t ain parts of the master plan. Both the AFT and Senate have Indicated that smaller classes w e re necessary to develop the potentinl ot the students as "1\olln.ds" and not just ''Bodies." publicat ion a re Dr. Pa ul Elsner, dire ctor of planning , a nd republic re lations director for SJCC, and H. R. Buchser , president
AFT CHARGES I t was charged by t he AFT t hat the master plan "has the unique personal quality of ior colle-ges" in favor of '"M:eelhru1ized" teach ing. The board In defense, out that the cla ss size ts.~ue not yet been agreed upon nnd matter will b e Wlder tion in J a nuary when a. special port by the Faculty Advisory nllttee will be presented to boa.rd at that time. The student's point · of view represen ted by Dennis Percy1 vice president, also argue t ha t sizes of 150 studen ts as now tatively set up in the master are not agreeable to t hem. "rt is obvious tha t both faculty and students h ave reservations ·a bout the pr.•cticalit; and philosophical base upon the master plan is built.," (Continued on Page 2)
asses Resolution nds Board Action eludes no time for extended day students. · Dr. Montando n told the Council tha t "t his limited availability was not a t a ll jn the student interest ." She stated tha t t he curr iculum of t he language department definitely included t he weekly sessions in the language lab and that those s t udents who are not able to m eet the tight language lab schedule were suffering. It was estimated that an additional five hours per week for Oay students and at least four hours per week for extended day students would be a bare minimum to allow all students to put in t he requ ired hours. Dr. Montandon reported that even though the administration has conceded t he value of the addihours they consistently refus e t o allocat e t he necessary $13 per week needed to implemen t the expanded hours.
JC's Striving To Receive Sta tewicte ·Representation
Dr. Ellis Benson, D ean of I nstruction, commented last week t hat up until now t he adminis tration had been "feeling its way with the lab how·s," and that he welcomed expression of student's will. T here was some feeling on the Council that the issue w as so important that if the Administra tion refused to fund the additional hours the student body migh t take over the expenses nntil another arrangement could be found.
professor comment ed. ''The !em of t he artist is m ay he his honestly arrived at work of without fear of public re1;en.tmen1 Mr. Buchser also stated the ere· when the new legislat ure convenes or rebuke. H e has no ri ght to By ~liKE O'CONNOR next January. hibi t his work and expect Californla's Junior Colleges are ation of the board would provide Doerr added tha t the prognosis tion/' holder. property he t to relief tax Students may begin to sign up striving to gain sta tewide reprefor t he bill is not over ly bright he t providing by that the counseling appointments on said from for He poke & Clark Dr. entation under a system parallelsince it could be sh'o t down from ary poin t of view . His Mond.ay November 28, in the s tu,ng the Board of Regents that gov- J unior Colleges with a greater say in the legislatrure tax money tha t two directions. began with a quote f rom t he dent Services office. p,;n-~h e state colleges. On one hand the S tate Superin· The counselors h ave requested " "rrle idea behind t he proposed ordinarily passes t hem by will now te ndent of Public Instruction scenlty r eport (Prop. 16) students s ign up e arly in or~ that . ystem s that into funneled ~I ereury. be Jose San he t from plan is to provide the Junior Col· would be the bill's chlef opponent. dcr to get their program approval is "It y, a s· to on went He leges with a greater voice in S'ac· Buchser add ed tha t since t'hjs Rafferty cont ends that the plan completed. This will better ena ble ramento and to provide overall source of revenue would , to some is useless and the whole idea is time for j wrior colleges to get the class schedule students money tax the supplant extent holiday Thanksgiving he t to Due rather trea ted like colleges planning and coordination among It silly since the J unior Colleges are high schools.JI This quote was counties. from ~ceived desired. now eD until TniiES no be will ere th the schools. doing well under his control. cember 8. The paper will come out Sign ups will last to December Under ei the r one of -the two pr o- would ease t he tax burden from S ince Rafferty was a political regard to the banning of the are ho w holder propel'ty the on a Thursday so t h"t the TIMES 5, when the actual counseling will classes. English from books P<>Sed plans the state's Junior Colbacker of tlie-' Governor·elect and can cover the primary election. begin. leges will be more independent of principal sources for county rev· can get Reagan's ear, it is thought Dr. Clark cited many ex'un!>les Students are also reminded to the state departrn.ent of education enue. t hat the bill migtrt meet with a of t he changing conventions TAXATION sign up with their own p articular and its controversial head, Dr. Max veto if it gets by t he legislatur e ... what is considered obscene by The new system would not mean and getting by the legislature ciety. Several of his examples counselor. Counseling books and Rafferty. The Junior Colleges sign up forms will be avallable on ~·ould al5<> be relieved of the bur- a reduction in t he total taxation, won't be t hat simple. came from Supreme Court rulings the counter of the Student Serv· den of oper,.ting under regula tions it would merely shift the burden It is feared tha t the Det:nocratic on works of literature. office. ices e"nertt t sta. a \vith concluded He desig;jed for elemenbary and high from the county to the state. legisla ture will not be anxious to Buchser makes no bones about give Republican Reagan the power that art does not exist in an acaschools. According to some sources, this this saving tax money. In fact, of political patronage to appoiiit demic vacuum. The TIMES staff is going to be orientation t oward secondary 'and since it would be easier t o get the up to fifteen members of t he P a ul Mills dealt with the p rob· sending cookies to the servicemen than state the from money more elementary schOOls and t he conse· board that would be erea ted with Jem s of run.n.lng a. museum. In the in Viet Nam for Christmas. The Quential neglect of h igher educa- from the already overtaxed coun- the pa ssage of the bill . Judging of what works of a.rt m ay staff will be sending cookies to an mean might board newhe t ties, the of any contact to asked · are · a o t off are ags J Lady San}ose tit, ,is one of t he principle causes be placed In a. museum. he Army, Air Force, and Marines, good season in basketball. So far Physical E ducation initrUct:ors or . . or concern -a mong t he Junior Col· increase in taxes. tha t the re is no set of rules to Anyone wanting to help men. NaVY 1t that 1s tor fac crucial the But know. you that major a ask the to has brought leges. followed. Each piece must be dealt this season the girls an or who has an address of anyone give meetings TheSe 'IJ1(I Two record. AIOne a ags J Al though the two presently pro- would mea n that the expense of with on i ts own mert.ts. wanting cookies please advise a though they have lost one more opport unity to f ind out what is !>Osed plans have the basic idea of CaHforni a's Junior College System member of tbe s taff. soof one that commented Mills equally more ed shoulder be wouJd fields respective their in .on going t es r the won have hey t than game greater f reedom for t he Junior T he Christmas cookies must be t, tha is t r a toward feelings y's ciet . · general. in state he t by of the season looks promising with as we.ll as f ields closely related. College sy-stem, tJhc actual imple· sent by the first week in Decemit as long as Jumor right he t ail hat is t "Art stated Buchser Paul S~egel, former newspaper Guest speakers are usually ber for Viet N am. All other servmentation of the idea is being hung the worst of the games oVer. C lieges are taking more and more columnist TV a nd entel'tairunent doesn't inspire .a:nybody's to a December 1 . has a . tournament scheduled and the meetings are Up by politica l considera llions. ~the load of education from the critique, is sla ted to a ppear on thought, a ction, or feeling." He sched uled at Oabrillo College, be- held a t a different house each icemen will be sent cookies during NEW BOARD · the weeks before Christmas. continued, "The definition of ob· tween four area Colleges. Decem - month. On t he one hand m ost of the fac· ~tate colleges and Universities, b~t campus. hat t system a under cl1anged, ruggling t has material jectionable Speegel will be the feat ured ber 5 has the Lady J ags meeting - - - - - - - - - - - - ulty and administrative a ssocia - are s th . eu· com· guest when Bet a Phi Gamma, cam- but essentially art works h ave the West Valley Vikings on our them to suck t ions are backing a pla n that f orees 're ''W e courts. pus jo urnalism club, sponsors its not/ ' Would set up a separate govern· munities drY of tax money. lhe of one-half han t more taking The curator br ough t up the Junior P ress Confere nce of first The womens Tennis team has a ing body to be on t he same level U ge students from . tbe s tate, the semester. ques tion of wh)'.. do people object little better record with a three of importance as th e Board of Rej ust isn' t helping The p ress conference, scheduled to sex in a painting but not to and two for the season in over all THURS DAY: N O\•ernber 24 gents for state colleges . This new ~ t e t he state 1. THANKSGIVING H OLIDAY board w ould be answera ble to t he o~t,. Buchser said. ''There lS no to be held on Decem ber 15, will murder . "Sex is not an infection matches. T he Ladies have taken t;axpayers county he t but u~stion q h. wit away done be to needs that hos t high school journalists f rom West Valley in both of their sched- FRIDAY : Novem ber 25 State Board of Ectucc1 tion alone. We need to save t)le sex but t o get uled matches while losing to S tan· 38 surrounding high schools. While the State Departmen t of are being overlooked." 1. HOLIDAY rid of the ugliness which is con· ford Frosh and splitting one a nd According tn C. W. Pal mer, Education, under Dr. Rafferty, J C pLANNING SATURDAY : November 26 College journalism adviser, press Jtected with it." one with the Hartnell Girl.<. wyf.s t he nC\v governing body to C'ty college history instructor 1. Cross Country State Meet, P ierce, 1:00 p.m . Last week saw t he WPER After these three gentlemen ~ ~st anol her bw·eau tmder their Ro~rt Doerr. P resident of the confe-rences in the past , featurin g Dick Pearson. Drew as uch s guests & Education Physical (Women's control. gave their presentations, the SymS UNDAY : N ovember 27 F acul tY Senate, sa.ld another J_m~ Gregory, and Godfrey Cambridge, posium l'eCe';Sed for lunch. The Recreation) Ma jors in their The reasons by this divergence state·Wlde the of unction f · 1. NO SP ECIAL EVENT S . have a ttra cted as many as 250 afternoon session was open to mon thly meeting. Featured at ill views is \ nothing more t han a portan t controUing bodY would be an questions and s tatemen ts from this meeti ng were guest s peaker ~lO:!I'DA Y: November Z8 rnatter of control a nd power ac· rovement in pla nmng and. coordl· journalis m-minded studen ts. Speegel is presenUy appearing lioth t he pane l and the audience. 1. SIGN UP WITH COUNSELORS FOR P ROGRAM APPROVAL H al Buf~a, who spoke on Phygjcal COrding to City College President ~ation in the gto"\\>ing Jumor Colg-ame word a Wot'd," My "Oh, on 1. Student Council, 10 :00 a.m., Room U-200 Europe. in activities H. R. Buchser. u\mong the tnpics brought up Education . series viewed on Channel 7 a t were morality, Ke n Boise's Kama sys tem. 2. Student Court, 11 :00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., Room U-205 Mr. Buchscr stated .t ha t in h is lege on based as w speeci1. Buffas' ~.rhis wou ld not m ean a submas· 10:30, Sa turday. evenings. H e 0 Pinion t he s ta te Departmen t of 2. Studen t Cour t, 11 :00 a.m., R oom U-205 Sutra, mo t herhood, lust, gluttony, studies conducted by h im while the par t of t he schools to . on also head of public rela tions for H enry Miller , a nd murder. Education has had more tha n s1on in Europe this past summe r . TU ESDAY: November 29 n a lJ powerful state agency, cu~· t he R oos-Atkins chain of clothing enough opportunity to sh ow its a. cul The next WPER Meeting will be and class conte nt as well about guestlon a 3. I.C.C. Meeting, 11:00 3-m. , Room U-200. to response In concern fo r t he Junior Colleges n ot' :r important decisions would stores, present ly headquartered in 4. NOMINATIONS ASSEMBLY, 11:00 a.m., Quad the thea ter, J ohn h eld a t Darlene Ross' h ouse on Dein censorship and has failed . He said that Dr. as . ·n t he hands of local au- San F rancisco. cember 12. The Ma jors and Minors e ad m pt., e D Drama SJCC Owen, JournaJjsm majors and all othc~ Rafferty wa nts to r eta in his con· re mrun I meet every t hi rd Monday of the WEDNESDAY: November 30 f interested in ne\vs\vriti ng a r e this statem ent, "The re is no valid· m onth and if you are a major or . rities. 1. W r estling ~ S JCC & West Valley, Modesto, 4:00 p.m. trol over the Junior Colleges, but t h'oThe actual implem entatiOn o urged to attend the press con~ t ty ln censol'5hip. The theater is a. 2. Co-Ree N ight, 7:30 p .m ., Women's Gym not has he l fee tha t the colleges minor and have not yet been conprobably come !an would 3. Merchandising Club Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room B -1 feren ce. W a tch the TIMES for fur· ~~If QE>mmring medla. lt-Relf. If peo-- tacted about these meetings you rdl . shown enough in terest in the past t he P through t he Jeg~slature. Acco t:g ple don/t Uke It, they don't go." U1er details. anct would "r:tl hcr do it the-m· to Doerr the bill will be mtroduced
Students Sign Up For Appointments
Speegel Slated To Appear On Campus
City College Weekly Bulletin