San Jose City College Times, Vol. 17, Issue 13, Jan 12, 1967

Page 1

, 1967,.- ' , Janu_ary1--,--8 _Wednes_day___ ' 11\IE9_ J!:·T---' O;LLE--=-G --· e --'_1-(')ITl'_:;::,_

Facuity Aias Population Boom stay students A rran9e F0 r use 0 f 0

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* * *

Hawaii Yours-If You Win Circle K Raffle In its effort to raise money for cost of three hundred doUars, as

the. bond ejection, the arcle K Ci\lb laWlched on the the biggest business ventures that any club on campus has ever attempted Janu· ary·12th.

the p rize.

The winner of the raffle will fly via United Airines to H awaii, where he will lounge in the sun for one fun-fil1cd week at the Reef

T he Cl ub's members began seU- Hotel which is located right on the tng tickets l~t week for a. ra.tflc beach. which p la.ced a week-long vncatl.on Only ~ix hundred tickets, which lD. H awnli, com ing to a n over all are being sold for one dollar, have

been printed for the raffle. The only stipulation made is that all

Business Club Elects King, Aikman, R~bin Williamsen, Boshell As the new semester begins so do the duties of the newly elected

students whose names are used on the tickets must be registered for e ither the remainder of this se-

mester or next semester. P roceeds from the sale of the raffle t ickets will be turned over to the Bond Drive Publicity Furuj and will be used accordingly. "I hope to see a lot of cooperaUon from the students o n this project because all profits are go-ing to the Bond Drive Publicity Fund," commented Circle K president, Rick Scardina.

officers of the various clubs on campus. The Merchandising Club held their elections at their last meeting, which was J anuary 11 at 7:30 p.m. in Room B-1. The election of the officers took a considerable amount of time due to the 51% vote a candidate has All English D and 92 classes to obtain before being eJected. The eJection of the new president alone have bad their scheduled examinations changed. The finals will be took three hours. Tuklng over their n ew positions held on i"anuary 20, at ~0 a.m.-12 a re: PresJdent, Rod King; Vice- Noon instead of 12:50~2:50 p.m. This,.means that regularly schedPresident, ltick Aikman; 'J;reasurer, 8 t e \' e Rubln; Secretary, uled classes wiU end qn Thursday, Kathy \ VUU:unson and I CG Repre- January 19. No regularly scheduled classes wiH be held on the first sentative, Kirk Boshell. 'Phe first activity for the club day of final examinations, Friday, and their new officers is an Em· January 20. The remainder of the .final ex~ ployer-Employee Banquet which will be held at Mariani's on Fel>- ~ation schedule continues as published. ruary 1.

English 'Exam Cbange


MODEL CAMPUS TO URS- Robert B. Morris, general manager of IBM San Jose, views model of proposed reconstruction at City C olleg e on a tour of the campus guid ed by President H. R. Buchser and Dennis Percy, president-elec t of the Associated Students. Buchser points out three-story classroom build ing which will be focal point of reha bilitated Moorpark campus if the District's Feb. 21 bond election is successful. Morris was named cha irman of a c itizens committee which will work for passage of the $28.2 million bond issue.


' Vol. 17




16 hrs.-$80.00 Scholarships Availa ble


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Ever thought abo ut a Management job with us? We have a lot to offer . If you have a good grade average, a W1Uingoess to compete and a desne to get ahead ••• we probably have just the job for you. But you' ll never know unless you apply. So don't give us a second thought. Act nowl


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appearing now.' 1 Although the cost of some s peakers and entertainerS is high (Dr. MartiJ) Luther King cominands $3,000 for an hour and a half; Yarbrough S2,500), many eminent pe?So-mll.:ft.leS can be heard for a nominal cost; some for only travel• expenses. The Santa Clara County School District allots $20,000 a school year for the Cultural Series, and the ASB chips in $5-10,000; however, it is King's opinion that more According to King, "there is no funds might be allocated, if enough reason why the Series cannot pre- interest is shown in a broadening sent many more guests than are of the program.

that although the student body will now be allowed to determine entirely who will appear on the Series, final selection must be made with consideration for avail· ., · ability and cost. Alex King, newly named Community Relations Director, ~ill shoulder· the bulk af the responsibility concerning the Cultural Se· ries. He favors a student opinion poll .and thinks it 1s a "great idea."



1st Choice ................ ............... ... ..


·························· ·····························································-·

2nd Choice ................................ .. ..... ............................................................. _...... ..

······································· ············ ··· ············· ························································· 3':d Choice ................................................ ............................................................ .

······ ·:············ ........... . .

. ·························-···········································

4th Choice ......................................................................... ,.......................:.......... ..

··:··················································· ·································································-··········



Pacif i c Te l epho ne

The San J ose City College Board of Trustees was notified last spring made concerning the replacement that Dr. Buchser's voluntary reof Dr. H. R. Buchser, President tirement would become effective and Superintendent of SJCC, on or on July ·1, 1967. At that time a I screening committee was organized before February 1, 1967.




./ ON ALL RODS &REELS Floor Samples WHin STAG

50% OFF ;:.)

an equal opportunity employer

site although both the coUnty planning departt)lent arid the district architects geological firm of Cooper and Clark report the existence of three earthquake fault lines on this property. Trustees are awaiting a final re~ port from tht;!: geologists and the district architects, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, as to whether it will be feasible to build a campus on t he site. Meanwhile, the Feb. 21 date for the district's $28.2 million bond election is Qrawing nearer. T rustees said last week that if the Concor site is rejected because of the fa ult situation, selection of an alternat e site prior to the election date would be impossible. However, for the benefit of skepticaL voters, they reaffirmed their intention to purchase a site generally in the Evergreen area.

Phone 298-2181 / Ext. 230



A ~efinite announcemen t will be

Notliing to &ig•



Screening Comm. Revie~s Replacement of Presiden_t



Owners of Evergreen area land last week withdrew their offer to sell up to 175 acres to sa"n Jose Junior College District for a future campus, according to Dr. Paul Elsner, district development director. Richard Nieman, representing the fa.rrtilies of Hassler, Tibbits and Blauer, submitted a ~itten notice of \vithdrawal of their offer to sell site number two of the Evergreen area. Nieman said the reason for the withdrawal was that m.vners were irked by remarks of Truste e Yancy Williams. At at trustee meeting 1ast week, Williams spoke against critics of the neru·by Concor Ranch site, cit· ing in particular a "selfish individual" seeking ''personal gains." Nieman feels Williams was refer· ring to him. Trustees are giving primary consideration to the Concor Ranch

(See Page 4)

SJCC Ad ministration and Communi ty Public Rela tions Depts. are inviting students tQ J?articipate in the selection of guests to appear on the Cult'!!11 Se<;ies. Students may do their part by filling in the .accompanying ques· tionnaire and depositing it in a 1 ballot box loca ted just inside the main entrance of the Student Union. It is hoped tha t students have, over th e holidays, spent a little time in serious consideration of possible future guest s. In the past , s uch celebrities as the Rev. Martin Luther King, M rs. Eleanor Roosevelt; and more recently, Glenn Yarbrough, Bishop James Pike, and Barbara McNair have appeared. According to Dr. Larry Arnerich, Dean of Men and Director of Athletics, no solid effort has been m ade to obtain student opinion up to now. Rather, guest rosters have been arranged by school officials, in coordination with 'the San Jose Fine Arts Commission, the Chamber of Commerce, and CAPE, the College Assn. for Public Events and Services. George Holeman, Faculty Advisor for the Student CoWlcil, stated

1-------------- - - - - - - - - - -- -

Now interviewing for part time work evenings & Saturd ays

the bond issue would provide con: struction of adequate and permanent facilities at San Jose City College, where 40 per cent of the buildings have been rated as "tern~ porary" since 1953. Morris Will a ppoint a committee structure that involves 250 other civic-minded workers. These subcommit tee functions will include publicitY., finanee, get~out·the--vote , telephone, campaign, and precinct work. Morris is active on the com~ munity scene, having just complet· ed service as campaign chairman for the Central Area United FWld, where his leadership helped the United Fund exceed its goal. He is also commissioner of the Santa Clara County Boy Scouts Council, a p1em'ber of 'the San Jose State College Advisory Board and Santa Clara University School· of Busi~ ness Board. Morris •a nd his family are Saratoga residents.

Food Drive

Cultura l Series Guests Decided by Students


UP TO 29.50

Robert B. MolTis, Jr., IBM San Jose general manager, has been named chairman of the Citizens' Committee for San Jose J unior Col~ lege District Bonds. r "Manis will head up a volunteer .. structure Or ci ti.Zens who will work for passage of the junior college . district's $28.2 million bond election on Feb. 21, 1967. Morris explains the dishict en· c o m pas s e s 303 square miles, ''roughly running from Milpitas on the north to the Evergreen a rea in tlle south, and occupying most of the centraL and eastern portions of the Valley." At the present time, there is• but one junior college in this district, San Jose eity College at 2100 Moorpark Ave. The bond issue, according to Morris, . would provide frmds to ac· quite two new campus sites on the east side of the Valley and construct a new junior college camput on one of them. In addition,

(See Page 2)


A LCOA Subsidiary


Dance Recital

torewt e


* * *

* * *


Protest Students Shun Open Library

Cops Compete


IBM General- Manager _Offer Withdrawn Named Comm. Chairman · For ·college .Site

Workshop Airs Sunday Program

THE LOOK O F A tired but very proud, 'papa ' is radiating from the face of J a mes Neilsen, psychology insfTuctor on this campus. N eilsen and his wife, Barbara, a lso an inst ructor presently on leave, were ·presented with their first ba by Dec. 29, 1966. It's a boy !

New Developments. APpear ~n Bond

...-.! ,_.,



~ ·

Id Books

has fOWld difficulties in Ws per- kne<:S·." Thls Is wllnt I call a typl~onal business such as bank state- cal n ervous Fnth,er! dance of books in some subjects San Jose "City College has an- ments , etc. Jim said he decided. All in all the parents are very By JUDY BECK and not enough of the othet·s. other set of proud parents this that his son was not going to have happy. I'm sure if you'll drop by The end of the semester is near What we are asking is that some month. Mr. and Mrs. James Neil- the same problem if he could help ·Neilsen's office some day he will soon be whipping out pictures of and students will soon be making a of you students think about dosen have just announced the birth it. \ Vhen asked what his first re.a.c-- the newborn baby. He is just now rush on our conveniently located nating one, if not more, of YOtU; of a 9 lb. 2 oz. baby boy, December tion to the baby n:ns he r eplied as recovering from the first few days bookstore to return and sell their textbooks. These will be used by the students in STAY while assis t~ any t y pl c a. l fat h e r wool" of having both mother and son 29, 1966. home, he says "it's lack of sleep." books that they have been so dili- ing another student wi th his work. T he Neilsens have named their "SHOCKED!" · th ere gently (Haven't we?) using all Many times we are confronted new charge J ason Courtney Conroy Mrs. Neilsen, is a drama instruc~ Well, papa, a ll I can say 1s · ht s to semester. Neilsen. In an in terview with Mr. tor on this campus who is pres~ will be plenty of t 11ese mg with the problem of students not Neilsen ' who is a psychology in- ently on a leave of absence. She i~ look for'V{ard to in t he f u t u.rc. The STAY org~mization on crun-1 being able to afford their requir~ structor on our campus, be related reported staying at home, resting; Good luck· and congra t u1a t'1ons to pu~ wotLid lUte t o ask your help texts. Through this sy~tem we Wlll the reason for this unusually long and is recuperating at a normal you both! and assistance. \Ve a .tutoa·lng be able to lend a helpmg hand, by -------name. It sceros that in ttJc past org::udzatl~n here io help you, the running a lending library for . any Jim has round his name to be rate. student. \Ve have fotmd this some- studE"nt who is in the STAY Pro.. Neilsen said he was allowed to somewhat corrunon. He has had times impossible to do beCause of gram. trouble getting school transcripts watch the delivery and when h~ STAY in the past has helped tack of materin ~such as books. recommend would he sent to other schools and, at times, was asked if this to all expectant fathers, he The Lost and Found Department many stude nts and the stnlf of replied, "Not unless you've taken in Room 30 has consented to hand STUDENTS TO A S S I S T YOU our M a r [. i a g e and the F amily over to STAY for their use in tu- feel tllat they can better continue The San Jose City College Workcourse that is offered each semesbook" not claimed t ills service with your help-. We are · te . 1 ;,. ormg any ter." He said that the course shows •shop will begin its spring program twithin thirty days of their arrival. not tasking that you dona. a I of full~color films of an actual birth series over KXRX radio on Sunday, But this doesn't seem to be enough, your textbooks but ma.ybe just one. February 19. The two unit workand prepares the parents for the shop has presented the programs, we have received an over abun- \Vho knows someone mu.y donate one tlutt you m.a.y be able to use iu arrival of the child. "It might be featuring music. news, and inter~ By J AN SMITH the future. So thlnk it over and if somewhat scarey to t he new father views for the .past two years. have an.y books thu.t you Utlnk you In the last week before Christ- lf he were not psychologically preT he workshop, consisting of apmight helJ), textboOks or reference proximately 16 shows, is open for mas vacation, t he surprisin~ stu- pared." SJCC's Law Enforcement De- bool(s, bring them to either the ''They made me wear oo"·ering credit to all broadcast majors, or. dents of SJCC pulled a good one on partmen t has gotten their plans for the faculty and s~f of the college., over my head, shirt and trousers, to those who have majors relating a shooting team well underway STAY office in Rooro U-201 In the They starte~. a petition wanting and shoes. 'When I walked out of to the broadcast industry. with two teams of five men each College U nion or take them to \VU· Iinm Blum or )[ark Bunge, the orto enter into competition. on-the~~what students wtas I giving room Besides all literate members or the institu- the delivery tion to sign a lame·brained request amazed to see the nurset; standing air experience in the media, the Every Tuesday night our campus gnnizatlons advisors. to keep the library open during the around giggling to themselves un.- program pres e n t s an excellent police set out for t he Santa Clara holidays. They demanded, they pro- til I looked down and saw tltat the means of public exposure for San Reserve Police Range for a pracSAN JOSE PHOTO E9UIP. tice session. tested, they o r d e. r e d by the ir covering I put over ruy ~ousers ·Jose City College. Students interSERVICE On the seCOnd Tuesday of every rights as students to hav.e ·a place h...'l.d slipped down aro und my ested in the workshop, or broad- month the members of the shoot· to study available for them. • fqufpmont Repofrs casting in general, are urged to get ing te~ enter into competition Surprising t h o u g h it might 297-0177 394 BIRD AYE. In touch with Robinson In t he with other Law Enforcement Deseem to t hese protesters.., t he num· partments t hroughout the ~rea. Drama/Speech Dept. for details. l}er of students who showed their Discount Special shining faces t hrough the doors of • FACULTY the library between December 19 I • STUDENTS and 30 was minimal. For example, • ALUMNI just present your d aff ot. on the first day only three stuASS cord del\ts came from SJCC and three Movie & Still from other colleges. The small * Suppllet .. Cameral number was a. continual pattern * ProJectors • Equlpnted throughout the holidays. Only 176 books we~e circulated on the d eve loping - printing TO MAKE ROOM FOR ATRE MENDOUS CAMPING sTOCK! whole. rent als - repairs FIRST COME -GETS FIRST CHOI CE! ! Visiting students from other col· leges varied from the University of Notre Dame to the University of Denver. In fact, on the whole, more studen ts from other surrounding colleges appeared at the Library than did the college's own protesting do-gooders. By JUDY BEOK

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ARCHITECT'S DRAWING of- propesed, outdoor amphitheater at San J ose City Col lege Moorp ark ca mpus. Location is in open ariea between fine Art$ and Science build ing$,

for the purpose of selecting a re~ placement. The Screening Committee consists of four educators: Dr. Leland Metzger, ·Director for the Study of Higher Education and Professor of Education at the University of California at Ber}!;eley; Dr. H. Thomas James, re-c ently elevated Chairman of the Department of Education at ~Hanford; Dr. John Lombardi, President of Los Angeles' City Col· lege (12,000 students), and Mr. Robert Doerr, Chairman of the SJCC Faculty Senate, repre~enting the City College Faculty. SJCC's Administration Dept. will •not be represented in the selection. Notification of the executive va· caney has been widely publicized, with job application information going to virtually every institution of higher learning in the country. Mter all applications had been re((eived and considered, the Screen~ ing Committee asked for and received personal files on five pos~ sible candidates. THe Committee will conduct a closed session at some date befor·e the 15th of Ja94a~y, ~ carefully consider ea-eh of the five, and to select one.

Philosophy Forum

Final Lecture Given By Spanish Instructor Ale:xandrina Espino~ instructor in Spanish, gave the final lecture in the fall semester P hilosophy Forum series on Thursday, Jan. 5, in r6om FM7. The subject of her lecture was the general philoSophy of Miguel de UnamWlO Y J ugo. . uunamuno," accorCfing to Miss Espinoza, "was one of Spain 's greatest writers." Although be was also novelist, an essayist and a journalist, his critics tend to a!!l'8!' that he was a better lyrical poet than anything else. Born in 1864, Unamuno flourished from 1898 until his death in 1936. He gained fame chiefly through his essays. Although he was Tather inclincil toward mysticism and religion, his name was placed on the Papal Index. In Spain, he is not read by "goo.d Catholics." "The main theme of Unamllllt>'s works," stated Miss Espinoza, "was the hwnan personality and the desire for immortality." A personal and individual wti.ter, uhe was concerned with what became of the conscious after death.'' He had a fear of nothingness after death. Unamuno thought that man's need for God was the greatest proof of the existence of God. Often breaking with tbe Cathohc Church, he felt that logic and reason compelled him closer to PrOtestantism but faith_ and sentiment always pulled him back into the fold of Catholicism. "Faith and reason," thought unB:muno, "could not exiS,t without

SJCC Art Instructor Purchases Rare Stones

I. Joseph Zirker. San Jose City College art instructor, recently purchased ten rare lithography one another." Be believed that tbe from the University of stones conflict of the two gave man his use in Stanforcr's Art for spiritual life. "A partnership must Mexico exist between reason and faith." Dept. Lithography course. Unamuno, according to Miss :t'nlisted by Stanford University Espinoza, had as his motto, "death because of his standing as one of to Don Quixote. " By this he meant the few individuals expert enough that all the old traditions and cus· to make correct evaluations of the toms must be re-examined and lithography stones, Zirker flew to discarded, keepi ng only the good Mexico where he met with ihe ones. After this is done, his motto University of Mexico's Graphic becomes, "long live Don Quixote." Arts professor, who had made a .M:iss Espinoza concluded her lee· preliminary choice of 20 stones. fure on Unamuno with the stateThe lithography stone, a forgot· ment, "to understand and appreciten media, was the forerunner of ate him, one must read him." the modern-day photo-offset lithography printing press. The stones were, in times past, quarried in Bavaria, and are be coming so extinct that the only remaining stones can be found in Mexico and Europe.

sired number of times, the stone can be ground off, removing a thin layer and leaving a clean surface .. for the next drawing. Zirker spent three days ln Mext· co examining the stones and making arrangements to ship the stones back to Stanford. Stanford University paid for the expenses of sending Zirker to Mexico and purchases of the stones which came to an overall cost of $2,000.

Job Placement Office Active ,

Students interested in participating in the P acific Neighbors st u~ dent exchange project ·a re asked to fill out an application before the January 20 deadline.

Realizing that many students find it necessary to hold part-time jobs in addition to attending cl~ses, San Jose City College miilntains a Job Placement Office in Room 203 of the Student Union

Basically the requirements are 17 years or older and a San Jose ar~a resident. Usually a male and a female are selected to spend each summer in Okayama, Japan, San Jose's sister city.

In today's lithography process, a greasy substance is applied to the face of the stone, which is the only portion of the stone to which ink will adhere. When paper is pressed to the stone, an impression is obtained from the inks attracted to Building. Mr. Helen Peterson, who proces- the greasy material, thereby im~ ses. job applications under the di- printing the material. rection of Edward Mogler, Associ~ The stones which were examined ate Dean of Activities, said it is a by Zirker ranged from 20 to 100 "very active office." Sbe said that there are numer~ years old and weighed 400 pounds. ous jobs on campus as well as in The 30" by 40" stones varied from dther parts of the community, ~th about three to five inches in thicknever enough good full-time jobs to ness. fill the needs of the "good seekers." The stones can be used, depending upon their thickness, from 100 - -----------------------------------------------~----- to several hundred times. After each drawing is imprinted the de-

City College Weekly Bulletin

Stud ent Excha nge Dea dline Near

The student must pay for his own transportation !S600) and supply his own spending money. The exchange students will be guests of the city for the entire summer at the home of a Japanese family. For information and applications contact either Anne Alexander, Commissioner of Foreign Students, or Cliff Transeth, Room 8 of the Administration Building.

THU RSDAY: January lZ i Student Council, 10 a.m., Room U-200 2. Supreme Court, 11 a.m., Room U-205 3. Music Recitai, 11 a.m., Room F-7 4 _ Dance R£cital, 11 a.m .. Theater 5. Student Court, 1 p.m., Room U·205 FRID AY: January 13 1 . Wrestling vs Cal Poly JCTournament, San Luis Obispo, 9 a .m. 2' Basketball vs Diablo Valley, Here, 8 p.m.


Dance ltecital, 8 p.m.,


SATURDAY: Jant13J'Y 14 1. INSTALLATIOJ') OF ASB OFFICERS SUN DAY: Janu~ry 15 1. Cultural Series, PERSINGER TRIO, 3 p.m., Theater

~IONDAY: J:J,.uary 16


2. FrnAL



Seo " Club Presents" story, page 2 •••


Publ isfled each Wedne~ay of f~e school year by th" journalism dasses at San Jose City College. Supported, in part, by Anoc:iated Student Body funds, M ~mber California Newsp,per Publi1hers Associ&tion. Second Class postage p1ud at San Jose, Calif. Subscription ro1tes: $1.00 per year or IOJ per copy. Ph one 2q8.2181 , ext. 230.

Ed itor ·······-- ....... .. Chris Vaughan Managing Editor .. Run Linderwell Fea ture Ed itor ·------------ Judy Bed Page Ed itors ···-··-·- linda Hughes, Rose Ann Wilson Advisor ............... . C. W. Palm er Sports Ed itor ...... --···· Chef Woo4 ...... Pat Bolcioni Copy EQitor .. Advertising Mgr . ...... Tony Joseph

Electio~ Recap · Finds

'l'hursdey, January 12, .1967

Shiff: Ju Smith, Carol Bledsoe, John Bodine, Paul Shorlreed, louie Jensen, John Rondone, Terry Feist, Beverly Ferrara, Perry Buchanan, Bill Rumph, Joe Rondon&, Sob Meigs; Terri Benhett, and Mike O'CoMor Photogroph er5 ......... :. Bonnie Cyr, Dave Ber.gstr.,nd

l(ris' l(orne r

It seems it was only yesterday, when the TIMES staff fa ce d 14 issues to gN onl. And today's paper marks my las t isstl e. J c"n say Lhat il has hecn a rewanliug e xpe ri ence.

It seem s th a t this would be a pr·op e r Lime lo tlrank a ll tho se p eople w h o h elp us put out our papers. The adm in · istra tion , the fa culty, the clubs, an<l the tuclenls- they all have our tl ranks. Jt is our hope everyone got the publicity that tltey wanted. It's hard to· be aware of all the ac tivities on campus unless someone tell s u s about them. The n ext TIMES and those following next semester will b e a product of the new staff with Russ Linderwell headin g tbe oper ation. Russ was this semester's managing edi tor and I wish him all the luck 'in the wodd. The job isn 't ea sy hut it can he done .

A wor·d m u s t he said at this point about my adYiso r. Mr. Palme r , as does tire editor, enjoys little of the limelight and a l ot of the r·esponsibi lities in putting out a college paper·. P eople are quick to complain but ne\ er compliment. Without Mr. Palmer's help, the TIMES wou ld be in trouble. My advertising s taff, and my spo~ts s taff deserve a word of th anks. Both staffs worked by themsel ves and turn ed out a great job. Cbet Wood, spo rts editor, and Tony Joseph , advertis ing manager, both did an outstanding job. Good luck on your finals . Once again tJwnks for a wonderful semester a nd for an unforgettable e:xper·ience.


Cand idates Victimized

Paper Seeks Staff

Club Presents Dance Recital

this semester.

Anyone who has scheduled the class for next semester or feels they may be interested should como to Room 41 at 11 a.m. daily. Contact either Carl Palmer, advisor, or Russ LinderweU, managing editor. By coming into the staff room early the student can get an in-

composed of SJCC students selected by audition, and is spon. sored by Jimmylc Swope, dance instructor at City.

newspaper and acquaint themselves with the staff and editors. Students are reminded that they do not have'" to be journalism majors to write for the ne\vspaper.

A duet presented by Lynn


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* * * * * * ,City Quinte t Drops Cal-St ate, 64-42

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Despite fiendish torture dynamic BIC Duo writes first time, every time! BIC's rugged pair of stick pens wins again in unending war against ball-point skip, clog and smear. Despite horrible punishment by mad scientists, BIC still writes &rst time, every time. And no wonder. Die's "Dyamite" Ball is the hardest metal made, encased in a $Olid brass nose cone.


* * Cagers

7tl1 At Hancock .Casaba Squad

Drops In ,·t,·a I GGC Contests


Sprint-Relay 5th at Games

Blazer All-Tourney

Jaguars Take Third ·Attoothill Classic

Rico it would be well for me to supply a bit of hi stori cal background. (It would also be well for me to say a few words about Personna Super Staini'e ss ,Steel Blades because the makers of P ersonna Super Stainless Steel Blades pay me to write this column and they are inclined to sulk if I omit to mention their product. Of cou"-"- they don't stay gloomy long, for they are kindly, cheery men fond of Morris dancing, spelling bees, and temperance punch-fine, upright types, as true and gleaming and durable as the blades they make. And if you've tried P ersonna's, you know h ow true and gleaming and dm·able

The loss dropped the Jags f rom hoopmen were participating in two -~ contention, but still left t hem title Jocal tournaments. In their first tourney, the Foothill College Bas- !Jt t he ra"'-....:;.... for third place. In the ketball Classic, the Jags finished contest for tlte third spot Snn Jose a surprising third. The Jags won dunwed 1\le.rOOd, 90- 78. T he two games, losing to the State's built a. commanding 4.6-34 half time third-ranked team Long Beach Iea.d then pla,yed e ven with Merced in the fi nal half. City College in the semi·finals. Center Vern Watson dominated In the first round of the touma.· ment City upset hig hly favored both boanls and led the J ags to as he hit Santa. ~lonic.a. City College 68-67. their firnt half margin hallf. Steve Blazer c:umed 11 points in for 17 in the initial The Blue Devils from Merced the first nine minutes of a.ct.ion

last and last, shave after luxu ry shave, close, clean, nickJess, backless, tugless, gougeless, scr atchless, matchless. Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades come in Double Edge or Injector style and are made only by the makers of Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades.) . But I digress . Back to the history of Puerto Rico. The 1sland was discovered by that popular discoverer Christopher Columbus. Incidentally, co nsidering Columbus' popularity, it's odd we know so little about him. What do we •·eally know? Only this : He was born in Genoa on August 25, 1451, the son of Ralph T. Columb us, a knee-cymbal vendor, and Eleanor (Swlfty) Columbus, a low hurdler. He was an only child ex~ept for his five brothers and eight sisters. From early chrldh?Od he was an avid reader and s pent all his waking hours 1mmersed m a book. Unfortunately there was only one book in Genoa at the time-Care of the Horse by Arr stotle-and after 18 years of reading Care of the Horse, Columbus grew restless. When rumor reached hom t was another book in Madl'id, off he ran as fast as hrs httle fat legs would carry him. . Disappointment, alas, awaited_him there. The only book !n Mad rod was CutdarunCiiballo, which proved to be no thong more than a Spanish translation of Care of the HoTse. Then one day Columbus heard from a traveller that there were millions of books in India and he was instantly ablaze to set sail. Off he ran on 'his little fat legs to the court of F erdinand and I sabella (Columbu s though mor~ than six fee t tall, was plagued with little 'rat legs ~II hrs hf.e) and, as we all know, he persuaded the Spanrs h rulers to outfit hom w1th three stout ships, the Flopsy, the Mopsy, and the Cottrmtatl, and the rest is hi story!

Spring Sports Practicing

the same three points at the half. City was unable to close the gap built by the Comets, but t hey did play a fine game. Stev•~ Blazer led the scorin g for horsehiders out since last With many holdovers from last the J a.guar.s with 30 poinb; wltlle season, this year's diamond con· t ... Re es dded 12 ..... arkers · ....... Y -·a ti ngent shapes up as another win-"" Contra Cost.a hnd four nien in ning squad. Coach Baker's track squad has double figures for the n.igb.t and been working out regularly now for

Sunday for the Jag two-mile relay squad.

SWimmers under Coach Jones

to give t.he Jags a. comfortable put a quick 12 point barrage on

polnt lhe Jags to knot the score at have already broke the ice off the · J•ad continued to switch top of t he poo 1 to ge t m some prac. on the Jags led Sa nta Monica, 48 .al1. The "' but were forced to hold on for t he hands until there was 5:42 left in tice time. Harley Dow's golfers are

worlting morgi.n. From

th l~t

n.arrow 68-67 win.

the contest when Watson h'it with looking for a s uccessful 1967 cam·

The 6-3 Blazer canned 23 poin ts a hook. Guard Bob Penny hit on paign as are the tennis team, ';' in leading the Jags to their third two free throws to gfve the Jags which will be under the new coach Pat Daugherty. victory in eight outings. Frank the lead. Flack, Santa Monica's 6-7 center led a1! scorers with 25 markers. Two of Flack's points came in the closing six seconds when t he J ags let him score an unmolested bucket to avoid a foul. Vernell Watson added 13 points, white guard Bob Penny was con-

Anyone interested in competing City was never headed as Steve Blazer came up with a hot hand this spring should see a coach im-

a slow control type offense, hoping

to keep the ball away from the potent Vikes. The slow offense was giving Long Beach fits in the opening minutes of pla·y. Vern Watson hit a short hook five min· utes into the game to give the

campus store now.

Jaguars a 9-8 lead.


_Well si r, now you know all about the origins of Puerto RlCo. So get packed and get going! You'lllove it! Stroll the beaches, "':"'m the coves, breathe the fragrance of hibiscus and bougamvrllea. And remember always t hat t he friend ly Puerto Rrcans are delighted to show you thei r customs teach you then: language. Why, I 'll wager you'll soon knoV: [.a r more S~anr,~h t~an the three basic phrases. You'll know H f:!Sta lavtsta wh1eh means "See you la ter." HPor fdvor" ":~1~~ m~ans "PJea~,~,.f' and uEl t1·en se pa1·6 en las estacwn whrch mea ns You,r llama has eaten my passport." ®1966. Max Shulman * -Y.· * h ' G · j raClas rom t e .makers o~ Personna for giving our blades such a cordwl receptiOn and />Or j Uvo r !J.ow ' ' vin g pro(lrtcU . an.ot of ou.r lux, ury sha a bout tryw.g menthol? or l'egular Shave, - Burma


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Blazer Is JC Pick

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to insure the team's victory. The' Ve rn \Vut;son was the ,

For his outstanding play in t.he W atson, who had six points al· tournaments, willowly Jag holiday ready chalked up, twisted his ankle steve Blazer was named forward, on the play and the rugged reCollege player of the week. Junior the out sit to bounder was forced The 6' 3" Blazer has been t he remainder of the half. , am's leading scorer throughout 30 Steve Blazer's ten points kept te current season, hitting h he the Jags in contention in the fiTSt t hall. City left the coul"t down only points in his last outing. Blazer .as 36-31 at the half. After the inte r- an unorthodox shot which h1ts· from all over the court. . . h on the thin s ide, Blazer mtSsron the Vikes ~e out In a. ell as a full-coUJ"t press which forced t he . . Al~oug bo d . Jags into numerous ball lmndling lS a fme ref u~ ei, las w He is a . tenacious de ens,ve P aye~·"" errors Long Beach was able · d ball player WJth a 1me d e te rmme P pile up• a. 30 point, (69-39) lead. . As usual Steve Blazer was the attit~de. For t he young season Blazer Is team's top point getter with 18 for the n ight. Joining Blazer i n currently carrying an 18 point plus



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The Jags started the game with

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if: if: -It .~..

slender Blazer hit on a 15-foot for the Spring semester can be ar-

Reyes scoring was done in the first half 22 marke rs, while Oscar 11oints. 11 with in ehitlping was when they built an impr-essive 32Steve Blazer hit fOr a total of 26 lead. points for the three co~tests , 63 In the semi-finals of the Classic the Jags stayed with Long Beach good for a 21 point average. Blazer City College for the first ha.l.f be- was named to the All-Tourney fo re the e-xperienced Vikings puJled team for his outstanding play during the tournament. a.wny to their 80-67 margin.

\Vill not skip, clog




good for eight quick points. The mediately so that t heir schedules

team's leading scorer nith 27 Bipzer checked out with points. Jags' the of tributing 11. Most

or smear no matter

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the same amount of time. The sprint medley team competed in t he AU-American Games last week. The Athens Invitational will be

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are going full swing, the coaches have already started to look to the p r i n g sport•. New basketball s \Vatson injured the and 11 While most students rested over with coach John Oldham has had his the holidays the hard working J ag week.

that is ! And if you haven't tried Personna's, poor devil, you've cheated both your purse and face, for Personna's

sight into the working of City's

Pieces to be presented include ''The Man From Else'.'Vhere," a jazz \\rork; "Rain Tears," a lyrical piece with Japanese Koto accompaniment; and "Paroxysms," a suite of comic improvisations by the dancers.

Keyed-up stUdents unwind at Sheraton ... and save money

preceding president's platform and therefore just promises. Percy fohlowers fought a winning battle to keep their candidate from drowning in rumors

to help on the last paper of

mission is 25 cents general and free to ASB card holders. The Modern Dance Club is

Lombardo, Irene Kimura, and Pat Radcliff Will also be featured. Also appearing on the pro-gram are four guest dancers from San Jose State. Persons interested in joining this dance group should watch for audition announcements beginning next semester.

some students fell that the plat· form Was a mere copy of the

Students interested in work. ing on the City College Times staff next semester are invited

The Faggs have wrapped up the of Bob Costa (166 avg.), Bill Leo !161) , Mary Lower (169) and in1ramura.l touch football chamMary Tcrribilini (155).

pions-hip by ~nding the season nnIndividually Dale Murray h a." de-feated and then capturing the the tOJ) average, currently c.'lrrying --------- --------- --------- -1 tournament. The Faggs took the a. fine 180. Oth("r fine averages CITY COLLEGE TDIE8-3 tourney With a decisive 26-6 win be long to il fa.ry Escobar wit h a 174 Thursday, January 12, 196i and Gary Imamura. wJ•o boasts a ----------- over the Hawaiians. ----------~-----Throo t-ouclidown passes from 175 a.veri1ge. Murray and Imamura are the La:rry Robinson were the d.ifferenoo in high game and series. leaders Robinson teams:. two the between hit Garry 1\fadden tor one scor e, Murray has a 238·604 gamennd teamed with Ca.ptafn. Dn.v e series to his credit. Imamura h as a 228·534 duo. Jane Cestoric is the vacaChristmas Bruni for two touchdown scores. In pre-tourney action last m.o nth .contest to the frosh from ! he Unitheir second In tourney th e Jags didn't fare tion the J ags e·ncountered tlLree str ong versity of San F1·ancisco. The Jags Bruni was the- outstanding F agg top woman ln the- game-series d uo. to gain t he non _ conference foes. Fo llowing fOu ght back from a 32-26 half time as well as they did in t he foothill as he played an outstanding game She posted a 203-534 Since returning to school from their ba.l anced attack W!IS too on offense, but was even more ef- honor as the 1 e ad i n g woman their 64·59 trlumJ)Il. over Hartnell deficit to knot the score at 42-42 Classic. In the Allan Hancock HoliFo1lowing Cestaric in the the Jag h.oop quintet cn me back midway through the second ha1f. day Tournament the J ags dropped t he vacation the Jag hoop quintet much for the fective on defense where his in ter- bowler. Yesterday the J ags traveled to ceptions thwarted many Hawaiian woman's category would be Cherri with an Impressive 64-42 win over The two quin tets matched buckets their first two contes ts before has opened its 1967 Golden Gate Kauppi. Kauppi has a 146 average Conference schedule. The City Oakl•a nd to tangle with Merritt in drives. the Cal State Frosh jn Hay-\vn.rd. unti1 USF's Fred Schaer, the W"inning their fi nal contest, good and a quintet has dropped their first two a conference game. Friday, the After the win over Cal-State the game's leading scorer with 16, Despite the t'ine play of Leo to go with a 202 high game place. seventh for se-ries. 522 ne fi Valley Diablo host will team conference foes, and are entrenched City Castillo and l\felvin Pang, along J dropt:.ed a. pair of narrow was able to net two quick buckets Teams should start to organize In t he first round aetion t he in the GGC cellar. The first loss in the Jaguar gym at 8 p.m. Tues- with Don Wang, th e H~1.waijans contests to 1\-fenlo Colle ge, 52-51 a nd give the Dons a four point for the intramural basketball seaCity quintet tdayed even with 1\It. was to Chabot; 67-62 ·and the sec· day the Jags have a bye, then they were greatly outclassed. and to th_e Oniversity of Sa n Fran - advantage. shor tly. Rosters are S~m Jose wen t into full court San Antonio for t he first 33 min- ond was to the State's eight ranked will host arch-rival F oothill on cisco Frosh by a 56-52 count.. Mark Lower and Woody Wil· son to begin Simoni the 20th. Leading the Jags agains t Cal pret;.s l.n the final two minu tes, but u tes before going cold with only team Contra Costa, 71-68. Iiams gave Robinson time to set- available from director Si gym. Men's the in with even stay to e were Trailing Blazer 7:10 left in the contest. State was 6-3 foiWard Steve up and throw his TD passes as The Jags led Chabot in the ..J. who tanked 25 points In Jeading the Irosh, finally drop1)ing the 56- by only 60-56 a ll the Jags e.-xcept they kept the Hawaiians' defensive of much for conference lid-lift-er the Jags to victory. Center Vernell 52 enco\Ulter. Steve Bla.zer went cold and Mt. line out of the action. BABY'S DIAPER SERVICE Again Steve Blazer topped the SAC caugh.t fire ,t 0 post a. 79-6Q the game, but ·a slx-point spree Watson dominated both boards and The rain plagued tennis tourney medicate all baby's diapen with We eruJ.bled King Verby 6-8 forward Bill win. added 16 digits to the cause. Re- Jag scorer s with 14 markers. is reaching i ts climax after weeks DIAPARENE serve forward Gary Ledesma con- nell Watson continued hi.;; cono:;istEnabling San Jose to keep up Chabot to pull away In the final of. delay. Only three matches reSani-Soft Finished and sf~rili1ed tributed 12 points to the team's ent type of play by hitting for 10 with Mt SAC was the shooting of two minutes o! play. . main to be played, two semi-finals Phone 294-1933 77 No. -4th St. points. J oining the Jags' regular Blaze1·, who topped a ll scorers with total ship. In the two ampion ch the and The J ags led by only 27-26 at The San Jose City College sprint semis Gary Thiessen wiU meet Ron Against Menlo the Jags led for double figure men, Blazer and 23 points, and the scoring and baHthe first 38 minutes of the game, Watson, wasa guard Bob Penney handling of guards Oscar Reyes the half, then Increased their lead medley Relay team journey to the Lowe in one match, while Rich orny to be edged 52-51. In the who burned the twines for 12 and Bob Penny, both of whom through the second half. Oscar Cow Palace to defend their title Hadlock will tangle With George FREEMAN'S Rey"" staked the J egs ~o their in Uw All-American Games. Last Nastor. The winners will meet. to , final two minutes. the team traded digits. netted 12 poin~. USED CARS biggest lead of the night when he year-'s team took the relay, se-tting cletennin.c- the champion of intraThnB far on the ymmg sea.i<ln baskets before the Oaks were able Best Clean Used Ca rt in Towl'l the half Trailing by 28-21 at the hit a 20-foot jumper. Long j um~_r a record of 3:38.4 on the way to HARDTOPS - STICKS to open a three point mru·gin. With the Jags have not h1t the ir f ull mural tennis. All four competitors and Boris Pcsa the victm.-.Y: $99.00 and up the Jags down 52-49 San Jose potential, winning only two games !Tags bounced back to tie Fresno ~rs by Ray Tucker h ave had to defeat many top con295-0465 b99 The Alameda The Jags could manage only n tenders to reach the finals. forward Steve Blazer, the team's while dropping six til ts. City College before bowing 90-83. started the Gladiators on their way points. quick six s hi hit King until performoutstn.ndlng has team talent-rich the 's ta year both this in sank fifth. top scorer with 20, Ron Carling wns the big gun for In intramural bowling two new The Glads left the court at the fleltl. The winni11g team in t~e retempts at a one-and -one situation e rs. Guard Osca:r .Reyes was. Co- the Jags tallying 29 digits, keeping have come up to take over teams half down by a point, but they la.y was Laney with a. fine clockImportant Notice Player of the year in the tough to make the score 52-51. from the perennial Jeaders. ReplacCity team in c ou ten tl on completely edt-rebounded t he Jags, the ing of 3:38.1 cracking the Jags ing the Josers as the top team Menlo inboundcd the ball with l\Jount Hamll ton Athletic West Coast Promotions gtabbing 41 compared to City's record, The City foursome this only 13 seconds left and were able in 1965. Both forwards, Steve Bla· throughout the Cl'!.ntest. Following the 69'ers 69'ers. the is is looking for Purple the half second the In year turned in a respectable time rn the s tandin g is the "007" team. ~ to hang on for the win. Again \Vat- zer a nd Ron Carling joined Reyes The team's leading s corer Steve 22. new talent boards the controlled White and of S :39.7. This t lme is consldere<l ) son added sooriug strength by tally- on the All-1\UIAL quintet. Bla>er found the range for 23 composed are 69'ers leading The seven of guilty were FOLKSINGERS exoollent for thli early date. Guard Bob Penny possesses a markers to add to the Jag's total. 22-16, but lng 14. marl{ers. COMEDIANS The Jags enjoyed a 24-16 ad- fine shot and does an outstanding Joining Carling and Blazer in tui'novers. Only Jim Rocca retumed from BANDS JA7Z DoughPat Coach he t in running of double figures was guard Reyes vantage at the half, but could not job Biggest handicap on the evening last year's squad to compete SAN JOSE PHOTO EQUIP. R & R BANDS stand the prosperity. The loss erty's offense, Center Vern Watson who again hit for 12 m arkers. for the (Jags was the fouls picked ~lays. Rocca (Overfelt) ran the SERVICE which is 880 yards. dropped the J ags to a 2-5 record. has been team's top rebounder for FOR INTERVIEW CALL In the final contest in t he tour· up b3-· fo·rwa.rd ~eve Bla.:7...el" early anchor Jeg • Equipmeat Repairs In their final pre-tourney game the year and ranks as one of the noy for the Jags, City found the In the game. Blli.zer, the team's OthC'r team members were Howard 269-0305 - 6-9 :30 p.m. 297-0177 ran t he 480 yard 394 BIRD AYE. the City quintet lost a close 56-52 league's best rebounders. 264-1640- 7:30-9:30 p.m. range for an easy victory and leading scorer, sat out much of the McCa1ebb who game but stlll managed to cage 11 leg; Pat Galleguillos took the baseventh place. poi.nts. Ron CarUn g stept>ed into ton from McCalebb and ran a fine Blazer's sco ring shoes a-n d led the 320 Jeg; Earl Harris ran t he third t-eam with 16 points. Oscar Reyes leg, the 160-yard sprin t, before a~ so hit for double figures with ha nding it to Rocca. The track squad wiH continue its 14: markers. season action Sunday w he n early Costa tra Con eighth-ranked The teani · had to hold off a stubborn the two-mile _relay teru:n goes to Jaiu~~ Quinte t to 'manage a nar- the new Oakland Coli.seum f.or t he row ~~68 win. The J ags trailed by Relays. sports winter two t:he that Now

cecded Aikman's. As a matte-r C( and a few votes ahead of Aikfact, Aikman was prepared sirn. . man. 'Vhen two me-n vie fo1· a JX>liply to accept the nomination~ P ercy and crew came to hlS is campaign tical off ice, a quite sUJ-prised when Perl)' was squelch to ·ying defense by t 1 launchect severa I months in ad· expounded on the Bond Electioa rwnors with public appearances vance of the election. Here beAikman's platform was short and speeches which were thrown gins the lying, cheatin g, and and s imple. He promised only to open to Students for discussion. double-dealing. do his best to aid the students ' Topics under fire included th e Each cand idate in his quest in whatever the-y might ni:!Q;l Election, the Athletics DeBond for office, employs a staff who was criticized becaUse Aikman partment, a nd Percy's platform. drag out all the dirty little dehis pla.t form didn't expre3.1 In' defense of his platform, tails about his opponent that can enough of himself or his inten. Per~y campaigners wm~e quick be found and feed them a t the tions. A question concerning hit · to explain that sev~.ral of Percy's appropriate time to newspapers, real knowledge of the PI'Oble., ct.\rry-overs were statements radio stations, People standing on SJCC arose because he had of from the former President's platstreet· corners-to anyone who not aligned solutions nor ntade Mod ern Dance .. . see story below, column 3 But- they reasoned t hat it form. will lend an ear. promises to solve these problelTJ.t takes much longer than one seThis is 8. tragic sHuation. But Aikman campaigners also ~ get to President one and mester - -'-another big tragedy is the the policy of ''I'll scratch Your done. job a situation with one big addHion back if you'll scratch mine," ill Choosing a more delicate w.ay exists not only on a state and getting the Athletic Dept. to was ace ef chi Percy's fighting, of national level but also on the vote in the election. the fact that Richanl Aikman junior college campus. Last and most important to an ing Merchandis the to belongs December 7's campus. elections election are the voters them.. popubiggest the is which Club, found Richard Aikman and DenBy JAN S~UTH t ors attached to the rear selves. Apathy must be thi! l ated and most powerful club on nis Percy-or as it all boiled wheels · of bicycles, transforming From the streaming metrop.. school's middle name. With the seemed to strategy His campus. down to Merchanctisfng Club vs. them into motorbikes. olises and the cozy Jittle towns final votes tallied, it was disimply that the. club was runcampus Liberals- pitted against After the first attempt. of the United States come the covered that a record number puppet. a ning each other for the a U-importa nt purring of motorcycles. TeenHonda tried again in 1949. He of 500 studen ts had voted. Oul What was worse is that a few position of A .S.B. President. agers and adults have enjoyed produced a small machine that of two thousand A.S .B. caro. memClub Merchandising the of As campaign managers fevercouid travel 45 m.p.h. and go and soared the sales ratings or holders, which in turn is from to use strings hoping were bers posters finish to 2bo miles on one gallon or gas. ishly worked the Honda. The peculiarity of a student body of ten thousan~ on Aikman and didn't mind Jetand campaigns rallied to their the whole fad is that the bike This machine, his fourth model, five hundred bothered to only know.· others ing t infor· peaks, studerits gathering became so popular that by 1950, enthusiasts owe lhcil· nashy no small wonder that It's Aile· vote. e Lh to setback Another mation on the candidates before he was 3,600 cycles a mode of transportation to an election was such , B. A.S. this first very the was campaign man knee· year and by 1952 was em[>loying voting found themselves auto accident. that took place and a battle it w& battle the close at given waS t tha speech deep in ' 1mud." 1,000 men. more than 30 years ago. past Aikman squeaked Percy's Percy as assembly, nations noml From Aikman campaJgners While guiding his modified Honda gradual1y improved his with a slim 34 vote lead. great oratorial powe~ far exconstatements hap-hazard came models' and today they are not Model A around a track at a cerning Percy's anti-athletics the ear-splitting juvenile dethrilling speed of 75 m.p.h. in 1935, a young racing driver linquent type jobs that Amer- stand and how he-if electedwas going to out down the ica has put up with for many named So"ichoro Honda was hit by a competing car. The acci· years. They looked like motor- money going intO" the Athletic Department .and put it to use in dent landed Honda i~ the hos·cycles but were steady, economanother area. pital and ended his racing days Ical and would not exceed 50 T hen there was the problem forever. What followed was the m.p.h. in some models. Howof faculty involvement. For the birth of a Honda from the brain ever , Honda did make faster first.. time, they took a strong of an ingenious young Japan.. models. Some can top 110 and active part in student elecll"S A NORTH WIND THAT BLOWS NO COOD ese. m.p.h. or more. nd a · Percy the attacking by tions Crushed between the twin millstones of January He began making piston; rings, In 1966, Honda became the and chewing platforms .Aikman and fin a l exams, you are saved from tot.ul des· weather went back to school to Jearn all first . motorcycle maker to ,win on juicy morsels of gossip. One pair, poor devil s, only by the k n owledge that winter vacahe could about metallurgy and in a single year the Manufacti on will soon be here. boy rePQrted that his P.E. inother technical matters, and by tw·er's Team Prize in a]! solo Where will you go this year? Will it be F lorida again, to period whole a took structor WW II was a successful busi· categories - 50-125-250·350 and or a r e yo u tired of jailS? Then how about Puerto Rico? camhis and Percy undermine ncssman. However, when an 500 CC. Today Honda is the A most excellent notion, say I. A balmy and bounteous paign, while a few Social Science American bof11b destroyed his most popular of all the motor with long white beaches and blue, blue skies and island teachers who haled to see the ~actory, Honda had to begin all bikes and the average producg reen, healing seas. And, most pleasant of all, the warm having by profit Dept. Business over again. tion is a million and a half a and gracious peopl e of Puet·to Rico! You don't even have Aikman win settled for subtle The primitive forerunners of to know Spanish to communicate with this friendly folk. year, of which 300,000 are ex:· remark's made during classroom the popular Honda were modi-. Just learn three simple phrases and you'll get along ported to fihe U.S. discussions. sple.ndidly: " Buenos dias" which means uGood morning," fied war-surplus r~dio genera. Finally, there was Percy's "Gracias" which means "Thank you/' and "Que ser6. seni" which means "Your llama is on my foot." platform itself. Long and spe· In order-to help you enjoy the fabled land of Puerto cific in ..comParison to ·Aikman's,


The Modern Dance Club af San Jose City College Will present a concert of dances at 11 a.m. Thursday, January 12, and again at 8 p.m. Friday, January 13, in the College Theatre. Ad-

1 I

Jag Hoopmen Participate in Practice, Tourney, GGC Tilts

Motorcycle Sales Soar· As Honda Fad Mounts

Thoughts and Thanks

Faggs Capture Crown In Intramu ral Football

SAN JOSE HEALTH CLUB 9th & $ant~ Clara 295·9910


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......;·; d.;;;·; ;".;.--- ·

double figures were Ron Carling average. I .


Publ isfled each Wedne~ay of f~e school year by th" journalism dasses at San Jose City College. Supported, in part, by Anoc:iated Student Body funds, M ~mber California Newsp,per Publi1hers Associ&tion. Second Class postage p1ud at San Jose, Calif. Subscription ro1tes: $1.00 per year or IOJ per copy. Ph one 2q8.2181 , ext. 230.

Ed itor ·······-- ....... .. Chris Vaughan Managing Editor .. Run Linderwell Fea ture Ed itor ·------------ Judy Bed Page Ed itors ···-··-·- linda Hughes, Rose Ann Wilson Advisor ............... . C. W. Palm er Sports Ed itor ...... --···· Chef Woo4 ...... Pat Bolcioni Copy EQitor .. Advertising Mgr . ...... Tony Joseph

Electio~ Recap · Finds

'l'hursdey, January 12, .1967

Shiff: Ju Smith, Carol Bledsoe, John Bodine, Paul Shorlreed, louie Jensen, John Rondone, Terry Feist, Beverly Ferrara, Perry Buchanan, Bill Rumph, Joe Rondon&, Sob Meigs; Terri Benhett, and Mike O'CoMor Photogroph er5 ......... :. Bonnie Cyr, Dave Ber.gstr.,nd

l(ris' l(orne r

It seems it was only yesterday, when the TIMES staff fa ce d 14 issues to gN onl. And today's paper marks my las t isstl e. J c"n say Lhat il has hecn a rewanliug e xpe ri ence.

It seem s th a t this would be a pr·op e r Lime lo tlrank a ll tho se p eople w h o h elp us put out our papers. The adm in · istra tion , the fa culty, the clubs, an<l the tuclenls- they all have our tl ranks. Jt is our hope everyone got the publicity that tltey wanted. It's hard to· be aware of all the ac tivities on campus unless someone tell s u s about them. The n ext TIMES and those following next semester will b e a product of the new staff with Russ Linderwell headin g tbe oper ation. Russ was this semester's managing edi tor and I wish him all the luck 'in the wodd. The job isn 't ea sy hut it can he done .

A wor·d m u s t he said at this point about my adYiso r. Mr. Palme r , as does tire editor, enjoys little of the limelight and a l ot of the r·esponsibi lities in putting out a college paper·. P eople are quick to complain but ne\ er compliment. Without Mr. Palmer's help, the TIMES wou ld be in trouble. My advertising s taff, and my spo~ts s taff deserve a word of th anks. Both staffs worked by themsel ves and turn ed out a great job. Cbet Wood, spo rts editor, and Tony Joseph , advertis ing manager, both did an outstanding job. Good luck on your finals . Once again tJwnks for a wonderful semester a nd for an unforgettable e:xper·ience.


Cand idates Victimized

Paper Seeks Staff

Club Presents Dance Recital

this semester.

Anyone who has scheduled the class for next semester or feels they may be interested should como to Room 41 at 11 a.m. daily. Contact either Carl Palmer, advisor, or Russ LinderweU, managing editor. By coming into the staff room early the student can get an in-

composed of SJCC students selected by audition, and is spon. sored by Jimmylc Swope, dance instructor at City.

newspaper and acquaint themselves with the staff and editors. Students are reminded that they do not have'" to be journalism majors to write for the ne\vspaper.

A duet presented by Lynn


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* * * * * * ,City Quinte t Drops Cal-St ate, 64-42

------~_J ,

Despite fiendish torture dynamic BIC Duo writes first time, every time! BIC's rugged pair of stick pens wins again in unending war against ball-point skip, clog and smear. Despite horrible punishment by mad scientists, BIC still writes &rst time, every time. And no wonder. Die's "Dyamite" Ball is the hardest metal made, encased in a $Olid brass nose cone.


* * Cagers

7tl1 At Hancock .Casaba Squad

Drops In ,·t,·a I GGC Contests


Sprint-Relay 5th at Games

Blazer All-Tourney

Jaguars Take Third ·Attoothill Classic

Rico it would be well for me to supply a bit of hi stori cal background. (It would also be well for me to say a few words about Personna Super Staini'e ss ,Steel Blades because the makers of P ersonna Super Stainless Steel Blades pay me to write this column and they are inclined to sulk if I omit to mention their product. Of cou"-"- they don't stay gloomy long, for they are kindly, cheery men fond of Morris dancing, spelling bees, and temperance punch-fine, upright types, as true and gleaming and durable as the blades they make. And if you've tried P ersonna's, you know h ow true and gleaming and dm·able

The loss dropped the Jags f rom hoopmen were participating in two -~ contention, but still left t hem title Jocal tournaments. In their first tourney, the Foothill College Bas- !Jt t he ra"'-....:;.... for third place. In the ketball Classic, the Jags finished contest for tlte third spot Snn Jose a surprising third. The Jags won dunwed 1\le.rOOd, 90- 78. T he two games, losing to the State's built a. commanding 4.6-34 half time third-ranked team Long Beach Iea.d then pla,yed e ven with Merced in the fi nal half. City College in the semi·finals. Center Vern Watson dominated In the first round of the touma.· ment City upset hig hly favored both boanls and led the J ags to as he hit Santa. ~lonic.a. City College 68-67. their firnt half margin hallf. Steve Blazer c:umed 11 points in for 17 in the initial The Blue Devils from Merced the first nine minutes of a.ct.ion

last and last, shave after luxu ry shave, close, clean, nickJess, backless, tugless, gougeless, scr atchless, matchless. Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades come in Double Edge or Injector style and are made only by the makers of Personna Super Stainless Steel Blades.) . But I digress . Back to the history of Puerto Rico. The 1sland was discovered by that popular discoverer Christopher Columbus. Incidentally, co nsidering Columbus' popularity, it's odd we know so little about him. What do we •·eally know? Only this : He was born in Genoa on August 25, 1451, the son of Ralph T. Columb us, a knee-cymbal vendor, and Eleanor (Swlfty) Columbus, a low hurdler. He was an only child ex~ept for his five brothers and eight sisters. From early chrldh?Od he was an avid reader and s pent all his waking hours 1mmersed m a book. Unfortunately there was only one book in Genoa at the time-Care of the Horse by Arr stotle-and after 18 years of reading Care of the Horse, Columbus grew restless. When rumor reached hom t was another book in Madl'id, off he ran as fast as hrs httle fat legs would carry him. . Disappointment, alas, awaited_him there. The only book !n Mad rod was CutdarunCiiballo, which proved to be no thong more than a Spanish translation of Care of the HoTse. Then one day Columbus heard from a traveller that there were millions of books in India and he was instantly ablaze to set sail. Off he ran on 'his little fat legs to the court of F erdinand and I sabella (Columbu s though mor~ than six fee t tall, was plagued with little 'rat legs ~II hrs hf.e) and, as we all know, he persuaded the Spanrs h rulers to outfit hom w1th three stout ships, the Flopsy, the Mopsy, and the Cottrmtatl, and the rest is hi story!

Spring Sports Practicing

the same three points at the half. City was unable to close the gap built by the Comets, but t hey did play a fine game. Stev•~ Blazer led the scorin g for horsehiders out since last With many holdovers from last the J a.guar.s with 30 poinb; wltlle season, this year's diamond con· t ... Re es dded 12 ..... arkers · ....... Y -·a ti ngent shapes up as another win-"" Contra Cost.a hnd four nien in ning squad. Coach Baker's track squad has double figures for the n.igb.t and been working out regularly now for

Sunday for the Jag two-mile relay squad.

SWimmers under Coach Jones

to give t.he Jags a. comfortable put a quick 12 point barrage on

polnt lhe Jags to knot the score at have already broke the ice off the · J•ad continued to switch top of t he poo 1 to ge t m some prac. on the Jags led Sa nta Monica, 48 .al1. The "' but were forced to hold on for t he hands until there was 5:42 left in tice time. Harley Dow's golfers are

worlting morgi.n. From

th l~t

n.arrow 68-67 win.

the contest when Watson h'it with looking for a s uccessful 1967 cam·

The 6-3 Blazer canned 23 poin ts a hook. Guard Bob Penny hit on paign as are the tennis team, ';' in leading the Jags to their third two free throws to gfve the Jags which will be under the new coach Pat Daugherty. victory in eight outings. Frank the lead. Flack, Santa Monica's 6-7 center led a1! scorers with 25 markers. Two of Flack's points came in the closing six seconds when t he J ags let him score an unmolested bucket to avoid a foul. Vernell Watson added 13 points, white guard Bob Penny was con-

Anyone interested in competing City was never headed as Steve Blazer came up with a hot hand this spring should see a coach im-

a slow control type offense, hoping

to keep the ball away from the potent Vikes. The slow offense was giving Long Beach fits in the opening minutes of pla·y. Vern Watson hit a short hook five min· utes into the game to give the

campus store now.

Jaguars a 9-8 lead.


_Well si r, now you know all about the origins of Puerto RlCo. So get packed and get going! You'lllove it! Stroll the beaches, "':"'m the coves, breathe the fragrance of hibiscus and bougamvrllea. And remember always t hat t he friend ly Puerto Rrcans are delighted to show you thei r customs teach you then: language. Why, I 'll wager you'll soon knoV: [.a r more S~anr,~h t~an the three basic phrases. You'll know H f:!Sta lavtsta wh1eh means "See you la ter." HPor fdvor" ":~1~~ m~ans "PJea~,~,.f' and uEl t1·en se pa1·6 en las estacwn whrch mea ns You,r llama has eaten my passport." ®1966. Max Shulman * -Y.· * h ' G · j raClas rom t e .makers o~ Personna for giving our blades such a cordwl receptiOn and />Or j Uvo r !J.ow ' ' vin g pro(lrtcU . an.ot of ou.r lux, ury sha a bout tryw.g menthol? or l'egular Shave, - Burma


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Blazer Is JC Pick

(When you can't afford to· be dull)

We' re Specialists

to insure the team's victory. The' Ve rn \Vut;son was the ,

For his outstanding play in t.he W atson, who had six points al· tournaments, willowly Jag holiday ready chalked up, twisted his ankle steve Blazer was named forward, on the play and the rugged reCollege player of the week. Junior the out sit to bounder was forced The 6' 3" Blazer has been t he remainder of the half. , am's leading scorer throughout 30 Steve Blazer's ten points kept te current season, hitting h he the Jags in contention in the fiTSt t hall. City left the coul"t down only points in his last outing. Blazer .as 36-31 at the half. After the inte r- an unorthodox shot which h1ts· from all over the court. . . h on the thin s ide, Blazer mtSsron the Vikes ~e out In a. ell as a full-coUJ"t press which forced t he . . Al~oug bo d . Jags into numerous ball lmndling lS a fme ref u~ ei, las w He is a . tenacious de ens,ve P aye~·"" errors Long Beach was able · d ball player WJth a 1me d e te rmme P pile up• a. 30 point, (69-39) lead. . As usual Steve Blazer was the attit~de. For t he young season Blazer Is team's top point getter with 18 for the n ight. Joining Blazer i n currently carrying an 18 point plus



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The Jags started the game with

what devilish abuse is devised for them by sadistic students. Get the dynamic BIC Duo at your



if: if: -It .~..

slender Blazer hit on a 15-foot for the Spring semester can be ar-

Reyes scoring was done in the first half 22 marke rs, while Oscar 11oints. 11 with in ehitlping was when they built an impr-essive 32Steve Blazer hit fOr a total of 26 lead. points for the three co~tests , 63 In the semi-finals of the Classic the Jags stayed with Long Beach good for a 21 point average. Blazer City College for the first ha.l.f be- was named to the All-Tourney fo re the e-xperienced Vikings puJled team for his outstanding play during the tournament. a.wny to their 80-67 margin.

\Vill not skip, clog




good for eight quick points. The mediately so that t heir schedules

team's leading scorer nith 27 Bipzer checked out with points. Jags' the of tributing 11. Most

or smear no matter

********( ********H*H** $MART $TUDENTS ~

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the same amount of time. The sprint medley team competed in t he AU-American Games last week. The Athens Invitational will be

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are going full swing, the coaches have already started to look to the p r i n g sport•. New basketball s \Vatson injured the and 11 While most students rested over with coach John Oldham has had his the holidays the hard working J ag week.

that is ! And if you haven't tried Personna's, poor devil, you've cheated both your purse and face, for Personna's

sight into the working of City's

Pieces to be presented include ''The Man From Else'.'Vhere," a jazz \\rork; "Rain Tears," a lyrical piece with Japanese Koto accompaniment; and "Paroxysms," a suite of comic improvisations by the dancers.

Keyed-up stUdents unwind at Sheraton ... and save money

preceding president's platform and therefore just promises. Percy fohlowers fought a winning battle to keep their candidate from drowning in rumors

to help on the last paper of

mission is 25 cents general and free to ASB card holders. The Modern Dance Club is

Lombardo, Irene Kimura, and Pat Radcliff Will also be featured. Also appearing on the pro-gram are four guest dancers from San Jose State. Persons interested in joining this dance group should watch for audition announcements beginning next semester.

some students fell that the plat· form Was a mere copy of the

Students interested in work. ing on the City College Times staff next semester are invited

The Faggs have wrapped up the of Bob Costa (166 avg.), Bill Leo !161) , Mary Lower (169) and in1ramura.l touch football chamMary Tcrribilini (155).

pions-hip by ~nding the season nnIndividually Dale Murray h a." de-feated and then capturing the the tOJ) average, currently c.'lrrying --------- --------- --------- -1 tournament. The Faggs took the a. fine 180. Oth("r fine averages CITY COLLEGE TDIE8-3 tourney With a decisive 26-6 win be long to il fa.ry Escobar wit h a 174 Thursday, January 12, 196i and Gary Imamura. wJ•o boasts a ----------- over the Hawaiians. ----------~-----Throo t-ouclidown passes from 175 a.veri1ge. Murray and Imamura are the La:rry Robinson were the d.ifferenoo in high game and series. leaders Robinson teams:. two the between hit Garry 1\fadden tor one scor e, Murray has a 238·604 gamennd teamed with Ca.ptafn. Dn.v e series to his credit. Imamura h as a 228·534 duo. Jane Cestoric is the vacaChristmas Bruni for two touchdown scores. In pre-tourney action last m.o nth .contest to the frosh from ! he Unitheir second In tourney th e Jags didn't fare tion the J ags e·ncountered tlLree str ong versity of San F1·ancisco. The Jags Bruni was the- outstanding F agg top woman ln the- game-series d uo. to gain t he non _ conference foes. Fo llowing fOu ght back from a 32-26 half time as well as they did in t he foothill as he played an outstanding game She posted a 203-534 Since returning to school from their ba.l anced attack W!IS too on offense, but was even more ef- honor as the 1 e ad i n g woman their 64·59 trlumJ)Il. over Hartnell deficit to knot the score at 42-42 Classic. In the Allan Hancock HoliFo1lowing Cestaric in the the Jag h.oop quintet cn me back midway through the second ha1f. day Tournament the J ags dropped t he vacation the Jag hoop quintet much for the fective on defense where his in ter- bowler. Yesterday the J ags traveled to ceptions thwarted many Hawaiian woman's category would be Cherri with an Impressive 64-42 win over The two quin tets matched buckets their first two contes ts before has opened its 1967 Golden Gate Kauppi. Kauppi has a 146 average Conference schedule. The City Oakl•a nd to tangle with Merritt in drives. the Cal State Frosh jn Hay-\vn.rd. unti1 USF's Fred Schaer, the W"inning their fi nal contest, good and a quintet has dropped their first two a conference game. Friday, the After the win over Cal-State the game's leading scorer with 16, Despite the t'ine play of Leo to go with a 202 high game place. seventh for se-ries. 522 ne fi Valley Diablo host will team conference foes, and are entrenched City Castillo and l\felvin Pang, along J dropt:.ed a. pair of narrow was able to net two quick buckets Teams should start to organize In t he first round aetion t he in the GGC cellar. The first loss in the Jaguar gym at 8 p.m. Tues- with Don Wang, th e H~1.waijans contests to 1\-fenlo Colle ge, 52-51 a nd give the Dons a four point for the intramural basketball seaCity quintet tdayed even with 1\It. was to Chabot; 67-62 ·and the sec· day the Jags have a bye, then they were greatly outclassed. and to th_e Oniversity of Sa n Fran - advantage. shor tly. Rosters are S~m Jose wen t into full court San Antonio for t he first 33 min- ond was to the State's eight ranked will host arch-rival F oothill on cisco Frosh by a 56-52 count.. Mark Lower and Woody Wil· son to begin Simoni the 20th. Leading the Jags agains t Cal pret;.s l.n the final two minu tes, but u tes before going cold with only team Contra Costa, 71-68. Iiams gave Robinson time to set- available from director Si gym. Men's the in with even stay to e were Trailing Blazer 7:10 left in the contest. State was 6-3 foiWard Steve up and throw his TD passes as The Jags led Chabot in the ..J. who tanked 25 points In Jeading the Irosh, finally drop1)ing the 56- by only 60-56 a ll the Jags e.-xcept they kept the Hawaiians' defensive of much for conference lid-lift-er the Jags to victory. Center Vernell 52 enco\Ulter. Steve Bla.zer went cold and Mt. line out of the action. BABY'S DIAPER SERVICE Again Steve Blazer topped the SAC caugh.t fire ,t 0 post a. 79-6Q the game, but ·a slx-point spree Watson dominated both boards and The rain plagued tennis tourney medicate all baby's diapen with We eruJ.bled King Verby 6-8 forward Bill win. added 16 digits to the cause. Re- Jag scorer s with 14 markers. is reaching i ts climax after weeks DIAPARENE serve forward Gary Ledesma con- nell Watson continued hi.;; cono:;istEnabling San Jose to keep up Chabot to pull away In the final of. delay. Only three matches reSani-Soft Finished and sf~rili1ed tributed 12 points to the team's ent type of play by hitting for 10 with Mt SAC was the shooting of two minutes o! play. . main to be played, two semi-finals Phone 294-1933 77 No. -4th St. points. J oining the Jags' regular Blaze1·, who topped a ll scorers with total ship. In the two ampion ch the and The J ags led by only 27-26 at The San Jose City College sprint semis Gary Thiessen wiU meet Ron Against Menlo the Jags led for double figure men, Blazer and 23 points, and the scoring and baHthe first 38 minutes of the game, Watson, wasa guard Bob Penney handling of guards Oscar Reyes the half, then Increased their lead medley Relay team journey to the Lowe in one match, while Rich orny to be edged 52-51. In the who burned the twines for 12 and Bob Penny, both of whom through the second half. Oscar Cow Palace to defend their title Hadlock will tangle With George FREEMAN'S Rey"" staked the J egs ~o their in Uw All-American Games. Last Nastor. The winners will meet. to , final two minutes. the team traded digits. netted 12 poin~. USED CARS biggest lead of the night when he year-'s team took the relay, se-tting cletennin.c- the champion of intraThnB far on the ymmg sea.i<ln baskets before the Oaks were able Best Clean Used Ca rt in Towl'l the half Trailing by 28-21 at the hit a 20-foot jumper. Long j um~_r a record of 3:38.4 on the way to HARDTOPS - STICKS to open a three point mru·gin. With the Jags have not h1t the ir f ull mural tennis. All four competitors and Boris Pcsa the victm.-.Y: $99.00 and up the Jags down 52-49 San Jose potential, winning only two games !Tags bounced back to tie Fresno ~rs by Ray Tucker h ave had to defeat many top con295-0465 b99 The Alameda The Jags could manage only n tenders to reach the finals. forward Steve Blazer, the team's while dropping six til ts. City College before bowing 90-83. started the Gladiators on their way points. quick six s hi hit King until performoutstn.ndlng has team talent-rich the 's ta year both this in sank fifth. top scorer with 20, Ron Carling wns the big gun for In intramural bowling two new The Glads left the court at the fleltl. The winni11g team in t~e retempts at a one-and -one situation e rs. Guard Osca:r .Reyes was. Co- the Jags tallying 29 digits, keeping have come up to take over teams half down by a point, but they la.y was Laney with a. fine clockImportant Notice Player of the year in the tough to make the score 52-51. from the perennial Jeaders. ReplacCity team in c ou ten tl on completely edt-rebounded t he Jags, the ing of 3:38.1 cracking the Jags ing the Josers as the top team Menlo inboundcd the ball with l\Jount Hamll ton Athletic West Coast Promotions gtabbing 41 compared to City's record, The City foursome this only 13 seconds left and were able in 1965. Both forwards, Steve Bla· throughout the Cl'!.ntest. Following the 69'ers 69'ers. the is is looking for Purple the half second the In year turned in a respectable time rn the s tandin g is the "007" team. ~ to hang on for the win. Again \Vat- zer a nd Ron Carling joined Reyes The team's leading s corer Steve 22. new talent boards the controlled White and of S :39.7. This t lme is consldere<l ) son added sooriug strength by tally- on the All-1\UIAL quintet. Bla>er found the range for 23 composed are 69'ers leading The seven of guilty were FOLKSINGERS exoollent for thli early date. Guard Bob Penny possesses a markers to add to the Jag's total. 22-16, but lng 14. marl{ers. COMEDIANS The Jags enjoyed a 24-16 ad- fine shot and does an outstanding Joining Carling and Blazer in tui'novers. Only Jim Rocca retumed from BANDS JA7Z DoughPat Coach he t in running of double figures was guard Reyes vantage at the half, but could not job Biggest handicap on the evening last year's squad to compete SAN JOSE PHOTO EQUIP. R & R BANDS stand the prosperity. The loss erty's offense, Center Vern Watson who again hit for 12 m arkers. for the (Jags was the fouls picked ~lays. Rocca (Overfelt) ran the SERVICE which is 880 yards. dropped the J ags to a 2-5 record. has been team's top rebounder for FOR INTERVIEW CALL In the final contest in t he tour· up b3-· fo·rwa.rd ~eve Bla.:7...el" early anchor Jeg • Equipmeat Repairs In their final pre-tourney game the year and ranks as one of the noy for the Jags, City found the In the game. Blli.zer, the team's OthC'r team members were Howard 269-0305 - 6-9 :30 p.m. 297-0177 ran t he 480 yard 394 BIRD AYE. the City quintet lost a close 56-52 league's best rebounders. 264-1640- 7:30-9:30 p.m. range for an easy victory and leading scorer, sat out much of the McCa1ebb who game but stlll managed to cage 11 leg; Pat Galleguillos took the baseventh place. poi.nts. Ron CarUn g stept>ed into ton from McCalebb and ran a fine Blazer's sco ring shoes a-n d led the 320 Jeg; Earl Harris ran t he third t-eam with 16 points. Oscar Reyes leg, the 160-yard sprin t, before a~ so hit for double figures with ha nding it to Rocca. The track squad wiH continue its 14: markers. season action Sunday w he n early Costa tra Con eighth-ranked The teani · had to hold off a stubborn the two-mile _relay teru:n goes to Jaiu~~ Quinte t to 'manage a nar- the new Oakland Coli.seum f.or t he row ~~68 win. The J ags trailed by Relays. sports winter two t:he that Now

cecded Aikman's. As a matte-r C( and a few votes ahead of Aikfact, Aikman was prepared sirn. . man. 'Vhen two me-n vie fo1· a JX>liply to accept the nomination~ P ercy and crew came to hlS is campaign tical off ice, a quite sUJ-prised when Perl)' was squelch to ·ying defense by t 1 launchect severa I months in ad· expounded on the Bond Electioa rwnors with public appearances vance of the election. Here beAikman's platform was short and speeches which were thrown gins the lying, cheatin g, and and s imple. He promised only to open to Students for discussion. double-dealing. do his best to aid the students ' Topics under fire included th e Each cand idate in his quest in whatever the-y might ni:!Q;l Election, the Athletics DeBond for office, employs a staff who was criticized becaUse Aikman partment, a nd Percy's platform. drag out all the dirty little dehis pla.t form didn't expre3.1 In' defense of his platform, tails about his opponent that can enough of himself or his inten. Per~y campaigners wm~e quick be found and feed them a t the tions. A question concerning hit · to explain that sev~.ral of Percy's appropriate time to newspapers, real knowledge of the PI'Oble., ct.\rry-overs were statements radio stations, People standing on SJCC arose because he had of from the former President's platstreet· corners-to anyone who not aligned solutions nor ntade Mod ern Dance .. . see story below, column 3 But- they reasoned t hat it form. will lend an ear. promises to solve these problelTJ.t takes much longer than one seThis is 8. tragic sHuation. But Aikman campaigners also ~ get to President one and mester - -'-another big tragedy is the the policy of ''I'll scratch Your done. job a situation with one big addHion back if you'll scratch mine," ill Choosing a more delicate w.ay exists not only on a state and getting the Athletic Dept. to was ace ef chi Percy's fighting, of national level but also on the vote in the election. the fact that Richanl Aikman junior college campus. Last and most important to an ing Merchandis the to belongs December 7's campus. elections election are the voters them.. popubiggest the is which Club, found Richard Aikman and DenBy JAN S~UTH t ors attached to the rear selves. Apathy must be thi! l ated and most powerful club on nis Percy-or as it all boiled wheels · of bicycles, transforming From the streaming metrop.. school's middle name. With the seemed to strategy His campus. down to Merchanctisfng Club vs. them into motorbikes. olises and the cozy Jittle towns final votes tallied, it was disimply that the. club was runcampus Liberals- pitted against After the first attempt. of the United States come the covered that a record number puppet. a ning each other for the a U-importa nt purring of motorcycles. TeenHonda tried again in 1949. He of 500 studen ts had voted. Oul What was worse is that a few position of A .S.B. President. agers and adults have enjoyed produced a small machine that of two thousand A.S .B. caro. memClub Merchandising the of As campaign managers fevercouid travel 45 m.p.h. and go and soared the sales ratings or holders, which in turn is from to use strings hoping were bers posters finish to 2bo miles on one gallon or gas. ishly worked the Honda. The peculiarity of a student body of ten thousan~ on Aikman and didn't mind Jetand campaigns rallied to their the whole fad is that the bike This machine, his fourth model, five hundred bothered to only know.· others ing t infor· peaks, studerits gathering became so popular that by 1950, enthusiasts owe lhcil· nashy no small wonder that It's Aile· vote. e Lh to setback Another mation on the candidates before he was 3,600 cycles a mode of transportation to an election was such , B. A.S. this first very the was campaign man knee· year and by 1952 was em[>loying voting found themselves auto accident. that took place and a battle it w& battle the close at given waS t tha speech deep in ' 1mud." 1,000 men. more than 30 years ago. past Aikman squeaked Percy's Percy as assembly, nations noml From Aikman campaJgners While guiding his modified Honda gradual1y improved his with a slim 34 vote lead. great oratorial powe~ far exconstatements hap-hazard came models' and today they are not Model A around a track at a cerning Percy's anti-athletics the ear-splitting juvenile dethrilling speed of 75 m.p.h. in 1935, a young racing driver linquent type jobs that Amer- stand and how he-if electedwas going to out down the ica has put up with for many named So"ichoro Honda was hit by a competing car. The acci· years. They looked like motor- money going intO" the Athletic Department .and put it to use in dent landed Honda i~ the hos·cycles but were steady, economanother area. pital and ended his racing days Ical and would not exceed 50 T hen there was the problem forever. What followed was the m.p.h. in some models. Howof faculty involvement. For the birth of a Honda from the brain ever , Honda did make faster first.. time, they took a strong of an ingenious young Japan.. models. Some can top 110 and active part in student elecll"S A NORTH WIND THAT BLOWS NO COOD ese. m.p.h. or more. nd a · Percy the attacking by tions Crushed between the twin millstones of January He began making piston; rings, In 1966, Honda became the and chewing platforms .Aikman and fin a l exams, you are saved from tot.ul des· weather went back to school to Jearn all first . motorcycle maker to ,win on juicy morsels of gossip. One pair, poor devil s, only by the k n owledge that winter vacahe could about metallurgy and in a single year the Manufacti on will soon be here. boy rePQrted that his P.E. inother technical matters, and by tw·er's Team Prize in a]! solo Where will you go this year? Will it be F lorida again, to period whole a took structor WW II was a successful busi· categories - 50-125-250·350 and or a r e yo u tired of jailS? Then how about Puerto Rico? camhis and Percy undermine ncssman. However, when an 500 CC. Today Honda is the A most excellent notion, say I. A balmy and bounteous paign, while a few Social Science American bof11b destroyed his most popular of all the motor with long white beaches and blue, blue skies and island teachers who haled to see the ~actory, Honda had to begin all bikes and the average producg reen, healing seas. And, most pleasant of all, the warm having by profit Dept. Business over again. tion is a million and a half a and gracious peopl e of Puet·to Rico! You don't even have Aikman win settled for subtle The primitive forerunners of to know Spanish to communicate with this friendly folk. year, of which 300,000 are ex:· remark's made during classroom the popular Honda were modi-. Just learn three simple phrases and you'll get along ported to fihe U.S. discussions. sple.ndidly: " Buenos dias" which means uGood morning," fied war-surplus r~dio genera. Finally, there was Percy's "Gracias" which means "Thank you/' and "Que ser6. seni" which means "Your llama is on my foot." platform itself. Long and spe· In order-to help you enjoy the fabled land of Puerto cific in ..comParison to ·Aikman's,


The Modern Dance Club af San Jose City College Will present a concert of dances at 11 a.m. Thursday, January 12, and again at 8 p.m. Friday, January 13, in the College Theatre. Ad-

1 I

Jag Hoopmen Participate in Practice, Tourney, GGC Tilts

Motorcycle Sales Soar· As Honda Fad Mounts

Thoughts and Thanks

Faggs Capture Crown In Intramu ral Football

SAN JOSE HEALTH CLUB 9th & $ant~ Clara 295·9910


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......;·; d.;;;·; ;".;.--- ·

double figures were Ron Carling average. I .

I )



Thursday, .Tanuary 12, 19


Girls' Team Ends Season BYJUDY BECK S EOJ' Jose Oty College's Lady Jags bas ketball team for the first tim!!" in their history of playing will hav e- a winning season. With one game left in league play the gi rls have a very impressive 4 and 2 win-1-0SS ret'ord. n .. e gr8I\d fina le of t he basket" ball season will be t his Saturda.). at r):artnell Junior College '\'h~re each of the junior colleges in the

Ji,.. Walton Triumphs At .Art Center Contest


Waring f'o Appear At Civic Jan. 20 T he outstanding m u sic of the educators and chora l directors the

past 50 yea rs makes up t he "The First Fifty Years," F red Waring's golden anniversary musical show coming to the stage of the San Jose Civic Auditorium for one performance only on F riday evening, J a nuar y 20 at 8:30. Starti ng with a four -man banjo ba nd which pla yed i t s fi rs t out-oftown date 50 years ago in Altoona, P a., sixteen miles from the Waring T yro ne, P a. home, Fred War\ng has built a career which s pans all phases of ent erta in ment and several other en terpr ises as wen. His college-accredited Fred Waring Mus ic Wo.t'k ship te~ch es music

Diet Works Well On Holiday Gains By LIN DA HUG HES After the holidays I realized that I had celebr a ted a little more than I had intended to (r couldn' t fit into my clothes li ke I used to) . I ran across t his diet and it worked so well I t hought that I would s hare it with you.

"secrets" of the Wa ring choral techniques ; His Shawnee Press is the world 's largest publisher of chora l music; 600-acre resort, the Shawnee Inn, is a mecca for golfers as well as vaca tioners; and his W aring Blender h as become s tandard equipment in kitchens , bars, and research labora tories. But performing for "live" audi· ences; has been Fred Wari ng's grea test joy during his "fi rs t fifty years, " a job sha red by alL the Pennsylvanians and by millions who have listened to his music. Tickets are avaiJable a t Wendell W a tkins Box Offices in the Sh ennan Clay s tores, downtown San J ose a t 89 South F irst S treet, and at Stevens Creek, 50 No. Wi nchester Blvd., Sa nta Clara. Telephone information and reserva tions may be made by calling 293-6252 or 296-7866.

J im WaltoJ>, SJCC art major, triuPJPhed in t he Fifteent h Sculp· f ure Annual at the Richmond Art Center by winning an I ndividual J uro:r-' s Award of fifty dollars. The moneY will go toward t he purchase of art tools. w o.Jto n's submission to the coin· petition was an untitled group of modern. han!.edge art; hard-edge becal.).Se of its crispness of lirles and m achine-like quality. T h e art Piece consisted of a four. foot-square Platform of black formica. T wo standards on the platform were coca ·bola wood, an exotiC w ood related to rosewood. Perch ed on the standards was an eight- f oot, pOlished aluminum rod. waJ ton's work was one of twen t:Y·four pieces chosen for t he Sculpture Annual show. T here were four a w ards given, one top award, the " Vnanirnous Jury Award," and t hree •'Individual Juror's Awards." The jLJ.l"OI'S were Manuel Neri ; John Batte:tl berg, of San J ose State; and Fle tcher Benton, whose award was giVen to Walton.



area compete for t he first pl a,ce position at the ann ual Baske tba ll Tournament. The Jags wi th the ir record ~o r this season should prove tq either get on t op of the tourney or put u p a mighty good fight for a sec· and place showing. I n the last game, as of this printing, t he Lady Hoopsters downed College of San Mateo in a closely foug ht battle 39 to 34. l-Iigh point honors were shared by S J CC's Kathy Ryan and Toni K as ka, with each of the Ladies hitting 12 poin ts. Poin ters from Miss Evonn e Dav· en port, coach, have been of grea't help to the Jags throughout the entire season. Her assistance in guiding the Lady Jags to t heir' first r eally successful season cannot be overlooked. Congratulations girls and good luck at H artne1l !

White Caps Give Nic.:~ht Lectures

Food Drive Heads I.C.C. genda Highlighting t h e Inter- Club Council meeting J anuary 3, was a rePort from' the clubs on the tre· mendous success of the food drive. The drive, held during December, was s uccessful enough to feed 15 fa milies a t Christmas. The food drive is going to be an annual event and the club which dona tes the most food will receive an a\vard . The award will be presented to the \Vinning ch.ib next wee k \by President H. R. Buscher. Th e Merchand ising Clu b re· ported t h a t at the aftei·· gamc da nce, he ld to help ra ise mo ney for t he Athle tic Blazers, cleared $400. The total goal is set at $840 and the Merchandising Club is c o n ~ fidc nt that the add itional funds needed will be raised soon. P orter K e ar t o n, preside nt of ICC, stated tt hat next week there will be a speaker from the EOC (Economic Opportunity Commission) at t he Inter-Club Council. The speaker will talk to the r eprese nt a t i v ~ from the clu bs about t!w-EOG program.

Vol. 17


of that talking was nothing less · He added that It was "up t o the students," however. As president of the sophomore lieve tha t Aikman was involved in class, Jim Pio to get these alleged rumors but that cer- mor e viewpoints and participation ta in individua ls were carrying on in student government. He hopes a "vi cious" campaign wi t hout Aik· to coordinate the activities of sophomores from all areas of the ma n's cons ent or knowledge. campus. Pio said he got supJX)r t P ercy said that he wanted to infrom all areas but admits he got possible as students volve as m any a rid,e on the wave that almost in t he- decisions on this campus. put Aikman to the top. He would use tl1e student council Michael .r·reese plans to run the as a catalytic force to " unite and hman class through a series fres stre ngthen the voice of the student of committees. He hopes tO be •a ble body." to spark some semblance of spirit Pres ide nt-e ~ect said he hoped into the now almost dead:. class, tha t t he Spring semester would be Even though he admi ts that he One in which 1 the s tudent body hasn't been following the steps would take advantage of the op- taken by the current class presi~ He them. to ble availa portunities dent Freese thinks he can improve stressed that his aim was to get the position during his time in involvemen t not only in the- ASB off ice. He plans t o mostly "play .it DEN NI S PERCY act ivity and social programs but by ear." • .• AS B Pres. especiaJly in the political issues on The present recording secretary, the campus. Sue Anderson was elected to t he Dennis Percy, 22-year~old Socio· According to Percy the real way posi tion of corresponding secretary. logy major and current Student to do this is to m ake use of the Her post requires that she not Body Vice President, has been students' recently granted.positions only keep up with the communicaon Administrative corrunittees. tion between this campus and othe lected President of the Associated Ba~ er schools but tbat she must use Dennis President-elect Vice S t udents. Per cy, who was backed rone commented that he wa.s "real~ her vote iii Council to a dequately by tlle campus liberal factio n, won ly looking fmward to a great se- represen t t he student body. S he over Rich Aikman, backed by the mester ." H e said t hat the response feels that she is a ble to fulfill her Business Dept. ' and openly en· tha t the students gave at t he pres- responsibilities in both areas. Miss dorsed by the Athl etic Dept. Percy identia l deba tes was a good start Anderson .is the only recorcling polled 291 votes to Aikman's 247. on a semester in which the student Secretary t o be awarded a vot e J im P io won the sophomore class body would begin to participate. on Student Council. presidency over Dennis Treank le. Michael Freese beat Jack Licursi to become president of the freshman class. Dennis Barone and Sue Ander son ran unopposed for t he respec· tive posts of Vice P resident a nd Corresponding Secretary.

IthanPercylies.a"dded that he did not be--

JOINING IN THE SPIRIT of th e food drive ar~, . from left to right, Mike Rodriguez, Kathy- Willi amsen, Merchand iSi ng C lub, and ' Rick Scardina, Circle K PreSident. Circle K also. had their se mest er· end banquet at the Ber ry F arm last Friday. Porter Keaton sadly repor\ed that t he trophy fot the Blood Drive

went back to West Valley Colleg.. H e also remarked that he hoped the trophy will be returned to Sa.1 J ose Ci ty College next semester.

News Briefs Compiled by Kris Vau ghan

HONG KONG-Violent clashes between rival fac tions 'in Communist China's bitter power struggle brought ffie P e king regime · to the gr avest crisis in ·i ts 17-year history Monday. shanghai, the nation's most populous ci ty, was repor ted paralyzed by stri l<es. Chaos was reported in other cities. 1



Adam Clayton Powell on Mon~ay was stripped of his committee chairmanship by fellow Democrats. H e was. · also denied his House seat when Congress convened yesterday. W~SHINGTOX-Rep.

Club Stac.:~es 'War' In Efforts to Raise \VA S fnN GTON-The unJted States soon will ~ta rt ncgo tia ti.~g an agreement with Tha iland that would permit B52 bombers to 'sc Loot for Athletes bases t h ere for striking against Vietnam.


MONDAY : Breakfast: Weak tea LWlc h : 1 boullion cube with one ha lf cu p diluted wa ter Dinner: 1 pigeon thigh with 3 oz. of pr une juice

In refl ecting on the campus cam· paign, P ercy sta ted that it was .... .c"'!-1. ,....,........._"•-probabh · th dirt\e; election " tre had ever seen. Commen t ing on the rumors t ha t he was anti-athl e tie and tha t if elected he would cut t he in ter-collegia te a thle t ic budget to such an extent t ha t t he coaches wouJd be left with nothing m ore than an in tramur al program, P ercy stated, "People were deliberately misinformed by groups whose m otives we re anything but honest." P ercy wen t on to say, 'When someone spends about half an hour in public appea1·ance, puts up only a few pOst ers and almost becomes S tudent Body P•·esident, it's because somebody did a lot of behind·the·scenes talking a nd a lot




i!IAfGON-communist guerillas Monday mi ned a n!l sank a hugp $3 millio n U.S. dredg~ and shot up two Vietnamese mi nesweepers and a British tanker in assaults on allied shipping lanes near Sa igon.

ATt....ANTA-With hardly a ripple- of protest, the Georgia House The Merchandising Club of SJCC Monday swore .ill as a new member J ulian :sdnd, Representatives of held a "Battle of the Bands" over was twice- d~nied a seat last year because o( his who pacif_is.t Negro a the Christmas holidays. The money policy in Vietnam. r aised from t his even t will help statemen.ts Criticizing the draft -and American 1\ofO~TERR E Y, :MEXICO- The worst snowstorm in memory hit support the At hletic Departme nt. The e n terprising club, a na tion· northern Mexico !\.Z:onday, almost isolating Monterrey, the cowi.try's wide or ganization, is the largest mos t important industrial city. TUESDAY : . . Breakfast: Scraped crumbs from and most ac tive club on campus. BEJJtUT, ~EBANON-Heavy ftghtmg flared up Monday between Under -the s upervision of Mr. At~ burnt toast Lunch : One half dozen poppy kinson, Mr. Casey a nd Mr. Wilder- ..Israeli and. Syrian front line forces at three different sectors alo g the man the Merchandising Club is a ten se 48- f1'1.Ile border. seeds Dinner; Stewed canary eye-brows pace setting initiator.. Al\.mfAN, JORDAN-Jordan's Arab neighbors a nd allies are in( fat re mov~d) Melodee Black, organizer of this directly fj nancing terroris t attempts to overthrow the regime bf King gala affair, pOin ted o'"ut t ha t the Hussei n. WEDN ESDAY: Breakfast: Boiled ou t stains of members of he-r coriunittee should I jiiiiliiiliiilli~iiiiiiiliiliiiiliiiiiiliiiliiiliiiiiiliiiiliiiiliiiiliiliiiiililiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil II be t hanked for t'bcir effort>. tablecloth LET OUR GER MAN TRAI NED MECHANIC SPECIAJ-ISTS Mclodee emphas ized t hat spc<;ial Lunch : One doughnut hole (with· out sugai:"l with one glass of recognition should go to Don's PUT '(OUR CAR IN CON DITION FOR WINTER DRIVING. dehydrated wate~ Donuts, Winchell's J?onuts, the D inner: Bees knees wi th mos- Pepsi Cola Company, J.M. Magnin, qui to knuckles sauted with vin- ra ~io $lations.: KLIV, KGNU and Rtpair of Volkswegens. - Mercedes - Porsc:h• KLOl<; gQ· go dane= Cynthia egar Han·ell, Dana Easton and Melodee TH URSDAY:· Black ; also Bill Sanfdtd, Bill a nd Breakfast: Shi:ed<\ed egg shell Carol Quick, Kitty Hawke r and sk ins Bob Chaffet aU of San J ose State MASTEl! MECHANICS 850 l incoln Ave. Lunch: One beUy button from College. Tr• in• d in Gertllany San Jose 25, Calif. n avel orange-. Werne r l olle,kopf 295-9082 Melodee added that Stanford Dinner: Three .eyes from I rish ny. the h t wi helped students Law Pota tbes (diced) erS and pOsters: ; inclucfed were A I FRIDAY: , Pierce, Steve Luelf, Ron T rainer, Dickens can't scare Breakfast : Four chopped banana i>oug Noble. Rick Green, Dave you when you'rearmed seeds Fox, Larry Meyers and Dale Howwith Cliff's Notes. As LU{l ~h : Broiled butterfly liver ard. Diane Fl endricks<in of Stany6u read "Tale Of Two Di nner: F illet of soft shelled ford also assisted tbe club. Cities ," you r Cliff's cr"b claw Notes will provide a P a rticipating in the "Battle" complete explanation SAT URDAY: were: Tbe Soul Seekers, The Sound and summary of every Breakfast: 1\vo lobster anterma Barriers, a nd (would you believe ? ) cha pter. It will do won. L unch' .One guppy fin . . . The Saga of the Viking Worn· ders in smoothing the Dinner: Jelly fish a Ia carte en and thcl'r Peri1ous Voyage to "rough" spots and in· the Waiers of the Electric Slinky creasi ng your underSUI\'IJAY: s tanding. An d don' t Breakfast: Pickled hu,mmi r,gbii'd a:nd the Elgin Marble. s top with Dic ken s. hopes Club Merchandising The tongue There are more tha n 'that the public will accept a perL unch: Prime rib of tadpole 125Ciiff's Notes ready Dinner: Tossed paprika and sonal invitation to their many to help Y9'J make better grade~ in every litforthcoming events. clover leaf · (one ·sala\IL erature course,


~G L OB &:

Percy Wins Presid~ncy; Pio~ Freese Elected

SJCC's Wh ite Caps (the nursing club her,e on campus) had th~ir first lecture series January 9 in Room V·5. These nig ht time lee· tures wi 11 be held monthly and the White Caps plan to have different speakers from San J ose to d.isdlss planned parent hood and different methods of bir th control A r~p­ resenta tive from the V.'h~te Caps stated t hat these lectures w ill be open to t he campus. T he first speaker was Mon a Brmvn, the d irec tor of family plan. ning in San J ose.

LO S A....'V GELE8-Unlvers ity of California regents met Monday in eme rgeJ1 CY session, then appointed a t hrce·man corruni ttee t o meet with oov. Reagan's administration to consider his cont roversial proposals for tuition payments and budget cuts.

No. 12





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T he grou-ps ha ve done what they Last :year a mysterious Christmas tree generated about 5,000 could and they will continue to candy canes throughout the Chr is t· help if help is needed so that the mas Holidays. This small b ut plen- Christmas Spirit may be carried tiful tree was part of the decora- on. tions set-up for t he holid ays by Mrs. F ran Rigger a nd her s~m·in ­ law Alfred Hurt at 151 Victor Ave. Up ·until just a few days ago Mrs. Rigger was not SW'e t hat the tree would be abl e to once aga in bring joy and happiness to the ma ny children who each night plucked it clean. H er chief decora· tor, AJ.(red Hurt, has just recently been sent off to Viet Nam on a construction job. San J ose Cit y College student s When the San J ose City College Journalism students heard of t his interested in d r a f t deferment t hey thought it might be a nice s ta tus should note that -a seiies Christmas present to the children of college qualification test s for of San Jose if they were t o go possible draft deferments will be out to the Rigiers' residence and he!Cl March 11 and April 8. T he tes ts ar e designed to indi· help her set up t he magica1 t ree, sa once a gain t he youn gsters might cate a s tudent's ability tO do colhave a little t aste of the True lege work. Results are forwa rded to local draft boards to det ermine Xmas S pirit! T he TIMES Staff as weU as the an indiVidual's draft stat us. Applications fo r s pring tests will Newswri ting, Survey of Journalis m and Public Rela tions classes each be a vailable at local draft boards took ch arge of a di fferen t job to on January 20. The deadlii'O for help this tree again "bear ils un- the ir submission will be by ...F eb· ruary 10. Tests will be- given to . usual fruit. :Everything was about i n com· any draft r egis tra nt enrolled in plet ion when we ran in to some college and high school seni ors or problems of provi cling candy canes graduates who have not ye t taken for the- tree. The Mercha ndisin g the test. At this writing a specific locaClub u pon hearing of our project agreed to hel p us and they ha ve tion for t he tes t center has no t · gone out and contacted d ifferent been designated. As the test date distributors and gotte n them to do- d t•aws nearer contact regist rar P aul Becker . nate much needed candy.

Draft Status Test Held In Future

MODEL showing a view of Moorpark Campus. The Junipe ro Serra Freeway shown in upP';r ~ight corne~. The proposed City Colle ge Instructional Center Bu•ld1ng runs across the center. A number , of •existing buildings are recogmzable.

************************ A group of concerned students


are currently ctreulatlng petitions to open the library during


Christmas \'acation. If you t oo ha\'e exams and tem1 paper



prepa re for, stop by the th e table In the Student Union from 10 untU 2 and olgn tne petition. Those unable to get to the Student Union ln the hours U.~t:ec1. may contact either Ken Brunges


•t yourbookseuer

Students Help Children

or Alan Tarr. Their schedules

are nsted 1n the Student Services Otnce.

.................... b?

"'IEW oF NORTHEAST CAMPUS site in Milpitas encompasses I Land runs along Pie dmont Road and the proposed LandiS ~c:=~~e expressway. The East foothill< are in the background. ,

Director favors Go Go Girls Appear Here Drafting Women At Battle of Bands for Armed fortes The natio~'s draft dirt!ctor says h e favors drafting women for t he

U.S. a rmed forces, but adds there are no current plans to do so.


"\Vhenever we need women, I think we ought to draft them," said L t. Gen. Lewis '·a. Hershey in a copyrigh t interview pu blished last wee k in the Univers ity of Michi· gan student newspaper, the Michi · ga n Daily. ''One area where I've heard a lot about drafting women is nu rsing. Tl\ere's a real shortage in t he armed forces," sa id H ershey, di· r ector of the Selective Service

Syst em.

Perfor ming go·go girls and a battle of the bands will be offered at an after-ga~e dance this comj ng F riday in t he girl's gym. Featuring the Las t Exits, t he Soul Seekers, and a mystery group, the dance will be held from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. For benefit of the At hletic Departmen t; the Merchandising Club iS sponsoring the dance at the price of $1.50 a couple or $! a per· son. Everyone is invited, no ASB cards wiU be req uested at t he door. In the past, ASB cards have been collected a t t he door, but because of needed funds for the a thlete's of San Jose Ci ty College, the practice will not be upheld. After the game with Menlo City College Friday night, Dec. 16, the gym doors w ill be open to receive dance fans.


VIEW OF SOUTHEAST C AMPUS site on Silver Creek Road. Extent of the land is a sitable 240 acres. This proposed site is outstanding in its spectacula r rolling hills in t11e East and natural beauty.

Bond Rally Held

The Associated Student Body series of slides of existing and held a general assem bly meet ing pla nned college campuses showing on campus yesterday to r eview how campus identity can be oblatest deve lopments for rebuildin g t ained at City College. Besides this lack of identity or of the City College campus as par t cohesion lacking at City College, of a $28.2 million bond issue. The San J ose College DistriCt Walter Costa pointed out that Today the SJCC campus will be wi u present t his bond issue to this campus lacks a central eninvaded by high school journaliStic district voters F eb. 21, 1967. The trance, landscaping and pla ces s t udents, who will be here to hear bonds will provide funds to pur· students can gather in informal P aul speege~ renner newspaper chase two new campus sites, build discussions. AU these things Costa columnist, TV and entertainment a ,new college on on e of the sites a dded provide a campus with idenand build adequate classrooms and t ity -and give the s tudent some en· critique. ~ Speegel will be the featured campus facilities at City College. joymen t during his s tay. Costa next compared existing Students invited faculty and ad · guest when Beta Phi Gamma, ca~· t ies at City College to render· facili hearin them join to ministra.tors pus journ-alism club, sponsors Its how the new buildfirst Junior Press Conference of ing a detailed presenta tion from ings showing ings will appear. OwSkidmore, of representatives t he semester. Focal poin t of the rebuilt cam- · . ings, and Merrill, architects. The press conference will host T he program, which focused pn· pus will be an 800-foot long class· high school journalists from 38 marily on plans for the Qty Col· room building. A new entry off surroun<Png high schools. lege campus only, was ope.n by P orter A venue will give the camAccording to C. W. Palmer, cam· Curt Hodgkins, ASB President, pus a "front door" for the Flrst pus journalis m instructor, press who in turn presented Robert time. In addition to the massive classconfe rences in the pas~ have_ at· Doerr F aculty Senate president. building, t he largest and most room students complimented D~rr t racted as many as 250 JOurnalism· impressive campus facili ty, plans the in role active an taking for minded stude nts. H e call fo r a new women's gym, new Speegel is presentlY appearing pla nning of campus. facilities. said it was " just one more example counseling a nd aclrninistrative ofon "Oh, My Word," a word game of the Student Council involvin g fices, conversion of the business series viewed on Qlannel 7 at 10:30 itself in those a reas of campus building into a science facility, Saturday evenings. He is also the activity that, while not purely stu- upda ting of the vocational shops, head of public relations for the dent in nature. directly affected and removal of the temporary Roos·Adkins chain of clothmg buildings on the westside of the stores, presently headquartered in the student body. Archi tects then presented a campus. San Francisco.

Paul Speegel Here Today

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