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St. Johns Presents the Class of 2023
Congratulations to the Class of 2023, which was presented to the School community on Friday, November 18, in a ceremony almost as old as the School itself. The ceremony was brought to the School by founding Headmaster Dr. Edwin Heinrich after he attended a similar celebration when his daughter was a senior at Agnes Scott College. Dr. Heinrich liked the idea of acknowledging the seniors’ coming of age and presenting them to the community as adults in their own right, ready to face the world.

The day kicked off with a brunch just for the seniors and senior sponsors, which this year took place at Orange Park’s waterfront Azaleana Manor. The seniors enjoyed each other’s company, took plenty of photos, and heard some inspiring words of wisdom from Board President Mr. Gene Nichols before returning to the School for the formal presentation ceremony in front of classmates, friends, and family.

In a newer tradition, the seniors choose their own speaker for the event, and the Class of 2023 chose U.S. Government and history teacher Mrs. Gayle Garrison.
“I’ve titled this talk, ‘It’s Time to BeReal,’” said Garrison, referencing the social media app that encourages users to post “real” snapshots of the “real” you.

“You guys know what I’m talking about,” said Garrison. “You wait to take the picture when it is a little more interesting, you wait for the right lighting, the right people in the background, etc.” After pausing to take a selfie with the class (for her BeReal, of course), Garrison continued, “So what does it look like to BeReal? What does it mean to live in that reality?”
Referencing a passage by E. E. Cummings read by Senior Jeffrey Henry and The Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount, read by Kennedy Brown, Garrison called out some universal truths about how to live a real life. “To be poor in spirit,” she said, “is to be more concerned with appearing good than in being good.”
In closing, she said, “these principles require vulnerability. They require you to be willing to risk. But the reward is great. The reward is a full life. You are some of the most talented, dedicated, intelligent, compassionate, driven, and hilarious people I’ve ever had the privilege to teach. I have no doubt that you will make a difference in the world. I am already so proud of you. I can’t wait to hear about all your amazing accomplishments. But most of all, I want you to be content, happy and joyful people. I want you to be, as E. E. Cummings said, ‘Nobody But Yourself.’ I want you to be real.”

After these inspiring words, Head of Upper School Jacqueline Lentini read the phrases that have accompanied Senior Presentation since 1962:
As a teacher I present you to the academic world that you may enter it and meet its demands honorably and successfully.
As your Headmaster I present you to your schoolmates so that they may accept you and look up to you as their leaders and their shining example.
As your friend I present you to your parents so that they may accept you as adults who have come into their own and who are to be dealt with from henceforth on an equal basis.
As your fellow human being I present to you your calling in life that you may always have the wisdom to recognize it and the strength to live up to the divine calling in your life.
Class of 2023
Annie Boatwright Afflick
Unaysah Ali
Shawn Michael Andrade II
Gavan Price Bradley
Kellen William Brown
Kennedy Yvonne Brown
Brandon Alexander Bunn
Brooks Thomas Burson
Javier Alejandro Coll-Román
Noah Scott Cone
Emerson Roland Cooper
William Conrad Cooper
Alexandra Marie Desguin
Josephine Grace Dinkins
Richard Frank Dubnansky III
Madison Rose Erwin
Bridger Douglas Espinosa
Margaret Anne Fackler
George Lawrence Friedline
William Thomas Gibbs II
John Dennis Hay
Jeffrey Michael Henry Jr.
Andrew Lester Hightower
Shannon Allison Hodges
Antonio Ulrik Holmberg
Jacob Gamble Holyer
Hunter H Hopkins
Samuel Lea Hopkins
Stella Kate Hyatt
Paul Christian Janeczko
Ava Joleen Johnson
Owen Jameson Johnston
Thomas Michael Keenan
Anna Marie Lei Kemp
Talon Daniel Luster
Abigail Lee Maierhoffer
Isaiah Tai’au Mamea
Marshall Gaines Martin
Lauryn Ashley Mateo
John Matthew McNulty
Juliet Alexandra Moody
Jack Freddie Mooneyham
Camelia Katherine Myers
Hunter Scott Noble
Mary Halina Nowicki
Daniela Sophia Oceguera
Kaitlyn Mae Phillips
Thomas John Pounds
Avery Lynn Raimondo
Aidan Nicholas Rice
Emma Katherine Schultz
Taliah Michelle Scott
Chloe McCrea Smith
Mason Andrew Terry
Jacob Riley Thomas
Marlen Jeffrey Vogt III
Patrick Robert Walsh
Lily Eliza Weldon
Ella Grace Wilkes
Semaj Tamira Williams