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School Heeds Calls for Progress
School Heeds Calls for Growth, Progress By Mary Virginia Fisher
When future Spartans look better support BIPOC, LGBTQ+, back on the School’s hisand women in our academic and tory, they will most cersocial-emotional curricula; entainly make special note of 2020. hanced, readily available mental So will I, but not for the reasons health support; faculty/staff training one might predict. While I certainly do in diversity and inclusion; the addition not discount the havoc created by the of several new student organizations, ongoing pandemic; neither do I considand the School’s new One Love Hero er it the most defining event of this new certification. Much is left to be accomdecade in the life of St. Johns. Rather, plished; that’s for sure. But St. Johns is the events I consider to be the greatest focused on solutions, intent on moving change agents of the School’s future forward, and has surely set the stage for center around the #MeToo and Black all of us to make strides together. Lives Matter movements that gained Never have I been more appreciative much traction in the spring. of the many Spartans I have been bless
In response to the School’s May ed to teach and know throughout my statement reminding Spartans of the forty-five years at St. Johns. Instead of importance of “liberty and justice for choosing any of the many other aveall,” several alumni contacted incoming nues of expression available, the alumni Head of School Mrs. Valorie Baker and who came forth did so directly with the myself with experiences, insight, and School, opening a dialog and helping recommendations for ways St. Johns us improve the School we all know and can better ensure that all are welcome love. I can’t think of a better commenand supported. tary on the St.Johns family than this.
It was my honor to introduce Sabrina We look forward to continued discourse Tomlinson ’13, Lindsay Marshall ’13, throughout the year(s) ahead and enand Patrick Glenn ’11 to Mrs. Baker and courage participation by all alumni who to share changes that have taken place are available (either in person or from since their graduations. Others came in afar) to help your alma mater continue for one-on-one meetings to share their to fulfill its mission of ethical responsiexperiences and offer suggestions. We bility. With your help, we will make this discussed steps taken to recognize and a pivotal moment in St. Johns history.