The Gadfly, Vol. XXXIII, Issue 01

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Sit Down with Ms. Seeger 03 Meet the Class of 2015 04 Behind the Curtain 07 Freshmen Bodies, Souls 08


CONVOCATUM EST For whom does the bell toll? The Class of 2015



A New Beginning Werewolf Bar­Mitzvah and Pikachu (also known as Danny Kraft and Grace Tyson) prepare for journalistic glory. +",-,$.)$/,00)$ Pickard The student newspaper of St. John’s College. 60 College Avenue Annapolis, Maryland 21401 editors in chief Danny Kraft Grace Tyson Assistant Editor Nathan Goldman Layout Editor Hayden Pendergrass business manager HONORE HODGSON Photographer HENLEY MOORE Contributors BRYCE JACOBSEN JERRY JANUSZEWSKI DREW MENZER DANIELA LOBO DIAS JUDITH SEEGER JAIME DUNN Founded in 1980, The Gadfly is the student newspaper distributed to over 600 students, faculty, and staff of the Annapolis campus. Opinions expressed within are the sole responsibility of the author(s). The Gadfly reserves the right to accept, reject, and edit submissions in any way necessary to publish the most professional, informative, and thought-provoking newspaper which circumstances at St. John’s College permit. Articles submitted will be edited for grammar, punctuation, and spelling in most cases. The Gadfly is not obligated to publish all submissions except under special circumstances. The Gadfly meets every Sunday at 7 PM in the lower level of the Barr-Buchanan Center. Articles should be submitted by Friday at 11:59 PM to

letter from

the editors I

f you’re a freshman or a new graduate Our goal is for !"#$ %&'() to be a student, welcome to St. John’s College, *(5(0'+.#& .-& '!(& :'9& ;.!#1%& 0.<<,#+'6=& "& and to everyone else, welcome back. forum for news, upcoming events, opinion, We’re thrilled to begin our tenure as and even polemic. To this end, we will make editors of !"#$%&'()* and you hold in your an effort to have more students, faculty, !"#$%&'!(&)*%'&+%%,(&-.*&/!+0!&/(12(&3((#& staff, and graduate students involved in The responsible. While you were spending the %&'(), in order to better meet the needs of last few weeks of summer compulsively the entire polity. And of course, St. John’s checking Facebook is a college on two while pretending campuses; we’d like The truth is that The to read the Iliad, to use !"#$%&'() as Don Quixote, or !"#$% can be good, and it a means of bridging War and Peace, we gap between can even be great, but we the were obsessively us and our fellow can’t do it alone. worrying about The Johnnies in Santa Fe. %&'(): will it be a We have invited the good newspaper? staff of the Moon, Can we make it good? Or will it be awful, Santa Fe’s newspaper, to contribute articles and will everyone hate us? here when they have relevance to both The truth is that !"#$%&'() can be good, campuses, and we hope that !"#$ %&'()$ and it can even be great, but we can’t do will become a venue for inter­campus it alone. We need your help to make a communication. newspaper that the polity can be proud of. It’s wonderful to be back at St. John’s As a wise Johnnie once said, !"#$ %&'()$ for the start of another semester. Spending is “the polity in print,” so we’d like to the summer away from Annapolis formally invite you to contribute to The always makes us realize how special this %&'() or to join our staff. Meetings this community and this institution are, and we year will be every Sunday at 7:00 pm in the look forward to working with you this year BBC’s lower level, and article submissions to create a newspaper that the polity will be 0"#&3(&%(#'&'.&4"$567%80"9($,9 >*.,$&.-9&?(&!.>(&6.,&(#8.6&'!(&)*%'&+%%,(9



!"#$%&'($'"#)$*+,$!--.-/ A world traveler, folk singer, and a tutor for 22 years, Ms. Seeger sits down with The G(,F+#to discuss her favorite reads, adventures, and St. John’s. She will be taking over Freshman Music this year.

How did you come to be a tutor at St. John’s? I found out about St. John’s when I was a freshman in college, when the Saturday Review article that’s !"# $%&# '())# *+# $%&# ,&("-.# !/01&# turned up in my dorm’s common room. It looked like a fascinating place with a wonderful program. Many years later I was living near Washington DC, and I decided to apply for a position as tutor.

What is your least favorite seminar book? Non­favorite seminar book likewise. Any one of them can be frustrating, even mad­ dening, but that’s one of the reasons we read them, I think. They challenge me to think more deeply, sometimes about things I wouldn’t have thought about at all, if left to my own devices.

Which classes are you teaching this year? This fall I’m leading the freshman chorus, “teaching” (which means mostly learning) junior lab, and taking part in the NEH study group on Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura. No seminar, which will be weird.

What is your favorite non­ program book? As for my favorite non­pro­ 72(8# *!!3># 5%&# !"&# ?# 0",# myself thinking about most often these days is Gargantua and Pantagruel, which I read with a preceptorial last year. Why? Because it’s simulta­ neously serious, rollicking, and strange. Do I understand it? Absolutely not! Perhaps that’s part of its appeal: it’s a world still unexplored. This is a rather old book, of course, so I really should try some more modern ones. Suggestions ap­ preciated.

What was the biggest adventure you’ve ever had? The biggest adventure I ever had was living for about two years with an Amerindian group in Mato Grosso, Brazil, while my husband was doing anthropologi­ 1()#0&),'!234##5%&#!")+#(11&..#$!# their village at the time was by canoe, so we were quite isolated. What is your biggest pet We had a truly dark sky and could peeve in class? follow the cycles of the moon and I feel like I have a great op­ the southern­hemisphere stars; we drank river water and ate what portunity here, but nothing particular comes to mind, so I’ll just we/they grew (manioc, sweet potatoes, corn) and caught (mostly say disengagement from the learning that happens when we’re all 0.%#*6$#().!#7(8&9#,&:&",;"7#!"#$%&#.&(.!"<=#(",#'&#,;,#(#)!$#!/# at work, whatever form it takes. singing, of their songs and ours. What is your favorite St. John’s tradition? What is the single most important piece of advice you would My favorite St. John’s tradition may be Collegium, but that’s be­ like to give to freshmen? cause I’m particularly partial to hearing and making music, all in The single most important piece of advice I’d like to give to fresh­ !62#0"&#@AB#$2(,;$;!"#!/#,!;"7#'%($#'&#,!#*&1(6.&#'&#)!C&#;$4# men is “Love to sing!” What is your favorite class to be a tutor for? What is your favorite seminar book and why? I enjoy the math tutorials and labs because I learn fascinating I’m bad at answering questions about favorites. So I’ll say my fa­ things about our minds and the world that don’t come easily for vorite seminar book is whichever one I’m reading at the time. This me. The language tutorials stretch both my thinking and my sen­ is not to say that they all speak to me in the same way. In fact, even sibility. Of course, I simply love music. Seminars are an endless the same book doesn’t speak to me the same way every time I read )&(2";"7#&D:&2;&"1&4##E))#!/#$%&8#:2!C;,&#$%!.&#F(.%&.#!/#;".;7%$# it, but I learn something new every time and that makes me happy. that made the world for a moment new. Nope, I can’t do it. Sorry.


Comments compiled from the St. John’s College Class of 2015 Faceboo



Mount Brolympus was the shit until I fell on my roommate naked. That was the beginning of the end.

Soon you will begin to realize: at least 10% of xkcd comics are immediately relevant to the Program.

Oh he it fee b

Dude you’re like the Tincher of our year, but on the other hand it wouldn’t be an SJCA face­ book group with out one. haha.

I was instant disenabled once for throwing a burning mattress out a window. Also I’ve had three wives

I’m coming for you like Diomedes. If you go to 16 East and are asked if you want to play “Stump” or “Knives,” quickly decline and leave.

Middies break into our campus and steal about half of the fresh­ man girls each year. And impreg­ nate them. I wish I were joking.

Troll is trolling

7'*%'686"%.#"!6-9%-:6%5"(-%."&6'*(%,#2% /);6%)-%<-=%>#:'4(%)"6%)3(#%-:6%5"(-% ones you stop hanging out with. Even if I didn’t know who Sam Weinberg was, this would still sound like a bad idea.

Gonna be honest, I can’t wait for this group to be obsolete. 0%1#23*'4-%5'*%/,%"##//)-6% on facebook didn’t turn out well. If you have sex your soul won’t !"#$%$&'!(%)'*%+,%&'-#%.#"/% heaven.



ok Group. Names have been withheld and all comments are ©Facebook


ey there, The Iliad. Sorry I haven’t called. Gosh, els like I haven’t seen you in ages. How’ve you been? Oh, still not being read by me, I see...

Looking at Euclid’s Elements, thinking to myself, “Y U NO NO MAFF?”


“You didn’t “like” his comment. How was he to know that you’re interested??” “Oh my God, that is so exhaustively descriptive of 21st century mating rituals”

I want my roommate. NAOW. I need to discuss fridge/mi­ crowave combos, my big ol’ whiteboard and my iCarly alarm who wants !"#$%#&"#$'"()#)%%!*+#,#,#, there are now WAY too many people involved in this hypo­ thetical sexual encounter. Just fyi guys, you will regret ever posting in this Facebook group and it will haunt you forever. Hope your roommates aren’t crazy! Don’t have sex with them either way.


Dear St. John’s University: STOP EMAILING ME PLZ. It’s awkward. Thank you.

The future of SJCA is in such jeopardy. I’m blaming it on the common app.

One freshman seminar will be pop quizzed on Hegel on Day 1. Fingers crossed....

Pro­tips: drunk dinner is much more fun than sober dinner. The dining hall during croquet is so fun.

Remember, ask not for whom the Beall tolls.


“You didn’t “like” his comment. How was he to know that you’re interested??” “Oh my God, that is so ex­ haustively descriptive of 21st century mating rituals”

Slow your roll kids, this is St. John’s. It’s silly to compare us to ‘other schools’. Because we’re not.



A Message from the Career Services Office =7%M*-$(%b8:: e%)*"(("%+(",-.(/%b-"(.&#"


elcome new and returning students, !"#$%&'(%)*"(("%+(",-.(/%0!1.(2%3(4"(% /#%(5.-&(6%7#84"(%'("(9%*:6%;*:&%&#%$*<(%/8"(% 7#8% <:#;% *=#8&% &'(% "(/#8".(/% ;(% #!!("% *:6% '*,(%*,*->*=>(%!#"%7#8?%@>*::-:A%!#"%7#8"%!8­ &8"(%"(B8-"(/%&'-:<-:A%.*"(!8>>7%*=#8&%7#8"%-:­ &("(/&/9%/<->>/9%*:6%,*>8(/%*:6%'#;%7#8%$-A'&% -:.#"C#"*&(% &'($% -:&#% 7#8"% C"#!(//-#:*>% >-!(?%% D'(% )*"(("% +(",-.(/% 0!1.(% -/% '*CC7% &#% '(>C% you explore your interests and options, learn *=#8&%6-!!("(:&%.*"(("/9%1:6%;*7/%&#%A(&%C"*.­ &-.*>%(5C("-(:.(9%*:6%.#:68.&%*%/8..(//!8>%E#=% /(*".'?%%3(%#!!("F% G%C("/#:*>%*CC#-:&$(:&/ G%"H/8$H%*:6%.#,("%>(&&("%;"-&-:A%*//-/&*:.( G%E#=%/(*".'%&"*-:-:A G%:(&;#"<-:A%*//-/&*:.(%*:6%(,(:&/% G%A"*68*&(%/.'##>%C>*::-:A G%!(>>#;/'-C%*:6%/.'#>*"/'-C%*CC>-.*&-#:%%%%% guidance G%!#"8$/ G%'(>C%1:6-:A%-:&(":/'-C%*:6%,#>8:&(("% opportunities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e are very excited to launch Agora, our #:>-:(%)*"(("%+(",-.(/%/#!&;*"(?%N#8%*>"(*67% have an account set up where you can log in, and among other things, search for part­time E#=/9% -:&(":/'-C/9% !8>>K&-$(% E#=/9% 8C>#*6% 7#8"% "(/8$(%!#"%"(,-(;9%*:6%$#"(2%% N#84>>%'(*"%$#"(%*=#8&%#8"%I#6/#:%O:&(":­ /'-C% C"#A"*$% >*&("% -:% &'(% /($(/&("9% =8&% -&4/% *% ;#:6("!8>% ;*7% &#% A(&% ,*>8*=>(% ;#"<% (5C("-­ (:.(%=(!#"(%7#8%A"*68*&(%P*:6%/(:-#"/%*"(%*>/#% (>-A-=>(%&#%*CC>7Q?% 3(4"(%'#/&-:A%*:%0C(:%I#8/(%#:%3(6:(/­ 6*79%+(C&($=("%R&'%!"#$%SFSTKUC$?%V((&%&'(% /&*!!9% /((% &'(% #!1.(9% *:6% (:E#7% /#$(% "(!"(/'­ $(:&/?%+((%7#8%&'(:2

Art of Our Time

L#=("&%I(:"-9%Gregorita with the Santa Clara Bowl9%XYXR?%%0->%#:%.*:,*/9%SZ%5%Z_%-:?%)#>­ >(.&-#:%#!%&'(%W>"-.'%V8/(8$%#!%["&9%3-.'-&*%+&*&(%W:-,("/-&79%3-.'-&*?

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/% &'(% -:(,-&*=>(% ;*,(/% #!% &-$(% University gives us a tour of art as it has =(*&%*A*-:/&%&'(%"#.</%#!%&'(%(*"&'9% =((:% "(6(1:(6% #,("% &'(% >*/&% XTT% 7(*"/% C(#C>(% *:6% &'(-"% ;#">6% .'*:A(?% O&% &'(:% #"% /#?% 3(% *"(% *=>(% &#% ;*&.'% &'(% ;#">6% =(.#$(/% &'(% 6(/-"(% *:6% &'(% "(/C#:/-­ .'*:A(%&'"#8A'%&'(/(%*"&-/&/4%;#"</9%*:6% =->-&7% #!% &'(% trace the progress artist to me­ that produced the The aim of art is to represent $#"-*>-J(% &'-/% *"&%#!%&#6*7?% not the outward appearance transforma­ +#9% M#'::-(/9% &-#:?% D'"#8A'% of things, but ther inward 1:-/'% 7#8"% .#!­ Art of Our #$%&$'()&(*+")&,"-.$#+")&,"&/-" fee, put down D-$(F% +(>(.­ 7#8"% =##<% =*A/9% tions from the the external manner and detail, and step through is true reality. !"#$%&'(')* W>"-.'% V8­ the wooden doors seum of Art, #!% &'(% V-&.'(>>% ;(%*"(%*=>(%&#% Art Gallery in glimpse the progression of art and its V(>>#:% &#% (:E#7% *% .'*:A(% #!% C*.(% *:6% ;#">6%=(&;((:%&'(%>*&(%XY&'%&#%(*">7%ZX/&% &'(%;#">6%#!%D'(%["&%#!%08"%D-$(? )(:&8"7? D'(% V-&.'(>>% ["&% \*>>("7% -/% #C(:% With a variety of media from oil D8(/6*7%K%+8:6*79%XZ%C?$?%&#%U%C?$9%*:6% paintings to digital animation installa­ =(!#"(%]"-6*7%>(.&8"(/9%R%&#%^%C?$?%!"#$% &-#:/9%&'-/%(5'-=-&%!"#$%&'(%3-.'-&*%+&*&(% [8A8/&%Z_%`%0.&#=("%Xa9%ZTXX




!"#$%&'!()* Jerry Januszewski discusses the importance of self­ examination and the role of counseling in the philo­ sophic life .')=%##')=$,7!>%5!1+)?)@67,!%46#


Jerry Januszewski, counselor and basketball icon, leads the Greenwaves to yet another victory. photo by Rachel Ulrich

friend told me this story from his childhood: Trying to be funny, I regaled everyone with this story I just told “After dinner at our house the three children were '67()06-*4%"%)5+"9)$)3%"$+4%3)3%!0#+*"+6,)6:)8$"%;!)<06-+0$4;)/+&9") responsible for clean­up. This was bad because my two sisters through the air and out of the kitchen. and I bickered over every task. To avoid the work I sometimes Nobody thought this was funny and the room fell silent. retreated to the bathroom where I would linger as long as possible. Kate’s husband looked embarrassed. Kate just looked away. I If I timed it right, my older sister Claire, the responsible one, would apologized and tried to change the subject but the evening never do most of the work. Her sense of responsibility was not as much quite recovered from my awkward blunder. for a clean kitchen as for the protection of us all from our father’s Of course this caused me to consider my insensitivity to what wrath, which we greatly feared. was clearly still a painful memory for my precious sister. To That fear was well placed; my father had an explosive temper. myself though, I saw that I had minimized the original incident When he raged, someone got humiliated. Our kitchen clean­up as a funny family story. But that’s not how I really feel about arguments could easily set him off if our disagreements were too this memory.” We said nothing for a while, his labored breathing loud or too long. If we carefully monitored Dad’s anger level, we giving voice to his distress. reasoned, then we could argue without provoking a humiliating That incident had in truth left a terrible mark on my friend. When scene. We got pretty good at he admitted this he became distraught but discerning his rising anger signals, but also astonished at how little he understood Everyone you know has been hurt, we weren’t infallible. about his own soul’s pain. Here he was On one such occasion I was in the everyone experiences self­doubt and just beginning to face his emotions about bathroom employing my avoidance everyone feels resistance, at times, to an event that happened twenty years ago. !"#$"%&'() *$!!+,&) "+-%) .') /+01+,&) dealing directly with their inner lives. Everyone you know has been hurt, wads of wet toilet paper at the mirror. everyone experiences self­doubt and I could hear my sisters arguing in the everyone feels resistance, at times, to kitchen and things seemed to be escalating. Not good. I slowly dealing directly with their inner lives. The poet James Russell ventured out into the hallway. But before the kitchen came into Lowell wrote, “Who’s not sat tense before his own heart’s curtain?” view, I heard a dreadful sound: the rapid and forceful pounding A vital part of the examined life involves taking a sober look of my father’s footsteps advancing with menace on the kitchen. I “behind the curtain” at our psychic wounds. We may ignore, froze in my tracks. hide or rationalize away emotional disturbances because doing so Of all the warning signs of my father’s rage, the sound of his is less painful, we decide, than examining them directly. How angry footsteps throughout our old house was the most frightening. can we tell if we are presently affected by hidden past wounds? This time, my sisters, distracted by their arguing, didn’t hear him Wounds can surface when we experience unexplainable sadness or soon enough. When he burst into the kitchen, they became silent. anxiety, over­reactions of fear or anger, when we repeat the same I peered around the corner to view the kitchen entrance. relationship mistakes or other self­ defeating behavior. 2--%3+$"%4')2)!$5)-')'67,&%#)!+!"%#)8$"%()$+#.6#,%()/'+,&)"9#67&9) The St. John’s College counselors are here to help individuals "9%)366#5$'()$#-!)$,3)4%&!)/$+4+,&)4+1%)$)0$"()9%#)*+&"$+4!)!"$,3+,&) step out of the silence and begin to sort through these kinds of straight out at 90° angles from her head. My father had thrown her issues. Taking the time to do this could be one of the most fruitful out of the room like a rag doll.” activities in your college experience. There aren’t always neat I pressed him to tell me more but he insisted he had no further solutions for the struggles we carry with us, but shining a light on memory of how that incident ended. Did he ever talk about this the things formerly kept hidden is a strong step towards throwing with his sisters, I asked? off what hinders our enjoyment of life. “Not really,” he explained, “until about twenty years later. I was Counselors Judy Lazarus and Bernadette Zorio can be reached at a dinner party hosted by Kate and her husband. The conversation at 410­626­2552; and Jerry Januszewski can be reached at 410­ was lively; the guests were exchanging amusing family stories. 972­4501.



, UPCOMING Freshmen EVENTS Freshmen Souls Tuesday (8/30) Auditions for Titus Andronicus Girls, 4­6 PM Guys, 6:30­8:30 PM A%04#/,*!)%0$I%%?

!"#$%&'(&#)*'+%,&*#-.'%/&$*%,((',&'+%#)%3"#$G*6H5 on September 2, 1982. It was re­submitted by our current athletic director, Leo Pickens. We’re $0&'%1&2%3#-4')$%#$%5#..#)6%*7%$*,)+%#)%87&%*"'%/&$*%('&$7)%97#-'%0$'+%#)%*"#$% article and answer any questions about our great athletic program. ­Ed.

Wednesday (8/31) Ultimate Frisbee D vs. S, 4 PM W vs. H, 4 PM


Auditions for Titus Andronicus Girls, 3­5 PM Guys, 5:30­7:30 PM A%04#/,*!)%0$I%%? Friday (9/2) J70*)$K%((#/$A+)0)(-$LCM$NO P*(9$A*?:7, Lecture by Ms. Trigg, Topic TBA, 8:15 PM FSK Auditorium Saturday (9/3) Ultimate Frisbee S vs. H, 2 PM D vs. G, 2 PM KQA-$RS$NO$ Great Hall Sunday (9/4) Soccer S vs. G, 1:30 PM D vs. W, 3:30 PM G*6H5$O##!)01-$T$NO U%.#/$U#4#+$PPA If you would like to see your event on the weekly schedule, :+#*,#$#?*)+$G*6H5V,E(*2#672

by Bryce Jacobsen !"A‘42 he reasons, both physical and metaphysical, why everyone ought to become in our sports program are many. I list a few: 1. We have the best athletic program of any college in the country. 2. Exercise is good for the body...unless you sprain an ankle or something like that. 3. Most of us feel better, are more alert, and can get more work done if our bodies are healthy and our souls are relaxed. 4. Friendly competition is one of the really fun things in life. It is good for your soul. 5. Your circle of acquaintances will be greatly enlarged. This is good for the soul, provided you can separate the wheat from the chaff. 6. You will learn to accept, and bear with, thousands of split­second decisions from !"#$%&'()*+,-$*$&#.$%&$.")("$*/#$./%012$3"),$),$4#/5$1%%6$&%/$!"#$,%7+2 7. 8%$5%7$+)9#$!%$,!/)4#$&%/-$*06$*(")#4#-$,:#()'($1%*+,;$<&$,%-$(%0,)6#/$%7/$(%++#1#$ blazers. They are much sought after, and the pathway is clearly laid out. Striving for goals is good for your soul. 8. It is probably true that the more pure fun occurs in the athletic program than in any other area of the college. Fun is good for your soul. 9. If you get involved in team sports, and become a “good team player,” you have realized that there are things in the universe that are more important than your own ego. This is a great good for your soul. 10. 3"#$=#0#'!,$%&$#>#/(),#$*06$&/)#06+5$(%?:#!)!)%0-$+#*/0#6$.")+#$%0#$),$5%701-$ should be maintained for the rest of your life...i.e, they should become habitual. For virtue, as the Philosopher said, is a habit. 11. You will get to know numerous alumni, tutors, and staff members who partici­ pate in the program. This is good for your soul, or ought to be...provided that they are the proper sort of role models. 12. Our showers are the best at the college; always plenty of hot water. 13. @/#$5%7$=%!"#/#6$=5-$%/$.%//)#6$=5-$!%=*((%$&7?#,$)0$!"#$*)/;$A%?#$!%$!"#$15?2$ The whole building is a nicotine­free zone. 14. <&$5%7$:#/&%/?$,%?#$,%/!$%&$"#/%)($6##6$%0$!"#$*!"+#!)($'#+6-$5%7/$0*?#$.)++$=#$ mentioned in our weekly column. Heroes are always acclaimed. But do not be carried away by this. Remember that “the paths of glory lead but to the grave.” 15. A high percentage of our best students are active participants in our program. 16. Those who play, stay. 17. The gym is not particularly well­equipped, as gyms go. But it has washers and dryers, and a coke machine...and I will explain to you, if you ask me, how you can get yourself in tip­top physical shape, without any equipment at all. 18. B%7$(*0$,)!$)0$*0$%+6C!)?#$=*/=#/D,$("*)/$)0$?5$%&'(#2225%7$(*0$:7?:$5%7/,#+&$7:$ *06$6%.0-$*06$*6E7,!$!"#$,+%:#$")1"$%/$+%.2$F"#/#$#+,#$(*0$5%7$6%$!"*!; 19. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 20. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. So there you have it...twenty good reasons why you should participate in our athletic program. If you are not convinced by all of this, come and talk to me...I can probably think of some more good reasons. Or better yet, talk with the upperclassmen. They will tell you all sorts of strange, interesting, and wondrous things.

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