Bursting the Johnnie Bubble 03 Intramural Draft Review 04 A Meeting with Mr. May 09 Berry Good Advice 10
Arcadia Spector, Defender of the College D!&$*)-3"01$3*11&2&$5*2$#,0/5#$260+5$*4&+$,!&$ ;*1",<8$*"+,+$-)$.//0#$%1+ The student newspaper of St. John’s College. 60 College Avenue Annapolis, Maryland 21401 editors in chief DANNY KRAFT GRACE TYSON Assistant Editor NATHAN GOLDMAN Layout Editor HAYDEN PENDERGRASS business manager HONORE HODGSON Photographer HENLEY MOORE Contributors CHARLES ZUG IAN TUTTLE TOM MAY DREW MENZER JON BARONE PAT BEEBY ROBERT MALKA TOMMY BERRY Founded in 1980, The Gadfly is the student newspaper distributed to over 600 students, faculty, and staff of the Annapolis campus. Opinions expressed within are the sole responsibility of the author(s). The Gadfly reserves the right to accept, reject, and edit submissions in any way necessary to publish the most professional, informative, and thought-provoking newspaper which circumstances at St. John’s College permit. Articles submitted will be edited for grammar, punctuation, and spelling in most cases. The Gadfly is not obligated to publish all submissions except under special circumstances. The Gadfly meets every Sunday at 7 PM in the lower level of the Barr-Buchanan Center. Articles should be submitted by Friday at 11:59 PM to
the editors T
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Think you know your seminar reading? Prove it. Each week The Gad !" staff will come up with a scenario; using a recent seminar text, tell us how a character or the author would respond. Send in your wittiest !"#$%&'(&)*+,%-./0*1"+21&&34&5(!+.&(!&$"..1&6"7'&5""89.&.0":*!;(&;.<
A character from your seminar is building a blanket fort in Gilliam basement when the hurricane raging outside knocks the power out.
Bursting the Johnnie Bubble
And that is good. Much of the virtue of St. John’s stems from #/-,1*((25/9-4%(/%.,-/*/5-U,2$%,)*$,45$:%.,026$,12.,125.,"%*.-,*$0, %$N2",'.2/%)/#2$,1.23,/4%,+*..*;%,21,+5$:%.9+5-/%.-,1*((#$;,#$,/4%, perpetual siege against the intellectual life/the liberal arts/a degree 211%.#$;,$2,#33%0#*/%,%3'(2"3%$/,'.2-'%)/-< I5/,#/,#-,%*-"8,*/,*,'(*)%,(#:%,/4#-8,/2,12.;%/,/4*/,2$%,35-/,%7%$/5*((", -5.1*)%<,,V4%$,/4%,%7%$/-,21,/4%,25/-#0%,62.(0,'%$%/.*/%,2$(",6#/4, @>"&A($$(5;:)&;.&'>"&B!.'&;:.'*$$=":'&(A&5>*'& 0#1O)5(/"8, #/, #-, %*-", 12., /4%, +5++(%, /2, +%)23%, *$, %)42, )4*3+%., *$0,/4%,Q5%-/#2$-,6#/4,64#)4,6%,6.%-/(%,/2,+%)23%,'4#(2-2'4#)*(, will be a regular column. Ed. S502:5<,,P/,#-,%*-",/2,12.;%/,/4*/,C)1<,/4%,M03#--#2$-,W1O)%>-,(27%(", +.2)45.%-D,S/<,G24$>-,#-,H*,+22/,)*3',12.,(#1%<J +",P*$,=5//(% !"M]?B =4%, '5.'2-%, 21, /4#-, )2(53$, #-, /2, 211%., *, +.#0;%, +%/6%%$, /62, ndulge an allusion to a notsogreat book. In Stephen King’s 62.(0-8,%&*3#$#$;,Q5%-/#2$-,'2(#/#)*(8,-2)#*(8,)5(/5.*(8,%/)<8,#$,/4%, 2009 novel, Under the Dome, the hamlet of Chester’s Mill, context of the philosophical, contemplative atmosphere cultivated Maine, is, on an unremarkable morning in the fall of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about the character of our 2012 presidential candidates from involve extraterrestrial communication, Plato’s RepublicX, , Y26, -425(0, avoiding mass incineration, and copious The purpose of this column is to Aristotle’s Politics, -4*'%, 25., 7#%6, 21, amounts of methamphetamine. offer a bridge between two worlds, /4%, .%(*/#2$-4#', +%/6%%$, 1*3#(", *$0, L2., /42-%, 1.%-43%$, 642, 4*7%, $2/, -/*/%X, , V4*/, -425(0, 6%, 3*:%, 21, /4%, examining questions political, "%/, 4%*.08, (%/, 3%, 6%()23%, "25, #$/2, .%'2./, /4*/, G2-%1, S/*(#$, :%'/, *, )2'", 21, the Johnnie Bubble—under the dome, social, cultural, etc., in the context Machiavelli’s The Prince at his bedside? *-, #/, 6%.%8, +%$%*/4, 25., 26$, -/.*$;%8, of the philosophical, contemplative Is 6;0(=*0>"*:& ?'>;0. opposed to the invisible, semipermeable barrier (#1%-/"(%, 21, Y5;4, Y%1$%.X, , W., #-, /4%.%, atmosphere cultivated here. cordoning off this small, vibrant CZ20, 12.+#0D, )2$/#$5#/", +%/6%%$, /4%, .%'5+(#),21,(%//%.-,1.23,/4%,5$.%!%)/#7%8, 35-#),21,[*7#0>-,(".%,*$0,\*$"%,V%-/X uncaring hoi polloi,H25/,/4%.%8J,64*/%7%.,/4*/,#-< =4#-,)2(53$,4*-,$2,#$/%$0%0,-/.5)/5.%<,,P/,6#((,$2/,+%,%&%;%/#)*(, M(/425;4,-23%,6#((,2+N%)/8,/4%,G24$$#%,I5++(%,#-,$2/,*,'5.%(", 2., #$)(50%, 6%%:(", (#/%.*.", *$*("-#-<, , F2-/("8, #/, #-, *$, *--%3+(*;%, O)/#2$*(,)2$-/.5)/,C/425;4,#/,6#((,$2/,0%-/.2","25.,'*)%3*:%.,2., of random pieces and parts, varied musings on an assortment of /.*', #$, *, /2&#), O.%-/2.3, (#:%, /4%, 023%, 27%., E4%-/%.>-, F#((D<, , P/, /2'#)-8,2+-%.7*/#2$-,2$,/4%,'*--#$;,-)%$%<,,P/,6#((,+%,4%*7",6#/4,3", has long been the concerted effort of the college, students and 26$, /425;4/-, *$0, Q5%-/#2$-8, '.%/%$/#25-8, )2$15-%08, 2))*-#2$*((", 1*)5(/", *(#:%8, /2, ).%*/%, *, -*$)/5*.", 12., /4%, )2$/%3'(*/#7%, (#1%<,, .*$/#$;<,,I5/,#/,#-,*,;%$5#$%,%112./,/2,.%3#$0,3"-%(1,/4*/,64*/,6%, The pervasiveness of the Program, the impressive success of the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
Ye Olde Drafte Analysise Well folks, it’s a new year. You should all know what that means, and if you don’t know what that means, you should. That’s right; it’s the start of the intramural season. The seniors have graduated, and unless !"#$%&#'()*+,'-'.)/'0+'!"#'+#-1/$'-1#-2'0!%3'-'+#4'56-$0+7'8#6,9'':$'+-;#%3'<)+'=-1)+#2'-+,'>%66'/#',)0+7'!"#' weekly sports rundown for you lovely folks, whether you’re interested in athletics or just bored. by Jon Barone !"A‘13
nyways, to kick this year off, I thought I’d start with a good :%(*3"(;",!<(=3"(D@$'!-$%1($'"(1"'-&@1()&%*"%!"'1(-%($%?(18&'*F(( old analysis of the Sophomore Draft and predictions for Frisbee looks to be their strongest sport, with Popov, Schmid, the year. So without further ado, here’s a (relatively) unbiased and Linus Feder handling. And despite the loss of a few A Team rundown of the teams: basketball players, Tommy Bonn stands tall as a leader on the court. While other sports look slightly more questionable, the Spartans In the draft: After the departure of Paul Barysas to D@$'!-$%1(1""#(*&(3$6"(9&'*-;"!(*3"-'(7"$.%"11"1(&9(?"1*"'?"$'F(( Santa Fe, there was really no question as to whom the Spartans No questions, the Guardians look like the team to beat. would pick. Ian Tuttle, who has shown his prowess and ball handling skills on the basketball court, has also emerged as far Druids In the draft: Despite having the fourth pick, the Druids andaway the best soccer goalie in the school. Armed with a classy arguably had the most success in the sophomore draft. Not only !"#"$%&'( $%!( )$*+,-."( '"/"0"12( 3"4,,( 5"( $( 6-*$,( 7"$8&%( 9&'( *3"( !-!(*3"?(8-).(@8(*3"(#@)3(!"1-'"!(%&7+)$8*$-%(A@%*"'(G&02(5@*( Spartans in just about every sport. The men in blue also picked they also acquired multiple picks each round due to outstanding up Hayden Pendergrass as their second pick, adding another trades. Hunter is the best soccer player in the Junior class, and his consistent player to a team which struggled with numbers last year. leadership abilities are second to none. Furthermore, the Druids :%( *3"( ;",!<( ( =3"( >8$'*$%1( #$?( 3$6"( ;%-13"!( -%( ,$1*( 8,$)"( also picked up crowd favorite Dong Lim in the second round, last year, but I wouldn’t count them out. With Tuttle in goal and whose skills and presence are quite prominent in the sport of captain Honore Hodgson sweeping, the basketball. Spartans’ soccer defense will be an iron :%( *3"( ;",!<( H-*3( *3"-'( 1@))"119@,( stronghold. But aside from that, they draft, the Druids will hopefully be able ,$).( $( 1*$%!&@*( 8,$?"'( &%( *3"( ;",!( $%!( *&( ;",!( $( 9@,,( *"$#F( ( I$1."*5$,,( ,&&.1( court. If the Spartans can rebuild from doubtful, but the Druids appear to be last year and work together as a team, 1*'&%C("%&@C3(-%(*3"-'(;",!(18&'*1(*&(1*$?( they could be a real dark horse for the -%(*3"(;C3*F overall championship. Greenwaves In the draft: The reigning Hustlers In the draft: With Tuttle gone, champs, mindful of their virtue and the Hustlers turned to Jordan Stearns. winning smiles, decided to take Casey After a powerful soccer season which H3-*%"?( $1( *3"-'( ;'1*( 8-).F( ( >*"$!9$1*( Mr. Neal Ms. Berggren netted him a few sick goals, Stearns and consistent, Casey proved himself is ready to strike again. With a steady #@,*-8,"(*-#"1(&%(*3"(;",!(&9(5$**,"($%!( presence and good vision of the basketball court, Stearns looks to has emerged as a true dark horse. As a solid team player, Casey be a solid foundation for years to come. will certainly bolster the Greenwaves in every sport. Second pick :%(*3"(;",!<(=3"'"41(%&(*7&(7$?1($5&@*(-*(+(*3"(A@1*,"'1(%""!( J-%)"%*(K""1"(-1($,1&("08")*"!(*&(#$."($(1*'&%C(13&7-%C(7-*3(3-1( people. With the Russells and alumni presence of last year a 8&1-*-6"($**-*@!"($%!("08,&1-6"(*3@#&1F big question mark and truancy problems all around, there’s no :%(*3"(;",!<(H-*3(*3"(,&11(&9(*3"(%@#"'&@1(9'"13#"%(73&(3",8"!( question that they need participation if they’re to be any presence. win last year’s championship, it’s uncertain as to whether the They’ll have a powerful handball team with Luke Wakeen in goal, Greenwaves can repeat their victory. They still remain favorites but their other sports still lie in doubt. However, with a strong in handball, and with soccer and basketball anchored respectively freshmen presence, the Hustlers could be very formidable. by veterans Chris Krueger and Jerry Januszewski, the Greenwaves don’t have many glaring weaknesses. Arguments can be made Guardians In the draft: The Guardians decided to trade away "-*3"'(7$?($1(*&(73"'"(*3"(H$6"1(7-,,($)*@$,,?(;%-132(5@*(%&(&%"( hopes of a dynasty for a oneshot season at the championship. can deny that they are a forced to be reckoned with. B9*"'(,&1-%C(*3"-'(1")&%!(8-).($%!(!'$9*-%C(1")&%!(?"$'(DE(B,"0( Schmid, they could be hard strapped for players in a couple years. So, there you have it. Of course, these predictions are something On the other hand, Schmid is an allstar player: whether handling of a crapshoot anyways, since it’s really the newcomers that make in frisbee or playing forward on the court, Schmid is a constant or break the championship. That is to say: Freshmen, you have threat. He’ll bolster an already impressive basketball team and the power to decide your team’s fate. So come out; you might might actually help the Guardians win a Reason Ball game. 1@'8'-1"(?&@'1",9F((=3$*41($,,(9&'(%&7F((>""(?&@(&%(*3"(5$**,";",!L
Jocks of the Week
A Philosopher’s Path to Glory 1%&2!"'&3"(4"!&5&6789
s many of you freshmen, and certain ly all of the upperclassmen, know, croquet is kind of a big deal here at St. John’s. As our (literally) immortal ath letic director, Mr. Leo Pickens, said, “We are to croquet as John Wooden and UCLA are to men’s basketball.” Since I know most of you didn’t come here because you know sports trivia, I’ll spell out the anal ogy: we’re really good. You might ask, “How do I join this Former Imperial Wicket Blake Myers en joys the taste of victory with Andrew Peak elite group of superior athletes and gentle men?” and the answer is quite simple: play at the annual JohnnieMidshipmen Croquet a lot of croquet. There are no tryouts, but Tournament. photo by Roger Robertson, Jr. if you play enough croquet and get good enough then the Imperial Wicket (captain to really get the feel of the game. It is not of the croquet team) will pick you to be an inconvenience at all to teach people, on the team, much like Leonidas did with because the more people we have playing his 300 Spartans. [Editor’s Note: make croquet, the better our team will be. sure I’m not confusing Herodotus with In years past, freshmen have started 300.] It’s that simple; you spend enough playing in the fall shortly after school starts time playing an awesome lawn game, and and continue to play throughout their stay you will get to play that lawn game for here at St. John’s, but in the last two years your personal glory and the glory of your a disturbing pattern has emerged. In my school. freshman year, no one seriously played Despite the simplicity of the situation, I croquet until late in the spring and last can’t tell you how year; there were many people have freshman at All you have to do is go down no told me they want all that showed to the front lawn when some interest in play to play croquet, but for some rea ing. This short people are playing croquet son, can’t. It of age of upcoming and ask them to help you get players means ten comes down to people saying one thing: if you started... that they don’t really want to, feel comfortable you have a very playing croquet while the team is there, good chance of getting on the team this but let me assure you, we want you to year. play croquet. All you have to do is go For you upperclassmen who still down to the front lawn when some people haven’t joined, you still can get on the are playing croquet and ask them to help team and play. For the sophomores who you get started, and unless you’re unlucky had such a disappointing turnout last year, enough to have asked Eric Shlifer, they’ll this is your chance; I didn’t start playing help you set up and get started. Or, if you seriously until my sophomore year. And !"#$$%&'#()&)*&$"#!(+&,(-&.*/"*("&*(&)0"& for the freshmen, this is your chance to croquet team (and don’t say you don’t quickly join and excel at the greatest of know anyone on the team, I am on it, so St. John’s traditions. Because after all, we send me an email if you want to play) are not the St. John’s of basketball fame, and have them play a full game with you we are the St. John’s of croquet fame.
ON PERMANENCE 1%&E#)0#(&F*$-/#(&5&678G
reshmen: Hey, hello, welcome, etc. A new beginning is a thrilling thing. Savor, cherish—be immersed. No matter where you’re coming from, the place you’ve arrived is unlike it. As a freshman I would have been annoyed and mildly offended to be told that St. John’s would help me realize what aspects of myself I wanted to shed. But that is what I want to say to you. People say this all the time—about St. John’s and about college generally—but they usually put it a different way: St. John’s college will change you. This is true, but it’s a cliché, and the deceptive thing about clichés is that you are so sure you know what they mean that you don’t pay all that much attention to what they are saying. If St. John’s is going to change you, and that’s supposed to be a good thing, then there must be something defective about you—something that ought to be changed. But this is not quite what I mean. I do not mean that you are stupid and St. John’s will make you smarter, that you are lazy and St. John’s will make you work harder, that you are vicious and St. John’s will make you virtuous. I mean that you are a human being with qualities, opinions, and habits. And if you not only attend St. John’s, but immerse yourself in it, you are likely to gain a fuller understanding of what those are and which ones you’d like to keep and which you’d like to leave behind. Why? I think St. John’s demands this selfexamination and selfconscious metamorphosis both because of the way in which it is a general thing and the way in which it is a thing unique. Whether you’re coming from high school or another college or somewhere else, coming to a new school is a fundamental paradigm shift. New people, new setting, new experiences. You will make a million tiny choices, each boiling down to: adapt or abide; change or remain. In the classroom, the Program will demand that you confront your prejudices and preconceptions. You will change and you will not. The person you will become is important, but more important is how the changes you undergo will reveal to you what it is that %*:&'#()&)*&.)#%&)0"&.#/";&<(&)=/".&*>&?:@& =)&A#(&1"&-=>,A:$)&)*&B""C&#(%)0=(D&.)"#-%+& from what you think to whom you love. Consider this new beginning a step toward fully knowing what it is about yourself you want to persist, what makes up the core of you. Hold on to that. And be excited to see what becomes of the rest of you.
 & C 1
An unknown gorilla, presumably a rogue Midshipman in disguise, struts his stuff while sporting a bikini.
Freshmen (front) revel in the Bacchic frenzy while upperclasmen (back) do the same.
Sophomore Wolfe Nelson brandishes his thyrsus in honor of Dionysus.
Upperclassmen welcome freshmen into the Great Hall at the beginning of the festivities.
Enthusiastic freshmen dance the night away.
1 3
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=.'6(3$).)+(#$!&"*$)+$]!540$h$I.)!P#$/+($"$:+#)i4+'-+4")5+'$15;0#!"0&7$photo by Henley Moore
ne of the great things about the Annapolis campus of St. John’s is that it’s situated right in the heart of the downtown area. This gives us access to some truly delicious—though often depressingly expensive—places to eat and drink. Each restaurant !"#$ %&&'$ (")&*$ %"#&*$ +'$ ,-&$ +.)$ +/$ ,-&$ !&0")+1%#$ 2+()!3$ +/$ #"4(5,4&$)+$)!&$6+*#7$89!56!$%+'&#$2("::&*$5'$"$*+.%;&$/+;*7<$=&(&$ "(&$"$/&2$+/$)!&$1+#)$:+:.;"($>+!''5&$&")&(5&#7$?@AB$CDEFG$+(H$"#$ the juniors and seniors say: bon appétit!
OP-&$!+'&#);3$+';3$!"*$"$/&2$4(&:&#$)!&(&H$%.)$)!&3$2&(&$";;$)"#)37$ Anything with nutella is delightful.
Galway Bay Cuisine: Irish Price Range: $$$$$ lmm lmm I")5'6J$\LK$!&0")+1%#$M$ lmm ^!&'$ O$ ,(#)$ )(5&*$ _";2"3$ `"3H$ 5)$ 2"#$ ;+-&$ ")$ ,(#)$ %5)&7$ OP-&$ %&&'$ )!&(&$ 1"'3$ )51&#H$ !+2&-&(H$ "'*$ 5)$ 5#$ )!&$ 1+#)$ 5'4+'#5#)&')$ Lemongrass &")&(3$ 5'$N''":+;5#7$ X+1&)51&#$ )!&$ /++*$ "'*$ #&(-54&$ "(&$ 6(&")H$ Cuisine: Thai "'*$ #+1&)51&#$ )!&3P(&$ .'%&;5&-"%;3$ %"*7$ a&,'5)&;3$ )(3$ )!&$ O(5#!$ Price Range: $$ 2!5#03$"'*$)+1")+$#+.:H$2!54!$5#$&5)!&($+'$)!&$-&(3$#)(+'6$+($-&(3$ lmm lmm lmm lmm I")5'6J$KLK$!&0")+1%#$M$ lmm 2&"0$#5*&$"#$/"($"#$";4+!+;$;&-&;#$6+H$%.)$5#$)"#)3$(&6"(*;&##7$9!&$ I adore Lemongrass above what is moderate and to an extent that #!&:!&(*P#$:5&$5#$8#+1&)51&#<$"1"b5'6$"#$5#$)!&$O(5#!$Y5Q&*$_(5;;H$ :(&4;.*&#$ -5().&7$ 9!5#$ 5#H$ 5'$ 13$ +:5'5+'H$ )!&$ %&#)$ (&#)".("')$ 5'$ 2!54!$!"#$#".#"6&#H$%;"40$"'*$2!5)&$:.**5'6H$"'*$)2+$/(5&*$&66#$ N''":+;5#7$O)P#$"$6(&")$:;"4&H$%+)!$/+($*")&#$"'*$/+($6+5'6$+.)$25)!$"$ over easy. It’s a great place to go in the winter because of its hearty 6(+.:$+/$/(5&'*#7$9!&$#&(-54&$5#$&Q4&;;&')H$"'*$)!&$/++*$5#$#.:&(%R "'*$2"(1$*5#!&#H$"#$2&;;$"#$5)#$4;+#&$:(+Q515)3$)+$4"1:.#7 )!&3$"(&'P)$"/("5*$)+$1"0&$5)$#:543H$&5)!&($85/$3+.$"#0$/+($5)<7$O/$3+.$ ;50&$4.((3H$6&)$)!&$:"'"'6$8";)!+.6!$)!&3P(&$";;$6(&")<7$9!&$:"*$)!"5$ +),-"./$%&012)(5#$/(&#!H$S"-+(/.;H$"'*$,;;5'6R)!&$*5#!$O$";2"3#$(&).('$)+7$T(H$5/$ Cuisine: American 3+.P(&$;++05'6$/+($#+1&)!5'6$#:543H$6"(;5403H$"'*$.'5U.&H$6&)$)!&$ Price Range: $$$ lmm lmm lmm lmm *(.'0&'$'++*;&#R3+.$2+'P)$%&$*5#"::+5')&*7$V+($*&##&()H$)(3$)!&$ I")5'6J$W7KLK$!&0")+1%#$M$ lmm green tea ice cream or fried chocolate ice cream. O$,(#)$2&')$)+$I&3'+;*P#$9"-&('$%&4".#&$13$/(&#!1"'$INH$I"4!&;$ c;(54!H$";+'6$25)!$`(++0#H$*&45*&*$)+$)"0&$.#$I"'*";;$\rd girls there El Toro Bravo for Sunday brunch. It was wonderful. It’s an adorable place— Cuisine: Mexican )+)";;3$ 65(;3H$ U."5')H$ "'*$ /"'43$ 8)!+.6!$ )!")$ '&-&($ 0&:)$ a"''3$ Price Range: $$ d("/)$/(+1$*("665'6$1&$)!&(&<$"'*$5)P#$"$#:;.(6&7$_&)$)!&$e4(&"1$ lmm lmm lmm I")5'6J$WLK$!&0")+1%#$M$ lmm )&"f$:;"))&(J$5)$4+1&#$25)!$"$%+))+1;&##$:+)$+/$)&"$"'*$)2+$#4+'&#H$ El Toro Bravo is one of those fantastic Mexican restaurants served with clotted cream and jam. If you’re feeling hungrier and 25)!$ 6(&")$ 1"(6"(5)"#H$ *&;545+.#;3$ (.''3$ 2!5)&$ U.&#+H$ "'*$ 1+(&$ &Q)("-"6"')H$ )!&$ #";1+'$ #";"*$ 5#$ *&;545+.#H$ "#$ 5#$ )!&$ "::;&H$ 4+1:;51&')"(3$ 4!5:#$ "'*$ #";#"7$ 9!&$ #&(-54&$ 5#$ '+)$ 6(&")H$ "'*$ ")$ 4!&**"(H$"'*$/&)"$#"'*254!7$O)P#$6(&")$/+($*")&#H$"'*$&-&'$6(&")&($ (&6.;"($ *5'5'6$ !+.(#H$ )!&$ (&#)".("')$ 5#$ -&(3$ ;+.*7$ X+$ *+'P)$ )"0&$ for getting your parents to treat you on parents’ weekend. 3+.($ *")&$ )!&(&7$ Y3$ /"-+(5)&$ *5#!$ 5#$ )!&$ /"Z5)"#H$ %.)$ 5/$ 3+.$ 2"')$ #+1&)!5'6$(54!&(H$)(3$)!&$4!5;&$(&;;&[+J$"$4!5;&$:&::&($#).//&*$25)!$ '3456&7&+893$% decadent cheese and meat. Cuisine: Deli Price Range: $$$ lmm !"#$%&'()*)% I")5'6J$gLK$!&0")+1%#$M$ lmm Cuisine: Just Crepes X+1&$ :&+:;&$ ;+-&$ ]!540$ '$ I.)!P#H$ "'*$ O$ "*15)J$ )!&3$ !"-&$ 6(&")$ Price Range: $ milkshakes and good afterseminar snacks. The food is overpriced lmm lmm lmm I")5'6J$\7KLK$!&0")+1%#$M$ lmm /+($2!")$3+.$6&)H$%.)$5)$5#$"$#)":;&$+/$N''":+;5#H$"'*$"$/.'$:;"4&$)+$ X+,P#$](&:&#$5#$!+1&$)+$1"'3$>+!''5&$&1:;+3&&#$"'*$5#$"$6(&")$ get a milkshake after seminar. place to grab a snack or small meal as you stroll around the harbor. *Randall Dining Hall was not reviewed
A tutor for over 30 years, former Freshman Chorus leader, and a native Marylander with a passion for history and architecture shares his thoughts with @&(#A!3>56 How did you come to be a tutor? most egregiously leaving out the I came here as a tutor in fall 1979, very center of the poem, Books VI having taught medieval and early and VII, which tell of the Battle of modern philosophy, ethics and aes Heaven (Milton’s Iliad) and the Cre thetics full time for six years at what ation. This is tantamount to leaving is now Loyola University of Mary out the principal battle books from land, and during two of those years the Iliad, or Odysseus’ journey to the also teaching a philosophy class each Underworld from the Odyssey. term at Goucher College. I greatly enjoyed my classes and my students What is your least favorite semi !"# $%"&# %'# "&()(# *+(# ),&%%-).# $/"# 0# nar book? found that for someone like me who My least favorite book in the pro tends to ask questions more broadly gram is George Eliot’s Middle than the conventions of departmen march;# 0# *+3# 2")# +!11!"28(# 8%2,(# "%# tal disciplinarity permit, I was per be condescending and intrusive, and ceived as trespassing regularly on I cordially dislike Dorothea Brooke, the turf of the art department or the Casaubon, Tertius Lydgate, Rosa music department or the lit depart mond, etc. This is not meant to be ment, etc.. Then a colleague of mine sensational but merely honest; my at Loyola told me that he had no family told me that to evade this ticed that St. John’s had openings for question would be as “wussy” as new tutors, so I applied; I’ve been President Obama. here ever since and have never looked back. Also new that year were Ms. Higuera, Mr. Tuck, and Mr. Lenkowski, a great group What is your favorite nonprogram book? of colleagues. My favorite nonprogram work is Boethius’ Consolation of Phi losophy, a book set like Plato’s Crito in prison, calling upon phi What classes are you teaching this year? -%)%9&5.#9(1)%+2*(3#&(1(#!)#!#$(!/"2'/-#<%4!+.#"%#,%4'%1"#!#4!+# I am leading three freshman classes: language, laboratory, and unjustly condemned to death. I used always to read this with the seminar, the last with Ms Silver. philosophical survey classes I taught at Loyola and Goucher. Ra belais’ Gargantua used to be in the program but has been dropped, What was the biggest adventure you’ve ever had? perhaps to appease the prudish; many of us would like to see it My biggest recent adventure was climbing the scaffolding of the restored. Maryland State House all the way up to the golden acorn holding a Franklin lightning rod at its apex (181 dizzying feet above Annap What is your biggest pet peeve (that students do) in class? olis). I’m a native Marylander with a passion for American history My biggest frustration is students who are not engaged with the and architecture, and was invited to make this ascent by a friend work that we are doing, whether it is benchwork in the laboratory, who is a conservator consultant on the dome restoration project. discussion in all our classes, or singing in chorus. To stand apart purposely is to discourage the common endeavor and to miss the What is the single most important piece of advice you would %99%1"/+2"5# %'# !# -2'("24(6# =7-)%# "&%)(# <&%# )+/'>(# "&1%/?&# ,-!))# like to give to freshmen (or upperclassmen)? and never bring a handkerchief.) Strive for balance and consistency in all things here; studies, phys ical exercise/sport, and extracurricular activities. Do not neglect What is your favorite St. John’s tradition? the people and things you most love, especially your longtime My favorite tradition is the relatively new one of closing the Se '12(+3)# !+3# '!42-5.# !+3# 4/)2,# !+3# !1"6#7+3# +(8(1# )/$42"# !# *1)"# nior Dinner with singing some pieces that all freshmen learn: Sicut 31!'"#!)#!#*+!-#9!9(1: cervus, Mozart’s Ave verum and Gluck’s Chorus of Furies. What is your favorite seminar book? My favorite book, period, is John Milton’s Paradise Lost, cer tainly the greatest epic in the English language and possibly any language. Despite this, here at Saint John’s we do ourselves and this great work an enormous disservice in reading it only in part,
What is your favorite class to be a tutor for? Freshman Chorus; it is where the freshmen truly become a class through the mysterious communion effected by singing together. There is no other college, not even any musical conservatory, that does anything like this with all of its students.
Berry Good Advice with Tommy Berry Junior Santa Fe transfer and advice columnist gives his advice on any of life’s many problems. Send your maladies, predicaments, or conundrums to: Dear Tommy, We are two roommates who normally get along quite well, but lately we’ve been having a dispute, and we decided to let you settle it. Through a long and complicated series of events, we have come into the possession of a foosball table. The problem is, we can’t decide which side of the room to put it in. One of us had to do a lot of bad things to get this foosball table, and feels like he deserves to have it, but his side of the room is already crowded, and his roommate feels like it would be more practical for everybody if the table was put in his own, larger space. Can you settle this? Sincerely, 2 Guys, 1 Table ! Dear 2 Guys, Let me tell you a story about a situation very much like yours. There were once "#$%#$&'(%)*+",(*%$-'.%"+'%/$00'00,$(% of a baby, and these women came to a king named Solomon and asked what they should do. He replied that the only fair thing to do would be to cut the baby in half. Now, I don’t know if you’re familiar with the phrase “wisdom of Solomon,” but he was a pretty smart dude. Solomon was trying to teach all of us a lesson, one that applies even today: Chop that sucker in half. It’s the only possibly fair solution. Everything else would be idiotic. Half a baby is still /.'""1% 23"'% 4'0/'2,5661% ,(% /.$)6'7% 5(8% half a foosball table is perfect for hours of playingwithyourselfinyourown halfoftheroom enjoyment.
Dear Tommy, I’ve been feeling horrible lately. Nothing in my life is going right. I’d give you the details, but what could you do to help? You’re just a pathetic, wannabe advice columnist who’ll never make it big. You disgust me. Sincerely, Yourself, Tommy Berry ! Dear Me, Uh oh, looks like someone wrote himself an email while he had a case of The Saddies. Now, what did I tell myself about mixing “Computer Time” and “Crying Time?” Never a good idea. My advice to me is keep that rage less public; "+5"% #519% '-'.1$('% "+,(:0% 1$3;.'% )('< Dear Tommy, Lately I’ve gotten into the bad habit of showing up late to everything. Late to class, late to events, late to study groups. Do you have any tips or tricks for how I can be more punctual? Sincerely, JohnnyComeLately ! Dear Lately, Time is a funny thing. I recently came to the realization that it’s completely irrelevant what time it is now, what matters is what time it will be when I arrive where I’m going. If I’m in my dorm room and it takes 2.5 minutes to walk to class, I set my watch 2.5 minutes ahead. But the problem is that sometimes I’m going to the creek, and then I have to set my watch 6 minutes ahead, or maybe I’m taking the bus to the mall and I have to set it 20 minutes ahead. I thought I had found a solution to this problem when a kindly old gypsy woman offered to enchant my watch so it always showed exactly when I’m going to reach where I’m going. But wouldn’t you know it, there’s a typical gypsywoman twist, and now my watch is forever frozen in place on the exact moment when I’m going to die, which frankly creeps the Bejeesus out of me, and I rarely wear it anymore. So I would, as a rule, say you should avoid buying gypsy timepieces.
On “Art of Our Time” B1%H+5.6'0%I3*%!%JKLM
ne of the themes common to many of the works in “Art Of Our Time,” the Mitchell Gallery’s current exhibit, is transition: transition in epoch and style through struggle from old to new. Two portraits, together straddling a corner of the gallery, immediately caught my eye as examples of this theme. I 6$$:'8% ).0"% 5"% =>$.".5,"% $?% 5% @581A% B1% Frank Duvenek, because of its coldness. The subject, a woman, is dressed in once stylish clothing that, even in the context of the painting, seems outmoded, dark, and drained of vitality. The woman’s skin and countenance that appear most drained; her C'0+%,0%/50"1%#+,"'%45/5."%?.$&%"#$%0/650+'0% $?%,.$(,25661%B.,*+"%/,(:%,(%+'.%2+'':079%5(8% while her features are beautifully detailed, "+'1%5.'%560$%C5"%5(8%8'-$,8%$?%8'/"+<%D+'% painting also seems devoid of anything organic; her eyes lack any glint of clarity, and the background is a hideous shade of green, without robustness or detail. And because the background is so shallow and dim, we are not drawn into the painting; instead we are feel a certain shallowness; our eyes stop immediately at the surface. In contrast, the second portrait represents ascending vitality: it is “Gregorita With The Santa Clara Bowl,” by artist Robert Henri. Immediately, one is struck by the work’s richness and honesty. The girl sits for a portrait, but there is much more at which to wonder. A brief conversation with the artistic director, Lucinda Edinberg, revealed to me that Henri’s use of the Native American subject was a very new, very bold artistic move. Before Henri’s time, Native Americans were deemed 3()"% 03BE'2"0% ?$.% "+'% 0"16'% $?% F3.$/'5(% portraiture. But when he chose to paint this portrait, Henri breathed new vitality into the genre. Instead of the jaded, impersonal gaze of the bourgeoisie, we experience the innocence and freshness of the subject. There is no shallowness to “Gregorita.” Everything is whole and round, and the pallet is rich in its golden earthiness. With Henri we are drawn to honesty, warmth, 5(8%652:%$?%03/'.)2,56,"1< For me, these two works represent both a coming to pass and a birthing. In one, "+'.'% ,0% "+'% 8'26,('% $?% 03/'.)2,56,"1G% ,(% the other, the unexplored richness of the “New World”. Both artists fully explore their subjects; old forms feel the chill of dusk, and new forms feel the warmth and pregnancy of day.
REFLECTIONS by Pat Beeby !"A‘12
China’s View on Libya !"#$%#$&%'()#&*%'+%,(-..-*%/-00-12)% regime by the Libyan rebel forces, China looks to shape the reconstruction and stabilization of Libya. by Robert Malka !"A‘15
ith the fall of Tripoli, Libya is the United Nations to promote a free from previous rule. Yet not rapid stabilization in Libya and a all are content with that result. swift course towards reconciliation While many in the United States are and reconstruction,” said Chinese now proclaiming unequivocal success Foreign Minister Jiechi in a ministry in Libya, China laments the recent release. decentralization of power. Revealing This, of course, is reassuring to plenty of insecurity, China’s media Beijing in several ways. It manages !"#$%& '#"#(()(%& *)+$)),& -#!!#./%& +2& %@1"+& +5)& 1,9#66#+2"<& 1%%0)& 23& regime and Beijing’s, angling both the Arab Spring spreading to them forms of government as strong, yet again, which they cannot afford 0,1.)!&'2$)"%&!)3),!1,4&+5)6%)(7)%& after the Jasmine Revolution a few #4#1,%+&8)%+)",&1,90),:); months ago; it allows them to bolster The Global Times, which often their reputation as a dominant force takes an antiWestern 1,&20"&4(2*#(&.45+&32"&#& stance, did a survey on China is unimultipolar system, its readers’ views of developing loyalties as stability in Libya, with determined to the United States has only 12% believing in leave its mark long been doing; and, %+#*1(1+<& #3+)"& -#!!#./%& most importantly, it fall. Xinhua, a Chinese on Libya provides them a cheaper media outlet, discusses energy source. the reconstruction effort However, China— as an opportune time for the west for all of its cognizance of a power to swoop in and steal yet another vacuum—may fail to make up for country from everybody else. its original attitude towards the China is determined to leave its rebels. Originally acting with a biting mark on Libya. In addition to the condescension (as China seems wont already ambitious job of reunifying +2& !2=A& 1+& $1((& ,2$& 5#7)& +2& $2"@& the country with no clear leadership, even more diligently to build up a it seeks to rebuild its relationship with relationship with the new voices of the country through reconstruction B1*<#&13&1+&$#,+%&+2&5#7)&1,90),:)&1,& (after its tenuous relationship with the Middle East. And—to Beijing’s -#!!#.=;&>+%&6)+52!&23&!21,4&%2?&+5)& potential chagrin—it may have to U.N. temporarily defer to the United States China is “willing to work alongside to get what it wants.
ately I have noticed a certain question lurking behind me. I bump into it on a plane ride, in a checkout line, at home. It rarely approaches me in the same mask, but it always drives at the same +51,4?&CD2A&<20/")&#&%),12"E&$5#+/%&,)F+GH&I51%& question thrusts itself on me every chance it gets, so it was not surprising that it was on my mind one hot July day last summer. I had been working on a farm in Sabetha, Kansas, doing odd jobs. That day I had been cutting trees, repairing machinery, and mowing the lawn. I had discovered that several hours I spent on the mower were eased by headphones tucked under big earmuffs and playing Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, The Avett J"2+5)"%A& 2"A& 1,& +51%& :#%)& +5)& ,)$& K())+& K2F)%& album, Helplessness Blues. It was the eponymous, %1F+5&+"#:@&23&+5)&#(*06&+5#+&4"#**)!&6<&#++),+12,& that day. I encourage you to give a listen to the ),+1")&%2,4A&*0+&>&233)"&+5)&."%+&3)$&(1,)%&*)(2$? I was raised up believing I was somehow unique, B1@)&#&%,2$9#@)&!1%+1,:+&#62,4&%,2$9#@)%A& Unique in each way you can see. And now after some thinking I’d say I’d rather be A functioning cog in some great machinery Serving something beyond me.
>& (1@)& +5)%)& ."%+& (1,)%& *):#0%)& +5)<& '0+& that elementary school motto—“we are all %,2$9#@)%HL2,&+"1#(;&M%&$)&4"2$&0'A&$)&")#(1N)& +5#+& #& 4),)"#+12,& 23& %,2$9#@)%& 5#%& ,2+51,4& +2& 233)";& 8)& !2,/+& )7),& $#,+& +2& *)& %,2$9#@)%A& #+& least not by default. If I’m going to be a shining star, by God, I want to feel that I’ve earned it. That said, I do understand the idea behind the %,2$9#@)& 62++2?& +2& ),:20"#4)& 0%& +2& %+"17)& 32"& )F:)((),:)&#,!&+2&)6*"#:)&20"&1,!171!0#(1+<;&M,!& a unique water crystal is certainly more attractive than a greasy cog. But we mustn’t lose sight of reality. The truth is that we all must tackle the question of the postgraduate world and our place in it. We can’t all be astronauts, but we can still %))@& )F:)((),:)& #,!& 6)#,1,4& 1,& $5#+)7)"& $)& do, even if it resembles a simple cog in a great machine. The point is for it to be our journey. The moment of clarity for me was at the end of a day of labor. I found a great appreciation in doing my job well, an appreciation independent of the job’s prestige or salary. Instead it comes out of competence and success in the task at hand. Society does not give status to the mechanic, the farmer, the electrician, or the carpenter, at least not in the same way as to the doctor, the lawyer, or +5)&'2(1+1:1#,;&>&$#%&"#1%)!&+2&%+"17)&32"&)F:)((),:)& among the latter, but I have come to realize that >& .,!& 6)#,1,4& 1,& +5)& $2"@& 23& +5)& +"#!)%L$2"@& +5#+& 6#<& ")%)6*()& #& :24& 62")& +5#,& #& %,2$9#@)& *0+&$2"@&+5#+A&$5),&1+&1%&)F:)((),+A&6#@)%&#((&+5)& difference in the world.
f acebook l !"#$%"#&&'(
UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday (9/6): SJC Orchestra Rehearsal, 4 PM Great Hall Kunai Soccer, 46 PM Back Campus Mental Health Support Group 6:307:30 PM Mellon Hodson Room Dance Lessons, 89 PM Great Hall Wednesday (9/7): Ultimate Frisbee, 4 PM S vs. G W vs. D Back Campus St. John’s Chorus, 7 PM Great Hall Friday (9/9): Kunai Soccer, 46 PM Back Campus Lecture 8:15 PM Prof. Paolo Palmieri on Galileo’s Inclined Plane Experiment FSK Auditorium Saturday (9/10): Ultimate Frisbee, 2 PM D vs. H W vs. G Back Campus Sock Hop Waltz Party, 10 PM Great Hall Sunday (9/11): Soccer H vs. G, 1:30 PM S vs. W, 3:30 PM Mabel the Swimming Wonder Monkey, 8 PM Spector Media Center If you would like to see your event on the weekly schedule, please !"#$%&'#()*+,-.#/!(0
by Danny Kraft !"EIC"!"A‘13
spend too much time on Facebook, but Facebook relationships are the opposite: this hardly makes me unique—a recent through no risk and no effort, I can foster study found that 48% of 18 to 34 year old “friendships” with hundreds of people, but Americans check Facebook as soon as they I gain nothing substantial from doing so. wake up, and the average user spends at C#.!699=&$47!3#.7$94,&#3!&#&%97&%$=!&-04=& least an hour on the site every day. Why is food. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups (my Facebook so tempting, and so addictive? -04=&:99(&9:&.<9$.!D&#3!&#&E0$.=&#4(&!#,*& Part of Facebook’s appeal comes from >#*&79&,#7$,:*&<04A!35&#4(&#7&;3,7&7<!*&#3!& the fact that most people are lonely. I >94(!3:0%/& F07& "#4& .#4497& %$B!& 94& -04=& realize that this is a big claim, and I don’t food alone; after too many Reese’s and not have much to back it up except instinct and enough substantial food I feel weak and !12!3$!4.!5&607&8&9:7!4&;4(&$7&<#3(&not to be depleted, deprived of the nutrients I can %94!%*5&#4(&8&=49>&7<$,&$,4?7&-0,7&"!/&@73#4(,& only get from a more substantial meal. And of loneliness run through so many program despite the extra work, isn’t that healthy books, from The Bible to Nietzsche, "!#%& ,7$%%& "93!& 2%!#,03#6%!& 7<#4& 7<!& -04=& that I’ve begun to consider it one of the :99(?,&$4,7#47&A3#7$;.#7$94G hallmarks of human experience. How many Of course, there are all kinds of hungers, of us, especially once we’re accustomed both physical and spiritual, and loneliness to seriously is one of the e x a m i n i n g A wall post, a “like,” or an most powerful ourselves, have hungers I’ve ever occasional chat conversation not at some point experienced. But become painfully does not constitute a friendship. Facebook offers aware of our own I often have to remind myself nothing substantial solitude? that, as connected as I feel to so enough to satisfy This sense of l o n e l i n e s s ; alienation has been many people, this connection is it provides a a powerful and in many ways an illusion. hollow imitation pervasive presence of friendship, in my life, and not meaningful though it’s rarely discussed I’m convinced enough to provide sustenance, but tempting that nearly everyone experiences it. But enough to distract us from how lonely we loneliness is unpleasant, so it’s only natural really are. that we avoid it at all costs. We have all I don’t deny that Facebook can be a sorts of mundane ways of doing this, and good thing. There are people I care about we employ most of them without realizing, scattered all over the world, from my many but I’m convinced that Facebook is the friends in the Middle East to the girl who "9,7& !:;.$!47& 7!.<49%9A*& >!?B!& .9"!& 02& "9B!(& 79& H<#$%#4(& -0,7& #,& 8& >#,& :#%%$4A& with for hiding from our loneliness. in love with her. I’m happy that I have an Consider how easy it is to log on and be easy way to stay in touch with them, but greeted with the illusion of companionship, how in touch am I really? A wall post, a and how easy it is to forget that it really is “like,” or an occasional chat conversation an illusion. Most of my Facebook “friends” does not constitute a friendship. I often aren’t my friends at all; friendship is rare have to remind myself that, as connected #4(& ($:;.0%75& #4(& 7#=!,& "0.<& "93!& 7<#4& as I feel to so many people, this connection the push of a button to create. Meaningful is in many ways an illusion. I’m still sitting relationships are risky and frightening, but alone, staring in silence at a little glowing with this risk comes a tremendous reward. screen.